Explainable Tsetlin Machine framework for fake news detection with credibility score assessment

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Explainable Tsetlin Machine framework for fake news detection with
                                                                 credibility score assessment

                                              Bimal Bhattarai    Ole-Christoffer Granmo                                     Lei Jiao
                                             University of Agder   University of Agder                                 University of Agder
                                         bimal.bhattarai@uia.no ole.granmo@uia.no                                     lei.jiao@uia.no

                                                               Abstract                          particularly problematic as they seek to deceive
                                                                                                 people for political and financial gain (Gottfried
                                             The proliferation of fake news, i.e., news in-
                                                                                                 and Shearer, 2016).
arXiv:2105.09114v1 [cs.CL] 19 May 2021

                                             tentionally spread for misinformation, poses
                                             a threat to individuals and society. Despite            In recent years, we have witnessed extensive
                                             various fact-checking websites such as Politi-      growth of fake news in social media, spread across
                                             Fact, robust detection techniques are required      news blogs, Twitter, and other social platforms.
                                             to deal with the increase in fake news. Sev-        At present, most online misinformation is manu-
                                             eral deep learning models show promising re-        ally written (Vargo et al., 2018). However, natural
                                             sults for fake news classification, however,        language models like GPT-3 enable automatic gen-
                                             their black-box nature makes it difficult to ex-
                                                                                                 eration of realistic-looking fake news, which may
                                             plain their classification decisions and quality-
                                             assure the models. We here address this prob-       accelerate future growth. Such growth is problem-
                                             lem by proposing a novel interpretable fake         atic as most people nowadays digest news stories
                                             news detection framework based on the re-           from social media and news blogs (Allcott and
                                             cently introduced Tsetlin Machine (TM). In          Gentzkow, 2017). Indeed, the spread of fake news
                                             brief, we utilize the conjunctive clauses of        poses a severe threat to journalism, individuals, and
                                             the TM to capture lexical and semantic prop-        society. It has the potential of breaking societal be-
                                             erties of both true and fake news text. Fur-
                                                                                                 lief systems and encourages biases and false hopes.
                                             ther, we use the clause ensembles to calcu-
                                             late the credibility of fake news. For eval-
                                                                                                 For instance, fake news related to religion or gender
                                             uation, we conduct experiments on two pub-          inequality can produce harmful prejudices. Fake
                                             licly available datasets, PolitiFact and Gossip-    news can also trigger violence or conflict. When
                                             Cop, and demonstrate that the TM framework          people are frequently exposed to fake news, they
                                             significantly outperforms previously published      tend to distrust real news, affecting their ability
                                             baselines by at least 5% in terms of accuracy,      to distinguish between truth and untruth. To re-
                                             with the added benefit of an interpretable logic-   duce these negative impacts, it is critical to develop
                                             based representation. Further, our approach
                                                                                                 methods that can automatically expose fake news.
                                             provides higher F1-score than BERT and XL-
                                             Net, however, we obtain slightly lower accu-            Fake news detection introduces various challeng-
                                             racy. We finally present a case study on our        ing research problems. By design, fake news in-
                                             model’s explainability, demonstrating how it        tentionally deceives the recipient. It is therefore
                                             decomposes into meaningful words and their          difficult to detect fake news based on linguistic con-
                                             negations.                                          tent, style, and diverseness. For example, fake news
                                                                                                 may narrate actual events and context to support
                                         1   Introduction
                                                                                                 false claims (Feng et al., 2012). Thus, other than
                                         Social media platforms on the Internet have be-         hand-crafted and data-specific features, we need to
                                         come an integral part of everyday life, and more        employ a knowledge base of linguistic patterns for
                                         and more people obtain news from social rather          effective detection. Training fake news classifiers
                                         than traditional media, such as newspapers. Key         on crowdsourced data may further provide a poor
                                         drivers include cost-effectiveness, freedom to com-     fit for future news events. Fake news is emerging
                                         ment, and shareability among friends. Despite           continuously, quickly rendering previous textual
                                         these advantages, social media exposes people to        content obsolete. Accordingly, some studies, such
                                         abundant misinformation. Fake news stories are          as (Guo et al., 2018), have tried to incorporate so-
cial context and hierarchical neural networks using      Lukoianova, 2015). Many studies such as (Wang,
attention to uncover more lasting semantic patterns.     2017) (Mitra and Gilbert, 2015) (Shu et al., 2020a)
   Despite significant advances in deep learning-        incorporate publicly available datasets, providing a
based techniques for fake news detection, few ap-        basis for detailed analysis of fake news and detec-
proaches can explain their classification decisions.     tion methods.
Currently, knowledge on the dynamics underlying             Recently, deep learning-based latent representa-
fake news is lacking. Thus, explaining why cer-          tion of text has significantly improved fake news
tain news items are considered fake may uncover          classification accuracy (Karimi and Tang, 2019).
new understanding. Making the reasons for deci-          However, the latent representations are generally
sions transparent also facilitates discovering and       difficult to interpret, providing limited insight into
rectifying model weaknesses. To the best of our          the nature of fake news. In (Castillo et al., 2011),
knowledge, previous research has not yet addressed       the authors introduced features based on social con-
explainability in fake news detection.                   text, obtained from the profiles of users and their
   Paper contributions: In this paper, we propose        activity patterns. Other approaches depend upon so-
an explainable framework for fake news detection         cial platform-specific features such as likes, tweets,
built using the Tsetlin Machine (TM). Our TM-            and retweets for supervised learning (Volkova et al.,
based framework captures the frequent patterns that      2017) (Ruchansky et al., 2017).
characterize real news, distilling both linguistic and      While the progress on detecting fake news has
semantic patterns unique for fake news stories. The      been significant, limited effort has been directed to-
resulting model constitutes a global interpretation      wards interpretability. Existing deep learning meth-
of fake news. To provide a more refined view on          ods generally extract features to train classifiers
individual fake news (local interpretability), we        without giving any interpretable explanation. This
also propose a credibility score for measuring the       lack of transparency makes them black boxes when
credibility of news. Finally, our framework allows       it comes to understandability (Du et al., 2019). In
the practitioner to see what features are critical for   this paper, we propose a novel fake news detection
making news fake (global interpretability).              method that builds upon the TM (Granmo, 2018).
   Paper organization: The remainder of the pa-          The TM is a recent approach to pattern classifica-
per is organized as follows. In Section 2, we briefly    tion, regression, and novelty detection (Abeyrathna
summarize related work. We then detail our ex-           et al., 2021; Yadav et al., 2021; Abeyrathna et al.,
plainable framework in Section 3. In Section 4, the      2020; Bhattarai et al., 2021) that attempts to bridge
datasets and experimental configurations are pre-        the present gap between interpretability and accu-
sented. We analyze our empirical results in Section      racy in state-of-the-art machine learning. By using
5, before we conclude the work in the last section.      the AND-rules of the TM to capture lexical and
                                                         semantic properties of fake news, our aim is to
2   Related Work                                         improve the performance of fake news detection.
                                                         More importantly, our framework is intrinsically
The problem of detecting deception is not new to         interpretable, both globally, at the model level, and
natural language processing (Vargo et al., 2018).        locally for the individual false news predictions.
Significant application domains include detecting
false online advertising, fake consumer reviews,         3     Explainable Fake News Detection
and spam emails (Ott et al., 2011) (Zhang and                  Framework
Guan, 2008). The detection of fake news focuses
on uncovering spread of misleading news articles         In this section, we present the details of our TM-
(Zhou and Zafarani, 2020) (Zhou et al., 2019). Typ-      based fake news detection framework.
ical detection techniques use either text-based lin-
guistic features (Potthast et al., 2018) or visual       3.1    TM Architecture
features (Gupta et al., 2013). Overall, fake news        The TM consists of a team of two-action Tsetlin
detection methods fall into two groups: knowledge-       Automata (TAs) with 2N states. Each TA performs
based models based on fact-checking news arti-           either action “Include” (in State 1 to N ) or action
cles using external sources (WuYou et al., 2014),        “Exclude” (in State N to 2N ). Jointly, the actions
and style-based models, which leverage linguis-          specify a pattern recognition task. Action “Include”
tic features capturing writing style (Rubin and          incorporates a specific sub-pattern, while action
Text Input
                                Binary Encoded Input
                    Real News                          Fake News



Threshold                             Argmax

   Output                                y

                                       Figure 1: Interpretable Tsetlin machine architecture.

“Exclude” rejects the sub-pattern. The TAs are up-                 clauses. Positive polarity is assigned to one half of
dated based on iterative feedback in the form of                   the clauses, denoted by Cj+ . These are to capture
rewards or penalties. The feedback signals how                     patterns for the target class (y = 0 for T M1 and
well the pattern recognition task is solved, with the              y = 1 for T M2 ). Negative polarity is assigned to
intent of maximizing classification accuracy. Re-                  the other half, denoted by Cj− . Negative polarity
wards reinforce the actions performed by the TAs,                  clauses are to capture patterns for the non-target
while penalties suppress the actions.                              class (y = 1 for T M1 and y = 0 for T M2 ). In
   By orchestrating the TA team with rewards and                   effect, the positive polarity clauses vote for the in-
penalties, a TM can capture frequent and discrimi-                 put belonging to the target class, while negative
native patterns from labeled training data. Each pat-              polarity clauses vote against the target class.
tern is represented as a conjunctive clause in propo-                 Any clause Cj+ for a certain target class is
sitional logic, based on the human-interpretable                   formed by ANDing a subset L+       j ⊆ L of the lit-
disjunctive normal form (Valiant, 1984). That is,                  eral set, written as:
the TM produces AND-rules formed as conjunc-
                                                                             Cj+ (X) =
                                                                                             ^               Y
tions of propositional variables and their negations.                                                lk =            lk ,   (1)
                                                                                            lk ∈L+          lk ∈L+
   A two-class TM structure is shown in Figure 1,                                                j               j

consisting of two separate TMs (T M1 and T M2 ).
As seen in the Input-step, each TM takes a Boolean                 where j = (1, . . . , m/2) denotes the clause in-
(propositional) vector X = (x1 , . . . , xo ), xk ∈                dex, and the superscript decides the polarity of the
{0, 1}, k ∈ {1, . . . , o} as input, which is ob-                  clause. For instance, the clause Cj+ (X) = x1 x2
tained by booleanizing the text input as suggested                 consists of the literals L+ j = {x1 , x2 }, and it out-
in (Berge et al., 2019; Yadav et al., 2021). That                  puts 1 if both of the literals are 1-valued. Similarly,
is, the text input is modelled as a set of words,                  we have clauses Cj− for the non-target class.
with each Boolean input signaling the presence                        The final classification decision is done after
or absence of a specific word. From the input                      summing up the clause outputs (Summation-step
vector, we obtain 2o literals L = (l1 , l2 , . . . , l2o ).        in the figure). That is, the negative outputs are
The literals consist of the inputs xk and their                    substracted from the positive outputs. Employing a
negated counterparts x̄k = ¬xk = 1 − xk , i.e.,                    single TM, the sum is then thresholded using the
L = (x1 , . . . , xn , ¬x1 , . . . , ¬xn ).                        unit step function u, u(v) = 1 if v ≥ 0 else 0, as
                                                                   shown in Eq. (2):
   A TM forms patterns using m conjunctive
clauses Cj (Figure 1 – Clauses). How the pat-                                  
                                                                                 m/2                  m/2
terns relate to the two output classes (y = 0 and                                        Cj+ (X) −          Cj− (X) .
                                                                                   X                  X
                                                                        ŷ = u                                             (2)
y = 1) is captured by assigning polarities to the                                  j=1                j=1
Type I (a) feedback                       Type I (b) feedback              Type II feedback
      Include         Exclude                  Include         Exclude         Include          Exclude

        time stamp    for                     time stamp     for                time stamp      for

        Type I (a) feedback                       Type I (b) feedback                    Type II feedback
      Include         Exclude                   Include         Exclude            Include            Exclude

         time stamp    for                     time stamp     for                      time stamp     for

                                Figure 2: Visualization of Tsetlin machine learning.

The summation of clause outputs produces                    when y = 1 and to negative polarity clauses when
an adaptive ensemble effect designed to                      y = 0. Type II feedback, on the other hand, in-
help dealing with noisy and diverse data                     creases the discriminating power of the patterns,
(Granmo, 2018). For example, the classifier                  suppresses false positives, and makes clauses eval-
ŷ = u (x1 x̄2 + x̄1 x2 − x1 x2 − x̄1 x̄2 ) captures the     uate to 0. Type II feedback is given to positive
XOR-relation.                                                polarity clauses when y = 0 and to negative polar-
   With multi-class problems, the classification is          ity clauses when y = 1.
instead performed using the argmax operator, as                 The feedback is further regulated by the sum of
shown in the figure. Then the target class of the           votes v for each output class. That is, the voting
TM with the largest vote sum is given as output.             sum is compared against a voting margin T , which
                                                             is employed to guide distinct clauses to learn differ-
3.2    Interpretable Learning Process                        ent sub-patterns. The details of the learning process
As introduced briefly above, the conjunctive                 can be found in (Granmo, 2018).
clauses in a TM are formed by a collection of                   We use the following sentence as an example
TAs. Each TA decides whether to “Include” or                 to show how the inference and learning process
“Exclude” a certain literal in a specific clause based       can be interpreted: X= [“Building a wall on the
on reinforcement, i.e., rewards, penalties, or inac-         U.S-Mexico border will take literally years.”], with
tion feedback. The reinforcement depends on six              output target “true news” i.e., y = 1. First, the in-
factors: (1) target output (y = 0 or y = 1), (2)             put is tokenized and negated: X = [“build” =
clause polarity, (3) clause output (Cj = 0 or 1), (4)       1, “¬build” = 0, “wall” = 1, “¬wall” =
literals value (i.e., x = 1, and ¬x = 0), (5) vote           0, “U.S − M exico” = 1, “¬U.S − M exico” =
sum, and (6) the current state of the TA.                    0, “take” = 1, “¬take” = 0, “years” = 1,
   The TM learning process carefully guides the             “¬years” = 0]. We consider two positive polar-
TAs to converge towards optimal decisions. To                ity clauses and one negative polarity one (i.e., C1+ ,
this end, the TM organizes the feedback it gives             C2+ , and C1− ) to show different feedback conditions
to the TAs into two feedback types. Type I feed-             occurring while learning the propositional rules.
back is designed to produce frequent patterns, com-             The learning dynamics are illustrated in Figure 2.
bat false negatives, and make clauses evaluate to 1.        The upper part of the figure shows the current con-
Type I feedback is given to positive polarity clauses        figuration of clauses and TA states for three dif-
ferent scenarios. On the left side of the vertical       3.3   Problem Statement for Fake News
bar, the literals are included in the clause, and on           Detection
the right side of the bar, the literals are excluded.    We now proceed with defining the fake news detec-
The upper part also shows how the three different        tion problem formally. Let A be a news article with
kinds of feedback modifies the states of the TAs, ei-    si sentences, where i = 1 to S and S is the total
ther reinforcing “Include” or “Exclude”. The lower       number of sentences. Each sentence can be written
part depicts the new clause configurations, after the    as si = (w1i , w2i , . . . , wW
                                                                                       i ), consisting of W words.
reinforcement has been persistently applied.             Given the booleanized input vector X ∈ {0, 1}o ,
                                                         the fake news classification is a Boolean classifica-
   For the first time stamp in the figure, we as-        tion problem, where we predict whether the news
sume the clauses are initialized randomly as fol-        article A is fake or not, i.e., F : X → y ∈ {0, 1}.
lows: C1+ = (build ∧ wall ∧ years), C2+ =                We also aim to learn the credibility of news by
(build∧wall ∧years∧¬take∧¬U.S −M exico),                 formulating a TM-based credibility score that mea-
and C1− = (build ∧ take ∧ years). Since clause           sures how check-worthy the news is. With this
C1+ consists of non-negated literals of value 1          addition, the classifier function can be written as
in the input X, the output becomes 1 (because            F : X → (y, Q), where y is a classification output
C1+ = 1 ∧ 1 ∧ 1). This invokes the condition             and Q is the credibility score.
(C1+ = 1 and y = 1). So, as shown in upper left          3.4   Credibility Assessment
of Figure 2, when the actual output is 1 and the
clause output is 1, Type I (a) feedback is used to re-   The credibility score can be calculated as fol-
inforce the Include action. Therefore, literals such     lows. Firstly, the TM architecture in Section 3.1 is
as U.S −M exico and take are eventually included,        slightly tweaked for the score generation. In the
because they appear in X. This process makes the         architecture, instead of identifying the class with
clause C1+ eventually have one sub-pattern cap-          the largest voting sum using Argmax, we obtain the
tured for y = 1, as shown on the lower left side of      raw score from both the output classes. The raw
Figure 2. I.e., take and U.S − M exico have been         score is generated using clauses, which represent
included in the clause.                                  frequent lexical and semantic patterns that charac-
                                                         terizes the respective classes. Therefore, the score
                                                         contains information on how the input resembles
   Similarly, in C2+ , the clause output is 0 because    the patterns captured by the clauses. We thus use
of the negated inputs ¬take and ¬U.S − M exico           this score to measure the credibility of news. For
(i.e., C2+ = 1 ∧ 1 ∧ 1 ∧ 0 ∧ 0). This invokes the        instance, consider the vote ratios of 2:1 and 10:1
condition (C2+ = 0 and y = 1). Here, so-called           for two classes (i.e., real vs. fake news) obtained
Type I (b) feedback is used to reinforce Exclude         from two different inputs. Then the first class wins
actions. In this example, literals such as ¬take         the majority vote in both cases, however, the 10:1
and ¬U.S − M exico are eventually excluded from          vote ratio suggests higher credibility than for the
C2+ as shown in the middle part of Figure 2, thus        input that gave a ratio of 2:1.
establishing another sub-pattern for C2+ .                  To normalize the credibility score so that it falls
                                                         between 0 and 1, we apply the logistic function to
                                                         the formula in Eq. (2) as shown in Eq. (3).
   Type II feedback (right side of figure) only oc-
curs when y = 0 (for positive polarity clauses)                                        1
                                                                      Qi =                 F −v T
                                                                                                        .     (3)
and y = 1 (for negative polarity clauses). We                                1 + exp−k(vi      i    )
here use the negative polarity clause C1− to demon-
strate the effect of Type II feedback. This type of      Above, Qi is the credibility score of the ith sample,
feedback is triggered when the clause output is 1.       and k is the logistic growth rate. viF and viT are
The goal is now to make the output of the affected       the total sum of votes collected by clauses for fake
clause change from 1 to 0 by adding 0-valued in-         and true news respectively. Here, k is a user config-
puts. Type II feedback can be observed on the            urable parameter deciding the slope of the function.
right side of Figure 2, where all negated literals       For example, consider the scores (43, -47) and (124,
finally are included in C1− to ensure that the clause    -177), both predicting fake class. The credibility
outputs 0.                                               scores obtained from Eq. (3) with k = 0.012 are
0.74 and 0.97, which shows that the second news           Dataset        #Real      #Fake        #Total
is more credible than the first one.                      PolitiFact      563        391          954
                                                          GossipCop      15,338     4,895        20,233
4     Experiment Setup
                                                                  Table 1: Dataset statistics.
In this section, we present the experiment configu-
rations we use to evaluate our proposed TM frame-       • RST (Rubin et al., 2015): Rhetorical Structure
work.                                                     Theory (RST) represents the relationship be-
                                                          tween words in a document by building a tree
4.1    Datasets                                           structure. It extracts the news style features
                                                          from a bag-of-words by mapping them into a
For evaluation, we adopt the publicly available
                                                          latent feature representation.
fake news detection data repository FakeNewsNet
(Shu et al., 2017). The repository consists of news     • LIWC (Pennebaker et al., 2015): Linguistic
content from different fact-checking websites, in-        Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) is used to ex-
cluding social context and dynamic information.           tract and learn features from psycholinguistic
We here use news content annotated with labels            and deception categories.
by professional journalists from the fact-checking
websites PolitiFact and GossipCop. PolitiFact is        • HAN (Yang et al., 2016): HAN uses a hier-
a fact-checking website that focuses on U.S polit-        archical attention neural network (HAN) for
ical news. We extract news articles published till        embedding word-level attention on each sen-
2017. GossipCop focuses on fact-checking of en-           tence and sentence-level attention on news
tertainment news collected from various medias.           content, for fake news detection.
While GossipCop has more fake news articles than
PolitiFact, PolitiFact is more balanced, as shown in    • CNN-text (Kim, 2014): CNN-text utilizes
Table 1.                                                  convolutional neural network (CNN) with pre-
                                                          trained word vectors for sentence-level clas-
4.2    Preprocessing                                      sification. The model can capture different
                                                          granularities of text features from news arti-
The relevant news content and the associated la-          cles via multiple convolution filters.
bels, i.e., True or False news, are extracted from
both of the datasets. The preprocessing steps in-       • LSTM-ATT (Lin et al., 2019): LSTM-ATT
clude cleaning, tokenization, lemmatization, and          utilizes long short term memory (LSTM) with
feature selection. The cleaning is done by remov-         an attention mechanism. The model takes
ing less important information such as hyperlinks,        a 300-dimensional vector representation of
stop words, punctuation, and emojis. The datasets         news articles as input to a two-layer LSTM
are then booleanized into a sparse matrix for the         for fake news detection.
TM to process. The matrix is obtained by build-
ing a vocabulary consisting of all unique words         • RoBERTa-MWSS: The Multiple Sources of
in the dataset, followed by encoding the input as         Weak Social Supervision (MWSS) approach,
a set of words using that vocabulary. To reduce           built upon RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019), was
the sparseness of the input, we adopt two methods:        proposed in (Shu et al., 2020b).
1) Chi-squared test statistics as a feature selection
technique, and 2) selecting the most frequent liter-    • BERT (Devlin et al., 2019): Bidirectional
als from the dataset. The experiment is performed         Encoder Representations from Transformers
using both methods, and the best results are in-          (BERT) is a Transformer-based model which
cluded. For the PolitiFact and GossipCop datasets,        contains an encoder with 12 transformer
we selected the 20 000 and 25 000 most significant        blocks, self-attention heads and hidden shape
features, respectively.                                   size of 768.

                                                        • XLNet (Yang et al., 2019): XLNet is a gener-
4.3    Baseline
                                                          alized autoregressive pretraining model that
We first summarize the state-of-the-art of the fake       integrates autoencoding and a segment recur-
news detection approaches.                                rence mechanism from transformers.
In addition, we compare our results with other        is arguably because HAN can capture the syntactic
machine learning baseline models such as logis-          and semantic rules using hierarchical attention to
tic regression (LR), naive Bayes, support vector         detect fake news. Similarly, the LIWC performs
machines (SVM), and random forest (RF). For a            better than RST. One possible explanation for this
fair comparison, we select the methods that only         is that LIWC can capture the linguistic features in
extract textual features from news articles. The         news articles based on words that denote psycholin-
performance for these baseline models has been re-       guistic characteristics. The LSTM-ATT, which has
ported in (Shu et al., 2019) and (Shu et al., 2020a).    extensive preprocessing using count features and
                                                         sentiment features along with hyperparameter tun-
4.4    Training and Testing                              ing (Lin et al., 2019), has similar performance com-
We use a random training-test split of 75%/25%.          pared with HAN in PolitiFact, however, outper-
The classification results is obtained on the test       forms HAN on GossipCop. One reason for this can
set. The process is repeated five times, and the         be that the attention mechanism is able to capture
average accuracy and F1 scores are reported. To          the relevant representation of the input. In addition,
provide robust results, we calculated an ensemble        we see that machine learning models such as LR,
average by first take the average of 50 stable epochs,   SVM, and Naive Bayes are not very effective in
followed by taking the average of the resulting five     neither of the datasets.
averages. We run our TM for 200 epochs with
                                                            The recent transformer-based models BERT and
hyperparameter configuration of 10 000 clauses, a
                                                         XLNet outperform our model in terms of accuracy.
threshold T of 200, and sensitivity s of 25.0. To
                                                         Our TM-based approach obtains slightly lower ac-
ensure a fair comparison of the results obtained
                                                         curacy, achieving 87.1% for PolitiFact and 84.2%
by other machine learning algorithms, we use the
                                                         for GossipCop. However, the F1 score for poli-
Python Scikit-learn framework that includes LR,
                                                         tiFact is 0.90, whereas for GossipCop it is 0.89,
SVM and Naı̈ve Bayes, using default parameter
                                                         which is marginally better than XLNet and BERT.
                                                         Thus, we achieve state-of-the-art performance with
5     Results and Discussion                             respect to F1-score overall, and with respect to
                                                         accuracy when comparing with interpretable ap-
We now compare our framework with above men-             proaches. Since GossipCop is unbalanced with
tioned baseline models.                                  sample ratio of 3:1 for real and fake news, we sub-
                                                         mit that the F1 score is a more appropriate perfor-
5.1    Comparison with State-of-the-Art
                                                         mance measure than accuracy. Overall, our model
The experimental results are shown in Table 2.           is much simpler than the deep learning models be-
Clearly, our model outperforms several of the other      cause we do not use any pre-trained embeddings
baseline models in terms of accuracy and F1 score.       for preprocessing. This also helps in making our
                                                         model more transparent, interpretable, and explain-
                         PolitiFact      GossipCop       able.
                      Acc.       F1    Acc.      F1
    RST               0.607 0.569      0.531 0.512          The credibility assessment is performed as de-
    LIWC              0.769 0.818      0.736 0.572       scribed in Subsection 3.4. The Figs. 3 and 4 show
    HAN               0.837 0.860      0.742 0.672       the credibility scores for a fake news sample from
    CNN-text          0.653 0.760      0.739 0.569
    LSTM-ATT          0.833 0.836      0.793 0.798       PolitiFact and GossipCop, resepectively. As seen,
    LR                0.642 0.633      0.648 0.646       the fake news can be ranked quite distinctly. This
    SVM               0.580 0.659      0.497 0.595       facilitates manual checking according to credibility,
    Naı̈ve Bayes      0.617 0.651      0.624 0.649
    RoBERTa-MWSS      0.825 0.805      0.803 0.807       allowing users to focus on the fake news articles
    BERT               0.88     0.87    0.85    0.79     with highest scores. However, when we observe the
    XLNet             0.895     0.90   0.855    0.78
    TM                0.871 0.901      0.842 0.896
                                                         soft scores e.g. obtained from XLNet, most of the
                                                         samples are given rather extreme scores. That is,
Table 2: Performance comparison of our model with 8      classifications are in general submitted with very
baseline models.                                         high confidence. This is in contrast to the more
                                                         cautious and diverse credibility scores produced by
  One can further observe that HAN outperforms           TM clause voting. If we for instance set a credi-
LIWC, CNN-text, and RST for both datasets. This          bility score threshold of 0.8 in TM, we narrow the
1.0                                           negated features from the negative polarity clauses
                                                             of other classes, as well as the the plain features
               0.8                                           from positive polarity clauses for the intended class.
                                                             Taking the positive- and negative polarity claues

                                                             together, one gets stronger discrimination power.
                                                                Table 3 and Table 4 exemplify the above be-
               0.4                                           havior for fake news detection. To showcase the
                                                             explainability of our approach, we list the ten most
               0.2                                           captured plain and negated words per class, for
                                                             both datasets. We observe that negated literals ap-
               0.0                                           pear quite frequently in the clauses. This allows the
                     0     100       200     300       400   trained TM to represent the class by the features
                                                             that characterize the class as well as the features
Figure 3: Credibility assessment for fake news in Poli-      that contrast it from the other class. TM clauses that
tiFact.                                                      contain negated and unnegated inputs are termed
                                                             non-monotone clauses, and these are crucial for
               1.0                                           human commonsense reasoning, as explored in
                                                             “Non-monotonic reasoning” (Reiter, 1987).
                                                                Also observe that the TM clauses include both
                                                             descriptive words and discriminative words. For ex-

                                                             ample, in PolitiFact, the Fake class captures words
                                                             like “trump”, while the True class captures the
                                                             negated version, i.e., “¬trump”. However, this does
                                                             not mean that all the news related to Trump are
                                                             Fake. Actually, it means that if we break down the
                                                             clauses into literals, we see “trump” as a descrip-
                                                             tor/discriminator for the Fake News class. There-
                     0   1000    2000 3000     4000   5000
                                   Samples                   fore, most of the clauses captured the word “trump”
                                                             in plain and in negated form (for the True news
Figure 4: Credibility assessment for fake news in Gos-       class). However, one single word cannot typically
sipCop.                                                      produce an accurate classification decision. It is
selection of fake news down to around 300 out of             the joint contribution of the literals in a clause that
400 for PolitiFact and to around 2 800 out of 4 895          contributes to the high accuracy. Hence, we have
for GossipCop.                                               to look at all word pattern captured by the clauses.
                                                             When an input is passed into the trained TM, the
5.2             Case Study: Interpretability                 clauses from both classes that capture the input
We now investigate the interpretability of our TM            word pattern are activated, to vote for their respec-
approach in fake news classification by analyzing            tive class. Finally, the classification is made based
the words captured by the clauses for both true              on the total votes gathered by both classes for the
and fake news. In brief, the clauses capture two             particular input.
different types of literals:
                                                             6   Conclusions
       • Plain literals, which are plain words from the
         target class.                                       In this paper, we propose an explainable and inter-
                                                             pretable Tsetlin Machine (TM) framework for fake
       • Negated literals, which are negated words
                                                             news classification. Our TM framework employs
         from the other classes.
                                                             clauses to capture the lexical and semantic features
The TM utilizes both plain and negated word pat-             based on word patterns in a document. We also ex-
terns for classification. When we analyze the                plain the transparent TM learning of clauses from
clauses, we see that most of the sub-patterns cap-           labelled text. The extensive experimental evalua-
tured consist of negated literals. This helps TM             tions demonstrate the effectiveness of our model
make decisions robustly because it can use both              on real-world datasets over various baselines. Our
                                  Fake                                              True
               Plain           times     Negated     times   Plain          times     Negated         times
               trump           297       candidate   529     congress       136       trump           1252
               said            290       debate      413     tax            104       profession      1226
               comment         112       civil       410     support        70        navigate        1223
               donald          110       reform      369     senate         64        hackings        1218
               story           78        congress    365     president      60        reported        1216
               medium          63        iraq        361     economic       57        arrest          1222
               president       48        lawsuit     351     americans      49        camps           1206
               reported        45        secretary   348     candidate      48        investigation   1159
               investigation   38        tax         332     debate         44        medium          1152
               domain          34        economy     321     federal        41        domain          1153

                        Table 3: Top ten Literals captured by clauses of TM for PolitiFact.

                                   Fake                                          True
                Plain          times Negated         times   Plain           times Negated            times
                source         357      stream       794     season          150    insider           918
                insider        152      aggregate    767     show            103    source            802
                rumors         86       bold         723     series          79     hollywood         802
                hollywood      80       refreshing   722     like            78     radar             646
                gossip         49       castmates    721     feature         70     cop               588
                relationship   37       judgment     720     video           44     publication       579
                claim          33       prank        719     said            33     exclusively       551
                split          32       poised       718     sexual          32     rumor             537
                radar          32       resilient    714     notification    25     recalls           535
                magazine       30       predicted    714     character       25     kardashian        525

                       Table 4: Top ten Literals captured by clauses of TM for GossipCop.

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