Event Programme. June 1-3, 2022 - www.urban-future.org - Urban Future

Page created by Frances Vaughn
Event Programme. June 1-3, 2022 - www.urban-future.org - Urban Future
Event Programme.
June 1-3, 2022   Release version March 2022                          www.urban-future.org
Event Programme. June 1-3, 2022 - www.urban-future.org - Urban Future
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Welcome to
Urban Future.
Europe’s biggest event for those
who shape the future of our cities.
Home to a global community
of 50,000+ urban change-makers.
Event Programme. June 1-3, 2022 - www.urban-future.org - Urban Future
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

     #UF22                        2,000+                              150+
                                                                      SPEAKERS FROM
                                                                                                                      1.2 M
         JUNE 1-3, 2022           ATTENDEES                           4 CONTINENTS                           GLOBAL SOCIAL MEDIA REACH

                                  INTERNATIONAL                       MOST
100+                                                                                                            60+
                                  OPENING EVENT

                                  H22 CITY                            TALKED-
                                  EXPO                                ABOUT                                       SESSIONS

                                                                                                       COMMUNICATING WITH A

                                                                                                       GLOBAL COMMUNITY OF


                      4 SDGS
                                                                                       FIRST TIME IN

          SIDE EVENTS                                                                                  CITYCHANGERS

                    FIELD TRIPS
                                           1 WEEK 100+
                                                    OF LIVE EVENTS,
                                         EXPERIENCES, AND MEETINGS
Event Programme. June 1-3, 2022 - www.urban-future.org - Urban Future
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

These visionary partners support us and the global
community of CityChangers in making UF22 happen.
Thank you!
Event Programme. June 1-3, 2022 - www.urban-future.org - Urban Future
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

         MONDAY | MAY 30                       TUESDAY | MAY 31                       WEDNESDAY | JUNE 1                    THURSDAY | JUNE 2                    FRIDAY | JUNE 3   SATURDAY | JUNE 4

8.30 – 16.30 (IN SWEDISH)            10.00 – 15.00 (BY INVITATION ONLY)
PUBLIC PARKS                         UNECE HIGH-LEVEL
& SPACES                             STOCKHOLM +50
CONFERENCE                           MEETING
WEEK 2022

10.00 – 15.00 (BY INVITATION ONLY)

                                     13.00 – 18.00                            09.00 – 13.00 (BY INVITATION ONLY)   8.00 – 10.30 (BY INVITATION ONLY)   STARTING FRIDAY AT 13.00
                                     JPI                                      UNECE                                JPI URBAN EUROPE:                   UTOPIAN HOURS
                                     URBAN EUROPE                             EXPERT                               PED CALL PROJECT                    FESTIVAL
                                     AGORA                                    DIALOGUE                             COORDINATION                        BY
                                     DIALOGUE                                 MEETING                              MEETING                             TORINOSTRATOSFERICA

                                     13.00 – 18.00 (BY INVITATION ONLY)       19.00
                                     EU INTERNATIONAL                         NETWORKING MINGLE:                   GROW INVEST
                                     URBAN AND REGIONAL                       IMPACT                               CONFERENCE
                                     COOPERATION                              ENTREPRENEURS                        FOR IMPACT
                                     MEETING                                  & INVESTORS                          INVESTORS

                                     13.00 – 18.00 (BY INVITATION ONLY)                                            (BY INVITATION ONLY)
                                     UF22                                                                          STRING
                                     YOUNG                                                                         NETWORK
                                     LEADERS                                                                       POLITICAL
                                     PROGRAM                                                                       FORUM

                                     STARTING AT 19.30 (BY INVITATION ONLY)                                        18.00 – 19.30
                                     UF22 VIP RECEPTION                                                            CITIES
                                     HOSTED BY                                                                     FUCKUP
                                     THE MAYOR OF                                                                  NIGHT &
                                     HELSINGBORG                                                                   AFTERPARTY
Event Programme. June 1-3, 2022 - www.urban-future.org - Urban Future
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Welcome to our best programme to date! Three years’ worth of preparation has gone into its development. The tracks
combine the expertise of more than 450 leading urban shapers, who have helped us tailor the content exactly to our
CityChangers’ needs. These tracks will equip you with the tools you need to grow as a change-maker and create more
impact with your work.

Track 1             Track 2             Track 3             Track 4            Track 5             Track 6
Leadership          Changing            Impact              Revitalising       Building            Skills for
                    Structures          Entrepreneurs       Neighbourhoods     New Districts       CityChangers
Event Programme. June 1-3, 2022 - www.urban-future.org - Urban Future
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

         0.1.                                                                                                                                                        4.1.
10.30    Official                                                                                                                                                    Roll up your sleeves:
                                                                                                                                                                     Revitalise your
         Opening Session                                                                                                                                             troubled districts

         6.1.               1.5.                     2.3.                   3.1.                   4.3.
11.00    How to mobilise    Mission accepted:        Change must            A new breed of         Critical:
12.30                       Climate-neutral cities   come from the top      entrepreneurs          Getting those on
                                                                            shape cities           board that really

         3.3.               1.5.1.                   1.3.                   6.3.                   6.6.                4.7.                  4.5.                    4.4.
14.00    Unleash your       Vinnova’s                Leadership             How to deal with the   Workshop:           Superstar of modern   Against all odds?       Revitalising
15.30    city’s social      essential system         for the greater good   ‘difficult ones’?      How to change       City Development      The affordable          neighbourhoods
         innovation power   transformation                                                         minds                                     housing challenge       without $$$

         1.4.               6.7.                     6.5.                   1.7.                   3.2.                6.4.                  4.2.                    5.7.
16.00    Unlocking the      Speeding up              Climate                Baltic Cities          Showreel of         Teams that get        This is your            Brownfield unicorns:
 17.30   potential of       change with              communication          collaborate for        amazing             things done!          chance: Combining       Turning terrible into
         collaboration      experiments              that works             change                                                           revitalisation with     terrific
                                                                                                                                             climate action
Event Programme. June 1-3, 2022 - www.urban-future.org - Urban Future
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Thursday, June 2, 2022

         2.6.                 2.4.               3.4.                    1.6.                   5.1.                 2.5.
09.00    Digitalisation 101   Workshop:          How to build            The Mission-Oriented   New districts        Productivity
10.30                         Public Sector      your ecosystem of       Approach               in the making        booster
                              Innovation         change

         1.2.                 3.3.1.             2.2.                    2.1.                   2.7.                 5.2.
11.00    Women changing       Skills Workshop:   Strategies for          A city obsessed        Showreel:            Starting from
12.30    the world            Developing your    driving change from     with change            How to make cities   scratch: Critical
                              business model     within                                         sustainable with     steps for your new
                                                                                                data                 neighbourhood

         1.1.                 3.3.2.             4.6.                    4.8.                   5.3.                 2.2.1.
14.00    Visionary:           Skills Workshop:   C40’s Reinventing       Do dodgy people        New districts =      Workshop:
15.30    Leading change       Impact with        Cities:                 and dark corners       new ways of doing    Your change-making
                              volunteers         Decarbonising the       scare you?             things               community
                                                 built environment

         3.3.3.               5.8.               6.2.                    5.5.                   5.4.                 5.6.
16.00    Skills Workshop:     Focus on energy    Best of                 Initiating change:     New districts:       Brownfields are like a
 17.30   Getting your story                      participation – worst   Temporary use          Focus on mobility    box of chocolates:
         right                                   of participation        as a strategic                              You never know what
                                                                         development tool                            you're gonna get!


         Cities FuckUp Night &

Event Programme. June 1-3, 2022 - www.urban-future.org - Urban Future
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Friday, June 3, 2022

Fieldtrip 1       09.00 – 10.30   Fieldtrip 2    14.00 – 16.00      Fieldtrip 3     09.00 – 12.00   Fieldtrip 4     10.00 – 12.00    Fieldtrip 5    09.00 – 13.00   Fieldtrip 6      09.00 – 12.30

Living the circular dream:        Circular magic:                   From landfill to green oasis:   Experience Helsingborg Port      Innovative Housing             Creating the new
Visit Helsingborg’s waterfront    Recolab’s Three-Pipes Sewer       The Circular Spectacular        and its self-charging electric   Concepts                       positive energy district of
‘Oceanhamnen’                     System                            Tour at Vera Park               vehicles                                                        Brunnshög

Fieldtrip 7       9.00 – 11.00    Fieldtrip 8    07.00 – 08.00      Fieldtrip 9     14.00 – 17.00   Fieldtrip 10    09.00 – 12.00    Fieldtrip 11   10.00 – 12.00   Fieldtrip 12     21.00 – 24.00

Make our cities                   Morning Yoga                      Swimming under                  Sauna like                       Meet the most innovative       Focus on safety:
green again                                                         palm trees                      a Swede!                         Wooden Buildings               How Helsingborg is
                                                                                                                                                                    dealing with troubled

Fieldtrip 13      09.00 – 12.00   Fieldtrip 14   10.00 – open end   Fieldtrip 15    9.00 – 17.00    Fieldtrip 16    09.00 – 17.00    Fieldtrip 17   09.00 – 17.00   Fieldtrip 18     10.30 – 14.00

Seeing the city through           Take a walk                       Smørrebrød                      Vineyard cycling day             Porpoise                       Visit Copenhagen’s
the eyes of a child will          on the wild side:                 and Shakespeare:                is your chance to taste          Safari                         sustainability hot spots
change the way we plan it         Helsingborg in a day              A trip to Denmark               Swedish wine

Fieldtrip 19      09.00 – 12.30

Urban Planning Masterclass
with Jennifer Keesmaat:
Expand your sphere
of influence
Event Programme. June 1-3, 2022 - www.urban-future.org - Urban Future
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track and
Session Details.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022


0.1.       June 1, 2022    09.00 – 10.30                                             0.2.       June 2, 2022   18.00 – 19.30

Official                                                                             Cities FuckUp Night &
Opening Session                                                                      Afterparty
Welcome CityChangers:                                                                Spilling it all out for you:
all you need to know about                                                           Join the conference highlight & UF22’s
UF22                                                                                 biggest social event
Welcome to URBAN FUTURE 2022 in Helsingborg. Let us surprise you with this           Join the highlight of UF22 and meet 4 brave CityChangers who will be sharing not
opening, setting the bar for the 3 days ahead. Get ready to be inspired, provoked,   only their biggest FuckUps, but more importantly, their key learnings from this
motivated, and leave hungry for more.                                                experience. Following the FuckUp Night, we‘ll all switch to party mode and enjoy
                                                                                     the company of movers and shakers from around the world.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 1

Any project's success hinges on leaders
who can inspire others, who nurture their
communities, and teach the lessons they
learned by making mistakes along the way.
Let’s listen to and connect with some of the
most exciting urban leaders around.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 1
1.1.                                     1.2.                                      1.3.                                      1.4.
           June 1, 2022                             June 2, 2022                              June 1, 2022                               June 1, 2022
           14.00 – 15.30                            11.00 – 12.30                             14.00 – 15.30                              16.00 – 17.30

Visionary:                               Women                                     Leadership                                Unlocking the
Leading                                  changing the                              for the greater                           potential of
change                                   world                                     good                                      collaboration
How to unleash your                      How to lead                               How to lead                               How leaders enable
power to drive change                    in times of crisis                        for impact                                collaboration to get
                                                                                                                             amazing results
Changing yourself is difficult.          We can all feel it (and even              Leaders often have a strong connection    Collaboration is one of the critical
Being the driving force of change in     research supports this): Women-led        to their organisations – and often        success factors for mastering the
groups, organisations, and cities even   organisations are managing crises         strong egos. But what changes, if it’s    challenges ahead of us. Cities, districts,
more so. If you’re in the position of    better than those led by men –            not about quarterly figures, succeeding   businesses, universities, NGOs, start-
driving change and influencing others,   including the pandemic! In this session   within budgets or winning votes?          ups, citizens and many more are
you will need very particular skills.    we dig deep to explore just how they      What if it’s about something much         collaborating for change. However, for
This session will show just how          are doing things differently. What        larger and less tangible: the greater     every successful collaboration there
powerful visions can be in helping       can we all learn from women in the        good? In this highly interactive          are probably ten that fail miserably. So,
CityChangers to take others on a         lead & how can we improve our odds        90-minute session you’ll experience       let’s take a close look at this intangible
(change) journey.                        of succeeding in our transformation       first-hand what it requires to lead for   ‘culture of collaboration’. We’ll find out
                                         journey? Let’s find out!                  the greater good.                         how to nurture it, and what behaviour
                                                                                                                             will instantly kill it.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 1
1.5.                                       1.5.1.                                                  1.6.                                        1.7.
           June 1, 2022                               June 2, 2022                                             June 2, 2022                               June 1, 2022
           11.00 – 12.30                              13.45 – 15.45                                            09.00 – 10.30                              16.00 – 17.30

Mission                                    Vinnova’s                                               The Mission-                                Baltic Cities


accepted:                                  Essential system                                        Oriented                                    collaborate for

                                                                                   – WOR

Climate-neutral                            transformation                                          Approach                                    change
cities                                     workshop
System transformation                      120 minutes of know-how                                 This how-to-get-it-                         How joining forces
is our only chance to                      distilled from a thousand                               done approach is taking                     is supporting urban
succeed: this is how                       hours of practice                                       Europe by storm                             transformation across
                                                                                                                                               the region
To mitigate the worst eventuality, ever    Agreeing a roadmap towards carbon                       “Missions” is quickly becoming the          Be amazed by this session with the
more cities are pledgeing to drastically   neutrality is one thing. Having all                     latest buzzword in the urban arena.         Baltics’ most passionate urban change
reduce their greenhous gas emissions.      stakeholders pull together in a                         Essentially, it means that city admin       makers and learn just how more than
Europe is looking for 100 climate-         structured process is quite another.                    needs to change from somewhere              70 cities collaborate to shape the
neutral cities by 2030 to act as           In this workshop, the Swedish                           you go to when you have a problem,          region. Having developed a unique
experimentation and innovation hubs.       government’s innovation agency                          to someone who actively solves it. In       leadership approach, speakers will
However, to reach this goal, the time      Vinnova, strategic innovation                           this session mission-experts explain        share insight from politics, business,
of tinkering is over! Join top climate     programme Viable Cities and partners                    how to get started, step-by-step: from      and other organisations how they made
leaders to understand why a systemic       join forces to make sure you start your                 leveraging a political narrative, to        it work, what obstacles they had to
approach is the ONLY viable option, and    journey towards carbon neutrality with                  overcoming barriers, and finding the        overcome and what they have learned
learn what you MUST consider to get        the best know-how available.                            right expertise. Expert or not, if you’re   from mistakes made.
your climate-neutral mission on track.                                                             on a transformation journey, this is your
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 2
Cities and businesses are on a mission.
To reach sustainability goals, they must
comprehensively transform structures
from the inside out. Let’s learn how to drive
that change on every level to unleash our
innovation power NOW.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 2
2.1.                                       2.2.                                                                                              2.3.
                                                                                                 June 2, 2022
           June 2, 2022                                June 2, 2022                                                                                      June 1, 2022
           11.00 – 12.30                               11.00 – 12.30                             14.00 – 15.30                                           11.00 – 12.30

A city obsessed                            Strategies for                             Workshop:                                              Change must


with change                                driving change                             Your change-                                           come from the top

                                                                                                                             – WOR

                                           from within                                making community
Witness Helsingborg’s                      How to work in a system                    How to start and                                       Why it pays
epic mission of                            of rigid structures                        manage your own                                        to make enemies
transformation                             (and how to change it)                     community
Over the last ten years, the City of       In organisations around the world,         To drive change across departments,                    Touch your organisation’s internal
Helsingborg has undergone a most           small teams are breaking new               you need to connect with ‘the                          structure and your’re asking for trouble:
amazing transition from lesser-known       ground. By doing things differently,       innovation community’. There isn’t one?                Getting it wrong may cost you the
harbour town to probably Europe’s          they are challenging orthodox views        Simply build your own! Before you start                job. So, if you’re in a position to drive
most innovative city. Yes, this city is    on anything from administration to         and manage your own community, let’s                   change, this session is for you: Listen to
obsessed with change and we’re lucky       planning and communication. If you’re      learn basic do’s and don’ts of building                leaders who acted BIG on their formal
to get exclusive backstage access. We’ll   working agile in your organisation, this   innovation networks.                                   powers. How did they get it started,
talk to key Helsingborg City leaders       is for you: Exchange know-how and                                                                 what are their critical learnings and
on how to successfully fail forward to     strategies with international peers.                                                              why, despite the trouble, does it pay to
create that culture of change.                                                                                                               awaken the beast? Make sure to get a
                                                                                                                                             front row seat!
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 2
2.4.                                                      2.5.                                       2.6.                                        2.7.
            June 2, 2022                                             June 2, 2022                                June 2, 2022                                June 2, 2022
            09.00 – 10.30                                            09.00 – 10.30                               09.00 – 10.30                               11.00 – 12.30

Workshop:                                                 Productivity                               Digitalisation                              Showreel:


Public sector                       KS
                                          – WOR

                                                          booster                                    101                                         How to make
innovation                                                                                                                                       cities sustainable
                                                                                                                                                 with data
How to go from ticking                                    How to transform work                      How to get the digital                      Learn to set priorities
boxes to open innovation                                  for better results                         transformation right
For many of us, public sector and                         “New work”, “teal organisations”, “agile   Before the ‘digital race’ takes us places   Whether it’s water, energy, mobility,
innovation are like chalk and cheese.                     methods” – buzzwords for some,             we don't want to be, we need to get         or construction, there are great and
How could administration ever be                          daily routine for others. Whatever you     clear on the goals and the rules of the     warranted hopes in making cities more
exciting! Well, we are wrong, and                         think about it, let’s find out how a       game. Technology is the easy part.          sustainable with the help of data: to
Helsingborg is but one city that’s                        new generation seems to get results        Making the right choices, for the right     save resources, reduce pollution, or
completely turning its public sector                      quicker – and identify along the way       reasons, in the right way is what it's      build circular. But let’s cut the “what
upside down. Today, the city is                           what might block the rest of us.           actually about. Join this session to        could be done with data” chatter for a
attracting amazing applications from                      What can we learn about designing          understand the Why, the What and the        sec. Let’s focus on strategies instead.
highly skilled and motivated talent.                      organisations and teams with impact        How of digital transformation for your      In this session, digital frontrunners
Let’s learn a few vital dos and don’ts of                 that are passionate, innovative, and       city.                                       share their frustrating (yet invaluable)
public sector innovation.                                 fully committed? Let’s discover how we                                                 experiences and identify surprisingly
                                                          can boost productivity, individually and                                               critical issues to help you set the right
                                                          collectively.                                                                          priorities.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 3
In cities around the world, we see
the emergence of a new breed of
entrepreneurs: They are highly creative,
fast-moving, and have sustainability in
their genes. But most of all, they do it for
the greater good of all. This track is all
about connecting the sharpest minds
with visionary entrepreneurs and urban
leaders – and sharing the skills we need
to scale impact.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 3
3.1.                                         3.2.                                        3.3.
                                                                                                                                                  June 2, 2022
            June 1, 2022                                 June 1, 2022                                June 1, 2022
            11.00 – 12.30                                16.00 – 17.30                               14.00 – 15.30                                11.00 – 12.30

A new breed of                               Showreel of                                 Unleash your                                 Skills


entrepreneurs                                amazing                                     city’s social                                workshop:

                                                                                                                                                                                     – WOR

shape cities                                                                             innovation power                             Developing your
                                                                                                                                      business model
Fast & furiously bringing                    Meet the most                               How to create the                            Create a sustainable
sustainability to life                       impactful urban ventures                    ecosystem needed for                         way of making impact
                                             and their founders                          social entrepreneurs to
Cities around the world see the              Let us be direct: You will be amazed at     Cities have amazing innovation power,        How much bigger could your impact
emergence of a new breed of                  what entrepreneurs around the world         in principle. Unfortunately, only few        be if you had a sustainable business
entrepreneurs: They are highly creative,     are creating, how quickly they scale,       seem able to truly unleash this power        model, rather than dependence on
fast-moving, have sustainability in their    and how much of an impact they              source to support and fast-track their       one-time funding? In this workshop
genes, but most of all, they do it for the   can have on cities and its citizens. In     city’s sustainability transformation         we’ll help you look further in order to
greater good of all. We’ll take a close      this session you’ll meet some of the        journey. This session takes a close look     develop a business model that can
look at this amazing trend, how these        frontrunners and visionary leaders,         at the cities with the most vibrant          sustain your venture in the long run.
ventures increasingly impact cities, and     hear their passionate stories of creating   social entrepreneurship ecosystems,          And you’ll learn how to juggle financial,
how they shape urban transformation.         sustainable change, how they scaled         featuring the people who built them.         social, personal, and environmental
Let’s explore why they are so good           impact, what cities can learn from          Let’s hear how cities tap into this source   targets.
in creating massive support from             them, and – most importantly – what         of innovation, learn from them how it’s
citizens and how cities already benefit      had been the critical ingredients to        done, what to do, and what mistakes to
from a vibrant community of social           their successes.                            avoid. Oh yes, and let’s copy it!
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 3
            June 2, 2022                                               June 2, 2022                                              June 2, 2022
3.3.2.      14.00 – 15.30                                  3.3.3.      16.00 – 17.30                                             09.00 – 10.30

Skills                                                     Skills                                                    How to build
                                               WOR                                                       WOR
                                           –                                                         –




workshop:                            KS
                                                           workshop:                                                 your ecosystem

                                           – WOR                                                     – WOR

Impact with                                                Getting your story                                        of change
volunteers                                                 right
How to successfully scale                                  How to communicate                                        Benefit from
impact with volunteers                                     your idea to win                                          the know-how of
and supporters                                             supporters                                                experienced ecosystem
Many social entrepreneurs and urban                        Your venture or your project is creating                  You need it, and you want it! Not
initiatives are able to rapidly grow their                 sustainable benefits, right? Awesome!                     surprisingly, your city also wants to
idea because they are supported by                         But how do you demonstrate your                           create what is needed for a flourishing
large groups of passionate volunteers.                     impact value to potential partners,                       social entrepreneurship ecosystem to
But to get volunteers on board is no                       investors, politicians, or the public? How                develop. Only then you’ll be able to
simple task. Learn how to setup your                       do you get noticed in today’s fast-paced                  benefit from the amazing innovation
venture or initiative for volunteers, how                  media world? An inspiring, authentic                      power of impact entrepreneurs for your
to incentivise, how to create passion                      story that’s pushing the right buttons                    city’s sustainable transformation. Well,
and involvement, how to find the right                     is key to getting people engaged. We’ll                   this is your chance then. This session
team, and how to ensure they help you                      explore what good storytelling requires                   will spell it out for you. Meet the people
grow impact.                                               and give you the tools to create your                     behind some of the most amazing
                                                           own powerful impact story.                                urban ecosystems in this field and
                                                                                                                     jointly develop your roadmap.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 4
Neighbourhoods make a city. They are
what defines its identity. But not all of
them thrive at the same pace. Hear from
prime examples around the world about
how to turn terrible into terrific, how to
combine revitalisation with climate action,
and how to involve the community along
the way.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 4
4.1.                                       4.2.                                      4.3.                                          4.4.
           June 1, 2022                                June 1, 2022                               June 1, 2022                                June 1, 2022
           09.00 – 10.30                               16.00 – 17.30                              11.00 – 12.30                               14.00 – 15.30

Roll up your                               This is your                              Critical:                                     Revitalising
sleeves: Revitalise                        chance: Combining                         Getting those on                              neighbourhoods
your troubled                              revitalisation with                       board that really                             without $$$
districts                                  climate action                            count
Why cities can’t afford                    See the possibilities                     How revitalisation                            Why wait for the big
broken neighbourhoods –                    to make an impact                         projects benefit from                         funds to arrive (or not) if
and how to fix them                                                                  strategic stakeholder                         you can just act yourself!
As cities change, so do their              Making new buildings sustainable          Neighbourhood revitalisation can be           When public funds are short or not
neighbourhoods. However, speed             will have an impact – however, only       tricky. After all, who knows what’s best      supportive of your idea, you’ve got to
and direction of change could not be       over time. The opportunities that arise   for a neighbourhood? You can have             do it yourself. Let’s learn some basic
more different. Previously prosperous      when revitalising larger urban areas      the best intentions when planning,            lessons on district revitalisation from
and thriving places are now desolate       that already exist today are numerous,    but then realise that stakeholders            those who’re mastering it without
and half-empty, and vice versa. In this    and immediate. Clearly, we should be      don’t really care about your solutions.       the big funds. How did they get
session, we will be taking a close look    talking about retrofitting buildings,     Involving the right ones will be critical     started, find allies, and make (lasting)
at the root causes of change. We’ll show   but also about the spaces in between      for a successful revitalisation. Let’s find   collaboration happen? Let’s visit their
how vital it is for cities to care about   them. Mobility concepts and local         out who needs to be on board at what          graveyards of ideas to understand what
their troubled places and learn about      commerce play critical roles in both:     stage of revitalisation projects.             works and what does not, and why.
revitalisation projects’ tremendous        Increasing liveability and reducing the                                                 Join in and bug them with your
benefits beyond the district scale.        environmental impact. It’s not rocket                                                   questions.
                                           science, we just need to consider it –
                                           oh yes, and actually do it.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 4
4.5.                                        4.6.                                       4.7.                                        4.8.
            June 1, 2022                                June 2, 2022                               June 1, 2022                                June 2, 2022
            14.00 – 15.30                               14.00 – 15.30                              14.00 – 15.30                               14.00 – 15.30

Against all odds?                           C40’s                                      Superstar of                                Do dodgy people
The affordable                              Reinventing Cities:                        modern city                                 and dark corners
housing challenge                           Decarbonising the                          development                                 scare you?
                                            built environment
Activist skills for                         How to revitalise                          Why the 15-minute-city                      How to make cities
researchers, research                       urban sites through                        approach is taking cites                    safe with data, design,
skills for activists                        collaboration and                          by storm                                    and community work
If you deep dive into the topic of          To decarbonise cities, we must explore     So, what’s all that buzz about the          Sensationalist news about “gang wars
affordable housing, things will quickly     uncharted territory. That’s why C40        15-minute city, really? It is yet another   in Sweden” is but one reason why safety
get complicated: Re-municipalisation,       has been running “Reinventing Cities”,     hyped concept with flashy images?           is moving up on cities’ policy agenda.
rent freezes, vacancy, expropriation,       the world’s largest ever competition       Well, it is not – and this session will     Anxiety is generally rising everywhere:
PPPs, .... In absence of a silver bullet,   for carbon neutral urban regeneration      give you the why. Find out why the          Even if crime rates are going down, more
how can we move forward? In this            projects. But apart from amazing           15-minute city is way more than a           and more people are feeling unsafe. At
session, experts share their key            projects, the participating cities found   planning approach and how it has            the same time, Sweden is one of the
learnings from decades of political         something even more powerful: A new        changed the way cities like Rotterdam,      safest places to live. Time to take a close
activism, academic research, and            state of mind for evaluating real estate   Barcelona, Melbourne, London, Detroit,      look at how Helsingborg’s strategic
deliberate practice.                        projects. In this session, you will hear   Cagliari or – most notably – Paris are      interventions – environmental design,
                                            the distilled knowhow and experience       working. Let’s separate the en-vogue        digital technology, and community
                                            from dozens of projects that will          chatter from reality, and marketing         engagement – are both making people
                                            change the way we develop projects in      from a new way of thinking. Welcome         feel safer and decreasing criminal
                                            the future.                                to your new city.                           incidents.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 5
What does it take to build a new district
from scratch? And what if you’re not
really starting from scratch? Learn about
the untapped potential of re-developing
brownfields, find out which stakeholders
to involve, as well as what aspects of
buildings, mobility, and energy to cover,
and how to actually get started.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 5
5.1.                                                     5.2.                                       5.3.                                                   5.4.
               June 2, 2022                                         June 2, 2022                                   June 2, 2022                                            June 2, 2022
               09.00 – 10.30                                        11.00 – 12.30                                  14.00 – 15.30                                           16.00 – 17.30

New districts                                            Starting from                              New districts =                                        New districts:
in the making                                            scratch: Critical                          new ways of                                            Focus on mobility
                                                         steps for your new                         doing things
How to make sure we                                      How to get started,                        Large-scale                                            How to make the
get thousands of new                                     how to set it up,                          developments require                                   greenest choice also
districts across Europe                                  and who to involve                         close collaboration of                                 the most convenient
right                                                                                               many teams                                             one
In the coming years, thousands of existing sites and     If your city has large areas of            We’ve learned that larger redevelopments can           Whether we’re changing neighbourhoods in central
designated development areas all across Europe           decommissioned buildings or                be so much more for cities than just additional        or peripheral locations, when it comes to mobility,
will be transformed into new city districts. However,    infrastructure, this session is for you.   buildings. In fact, they should be way more.           we must not rely on people’s good intentions. At
how we develop them will define whether or not                                                      These projects can provide housing, yes, but           any time, they will likely choose the most practical
we’ll be getting anywhere near to achieving our
                                                         Experts will walk you through the          also be home to new mobility concepts, affect          option to get around – and to many, that option
emission goals. So how should we do it? Yes, we          crucial first steps in building your new   energy consumption, create a closer and inclusive      still is driving their car as close as possible to where
hear the talk that one needs to think about how          district: From creating a shared vision    community, improve safety, and much more. To           they want to go. In this session, we’re looking at
people should get around, how they’ll power their        and deciding who to involve in the         achieve that, a very different kind of collaboration   new districts that have found a way to transform
homes, how lifestyles will change, and so on. Oh,        dialogue, to setting up an authority and   is required than what the different stakeholders       people’s mobility behaviour. Let’s dive into some
and the projects must be “holistic”. But let’s cut the   choosing a governance and ownership        in cities are “used to”. From urban planning and       of these experiments: What surprise lessons can
chatter for a moment and look closely at the truly                                                  mobility departments, energy experts and public        we learn from nudging people towards planners’
                                                         model. Let’s find out how the critical
sustainable new districts that are being successfully                                               transport, to architects, developers, citizens, and    preferred option? With thousands of new districts
created around the world RIGHT NOW – and let’s
                                                         questions “who calls the shots” and        construction companies. In this session we’ll spell    being developed, let’s find out just how we can
find out how they do it and what we can learn from       “who pays” can be answered.                out what to expect when you embark on this             make the greenest mobility option also the most
these frontrunners. Strongly recommended.                                                           journey together.                                      convenient one.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 5
5.5.                                                  5.6.                                                     5.7.                                                     5.8.
               June 2, 2022                                           June 2, 2022                                            June 1, 2022                                            June 2, 2022
               16.00 – 17.30                                          16.00 – 17.30                                           16.00 – 17.30                                           16.00 – 17.30

Initiating change:                                    Brownfields                                              Brownfield                                               Focus on
Temporary use                                         are like a box of                                        unicorns:                                                energy
as a strategic                                        chocolates: You                                          Turning terrible
development tool                                      never know what                                          into terrific
                                                      you're gonna get!
How to turn quick wins                                How to reuse                                             Get inspired by one-                                     How to collaborate for
into long-term success                                construction materials                                   of-a-kind sites and                                      the energy transition at
                                                                                                               redevelopments                                           district level
While large-scale re-developments can                 The bad news: Once demolished, most buildings in         Okay, not every city has a decommissioned airport,       If cities want to come anywhere near their
take decades, temporary use functions as a            your town will be forever lost as hazardous waste.       Olympic stadium, slaughterhouse, brewery, or             climate targets, they need to integrate energy
development catalyst for brownfields – a potential    The good news: There is much more to rescue              former prison to spare. But there are critical lessons   and transport early on in planning. However,
quick win for both developers and (temporary)         than you’d think: Beams, slabs, bricks, tiles, …. With   to be learnt from these brownfield “unicorns” that       implementation pitfalls are many, with runaway
users, typically creatives. But how exactly does      global supply chain disruptions strongly affecting       are relevant to any kind of re-development: How          costs and communication disasters threatening to
temporary use work in practice, beyond artsy          the building sector, demand on readily available         can we develop common visions? How to best               upset the mission. Collaboration is a key success
murals and essential block parties? How do            construction materials has gone up lately. Which         use existing heritage? How to marry the built            factor, yes, but as soon as you’re moving from
you match vacant sites with interested project        makes your task no easier: To reuse construction         environment with mobility concepts and energy            intention to action, you’ll find stakeholders have
initiators? What happens if it works “too well”?      ‘waste’ (or anything you find on a brownfield site)      solutions? How can we push the boundaries                conflicting interests. How to create those vital
In this session we’re taking a critical look at the   you need to be a master strategist. Let’s learn from     towards sustainability? And what role does               synergies, then? You don’t need to be an energy
promises of temporary use.                            frontrunners how to make better use of to-be-            communication play for such projects? Grab your          wonk to learn good lessons from the the EU project
                                                      demolished buildings: Logistically, financially, and     popcorn, sit back, and get inspired by one-of-a-kind     MULTIPLY.
                                                      regulatory.                                              projects.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 6
Whether you’re just getting started,
gaining influence, or scaling for impact,
Skills for CityChangers provides you with
the know-how essential for taking your
next step. Let’s learn critical skills for
change-making from the best.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 6
6.1.                                         6.2.                                     6.3.                                     6.4.
            June 1, 2022                                 June 2, 2022                            June 1, 2022                             June 1, 2022
            11.00 – 12.30                                16.00 – 17.30                           14.00 – 15.30                            16.00 – 17.30

How to                                       Best of                                  How to deal with                         Teams that get
mobilise                                     participation                            the ‘difficult ones’?                    things done!
                                             – worst of
Mastering the task of                        If you don’t do any                      First-aid kit to prevent                 Understand
getting others on board                      participation, you’ll                    your project’s melt-down                 how they do it
                                             definitely fail. If you
                                             do participation, you’ll
                                             probably fail
To drive change, you need supporters.        So you’d like to ask your citizens and   Most projects have them: Very loud and   Most organisations have them: This one
That’s why it is critical for CityChangers   residents for their opinion – then       difficult opponents. And even though     team others fear and envy at the same
to identify and ultimately win over          what? Don’t vex them with half-          they are often just a relatively small   time, because they just seem to get
others for their cause: Whether its          baked consultation! Don’t rely on        group, they somehow manage to set        every job done. Effectively, creatively,
experts, citizens, organisations, groups,    methodologies off the shelf! Learn       the tone and capture a large share of    and fast. How come some teams seem
or entire city environments. But how do      how to make progress with public         media attention. Let’s find out how to   to be so much better than others in
you get started? Which do’s should you       participation, and understand how to     deal with them and how to ensure that    getting things done? That’s what this
follow and what are the don’ts to avoid?     definitely get it wrong. Get into the    your project remains on track.           session will explore. And yes, you can
Let us share with you some very handy        discussion on which concepts work,                                                actually learn and cultivate it.
tools and methods that will help you         and which don’t – and why.
improve your skills to mobilise others.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Track 6
6.5.                                         6.6.                                                    6.7.
            June 1, 2022                                June 1, 2022                                             June 1, 2022
            16.00 – 17.30                               14.00 – 15.30                                            16.00 – 17.30

Climate                                      Workshop:                                               Speeding up


communication                                How to change                                           change with

                                                                                     – WOR

that works                                   minds                                                   experiments
Start with telling                           Gamified workshop                                       Crucial lessons
your story                                   with behaviour change                                   from trial & error
                                             mastermind Jeni Cross
Fasten your seatbelt: This session           If your city has large areas of                         In recent years, so-called urban living
showcases some of the most effective         decommissioned buildings or                             labs have become fashionable – rightly
climate action communication and             infrastructure, this session is for you.                so! People have discovered the power
identifies critical factors that will make   Experts will walk you through the                       of co-creation to transform their cities.
your campaigns better. Let’s hear about      crucial first steps in building your new                In city labs, they experiment together
behavioural science-based principles         district: From creating a shared vision                 on a variety of pressing issues, from
you must consider as well as about           and deciding who to involve in the                      e-participation to water and mobility
unusual and creative approaches. These       dialogue, to setting up an authority and                management. But what if your
90 minutes will guide and inspire you        choosing a governance and ownership                     experiment goes wrong? What if a
in building your next campaign to            model. Let’s find out how the critical                  “higher force” threatens its success?
influence the behaviour of others.           questions “who calls the shots” and                     We hear from master experimenters
                                             “who pays” can be answered.                             and how they continue to push for
                                                                                                     change despite the many uncertainties,
                                                                                                     including electoral change and shifting
                                                                                                     public opinion.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

This is your chance to experience something unique:
the field trips will open doors for you, get you inside
highly restricted areas, inspire you, make you think
outside the box, while the very people in charge
of these innovations will be your private guides.
Get ready for when ticket holders can reserve their
spots in early May.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Friday, June 3, 2022

1.   June 3, 2022      10.00 – 12.30                   2.    June 3, 2022       14.00 – 16.00                       3.    June 3, 2022      9.00 – 12.00                       4.   June 3, 2022      10.00 – 12.00

Living the circular dream:                             Circular magic:                                              From landfill to green oasis:                              Experience Helsingborg Port
Visit Helsingborg’s waterfront                         Recolab’s Three-Pipes Sewer System                           The Circular Spectacular Tour                              and its self-charging electric vehicles
‘Oceanhamnen’                                                                                                       at Vera Park
Take an exclusive tour around Helsingborg‘s newly      Join a guided tour of the “Three-Pipes Sewer System”,        Experience Helsingborg’s circular jewel, the Vera          This tour will take you into the highly restricted
developed waterfront, where circularity has been       which is the world’s first large-scale installation of its   Park. It’s Europe’s most modern waste-to-energy            area of Helsingborg Port, where you’ll experience the
the guiding vision. We get a sneak peek into smart     kind. Watch how waste is processed to extract those          plant, where literally nothing goes to waste:              operations of southern Sweden’s largest port,
homes and workplaces of the future, marvel at the      vital resources to be reused, reused, and reused.            everything that comes in should go out.                    as well as how its unique self-charging electric
artificial reef wall, and discover what’s so special                                                                So, if you’re passionate about a circular, sustainable     vehicle system works.
about the local sewer system. Why not finish with                                                                   society, this exclusive tour is for you!
a daringly delicious lunch with ingredients grown
from processed waste!

5.   June 3, 2022      09.00 – 13.00                   6.    June 3, 2022       09.00 – 12.30                       7.    June 3, 2022      9.00 – 11.00                       8.   June 3, 2022      07.00 – 08.00

Innovative Housing                                     Creating the new                                             Make our cities                                            Morning Yoga
Concepts                                               positive energy district of Brunnshög                        green again
This tour will take you across Helsingborg to          Brunnshög is a new sustainable neighbourhood                 Greening a city is a crucial task to improve quality       Start your day with a spectacular session of
experience first-hand how innovative urban life is     that is currently being developed on the outskirts           of life, reduce air pollution, and support biodiversity.   Morning Yoga. Bring your mat and meet peers
currently transforming the city. From co-living to     of Lund, a city of about 100,000 inhabitants south of        But greening a high-density area with mostly sealed        as we greet the new day near the beach.
temporary and circular housing units, get exclusive    Helsingborg. With the two world-leading research             surfaces is often challenging and costly. This tour will
access to the latest concepts addressing housing       installations MAX IV and ESS at its core, the new            showcase all of Helsingborg’s innovation in this field:
crises in cities.                                      neighbourhood is where up to 40,000 people will              from saving 85% water to greening strategies.
                                                       live and work. The new district features the world’s
                                                       largest low-temperature district heating system,
                                                       puts sustainable mobility at the core of its urban
                                                       planning, features low or zero energy buildings,
                                                       and makes excessive use of solar power.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Friday, June 3, 2022

9.    June 3, 2022       14.00 – 17.00                       10.   June 3, 2022     09.00 – 12.00                     11.   June 3, 2022      10.00 – 12.00                  12.   June 3, 2022      21.00 – 24.00

Swimming under                                               Sauna like                                               Meet the most innovative                               Focus on safety: How Helsingborg is
palm trees                                                   a Swede!                                                 Wooden Buildings                                       dealing with troubled neighbourhoods
Blue waters, sandy beaches, and palm trees.                  The people of Helsingborg love to take a cold bath!      The City of Oslo, MAD Architects, and the Oslo         Safety and urban regeneration often go hand
You might not expect to find that in Sweden –                For almost 150 years, there have been cold bath          Metropolitan Area are showcasing many of the           in hand. Many cities have challenging areas,
but let us surprise you. Join our group of brave             houses in the city, and few Helsingborgers can           world’s most innovative wooden buildings at the        so we are taking you on a unique experience in
swimmers as they not only enjoy the beach but also           imagine their city without them. Register your           Urban Brilliance Expo. While the exhibition is open    the City of Helsingborg, which had been highly
take a dip.                                                  visit to one of the city’s famous saunas.                all week, this tour gives you the unique opportunity   successful in addressing social challenges.
                                                                                                                      to get the inside scoop from the people behind the     In this unique walk alongside urban planners,
                                                                                                                      projects. Meet politicians, experts, developers, and   who will showcase examples of crime prevention via
                                                                                                                      architects who had been involved in creating what      environmental design, we join criminologists,
                                                                                                                      others thought to be impossible.                       police experts, and local leaders on a tour of
                                                                                                                                                                             challenged neighbourhoods, getting hands-on
                                                                                                                                                                             lessons in community engagement.

13.   June 3, 2022       09.00 – 12.00                       14.   June 3, 2022     10.00 – open end                  15.   June 3, 2022      9.00 – 17.00                   16.   June 3, 2022      09.00 – 17.00

Seeing the city through the eyes of                          Take a walk on the wild side:                            Smørrebrød and Shakespeare:                            Vineyard cycling day is your chance
a child will change the way we plan it                       Helsingborg in a day                                     A trip to Denmark                                      to taste Swedish wine
So, this experience is your chance to turn back time         31 is an unusually high number of districts for a city   Join a 20-minute ferry trip to visit the picturesque   What looks like a pleasant side effect of a warming
and be a child again. AFRY’s urban planning expert           of Helsingborg’s size – so we will look at why some      town of Elsinore and its famed “Hamlet” Castle         climate is in fact the result of an excellent viniculture
Mustafa Sherif will take you on a journey and let you        cities go with such fine locality and placemaking,       Kronborg, Denmark’s most famous castle,                with new grape varieties. If you’re a wine afficionado,
see the city with the eyes of a child. While lots of         while larger cities like New York can have just 5        immortalised by Shakespeare back in the 1600s.         you MUST taste a glass of Swedish wine! Before
children live in cities, very few planners consider them     districts, or even none! How can we tell we are in one   Before going back to Sweden, you need to try the       reaching the vineyards, we have a coffee break at
when developing neighbourhoods. Children suffer              or the other? What is the optimum number,                Danes’ popular “smørrebrød”.                           the stunning Sofiero Castle and comfortably cycle
the most from poor urban planning – so it’s time for         and why? Join ever-ingenious Eugene Quinn on his                                                                our 24-speed bikes through light green gardens
us to realise how current planning procedures create         wild walk across all Urban Future’s hosting city’s                                                              for a tasty lunch. The day finishes with a traditional
dangerous rather than safe areas, polluted rather than       districts.                                                                                                      Swedish “Fika”.
clean Neighbourhoods, and spaces that prevent kids to
move and be active. This field trip will help you see your
city with different eyes – an excellent starting point for
creating better cities.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Friday, June 3, 2022

17.   June 3, 2022     09.00 – 17.00                     18.   June 3, 2022     10.30 – 14.00                    19.   June 3, 2022     09.00 – 12.30

Porpoise                                                 Visit Copenhagen’s                                      Urban Planning Masterclass
Safari                                                   sustainability hot spots                                with Jennifer Keesmaat:
                                                                                                                 Expand your sphere of influence
40 km North of Helsingborg, a dramatic peninsula         Urbanists are all looking at Copenhagen. Some of        Jennifer is an urban planner, real estate expert,
extends into the sea: Kullaberg is one of Sweden's       the most exciting innovations are coming out of         entrepreneur for affordable housing, politician,
most visited nature reserves, with caves, forests,       Denmark’s capital. Which is why we’ve partnered         mum, change-maker and said to be one of the most
cliffs, and hiking trails. But we’re coming to see the   up with some of the key players to visit the pioneers   powerful and influential women in Canada. In her
dolphin-sized harbor porpoise. Motorized rubber rafts    among the city’s urbanisation hubs.                     five years as Toronto’s Chief City Planner, she was
will take you out on the open sea where chances are                                                              celebrated for her forward-thinking and collaborative
high that you’ll spot these whales at close distance.                                                            approach to city-building, inspiring urban leaders
                                                                                                                 around the world. In her workshop exclusively for city
                                                                                                                 planners, you will learn how to expand your sphere of
                                                                                                                 influence and immediately test drive your new skills.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Amazing Speakers.
They are among the world’s most influential
urban shapers, each sharing with you very
personal change-making experiences and creating
sparks of inspiration for passionate change-makers.
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Eugen Antalovsky          former Managing Director at Urban Innovation Vienna | Austria     Karin Haselböck         Head of Strategic Planning at Ashoka Europe | Austria

Soraya Axelsson           Head of H22 City Expo in Helsingborg | Sweden                     Anna Huttunen           Project Manager at City of Lahti | Finland

Gerald Babel-Sutter       Co-founder & CEO of Urban Future | Austria                        Darja Isaksson          Director General at Vinnova | Sweden

Luca Ballarini            Founder of Torino Stratosferica | Italy                           Maarit Kahila           Co-founder & CEO of Maptionnaire | Finland

Thomas Berman             CEO of SoCentral | Norway                                         Kilian Kaminski         CEO at Refurbed | Austria

Jaakko Blomberg           Executive Director of Helsinki Urban Art | Finland                Zoi Kantounatou         Founder and CFO at FutureX | Scotland

Per Boesgaard             Sustainability Lead at ARUP | Denmark                             Jennifer Keesmaat       CEO of The Keesmaat Group | Canada

Arno Bonte                Vice Mayor of Rotterdam | The Netherlands                         Niklas Keller           Co-founder & Managing Partner at Simply Rational | Germany

Morten Bove               Founder and CEO at WOHN | Denmark                                 Laila Kildesgaard       Director of KL | Denmark

Marco Buemi               Project Manager at the City of Turin | Italy                      Signe Kongebro          Global Design Director at Henning Larsen | Denmark

Frits Bussemaker          Community Builder at Korstmos | The Netherlands                   Olga Kordas             Programme Director of Viable Cities | Sweden

Dominik Campanella        Co-founder of Concular | Germany                                  Dean Landy              Partner at ClarkeHopkinsClarke Architects | Australia

Fermín Cerezo Peco        Director of Innovation at Valencia City Council | Spain           Lykke Leonardsen        Programme director at the City of Copenhagen | Denmark

Karl-Filip Coenegrachts   Founder and CEO of Cities of People | Belgium                     Palle Lundberg          Chief Executive at the City of Helsingborg | Sweden

Lene Conradi              Mayor of Asker | Norway                                           Hanna Elise Marcussen   Vice Mayor of Oslo | Norway

Jeni Cross                Director of Research at the Institute for the Built Environment   Angela Märtin           Scientific Expert at the City of Dortmund | Germany

		                        at Colorado State University | USA                                Étienne Métais          Senior manager at CDP | Germany

Peter Danielsson          Mayor of Helsingborg | Sweden                                     Mateja Mihinjac         Safety expert & Instructor at SafeGrowth | Slovenia

Fabian Dattner            Founder of Dattner Group | Australia                              Sophie Mirpourian       Teamlead at Anscharcampus | Germany

Martine Dellanoy          Futures Strategist and Innovation Expert at imec | Belgium        Jaffer Muljiani         Sustainability Consultant at BDP | UK

Sébastien Delpont         Director of EnergieSprong France | France                         Paulo Palha             CEO of Neoturf and President of ANCV | Portugal

Elad Eisenstein           Founding Director of SEE | UK                                     Eugene Quinn            Creative Urbanist at Whoosh | Austria

Rokhsana Fiaz             Mayor of Newham | UK                                              Mario Raimondi          Co-founder of El Desafio Foundation | Argentina

Linda Gustafsson          Gender Equality Officer at the Municipality of Umeå | Sweden      Carlo Ratti             Director of MIT Senseable City Lab | Italy

Lisbeth Hammer Krog       Mayor of Bærum | Norway                                           Ross Reekie             Workplace Researcher at Rise Consulting | Austria

Jacob Hartmann            Senior Consultant at Sharing Copenhagen | Denmark                 Jan Fritz Rettberg      CIO at the City of Dortmund | Germany
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Mohamed Ridouani             Mayor of Leuven | Belgium                                                                Simona Simulyte            Serial Entrepreneur & Innovation Expert at MITA | Lithuania

Orna Rosenfeld               Global Advisor on Housing, Author, Scientist & Award-Winning Urban Strategist | France   Coos Santing               Programme Manager Impact Economy at The Hague Municipality | The Netherlands

Claus Ruhe Madsen            Mayor of Rostock | Germany                                                               Verineia Codrean           Head of Sustainability at Startup Norway | Norway

Alberto Ruiz Carmena         Architect at the City of Malaga | Spain                                                  Eva Dalman                 Project Manager at the City of Lund | Sweden

Christina Salmhofer          Sustainability Strategist for Stockholm Royal Seaport | Sweden                           Thomas Norman Canguilhem   Co-founder & CEO of EcoTree | Denmark

Greg Saville                 Founder of SafeGrowth Network | USA                                                      Giorgos Vareloglou         Co-founder and Managing Partner of Reborrn | UK

Regina Schröter              Content Strategist at All Things Urban | German                                          Human Shojaee              President at Sustainary | Denmark

Philippe Schuler             Global Impact Manager at Too Good To Go | Denmark                                        Jan Kohlmeyer              Director of Climate Action at the City of Stuttgart | Germany

Michael Shank                Communications Director at the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance | USA                      Sini Lamoureux             Project Coordinator at the City of Turku | Finland

Anni Sinnemäki               Deputy Mayor of Helsinki | Finland                                                       Mikaela Åberg              Urban Development Project Manager at Helsingborgshem | Sweden

Piia Sipinen                 Housing expert for the City of Jyväskylä | Finland                                       Christian Langer           Founder and CEO of KORE Advisor | Germany

Miriam Staley                CEO of Leading Minds Worldwide | UK                                                      Mustafa Sherif             Urban Planner at AFRY | Sweden

Lior Steinberg               Urban Planner & Co-founder of Humankind | The Netherlands                                Nicolas Marchesi           Co-founder of Orange Sky Laundry | Australia

Heinrich Strößenreuther      Founder of KlimaUnion | Germany                                                          Kristiaan Borret           Government Architect of the Brussels Capital Region | Belgium

Ville Taajamaa               SDG Project Manager at City of Espoo | Finland                                           Koen Kennis                Vice Mayor of Antwerp | Belgium

Daniel Tobin                 Co-founder of UAP | USA                                                                  Davor Meersman             Executive Chairman of the Maximal Impact Foundation | Belgium

Santiago Uribe Rocha         Chief Resilient Officer of Medellin | Colombia                                           Andreas Hofer              CEO of IBA27 Stuttgart | Germany

Erik van Wijk                Founder and CEO at TheValueFactory | The Netherlands                                     Gabriella Gómez-Mont       Founder and Principal at Experimentalista | The Netherlands

Maria Vassilakou             Former Deputy Mayor of Vienna and Founder of Vienna Solutions | Austria                  Lan Marie Berg             Member of the Norwegian Parliament | Norway

Erion Veliaj                 Mayor of Tirana | Albania                                                                Pekka Timonen              Mayor of Lahti | Finland

Etienne Vignali              Project Manager at SPL Lyon Confluence | France                                          Filip Elland               Head of Sustainability at Catellum | Sweden

Åshild Wangensteen Bjørvik   CEO of MAD Arkitekter | Norway                                                           Daniel Deparis             Head of Urban Mobility Solutions at Mercedes-Benz Group | Germany

Markus Zilker                Partner at EinszuEins Architektur | Austria                                              Darja Isaksson             Director General of Vinnova | Sweden

Ursel Velve                  CEO of Ülemiste City | Estonia

Irene Samwel                 Senior Account Manager at ImpactCity | The Netherlands

Tove Levonen                 "Her City" Project Manager at Global Utmaning | Sweden
Helsingborg | June 1-3, 2022

Secure your seat now.   www.urban-future.org
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