Quarterly Global Outlook - Q2 2018 Balancing Between Hopes & Fears - UOB Group

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Quarterly Global Outlook - Q2 2018 Balancing Between Hopes & Fears - UOB Group
Quarterly Global Outlook
Q2 2018
Balancing Between Hopes & Fears
SINGAPORE FOCUS                           FX STRATEGY
Singapore MAS Policy Preview: It’s Time   Risks And Opportunities In 2Q18
To Catch Up With Policy Normalization     As USD Stays Soft

MALAYSIA FOCUS                            RATES STRATEGY
Rise Of China-Malaysia Relations          Staying The Course On Monetary Policy While
                                          Recognizing That Equilibrium Has Shifted In Bond Markets

Achieving Fiscal Sustainability Key To    Clear Build-Up In Net Long Positioning And
Fostering Higher Economic Growth          Inventories Cap Further Meaningful Gains

NPC Targets Set For 2018
Quarterly Global Outlook - Q2 2018 Balancing Between Hopes & Fears - UOB Group
               EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                          CHINA � 46
           Balancing Between Hopes & Fears
                                                                     HONG KONG � 47
 FX, INTEREST RATE & COMMODITIES FORECASTS                                 INDIA � 48

                                                                      INDONESIA � 49
                          12                                              JAPAN � 50
               SINGAPORE FOCUS I
  Singapore MAS Policy Preview: It’s Time To Catch Up                  MALAYSIA � 51
              With Policy Normalization
                                                                       MYANMAR � 52
                         18                                          SINGAPORE � 53
               SINGAPORE FOCUS II
      Singapore Budget 2018: Strategies To Cope                    SOUTH KOREA � 54
               With An Ageing Society
                                                                         TAIWAN � 55
                         22                                            THAILAND � 56
                 MALAYSIA FOCUS
           Rise Of China-Malaysia Relations                             VIETNAM � 57

                 INDONESIA FOCUS                                      AUSTRALIA � 58
         Achieving Fiscal Sustainability Key To
          Fostering Higher Economic Growth                            EUROZONE � 59

                                                                   NEW ZEALAND � 60
                   CHINA FOCUS                                   UNITED KINGDOM � 61
               NPC Targets Set For 2018
                                                           UNITED STATES OF AMERICA � 62

          VIETNAM'S CONSUMER INSIGHTS                             FX TECHNICALS � 63
         The Bright Spot In The Mekong Region
                                                           COMMODITIES TECHNICALS � 68

                    FX STRATEGY                                  Information as of 23 March 2018
   Risks And Opportunities In 2Q18 As USD Stays Soft
                           38                                           Bloomberg: UOBR
                  RATES STRATEGY
     Staying The Course On Monetary Policy While
Recognizing That Equilibrium Has Shifted In Bond Markets

       Clear Build-Up In Net Long Positioning And
       Inventories Cap Further Meaningful Gains              Scan the QR Code for a list of all our reports
Quarterly Global Outlook - Q2 2018 Balancing Between Hopes & Fears - UOB Group
                                                       Balancing Between Hopes & Fears

     At the start of the year, the global economy                  looks and sounds familiar, that’s because                                           intellectual-property violations. Another
     was still humming along and IMF upgraded                      it is. Right after Trump’s election victory                                         venue for the US to force through trade
     global growth as well as the outlook                          in late 2016, this was exactly one of the                                           protectionism is possibly through labelling
     for several major economies (many                             key concerns everyone had since Trump                                               China as a “currency manipulator” in the
     other international agencies did similar                      campaigned on a populist platform of                                                semi-annual US Treasury FX report as an
     upgrades as well). But financial markets                      anti-establishment, anti-free trade, anti-                                          indirect route of forcing trade restrictions.
     followed a different script. After a positive                 immigration, imposition of trade tariffs and                                        The next report will be due in April 2018.
     January, things went south in February                        tax cuts (which is seen as protectionist and
     as the sudden spike in concerns about                         detrimental to global trade).                                                       But now, what we’re seeing from President
     the possibility of a faster Fed rate hike                                                                                                         Trump is either a fulfilling of his presidential
     trajectory sent stock markets tumbling,                       After concentrating on domestic issues                                              campaign pledges, creating a distraction
     with a “timely” warning that volatility is not                in his first year in office, Trump first                                            from his domestic political issues, taking a
     dead.                                                         announced tariffs on solar panels &                                                 risky bet to make gains in the November
                                                                   washing machines in early 2018, and                                                 US mid-term elections or a combination of
     That said, even though the first 3 months                     on 1 Mar, he announced his intention to                                             all three. And it would be naïve to think that
     of 2018 did not start out as planned and                      impose 25% tariffs on steel imports and                                             Trump can keep throwing more and bigger
     it probably did not hurt as much as we                        10% tariffs on aluminium imports. And now                                           “stones” at China and expect China not to
     initially feared, the risk is now emanating                   he seems ready to take aim at China as                                              respond. Surely Trump will get a response,
     from the geopolitical space. The biggest                      Trump signed an executive memo on 22                                                and likely not a pleasant one. Our base
     immediate risk is likely the escalating                       Mar, instructing US Trade Representative                                            case remains that we do not expect an all-
     trade tensions between US and the rest                        Robert Lighthizer to levy at least US$50bn                                          out trade dispute but there is clearly a non-
     of the world, in particular China. If this                    of tariffs against Chinese goods over                                               zero potential risk.

      US Trade In Goods Balance With Key Partners:                                              Vulnerability To US Based On Export Exposure:
      Bigger Deficit, Bigger Target For Trump                                                   China, Japan, Vietnam & India Clearly Stand Out
      Source: Macrobond, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research                                Source: CEIC, Bloomberg, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research

                                                                                                                                                              Hong Kong
                                                                                            Export of goods & services (% GDP)

                                                                                                                                  80                            Thailand
                                                                                                                                                           Taiwan               Malaysia
                                                                                                                                                           EU               South Korea
                                                                                                                                                                NZ           Philippines India
                                                                                                                                  20              Australia                                        China
                                                                                                                                           Myanmar                    Indonesia
                                                                                                                                       0         5             10              15            20              25
                                                                                                                                                      Export to US (% total export)

      Quarterly Global Outlook 2Q2018
04    UOB Global Economics & Markets Research                                                                                                                                  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Quarterly Global Outlook - Q2 2018 Balancing Between Hopes & Fears - UOB Group
Beyond the US-led trade tensions, there          hosted in Russia, that could bring some        inventories in key commodities. Across
are many other geo-political developments        challenges of a political nature.              1Q, copper witnessed a strong build-
that markets need to be watchful in the                                                         up in inventories across all three major
coming second quarter:                           And to end our executive summary with          exchanges, the LME, COMEX and ShFE.
                                                 what we wish for in the coming months, to
ƒƒ US Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s           quote from a cliché answer from another        As for WTI crude oil, the on-going surge in
   investigation into Russian meddling           global “competition” of a different but full   US shale oil production has now pushed
   with the 2016 US presidential elections       of Trump-related influence/interest, we        US crude oil production past the 10 mio
   (a stormy time for Trump?)                    sincerely hope for – world peace.              bpd level. As such, US crude oil exports
                                                                                                have surged, threatening the fragility of
ƒƒ Japan domestic political stability being      _________________________________              the OPEC led global production cap. In
   rocked by a controversial government                                                         addition, net long positioning in crude oil
   land sale deal implicating Japan PM           FX Strategy:                                   as implied from NYMEX futures is now at a
   Shinzo Abe and Fin Min Taro Aso               Risks And Opportunities In 2Q18                decade high. Overall, after the strong price
                                                 As USD Stays Soft                              rally last year, we now see LME copper
ƒƒ UK & EU Brexit negotiations seeing            After more than a year of non-stop sell-off,   settling into range trade at USD 6,500 to
   positive developments ahead of the EU         the outlook for the USD remains difficult      7,000 / MT. Similarly Brent Crude Oil will
   leader’s summit (22-23 Mar)                   and weak. On-going flattening of the yield     find it difficult to trade above USD 70 / bbl,
                                                 curve and the converging of normalization      rather some consolidation within USD 60
ƒƒ A US-North Korea Leaders’ summit              of global monetary policy are two key          to 70 / bbl is in order.
   potentially in May 2018 (It is unclear        drivers that continue to weigh on the
   whether this will be a positive or a          USD. For 2Q18, we see three risks which        In the precious metals space, there was a
   negative for the markets?)                    present interesting opportunities in the FX    clear falling out of favor for palladium as
                                                 space.                                         extended net long positioning and ETF
ƒƒ Increasingly rocky relationship between                                                      holdings were pared off. Silver was also
   Russia and G7                                 First, investors may need to hedge against     weighed down as net long positioning was
                                                 more JPY strength to 100 against the           completely erased across 1Q. Finally, as
ƒƒ Italian election stalemate and new            USD, as concerns about reduced bond            for gold, we maintain our negative view.
   elections are likely, but the timing is not   purchases by the BoJ persist. Second,          More likely than not, gold is expected
   yet settled                                   given the persistent widening of USD vs        to pull back to USD 1,200 / oz as short
                                                 HKD interest rate spread, it is increasingly   term money market rates continue to rise
ƒƒ Malaysia likely to hold its 14th General      likely that the HKD weak side convertibility   further, adding to funding costs for a long
   Elections in 2Q and the ruling coalition      of 7.85 will be tested, but we continue to     gold position.
   is largely expected to win the elections      expect the USD/HKD peg to hold. Third, we      _________________________________
                                                 like to take this opportunity to accumulate
ƒƒ G7 leaders’ summit in June may be a           the AUD now that it has pulled back to the     Rates Strategy:
   messy affair if trade tensions escalate       lower end of its broader trading range.        Our Aggressive End 2018
   further                                                                                      Money Market Rates Forecast
                                                 Specific to USD/Asia, we maintain our          Are Within Sight; And Expectations
Geo-politics is creating a lot of uncertainty    view of two halves, i.e. once Asian            For Longer Dated Bond Yields
in the outlook and the warnings have             currency strength dissipates, USD/Asia         Are Reset Higher
been sounded even though the economic            may well stabilize and inch higher in H2.      We maintain our expectations for the
fundamentals are healthy. Global monetary        Ironically, any escalation of trade tensions   FED to hike a total of 3 times in 2018,
policy is still on the normalising path led by   may well accelerate this bottoming of          though the risk of a 4th hike has increased
US Federal Reserve but politics & trade          USD/Asia, as many Asian economies,             considerably. After the jump in 3M US
tensions could spoil the party. China, in        including China have large export engines      Libor from 1.7% to 2.2% across 1Q18, our
comparison, is on the other end of the           and as such, Asian currencies may well         money market rate forecasts are no longer
spectrum, providing the political stability      be vulnerable to any negative impact on        as aggressive compared to when they
and continuity as Xi Jinping is unanimously      exports. Consequently, USD/SGD is seen         were made at the end of 4Q last year. As
elected as the President during the 13th         stabilizing in 2Q at around 1.29, before       such, we maintain our end 2018 US Libor,
National People’s Congress (NPC)                 drifting back up to 1.32 by End 2018.          SG Sibor and SOR at 2.40%, 1.85% and
session.                                         _________________________________              1.65% respectively.

On balance, we believe we have more              Commodities Strategy:                          In addition to the anticipated rise in short
to be hopeful for than to be fearful, but        Build-Up In Net Long Positioning               term money market rates, we also highlight
admittedly the number/degree of “fears” is       And Inventories                                the increasing imbalances forming in
increasing. For sure, the 2018 World Cup         Cap Further Meaningful Gains                   offshore US funding markets. These can
tournament will be a welcome distraction         As a result of the Goldilocks euphoria,        be witnessed from the rise in 3M CP/OIS
at the end of the 2nd quarter (14 June           since the start of the year, there has been    and 3M L/OIS spreads across 1Q.
to 15 July 2018) but with the Cup being          a clear build-up in net long positioning and

                                                                                                               Quarterly Global Outlook 2Q2018
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                                                     UOB Global Economics & Markets Research    05
Quarterly Global Outlook - Q2 2018 Balancing Between Hopes & Fears - UOB Group
As for longer term bond yields, we have      liveable city; caring and cohesive society;     Malaysia Focus:
     raised our projections. Our end 2018         and fiscally sustainable and secure future.     Rise Of China-Malaysia Relations
     forecast for 10Y US Treasury yield of        This is a continuation Budget 2017 where        China and Malaysia celebrated 40 years
     2.90% has been reached, and we raise it      we then observed the inclusion of the           of diplomatic relations in 2014. There
     to 3.20%. Similarly, we also raise our end   sections on the “environment” and “fiscal       has been significant strengthening of
     2018 forecast for 10Y SGS from 2.45% to      prudence” for the first time.                   China-Malaysia bilateral relations through
     2.75%.                                                                                       trade, investments and tourism. The
                                                  Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat                 levels accelerated particularly in 2016
     Hereafter is a brief synopsis of key Focus   discussed at length with regards to rising      and 2017. We anticipate a larger flow of
     pieces as well as key FX and Rates views.    expenditure, particularly from healthcare       FDI and investments from China in the
                                                  and infrastructure, due to the rapidly ageing   coming years particularly with the Belt and
     _________________________________            population. This is a long term challenge       Road initiative. Although there is rising
                                                  for Singapore since total fertility rate        competition from Indonesia and the CLMV
     Singapore Focus I:                           remains stubbornly low, and immigration         region, Malaysia looks favourable from
     Singapore MAS Policy Preview:                policies remain tight. As more of the           perspective of long historical friendship
     It’s Time To Catch Up With                   population reaches retirement age and           between the two countries, high level of
     Policy Normalization                         drops out of the workforce, government’s        political engagement, strong government
     The Monetary Authority of Singapore          revenue from direct methods of taxation         cooperation,     strategic     geographical
     (MAS) is expected to release monetary        will be growing at a slower pace. To that,      location, good infrastructure, and available
     policy decision on the 2nd week of April     he prepared the nation for a Goods &            natural resources.
     2018 (9th to 13th April) and we expect the   Services Tax hike from 7% currently to 9%       _________________________________
     central bank to start policy normalization   sometime between 2021 and 2025.
     by allowing the SGD NEER on a mildly                                                         Indonesia Focus:
     appreciating path (est: 0.5% pa) while       Government’s overall budget surplus of          Achieving Fiscal Sustainability
     keeping the midpoint and bandwidth of the    S$9.61 billion (2.1% of GDP) for FY2017         Key To Fostering Higher
     policy band unchanged.                       was larger than initially (S$1.91 billion)      Economic Growth
                                                  expected. For FY2018, the government            Indonesia’s fiscal sector has shown
     Our policy normalization expectation         estimates a primary budget deficit of           remarkable improvement over the past
     is based on three key factors. Firstly,      S$7.34 billion. This is thus an expansionary    decade or so, leading to an investment
     global and domestic growth-inflation-        budget that will provide some boost to          grade ratings on the country by all three
     labour conditions have improved quite        economic growth for FY2018. Overall             major international rating agencies (Fitch,
     significantly since the lows of 2015.        budget balance is expected to come in at        Moody’s, and finally Standard & Poor’s)
     Central banks around the world today are     a deficit of S$0.60 billion.                    as of 2017. In fact, in late 2017, Fitch
     biased towards tightening, rather than       _________________________________               upgraded Indonesia’s rating to BBB (Stable
     loosening monetary policy stance.                                                            outlook, up from BBB- previously) and just
                                                  China Focus:                                    months after S&P finally gave Indonesia
     Secondly, the forex market seems to be       China NPC Sets Targets For 2018                 to long-awaited investment grade rating.
     pricing in a more hawkish MAS stance         The annual NPC session sets growth              This puts Indonesia to be on par with
     as the SGD NEER has appreciated 1.2%         target for 2018 at 6.5% as expected, as         the Philippines and Portugal in terms of
     since the start of 2017, while our UOB       this is sufficient to keep labour market        its investment grade ratings. However,
     SGD NEER model also shows that the           in balance but fiscal stance is tightened       despite the positive tones accompanying
     SGD NEER had been trading consistently       somewhat with the change in deficit             the upgrade, most rating agencies do
     above the midpoint 88% of the time in the    target. Monetary policy bias remains as         acknowledge that government revenue
     same period.                                 “prudent and neutral”, though targets for       is still very low across peers of similar
                                                  money supply and credit are absent this         ratings as of Indonesia. Looking deeper
     Thirdly, the MAS had perhaps signaled a      year, which means that the focus has            into the revenue-expenditure dynamics
     normalization inclination by removing a      shifted away from quantitative increases.       on the Indonesian fiscal space, we found
     forward guidance word “extended” from        It should be noted that an additional           that reforms would be needed to ensure
     its oft-used phrase “current neutral SGD     measure of jobless rate target has been         higher tax compliance and tax buoyancy
     NEER policy is deemed appropriate for        added, which is an improvement over             in Indonesia. The shift of focus in fiscal
     an extended period of time” in their last    the existing “registered jobless rate” as       expenditure into more infrastructure and
     October 2017 policy statement.               the broader measure takes into account          social-development is duly acknowledged
     _________________________________            of non-resident workers, such as migrant        and applauded. However, given risks
                                                  workers from the countryside. With a            of relying on external financing, the
     Singapore Focus II:                          backdrop of steady growth environment,          institutional reforms or some drastic
     Singapore Budget 2018: Strategies            we expect the government to accelerate          measures to increase tax revenue remain
     To Cope With An Ageing Society               its economic reform and restructuring           key to not only ensuring a sustainable
     Singapore’s Budget 2018 had 4 key            agenda and to look for ways to prevent          fiscal, but also to foster higher GDP
     areas of focus: developing a vibrant and     systemic and financial risks.                   growth momentum and unleash further
     innovative economy; smart, green and         _________________________________               the Indonesian economic potential.

      Quarterly Global Outlook 2Q2018
06    UOB Global Economics & Markets Research                                                                     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Quarterly Global Outlook - Q2 2018 Balancing Between Hopes & Fears - UOB Group
Furthermore, it is by first anchoring a            bund yields. From 1.25 in 2Q18, we see         NZD/USD: After the Labor Party took over
sustainable fiscal posture, only then the          EUR/USD climbing gradually to 1.27 in          the government last October, there was
Indonesian fiscal policy can desirably             3Q18 and 1.29 in 4Q18 and 1Q19. Any            an initial heavy sell-off in the NZD/USD all
adopt counter-cyclical measures to foster          strength above 1.30 is unlikely for now,       the way down to the bottom of the 2-year
higher economic growth in the foreseeable          given that the US Federal Reserve is           trading range between 0.68 and 0.75.
future.                                            also in the process of monetary policy         Investors had sold the NZD aggressively
_________________________________                  normalization.                                 on concerns of protectionist policies from
                                                                                                  the incoming Labor government. After
Vietnam's Consumer Insights:                       GBP/USD: The recovery in the GBP/USD           that initial knee jerk sell-off, the NZD/USD
The Bright Spot                                    can be attributed in a large part to the on-   stabilized and has reverted back to the
In The Mekong Region                               going support from the Bank of England         current 0.73 level as immigration arrivals
Vietnam is currently experiencing one of           (BoE), which hiked by 25 bps last Nov and      for New Zealand picked up again. The
its fastest economic expansions in years,          has signaled once again that it is likely to   uncertainty at the RBNZ has also come
with gross domestic product (GDP) per              hike a second time by May. However, at         to an end with the appointment of Adrian
capita at current prices (Purchasing power         its current level of just around 1.40, we      Orr as the new governor at the end of
parity, or PPP) growth averaging 6.7%              believe that the upcoming BoE rate hike        Mar 18. In the meantime, NZD/USD can
over the last 3 years. Robust economic             in May is largely priced in. Furthermore,      be expected to grind higher towards the
growth and low unemployment rates have             the BoE’s rate hikes are mostly built on       top end of the above mentioned range.
propelled household income and spending            the premise of rising inflation in the UK.     We forecast NZD/USD at 0.74 in 2Q18,
in the country, positioning Vietnam to             And the latest monthly print showed that       0.7450 in 3Q18, 0.75 in 4Q18 and 1Q19.
be one of the most promising consumer              inflation in the UK has drifted further back
markets in Asia. This report looks at the          down to 2.7% YoY in Feb, from its peak of      ASIAN FX
emergence of the Vietnamese consumer               3.1% YoY last Nov. Going forward, amidst       USD/CNY: Going forward, further CNY
and the sectors likely to benefit from the         further intense Brexit discussions, growth     strength will likely be capped by rising
rise of consumerism in one of the fastest          outlook of the UK economy remains              trade tensions with the United States.
growing economies in Asia.                         uncertain as the economy continues to          The Trump administration is taking an
                                                   nurse a growing current account deficit.       increasingly tough stance against trade
                                                   Overall, we maintain our view that GBP/        with nations that run large trade surpluses
GLOBAL FX                                          USD will not be able to sustain gains          against the United States. Given that China
USD/JPY: Going forward, we believe that            above 1.40 and will drift back down from       runs the largest trade surplus against the
the risk of further JPY strength is still there.   here on. We forecast GBP/USD at 1.40           United States, i.e. USD 375 bn across
As highlighted in the executive summary,           in 2Q18, 1.38 in 3Q18, 1.36 in 4Q18 and        2017, there are increasing concerns that
there is increasing political risk in Japan.       1Q19.                                          the Trump administration may target
Furthermore, while BoJ Govenor Haruhiko                                                           Chinese imports next. As such, the CNY
Kuroda has been reappointed, he has yet            AUD/USD: Despite RBA making clear on           may be vulnerable to weakness should
to dispel increasing market concerns that          multiple occasions its desire to maintain      Chinese exports get negatively impacted.
the BoJ will eventually need to normalize          its steady monetary policy, we continue to     This also comes at a time when the US
monetary policy sooner than later. This            maintain a positive outlook for the AUD/       Federal Reserve is poised to continue
was despite the fact that Japan’s inflation        USD. This is mainly driven by support from     its steady monetary policy normalization.
remains far from the 2% target. As such,           commodities. However, across 1Q18, we          Overall, we see USD/CNY inching higher
we see USD/JPY falling further to 100 in           witnessed an increase in inventory and         from hereon, to 6.35 in 2Q18, 6.40 in
2Q18, followed by a moderate recovery to           positioning levels in various industrial       3Q18, 6.45 in 4Q18 and 6.50 in 1Q19.
103 in 3Q18, 107 in 4Q18 and 110 in 1Q19           metals like copper, limiting further strong
as the US Federal Reserve continues its            upside. Similarly, amidst concerns of          USD/SGD: Ahead of the widely anticipated
gradual rate hikes in the quarters ahead.          strong increases in US production levels,      policy normalization by the MAS in mid-
                                                   crude oil price seemed to have been            April, the SGD NEER has been trading
EUR/USD: As a result of the ECB’s deft             capped ahead of USD 70 / bbl. As such,         predominantly at a premium above its
balancing act, EUR/USD was sandwiched              AUD/USD has pulled back from its high of       estimated mid-point of the current neutral
for now in-between the near term trading           0.81 in Jan18 to the current level of 0.78.    range. Similarly, exacerbated by the weak
range of 1.22 to 1.25. Downside below              Going forward, we believe that after the       overall tone in the USD, the SGD has
1.22 is firmly supported by strong and             recent pullback, further weakness may be       been trading on a strong note as well.
improving macroeconomic fundamentals               limited. Despite recent consolidation, key     However, we believe that it may be difficult
in Eurozone. On the other hand, EUR/USD            industrial metals and energy commodities       for the SGD to strengthen further against
was prevented from staging a premature             remain supported due to on-going strong        the USD going forward. This is due to the
rally above 1.25. Overall, as we get nearer        synchronized growth recovery. As such,         increasing trade tensions between the
to the eventual stop in asset purchase             we see mild AUD/USD strength ahead to          United States and China, as trade and
towards the end of the year, we believe            0.79 in 2Q18, 0.81 in 3Q18 and 0.83 in         exports from Asia are at risk of getting
that EUR/USD will appreciate slowly from           4Q18 and 1Q19.                                 negatively impacted. This also comes
here on, in line with the gradual climb                                                           at a time when the US Federal Reserve
higher in various Eurozone and German                                                             is poised to continue its monetary policy

                                                                                                                Quarterly Global Outlook 2Q2018
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                                                      UOB Global Economics & Markets Research    07
Quarterly Global Outlook - Q2 2018 Balancing Between Hopes & Fears - UOB Group
normalization, with gradual rate hikes and      October, followed by the BOK’s rate hike in     13,850 in 3Q18, 13,900 in 4Q18 and
     on-going balance sheet reduction. In other      November. Thereafter across 1Q18, USD/          13,950 in 1Q19.
     words, there may be limited downside            KRW largely range traded within 1,060
     for USD/SGD below 1.30. Overall, we             and 1,100. The latest news of warming of        USD/THB: From 36.0 in Jan 17, the
     forecast USD/SGD at 1.29 in 2Q18, 1.30          ties with North Korea pushed USD/KRW            THB has strengthened significantly, by
     in 3Q18, 1.32 in 4Q18, 1.33 in 1Q19.            back down to the lower end of this trading      about 13% to the current level of 31.20
                                                     range. Going forward, while we welcome          against the USD in Mar 18. Along the
     USD/HKD: The interest rate differential         the improving geopolitics, we believe that      way, THB strength was supported by
     between 3M US Libor and 3M HK Hibor             the KRW may be increasingly vulnerable          the abovementioned strong economic
     jumped from 0.40% last December to              to trade tensions with the U.S. instead         rebound and export recovery in Thailand
     1.05%, leading to further upside pressure       as the latter is taking an increasingly         across 2017. Despite current THB
     on USD/HKD. At the pace which the rate          tough stance on trade against countries         strength, the outlook for the twin pillars of
     spread widens, it is increasingly likely that   which run a large trade surplus against         Thailand economy, i.e. exports and tourism
     the HKD will soon test sometime in 2Q,          it. In addition, expectations of further rate   arrivals remains strong. As such, fueled by
     the weak side convertibility limit of 7.85      hikes by the BOK later in the year may          on-going strong current account surplus,
     against the USD but we do not see any           have already been baked into the current        the THB may still stay biased on the strong
     risk to the peg at this stage. However,         KRW strength. As such, we see risk of           side in the near term. Thereafter, as the
     in order to limit further weakening of          USD/KRW bottoming around the current            year progressed in 2H18, the USD would
     the HKD towards 7.85, the HKMA now              1,060 level and trading moderately higher       be able to register mild gains against the
     has a delicate act of guiding domestic          thereafter. Our forecasts for USD/KRW           THB, as financial markets would have
     rates gradually higher without disrupting       going forward are 1,070 in 2Q18, 1,080 in       digested the anticipated 25 bps rate hike
     domestic activity and capital markets. This     3Q18, 1,090 in 4Q18 and 1,100 in 1Q19.          from BoT and the US Federal Reserve
     test of the 7.85 level will likely happen                                                       would have progressed with a total of
     over the coming two quarters, before local      USD/MYR: Previously, expectations of an         3 rate hikes across 2018. Overall, we
     rates play catch up with rising US rates        upcoming rate hike by BNM and strong            forecast USD/THB at 31.00 in 2Q18,
     and USD/HKD drift back down towards             rise in crude oil prices have fueled the        before a mild recovery to 31.30 in 3Q18,
     7.80. Thus we forecast USD/HKD at 7.85          outright strengthening of the MYR. Now          31.50 in 4Q18 and 31.80 in 1Q19.
     across 2Q18 and 3Q18, and 7.83 in 4Q18          that BNM has hiked in January, going
     and 7.80 in 1Q19.                               forward, they are likely to remain on hold.     USD/VND: Going forward, we see the US
                                                     Furthermore, given increasing supply risk       Federal Reserve continuing its gradual
     USD/TWD: Across 1Q, various risks               from the US, it may be difficult for Brent      rate hike process, with another two more
     have built up against the TWD. First, the       crude oil to strengthen further above           rate hikes in 2H18. Overall, we see on-
     growth outlook is expected to moderate          USD 70 / bbl. Rather, Brent crude oil           going mild VND weakness in line with
     to a less stellar 2.3% this year, compared      is now expected to settle within a broad        rising US rates. The domestic positive
     to 2.9% last year. Second, any escalation       trading range of USD 60 / bbl to USD 70         drivers will limit excessive VND weakness.
     of trade tensions between US and China          / bbl for the coming 4 quarters. As such,       Our forecasts for USD/VND are 22,800 in
     will likely have a negative impact as well      supported by strong export growth and           2Q18, 22,900 in 3Q18, 23,000 in 4Q18
     on Taiwanese exports and consequently           various positive domestic demand drivers,       and 23,100 in 1Q19.
     the TWD. Third, given the on-going rise         the pace of MYR strengthening will likely
     in US Treasuries yield, the yield spread        ease going forward. Overall, we see USD/        USD/INR: With India’s monthly trade
     between 10 year US Treasuries and               MYR drifting lower to 3.88 in 2Q18, 3.85 in     deficit widening on a quicker path since
     10 year Taiwan government yield has             3Q18 and 3.80 in 4Q18 and 1Q19.                 March 2016, the central government
     widened further from 1.50% at the start of                                                      fiscal budget deficit growing, and the RBI
     the year to 1.85% now. On a related note,       USD/IDR: Despite the improving domestic         probably keeping the current monetary
     as highlighted above, Taiwan’s real policy      macroeconomics, the IDR had recently            stance throughout this year, we think that
     rate has dipped into negative. As such,         weakened against the USD. As a result,          there could not be much room for the INR
     we maintain our forecast that USD/TWD           USD/IDR climbed from its low of 13,300 in       to continue its strong performance against
     will likely bottom out nearer to the middle     Jan to current level of 13,750. This is most    the greenback. We forecast the USD/INR
     of the year and inch back up in 2H18.           likely due to pressure from rising US rates,    at 65.00 in 2Q18, 65.30 in 3Q18, 65.60 in
     Overall, we forecast USD/TWD at 29.40 in        which typically has a negative impact on        4Q18, and 66.00 in 1Q19.
     2Q18, 29.60 in 3Q18, 29.80 in 4Q18 and          Asian and Emerging Market currencies
     30.00 in 1Q19.                                  with underlying current account and fiscal      _________________________________
                                                     deficits. Given that our base case calls for
     USD/KRW: In the final months of 2017,           two more FED rate hikes this year (after        GLOBAL INTEREST RATES
     the KRW strengthened significantly,             the recent 25 bps in Mar), 3M US Libor is       FOMC: Our moderately hawkish outlook
     forcing USD/KRW to retreat from 1,150 in        expected to rise further towards our year-      for the Fed rate trajectory in 2018 is still
     October 2017 to as low as 1,060 in late         end target of 2.40%. As such, we see            intact as we still expect two more 25bps
     December 2017. This was off the back            risk of further IDR weakness in line with       hikes in 2018 (after the latest March rate
     of the normalization of trade and tourism       the rest of Asian currencies. Overall, our      hike), bringing the FFTR to 2.25% by
     ties between China and South Korea last         forecast for USD/IDR is 13,800 in 2Q18,

      Quarterly Global Outlook 2Q2018
08    UOB Global Economics & Markets Research                                                                         EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Quarterly Global Outlook - Q2 2018 Balancing Between Hopes & Fears - UOB Group
end-2018. While we remain mindful that         RBA: The RBA surprised nobody when             after 15 years leading the central bank.
stronger wage & inflation expectations         it held its OCR steady at a record low of      Other than the usual monetary policy
could add to the risk of a more aggressive     1.5% in March. Overall, we maintain the        execution, the combination of the banking
Fed in terms of policy normalization, the      view that the RBA is in no hurry to move       and insurance regulators into one agency,
flipside is that recent US trade policy        rates as household incomes are growing         PBoC’s role as a financial regulator will be
developments could warrant a more              slowly and debt levels are high; and it        clearer and strengthened. We maintain our
cautious Fed, at least until the cloud of      seems as though the RBA will continue to       view that PBoC is likely to lean on raising
trade uncertainty clears.                      jawbone the local currency. We also note       at least one time its policy rates by end
                                               that a key turning point was 31 January        of 2Q18, with a 25bps hike from current
We also expect continuity in Fed Reserve’s     – when 4Q inflation data showed both           record low of 1Y lending rate at 4.35% and
balance sheet reduction (BSR) program          headline and core inflation staying below      1Y deposit rate at 1.50%.
and since trimming the Fed balance             the bottom of the RBA's 2-3% target. RBA
sheet is somewhat a 'substitute' for rate      Governor Philip Lowe's mid-February            MAS: We maintain our forecast of two
hikes, so we believe the continuation of       testimony to lawmakers also made it clear      more 25bps hikes by the US Fed in
BSR is a key factor the FOMC will take         that the RBA will not mechanically follow      2018 after the March 2018 hike. And
into consideration and not add more rate       the global trend, and can afford to be more    with Singapore’s domestic interest rates
hikes beyond the 3 hikes in 2018 unless        patient.                                       following quite closely to the US rates,
we get a sharp inflation surprise. BSR                                                        we forecast the 3-month SIBOR to edge
will likely gain further traction in 2018,     RBNZ: As expected, the RBNZ held its           higher towards 1.70 by 2Q 2018 and
as cuts to reinvestment expand so the          OCR unchanged at 1.75% in March.               onward to 1.85% by the end of 2018.
aggregate annual cuts will increase from       Focus will now be on the new Policy
US$30bn in 4Q 2017 to US$420bn in              Targets Agreement (PTA) that Orr will          RBI: The RBI had kept its repurchase rate
2018 and reach steady state of US$600bn        sign with the Minister of Finance, Grant       unchanged at 6% since a 25bps cut in
in 2019. We expect BSR to continue             Robertson, and the review of the Reserve       August 2017. We were previously having
until the Fed balance sheet is reduced to      Bank Act that is currently underway. We        a view that the RBI could potentially cut
aboutUS$2.5trillion by mid-2021.               continue to expect the RBNZ to remain          rates by another 25bps to provide support
                                               accommodative, and do not foresee an           to the economy due to the lingering after-
ECB: Overall, there is little implication      OCR hike until early-2019.                     effects of the demonetization and GST.
to our view following the latest ECB                                                          However, the impact of both seems to
meeting. The ECB needs to end asset            BOJ: Despite another status quo                have worn off, while India’s GDP is growing
purchases within the next 12-15 months         decision on 9 March, the spectre of            above the potential rate and inflation rate
to avoid a bond shortage problem. Yet          “BOJ normalization” which crept into           expected to inch higher, we now think that
we see little reason, at this juncture, for    market psyche in late 2017 lingers             the RBI can possibly afford to keep rates
the ECB to make more fundamental               on. The re-appointment of Kuroda to            unchanged for the rest of 2018.
changes to forward guidance before an          2023 (and appointment of 2 new “like-
announcement on the future of QE is            mined” deputies) did not help to dispel        BI: We expect inflation to turn higher in
made (likely in June). This should help to     normalization concerns, failing to shift       the second half of this year. The most
prevent a further strengthening of the EUR     market sentiment that Kuroda will stay the     recent Bank Indonesia’s consumer survey
and “unwarranted tightening of monetary        course and patiently keep BOJ monetary         revealed the findings that households
conditions”. As for policy rates, we are not   policy broadly “expansionary till 2% is        expect prices to go higher starting May
anticipating any rate increases until later    met”. BOJ’s cause was not helped by the        of this year on the back higher electricity
in 2019.                                       fact that the projected annual pace of JGB     and gas tariffs, and possibly higher fuel
                                               buying has continued to moderate so far        and gasoline prices. Inflation is estimated
BOE: As expected, the BoE left the Bank        this year. While we keep our long-held         to be at a range of 2.5-4.5% for 2018,
Rate on hold at 0.50% and asset purchases      view that it remains premature to expect       with our current 2018 forecast is now
unchanged at GBP435bn in March. But            the BOJ to normalize/taper its easing          slightly revised lower to 4.0% (from 4.2%
two members of the MPC – Michael               program anytime soon, because Japan is         before) but remains at the upper range of
Saunders and Ian McCafferty – were the         still far away from its 2% inflation target,   BI’s inflation target. With the backdrop of
dissenters, voting for an immediate 25bps      the uncertainty will continue unless the       inflationary pressures coming fairly soon,
rate rise. We had previously been looking      BOJ finds a way to reassert its “easy          we reiterate our forecast for BI to stay
for the BoE to move only later part of this    monetary policy” credentials.                  neutral for the most part of 2018 and we
year, but there are now more reasons to                                                       only pencil in currently a 25bps rate in
think a move at the next meeting in May        ASIAN INTEREST RATES                           December 2018. Our BI rate forecast (7-
is likely. Still, we do not believe the MPC    PBoC: PBoC’s prudent and neutral               Day Reverse Repo) remains consistent
wants to persuade markets to expect more       monetary policy stance has been                with our inflation forecast and still lend
hawkish policy thereafter. Whilst a 25bps      reaffirmed in the 2018 Government              support to overall growth.
move in May (as opposed to August) now         Work Report. The policy implementation
looks highly likely, we do not envisage any    is expected to remain with the recent
further changes for the rest of this year.     appointment of Yi Gang as Governor,
                                               replacing Zhou Xiaochuan who retired

                                                                                                            Quarterly Global Outlook 2Q2018
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                                                  UOB Global Economics & Markets Research    09
Quarterly Global Outlook - Q2 2018 Balancing Between Hopes & Fears - UOB Group
BOK: From the real interest rate                          BNM: Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) kept          BOT: The Bank of Thailand (BoT) kept
     perspective, the pick-up in headline                      the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) at 3.25%      the policy rate unchanged at 1.5% on 14
     inflation should still keep the door open for             on 7 March following a 25bps hike on 25       February 2018. Looking forward, the BoT
     1-2 rate hikes this year. A faster pace of                January. Real policy rate has widened to      will likely raise the policy rate to 1.75% in
     U.S. rate hikes will be another catalyst as               +1.8% amid slower inflation. With regards     the second half of 2018 as the economy
     the Base Rate is set to fall below the Fed                to forward guidance, BNM reverted to a        would continue to expand steadily at
     Funds Target Rate for the first time since                more neutral tone. BNM kept a balanced        around its potential rate, thus lessening the
     2007. Although we do not think there is                   view such that despite renewed signs          need for an exceptionally accommodative
     an imminent risk of large capital outflows,               of emerging volatility and rising trade       monetary policy.
     it will create pressure for the BOK to act                tensions, they expect continuity in global
     if the domestic growth outlook permits,                   economic expansion. BNM kept a positive       SBV: The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV)
     caveat on the impact of the unfolding                     view on the domestic economy and              would maintain the policy rate at 6.25%
     trade tensions. We see the next rate hike                 reiterated that inflation is expected to      until at least the end of 2018. Currently, the
     in South Korea taking place in 2Q18 (Apr/                 moderate in 2018. We maintain our year-       monetary policy stance is accommodative
     May) and another possibly in 4Q18. The                    end OPR projection of 3.25%, implying no      and supportive of economic activity.
     reappointment of Governor Lee Ju-yeol                     further rate adjustments for the year.        Global growth prospects will also help
     is expected to maintain stability in the                                                                sustain strong merchandise exports and
     monetary policy setting.                                                                                keep Vietnam’s trade-reliant economy
                                                                                                             humming this year.

                                                                       Real GDP Growth Trajectory
               y/y% change              2016        2017       2018F    1Q17     2Q17     3Q17      4Q17    1Q18F    2Q18F     3Q18F     4Q18F

               China                     6.7         6.9        6.7      6.9      6.9      6.8      6.8      6.8      6.7       6.8       6.7

               Eurozone                  1.8         2.3        2.3      2.1      2.4      2.6      2.7      2.5      2.5       2.3       2.2

               Hong Kong                 2.1         3.8        3.4      4.3      3.9      3.7      3.4      3.4      3.5       3.4       3.2

               Indonesia                 5.0         5.1        5.3      5.0      5.0      5.1      5.2      5.3      5.4       5.2       5.3

               Japan                     0.9         1.7        1.8      1.4      1.5      1.9      2.0      1.2      2.1       2.1       1.7

               Malaysia                  4.2         5.9        5.0      5.6      5.8      6.2      5.9      5.4      5.0       5.0       4.8

               Philippines               6.9         6.7        6.8      6.4      6.7      6.9      6.6      6.7      6.7       6.6       6.9

               India                     8.2         7.1        6.5      6.1      5.7      6.5      7.2      6.3      6.5       6.6       6.7

               Singapore                 2.4         3.6        2.8      2.5      2.8      5.5      3.6      3.5      3.0       2.2       2.8

               South Korea               2.8         3.1        3.0      2.9      2.7      3.8      3.0      3.0      3.0       2.8       3.1

               Taiwan                    1.4         2.9        2.3      2.6      2.3      3.2      3.3      2.9      2.7       1.9       1.8

               Thailand                  3.3         3.9        4.0      3.4      3.9      4.3      4.0      4.0      4.0       3.9       4.0

               US (q/q SAAR)             1.5         2.3        2.5      1.2      3.1      3.2      2.5      1.0      3.5       2.5       3.0
               Source: CEIC, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research

      Quarterly Global Outlook 2Q2018
10    UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
Quarterly Global Outlook - Q2 2018 Balancing Between Hopes & Fears - UOB Group

FX            23 Mar 18 2Q18F 3Q18F 4Q18F 1Q19F         RATES                        23 Mar 18    2Q18F      3Q18F     4Q18F     1Q19F

USD/JPY         105      100    103     107      110    US Fed Funds Rate              1.75         2.00      2.00      2.25       2.50

EUR/USD         1.23     1.25   1.27    1.29    1.29    USD 3M LIBOR                   2.27         2.15      2.15      2.40       2.65

GBP/USD         1.41     1.40   1.38    1.36    1.36    US 10Y Treasuries Yield        2.80         2.80      3.00      3.20       3.25

                                                        JPY Policy Rate                -0.10       -0.10      -0.10     -0.10     -0.10
AUD/USD         0.77     0.79   0.81    0.83    0.83
                                                        EUR Refinancing Rate           0.00         0.00      0.00      0.00       0.00
NZD/USD         0.72     0.74   0.75    0.75    0.75
                                                        GBP Repo Rate                  0.50         0.75      0.75      0.75       0.75
USD/CNY         6.33     6.35   6.40    6.45    6.50    AUD Official Cash Rate         1.50         1.50      1.50      1.50       1.75
USD/HKD         7.85     7.85   7.85    7.83    7.80    NZD Official Cash Rate         1.75         1.75      1.75      1.75       2.00

USD/TWD         29.2     29.4   29.6    29.8    30.0
                                                        CNY 1Y Benchmark Lending       4.35         4.60      4.60      4.60       4.60
USD/KRW        1,081    1,070   1,080   1,090   1,100   HKD Base Rate                  2.00         2.25      2.25      2.50       2.75
USD/PHP        52.34    52.50   53.00   53.50   54.00   TWD Official Discount Rate     1.38         1.38      1.38      1.38       1.50

                                                        KRW Base Rate                  1.50         1.75      1.75      2.00       2.00
USD/MYR         3.91     3.88   3.85    3.80    3.80
                                                        PHP O/N Reverse Repo           3.00         3.25      3.25      3.25       3.50
USD/IDR        13,778   13,800 13,850 13,900 13,950

USD/THB        31.26    31.00   31.30   31.50   31.80   SGD 3M SIBOR                   1.38         1.70      1.70      1.85       1.85

USD/MMK        1,334    1,350   1,360   1,370   1,380   SGD 3M SOR                     1.59         1.50      1.50      1.65       1.75

USD/VND        22,785   22,800 22,900 23,000 23,100     MYR O/N Policy Rate            3.25         3.25      3.25      3.25       3.25

                                                        IDR 7D Reverse Repo            4.25         4.25      4.25      4.50       4.50
USD/INR        65.11    65.00   65.30   65.60   66.00
                                                        THB 1D Repo                    1.50         1.50      1.75      1.75       1.75
USD/SGD         1.32     1.29   1.30    1.32    1.33
                                                        VND Refinancing Rate           6.25         6.25      6.25      6.25       6.25
EUR/SGD         1.62     1.61   1.65    1.70    1.72    INR Repo Rate                  6.00         6.00      6.00      6.00       6.00
GBP/SGD         1.86     1.81   1.79    1.80    1.81
                                                        COMMODITIES                  23 Mar 18    2Q18F      3Q18F     4Q18F     1Q19F
AUD/SGD         1.01     1.02   1.05    1.10    1.10
                                                        Gold (USD/oz)                  1,338       1,290     1,260      1,230     1,200
SGD/MYR         2.98     3.01   2.96    2.88    2.86
                                                        Brent Crude Oil (USD/bbl)       69         60-70     60-70      60-70     60-70
SGD/CNY         4.81     4.92   4.92    4.89    4.89
                                                                                                   6,000-    6,000-    6,000-     6,000-
JPY/SGDx100     1.25     1.29   1.26    1.23    1.21    LME Copper (USD/mt)            6,695
                                                                                                   7,000     7,000     7,000      7,000

                                                                                                          Quarterly Global Outlook 2Q2018
                                                                                                 UOB Global Economics & Markets Research    11
                               Singapore MAS Policy Preview: It’s Time To Catch Up
                                           With Policy Normalization

     ƒƒ   The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is expected to release monetary policy decision on the 2nd week of April 2018 (9th to
          13th April) and we expect the central bank to start policy normalization by allowing the SGD NEER on a mildly appreciating path (est:
          0.5% pa) while keeping the midpoint and bandwidth of the policy band unchanged.

     ƒƒ   Our policy normalization expectation is based on three key factors. Firstly, global and domestic growth-inflation-labour conditions
          have improved quite significantly since the lows of 2015. Central banks around the world today are biased towards tightening, rather
          than loosening monetary policy stance.

     ƒƒ   Secondly, the forex market seems to be pricing in a more hawkish MAS stance as the SGD NEER has appreciated 1.2% since the
          start of 2017, while our UOB SGD NEER model also shows that the SGD NEER had been trading consistently above the midpoint
          88% of the time in the same period.

     ƒƒ   Thirdly, the MAS had perhaps signaled a normalization inclination by removing a forward guidance word “extended” from its oft-used
          phrase “current neutral SGD NEER policy is deemed appropriate for an extended period of time” in their last October 2017 policy

     ƒƒ   With the upcoming April policy normalization by MAS largely priced in, we see limited downside for USD/SGD below 1.30. Furthermore,
          any escalation of trade tension between US and China risk negatively impacting Asian exports and consequently is a negative for the
          SGD. Overall, we see USD/SGD testing the low of 1.29 across 2Q18, before drifting back up to 1.33 by 1Q19.

     The Monetary Authority of Singapore            bandwidth of the policy band untouched.         the uncertainties of slow global economic
     (MAS) is expected to release its half-yearly   We think that this is a one-and-done            growth and disinflationary pressures.
     monetary policy statement sometime in the      deal for 2018 although we acknowledge           Central banks around the world were also
     2nd week of April 2018 (9th to 13th April).    there could be room for another 0.5% pa         adopting easy monetary policy stance then
                                                    increase in the October 2018 policy review,     to support economic growth.
     We expect the MAS to start the                 but that will be dependent on the data over
     normalization of Singapore’s monetary          the next few months.                            In the two subsequent policy meetings
     policy. What this means is that the MAS                                                        (October 2015 and April 2016), the MAS
     may start to allow the SGD Nominal             As a recap of the current accommodative         continued to reduce the SGD NEER slope
     Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) to              monetary cycle, it all started when the         towards an eventual “neutral appreciating
     embark on a mildly appreciating path           MAS surprised the market by reducing the        path”, a stance which it had maintained
     (which we estimate at 0.5% pa from 0%          slope of the SGD NEER in an off-cycle           since April 2016 to date.
     currently), while keeping the midpoint and     policy action in January 2015 to cope with

      Quarterly Global Outlook 2Q2018
12    UOB Global Economics & Markets Research                                                                         SINGAPORE FOCUS I
Our expectations of a change of policy          Fast forward to today, things have                           The synchronized recovery is evident in
stance towards a “mild appreciation” SGD        improved. In their World Economic                            both developed (advanced) and emerging
NEER slope is based on the following            Outlook Update (11 January 2018), the                        economies.
arguments:                                      IMF had upgraded global economic growth
                                                forecasts for 2018 and 2019 to 3.9%, from                    Quoting the IMF again from the same
 1. Economics: Global and domestic              3.7% previously. In the words of the IMF:                    report:
    growth-inflation-labour     conditions
    have improved quite significantly           “The cyclical upswing underway since mid-                    “Among advanced economies, growth in
    since the lows of 2015. With that,          2016 has continued to strengthen. Some                       the third quarter of 2017 was higher than
    central banks around the world today        120 economies, accounting for three                          projected in the fall (ie: October 2017),
    are leaning more towards monetary           quarters of world GDP, have seen a pickup                    notably in Germany, Japan, Korea, and the
    policy tightening, after many years of      in growth in year-on-year terms in 2017,                     United States. Key emerging market and
    very loose monetary policy conditions.      the broadest synchronized global growth                      developing economies, including Brazil,
                                                upsurge since 2010.”                                         China, and South Africa, also posted
 2. Expectations: the forex market                                                                           third-quarter growth stronger than the fall
    seems to be pricing in a more hawkish       We reproduce the IMF’s forecast during                       forecasts.”
    MAS stance (ie: appreciating SGD            their October 2017 release in Exhibit 1. It
    NEER) as the SGD NEER had                   can be clearly seen that even in October                     Additionally, we also observed that both
    appreciated 1.2% since the start of         2017, the IMF had expected stronger                          the emerging and developed economies’
    2017. Moreover, our UOB SGD NEER            growth and inflation worldwide, and                          purchasing     managers’   indices   are
    model also shows that the SGD NEER          reaffirmed it in their January 2018 review.                  expanding in sync, across both the
    had been trading consistently above                                                                      manufacturing and services sectors no
    the midpoint 88% of the time in the                                                                      less (Exhibits 2A and 2B).
    same period.
                                                                 Exhibit 1: IMF’s October 2017 Forecast For Global Growth And Inflation
 3. Policy: the MAS had perhaps signaled
    a similar inclination by removing a         Source: Macrobond, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
    forward guidance “extended period”
    from its oft-used phrase “current
    neutral SGD NEER policy is deemed
    appropriate for an extended period”
    in their last October 2017 policy

With the three factors at play, we think that
the time is ripe for the MAS to embark on
the normalization of Singapore’s monetary
policy. We will explain in details in the
following sections.

Global Economic Recovery Is In Sync
The global economic landscape had
improved quite dramatically over the past
three years. As recent as the MAS October                 Exhibits 2A & 2B: Synchronised Growth In Manufacturing & Non-manufacturing PMI
2016 policy meeting, we were still very
concerned about the global deflationary         Source: Macrobond, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research

environment, hard landing risk from China,
and the unknown but “surely” negative
impact from Brexit.

Domestically, policymakers were worried
about the very slow economic growth
in Singapore, disinflationary pressures,
rising labour redundancies (particularly in
the Professionals, Managers, Executives
and Technicians or PMETs segment) and
industry-specific risk factors (eg: from the
offshore & marine industries). Those were
the conditions for an accommodative and
thus dovish monetary policy: a-la neutral
SGD NEER slope.

                                                                                                                           Quarterly Global Outlook 2Q2018
SINGAPORE FOCUS I                                                                                                 UOB Global Economics & Markets Research    13
Stronger economic activities and higher
     prices point to the improvement in                                             Exhibit 3: Recovery In World Trade Since 4Q 2016
     aggregate demand worldwide and this is         Source: Macrobond, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
     also evident in the recovery in world trade
     since 4Q 2016 (Exhibit 3).

     However, this also implies higher export
     and import prices across the world (Exhibit
     4). Eventually, these will pass-through to
     higher global consumer inflation – another
     indication that central banks may need to
     tighten monetary policies at a faster pace.

     Our global monetary environment scan
     across 52 central banks’ actions since
     Mar 2017 shows a total of 18 central
     banks hiking interest rates to a combined
     amount of 1,846.5bps; 26 central banks
     keeping interest rates unchanged; while 8
     central banks cutting rates to a combined
                                                                     Exhibit 4: Strongest Growth In Export and Import Prices Since August 2011
     amount of 1,475bps. Collectively, there
     had been an inclination for central banks to   Source: Macrobond, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
     tighten rather than loosen their respective
     monetary policies (Exhibit 5).

     Domestic Growth Drivers
     Are Improving
     In Singapore, the growth-inflation-labour
     dynamics had improved too.

     The government’s report card on 2017
     economic performance probably scored
     an “A” in our opinion as actual GDP grew
     3.6%, above the upper end of the initial
     forecast range of 1%-3% back in early

     Core inflation, the intermediate target
     of the central bank when it comes to                             Exhibit 5: More Global Central Banks Embarking On Monetary Tightening
     assessing the direction of its monetary
     policy, averaged 1.5% in 2017, higher than     Source: Bloomberg, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research

     the 0.9% in 2016 and 0.5% in 2015.

     The labour market has also been improving
     as indicated by various labour market
     statistics including better job vacancy-to-
     unemployed persons ratio and stronger
     wage growth.

     On growth, another way to assess the
     current economic condition is to compare
     it with the potential economic growth.

     If the actual GDP growth rate is higher than    Note: Central banks that hiked rates since March 2017 includes (375bps: Argentina), (300bps: Egypt, Ukraine), (125bps: Mexico),
                                                     (85.5bps: Oman), (75bps: Bahrain, Canada, Hong Kong, UAE, US), (70bps: Czech Rep), (50bps: Romania), (41bps: Venezuela),
     the potential GDP growth rate, then there       (25bps: Malaysia, Pakistan, Qatar, South Korea, UK). Central banks that cut rates since March 2017 includes (-625bps: Brazil),
                                                     (-275bps: Colombia), (-250bps: Russia), -125bps: Peru), (-75bps: Iceland, Chile), (-25bps: South Africa, India).
     is a positive output gap which may result
     in a higher inflationary environment and
     justifying a more hawkish monetary policy
     (ie: an upward sloping SGD NEER).

      Quarterly Global Outlook 2Q2018
14    UOB Global Economics & Markets Research                                                                                                     SINGAPORE FOCUS I
As such, we compare Singapore’s quarterly
real GDP growth rate with its potential                                EXHIBIT 6: Finally Out Of The Negative/Weak Output Gap Trap
GDP growth rate (derived using the               Source: Macrobond, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
Hodrick-Prescott filter) and found that after
suffering from 10 consecutive quarters
of negative or weak positive output gap
(since 2Q 2014), the stronger growth spurt
of 3Q 2017 had finally pushed Singapore’s
economy into registering a positive 2.4%
output gap in that quarter (Exhibit 6).

With the uplift from stronger external
demand, overall corporate profits had been
robust and posted the strongest expansion
(6.9% y/y) since 2010 (Exhibit 7).

With profits expanding at a record pace,
businesses are more confident and
investments had also expanded for the
first time, after five consecutive quarters of
                                                                     Exhibit 7: Corporate Profits Expansion At Its Strongest Since 2010
contraction (3Q 2016 to 3Q 2017) (Exhibit
8).                                              Source: Macrobond, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research

Domestic consumption also expanded
at a healthy clip from the improvement
in the labour market conditions (low
unemployment and stronger wage growth).

Looking     ahead,   the    government’s
composite leading indicator (Exhibit 9),
which leads GDP growth by 1 quarter,
shows that we can expect continued
strength in economic growth.

That said, we believe that GDP growth
for 2018 could come in at a slower pace
of 2.8%, due to the high base in 2017,
and the expected slower growth in the
manufacturing sector.                                 Exhibit 8: Continued Strength in Domestic Consumption, While Investments Expanded Finally

On inflation, Singapore’s core inflation had     Source: Macrobond, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research

averaged 1.5% in 2017, higher than the
0.9% recorded in 2016 and 0.5% in 2015
(Exhibit 10).

For 2018, we forecast core inflation to
average 1.5%, while the MAS is expecting
an average of 1-2%. With prices rising at a
structurally higher level compared with the
2015-16 period, we believe that there is
some room for monetary policy to catch up
vis-à-vis SGD NEER appreciation stance.

                                                                                                                        Quarterly Global Outlook 2Q2018
SINGAPORE FOCUS I                                                                                              UOB Global Economics & Markets Research    15
On labour market conditions, we observe
     some improvements across various labour                      Exhibit 9: Composite Leading Indicator Points To Robust Economic Growth
     market statistics.                            Source: Macrobond, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research

     First, there had been some improvements
     in labour market slack. Although there
     are currently only 87 vacant jobs to every
     one hundred unemployed persons, this is
     an improvement from a recent low of 77
     vacant jobs in 4Q 2016 (Exhibit 11).

     Second, with demand for labour increasing,
     we also observed that wage growth is
     also on an uptrend (Exhibit 12), further
     supporting domestic consumption, and
     potentially generating higher pass-through
     to consumer prices in the months ahead.

     Expectations For Monetary Policy
     Normalisation Are Rising
                                                                Exhibit 10: Core Inflation At A Structurally Higher Level Compared with 2015-16
     With the improving growth-inflation-labour
     conditions, the forex market had been         Source: Macrobond, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
     pricing in expectations for the MAS to turn
     more hawkish and to normalize the SGD
     NEER slope sooner, rather than later.

     Indeed, the SGD NEER had appreciated
     1.2% from the start of 2017 to date and
     our UOB SGD NEER had been trading
     persistently above the midpoint (88% of
     the time) in the same period (Exhibit 13).

     This expectation was perhaps further
     fueled by the MAS removing a forward
     guidance word “extended period” from
     its oft-used phrase “current neutral SGD
     NEER policy is deemed appropriate for
     an extended period” in their latest October
     2017 policy statement.
                                                                                 Exhibit 11: Improvement In Labour Market Slack
     With the above-mentioned conditions,          Source: Macrobond, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
     we believe the MAS will start policy
     normalization in the upcoming April
     2018 meeting, where the SGD NEER
     slope will be on a mildly appreciating
     path (we estimate at 0.5% pa, from 0%
     pa currently). We think that this is a
     one-and-done deal for 2018 although
     there remains a possibility of another
     increase (of 0.5% pa) in the October
     2018 policy review, depending on data
     over the next few months.

      Quarterly Global Outlook 2Q2018
16    UOB Global Economics & Markets Research                                                                                     SINGAPORE FOCUS I
Limited Room For Further Downside
In USD/SGD Below 1.30                                                        Exhibit 12: Wage Growth Back To Healthy Levels
As mentioned above, ahead of the widely        Source: Macrobond, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
anticipated policy normalization by the
MAS in mid-April, the SGD NEER has
been trading predominantly at a premium
above its estimated mid-point of the current
neutral range. Similarly, exacerbated by
the weak overall tone in the USD, the SGD
has been trading on a strong note as well.
As a result USD/SGD continued to head
lower across 1Q18, from 1.34 at the start
of Jan18 to current level of just around

Going forward, we believe that it may be
difficult for the SGD to strengthen further
against the USD. Rather, with increasing
trade tensions between the United States                            Exihibit 13: Market Pricing In MAS Hawkishness Since April 2017
and China, trade and exports from Asia
                                               Source: CEIC, UOB Global Economics & Markets Research
are at risk of getting negatively impacted.
Given that Asian economies have large           129     Easing Round 1     Easing Round 2   Easing Round 3       MAS kept neutral stance unchanged in
export components, there is an increasing                                                                         Oct 16, Apr 17 and Oct 17 meetings
                                                    MAS shifted SGD NEER MAS shifted SGD MAS shifted SGD
risk that Asian currencies like the CNY,        127 slope from 2% to 1% in NEER slope from 1% NEER slope to
                                                     an off-cycle decision      to 0.5%         Neutral
KRW and including the SGD may weaken
somewhat should trade tensions rise
                                                123                                                                             SGD NEER was trading above
This also comes at a time when the US                                                                                           midpoint 88% of the time since
Federal Reserve is poised to continue                                                                                                     Jan 2017
its monetary policy normalization, with
gradual rate hikes and on-going balance
sheet reduction. As such, we maintain our       119
                                                  Oct-14 Jan-15 Apr-15 Jul-15 Oct-15 Jan-16 Apr-16 Jul-16 Oct-16 Jan-17 Apr-17 Jul-17 Oct-17 Jan-18
view that it may be difficult for the SGD to
                                                         SGD NEER              Upper-end: 2%           Mid-Point of Estimated Policy Band               Lower-end: 2%
strengthen further. In other words, there
may be limited downside for USD/SGD
below 1.30. Overall, we forecast USD/
SGD at 1.29 in 2Q18, 1.30 in 3Q18, 1.32 in
4Q18, 1.33 in 1Q19.

                                                                                                                           Quarterly Global Outlook 2Q2018
SINGAPORE FOCUS I                                                                                                 UOB Global Economics & Markets Research               17
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