Excellence 22 years of - see money differently

Page created by Christopher Morrison
Excellence 22 years of - see money differently
22 years of

                        Chart your
                        Craft your
                        Your way.

see money differently
Excellence 22 years of - see money differently


              Why Nedbank?                          01
              Enabling success                      03
              Being part of the best                06
              Hot seat with our ITC Top Achievers   09
              Hot seat with our APC Top Achievers   11
              Our initiatives                       13
              Corporate social responsibility       15
              Coolest experiences                   18
              Choose your own path    21

              Meet our first-years
              Meet our second-years				             33

              Meet our final-years                  37
              Hear from Alumni                      40
              Hear from Line Managers               42
              How to apply                          44
Excellence 22 years of - see money differently
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME   < | > | CONTENTS                              01

    WHY                                            NEDBANK WAS

                                         DID YOU
                                                   THE 1ST BANK
                                                   TO OFFER A
                                                   CA(SA) TRAINING

     AT NEDBANK WE DISCOVER     Nedbank’s worldclass CA Training Programme
     BRILLIANT AND INNOVATIVE   offers exceptional study and developmental
                                opportunities and benefits outside of the South
                                African Institute of Chartered Accountants
  THEM ACROSS THE DIFFERENT     (SAICA) framework. Our trainees are afforded
   AREAS IN OUR ORGANISATION    the opportunity to rotate across the bank during
     AND GIVE THEM EXPOSURE     the course of their three-year learnerships, and
       TO OUR DISTINCTIVE AND   our proven track record of high pass rates bears
                                testimony to the support that they receive. We
                                place great value on the principles of leadership
                                and transformation, which are firmly ingrained in
                                our business culture, and encourage our trainees
                                to participate in and avail themselves of events,
                                seminars and mentorship programmes.

                                Furthermore, the programme is unique in that
                                it affords you the ability to choose your own
                                rotations, thereby tailoring your articles to
                                your career goals. Although the rotations are
                                mostly Gauteng-based, there are exciting
                                rotations in Cape Town and Durban. Trainees
                                can also apply for international rotations in
                                Namibia and London. These rotations will
                                challenge your adaptability, tenacity and
                                business acumen, while providing strong
                                support and invaluable mentorship.

                                Join the Nedbank CA Training Programme,
                                where you can do more and be more.
Excellence 22 years of - see money differently
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME       < | > | CONTENTS                                  02

                        THE PROGRAMME PRIDES ITSELF
    The benefits        ON THE UNIQUE DEVELOPMENTAL
 of being on the        OPPORTUNITIES AND TAILORED
    Programme           ARE MADE AVAILABLE TO YOU.

                        You will be offered the following:
                          banking boot camp. This is an induction programme in
                         the first month of working for Nedbank. It aims to sculpt
                         you into a more professional individual and accelerate
                         your transition from a student to a professional. You will
                         learn business writing and reporting skills, have advanced
                         Excel training, learn how to improve your presentation
                         skills and make a professional impression.

                          lock training and simulations that will equip you with the
                         professional and technical skills sought after in a CA(SA).

                         International rotations.

                         Individually tailored rotations.

                         Individually tailored training support to assist you with
                          any professional skills required to help you perform
                          better in your rotations.
                         A vibrant social committee that organises social events.

                         A seasoned coach from the bank who will guide and
                          support you throughout your journey.
                         Board courses for ITC and APC that are paid
                          for by Nedbank.
                         The ability to lead various projects run by the
                          programme committees, thereby providing an
                          opportunity for leadership skills development.
                         The opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives
                          through impactful corporate social investment initiatives
                          that are trainee-led and speak to our purpose of being
                          financial experts who do good.
                         A mentor and programme buddy who will be
                          assigned to you.
Excellence 22 years of - see money differently
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME                 < | > | CONTENTS                              03


Lerato Mathibela

What was it about the programme that              How has your journey been so far?
made you want to stay involved?                   The journey has been exciting! We have
I qualified as a CA(SA) in 2017 after having      just launched two international rotations
completed my articles through the Nedbank         in the United Kingdom, which enhances our
CA Training Programme. Before choosing            unique developmental opportunities.The
to take on the position of Head of the CA         trainees achieved outstanding results in the
Training Programme, I worked in Nedbank           ITC and APC exams, with 100% pass rates
Corporate and Investment Banking.                 respectively, and two trainees featured in
                                                  the top 10 and honours rolls for both exams.
The calibre of the trainees we have on            The trainees also made a difference in the
our programme made me want to stay                lives of young children at Epworth Children’s
involved. Although each year we are joined        Village early this year, after raising over
by a new group of trainees, year after            R30 000 to upgrade their learning centre
year the trainees prove themselves to be          and revamp their play area. We have just
authentic and driven to make a difference         chosen our 2020 Nedbank CA Training
within the context of their scope of influence.   Programme intake after a very rigorous
                                                  recruitment process. The challenges that
The Nedbank CA Training Programme                 still lie ahead motivate me to leave an
is truly worldclass, offering exceptional         unrivalled, impactful legacy that will enrich
opportunities to young professionals that         the South African chartered accountancy
are tailored to their own unique career           profession.
aspirations. The opportunity to not only
stay involved, but also to play a significant
role in the advancement of the programme,
excites me daily!
Excellence 22 years of - see money differently
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME                   < | > | CONTENTS                              04


Lesego Gwebu

Describe your role                                and driven. Nedbank is truly people-
I am the programme coordinator for the            centred. Every person I have interacted with
CA Training Programme. As a person who            has shown me that Nedbank invests in the
has a good eye for scouting and nurturing         development of its employees.
talent, my role ensures that every diverse
and unique individual we bring onto the           What drew you to this role at Nedbank?
programme does and becomes more                   Nedbank was the first bank to offer a
than what they could have imagined. We            CA(SA) training programme, and I believe
continuously invest in our people and ensure      that the programme’s success speaks for
that we create an environment that also           itself. It also allows trainees to do more and
empowers them to perform distinctively            be more.
and to excel.

What was your first impression of the
culture at Nedbank?
The support given is invaluable, I’m still in
disbelief. The team is warm, very positive
Excellence 22 years of - see money differently
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME                 < | > | CONTENTS                                  05


Reneé Macaulay

Describe your role                                their three-year journey to assist them
I am the Learning and Development                 in deciding which areas of the bank suit
Manager for the Nedbank CA Training               them best in working towards their future
Programme and have over 20 years of               career goals. My role ensures that every
experience in the broader area of human           diverse and unique individual we bring onto
capital management. As a certified life           the programme not only receives the best
coach, I have a passion for nurturing young       exposure and mentorship the bank has to
talent and working alongside them to help         offer, but that our trainees are able to enter
them harness their talents and potential. In      the profession with a level of competence
my 14 years with the programme, I am yet          and leadership comparable to the best in
to meet two individuals with the same goals       the world.
and aspirations, which is why the Nedbank
CA Training Programme is so unique in its         In short I love what I do and I love where I do
approach to talent development. There is no       it. Most of all I love the people I work with
‘one size fits all’; rather I partner with each   every single day! This is what keeps me
and every individual trainee throughout           coming back.
Excellence 22 years of - see money differently
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME   < | > | CONTENTS                       06

                                   OF THE

               Nedbank is          THE SUCCESS OF THE
             home to some          NEDBANK CA TRAINING
                 of the top        PROGRAMME SPEAKS
            achievers in the       FOR ITSELF. WE BOAST AN
                   country.        EXEMPLARY PASS RATE
                                   IN BOARD EXAMINATIONS
                                   AND A REMARKABLE
                                   RETENTION RATE.

                                   Through supporting our trainees
                                   and providing exciting and robust
                                   training rotations, the Nedbank
                                   CA Training Programme
                                   has a proven track record of
                                   exceptional performance.
Excellence 22 years of - see money differently
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME            < | > | CONTENTS                     07

                         TOP ACHIEVERS

                                 ITC        APC
                       Joanna Taylor        Greg Rowan
              (2019 eighth place ITC)       (2019 APC honours roll)
                        Chris Powels        Mark Champion
               (2019 ninth place ITC)       (2019 APC honours roll)
                      Rob Anderson          Nicki Berrange
              (2018 fourth place ITC)       (2018 APC honours roll)
                      Kate Stephens         Tim Noble
               (2017 third place ITC)       (2014 fifth place QE II)
                    Gregory Rowan           Rob Peche
               (2017 tenth place ITC)       (2013 joint tenth place QE II)
                 Rainer Steinhagen          Candace Waterer
               (2016 sixth place ITC)       (2013 joint eighth place QE II)
                 Matthew Thomson            Zenhardt Dedekind
              (2014 fourth place ITC)       (2011 joint eighth place QE II)
                         Gareth Lake        Bradley Smith
                (2014 first place ITC)      (2011 joint fifth place QE II)
                                            JD Symington
                                            (2011 first place QE II)
                                            Renee van Schaik
                                            (2010 sixth place QE II)
                                            Hayley Plimsoll
                                            (2006 first place QE II)
                                            Stephen Warner
                                            (2005 first place QE II)
Excellence 22 years of - see money differently
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME      < | > | CONTENTS                                     08






 ITC PASS RATE            30%

     Nedbank              10%
     National average











     National average     10%







NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME              < | > | CONTENTS                                   09

                        Joanna Taylor

What best prepared you for the ITC exam?

Practice, practice, practice. I started
studying quite early and allowed myself
time to get through most of the board
course work. This gave me an opportunity to
grapple with topics I hadn’t been exposed
to in university or had completely forgotten
about. At the end of the day you are not
being tested on theory and therefore
practising as much as possible should be
your main aim.
                                               What was your differentiating factor?
                                               I took two days off before the exam to rest
Practising under exam conditions for the
                                               and get in the right mind-set. People tend to
week before helped ensure I would be ready
                                               study until the last minute; I was guilty of this,
for the 12 hours of exams. Writing four
                                               but had to learn to be kinder to myself in the
exams in two days is a marathon that you
                                               latter part of my studying.
need to practise for.
                                               My differentiating factor really came from
                                               working hard in PGDA, the goal of which is to
                                               prepare you for ITC. Consistency throughout
                                               PGDA meant that I didn’t change much
                                               leading up to ITC.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME                < | > | CONTENTS                                10

                 Christopher Powels

What best prepared you for the ITC exam?

To recognise that the road to ITC began
on the first day of my undergraduate
career and to emphasise the significance of
continuous learning and development by first
laying a solid foundation of core principles.
I then built on each subsequent year,
ultimately finishing off with the technical
aspects covered in CTA.

Being a tutor for two years helped to ensure
                                                What was your differentiating factor?
that my technical understanding of the
content was on point – as the best way to       My consistent work ethic and never-give-up
know whether you understand something, is       attitude. CTA and ITC preparation is a very
being able to teach someone else the same       tough and demanding period that requires
thing. This ensured that I kept current on      a large amount of sacrifice, and as such it
prior years’ work, which formed the base for    requires a positive attitude day in and day
more technical concepts covered in CTA.         out to ensure that progress is being made
                                                consistently, regardless of how small or big.
Lastly, I believe the support structures        I was fortunate to have exceptional support
provided by the Nedbank programme               structures in family, friends, lecturers and
greatly assisted my preparation process.        mentors throughout CTA, which I believe
The constant support and guidance from          helped me to maintain this positive attitude.
second- and third-year mentors allowed          A balanced lifestyle is key to success, ensuring
me to ask all the questions, technical and      that you prioritise and give time to both
personal, to ensure my nerves were settled      academics and activities outside of studies,
and I was comfortable walking into the          and maintain mental and physical health.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME               < | > | CONTENTS                                   11

                       Mark Champion

What best prepared you for the APC exam?

While we were provided with a variety
of training opportunities by Nedbank in
preparation for the APC (all of which were
extremely valuable), I believe my rotation
in Specialised Finance best prepared me
for the exam. Specialised Finance required
me to analyse the financial performance of
companies from a broad range of industries.
I was then required to perform indepth
industry analysis, often working together
                                                 However, I took a few days of annual leave
with external parties as a part of the due
                                                 before the actual prerelease period to clear
diligence process. All of this information was
                                                 my mind and ‘switch off’. Once we received
then condensed into credit papers, which I
                                                 the prerelease information I split my day
believe was instrumental to my achievement.
                                                 into sessions and worked for between six
                                                 and eight hours a day. I also firmly believe
What was your differentiating factor?
                                                 that exercise is critical to being able to study
Stick to what works for you. We have all         effectively. As such, I also made sure that I
been through university and over the years       had set aside one hour each day for exercise
each of us has developed a system that           to ensure I was both mentally and physically
works. This took discipline, as I have always    fit for the exam.
been a relatively more ‘relaxed’ student,
and given the pressure of the APC it would
have been easy to dive head first into my
preparation for the five days, surfacing only
hours before the exam was to be written.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME                    < | > | CONTENTS                              12

                             Greg Rowan

How did Nedbank support you in
preparation for the APC exam?

Nedbank provides a multilayered approach
to preparing the second-year trainees for
the APC exam. Primarily, the support comes
through extensive training that is tailored
towards focusing on skills that will assist the
trainees to excel in the exam. This includes a
session with a research specialist to improve
case study skills, as well as a three-day audit
intervention designed to prepare trainees
                                                   training period at Nedbank, as well as a
for audit considerations in the APC. In terms
                                                   concerted effort to be mentally prepared
of APC programmes, trainees can choose
                                                   and rested for the final exam. The exposure
from either the UCT or APT programmes,
                                                   and experience that I had in my first two
with the latter programme’s lectures being
                                                   years at Nedbank were definitely important
held at Nedbank for the trainees’ benefit.
                                                   factors in preparing me professionally for
Nedbank has one of the most attractive
                                                   the responses required in the exam. I was
study leave propositions in the market. It
                                                   exposed to and worked on projects that
provides trainees with much required time
                                                   were highly strategic in nature, mirroring
to focus on the board course material, and
                                                   the line of thinking that is required to excel
to be as best prepared as possible for all
                                                   in the APC. In terms of writing exams,
exams written during the year.
                                                   both the CA Training Programme and
                                                   my rotation were extremely supportive in
What was your differentiating factor?
                                                   providing the required capacity and time
I didn’t have a differentiating factor per se,     off to concentrate on putting my best effort
but rather a culmination of factors over my        forward in the numerous exams written.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME   < | > | CONTENTS                             13

 INITIATIVES                                   LEADING LADIES
                                            TO LEARN WHAT IT TAKES
                                                 TO BE SUCCESSFUL.
        PROSPECTS WITHIN THE CA            This event provides an intimate
                                            space for views to be shared,
           TRAINING PROGRAMME.          ranging from the role that women
                                          play in the corporate world and
                                               work-life balance to topics
                                                    relevant to millennials.

                                       At the event you will learn what roles
                                         CAs fulfil at Nedbank, what you can
                                       expect from a career in banking and
                                      how women can grow further and have
                                       a challenging and rewarding career
                                       as a CA in banking. It is your time to
                                        showcase your extraordinary talents
                                     and step into the shoes of a leading lady.

                                              This event is open to female
                                          students in their final year of CA
                                                   undergraduate studies.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME       < | > | CONTENTS                          14

                                     CA SEMINAR
                                     THE PURPOSE OF CA
                                     SEMINAR EXPERIENCE (CASE)
                                     IS TO INTRODUCE 35 FINAL-
                                     YEAR BCOM/BUS SCIENCE CA
                                     STREAM STUDENTS TO THE
                                     OF NEDBANK GROUP.
                                     They will:
      THIS IS AN EXCLUSIVE            	
                                       master professional, financial and
  NETWORKING EVENT THAT                leadership skills with informative
 ALLOWS STUDENTS TO FIND               talks and workshops;
                                       gain insight into Nedbank’s culture,
                                       values and brand;
    PROGRAMME OFFERING.               	
                                       meet and network with the Nedbank
         Students get to discover      CEO, executives, directors and
        what makes our trainees        current trainees; and
        worldclass CAs and meet       	
                                       attend presentations on professional
       our programme and senior        skills, exam techniques, CV-writing
     executive management team.        skills, personal branding and more.

                                            ‘Safety and
                                         security don’t
                                          just happen,
                                          they are the
                                    result of collective
                                       consensus and
                                    public investment.’
                                          – Nelson Mandela

        We believe children are the most vulnerable
      citizens in society and we owe them a life free
      of violence and fear – and that is why Nedbank
                chose the Epworth Children’s Village.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME   < | > | CONTENTS                           16

To date the Nedbank CA Training Programme has raised
just over R900 000 for various community initiatives,
the latest being Project Itlole, which focused on Epworth
Children’s Village. Epworth is a Germiston-based non-profit
organisation that is home to approximately 80 children who
are victims of domestic violence. The home provides the
children with basic needs such as shelter, food and clothing.

                                         What did the programme do to
                                         help the children?
                                         Project Itlole’s aim was to revamp
                                         the playground area and the
                                         learning centre. In just under
                                         three days we created a soccer
                                         field, revamped and transformed
                                         the basketball court, refurbished
                                         the existing jungle gyms and
                                         provided the home with brand-new
                                         jungle gyms. The learning centre,
                                         which was previously used as a
                                         storage facility, had a leaking roof
                                         and broken windows, but was
                                         transformed through a complete
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME                  < | > | CONTENTS                          17


Boitshoko Mongalo

What part of the project do you think            How was your experience of leading such a
had the biggest impact on the lives of the       big project?
children there?                                  Leading the project was a phenomenal
The playground area had the biggest              experience. Being given the opportunity to
impact. I think that as adults, we tend          lead such a huge event taught me so much
to forget that sometimes the most vital          about myself and sharpened my leadership,
element to a child’s development is simply       interpersonal, negotiation and fundraising
being a child. Playing allows children           skills. It was truly rewarding and heart-
to use their creativity while developing         warming to see the results of our work,
their imagination and dexterity, physical,       and to see the smiles and giggles on the
cognitive and emotional strength. It is also     children’s faces as they played on their
important for healthy brain development.         new and improved facilities.

EXPERIENCES                             CELEBRATING
                                        APC RESULTS

EXPERIENCES                             CELEBRATING
                                        ITC RESULTS

   COOLEST                              WEEKEND AWAY

EXPERIENCES                             AT KIEVITS KROON
                                        COUNTRY ESTATE

  CHOOSE                          How will you
    YOUR                          get your CA(SA)?


NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME                < | > | CONTENTS                                 22

                  Galetume Rampedi

Can you tell us about your rotation in
Corporate Finance?

My role in Corporate Finance is that of a
junior analyst. My responsibilities include,
but are not limited to, assisting in the
preparation of pitch proposal documents,
creating models, performing industry
research and company research, and
structuring and executing deals.
I find this rotation very interesting because
                                                 Over and above the work, it becomes
it helps me improve not only my technical
                                                 fulfilling to build worthwhile relationships
skills and market knowledge, but my
                                                 with those around you. In terms of knowing
communication and networking skills as
                                                 oneself, it is important that you have a
well. In my team I have had the opportunity
                                                 passion for what you do, you find your
to interact with many clients who hold top
                                                 coping mechanisms and you find balance.
positions in their company and industries.
I find it’s great interacting with individuals
                                                 What is the culture like in your rotation?
that I see as role models and mentors;
it always reminds me how much I can              Work hard, play hard and sleep later. That
still achieve.                                   pretty much summarises it. It is a fast-
                                                 paced environment with a lot of work, but it
What was your biggest learning/growth            is very rewarding when you have achieved
point?                                           your outcome. People are very helpful and
                                                 always willing to teach you. You must just
The biggest learning point for me over the
                                                 be willing to work hard and not be afraid to
past few years has been the importance
                                                 ask questions.
of emotional intelligence and knowing
oneself. Given that we spend so much of
our lives at work it is important that people
enjoy working with you and that you enjoy
working with your team.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME                  < | > | CONTENTS                                23

                              Alex Bouter

What did your role entail?

The role given to a CA trainee in Corporate
and Investment Banking (CIB): Credit is
that of a credit manager. CIB: Credit is the
approval function for all investment banking
deals, and within this function credit
managers are given the responsibility to
manage their own portfolio of clients/deals
from a credit risk perspective. This entails
evaluating investment banking deals from
                                                    The various teams are full of experienced
end-to-end, presenting to and debating
                                                    CA credit executives who are willing to
with the bank’s Credit Committee for deal
                                                    give advice at any point and are invested
approval, liaising with the front-office
                                                    in the development of the trainees. There is
team to structure deals appropriately,
                                                    regular training to make sure all individuals
evaluating and rating clients on the scale
                                                    involved are upskilled and up to date with all
of investment grade to junk, preparing
                                                    market, regulatory and legal developments.
and structuring Client Coverage deals and
                                                    The various executives adopt a mentor-
attending client meetings. A CA trainee is
                                                    type role and will guide the trainee to
given huge responsibility in this rotation and
                                                    help nurture their growth throughout
it is really only self-starters who thrive. It is
                                                    the rotation.
a fast-paced working environment, where
assertiveness and professionalism are key.

What was the working environment like?

The working environment within CIB Credit
is high-paced and enables a CA trainee to
be upskilled as quickly as possible.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME               < | > | CONTENTS                               24

                     Bafana Mhlanga

Can you tell us about your rotation?

The Venture Capital team aims to make
pure minority equity investments in early-
stage disruptive technology companies.
In my role as an investment analyst I
am responsible for writing proposals to
be presented to Nedbank’s Investment
Committee, which makes investment
decisions. My job involves performing
financial analysis, which includes building
                                                What has been your biggest learning/
financial models, making desktop valuations
                                                growth point?
and analysing the commercial and
                                                I have learnt about various business models
scaling viability of a business to ultimately
                                                and the modelling techniques that need to
determine the fair value at which Venture
                                                be used when determining the value of a
Capital is to make an investment.
                                                new business, as well as being able to define
                                                and explain what it takes to start and run
What is the working environment like?
                                                a successful company. I’ve been fortunate
The environment is conducive to innovative
                                                to have been exposed to senior Nedbank
thinking and solutions. The team is positive
                                                officials, valuing companies, interacting with
and driven, which allows us to feed off each
                                                the founding members of tech companies
other’s energy through a ‘work hard and
                                                and writing committee papers.
play hard’ atmosphere. We’ve found it to be
quite important to build good relationships
with one another and I would regard each
member as somewhat of a mentor to
me. More importantly, within a month I
had forgotten that I was a trainee. This is
because the team puts a lot of emphasis
on your technical learning experience while
also showing confidence in your abilities
by enhancing them with value-adding
responsibilities of soft professional skills.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME                  < | > | CONTENTS                                    25

                       WEALTH AND
                    EXTERNAL AUDIT
                           Rob Anderson

Can you tell us about your rotation in Wealth?

I was fortunate to spend nine months rotating
through the various business units in Nedbank
Wealth, including the Centre (Reporting team),
Nedbank Private Wealth (NPW), Stockbroking
and Asset Management. In the Centre I
worked directly under the CFO of the cluster.
Highlights included the preparation of the
interim results and involvement in the three-
year-planning budgeting process, as well as
                                                    How did you find external audit?
getting exposure to senior management daily.
                                                    I thoroughly enjoyed my brief rotation at PKF
In NPW I worked for the Stockbroking finance
                                                    Octagon, an external audit firm. I was treated
team and highlights included engaging with
                                                    as a fulltime audit clerk and allocated to
the portfolio managers daily and preparing
                                                    various audits across multiple industries. I was
the annual financial statements. In Asset
                                                    fortunate to get exposure to the entire audit
Management I stepped out of a finance
                                                    cycle from beginning to end, including work
role and managed to secure a rotation as
                                                    that usually only second- and third-year audit
an equity analyst for the Property Fund.
                                                    clerks get involved in, and ended up dealing
Highlights included building a valuation model
                                                    with clients by myself. I got on really well with
from scratch for one of the listed real estate
                                                    the audit trainees, managers and partners at
investment trusts and presenting my research
                                                    the firm. The audit trainees were very diverse,
and recommendations to the business.
                                                    as many of them were still studying or had
Nedbank Wealth is a great place to be for
                                                    families, and I learned a lot from them. I was
your first year of articles. The CA trainees
                                                    treated as a colleague with mutual respect
have a great reputation in the business and
                                                    and not as an outsider, and the managers
the staff are very friendly, down to earth and
                                                    and partners really made a concerted
approachable. The culture is laid-back but
                                                    effort to ensure I got the most out
results-driven, and the teams rely heavily on
                                                    of my short time there.
receiving a trainee every year, so you fulfil the
role of a permanent teammember with
fulltime responsibilities. Based on this, the
exposure one gets is invaluable. I would highly
recommend Wealth as a first-year rotation.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME                  < | > | CONTENTS                             26

                     GROUP FINANCE
                           Ipeleng Phele

Tell us about your role in Group Finance

I was fortunate enough to have dual
roles as both a financial officer (FO) and
a treasury product controller in Group
Finance at Nedbank Namibia. As an FO,
my primary responsibility was to prepare,
review and amend the annual financial
statements of the subsidiaries in the
                                                   What was your biggest learning/growth
NedNamibia group. This included all the
statements and notes, plus the accounting
policies. In addition to this, I was tasked with   I learnt a lot about managing a bank’s
responding to and addressing any audit             liquidity. Everyone knows the operations of
queries received regarding the preparation         most entities, but not everyone understands
of the statements. As a treasury product           how to stabilise an entity with many moving
controller, I was tasked with preparing            parts and how to add value through that
month-end reports about the treasury               process. I also improved my ability to
instruments issued by the bank, monitoring         provide insights to different audiences as a
various instruments and testing system             result of working with people with different
controls surrounding the capturing and             skill sets and levels of expertise, ranging
reporting of the instruments’ daily and            from data capturers, tax managers and
monthly movements.                                 the acting CFO.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME                 < | > | CONTENTS                                  27

              PROPERTY FINANCE
                        Lulu Molemong

Can you tell us a bit about Property Finance
Sales and what it entails?

The Property Finance office in Pretoria
specialises in the financing of commercial,
industrial, retail and residential development
property, offering loan funding to
developers, owners, occupiers and
investors. The funding can be in the form
of conventional loans, building loans,
development loans or a combination.              to be taken into account when structuring
                                                 funding deals. I have learnt about the
This is a year-long rotation and I am an         different methods of valuing properties,
analyst, focusing primarily on corporate         as well as the key drivers of property
and listed clients. My prime responsibility is   valuations. Furthermore, I have had to be
the writing of credit motivations, requesting    more proactive and vocal when it comes
approval from Credit for our clients’ funding    to the kind of exposure I would like to get.

What have been your biggest growth
points in this rotation?

I have learnt a great deal about property
fundamentals and all the key considerations

                         ROYAL BANK
                        OF SCOTLAND
                          Joanna Taylor

Tell us a bit about your rotation at
Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)

I was placed in two six-week rotations in
Group Finance at RBS. This was to ensure
that I received as much exposure as I could
while I was there. The first rotation I had
involved external reporting. Thereafter I
was placed in Allocations. This is allocating
costs to the rest of the banking divisions.
In this rotation I had a CA(SA) as my line
manager, which helped to ensure that I
got the competencies I needed while I
was there.

How is the culture in RBS?
RBS has a great culture. The dress code is
relaxed, with people getting to wear what
they are comfortable in. As the headoffice
is quite far from the suburbs, working hours
are flexible as people need to commute to
work. My colleagues were incredibly friendly
and welcoming, ensuring that I settled in
smoothly. RBS, like Nedbank is a very green
bank. There are recycling stations and
trees planted inside the beautifully modern
building too.

         MEET OUR

                Great things happen
                  with great people.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME   < | > | CONTENTS                              30

                                    Luyanda Njilo
                                    Why did you choose banking?

                                    The banking industry is the backbone
                                    of the economy. From large corporates
                                    down to the man on the street, banks
                                    connect them all. I have been interested in
                                    financial markets and the impact they had
                                    on the economy and people subsequent
                                    to the 2008 crisis. Completing articles
                                    at Nedbank will help me start my career
                                    early as I can complete my articles, build
                                    my brand and create connections all
                                    at once. The banking route is niche and
                                    individually focused. This, coupled with the
                                    responsibility placed on trainees, enables
                                    me to grow within the programme.

                                    How did you find induction?

                                    The lessons I learnt in induction were
                                    invaluable. Learning how to build my
                                    brand and dress and communicate
                                    effectively were the highlights of induction
                                    for me. Coming from university, where
                                    emphasis was placed on IQ, it was a
                                    surprise to see the value Nedbank places
                                    on EQ. Being a well-rounded individual
                                    with a deep awareness of one’s self were
                                    my biggest takeaways from induction.
                                    Induction also provided a platform to build
                                    close relationships with our fellow trainees.
                                    Having gone through various challenges
                                    and fun times together, it is no surprise
                                    that we came out of induction as a family,
                                    rather than coworkers.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME   < | > | CONTENTS                           31

                                    Izaan Messelaar
                                    What support did you receive for the ITC
                                    Nedbank’s support for ITC didn’t just
                                    start a month or two before we wrote the
                                    exam. We were allocated two programme
                                    buddies while we were in CTA. Their role
                                    was to support us throughout the CTA
                                    journey. Nedbank also arranged an ITC
                                    workshop with Rob Anderson, who came
                                    fourth in the 2018 ITC exam. Before the
                                    workshop we had to identify any areas in
                                    which we struggled, which he addressed.
                                    Nedbank also paid for our board course
                                    training and ITC exams.

                                    How have you found adjusting from the
                                    university life to working fulltime?
                                    It has been quite an adjustment. Nedbank
                                    has made this journey much smoother
                                    as we had a month-long induction, which
                                    allowed me to gradually transition to the
                                    working environment. Nedbank has other
                                    ongoing support systems in place to help
                                    ease the process, such as its buddy and
                                    mentorship programmes and an employee
                                    wellness programme.

                                    What has exceeded your expectations?
                                    I thought banking would be cut-throat.
                                    When I got to my rotation, everyone was
                                    very friendly, helpful and understanding.
                                    The people in my team are never too busy
                                    to help in areas where I struggle.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME   < | > | CONTENTS                               32

                                    Aimee Te Riele
                                    Why did you choose Nedbank?
                                    The people. Nedbank is an organisation
                                    that truly invests in its people and the
                                    effect of this can be felt in the warmth
                                    that welcomes you when you walk through
                                    Nedbank’s doors. I found that you can
                                    walk into any room with any Nedbank
                                    staff and you will always be greeted with
                                    a smile. The culture is incomparable to any
                                    other organisation and I am grateful to the
                                    Nedbank team for having me in their family.

                                    How has the transition to living in
                                    Johannesburg been?
                                    I am from a small farm in the KwaZulu-
                                    Natal Midlands, but I survived boarding
                                    school and five years in Cape Town, so
                                    being away from home was not a big
                                    hurdle for me. However, a professional life is
                                    quite different from a student one. We were
                                    assigned two mentors from the year above
                                    us, who helped us with any questions or
                                    concerns we had regarding this transition.
                                    The trainees were inclusive and made
                                    us feel like we were part of the team by
                                    organising after-work drinks and weekend
                                    fun. The Nedbank trainees have been
                                    incredible in helping us establish ourselves.

                                    What has exceeded your expectations?
                                    The generosity of the organisation.
                                    Nedbank does this to ensure you perform
                                    at your best while being your best.

                Great things happen
                  with great people.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME   < | > | CONTENTS                             34

                                    Boitumelo Morodi
                                    Can you tell us about your experience
                                    organising Leading Ladies?
                                    Organising Leading Ladies was an
                                    experience that really pushed me beyond
                                    my boundaries. It was the first Leading
                                    Ladies that included quant students and
                                    the biggest Leading Ladies to have been
                                    hosted. This created a great opportunity
                                    for networking, knowledge-sharing and
                                    diverse views for the students outside of
                                    just the CA stream. My biggest takeaway
                                    from planning Leading Ladies was that
                                    with great opportunity comes great
                                    responsibility, but no moment could match
                                    the feeling of seeing the culmination of
                                    months of hard work come to fruition.

                                    If you could go back to honours, would
                                    you choose Nedbank again?
                                    Most definitely. The Nedbank CA
                                    Training Programme is the most
                                    rigorous, supportive and trainee-focused
                                    programme in the country. It balances my
                                    development and training with business
                                    needs, which is not an easy task to perform.

                                    What were your expectations before coming
                                    to Nedbank and have these been met?
                                    I have found that the programme has
                                    exceeded my expectations because I
                                    have chartered my own rotation path.
                                    I have had ample amounts of support
                                    through mentoring, coaching and courses
                                    to become a well-rounded future CA.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME   < | > | CONTENTS                              35

                                    Matthew Godrich
                                    How do you manage work-life balance?
                                    Maintaining a work-life balance is one of
                                    the most important skills that you need to
                                    develop once you join the corporate world.
                                    Personally, I feel that time management
                                    plays an important role, as I prioritise the
                                    work that needs to be done while ensuring
                                    that I have sufficient time during the week
                                    and on the weekends to do the things I enjoy.

                                    How would you describe Nedbank’s culture?
                                    The Nedbank culture differs slightly
                                    depending on the area that you are in.
                                    In CIB: Finance, the culture is high-paced
                                    as there are deadlines that need to be
                                    met weekly. In Credit the deadlines are
                                    dependent on the deal flow, so at times
                                    the rotation is less intense. The common
                                    denominator in all areas is the willingness
                                    of every teammember to help the
                                    trainees and ensure we get the most out
                                    of every experience.

                                    What have you enjoyed most about the
                                     I have thoroughly enjoyed how involved
                                    the trainees are in every aspect of the
                                    programme – from organising events
                                    throughout the year and conducting
                                    interviews for CASE, to being mentors to
                                    the first-years. The trainee involvement
                                    fosters a culture within the programme
                                    that I don’t think can be found elsewhere.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME   < | > | CONTENTS                              36

                                    Uressa Chetty
                                    What have been your highlights at
                                    Nedbank so far?
                                    My highlight so far is definitely the people.
                                    I have had the opportunity to work for
                                    very senior people who offered so much
                                    advice during my time with them. Getting
                                    to learn from these individuals has
                                    enhanced my experience thoroughly and
                                    the relationships I have made are ones I
                                    hope to maintain. My fellow trainees have
                                    also been a great part of my experience
                                    so far. It isn’t often you find colleagues
                                    who you can call your close friends, but
                                    I think that the Nedbank CA Training
                                    Programme is unique in this regard.

                                    How do you manage work-life balance?
                                    Work-life balance is an adjustment coming
                                    out of university, but I haven’t found it
                                    difficult to maintain. It just takes getting
                                    into a routine and having discipline to
                                    ensure you still make time for yourself as
                                    well as prioritising your work. The best way
                                    I found to do this is to make time during the
                                    week for a personal activity to ensure your
                                    entire week isn’t just about work.

                                    What were your expectations before coming
                                    to Nedbank and have these been met?
                                    The Nedbank CA Training Programme
                                    has a prestigious reputation, so my
                                    expectations before joining were high. From
                                    my experience so far, these expectations
                                    have been surpassed in nearly all regards.

         MEET OUR

                Great things happen
                  with great people.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME   < | > | CONTENTS                            38

                                    Kate Stephens
                                    Can you tell us about your journey at

                                    I started in CIB: Finance, where my role
                                    was largely focused on ensuring the
                                    accuracy of the balance sheet for the
                                    Client Coverage team. In second year
                                    I rotated to the Special portfolio, the
                                    distressed debt management space
                                    of the bank that falls under Credit. I
                                    loved this year and was privileged to be
                                    exposed to large transactions and many
                                    client meetings. I’m now in my final year
                                    in the Leveraged and Diversified Finance
                                    team, where I’m learning valuable
                                    debt modelling skills, and enjoying the
                                    creative aspect of deal structuring, the
                                    high-energy environment as well as the
                                    relatively social nature of the team.

                                    What are your plans after articles?

                                    I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the banking
                                    space, particularly my experiences in
                                    distressed debt in Credit and Leveraged
                                    and Diversified Finance, so I would
                                    expect that staying in banking in areas
                                    I’ve enjoyed would be fulfilling. Having
                                    completed my CFA I’ve opened a variety
                                    of doors. I would also love to travel for a
                                    few months, using it as a time to see and
                                    experience more of the world and to gain
                                    some personal perspective.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME   < | > | CONTENTS                                  39

                                    Kgosietsile Mekgwe
                                    Can you tell us about your journey at
                                    I started off in an audit rotation. I did internal
                                    audit with Nedbank Group and external
                                    with Nolands. I learned the differences and
                                    similarities between the two, which would be
                                    very difficult to get during articles. I moved
                                    to Wealth in the second half of my first year
                                    and I got an opportunity to be an executive
                                    assistant to the managing executive of the
                                    Wealth Cluster. This was the highlight of
                                    my articles. I also did a rotation in Aircraft
                                    Finance which gave me exposure to the
                                    aviation industry within the banking sector.
                                    I’m currently in my final year, doing a
                                    rotation in Infrastructure, Public Sector and
                                    TMT Finance. This rotation is filled with a
                                    lot of debt modelling, deal structuring and
                                    has a lot of deal flow. What I enjoy the most
                                    is that it offers a learning opportunity for
                                    both project funding and term funding.

                                    Is life as a banker what you expected?
                                    I have realised that banks take an interest
                                    in the wellbeing of their most important
                                    asset – their staff. There is a work-hard,
                                    play-hard culture that ensures that you
                                    always looking forward to the next day.

                                    What are your plans after articles?
                                    In the medium term I’m looking at
                                    acquiring risk-associated skills, and in
                                    the long term I’m looking at becoming
                                    an entrepreneur.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME              < | > | CONTENTS                              40

                        Tayla Lai Thom

What is the life of a dealer like?

Predictably unpredictable. Every day is
different, with different circumstances and
challenges that arise, yet every day there
are predictable deliverables (for example,
cash management, pricing, etc). So, there is
a great balance of the known and unknown
to keep you on your toes. There is always
work and there is always something new
to learn.

Why did you choose to stay at Nedbank          Do you believe your articles prepared you
after your articles?                           for your current role?

Firstly, there are endless learning            Totally. My many different roles in the bank
opportunities in financial markets. The        all contributed to the skills that I apply in
industry is so dynamic and adaptive that       Treasury. My group rotations prepared me
there is no chance of ever becoming bored.     for the high-level reporting responsibilities
Secondly, the Treasury is the heart of any     in Treasury. My time at the external audit
bank. Without it there is no bank; we are      firm (Octagon) prepared me for the detailed
the money. That is why I love my job and       and granular reporting duties in Treasury.
why it was blissfully easy for me to stay      My front-office role in Specialised Finance
at Nedbank.                                    added to my soft skills and knowledge in
                                               terms of investment banking, which helps
                                               me in my current role.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME                  < | > | CONTENTS                             41

                        Bohlokwa Napo

Description of current role
I’m in Corporate Finance: Advisory and joined
the team in my last year of articles. No two
days are the same in Corporate Finance,
but the role entails, among other things:
collating pitch books with various merger
and acquisition ideas; performing valuations;
structuring transactions and capital raising
(including initial public offers, rights offers,
private placements and preferential share
offers). Despite the hard work and extremely
long hours, I have learnt a lot not only about      Would you recommend the CA Training
the work but also about myself. It has              Programme for articles? Why?
stretched me to lengths I never thought             I would definitely recommend the CA
imaginable. This may sound clichéd, but I truly     Training Programme, not only because I
understood the saying ‘what doesn’t kill you        have walked the path and I have an obvious
makes you stronger’ in Corporate Finance.           allegiance to the brand, but also because
                                                    Nedbank is a great place to transform
Did doing the Nedbank CA Training                   from being a bit rough around the edges
Programme give you an advantage in                  to a fully fledged young professional. The
your career path?                                   mentors have a vested interest in the
Without a doubt, the programme pays special         programme and are always willing to go
attention to the learning and development           the extra mile to ensure that you get up
journey of all the trainees and provides            the curve as quickly as possible. Above
additional skills development sessions, eg          everything else, I naturally gravitated
advanced Excel training, professional writing       towards Nedbank because of the culture
skills, additional Board 2 support, etc. These      and warmth of the trainees, mentors and
sessions were useful to me as they have             management.
helped me to perform better. I have been
given the opportunity to be in front-office roles
from my second year of articles, I have been
exposed to numerous sectors and have built a
solid network within the bank and beyond.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME                  < | > | CONTENTS   42

                  PRINCIPAL – CIB:
               PROPERTY FINANCE
                   Khayise Mashifane

Why do you support the CA Training

I believe in people development and the
programme helps to address the skills
shortage in the financial services sector.
The programme gives us an opportunity
to build the skills capacity for our future
leaders. The trainees have an added
advantage by being exposed to real-life/
on-the-job training and they have an
opportunity to engage closely with mentors
and coaches in the specific disciplines.

What role do CA trainees play in
your team?
CA trainees play a significant role in our
team. They are involved in the full value
chain of the services we provide to our
clients. This involves client engagement,
deal structuring, application of relevant
valuation methodologies and ongoing
maintenance of the transactions at hand.
The trainees also interact with all internal
stakeholders, including senior executives.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME                  < | > | CONTENTS   43

                    Catrina Le Grange

How do trainees fit into your team?

The trainee effectively becomes a
credit manager in the team. They will
be responsible for the day-to-day
management of a portfolio of clients,
they prepare credit papers based on
discussions held internally and with clients
and will present these credit papers to the
relevant committees.

Why do you support the CA Training
The trainee forms a vital part of the team,
especially with their knowledge of current
accounting practices. An example is the new
IFRS 9 standard, which we implemented
last year. We are also supportive of
retaining top talent in Nedbank and the
trainees become well-rounded through
the Programme.
NEDBANK CA TRAINING PROGRAMME            < | > | CONTENTS                              44

    HOW TO
                                                   CA Training
                                                   Applications open in January
                             Nedbank               and close mid-March for entry
                           CA Seminar              to the programme for the
                           Experience              following year. To apply you must
                                                   be registered for a Certificate
            Applications open in July each year    in the Theory of Accounting
       and close in September for entry for the    or an equivalent year of
       following year. To apply you should be in   postgraduate studies.
      your final year of undergraduate studies.    Visit our website for more
         Visit our website for more information.   information.

                      Nedbank Meet
                          and Greet                Contact us
                 There are various sessions in     Apply at www.nedbank.co.za/ca.
               Johannesburg and Cape Town          Email any questions to
              during the year. Visit our website
                         for more information.
purpleberry 0619/10933/1

Nedbank 135 Rivonia Campus
135 Rivonia Road Sandown Sandton 2196 South Africa
PO Box 1144 Johannesburg 2000 South Africa

Nedbank Ltd Reg No 1951/000009/06. Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP16).
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