Extraordinary Meeting of the History Commission

Page created by Ann Mann
Extraordinary Meeting of the History Commission
July 2021 • Buletin 82

         Extraordinary Meeting of the
         History Commission

                  PAIGH authorities, representatives of the National Sections and members of the
                                        Pan American Network of Historians

O     n June 10, 2021, the Extraordinary Meet-
      ing of the History Commission of the Pan-
American Institute of Geography and History
                                                           Dr. Patricia Galeana, president of the Commis-
                                                           sion; the vice president, Rubén Ruiz Guerra, who
                                                           served as moderator, and the researchers of the
(PAIGH), was held with the attendance of the               Pan-American network of historians.
Presidents of the National Sections; PAIGH Au-                 Dr. Patricia Galeana presented the Report on
thorities; the General Secretary, César Rodríguez          the activities of the Commission during her ad-
Tomeo; the vice president, Dra. Alejandra Coll;            ministration, her 2013-2021 term. She began by
Extraordinary Meeting of the History Commission
presenting the thematic structure of the Com-                   on Latin America and the Caribbean (CIALC, by
mittees and Working Groups, organized accord-                   its acronym in Spanish) of the National Autono-
ing to the Pan American Agenda.                                 mous University of Mexico (UNAM, by its acro-
     She then reported the Technical Assistance                 nym in Spanish) were fundamental for carrying
Projects received for evaluation, from 2014 to                  out the Commission’s activities, since without
2022. She highlighted that during her presidency                them research wouldn’t have been published nor
100 projects were received from 12 countries1,                  the Diplomat in American History imparted. She
43 of which were approved and supported, with                   also had the support of the Secretary of Culture
2019 being the year in which more projects were                 of the Mexican government.
presented, with a total of 22 submissions.                           She reported that instead of granting an an-
     The President of the Commission indicated                  nual scholarship, in 2020-21 the Diplomat in
that the research projects related to the Pan-                  American History was taught in collaboration
American Agenda and the Sustainable Develop-                    with the CIALC, thereby benefiting 30 students
ment Goals were supported regarding: environ-                   from eight different countries2.
mental history, climate change, historiography,                      Regarding the books published during her
historical cartography, integration processes,                  term, she stated that the Comparative History of
cultural diversity and conservation of tangible                 the Americas Collection already has six volumes,
and intangible cultural heritage, preservation of               co-published with the CIALC, dedicated to a com-
historical archives, the institutional commemo-                 parative analysis of the Americas, women’s situa-
ration of the great historical events that occurred             tion; migrations; cultural integration and literature.
on the continent; as well as interdisciplinary ter-                  Dr. Galeana highlighted the publication of the
ritorial planning projects.                                     two volumes of the Chronology of America 19th
     Regarding the awards granted by the History                and 20th centuries, a project that was approved
Commission to the academic trajectory, in addi-                 at the XVIII Consultation Meeting of the PAIGH,
tion to the “Silvio Zavala” Prize in Colonial Histo-            in Montevideo, Uruguay in 2013. Forty-four his-
ry and Latin American Thought “Leopoldo Zea”,                   torians from 23 countries donated their time to
the Prize for the Best Master’s and Doctorate                   this project for four years and the PAIGH did not
Thesis in Pan American History were established.                publish it, based on Article 30 of the Publications
     Dr. Galeana highlighted that the institutional             Regulations3, then in force. For that reason it was
agreements signed with the Center for Research                  published by the CIALC, the National Institute of

  Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Peru, República Dominicana, United States
and Uruguay.
  Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Honduras, Mexico and Peru.
  “The General Secretariat and the Commissions shall ensure that the publications or documents, under no point of view,
harm the interests of the Member States or may cause any offense to their governments”.

Extraordinary Meeting of the History Commission
Bulletin 82
                                                                                                          July • 2021

Studies of the Revolutions of Mexico of the Secre-               is in preparation.
tariat of Culture of Mexico and the Editorial Siglo                   Regarding the Commission’s periodic publi-
XXI publishing house. Inspired by this event, she                cations, the President reported that it was pos-
promoted the modification of the Publications                    sible to update the publication of the three jour-
Regulations in favor of freedom of expression,                   nals: History of the Americas, Anthropology of
achieving the reform of said Regulation4                         the Americas and Archaeology of the Americas;
     She also mentioned that the first volume of                 all running on the Open Journal System plat-
the Historical Atlas of America was published,                   form. In this regard, she said that until 2016, the
dedicated to the Native Peoples; that the volume                 budget for the Magazines was managed by the
on the Colony is in the editorial process and the                History Commission, but as of 2017, it has been
one corresponding to the 19th and 20th centuries                 administered by the General Secretariat. She fi-

 Thus, Article 30 was drafted as follows: “Article 30: The General Secretariat and the Commissions will ensure that publica-
tions or documents are, under no point of view, censored and the exercise of freedom of expression is guaranteed. of the
authors, solely responsible for the content of their works “

Extraordinary Meeting of the History Commission
nally commented the creation of an Informative        y paisaje acuático en América: Sociedades coste-
Bulletin, which is published monthly in the three     ras, lacustres y fluviales”, has made possible the
official languages of the PAIGH, to disseminate       investigation of the interaction between the envi-
History activities in our region.                     ronment and the communities in the past in order
     Afterwards, the Reports of the presidents        to contribute to the understanding of the emer-
of the Committees and Working Groups of the           gence and development of complex societies.
Commission were presented.                                 Dr. Jorge Ortiz Sotelo from Peru is current-
     Dr. André Figueiredo from Brazil, Coordina-      ly preparing the “Historical Atlas of America:
tor of the Political, Economic and Social History     19th and 20th centuries”, which will culminate
Committee, reported that he is currently working      in the third volume of the series. Dr. Alexandra
on relationships and conflicts from the first mani-   Pita González from Mexico presented the prog-
festations of discontent during colonization up to    ress of the implementation of the Open Journal
the political emancipations of the 19th century.      System, as well as the indexing for the scientific
     Dr. Luis Valenzuela from Chile, Coordinator of   journals of the PAIGH. Dr. Christina Oehmichen
the Committee of Historical Cartography, stressed     from Mexico, gave an account of the progress on
that the Committee’s main objective is to make        the project “Desarrollo histórico del turismo y re-
the map known as a historical document and pro-       percusiones del Covid-19: estudio comparativo
mote its use as a tool to learn about history.        en comunidades locales del Caribe de México y
     Dr. Liliana Weinberg from Mexico, Coordina-      Costa Rica.”
tor of the Cultural History Committee, has given           Finally, Dr. Hernán Asdrubal Silva from Ar-
continuity to the Comparative History collection,     gentina, referred to the research guidelines: “Mi-
now focused on intellectual networks.                 gración, crisis y pandemia en las primeras déca-
     Dr. Fernando Castillo Opazo from Chile,          das del siglo XXI.” He concluded that historical
Coordinator of the Archives Working Group, re-        experience must play a key role in shaping poli-
ported on the international Colloquium “Experi-       cies in America.
encias académicas en el trabajo y enseñanza con            Next, the main members or representatives
los documentos y archivos”, held in 2020.             of each National Section commented on the sit-
     Dr. Ernesto Vargas from Mexico, Coordinator      uation in their respective countries.
of the Anthropology and Archeology Committee,              Dr. Luz María Méndez pointed out that, in
addressed the importance of promoting the con-        Chile, the network of Chilean historians has been
vergence between history and anthropology.            strengthened and that this year recent graduates
     Those responsible for the Technical Assis-       will be join the network to reinforce the Work-
tance Projects presented the progress on their        ing Groups. Dr. Julio Paltán and Dr. Carlos Edu-
research. Dr. Mauricio Murillo Herrera from Costa     ardo Montalvo Puente, from Ecuador, underlined
Rica highlighted that the research “Paleoambiente     the work they have carried out together with 24

Extraordinary Meeting of the History Commission
Bulletin 82
                                                                                                    July • 2021

other members to carry out academic activities,                          have an impact on the strengthening
publications, and conferences on history.                                of the institutions in each country.
     Dr. Erick Langer considered that the situa-                    3.   Continue and expand the studies of
tion in the United States is different, since the                        regional historical processes, with an
participation of local historians in the PAIGH is                        emphasis on those that can contribute
limited. However, he is in search of historians to                       to the collaboration, integration and
consolidate his National Section.                                        sustainable development of nations.
     Dr. Delia Salazar Anaya, representing Dr.                      4.   Promote the study, safeguarding and
Diego Prieto, from Mexico, recognized the im-                            dissemination of our cultural, tangible
portance of reinforcing History activities in the                        and intangible heritage.
National Sections. Dr. Herib Caballero, from                        5.   Contribute to the knowledge, dissemi-
Paraguay, announced that young historians will                           nation and exchange of works and
be incorporated to give more dynamism to the                             documents related to the History the
Commission’s work. Finally, Dr. Juan José Artea-                         Americas preserved in other countries.
ga, from Uruguay, pointed out that his National                     6.   Encourage the scientific-academic net-
Section is also looking for historians to expand                         works, cooperation and exchange with
the works on the History of America5.                                    those institutions dedicated to histori-
     Subsequently, Dr. Filiberto Cruz, from the                          cal studies.
Dominican Republic, presented his Work Plan                         7.   Promote initiatives with specialists
as a candidate for the Presidency of the History                         in related areas to define innovative
Commission for the 2022-2025 term. Dr. Cruz                              ways that could improve teaching,
proposed to consolidate the important achieve-                           prestige, and relevance to the study
ments of the current History Commission, to                              and dissemination of the History of
give continuity to the multidisciplinary research                        the Americas.
projects already approved and to outline new
initiatives, through seven specific objectives:                   This meeting was preparatory for the Com-
       1. Encourage a broader vision of History              mission’s Consultation Meeting, which will
           of the Americas, encouraging a plural-            take place on October 21 of the current year,
           ity of approaches.                                as well as the election of Authorities, which
       2. Study the current realities to offer               will take place at the General Assembly, on
           pertinent recommendations that may                October 27.

 There was no main member who presented the situation in the Nicaraguan National Section, only an assistant who is not
a representative of the Nicaraguan authority.

Extraordinary Meeting of the History Commission
Academic Calls
The 2021 “Leopoldo Zea” Award
The History Commission of the paigh calls for applications to the 2021 “Leopoldo Zea” Award, to
those whose trajectory is recognized as one of the most significant and important, constituting a
relevant contribution to the development of the study of The Americas.
The call for applications is available at the following link: https://comisiones.ipgh.org/historia/assets/
For further information: comisiondehistoria.ipgh@gmail.com



Award for the Best Master’s Thesis in Pan American History
Edition 2021
To the research that stands out for its historiographical contribution. The investigation must have
been presented between January 1st, 2018, and December 31st, 2020.
The call for applications is available at the following link: https://comisiones.ipgh.org/HISTORIA/assets/
For further information: comisiondehistoria.ipgh@gmail.com



 6                                                                                                           3
Extraordinary Meeting of the History Commission
Bulletin 82
       July • 2021

4               7
Extraordinary Meeting of the History Commission
Virtual Activities
I Coloquio Internacional de la Red Iberoamericana de
Historia de la Historiografía
Abstract submission deadline: July 25, 2021
Contact: bibliotecaiberoamericanahh@gmail.com
For further information: https://rediberohh.blogspot.com/

8                                                           5
Extraordinary Meeting of the History Commission
Bulletin 82
                                         July • 2021

Congress “Las regiones
novohispanas frente a
la consumación de la
Independencia, 1820-1821”
Colectivo Ágora de Occidente, in collaboration
with El Colegio de Michoacán A. C.
Data: July 22 and 23, 2021
Virtual mode
Contact: colectivoagoragdl@gmail.com

Seventh International
Congress on Construction
Where: Lisboa, Portugal,
Data: July 12-16, 2021
For further information: http://www.7icch.org/

Collection “Bicentenario
de Centroamérica.
Historias comunes, luchas y
The member centers of Central America and the
Executive Secretariat of CLACSO call for reflection
from critical perspectives on the Bicentennial of
the Independence of five of the seven countries
that form the region.
Deadline for submitting proposals: July 30, 2021.
For further information: https://www.clacso.org/
Consultations and registration: bicentenario@clacso.

Extraordinary Meeting of the History Commission
Décimo Cuartas Jornadas
de Investigación en
Historia Económica
Asociación Uruguaya de
Historia Económica
Data: Thursday 5 and Friday 6, August
Given the context of the pandemic, they will be in virtual mode.
Consult the call: http://www.audhe.org.uy/images/novedades/Convocatoria_XIV_Jornadas_AUDHE_2021.pdf

Academic Events
V Congreso Peruano de
Historia Económica
Asociación Uruguaya de
Historia Económica
Data: August 11-14, 2021
Due to the international health emergency generated by COVID-19, the congress will take place in its
entirety virtually.
This edition of the Congress is dedicated to the economic aspects of the Independence of Peru.
However, the organization of tables and presentations on other topics in economic history in regions
of Latin America and the Caribbean is also contemplated.
For further information: http://www.audhe.org.uy/novedades/683-c-2.html
Contact: aphe2011@gmail.com

XIX Congreso de la Asociación de Historiadores
Latinoamericanos Europeos
It will take place in Paris from August 24 to 27, 2021.
For further information: https://ahila2020.sciencesconf.org/

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Bulletin 82
                                                                                       July • 2021

                                             “Café con Historia”, a podcast
                                             highlighting the research of
                                             young historians
                                             “Café con Historia” is a historical dissemination
                                             podcast born in 2017, led by PhD students in UC
                                             History, Alejandra Araya and Eduardo Gutiérrez,
                                             researchers who are passionate about their
                                             Listen to the program here: https://open.spotify.com/

Upcoming Anniversaries

July 1st                        the Portuguese and pro-             Congress signs the Declaration
1812, Argentina                 imperialist, in San Salvador de     of Independence.
The First Triumvirate orders    Bahia.
the history of the May                                              July 9th
Revolution to be written. The   July 3rd                            1786, Venezuela
Argentine Historian’s Day is    1608, Canada
commemorated.                   Establishment of Quebec City.

July 2nd                        July 4th
1823, Brazil.                   1776, United States.

                                                                    Creation of the Royal Court of

                                                                    July 9th
                                                                    1831, Panama
Bahia Independence                                                  Second separation from
Day: Brazilians defeat                                              Colombia.

  8                                                                                              11
July 10th                          government takes away from the      Bolivia and Paraguay sign a
1973                               Church the resources with which     Treaty of Peace, Friendship and
Bahamas becomes independent        it financed the war against the     Limits
from the United Kingdom.           government.
                                                                       July 23rd
July 11th                          July 14th                           1967, Puerto Rico
1893, Nicaragua                    1855, Perú                          The first plebiscite on the
                                   The National Convention is          political status of the country is
                                   installed. Ramón Castilla is        held: 60.4% of the votes choose
                                   elected as provisional president.   to be a Commonwealth.

                                   July 14th                           July 24th
                                   1969                                1823, Chile
                                   El Salvador and Honduras            Abolition of slavery.
                                   initiate the Hundred Hours’ War,
                                   also known as the Soccer War.       July 25th
                                                                       1851, Ecuador
The Liberal Revolution triumphs,   July 17th                           Abolition of slavery.
led by José Santos Zelaya.         1549, Colombia
                                   Creation of the Royal Audience      July 29th
July 11th                          of Santafé de Bogotá.               1975
1956, Chile
Foundation of the College of       July 18th
Journalists. Journalist’s Day is   1830, Uruguay
commemorated.                      The first Constitution of the
                                   current Oriental Republic is
July 12th                          promulgated.
1859, Mexico                                                           The Organization of American
By the Laws of La Reforma, the     July 21st                           States repeals the blockade
                                   1938                                imposed on Cuba in 1964.

                                                                       July 30th
                                                                       1950, Costa Rica
                                                                       Women vote for the first time.
                                                                       National Women’s Suffrage Day
                                                                       is commemorated.
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