Europe's turning point - Technical appendix October 2021 - Deloitte

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Europe's turning point - Technical appendix October 2021 - Deloitte
Europe’s turning point
Technical appendix
October 2021
Europe's turning point - Technical appendix October 2021 - Deloitte

Europe’s turning point: Technical appendix    2

     1. Definitions                           4

     2. D.CLIMATE modelling                   6

     3. Policy scenario                      20

     4. Discounting the future               25

     5. Limitations                          26

Endnotes                                     28

Authors                                      34

Deloitte Economics Institute                 35

Acknowledgments                              35
Europe’s turning point

Europe’s turning point:
Technical appendix

In 1990, the first Intergovernmental Panel on Climate     The Deloitte Economics Institute strongly recognises
Change (IPCC) report concluded that human-caused          the limitations of integrated assessment modelling
climate change would become apparent, but it could        (IAMs) – and determining relationships between GHG
not confirm that it was currently happening.              emissions, global surface temperature and economic
                                                          impacts. But equally, we recognise that economics
Published in August of this year, the latest IPCC sixth
                                                          can provide useful insights for rapid decision-making
assessment report provides the most up-to-date
                                                          today, and not discount the pragmatic in pursuit of
physical understanding of the climate system and
                                                          the perfect.
climate change. In this assessment, the evidence
is clear that the climate has changed since the           In this context, the economic modelling conducted
preindustrial era and that human activities are the       in this analysis for research purposes has several
principal cause.                                          objectives and seeks to overcome limitations:
With more data and improved models, the                   y   The results indicate an order of magnitude
assessment gives improved estimates and narrower              impact on gross domestic product (GDP) and
ranges compared to the previous assessment.                   other economic variables over the next 50
Global surface temperature will continue to increase          years. These results should not be interpreted
until at least the mid-century under all emissions            as predictions or ‘most likely’ estimates of
scenarios considered in the assessment. Global                climate change impacts. The modelling instead
warming of 1.5°C and 2°C will be exceeded during              provides a consistent framework through which
the 21st century unless deep reductions in carbon             to understand the economic difference between
dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas (GHG)                  possible future worlds – one with climate change
emissions occur in the coming decades. There is               impacts and one without. Establishing a long-
greater certainty that with every additional increment        term view of the impact – albeit narrowed down
of global warming, changes in extremes will become            to precise scenario specifications – enables us
larger – for example, every additional 0.5°C of global        to draw conclusions as to trade-offs and the
warming causes distinct increases in the intensity            direction of change in economies. This is true for
and frequency of hot extremes, including heatwaves,           both high emissions, high temperature increase
heavy precipitation as well as agricultural and               pathways and low emissions, lower temperature
ecological droughts in some regions.                          increase pathways.
Modelling the economic impacts of the physical risks      y   In the absence of transformation, a pathway
from climate change and the economic impacts of               of higher emissions and higher global surface
mitigation and adaptation pathways can be fraught,            temperature is considered as our baseline
but not insurmountable. The economics discipline              outlook for the world. In this outlook, there will
has spent several decades debating the benefits and           be economic damages from climate change.
limitations of the established techniques to derive           While there are several probable scenarios
economic estimates. To this day, while there remain           as to emissions profiles and corresponding
many uncertainties and technical limitations on what          temperature increases, all paths will result in
macroeconomic models can reasonably conclude,                 some degree of climate change damage. In our
economic techniques have improved to integrate                work, we adopt a single, higher-emission and
views of the physical climate and economies and               higher temperature future pathway (see section
provide important insights into the choices that can          2.1) that offers the basis for an integrated view
be made to drive prosperity.                                  of chronic physical damages becoming a trend.

Technical appendix

    This baseline outlook seeks to demonstrate         costs associated with a choice to not act. To this end,
    that choosing a path of no change from current     economic analysis of climate change is important
    global emissions trends is not costless to the     to reframe the debate and inform decision-making
    economy.1 Economic growth does not, and            today, in full understanding of the limitations of both
    will not, occur uninterrupted as and when the      science and economics.
    climate changes.
                                                       Governments, business and communities all need
y   In reference to this baseline outlook, a view      to accelerate decision-making to decarbonise, and
    to the costs and benefits of mitigation and        this requires economic analysis that accounts for the
    adaptation can more reasonably be considered.      climate. If we can’t reframe the starting point – that
    To inform this, we model a single pathway          inaction comes with significant economic costs –
    of economic transformation that decouples          then any action on climate change will always appear
    emissions intensity from the system of economic    as an unreasonable cost to society and economies.
    production. This is a view to decarbonisation of
                                                       Any economic change will have a cost attached to it
    economies that aligns to a near net-zero GHG
                                                       – whether that is a change in the climate, or a change
    emission profile – compared to preindustrial
                                                       to decarbonise. It is about how we understand the
    levels – and limits global surface temperature
                                                       potential magnitude of those costs, the options to
    warming to as close to 1.5°C – well below 2°C
                                                       minimise them and how the choices we all make
    – by 2050. This decarbonisation pathway has
                                                       today determine the extent of them. There is a
    many variables attached to it. In our work, we
                                                       narrow, and closing, window of time to create a
    do not prescribe probability or likelihood to
                                                       new engine for sustainable economic prosperity
    this pathway, much like the baseline. Rather
                                                       while preventing the worst consequences of a
    the focus is on the sequencing, pace and scale
                                                       warming world.
    of economic actions and transformations that
    could support economies to decarbonise within      There is uncertainty in the economic impacts of
    a carbon budget that limits global surface         climate change and decarbonisation. But there is
    temperature warming to well below 2°C by 2050.     high confidence we will regret looking up in 2050 to
                                                       face a planet with warming and economic loss all
The goal is in understanding the economic rationale
                                                       because we did not try to understand the economic
for acting to avoid increases in global surface
                                                       rationale to change.
temperature and unmitigated climate change and

         IPCC sixth assessment and relationship to analysis
         The IPCC has released the Working Group I contribution to the Sixth assessment report (AR6)
         as the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change.
         AR6 outlines improved knowledge of climate processes, paleoclimate evidence and the
         response of the climate system to increasing radiative forcing (driven by higher greenhouse
         gas concentrations). AR6 provides the best estimate of equilibrium climate sensitivity of
         3°C, with a narrower range compared to the previous AR5. According to AR6, the global
         surface temperature will continue to increase until at least mid-century under all emissions
         scenarios considered. Global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C will be exceeded during the 21st
         century unless deep reductions in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions occur in the
         coming decades.
         The analysis using the D.CLIMATE model does not take a probabilistic approach to the
         baseline and net-zero scenarios. Rather, it models narrow economic impacts that relate
         to specific damage functions from the selected emission pathways, without assigning
         probability to the outcome. This approach is to inform a better framework for decision-
         making today, based on orders of magnitude of economic trade-offs over time.

Europe’s turning point

  1          Definitions

1.1 Net zero                                                     and technologies offset the transitions from
                                                                 emissions-intensive production processes.
The Deloitte Economics Institute has modelled a
scenario that reflects the world reaching net-zero               1.5 Deviations from baseline
GHG emissions by 2050. Of this, around 13.4Gt
Europe’s turning point                                           The turning point narrative is based on scenario
(or around 20 per cent) of CO2e is expected to
                                                                 analysis. The modelling does not provide a
be offset or captured via carbon sinks in 2050.2
                                                                 forecast of the future, but rather comparisons
The EU offset or captured emissions are                          between possible future worlds. The discussion of
benchmarked to feasible LULUCF, natural                          modelling results will usually describe the state of
and man-made carbon sinks by 2050, noting                        the economy in reference to an alternative future
that the likelihood of these becoming viable is                  – the deviation in a variable (like GDP) from one
enhanced by the modelled carbon price.                           scenario (i.e. transition) to another (i.e. inaction).
1.2 Close to 1.5°C world                                         1.5.1 Climate change impacts
This pathway to net zero for the world limits                    When comparing two alternative futures, a lower
global average warming to well below 2°C and                     GDP at the same point in time is not the same as
close to 1.5°C compared to preindustrial levels,                 having negative GDP growth. The example below
in alignment with current Paris Agreement                        demonstrates that comparing two GDP scenarios
objectives.  Thethe
In this report,  precise  warming
                    Deloitte        in global
                             Economics        average
                                          Institute              with and without the impacts of climate change
presentssurface temperature
           two scenarios.  Theused
                               first in modelling
                                      describes                  shows that both scenarios reflect an economy
is 1.7°C
what     above
       could    preindustrial
             happen           levels byof2100.
                     if the countries     the world
                                                                 that           change
                                                                      is still growing. Thewill  impact
                                                                                             impact   or ‘loss’our
                                                                                                                of GDP
       the planet                                                economic
                                                                 in 2022 due tofuture,        but a
                                                                                   climate change      path
                                                                                                    is the      to net
The           and to warm onimplications
                   economic    a path to 3ºC
                                           of higher
temperatures    by the end  of the century.
global temperature pathway are modelled     Theas the            zero can
                                                                 between     thecreate
                                                                                 two GDP new      opportunities
                                                                                           levels in figure 1 below.
second reveals
comparison       the economic
              scenario to a worldopportunities  for
                                   of climate inaction.          for Europe
Europe if the world limits global warming to as
       to 1.5°C3°C  world
                by mid-century.                                  FIGURE 1
1. economic     scenariofurther
      We do nothing         that relates
                                    and to   a pathway
                                          global                 Accounting    for climate
                                                                 The impact of accounting forchange    impacts
                                                                                              climate change
of climate  inaction.
      emissions    riseThe   socioeconomic
                          (‘around             and This
                                     3ºC world’):                on Europe’s growth path
emissions    pathways
      economic            underpinning
                  path represents         this exercise
                                      a future  with a
are broadly   consistent    with theemissions,
                                      SSP2-6.0 scenario           2021                2050          2070
      higher rate  of global  GHG                 where
(see there
      section  2.4.1).
                         The implied
                 no significant       temperature
                                  additional   mitigation                                                   Assumed growth
change   is 3°C
      efforts andabove    preindustrial
                   the global   averagelevels   by 2100.
                                           temperature                                                      GDP growth without
     increasespointby around    3°C by 2100. This scenario                                                  accounting for
1.4 Turning              concept                                                                            climate damage
     reflects a widely adopted set of emissions,
                                                                    GDP growth path

     economictoand   a net-zero  world
                         population      and limiting
warming    to astoclose
     referred             to 1.5°C requires
                     as SSP2-6.0.              an industrial
                                    This scenario    is
and economic
     regionalised  transformation
                      to the European thatcontinent
                                            would typically
                                                                                                            Corrected growth
occurtheover a centurywithin
          economies        to take
                         in just of
                                     The results   three
                                                      this                                                  GDP growth once
decades.    The are
     scenario    turning    point concept
                       presented             highlights
                                    as a deviation,   a                                                     climate damage is
that choosing
     comparison   to rapidly   accelerate
                      to a world   that doeswillnot
                                                    have that,                                              accounted for
despite  initialchange
     climate     costs, impacts
                                      and industries will
see dividends to this investment. It is a climatic
     We act decisively
2. economic
and                            andinquickly
                   turning point      the sense to hit
                                                   thatglobal    Source: Deloitte
                                                                 Source: DeloitteEconomics
     net  zero    by   mid-century      (‘close
the worst effects of climate change are avoided   to 1.5ºC
and the economic benefits of new industries a
                 This   economic    path  represents
     sequencing of efforts – by governments,
                                                                 If we do nothing further, global
4    businesses and citizens – to achieve net-zero
                                                                 emissions will rise
     emissions by 2050. This scenario would make
                                                                 This illustration depicts what Europe’s grow path
     it possible for us to limit warming to as close
Technical appendix

1.5.2 Deviations from a damaged baseline                           1.6 Decarbonisation
Unlike most modelling exercises, though, the                       Decoupling emissions from growth   in our
                                                                                                 Economics for acontext.
                                                                                                                 new climate
deviations presented in the net-zero scenario                      Emissions intensities do not change by industry,
involve a two-step calculation to account for the                  but the industrial composition and production
combined impact of avoided damages alongside                       processes adapt to rely on less emissions-intensive
transition costs. This is done to reflect the idea                 activities.
 2021a more appropriate
                2050       baseline
                                2070for modelling
                                                                   1.7 Clean energy and electricity
and decision-making is one that accounts for
                                          Assumed growth
climate impacts that arise from emissions-intensive                Includes solar, wind, nuclear, hydropower and
                                          GDP growth without
economic growth.                          accounting for
                                                                   geothermal production technologies. Zero-
                                              climate damage       emission hydrogen and bioenergy are included in
In a simple example, a region might be expected
                                                                   clean energy (see section 2.3.3).
  GDP growth path

to lose 3 per cent of output (figure 2) due to the
damages associated with less ambitious domestic/                   1.8 Conventional energy and electricity
global action on climate change. In a scenario
                                              Corrected growth      Includes coal, oil and gas as fuels and energy
where   they and the rest  of thecould
                                    world takeGDP more                   Rapid, coordinated
If we act  decisively,  Europe                    growth once      yproduction   as well as theirglobal
                                                                                                  use indecarbonisation
hit global net zero by mid-century climateloss
ambitious   action, there  might   be  a smaller          due
                                                     damage is           would   not only  limit  the
                                                                    production. Carbon capture, use   worst   effects is not
                                                                                                          and storage
to damages,   but  there will be  some    cost  associated
The net-zero scenario we present in this report         for
                                                                         of climate  change,   but  could   bring   an
                                                                    separately modelled.
with the
shows  howpolicies
             Europeenacted   to reduce
                      could limit  climateemissions.
                                           damage The                    economic and climate turning point:
results  presented   here show    the  combination
and achieve new growth. This illustration                of              Transitioning to a net-zero world and limiting
damages    and  transition costs,   relative
shows that rapid decarbonisation could offer to  the  more               warming as close to 1.5°C requires an industrial
more    damagesbenefits
                   from thetobaseline    scenario.
                               Europe than     our                       and economic transformation. The turning point
current trajectory, the path of inaction.                                concept highlights that choosing transition
FIGURE 2                                                                 will mean that, despite initial costs, countries
Net-zero scenario impacts compared to a                                  and industries could see dividends in terms of
climate-damaged baseline
The opportunity of new economic growth                                   avoided costs from climate damage and in the
under a net-zero scenario                                                form of new industries and technologies.

 2021               2050           2070                            y   The net gain or the turning point is
                                              Assumed growth           different for every economy: The turning
                                              GDP growth without       point is different for each economy because
                                              accounting for           it reflects the combined impacts of economic
                                              climate damage
                                                                       costs and benefits, the economic structure that
                                                                       creates growth today, and how that’s modelled
  GDP growth path

                                              Net-zero scenario
                                              Economic impact of       is impacted by decarbonisation. It also greatly
                                              decarbonisation          depends on the exposure to ‘locked-in’ climate
                                              Corrected growth
                                                                       change impacts as the world warms by at least
                                              GDP growth once          1.5°C over the coming decades.
                                              climate damage is
                                              accounted for             –   Costs:
                                                                            ƒ   The inevitable costs to the economy
                                                                                as it moves away from emissions-
Source: Deloitte
                           Institute.                                           intensive activity
                                                                            ƒ   The cost to the economy from global
                                                                                warming of at least 1.5ºC, even with strong
                                                                                global action to reach net zero by 2050
Pull quote?
                                                                        –   Benefits:
                                                                            ƒ   The benefit of avoiding costs from limiting
                                                                                global warming, instead of reaching
                                                                                around a 3ºC increase in global average
                                                                            ƒ   The benefit of a more productive and
                                                                                modern economy, where demand is
                                                                                being met as consumer and industry
                                                                                preferences change

Europe’s turning point

    2       D.CLIMATE modelling

2.1 Overview                                              it the functionality of a fully fledged integrated
                                                          assessment model (IAM). Unlike many IAMs, this
To date, most macroeconomic models and
                                                          model has multiple economic damages that vary
economic policy analysis are considered against a
                                                          by sector and region, and unlike many regional
‘baseline’ that assumes economic growth will occur
                                                          computable general equilibrium (CGE) models,
unhindered by rising concentrations of GHGs in
                                                          it has full integration with the global economy
the world’s atmosphere. The Deloitte Economics
                                                          through the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP)
Institute believes that this viewpoint does not hold
                                                          database and a complete set of emissions
true in practice – particularly in the long run – and
                                                          accounts covering CO2 and non-CO2 gases.5
therefore economic analysis and climate policy are
informed through a dated theoretical framework.           This work draws on, and contributes
                                                          to, three key streams of research:
Climate change impacts should not be considered
as a scenario ‘relative to’ a baseline of unconstrained   y   The primary stream is that which has
emissions-intensive growth – because in the                   pioneered, refined and expanded CGE
absence of fundamental societal and economic                  models, allowing for modelling of complex
shifts, the impacts of unmitigated climate change             and dynamic policies, like those required to
are the baseline. By excluding the economic impacts           affect a transition to a low-carbon environment
of climate change from economic baselines,                    (see Adams and Parmenter, 2013).6
decision-making misses a fundamental point.
                                                          y   Another stream is that which has followed the
A shift to understand and incorporate this                    same process of pioneering, refinement and
climate-affected baseline into decision-making                expansion, but for IAMs.7 The IAM stream,
is gaining momentum. The Network for Central                  in its initial phases, used a more aggregate
Banks and Supervisors for Greening the                        representation of the economy that allowed
Financial System, made up of 92 central banks,                for a stylised climate module.8 These models
has been a prominent example, developing                      sought to establish a link between the
guidance and scenarios to assist the financial                economic system potential damages associated
sector to better understand its climate risks.4               with climate change to be incorporated
                                                              to form an integrated (but simplified)
Understanding and accounting for the longer-
                                                              framework for assessing the decisions facing
term effects of climate change on productivity,
                                                              policymakers when it came to emissions
potential output and economic growth are
                                                              reduction targets (see Nordhaus, 2013).9
critical to understanding the likely future growth
path of the global economy, as well as the                y   The third and most recent stream is that which
distribution of disruptive climate impacts.                   seeks to combine the two described above
                                                              and provide the rich sectoral and policy detail
The Deloitte Economics Institute has invested in
                                                              inherent in modern CGE models, alongside
developing an extension of the in-house regional
                                                              climate feedback mechanisms that allow for
general equilibrium model (DAE-RGEM), giving
                                                              integrated assessment (see Kompas, 2018).10

Technical appendix

D.CLIMATE is an extension of a well-established                                an evolution in atmospheric GHG concentration
modelling methodology and policy analysis                                      that rises in line with a Representative
technique that seeks to ‘correct’ the typical business-                        Concentrative Pathway (RCP).
as-usual baseline assumed in most modelling.11
                                                                        y      Rising atmospheric concentrations of GHGs
D.CLIMATE is built on an economic modelling                                    causes global warming above preindustrial
framework that accounts for the economic impacts                               levels, as projected by a reduced complexity
of climate change and establishes a reference                                  climate model (the Model for the Assessment
case that can be modelled out to the year 2100 or                              of Greenhouse Gas Induced Climate Change,
beyond. The D.CLIMATE process and logic are as                                 MAGGICC).12
                                                                        y      Warming causes shifts in global climate patterns
y    The modelling produces a baseline economic                                and results in damages to the factors of
     growth path that draws on short- to medium-                               production (capital, labour and land) and their
     term global and regional forecasts in                                     productivities.
     combination with a long-run assumption of
                                                                        y      Damages to factors of production are
     contraction and convergence.
                                                                               distributed across the economy, impacting GDP.
y    The baseline economic growth path has an
                                                                        y      These feedbacks are fed back into the model to
     associated emissions growth path – derived
                                                                               determine the associated deviation in economic
     from the established link between economic
                                                                               activity associated with a given level of warming
     flows and emissions – and this corresponds to
                                                                               (i.e., the damages).

D.CLIMATE framework

       Model                 DAE-RGEM                     MAGICC                                                 D.CLIMATE

                              Economic                 Temperature                       Economic                 Damaged
                             growth and                  pathway                        impacts to               growth path
                              emissions                                                    factors

                            Aligned with               3°C warming                       Reduced                    GDP 5%
                              SSP2-6.0                    at 2100                         labour                    lower at
                                                                                        productivity                  2070

                          With no change,             Increased emissions            Average temperature       Climate change damage
                          economic growth             result in a change             change causes the         impacts how land is used,
                          produces more               in average tempertaure         climate to change. This   how people work and
                          greenhouse gas              for different regions.          results in physical       how money is spent in
                          emissions globally.                                        damages to the            the economy. This
                                                                                     environment and world     negatively impacts
                                                                                     around us.                economic growth.

Note: The The
    Note:  temperature
               temperaturepathway   provided
                              pathway        by MAGICC
                                       provided         is global
                                                  by MAGICC        mean
                                                             is global   surface
                                                                       mean       temperature.
                                                                             surface              TheThe
                                                                                       temperature.   damage
                                                                                                           damagefunctions e
regional  impacts
    estimate       based
              regional    on thisbased
                        impacts   temperature   pathway as well
                                        on this temperature      as other
                                                            pathway       regional
                                                                       as well      climate
                                                                               as other      variables
                                                                                         regional      (e.g.
                                                                                                  climate     precipitation), which
are not
    (e.g.provided  by MAGICC.
          precipitation), which are not provided by MAGICC.
Sources:   Deloitte
         Deloitte   Economics
                  Economics    Institute,
                            Institute,    Meinshausen
                                       Meinshausen  et et
                                                       al. al (2011,
                                                           (2011,    2020),
                                                                  2020),    Nicholls
                                                                         Nicholls et et

Europe’s turning point

Translating this concept into a modelling process       Economic Outlook database that provides historical
involves three models that are linked through three     and forecast GDP growth over the period 1980 to
key outputs. The Deloitte Economics Institute’s         2025.15 These growth rates are extrapolated using
approach extends methods adopted by the                 historical growth rates and assuming a degree of
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource          convergence over the long run.
Economics and Sciences (ABARES), the IPCC and
                                                        Population growth rates are calibrated using
other research organisations. The method is
                                                        the total population trajectories of the second
extended by necessity for practical public policy
                                                        socioeconomic pathway (SSP2) made available by the
purposes and the modelling is regionalised – allowing
                                                        International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
results and insights to be produced at the regional
                                                        (IIASA). A linear interpolation is applied to build
level (such as countries or subnational regions).
                                                        yearly data.16 Labour supply is calibrated employing
The modelling process is summarised as follows:         a similar approach and is assumed to broadly reflect
                                                        trends in population growth.
1.   Deloitte’s in-house regional general equilibrium
     model (DAE-RGEM) is used to produce a              Unemployment rates are calibrated using short-term
     projected path for economic output and             forecasts developed by the IMF17 and extrapolated
     emissions that align with a chosen SSP and RCP.    using a moving average. This approach implicitly
                                                        assumes a steady state unemployment rate over the
2.   For each RCP scenario the associated climate
                                                        medium to long term.
     data (global mean annual surface temperature
     increases and atmospheric concentrations) is       2.2.2 Emissions, energy efficiency and
     sourced from a climate change model – MAGICC       productivity improvements
     version 7 (MAGICC7). 13 Separately, regional
                                                        In the base year, once-off shocks are used to
     average temperature, precipitation and relative
                                                        calibrate the energy mix for each region to ensure an
     humidity variables are sourced from a synthesis
                                                        accurate reflection of the current state of the energy
     of models available from the Sixth Coupled
                                                        mix between renewable and traditional sources.
     Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6).14
                                                        These shocks are calibrated drawing on data from
3.   This climate data is then fed into damage          Our World in Data.18
     functions to inform how shifts in temperature
                                                        The emissions trajectory for the baseline is
     may play out in terms of impacts on the stocks
                                                        calibrated to align with the RCP6.0 emissions
     and productivities of factors of production in
                                                        scenario, developed by the IPCC. RCP6.0 is chosen as
     each sector/region. Unlike most other models,
                                                        an intermediate baseline scenario as it includes no
     we model a broad range of damages, including
                                                        specific or significant policy effort to mitigate, acting
     capital damages, sea-level rise (SLR) damages
                                                        as an appropriate baseline for reference. Emissions
     to land stock, heat stress damages on labour
                                                        are calibrated via uniform shocks to emissions
     productivity, human health damages to labour
                                                        efficiencies for all regions.19
     productivity, agricultural damages from
     changes in crop yields and tourism damages to      In addition to these specific calibrations, a uniform
     net inflow of foreign currency.                    energy efficiency improvement (0.5 per cent per
                                                        annum) is applied across all regions, reflecting a
2.2 Baseline economic assumptions
                                                        continuation of the long-run improvement that has
In the baseline, a set of assumptions have been         been observed to date.
applied for macroeconomic growth rates and
                                                        2.3 Database: Regions and sectors
technological improvements over the period 2015
to 2070. These key variables have been calibrated       The core economic data underpinning DAE-RGEM
drawing on historical and forecast time series from a   – the social account matrix (SAM) – is sourced from
range of reputable sources.                             the GTAP database (Walmsley et al., 2013).20 This
                                                        economic data is supplemented with specific data
2.2.1 Macroeconomic variables
                                                        on electricity differentiated by power generation
Macroeconomic variables including GDP, population       type (i.e. coal, gas, solar, etc.) from the GTAP satellite
and labour supply, and unemployment rate are            database GTAP-Power as well as CO2 and non-CO2
calibrated for each year over the model period          emissions data.21 The behavioural parameters are
to 2070.                                                also sourced from GTAP for the most part with some
                                                        exceptions as discussed below.
Growth rates for GDP are calibrated drawing on data
from the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF’s) World    This data is transformed in two key processes.

Technical appendix

2.3.1 Regional aggregation                               region was isolated in the model with several
                                                         individual countries (the UK, France, Germany and
D.CLIMATE is a global model and can be tailored
                                                         Italy) and regional aggregations modelled within this
to a specified regional concordance in line with the
                                                         geographical area. The regional concordances for
GTAP database.22 For this project, the European
                                                         this study are presented in figure 4.

Regional concordance
 Subregion name                          Country or area                           GTAP country code
 Presented in Europe report
 United Kingdom of Great Britain         United Kingdom of Great Britain                   GBR
 and Northern Ireland                    and Northern Ireland
 France                                  France                                            FRA
 Italy                                   Italy                                              ITA
 Germany                                 Germany                                           DEU
 Eastern Europe                          Belarus                                           BLR
                                         Bulgaria                                          BGR
                                         Czechia                                           CZE
                                         Hungary                                           HUN
                                         Poland                                            POL
                                         Moldova                                            XEE
                                         Romania                                           ROU
                                         Russian Federation                                RUS
                                         Slovakia                                          SVK
                                         Ukraine                                           UKR
 Northern Europe                         Åland Islands                                      FIN
                                         Guernsey                                          XER
                                         Jersey                                            XER
                                         Denmark                                           DNK
                                         Estonia                                            EST
                                         Faroe Islands                                     XER
                                         Finland                                            FIN
                                         Iceland                                            XEF
                                         Ireland                                            IRL
                                         Isle of Man                                       XER
                                         Latvia                                             LVA
                                         Lithuania                                         LTU
                                         Norway                                            NOR
                                         Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands                    NOR
                                         Sweden                                            SWE
 Southern Europe                         Albania                                           ALB
                                         Andorra                                           XER
                                         Bosnia and Herzegovina                            XER
                                         Croatia                                           HRV
                                         Gibraltar                                         XER
                                         Greece                                            GRC

Europe’s turning point

 Subregion name                              Country or area                               GTAP country code
 Presented in Europe report
                                             Holy See                                              XER
                                             Malta                                                 MLT
                                             Montenegro                                            XER
                                             North Macedonia                                       XER
                                             Portugal                                              PRT
                                             San Marino                                            XER
                                             Serbia                                                XER
                                             Slovenia                                              SVN
                                             Spain                                                 ESP
 Western Europe                              Austria                                               AUT
                                             Belgium                                               BEL
                                             Liechtenstein                                         XEF
                                             Luxembourg                                            LUX
                                             Monaco                                                XER
                                             Netherlands                                           NLD
                                             Switzerland                                           CHE

 Source: Deloitte Economics Institute analysis of GTAP database.

2.3.2 Sectoral aggregation                                     for the European region. However, there was a
                                                               specific effort made to distinguish two non-GTAP
D.CLIMATE can also be tailored to a specified
                                                               sectors (hydrogen and bioenergy) to aid in the
sectoral concordance in line with the GTAP
                                                               representation of the transition to net zero.
database.23 For this project, a relatively high-
level sectoral aggregation was chosen given                    The sectoral concordance for this
the level of regional detail that was required                 study are presented in figure 5.

Sectoral concordance
 Abbreviation                         Sector name                             GTAP sector(s)
 AGRI                                 Agriculture, forestry, fishing          Paddy rice

                                                                              Cereal grains
                                                                              Vegetables, fruit, nuts
                                                                              Oil seeds
                                                                              Sugar cane, sugar beet
                                                                              Plant-based fibres
                                                                              Bovine cattle, sheep and goats,
                                                                              Animal products
                                                                              Raw milk
                                                                              Wool, silk-worm cocoons
 FORESTRY                             Forestry                                Forestry
Technical appendix

Abbreviation   Sector name                    GTAP sector(s)
COAL           Coal                           Coal
OIL            Oil                            Oil
GAS            Gas                            Gas
OMIN           Other mining                   Other mining
FOODMAN        Food manufacturing             Bovine meat products
                                              Meat products
                                              Vegetable oils, fats
                                              Dairy products
                                              Processed rice
                                              Food products
                                              Beverages, tobacco products
LIGHTMAN       Light manufacturing            Textiles
                                              Wearing apparel
                                              Leather products
                                              Wood products
                                              Paper products, publishing
HYD            Hydrogen                       Petroleum, coal products*
BIO            Bioenergy (carbon-neutral)     Petroleum, coal products*
P_C            Petroleum, coal products       Petroleum, coal products
HEAVYMAN       Heavy manufacturing            Chemical products
                                              Basic pharmaceutical products
                                              Rubber and plastic products
                                              Mineral products
                                              Ferrous metals
                                              Metal products
                                              Computer, electronic and optical
                                              Electrical equipment
                                              Machinery, equipment
                                              Motor vehicles and parts
                                              Transport equipment
                                              Other manufactured goods (e.g.
ELYTND         Electricity transmission and   Electricity transmission, distribution
ELYDIRTY       Fossil fuels                   Coal base load
                                              Gas base load
                                              Oil base load
                                              Other base load
                                              Gas peak load
                                              Oil peak load
ELYCLEAN       New energy sector              Nuclear base load

Europe’s turning point

 Abbreviation                         Sector name                                 GTAP sector(s)
                                                                                  Wind base load
                                                                                  Hydro base load
                                                                                  Hydro peak load
                                                                                  Solar peak load
 GDT                                  Gas manufacture and distribution            Gas manufacture, distribution
 WATER                                Water                                       Water
 CONS                                 Construction                                Construction
 TRADE                                Retail trade and tourism                    Trade
                                                                                  Accommodation, food and service
 TRANS                                Transport                                   Transport
                                                                                  Water transport
                                                                                  Air transport
                                                                                  Warehousing and support activities
 OSERV                                Other services                              Communication
                                                                                  Financial services
                                                                                  Real estate activities
                                                                                  Business services
                                                                                  Recreational and other services
 GOVSERV                              Government services                         Public administration and defense
                                                                                  Human health and social work
  The hydrogen and bioenergy sectors are not identified as individual sectors in the GTAP database but have instead been
 distinctly separated from the petroleum, coal products sector. An explanation of this process is provided in the following
 Source: Deloitte Economics Institute analysis of GTAP database.

2.3.3 Commodity splits                                          the split executed so as to maintain the following
                                                                high-level facts:
In an effort to provide greater granularity in the
representation of the transition to net zero, the               y    The size of the hydrogen sector is approximately
hydrogen and bioenergy sectors were split from                       2 per cent of the parent sector (petroleum, coal
the parent sector: petroleum, coal products. This                    products). Its cost structure is different in that
process was required as the GTAP database does                       it draws more heavily on coal and P_C (i.e. the
not specifically identify either of these emerging                   parent sector itself) although there is sufficient
energy sectors individually.                                         flexibility in its production function to allow for
                                                                     a shift towards production using zero-emission
The petroleum, coal products sector was targeted
                                                                     electricity and primary factors as the main
as the parent sector due to the similarities in its
                                                                     inputs. The sales structure is the same as
sales structure to that of hydrogen and bioenergy.
                                                                     its parent.
This transformation was informed by information
gathered on the current size of the hydrogen,                   y    The size of the bioenergy sector is
bioenergy and petroleum, coking sectors and                          approximately 1.4 per cent of the parent sector
the respective cost and sales structures of each                     (petroleum, coal products). It relies solely on
individual sector. This research was gathered and                    the output of agriculture and waste as inputs to

Technical appendix

    production in conjunction with primary factors.      Neither RCPs nor SSPs are ‘complete’ without the
    The sales structure is the same as its parent.       other. RCPs generate climate projections that do
    This is a subset of the broader bioenergy sector     not correspond to specific societal pathways. SSPs
    as it is exclusively carbon-neutral varieties.       provide alternative societal futures, where climate
                                                         change impacts and policies are not present. Thus,
y   The remaining P_C sector is essentially the same
                                                         it is increasingly common to find research, including
    as the original GTAP sector, but slightly smaller.
                                                         the IPCC’s Sixth assessment report, adopting an
There is scope for further refinement of this process,   integrated SSP-RCP scenario framework.27
drawing on more detailed data to help get a better
                                                         Following this SSP-RCP framework, the baseline
picture of production, consumption and export,
                                                         scenario for the modelling used in the present paper
specifically at the detailed regional level.
                                                         is broadly consistent with SSP2-6.0. It has been
2.4 Physical climate modelling for D.CLIMATE             applied in over 150 studies between 2014 and 2019
                                                         and is one of the more commonly implemented
The future of climate change is inherently uncertain.
                                                         scenarios that reflect continued emissions growth
The rate at which CO2 and other pollutants
                                                         and temperature increase from today.28
accumulate in the earth’s atmosphere could follow
any number of trajectories, with each leading to         Data consistent with the SSP2 narrative and
a wide range of physical climate effects varying in      RCP6.0 climate scenario was integrated in
both scope and scale. What is certain, however, is       D.CLIMATE, representing the baseline state. RCP6.0
that the average global temperature has been rising      represents an economic future with a high rate
and will likely continue to rise until a sustained and   of GHG emissions, where several technologies
concerted effort is made to decarbonise globally.        and strategies are implemented to reduce GHG
                                                         emissions, and radiative forcing stabilises after 2100.
In 2011, a set of four emissions and warming
                                                         The economic and emissions profile consistent with
pathways were published to support consistent
                                                         RCP6.0 has the potential to result in an increase to
scenario analysis in the climate modelling
                                                         global average temperature in excess of 3°C.29 The
community.24 These so-called Representative
                                                         SSP2 narrative reflects a continuation of current
Concentration Pathways (RCPs) were selected as
                                                         social, economic and technological trends as well as
plausible future GHG emissions and atmospheric
                                                         slow global progress towards achieving sustainable
concentration trajectories extending out to 2100.
                                                         development goals.30
They are as follows:
                                                         2.4.1 Climate of global average temperature
y   RCP2.6 (assumes stringent decarbonisation)
                                                         increase – MAGICC
y   RCP4.5 and RCP6.0 (two central scenarios)
                                                         Emissions produced by Deloitte’s DAE-RGEM
y   RCP8.5 (a high GHG emission scenario).               model are translated into global mean surface air
The IPCC’s Fifth assessment report of 2014 adopted       temperature (GSAT) relative to the preindustrial
these RCPs as core scenarios for long-term               (1750) period based on these emissions
projections and assessments.                             trajectories using a reduced complexity climate
                                                         model. Specifically, the D.CLIMATE framework
In 2017, a concurrent research effort sought to          utilises outputs from the MAGICC as described in
develop a similar set of consistent future scenarios     Meinshausen et al. (2011) and Meinshausen et al.
for human development, the five so-called Shared         (2020) and configured by Nicholls et al. (2021).31
Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs).25 These include           Global temperature increases are the main driver of
a range of societal factors such as demographics,        climate impacts and are regionalised via the damage
human development (for example, health and               functions. MAGICC does not provide regional
education), economic growth, inequality, governance,     temperature outputs or regional climate impacts.
technological change and policy orientations.26 They
are as follows:                                          2.4.2 Other climate variables – CMIP6

y   SSP1 – Sustainability                                Separately, regional average temperature,
                                                         precipitation and wet bulb globe temperature
y   SSP2 – Middle of the road                            (WBGT) have also been used. The data for each
y   SSP3 – Regional rivalry                              variable is the multimodel mean of 17 global climate
                                                         models (GCMs) for the modelled SSP-RCP future
y   SSP4 – Inequality                                    pathways, which are available from the CMIP6.32
y   SSP5 – Fossil-fuelled development.                   The GCMs output was downloaded from the Earth
                                                         System Grid Federation portal and then processed

Europe’s turning point

into monthly periods per geography/region across              distribution of daily peak temperatures and relative
the modelled regions in Europe and the rest of the            humidity. Altogether, this means that heat waves
world from present day to 2100. 33                            are likely to become more frequent and increasingly
                                                              extreme for many countries.
Twenty-year averages of the GCM projections are
used here to assess the key signals for future climate        When workers exert energy to perform physical
change across short- to long-term horizons. Each              tasks, their bodies produce thermal energy and
20-year averaged period represents the climate of             begin to heat up internally. For body temperature
the mid-year. For example, the average temperature            to be maintained at a healthy level, thermal energy
projection for the period 2011 to 2030 is assumed to          needs to be transferred to a cooler external
represent the climate in the 2020 horizon.                    environment. If body temperature exceeds 39°C, an
                                                              individual can suffer a heatstroke, and temperatures
2.4.3 Damage function overview
                                                              exceeding 40.6°C can be fatal. However, before
The fundamental ‘driver’ of economic damages is               these serious health effects occur at lower levels of
rising temperature. As rising temperature induces             heat exposure, workers can experience diminished
climate change, economic output (as measured by               ‘work capacity’ or mental task ability, and increased
GDP) is impacted through the physical damages that            accident risk.
affect productivity and/or the stock of production
                                                              To continue functioning at elevated body
factors (figure 6).
                                                              temperatures, workers can take instinctive actions
This study includes six regionalised damages to               to reduce their work intensity or increase the
Europe:                                                       frequency of short breaks. This ‘slowing down’ of
                                                              activity (whether it occurs through self-instinct or
y    heat stress damages to labour productivity
                                                              occupational health management interventions)
y    human health damages to labour productivity              results in reduced ‘work capacity’ and lower
y    SLR damages to land and capital stock                    labour productivity.35

y    chronic reductions in capital productivity               This analysis estimates the effect of rising
                                                              temperatures and changing relative humidity levels
y    agricultural damages from changes in crop yields         on labour productivity using WBGT as a measure of
y    tourism damages to net inflow of foreign                 heat stress. Analysis is conducted at a geography or
     currency.                                                regional level. It is assumed that changes in labour
                                                              productivity (an economic concept) are equal to
The following section outlines each damage and how            changes in estimated work capacity (a physiological
they impact the economy.                                      concept).
2.4.4 Heat stress damages on labour productivity              The methodology follows an approach proposed by
A working environment that is ‘too hot’ can                   Kjellstrom et al. (2017). This approach utilises a series
negatively affect the health and safety of workers, as        of functions describing the relationship between
well as restrict their ability to perform tasks and limit     WBGT and labour productivity across three different
their productive capacity.34 For jobs where tasks are         work intensities: 200W (equivalent to light manual
performed outdoors, it can be difficult for workers to        labour, such as office work), 300W (equivalent to
moderate their heat exposure. The same can be                 moderate manual labour, such as manufacturing)
true for indoor jobs where air-conditioning is not            and 400W (equivalent to high-intensity manual
readily accessible.                                           labour, such as farming). Relationships have been
                                                              determined by Kjellstom et al. (2017), based on a
Climate change is expected to see average global              review of epidemiological datasets.
temperatures continue to rise, leading to shifts in the

‘Two-stage’ economic damages relationship

                                                   Climate change
                                                                                                 Impact on land,
     Change in average                                 damages
                                   Stage 1                                     Stage 2         labour and capital
       temperature                              (i.e. change in rainfall
                                                                                                    (i.e. GDP)
                                              patterns, sea-level rise etc.)

Source: Deloitte
        Deloitte Economics
                 Economics Institute.

Technical appendix

Workers in each GTAP sector are assumed to              Climate change would allow diseases to invade
perform tasks at one of the three work intensities      immunologically naïve populations with unprepared
specified above. GTAP sectors have been allocated       medical systems and would affect food- and
to specific work intensities based on internal advice   waterborne diseases, with cholera and diarrhoea
from Deloitte subject matter experts.                   being potentially most problematic.41
Consistent with the approach proposed by                As extreme weather events become more severe
Kjellstrom et al. (2017), it is assumed that a          and frequent, so too does the threat they present
geography or region’s WBGT varies over three            to human populations. Climate change can affect
4-hour intervals comprising the approximate 12          air quality, leading to greater incidence of diseases
hours in a working day:                                 caused by air pollution – the 2020 summer of
                                                        bushfires in Australia are a stark reminder of this.
1.   early morning and early evening – four hours
                                                        Climate change may also affect human health
     at WBGT mean (calculated using average
                                                        indirectly, through changes in food production, water
     monthly temperature)
                                                        resources, migration and economic development.42
2.   middle of the day – four hours at WBGT max
                                                        Human health is therefore prominent in estimates
     (calculated using average monthly maximum
                                                        of future climate change impacts. The welfare
                                                        costs (or benefits) of health impacts contribute
3.   hours in between – four hours at WBGT half         substantially to the total costs of climate change.
     (calculated as the mid-point between WBGT          Many estimates of economic damages rely on direct
     mean and WBGT max).                                costs methodologies (i.e. price times quantity). With
                                                        regard to human health, the price is typically equal
These three variants of WBGT have been projected
                                                        to the value of a statistical life, based on estimates
at monthly intervals using the simplified WBGT
                                                        of willingness to pay to reduce the risk of death or
index – sWBGT – based on surface temperature and
                                                        diseases, or the willingness to accept compensation
water vapour pressure (developed by the Australian
                                                        for increased risk.43 However, these methods ignore
Bureau of Meteorology).36 Water vapour pressure
                                                        the human health impacts on labour productivity
was derived using estimates of relative humidity and
                                                        and the demand for health services.
the corresponding surface temperature.
                                                        The approach adopted for this analysis is based on
Labour productivity is then estimated for each
                                                        the work undertaken by Roson and Sartori (2015),
geography/region at monthly intervals, across each
                                                        which in turn is based on Bosello et al. (2006), by
of the three 4-hour intervals assumed to comprise
                                                        considering some vector-borne diseases (malaria,
the working day. The mean of these three estimates
                                                        dengue, schistomiasis), heat- and cold-related
is then taken to represent the average labour
                                                        diseases, and diarrhoea. It does not consider other
productivity for workers throughout the working
                                                        diseases and impacts mentioned in the IPCC AR5
day. Workers are assumed to maintain the same
                                                        (2014), such as the effects of extreme events, heat
level of productivity for all days contained within
                                                        exposure effects on labour productivity (separately
each month. Monthly labour productivity estimates
                                                        considered), haemorrhagic fever with renal
are then averaged to give an aggregate measure of
                                                        syndrome, plague, chikungunya fever, Japanese
labour productivity for each year in the modelling
                                                        and tick-borne encephalitis, cholera and other
                                                        (nondiarrhoea) enteric infections, air quality– and
2.4.5 Human health damages to labour                    nutrition-related diseases, allergic diseases and
productivity                                            mental health.44
The impacts of climate change on human health are       The starting point of the analysis presented in
many and complex.37 Increasing temperatures can         Bosello et al. (2006) is a meta-analysis of the
increase heat-related health problems, particularly     epidemiological, medical and interdisciplinary
for those with pre-established cardiovascular and       literature to achieve the best estimates for the
respiratory disorders.38 Increasing temperatures        additional number of extra cases of mortality
can also reduce cold-related health problems,           and morbidity associated with a given increase in
again most prevalent in people with cardiovascular      average temperature.45 The information obtained
disorders.39                                            in this research has been combined with data on
Climate change can impact the range, abundance          the structure of the working population, to infer
and dispersion of species carrying diseases. Studies    the number of lost working days. The changes in
generally agree that the prevalence of malaria          morbidity and mortality are interpreted as changes
increases with increase in temperature. Other           in labour productivity.
vector-borne diseases may increase or decrease.40
Europe’s turning point

Roson and Sartori (2015) update the work of Bosello        of LECZ used for agricultural production in each
et al. (2006) to account for recent literature on health   geography is assumed to be equal to the proportion
impacts and studies mentioned in IPCC (2014),              of total land area used for agriculture in that same
scaling up or down the variations in                       geography.
labour productivity.
                                                           This analysis extends the Roson and Sartori (2016)
The results of these studies are expressed as              methodology to also capture urban land area
changes in average labour productivity for a 1°C           lost due to SLR, again leveraging World Bank data
increase in temperature (implicitly assuming that          describing the extent of urban area in LECZ. In
the relationship is approximately linear). For the         low-lying and seacoast urban areas, residential and
purposes of this analysis, and to understand the           commercial properties may incur physical damages
relationship between human health impacts,                 and economic activity that would otherwise occur
increase in average temperature and time, we               in these urban areas will also need to transition to
regressed the variables to find an equation with a         other geographies.
satisfactory fit for the relationship.
                                                           The process for estimating both components is
The analysis estimates the higher-order economic           as follows:
effects (or indirect costs) of human health impacts
                                                           y   The percentage of effective land area lost per
and variations in labour productivity. It is important
                                                               metre of SLR is calculated by multiplying the
to note that this methodology excludes induced
                                                               following factors – the percentage loss in coastal
demand for health care.
                                                               wetland (a proxy for loss of land due to SLR,
2.4.6 Sea-level rise damages to land and                       estimated using the HadCM3 climate model
capital stock                                                  under the A1b SRES scenario),47 the LECZ
                                                               area, the percentage of erodible coast and
As average global temperatures continue to rise,
                                                               relevant coastline.
land-based glaciers are melting, and water bodies
are experiencing thermal expansion. Together, these        y   Considering which proportion of total coast
factors cause the phenomenon of SLR.                           is suitable for agricultural (productive)/urban
                                                               purposes, the percentage of effective land
SLR can impact a geography’s total stock of land
                                                               change is adjusted by agricultural land area/
(an economic factor of production) through a
                                                               urban land area.
combination of erosion, inundation and salt
intrusion along the coastline. As the global stock of      y   The percentage change in agricultural and
land declines due to SLR, productive activity that             urban land stock is computed by multiplying the
would otherwise occur on that land is also foregone.           percentage of effective land change by metre of
                                                               SLR and the estimated SLR.
The extent of land lost to SLR will depend on several
geography-specific characteristics, including (i) the      Notably, there are a number of limitations involved
composition of the shoreline (cliffs and rocky coasts      with this methodology of measuring SLR. One is the
are less subject to erosion than sandy coasts and          assumption that the area of LECZ in each region is
wetlands), (ii) the total length of the coastline, (iii)   used for agricultural or urban purposes. This will not
the share of the coast that is suitable for productive     be true of all regions, some of which have large areas
purposes (i.e. in agriculture or urban land) and (iv)      of unproductive coastal areas.
the VLM.46
                                                           Further, the method used focuses primarily on
This report estimates land area lost due to SLR using      the loss of total land stock. The method does not
a methodology proposed by Roson and Sartori                explicitly consider damage to labour productivity
(2016), who estimated the mean SLR (in metres)             due to forced displacement, and SLR damage to
associated with global mean surface temperature            infrastructure, which is generally established to be
change from a series of regressions based on               higher than damage to land stock.48 However, it is
data within the latest IPCC AR5 Report, while also         widely assumed that submergence by SLR does
accounting for vertical land movement.                     not lead to damages to capital, because it is a slow
                                                           process and by the time SLR arrives the capital stock
The proportion of agricultural land lost per metre
                                                           will have fully depreciated and property markets will
of SLR is then estimated based on the findings of
                                                           have adjusted.49
Roson and Sartori (2016), as well as World Bank data
describing the extent of low-elevation coastal zones       Further, as average rising increases (a gradual process),
(LECZ) for each geography or region. The proportion        the impact of extreme or acute SLR (e.g. king tides

Technical appendix

and storm surges) will cause damage that may not be         This damage estimate does not measure the
fully reflected in this function.50 Financial and asset     direct impact of any particular natural disaster
value shocks of SLR to coastal property will also not be    to a particular location at a particular time in
captured through this damage, but may represent a           future modelled periods. Nevertheless, the
significant economic risk if warming continues.51           implied relationship between temperature
                                                            change and capital damage in Forzieri et al. (2018)
2.4.7 Capital damages
                                                            indirectly and implicitly reflects the fact that, as
This study captures climate-induced capital damages         global temperatures continue to increase above
as a function of global mean average surface                preindustrial levels, the frequency and intensity
temperature.                                                of natural hazards will rise in aggregate, and the
                                                            productivity of capital will fall on average.
Capital damages in this context are ‘measured as a
reduction in the capital productivity across sectors’,      2.4.8 Agricultural damages from changes in
that is, the output produced per unit of capital            crop yields
input. Reducing the productivity of capital as a result
                                                            Climate change will see rising temperatures,
of climate change represents a need for firms to
                                                            higher concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere
spend more on capital to achieve the same amount
                                                            and different regional patterns of precipitation.55
of output in every period. This effectively acts as
                                                            These factors all affect crop yields and agricultural
a depreciation rate and diverts investment from
otherwise productive applications.
                                                            The effects of climate change on agricultural
Accounting for capital damages in this way
                                                            productivity are one of the most studied areas
represents a departure from existing economic
                                                            of climate change impacts. Yet, despite the many
impact modelling and integrated assessments of
                                                            existing studies and the extensive empirical
climate change. In some cases, capital damages
                                                            evidence, it is still difficult to identify some sort of
are included but at a highly aggregated level that
                                                            ‘consensus’ for the impacts of climate change on
limits regional analysis. Often, reports discuss the
                                                            agricultural productivity. There are many factors at
exposure or risk of geographies to capital damages
                                                            play, including the role of adaptation behaviour by
but do not attempt to monetise an impact.
                                                            farmers, firms and organisations, including variety
The relationship between global mean average                selection, crop rotation, sowing times, the amount
temperature and capital productivity is                     of fertilization due to higher CO2 concentration and
parameterised using projected data estimated by             the actual level of water available for irrigation and
Forzieri et al. (2018).52 This data provides projections    irrigation techniques.56
of estimated annual damages (€ millions)53 to capital
                                                            Modelling the economic consequences of yield
that would occur due to a climate change – induced
                                                            changes to understand the consequences of climate
increase in intensity and frequency of natural
                                                            change impacts on agriculture is important for two
hazards occurring in Europe.54
                                                            main reasons. Firstly, varying levels of agronomic and
The specific natural hazards captured in this study         economic adaptation exist in the agricultural sector;
include heat and cold waves, riverine and coastal           farmers can adjust how they grow a particular crop,
flooding, wildfires, subsidence and high wind               the location and timing of crop growth will shift
speeds (excluding cyclones). The capital that is            in response to climate change impacts; trade in
damaged by these natural hazards in this study is           agricultural commodities will adjust; and consumers
described as ‘critical infrastructure’ including existing   will be able to substitute goods as prices adjust.57
transport systems, renewable and nonrenewable               Each of these adaptive responses will mediate the
energy generation plants, industries, water supply          impacts of yield changes. Secondly, climate change
networks, roads, railways and education and health          impacts will vary by crop and by region, changing the
infrastructures. The projections are available up to        comparative advantage of countries, and creating
2080 and are provided at country and hazard levels.         winners and losers in global agricultural markets.58
The relationship between temperature increase and           The approach undertaken in this analysis provides
estimated annual damage in the analysis by Forzieri         an estimate of productivity changes for the whole
et al. (2018) is used as a proxy for the annual change      agricultural sector across the modelled regions.
in capital productivity in the D.CLIMATE model,             The methodology is based on Mendelsohn and
by country and region. This effectively smooths             Schlesinger (1999) and Cline (2007), where the
a stochastic process of natural disaster impacts            variation in output per hectare is expressed as a
over time into an average annual damage estimate            function of temperature, precipitation and CO2
captured by a reduction in capital productivity.            concentration.59

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