Diversified Communications Hong Kong, LLC
Unit B, 32/F, @Convoy, 169 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong

                                                                                        / SPRING ISSUE /

Demand for organic products has                 enhancing food quality is increasing in      and 2026. Japan is estimated to be
outstripped supply around the world,            popularity across Asia. Food flavourings     the largest consumer of herbal beauty
especially in Asia. With a number of            and colourings have massive market           products followed closely by China.
potential markets including China and           potential. The gluten-free products
India, demand continues to grow. Global         market will also expand. Rice, soymilk
suppliers are discovering Asia’s growing        and other plant-based alternatives
market holds the key to valuable business       will continue to dominate the organic
opportunities.                                  beverage market. Coffee and tea are
                                                expected to emerge as the fastest
     CHINA AND INDIA –                          growing sector.
Ecovia Intelligence reports that Asia            HERBAL BEAUTY PRODUCTS TO
shows some of the highest growth in                   GAIN POPULARITY
the global organic food market. Some            According to Grand View Research,                     HALAL PRODUCTS
Asian markets even report double-digit          exhibiting a robust 9.5% Compound Annual              IN HIGH DEMAND
growth, with regional sales poised to           Growth Rate (CAGR), the organic personal     Report Buyer and Grand View Research
reach US $10 billion in the coming years.       care market is likely to reach a valuation   repectively state that the global halal
                                                of US $25.1 billion by 2025. In addition,    food and cosmetics market is anticipated
Among them, two of the fastest growing          the ASEAN market for organic cosmetics       to reach US $2.55 trillion by 2024 and US
markets for organic products are China          is expected to be worth US $4.4 billion by   $52.2 billion by 2025.
and India. Ecovia Intelligence states           2020, says Future Market Insights.
that China is now the world’s fourth-                                                        Asia Pacific has the highest market share
largest organic products market and             Asian consumers are increasingly willing     in terms of revenue and is projected to
sales of these goods in the country are         to purchase clean labels and natural         maintain its dominance in the market
expected to grow by more than 20% a             beauty products; Natural Products            over the forecast period. An increasing
year through 2020. According to a study         Global states that 69% of Southeast          Muslim population and growing customer
by ASSOCHAM, India’s organic trade is           Asians prefer products made with natural     awareness in countries like Indonesia,
projected to increase to US $1.36 billion       or organic ingredients.                      Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines
by 2020.                                                                                     is expected to drive the market over the
                                                Herbal beauty product markets in APAC        forecast period.
      PRODUCTS IN DEMAND                        are expected to record high growth
The demand for natural ingredients              rates in terms of value between 2016
Nutraingredients-asia.com reports that
the Asia-Pacific nutraceuticals market is
estimated to witness a CAGR of 7.33%
from 2018 to 2022. The market in Japan
and China will experience a CAGR of
7.76% and 7.15% respectively.

While functional foods such as oats,
omega fatty acid, fortified food and
probiotics have had a prominent
presence in several markets, herbal
products are too a growing sector.

Natural Products Global says yoga is                                    ASIA GOES ECO-FRIENDLY
now a US $6 billion affair, including          In a study by Nielsen, 55% of the 30,000 global online consumers across 60
events, studios and products. In China         countries surveyed said they were willing to pay more for products provided by
10 million people actively practice yoga.      companies that are socially and environmentally responsible. Asia-Pacific (64%)
Capitalising on this trend, spending on        had the strongest market for buying eco-friendly products.
wellness is expected to reach US $70
billion in coming years.

                                                                                        FOOD FROM FINLAND
                                                                                       TARGETS THE BOOMING
                                                                                          ASIAN MARKET
                                                                                       Finland is home to the food which is
                                                                                       naturally delicious, pure and safe. In
                                                                                       Finland, antibiotics are not used in
                                                                                       breeding the animals for meat production.
                                                                                       Due to the efficient food safety control
                                                                                       system, Finland is one of the countries in
                                                                                       the European Union having the highest
                                                                                       food safety standards. The country has also
                                                                                       been free from severe animal diseases.

          NOPA HELPS GLOBAL SUPPLIERS TAP                                              THE PUREST FOOD FROM FINLAND
              INTO THE ASIAN MARKET                                                    Finnish    agricultural  products
                                                                                       cultivated in the Arctic area with the
Every year, NOPA features international      It made our products available in City    purest air, water and soil in the world.
pavilions to help suppliers from across      Super, a high-end supermarket chain       Despite Finland has long winter with
the world launch their premium               in Hong Kong. The NOPA staff were         limited sunlight, crops can still flourish
products in Asia. The pavilions also         incredibly helpful and knowledgeable      during the summer months. And due to
serve as a platform for buyers across        and the event is one the best             the extreme Arctic climate, the demand
Asia to source products not usually          exhibitions that I had been to.”          of pesticides in agriculture is very low,
found in the region and to get to grips                                                leading to the production of quality,
                                                                                       unique and delectable food.
with natural and organic trends in           Pichet    Ninjertsiri,  Procurement
different countries.                         Manager of Amway (Thailand) Ltd., said
                                                                                       This summer, Food From Finland, an
                                             NOPA had provided a great platform        export programme presenting Finnish
In 2018, new pavilions will be               for the company to meet suppliers         food and drink industry, will bring
established including Finland, Turkey        from around the world.                    delicious yet nutritious Finnish cuisine to
and Greece, while various international                                                the Asian market through NOPA!
pavilions will expand their participation,   “I sourced many interesting products
such as Korea, Thailand and Australia.       from the Expo. There was a wide variety   For more informaton, please visit
                                             of organic items from raw material to     www.foodfromfinland.fi
Paul Davidson, Owner of Koala Eco,           finished products from a number of
one of the exhibitors at the Australia       different countries. I was impressed
Pavilion talks about the benefits            with the networking opportunities on
of exhibiting at last year’s event.          offer and I will definitely visit NOPA
“Exhibiting in NOPA 2017 was a               again next year.”
fantastic and rewarding experience.

and free delivery options from the seller.
 CROSS-BORDER                                                                           If you are planning to promote your
                                                                                        products on the Internet, do not think
 ECOMMERCE:                                                                             about placing advertisements on
                                                                                        Google or other common social media
 ENTERING THE CHINESE                                                                   platforms like Facebook, Youtube and
                                                                                        Instagram. In China, Baidu is the most
 MARKET EFFECTIVELY                                                                     common Internet search engine, while
                                                                                        WeChat and Weibo are the key social
                                                                                        media platforms for communication and
                                                                                        sales purposes.
China is now the most prosperous            Alibaba represents 80% of eCommerce
eCommerce market worldwide. The             sales with its online platforms Taobao        CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS
lucrative market is providing valuable      and Tmall. JD.com has around 170            If you want to win profitable business
business opportunities to suppliers of      million active users and more than          in the Chinese eCommerce market, you
natural and organic products from all       100,000 shops on its platform. Like         need to first understand the regulations,
corners of the globe. According to an       Alibaba, JD.com launched its cross-         language,       market    features   and
article from the Export Development         border international marketplace, JD        consumer behaviour. In addition, you
Canada, in the next two years, China’s      WorldWide, to help retailers outside        should know how to arrange effective
eCommerce spending is projected to          China develop their business in the         logistics, satisfactory customer services
reache US $1.7 trillion. Chinabriefing.     vast country using diverse marketing        and effective payment methods, as all
com states that by 2020, this market        solutions.                                  of these are widely different from the
is expected to be larger than France,                                                   markets outside China.
Germany, Japan, the UK and the US             UNDERSTAND YOUR CHINESE
combined.                                           CUSTOMERS                           To begin your business development
                                            The Chinese eCommerce market is             journey in China, you are advised to
      Alibaba and JD.com –                  unique to its European counterpart.         sell your products to well-established
        CHINA’S LARGEST                     Chinese consumers spend more time           marketplaces which will provide you with
         MARKETPLACES                       comparing products and hope to see          greater support to overcome differences.
Alibaba and JD.com are regarded as the      detailed products pages with adequate       You may also wish to develop strong
most influential online marketplaces in     product information and photos. In          partnerships with local people you can
China.                                      addition, they expect to see a great        trust or work with an intermediary that
                                            variety of promotions, gifts distribution   knows the market well.

                                      NOPA 2018 EXPO HIGHLIGHTS
                                                                                         COUNTRY & THEME PAVILIONS

                                                                                              Australia             Finland

     NATURAL BUSINESS FORUM                          NOPA LIVE THEATRE
Gathering        influential     industry   An ideal channel for exhibitors to select
                                                                                              Greece                 Italy
professionals to share their success        their one best and latest products to
stories and insights into running natural   present to the buyers.

                                                                                               Japan                Korea

                                                                                           New Zealand           South Africa

                                               THE NATURAL & ORGANIC ASIA
                                                    AWARDS SHOWCASE
            Giving     recognition    to    The best place for exhibitors to showcase         Sweden               Thailand
            innovative ideas and newly-     their hottest products or new arrivals to
            launched products, and          the buyers and even the whole industry.
            celebrating the achievements    Buyers can vote for their faviourite
            and the contributions of        products and the winners will be awarded
            industry professionals.         at the Natural & Organic Asia Awards                UK                   USA
                                            Presentation Ceremony.
Tumeric Rice Fettucine
                                                                          Alarcon Enterprise Limited

                                                         ’A Miracle Spice’ in fettucine style which
                                                         loaded with healthy nutrients like protein,                                  Organic Whole Milk Powder, Denmark
                                                                                                                                      Asiaboxx Limited

                                                         dietary fiber, niacin, vitamin C, E and K,
                                                         potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium                                  SOMMERBJERG Organic Milk Powder is made
                                                         and zinc. Purely from organic rice, free                                     with 100% organic Danish milk. It contains all
                                             from preservatives, pesticides, herbicides and synthetic                                 natural protein, natural vitamins and minerals.
                                   fertilizers. Vegan products with gluten free, no artificial colors and                             No antibiotics, no hormones, non-GMO, no
                                   flavours. Help you fight inflammation, relieve arthritis, control                                  preservatives or even pesticide. With the full
                                   diabetes, boost immunity and heal wounds.                                                          traceable milk production and systematic testing
                                                                                                                                      for thermo bacteria by 3rd party, they make the
                         Wheat and Gluten, Whole                                                                                      highest standard of milk products with rich and
                         Grain, Organic Rice Noodle,                                                                                  fresh organic taste for you.
                         No Fried Ramen, China
                         China HongRen International
                         The organic wheat and gluten free food products                                    Nutritional Latte
                         have been exporting to EU, North American                                          Australia
                         market, Israel and Australia for 12 years. In the past
                                                                                                            Food For Life Emporium Ltd
                         decade, they have been passing through below
                         certifications: Organic certification (EU&NOP),
                         Kosher: Star-K, Halal HACCP, and BRC. Costco’s                                     For young, active and health conscious consumers
                         Code of conduct audit, Costco’s Food Safety audit.                                 who are seeking caffeine free alternatives or a
                                                                                                            healthier alternative to their current coffee habits.
                                                                                                            Made in Australia. Free from artificial colours,
                                                                                                            flavours or preservatives. Gluten, Dairy Free and
                                                           Coconut Juice, Thailand                          Vegan. There are 6 flavors, including Beetroot Latte,
                                                           City Farm Interfood Co., Ltd                     Turmeric Latte, Matcha & Cacao Latte, Mactcha
                                                                                                            Latte, Cacao Latte and Spicy Ginger Latte.
                                                         ‘City Fresh’ and ‘Cool Island’ are made
                                                         from purely fresh coconut water with the
                                                         young coconut meat. ‘City Fresh’ provides
                                                         a variety of Tropical Fruit Juice. ‘Supreme’
                                        provides the great quality of coconut milk and coconut                                               Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
                                        cream, which can be cooking base of your favorite dishes.                                            Thailand
                                                                                                                                             Earth Born Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                                             Extra virgin coconut oil is unrefined,
                         Soothing Tea                                                                                                        non-bleached & non-deodorized. No
                         Hong Kong                                                                                                           fermentation, no quick drying by high heat
                         China Tea &                                                                                                         method. Free of gmo ingredients. Coconut
                         Herbalworld (Hong                                                                                                   cider vinegar is naturally fermented, raw,
                                                                                                                                             unpastuerized and unfiltered. Sustainable
                         Kong) Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                                             production using a by-product from extra
                         Release your heavy work pressure, a                                                                                 virgin coconut oil process. Coconut flower
                         cup of tea time to get away from the                                                                                sugar is natural granulated sweetener from
                         hustle and bustle of life. Tender floral                                                                            nectar of coconut flower. Unbleached, no
                         aroma of delicate rose blossoms and                                                                                 coloring and no flavoring.
                         jasmine tea help balance your body
                         and relieve tension.

                                                                                                                                         Bnutra Enzyme Complex
                                                       Zeolite, Switzerland                                                              CTI Nutrigenomics Inc.
                                                       Beautyology International Company Limited                                         100% Natural Ingredients, No Artificial Colors,
                                                                                                                                         No Artificial Flavors and No Preservatives.
                                                       Zeolite is a naturally occurring fine volcanic
                                                                                                                                         Certified by dozens of international
                                                       powder, performing extraordinary properties.

                                                                                                                                         organizations using strict standards. High
                                                       Powder absorbs negative parties and
                                                                                                                                         superoxide dismutase content regulated
                                                       neutralises positively charged free radicals
                                                                                                                                         sufficient enzyme supply as well as improving
                                                       like a magnet. It is able to remove endotoxins,
                                                                                                                                                 metabolism        and      detoxification.
                                                       heavy metal, radiation and chemical and
                                                                                                                                                       Improves nutrient absorption and
                                                       strengthen liver. Usage of Zeolite powder as
                                                                                                                                                          clears noxious residue in the
                                                       a daily detox supplement, PH balance and
                                                                                                                                                          bowel lumen. Delays the aging
                                                       immune system will be improved.
                                                                                                                                                          process and prevents from the
                                                                                                                                                          risks of vascular blockage.

                                                                                                            Activated Phenolics
                         Nutritional Shakes, USA                                                            Stem Cell Extraction -
                         KAV ENCORE                                                                         Apple Powder, Australia
                         Healthy & delicious nutritional shakes                                             Leadas Inno-Tech Limited
                         available in chai, chocolate, coffee,                                              100% natural made and grown from Australia by
                         matcha and vanilla flavors. Each serving                                           using the high technology extraction from the apple
                         contains 21g protein, 8-12g fiber,                                                 stem cell. It can stabilise, neutralise and remove a
                         23+ vitamins & minerals, omega-3                                                   wider range of free radicals from the body, maintain
                         fatty acids (ala+dha+epa), digestive                                               and improve our health and immune system with the
                         enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics.                                                power of eight antioxidants, has significant result on
                         Great taste!                                                                       flu prevention.
Paleo Nut and Fruit
                                              Crunch Muesli
                                              Hengyi Health Care Limited

                            Paleo, the way of our ancient Paleolithic ancestor
                            eating – grain and gluten free. Eclipse Organics’

                                                                                                                                                                     EXHIBIT HIGHLIGHTS
                            Paleo Nut and Fruit Crunch Muesli combines the                         Cacao Products and Chocolate, Peru
                            essence of Paleo in an innovative blend toasted                        Machu Picchu Foods SAC
                            in honey with nuts, seeds, coconut and tossed                          According to the needs of their clients, they develop
                            with berries and fruits. It was one of the winning                     the Organic, Fair Trade, UTZ, Vegan, Kosher Parve
                            products in the Sydney Royal Fine Food Show                            and ALLERGEN FREE cacao products. They work with
                            and proudly awarded the Australia Certified                            the existing formulas by adapting their product lines
                            Organic label.                                                         or develop new and exclusive products to meet the
                                                                                                   outsourcing requirements and product needs.

Coco Cool Organic
Coconut Water                                                                    Almond Milk,
Thailand                                                                         Walnut Milk & Pistachio Mil
Nifco (2553) Co., Ltd.                                                           Thailand
                                                                                 Simple Foods Co., Ltd.
Certified Organic    Coconut     Water    from
Thailand.                                                                        137 Degrees is brand of a premiere nut
                                                                                 milk and dairy-alternative. The products
                                                                                 are certified dairy-free, gluten-free,
                                                                                 100% natural, no preservative and no
                                   Lifebar Blueberry Quinoa                      chemical added. They contain high
                                   Czech Republic                                levels of Vitamin B, Folic Acid, Calcium,
                                   Tembo Foods Limited                           and Omega which help promoting skin
                                                                                 health, bone, brain, and healthy heart.
                                   Blueberry Quinoa Lifebar Plus is an           The products are suitable for everyone,
                                   excellent bar without nuts - made with        including children over one year old.
                                   organic germinated quinoa, blueberries,
                                   mulberries, buckwheat and sunflower
                                   seeds. This raw energy bar will feed your
                                   body and your senses. Suitable for vegan,
                                   raw food, gluten-free and nut-free diets.

Tibetan Honey                                                                                                     Petite-pop, Thailand
China                                                                                                             Thai B.B Fruit Co., Ltd
Tibet Nyingehi Polar Bees
                                                                                                                  Petite-Pop is the kids’ new best friends.
Technology Co.,Ltd                                                                                                They provide all natural sweet treats such
                                                                                                                  as fruit juice lollipop made with organic
Environmental friendly, pollution-free, original
                                                                                                                  sugar and fruit juice gummy. No artificial
products in continental plateau. Sweet, less greasy,
                                                                                                                  color and flavor added. They also add
silky and glossy. Each of honey products with the
                                                                                                                  multivitamin because tasty and healthy are
ingredients of Tibetan medicine plays the role of
                                                                                                                  their goal.
diet. 100% ripe honey without additives.

                                           Hair Volume, Sweden
                                           New Nordic Healthbrands AB            Tulsi Sleep Tea, India
                                             Hair Volume™ is the tablet          Spicebox Organics Limited
                                             you need to maintain a normal       Tulsi, Gotu Kola, Ashwagandha and
                                             voluminous hair growth. The         Shankpushpi are blended with Chamomile,
                                             unique bioactive nutrient hair      Cardamom and Peppermint for a delicious
                         growth factor combination contained in each tablet      herbal     infusion  made      for    bedtime.
                                                                                                                                                                     EXHIBIT HIGHLIGHTS

                         nourishes and activates the life processes of hair      Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb,
                         follicle cells. The tablet contains micronutrients      providing calm to help support the body’s
                         and herbal extracts. The content of biotin and zinc     natural stress response. Gotu Kola offers
                         contributes to the maintenance of normal hair and       support for the nervous system, promotes a
                         copper contributes to normal hair pigmentation,         calm mind and sound sleep. Tusli is known in
                         fighting grey hair.                                     India as ‘The Queen of Herbs’, has traditionally
                                                                                 been used to support stress response.

Wayon Organic Tienchi
Tablet (Natural or                                                                                                 FLAXICAL, Malaysia
Steamed), China                                                                                                    KJI & Co. Sdn Bhd
Way On Tienchi Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                   FLAXICAL      is   specially   formulated
Wayon Organic Tienchi Tablet (Natural or Steamed)                                                                  using patented undenatured type II
has passed 429 items in the pesticide residue                                                                      collagen, wholefood calcium, wholefood
testing in Japan. It is produced under the GMP                                                                     magnesium, proprietary blend of ginger
standard. Regarded as the product with the highest                                                                 juice, ginger extract and peppermint. It
quality compared to the other similar products in                                                                  helps to improve, nourish, relieve pain
the market, it can cure or improve all the diseases                                                                and inflammation, repair damaged joints,
related to blood.                                                                                                  provide you the perfect natural solution to
                                                                                                                   bone, joint and pain problems.
Vauva Natural Baby
                                                                     Shampoo & Body Wash                                                            USDA Organic Neem Bath
                                                                     UK                                                                             Products, Thailand
                                                                     Atlantis Skincare                                                              Blessed Products of Asia Co., Ltd

                                                                                                                                            With more than 10 international
                                                 This natural foaming baby wash is created to                                               invention awards from around

                                                 gently and effectively cleanse baby’s hair and                                             the world, they present USDA
                                                 skin. Enriched with pure Aloe Vera gel, organic                                            Organic Neem Bath Products.
                                                 calendula and chamomile hydrosols. It not only                                             These products feature the best
                                                 helps balance skin’s pH level, but also helps to                                           solution to reduce itchiness
                                                 reduce irritations and dryness. Leaves baby’s skin                                         caused by fungal and bacteria
                                                 clean and guarantees a good night’s sleep.                                                 on skin without using any steroid.
                                                                                                      They assure chemical-free formulation and do not leave any chemical
                                                                                                      behind after using the products.
                         Organic Nourishing Facial Bar
                         Thailand                                                                     Organic Voluminsing
                         Gemini Organic and Natural Care Co., Ltd.                                    Shampoo with Rosemary
                                                                                                      Juice, Germany
                         This facial bar is exclusively formulated
                                                                                                      Health Aims Organic Functional
                         with the certified organic turmeric
                                                                                                      Food Specialty Shop
                         powder, honey, and specially selected
                         the certified organic ingredients. The                                       The Shampoo is certified by Germany BDIH and
                         turmeric powder helps nourish and                                            dermatologically tested. Not Tested on Animals.
                         naturally promotes a youthful, healthy                                       A natural mix of active plant juice extraction with
                         and glowing skin. It is a great way to                                       moisturizing betaine and yoghurt proteins gives
                         moisturize and clean your skin without                                       the hair more volume and shine without weighing it
                         any nasty chemicals or unpleasant                                            down. Valuable organic birch and rosemary has a
                         reactions. Recommended for sensitive skin or people who want to minimize     restructuring and balancing effect. Free of chemical
                         being exposed to unnatural chemicals.                                        dyes, paraffin, mineral oil, PEG-emulsifier and silicone,
                                                                                                      suitable for any type of hair.

                                                                                                                                                The Complete Duo - Wash
                                                               Organic Baby Jack Fruit                                                          + Shave & Moisturiser +
                                                               Body Lotion, Thailand                                                            Aftershave, Australia
                                                               Leabeerna Co., Ltd                                                               Native Man

                                      The body lotion helps to moisturize the skin. It contents                                                  This certified organic, ultra-
                                      antioxidant benefit to strengthen the skin and slow down                                                   convenient pair was formulated
                                      premature color cell from aging. It also contents Beta-                                    by two Australian pharmacists as special 2-in-1
                                      carotene which is 15 times higher than carrots and lycopene                                products, so men can simply enhance these two
                                      is 76 times more than tomatoes.                                 steps that are already part of their daily ritual. Only two of the best men’s
                                                                                                      grooming products to aid with men’s facial cleansing, shaving, aftershave
                                                                                                      repair and moisturizing, leaving the skin looking beautiful in the burliest way.

                                   Swimmer / Sporty /
                                   Traveler / SunFun /                                                Bamboo Fiber Tabletop &
                                   SunSmart / SOS                                                     Konjac Sponge, Thailand
                                   Thailand                                                           C. Shine International Trading Co.,Ltd
                                   Bio Fun Global Limited                                             The bamboo fiber wares and konjac

                                                                                                      sponge are eco-friendly material that
                                   One stop cleanser for face, body and hair
                                                                                                      mainly contained in natural fibers. They
                                   without irritation, 97-98% of natural and
                                                                                                      are not only FDA/LFGB safety approved,
                                   organic ingredients with essential oil scent.
                                                                                                      but also biodegradable at end of
                                   Swimmer removes chlorine, harsh chemical,
                                                                                                      product life. Let’s share the idea of “Live
                                   salt, minerals and sunscreen. Sporty eliminates
                                                                                                      Eco, Live Colorful”.
                                   grease, dirt and odor. Anti-bacteria formula to
                                   reduce blemish & rash. Traveler is easy with
                                   ideal fit, no more packs. All these 3 cleansers
                                   lock the natural moisture all over body.                                                              Fruit & Vegetable Cleanser
                                                                                                                                         Hubei Saint-land Agricultural Technology
                                                                                                                                         Trade Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                                         Food grade, efficient, convenient, no
                                                                                                                                         pollution and no residue. Effective
                                                                 Radico Colour Me Organic                                                removal of pesticide residue, sulfur
                                                                 Hair Colour, India                                                      dioxide and hormone. Pregnant and baby
                                                                 Fortune King Hong Kong Limited                                          are available.

                                          This organic hair color manufactured by using certified
                                          Organic Herbs only and completely safe and healthy for
                                          users. No Harsh Chemical or Any Additives, No Peroxide,
                                          No Ammonia, No Resorcinol, No Parabens and No               Brush with Bamboo Toothbrushes, USA
                                          Chemical at all. Cover grey hair effectively and properly   Love Is Solution (HK) Limited
                                          in one step. It balances and nourishes the hair shaft to
                                                                                                      Brought to you by the Kumar family, who is a huge
                                          help prevent breakage. Certified organic by “Ecocert”.
                                                                                                      supporter of organic farming, Brush with Bamboo
                                                                                                      toothbrushes are made with organic bamboo handles
                                                                                                      and plant-based bristles and come in totally eco-friendly
                                                                                                      packaging. They are certified non-toxic, organic and
Birta Lift & Glow Nourishing Serum, Iceland                                     Temulawak Balancing Facial Emulsion
                No.2 Organics Limited                                                           Indonesia
                The Serum nourishes and refreshes your skin whilst                              PT Saridewi Natural Kosmetik

                                                                                                                                                                      EXHIBIT HIGHLIGHTS
                restoring its natural glow and radiance. The product is                         Skin Dewi organic high performance skin care combines
                produced with Sea Buckthorn Oil, which is used as a                             Indonesian traditional herbs with European herbal remedies.
                source of vitamins, antioxidants and mineral for improving                      This product formulated with natural salicylic acid found
                blood circulations. It has significant result in reducing and                   in willow’s bark extract, and curcumin from turmeric and
                preventing several skin disorder issues such as dry skin,                       Xanthorrhizol, unclog pores and balances sebum production
                eczema and aging problem.                                                       for oily skin as well as clarifies and brightens the skin. This
                                                                                                light gel like emulsion works great on oily skin that is acne
                                                                                                prone with congested pores.
Bliss Baby Baby Gift Pack
Serendipity House Limited                                                       Sun Milk for Face & Body
100% natural and 100% Australian                                                SPF30, Belgium
made and owned, Lovekins uses potent                                            Skin Corner Limited
Australian superfoods to nourish and
protect babies’ skin. The essential baby                                        Derived from plants and minerals, the
skincare pack – All enriched with Kakadu                                        Biosolis range is designed to protect
Plum, Quandong and pure essential                                               and nurture the skin naturally from the
oils to nurture, nourish and protect the                                        sun. Biosolis is composed entirely of
delicate skin of young children. The                                            100% guaranteed nanoparticle-free
product is 100% free of Propylene glycol, sulphates, parabens, mineral          mineral filters. It ensures a high level of
oils, synthetic fragrances, artificial colours, phthalates and EDTA.            protection (SPF50+) and protects your
                                                                                children from the entire UVA and UVB

                               Organic Baby Unscented Castile
                               Liquid Soap, USA                                                                               De Leaf Thanaka
                               Welspring                                                                                      Moisturizing &
                                                                                                                              Whitening Cream
                               With no added fragrance and double the                                                         Thailand
                               olive oil, Dr. Bronner’s Baby Unscented                                                        Everydayhappy Co., Ltd
                               Pure-Castile Liquid Soap is good for
                               sensitive skin and babies. Dr. Bronner’s                                       De Leaf Thanaka Moisturizing & Whitening
                               soap is concentrated, biodegradable,                                           Cream shines your naturally smooth and fair
                               versatile and effective. Made with organic                                     skin. The smooth texture with rich composition
                               and certified fair trade ingredients. Hong                                     of Thanaka extract, Vitamin A, C, E and Aloe
                               Kong and Macau retailers wanted.                                               Vera, effectively hydrates and replenishes skin,
                                                                                                              gives skin radiance.

Basil Restoring Scalp Serum                                                     Aromeo Diffuser
Hong Kong                                                                       Hong Kong
Liudo Studio Limited                                                            Miscato Limited
                                                                                Aromeo is designed to meet
                                                                                the needs of scent marketing

                                                                                                                                                                      EXHIBIT HIGHLIGHTS
With rich active ingredients at the root of basil for
regulating testosterone, hair loss can be improved                              and aromatherapy in hospitality
by strengthening the follicle with the basil root                               and retail industries. Its flagship
extract. Pea sprout extract can activate the growth of                          product, Aromeo Diffuser, allows
hair. Jojoba extract, Aloe Vera extract and Hyaluronic                          customization, automation and
acid can balance oil and retain moist for the scalp.                            value-added aroma delivery to fit
Sage Hydrosol and other essential oils can prevent                              the digital age. Aroma Pods, the
follicle clogging which facilitates hair growth.                                unique aroma refill capsules that
                                                                                come together with the Diffuser,
                                                                                are 100% natural and therapeutic
                                                                                essential oil.

                                                Benevo Organic
                                                Adult Dog Food                                                  Italian Handmade Soaps
                                                UK                                                              Italy
                                                Vegeco Ltd                                                      SKPack Company Limited

                       Benevo Adult Organic is a nutritionally complete
                       and balanced organic food for adult dogs. It
                       features a completely animal-free, wheat-free
                       recipe. No GM ingredients, artificial flavours
                       or colours and contains a prebiotic FOS to aid
                       digestion, omega 3 & 6 and Yucca extract to help
                       with odours.
                                                                                Vegetable Soap which is 100% handmade and packed in Italy. All natural
                                                                                ingredients with NO Parabens, Phthaletes and Colorants. A total of 3
                                                                                catagories with 18 fragrances. They are all rich in antioxidants, vitamins and
                                                                                nutrient that are essential to healthy skin. Their handmade soap also retains
                                                                                all of its natural glycerin glory and produces a rich and luxurious lather that
                                                                                is unparalleled to any other!

Venue               Hall 1DE, Hong Kong Convention
                    and Exhibition Centre
                                                                                                              PERSONALISED BUSINESS MATCHING SERVICES
Date &              29 August (Wed)                          10am – 6pm                                  Top-tier buyers across Asia will be invited to the expo. Our
Time                30 August (Thu)                          10am – 6pm                                  personalised and convenient business matching services will
                                                                                                         effectively match buyers and suppliers.
                    31 August (Fri)                          10am – 5pm

*Free admission for trade visitors

                        REGISTER NOW!
NOPA is your one-stop expo for the latest and the best in
natural, organic, fair trade, sustainable, ethical, free-from,
eco and healthy living products from around the world.
Register for the expo now and discover thousands of                                                                        HOSTED BUYER PROGRAMME
brands and products from the natural and organic industry                                                Inviting top-tier buyers from regional chain stores, specialist
– all under one roof.                                                                                    retailers, major wholesalers and distributors, importers
                                                                                                         and exporters, the Hosted Buyer Programme conveniently
                                                                                                         matches buyers with direct purchasing power to
                  www.NaturalProducts.com.hk                                                             their desired sourcing needs.

                                                                                                                                                BOOTH AND
               The Most Established                                                                                                             ENQUIRIES:
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               Sourcing Event for
                                                                                                  Natural Living                                Mei Chang
               Asia's Natural & Organic Industry
                                                                                                  Malmömässan | Sweden                          Project Consultant
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               29-31 Aug 2018                                                                     14-15 Nov 2018                                   +852 2965 7065

                                                                                                                                                Carol Chu
                                                                                                                                                Account Executive
               Europe’s Favourite                                                             Australia's Largest B2B Natural,
               Natural Business Show                                                          Organic and Healthy Products Expo                    +852 2965 7066
               Excel | London                                                                 ICC Sydney | Australia                               carol.chu@ubm.com
               22-23 Apr 2018                                                                 29-30 Apr 2018

The One-stop Global Resource           Britain’s Leading Trade Magazine     Beauty Industry’s Go-to Guide for
for Natural and Organic Industry       for the Natural and Organic Industry Everything Green, Glamorous and Gorgeous

                   Natural & Organic Products Asia                    nopaexpo

                UBM Asia
Organiser       17/F, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong | www.ubm.com/asia | Tel: 2827 6211

                UBM Asia is the largest trade show organiser in Asia with over 290 events. In 2016 we helped almost 50,000 exhibitors do
                business in 11 niche sectors. Most of our events have been around for decades and are the must-attend event in their sectors
                in that country, region or even the world. Our 1,600 people in 25 major cities combine local expertise with a global industry
                network to provide high-quality events and the best customer experience for event attendees from all over the world. UBM
                Asia was awarded ‘Asia’s Most Reliable Trade Show Organiser Award’ in Hong Kong’s Most Valuable Companies Awards
                (HKMVCA) 2016.
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