EVENT REPORT - Flavourtalk 2020 Natural Flavours: Innovations, Technologies and Authenticity - ICATs

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EVENT REPORT - Flavourtalk 2020 Natural Flavours: Innovations, Technologies and Authenticity - ICATs

Flavourtalk 2020
Natural Flavours: Innovations,
Technologies and Authenticity
Deirdre Makepeace and Mandy Burns
This firm fixture on the flavour         were able to make the most of some      year.’ Thyme, rosemary, ginger,
industry’s calendar was sadly            excellent product demonstrations and    basil and habanero extracts were
impacted by the emerging COVID-19        specialist presentations. The event,    demonstrated with a range of uses
crisis. The exhibition and conference    run by Flavour Horizons, focused on     across both food and cosmetics
started a matter of days before the      key emerging themes such as defining    from baked goods to beverages and
USA and many European countries          ‘natural’, clean labelling, sourcing,   confectionery with all products being
announced travel restrictions and        purity, health and of course cost.      both Kosher certified and organic. The
varying degrees of lockdown. Some            As in the past the event ran on     company also announced a number
delegates and exhibitors had taken       a two-day format with the first day     a new products under development
the difficult decision to pull out       consisting of table-top exhibitions.    including Strawberry Glycidate 2,
and others left early, unsure if their       Advance Biotech’s presentation      Pyrazine Mixture IX, with a nutty, coffee
return home would be hampered by         stated that ‘derived herbal and         chocolate odour, and Cocoa Hexenal.
restrictions. However, the reduced       botanical extracts will experience          Merck (Sigma Aldrich)
number of exhibitors and delegates       some of the fastest growth this         demonstrated seven scent samples,

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Above: Flavour Talk Amsterdam (hall) The       three of which were also available          Soft Extract. Obtained by aqueous
 Barbizon Palace’s 15th century chapel,         in tasting formats. Delegates were          ethanol extraction and distillation of
 Olof’s with day 2 presentations set to begin   invited to smell, think and interpret the   untoasted bourbon oak powder, the
                                                aromas and flavours, checking against       aroma presents a rich and woody
 Above Right: Lionel Hitchen Ltd, ingredient    the catalogued aroma and taste notes.       vanilla scent.
 demonstrations underway                        As always, a full table of developers           The presentation by Essential Oils
                                                and buyers will often pick up on            of Tasmania was a measure of the
                                                different nuances across the samples        global opportunities that this event
                                                and discussions around potential uses       offers. Boronia, native to Australia,
 The Flavour Raw                                was evidence of the shared innovation       where 12 million yellow flower heads
                                                that these sessions can offer.              are used to create one kilo of absolute,
 Materials Exhibition                               Omega demonstrated their                is used in tobacco, spirits, juices and
 and FlavourTalk                                kiiNote® natural extracts in a delicious    also fragrance. The leaves of the
 conference are                                 non-alcoholic Bloody Mary recipe,           Tasmanian native pepper, known as
                                                re-imagined as a ‘Bloody Shame’.            the mountain pepper, used to create
 presented by Flavour                           Carrot flavours added a fresh               diverse products, has an exotic
 Horizons in association                        vegetable depth, beetroot a more            scent and spicy top notes. Tasmanian
 with the British Society                       earthy depth, unmani a complex and          peppermint is harvested from
                                                slightly smoked savoury note and            paddocks that have been established
 of Flavourists.                                tomato essence, created unusually           for over 30 years and the oil has a
                                                from English grown tomatoes, those          strong fresh flavour and aroma with a
                                                that don’t quite make the grade for         clean, rich complex background. The
                                                supermarket display. The final kick         state of Tasmania is non-GMO and
                                                of Sancho Pepper kiiNote® and               has one of the lowest air pollution
                                                Capiscum filled the alcohol gap. They       ratings on the planet. Year to year
                                                had replaced celery salt, a known           product consistency was discussed,
                                                allergen, with watercress. The ‘Bloody      particularly in the light of Australia and
                                                Shame’ was an entertaining showcase         Tasmania’s recent climatic challenges.
                                                of Omega’s drive for pure and natural           Robertet, one of the oldest
                                                ingredients.                                businesses in the sector, used a
                                                    Lionel Hitchin showcased a range        historic theme to demonstrate the
                                                of taste and aroma samples from both        journey to today’s world of natural
                                                their citrus ranges and their herb and      products. Robertet presented as The
                                                spice ranges, including some more           Botanist with five healthy concepts
                                                unusual extracts such as Bourbon Oak        combining taste, active ingredients

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and clean labelling. There was an          ‘no-handshakes’ rule. The conference        create a ‘natural flavouring substance’.
emphasis on certified organic and          programme had been amended                  Traditional food preparation processes
with Gummunity, EFSA approval              somewhat with some speakers joining         include for example cooling, cutting,
for labelling as having benefits for       remotely and others unable to join.         drying, pressing, distillation, mixing
relaxation and respiratory disorders.      The programme was nonetheless               and macerating. The presentation
    Besmoke highlighted one of the         excellent with a range of technical and     formed the perfect introduction to
latest trends in food flavouring with      regulatory presentations of enormous        the very complex field of definitions
significant growth in demand for           value to the assembled delegates.           surrounding the narrative of ‘natural’.
smoky flavours in products such as         This year’s focus was on the regulatory         David Baines continued with a
barbeque flavoured crisps. PureTech,       landscape, the consumer landscape           comparison between EU and US
the company’s revolutionary patented       and the ongoing challenges of               legislation on the subject summarising
smoke filtration technology, is being      authenticating natural ingredients.         the EU criteria that a natural flavour
used to create the ‘next generation’, of       After welcoming remarks from            must therefore be 1. made from
safe and clean smoky flavours for e.g.     David Baines of Flavour Horizons, Jan       natural source materials 2. prepared
rice pouches and crisps. Besmoke’s         Verhoeven of the European Flavour           using traditional processes and
Pure Tech processes enable the             Association (EFFA) Working Group            3. found in nature. The UK will be
reduction of carcinogens and the use       on Natural Processes, discussed the         adopting EU regulations post-Brexit.
of Puremani reduces sugars.                complex definitions of what is meant        In the US natural flavourings must
    Finally delegates were invited         by ‘natural flavours’, whether those        be derived from natural starting
back into the seventies for a              flavours come from food or non-food         materials and must also be Generally
colourfully themed presentation            sources. The starting point for the         Recognised As Safe (GRAS) listed. The
by Mane, evoking the ‘limitless            discussion is that consumers regard         FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
happiness’ of the decade with its          ‘natural’ as ‘good, desirable and safe’     in fact discourages the food industry
vintage themed table.                      and that this is not necessarily always     from using the word ‘natural’ on
    Although travel and working            true. ‘The industry cannot follow the       labels because of its ambiguity. They
restrictions are changing working          (undefined) consumers’ opinion but          gave up on attempts to formally
and conference habits the benefits         is bound by the regulations, primarily      define the term ‘natural’ in 1993.
of bringing product innovations            EC 1334/2008’. The EU definitions state     The IOFI guidelines determine that
and creative flavourists together for      that a natural flavouring substance         natural flavouring substances are
practical flavour and aroma session        is one that is identified in nature i.e.    derived from natural materials using
cannot be underestimated.                  identified in materials of plant, animal,   permissible processes. There are
    On day two the usual conference        microbial or mineral origin. It also        many oxymorons surrounding the use
health and safety briefing had the,        states that such substances can be          of ‘natural’ as a description that can
now familiar, instructions on using        processed by appropriate physical,          be confusing to the consumer and
biocide wipes and a reminder of the        enzymatic or microbial processes to         Baines called for clearer definitions.

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EVENT REPORT - Flavourtalk 2020 Natural Flavours: Innovations, Technologies and Authenticity - ICATs
In summary the simple concept of          and well defined labelling. In a              • Veganism – the rise of PLNT PWR,
 ‘natural’ in the mind of the consumer,    Sentient survey of 5,000 Americans,               now a lifestyle cornerstone
 is far from simple from the perspective   61% strongly agreed that ‘when                • Under the sea – sustainability vs.
 of regulators and therefore producers.    buying new products, ingredient                   plastic
     Delegates were then introduced        labels impact my food and beverage            • Question everything – trust and
 to the area of authentication of          purchasing decisions’. For example                traceability – it’s all part of the story
 natural products with three detailed      the terms ‘natural ginger extract’,           • Traditional ‘good and proper’
 presentations covering specific           ‘natural ginger flavour’, ‘ginger extract’,   • ‘Hyperlocal’
 research projects. Christina Ramos,       ‘ginger flavour’ and ‘artificial ginger           Eskins contrasted that historically,
 European Operations Manager for           flavour’ were compared for their ‘clean       savoury snacks primarily involved
 Beta Analytic, presented by live          label’ perception with the results            two key flavours - salt and MSG but
 video, having returned to Spain           clearly demonstrating the weight              today’s market is far more complex
 after day one of the event. Her           placed on the words ‘natural’ and             with people vociferously demanding
 research has focused on identifying       ‘extract’. There was some variance            traceability, healthier options and
 the mis-labelling of products and         across generations with Boomers               redefined food. The company has
 detecting (economically motivated)        being the most likely to pay a premium        observed a number of new food
 adulteration using carbon 14 analysis.    for foods that contain extracts instead       concepts emerging from changing
 Sandrine Bodin a Flavourist for           of flavours.                                  tastes and buying behaviour including
 Solvay, discussed her research into           Nick Eskins of Taste Connections          savoury twists in Danish pastries
 the authentication of natural vanillin.   Ltd, stepping in with just 14 hours           and yoghurts, conversely combining
 Sophie Lavoine-Hanneguelle, R&I           notice, presented further research            fruit and sweet flavours with things
 Manager for Robertet, presented           into complex consumer taste drivers           that are traditionally savoury and
 research into the authentication of the   with geographic provenance as                 vegetables being cooked like
 Zanthoxylum genera of peppers with        part of the story and introduced              meats e.g. vegetable terrines and
 cryomilling and DNA analysis as two       delegates to the concept of ‘small but        ragout. Delegates were introduced
 methods trialled.                         perfectly farmed’. Taste Connection’s         to a relatively new product, Salmon
     Lewis Jones, Innovation, Analytical   research has identified a number of           Crisps, made from the often-wasted
 & Sensory Manager for Sensient            contemporary trends:                          but nutrient-rich by-product of fish
 continued the natural labelling theme     • Food production revolution –                skin and asked to ponder the future
 and the topic of clean labelling,             changing attitudes to farming and         concept of edible jelly fish – a massive
 stressing the market appeal and               animal welfare – ‘it’s cool to be         potential food source.
 consumer demand for more complex              kind’

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Far Left: Omega Ingredients
                                                              inviting delegates to
                                                              discover the flavours
                                                              in their ‘Bloody Shame’
                                                              alcohol-free cocktail

                                                              Left: Sea Chips, the UK’s
                                                              first salmon skin crisps.
                                                              Credit Nick Eskins,
                                                              TasteConnection Ltd

                                                              Below: Mane Caption Mane
                                                              - imaginatively evoking the
                                                              ‘limitless happiness’ of the
                                                              seventies through flavour

    The focus returned to authenticity     to strengthen integrity through the
as John Points of John Points              supply chain. Analytical testing
Consulting explored the role               should be more about building a
of analytical testing in ensuring          case, sharing intelligence and data in
authenticity. Around 20% of global         a collaborative, non-competitive way
food scares related to food fraud,         to mitigate risk of false claims and
representing around 2000 cases in          interpretation.
2019, but only eight of these related          So from Salmon crisps to savoury
to flavouring. ‘Should everything          yoghurts – the 12th annual FlavourTalk
be subject to analytical testing? If       exhibition and conference did
so, where in the food chain should         indeed offer food for thought on
testing take place?’ The reality is that   both adventurous consumer-driven
analytical testing is very expensive       food trends and the challenges of
and is therefore likely to be used as a    appropriate product labelling and
small element of a range of sources        authentication of those increasingly
of intelligence that can combine           diverse food stories.

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EVENT REPORT - Flavourtalk 2020 Natural Flavours: Innovations, Technologies and Authenticity - ICATs
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