Page created by Jim Neal
   ONTA R IO   CANADA   I S S U E 14 | 2 0 2 1
                                                  T H U N D E R B AY                                 th u n D e R B ay
                                                 E XPERIENCE                                      Experience
                                                    ONTA R IO   CANADA   I S S U E 14 | 2 0 2 1
                                                                                                    ONTA R IO   CANADA   I S S U E 13 | 2 0 2 0

                                                                                                                                                  THUND E R BAY E XP E RIE NC E M AGAZINE

                                                                                                                                                  PUBLISHER          Tourism Thunder Bay

                                                                                                                                                  EDITORS            Karen Martin, Jennifer Grundy and Erin Simmons – Tourism Thunder Bay
E XPERIENCE                                                                                                                                       TOURISM MANAGER Paul Anthony Pepe
   ONTA R IO   CANADA    I S S U E 12 | 2 0 19

                 MADE IN THUNDER BAY

                                                                                                                                                  ART DIRECTOR       Amanda Phillips – Generator Strategy Advertising

                                                                                                                                                  ACCOUNT MANAGER Daniel Griffin – Generator Strategy Advertising

                                                                                                                                                  PRINTING           Premier Printing

                                                                                                                                                  COVER              Goh Iromoto

                                                                                                                                                  TOURISM THUNDER BAY WOULD LIKE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE MANY CITY OF THUNDER BAY DEPARTMENTS

                                                                                                                                                  AND THEIR STAFF, OUR LOCAL AND REGIONAL TOURISM PARTNERS AND ANY OTHERS NOT LISTED WHO HAVE

                      THUNDER BAY                                                                                                                 CONTRIBUTED TO THE PRODUCTION OF THIS MAGAZINE.


 COVER                                                                                                                                            Karen Martin

                                                                                                                                                  (807) 625-3969 • karen.martin@thunderbay.ca

                                                                                                                                                  The Thunder Bay Experience magazine is a local and area visitor magazine

                                                                                                                                                  published once a year.

                                                                                                                                                  Tourism Thunder Bay makes no representation or warranty, either express or
     Tourism Thunder Bay                                                                                                                          implied, of any kind with respect to the contents of this publication. While every
    needs a cover for their                                                                                                                       effort has been made to ensure accuracy, it is possible that the information in

  2022 Experience Magazine.                                                                                                                       this magazine contains errors or omissions. Please verify information with the

                                                                                                                                                  listed suppliers.
      Get your photo on the cover of
                                                                                                                                                  While Tourism Thunder Bay takes reasonable care in selecting the listed suppliers,
    our next issue! Contest runs from
                                                                                                                                                  it does not have any control over them or their suppliers. Tourism Thunder Bay
      Jan 1- Nov 30, 2021. For rules
                                                                                                                                                  cannot be responsible for any of the acts or omissions of any suppliers.
          and regulations, go to:
    visitthunderbay.com/visitorguide                                                                                                              © Tourism Thunder Bay. All rights reserved. Individual works are also copyrighted

                                                                                                                                                  by their originators. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without prior

                                                                                                                                                  written permission.

                                                                                                                                                  Tourism Thunder Bay

                                                                                                                                                  Suite 701, 34 North Cumberland Street

                                                                                                                                                  Thunder Bay, ON P7A 4L3

                                                                                                                                                  Toll-free: 1-800-MOST-FUN (667-8386)



                                                                                                                                                  CONNECT WITH US

CONTENTS                                                 22


     ON THE

                                              galleries +

 ENTERTAIN                                                                                     dining
     Pa g e 3 0

                                                          41       self-guided
                                              ON THE WATER 5                       MUSEUMS 34

                                              PARKS + LEISURE 12                   SHOP 35

                                              GOLF 18                              DINING 36

                                              EXPLORING +                          STAY 38
                                              ADVENTURE 20

                                                                                   TR AVEL
                                              ENTERTAINMENT 30                     INFORMATION 40

                    WATERFRONT                GALLERIES                            BEYOND THE CITY
                                              + STUDIOS 32                         LIGHTS 42

         Thunder Bay is Canada’s premier outdoor city and urban gateway to attract
          leisure, convention and sport tourism visitors from around the world.

               Our team is closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19. While we make every effort to make sure
               information and event details are correct, errors, updates, cancellations or closures may occur.
               We encourage visitors to double check information before heading to businesses or attractions
              to ensure they have the most up-to-date information possible regarding closures.

                                                                                         v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m


    Built on traditional lands
    of Fort William First
    Nation, signatory to
    the Robinson-Superior
    Treaty of 1850, and
    on historic Métis
                                                                             ON OUR WEBSITE VISITTHUNDERBAY.COM
                                                                             YOU WILL FIND A FILTER ABLE, SE ARCHABLE
                                                                             DIRECTORY OF TOURISM BUSINESSES IN
                                                                             THUNDER BAY AND SURROUNDING ARE A . USE IT
                                                                             TO FIND A PL ACE TO STAY, A PL ACE TO SHOP, AN
                                                                             E XPERIENCE TO TRY AND MUCH MORE.

                                                                             Public WiFi
                                                             © Goh Iromoto

                                                                             Free for everyone in the neighbourhood
                                                                             Tbaytel makes it easy for everyone in the
                                                                             neighbourhood to stay connected with over
                                                                             200 free WiFi hotspot locations. From hockey
                                                                             arenas, pools, healthcare clinics, the airport,
     Tourism Thunder Bay has been awarded a #SafeTravels                     local businesses, Prince Arthur’s Landing
     Stamp by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) for
     adopting health and hygiene global standardized protocols.              at Marina Park and more, our Public WiFi
     The WTTC in conjunction with the industry, including
                                                                             network is constantly expanding, which
     the Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO) has                  means it’s available in more of the places
     created a self-certified Safe Travel Stamp based on                     you like to go.
     worldwide industry protocols the WTTC has put together
     for every aspect of the hospitality and tourism sector.

                                                                                                                               Just look for the
     The specially designed stamp                                                                                              Tbaytel WiFi sign
     will allow travellers to recognise                                                                                          and connect
     governments and companies
     around the world which have                                                   hotspot                                         for free.
     adopted health and hygiene                                                   Available to everyone in the neighbourhood

     global standardised protocols –
     so consumers can experience
     ‘Safe Travels’.

     THUNDER BAY EXPERIENCE                      2021
travel information


                                                                                                  PROVINCIAL PARK



                                                                                                                                           11                                     11

                                                                                                                 Nipigon                                 NEYS                                        11
                                                                                                                                                         PROVINCIAL PARK

                                                                                        Thunder Bay
                                                                                                                                                                Marathon                              Timmins

© Amanda Phillips

                                                                                                                               SLEEPING GIANT

                                                                                                                               PROVINCIAL PARK
                                                                                               KAKABEKA FALLS
                                                                                               PROVINCIAL PARK
                                                                                                                                    LAKE SUPERIOR
                                                                                                                                    NATIONAL MARINE

                                                                                                                                    CONSERVATION AREA
                                                                                                                                                             NATIONAL PARK


                                                                                                                                                  LAKE                                                                             QUEBEC
                                                                                                                                                        Sault Ste. Marie                17


                     Thunder Bay is located in the                               Minneapolis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   17                ALGONQUIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PROVINCIAL PARK

                     geographic centre of Canada                                                                                                                                             LAKE
                                                                                         UNITED STATES
                     with the border to the United                                       OF AMERICA                                                                                                                          17

                     States just 45 minutes south.                                                                                        LAKE


                                                                                                                                Chicago                                                              ERIE

                    DRIVING IN                                   FLYING IN                                                                                    AROUND THE
                    If you’re travelling by road,
                    Thunder Bay is found at the crossroads
                                                                 The Thunder Bay International Airport
                                                                 is the third busiest in Ontario, servicing
                    of Ontario Highways 11, 17 & 61.             over half a million passengers annually                                                      Visitors to Thunder Bay will find all
                    This means those travelling across           - nationally and internationally. The                                                        major car rental agencies, multiple
                    Canada or North from the U.S. will           Thunder Bay Airport boasts the highest                                                       limousine and taxi services as well as
                    easily find the city.                        number of flying hours in the country,                                                       Uride, a ride-sharing service in the city.
                                                                 and is the first Canadian airport to                                                         Thunder Bay Transit provides public,
                                                                 eliminate its airport improvement fee.                                                       accessible transportation and the city
                                                                                                                                                              of Thunder Bay is also home to over
                    BOATING IN                                   Get real-time arrival and departure
                                                                 info at tbairport.on.ca.
                                                                                                                                                              100 km of recreation paths for walking
                                                                                                                                                              and cycling.
                    Located on the shores of Lake
                    Superior, it is also possible to arrive in
                    Thunder Bay by boat. There are Great
                    Lakes cruises that come into port as
                    well as facilities for private Captains to
                    arrive with their passengers.

                    FIND MORE INFORMATION
                    ON CROSSING THE                                  MORE INFORMATION ON GETTING TO THUNDER BAY AND GETTING AROUND
                    U.S./CANADA BORDER AT:                           WHILE YOU’RE HERE (INCLUDING MAPS AND GUIDE S) CAN BE FOUND AT
                    CBSA-A SFC.GC.CA                                 VISITTHUNDERBAY.COM/PL ANYOURTRIP.

                                                                                                                                                                                         v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m
on the water

    Located on the shores of the world’s largest freshwater
    lake, Lake Superior, Thunder Bay is the gateway to

                                                                                                                      © Goh Iromoto
    150,000 lakes and rivers – we get water!

    Bring your own boat or hop aboard a boat tour once you get here. Local companies have
    canoes, kayaks, paddleboards and other required equipment for rent. Check out the Business
    Directory at visitthunderbay.com for a complete, up-to-date listing of them all.

    BOAT                                  BOAT TOURS                          If you’ve got the need for speed,
                                                                              try the Superior Rocket – a 500HP
    LAUNCHES                              Experience the Big Lake, get up
                                                                              Zodiac that will have the wind
                                                                              whipping through your hair as you fly
                                          close to Salties and Lakers and
    There are six public boat launches                                        across the surface of the water.
                                          see the city from a whole new
    in and near the city for your         perspective on a Lake Superior
    convenience. The City of Thunder                                          For a longer adventure, try micro-
                                          Boat Tour with Sail Superior.
    Bay offers free public launch spots                                       cruising in Sail Superior’s brand-
    at Fisherman’s Park, McKellar                                             new catamaran. It is spacious and
                                          Relax on a sailboat tour, cruise
    Island and at the end of Mountdale                                        elegantly furnished, and offers day
                                          the harbour or grab a few friends
    Ave. There is also a launch at                                            and night space for 10 guests in five
                                          for an enjoyable evening on a
    the Marina for a fee. Just outside                                        cabins with en-suite bathrooms:
                                          Wine and Cheese cruise.
    city limits, boaters can use the                                          4 double cabins and one cabin with
    launches provided by the Lakehead                                         bunk beds. Imagine a Caribbean
    Regional Conservation Authority at                                        Catamaran holiday in a wilderness
    Little Trout Bay or Silver Harbour.                                       setting.

     THUNDER BAY EXPERIENCE               2021
on the water

                CANOEING                                 DIVING
                AND K AYAKING                            Lake Superior is regarded as one
                                                         of the best sites to dive in the
                EPIC ADVENTURES                          world. Explore shipwrecks, natural
                Thunder Bay is the gateway to            wonders and northern marine life
                bucket list paddling destinations        while you dip beneath the surface
                such as Quetico, Wabakimi,               of the largest of the Great Lakes.
                Sleeping Giant Provincial Park,
                Pukaskwa National Park and the           Equipment outfitting, lessons and
                Lake Superior National Marine            guiding services are available

                                                                                                  © Goh Iromoto
                Conservation Area. If you’re new         from Thunder Country Diving
                to paddling or to paddling Lake          in Thunder Bay and By the Bay
                Superior, consider heading out           Adventures in Nipigon.
                with local adventure company
                S.A.N.D – Such a Nice Day

                PADDLE BACK IN TIME
                In a region largely discovered via
                canoe, you can paddle the same                The area around Thunder Bay                     ultimate Northern experience,
                routes as historic voyageurs and              has been a top destination for                  get on a float plane and venture
                fur traders. Visit Fort William               anglers for well over 100 years.                deeper into the wilderness
                Historical Park to learn more                 Year-round, you can create a                    with a fly-in adventure with
                about this incredible history and             customized trip that combines                   Wabakimi Wilderness
                to see (and paddle) authentic                 excitement and relaxation. Try                  Outfitters or Wilderness
                birch bark canoes.                            urban fishing in the city’s many                North; there are numerous
                                                              waterways or take a guided                      lodges, cabins and resorts that
                URBAN PADDLING                                fishing trip on Lake Superior                   you can use as your basecamp.
                Urban paddling opportunities can              departing from the marina at
                also be found throughout the city.            Prince Arthur’s Landing. Just                   Be sure to check out the
                On any summer day you are sure                outside the city you will find                  Ontario Fishing Regulations
                to see kayaks and stand up paddle             thousands of inland lakes                       and Licensing Requirements
                boards in Boulevard Lake and in               ready and waiting for you to cast               at www.ontario.ca/fishing
                the harbour. Kayaking on local                a line; guides and outfitters are               before you go.
                rivers is also a popular activity. Try        available. For those seeking the
                the McIntyre or the Kaministiquia
                (the Mac or the Kam) rivers.
© Goh Iromoto

                                                                                                                        v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m
on the water
                                                                                 While Northern Ontario might not
                                                                                 be the first place that comes to
                                                                                 mind when thinking of surf spots,
                                                                                 Lake Superior is well known
                                                                                 amongst North America’s surfing
                                                                                 enthusiasts. The waves are their
                                                                                 highest in the Fall and Winter, so
                                                                                 beware; the water is very cold and
                                                                                 proper equipment is absolutely

                                            © Epica Pictures
                                                                                 necessary. Local surfers know all
                                                                                 the hot spots and NatriBros has
                                                                                 instructors and rental equipment
                                                                                 available. Check out the annual
                                                                                 surfing festival in nearby Terrace
                                                                                 Bay, ON – Waasaashkaa happens
                                                                                 each October.

    PADDLE                                 SAILING
    BOARDING                               The best way to experience the        SWIMMING
                                           Big Lake is in a sailboat! Sail
    Stand Up Paddle Boarding (SUP)                                               In the summer months, the City of
                                           Superior offers a wide variety of
    has quickly become a favourite                                               Thunder Bay operates a number of
                                           tour options including harbour
    pastime in Thunder Bay for                                                   outdoor pools, supervised beaches
                                           tours and Wine and Cheese tours.
    residents and visitors alike. Local                                          and splash pads to cool off in.
                                           If you’re looking to learn how
    companies NatriBros, Superior          to captain your own vessel, Sail
    Stand Up Paddleboarding                                                      There are also numerous public
                                           Thunder Bay Sailing School and
    and Get Out Gear Rentals                                                     beaches nearby including Wild
                                           the Thunder Bay Yacht Club both
    offer lessons and equipment                                                  Goose Beach (in Shuniah) near the
                                           offer lessons. Wednesday evenings
    rentals. Favourite spots include                                             north end of the city and Sandy
                                           make your way to Prince Arthur’s
    Boulevard Lake, Hazelwood Lake                                               Beach near the south end.
                                           Landing to watch the races. If
    and the marina harbour.                you’re so inclined, you can wait at
                                                                                 Visit www.thunderbay.ca/
                                           the “Crew Bench” and join a crew.
                                                                                 swimming to see your options.

    ROWING                                                                       The area is also home to many
                                                                                 “secret” swimming spots. Ask a local
    Located on the scenic banks                                                  and they’ll tell you their favourite.
    of the Kaministiquia River, the
    Thunder Bay Rowing Club hosts
    recreational rowing and regattas
    throughout the season. With well
    over 10 km of rowable waterways,
    Thunder Bay waters provide
    a variety of routes for local
    rowers. In addition to NWIRA
                                                               © Chad Kirvan

    championships, local rowers
    have competed and medalled
    nationally, internationally, at the
                                                                                                                      © Amanda Phillips

    Olympics and at the Paralympics.
    Twenty local rowers have been
    inducted into the Northwestern
    Ontario Sports Hall of Fame.

    THUNDER BAY EXPERIENCE                2021

                                                                                      © Brook McIlroy

Prince Arthur’s Landing at the Thunder Bay Waterfront is an area filled with year-round
excitement and fun. Steps away from the shore you will find the Waterfront District which is
home to dozens of shops, restaurants, bars and more.

SUMMER FUN                               ALEXANDER HENRY                         WINTER EXCITEMENT
In the summer months, boats fill         MUSEUM SHIP                             In the winter, the splash pad
the harbour, ocean-bound ships           The Alexander Henry was                 becomes an ice rink with a
come and go and the smells               built in 1958 at the Port Arthur        fireplace in the centre and Winter
and sounds of many festivals and         Shipbuilding Company. It was            Fundays (programming will be
events fill the air. Families enjoy      named after British-Canadian            delivered virtually this winter)
the splash pad and diners enjoy the      Alexander Henry, an explorer            take over. Try snowshoeing, dog
restaurants and outdoor patios.          and pioneer and partner in the          sledding, fat biking and more - all
                                         fur-trade’s North West Company.         for free!
Live on the Waterfront is a free         The ship contains nearly a
concert series that is over 100 years    dozen museum rooms where                PUBLIC ART WALKING TOUR
old where Thunder Bay entertains         visitors can rediscover the area’s      Grab a map and wander the path
the crowd and shares the stage with      transportation history aboard an
award-winning touring acts. With                                                 admiring the many pieces of public
                                         integral part of it. The Alexander      art on display at Prince Arthur’s
COVID-19 restrictions, the popular       Henry Museum Ship is located at
weekly series may be virtual for 2021.                                           Landing. More information available
                                         the Pool 6 dock.                        at thunderbay.ca/publicart
Experience the Big Lake and
see the city from a whole new
perspective on a Lake Superior
Boat Tour with Sail Superior.
                                                 © Shannon Lepere

                                                                              FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT:
                                                                              VISITTHUNDERBAY.COM/ WATERFRONT

                                                                                                         v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m
on the water

     PA DDLE
     THE      TOP
     Indigenous People have been paddling this region for thousands of years, and there’s a reason that Kitchi-gami
     continues to inspire. Connect with spectacular vistas, unique paddling experiences, and beautiful blue waters.
     Start planning your #TopOfLakeSuperior adventure today!

    Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area, once
    established, will be part of a nationwide system of protected
    areas managed by Parks Canada. It will be approximately 10,880
    square kilometres in size, occupying almost 13% of the largest
    freshwater lake in the world by surface area.

                                                          SAFETY FIRST
                                        © Parks Canada

                                                          Lake Superior is a deep, cold and open lake. Conditions can change quickly on Lake
                                                          Superior without a moment’s notice, so be prepared. Observe and listen to the lake
                                                          before getting on the water and always stay in tune with the weather. Be mindful of your
                                                          abilities before beginning any paddling or boating excursion. There’s plenty to do on
                                                          shore if the wind picks up!

                                                                                                  SHARE THE CHAIR
    There are plenty of reasons to
    experience Lake Superior NMCA, and                                                            Parks Canada wants to share Canada’s most
    lots of ways to get there. You can start                                                      incredible places with you! You’ll find Red Chairs
    your paddling adventure from many                                                             located across Lake Superior NMCA guiding you to
                                                                                                  stunning places this area has to offer. Find them all
                                                          © Parks Canada

    north shore communities such as
    Silver Islet, Hurkett Cove, Red Rock,                                                         on our website and don’t forget to #ShareTheChair
    Nipigon, Rossport, Schreiber and                                                              with us on social media!
    Terrace Bay.

    THUNDER BAY EXPERIENCE                               2021
on the water
                                                                                                                       on the water
                                                                                              PADDLE THE ROSSPORT ISLANDS

                                                                             © Parks Canada
                                                                                              Rossport is a paddler’s paradise. Scattered islands, sheltered coves and
                                                                                              wildlife sightings make this a great place for your next paddle. Enjoy a
                                                                                              short paddle to Quarry Island and hike to the top for some terrific views.

                  A RUGGED                                             STAY A WHILE AT PORPHYRY
                  SHORELINE                                            ISLAND LIGHTHOUSE
                  A wild beauty is waiting to be                       Visit one of Lake Superior’s best-kept secrets.
                  discovered. These columnar                           Explore authentic lighthouse buildings and let new
                  basalts formed 1.1 billion                           interpretive panels paint a narrative from the past.
                  years ago when conditions                            For a truly unique experience, stay the night under
                  allowed lava to harden into                          a starry sky. Visit clls.ca for more information.
                  many hexagon-shaped pillars.

                                                                                                                                                                               © Parks Canada
                                                   © Parks Canada

                                                                       LACE UP THOSE HIKING BOOTS
                                                                       Prefer to stay on shore? No problem! Discover Lake Superior NMCA’s scenic coastline;
                 CHARTERS AND                                          hike the Casque Isles Trail – a 53 km route with 11 points of access that passes through
                 OUTFITTERS                                            the communities of Rossport, Schreiber and Terrace Bay. Test yourself with a multi-day
                                                                       journey or spend an afternoon hiking to one of many beautiful lookout points. For more
                 Being on the water is one of                          information, check out the Casque Isles Trail Facebook page: @CasqueIsles.
                 the best ways to explore Lake
                 Superior NMCA. Whether you’re
                 looking to canoe, kayak, sail,
                 fish or find a guided trip, there’s
                 a local outfitter that’s ready to
                 make your plan a reality.
© Parks Canada

                                                                    QUESTIONS AND INFORMATION
                                                                    Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area                        Connect with us on Social Media!
                                                                    22 Third Street, P.O Box 998, Nipigon, ON P0T 2J0                        LakeSuperiorNMCA
                                                                    Tel: (807) 887-5467 | Email: superior-superieur@pc.gc.ca                 @LkSuperiorNMCA
                                                                    Website: pc.gc.ca/superior

                                                                                                                                                 v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m
on the water

                                                                                               © Chad Kirvan
      The Lakehead Region Conservation Authority
                                                                                                               FALLS:Cedar Falls
      offers a variety of amazing recreational and                                                             is a great spot for a short
                                                                                                               hike to a picturesque
      educational opportunities at its Conservation                                                            cascading waterfall.
      Areas, including access to Lake Superior and                                                             OPEN SEASONALLY

      some exciting events throughout the year!

                                                                SILVER HARBOUR:                                  Silver Harbour
                                                                provides a boat launch with access to Lake Superior and
                                                                offers great ice fishing opportunities. Be sure to come out in
                                                                August for Silver Harbour Day! OPEN SEASONALLY

                                                                                           This is one of the best birding
                                                                                           spots in Northwestern Ontario!
                                                                                           Located on Lake Superior,
                                                                                           Hurkett Cove is also home to
       MISSION                                                                             Dorion’s Canyon Country Birding
       ISLAND                                                                              Festival each May!
                                                                                           OPEN SEASONALLY
       2.4 km of trails, 16.7 hectares of
       land and an incredible birding
       spot in the fall. Mission Island
       Marsh features four distinct
                                             LITTLE TROUT
       ecosystems and is home to the         BAY: Another boat launch provides
       LRCA’s annual Fall Waterfowl          access to Lake Superior. Little Trout Bay
       Viewing Day!                          also features some great geocaching!
       OPEN YEAR-ROUND                       OPEN SEASONALLY

      THUNDER BAY EXPERIENCE                2021
                                                              EXPLORE CARD
                                                              PARKING PASS TODAY!
                                                              Display your Explore Card Parking
                                                              Pass at Conservation Areas
                                                              (and publicly-accessible Forest
                                                              Management Properties) and forgo
                                                              the daily parking fee! Visit as often
                                                              as you like. Enjoy a full year of
                                                              recreation activities, such as
                                                              boating, fishing, hiking and more
                                                              at our seasonal and year-round
HAZELWOOD LAKE:                                 7.0 km of     Conservation Areas.
trails on over 618 hectares of land, this pristine inland
lake provides great paddling opportunities and is a great     It’s convenient for frequent
spot to go geocaching! Visit Hazelwood in both March          users, and a great gift idea!
and July for the Hazelwood Lake Family Fun Days!              You may purchase your Explore
OPEN YEAR-ROUND                                               Card Parking Pass through the
                                                              LRCA Administrative Office or
                                                              online at www.lakeheadca.com.

                              POINT:                          DID YOU KNOW?                    Conservation Areas without
                              This granite outcrop into       Conservation Areas in            the support of Federal or
                              Lake Superior is a superb       the Lakehead Region              Provincial funding.
                              location for capturing          are privately owned by
                                                                                               Your purchase of an
                              sunrise photos. It’s also a     the Lakehead Region
                                                                                               Explore Card Parking Pass
                              great sunbathing spot.          Conservation Authority
                                                                                               or payment of the parking
                              OPEN SEASONALLY                 (LRCA). They are not City
                                                                                               fee supports development,
                                                              Parks or Crown Land.
                                                                                               maintenance and
                                                              The LRCA pays property           improvements to the
                                                              taxes on all land owned          LRCA’s existing trail
CASCADES:                     5.5 km of trails,               by the Authority, including      networks, as well
162 hectares of land and one of the most popular dog          Conservation Areas.              as general
walking spots in Thunder Bay. The Cascades are a                                               Conservation
great place to visit on a hot summer’s day. Be sure           The LRCA maintains the
to check out the Trails & Tails Dog Adoption Fair in          trails, parking areas,
September! OPEN YEAR-ROUND                                    boat launches and other
                                                                                               and upkeep.
                                                              facilities located within our

                                                            FOR MORE INFORMATION:

                                                              LRCA OFFICE                     info@lakeheadca.com
                                                              130 Conservation Road
                                                              Thunder Bay, ON                 Lakeheadca.com

                                                                                                    v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m
parks + leisure

                                                                                                                                          © Epica Pictures
      Thunder Bay is home to over 100 parks and recreation areas for
      visitors to enjoy. A complete list can be found at thunderbay.ca/parks.
      See the list below to learn more about some of the most popular
      parks in the city.
      MARINA PARK/                                                 SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL
      PRINCE ARTHUR’S                                              FRIENDSHIP GARDENS
      LANDING                                                      Discover the multi-cultural heritage of Thunder Bay with a
      Located in Thunder Bay’s                                     stroll through the gardens and international displays.
      waterfront area, visitors                                    Victoria Avenue at Legion Track Drive
      will enjoy spectacular
      lake views, walking paths,
      scenic lookouts, picnic                                      CENTENNIAL BOTANICAL CONSERVATORY
      areas and more.                                              The City of Thunder Bay's Centennial Botanical Conservatory
                                                                   is accessible to all and is a great place to visit year-round. The
      Prince Arthur’s Landing                                      Conservatory was opened in 1967 by the Fort William Parks
      is a multi-use village,                                      Board as a Centennial project, and it is a legacy to the citizens of
      home to an art gallery,                                      Thunder Bay.
      a lake-view restaurant,
      a children’s playground, a skatepark and a splash pad that   Access from Dease Street
      transforms into a skating rink in the winter months.
      Red River Road at Water Street
      Marina open May to October – (807) 345-2741
      Off-season: City's Parks & Open Spaces: (807) 625-2941

      THUNDER BAY EXPERIENCE                      2021
parks + leisure

In 1902, Catherine Mary Vickers
made a ten acre donation to the town              FIND THEM ALL!
                                                                                      PROUD TO BE
of Fort William on the premise that
the "Public Park" or "Garden" be
                                              THUNDERBAY.CA /PARK S                   A PET-FRIENDLY
for the "free use and enjoyment" of
                                                   807- 625 -2351
the inhabitants of the town of Fort
William. This traditional park offers                                                 The City of Thunder Bay maintains
                                                                                      three dog parks and one off-leash
trees, benches & play equipment.                                                                                  parks
                                                                                      area for our canine residents,
Arthur Street between South Selkirk
                                                                                      visitors and their owners to enjoy
Street and South Brunswick Street
                                          LORNE ALLARD
                                          FISHERMAN’S PARK                            Carrick Street Dog Park
BOULEVARD LAKE PARK                       Found at the mouth of Current River,
The park area around Boulevard Lake                                                   North of Central Avenue between
                                          featuring accessible paved trails,          Memorial and 8th Avenue (Turn
offers recreation opportunities for       picnic shelters and a gorgeous view,
all – walk or cycle on 7 km of paved                                                  north off Central Avenue at
                                          it is the most Westerly access point
trails, swim and play at the beach                                                    Carrick Street)
                                          on the Lake Superior Water Trail.
area, play a round of mini golf or disc
golf, or rent a paddleboard or kayak      Shipyard Road                               Beverly Street Dog Park
and get on the water.                                                                 In the former ball diamond south
                                                                                      of Port Arthur Stadium on the
Access from Lyon Blvd, Current Ave        CENTENNIAL PARK &                           corner of Beverly Street and
and Lyon Blvd West.                       TROWBRIDGE FOREST
                                                                                      Winnipeg Avenue
                                          Hike, bike, snowshoe or ski your way
                                          through this wonderful wilderness           Westfort Dog Park
HILLCREST PARK                            area, or step back in time at the
One of the best spots to view the                                                     Neebing Playfield, on the corner
                                          1910 replica logging camp.
Sleeping Giant, this park on the hill                                                 of Neebing Avenue and
overlooks the waterfront and the          Centennial Park Drive (off Arundel          Mary Street West
harbour.                                  Street)
                                                                                      Centennial Park Leash-Free Area
High Street between Red River Road                                                    Centennial Park, off Arundel Street
and Oliver Road                           TROWBRIDGE FALLS PARK
                                          & CAMPGROUND
                                          Located along the cascading Current         For Off-Leash
                                          River, this beautiful park features great   rules & regulations
The park houses a pavilion which is
                                          trails and a full-service campground
snugly located next to the gymnasium                                                  and directions to
                                          and RV park.
at the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law,                                                    these parks - go to
facing Waverley Street. It is also home   Copenhagen Road off Highway 11/17           visitthunderbay.com
to a lookout, built in 1911, located on   – Summer: (807) 683-6661, Winter to         And... find more information on
Red River Road near the top of the        Pre-book: (807) 625-2941                    Pet Friendly Services including
Waverley Street hill.
                                                                                      more Kennels, Veterinarian
                                          CHIPPEWA PARK                               Services and Pet-Friendly
KAMINISTIQUIA RIVER                       A lakeside recreational park with           Hotels/Motels!
HERITAGE PARK                             many features including camping,
Discover a beautiful scene along the      beaches, a newly-restored carousel,
Kaministiquia River with a walkway, and   amusement rides, picnic and
historic boat and train exhibits.         playground areas.
Syndicate Avenue at CP Rail Station       City Road – Summer: (807) 623-3912,
near Donald and Simpson Streets           Winter: (807) 625-2941

                                                                                                v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m
parks + leisure

      HERITAGE &
      Step back into 1816, feast, stargaze, camp, ride a historic
      wooden carousel, celebrate! Don’t miss the adventure that
      awaits at two of our standout attractions.
                                                                                                100 Y E A R
                                                                                             A NNI V E RSA RY!
       © Goh Iromoto

      FORT WILLIAM                                     CHIPPEWA PARK
      HISTORICAL PARK                                  Enjoy a nostalgic day of         performances
      Over 250 acres of breathtaking northern          old-fashioned fun at one of      for your enjoyment
      scenery is home to our award-winning             Thunder Bay’s most treasured     all summer long – be
      living history program, events and               landmarks as it celebrates its   sure to visit us in 2021!
      concerts, RV camping and outdoor                 100 year anniversary. Chippewa
                                                       Park has preserved its 1920s     Situated only 10 minutes
      activities, business conferences,
                                                                                        from the City, off Highway 61
      and more. Discover the secrets of the            charm, while updating with
                                                                                        or James Street
      universe when you visit our                      added features like overnight
                                                                                        Hotline: (807) 625-CHIP
      state-of-the-art astronomy centre!               camping, a modern RV park
                                                                                        Toll Free: 1-888-711-5094
      Visit our website for festival and               and wheelchair accessible log    thunderbay.ca/chippewapark
      event information.                               cabins on the water.
                                                                                        FRIENDS OF
      We’re open year-round!
                                                       The park features a newly        CHIPPEWA PARK
                                                       restored 115-year-old carousel   chippewapark.ca
      On King Road – off
      Broadway Avenue                                  and two beaches on Lake
      (Highway 61 South)                               Superior. Sunday afternoon
      (807) 473-2344                                   concerts, Tuesday night jam
      Hotline: (807) 473-2333                          sessions and melodrama

      THUNDER BAY EXPERIENCE                    2021
parks + leisure

                                                                                                     © Epica Pictures
                                                                                                                    BOULEVA R D
                                                                                                                    L A KE

                 BEACHES, POOLS
                                                                                                                    400 Lyon Blvd W

                                                                                                                    Boulevard Lake is
                                                                                                                    surrounded by 650 acres

                 & SPLASH PADS
                                                                                                                    of parkland, from the
© Chad Kirvan

                                                                                                                    scenic bluffs north of
                                                                                                                    the lake to the dam on
                 Cool off during the summer in one of many                                                          the lower Current River.
                                                                                                                    The Black Bay Bridge
                 great watering INDOOR
                BEACHES         holes throughout the city.
                                               OUTDOOR                                                              (1911) at the lake's outlet
                LAKEVIEW BEACH            POOLS                       POOLS                                         at Cumberland Street
                Boulevard Lake                                                                                      North is a reinforced
                400 Lyon Boulevard West   CANADA GAMES                ART WIDNALL POOL                              concrete span bridge,
                                          COMPLEX                     820 Minnesota Street
                                                                                                                    the first of its type in
                SANDY BEACH &             420 Winnipeg Avenue         (807) 623-1480
                                                                                                                    North America.
                MAIN BEACH                (807) 684-3311
                                                                      HEATH PARK POOL
                Chippewa Park                                                                                       Park features:
                                          CHURCHILL                   1251 Heath Street
                thunderbay.ca/parks       COMMUNITY POOL              (807) 475-0522                                18-hole disc golf course
                                          130 Churchill Drive West                                                  Beaches*
                KAKABEKA BEACH            (807) 577-2538                                                            Concession area*
                Kakabeka Falls            VOLUNTEER POOL
                                                                      SPLASH                                        Mini-putt*
                Provincial Park           180 Martha Street                                                         Paddleboat and canoe
                                                                      SPLASH PADS
                LAKE MARIE                (807) 345-5143              Marina Park, North End Park,                    rental*
                LOUISE BEACH                                          Franklin Street, County Park                  Playground equipment
                                          LAKEHEAD UNIVERSITY
                Sleeping Giant                                        and Northwood (coming                         Recreational trails
                Provincial Park                                       summer of 2021)                               Six picnic areas (picnic
                                          955 Oliver Road
                ontarioparks.com          343-8656                    thunderbay.ca/parks                             tables out seasonally)
                                                                                                                      - available for rent
                                                                                                                    Washrooms and change
                                          FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT: THUNDERBAY.CA /SWIMMING
                                                                                                                    * seasonal

                                                                                                                        v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m
parks + leisure

                              ONTARIO PARKS
     Photos © Ontario Parks

                                                                                              SLEEPING GIANT PROVINCIAL PARK
                                                                                              On the tip of the rugged Sibley Peninsula lays the legendary
                                                                                              Sleeping Giant. As seen from the City of Thunder Bay, this rock
                                                                                              formation is a local icon. The park’s Marie Louise Lake Campground
                                                                                              offers RV and tent camping, as well family cabin rentals available
                                                                                              year-round, providing a great base to explore the park’s 100+ km
                                                                                              trail network. 1.25 hours*

                              KAKABEKA FALLS
                              PROVINCIAL PARK                                           PIGEON RIVER
                              Kakabeka Falls, at 40 m                                   PROVINCIAL PARK
                              is considered the second                                  This day-use-only park offers a
                              highest vertical waterfall                                network of hiking trails to explore
                              in Ontario. The park                                      featuring scenic waterfalls and vistas
                              campground is popular with                                overlooking the park, Lake Superior
                                                                                                                                   OUIMET CANYON
                              both locals and highway                                   and the Canada - U.S.A. border.
                                                                                                                                   PROVINCIAL PARK
                              travellers. 25 minutes*                                   45 minutes*
                                                                                                                                   The highlight of this day-use-only
                                                                                                                                   park is the 3 km long, 152 m
                                                                   WABAKIMI PROVINCIAL PARK                                        wide and 107 m deep canyon,
                                                                   Wabakimi is pure northern grandeur – home to woodland           as seen from one of its two
                                                                   caribou and backcountry canoe tripping adventures. Visit        viewing pods. This geologic
                                                                   Wabakimi to explore the tradition, challenge and rewards        phenomenon is one of the most
                                                                   of paddling and fishing in a remote location; ideal for         spectacular landscapes found
                                                                   longer trips of five days or more. 2.5 hours*                   in Eastern Canada. 1 hour*

                                                                                        RAINBOW FALLS PROVINCIAL PARK
                                                                                        Rainbow Falls offers two campgrounds to
                                                                                        choose from; Whitesand Lake with warmer
                                                                                        inland waters and Rossport, located on the
                                                                                        shore of Lake Superior. Enjoy hiking park trails
                                                                                        and view the cascading waters as they plunge
                              QUETICO PROVINCIAL PARK                                   over the rock ledges of Rainbow Falls on their way
                              Known for its rugged beauty, Quetico is an                to Lake Superior. 2.25 hours*
                              internationally acclaimed wilderness destination
                              for paddlers offering many routes to choose from.
                                                                                                                 NEYS PROVINCIAL PARK
                              Backcountry canoeists can explore the park’s pristine
                                                                                                                 With its campground located on the shore of
                              lakes and rivers. RV and car campers can enjoy the
                                                                                                                 Lake Superior, this history rich park has lots to
                              amenities found at the Dawson Trail Campground
                                                                                                                 offer. Enjoy walks on the long beach, learn about
                              on the park’s north side along Highway 11, near
                                                                                                                 the WWII POW Camp or hike to views of Pic Island
                              the Town of Atikokan. Quetico’s campground also
                                                                                                                 immortalized on canvas by Lawren Harris of the
                              features rustic cabin rentals available year-round.
                                                                                                                 famous Canadian Group of Seven. 3.25 hours*
                              1.5 hours*

                              Looking for a cabin adventure this season?              For online park          For camping               For park information,
                              Sleeping Giant and Quetico Provincial Parks             reservations and         reservations,             call 1-800-ONTARIO
                              have cabin rentals year-round. Neys’ Trapp              information;             call 1-888-ONT-Park
                                                                                                               (1-888-668-7275)                  OntarioParksNorthwest
                              Cabin rental is available from May to Sept.             OntarioParks.com
                                                                                                                                             *distance from Thunder Bay

                               THUNDER BAY EXPERIENCE                      2021
parks + leisure

NATIONAL PARKS                                                                                           MDAABII MIIKNA
                                                                                                         Looking for a memorable
                                                                                                         backcountry weekend getaway?
Pukaskwa National Park is a vast, wild, natural playground found
                                                                                                         Mdaabii Miikna, ‘go to the shore
on the edge of the world’s largest freshwater lake. It is one of many                                    trail’ in Anishinaabemowin,
national parks in Canada but it is Ontario’s only wilderness national                                    delivers everything that
park. The park is located 3.5 hours (320 km) east of Thunder Bay.                                        Pukaskwa has to offer in a
                                                                                                         fraction of the time it takes to
HATTIE COVE                                                    CANOE & SUP RENTALS                       complete the Coastal Hiking
CAMPGROUND                                                     Enjoy paddling the peaceful waters        Trail! This backpacking loop
Relax and play in Pukaskwa                                     of Pukaskwa’s Hattie Cove and its         trail is accessed via the Coastal
National Park’s breathtaking                                   awesome wilderness views by renting a     Hiking Trail and is about a 24 km
front country campground,                                      canoe or stand up paddle board (SUP).     round trip from Hattie Cove.
trails and beaches. Enjoy the                                  Pack a picnic lunch and explore the
park’s cozy comforts like hot                                  Hattie Cove wetlands or simply float
showers, electrical hook-ups                                   around for an afternoon!
and free Visitor Centre WiFi.
Summer is peak season for            INTERPRETIVE
the park when all services are       PROGRAMMING
available. Be sure to check          Family-friendly interpretive
out the Visitor Centre, browse       programs are available in
around the park store and            the park from Canada Day
explore the scenic trails.           to Labour Day. Participate in
                                     guided hikes, join the
                                     evening Drumming                  RED CHAIRS                        ANISHINAABE CAMP
                                     Circles, find a geocache,         Parks Canada invites you to       Discover the Anishinaabe Camp
                                     experience the seven              test out Pukaskwa’s red chairs!   and its wigwam and cook tent.
                                     grandfather                       Take lots of photos and share     All are welcome to join park
                                     teachings, and                    them through social media         interpreters as they host cultural
                                     more!                             using #SHARETHECHAIR.             programs in this amazing space!
Get ready to experience the
wildest hike on the wildest                                            COASTAL PADDLING ROUTE
shore of all of the Great Lakes!                                       Lake Superior. They weren’t kidding when they named her.
Pukaskwa National Park’s                                               Superior in size, superior in adventure! Comparable to ocean-
60 km Coastal Hiking Trail                                             paddling, Pukaskwa’s Coastal Paddling Route offers premier
is an adventurer’s dream                                               Ontario wilderness, and demands technical knowledge and skill
that offers a challenging but                                          from visitors who wish to experience it. With Pukaskwa’s 135 km
rewarding premier Ontario                                              of coastline, the adventures are endless.
wilderness experience. Visitors
who are properly equipped for        CONTACT US
backpacking this difficult terrain   Pukaskwa National Park                                       Join us! Follow us! Like us!
will enjoy relaxing campsites,       PO Box 212, 0 HWY 627, Heron Bay, ON, P0T 1R0                We want to connect with you!
beautiful beaches and awe-           Tel: 807-229-0801 | Email: pc.pukaskwaont.pc@canada.ca          PukaskwaNP
inspiring views.                     pc.gc.ca/pukaskwa                                              @PukaskwaNP

                                                                                                               v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m

      GOLF                                                                   THUNDER BAY
                                                                            COUNTRY CLUB

      With 11 courses in the Thunder Bay area, our impressive
      variety and world-class quality courses attract
      enthusiasts from around the globe. Lush fairways,
      rich challenging greens and captivating wildlife
      viewing opportunities are par for the course!

                                                            © Dan Garrity

      CHAPPLES                STRATHCONA
      GOLF COURSE             GOLF COURSE
      530 Chapples Park Dr.   500 Hodder Ave.
      off Redwood Ave.        (807) 683-8251
      (807) 625-2582          golfthunderbay.ca
      FORT WILLIAM            GOLF CLUB
      COUNTRY CLUB            1961 King George’s Park Dr.
      1350 Mountain Rd.       Rosslyn Village                               WHITEWATER
      (807) 475-8925          (807) 475-4653                                 GOLF CLUB
      fwcc.ca                 whitewatergolf.com

      THUNDER BAY EXPERIENCE           2021

                                                                      FOOT GOLF
                                                                      What happens if you combine soccer and golf? You get
                                                                      foot golf! Available at Chapples Friday, Saturday and
                                                                      Sunday evenings, the cups are 21 inches in diameter and
                                                                      marked with an orange flag stick. Tee boxes provide a
                                                                      starting point and off you go in a similar format to golf.
                                                                      It’s all about putting the ball in the hole with the fewest
                                                                      amount of strokes.

                                                                                                DISC GOLF
CHAPPLES                                                                                        Test your arm and enjoy some
GOLF COURSE                                                                                     disc golf. Discs are available for
                                                                                                purchase at The Loop Clothing
                                                   © Epica Pictures


                                                                                                There are two 18-hole disc golf
                                                                                                courses in the city: Dragon Hills
9 HOLE COURSES                                                                                  Golf Course and Birch Point
                                                                                                Park at Boulevard Lake. Another
BAYVIEW GOLF COURSE         NORTHERN LIGHTS                                                     course can be found at the
370 Hwy 587, Pass Lake      GOLF COMPLEX                                                        Bayview Golf Course in nearby
(807) 977-2646 ext. 23      540 Twin City Crossroads                                            Pass Lake.
bayview-golfcourse.com      (807) 935-2687
320 Thompson Rd.
                            GOLF COURSE AND                           MINIATURE GOLF
                            DRIVING RANGE
(807) 767-4600              2165 Hwy 588, Nolalu                      ALY’S MINI PUTT AND FUN CENTRE
                            (807) 475-8814                            400 Lyon Blvd., Boulevard Lake
GOLF COURSE AND                                                       (807) 630-9256
                            THUNDER BAY
975 Onion Lake Rd.          1055 Oliver Rd.                           BIRCH HILL MINI GOLF
(807) 768-TOFF (8633)       (807) 345-8225                            162 Spruce River Rd.,
dragonhillsgolfcourse.com   thunderbaycc.ca                           Thunder Bay KOA, Shuniah
                                                                      (807) 683-6221
2370 Dawson Rd.                                                       VANDERWEES MINI GOLF
(807) 767-4511                                                        648 Mapleward Rd.
emeraldgreens.ca                                                      (807) 767-3666

                                                                                                         v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m
exploring + adventure

                                                     ©Ontario Tourism
                                                                        Relive your favourite childhood
                                                                        memories and build new ones
                                                                        with your family: campfire
                                                                        cooking, hiking through the
                                                                        woods, swimming, paddling in
                                                                        crystal-clear waters, fishing
                                                                        and shore lunches.
                                                                        Whether in a tent or an
                                                                        outfitted RV, our nearby
                                                                        Campground and RV Parks
                                                                        let you unwind and escape the

                                                                        stresses of city life.
                                                                        The City of Thunder Bay has a
                                                                        Recreational Vehicle Pumping

                                                                        Station, located on Legion
                                                                        Track Drive behind the Delaney
                                                                        Arena, available for the
                                                                        convenience of residents and
                                                                        visitors to Thunder Bay. There
                                                                        is no charge for this service.

      Here in Thunder Bay, we’re avid outdoorsy
      types with a passion for getting back to
      nature every chance we get. Is it any wonder
      when majestic rolling mountains, magnificent
      boreal forests and Lake Superior – the
      world’s largest freshwater lake – are a mere
      stone’s throw away?
                                                                                                     © Goh Iromodo

exploring + adventure

                                                                                    © Paul Desaulniers
                                                                                                             Looking to pitch a tent or enjoy your
                                                                                                             RV, but also want easy access to city
                                                                                                             amenities? Thunder Bay is home to
                                                                                                             two campgrounds within city limits
CLIMBING                                                                                                     – Trowbridge Falls on the North side
                                                                                                             and Chippewa Park on the South.
Within a 15-minute drive from anywhere
in the city, climbers will find dozens of                                                                    TROWBRIDGE FALLS
rock routes to explore. Thunder Bay and
the surrounding area features some             FISHING                                                       CAMPGROUND
                                                                                                             Located just off the Trans-Canada
of the oldest, hardest granite in North
                                               Year-round, you can create a customized trip                  on Copenhagen Road, Trowbridge
America, surrounded by beautiful, clean
                                               that combines excitement and relaxation.
lakes. Both novice and experienced                                                                           Falls Campground is nestled in
                                               Try urban fishing in the city’s many
climbers will find a challenge and                                                                           the woods beside the cascading
                                               waterways or head out into the region with a
climbs are rewarded with views of the                                                                        Current River and features hiking
                                               boat or in a float plane and go fly fishing or
spectacular landscape - abundant with
                                               stay at fully equipped fishing camps in the                   and mountain biking trails as well
gorgeous scenery and breathtaking views.
                                               heart of the wilderness. You choose!                          as access to popular swimming
In winter, experience some of the                                                                            spots on the river.
                                               Be sure to check out the Ontario Fishing
best ice climbing east of the Rockies.
                                               Regulations and Licensing Requirements
Northwestern Ontario is known as one                                                                         CHIPPEWA PARK
                                               before you go.
of Canada’s premier ice climbing venues                                                                      CAMPGROUND
and is visited year after year by climbers     Use our Online Business Directory to see all                  Located on the shore of Lake
from all over the world. Some of the           of our local fishing-related businesses and
                                                                                                             Superior with an amazing view of
routes are over 300 ft, with ice so thick it   explore our Lodges, Cabins and Resorts
sticks around until the summer!                to find a place that best suits your needs:                   the Sleeping Giant, Chippewa Park
                                               directory.visitthunderbay.com                                 Campground is a great destination
Thunder Bay is also home to a large
                                                                                                             for family fun, scenic beauty and
indoor climbing facility.
                                                                                                             relaxation. Cabin rentals available!
                                                                                                             The campgrounds are open
                                                                                                             from June 4 - September 6.
                                                                                                             Trowbridge Falls – (807) 683-6661
                                                                                                             Chippewa Park – (807) 623-3912
                                                                                                             During the off-season contact
                                                                                                             the City of Thunder Bay Parks
                                                                                                             department at (807) 625-2941.

                                                                                                                   v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m
exploring + adventure

                                                                                       © Amanda Phillips

                                                                                                                          © Amanda Phillips
                                                                   © Ontario Tourism

      Thunder Bay is a hiker’s          also see some wildlife – bring                     attractions, shopping,
      dream. The diverse terrain        your camera!                                       business and residential
      in and around the city                                                               areas.
      offers casual day hikes,          Download the WAYfinder
      challenging multi-day trails      Trails app to your mobile                          In addition to exploring the
      and everything in between;        device and find trails near                        amazing trails, Thunder
      experience unparalleled           you. Maps and GPS can be                           Bay also has great urban
      views and discover                used offline. Hikes are rated                      walking routes. If you
      interesting flora and fauna.      by difficulty and popularity.                      would like to learn
                                                                                           about local history and
      The Lakehead Region               Walkers, runners and cyclists                      architecture, consider
      Conservation Authority            will love the recreational                         one of Thunder Bay’s
      maintains trails at various       trail system in the city.                          historical walking
      areas close to the city. No       34 kilometres (21 miles)                           tours – maps can
      matter which area you visit,      of multi-purpose trails                            be found online or
      you will see beautiful scenery    hug rivers and lakes while                         at a local visitor
      and find great trails. There is   providing quick access                             information centre.
      a very good chance you will       to recreation centres,

      THUNDER BAY EXPERIENCE                     2021
exploring + adventure

                                                                                            © Epica Pictures
© Ontario Tourism

                    AND RV TOURING
                    There’s nothing like exploring     Visit superiorcircletour.com and
                    the Lake Superior Circle Tour
                    or taking a cruise westward to
                                                       ridelakesuperior.com to order
                                                       maps and guides and find more
                                                                                                  POWER SPORTS
                    Kenora and Fort Frances on a       detailed information.                      Exploring Northwestern Ontario in canoes and on snowshoes
                    motorcycle or in an RV. Find all                                              is wonderful, but sometimes you just need a little power!
                    the best stops, plan your route
                                                                                                  In the summer months, it’s boating,
                    and get the gear and service
                                                                                                  motorcycle touring and ATVs; in the winter,
                    you need to hit the open road                LOOK FOR
                                                                                                  snowmobiling and ice racing. Rev your
                    with confidence.                       RIDE L AKE SUPERIOR
                                                          APPROVED BUSINE SSE S
                                                                                                  engine and explore the 150,000 lakes
                    Use our online business                                                       and rivers across the 500,000 square
                                                          AND ATTR ACTIONS THAT

                                                                                                                                           © Ontario Tourism
                    directory to find locally                                                     kilometres of rugged Canadian
                                                            WILL TAKE CARE OF
                    owned motorcycle and                                                          wilderness that surround
                                                                RIDER S AND
                    RV-related businesses.                                                        Thunder Bay.
                                                               THEIR RIDE S.

                                                       ROCK HUNTING
                                                       Thunder Bay is in the heart of amethyst country. These semi-precious gems are found in quality
                                                       and quantity in Thunder Bay and along the north shore of Lake Superior.
                                                       Visit the area’s open-pit mines for a fun pick-your-own adventure or grab polished amethyst gift
                                                       items and jewelry from one of the many gift shops throughout the city and region.
                                                       Visit visitthunderbay.com/amethyst to learn more about our local mines and amethyst gift shops.
                     © Ontario Tourism

                                                                                                                                      v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m
exploring + adventure

                                                                                                   THUNDER BAY
                                                                                                   COUNTRY MARKET
                                                                                                   baking, Bare Organics, beets,
                                                                                                   Belluz, blueberries, Brule
                                                                                                   Creek Farm, Chocolate
                                                                                                   Cow, Early Snows Pottery,
                                                                                                   fish, jewellery, kale, lettuce,
     © Goh Iromoto

                                                                                                   Little Doo’s, Moss Cottage,
                                                                                                   Pie.ology, Wintering House
                                                                                                   + much more

                                                                                                   Wednesdays 3:30 – 6:30 pm
                                                                                                   Saturdays 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

                     DAY ON THE FARM                                                               CLE Dove Building

                     Take a farm tour then experience how                                            MORE WAYS TO
                     local chefs turn fresh, local products                                          SAMPLE FARM LIFE

                     into delicious meals at one of our
                     many Farm to Table restaurants.                                                HAY/SLEIGH RIDES
                                                                                                    PONY RIDES
                     BELLUZ FARMS               SLATE RIVER DAIRY
                     Candy Mountain Dr.         8 Hwy 608                                           THE AMAZING MAZE
                     (807) 475-5181             (807) 577-MILK                                      PUMPKINFEST
                     belluzfarms.on.ca          slateriverdairy.com
                                                THUNDER OAK                                         RASPBERRY
                     GAMMONDALE FARM
                                                CHEESE FARM                                         PICKING
                     FAMILY FUN
                                                Boundary Dr. off
                     McCluskey Dr. off
                                                Hwy 61 S.
                     Hwy 61 S.
                                                (807) 628-0175
                     (807) 475-5615
                                                Toll-free: 1-866-273-3329

                     HORSEBACK                    OTHER LOCAL FARMS, GROWERS + PRODUCERS

                     RIDING                     DeBruins, Tarrymore Farm, Mile Hill Farm, Sandy Acres,
                                                Brule Creek Farms, Vanderwees Farms, Reidridge Farms, Little Doo’s
                     WHISPERED DREAMS
                                                Farm, Green Valley Gardens Honey Farm, Bruce and Valve
                     RR #2, Kaministiquia, ON
                                                Forrest, Blue Moon Ranch, Breukelman’s Potato Farm,
                     (807) 933-0467             Sleepy G Farm, Walkabout Farm, Simply Superior Farm Products,
                     wdranch.ca                 The Squash Queen FIND THEM ON ONLINE BEFORE YOU GO

                     THUNDER BAY EXPERIENCE              2021
exploring + adventure


Thunder Bay strives to be an inclusive travel destination and
offers outdoor adventure opportunities for people of all ages
and abilities.

Get outside and enjoy barrier-free fishing or moose
hunting or explore an accessible trail. In the winter,
try a sit-ski or sledge hockey.
Go to visitthunderbay.com/accessibleadventures
for more information on indoor and outdoor
adventure opportunities as well as the accessible
services available in Thunder Bay.

                                                                                                    TERRY FOX
FOR THOSE 55                                                                                        MONUMENT
AND BETTER                                               CONSERVATORY
Start your Thunder Bay adventure at the
Thunder Bay 55 Plus Centre. Grab a hot
lunch, meet new people and get insider
knowledge from a local on how to spend
your time in the city.

55 PLUS CENTRE                                                                  BIRD
700 River Street                                                              WATCHING
(807) 684-3066

                                                                                v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m
exploring + adventure

      TO DO
      Ok, we’re not going to lie – the winters here can be quite
      chilly and snowy. But that is exactly why Thunder Bay is one
      of Canada’s best winter destinations.

      CURLING                                   DOG SLEDDING                                      FAT BIKING
      Thunder Bay is considered by many         Explore the area in a more traditional            Fat biking has exploded in recent
      to be the “Curling Capital of Canada”     way – on a dogsled! A perfect                     years; Thunder Bay and the North
      and many national and international       adventure for the family or as a                  Shore of Lake Superior are known
      champions have developed their skills     corporate retreat, enjoy the snow                 throughout Canada and the U.S. as
      at local clubs. Discover the uniquely-    and the tall trees with an experience             the best place to ride in the winter.
      Thunder Bay combination of curling        you’ll never forget.                              Favourite spots include Centennial
      and Chinese food at any of the local                                                        Park and Shuniah Mines, with trails
      clubs while you watch regional teams                                                        and tracks for riders of all skill
      battle on the sheets.                                                                       levels – beginners should stick to
                                                                                                  Centennial Park. Sleeping Giant
                                                                                                  Provincial Park offers epic scenery
                                                                                                  and winding, rugged trails.

                                                                                                  ICE CLIMBING
                                                                                                  Northwest Ontario is known as one
                                                                                                  of Canada’s premier ice climbing
                                                                                                  areas and is visited year after year
                                                                                                  by climbers from all over the world!
                                                                                                  Some of the routes are over 300 ft
                                                                                                  and the ice is so thick it sticks
                                                                                                  around until the summer!

                                                                                                  ICE FISHING
                                                                                                  Ice fishing is an obsession; a
                                                                                                  perfect activity to enjoy the silent
                                                                                                  solitude or to gather with friends.
                                                                                                  Ice fishing huts are available for
                                                                                  © Goh Iromoto

                                                                                                  rent on some nearby lakes and you
                                                                                                  can rent any extra equipment you
                                                                                                  might need as well.

      THUNDER BAY EXPERIENCE                   2021
exploring + adventure
© Goh Iromoto

                ICE RACING
                When the lakes freeze, the racing
                heats up. Local motorsports clubs host
                car and motorcycle ice races.

                Rumour has it that Thunder Bay has
                the most outdoor rinks per capita in
                Canada, so there is no shortage of
                places to skate or play some hockey.
                                                             © Hansi Johnson

                The skating-only outdoor rink at
                Prince Arthur’s Landing is a favourite.
                Warm up by the fireplace and see
                the beauty of the Sleeping Giant on
                your skates.

                                                                                                                                                             © Goh Iromoto
                SKIING &                                    SNOWMOBILING
                SNOWBOARDING                                Ride the over 300 km of groomed
                                                            trails running from Kakabeka Falls to
                Plenty of snow and steep vertical           the Manitoba border and connecting
                drops make for excellent downhill           to another 1,000 km of regional trails.
                skiing and snowboarding at two local        Permits can be purchased online at
                ski areas. Cross-country skiers can
                casually sample the scenic vistas and
                pristine wilderness trails or take on the
                challenge of racing in the picturesque
                surroundings on the hundreds of
                                                            SNOWSHOEING                                         With incredible scenery, peaceful
                kilometres of groomed trails in the area.   If you can walk, you can snowshoe.                  seclusion and a bed of fluffy snow,
                                                            Experience beautiful scenery,                       winter camping is as enjoyable as
                                                            fresh air and a great workout                       regular camping, just a bit colder.
                SNOWKITING                                  while you explore local trails and
                                                            wilderness areas.
                                                                                                                Many Ontario Parks offer winter
                Thunder Bay waterways freeze early
                and are smooth – perfect snowkite
                conditions. Experience crisp clean air                   GO TO VISITTHUNDERBAY.COM/ WINTER FOR MORE INFORMATION, A DIRECTORY
                and beautiful landscapes on a thrill-                    OF LOCAL OPER ATOR S AND WHERE TO GET EQUIPMENT RENTAL S.
                ride. Explore the region from a whole
                new perspective.

                                                                                                                             v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m
exploring + adventure

        Thunder Bay is a great place to walk around and
        explore. It’s home to some of the most beautiful
        architecture, interesting buildings and unique
        public art installations.

                                     SELF-GUIDED TOURS
                                     The Heritage Walking Tours of Thunder Bay are self-guided
                                     tours designed to highlight Thunder Bay's rich heritage and
                                     architecture, while enjoying a scenic walk through the city.
                                     A total of 117 sites are featured on five different tours located
                                     in different parts of the city. Each tour can be completed in
                                     approximately one hour. Upon re-opening, printed copies
                                     will also be available at City Hall (500 Donald Street),
                                     City Archives (235 Vickers Street N.), and the
                                     visitor centres located at the Pagoda and
                                     the Terry Fox Monument.
                                     Download a copy at

                                     Please note: Many sites on the tours
                                     are residences; we ask that you
                                     please respect private property
                                     and view all homes from
                                     the sidewalk.

       Guided walking tours are also       can also be arranged for special
       led by the Heritage Advisory        interest groups or events by
       Committee during events such        calling the City of Thunder Bay's
       as Jane's Walk and Culture Days.    Heritage Researcher at
       Guided heritage walking tours       807-625-3197.
                                                                                                         © Goh Iromoto

      THUNDER BAY EXPERIENCE                2021
exploring + adventure
© Stephanie Reid

                   CEMETERY TOURING                                                                       PUBLIC ART
                   Popular in North America, cemeteries
                   have been described as outdoor
                                                            Mountain View & St. Patrick’s
                                                            Cemeteries                                    WALKING TOUR
                   museums. Mountain View and St.           1351 Broadway Ave.                            Grab a map and wander
                   Patrick’s Cemeteries are located         (Corner of Hwy 61 & Broadway)                 the path admiring the many
                   side by side. The 58 acres of well-      Open to the public daily, year round.         pieces of public art on display
                   maintained surroundings include six                                                    at Prince Arthur’s Landing.
                                                            For more information visit
                   military plots established for those                                                   More information available at
                   who served in the Canadian military                                                    thunderbay.ca/publicart
                   services, plus a number of prominent
                   family plots steeped in local history.

                                                            THE BIG BOREAL ADVENTURE
                                                            GET OUT AND GO!                         GO HISTORICAL
                                                            Discovery, exploration and adventure    Take a step back in time. Stories of our
                                                            await. An accessible, nature-based      ancestors’ past and significant locations
                                                            scavenger hunt explores Thunder Bay’s   have been mapped out to create 15 different
                                                            most natural areas year-round.          neighbourhood tours. Be sure to register
                                                            Try geocaching at some locations.       and pick up your guidebooks today!

                                                            More information can be found on Facebook: The Big Boreal Adventure


                                                                                                                     v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m


                                                                                                                                           © Chad Kirvan
      Aysanabee at Algoma House

      CASINOS                                      FESTIVALS                                     SYMPHONY
      AND GAMING                                   From music and cultural festivals to          The Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra
                                                   food and craft beer events, there is          has been performing for over 50 years
      Local gaming centres offer players           something happening nearly every              and is the only professional orchestra
      (18+) the opportunity to play their          weekend in Thunder Bay. Check                 between Toronto and Winnipeg. The
      favourite slots, table games and bingo.      out the online events calendar at             Symphony’s performances appeal
                                                   visitthunderbay.com to see what’s             to a wide variety of audiences as
                                                   coming up.                                    the concerts range from classical to
      DRIVE-INS                                                                                  modern and popular songs.
      Boomer’s Drive-In is a place for families
      to come enjoy a movie. As you make           NIGHTLIFE
      your way from the main gate, your family     When the sun goes down, the fun
      is transported back to a simpler time        begins. Dance the night away or sit           Thunder Bay has a love of film and
      where you can sit back, relax, and enjoy     down and enjoy the music at one of            theatre that extends from the earliest
      the show, while leaving your worries         the many pubs, clubs and lounges              days of Port Arthur and Fort William to
      behind. Located on the fairgrounds in        in Thunder Bay featuring live rock,           today. Enjoy a Hollywood blockbuster
      Murillo, Ontario, it provides the perfect    electronic, folk, country, jazz and more;     at Silvercity or experience the wonder
      backdrop for an afternoon show,              touring acts frequently stop in the city.     of live theatre at Magnus Theatre – the
      or an evening under the stars. Vist          Those looking for some laughs will find       only professional theatre company
      boomersdrivein.ca for show listings.         a dedicated comedy club as well as            between Sudbury and Winnipeg.
      Interstellar Outdoor Cinema is               comedy nights at other local venues.
      Northwestern Ontario's only mobile
      cinema. Their home base is located
      just south of Thunder Bay in the
      scenic Municipality of Neebing. With
      laser sharp images projected in high
                                                  © Patrick Chondon

      definition, seeing a flick on the big
      screen is an experience to be enjoyed by
      all! Interstellar’s season runs from May
      to October, visit interstellarcinema.ca
      for updates.

                                                                                               SHOUT! The Mod Musical at Magnus Theatre

      THUNDER BAY EXPERIENCE                      2021
© Chad Kirvan

                LIVE ON THE WATERFRONT
                Summers in Thunder Bay are          it is not uncommon to see crowds
                filled with festivals, events and   of thousands at the waterfront

                                                                                        © Chad Kirvan
                outdoor concerts, none more         watching award winning artists
                prominent in the city’s culture     play alongside local favourites.
                than Live on the Waterfront. This   All genres are represented from
                free concert series has taken       country to electronic, hip hop to
                place Wednesday evenings for        folk and much more in between.
                well over 100 years and has
                come a long way from its humble     With COVID-19 restrictions,
                roots. For decades, the series of   the popular weekly series may
                concerts (then known as Summer      be virtual for 2021.
                in the Parks) happened at the
                bandstand at Waverley Park and                                                          GET THE SCOOP
                dozens of people would bring                                                            ON THUNDER
                blankets and lawn chairs and sit
                and enjoy the free show.                                                                BAY’S ARTS,
                                                                                                        CULTURE AND
                A few years ago, Live at the
                Waterfront moved to the brand                                                           ENTERTAINMENT
                new stage in the festival area at                                                       SCENE!
                Prince Arthur’s Landing. This new
                stage offered a venue for bigger                                                                        THE WALLEYE
                name artists and a variety of                                                                           Available for
                performance art and the size of                                                                         free throughout
                                                                                                                        the Thunder Bay
                the crowds reflected this –                                                                             area, and online
                                                                                                                        and interactive at

                                                                                                            v i s i t t h u n d e r b a y. c o m
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