Evolution of Deeper Basaltic and Shallower Andesitic Magmas during the AD 1469-1983 Eruptions of Miyake-Jima Volcano, Izu-Mariana Arc: ...
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JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 44 NUMBER 12 PAGES 2113±2138 2003 DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egg072 Evolution of Deeper Basaltic and Shallower Andesitic Magmas during the AD 1469---1983 Eruptions of Miyake-Jima Volcano, Izu--- Mariana Arc: Inferences from Temporal Variations of Mineral Compositions in Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Crystal-Clots MIZUHO AMMA-MIYASAKA1* AND MITSUHIRO NAKAGAWA2 1 HOKKAIDO BRANCH, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF JAPAN, AIST, N8W2, KITA-KU, SAPPORO 060-0808, JAPAN 2 DEPARTMENT OF EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCES, GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY, SAPPORO 060-0810, JAPAN RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 2, 2002; ACCEPTED MAY 29, 2003 Miyake-jima volcano has erupted at least 13 times during the end-member magmas suggest that the basaltic magma has period 1469---1983. To understand the historic magmatic pro- differentiated gradually since 1469, and that its magmatic cesses, we focus on the mineral assemblage and chemical com- temperature has fallen from 1220 to 1180 C. Conversely, the positions of crystal-clots in single samples from each of the andesitic magma has changed in a complex fashion to become eruptions. Most of the historic lavas consist of nearly aphyric more mafic (the magmatic temperature rose from 1050 to to weakly porphyritic basalt to andesite, but there also exist 1100 C). As a result of this study, it is estimated that the megacryst-bearing rocks. The megacrysts are considered to be basaltic magma after the 1983 eruption was the least mafic, and xenocrysts from a deep-seated plutonic body. Many samples of the andesitic magma the most mafic, of the historic eruptions. each eruption contain two types of clots beside megacrysts, termed here B-type and A-type. The B-type clots are composed of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase, whereas the A-type KEY WORDS: andesite; basalt; crystal-clots; evolution of magma; clots additionally contain magnetite and orthopyroxene. Compo- Miyake-jima volcano; magma mixing sitional relationships between these mafic minerals suggest that the minerals in the same type of clots are in equilibrium. Comparing the chemical compositions of the minerals in the INTRODUCTION two types of clots in each sample, they are derived from distinct The present state of the magma plumbing system magmas: the B-type clots from basaltic magma and the A-type beneath an active volcano provides important clues clots from andesitic magma. During the historic activity, the about the nature of the volcanic activity and the poten- magma plumbing system appears to have included two magma tial for future eruptions. Temporal changes in the storage systems: a deep-seated basaltic and a shallower andesitic magma plumbing system can be evaluated through one. In many cases, basaltic magma has injected into shallower detailed petrological studies of stratigraphically well- andesitic magma to form mixed magma; however, andesitic constrained eruption sequences. Many studies have magma has sometimes erupted alone without extensive injections focused on the magma plumbing system and eruption of basaltic magma. Temporal variations of mineral composi- processes based on the eruptive sequence of a single tions in the clots and estimated whole-rock compositions of the eruption (e.g. Reagan et al., 1987; Wolfe et al., 1987; *Corresponding author. Telephone: 81-11-709-1813. Fax: Journal of Petrology 44(12) # Oxford University Press 2003; all rights 81-11-709-1817. E-mail: m.miyasaka@aist.go.jp reserved
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 44 NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 2003 Garcia et al., 1989, 1992, 1996, 2000; Wolf & focused on the historic 1940 and 1962 eruptions and Eichelberger, 1997; Marianelli et al., 1999; Nakagawa established that deeper basaltic magma and shallower et al., 1999, 2002; Streck et al., 2002). A series of papers andesitic magma existed beneath the volcano during on the Pu'u O'o eruption of Kilauea (Garcia et al., this period. It is not clear, however, how long the 1989, 1992, 1996, 2000) has revealed changing mag- magma plumbing system has existed and how it has matic processes over a period of 17 years; Reagan et al. evolved through time. (1987) and Streck et al. (2002) discussed the role of In this paper, we describe the evolution of the whole- basalt replenishment in the long-lived (about 30 years) rock and mineral chemistry of the historic lavas from eruption of Arenal volcano, Costa Rica. Clearly, to 1469 to 1983. We focus on the mineral assemblage and study the evolution of magma plumbing systems, it is chemical compositions of crystal-clots in single samples important to investigate as long a period of activity to clarify whether minerals in each sample are in equi- as possible [e.g. Wright & Fiske (1971) for Kilauea, librium or not. We demonstrate the existence of two Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Hawaii; Borgia et al. (1988) for Arenal, Costa Rica; magma storage systems since 1469, one basaltic and Fichaut et al. (1989) for Mt. Pelee, Martinique; Belkin one andesitic. We carefully investigate the evolution et al. (1993), Villemant et al. (1993) and Tedesco et al. of both magma types for the past 500 years and the (1998) for Vesuvius, Italy; D'Antonio et al. (1999) for interaction between these magmas during each erup- Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy; Nakano & Yamamoto tion episode. This provides important new insights into (1991) for Izu---Oshima, Japan]. In most of these stu- the evolution of the historic magma plumbing system, dies, however, the evolution of the magma plumbing and allows us to estimate the possible state of the system systems was discussed mainly in terms of the temporal just before the 2000 eruption. change in whole-rock compositions. Although detailed analysis of phenocryst minerals is useful to understand magmatic processes (e.g. Nakamura, 1995; Umino & GEOLOGY AND 1469---1983 Horio, 1998; Nakagawa et al., 1999, 2002; Streck et al., 2002), a systematic mineralogical study of the eruptive ERUPTIONS OF MIYAKE-JIMA activity of an active volcano for a considerable period VOLCANO (for hundreds to thousands years), based on the evolu- Miyake-jima volcano is a composite volcano with two tion of both whole-rock and mineral chemistry, has not nested calderas (Fig. 1), and is composed of tholeiitic been carried out, except for that by Borgia et al. (1988). basalt and andesite. Based on the eruption style and Miyake-jima volcano has erupted at least 13 times petrological characteristics of lavas and scoria, Tsukui since AD 1469. During the period 1469---1983, magma et al. (2001) divided the volcanic activity of the last effused mainly from flank fissures. The most recent 10 000 years into four stages: 10 000---7000, 4000---2500, eruption, which began in June 2000 (Nakada et al., 2500 years BP to AD 1154, and since AD 1469. During 2001), however, is distinctive compared with other the first stage, the main cone was constructed, and the historic eruptions. Earthquake swarms occurred begin- outer caldera filled. Erupted materials are porphyritic ning the night of June 26, and a submarine eruption basalts. The second stage began after a 3000 year took place on the morning of June 27. A summit erup- repose period, consisting of andesitic lavas and scoria tion (ash plume) followed on July 8, and the summit erupted from lateral and central vents. The third stage area suddenly subsided. The collapse continued began with a large-scale eruption that formed the inner `silently' until mid-August, resulting in the formation caldera, which has subsequently been filled with nearly of a new caldera with a volume of about 06 km3 . The aphyric to weakly porphyritic basalts. volcano is now (April, 2003) discharging a large quan- The latest stage, since1469, began after a 300 year tity of volcanic gases (SO2, etc.) and inhabitants of repose period. The eruptions were characterized by Miyake-jima have been evacuated since September the effusion of lavas and scoria mainly from NE---SW- 2000. Several petrological studies have been carried trending flank fissures (Fig. 1). Eruptions occurred out on recent historic eruptions, except the 2000 erup- every 50---70 years before 1811, and have become tion, of Miyake-jima volcano (e.g. Iwasaki et al., 1982; more frequent (every 20---70 years) since then Fujii et al., 1984; Soya et al., 1984; Sato et al., 1996; (Table 1). Most of the eruptions continued for a short Amma-Miyasaka & Nakagawa, 1998, 2002). Sato et al. duration (typically a day to a month) whereas the (1996) dealt with most of the historic lavas since 1643. 1763 eruption was prolonged, lasting for 6 years. They showed that whole-rock compositions became The volume of magma erupted is estimated to be more silicic from 1643 to 1874, and then more mafic 50066 km3 for each eruption. Although these values from 1940 until 1983. They proposed that mafic may be underestimated, especially for the older magma was recently injected into the magma plumb- eruptives, there seems to be little correlation between ing system. Amma-Miyasaka & Nakagawa (2002) the eruptive mass and the duration of each eruption. 2114
AMMA-MIYASAKA AND NAKAGAWA MAGMA EVOLUTION, MIYAKE-JIMA Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Fig. 1. Location of Miyake-jima volcano and distribution of lavas and pyroclastic deposits erupted during the period 1469---1983. These eruptions were characterized by the effusion of lavas and scoria mainly from NE---SW-trending flank fissures. The 1643 lava flows are composed of three lobes: main-N, main-S and central. Modified from Isshiki (1984). Table 1: Summary of eruptive history of Miyake-jima volcano from 1469 to 1983 Age (date AD) Vent location Duration Volume* (km3 DRE) Rocks Total phenocryst (vol. %) SiO2 (wt %) 1983 SW flank 15 h 0.007 nearly aphyric---weakly porphyritic 1.0---8.5 52.0---54.4 1962 NE flank 30 h 0.006 nearly aphyric 0.2---1.5 53.1---55.5 1940 summit 25 days 0.015 nearly aphyric---weakly porphyritic 2.8---8.0 54.2---54.7 NE flank 23 h nearly aphyric 0.7---2.6 54.1---56.4 megacryst bearing 1.4---27.3 51.4---55.5 1874 N flank 4---5 days 0.01 nearly aphyric 1.6---3.0 54.5---55.3 megacryst bearing 3.7---15.7 52.8---55.2 1835 W flank 10 days 50.001 nearly aphyric---weakly porphyritic 1.3---7.9 52.1---55.5 1811? NE flank 7 days 50.001 megacryst bearing 3.1---10.7 54.6---55.2 1763---1769 SW flank 6 years 0.066 nearly aphyric 0.6---1.4 53.0---54.5 1712 SW flank 14 days 0.001 nearly aphyric 1.3---3.2 50.6---52.1 1643 SW flank 21 days 0.012 nearly aphyric 0.3---1.3 50.8---53.7 1595 SE flank? ? 50.001 nearly aphyric 1.2---1.7 51.8---52.6 1535 SE flank? ? 0.003 nearly aphyric 0.9---1.7 51.8---52.6 1469 W flank? ? 0.002 nearly aphyric 1.4---2.7 53.2---54.9 *Quoted from Tsukui & Suzuki (1998) except for the 1811 lavas. 2115
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 44 NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 2003 ANALYTICAL METHODS 1835 lavas, however, do not contain olivine pheno- crysts, whereas the 1643 and 1712 lavas lack ortho- For each of the 1469---1983 eruptions, we collected pyroxene. In addition, in some of the 1940 and 1962 samples to represent all source vents as well as the lavas both olivine and orthopyroxene phenocrysts are complete eruptive sequence. Mineral core composi- absent (Amma-Miyasaka & Nakagawa, 1998). tions were determined by a single analysis from the Plagioclase is the dominant phenocryst phase and its centre of the minerals for representative samples that maximum size is 46 mm in length. The An content of reflect the whole-rock variations of each eruption. The the plagioclase phenocrysts is in the range 53---96 mol % JEOL 733 and 8800 electron probe microanalysers (Fig. 2). Histograms for the 1835, 1962 and 1983 at Hokkaido University were used for the mineral samples show unimodal distributions with a peak of analyses. Operating conditions were 15 kV accelerat- An 80---90, whereas the other samples show bimodal ing voltage and 20 nA beam current with a minimum distributions. Although the peaks of the An contents Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 spot size of 1 mm. Each element was counted for 30 s on are variable in each eruption, most of them are in the the peak and 20 s on the background. Corrections were range of An 80---90 and An 60---75. made according to the ZAF method. Whole-rock com- Clinopyroxene less than 24 mm in length is the positions were determined by X-ray fluorescence dominant mafic phenocryst. Most of the phenocrysts (XRF), using a Philips PW-1404 system with a Rh are augite, although pigeonite sometimes occurs in tube at Hokkaido University. Glass beads were used samples of the 1712 and 1940 lavas (Fig. 3). The Mg- for major element analysis, and pressed pellets for trace number of most of the clinopyroxene phenocrysts is in element analysis. Major element compositions were the range 60---79; however, one phenocryst in the 1962 determined for 230 samples, and trace element compo- lava is more mafic (Mg-number 480). There is little sitions for 198 samples from the 1469---1983 eruptive difference in the compositions of the phenocrysts from products. Whole-rock compositions of all the samples samples of different eruption ages, although composi- for which we have analysed mineral compositions are tional variations in the 1835 and 1962 lavas seem to be listed in Table 2 and representative mineral composi- smaller compared with other eruptives (Fig. 3). tions are given in the Appendix. The complete whole- Olivine phenocrysts are usually smaller than 20 mm rock and mineral composition dataset is included in in length. The Fo content of the olivine phenocrysts is Electronic Appendices 1---5, which may be downloaded in the range 52---78 mol % (Fig. 3). The variations in from the Journal of Petrology web site at http://www. the phenocryst composition in the samples older than petrology.oupjournals.org/. the 1763 eruption are greater than those in the samples younger than the 1874 eruption. PETROGRAPHY AND MINERAL Orthopyroxene and magnetite phenocrysts are rare and smaller than 16 mm and 04 mm in length, respect- CHEMISTRY ively. The Mg-number of orthopyroxene phenocrysts Although most of the 1469---1983 lavas are nearly is in the range 52---75 (Fig. 3). Although most of them aphyric to weakly porphyritic, with less than 9 vol. % are in the range Mg-number 60---75, some of the of phenocrysts, there also exist rocks characterized by orthopyroxene phenocrysts in the 1962 and 1983 the presence of anorthite (up to 3 cm in length) and lavas have Mg-number 560. olivine megacrysts (Table 1). Phenocryst minerals are plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and magnetite. The groundmass is composed of plagioclase, Megacryst-bearing rocks clinopyroxene, magnetite and brown glass, and ranges Megacryst-bearing rocks occur only in the 1811, 1874 in texture from intersertal to hyalo-ophitic. and 1940 flank eruption sequences (Table 1), and are orthopyroxene-bearing clinopyroxene---olivine basalt to andesite (Figs 2 and 3). The total volume of pheno- Megacryst-free rocks (nearly aphyric to crysts varies from 1 to 27 vol. %, and gradually weakly porphyritic rocks) increases from the 1811 (511 vol. %), to 1874 All of the dated lavas except for the 1811 lavas include (516 vol. %) and to 1940 (527 vol. %) eruptions. nearly aphyric rocks (Table 1), and their modal Petrographic characteristics and mineral compositions volumes of phenocrysts are less than 3 vol. %. Some of of the megacrysts in the 1940 samples were described the 1835 and 1940 summit and 1983 lavas are weakly by Amma-Miyasaka & Nakagawa (2002). Although porphyritic, containing 3---9 vol. % phenocrysts. We the mineral assemblage and chemical compositions of generally call these `megacryst-free rocks'. Mafic pheno- the megacrysts in the 1874 samples are similar to those crysts in the megacryst-free rocks usually consist of clino- of the 1940 eruption, clinopyroxene megacrysts are also pyroxene, orthopyroxene and olivine (Figs 2 and 3). The found in the 1811 megacryst-bearing rocks in addition 2116
Table 2: Representative whole-rock compositions during the period 1469---1983 Downloaded AMMA-MIYASAKA Age: 1983 1983 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 Sample no.: 1522 2203 1802 1810 122508 2233 122005 1901 2003 2008 1803 1820* 122002 1815 from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 wt % SiO2 52.69 52.87 53.24 52.77 54.62 52.78 53.23 51.67 53.39 53.99 55.67 50.46 53.46 55.60 TiO2 1.31 1.39 1.36 1.38 1.37 1.40 1.39 1.40 1.32 1.32 1.31 0.97 1.39 1.27 Al2O3 14.80 15.39 14.46 14.46 14.53 14.65 14.60 14.49 14.78 14.90 14.87 16.26 14.56 14.72 AND NAKAGAWA Fe2O3 14.21 14.44 14.19 14.55 13.67 14.74 14.25 14.92 13.90 13.71 13.16 12.49 14.21 12.93 MnO 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.20 0.20 MgO 4.36 4.00 3.51 3.77 3.52 3.98 3.98 3.97 3.86 3.91 3.54 6.30 3.91 3.31 CaO 9.13 9.23 8.01 8.34 8.04 8.64 8.64 8.65 8.52 8.47 7.99 10.10 8.46 7.70 Na2O 2.79 2.77 3.11 3.01 3.06 2.84 2.80 2.88 2.91 2.93 2.97 2.18 2.85 3.25 K2O 0.58 0.53 0.66 0.62 0.64 0.56 0.55 0.57 0.60 0.59 0.62 0.41 0.61 0.71 P2O5 0.16 0.15 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.11 0.15 0.18 2117 Total 100.23 100.97 98.91 99.27 99.80 99.94 99.80 98.91 99.64 100.17 100.48 99.47 99.80 99.87 MAGMA EVOLUTION, by FeO*/MgO 2.93 3.25 3.64 3.47 3.49 3.33 3.22 3.38 3.24 3.15 3.34 1.78 3.27 3.51 ppm Sc 49 47 48 49 46 52 51 52 46 47 45 36 51 41 V 386 437 357 389 301 439 418 434 365 360 313 312 411 289 Cr 21 10 7 7 9 9 9 7 11 12 10 33 9 11 Ni 12 10 8 8 7 10 9 10 10 8 8 48 9 7 Cu 119 147 134 142 98 142 142 138 132 116 82 109 139 98 Rb 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 6 8 9 Zn 117 120 122 123 116 124 119 121 120 117 117 98 125 120 MIYAKE-JIMA Sr 235 236 235 235 234 234 233 234 236 234 235 235 233 234 guest on 14 January 2021 Y 34 35 37 36 38 35 35 35 37 35 37 25 35 40 Zr 72 71 81 77 83 71 70 71 74 74 82 50 74 87 Ba 190 187 213 203 231 191 186 196 203 204 224 136 201 237 Pb 4 4 3 4 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 5 8 5 Ga 16 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 14 15 16
Table 2: continued Age: 1940 1874 1874 1874 1874 1874 1874 1835 1835 1811? 1811? 1763 1763 1763 Sample no.: 1818* 1828* 1841 1842 11008* 11207* 31910* 1918 1919 1806* 1808* 1603 1609 2021 wt % SiO2 50.79 52.14 53.11 54.93 52.72 52.81 52.97 52.38 53.26 54.10 53.20 50.12 51.50 52.97 TiO2 0.96 1.18 1.35 1.36 1.21 1.24 1.22 1.25 1.29 1.13 1.17 1.29 1.35 1.36 Al2O3 16.55 16.13 14.56 14.89 15.72 15.62 15.58 14.95 14.92 15.27 14.88 14.90 14.68 14.82 Fe2O3 12.31 13.08 14.03 13.62 13.22 13.35 13.08 13.85 13.48 12.90 13.38 15.00 14.82 14.35 MnO 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.20 0.23 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.20 MgO 6.24 4.47 3.60 3.67 4.27 3.96 4.10 4.47 3.45 3.92 3.94 4.88 3.97 3.99 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY CaO 10.19 9.57 8.18 8.25 9.35 9.15 9.17 9.21 8.15 8.39 8.26 9.96 8.74 8.53 Na2O 2.20 2.59 3.06 3.01 2.60 2.76 2.74 2.61 3.06 2.92 2.99 2.45 2.86 2.93 K2O 0.39 0.50 0.64 0.64 0.53 0.55 0.57 0.57 0.66 0.64 0.65 0.48 0.59 0.59 P2O5 0.11 0.14 0.17 0.18 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.18 0.14 0.15 0.12 0.15 0.15 2118 Total 99.93 100.00 98.90 100.75 99.96 99.78 99.80 99.63 98.65 99.60 98.81 99.40 98.86 99.89 VOLUME 44 FeO*/MgO 1.77 2.63 3.50 3.34 2.78 3.03 2.87 2.79 3.51 2.96 3.05 2.76 3.36 3.23 ppm Sc 41 43 46 48 45 42 41 48 42 42 40 53 49 47 V 321 332 340 334 349 338 347 368 320 304 309 452 417 393 Cr 36 20 9 10 20 17 12 28 10 17 15 32 10 7 NUMBER 12 Ni 44 18 7 10 17 11 12 13 8 15 13 15 10 8 Cu 115 124 130 129 132 130 137 95 97 140 140 134 137 124 Rb 6 7 8 8 7 8 8 8 9 8 8 6 8 8 Zn 101 105 122 123 110 110 106 112 116 113 114 112 119 123 Sr 233 241 238 237 237 244 243 231 242 228 227 230 234 237 Y 25 31 38 38 33 33 34 34 37 35 34 31 35 36 Zr 50 63 81 79 65 68 73 72 83 76 77 60 72 74 DECEMBER 2003 Ba 145 182 218 219 179 191 208 186 224 207 212 165 189 213 Pb 5 5 4 4 1 11 3 5 5 4 4 4 5 6 Ga 14 17 16 16 15 16 18 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021
Age: 1763 1712 1712 1643 1643 1643 1595 1595 1595 1535 1535 1535 1469 1469 1469 Sample no.: 2023 1504 1936 1620 1627 2222 2110 2113 2501 2116 2117 2502 1921 2227 2315 wt % SiO2 51.75 49.36 51.24 49.64 51.08 51.81 51.24 50.68 51.08 50.64 51.38 51.63 51.78 53.46 54.17 TiO2 1.36 1.34 1.31 1.31 1.38 1.19 1.14 1.15 1.15 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.18 Al2O3 14.44 14.55 14.93 14.71 14.45 15.12 15.34 15.33 15.39 15.23 15.35 15.47 14.95 15.04 15.09 Fe2O3 14.73 15.54 14.73 15.30 15.33 13.76 13.68 13.88 13.74 13.86 13.68 13.70 13.61 13.33 13.01 MnO 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.19 MgO 3.85 4.94 4.98 4.89 4.31 4.80 5.13 5.05 5.09 5.03 5.08 5.14 4.47 4.40 4.18 CaO 8.48 10.12 10.06 10.05 9.18 9.61 10.02 10.03 9.99 10.06 10.02 10.06 9.25 9.09 8.72 Na2O 2.93 2.48 2.40 2.51 2.67 2.52 2.40 2.41 2.37 2.43 2.37 2.35 2.59 2.59 2.68 K2O 0.60 0.49 0.45 0.46 0.53 0.52 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.45 0.44 0.59 0.59 0.62 P2O5 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.15 Total 98.50 99.16 100.44 99.20 99.27 99.66 99.71 99.30 99.58 99.17 99.80 100.27 98.75 100.02 99.99 AMMA-MIYASAKA AND NAKAGAWA FeO*/MgO 3.44 2.83 2.66 2.81 3.20 2.58 2.40 2.47 2.43 2.48 2.42 2.40 2.74 2.72 2.80 2119 ppm Sc 47 54 52 53 53 44 46 48 47 45 50 45 45 45 43 V 404 462 455 446 452 362 386 380 383 388 388 373 357 352 340 Cr 7 31 32 32 8 37 42 42 43 42 45 42 34 30 30 Ni 9 15 15 14 11 16 15 17 16 16 17 17 14 12 13 Cu 147 157 163 160 141 118 140 122 126 127 133 128 123 117 103 Rb 8 6 7 6 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 Zn 121 114 114 112 122 111 106 108 106 109 110 104 109 111 110 Sr 236 229 229 230 233 229 232 230 227 230 228 229 227 227 226 Y 35 30 30 31 33 32 29 29 29 30 29 29 34 34 36 Zr 74 60 59 59 67 65 59 58 58 57 58 58 74 75 80 Ba 200 164 160 168 178 177 170 161 161 164 160 168 198 203 214 Pb 4 4 4 4 3 3 5 3 4 3 2 3 5 3 4 Ga 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 15 MAGMA EVOLUTION, MIYAKE-JIMA *Megacryst-bearing rocks. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 44 NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 2003 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Fig. 2. Histograms of An contents of plagioclase phenocryst cores in megacryst-free and megacryst-bearing rocks erupted during the period 1469---1983. The megacryst-bearing rocks have more Ca-rich plagioclase compared with the megacryst-free rocks. The 1811 lavas consist only of the megacryst-bearing rocks. to olivine and plagioclase. The chemical compositions of butions of plagioclase with An 490 and An 80---90 these megacrysts are more Mg rich or Ca rich compared are recognized in all the samples, phenocrysts with An with other phenocrysts in the megacryst-free rocks. 590 are rare in the 1811 samples. Plagioclase up to 30 mm in length forms the domi- Olivine is the dominant mafic phenocryst. The nant phenocryst phase. The compositions of plagio- compositions in the 1811 and 1940 samples range from clase phenocrysts are in the range An 53---97, Fo 70 to Fo 86 (Fig. 3). The 1874 lavas, however, nearly the same as those in the megacryst-free rocks also include Fo-poor phenocrysts (Fo 570). Olivine (Fig. 2). Plagioclase megacrysts (longer than 5 mm) in megacrysts (longer than 2 mm) have similar composi- all the rocks have An 490. Although bimodal distri- tions (Fo 480) among the three eruptions. 2120
AMMA-MIYASAKA AND NAKAGAWA MAGMA EVOLUTION, MIYAKE-JIMA Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Fig. 3. Core compositions of olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts in megacryst-free and megacryst-bearing rocks erupted during the period 1469---1983. Continuous lines with numerals are isotherms of Lindsley (1983). All data are plotted in terms of quadrilateral pyroxene components diopside---enstatite---hedenburgite---ferrosilite. Clinopyroxene less than 40 mm in length is also an to andesite, whereas some of the megacryst-bearing abundant mafic phenocryst. All of the phenocrysts rocks plot in the low-K field. Although lavas from the are augite (Fig. 3), and their Mg-numbers are in 1469 to the 1983 eruptions show variations in the range 60---83. The compositional range in the SiO2 (506---564 wt %) and K2O (035---082 wt %), rocks is nearly the same as that for the megacryst- there are no systematic changes in their whole-rock free rocks. The 1811 megacryst-bearing rocks show a composition with time (Fig. 5). Comparing the differ- compositionally bimodal distribution of the clino- entiated megacryst-free rocks in each eruption, pyroxene phenocrysts (Fig. 3). The phenocrysts with SiO2 and K2O contents seem to increase from 1469 high Mg-number often coexist with plagioclase and to 1712, then decrease to 1940 and increase again to olivine megacrysts. 1983. On the other hand, the chemical compositions of Orthopyroxene and magnetite phenocrysts are rare, the differentiated megacryst-bearing rocks in each and smaller than 12 mm and 03 mm in length, respec- eruption are nearly constant, whereas the entire com- tively. The compositional range of orthopyroxene phe- positional ranges of SiO2 and K2O have gradually nocrysts is narrow (Mg-number 62---73) compared become wider from 1811 to 1940. The compositional with the megacryst-free rocks (Fig. 3). variations of both megacryst-free and megacryst- bearing rocks are shown in representative Harker diagrams in Fig. 6. WHOLE-ROCK GEOCHEMISTRY The SiO2 contents of the megacryst-free rocks range All of the rocks during the period 1469---1983 are clas- from 506 to 564 wt % (Figs 4---6). Among these rocks, sified as tholeiites in a SiO2---FeO*/MgO diagram at least three distinct trends (I, II and III) can be (Fig. 4). Most of the lavas consist of medium-K basalt recognized, especially in SiO2---TiO2, SiO2---FeO*/ 2121
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 44 NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 2003 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Fig. 5. Temporal variations of whole-rock SiO2 and K2O contents for megacryst-free and megacryst-bearing rocks erupted during the Fig. 4. (a) SiO2---FeO*/MgO and (b) SiO2---K2O diagrams for period 1469---1983. megacryst-free and megacryst-bearing rocks erupted during the per- iod 1469---1983. Dividing line in the SiO2---FeO*/MgO diagram is from Miyashiro (1974) and that in the SiO2---K2O diagram from Gill (1981). All analyses are normalized to 100 wt % volatile-free with FeO*/MgO and higher Cr (e.g. No. 1522 of 1983 and total iron (FeO*) calculated as FeO. No. 1918 of 1835 in Table 2), compared with other 1763---1983 lavas. The SiO2 content of the megacryst-bearing rocks MgO and SiO2---Cr diagrams, and these seem to corres- ranges from 514 to 555 wt % (Figs 4---6). With an pond to eruption age (Fig. 7). Trend I consists mainly increase of SiO2, the Al2O3, Cr and Ni contents of the 1469, 1535 and 1595 lavas. Two samples (e.g. decrease, whereas the TiO2 contents and the FeO*/ No. 2222 in Table 2) from one of the lava lobes of the MgO ratio increase. The compositional variation of 1643 eruption (main-N, Fig. 1) are also classified as the megacryst-bearing rocks in each eruption forms part of this trend. The SiO2 content of the Trend I distinct trends in most of the variation diagrams rocks ranges from 518 to 549 wt %. This trend is the (Fig. 6). Although the 1811 lavas consist of SiO2 most mafic (poor in SiO2, TiO2, FeO*/MgO and rich 546---552 wt % andesites, the 1874 and 1940 lavas in Cr) of the three trends. Trend II consists mainly of have a wider compositional range of SiO2 528--- lavas from the 1643 main-S lava lobe (Fig. 1; No. 1620 552 wt % and SiO2 514---555 wt %, respectively. in Table 2) and 1712 lavas. Compared with the rocks The 1811 lavas are rich in TiO2 and have higher of Trend I, those of Trend II are in the range of SiO2 FeO*/MgO, whereas the 1874 lavas are poor in TiO2 506---532 wt %, and are characterized by lower and FeO*/MgO among the megacryst-bearing rocks. SiO2 and Cr, and by higher TiO2 and FeO*/MgO. Comparing the whole-rock compositions of the Trend III is composed mainly of the 1763---1983 lavas, megacryst-bearing rocks with the megacryst-free sam- and also contains the 1643 lavas from the central lava ples, the megacryst-bearing rocks are rich in Al2O3 and lobe (Fig. 1; No. 1627 in Table 2). The rocks of this Ni, and poor in TiO2, FeO*/MgO and V. Further- trend have SiO2 520---564 wt %, and are the most more, the felsic ends of the trends of variations of differentiated (lowest Cr, and highest SiO2, TiO2 and the megacryst-bearing rocks intersect with those of the FeO*/MgO). There also exist some samples with lower megacryst-free samples at around SiO2 55---56 wt %. 2122
AMMA-MIYASAKA AND NAKAGAWA MAGMA EVOLUTION, MIYAKE-JIMA Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Fig. 6. Selected SiO2 variation diagrams for major elements (TiO2, Al2O3), FeO*/MgO and trace elements (V, Cr and Ni) for megacryst-free and megacryst-bearing rocks erupted during the period 1469---1983. MINERAL ASSEMBLAGE AND are, however, nearly aphyric and have less than 3 vol. % phenocrysts. This suggests that plagioclase accumula- CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONS OF tion is a minor source of compositional variation in CRYSTAL-CLOTS these rocks. In addition, SiO2 and K2O do not system- It is widely accepted that two types of magmas atically change during the period 1469---1983 (Fig. 5). have erupted from the tholeiitic volcanoes of the If differentiation had proceeded in a closed magma Izu---Mariana arc: `plagioclase-controlled' (plagioclase- storage system, these values should have increased accumulated) and `differentiated' magmas (Nakano & with time. These observations suggest that simple dif- Yamamoto, 1991; Nakano et al., 1991; Tsukui & ferentiation does not play an important role during the Hoshino, 2002). This is consistent with the evidence period. On the other hand, phenocryst minerals show that there exist no disequilibrium phenocryst assem- wide and polymodal compositional distributions (Figs 2 blages, such as olivine and quartz, or olivine and horn- and 3), suggesting that all of the phenocrysts could blende, in all of the rocks formed during the 1469---1983 not crystallize simultaneously from a single magma. eruptions of Miyake-jima volcano. Most of these rocks To investigate whether these rocks are equilibrium 2123
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 44 NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 2003 crystallization products or not, we examined the mineral assemblage and chemical compositions of crystal-clots found in each sample, as described by Amma-Miyasaka & Nakagawa (2002), because it can be considered that minerals in the same crystal-clot have crystallized simultaneously from the same magma. Types of crystal-clots On the basis of the mineral assemblage and the chemi- cal compositions of the minerals within the crystal-clots in the 1469---1983 rocks, crystal-clots can be divided Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 into four types (Figs 8 and 9): megacryst-type (M-type); basaltic-type (B-type); andesitic-type (A-type); basal- tic andesitic-type (AB-type). The M-type crystal-clots are recognized in megacryst-bearing rocks, and mostly consist of Ca-rich plagioclase and Mg-rich olivine with occasional Mg-rich clinopyroxene (e.g. in the 1811 lavas). They are the least differentiated of the four types of clots: An 88---97, Fo 77---85 and Mg- number 77---84. The B-type crystal-clots consist of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and olivine, characterized by the absence of orthopyroxene and magnetite. Mineral core compositions are An 72---94, Mg- number 68---79 and Fo 62---78, respectively, more evolved than those of the M-type clots. In contrast, the A-type crystal-clots are characterized by the presence of magnetite (Usp 24---46) and orthopyroxene (Mg- number 59---73), as well as plagioclase, clino- pyroxene and olivine. Core compositions of plagio- clase, clinopyroxene and olivine in these clots are An 55---91, Mg-number 60---77 and Fo 60---73, slightly more evolved compared with those in the B- type clots. In addition to these clots, a fourth type of crystal-clot (AB-type)exists in the 1535 and 1595 lavas. The crystal-clots contain Mg-rich orthopyrox- ene (Mg-number 70---76; Fig 3 and 9) without mag- netite. The core compositions of coexisting plagioclase and clinopyroxene are An 73---85 and Mg-number 70---75, respectively. The mineral assemblage and chemical compositions are intermediate between the A-type and B-type clots. Compositional relationship of minerals within and among the clots The compositional relationship between olivine and pyroxenes can be investigated on the basis of the Fe---Mg distribution in these minerals. If these minerals Fig. 7. Variation of TiO2, FeO*/MgO, and Cr vs SiO2 for coexist in equilibrium, the Mg-number of olivine megacryst-free rocks ( symbol in Fig. 6) erupted during the period should be nearly the same as or slightly lower than 1469---1983. The megacryst-free rocks can be divided into three trends. The 1643 lavas flowed down separately into three lobes: that of clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene (Obata et al., main N, main S and central lobes, which respectively correspond to 1974; Brey & Kohler, 1990). We have determined Trend I, II and III. the average compositions and compositional ranges of 2124
AMMA-MIYASAKA AND NAKAGAWA MAGMA EVOLUTION, MIYAKE-JIMA equilibrium from the same magma, and that different types of crystal-clots have crystallized from distinct magma compositions. The Fo content of olivine phenocrysts is strongly dependent on the FeO/MgO of the magma and KD(olivine/liquid) is constant over a wide range of P, T, fO2and H2O (Roeder & Emslie, 1970). Based on the Fo content of olivine in each type of clot, M-type clots are formed in the most mafic magma, and the A-type clots in the most differentiated magma. The presence or absence of magnetite and orthopyroxene in these clots suggest that the magma producing the M-type and B- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 type clots is basaltic, and that producing the AB-type and A-type clots is probably andesitic (e.g. Gill, 1981). DISCUSSION Origin of M-type clots and megacrysts Amma-Miyasaka & Nakagawa (2002) investigated the origin of M-type clots and megacrysts in the 1940 lava. We defined the M-type clots and megacrysts by their size [plagioclase of L 403 mm (where L is the radius of the equivalent circle) and olivine of L 402 mm] and the least differentiated composition of minerals (plagio- clase of An 88---97, olivine of Fo 77---85 and clinopyroxene of Mg-number 77---84). Examining these crystals in detail, we pointed out the following petrographical features: (1) spherical olivine in plagio- clase; (2) wide, homogeneous cores of plagioclase; (3) kink-banding of olivine megacrysts. These features cannot be explained by normal crystallization processes. The spherical olivine and wide, homoge- neous cores of plagioclase can be formed by long-term diffusion, and the kink bands can be formed under conditions that can transmit strain. Such a condition could be achieved within a plutonic body. This is supported by the evidence that the mineral assem- blage, chemical compositions and crystal size distribu- tions of both the megacrysts and M-type clots are identical to those of plutonic xenoliths (smaller than 5 cm in diameter, consisting only of An 93---97 anorthite and Fo 83---85 olivine crystals) found in Fig. 8. Photomicrographs illustrating the various types of crystal- some of the 1940 lavas. clots (M, B, A and AB) during the period 1469---1983. The M-type M-type crystal-clots have also been recognized in the photograph is through crossed nicols and the other photographs are megacryst-bearing rocks of the 1811 and 1874 erup- in plane-polarized light. tions. The clots in the rocks of the 1874 eruption consist only of plagioclase and olivine, as in the case of the olivine and pyroxenes in each type of clot of each 1940 megacryst-bearing lavas. On the other hand, the eruption age (Fig. 10). The Mg-number of clinopyrox- clots in the 1811 lavas also contain clinopyroxene. ene is slightly higher compared with that of olivine There is no significant difference in the petrographic in each type of clot. Moreover, the Mg-number of characteristics and chemical composition of plagioclase orthopyroxene is nearly the same as that of olivine in and olivine megacrysts among the three lavas of known the A-type clots. This suggests that the olivine and age. Thus, we consider that the megacrysts in the 1811 pyroxene in each type of clot have crystallized in and 1874 lavas have the same origin as those in the 2125
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 44 NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 2003 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Fig. 9. Mineral assemblage and mineral core compositions (plagioclase, clinopyroxene and olivine) in four types of crystal-clots (M, B, A and AB) in the rocks erupted during the period 1469---1983 (see text). from N---NE flank fissures. Therefore, it may be sug- gested that these lavas have captured both the mega- crysts and M-type clots as xenocrysts from the same body located beneath the N---NE sector of the volcano. Evidence for magma mixing Both A-type and B-type crystal-clots coexist in each sample of the 1469---1983 lavas, except for 1835, 1962 and 1983. Histograms of minerals occurring in A-, B- and AB-type crystal-clots in each eruption are shown in Fig. 11. Plagioclase in these lavas shows composi- tionally bimodal distribution. The peaks of the An contents are variable among lavas of different eruption ages. Plagioclase phenocrysts in the B-type clots are, however, always more Ca rich than those in the A-type clots in each eruption. Histograms of olivine and clino- pyroxene do not clearly show compositionally bimodal distributions; however, these minerals are always more Mg rich in the B-type clots. This coexistence of two types of crystal-clots with distinct chemical composi- tions is considered to be a disequilibrium feature. The relationship between the crystal-clots and their host rocks can be investigated on the basis of Fe---Mg Fig. 10. Mg-number of (a) clinopyroxene core and (b) orthopyrox- partitioning (Fig. 12). If minerals crystallize in equili- ene core vs Mg-number of olivine core in the A-, B- and M-type clots brium with the host magma, Fe---Mg distribution in the rocks erupted during the period 1469---1983. The AB-type clots between the mineral-cores and the magma must be lack olivine phenocrysts. Dashed line in (a) is after Obata et al. constrained by plausible partition coefficients, shown (1974). by the lines in Fig. 12. In the case of the rocks with both A-type and B-type clots, most of the mafic minerals in 1940 lavas. Although the whole-rock chemistry of the the clots do not plot near equilibrium. Most olivine and megacryst-bearing rocks of each eruption seems to clinopyroxene in the B-type clots are more Mg rich define distinct trends, this may reflect the difference than possible equilibrium, whereas those in the A- in the ratio of component minerals in the plutonic type clots are more Fe rich. Orthopyroxene, contained rocks. All of the megacryst-bearing rocks erupted only in the A-type clots, is also more Fe rich than that 2126
AMMA-MIYASAKA AND NAKAGAWA MAGMA EVOLUTION, MIYAKE-JIMA Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Fig. 11. Histograms of core compositions of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and olivine in A-, B- and AB-type crystal-clots in the rocks erupted during the period 1469---1983. The M-type clots are considered to be xenocrysts and are excluded. It should be noted that the rocks containing only B-type clots have never erupted during the period 1469---1983. required to be in equilibrium with the whole-rock (An 60---90). The compositional variation of clino- FeO*/MgO ratio (Fig. 12). This suggests that the pyroxene in the 1983 lavas is also relatively extensive, mafic minerals in the B-type clots should have crystal- compared with that in the 1962 and 1835 lavas. The lized from a more mafic (lower FeO*/MgO) magma compositional relationships between minerals and than the host magma, and those of the A-type clots from whole rocks also show that most of the mafic minerals a more differentiated (higher FeO*/MgO) magma. in these rocks are in equilibrium with their host magma; Our data suggest that most of the 1469---1983 lavas however, Fe-rich clinopyroxene in the 1983 sample contain two types of phenocryst that originated from (No. 1522 in Table 2) and olivine in the 1962 sample distinct magmas, and indicate that these lavas could be (No. 122508 in Table 2) might not be in equilibrium produced by magma mixing of two end-member mag- (Fig. 12). The lack of B-type clots indicates that these mas, a differentiated A-type (andesitic) and a mafic lavas may have been produced without mixing with the B-type (basaltic) magma. The 1535 and 1595 lavas mafic B-type magma. Although it is also possible that that have another type of crystal-clot (AB-type, nearly aphyric basaltic magma mixed with the A-type Fig. 11), in addition to the A-type and B-type, might magma, the proportion of the basaltic magma would be be the results of mixing between three magmas. In minor, because the mineral compositions are nearly in summary, at least two distinct magmas have existed equilibrium with the host magma (Fig. 12). Consider- beneath the Miyake-jima volcano since 1469, and have ing the wide compositional variations of the phenocryst usually mixed during eruption. minerals (plagioclase and clinopyroxene) especially in the 1983 lavas, however, we could not exclude the possibility of mixing between distinct andesitic Rocks without obvious evidence magmas. In conclusion, we suggest that lavas without for magma mixing the B-type clots are not mixing products between the The 1983, 1962 and 1835 lavas contain only the A-type A-type and B-type magmas, and that only pure A-type crystal-clots (Fig. 11). Although histograms of phe- magma (or magmas) has erupted during the 1835, nocryst compositions in these lavas do not show 1962 and 1983 eruptions. Furthermore, it is noteworthy clear bimodal distributions, the compositional range that rocks containing only the B-type clots have never of the plagioclase phenocrysts is relatively wide erupted during the period 1469---1983. 2127
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 44 NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 2003 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Fig. 12. Fe---Mg partitioning between whole rock and cores of A-type and B-type olivine and pyroxenes from 1469---1983 megacryst-free rocks. The megacryst-bearing rocks are excluded, because the FeO*/MgO of these rocks may be affected by the presence of xenocryst minerals. Lines represent partition coefficients of KD [(XFeO/XMgO)mineral/(XFeO/XMgO)liquid] of Beattie (1993) for olivine and orthopyroxene, and Baker & Eggler (1987) for clinopyroxene. FeO contents of whole rocks are calculated by assuming Fe2 /(Fe2 Fe3 ) 09. We have also tried Fe2 / (Fe2 Fe3 ) 081 by wet chemical analysis (Isshiki, 1960; Iwasaki et al., 1982), but 09 better explains the equilibration relationships in non-mixing rocks. Except for the 1835, 1962 and 1983 lavas, the FeO*/ End-member magmas and their MgO ratios of the whole rocks are intermediate relationships between those of the A-type and B-type magmas in Estimation of whole-rock compositions of each eruption. This is consistent with our conclusion end-member magmas that these rocks are mixing products between these Using the Fe---Mg mineral---melt distribution coeffi- magmas. Whole-rock FeO*/MgO ratios of the 1962 cients for olivine/liquid and orthopyroxene/liquid and most of the 1835 and 1983 lavas are nearly the (Beattie, 1993), we can estimate the FeO*/MgO ratios same as the estimated FeO*/MgO ratios of the A-type of both the A-type and B-type magmas (Fig. 13). magmas, whereas the whole-rock ratios of the 1535, 2128
AMMA-MIYASAKA AND NAKAGAWA MAGMA EVOLUTION, MIYAKE-JIMA Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Fig. 13. Estimated FeO*/MgO ratios of A-type and B-type magmas erupted during the period 1469---1983. We used KD(olivine/liquid) 0303, KD(orthopyroxene/liquid) 0284 of Beattie (1993) and the representative core compositions of mafic minerals in each type of clot. Calculated FeO*/MgO values of the A-type liquid are plotted at the SiO2-rich end and those of the B-type liquid at the SiO2-poor end. 1595, 1712 and most of the 1643 lavas are similar to 27 km in radius and 100 m thick for the 1940 eruption, those of the B-type magmas. FeO*/MgO ratios might assuming the depth of the magma to be 3 km. Hypo- reflect the mixing ratio between the A-type and B-type centres of long-period earthquakes (Ueki et al., 1984) magmas. and geomagnetic change (Nakagawa et al., 1984) asso- ciated with the 1983 eruption suggested that magma was located at a depth of 2---3 km. In addition to these Relationship of the end-member magmas shallower `sources', the inflation and deflation accom- Plots of incompatible-element ratios (K2O/Ba, Y/Ba panying the 1983 eruption suggested a magma reser- and Y/Zr) in the 1469---1983 megacryst-free rocks voir about 1---2 km SW of the summit crater, at a depth define linear trends that pass through the origin with estimated to be about 8 km (Tada & Nakamura, R2 values of 089---093 (Fig. 14). This strongly suggests 1988). Sasai et al. (2001) also suggested that the pres- that both the A-type and B-type magmas may have sure source during 1995---1999 lies beneath the south- been derived from a single primary magma. This con- ern flank of the volcano at a depth of 8 km below sea clusion is consistent with Sr isotopic data. Notsu et al. level. Considering that the depths of short-period (1983) and Notsu & Aramaki (1984) measured 87 Sr/ earthquakes are 1---10 km below sea level (Minakami 86 et al., 1963; Miyazaki & Sawada, 1984; Ueki et al., Sr ratios of the rocks from Miyake-jima volcano, and confirmed that the isotopic ratio is concentrated in a 1984), the magma storage systems appear to have narrow range (070350---070369), suggesting that the existed at least at two depths (c. 2---3 km and 8 km). source region of the magmas beneath Miyake-jima On the other hand, geobarometry did not successfully volcano is isotopically uniform. reveal the crystallization depth of the A-type and B-type magmas of the volcano. We used the pseudo- ternary normative diagram (cpx---ol---SiO2) of Walker Depths of the end-member magmas et al. (1979) and Baker & Eggler (1983) for lavas with The depths of the magma storage systems have been only the A-type clots and those with both the A-type estimated based on geophysical observations carried and B-type clots, and the clinopyroxene geobarometer out since the 1940 eruption. Takahashi & Hirano (Nimis, 1995) for both types of clots. These calculations (1941) estimated that the size of the chamber was show, however, no difference between the A-type and 2129
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 44 NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 2003 (A-type) and a deeper basaltic (B-type), have existed during the period 1469---1983. The relative position of these magma storage systems may be consistent with the fact that the A-type magma (or magmas) has erupted alone during the 1835, 1962 and 1983 erup- tions, whereas rocks containing only the B-type clots have never erupted during the period 1469---1983. The absolute pressure of both magmas should be less than 3 kbar; the shallower andesitic magma storage systems might be located at a depth of 2---3 km, and the deeper basaltic magma storage systems might be at 8 km. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Magma storage systems and their evolution Our petrological analysis of the 1469---1983 lavas reveals that the magma plumbing system during this period has involved two distinct magma storage systems, filled with the andesitic (A-type) and basaltic (B-type) magmas. In many of the eruptions, the resul- tant lavas are the mixing products between these two magmas, although shallower andesitic magmas have sometimes erupted alone. Because we can identify phenocryst minerals that are derived from each end- member magma during mixing events, the evolution of both end-member magmas can be studied by using these phenocrysts. We can demonstrate the evolution of the chemical composition of these phenocrysts and of the deduced magmatic temperature during the past 500 years. Evolution of the end-member magmas and their magmatic temperature The core composition of olivine in the B-type crystal- clots has gradually become Fe rich with time (Fig. 15). The average composition has decreased systematically from Fo 75 in the 1469 lavas to Fo 69 in the 1940 lavas. Although the compositional range of clinopyr- Fig. 14. Incompatible-element variation diagrams for the mega- oxene in the B-type magma is wide, the average pyr- cryst-free rocks erupted during the period 1469---1983. R2 values are oxene composition in each eruption is nearly the same for all points. in the range of Mg-number 72---74 throughout the period 1469---1983. According to Brey & Kohler (1990), the ratio of the Mg-number of clinopyroxene B-type magmas. Whole-rock compositions are pro- to the Fo content of olivine increased from 1 to more jected around 1 atm for both lavas on the normative than 1, with falling equilibrium temperature. There- diagram, and equilibration pressures calculated based fore, a temporal change in both Mg-number of on clinopyroxene compositions are 0---3 kbar for both clinopyroxene and Fo content of olivine in the B-type the A-type and B-type clots. clots would indicate that the temperature of the basal- The B-type magma appears to have entrained plu- tic magma has fallen systematically with time. The tonic xenoliths before mixing with the A-type magma temperature of the basaltic magma calculated by during the 1940 eruption (Amma-Miyasaka & Loucks (1996) actually fell from 1220 C in the 1469 Nakagawa, 2002). Thus, we suggest that basaltic eruption to 1180 C in 1940. Using the temporal magma should exist at a deeper level beneath the variation of phenocryst minerals in the B-type clots, volcano than andesitic magma. We propose that two the evolution of the whole-rock chemistry of the basal- distinct magma storage systems, a shallower andesitic tic magma can also be evaluated. The FeO*/MgO 2130
AMMA-MIYASAKA AND NAKAGAWA MAGMA EVOLUTION, MIYAKE-JIMA Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Fig. 15. Temporal variations of core compositions of B-type clinopyroxene and olivine and magmatic temperature for the rocks erupted during the period 1469---1983. Numbers in parentheses represent the eruption intervals of B-type magma. The B-type magma erupted every 48---69 years during the period 1469---1983. Large filled triangles are average core compositions of the minerals. ratios of the basaltic end-member magmas during a complex fashion from 1070 C in the 1469 eruption 1469---1595 were the lowest (Fig. 13). Since then, the to 1100 C in 1983 (Fig. 16). As in the case of the ratio has increased, accompanied by falling magmatic basaltic magma, temporal changes in the whole-rock temperature. chemistry of the andesitic magma are also evident: the In contrast, the core composition of clinopyroxene FeO*/MgO ratio has decreased from 44 in the 1469 and orthopyroxene in the A-type clots has not changed eruption to 33 in 1983 (Fig. 13). systematically as it has for the B-type clots (Fig. 16). Thus, the two magmas, which have formed end- The average core composition of clinopyroxene is Mg- member components for magma mixing during the number 67 in the 1469 lavas, which is the most Fe past 500 years, have evolved following separate paths rich during the past 500 years. Although the composi- (Fig. 17a). The basaltic magma has become more tion has fluctuated since then, it has gradually become differentiated with time while cooling, whereas the more Mg rich with time to Mg-number 72 in the andesitic magma has become more mafic while heat- 1983 lavas. Except for the 1763 eruption, the average ing. A temporal fall in the magmatic temperature of Mg-number of orthopyroxene in the 1469 A-type clots the basaltic magma could be explained by fractional reflects the most differentiated magma during the per- crystallization of a primary basaltic magma, and it iod 1469---1983, and has gradually become Mg rich up suggests that the basaltic end-member magma has to 1983. Although orthopyroxene in the A-type clots in been continuously in existence at least for 500 years. the 1763 lava is the most Fe rich among the 1469---1983 The complicated and reverse evolution of the andesitic samples, it is rare in 1763. Using the average composi- magma during the past 500 years cannot be explained tions of both clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene in the by a closed system as in the case of the basaltic magma. A-type clots, magmatic temperatures were calculated In each eruption, the deeper basaltic magma was according to the Wells (1977) geothermometer for each injected into the shallower andesitic magma and eruption. The temperature appears to have risen in erupted a mixed magma. It suggests that the shallower 2131
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 44 NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 2003 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Fig. 16. Temporal variations of core compositions of A-type pyroxenes and magmatic temperature for the rocks erupted during the period 1469---1983. Numbers in parentheses represent the eruption intervals of A-type magma. The A-type magma erupted every 21---69 years during the period 1469---1983, and about every 20 years since 1940. Large filled circles are average core compositions of the minerals. andesitic magma chamber was an open magma by fractional crystallization of the basaltic magma. We storage system for injection of the basaltic magma. In used the composition of the 1535 basaltic lava (No. this case, if only a small quantity of the basaltic magma 2321 in Table 3) as the starting material because the was injected, the shallower andesitic magma would FeO*/MgO values of the 1535 and 1595 lavas become more differentiated mainly by the effect of (240---248) are the lowest among the 1469---1983 fractional crystallization. In contrast, when basaltic megacryst-free rocks, and nearly the same as the magma was injected on a large scale, the andesitic calculated FeO*/MgO of the B-type liquid (24---25, magma could have become more mafic. Moreover, Fig. 13). According to MELTS calculations, the the andesitic magma might be nearly replaced by the FeO*/MgO continuously increases as temperature basaltic magma. In conclusion, the temporal fluctua- falls, in the range of SiO2 553 wt % (Fig. 18a). Liquid tion of magmatic temperature and the changing lines of descent are partially dependent on pressure and composition of the andesitic magma during the past water content. Liquid compositions jump to SiO2 455 500 years depend on the quantity of basaltic magma wt % when magnetite begins to crystallize. The FeO*/ injected. MgO continuously increases as temperature falls, and liquid lines of descent for SiO2 455 wt % have a wide range. The compositional range of the 1469---1983 Evaluation of our model by MELTS calculation megacryst-free rocks lies between the liquid lines of Our explanation for the evolution of the basaltic descent for SiO2 553 wt % and SiO2 455 wt %. magma can be tested using the MELTS calculation Comparing the FeO*/MgO ratios of the end- (Ghiorso & Sack, 1995). The chemical evolution of the member magmas calculated from phenocryst compo- andesitic magma might reflect mixing with injected sitions (44 for the 1469 andesitic magma and 24---32 basaltic magma. The andesitic magma existing before for the basaltic magma) with the results of MELTS the 1469 eruption, however, might have been formed calculations, the FeO*/MgO of the basaltic magma 2132
AMMA-MIYASAKA AND NAKAGAWA MAGMA EVOLUTION, MIYAKE-JIMA Table 3: Whole-rock magma during the past 500 years, the composition of compositions of end-member basaltic magma after the 1983 eruption must be SiO2 452 wt %, FeO*/MgO 432 and Fo content of the magmas of the 1469 eruption B-type olivine 570 (Fig. 17b). On the other hand, it is difficult to estimate the composition of the shallower Basaltic Andesitic andesitic magma because it shows a more complicated Sample no.: 2321 estimated temporal change compared with the basaltic magma. It has, however, become more mafic from 1874 to 1983, wt % probably because of the injections of the basaltic SiO2 5150 6277 magma. After the 1983 eruption, the andesitic TiO2 117 092 magma may have had SiO2 553 wt %, FeO*/MgO 533 with A-type clots (pyroxenes; Mg-number 470). Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article/44/12/2113/1460172 by guest on 14 January 2021 Al2O3 1553 1296 FeO* 1265 833 In other words, the compositions of andesitic and MnO 020 052 basaltic magmas are indistinguishable after the 1983 eruption. Before the 2000 eruption, we proposed that MgO 525 189 the erupted magma would be a mixing product of these CaO 1027 632 basaltic and andesitic magmas, or would be andesitic Na2O 235 356 alone. K2O 045 110 Geshi et al. (2002) have already discussed the mag- P2O5 012 031 matic system during the 2000 eruptive activity mainly H2O 050 130 based on the whole-rock chemistry of the eruptive Total 10000 10000 rocks. However, we consider that detailed analysis of FeO*/MgO 241 440 phenocryst minerals, as investigated in this paper, are essential to reveal the magmatic system. We will develop detailed petrological analysis of the 2000 eruption in another paper (Amma-Miyasaka et al., submitted). can be explained by both 1 and 3 kbar pressures (Fig. 18b). Geophysical constraints suggest that the magmas have been stored at a depth of 8 km; there- fore, we consider that the basaltic magma may have Implications for studies of the magma stagnated at around 3 kbar pressure. On the other plumbing system and its evolution in hand, the FeO*/MgO ratio of the andesitic magma active volcanoes can be explained only by the 1 kbar calculated results Several studies have already focused on the structures (Fig. 18b). This result is consistent with the geophy- of magma plumbing systems and their evolution in sical observations (the shallower andesitic magma active volcanoes over hundreds to thousands of years: storage system might be located at a depth of Fichaut et al. (1989), Belkin et al. (1993), Villemant et al. 2---3 km). It is suggested that the 1469 andesitic (1993) and Sato et al. (1996). These workers argued magma (Table 3) could have been formed by frac- that the increase of SiO2 content or FeO*/MgO ratio tional crystallization of basaltic magma at a shallow with time is due to fractionation or to the change of the level (about 1 kbar). It is evident that the 1469 ande- mixing ratio. On the other hand, they also speculated sitic magma has changed its composition over 500 that a sudden drop of SiO2 or FeO*/MgO may indi- years in a complex fashion (Fig. 18b), and it is also cate the injection of a new batch of mafic magma. If the consistent with our model that the shallower andesitic end-member magmas had not changed for consider- magma chamber was an open magma storage system able durations, these explanations might be correct. for injection of the basaltic magma. Temporal change of the end-member magmas, how- ever, may be common as in the case of Miyake-jima volcano, in which case temporal variations of the Possible state of the magma plumbing whole-rock chemistry cannot simply correspond to the system just before the 2000 eruption degree of fractionation and/or to mixing ratio of Our model for the evolution of the magma plumbing the end-member magmas. It should be noted that system and eruption processes should be able to esti- the detailed analysis of eruptive rocks from each mate the state of the system just before the 2000 erup- eruption using the mineral assemblage and chemical tion of Miyake-jima volcano. According to simple compositions in crystal-clots can clarify the evolution of temporal differentiation of the deep-seated basaltic the magma system of active volcanoes. 2133
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