European Compost Network Joint Meeting of TG 'Quality Assurance Scheme' & 'Fertilisers'

Page created by Johnnie Rivera
European Compost Network Joint Meeting of TG 'Quality Assurance Scheme' & 'Fertilisers'
European Compost Network

Joint Meeting of TG ‘Quality Assurance Scheme’
                 & ‘Fertilisers’

            Day 1 TG QAS: 4 March 2020, 11:30 am – 5:30 pm
            Day 2 TG FERT: 5 March 2020, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
   Chairs: Wim Vanden Auweele (TG QAS) & Irmgard Leifert (TG FERT)
European Compost Network Joint Meeting of TG 'Quality Assurance Scheme' & 'Fertilisers'
Agenda - TG QAS Meeting 4 March 2020
TOP 1   Welcome and Tour de Table                                             11:30-11:45 h
        Chair: Wim Vanden Auweele (Vlaco) and Arjen Brinkmann (BVOR)

TOP 2   Benchmark of national quality assurance schemes                       11:45-13:00 h
        (Subjects: objective of the schemes, governance, stakeholders involved, etc.)

TOP 2.2 Benchmark of national quality assurance schemes (continued)13:45-15:15 h
        (Subjects: organisation of sampling and analysis, role of auditors,

        compost and digestate quality requirements of the schemes)

TOP 3   Benchmark of national quality assurance schemes (continued)15.15-17:00 h
        (Subject: compost and digestate quality requirements of the schemes (contd.))

TOP 4   Conclusions of the day                                                17:00-17:30 h

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European Compost Network Joint Meeting of TG 'Quality Assurance Scheme' & 'Fertilisers'
Agenda - TG FERT Meeting 5 March 2020
TOP 1   Welcome and Tour de Table
        Chair: Irmgard Leifert (Reterra), replaced by Stefanie Siebert (ECN)

TOP 2   Standardisation work on analytical methods for compost and digestate
        Presentation provided by NEN (Secretariat of CEN/TC 223)
        Arjen Brinkmann (BVOR); Stefanie Siebert (ECN)

TOP 3   ECN’s approach to the standardisation process
TOP 3.1 Identification of critical work items/analytical methods for compost &
TOP 3.2 ECN task group/project organisation for the standardisation process
        (who does what, who is committed, etc.)

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Agenda - TG FERT Meeting 5 March 2020
TOP 4 In-depth discussion of critical work items/analytical methods for compost &
TOP 4.1 Stability (OUR/Self Heating Test/Residual Biogas Potential)
        Wim Vanden Auweele (Vlaco)
TOP 4.2 Impurities
        Maria Thelen-Jüngling (BGK)
TOP 4.3 Determination and monitoring of time temperature
        NN (BVOR/DWMA)
TOP 4.4 Determination of organic nitrogen (Norg) PFC 1(A), (B); PFC3(A)
        Stefanie Siebert (ECN)
TOP 4.5 Determination of the PAH16 content in composts and digestates
        Stefanie Siebert (ECN)
TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
        Wim Vanden Auweele (Vlaco)

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Agenda - TG FERT Meeting 5 March 2020
TOP 5   Update on the state of the art on the EU Fertilising Product Regulation
TOP5.1 EU Guidance document for labelling
        Irmgard Leifert (Reterra), replaced by Stefanie Siebert

TOP 5.2 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the EU Fertilising Product Regulation
        Stefanie Siebert (ECN)

TOP 5.3 Further amendments on the EU Fertilising Product Regulation
        Stefanie Siebert (ECN)

TOP 6   Conclusions and next steps
TOP 7   Any other business

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TOP 2 Standardisation work on analytical
▪ Standardisation request (M/564) sent to CEN on 10 February 2020
▪ Acceptance by CEN still open until 10 March 2020
Request to draft harmonised standards and European standardisation
deliverables in support of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 for EU fertilising products
until 01 April 2022
Content of the standardisation request
▪ CEN shall prepare a work programme indicating all the standards and
  standardisation deliverables listed in Annex I, the responsible technical
  bodies and a timetable for the execution of the requested standardisation
  activities in line with the deadlines set out in that Annex.
▪ CEN shall submit the draft work programme to the Commission by 15 May
  2020. CEN shall inform the Commission of any amendments to the work

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Standards: always a tailor-made agreement

 • A standard is a voluntary agreement between interested parties in
   respect of a product, process, service or system
 • Standardization is the process leading to the establishment of a
 • This process is open, transparent and focuses on achieving
 • The standardization process results in:
    o   stable and reviewable
    o   broadly supported
    o   generally accepted
    o   coherent & non-conflicting
    o   reference documents with added value

 • This makes standards and standardization powerful
   instruments for self-regulation and deregulation

Consensus: according to ISO Directives

• general agreement, characterized by the absence of sustained
  opposition to substantial issues by any important part of the
  concerned interests and by a process that involves seeking to
  take into account the views of all parties concerned and to
  reconcile any conflicting arguments

NOTE Consensus need not imply unanimity.

Standards and Regulations                                         9
Standardization Requests

•   Standardization requests (formerly named ‘Mandates’) are
    requests from the European Commission to the European
    Standardisation Organizations (ESOs) to draw up and adopt
    European standards in support of European policies and
•   It is a “job description” that stipulates how the standardization
    organization should implement the essential requirements
    from a directive in a number of standards for the different types
    of products.
•   The standardization request is part of the political process, but
    also the transition to a market-driven, technical process.
•   To come into force, the standardization request is accepted by
    the relevant standardization organization, which undertakes the
    development of the standards in a given timeframe.

Standards and Regulations                                               10
Standardization Request on fertilisers

•   Regulation (EU) 2003/2003 replaced by Regulation (EU)
    2019/1009 - Transition phase until 2022

•   Standardization request in support of (EU) 2019/1009 covering
    – CEN/TC 260 Fertilizers and liming materials
    – CEN/TC 455 Plant Biostimulants
    – CEN/TC 223 Soil improvers and growing media

•   68 harmonized standards consisting of required information and
    standards of which a few also need to be developed

Standards and Regulations                                            11
                                         Sreq Fertilizers

               CEN/TC 260                   CEN/TC 223                    CEN/TC 455
            Fertilizers and liming         Soil improvers and            Plant Biostimulants
                   materials                growing media

+ working groups                                                                  + working groups

 CEN/TC 223/WG 0          CEN/TC 223/WG 3           CEN/TC 223/WG 4            CEN/TC 223/WG 5
 Chairman's Advisory         Sampling               Analytical methods           Microbiology

             CEN/TC 223/WG 6           CEN/TC 223/WG 7           CEN/TC 223/WG 8
              Harmonization          Chemical contamination     Physical contamination

Work programme example
Title of harmonized standard        Requirements and reference
                                    information to be covered by the

                                    Determination of the PAH16 content in compost and digestate
European Standard: Compost and      To use as basis standard: EN 16181
digestate properties when used in
fertilising products
                                    Determination of the content of macroscopic impurities (glass,
                                    metal, plastics) above 2mm in compost and digestate
                                    To use as basis technical specification: CEN TS/16202

                                    Determination of temperature and time profile during
                                    composting and digestion
                                    To be developed

                                    Determination of the oxygen uptake rate in compost and
                                    To use as basis standard: EN 16087-1

                                    Determination of the self-heating factor in compost
                                    To use as basis standard: EN 16087-2

                                    Determination of the residual biogas potential in digestate
                                    To use as basis British standard: OFW004-004
Standards and Regulations                                                                            13
Next Steps

•   Participation options
    – A National Standardization Body provides access to CEN
      > To join a CEN working group to develop standards,
      > first become a member of a national committee
         – National committees can vote and comment during
           different stages of standards development

•   Technical Specifications April 2022
    – Non-validated methods
•   Standards April 2024
    – Methods need to be validated in approved labs

Standards and Regulations                                      14
Developing a hEN
(without TS stage)

Standards and Regulations   15
Timeline for hEN (umbrella standard)

 Target dates
 Signature of the contract                          T0
 Circulation of 1st draft (stage 20.60)             T0 + 12 months
 Dispatch TS draft to CCMC (stage 30.99)            T0 + 16 months
 Definitive TS text is available (stage 60.60)      T0 + 24 months
 Dispatch Enquiry draft to CCMC (stage 30.99)       T0 + 30 months
 Dispatch Formal Vote draft to CCMC (stage 45.99)   T0 + 42 months
 Definitive EN text is available (stage 60.60)      T0 + 48 months

Standards and Regulations                                            16
Timeline for EN (+ collaborative study)

 Target dates
 Signature of the contract                          T0
 Circulation of 1st draft (stage 20.60)             T0 + 12 months
 Start collaborative study                          T0 + 16 months
 Collaborative study report is available            T0 + 24 months
 Dispatch Enquiry draft to CCMC (stage 30.99)       T0 + 30 months
 Dispatch Formal Vote draft to CCMC (stage 45.99)   T0 + 42 months
 Definitive EN text is available (stage 60.60)      T0 + 48 months

Standards and Regulations                                            17
National standard body in the Netherlands
• NEN is an independent not-for-profit institute
• NEN has no direct interest in the content of standards
• Over more than 100 years, NEN provides a neutral platform where
  different stakeholders can meet and reach agreement
• NEN-committees contribute to/develop clearly defined and usable
  agreements which have a broad support

National standards bodies around the world (NEN and many others):
• can perform the role of secretariat for CEN- and/or ISO-technical
  (sub)committees or working groups
• can assist (inter)national stakeholders with setting up a CEN-
  and/or ISO-technical committee for a new topic
• may provide explanations regarding the development of standards
  to (inter)national stakeholders

Zarra de Laat,
Consultant AgroFood & Consument
T +31 152 690 535
M +31 6 1145 5670

Hieke Reijnhoudt,
Consultant AgroFood & Consument
T +31 152 690 224
M +31 6 3333 4655

Vlinderweg 6, NL-2623 AX Delft
P.O. Box 5059, NL-2600 GB Delft

Standards and Regulations                   19
TOP 3 ECN’s approach to the standardisation work
▪ All analytical methods for compost and digestate will worked out by CN/TC
  223 soil improver and growing media
▪ CEN/TC 223 Secretariat: NEN – Standardisation body of the Netherlands
▪ ECN liaison with CEN/TC 223, no voting rights but can nominate experts for
  the specific working groups under CEN/TC 223
▪ Involvement in national standardisation bodies

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TOP 3 ECN’s approach to the standardisation work
Parameter                    Analytical method          PFC/CMC
Organic Carbon               EN 15936                   PFC 1(A)/(B), PFC 3

Nitrogen (total              EN 13654-2, EN 13645-1,    PFC 1(A)/(B), PFC 3
                             EN 15561, NEN 7438
Ammonical, nitric and urea   EN 15604, EN 16652, EN     PFC1(A)/(B), PFC 3
nitrogen                     13651
P2O5, K2O2, MgO, Na2O        EN 13650, EN 16174, Det.   PFC 1(A)/(B)
                             ISO 11885, TS 16170,
Copper, Zink, inorganic      EN 13650, Det. ISO 11885   PFC 1(A)/(B)

Cd, Ni, Hg, PB               EN 13650 EN 1696 4; Det.   PFC 1(A)/(B), PFC 3, PFC 4
                             EN 16319 or ISO 11885
                             (Cd/Ni/Pb); EN 16320 or
                             ISO 16772 for Hg ….
SO3 content                  EN 15925, Det: EN 15749    PFC 1(A)/(B),

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TOP 3 ECN’s approach to the standardisation work
Parameter              Analytical method         PFC/CMC
Chrom total            EN 13650                  PFC 1(A)/(B), PFC 3

Chrom VI               EN 15192, EN 16318, EN    PFC 1(A)/(B), PFC 3
                       ISO 17075-2
Biuret content         ISO 18643                 PFC1(A)/(B)
Chloride content       EN 16195                  PFC 1(A)/(B), PFC 3

Phosphonate content    To be developed           PFC 1(A)/(B), PFC 3

Dry matter             EN 13040, ISO/Dis 19745   PFC 1(A)/(B), PFC 3, PFC 4

Salmonella spp         EN ISO 6579 or CEN/TR     PFC 1(A)/(B), PFC 3, PFC 4

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TOP 3 ECN’s approach to the standardisation work
Parameter                    Analytical method           PFC/CMC
E.coli                       ISO 16649-2 or EN ISO       PFC 1(A)/(B), PFC 3, PFC 4
                             9308-3 of CEN/TR 16193      PFC

Enterococcaceae              EN 15788 or EN ISO 7899-1   PFC 1(A)/(B), PFC 3, PFC 4
Quantity                     (t.b.d.); EN 12580, EN      (PFC 1(A)/(B)), PFC 3, PFC 4
pH                           EN 13037                    PFC 3, PFC 4
Electrical conductivity      EN 13038                    PFC 3 , PFC 4
PAH16                        EN 16181                    CMC 3, CMC 5
Impurities                   CEN/TS 16202                CMC 3, CMC 5

Time- temperature profiles   To be developed             CMC 3, CMC 5

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TOP 3 ECN’s approach to the standardisation work
Parameter                   Analytical method   PFC/CMC
Oxygen update Rate          EN 16087-1          CMC 3, , CMC 4, CMC 5

Self-heating test           EN 16087-2          CMC 3

Residual biogas potential   OFW004-004          CMC 4, CMC 5

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TOP 3.1 Identification of critical work items
Parameter                   Analytical method   Remark
Oxygen update Rate          EN 16087-1          Further discussion TOP 4.1

Self-heating test           EN 16087-2
Residual biogas potential   OFW004-004
Impurities                  EN/TS 16202         Further discussion TOP 4.2
                                                Validation failed, important support of dry
                                                sieving method against washing and
Time-temperature profiles   To be developed     S. TOP 4.3 Engagement by ECN members
Organic nitrogen            To be developed     s. TOP 4.4
PAH16                       EN 16181            s. TOP 4.5

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TOP 3.2 ECN Task group/project organisation for standardisation work
 ▪ ECN members are asked to nominate experts for the working groups under
   CEN/TC 223
                                  WG 4         WG 5      WG 6
                    WG 3                                         WG 7 Chemical WG 8 Physical
Working group:                  Analytical    Micro-    Harmoni-
                  Sampling                                       contaminants contaminants
                                methods       biology    sation

                   Howard        Andreas                Laurent    Dearbhail Ni          Arjen
Convenor:                                       ???
                   Burnett     Baumgarten               Largant     Chualain ?        Brinkmann

Country              UK            AT          (UK?)      FR            IE                   NL

                   Sampling                    E.coli,
                                Corganic                           Heavy metals
Work item           Time-                     Enteroc. Nutrients                          Impurities
                                Stability                              PAH
                 temperature                 Salmonella

Nominated                       SI (ECN)

                                                                             10.03.2020      26 /
TOP 4.1 Stability (OUR/Self Heating Test/Residual Biogas
Requirements for stability in the EU Fertilising Products Regulation

  Criteria                                          CMC 3             CMC 5
                                                   compost           digestate
  Self heating test (Rottegrad)       Class III – IV – V
  Oxygen uptake rate                  ≤ 25 mmol O2/kg OM/h   ≤ 25 mmol O2/kg OM/h
  Residual biogas potential                                  ≤ 25 l biogas/g VS

              Rottegrad class      Maximum
                                temperature (°C)
                     V              20-30
                                                             ?                ?
                     I               >60

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TOP 4.1 Stability (OUR/Self Heating Test/Residual Biogas
How easy/difficult is it to achieve the required criteria / limit values ?
  green compost                         CMC 3
                                       compost     average   median   stdev   25pctile 75pctile 95pctile
   self heating rate          -         III-IV-V      V        V        -        V        V       IV
   Temperature               °C
TOP 4.1 Stability (OUR/Self Heating Test/Residual Biogas
▪ Discussion on OUR during last meeting (sept 2019)
▪ Compost stability: EU FERT limit value OUR ≤ 25 mmol O2/kg OM/h

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TOP 4.1 Stability (OUR/Self Heating Test/Residual Biogas
▪ Is oxitop/OUR a suitable parameter for digestate products ?
▪ limit value OUR ≤ 25 mmol O2/kg OM/h => hard to achieve for digestate
▪ What with other organic fertilisers / soil improvers ?
         product                                               mmol O2/kg VS/h   reference
                                                                 incub: 20°C
         cattle manure                                               29,1        ILVO
         solid fraction cattle slurry                                36,4        ILVO
         composted cattle manure                                     8,3         ILVO
         processed chicken manure                                     60         ILVO
         biothermal dried chicken manure + biowaste                70-100        Vlaco
         green compost                                               2-5         Vlaco
         solid fraction digestate                                   12-25        Vlaco
         dried digestate                                            15-35        Vlaco
         post-composted solid fraction digestate +
         substrate                                                 2,4-7,1       Arbor, Biorefine
         post-composted solid fraction digestate - substrate        13,1         Arbor, Biorefine

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TOP 4.1 Stability (OUR/Self Heating Test/Residual Biogas
▪ BE: CMA method: incubation at 20°C  EN 16087-1: incubation at 30°C
▪ Research VITO: Q10-factor: influence on OUR when ΔT = +10°C
▪ Solid digestate products: Q10 = x1,8 (solid fraction), x1,6 (dried digestate)

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TOP 4.1 Stability (OUR/Self Heating Test/Residual Biogas
▪ With other CMC’s: no criteria for stability
▪ Examples:
    ▪   CMC 1: Virgin material substances and mixtures
    ▪   CMC 2: Plants, plant parts or plant extracts
    ▪   CMC 6: Food industry by-products
    ▪   CMC 10: Derived products within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009

         An EU fertilising product may contain derived products within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No
         1069/2009 having reached the end point in the manufacturing chain as determined in accordance with
         that Regulation, and which are listed in the following table and as specified therein ( 12 ): …

         => What if compost or digestate are listed in the “following table” (not yet listed) ?

    ▪ CMC 11: By-products within the meaning of Directive 2008/98/EC

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TOP 4.1 Stability (OUR/Self Heating Test/Residual Biogas
▪ Is Residual Biogas Potential a suitable parameter for digestate products ?
▪ limit value RBP ≤ 0,25 liter biogas/g VS
▪ Limited analyses (not a common QA parameter)
▪ Some data: WRAP, 2010: Residual biogas potential test for digestates
▪ Method is described: OFW004-004

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TOP 4.1 Stability (OUR/Self Heating Test/Residual Biogas
Residual Biogas Potential (WRAP, 2010)

                                              Dried digestate

  Raw/whole digestate

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TOP 4.1 Stability (OUR/Self Heating Test/Residual Biogas
▪ Some recent results from Vlaco (intermediate results after 26 days)

                                                       RBP              OUR            OUR
    product                                     liter biogas/g VS   mmol/kg VS/h   mmol/kg VS/h
                                                                     incub: 20°C    incub: 30°C
    dried digestate (without manure)                  0,16              22,0           35,2
    solid fraction digestate (without manure)         0,05               9,0           16,2
    solid fraction digestate (with manure)            0,07              16,0           28,8

▪ Preliminary conclusions: RBP is a better parameter for compliance than OUR
▪ Cost: OUR = 70 €, RBP = 220 € (incl. VAT) per sample

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TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
▪ Notifying Authority (to be determined per member state) = competent
  authority for fertilising products
▪ Conformity Assessment Bodies (CAB): independent bodies that
  perform the assessments = audits
▪ The CAB needs accreditation (issued by national accreditation body)
▪ Standard for accreditation ISO/IEC 17065: Conformity assessment -
  Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services
▪ For OFSI containing compost (CMC3) and digestate (CMC5), module D1
  applies (Quality assurance of the production process)
▪ All analyses need to be done by accredited labs ISO/IEC 17025

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TOP 4.3 Determination and monitoring of time temperature
  Parameter             Analytical method   Remarks

  Time-Temperature      BGK Method book     Measurement once per day,
  01/04/2024                                Closed systems:
                                            measurement of temperature in
                                            exhaust air,
                                            Open windrow systems:
                                            measurement points basis,
                                            core, boundaries

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TOP 4.4 Determination of organic nitrogen (Norg)
Requested in Annex III Part II‚ Product Specific Labelling Requirements for
▪ PFC 1(A) Organic fertiliser (a),b),c))
▪ PFC 1 (B) Organo-mineral fertiliser (a),b),c),d),e))
▪ PFC3 (A) Organic soil improver (a)for C/N ratio, b))

Declaration of nitrogen as % by mass:
a) Total nitrogen
b) Minimum amount of organic nitrogen (Norg), followed by a description of
    the origin of the organic matter used
c) Nitrogen in form of ammonical nitrogen
d) Nitrogen in form of nitric nitrogen
e) Nitrogen in from of urea nitrogen

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TOP 4.4 Determination of organic nitrogen (Norg)
Parameter                     Analytical method          Proposal

Total Nitrogen (Ntotal)
                              EN 13654-2 or –EN 13654-
                              1, EN 15561, NEN 7438
Organic Nitrogen (Norg)       To be developed            Norg= Ntotal – (NH4-N + NO3-

Ammonical Nitrogen (NH4-N)    EN 15604, EN 16652, EN     Determination of NH4-N,
                              13651                      NO3-N
                                                         EN 38406 E5
                                                         Extraction with Ca2Cl
                                                         EN 13652
                                                         Extraction of waster soluble
Nitric Nitrogen (NO2-N)       EN 15604

Urea Nitrogen (CO(NH2)2 + 2   EN 15604

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TOP 4.5 Determination of the PAH16 content in composts and digestates
  Parameter             Analytical method    Proposal/ Remarks

  PAH16                 EN 16181

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TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
▪ Notifying Authority (to be determined per member state) = competent
  authority for fertilising products
▪ Conformity Assessment Bodies (CAB): independent bodies that
  perform the assessments = audits
▪ The CAB needs accreditation (issued by national accreditation body)
▪ Standard for accreditation ISO/IEC 17065: Conformity assessment -
  Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services
▪ For OFSI containing compost (CMC3) and digestate (CMC5), module D1
  applies (Quality assurance of the production process)
▪ All analyses need to be done by accredited labs ISO/IEC 17025

                                                        10.03.2020   41 /
TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
                                                                           Investigation of the
 notifying authority of
                                                                            notification by the
    member state
                                                                          European Commission

                   Accreditation                   control

   authorisation of a
 conformity assessment
      body (CAB)

                                         conformity assessment
                                              body (CAB)
                                                                                     Market surveillance
                                   testing,                      EU declaration of
                                   inspection,                      conformity

                                   Conformity assessment                         Free EU market

                                                                                                   42 /
TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
▪ European Commission: no initiative for a Technical Working Group on
  Conformity Assessment (like TG Labelling)
▪ Will the initiative for CAB come from the market ? Existing bodies that
  already perform certification for other products/processes/services ?
▪ Who will provide the CAB with the technical finesses of composting
  and anaerobic digestion of biowaste ?
▪ Article 36: Coordination of notified bodies
   The Commission shall ensure that appropriate coordination and cooperation between bodies
   notified under this Regulation are put in place and properly operated in the form of a sectoral
   group of notified bodies.
   Notified bodies shall participate in the work of that group, directly or by means of designated
▪ Input from ECN ?

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TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
Benchmark between ECN-QAS Conformity Assessed scheme and CE label
– some of the requirements

EU FERT – module D1 requirement

ECN-QAS requirement


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TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
The manufacturer shall establish the technical documentation. The documentation shall make it
possible to assess the EU fertilising product’s conformity with the relevant requirements, and shall
include an adequate analysis and assessment of the risk(s).

3 Operation Quality
This chapter lays down the principle of quality management as applied by composting plants.

It would be best to set up a list of all required documentation for both composting and anaerobic
digestion. Many elements are already described in the ECN-QAS.

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TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
The technical documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and cover, as far as relevant for
the assessment, the design, manufacture and intended use of the EU fertilising product.

3.1 General data
General data constitute a summary of operational and plant data that shall be collected and stored in
a centralised place.


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TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
The technical documentation shall contain, where applicable, at least the following elements:
(d) drawings, schemes, descriptions and explanations necessary for the understanding of the
manufacturing process of the EU fertilising product, and, in relation to compost belonging to CMC 3 or
digestate belonging to CMC 5, as defined in Annex II, a written description and a diagram of the
production process, where each treatment, storage vessel and area is clearly identified,

3.1.1 Plant description
The plant description shall include a process model (Annex C 1) identifying control points. Further
process control records for the assessment of the operational procedures should be kept.

Plan with area for acceptance of waste, area for pre-treatment, area for composting, indicated area
for time/temperature monitoring, quarantine area, area for maturing, for posttreatment, for stock
and sale

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TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
The technical documentation shall contain, where applicable, at least the following elements:
e) a specimen of the label or the leaflet, or both, referred to in Article 6(7) containing the information
required in accordance with Annex III,

4.5 Compost declaration and labelling
The following information shall be provided with the compost product dispatched from the
composting facility (whether the product is packaged or unpackaged), either written on the packaging
or on accompanying fact sheets (see Annex C I 6)

See outcome of the TG Labelling: what info is required

                                                                                       10.03.2020   48 /
TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
The technical documentation shall contain, where applicable, at least the following elements:
(g) results of calculations made, including the calculations to demonstrate conformity with point 5 of
Part II of Annex I (MRL’s), examinations carried out, etc.,

no determination of MRL issues

Best is a global exclusion for MRL issues on the basis of acceptance protocol

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TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
The technical documentation shall contain, where applicable, at least the following elements:
(h) test reports,

4.3 Compost analysis

Harmonisation of standards and some new parameters involved

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TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
The technical documentation shall contain, where applicable, at least the following elements:
(i) where the EU fertilising product contains or consists of derived products within the meaning of
Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009, the commercial documents or health certificates required pursuant to
that Regulation, and evidence that the derived products have reached the end point in the
manufacturing chain within the meaning of that Regulation,


List of derived products (and requirements) that have reached the end-point in the manufacturing
chain: current situation ? If compost and digestate on the list, will this be CMC10 or remain CMC3/5 ?

                                                                                   10.03.2020   51 /
TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
The manufacturer shall operate an approved quality system for production, final product inspection and testing of the EU fertilising
products concerned as specified in point 5, and shall be subject to surveillance as specified in point 6.

5 Certification Process
5.1 Procedure of quality assurance
Quality assurance of operational processes shall be evidenced by:
• the recognition procedure (initial on-site inspection) performed by the QAO,
• continuous internal production control, and
• regular third-party inspection by the QAO.
5.1.4 External quality control
External quality control is the key process for compost production and product approval. It is the pre-requisite for the appropriate
marketing of compost in line with ECN-QAS.
5.1.6 Periodical third-party surveillance
The QAO shall perform an on-site inspection at minimum once every two years.
Special attention shall be given to the following aspects:
• Follow-up of the results of initial testing,
• Control of quality management according to ECN-QAS quality manual

do we need a procedure for time/temperature check by the CAB to check the monitoring made by the manufacturer ? This should be
part of the audit by the CAB.

                                                                                                                10.03.2020        52 /
TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
The manufacturer shall implement a quality system which shall ensure compliance of the EU fertilising
products with the requirements of this Regulation that apply to them.

plants operate according to the ECN-QAS quality manual

Most of the requirements for EU FERT are listed in ECN-QAS, others are not and should be added, and
others are unclear, such as:
senior management of the manufacturer’s organisation shall ensure that appropriate communication
processes are established within and outside the organisation and that communication take place
regarding the effectiveness of the quality management

                                                                                  10.03.2020   53 /
TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
The quality system shall cover the examinations and tests to be carried out before, during and after
manufacture with a specified frequency.

5.1.6 Periodical third-party surveillance
The QAO shall perform an on-site inspection at minimum once every two years.
4.3 Compost analysis
The ECN-QAS includes regular sample taking and compost analysis of the relevant quality parameters
conducted by independent laboratories (see chapter 4.3.3).

Frequency of auditing and sampling/analysis is described in EU FERT

                                                                                   10.03.2020   54 /
TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
(f) The output material samples shall be taken on a regular basis with at least the following frequency: Annual input (tonnes)
Samples / year
≤ 3 000            1
3 001 – 10 000     2
10 001 – 20 000 3
20 001 – 40 000 4
40 001 – 60 000 5
60 001 – 80 000 6
80 001 – 100 000 7
100 001 – 120 000 8
120 001 – 140 000 9
140 001 – 160 000 10
160 001 – 180 000 11
> 180 000           12

In the following years – during the monitoring procedure – the frequency of compost analyses and sample taking should be calculated
on the basis of following equation as a minimum requirement:
Amount of input material / 10.000 [t] + 1 = Analyses per year, 12 per year at maximum.
A positive number behind the dot must be upgraded.

                          Not completely equal

                                                                                                                10.03.2020       55 /
TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
(g) If any tested output material sample fails one or more of the applicable limits specified in the relevant sections of Annexes I and II,
the person responsible for quality management referred to in point shall:
(i) clearly identify the non-conforming output materials and their storage place,
(ii) analyse the reasons of the non-conformity and take any necessary action to avoid its repetition,
(iii) record in the quality records referred to in point 5.1.4 if reprocessing takes place, or if the output material is eliminated.


This means, that if an exceedence appears, action needs to be taken. There is not a go/no go whenever 1 parameter is not in line with
the requirements. We will have to discuss the cases:
- lab deviation/doubtful result
- single non compliance
- repeatable non compliance
- margin for corrective measures
- tolerance with respect to the limit value

                                                                                                                   10.03.2020        56 /
TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
For compost belonging to CMC 3 and digestate belonging to CMC 5, as defined in Annex II, the quality records shall demonstrate effective control of input
materials, production, storage and compliance of input- and output materials with the relevant requirements of this Regulation. Each document shall be
legible and available at its relevant place(s) of use, and any obsolete version shall be promptly removed from all places where it is used, or at least
identified as obsolete. The quality management documentation shall at least contain the following information:
(a) a title, (b) a version number,
(c) a date of issue, (d) the name of the person who issued it,
(e) records about the effective control of input materials,
(f) records about the effective control of the production process,
(g) records about the effective control of the output materials,
(h) records of non-conformities,
(i) reports on all accidents and incidents that occur to the site, their known or suspected causes and actions taken,
(j) records of the complaints expressed by third parties and how they have been addressed,
(k) a record of the date, type and topic of training followed by the persons responsible for the quality of the product,
(l) results of internal audit and actions taken, and
(m) results of external audit review and actions taken.


(a) to (d): document management in a quality system
(e): a procedure: yes, recording of the control of input materials: through the input register/registration
(f): critical control points of the process and compost diary
(g): all analyses
(h) - (i): register
(j): complaints register
(k): training dates: HR
(l) and (m): quality manual of the plant

                                                                                                                             10.03.2020          57 /
TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
The notified body shall assess the quality system to determine whether it satisfies the requirements
referred to in point 5.1.

5.1 Procedure of quality assurance
Quality assurance of operational processes shall be evidenced by:
• the recognition procedure (initial on-site inspection) performed by the QAO,
• continuous internal production control, and
• regular third-party inspection by the QAO.

to determine: QAO becomes a notified CAB

                                                                                   10.03.2020   58 /
TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
For compost belonging to CMC 3 and digestate belonging to CMC 5, as defined in Annex II, the notified body shall take and analyse output material samples
during each audit, and the audits shall be carried out with the following frequency:
(a) during the notified body’s first year of surveillance of the plant in question: the same frequency as the sampling frequency indicated in the table
included in point; and
(b) during the following years of surveillance: half the sampling frequency indicated in the table included in point

4.3 Compost analysis
The ECN-QAS includes regular sample taking and compost analysis of the relevant quality parameters conducted by independent laboratories (see chapter
It is recommended on account of long years experiences to have 100 % external sampling. In agreement with the ECN-QAS it can be admitted that up to 50
% of the samples can be taken by the correspondingly educated plant manager.
At least four inspections for composting plants with a treatment capacity > 4000 t input material per year should be carried out during the first year of
operation - one for every season – to asses the essential quality characteristics over the course of the year. Generally one sample should be taken every
three months.
In the following years – during the monitoring procedure – the frequency of compost analyses and sample taking should be calculated on the basis of
following equation as a minimum requirement:
Amount of input material / 10.000 [t] + 1 = Analyses per year, 12 per year at maximum.
A positive number behind the dot must be upgraded.

the CAB that carries out the audits, also has to be the sample taker. This means that an accreditation according to ISO 17065 would also require sampling of
compost/digestate. This tasks could also be performed by a subcontractor, but this sample taker needs to be accredited as well.
If this is well understood, from year +1 half the sampling can be carried out by other persons than the auditor (auto-control allowed, or only independent
other sample takers ?)

                                                                                                                              10.03.2020          59 /
TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
In addition, the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the manufacturer. During such visits the notified body
may, if necessary, carry out product tests, or have them carried out, in order to verify that the quality system is
functioning correctly. The notified body shall provide the manufacturer with a visit report and, if tests have been
carried out, with a test report.


How can you organise this ? Who will claim that extra visits are necessary ? Who will be responsible ? Who will
assess that this is truely necessary ?

                                                                                                10.03.2020     60 /
TOP 4.6 Conformity Assessment procedure
The manufacturer shall draw up a written EU declaration of conformity for an EU fertilising product or type and keep
it, together with the technical documentation at the disposal of the national authorities for 5 years after the EU
fertilising product has been placed on the market. The EU declaration of conformity shall identify the EU fertilising
product or type for which it has been drawn up.


Will the national authority carry out visits to treatment plants ? Will the work of the CAB be overlooked by the
competent authority ? With which frequency will this happen ? Only in the Member State of production, or also
market surveillance in the Member State of trade/application ?

                                                                                               10.03.2020     61 /
TOP 5 Update on the EU Fertilising Product Regulation
TOP5.1 EU Guidance document for labelling
        Irmgard Leifert (Reterra)
TOP 5.2 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the EU Fertilising Product Regulation
        Stefanie Siebert (ECN)
TOP 5.3 Further amendments on the EU Fertilising Product Regulation
        Stefanie Siebert (ECN)

                                                                 10.03.2020   62 /
TOP 5.1 EU Guidance document for labelling
Guidance document for labelling – last ‚working document‘ from 17 of February
• What does “ingredients” mean and how to label them?
• In the specific case of fertilising products containing composts
  and/or digestate, it is recommended to complete the list of
  ingredients with the raw materials used.
• Examples:
    • Compost, CMC 3 (Bio-Compost) or Compost CMC 3 (Green-Compost)
    • Digestate CMC5 (Dried digestate from manure, energy crops and bio-
      waste) or Digestate CMC5 (Solid fraction digestate from energy crops and
      bio-waste from plant origin)

                                                                 10.03.2020   63 /
TOP 5.1 EU Guidance document for labelling
Guidance document for labelling – last ‘working document’ from 17 of February
• How to provide information on the general application rates?
    - Further discussion in Task Force meeting 19 Febr. – no results available
    - Recommendation to distinguish between „end-user“ categories;
          • Consumer use (i.e. private households, weekend gardeners),
             • Detailed information application rate for crops
         • Professional use (i.e. public domain, farmers),
             • General application rate and reference sentence: “Contact Company XY
             for more specific recommendations”
             • “Farmers are encouraged to avoid over-fertilization and to take official
             recommendations into account while drawing fertilization plan.”
         • Industrial use (i.e. use of substances as such or in preparation at
           industrial site, B-to-B
             • “This product is for further processing to a finished fertilising product and
               not available for direct application/use at moment.”

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TOP 5.1 EU Guidance document for labelling
Guidance document for labelling – last ‘working document’ from 17 of February
How to provide the information of risk management?
• A generic sentence such as “To avoid risks to human health and the
    environment, please comply with the recommended use instructions of this
    fertilizing product” can be used.
• According to Annex III, part I points 4 to 7 of FPR, in the following specific
    cases, add the sentences mentioned below:
     • Where the EU fertilising product contains ricin,
• ‘Hazardous to animals in case of ingestion’.
     • Where the EU fertilising product contains unprocessed or processed cocoa
        ‘Toxic to dogs and cats’.

                                                                 10.03.2020   65 /
TOP 5.1 EU Guidance document for labelling
Guidance document for labelling – last ‚working document‘ from 17 of February
How to describe the origin of organic matter when declaring Norg ?
• It is under the responsibility of the manufacturer to provide pertinent
  information on the origin of the organic matter in organic soil improver.
  However, the description of the origin of the organic matter should at
  least mention:
     • “From bio-waste origin” if the product contains only bio-waste as raw
       material providing organic nitrogen.
     • “From bio-waste from plant origin” if the product contains only bio-waste
       from plant origin as raw material for providing organic nitrogen.
•    ECN – An additional information for declaration of the origin of Norg
    should be given according to the description of ingredients.

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TOP 5.1 EU Guidance document for labelling
Guidance document for labelling – last „working „ document from 17 of
February (5)
Labelling document: Regulatory reference, explanation and voluntary additions
    • The product fulfils the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 of Annex I Part
      II PFC 3(A) Organic Soil Improver and of Annex II Part II CMC 3 Compost.
    • The product fulfils the requirements of Regulation (EU) 889/2008 (Organic
      production and labelling of organic products with regard to organic production)
    • The production process and the product has been externally controlled according
      to Annex IV Part II Module D: Quality Assurance of the Production Process of
      Regulation (EU) No 2019/1009.
    • It should be considered that the requirements for the minimum guaranteed
      contents of a product should apply at the timing of production to be assessed at
      the conformity assessment.

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TOP 5.1 EU Guidance document for labelling
Guidance document for labelling
– last ‚working document‘ from
  17 of February

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TOP 5.2 FAQs on the EU Fertilising Product Regulation
▪ ECN submitted FAQs on 4 December 2019

▪ No responses so far

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TOP 5.3 Further amendments on the EU Fertilising Product Regulation
ECN has submitted comments on DOC10 of DG GROW and further amendments
on the EU Fertilising Product Regulation

▪ Ecoli/Entorococcaceae limits to be respected at the moment of the
  production and up to the delivery from the production plant of PFC 1(A), 3, 4.

▪ Clarifying definition of CMC 2 (plants, plant parts or plant extracts) by
  excluding bio-waste within the meaning of Directive 2008/98/EC (WFD) and
  any plant materials from agriculture and forestry, which do not fall under WFD
  and which are possibly infected with epidemiological relevant plant diseases
  or traces of mycotoxins

                                                                  10.03.2020   70 /
TOP 5.3 Further amendments on the EU Fertilising Product Regulation
ECN has submitted comments on DOC10 of DG GROW and further amendments
on the EU Fertilising Product Regulation:

▪ Time-temperature profiles adding the sentence that the producer is allowed
  to apply an alternative time temperature profile for which he can
  demonstrate equivalent effectiveness for hygienisation as the indicated time
  temperature profiles in the regulation.

▪ Adding food waste, food washing waste, sludges from food and feed
  processing plants as input materials for composting and anaerobic digestion

                                                                 10.03.2020   71 /
TOP 6 Conclusion and next steps
Next step:
26-27 March meeting of Commission Expert Group on Fertilisers
    • 3.3 The guidance document on the visual appearance of labels for EU
      For final discussion and endorsement

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TOP 7 Any other business
25 May 2020     ECN Annual meeting (2-6pm)
26 May 2020     EP breakfast debate on Soil organic matter and compost
                hosted by MEP Bogovic and MEP Katainen (7:30-9:30 am)

                                                               10.03.2020   73 /
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