European Strategic Autonomy - SWP Research Paper
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SWP Research Paper Barbara Lippert, Nicolai von Ondarza and Volker Perthes (eds.) European Strategic Autonomy Actors, Issues, Conflicts of Interests Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik German Institute for International and Security Affairs SWP Research Paper 4 March 2019, Berlin
Abstract Europe is increasingly required to assume greater responsibility for its own well-being and security. The debate about strengthening Europe’s ability to exert influence and act on its interests revolves around concepts such as strategic autonomy and – above all in France – European sovereignty. But rarely are these terms defined, or their political and practical implications explained. In this publication strategic autonomy is defined as the ability to set priorities and make decisions in matters of foreign policy and security, together with the institutional, political and material wherewithal to carry these through – in cooperation with third parties, or if need be alone. This understanding encompasses the entire spectrum of foreign policy and secu- rity, and not just the dimension of defence. Autonomy is always relative. Politically it means growing readiness, a process rather than a condition. Autonomy means neither autarchy nor isolation, nor rejection of alliances. It is not an end in itself, but a means to protect and promote values and interests. The authors of this collaborative study offer more than definitions. They explore what Germany needs to do, on its own and in cooperation with its European partners, to achieve greater strategic autonomy. What difficulties and conflicts of goals are to be expected. What is necessary and urgent? What is possible at all? What resources will Germany and Europe need to commit? What red lines will Germany encounter in its own internal politics and among its partners? And which questions will need further political dis- cussion?
SWP Research Paper Barbara Lippert, Nicolai von Ondarza and Volker Perthes (eds.) European Strategic Autonomy Actors, Issues, Conflicts of Interests Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik German Institute for International and Security Affairs SWP Research Paper 4 March 2019, Berlin
All rights reserved. © Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2019 SWP Research Papers are peer reviewed by senior researchers and the execu- tive board of the Institute. They are also subject to fact- checking and copy-editing. For further information on our quality control pro- cedures, please visit the SWP website: https:// about-swp/quality- management-for-swp- publications/. SWP Research Papers reflect the views of the authors. SWP Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik German Institute for International and Security Affairs Ludwigkirchplatz 3–4 10719 Berlin Germany Phone +49 30 880 07-0 Fax +49 30 880 07-200 ISSN 1863-1053 doi: 10.18449/2019RP04 Translation by Meredith Dale (English version of SWP-Studie 2/2019)
Table of Contents 5 Strategic Autonomy: Meaning and Relevance 5 Defining the Terms 5 Relevance and Purpose of Strategic Autonomy 7 What We Are (or Should Be) Talking About 9 The EU as the Framework for Strategic Autonomy 9 Internal Preconditions for Strategic Autonomisation: Leadership – Efficiency – Capacity to Act 11 France: Germany’s Most Important Partner 13 The Status and Special Role of the United Kingdom 14 Legitimacy 16 Areas of Action: Instruments, Capabilities, Resources 16 Security and Diplomacy 16 Europe and Collective Defence 18 Defence Grey Zones 18 The EU as Crisis Management Provider 19 The Nuclear Question 20 Civilian Capabilities 20 Diplomacy and Intelligence 21 Sanctions 22 Arms Control 23 International Organisations 23 Economy, Trade, Competitiveness 24 Single Market and Trade 25 Technology 25 Energy 25 Euro/Monetary Union 27 European Strategic Autonomy in a Multipolar World Order 27 United States 28 China 29 Russia 31 Middle and Emerging Powers 32 Conclusions 38 Annex 38 Abbreviations 38 The Authors
Defining the Terms Strategic Autonomy: Meaning and Relevance Doubts about the reliability of the United States have (unwillingly) obeying rules set by others. The opposite injected urgency into the discussion about how, and of strategic autonomy is being a rule-taker subject to to what extent, Europe can and should take its fate strategic decisions made by others: the United States, into its own hands (Chancellor Angela Merkel). The China or Russia. Germany can achieve strategic autono- German and European discussion about Europe’s my only in concert with its European partners. responsibility for its own well-being, security, and Our understanding of strategic autonomy thus international influence revolves around terms like encompasses the entire spectrum of foreign policy “strategic autonomy” and – above all in France – and security, and not just the dimension of defence. “European sovereignty”. Yet the concepts are rarely Autonomy is – like the related term power – rela- defined, and their political and practical implications tional, in the sense that it is realised in relation to usually left unstated. It is time for a more thorough others. It may represent an objective but is not an end discussion, not only on account of developments in in itself; rather it is a means to protect and promote the United States, but also in light of multiple emerg- values and interests. Politically, this is about an in- ing threats to the rules-based multilateral order. Up- crease in autonomy, a process of gradual autonomisa- holding and developing the latter represents a vital tion, rather than an absolute condition. Autonomy interest for Germany and Europe. means neither autarchy nor isolation, nor rejection of alliances. An autonomous actor decides on its own, on the basis of its own priorities, with which other Defining the Terms actors it wishes to seek partnerships and alliances. In an interdependent world autarchy is neither possible As well as offering an operationalised definition of nor desirable. Partners are essential for protecting and the key concept, we also ask what Germany needs promoting values and interests. For Germany these to do – on its own and in cooperation with its Euro- are primarily the European Union and its members, pean partners – in order to achieve greater strategic with which it shares the project of European integra- autonomy or sovereignty for Europe, and what ob- tion, and the other European NATO states. stacles, difficulties and conflicts of goals are to be expected. What is necessary and urgent? What is pos- sible at all? What material and political resources will Relevance and Purpose of Germany and Europe need to commit? What red lines Strategic Autonomy will Germany in particular encounter in its own internal politics and among its partners? And which This is not the first time that Europe has conducted questions will need further political discussion? abroader political debate about the idea of assuming Fundamentally, we understand strategic autonomy greater responsibility for its own interests and secu- as the ability to set one’s own priorities and make rity (see text box “Background: Strategic autonomy one’s own decisions in matters of foreign policy and and European integration”, p. 6). The timing of the security, together with the institutional, political and current European debate is attributable above all material wherewithal to carry these through – in to US President Donald Trump’s rejection of central cooperation with third parties, or if need be alone. elements of the liberal international order. Other key Strong strategic autonomy means being able to set, international actors like Russia have also challenged modify and enforce international rules, as opposed to central components of the international order. So the SWP Berlin European Strategic Autonomy March 2019 5
Strategic Autonomy: Meaning and Relevance Background: Strategic autonomy and European integration The concept of strategic autonomy appears frequently in sovereignty. But Macron’s Sorbonne speech has proven recent EU documents like the Global Strategy of 2016, unpalatable and hard to translate into German terms, generally in connection with strengthening and reforming because in Germany sovereignty is interpreted above all the CSDP in the scope of the CFSP. In the broader under- through the legal lens of constitutional theory. standing of strategic autonomy adopted in this study the The strategic autonomisation discussion has received a term also touches on fundamental questions of Europe’s boost from Brexit and the actions of the Trump Administra- foreign policy role and influence. The roots of these issues tion. As far as Germany is concerned these developments extend back to the very beginnings of the European Com- rattle the inherent structure of its policy on Europe and the munities. central pillars thereof, the relationships to France and the The (Western) European striving for self-assertion and United States. Especially in questions of defence, Germany self-determination under conditions of structural bipolarity has historically pursued a “best of both worlds” line that was an important driving force in the founding of the Euro- treated the European context as (only) a complement, but pean Communities. This is evidenced not least by the plans not as competition to the transatlantic frame. To this day to create a European Defence Community in connection Germany avoids discussing moves towards autonomisation with the European Political Community. The immediate in a context of “for or against the United States”. That was consequence of the rejection of the European Defence Com- an important concern in the transatlantic-leaning preamble munity in 1954 was that the EEC states largely “outsourced” to the Franco-German Élysée Treaty of 1963. their security and defence to NATO and thus cemented the Different priorities and sometimes also objectives within primacy of the Atlantic Alliance over the EC/EU for many the Franco-German core left the concept of autonomisation decades. vague for decades and put a brake on its political dynamism. Nevertheless, under this military umbrella the EC/EU And the accession of the United Kingdom in 1973 and the was able to develop and combine its own foreign policy and Central and Eastern European states in 2004/07 further re- security capabilities and resources, with France in particular inforced the position of “in dubio pro United States” and put bringing these into play as steps towards greater self-reliance a damper on ambitions for a “Europe puissance” (1998). The vis-à-vis the United States. This applies to the incremental explosive nature of the transatlantic question for European expansion of cooperation and integration in three central integration is illustrated by the conflict between old and fields: the common trade policy (from the 1960s), the Euro- new Europe over the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, when pean Political Cooperation/CFSP/CSDP (since the 1970s), and Berlin unexpectedly joined Paris in refusing to participate the euro as the single currency completing the Economic in Washington’s “coalition of the willing”. But the European and Monetary Union (since the 1980s). Security Strategy that emerged at the time (2003), like the The EU’s unsimultaneous and (sectorally) multi-track Global Strategy, held almost unchanged to a balanced multi- development to become a self-reliant international actor has track approach. Both documents adhere to a concept of “the buried the original idea of the European Defence Communi- West” in which the EU is not forced into a position of pure ty and the European Political Community: that such a high allegiance to the United States, but can play a role of its own degree of pooling or even transfer of sovereignty demands in international politics as a second Western voice. This role the creation of a political community or union (whether concept includes the EU asserting itself as a both independ- federal or inter-governmental). This is the thrust of the ent and cooperative power factor. French autonomisation debate, which speaks of European problems to which greater strategic autonomy is sup- or on the use of chemical weapons – have been ex- posed to supply solutions are not restricted to the plicitly or implicitly called into question. Individual future of the transatlantic relationship, and are con- actors have chosen to use force to change a territorial siderably more complex. We can speak of normative, order that had largely held since 1945. And the United territorial and institutional dimensions: International States, together with other states that otherwise norms and principles – such as the prohibitions on present themselves as supporters of the international torture, on the use of force in international relations, order, has weakened international organisations, SWP Berlin European Strategic Autonomy March 2019 6
What We Are (or Should Be) Talking About international regimes, and international agreements values and interests. That also means upholding and by ignoring, exiting, undermining or even seeking to developing an international order that is at least break them up. rules-based, open and inclusive, and if possible also The EU and its member states are under pressure liberal. from within and without: from within because the normative, political and institutional structure of the EU threatens to collapse under the weight of external What We Are (or Should Be) crises and populist and nationalist movements; from Talking About without because competing actors with deviating normative ideas and interests (United States, Russia, Our analyses and recommendations relate to the Fed- China) seek to influence the EU’s inner workings eral Republic of Germany as an actor. In the follow- and to sow division among the member states. At the ing chapters we will address significant aspects that same time the EU and its member states find it in- belong on the agenda if an expansion of European creasingly difficult to play an effective part in shaping strategic autonomy is to be sought. Each of these the global order, when other major powers pick and individual aspects (also) affects German politics, and choose among international rules or throw them demands discussions and decisions in Berlin. Ger- overboard altogether. many is not the EU’s hegemon, but for many member The need and capacity for strategic autonomy vary states it is a (or the) leading nation. Without a deci- between policy fields and sets of rules. In the area of sive German contribution there can be no European trade policy and the World Trade Organisation, the strategic autonomy or autonomisation. At the same EU’s exclusive responsibility forms the basis for suc- time Germany can only expand its strategic autonomy cessfully asserting its policies and preferences. In digi- within the European context, in concert with its Euro- talisation and data protection too, the EU possesses pean partners. And this will have to involve a sym- both the means and the will to exert international metrical or at least more balanced European partner- influence. But the dispute with Washington over the ship with the United States. Iran nuclear deal underlines how hard it is for the Rather than attempting to cover all the regions EU to defend its own ideas about international order and policy areas of general importance to Germany and security against political and economic pressure. and Europe, we concentrate on those issues and inter- Europe still has huge steps before it on the road to national relationships that most central to the neces- strategic autonomisation, and not only strengthening sary discussions on the concept of strategic autonomy. its own defence capacities. But at the same time the In our pursuit of a comprehensive understanding of necessity to travel this road in order to be able to pro- the concept, twenty-nine researchers at SWP have tect Europe’s own values and interests is very clear. contributed to this study and furnished their respec- A critical analysis will demonstrate that the striv- tive perspectives. Critical questions were discussed ing for strategic autonomy involves contradictions openly and controversially, and it should be noted and conflicts of goals that politics cannot ignore for that not all recommendations are necessarily shared ever. The rejection of binding international rules – by all the authors. which characterises the current policies of the United The first section discusses the EU as – from the States and other major powers – is after all discussed German perspective – the most important framework as an attempt to gain or regain (more) control or sov- for the strategic autonomisation of Europe: the EU’s insti- ereignty. In their striving for greater strategic autono- tutional development and foreign policy and security my or sovereignty for Europe, Germany and its Euro- action-readiness, the roles of France and the United pean partners need to clearly distance themselves Kingdom, and the question of the legitimacy of a from that standpoint, both discursively and practically. more autonomous or sovereign Europe. The second Otherwise, in the worst case, Europe could actually section examines the instruments, capabilities and encourage a further erosion or compartmentalisation resources that strategic autonomisation demands in of the international order rather than strengthening various fields. Attention is also paid to Europe’s vul- it. That would fundamentally contradict German and nerabilities and its conflict-readiness, not least in de- European interests. Precisely for that reason it is im- fending the rules-based international order that is so portant to describe and understand strategic autono- vital for the EU and its members. The issues include my not as an end in itself but as a means to guard defence capabilities and deployabilty, the defence in- SWP Berlin European Strategic Autonomy März 2019 7
Strategic Autonomy: Meaning and Relevance dustrial base, deterrence and the cooperation of Euro- pean armed forces, as well as economic and monetary considerations, diplomacy, sanctions and the resilience against sanctions imposed by others, intelligence, and civilian conflict management. Finally, we turn to the other international actors that shape the increasingly multipolar international system – or claim a right to define it: the relationships to the United States, China, Russia and other middle and emerging powers. In the concluding section we summarise our central recommendations for German policymakers, with reference to Germany’s leading or co-leading role. SWP Berlin European Strategic Autonomy March 2019 8
Internal Preconditions for Strategic Autonomisation: Leadership – Efficiency – Capacity to Act The EU as the Framework for Strategic Autonomy For Germany, the EU forms by far the most important Internal Preconditions for Strategic framework for strategic autonomy in the comprehen- Autonomisation: Leadership – Efficiency – sive sense. This is because the member states and a Capacity to Act number of other European partners (such as Norway) use the EU to assert their economic weight and regu- The question of greater European strategic autonomy latory power internationally, pursuing united, coher- is inextricably bound up with future constitutional ent and effective diplomacy and increasingly, where developments in EU integration between deepening, necessary, backing this up with military force. The EU differentiation and reversal. The current complexity stands for and advocates close multilateral coopera- of internal circumstances makes it difficult for the tion and is itself conceived and configured as a co- EU to render any effective contribution on strategic operative actor. While ad hoc coalitions may be more autonomisation: the CFSP and CSDP are inter-govern- viable in individual cases, only the EU offers a stable, mental and consensus-based, and therefore tend to permanent framework for action, which is an indis- be slow, indecisive and susceptible to blockades and pensable precondition for long-term strategic autono- vetoes of single member states. At the same time my. In matters of security and defence the EU mem- growing centrifugal forces are reflected in national ber states are highly dependent on NATO, and, in the unilateralisms and idiosyncrasies. In practice bringing course of developing CFSP and CSDP, on cooperation together the Union’s external action under the leader- with NATO. With respect to human rights, questions ship of the High Representative of the Union for For- of war and peace, and the challenges of global gov- eign Affairs and Security Policy is a piecemeal affair. ernance, the United Nations is the central frame of That includes the spectrum from external trade policy legitimacy and negotiation for the EU. In this con- through sanctions, institution-building and humani- nection, the Union should not be reduced to “Brus- tarian aid to civilian and military missions. The EU sels”. In reality it always stands for the cooperation is often far removed from collective positioning and between member states in the EU system, in other action on the international stage. The larger EU mem- words the Union’s organs and their specific decision- ber states in particular enjoy access to alternative making processes. The strong role played by the mem- forums. Disparate loyalties and contradictory interests ber states in formulating policy and reaching deci- also ensure that almost all political conflicts with sions within the EU is reflected very clearly in the major powers like the United States, China or Russia European Foreign and Security Policy. France and almost inevitably also generate friction within the EU. the United Kingdom are Germany’s most important Simply keeping the slow-grinding wheels of consen- European partners and the positions they adopt are sus in motion consumes enormous political energy of particular relevance for Berlin, even and especially in Brussels and the national capitals, a price argued in matters concerning the development of strategic to be justified in terms of the objective of cohesion. autonomy for Europe. Nevertheless the trade-off between inclusivity and legitimacy on the one side, efficiency and action on the other is increasingly unsatisfactory, as it prevents the EU from effectively asserting its interests and values. In light of the planned departure of the United Kingdom – as a foreign policy and security heavy- SWP Berlin European Strategic Autonomy March 2019 9
The EU as the Framework for Strategic Autonomy weight – and the conceivable future accession of tion of CFSP decisions to particular countries or coun- small Balkan states with little potential but full try groups, and initiating contact groups and special voting rights, the prospects are not going to improve formats that may be integrated ex post into EU struc- in the short and medium term. Brexit means the end tures or can be linked to these, such as the E-3. Groups of the informal leadership triangle and leaves the of countries may also emerge to engage regularly two – relatively largest – middle powers France and around particular issues or regions. Germany at the political heart of a Union of twenty- All these paths and instruments could be used seven. Both are adjacent to geopolitically relevant more frequently and consistently, and not least be spaces of instability in the southern and eastern developed further in response to crises and challenges. neighbourhoods, and could as such channel the dif- The drawbacks are frequently slow ad hoc solutions, ferent perceptions and foster a balancing of interests. unclear burden sharing, unpredictability and weak- Germany and France will have to drive the develop- ness. The advantages lie in flexibility, in the sense of ment of the EU’s internal leadership. In essence, Paris either using the EU framework or operating outside and Berlin will have to ensure an integrative equi- it, or employing a combination. One example of the librium within the EU, also in the field of external latter would be the Franco-German-led talks with policies, especially the CFSP/CSDP. In this equilibrium Russia and Ukraine in the Normandy Format. This through integration the power differences between option would also facilitate the engagement of third the member states will be balanced by the representa- states like the United Kingdom, Norway, Turkey, tion and decision-making rights specific to the EU’s Canada and others. institutional system. To date this equilibrium has Enhancing efficiency through majority voting in been most relevant in the internal policies and the the CFSP is a necessary step from the German perspec- EU’s constitutional advances, and has been based tive, but is regarded more cautiously in France for the on Franco-German compromises. A corresponding risk of losing control and influence. Majority voting expansion to the CFSP/CSDP would require Germany might be more acceptable for Paris if it were combined to make sometimes painful decisions. with other steps such as a structural shift favouring the larger EU states. Small and medium-sized states There are two fundamental options fear that a transition to and expansion of majority on the table: an incremental voting would create a dynamic leading to regular and approach and a true system formally legitimised “majoritarian rule” by the large transformation of the EU. and influential member states. For many of them the attraction of the EU lies precisely in its fundamentally There are two fundamental options on the table: non-hegemonic structure. In order to stay well clear an incremental approach and a true system transformation of the “slippery slope” they are blocking application putting a directorate in charge of foreign and security of the passerelle clause (Article 48 (7) TEU), which policy. These proposals pose the question of how creates an option for majority voting on matters out- cohesion within the EU would be preserved, and to side the military/defence sphere. Enhanced coopera- what extent. Both options could be configured for tion and other possibilities for exploiting the existing compatibility with a – currently rather unlikely – treaty options for majority decisions have also been shift towards a federal EU. little used to date. In fact the EU sees its unity and Incremental approach (reform option): A shift from ability to balance the interests of very different states unanimity to selective (issue-specific) majority voting very much as a strength, also in the realm of external in the CFSP would align with the gradual/incremental policy. approach. Qualified majority voting could be intro- System transformation (directorate option): This would duced for decisions, actions and positions, démarches represent the more radical move, involving a break and declarations, and greater use could be made of with the equality principle in favour of a permanent the treaty possibilities of enhanced cooperation and differentiation of member states’ rights to partici- Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO). The latter pation and decision-making in the CFSP/CSDP. This produces variable geometry – although given the would require the establishment of new structures (German) preference for inclusivity often only after and considerable adaptation of existing ones, and long exploratory discussions and as a last resort. would amount to a true system transformation. Further options include delegating the implementa- Specifically, a directorate, for example a European SWP Berlin European Strategic Autonomy March 2019 10
France: Germany’s Most Important Partner Security Council (EU-SC), would be established above perceived as a relevant strategic actor by powers like the European Council as the nerve centre of the CFSP. the United States or China. The five largest EU member states – Germany, The flip side of a directorate solution would be the France, Italy, Spain and Poland – and the President loss of the principle of equality among member states of the European Council would be permanent mem- and the danger of exacerbating frictions among them, bers of this super-formation, joined by six other EU if countries felt that they were left out and that their countries on a rotating basis; the Presidency of the interests were not adequately represented. It would Council of the EU would always be one of the non- therefore have to be ensured that all member states permanent members. This arrangement could be – populations as well as governments – and all EU organised broadly on the model of the UN Security organs regarded the decisions made at the EU-SC level Council. The permanent members qualify on account as legitimate. This would mean finding formally and of their size and geographical location, but would politically convincing participation and decision- also have to be willing to invest in common goods and making processes and communication forms. shared capabilities and policies. They would have to accept joint decisions as binding and place external A European Security Council representation, to a much greater extent than hither- detached from the EU would be to, in joint hands. That cannot be taken for granted, weak and powerless. but would be imperative for internal acceptance of the directorate. In this concept the full European Above and beyond these issues, the directorate Council would function as something like a delib- solution poses the question of vertical linkage with erative plenary to discuss issues before the twelve- the EU’s policy-making system, with decisions and member EU-SC take decisions, but lose its role as the policies in areas like trade, competition and monetary strategic centre and final instance on external policy. policy. It is therefore relevant where and how an The entire underpinnings of EU external policy would EU-SC might be installed and what its remit would have to be adapted, above all the Political and Secu- be. The state-like agenda for the EU would also bring rity Committee, the European External Action Service clear theoretical advantages in the Foreign and Secu- (EEAS) and the office of the High Representative. rity Policy, making the Union the most suitable The advantages of such a hierarchisation lie in the framework for pursuing Germany’s foreign policy potential for efficiency gains, although these still objectives: namely, protecting the EU space in the presuppose the usual compromise and package solu- broadest sense, gaining a voice in global politics, and tions, which would still have to be worked out under shaping the international order. The EU’s entire port- the new conditions – in and by the entire EU nego- folio – all its political, economic, military and cul- tiating system. Disputes and rivalries in the EU-SC tural resources – could and would have to be mobil- would be expected to be considerably less sharp and ised. A European Security Council detached from the paralysing than for example in the UN Security EU would be weak and powerless. Given the centrali- Council. ty of economic/technological and monetary power in For smaller states with limited foreign policy international politics, they are also central to any agendas of their own and small diplomatic and inter- internal transformation. But the aspect where Europe national services, the transformed system would at has furthest to catch up is the military component of least bring cost savings. They might not automatically security policy and its intersection with civilian crisis lose control and influence but that would be their and conflict management. Permanent liaison and fear. Germany could continue to uphold its self- task-sharing with other actors like NATO, UN, OSCE appointed role as guardian of the interests of the and “G” groups therefore remain indispensable. smaller countries (which the smaller countries them- selves regard with mistrust). But this would become considerably harder in the context of a firm Franco- France: Germany’s Most German alliance. Political/strategic convergence pro- Important Partner cesses within the EU-SC could nevertheless be accel- erated and improved in the medium term. If the EU Whether the CFSP/CSDP is gradually expanded or a became more effective, energetic and united through directorate is established, France will be Germany’s such a transformation, it would be more likely to be foremost partner in steering the EU towards strategic SWP Berlin European Strategic Autonomy March 2019 11
The EU as the Framework for Strategic Autonomy autonomy. France itself is likely to want to push The defence and security dimension towards a directorate, because the government of of European strategic autonomy President Emmanuel Macron, more than any other is discussed in very concrete terms country, champions efforts to make Europe more in Paris. “sovereign”. Macron’s far-reaching proposals for “re- founding Europe” name central fields of action, capa- The defence and security dimension of European bilities and resources that the EU must establish and strategic autonomy is discussed in very concrete develop if it is to become more strategic and autono- terms in Paris, for example in relation to giving sub- mous in external policy terms. Alongside the Com- stance to the “mutual defence clause” of the Treaty of mon Defence and Security Policy this also applies Lisbon (Article 42 (7)), which stipulates: “If a Member to reform of the euro zone, including a functioning State is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, banking union and transfer mechanism; private and the other Member States shall have towards it an obli- public investment in research, new technologies and gation of aid and assistance by all the means in their the strengthening of innovation and competitiveness; power, in accordance with Article 51 of the United and a leading role in international climate policy. Nations Charter. This shall not prejudice the specific If Germany is serious about its desire for strategic character of the security and defence policy of certain autonomy it will have to engage meaningfully with Member States.” The French government has chosen the French proposals, with the objective of agreeing to make Article 42 (7) a priority because it regards a shared line with Paris and pursuing it consistently. strategic autonomy as meaning the EU’s ability to Otherwise the project of Europe taking its own fate operate independently. Paris places collective defence more firmly into its own hands is likely to quickly at the heart of its deliberations and discusses four reach a dead end. Germany’s dealings with France scenarios in which the EU needs to be able to respond will become a test of how well three objectives – that without assistance from the United States: a terror are weighted differently by Berlin and Paris – can be attack against an EU member state, a hybrid attack, reconciled under the umbrella of strategic autonomy: an attack against an EU member state that is not a differentiation between EU member states (for exam- member of NATO (principally Sweden or Finland), ple in a directorate or core groups), the role of France or an armed attack on a NATO ally where the United and Germany as the motor of the Union, and the co- States is not willing to respond militarily under hesion of the EU as a whole. Paris requires Berlin to Article 5 of the NATO Treaty. There is also debate in make difficult fundamental decisions, specifically in Paris about whether France should in future regard the currently most dynamic area of bilateral coopera- an attack on an EU or NATO partner as an attack on tion, namely security and defence cooperation. France, to which it could then also respond using The two governments have agreed joint military nuclear weapons. By focussing on collective defence procurement projects and, under the auspices of Paris is seeking to counter the impression that France strategic autonomy, criteria for Permanent Structured is interested only in its own narrowly defined stra- Cooperation (PESCO) in the scope of the Common tegic interests. Many EU countries suspected that Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Beyond this, both President Macron’s “European intervention initiative” sides are in broad agreement about the future of would principally benefit France through greater transatlantic relations and multilateralism. Since European military engagement in Africa. At the same Washington withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, time Paris puts Berlin in a difficult situation with its Berlin and Paris have grown closer together in central focus on collective defence, because Germany has foreign policy and security questions. Both emphasise to date located that question exclusively in the NATO that strategic autonomy for the EU in no sense means framework. competition with NATO and that no parallel struc- Paris is pushing for advances in smaller groups, in tures are to be created. Instead, they say, transatlantic the EU in general and especially in the Security and relations will become more robust in the medium Defence Policy. Berlin also sees the need for this. But term, as the EU states assume greater financial and as the launch of PESCO demonstrated, it remains the operational responsibility for their own security. case that France presses for exclusivity and optimal capacity to act while Germany looks more to inclu- sivity and legitimacy. France continues to assertively court Germany and offers exclusive cooperation, SWP Berlin European Strategic Autonomy March 2019 12
The Status and Special Role of the United Kingdom regarding a Franco-German entente as a first step these routes the United Kingdom would be at least a towards a possible “Europeanisation” of the Security difficult partner, if not an obstacle. Anyway, the post- and Defence Policy. At least two projects are involved: Brexit United Kingdom intends to pursue a decidedly Firstly Paris would prefer to introduce the most national path predicated on independence and self- important scenarios for independent action in con- reliance under the motto “Global Britain”. nection with Article 42 (7), principally together with Germany. This would also open the opportunity for Regardless of its “special relation- both sides to take the “Élysée Treaty 2.0” (Treaty of ship” with the United States, Aachen 2019) clearly beyond the document of 1963 the United Kingdom stands with (and beyond formulaic affirmations of strategic EU-Europe on major foreign autonomy). Secondly, Paris has long been striving policy issues. to reduce Europe’s dependency on the United States in defence procurement, and would like to create a The British will naturally continue to play a strate- more ambitious EU Defence Fund orientated on the gic role (at least in Europe) and will remain an impor- needs of EU states with internationally competitive tant partner for the EU even after they leave. The defence industries. Germany and France, Paris be- United Kingdom possesses significant strategic and lieves, should operate as pioneers here, and define foreign policy resources, with its permanent seat on joint arms export guidelines. The French government the UN Security Council, one of the world’s largest sees little to gain from discussing these questions and diplomatic networks, and close historical relations processes among all twenty-seven EU member states. with countries like the United States, Canada, Aus- Finally the question also arises of the extent to which tralia and India. The United Kingdom is the only Berlin would be willing to assume (defence and secu- European member of the exclusive Five Eyes intel- rity) responsibility for its EU partners and bear most ligence cooperation, alongside the United States, of the associated costs. Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In terms of These examples underline how Germany needs to security and defence it also possesses a nuclear deter- review or even revise its integration preferences. That rent of its own, highly combat-ready armed forces is likely to be necessary even under the incremental (compared to other European countries), close mili- reform option described above, because even this tary integration with individual EU states, and a large would have to supply substantial progress on autono- independent defence industry. As the world’s fifth- misation. France is very critical of the German ten- largest economy, accounting for about 16 percent of dency to place great weight on defining the govern- the EU-28’s GDP with the City of London representing ance framework but to neglect the substance and Europe’s largest financial centre, the United Kingdom purpose (as the United Kingdom always has been too). is also a relevant factor in trade conflicts and eco- nomic sanctions. Those are areas where the EU needs to – and is willing to – prove its ability and deter- The Status and Special Role of the mination. Regardless of its “special relationship” United Kingdom with the United States, the United Kingdom stands with EU-Europe on major foreign policy issues such In the past the mere fact that the United Kingdom as Iran, the Paris Climate Agreement and the Middle was a member of the EU gave grounds to believe that East conflict. The United Kingdom itself wants a very the EU could possess strategic qualities in the sphere close relationship with the EU, including foreign and of foreign policy and security. Brexit sees the EU security policy, which would enable a spectrum of relinquishing prestige in this respect and losing a cooperation from regular consultations to inclusion potent actor in the CFSP and internal security, above in the EU’s military operations and programmes. The all concerning cooperation between intelligence current state of play is that the EU-27 are open to an services. As a member, it should be remembered, ambitious partnership, as long as the existing limits the United Kingdom worked to restrict any de facto for third states also apply to the United Kingdom. strengthening of the CFSP to pooling of sovereignty That means above all no voting rights and limits on and capabilities, and rejected deeper legally binding participation in major projects such as the satellite integration of the kind that would be required for navigation system Galileo, which is important for either the reform or directorate option. For either of strategic autonomy. SWP Berlin European Strategic Autonomy March 2019 13
The EU as the Framework for Strategic Autonomy The EU has two fundamental options for integrat- Internal legitimacy depends on the citizens and ing the United Kingdom into the European Foreign the governments of the member states recognising and Security Policy after Brexit. The first prioritises the EU as a political system worth supporting. strengthening the EU. Here the United Kingdom Because the EU is not a state, it cannot be judged would be included on the basis of the existing rules by the same standards of democracy and legitimate for third states, without a vote or a seat in the EU’s governance. The EU’s general and specific democracy organs and committees. The United Kingdom could deficits have long been discussed in political and for example participate in the EU Defence Fund academic circles. (making a considerable contribution proportionate to Two questions are especially relevant with regard its GDP), but would not have any formal say on how to the EU’s strategic autonomy: In which cases and the money was spent. This “second-class” treatment under which conditions is it legitimate to transition could drive the British towards other forums like to qualified majority voting in the EU Foreign and NATO, the French intervention initiative or other bi- Security Policy? And in which cases is it advisable and multilateral cooperations (which it might initiate to involve the European Parliament for reasons of itself). But if a European intervention was vital and legitimacy? a British contribution relevant, then action could It should be noted first of all that the use of mili- be taken by an ad hoc coalition of willing and able tary force – whether in the scope of NATO, the EU, states, rather than the EU itself. the UN or a “coalition of the willing” – remains the The second option prioritises inclusion of the sole prerogative of the member states according to United Kingdom in the EU’s Foreign and Security their own national rules. Proposals to expand stra- Policy, granting it a special role on the basis that it tegic autonomy leave this absolutely unchanged, falls into a different category than Norway or Turkey. at least as long as there is no European army. In its Here the EU would grant special rights not otherwise ruling on the Treaty of Lisbon the German Federal open to a third state, such as partial or even general Constitutional Court underlined that only the Ger- participation in EU foreign policy and security organs man Bundestag can legitimise the deployment of (for example in the case of participation in an EU German combat forces or approve German partici- operation), as well as in programmes like Galileo and pation in shared military structures. the EU Defence Fund. In return the United Kingdom would contribute its resources to the EU Foreign and No state can be forced into Security Policy on a flexible basis. The gain for Euro- foreign policy positions or actions pean strategic autonomy would have to be weighed against its will. against the watering down or devaluation of the rights and duties of membership and the opening The inter-governmental principle grants every up of back-door options for vetoes and de facto par- member state a veto in the CFSP. No state can be ticipation in the decision-making process without forced into foreign policy positions or actions against clearly defined responsibilities and burden-sharing. its will. But the member states must actively support The first option – strengthening the EU system – the CFSP and act in the spirit of loyalty and mutual would be easiest to reconcile with the two options solidarity in order to secure predictability and con- on the table for the future of the CFSP, reform or vergence of positions. Majority voting is, however, directorate. The option of a special arrangement for permissible in other policy areas of importance for the United Kingdom would – like Britain’s EU mem- the development of strategic autonomy. This applies bership to date – hamper meaningful institutional above all to the Common Trade Policy, the single progress. market and the euro zone. The member-state strand of legitimacy relies on the (weighted) votes of the mem- ber states in the Council, while the supranational Legitimacy strand implies the participation of the European Par- liament. All decisions and legal acts (outside the CFSP) Strategic autonomy, in the sense of the ability to are also subject to the oversight of the European make and implement foreign policy and security Court of Justice. If (qualified) majority voting replaces decisions, requires strong internal and external unanimity in the CFSP in order to enhance the EU’s political legitimacy. action-readiness, or decisions are placed in the hands SWP Berlin European Strategic Autonomy March 2019 14
Legitimacy of a European Security Council, the EU will find itself an unequal distribution of political, economic or confronted with known legitimacy issues: financial costs between individual member states or To date the principle of unanimity in the CFSP/ social groups. That is the case where member states CSDP has guaranteed formal equality in the Council support one state out of solidarity, where an EU trade and the European Council between states with dif- conflict or sanctions affect only part of the EU’s ferent (power-)political weight. Malta, Ireland and economy, or when military operations touch on the Cyprus wield exactly the same veto power as Ger- interests of only part of the membership. Then the many, France and Spain. Especially from the perspec- actors of the Union – above all the member states – tive of the smaller and medium-sized states, any need to be willing and able to place these decisions deviation from unanimity raises the question of how in a broader context and communicate this to their their interests are to be guarded and how they can citizens. That context may be solidarity with EU states assert influence. If no consensus can be reached, or others, internal and external political credibility this means that a minority could not be persuaded, in terms of loyalty to European values, or a trade-off despite an earnest search for compromise. So the between different goods. question arises whether CFSP decisions outside of The EU’s legitimacy always feeds on both sources: military deployment are in fact different in nature indirectly through the member states and directly from, for example, those in the Economic and Mon- through the interaction of the Community organs. It etary Union (EMU). If these decisions are understood therefore remains fundamental that all decisions are as being categorically different (with absolutely no rooted in law. But this must also be guaranteed with- possibility of majority voting, and thus a permanent in the states of the Union. In foreign policy and secu- veto option), there would be lessons to draw for the rity procedural legitimacy and output legitimacy are future. Countries with very specific or vital interests preconditions for acceptance. that are not shared or at least accepted by all existing EU states should not be joining the EU; one case in point would be Turkey. Membership for such coun- tries would offer no prospect of convergent foreign policy positions and a shared acquis politique. The par- ticipation of the European Parliament should also be considered in connection with the question of intro- ducing majority voting in the CFSP or strengthening the international role of the euro. As far as the external dimension is concerned, the desire to strengthen strategic autonomy is bound up with the EU’s legitimacy as an international actor. The Union ties its external action to the principles of democracy, human rights and those defined in the United Nations Charter. It sets itself the objective of preserving its values (Article 2 TEU) and interests, as well as guarding its security, independence (!) and integrity (Article 21 (2) TEU). Strategic autonomisation must therefore also be dedicated to realising these goals and values; to that extent it is a means to an end. As such, the aforementioned objectives represent the yardstick for decisions of both principle and detail. Political debates about this at the national and EU level need to be conducted much more transpar- ently and publicly. That is the job of parliaments. According to opinion surveys, EU-wide approval for greater cooperation between member states on for- eign policy and security is traditionally especially high. But common European policy often involves SWP Berlin European Strategic Autonomy March 2019 15
Areas of Action: Instruments, Capabilities, Resources Areas of Action: Instruments, Capabilities, Resources The question of expanding strategic autonomy and require the political support of all member states and playing an effective part in shaping the international their potential readiness to renounce national sover- environment in accordance with European values and eignty in order to achieve greater European self- interests is directly connected with the capabilities reliance also in the military sphere. Greater strategic and power resources that Germany and Europe are autonomy on the other hand demands above all the willing and able to bring into play. Capability gaps definition of an appropriate level of ambition guided and vulnerabilities will need to be addressed: the gap by self-defined priorities, and the fulfilment of ensu- between the wish for strategic autonomy and the ing self-obligations. In this process it is decisive that reality of available resources is most glaring in the the EU and NATO interact constructively rather than context of military capabilities. operating against each other. As already noted, strategic autonomy cannot be Military capabilities can only be assessed against reduced to the military dimension, although the the relevant strategic goals. What appears appropriate latter naturally represents a central aspect. The defi- and adequate for one purpose may be unsuitable or cits in the military sphere – with respect for example insufficient for another. In this connection three to a more balanced relationship with the United different levels of ambition need to be considered: States – cannot be compensated by Europe’s diplo- a) (at least initially) ongoing dependency on the matic, civil and economic potentials. But conversely United States in the realm of collective defence while too, there is little point to expanded military capa- at the same time strengthening the European pillar bilities without those other potentials. of NATO; b) growing autonomy in a defence grey zone Germany must therefore devote as much energy that does not necessarily involve the Alliance as a to discussing defence, deterrence and intervention whole; and c) limited but necessarily growing autono- capabilities and the respective technological and in- my in crisis management. dustrial base as it does to effective multilateral action, participation in international organisations and the Europe and Collective Defence strengthening of civilian conflict management capac- ities. But the strongest power resources Europe places Although the Treaty of Lisbon allows the Union to on the international scales are its economic and tech- gradually establish a common defence policy, which nological weight and its single market. Greater stra- could eventually lead to a collective defence, for the tegic autonomy requires not only that these resources foreseeable future NATO will remain central to the be preserved, but also that the question be addressed defence of the Euro-Atlantic space. For the moment, of how Europe can become more action- and conflict- Europe will only be able to achieve a credible degree ready not least in the monetary and financial sphere. of strategic autonomy that includes collective defence at current levels within and with NATO, and thus only with the United States. In both conventional and Security and Diplomacy nuclear terms, Europe is militarily dependent on the United States and cannot simply substitute NATO’s Complete strategic autonomy for Europe in the sphere structures and processes. Whether NATO will in the of defence and security would only be conceivable longer run retain the political determination and in the medium to long term, at best in ten to twenty military capabilities required for collective defence – years. Alongside adequate financing this would and foreign operations – is the first question Europe SWP Berlin European Strategic Autonomy March 2019 16
Security and Diplomacy needs to ask. The second is what Europe can contrib- and rudimentary military structures, with the estab- ute and what role the CSDP and the EU can play. lishment of the Common Security and Defence Policy. But this European security pillar outside NATO has Attention should be drawn to a not created a truly autonomous security instrument. recently revived concept: And in view of the lack of enthusiasm for integration the development or reinforcement in many European countries, this is not to be expected of a European pillar within NATO. any time soon. The strength and stability of the European pillar In this connection attention should be drawn to within NATO are likely to depend largely on the will- a concept that originates from the 1990s but has ingness and ability of France, Germany and the United recently been revived, namely, the development or Kingdom to assume joint leadership. As well as de- reinforcement of NATO’s European pillar. It would fining a joint position, they would also have to win be up to the EU member states to set this in motion, the confidence of the other EU states to ensure coher- although the starting situation is difficult. The Cen- ence within the Union. Europe can only come together tral and Eastern European NATO states in particular successfully if member states operate on the basis of have greater faith in Washington’s bilateral guaran- interests, without anti-American provocations. With tees than in the EU’s solidarity and current and future countries like Poland and the Baltic states perceiving abilities. They fear that a focus on the EU would France’s stance towards NATO as ambivalent at best, weaken the Alliance and provoke the United States. the European leadership trio would have to demon- For these reasons some of them are even sceptical strate the defence and security benefits of strengthen- towards strengthening the European pillar of NATO. ing the European pillar. Germany’s political role here would be to break the The twin risks on the road to greater European “NATO or EU” binary. Berlin should emphasise that strategic autonomy would be fragmentation of secu- it is in Europe’s own interest to improve capabilities rity relationships within Europe, and unintended and play a more effective role in shaping the Euro- frictions with the United States. Certain governments pean security policy. that tend to be sceptical of the EU might seek to There would be double benefits to such a streng- strengthen their bilateral relations with the United thening. Firstly it would improve Europe’s general States as a kind of life insurance (see for example action-readiness, also for engagements beyond the Poland’s efforts to secure permanent stationing of US NATO frame. Secondly it could increase Washington’s forces on a bilateral basis) and neglect contributions interest in Europe as a partner, in the sense that a to the EU and NATO. Such a fragmentation would larger European contribution to transatlantic burden- weaken Europe’s action-readiness. Already today some sharing could stem the decline in US interest in the Central and Eastern European EU member states Alliance and in Europe. This would represent a not regard strategic autonomy as a project that – in a insignificant contribution to a more symmetrical rela- context of capacity deficits – places their own secu- tionship between EU/Europe and the United States. To rity at risk. Unless Germany and France, in the first that extent there would also be a prospect of winning place, can demonstrate at least a perspective for the support of other non-EU NATO members with sub- closing those gaps then these states are likely not just stantial capabilities (post-Brexit United Kingdom, Nor- to refrain from supporting the project of expanding way, Turkey) for strengthening NATO’s European pillar. strategic autonomy in the EU framework but to The political role of the United States as the cen- actively block it. tral, universally recognised power driving develop- At the same time Washington does not always ments and forcing agreement cannot be substituted, interpret the discussion about the EU’s wish to oper- but it can be brought into better balance. The Euro- ate (more) independently militarily, politically and pean pillar needs to be conceived both in military industrially as a contribution to burden sharing and (through larger and more effective military capabil- an answer to its repeated demands for Europe to ities) and political terms, namely, as a format in which assume greater responsibility. President Trump’s European NATO members discuss questions of Euro- demands on Europe boil down to: “NATO countries Atlantic security and prepare NATO decisions. must pay MORE” (as summarised in one of his tweets). Instead, since 1999, the EU has created its own in- It cannot be excluded that his Administration will use dependent political decision-making arrangements the European autonomy debate as an opportunity to SWP Berlin European Strategic Autonomy March 2019 17
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