Page created by Carolyn Montgomery

                      STORIES FROM THE
                      AVK WORLD
Published by                             Index
AVK Holding A/S 2-3 times a year         Water’s importance on the                                     Events galore: sustainability & Smart
                                         blackboard...........................................4        solutions in focus............................... 24
Chief editor                             Girls’ Day in Science at AVK                                  Service centre to optimise customer
Anne-Mette Kjær - amk@avk.dk             headquarters.......................................4          satisfaction.......................................... 25
Michael Ramlau-Hansen – mrh@avk.dk       From organic waste to green energy...6                        State-of-the-art treatment technology
                                         Check out AVK Netherland’s new                                in new wastewater plant.....................26
Content                                  corporate video....................................7          Smart position indicator for gate
Katrine K. Sørensen – kakl@avk.dk        Development of a multi-purpose water                          valves................................................. 28
Lise Rye Brix Østergaard – lios@avk.dk   management system............................8                Health and quality of life on the
                                         Efficiency through sustainable processes                      agenda...............................................29
Frontpage picture                        at AVK Válvulas.....................................9         Metal seated gate valves in award-
An enormous needle valve (DN1800)        Doubling the local water production                           winning reservoir project....................30
getting ready for shipment out of our    capacity............................................. 10      New BMW production facility to be
AVK Anhui facilities.                    Field assistance through augmented                            established in Hungary – with AVK
                                         reality................................................. 11   valves.................................................33
                                         Rainwater for laundry and toilet                              Environmental declaration for our green
                                         flushing.............................................. 12     foundry...............................................34
                                         Refurbishing the Durban dry docks                             Niels Aage Kjær and AVK receives the
                                         pumping station.................................. 13          business development award............35
                                         Orbinox products in Portugal’s largest                        Export initiatives to boost economies
                                         hydroelectric project.......................... 15            and global green transition.................36
                                         Supporting the gas connection                                 New gate valves facilitates a
                                         development...................................... 16          combination of three great designs.... 37
                                         Celebrating 80 + 31 years of                                  AVK knife gate valves installed in large
                                         success.............................................. 17      pipe system for slurry.........................38
                                         Who let the dogs out?....................... 18               Festive spirits across the AVK
                                         A year of approvals to AVK Saudi...... 19                     Group.................................................39
                                         A long history of product                                     Competition.......................................40
                                         AVK International “East 1” production
                                         site ready to meet the fast growing

#COP26 in Glasgow is considered          The question is: Where then               calculated that if the entire world’s
our last chance to save the world        should the energy come from?              water networks reduced their water
from a temperature rise of more                                                    loss to below 10%, the savings on
than 1,5 degrees and thereby dodge       If you talk to decision makers about      energy would be 650 TWH – the
further catastrophic changes to our      the “energy mix” of the future, they      same energy output as all coal-fired
climate.                                 almost always point towards wind          power plants in Europe.
                                         power or solar energy. And regarding
At the #COP26 meeting, the known         energy optimisation, the same             But the water utilities need to know
television legend and presenter David    people will consider optimising on        their place in the future water debate.
Attenborough stated: “If we are a        buildings or the like. Where is the       When the theme of tomorrow’s
strong enough force to destabilise       understanding of water’s importance?      energy sources is brough up in the
the entire planet separately, we ought                                             public debate, we need to be ready
to be able to save it by working         On a global scale, 35-40% of              with our argumentation, and be ready
together”.                               all produced water is wasted              to put forward water’s importance
                                         in distribution. Producing and            in the equation. The more we can
And from the small island states         transporting water is highly energy       highlight the importance to decision
in the Pacific, it is explained that:    consuming, and 35-40% of that             makers across the world, the more
“A temperature rise of more than         energy is there also wasted. A            engagement and investment will be
2 degrees is an absolute death           gigantic loss for – simply – no reason.   put into optimising the infrastructures,
sentence to our islands”.                                                          and we get more opportunities to
                                         IEA (International Energy Agency)         offer our solutions and expertise – all
However, an important deal has           has calculated that an average            contributing to the UN goals and to
been agreed under the meeting in         municipality uses between 30-50%          avoid the grim scenarios mentioned
Glasgow. A group of heavy users          of their energy expenses on water         at the COP26 meeting.
of coal for energy production has        supply and wastewater handling.
agreed to outphase coal fired plants     If the water infrastructure is made       Enjoy reading.
by 2040.                                 energy-neutral, which is already
                                         possible with known technology, the       Michael Ramlau-Hansen
                                         municipality will be able to save up to
                                         40% on the energy bill. IEA has also

                                                                                                              AVK INTERLINK | 3
By Michael Ramlau-Hansen,         Water is high on the agenda at AVK,         products’ vast impact on the water
Public Affairs,                   simply because it is the most important     infrastructure, especially regarding the
AVK Holding A/S                   resource on earth. If there is no water,    district metering area (DMA) strategy,
                                  there is no life. It is crucial for human   smart management, and demand-
                                  survival, health, well-being and for our    driven pressure management. They
The more we can contribute        food production. Therefore, it should be    are also introduced to our own rubber
to awareness, the better          placed much higher on the climate and       production at AVK GUMMI, and how
                                  energy debate.                              we assure high quality in the rubber
water systems can be                                                          that form central parts of our products.
generated, and the more           Promoting sustainable solutions to          Our products are in direct contact with
people will have access to        utility personnel and key decision          the water in a supply network, so it
                                  makers                                      is highly important that they leave no
safe, clean water supply and      Once a year, we welcome authorities         trace on the water’s quality.
proper sanitation. This is        and utility personnel from developing
how we can contribute to the      countries who are in Denmark to
                                  acquire a postgraduate education
sustainable development goal      about sustainable water infrastructure.
#4 – “Quality Education”.         Here, they are introduced to our

By Katrine Klejnstrup Sørensen,                                               AVK took part in the nation-wide
Communications & Marketing,       On October 6-7, our Academy                 campaign “Girls’ Day in Science” and
AVK Holding A/S                   & Visitor Centre was buzzing                invited 120 girls (60 on each day) to a
                                                                              great day of fun and learnings.
                                  with energy as we hosted
                                  a workshop-event for local                  The main focus of the day was
                                  schoolgirls.                                water’s role in liveability, health
                                                                              and sustainability, as well as how

                                                                              Article continues on the next page >

What is Girls’ Day in Science?

                                                                                         The campaign is a yearly event
                                                                                         which aims to inspire more young
                                                                                         people to choose an education
                                                                                         in the field of science and
                                                                                         technology. It is established by
                                                                                         The House of Natural Sciences
                                                                                         (Danish: Naturvidenskabernes
                                                                                         Hus) which is a private, non-
                                                                                         profit organization that bridges
                                                                                         the gap between schools and
                                                                                         companies and supports teachers
                                                                                         in the development of inspiring and
                                                                                         application-oriented teaching

sustainable water management can              as drawing up a sustainable solution in   There was a lot of great discussion
contribute to our common UN goals,            the form of a either:                     and brainstorming going on, and many
and the girls were given examples                                                       good solutions to real-life issues were
of how they are able to make an               • A safe water supply solution that       presented in groups.
important difference in the world               takes flooding, dry spells and
around them.                                    pollution into account,                 Last year’s visit was cancelled due to
                                              • A model that describes how to avoid     Covid-19, so this was the first time AVK
Therefore, it was only natural that the         pollution of lakes and rivers through   joined the campaign - but definitely not
girls should meet some of our skilled           wastewater discharge, or,               the last! Big thanks to all for a great
female employees and draw inspiration         • A circular system that takes            day.
from their daily work life and career           advantage of water’s natural journey
background. They had the pleasure of            through society.
meeting Liv Lykke Elmose from AVK
Holding’s Digital team, who explained
how we use our digital platform to both
visualise, promote, and sell sustainable
water solutions. They also met Ina
Dorfman from AVK International who
inspired through her broad, fascinating
career and many different roles within
structuring a product’s supply chain.
Finally, they met Kristine Howe Kjer,
who is one of our external partners
on our Water Summer School project.
Kristine introduced the girls to the fields
of biology and research, and to some
of the latest technologies that are being
used today within the water and energy
sectors – to give the girls an idea of
the life-changing innovations they can
contribute to within the field.

The girls also visited our Flowlab to
experience some of our products’
functionalities and “Smart” add-ons.

After lunch, the girls were presented
with some practical challenges, such

                                                                                                                  AVK INTERLINK | 5

By Martin Munk Pedersen,    At Gemidan’s pre-treatment plants, organic waste is turned into
Sales Manager,              biopulp for degassing at biogas plants. The technology ensures
Vatech 2000
                            sustainability and optimal energy utilization of the waste, and
                            AVK knife gate valves control the flow.

                            Waste is an important resource            capacity to treat 120,000 tonnes of
                            Waste is not just waste. If handled       organic waste annually.
                            properly it can be an important
                            resource. At Gemidan, they are            Turning food waste into energy
                            specialists in processing technologies    At the Ecogi plants, food waste is
                            for treating and recycling food waste.    converted into biopulp with very high
                            They have developed the Ecogi             purity using environmentally friendly
                            technology for pre-treatment of organic   technologies. The plants can treat
                            waste such as source-separated            virtually all types of organic waste.
                            household waste and discarded packed
                            food from business customers into         When the organic waste arrives at the
                            a pure biopulp that can be used for       plant, it is loaded to the feed hopper.
                            biogas production.                        It is then automatically transported
                                                                      to the pulper, where it is mixed with
                            Gemidan operates several Ecogi            process water, and stirred so that all
                            plants. The Ecogi Egedal plant, which
                            is one of the most recently established
                            Ecogi plants, has two Ecogi lines and     Article continues on the next page >

Flow control with knife gate valves
                                                                                          VATECH 2000 has supplied AVK
                                                                                          butterfly valves and AVK knife gate
                                                                                          valves with pneumatic actuators,
                                                                                          electric actuators and handwheels for
                                                                                          all Gemidan Ecogi plants, all with a
                                                                                          stainless steel body.

                                                                                          At Gemidan Egedal, knife gate valves
                                                                                          with pneumatic actuators are installed:

                                                                                          • on clean water and process water
                                                                                            flows - process water for the pulper,
                                                                                            process water and clean water for
                                                                                            the separator and water led back to
                                                                                            the process tank
                                                                                          • from pulper to separator
packaging is opened by friction without       clean water to achieve the highest          • from separator to biopulp tank
being dissolved along with the organic        possible organic utilization of the         • between the two Ecogi lines at the
waste. The pulp is then sent to the           waste. The reject is then dewatered in        plant
separator, where additional process           the separator before being transported
water is added. When the pulper is            to a container for storage, and later on    In addition, knife gate valves with
empty, the valve between the pulper           it is transported to a waste incineration   electric actuators are installed for
and the separator closes, and the             plant or to recycling. The drained water    draining-off biopulp from the storage
pulper can be filled with a new batch         is led back into the process tank.          tank and knife gate valves with
of organic waste. From the separator,                                                     handwheels are installed on the main
the biopulp is pumped to a tank for           All processes at the plant are              line to the biopulp tank and on the
storage before it is transported to a         automated, and the operator can             pipe supplying water to the plant.
biogas plant. The reject that remains in      monitor the plant and control the           Butterfly valves are installed where it
the separator is washed in two steps.         processes electronically.                   is important to have the possibility of a
First with process water and then with                                                    quick shutdown.

               E H T L RA
                        E HT N S D N
By Dana Hofman,
Marketing Manager,
AVK Nederland B.V.

Last year, AVK Nederland celebrated its 40th anniversary. It seemed appropriate to
give our relations an insight into our company - something we had always wanted to
do. We want our customers to know what we stand for and show our daily activities
in terms of sales, logistics, production, development, customer service and corporate
                                                                                             Scan the QR code above to see the
social responsibility.
                                                                                                          video on your device.

The filming was done in one day and went great! It is great to see a lot of our
colleagues shine in the video.

                                                                                                                     AVK INTERLINK | 7
Back in the 1970s, a Multi-
Purpose Water Management
System (HTVR) was planned
in the region around
Debrecen in Hungary, but
it was never completed.
Decades later, in response
to societal needs, the first
stage of a new development
program CIVAQUA can begin.

By Tamás Bedegi,                           the ridge pipeline to the planned 170          First stage includes construction of a
Product Manager,                           hectare Ágod Valley reservoir. This            branch pipeline. A 6,200 m pipeline
AVK International, Hungary                 reservoir will greatly contribute to the       with a diameter of 1,000 mm which will
                                           solution of insufficient inland drainage       supply water from the ridge pipeline
                                           and water accumulation problems in             to the furture Ágod Valley reservoir, as
The main needs for regional                the area. In future, it will also be filling   well as to the planned recreational lake
development to be covered by the           the 57 hectare Nagy tó/Debrecen                area at the border of Debrecen. For
CIVAQUA program are:                       reservoir.                                     every 500 metres, a water extraction
                                                                                          facility must be established on the
• Establishment of irrigation facilities   The purpose of the project is                  pipeline.
  in valuable agricultural areas around    implementation of a sustainable water
  Debrecen, Hungary’s second largest       management in the region, and the              Through Paor-Víz Kft., one of our
  city                                     main goal is development of the                distributors in the Hungarian market,
• Improvement of the environmental         valuable agricultural areas west of            we deliver AVK gate valves, knife gate
  condition of Debrecen by creating a      Debrecen. The areas cover about 2300           valves and accessories for the project.
  wet-land zone to be established in       hectares, and irrigation water can be
  the line of the Tócó stream              supplied from the Eastern Main Canal.
• Reduction of dust pollution
• Improved groundwater enrichment
  and microclimate, and prevention of                                                      The following AVK products
  degradation processes as a result                                                        are delivered to the CIVAQUA
  of improved water management in                                                          project:
  Great Forest, Debrecen
• Elimination of water scarcity by                                                         • 7 pcs DN1000 PN10 knife gate
  replenishment of the Erdőspuszta                                                           valves with rising stem and
  lakes                                                                                      handwheel
                                                                                           • 7 pcs DN1000 PN10 knife gate
                                                                                             valves with non-rising stem and
The project also contributes to the
long-term goal of transporting water
                                                                                           • 14 pcs DN400 PN10 gate valves
without pressure from Tisza – from

                                                                PS NI

By Javier Garcia Noblejas,               roof. The building is well isolated and   sent them off to customers as well as
General Manager,                         equipped with energy saving lights. We    to the Madrid warehouse and on from
AVK Válvulas                             expect to be able to save more than 50    there. Now each warehouse receives
                                         % in our electricity consumption alone.   its goods and distributes directly to
                                                                                   its customers, saving both costs and
Less is more                             Two years ago, we also moved              delivery time.
At AVK Válvulas, the new year will       our old location in Madrid to a new
be kicked off with a new warehouse       warehouse, where we are able to reach     Both warehouses have unloading
and office in Tarragona. The new         a capacity of 1,000 pallets plus 150      docks, which let us unload saving time
warehouse will be 3.300 m2 which is      on an outside area. Before then, we       and costs.
25% smaller than the current, but with   received all goods in Tarragona and
an extra level we will have the exact
same capacity. Previously, we were
also forced to rent an extra warehouse
for our desalination projects. This
can now be handled in-house, in a
big assembly area. We have also
incorporated an outside area for
containers and pallets, meaning that
we will have 35% more capacity in the

Sustainable surroundings
The new office is only half the size
of the old, but better structured, and
has big windows and skylights in the

                                                                                                            AVK INTERLINK | 9
CAPACITY                                                     BRAZIL
To supply more than
3.5 million habitants, the
Corumbá water production
system upscales to double
capacity to meet future

By Juliana Cristine Celestrim,
Marketing Assistant,
AVK Válvulas do Brasil

Location: Brazil, in the cities of: Luziânia,
Valparaíso de Goiás, Cidade Ocidental
and Novo Gama, in addition to the
regions of Gama and Santa Maria, in
the Federal District (Brasilia).                Goiás) and CAESB (Water and Sewage
                                                Company of Brasília).
The Corumbá water production
system covers a raw water pumping               The water will be taken to the water
station, pipeline, transmission line and        treatment station in Valparaíso, built
an electrical substation. The system            entirely by CAESB, and is forwarded
captures water from the Corumbá IV              to the two units of the Federal District.
Reservoir and has a treatment structure         Here, the water will be sent by the
that makes the water potable for                Treated Water Elevator onto Santa
distribution within the Federal District        Maria, where it will be distributed to
and the Goiás area.                             the southern part of the capitol. These
                                                works, carried out by CAESB, include
With the capacity to benefit more than          the completion of a pipeline that
3.5 million inhabitants, the current flow       connects Santa Maria to Gama and the
of 2,800 liters of water per second is          reservoirs, for distribution in the region
expected to reach 5,600 liters of water         of Recanto das Emas.
per second at completion.
                                                The project is the result of a R$155.1M
The catchment point at the reservoir            investment, half from own resources
is in the municipality of Luziânia. The         and half from federal resources. In the
area, which is covered by the lake,             first stage of the system, more than         Products supplied to the
is around 173 square kilometers.                R$315M were invested.                        project:
From this stage onwards, the water
passes through a raw water pipeline.                                                         • AVK Gate valves
The construction responsibility of this                                                      • VCW Butterfly valves
pipeline is shared by the companies                                                          • VCW Check valves
SANEAGO (Sanitation Company of

REALITY                                                                           A
American AVK is constantly searching for ways to engage our
customers. A new technology really piqued our interest in what
we could offer to our customers in the field.

By Anne Paine,                          The technology offers a unique
Marketing Manager,                      opportunity in assisting our customers
American AVK                            in the field. We thought we could apply
                                        this approach in our own settings, by
                                        offering this same technology to assist
Augmented Reality offers a digital      our customers in the field.
layer of information in our real-life
environment; just as we have seen       So, how does it work?
and experienced in e.g. games such      We teamed up with PTC, who created        the Chalk application. First, the
as Pokémon Go and in training           Vuforia Chalk; a cloud-based solution     customer reaches out to American
applications.                           that allows users to connect through      AVK by phone, text or through our
                                                                                  support chat. The customer is advised
                                                                                  to download the app and that they
                                                                                  will receive a 9-digit code to enter.
                                                                                  Once they type in the code, they are
                                                                                  connected to an expert from American
                                                                                  AVK who is ready to support them right
                                                                                  where they are.

                                                                                  The two share a video screen with the
                                                                                  ability to communicate by drawing on
                                                                                  the screen, so it is possible to show
                                                                                  exactly where e.g. the issue is with the
                                                                                  product, or what needs to be done.

                                                                                  After the call is over, images from any
                                                                                  drawings are saved and emailed to
                                                                                  both participants.

                                                                                  We have already had several instances
                                                                                  where this technology has saved us
                                                                                  hundreds of driving miles, as well as
                                                                                  the waiting time for our customers.

                                                                                                           AVK INTERLINK | 11

By By Katrine Klejnstrup Sørensen,          In Denmark, clean drinking water is used in all household
Marketing & Communications,                 activities, including laundry and toilet flushing. By using rainwater
AVK Holding
                                            for some of these, it is possible to cut 30-40% of a home’s
                                            drinking water consumption.

A little north of Aarhus lies a little      before it is led out via separate purple    urban development area is treated at
sustainable town called Nye, where the      water pipes to the residents’ toilets and   a treatment plant before it is led in a
vision is to create a greener way of life   washing machines.                           separate pipe network to the homes for
for the residents. The supply company                                                   use in toilet flushing and for laundry.
Aarhus Vand (Aarhus Water), together        The water supply in Nye is based
with a number of skilled partners, was      on a two-string system, where the           The treatment plant provides savings
given the opportunity to create a new       secondary water pipes are purple, to        of 30-40% on the drinking water
treatment plant for secondary water.        avoid confusion with the ordinary blue      consumption. In this way, we make the
                                            pipes with clean drinking water.            homes of the future more sustainable,
At the new treatment plant, rain and                                                    and with the population growth in
surface water from roofs and roads in       Important groundwater savings
the area is led via gutters and open        In addition, a central secondary water
canals into a rainwater lake, rainwater     solution is being developed, where
from the reservoir is then treated          the collected water from the entire         Article continues on the next page >

Aarhus, the groundwater resources
must be managed with utmost care.

The treatment plant is the first in
Denmark, and we hope that it is the
starting point for many more around
the country and abroad.

Supplying 15,000 residents
The central secondary water solution
is established and operated by the
local water utility, Aarhus Vand,
which means that the citizens of Nye
have a sustainable lifestyle without
the responsibilities, expenses and
hassles that are normally associated
with the use of secondary water. A
professionally run central treatment        residents. The treatment plant has            Visit www.aarhusvand.dk to learn more
plant is a guarantee of safe operation      been up and running since August              about this and many other inspiring
and safety for the residents.               2021.                                         projects initiated by Aarhus Vand

The developed solution is implemented       In the long run, the city will extend over
in the construction of the first stage      approx. 150 acres, and accommodate
of Nye. The stage is on 18 hectares         up to 15,000 residents.
with 600 homes for approx. 2,000

                  NREHTUOS AFA
By Nicole Singh,                            The Port of Durban has the busiest container terminal on the
Group Marketing Manager,                    entire African continent. The graving dock opened for business
AVK Southern Africa
                                            in 1925 and has been in service ever since. The Port of Durban
                                            is now in the process of its first major refurbishment in its
                                            +90-year-old dry dock history.

The rehabilitation of the inner caisson,    by investing in infrastructure, skills, and
which divides the Port of Durban’s          capacity building, to grow the market
Prince Edward Graving Dock into two         and in so doing, create much needed
compartments, enabling two smaller          jobs.
vessels to be docked simultaneously,
is in full swing. The rehabilitation        What is a dry dock?
project falls within TNPA’s (Transnet       A dry dock is a narrow basin that
National Ports Authority) contribution to   can be flooded to allow a load to be
“Operation Phakisa” – the government        floated in. Pumps then drain the dock
initiative to unlock the ocean’s economy    to allow the load to come to rest on a        Article continues on the next page >

                                                                                                                  AVK INTERLINK | 13
dry platform. Dry docks are used for
construction, maintenance and repair
of ships, boats and other watercraft.
This scenario is applicable to all docks
found in South Africa. The Durban
graving dock consists of two caissons
for inner and outer docking of vessels.

The provision of graving docks
in South Africa was dictated by
conditions arising out of the First World
War which ended in 1918. Ship repair
facilities were developed along the
South African coastline, with Durban
and East London along the east coast
and Cape Town along the west coast.
No new docks have been built since
the last one was built in East London in     AVK Southern Africa has been operating in the South African market for more
early 1944. Ship repair firms utilise the    than 30 years. We have set the standard for manufacturing valves at the highest
facility to repair their vessels.            levels of quality, reliability, and value. Our highly experienced team has led the
                                             industry in manufacturing high quality gate, butterfly, tilting disc, damper, non-
The dry docks’ pump house                    return, ball, high mining high pressure cock and diaphragm control valves for the
operational equipment primarily              most demanding applications in various industries.
consists of valves, three main pumps
and motors, piping, auxiliary pumps,         With the forming of AVK the following long standing established local
sluice pumps and associated electrical       manufactured brands became part of the AVK local manufactured product
equipment. The operational system            offering, to name a few:
and equipment are mainly used to
drain the water from the dry dock and        • Premier Valves established and locally manufacturing since (1954), offering
pump the water into the sea.                   metal-sealed wedge gate valves, butterfly valves, non-return valves and sleeve
Goss and Balfe is one of the project         • Baker Control Valves established and locally manufacturing since (1975), which
                                               have a 4:1 turn-down ratio and various control function options. The diaphragm
contractors on the TNPA (Transnet
                                               is reinforced and therefore improves the life span and reduces maintenance
National Ports Authority) project. Our
                                               intervals reducing costs. Size and pressure ratings varies from DN50-DN500 &
involvement in the project started in          PN16 to PN40.
December 2020, when AVK Southern             • Gunric established and locally manufacturing since (1989), offering metal
Africa was given the opportunity to            seated triple eccentric butterfly valves, step seat damper valves and tilting disc
submit bids on various valves. We              check valves.
formed a business relationship with
Goss and Balfe a few years ago while
both teams worked on the Simi Tomi
project. In May 2021, a team from
AVK Southern Africa had surveyed the        Products supplied to the project:
Durban dry dock pumping station and         • PVE Boving butterfly valves – rubber
discovered that the non-return valves         lined butterfly valves with aluminium
and penstock valves originally installed      bronze disc operated by manual
were from Glenfield, part of the AVK          gearbox and hydraulic actuator
Group, based in the UK.                       respectively.
                                            • IPV ball valves
The Glenfield non-return valves and
penstock valves were installed in the       The Glenfield wedge gates will have
early 1920’s and are still operational      to be refurbished or replaced and
and fully functional, almost ninety-eight   contractors are engaging with AVK
years later. TNPA (Transnet National        Southern Africa. The required skills and
Ports Authority) took a decision that       expertise to assist with both options is
the existing cast iron pipework were        well within our capabilities.
beyond economical repair and had
to be replaced. Also, though fully
functioning, the current non-return
valves were not compatible with the
new pumps being installed and had to
be upgraded.

                        G UT R O P L

By Angel Hidalgo,
Hydraulic Works,
Area Sales Manager for Spain,
Portugal and Latam,
ORBINOX Valves International

The Tâmega Hydroelectric Complex represents the largest hydropower project in the history of
Portugal and is one of the European energy sector’s most important initiatives of the past 25

Significant increase of national             hydroelectric power plant. ORBINOX       management of hydromechanical
hydropower capacity                          is the supplier of hydro-mechanical      equipment projects.
The Iberdrola Group has invested more        equipment for the bottom outlets.
than 1.5 billion Euros in constructing                                                The construction work was initiated in
the Tâmega hydroelectric complex             The FCC Group, an international          2015, and our products have already
in northern Portugal. The project will       reference in environmental services,     been put into active use. All three
involve building three dams and three        water and construction, has also         dams are expected to be operational
power plants - Gouvães, Daivões              entrusted ORBINOX with the supply of     by 2023.
and Alto Tâmega - with a combined            equipment for the Gouvães dam.
capacity of 1,158 MW, which will
represent an increase of 6% of the total     ORBINOX has already commissioned          Products supplied to date:
installed electrical power in the country.   the valves and gates in two of the
                                             dams (Daivões and Gouvães). We were       •   Bureau gates
The consortium is led by the company         selected for this large-scale project     •   Fixed cone valves
Ferrovial Agroman, with participation        thanks to an offer that is technically    •   Bulkhead gates
from local company MSF, and                  very solid, and at the same time          •   Various safety and regulation
                                                                                           valves in auxiliary equipment
was selected by Iberdrola Group              economically competitive. Also, we
to construct the Daivões dam and             have 30+ years of experience in the

                                                                                                                AVK INTERLINK | 15
AVK Fusion Indonesia
supplied over 350,000 fittings
into Jargas projects last year;
an important increase, and
the next year looks even more

By Jack Barnsley,
Business Development Manager,
AVK Fusion Indonesia

As with the vast majority of countries,    company quoted on the Indonesian          contractors on site to resolve
the Indonesian economy has been            stock market (IDX) and jointly owned by   equipment issues. The ability to
hit by the impact of Covid-19. The         the government and private investors.     optimise electrofusion box productivity
Indonesian government, and all those                                                 will become increasingly important as
in the gas supply chain, deserve great     Meeting the goal of 4.7m new              house connection targets rise.
credit for maintaining the momentum        homes connected to the network
of gas installations in such challenging   The government has set a target of        These are exciting times for gas in
conditions.                                having 4.7m homes connected to the        Indonesia. The government has been
                                           gas distribution network by 2025. PGN,    very supportive of the sector and
Over the past twelve months, AVK           and its subsidiaries, will help provide   continues to set challenging goals. I’m
Fusion Indonesia sold electrofusion        the operations capacity to meet this      sure that, over time, Java, Sumatra,
fittings into nine of the ten Jargas       goal.                                     Sulawesi and other islands will be
projects. Activity was strongest in                                                  connected by distribution pipelines to
20mm house connections: tapping            There will need to be a considerable      form a national gas ‘grid’.
saddles, couplers, reducers, elbows        increase in skilled gas engineers
and transition fittings to connect the     and construction workers to meet
polyethylene distribution pipe to the      the government’s aspirations. A
internal galvanised pipework. Other        parallel growth in specialist plant and
sizes supplied ranged from 63mm up         equipment will also be required.
to 180mm.
                                           AVK Fusion Indonesia has already           Jack Barnsley is one of two
Exciting times ahead                       put in place the training and              members of the AVK Fusion
With good progress already, the next       service capacity to support these          Indonesia team to be EUSR
twelve months could be the most            requirements. Earlier in 2021 we           (Energy and Utility Skills Register)
exciting yet for Indonesia’s challenging   opened the AVK Fusion Indonesia            accredited to deliver electrofusion
gas connection plans. For the last six     Service Center. The Service Center         training. Installers trained by the AVK
years, Jargas has been funded and led      calibrates, maintains and repairs the      Fusion Indonesia team qualify for a
by the Indonesian government. From         electrofusion boxes supplied by AVK        recognised industry certification.
August 2021, responsibility will pass      Fusion Indonesia. If required, our
to Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), a          engineers can also visit installation

                                 ORC A

2021 has a very special
place in the recent history of
OMV-INDOIL, as we became
members of the AVK Group.

By Lucija Matković Ivančević,    It is a great privilege to become part         toast and thank the past and present
Head of Marketing,               of the AVK family and to start this new        employees who placed at least a
OMV-INDOIL                       journey together. Still, it is an obligation   small part of them in the OMV-INDOIL
                                 for OMV-INDOIL to continue promoting           history.
                                 the values that both our brands cherish
                                 together. People, family, and tradition        Therefore, this year our annual
                                 are some of the important values that          celebration was extra special for all of
                                 we value the most.                             us since we also had an opportunity to
                                                                                congratulate all the employees in the
                                 Every year at the beginning of October,        80-year-old AVK Group for creating
                                 we celebrate our work anniversary              such a big success story.
                                 – this time, 31 years. We make a
                                                                                We can all be very proud of the
                                                                                numbers which are here on the cakes,
                                                                                and they motivate us to continue
                                                                                promoting our brands’ tradition further.

                                                                                This champagne is here for all of us to
                                                                                make one more toast to the people,
                                                                                family, tradition… to everything that
                                                                                truly matters.

                                                                                                         AVK INTERLINK | 17

By Anne Paine,
Marketing Manager,
American AVK

Douglas County let the dogs out in their
newly dedicated dog park on Johnson
Lane in Minden, Nevada. After several
years of planning, Douglas County
Parks and Recreation were able to get
a much-needed dog park for the area.
American AVK was approached to
donate two hydrants for the park, and
we jumped at the chance to be involved
in the project.

The hydrants were then painted and
decorated by the local Pinon Hills
Elementary School students and
installed in the new park for all to enjoy.
I think we even got a “two paws” up
review by the local dogs.

The dog park boasts an acre of lawn,
young newly planted shade trees,
and water stations for thirsty dogs.
Dog waste collection stations are also
provided for dog owners to help keep
the park clean after their dogs have
had a call to nature.

                S IDU ARAA
Since AVK Saudi inaugurated
the new factory in Jeddah
for production of butterfly
valves and fabricated fittings
last year, the focus has been
on ensuring that the factory
and products are approved
and listed with the main water
authorities in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia.

By Mohammed Hamad,                           Water Company (NWC), which is               They are absolute front runners when
Head of Product Management &                 valid until 2025. AVK is the first valve    it comes to securing that suppliers are
Export,                                      manufacturer to obtain such a long-         complying with the Saudi governments
AVK Saudi Valves Manufacturing               term approval, compared to the              demand for localisation and were the
                                             standard 2 years period that NWC            main driver for AVK to invest in a new
                                             normally provide to its vendors.            local factory.
There has been a lot of efforts from
everyone in the organisation to ensure       Also, AVK Saudi is now approved by          The approval process was obtained
compliance with local standards,             Saline Water Conversion Corporation         after a thorough audit regarding the
preparation for visits, audits, as well      (SWCC), who is the world’s largest          quality, technical and manufacturing
as evaluations. Despite Covid-19             desalination company, for all the locally   capabilities of the new AVK Saudi
travelling and gathering restrictions, AVK   produced products in both the new           factory and that of Wouter Witzel. The
Saudi managed to host end-client’s           and old factories.                          teams from both factories in Holland
audits either online or in person, when                                                  and Saudi have worked closely
restrictions were reduced.                   Most importantly, we have obtained          together and done a fantastic effort to
                                             the approval for our local produced         secure this approval.
All these efforts resulted in obtaining      butterfly valves from Aramco, which is
the approval from the National               the biggest oil & gas company globally.     In addition to the above-mentioned
                                                                                         clients, AVK Saudi also managed
                                                                                         to obtain the approvals of SABIC,
                                                                                         MAADEN, Royal Commission, Marafiq
                                                                                         and many other big players in the
                                                                                         Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

                                                                                         The market feedback is positive
                                                                                         regarding our services and product
                                                                                         quality, which will ensure a continuous
                                                                                         growth in the business of AVK in
                                                                                         Saudi, supported by all the initiatives
                                                                                         to increase the localisation and local
                                                                                         commitment from AVK to the Middle
                                                                                         East region, particularly to Saudi

                                                                                                                  AVK INTERLINK | 19
Back in the 1950s, Aage Valdemar Kjær introduced a 10-year   In 1970, his son, Niels Aage, developed
warranty on his products, because he could vouch for their   the first resilient seated AVK valve for
                                                             water supply, and for more than 50
long-lasting quality.                                        years, AVK has developed high quality
                                                             valves and other products and is

recognised as one of the world leaders      Many years of experience and use of           positively to sustainable development.
in the business.                            advanced technology for machining,            Traditionally, we have had a strong
                                            coating, assembling, testing, and             focus on innovation and development
”To be able to make a reliable              handling have resulted in top quality         of new and optimised products of high
product that meets or exceeds the           and innovative products that comply           quality and with a long lifetime and
expectations; that means a lot to me        with the most common national and             recyclability.
and to AVK. We do not compromise on         international standards as well as
quality” (Niels Aage Kjær, 2021).           national approvals.                           The below product overview proves
                                                                                          that AVK has developed a wide and
Our products are made in modern             Within all three business units Water,        impressive product programme within
factories using high technology,            Advanced Manufacturing, and                   all our businesses over time.
computerised machining centres, and         Industrial, we focus on developing
robots for precision and uniformity.        products that can contribute

  Please note we are not able to include all products in the timeline. We have tried to include the main products with the purpose
    to illustrate the impressive history of product development in the AVK Group during the last 80 years. Products from acquired
             companies are included from the year AVK acquired the company (and thus not the year the product was developed).

                                                                                                                   AVK INTERLINK | 21

                                          Over the past 12 months AVK International’s “East 1” site
                                          located in Skovby, Denmark, where gate valves with PE ends
                                          and extension spindles are manufactured, has gone through a
                                          comprehensive transformation. The building has been almost
By Anna Dahlmann Møller,                  doubled in size, and the entire production flow is now laid
Marketing Coordinator,
AVK International A/S                     out according to the LEAN mindset, enabling us to meet the
                                          growing demand and react fast to customer requests.

Extended site allowed for                 One of the most important                  an immediate improvement of our
optimised storage                         improvements is the optimisation of our    productivity, as we achieved a smooth
The continuously increasing demand for    storage facilities. The process started    flow of materials throughout production
extension spindles and gate valves with   with an assessment of logistics and flow   processes and a reduced order
PE ends called for more production and    of materials to identify and eliminate     completion time.
storage space to enable restructuring     non-value-added activities. We created
and expansion of production processes.    a new layout for the storage facilities    Optimised production equipment
Our East 1 production site was            so that materials would move logically     We have also optimised our production
therefore expanded with another 1900      throughout the facility, increasing        equipment. This has resulted in
m3, which now gives us a total floor      manufacturing efficiency and reducing
area of 4200 m3.                          material-handling operations. The
                                          restructuring of the warehouse and the
                                          improved storage capability provided       Article continues on the next page >

renovation and enlargement of existing
machines as well as brand new

Among the new machines is a pressure
testing machine for gas valves. The
old one was often a bottleneck, and
now with twice the capacity, we have
obtained the ideal flow. Furthermore,
we replaced the manually driven roller
conveyors with automatic conveyors.

The PUR coating cell was renovated
and enlarged, so we now have doubled
our capacity here as well, and we
are currently working on an overall
optimisation of our extension spindle
robot cell.

The extra production capacity will allow
us to reduce product delivery times
and improve our customer service.

Incorporation of the LEAN mindset
We started our LEAN transformation
with documenting and analyzing our
existing processes based on the
Kaizen method. The core philosophy
of Kaizen is simple: “You can always
make or do things better, even if they
seem to work well!” All employees
were actively involved in the LEAN
transformation process and most of
them have completed a LEAN 3C
problem-solving course.

“I do not see problems, I see
challenges. All the big challenges we
are facing are opportunities to bring
out solutions, to grow, to challenge the
status quo and to create value.” – Ina

We focused on making continuous,
incremental changes - as we believe
that over time, the small incremental
changes in any process add up to
significant improvement.

We initiated the process of
implementing TPM (Total Productive
Maintenance) to ensure that our
equipment continues to run smoothly
without unexpected downtime.               poor workstation layout or shared       employees, more focus on quality and
                                           equipment, and excess production.       increased productivity.
We focused on establishing and
improving the production flow, which       Today we have a new factory floor
is not about increasing the pace of        layout with more efficient processes
work but about reducing or eliminating     and material flow and consequently we
waste. Examples of eliminated waste        have achieved a smoother workflow,
are people awaiting information or         improved safety conditions for
raw materials, excess motion due to

                                                                                                          AVK INTERLINK | 23
                                                                  AVK Gulf showcased the benefits of smart
                                                                  water and non-revenue water solutions in three
                                                                  major events across Dubai.

By Anurima Roy,                            (WEMA) we were delighted to be a part       to build a sustainable future for the
Regional Marketing Manager,                of this one-of-a-kind ceremony.             Emirate.
                                           During the three-day workshop, we           Arab Water Forum – 21-23 October
                                           were thrilled to meet with the water        Organised by the Arab Water Council,
                                           authorities Etihad Water & Electricity,     the 5th edition of Arab Water Forum
Danish Sustainability Days at              Abu Dhabi Sewage Service Company,           was held under the patronage of the
the Danish Pavilion EXPO 2020 &            Dubai and Sharjah Municipality and          Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure,
WETEX Exhibition – 5-7 October,            Ras Al Khaimah Wastewater Authority         the League of Arab States (LAS)
2021                                       to present our capabilities within e.g.     and the Ministry of Water Resources
Dubai welcomed visitors from various       pressure management and smart               and Irrigation of Egypt (MWRI), in
parts of the world to what was - by far    solutions towards reducing non-             collaboration with national, regional,
- the emirate’s most ambitious project     revenue water. It was an important step     and international partners. A three-day
and the first ever World Expo to be held   in our efforts to bring Danish water        forum and Expo focusing on the critical
in the Middle East, North Africa and       solutions to the United Arab Emirates       water challenges that are affecting the
South Asia region hosted by an Arab        as industry experts in the water            Arab region today, driving the three
nation.                                    business.                                   primary goals for better water security,
                                                                                       water for sustainable development and
Under the overarching theme of             One of the highlights was the               transboundary water. As a part of the
sustainability and innovation, The         signing of a MoU (memorandum of             opening ceremony and an introductory
Royal Danish Consulate and The             understanding) between Abu Dhabi            walk around the forum, the Minister of
Confederation of Danish Industry           Sewage Service Company and NIRAS            Energy and Infrastructure, Minister of
welcomed local and international           (Danish engineering consultancy             State for Food and Water Security, UAE
stake holders, decision makers,            company) on behalf of the WEMA to           and the Secretary-General, League
keynote speakers and VVIPs from local      further initiate new partnership and        of Arab States, visited us for a brief
authorities and organised a Danish         collaboration between both parties          introduction to our solutions. During
Sustainability Workshop. The Danish        showcasing how we can build a               these three days, we showcased our
General Ambassador, Mr. Franz-Michael      greener and more sustainable future         non-revenue water and smart pressure
Skjold Mellbin, inaugurated the pavilion   for the next generations together.          management solutions in our efforts
on the 5th of October within a warm                                                    to respond to the real-time challenges
audience.                                  WETEX                                       of supply management in the region.
                                           Our local partner, DUTCO Tenant             We were excited to receive a great
This meant unique networking               LLC, display our AVK smart water            response to our smart solutions and
opportunities, and as a member of the      and portable water product solutions        are looking forward to the future
Water Efficiency Middle East Alliance      at WETEX, the largest Water and             collaboration.
                                           electricity exhibition in the Middle East

                    I SE N O D I
To make our customers
worry-free, we have topped
up our after-sales service by
launching the AVK Fusion
Indonesia Service Center.

By Ahmad Fairu Zabadi,
Marketing Manager,
AVK Fusion Indonesia

With the increasing number of
customers and business growth, PT
AVK Fusion Indonesia took the initiative
to further complement its after-sales
service by providing improvements
in the maintenance of AVK Fusion
products that have been used.

“The purpose of launching the Service
Center is to provide better after-
sales services. We realise that as the
company and our customer base
grow, the more we need after-sales
service that can provide the necessary
solutions,” - The President Director of    but also remote such as discussions
AVK Fusion Indonesia, Gert Borrits.        and consulting with a team of experts      With the Center, we aim to meet
                                           through the AVK Fusion Indonesia call      the needs of customers throughout
The Service Center provides various        center hotline. The facility is equipped   Indonesia and believe that this will help
spare parts for each product line as       with barcode scanners that e.g. are        our company to continue to grow and
well as repairs such as calibration etc.   used to find out how long it takes to      thrive. The launch of the Center was
The service also includes experts who      finalise installation.                     covered by several national media.
can be sent out directly to overcome
various obstacles faced by our               “The Service Center provides after-
customers.                                 sales services that make it easier
                                           for customers, both in terms of time,
On-site and remote service                 distance, and efficiency. We will ensure
AVK Fusion Indonesia Service Center        that any problem can be quickly
is not only limited to physical services   resolved by our team”, says Gert.

                                                                                                                AVK INTERLINK | 25
PLANT                FINLAND

                     AVK Finland Oy delivered over   Energy-efficient wastewater
                     500 valves and actuators for    treatment underground
                                                     The new wastewater treatment plant is
                     the new wastewater treatment    a part of the Metsä-Sairila development
                     plant built for the city of     plan, which also includes other
                     Mikkeli.                        business-, research-, and development
                                                     facilities related to circular economy.

                                                     The plant is situated underground, in
                                                     the bedrock, and it is one of the most
                     By Nino Tuovinen,               modern plants in Europe and in the
                     Area Manager & Industrial       world. Its state-of-the-art treatment
                                                     technology will help to preserve the
                     and                             water quality of adjacent water areas
                                                     and the famous lake Saimaa.
                     Jouni Viinikkala,
                     General Manager,
                     AVK Finland Oy                  Article continues on the next page >

The underground plant reduces the
environmental impact and leaves
the above-ground area free for other
purposes. Only the necessary exits
and vents remain visible on ground

AVK valves play a major role in the
AVK Finland Oy was chosen as
suppliers of valves for the new plant,
altogether more than 500 valves and
actuators in various different sizes.

Products supplied to the project:
• sluice valves
• ball valves
• hose valves
• resilient seated gate valves
• check valves
• globe valves
• diaphragm valves
• segment valves

In addition, AVK supplied sluice-,
swing check-, gate- and ball valves
with handwheels or actuators to the
main wastewater pumping station
in Kenkäveronniemi, as well as
penstocks, flange adaptors, air valves
and gate valves with handwheels or
actuators for utility chambers.

“We are happy with the quality of AVK´s
valves, penstocks and fittings and the
good cooperation with AVK Finland
Oy” - Reijo Turkki, manager of Mikkeli

                                          AVK INTERLINK | 27

Valves and their position status are important to know, as there are certain valves that should
stay in either a fully closed or opened position. There are several reasons why it is important; but
ultimately, utilities need to know because they aim to ensure a fully functional water distribution
network to keep consumers satisfied.

By Ida Kirstine Rohde Mikkelsen,          How can a partly opened valve             From assumption to knowing for
Marketing Coordinator,                    influence other measurements?             sure
AVK Smart Water (AVK Holding)             When dividing the network into            Ideally, all valves in a distribution
                                          sections or so-called District Metered    network should be digitally monitored
                                          Areas (DMAs), water utilities invest      on a regular basis to get the full
                                          in other measurements like flow and       overview of the network. However, it
If a valve is partly opened or            pressure to control and reduce the        is most important to monitor strategic
closed, utilities can risk insufficient   level of Non-Revenue Water (NRW).         and critical points in the network,
measurements from e.g. pressure           However, if the boundaries of the DMA     such as boundary valves between
measurements from pumps or flow           or sections are not 100% leak-tight,      two DMAs, as these valves affect the
meters in the network, and eventually     the flow and pressure measurements
the insufficient measurements can         are worthless, as they will provide the
affect the water supply for consumers.    water utility with misleading data.
                                                                                    Article continues on the next page >

overall operation and functionality of     Due to the open/close feature in the           water utilities can optimise daily
the network.                               device, it will detect and send data           operation of the distribution network,
                                           about the exact position of the valve.         extend lifetime of assets, and perform
By installing the VIDI Positioner, water                                                  efficient reduction of water not
utilities get reliable information about   With reliable information about whether        accounted for.
the position of valves in the network.     critical valves are 100% leak-tight,


To keep our employees
                                                          B LIZ
                                           lecture on the benefits of incorporating
healthy, we partnered up with              training and physical activity in our lives.

a sports consultancy called                Our employees can then join training
MIGUEL SANCHES. They                       sessions which will take place in
will assist our employees                  three town squares here in the city of
                                           Sorocaba, where AVK Válvulas do Brasil
in obtaining a more active                 is located.
life style through work-outs,
cycling, running and outdoor               Important goals                                we are here and make an important
                                           Physical activity is one weapon we             difference.
exercises.                                 can apply to increase our immunity
                                           against e.g. viruses and sickness in           A bit of brand disclosure
By Juliana Cristine Celestrim,             general. This is a goal in itself, but         In return, the consultancy company
Marketing Assistant,                       being active and healthy is also adding        will be promoting our brand in events
AVK Válvulas do Brasil                     quality and purpose to our everyday            held by them. In racing and cycling
                                           life. Therefore, we feel that the initiative   competitions, our logo will be displayed
                                           can benefit our employees and at the           on t-shirts, cars, and banners at
A new approach                             same time our organisation. We want            events, as a way to promote the AVK
The global pandemic has increased the      to be active in our local community and        brand and recognition.
general focus on health and well-being,    raise awareness, so people know that
and we invited all our employees to a

                                                                                                                   AVK INTERLINK | 29

Aerial image showing the four temporary siphon pipes

By Greg Morris,                               Glenfield Invicta has supplied valves, actuators and gearboxes
Business Development Manager –                for a fascinating project on a reservoir that carries the name of
Dams, Reservoirs & Hydro,
Glenfield Invicta                             the engineer who designed it.

Scotland’s terrain and                        Scottish Water is the largest owner          Reservoir Panel engineer is the rate
preponderance                                 of registered reservoirs in the UK           of reservoir drawdown. Drawdown
Although Scotland’s population                The Reservoirs Act 1975 requires all         refers to the evacuation of water from
accounts for only 8% of the total             large-raised reservoirs to be registered.    a reservoir for maintenance, safety
UK population, it has almost a third          Registration brings with it various          and emergency requirements. Several
of the total landmass. The wet and            obligations, including regular inspections   high-profile incidents across the UK,
mountainous terrain that covers much of       by a Reservoir Panel engineer.               and the general ageing of the nation’s
Scotland, along with its preponderance                                                     stock of reservoirs, has led to a greater
of lochs (‘lakes’ or ‘fiords’), makes it an   Scottish Water, the public utility which     focus on draw down capacity, with new
ideal location for dams and reservoirs.       provides water and wastewater services       guidelines issued in 2017.
Scotland also hosts more major                to Scottish homes and businesses,
hydropower projects than any other            owns 270 registered reservoirs; it is the
area of the United Kingdom.                   largest owner of registered reservoirs
                                              in the UK. One aspect reviewed by a          Article continues on the next page >

You can also read