Exploring GATE Program Options: Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) and Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet - Los Angeles Unified ...

Page created by Gloria Owens
Exploring GATE Program Options: Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) and Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet - Los Angeles Unified ...
Exploring GATE Program Options:
  Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS)
   and Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet

                  October 27, 2021

                       Presented by
   Gifted/Talented Programs, Advanced Learning Options,
              and Student Integration Services
Exploring GATE Program Options: Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) and Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet - Los Angeles Unified ...
Student Integration Services                 Gifted/Talented Programs
           https://lausdmagnets.com                 https://achieve.lausd.net/gate
           (213) 241-4177 (option 1)                (213) 241-4177 (option 3)
           echoices@lausd.net                       GATE@lausd.net

Dr. Keith Abrahams         Song Lee         Erin Yoshida-Ehrmann      Susanna Furfari
Executive Director   District Coordinator    District Coordinator   District Coordinator
Exploring GATE Program Options: Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) and Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet - Los Angeles Unified ...
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Programs
The purpose of this presentation is to learn more about Gifted Magnets,
Highly Gifted Magnets, and Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS).

All of these GATE program options are available through the Unified
Enrollment/Choices application process at https://GoTo.LAUSD.net. The on-
time 2022-2023 Choices application process is open until Friday, November
12, 2021. The late application opens Tuesday, February 1, 2022.

Note: ALL K-12 Los Angeles Unified schools/programs offer GATE services
and support, include local schools of residence. For more information about
gifted/talented identification or instruction at your child’s current school,
please contact the school directly.
Exploring GATE Program Options: Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) and Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet - Los Angeles Unified ...
Highly Gifted Magnet                       Gifted Magnet                       Schools for Advanced
• Coordinated by Student Integration       • Coordinated by Student
                                                                               Studies (SAS)
  Services                                   Integration Services
• Designed to meet the needs of highly     • Designed to meet the needs of • Coordinated by Gifted/Talented
  gifted students                            gifted/high ability learners in   Programs, Advanced Learning
• Available to students who are              multiple categories               Options
  identified as Highly Gifted (HG) by      • Available to students who meet • Designed to meet the needs of
  scoring at the 99.9 percentile rank on     identification or verification    gifted/high ability learners in
  an Intellectual Ability assessment         criteria                          multiple categories
  administered by a Los Angeles                                              • Available to students who meet
  Unified designated GATE psychologist                                         identification or verification criteria
  OR Highly Gifted Applicable (HGA) by
  scoring at the 99.5 to 99.8 percentile
  rank on an Intellectual Ability
  assessment administered by a Los
  Angeles Unified designated GATE
Exploring GATE Program Options: Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) and Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet - Los Angeles Unified ...
Let’s Compare
Exploring GATE Program Options: Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) and Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet - Los Angeles Unified ...
https://lausdmagnets.com    https://achieve.lausd.net/gate
(213) 241-4177 (option 1)     (213) 241-4177 (option 3)
   echoices@lausd.net              GATE@lausd.net
Exploring GATE Program Options: Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) and Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet - Los Angeles Unified ...
We know what you’re thinking…
               but which one is better?
Gifted Magnets and Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) are BOTH appropriate educational
options for gifted/high ability learners. They were designed for different purposes but both
provide high-quality GATE differentiated instruction. We encourage you to use the School
Search Tool at https://explore.lausd.net or contact the schools directly to learn more.

Please note that ALL K-12 District schools/programs, including local schools of residence,
must offer GATE services and support. District GATE programs, including Gifted Magnets
and SAS sites, are designed to meet the needs of all types of gifted learners. In addition to
high-achieving students, each school must ensure equitable access for creative thinkers,
students with leadership abilities, able-underachieving learners, English learners, standard
English learners, and students from other Targeted Student Populations (TSP).
Exploring GATE Program Options: Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) and Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet - Los Angeles Unified ...
GATE Clustering
• School site GATE programs must be planned and organized as differentiated learning
  experiences within the regular school day, i.e., all-day differentiation.
• To support student access to a differentiated educational program, District policy
  requires school sites to cluster identified and verified gifted students in a well-defined
  way and to provide a differentiated educational program.
• Clustering is the intentional placement of a minimum number of identified gifted
  students per class (elementary level: five to eight students; secondary level: 15 to 25
  students). In a Gifted or Highly Gifted Magnet, all students meet eligibility criteria.
• GATE cluster grouping is a research-based, effective, and efficient means for schools to
  provide more challenging coursework, giving gifted/high ability learners daily access to
  advanced content and new learning, as well as providing students with an academic
  peer group in core subjects.
Exploring GATE Program Options: Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) and Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet - Los Angeles Unified ...
What Might You See in a GATE Classroom?
                                                                                            Project Based Learning and
                      Prompts of depth and complexity                                       independent study in areas of
                                                                                            strength or interest

GATE clustering and flexible grouping
by academic readiness, interest, and
learning style

                                                                Tiered lessons and
                                                                curriculum compacting
                                                                                                 Support for social-
                                                        Novel products, interest/learning        emotional needs, e.g.,
Accelerated pacing, content,                            centers, and student choice              perfectionism, asynchrony,
questioning, and resources                                                                       anxiety, imposter syndrome
Exploring GATE Program Options: Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) and Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet - Los Angeles Unified ...
    Magnet Programs
    Programas Magnet

    Dr. Keith Abrahams,
    Executive Director                MAGNET PROGRAMS              PROGRAMAS MAGNET
                                   An integration program that   Magnet es un programa de

    Song Lee,                      provides rigorous high-
                                   quality, theme-based
                                                                 integración voluntaria que
                                                                 provee instrucción rigurosa, de
                                   instruction to facilitate     alta calidad, temática para
    District Coordinator           student learning and          facilitar el aprendizaje
                                   promote academic              estudiantil y promover el logro
    Student Integration Services   achievement. Students in K-   académico. Para estudiantes del
                                   12 who live within the L.A.   K-12 dentro de los límites de
                                   Unified boundary can apply.   L.A. Unified.

What are Magnet Programs?
 ¿Qué son programas magnet?
The LAUSD Magnet Program is a voluntary integration opportunity
available to all students
in K-12 who live within the boundaries of LA Unified.
El programa magnet del Distrito Unificado de L.A. es una oportunidad de
integración voluntaria disponible para todos los estudiantes del grado K-
12 que viven dentro del límite geográfico del Distrito Unificado de L.A.

We offer theme-based instruction taught by high-quality
Ofrecemos instrucción basada en ciertos temas enseñada
por maestros de alta calidad.
All students, including English learners, standard English learners,
students with disabilities, and gifted/talented are encouraged to apply.
Animamos a todos los estudiantes, incluyendo a los aprendices de
inglés, los de inglés estándar, los con discapacidades y los
dotados/talentosos, a presentar una solicitud.

How to Choose a Magnet for Your Child
Cómo elegir un magnet para su hijo/hija

Criteria for Gifted/Highly Gifted Magnet Programs
Criterios para los programas magnet para estudiantes dotados/altamente dotados

  Verify that applicant is eligible before the November 12, 2021 Choices
  application deadline.
  Verifique que el solicitante sea elegible antes de la fecha límite.

  Verification is NOT an application.
  La verificación no es una solicitud.

  Choices Brochure pages 7 & 8.
  Páginas 7 y 8 de Opciones.

                                         Visit echoices.lausd.net
                                          Visite echoices.lausd.net
How to Apply
Apply online at eChoices.lausd.net.
Online applicants will receive
communication via their Parent

Paper applications are available.
Paper applicants will receive
communication via U.S. mail.

Próximos Pasos

DECEMBER                 FEBRUARY                      MARCH
     diciembre                  febrero                       marzo
              ation                                         Selection/Wait
      Confirm                  Eligibility
              ion                                           ing List
      Correct n                Notifica
               tio                                          Notification
      Notifica ón de          Notifica
               ci             elegibilid n de               Notificación de
       Notifica n o                     ad del
               ió                                           selección o lista
       correcc ión            program
                ac                                          de espera

                                                    What do I need to do?
What do I need to do?     What do I need to do?
                                                    ●Accept/decline online or
 ●Verify information      ●No action required.       contact the school. All
 ●Make corrections        ●Eligible does not mean    declines are final.
                           selected                 ●Waiting List - No action
¿Que necesito hacer?     ¿Que necesito hacer?       ¿Que necesito hacer?

●Verificar información   ●No se requiere acción     ●Aceptar o declinar en línea o con la
●Hacer correcciones      ●Elegible no significa      escuela. Las declinaciones se
                          seleccionado               consideran finales.
                                                    ●Lista de espera: No se requiere
Pu nto s d e Prio rid a d

Magnet Priority Point System
 Sistema de Puntos de
 Prioridad Magnet

    Applicants may earn up to 23 points maximum.
Los aspirantes pueden recibir hasta 23 puntos máximo   18
Applicants who have completed the highest
grade level in a magnet program and apply
to continue in another magnet program at
the next level, receive 12 matriculation

Los aspirantes que hayan cursado el grado
escolar más alto en el programa magnet y
soliciten ingresar a otro para el siguiente
nivel escolar recibirán 12 puntos de
matriculación. No se combinan con puntos
de espera.
Waiting List
Applicants who remained on a valid on-time magnet
waiting list receive 4 points for the following year for
a maximum of 12 points. If an applicant on a waiting
list declines magnet placement, ALL waiting list
points are removed.

Lista de Espera
Los aspirantes que presentaron la solicitud dentro
del plazo y quedaron en la lista de espera vigente
del programa magnet recibirán 4 puntos para el año
siguiente para un máximo de 12 puntos.

Si un aspirante en lista de espera declina la
asignación, perderá todos los puntos de lista de
Applicants, whose 2022-2023 resident L.A. Unified
school is designated as PHBAO by the District,
receive 4 points. Points are not cumulative; they
are assigned yearly.

Escuelas con Estudiantado de Origen
Predominantemente Hispano, Negro Asiático y
Otro No Anglo (PHBAO por sus siglas en inglés)

Los aspirantes cuya escuela residente de LA
Unified de 2022-2023 haya sido designada como
PHBAO per el Distrito, reciben 4 puntos.

Estos puntos no se acumulan; se asignan
Points are assigned if the sibling is attending the
applicant’s 1st choice school.

Siblings must reside at the same address and be
listed in the parent’s account.

Hermano o Hermana
Los puntos se asignan si el hermano o hermana
continuará en el mismo programa que el
programa de primera opción del aspirante.

Ambos hermanos o hermanas deben vivir en el
mismo domicilio y figurar en la cuenta de padres.

Is There Transportation?
   ¿Hay Transporte?
BEFORE making your selection, contact the school
or LAUSD Transportation Services at 1-800-
ANTES de hacer su selección, comuníquese con la
escuela o con la oficina de Servicios de Transporte al 1-
                    ELEMENTARY: 2-mile radius.
                    SECONDARY: 5-mile radius.
                    PRIMARIA: radio de 2 millas
                    SECUNDARIA: radio de 5 millas
Contact Information
Phone: (213) 241-4177
Email: echoices@lausd.net
Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS)
Escuelas de Estudios Avanzados

 SCHOOLS FOR ADVANCED STUDIES    Escuelas de Estudios Avanzados
K-12 schools receive the        Las escuelas K-12 reciben         Erin Yoshida-Ehrmann, District Coordinator
SAS designation for             la designación de SAS por
                                sus prácticas ejemplares
                                                                     Susanna Furfari, District Coordinator
exemplary practices in
meeting the unique              en satisfacer las                          Gifted/Talented Programs
                                necesidades académicas y
academic and social-                                                       Advanced Learning Options
                                socioemocionales de los
emotional needs of                                                           Division of Instruction
                                aprendice dotados/de alta
gifted/ high ability

Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS)
                                                          SAS demonstration sites receive the SAS designation for their
                                                          exemplary Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
                                                          implementation. A formal application is not required for
                                                          qualified students who reside within school boundaries. An SAS
                                                          site may accept L.A. Unified students who reside outside of the
                                                          school’s attendance boundaries after all qualified students who
                                                          reside within school boundaries have been accommodated.
                                                          Refer to https://eChoices.LAUSD.net (click “Who is eligible?) or
  Gifted/Talented Programs                                the Choices brochure for detailed information.

            Advanced Learning Options                          Escuelas de Estudios Avanzados
               Division of Instruction                                (SAS, por sus siglas en inglés)
                                                          Los sitios de demostración de las SAS reciben la designación SAS por
                                                          su implementación ejemplar de Educación para Dotados y Talentosos
          Phone: (213) 241-4177 (Option 3)                (GATE). No se requiere una solicitud formal para los estudiantes
                                                          calificados que residen dentro de los límites de la escuela. Un sitio
            GATE Email: GATE@lausd.net                    SAS puede aceptar estudiantes del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Los
                                                          Ángeles que residan fuera de los límites residenciales de la escuela
   GATE Website: https://achieve.lausd.net/gate           después de que todos los estudiantes calificados que residen dentro
                                                          de los límites escolares hayan sido alojados. Consulte
Verification of Eligibility: https://eChoices.LAUSD.net   https://eChoices.LAUSD.net (haga clic en “¿Quién es elegible?) O el
                                                          folleto de Opciones para obtener información detalladas.
  Verification Email: giftedverification@lausd.net
SAS Student Eligibility Criteria                             Criterios de elegibilidad de SAS
            (Identical to Gifted Magnet Criteria)                    (Idéntico a los criterios del programa Magnet
                                                                               para estudiantes dotados)
SAS participants must meet ONE of the following eligibility
criteria:                                                     Los participantes de SAS deben cumplir UNO de los siguientes
                                                              criterios de elegibilidad:
A.   Be identified as gifted by an L.A. Unified designated
                                                               A. Ser identificado como dotado por un psicólogo GATE
     GATE psychologist in the Intellectual Ability, High            designado por el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Los Ángeles en la
     Achievement Ability, Specific Academic Ability,                categoría de Habilidad intelectual, Habilidad de alto
     Creative Ability or Leadership Ability category OR             rendimiento, Habilidad académica específica, Habilidad
                                                                    creativa o Habilidad de liderazgo O
B.   Meet the standardized test score criteria from the
     most recent year as outlined in the Choices brochure      B.   Cumplir con los criterios de calificación de las pruebas
                                                                    estandarizadas del año más reciente como se describe en el
     or at https://eChoices.LAUSD.net (if applicable) OR            folleto de Opciones o en https://eChoices.LAUSD.net (si
C.   Demonstrate the ability to meet ALL FOUR critical              corresponde) O
     thinking and problem-solving skills in their primary      C.   Demostrar la capacidad de cumplir con TODAS las CUATRO
     language and demonstrate the ability or strong                 habilidades de pensamiento crítico y resolución de problemas
     potential to perform two years above grade level in            en su idioma principal y demostrar la capacidad o un gran
                                                                    potencial para desempeñarse dos años por encima del nivel de
     academic subjects; SAS kindergarten applicants must            grado en materias académicas; Los solicitantes de kindergarten
     also meet the SAS kindergarten-specific criteria               de SAS también deben cumplir con los criterios específicos de
     included on the Verification of Eligibility (SAS               kindergarten de SAS incluidos en el formulario de Verificación
     Kindergarten) form                                             de Elegibilidad (Kindergarten de SAS)
What is the difference between gifted
       identification and verification of eligibility?
Gifted/Talented Identification (Criterion A):   Verification of Eligibility for Program Participation
                                                (Criteria B and C):
• Formal evaluation process conducted by
  Gifted/Talented Programs, Advanced Learning   • Recommendation provided by the school of
  Options                                         attendance based on academic evidence
• Allows all K-12 District schools to meet a    • Allows Unified Enrollment to determine program
  student’s needs in terms of instruction and     eligibility for the Choices selection process
  class placement                               • Valid for the application year only (does not roll
• Valid until graduation                          over from year to year)
Designated SAS Sites Can Be…

      Residential                  Affiliated                   Admission Criteria                    Zones of
        Schools                  Charter Schools                    Schools                         Choice Schools
                               Escuelas Charter Afiliadas        Escuelas con Requisitos             Zonas de Opción
   Escuelas Residenciales
                                                               Adicionales para la Selección

         Resident:                    Resident:                             All:                   Reside within Zone:
       Enroll at school             Enroll at school                 Apply through                  Must select during
       Non-resident:                Non-resident:                    Choices (ACS);                     ZOC process
Apply through Choices (SAS);    Apply through Choices (AFC);          school-based             Does Not Reside within Zone:
   verification required          verification not required
                                                                   verification process         Apply through Choices (SAS)30
                                      before selection
How is SAS eligibility verified?
      ¿Cómo se verifica la elegibilidad de SAS?

      District Applicants       Non-District Applicants          Applicants Not Enrolled
  (including City of Angels)      Solicitantes que no          in School or Homeschooled
    Solicitantes del Distrito    pertenecen al Distrito   Solicitantes no inscritos en la escuela
(incluida Ciudad de Ángeles)                                      o educados en el hogar
How is SAS eligibility verified?
                                   ¿Cómo se verifica la elegibilidad de SAS?
                 District Applicants                                     Non-District                                     Applicants Not Enrolled
                 (including City of                                      Applicants                                       in School or
                                                                         Solicitantes que no                              Homeschooled
                 Angels)                                                 pertenecen al Distrito                           Solicitantes no inscritos en la
                 Solicitantes del Distrito                                                                                escuela o educados en el hogar
                 (incluida Ciudad de Ángeles)

Verification of Eligibility form is NOT required     Verification of Eligibility form is required for SAS         Parents/guardians of SAS applicants who
for SAS applicants currently enrolled in a           applicants currently enrolled in a private school,           are NOT enrolled in school or are
District school; in January 2022, the District       independent charter or non-L.A. Unified school;              homeschooled must contact
will conduct an online verification of               the form may be downloaded at                                GATE@lausd.net for adjusted verification
eligibility process.                                 https://eChoices.LAUSD.net and must be                       procedures by November 12, 2021.
                                                     submitted, in addition to the Choices
NO se requiere el formulario de Verificación de      application, by November 12, 2021.                           Los padres/tutores de los solicitantes de SAS
Elegibilidad para los solicitantes de SAS                                                                         que NO están inscritos en la escuela o
actualmente inscritos en una escuela del Distrito;   Se requiere el formulario de Verificación de Elegibilidad    reciben educación en el hogar deben
en enero de 2022, el Distrito llevará a cabo una     para los solicitantes de SAS actualmente inscritos en una    comunicarse con GATE@lausd.net para
verificación en línea del proceso de elegibilidad.   escuela privada, escuela charter independiente o una         conocer los procedimientos de verificación
                                                     escuela que no es parte del Distrito Unificado de L.A.; el   ajustados antes del 12 de noviembre de
                                                     formulario puede descargarse en                              2021.
                                                     https://eChoices.LAUSD.net y debe enviarse, además de la
                                                     solicitud de Opciones, antes del 12 de noviembre de 2021.                                         32
SAS Informational Videos are Available Online
          Los videos informativos de SAS están disponibles en línea

 SAS Application Tutorial           SAS Application Scenarios                   SAS Overview
Tutorial de la solicitud SAS        Escenarios de solicitud SAS           Descripción general de SAS

   Unified Enrollment/Choices          Unified Enrollment/Choices             Gifted/Talented Programs
    https://GoTo.LAUSD.net              https://GoTo.LAUSD.net              https://achieve.lausd.net/gate

    Select Need Help? and SAS           Select Need Help? and SAS           Select Program Options and SAS
Seleccione ¿Necesita ayuda? y SAS   Seleccione ¿Necesita ayuda? y SAS   Seleccione Opciones del Programa y SAS
We hope you consider Gifted Magnets, Highly
         Gifted Magnets, and Schools for Advanced
                 Studies for your children.

 https://lausdmagnets.com            https://achieve.lausd.net/gate
 (213) 241-4177 (option 1)             (213) 241-4177 (option 3)
    echoices@lausd.net                      GATE@lausd.net

https://GoTo.LAUSD.net                     ApplyForSchools@lausd.net
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