Evolution in the Automotive sector - How does the urge for constant adaptation affect CIE Automotive?
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January 2018 Evolution in the Automotive sector How does the urge for constant adaptation affect CIE Automotive? 1
1. Taking a car to pieces 2. Evolution in the Automotive sector TABLE OF 3. From ICE to EV CONTENTS 4. Electrification: Scenarios 5. Uncertainties concerning EVs 6. Other Trends 7. CIE Automotive: constant adaptation 2
ST R U C T U R E & C H A S S I S S T R U C T U R A L PA R T S , C H A S S I S & S U S P E N S I O N Source: Honda Chassis and suspension (rear) Structural components Chassis and Source: BMW suspension (front) 4
INTERIOR & EXTERIOR TRIM INTERIOR, EXTERIOR TRIM & ROOF SYSTEMS Interior trim including doors, seat, airbag, cockpit, sunshade and decorative parts Exterior trim including logos, emblems, wheel covers and decorative parts, as well as roof systems 5
DRIVETRAIN TRANSMISSION, STEERING,BRAKING SYSTEM Source: GKN Driveline Source: Brose Source: Bosch Source: GKN Driveline Driveline plus differential, steering and braking systems 6
P OW E RT R A I N ENGINE & GEARBOX Exhaust system Engine and gearbox, up to differential Source: Faurecia 7
E VO LU T I O N I N T H E AU TO M OT I V E S EC TO R CASE 1: INJECTION SYSTEM (2/2) Carburettor Obsolete Distributor Obsolete Metal Brazing Inox Welded Tube Forging Inox Seamless Tube Plastic Rail Metal Inox Metal Brazing LP Metal Brazing water Machining 2000 bar 2500 bar 3000 bar Rail1000 bar 10
E VO LU T I O N I N T H E AU TO M OT I V E S EC TO R C A S E 2 : A U X I L I A R I E S E L E C T R I F I C AT I O N ( 1 / 2 ) Electric Steering Hydraulic Steering Source: ZF - TRW Source: ZF - TRW Electrification also implies more number of architectures 11
E VO LU T I O N I N T H E AU TO M OT I V E S EC TO R C A S E 2 : A U X I L I A R I E S E L E C T R I F I C AT I O N ( 2 / 2 ) Current booster iBooster Source: Bosch Source: Bosch The amplification in the braking forced changing from air (vacuum) to electrically driven 12
E VO LU T I O N I N T H E AU TO M OT I V E S EC TO R C A S E 3 : M AT E R I A L E V O L U T I O N ( 1 / 2 ) There is a general trend to migrate from casted crankshafts to forged ones, however, it depends on geographical characteristics (e.g. India) or OEMs preferences (e.g. Ford). Sector in evolution and diversified. Source: The University Of Toledo, Ali Fatemi, Jonathan Williams and Farzin Montazersadgh Comparison between mechanical properties of forged and casted crankshafts 13
E VO LU T I O N I N T H E AU TO M OT I V E S EC TO R C A S E 3 : M AT E R I A L E V O L U T I O N ( 2 / 2 ) Source: BMW Group, Dr. Johannes Staeves, GALM, 24.04.20 14
E VO LU T I O N I N AU TO M OT I V E S EC TO R CONCLUSIONS SECTOR CIE AUTOMOTIVE It is not the first time the sector evolves. CIE has always been on track. The rhythm of the evolution depends on CIE is present in all main the market and segments. geographical markets and several segments. Evolution breaks the maturity cycle of For CIE, it means higher profitability the components. as it moves away from commodities. 15
3) From ICE to EV VW Golf (ICE) Source: UBS Report - Q-Series UBS Evidence Lab Electric Car Teardown – Disruption Ahead? (May 2017) General Motors Chevrolet Bolt (EV) 16 Source: UBS Report - Q-Series UBS Evidence Lab Electric Car Teardown – Disruption Ahead? (May 2017)
I N T E R N A L CO M B U ST I O N E N G I N E ( I C E ) * V E H I C L E POWERTRAIN Source: U.S. Department of Energy *Abbreviations: ICE: Internal Combustion Engine (operates on fuel). HEV: Hybrid Electric Vehicle (operates on ICE plus an assisting battery charged by braking energy for short distances). PHEV: Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (same as HEV but battery can be charged by plugging). FCEV: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (operates on electricity produced using a fuel cell powered by hydrogen, rather than drawing electricity from a battery). BEV: Battery Electric Vehicle (fully operates on battery electric power). 17
H Y B R I D E L EC T R I C V E H I C L E ( H E V ) * POWERTRAIN Source: U.S. Department of Energy *Abbreviations: ICE: Internal Combustion Engine (operates on fuel). HEV: Hybrid Electric Vehicle (operates on ICE plus an assisting battery charged by braking energy for short distances). PHEV: Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (same as HEV but battery can be charged by plugging). FCEV: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (operates on electricity produced using a fuel cell powered by hydrogen, rather than drawing electricity from a battery). BEV: Battery Electric Vehicle (fully operates on battery electric power). 18
E L EC T R I C V E H I C L E ( E V ) * POWERTRAIN Source: U.S. Department of Energy *Abbreviations: ICE: Internal Combustion Engine (operates on fuel). HEV: Hybrid Electric Vehicle (operates on ICE plus an assisting battery charged by braking energy for short distances). PHEV: Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (same as HEV but battery can be charged by plugging). FCEV: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (operates on electricity produced using a fuel cell powered by hydrogen, rather than drawing electricity from a battery). BEV: Battery Electric Vehicle (fully operates on battery electric power). 19
F U E L C E L L E L EC T R I C V E H I C L E ( FC E V ) * ( H Y D RO G E N ) POWERTRAIN Source: U.S. Department of Energy *Abbreviations: ICE: Internal Combustion Engine (operates on fuel). HEV: Hybrid Electric Vehicle (operates on ICE plus an assisting battery charged by braking energy for short distances). PHEV: Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (same as HEV but battery can be charged by plugging). FCEV: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (operates on electricity produced using a fuel cell powered by hydrogen, rather than drawing electricity from a battery). BEV: Battery Electric Vehicle (fully operates on battery electric power). 20
4) Electrification: Scenarios 21
E L EC T R I C V E H I C L E P E N E T R AT I O N FORECASTS 2025 UBS IHS Bosch Schaeffler (Accelerated Scenario) BEV BEV BEV BEV 9% 4% (P)HEV 7% (P)HEV 15% (P)HEV 11% 11% 23% ICE 80%* ICE 50% (P)HEV ICE ICE 35% 73%* 82% *Includes Mild Hybrid *Expects 58% of ICE to be gasoline and 15% to be Diesel. Source: Schaeffler 2017 Global Auto Source: UBS Q-Series Report; May 2017. Source: IHS 2017. Source: Bosch Innovation Day 2017. Industry Conference. *Abbreviations: ICE: Internal Combustion Engine (operates on fuel). HEV: Hybrid Electric Vehicle (operates on ICE plus an assisting battery charged by braking energy for short distances). PHEV: Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (same as HEV but battery can be charged by plugging). BEV: Battery Electric Vehicle (fully operates on battery electric power). 22
E L EC T R I C V E H I C L E P E N E T R AT I O N FORECASTS 2025 Faurecia Continental Roland Berger MCPI Energies BEV BEV BEV BEV 7% 8% 7% 5% HEV 9% (P)HEV (P)HEV HEV 18% 24% 25% ICE ICE 69%* ICE 68%* 74% ICE 86% *Expects 57% of ICE to be *Expects 56% of ICE to be gasoline and 12% to be Diesel. gasoline and 12% to be Diesel. Source: Faurecia Investor’s Day, June 2017. Source: UBS Q-Series Report; May 2017. Source: Faurecia Investor’s Day, June 2017. Source: MDPI Energies Journal 2017. *Abbreviations: ICE: Internal Combustion Engine (operates on fuel). HEV: Hybrid Electric Vehicle (operates on ICE plus an assisting battery charged by braking energy for short distances). PHEV: Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (same as HEV but battery can be charged by plugging). BEV: Battery Electric Vehicle (fully operates on battery electric power). 23
The diversity of forecasts for short and medium term reflects how sensible the EV growth is to a large number of uncertainties. 24
5) Uncertainties concerning EVs 25
U N C E RTA I N T I E S CONSUMER CONCERNS Source: Breakthrough of electric vehicle threatens European car industry by ING Economics Department, July 2017 “The car industry is at a turning point. Battery electric vehicles (BEV) are becoming increasingly competitive. The major barriers to demand – charging infrastructure, range and pricing - are about to be broken”: “Charging infrastructure: ultra fast charging of batteries will enable a 300km charge in 20 minutes. This will further improve over time.” “Range anxiety: New battery technology should improve range to increasingly meet consumer expectations from 2020 onwards.” “Pricing and total cost of ownership: Battery costs continue to decline. Although purchase prices will remain relatively high for quite some time, electric vehicles have low costs of operation. This should enable a high range battery electric vehicle to become cost competitive (on total cost of Source: UBS Report - Q-Series UBS Evidence Lab Electric Car Teardown – Disruption Ahead? (May 2017) ownership) with a comparable petrol car in 2024.” Price, range anxiety and charging time are key consumer concerns 27
U N C E RTA I N T I E S R AW M AT E R I A L AVA I L A B I L I T Y Source: El País (November 2017) Is Lithium supply as easy to ramp up as it is abundant? Lithium is relatively abundant. Yet successfully designing, building, commissioning and maintaining output from brine and hard-rock deposits is more technically challenging than many other mineral commodities. A shortage of experienced knowhow, lengthy development timelines, process plant issues and quality differentials present challenges likely to result in more gradual supply growth than developers may wish for. Source: UBS Report - Q-Series UBS Evidence Lab Electric Car Teardown – Disruption Ahead? (May 2017) As demand these materials grows, their availability is questioned 28
U N C E RTA I N T I E S R AW M AT E R I A L C O S T S Source: Reuters (August 2017) Lithium Price Evolution Source: LME (Nov 2017) Source: Bloomberg/CRU Group (August Source: MDPI Energies Journal 2017 2017) As demand these materials grows, their price increases significantly 29
U N C E RTA I N T I E S B AT T E R Y C O S T S Source: MDPI Energies Journal 2017 “While policy and consumer behaviour are difficult to predict, battery costs are coming down fast. We're already ahead of lithium- ion battery costs projected for 2030. And with 10 battery gigafactories under development around the world, battery costs and prices are expected to further outpace projections.” Source: Wood Mackenzie, July 17 https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/everyone-is-revising-electric-vehicle-forecasts-upward#gs.Sy=GPno Battery costs are expected to be reduced Source: Elektrel quoting McKinsey 30
U N C E RTA I N T I E S F U E L B A N I N C I T I E S : S T R O N G E R F U E L C O N S U M P T I O N A N D Z E R O E M I S S I O N M A N D AT E S Average emissions of the EU fleet of new cars in 2030 will have to be 30% lower than in 2021. For the EU fleet of new vans in 2030, the reduction also amounts to 30%. Legislation evolution can affect the penetration of EVs 31
U N C E RTA I N T I E S GRANTS ON HEV & EV Evolution of BEV Sales in Denmark: Source: Bloomberg Markets, June 2017 Grants evolution can change the buyer decisions. (Anticipation, postponing, cancelling…) 32
U N C E RTA I N T I E S HUGE INVESTMENT IN CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURES Source: Cinco Días https://cincodias.elpais.com/cincodias/2017/04/21/companias/1492777826_740308.html (April 2017) Source: UBS Report - Q-Series UBS Evidence Lab Electric Car Teardown – Disruption Ahead? (May 2017) Infrastructure requirements are huge and their returns uncertain 33
U N C E RTA I N T I E S H U G E I N V E S T M E N T I N B AT T E R Y FA C T O R I E S Battery factories investment requirements are huge Tesla in 2013 said…: Source: Wood Mackenzie, June 17 https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/10-battery-gigafactories-are-now-in-progress- and-musk-may-add-4-more#gs.em7MLmw 34
U N C E RTA I N T I E S REAL EMISSIONS Source: Motor.es, July 2017. Source: Expansión, 11/11/2017. Source: Union of Concerned Scientists. EV do produce pollution but studies show that they do far less than equivalent ICE vehicles 35
U N C E RTA I N T I E S P R O F I TA B I L I T Y I N R I S K Source: Automotive News Source: El Mundo EV needs volume to be profitable Source: UBS Report - Q-Series UBS Evidence Lab Electric Car Teardown – Disruption Ahead? (May 2017) 36
U N C E RTA I N T I E S D I V E R S I F I E D W O R L D : E V S A L E S D ATA I N 2 0 1 6 Source: Movilidad Eléctrica; datos de ventas de vehículos eléctricos e híbridos The majority of worldwide sales of EV are concentrated in China and Europe, followed by the US 37
U N C E RTA I N T I E S DIVERSIFIED WORLD Electrification is expected to occur in the first place in China and Europe – as well as US if Trump is successor is “greener”. The rest of the world will probably take longer due to the fact that they have less US buyers were expected to incentives (governmental switch to smaller cars but legislation, subsidies, etc.). low fuel prices have stopped the trend: 38 Source: UBS Report - Q-Series UBS Evidence Lab Electric Car Teardown – Disruption Ahead? (May 2017)
6) Other Trends Diesel & Autonomous Car 39
D I E S E L V E H I C L ES C O M M U N I C AT I N G V E S S E L S There is a clear trend to decrease Diesel engine, demand is falling. So far, Diesel and Gasoline volumes are communicating vessels Headline of the news Body of the news 40
D I E S E L V E H I C L ES FORECASTS 2025 Faurecia IHS Roland Berger ICE BEV ICE BEV BEV ICE Diesel Diesel 4% Diesel 7% 7% 15% 12% (P)HEV 12% (P)HEV 23% HEV 24% 25% ICE ICE ICE Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline 57% 56% 58% Source: Faurecia Investor’s Day, June 2017. Source: IHS 2017. Source: Faurecia Investor’s Day, June 2017. *Abbreviations: ICE: Internal Combustion Engine (operates on fuel). HEV: Hybrid Electric Vehicle (operates on ICE plus an assisting battery charged by braking energy for short distances). PHEV: Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (same as HEV but battery can be charged by plugging). BEV: Battery Electric Vehicle (fully operates on battery electric power). 41
D I E S E L V E H I C L ES ICE IS ALSO MOVING Source: Automotive Engineering, October 2017. The perfect mix between the advantages of the diesel and gasoline engines 42
AU TO N O M O U S V E H I C L E Source: ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers Association). Autonomous vehicle could even become a more effective way of emission reduction than EV 43
AU TO N O M O U S V E H I C L E Source: Bosch Innovation Day 2017 First step in the autonomous road map implies a drastic emissions reduction, without added cost. 44
AU TO N O M O U S V E H I C L E Source: Prime Research, “Smart Efficiency and Digital Intelligence”. Entry of new players coming from software sector is not so clear as some sources expects. Automotive sector has already a high content of software developments 45
7) CIE Automotive: constant adaptation 46
C I E SA L E S P I E BY V E H I C L E A R EA C I E G RO U P Structural Parts, Chassis & Drivetrain Suspension 25% 28% Interior & Engine & Exterior Trim Gearbox 22% 25% Includes MHCV, Two-wheeler and Tractors. Different pace in different geographies. Small yearly commercial effort (2%). 47
C I E SA L E S P I E BY V E H I C L E A R EA M A H I N D R A C I E Powertrain 24% Includes Two-wheelers. Comm Vehicles & Different pace in different geographies. Tractors 52% Interior & Drivetrain Exterior Trim 17% 1% Structure & Chassis 6% 48
P OT E N T I A L E L EC T R I F I C AT I O N E F F EC T S O N C I E Powertrain Components Additional Outsourcing Gearbox New components for new Components ICE engine generations New components for new ICE gearbox generations New components for (P)HEV New components for BEV Market 49
O P P O RT U N I T I E S ADDITIONAL OUTSOURCING Source: Breakthrough of electric vehicle threatens European car industry by ING Economics Department, July 2017 New developments and technologies (EV, batteries, connectivity, autonomous,…) will need an enormous effort from OEM and main Tier1 (resources and Capex). Traditional technologies could be outsource to reduce efforts 50
A L R EA DY T H E R E ALREADY IN SERIAL PRODUCTION OEMs and Tier1 Technologies Renault Stamping Nissan Plastic Tesla Aluminium & Machining M&M Reva Forging Borg Warner CIE Automotive is already working with the key players 51
A L R EA DY T H E R E R E N A U LT Platine assembles Aluminium Battery support Aluminium End plate Aluminium 52
A L R EA DY T H E R E R E N A U LT Battery structure Metal stamping Winding hub Metal stamping Carter battery charger cover Metal stamping Lower carter battery cover Metal stamping Upper carter battery cover Metal stamping 53
A L R EA DY T H E R E NISSAN e-Reducer Housing Clutch Aluminium e-Reducer Housing Trans Case Aluminium 54
A L R EA DY T H E R E TESLA Aluminium battery cover Stamping & welding Corners (BIW) Skid plate (BIW) Stamping & welding Stamping & ecoat (painting) Floor (battery parts) Stamping, riveting, welding & painting Wall (battery parts) Cross member (battery parts) Stamping & riveting Stamping & welding 55
A L R EA DY T H E R E M &M R E VA Rear spindle Forging Battery pack Composites 56
A L R EA DY T H E R E BORG WARNER Source: Autogreen Magazine Rotor components Forging and machining 57
A L R EA DY T H E R E I N T E G R AT E D F R O M V E R Y E A R LY S TA G E S Diversity of partners & new players Working with OEMs, Tier 1 in electric motors, electronics, Technological Centres, and Universities in R&D projects. 58
A L R EA DY T H E R E I N T E G R AT E D F R O M V E R Y E A R LY S TA G E S Analysing different type of architectures Multi-technological environment 59
A L R EA DY T H E R E REAL EXAMPLES Demonstration in real car R&D projects involving customers. Integrated in a ZOE vehicle. Tested in Renault test circuit at Paris. Exceeding the requirements. 60
O P P O RT U N I T I E S N AT U R A L E V O L U T I O N Some components could have direct substitute in the new powertrains ICE component EV component 61
O P P O RT U N I T I E S N E W PA R T S Inverter (DC/AC) Motor controller Source: Renault Source: Toyota (Prius 3rd Gen) Source: Delphi Converter (DC/AC) Charger Source: EV-Guide (Delphi 2,2 kW) Source: Delphi 62
O P P O RT U N I T I E S N E W PA R T S Battery module Source: Green Car Congress 2017. Audi A3 63
O P P O RT U N I T I E S N E W PA R T S Battery cells stacking Battery module. Metal Source: Automotive Energy Supplier Corporation Source: Toyota Battery module. Plastic Running project at CIE Examples Source: KIA 64
O P P O RT U N I T I E S N E W PA R T S Battery cooling Charging port Source: EV-Guide Charging port Source: Green Car Congress 2017. Audi A3 Source: Delphi 65
Managing high value added processes 66
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