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XTM IN SHORT SSE HAS ALWAYS had a uniquely close rela- (20 days). Field work will provide you with tionship with the business world. During the specific knowledge to be used in the written past few years, we have noticed a growing assignment. You will receive close super- demand for integrating practical learning vision from the company executive as well into traditional academic training of man- as the course director. Thirdly, you will work agement. Our response is XTM. in groups in accordance with the capstone XTM (9310 Executive Trainee Module) is project method developed at SSE in order to an opportunity for SSE MSc students to put enhance group-work learning. your academic theories into practical use on a top-executive level. Towards the end of the course you then put your practical expe- THE XTM COMPANIES* ARE: rience into an academic perspective, which furthers and deepens your learning. The course emphasizes the executive di- Budget Department, Ministry of Finance mensions that shape today’s business organ- Convini izations. As an XTM student, you will work Danske Bank closely with a top-executive at one of the Ericsson companies. You will be involved in projects Hexicon central to the company, either on your own Identity Works or as part of a team. Just as an example, we Lynxeye can mention that an XTM alumnus played an Nordic Credit Rating important role in transforming the way one Pfizer of the companies handle spare parts world- Scania wide. Sony Music You will be exposed to three types of Turbotic learning situations. Firstly, you will partici Unilever pate in the tailor-made executive trainee program (80 days). Secondly, you will select * The participating XTM companies participating var y slightly between semesters. a particular topic (central and relevant to the trainee company) for a written case report 3
XTM AT BUDGET DEPARTM ENT, M INISTRY OF FINANCE THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE is responsible for issues concerning central government finances, including coordination of the cen- tral governm ent budget, forecasts and analy- ses, tax issues, and management and admin- istration of central government activities. The Ministry is also responsible for matters con- cerning financial markets, consumer legisla- tion and housing and community planning. The Budget Department is one of the departments of the Ministry of Finance. The Budget Department is responsible for producing the Economic Spring Bill and the annual Budget Bill, and for coordinating work on these two projects in the Govern- ment Offices. The department also oversees the implementation of budgetary polices, WHAT WE LOOK FOR in close cooperation with the other depart- ments of the Ministry of Finance and the • High analytical ability, both line ministries. All government matters with qualitatively and quantitatively economic, budgetary or organisational con- • High motivation to learn and sequences must gain approval by the Budget understand the possibilities and Department. The operations and advice of constraints of economic policy, the department are guided by our principles government and civil service of budgetary discipline, economic efficiency • A high degree of self-motivation and cost e ffectiveness. and collaborative skills Through an XTM experience at the Budget Department you will gain insights in the LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS very centre of Swedish policy making and government. You will be working with differ- Swedish and English ent projects in parallel. The topics of which 4
will depend on our needs and your profile. All projects require that you quickly acquire CONTACT INFORMATION an understanding for the unique operations, organisation and culture of the Budget Anna Segerstedt D epartment. anna.segerstedt@regeringskansliet.se 5
XTM AT CONVINI Do you want to be a part of an exciting growth journey? CONVINI IS ONE of Europe’s leading com- er we provide approximately 3,000 client panies in the field of innovative food and companies in 15 cities with energy to make beverage solutions in workplaces. With ba- people at work feel better and achieve more. rista level office coffee and high technology Our vision is to develop an outstanding com- self-service stores we create an extraordinary pany, and to manage, we always strive to experience for our clients and consumers. think differently and take actions in order We make it easy and comfortable by offering to develop new innovating and inspiring an all-inclusive concept, from installation and working methods. delivery to replenishment and service. Over By joining us as an executive trainee you and above that we continuously improve and will get the opportunity to deep-dive into a expand our product range with well-known high-profile strategic project. Maybe you are brands and exciting news. passionate about European food consumer We are close to 250 employees, located behavior, curious about how to enter a new in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, and market through M&As, or have an innovative since 2019 on an international expansion and crazy idea about how to make latte art journey starting in Berlin, Germany. Togeth- a luxury in every human’s life? 6
WHAT WE LOOK FOR • We are looking for driven students who are interested in joining us on an exciting growth journey. • You are target oriented and always searching for different solutions with a positive attitude. To think outside the box is a natural state of mind and you share our vision regarding sustainability. • You are adaptable and comfort- able with both qualitative and quantitative methods. Today, when consumers are high-de- • You like to connect with people manding, requesting fast-paced on-demand and are thrilled to be a part of an service, we know that digital, innovative, inclusive and diverse workplace. and sustainable solutions are and will be key factors to success. And it all starts with the LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS people creating it. You will be based in our office in Solna English, preferably Swedish and work closely with our senior manage- ment team, who will support you along the way. As a bonus you will be a part of a cul- ture influenced by joy, high ambitions and employee engagement which according to us CONTACT INFORMATION are important factors for business develop- ment and growth. Camilla Wemnér, HR Manager camilla.wemner@convini.se 7
XTM AT DANSKE BAN K Ambition is something we share. With our customers. Our people. And the communities around us. WE WANT TO help our customers be financial- exceed our customers’ expectations today ly confident and achieve their ambitions by and tomorrow. You will report to our Swedish making daily banking and important finan- management team. You will be based in our cial decisions easy. Stockholm office, but some travel might be We aspire to be our customers’ most trust- required to meet stakeholders and experts. ed financial advisor. To reach that goal, we must continuously learn, develop and trans- ABOUT US form, as an organization and as individuals. Danske Bank is a Nordic bank with strong lo- We are looking for individuals that want cal roots and bridges to the rest of the world. to join us in this journey and work with our For more than 150 years, we have helped transformation. people and businesses in the Nordics realize If you chose to join us, you will work their ambitions. Today, we serve personal, closely together with our senior management business and institutional customers and in in Sweden, as well as on a global level, in addition to banking services, we offer life in- order to learn about our current business surance and pension, mortgage credit, wealth and operating model. We will, together with management, real estate and leasing services. you, select an area where you will focus on We aim to create long-term value for all our how we can and should change in order to stakeholders – our customers, shareholders 8
WHAT WE LOOK FOR We are looking for you who are curi- ous about the future, forward thinking and positive. To succeed in this role we believe that you feel confident in analyzing data and trends, and you know how to combine quantitative and qualitative methods. You have ex- cellent communication and presenta- tion skills. You feel confident when approaching senior stakeholders, but you are humble and know that in or- der to learn and develop you need to listen, ask the right questions and dare to challenge the status quo. We believe that you have the ambition to drive change and/or lead a start-up or enterprise in a transformative in- dustry. You share our passion for the and the societies we are part of – and our future and are a team player. vision is to be recognized as the most trusted financial partner. Danske Bank is the fifth-largest bank in Sweden, and we have an ambition to strengthen our position. By taking advantage CONTACT INFORMATION of our technological and digital capabilities and drawing on both local and Nordic exper- Elisabeth Stejmar tise, we aim to create value for our Swedish elist@danskebank.se customers. We have a strong entrepreneurial and challenger culture. 9
XTM AT ERICSSON Are you ready to radically transform Ericsson through Intelligent Automation? AUTOM ATION & AI is changing the world ruptive technologies including AI/ML, Block- and one after another industries are getting chain, RPA and Low Code. disrupted; and the pace of change is only ac- We’ve had a great experience with celerating. We’re here to radically transform the XTM program for many years and are Ericsson and create competitive advantage committed to giving you the best possible through Intelligent Automation & AI. experience. We ensure that you will work The XTM students will join Ericsson’s Group with important, strategic topics close to the Automation & AI team, a team on a mission Automation & AI Leadership team – real work to radically transform Ericsson through Intel- that helps us realize our vision. ligent automation and AI. We will do this by automating all repetitive tasks, creating ABOUT US zero-touch workflows, democratizing and Ericsson is a world leader in the rapidly industrializing Intelligent Automation & AI changing environment of communications across the company. We’ve been successful technology – by providing hardware, soft- so far, we are one of the few companies that ware, and services to enable the full value of are successfully developing and scaling dis- connectivity. With nearly 110,000 employees WHAT WE LOOK FOR LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS • Team player with a positive, can-do English attitude, intellectual curiosity and a sense of ownership At Group Automation & AI, you will work • Ability to identify and define problems, directly with our business leaders and analyze data and create recommen- their ongoing projects. You will also be dations to top management, using a a part in our unit’s Leadership Team. You consultative approach will be considered a valued part of the • Willingness and ability to work across team and you will get hands-on support countries and cultures to deliver results and guidance from experienced manag- ers and project leaders in the field. 10
worldwide, we’ve developed technologies that make the world work today and we’re CONTACT INFORMATION leading development of techno l ogies for the future such as 5G, 6G, Internet- o f- Beatriz Probell Things (IoT), and AI. Head of Business Operations & Value Realization beatriz.probell@ericsson.com 11
XTM AT IDENTIT Y WORKS Identit y Works is a design and brand development agency, transforming some of Scandinavia’s leading brands from insight to impact. IDENTIT Y WORKS HAS a human-centered ap- ABOUT US proach to branding. Being a member of the For over 20 years we’ve helped reshape, strategy team at Identity Works means being create and strengthen some of the Nordic in the driver’s seat for meaningful change. regions most successful brands. What dif- We form close collaborative partnerships ferentiates us from a traditional manage - with our clients to shape the strategic direc- ment consultancy agency is our focus on tion for brands such as Kry, Arla, Google, combining strategic thinking with creativ- Swedish Match, Kronans Apotek and Volvo it y and our human- centered approach to Trucks. If you like to have an impact and mix branding. We drive brand transformation your analytical skills with creativity, Identity all the way to design and actual products Works is the obvious place to be. and ser vices. 12
WHAT WE LOOK FOR Analytical, strategic and creative team-players curious about brands and design. A couple of brilliant minds that will join our strategy team and play a vital role in our client projects. During the XTM program you will combine hands-on work with our cli- ent assignments with a deep dive in a subject relevant for you and us. We are open to ideas for subjects covering branding, design, innova- tion, digital transformation, customer experience, sustainability and other perspectives. Let’s talk! LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS We work with creating brand experiences, Swedish transformational journeys and new offerings together with our clients. Always with human needs in mind, we seek to create brands that genuinely captivate people. Because we be- lieve brands built from a human perspective CONTACT INFORMATION grow bigger and stronger. Within the Identity Works family, we work together with our sis- Sandra Fors ter agencies IW Edition for brand communi- sandra.fors@identityworks.se cation and Adore You for developing digital +46 761 60 13 29 products and services. 13
XTM AT HEXICON Join the future. WE ARE LOOKING for the next generation of power, generated from the deep-sea waters, with our patented floater design. An ambition is to create a home market offshore Sweden and the JV FREJA OFFSHORE AB – with Nor- wegian Aker Offshore Wind – is instrumental to this effect. WHAT WE LOOK FOR We are on the look for well-educat- ed talent that has the motivation and talent to contribute from day 1. With the office in central Stockholm as hub, you will be part of a multi-disciplinary team. Will tell you more when we meet! LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS Swedish English is preferred CONTACT INFORMATION Henrik Baltscheffsky henrik.baltscheffsky@hexicon.eu 14
XTM AT LYNXEYE At Lynxeye, we share a passion for making companies understand how they can make a difference for people, businesses and societ y. Do you share that passion with us? Apply for the XTM program at Lynxeye! LYNXEYE CREATES PROGRESS with purpose. By going beyond the obvious to find insights about people and society, today and to- morrow, we can answer the most complex questions about the future of business: how it should transform and why. We are a team of analysts, strategists, innovators and design- ers working together to create purpose-driv- en change. Each of us brings a different per- spective, and being a member of our team is developing and dynamic. You will get the opportunity to work on exciting projects with some of the biggest brands, combining your analytical and creative skills and be part of developing meaningful change. Being an ex- ecutive trainee at Lynxeye, you will be able to apply your theoretical skills in practice, as well as contribute in a professional and supportive environment. ABOUT US Lynxeye is an independent management consultancy focused on growth strategies, innovation and design. From our two offices in Stockholm and Singapore, both melting pots for creativity, innovation, and business, and from an additional six engagement hubs located across the globe, our 50 colleagues sights about people and societies. It enables work across borders with international cli- companies all over the world to uncover dis- ents. We created the world’s leading system ruption and hyper-growth opportunities. to uncover and identify transformative in- 16
WHAT WE LOOK FOR We are looking for a team player with a strategic and analytical mind- set. You have an interest in brands and strategic business development, and you are curious with a strong desire to make an impact and drive change. During the XTM program, you will both get the opportunity to work hands-on in projects with our clients as well as be responsible for your own internal project within a topic that we both find relevant and interesting. We are looking forward to hearing from you! LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS Swedish CONTACT INFORMATION Anna Björk anna.bjork@lynxeye.com 17
XTM AT NORDIC CREDIT R ATIN G Nordic Credit Rating is a credit rating agency on a mission to improve transparency in the Nordic financial markets. NORDIC CREDIT R ATING (NCR) publishes credit credit risk. We meet with and interview senior ratings and related research on Nordic cor- management and carefully analyse financial porates and banks from our offices in Stock- statements. We study macroeconomic risks, holm and Oslo. As a start-up challenger to industry risk, and issuer-specific matters. An the established rivals, we are a fast-moving integral part of our analysis is how the is- and entrepreneurial organisation where em- suer manages risks relating to sustainability. ployees get a lot of responsibility from day We are a signatory to the “ESG in Credit one. We are looking for a highly talented in- Ratings” project managed by Principles of dividual with a keen interest for financial mar- Responsible Investments (PRI), where we are kets who will work closely with our CEO on a working to bring transparency around how strategic project which could add a product environmental, social, and governance fac- line to our current offering. If you like to mix tors affect credit risk. an entrepreneurial mind-set with analytical skills, this is the place to be. ABOUT US WHAT WE LOOK FOR NCR exists to decrease information asym- metries between Nordic debt issuers and We are looking for an analytical, investors. We were founded in 2016 to curious, and structured team-player provide an alternative to the big three rat- who can take initiatives and drive a ing agencies, which have a market share of strategic project in the intersection be- around 93% in the European Union and are tween credit analysis and sustainabil- widely seen as expensive and heavy to work ity research. The project will consider with. We challenge this oligopoly by prov- operational, analytical, commercial, ing high-quality credit ratings and research and organisational aspects and be de- based on local insights. We pride ourselves livered to the board of directors. The on being an entrepreneurial and fast-moving strategic project will be supervised by organisation. the CEO, but the candidate will also Our credit ratings are prepared by a utiliz- work within our analytical team to ing a thorough analytical framework whereby learn the craft of credit ratings. an issuer is analysed on all aspects covering 18
CONTACT INFORMATION Gustav Liedgren, Chief Executive Officer gustav.liedgren@nordiccreditrating.com 19
XTM AT PFIZER Breakthroughs that change patients’ lives. SCIENCE IS THE FOUNDATION of our company. At Pfizer, we are driven to discover the cure – driven to significantly improve the lives of everyone, everywhere. It starts with the dis- covery and development of new innovative medicines and vaccines for patients with great medical needs, but also includes a vi- sion of quality healthcare for patients. We have an extensive research program and work with universities, healthcare pro- viders, government agencies, non-profit organizations, biotech companies, technol- ogy companies and patients to find new approaches to serious health problems. The future of medicine is happening at Pfizer. We are driven by science, discovering breakthroughs that change patients’ lives, for generations to come. To learn more about Pfizer, visit www.pfizer.se WHAT YOU WILL BE PART OF AT PFIZER We are undergoing an inspiring transforma- tion re-imagining the way we work and the way we provide our products and solutions to healthcare and patients. You will be work- ing closely with the country manager/VD in Pfizer Sweden and the Swedish leadership team, involved in day-to-day local business operations & management, in rethinking how we do things and in refining our patient-cen- tric mindset. This mindset is critical to our suc- 20
cess and our ability to deliver breakthroughs that change patients’ lives. At Pfizer, you will find a company as focused on its internal culture as it is on its external reputation. A culture defined by our values: Courage – Excellence – Equity – Joy. WHAT WE LOOK FOR You are committed to making a differ- ence, have a high inner drive and are comfortable navigating in a complex matrix structure. You are curious and thrive in change, think big, prestige- less, inclusive, and dare to speak up; happy to share ideas, successes and failures. You make things happen by holding yourself and others account- able. You have awareness of your emotional intelligence and also have analytical skills. You are interested in people, transformation and general management. And you like to do all of CONTACT INFORMATION this while never ceasing to have fun. Henrik Rommedahl LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS Account Management & Sales Lead +46 768 892 579 Swedish and English henrik.rommedahl@pfizer.com 21
XTM AT SCANIA Let’s drive the future together! SCANIA’S PURPOSE IS to drive the shift towards a sustainable transport system, by develop- ing safe, smart and energy-efficient transport solutions that are better for people and the planet. It is a bold and exciting journey with no finite end. Our innovative spirit and de- termination are what keep us going until we reach the science-based targets that Scania, as one of the pioneers of the industry, has proudly committed to. During your XTM pro- gram, we offer you the chance to join our Sales and Marketing organization (S&M), which is responsible for the strategy for all our products and services portfolio. We look for ambitious and driven students, who will work with strategic topics and projects and support each other in this period of transition for our industry. By joining us you will have the chance to improve your business skills and work closely with the leadership within strategy. You will get deep insight into what agement. We will make sure that you have it means to work in Scania Sales and Mar- the support and resources needed to help us keting with the present and future offering of drive the shift towards a sustainable future! Scania, and gain experience within business By joining us, you will get deep insight development and product management in a into what it means to work in Scania Sales global environment. We want talented minds and Marketing with the present and future to add their expertise and knowledge to our offering of Scania, and gain experience team, and we are hoping for your applica- within business development and product tion. To make the best out of your XTM, you management in a global environment. We will be supported by a mentor and will work want talented minds to add their expertise in close contact with the S&M senior man- and knowledge to our team, and we are hop- 22
ing for your application. To make the best out of your XTM, you will be supported by WHAT WE LOOK FOR a mentor and will work in close contact with the S&M senior management. We will make You are curious, entrepreneurial and sure that you have the support and resources driven person who likes to work with needed to help us drive the shift towards a both technology and business devel- sustainable future! opment close to customers in a high paced environment. ABOUT US You have an open mind and enjoy Scania is a world leading provider of building things in a context where the transport solutions with 50,000 employees road forward is not always clear. in about 100 countries. Together with our You are a team player with a pos- partners and customers we are driving the itive attitude and are interested in shift towards a sustainable transport system. developing leadership skills. We believe that together with our partners You share the interest with us in and customers we can develop solutions to transforming the transport sector into reach tangible results in reducing our carbon a modern and sustainable industry. footprint while ensuring that we meet the de- You are flexible and adaptable, mands of a growing population – profitably like to work with strategic topics and sustainably. By working together, we with a good mix of quantitative and can identify opportunities and solutions to qualitative methods and enjoy com- the local and global challenges that we face. municating and collaborating with Scania is part of TRATON SE. people from different cultures and backgrounds. LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS CONTACT INFORMATION English Jessica Sjöblom jessica.sjoblom@scania.com 23
XTM AT SONY MUSIC Be a part of a dynamic and fast-paced environment where creativit y flows. IT’S NO NEWS that the music industry has gone through a huge change during the last WHAT WE LOOK FOR decade. We have moved from a traditional and physical business model to a totally new, At Sony Music, a questioning and fast growing and still rapidly changing, digi- creative can-do attitude together with tal business model. The Nordic region of the strong analytical skills will take you music industry is in the absolute forefront of far. If you also have a forward-think- this era, where streaming and subscription ing mindset, strong business acumen services represent by far the largest share and a collaborative spirit, you will of our revenues. The Swedish music market be a perfect match. You welcome is currently in a healthy and steady growth diversity, dare to think differently and phase and we are investing heavily both time want to make an impact in a chang- and resources into optimizing our business ing industry with huge opportunities. for the constantly changing landscape. Naturally, you will have an advan- During your time at Sony Music, you will tage if you appreciate our industry, join our Commercial team, where you will and share our passion for music and focus on areas of New Business and Business entertainment. As an active part of a Development. You will gain insights into the culturally and socially diverse society, latest trends in the entertainment industry Sony Music aim to have an inclusive and face exciting, complex and new chal- and diverse workforce and to be an lenges – challenges that you will be a part of equal opportunity employer. overcoming. Based on data analysis and re- search on upcoming trends, you will identify LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS new business opportunities, and proactively recommend actions and strategies that sup- English port our business objectives. Swedish is preferred but not required By managing your own projects while also collaborating with a forward-thinking team, you will get the opportunity to put your the- Development Manager and the whole Man- oretical and business knowledge into prac- agement team in a company which is in the tice. You will work closely with our Business absolute industry forefront. 24
ABOUT US Sony Music Entertainment is one of the world’s artist roster you will find some of the world’s leading music companies with approximate- biggest new artists such as: Molly Sandén, ly 5,000 employees around the world. Our Khalid, Alan Walker, Beyoncé, Victor Leksell, head quarter is located in New York, and Kygo, Petter, Nea, Justin Timberlake, Miss Li the company is fully owned by Sony Corpo- and Harry Styles. ration. At our Swedish office, you will meet about 70 people, of which some are SSE alumni’s, working with tasks including mar- keting, A&R (talent scouting), artist service CONTACT INFORMATION development, finance, account management, big-data analysis and sales. Together we de- Kristoffer Bäck velop new ways to improve our business and Commercial Director increase the success and sales of both our Kristoffer.back@sonymusic.com Swedish and international repertoire. In our 25
XTM AT TURBOTIC Want to be a part of creating self-driving companies? OUR GOAL IS to enable the world’s companies world’s first operating system that connects to be self-operating using AI and Automation all automations and robots in a company into Technologies. We want to free up time for one visual platform. We work with a vast ma- humans to work on innovation, growth and to jority of technologies such as RPA; Low-code, take on the world challenges. Cognitive Automation, BlockChain, Text/ This is done through TurboticOS, the Semantic Analytics and Machine Learning. We are today one of the most promising start-ups in the Nordics and a part of Mi- crosofts Innovation Program. We have com- WHAT WE LOOK FOR pleted our first year as a company where we have launched a product, acquired our first • We are looking for an individual customers, expanded to India and raised 60 with strong interest in business MSEK in seed investment. development, entrepreneurship and 2022 is about growth as we take on the emerging technologies US market and expand further in Europe and • To succeed in this role we believe Asia. You will work with our executive team that you are a team player with to drive strategic projects and engagements capabilities to drive your own and be based at our Headquarter in Stock- project holm. Through your experience at Turbotic • You have great communication you will gain insights about the latest in AI skills and also a drive for learning and Automation and be a part of a young the business side of tech and innovating team. • We want you to be well structured and professional internally and externally • Our “moonshot” is to create CONTACT INFORMATION self-driving companies through A rtificial Intelligence and Auto Alexander Hübel mation, and we think it is a must Chief Strategy Officer that you believe in that possibility alexander.hubel@turbotic.com 26
ABOUT US Turbotic is a world leader in AI and Automa- tion when it comes to combining many tech- nologies and vendors. This is done through our operating system Delphi. Today we are 40 employees world-wide and our HQ is in Stockholm, Sweden. Turbotic is more than a company, it’s a theory and an idea that tomorrow’s companies will have to adopt a technology-first mindset to stay competitive. 27
XTM AT UNILEVER Work with great people and great brands. AT UNILEVER , we share one simple purpose: to make sustainable living commonplace. WHAT WE CAN OFFER IN XTM Through our household brands we are cre- ating a bright future for our business and • A unique way into one of the our planet. We need innovative thinking and world’s largest FMCG companies real vision on our side – from Marketing to • Opportunity to be the sparring Sales, Finance and HR – and that is why we partner and right hand of one of need the brightest talent on our internships Unilever Nordics Sr leaders and training programmes. At Unilever you • Opportunity to work with both get to work in a global environment, with strategic and operational tasks great people and great brands that makes directly impacting our business you proud every day. In our organization short and long term and culture the employees are empowered to • Opportunity to develop business act like entrepreneurs and business owners in acumen in a fast moving environment regard to agile innovations and new ways of working. Unilever offers the chance to make a real positive impact within a purpose-driv- ABOUT UNILEVER en sustainable business. Unilever is one of the world’s leading suppli- ers of Food, Home Care, Personal Care Beau- ty and Refreshment products with sales in over 190 countries and reaching 2.5 billion consumers a day. It has 155,000 employees and generated sales of €52 billion in 2019. Over half (58%) of the company’s footprint is in developing and emerging markets. Uni- lever has more than 400 brands around the world, including Dove, Knorr, Hellmann’s, Lipton and Ben & Jerry’s. In the Nordics we are approximately 1,000 employees working in four locations and three supply units. Swe- den makes up about half of our turnover and 28
our Nordic head office is in Solna outside At Unilever, we believe business growth Stockholm. should not be at the expense of people and the planet. That’s why we’ve changed the Our purpose is to make sustainable living way we do business, and why we want to commonplace and the Unilever’s Sustainable change the way business is done. Living Plan (USLP) commits to: Unilever was ranked in top in its sector in • Helping more than a billion people the 2019 Dow Jones Sustainability Index. In take action to improve their health the FTSE4Good Index, it achieved the high- and wellbeing. est environmental score of 5. It led the list of • Halving the environmental impact of Global Corporate Sustainability Leaders in our products. the GlobeScan/SustainAbility annual survey • Enhancing the livelihoods of millions for the eighth year running. of people. WHAT WE LOOK FOR IN YOU We look for a driven, can do person who is not shy to speak their mind and who enjoys to participate in everything from long term strategic decisions to hands on ‘roll up your sleeves’ work. We expect you to have an open mind- set and be very agile; working in a global organization at a high pace. CONTACT INFORMATION LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS Heidi Hansen Talent Advisor, Human Resources Mandatory fluent in English and pref- heidi.hansen@unilever.com erably one of the Nordic languages. +45 20647087 29
Q & A We talked to Emmy Englund and Oscar Lundquist on their thoughts about XTM. What attracted you to XTM? In what ways did your XTM learning I was very excited about the op- “go beyond” what you learn in portunity to make one semester at the formal business education? SSE a practical experience. The No matter how much I study stra- opportunity to get hands-on lead- tegic work and read about differ- ership experience and insights ent models etc, it will never be attracted me, as the XTM module is the same as working strategically designed in a way where you get to Emmy Englund. in a real organization, where new, both learn from leaders and partly try unforeseen events occur every day. out the role of being a leader. Of course, I had a lot of use of the things I learned through school but being able to What particular aspects were most enjoyable? combine that knowledge with hands-on ex- It has been an incredible experience to be perience is a very valuable asset when I’m part of a leadership team. I have really en- entering my first role after graduation. joyed working on a strategic level and plan- ning for a company’s future agenda. It has What did you learn from working on been challenging, but in a very motivating strategically critical projects? and inspiring way, as everything I’ve done Surprisingly, I would say that my biggest has been things I know will be of great value learning is the importance of motivated, sup- in future roles. portive, and dedicated people when working on strategically critical projects. Projects at Any important learnings? this level are often complex in nature, there I have learned many things that can’t be will always be complicated challenges to learned through school, especially in the solve. But without great people that are eager field of leadership: what it really means to to learn, collaborate and support each other, work on a strategic level, the importance no critical projects will succeed, no matter of motivating people as a leader and how how great the plans, models and targets are. to structure and plan for huge projects and investments, to mention a few. Would you recommend your fellow MSc students to apply? Yes, yes and YES! I couldn’t ask for a better experience before graduation. 30
What attracted you to XTM? throughout the semester. And ask It was the perfect opportunity to questions – the people you work test what you have learned during with are very smart! the first year of your masters, and apply your learnings at a real In what ways did your XTM organisation. For me especially, learning “go beyond” what I have gotten the opportunity to you learn in the formal business enter an industry not known to me Oscar Lundquist. education? before, and especially at an organi- Applying an academic theory to a sation during an interesting time – Pfizer. real-case study is a thing you only thought researches did – now you do it yourself. It What particular aspects were most enjoyable? is amazing, really! And thanks to XTM, my The combination of both experiencing what future opportunities after graduation has in- it was like to have a “full-time” job, while at creased by a large amount. the same time gathering thoughts and infor- mation to an academic case study has been What did you learn from working on very enjoyable. You really understand how strategically critical projects? much value our studies bring to the table, The best tip I got from my colleagues is to and how we as students can contribute with have fun on the way and make sure that a new perspective. To add on, I was also everyone feels included in the projects. able to be part of large projects and have Things that you have worked on for over a projects on my own, which tested my capa- week can change overnight, and there is al- bility to deliver. ways a good reason why, which should not be a let-down! Any important learnings? When working in such a large global organ- Would you recommend your fellow MSc isation, there are so many perspectives you students to apply? have to keep in mind. Having the ability to Yes, a hundred times over! XTM has been the listen and speak your mind without it feeling kickstart to my future career – apply and it forced is probably the best thing I learned can be yours too! 31
FROM XTM PROJECT TO AN ACADEM IC THESIS There is nothing more practical than a good theor y. BEING EXPOSED TO the experience of working closely with executives on strategic issues in the XTM program, you will learn not only what it implies to be a top executive but also about the complexities of getting things done in an organization. This forms the heart of the program, something that you need to see from the inside to real l y understand. Central to getting experience is the writing of a report on a specific project of strategic importance to the company. The intention is to work on something that really matters to the company’s future, something valuable. XTM also builds on an academic pillar, namely the idea that there is nothing more practical than a good theory. This notion ties academic thinking to practical work in the program. To develop academical- ly, we expect the XTM student to write an academic version of the project reports. In practical terms, this means that the student under academic supervision identifies the main questions, the relevant theoretical per- ing sure that there is a good fit between the spectives, models and methods to dig deep company’s expectations and the academic into the main issues that we identify in the requirements. Second, you will meet with all XTM-project. XTM students for seminars on a regular basis You will receive support and guidance. First throughout the course in order to drill deeper and foremost, the topic for your XTM-project into theoretical aspects as well as to discuss will be carved out in collaboration between how to move forward in your writing. Third, the company and the XTM course director, you are expected to consult with the academ- who also serves as your academic tutor, mak- ic staff on a regular basis for your progress. 32
THE XTM TIM ELINE M ARCH: XTM Fair – your chance to meet and mingle with the XTM companies. Start of the application period. Deadline usually around the end of the month. APRIL: Company recruitment processes. M AY: Matching between students and companies. If you accept an offer, you will then be registered to the course. AUGUST/SEPTEMBER: Kick-off event and the start of your traineeship. SEPTEMBER– DECEMBER: You will be working at the company and come to class about once per month for seminars. JANUARY: Kick-out event and hand in of your XTM thesis. 34
HOW TO APPLY TO XTM You apply to XTM via hhs.fullfabric.com Applications are due 9.00 PM March 31, 2022. YOU M AY APPLY for up to three different com- chosen, you will be contacted by that/those panies. For each company you are interested companies in due time. If you accept an offer in, we require that you write a separate cover you will be registered for XTM before August. letter. All documents should be uploaded as For more details, see SSE PORTAL. a pdf-file. Please note that you cannot combine XTM It is important to note that you are not with the Student Exchange Program, nor can guaranteed interviews with any of your cho- you apply to XTM if you are a student of ei- sen companies. The companies themselves ther the MSc in International Business or any pick whom they want to work with. However, of the double degree programs (or Wallen- if you are selected for an interview by one berg IFP or Karl-Adam Bonnier IFP). or more of the partner companies you have YOUR APPLICATION SHOULD INCLUDE • A personal cover letter to the company • Curriculum Vitae • SSE MSc transcript Stockholm School of Economics ∙ P. O. Box 6501 ∙ SE-11383 Stockholm Phone +46 8 736 90 00 ∙ info@hhs.se ∙ www.hhs.se
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