Page created by Alexander Flores
The Official Eurobike Newspaper |                                            July 12, 2022


                          EUROBIKE ROLLS
                          INTO FRANKFURT
                          WHAT TO SEE & DO AT THE SHOW:
                          EXHIBITOR NEWS | PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS

                                                                                                HALL 12.1
                                                                                                BOOTH B12

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July 12, 2022                                                                                                                                                                     5

                                                                                                              WHAT'S ON TODAY:
                                                                                                          TUESDAY JULY 12
Eurobike embraces the future of mobility ......................... 6
                                                                                           12:45 p.m. - 06:00 p.m.                       03:00 p.m. - 03:30 p.m.
                                                                                           Portalhaus, Room: Frequenz 1                  Portalhaus, Room: Frequenz 1 & 2
Frankfurt becomes "Eurobike City" .................................... 8
                                                                                           BIKE BIZ REVOLUTION – Conference              From Ownership to Use - New business
                                                                                           for Visionaries                               models need new infrastructure
Eurobike Skyline Ride - FMB Gold event ...........................10
                                                                                           On the eve of EUROBIKE, the most              EUROBIKE - BIKE BIZ REVOLUTION
                                                                                           important players from all areas of the       Frank Föge, Zuora
Getting around the new venue ............................................ 12
                                                                                           bicycle industry will meet with dis-
                                                                                           tiguished experts. The BIKE BIZ REVOLU-       03:30 p.m. - 04:00 p.m.
Mobility Network Night - B2B event of the year ..............14
                                                                                           TION ventures a look at the changes and       Portalhaus, Room: Frequenz 1 & 2
                                                                                           challenges of the bicycle industry.           Enterprise Instead of Omission - Busi-
Product overview: hub drives ..............................................16
                                                                                                                                         ness as Activism
                                                                                           12:50 p.m. - 01:00 p.m.                       EUROBIKE - BIKE BIZ REVOLUTION Jule
Product overview: wheels ................................................... 20            Opening and Welcome                           Bosch, Design for Dasein
                                                                                           EUROBIKE - BIKE BIZ REVOLUTION
Product overview: Pumps & tools ...................................... 22                  Moderation: Frank Puscher                     04:30 p.m. - 05:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                         Portalhaus, Room: Frequenz 1 & 2
Eurobike investors lounge                                                                  01:00 p.m. - 01:30 p.m.                       Metaverse – The Future of Virtual and
- find investment opportunities ......................................... 24               Portalhaus, Room: Frequenz 1 & 2              Hybrid Events
                                                                                           The Changing World. What is changing          EUROBIKE - BIKE BIZ REVOLUTION Colja
Product overview: Cargo Bikes                                                              and how are we rethinking the future.         M. Dams, Vok Dams. Find out more about
                                                                                           EUROBIKE - BIKE BIZ REVOLUTION                the Metaverse and why it is the next big
- heavy-duty commercial..................................................... 26            Christiane Varga                              thing for virtual and hybrid events.

Pierer e-bikes: ambitious e-mobility push ....................... 28                       01:30 p.m. - 02:00 p.m.                       05:00 p.m. - 05:30 p.m.
                                                                                           Portalhaus, Room: Frequenz 1 & 2              Portalhaus, Rooms: Frequenz 1 & 2
Dirk Zedler: sustainability at the dealer level ................. 30                       EUROBIKE - BIKE BIZ REVOLUTION                Why NFTs & WEB3 will change the
                                                                                           EUROBIKE - BIKE BIZ REVOLUTION Ingo           cycling landscape
European bike market review ............................................. 32               Kucz, White Octopus GmbH                      EUROBIKE - BIKE BIZ REVOLUTION Tyler
                                                                                                                                         Benedict, Bike Club
Igus's plastic bike ................................................................. 35   02:30 p.m. - 03:00 p.m.
                                                                                           Portalhaus, Room: Frequenz 1 & 2              05:30 p.m. - 06:00 p.m.
Moustache brings more production back to France ...... 37                                  The State of Consumer Mobility &              Portalhaus, Room: Frequenz 1 & 2
                                                                                           Technology - Current developments in          BIKE BIZ REVOLUTION - Conference
Product highlights at Eurobike .......................................... 38               the bicycle industry                          for Visionaries: Conclusion
                                                                                           EUROBIKE - BIKE BIZ REVOLUTION Elsa           EUROBIKE - BIKE BIZ REVOLUTION
Product overview: navigation and smart biking .............40                              Homann, GfK                                   Wrap up and conclusion by Frank Puscher

                                                                                                                                         SCAN HERE FOR A
                                                                                                                                         GUIDE TO EVENTS

NüTZLICHE INFORMATIONEN                        Galleria 9.T/Eingang Portalhaus             Information,  +49 (0) 69/21 23-08           IM NOTFALL • IN CASE OF
FüR BESUCHER                                   Postservices Torhaus Service-Center,        08, Fax +49 (0) 69/21 24-05 12,              EMERGENCY
Business Center • Multimedia Shop              Ebene 3 , geöffnet von 9.00 bis 17.00 Uhr   E-Mail:                Sanitätsstationen • First-aid stations
Torhaus, Ebene 3,  +49 (0) 69 75 75-          Apotheke Apotheke im Hauptbahnhof           Cash Points Torhaus, level 3 / City          Halle 8.0  +49 (0) 69 75 75-65 02
13 09, Di 12.07. -Do 14.07. 8:30 - 18:00       B-Ebene Nord Brocks'sche Apotheke           Entrance, level 0 / Entrance Torhaus         Fundburo Lost • property office
Fr 15.07.- So 17.07. 9:00 - 16:00              im Skyline Plaza Einkaufsmöglichkeiten      (S-Bahn Terminal) / Entrance Galleria        Torhaus Ebene O  +49 (0) 69 75
Zimmer-Reservierungen Tourismus                Torhaus, Ebene 3 / Eingang City/ Hallen     9.T/ Entrance Portalhaus                     75-14 48
+ Congress GmbH Frankfurt,                     4.0, 4.1, 5.0 und 9.0 Süd, 10.0, 11.0       Post Services Torhaus Service-Centre,        Hilfe bei Autopannen • Help if your
Kaiserstraße 56, 60329 Frankfurt,             USEFUL INFORMATION FOR                      level 3, opened from 9.00 a.m. till 5 p.m.   car has broken down
+49 69 21 23 08 08 Fax: +49 69 21              VISITORS                                    Pharmacy Pharmacy at the main                ADAC  +49 (0) 18 02/22 22 22 / AvD
24 05 12 www.                                                        railway station, level B North                +49 (0) 8 00/9 90 99 09 ACE
                                               Business Center • Multimedia Shop                                                                     Brocks'sche Pharmacy at Skyline Plaza         +49 (0) 530343 53 75-65 02
                                               Torhaus level 3,  +49 (0) 69 75 75-13
Geldautomaten Torhaus, Ebene 3                 09, opened from 9.00 a.m. till6p.m.         Shopping Facilities Torhaus, level 3 /       Polizei Notruf • Police Emergency
/ Eingang City, Ebene 0/ Eingang                                                           Entrance City/ Halls 4.0, 4.1, 5.0 and       number 110 OSC, Halle 4.0 Südwest
                                               Reservations for Hotels Tourismus
Torhaus( S-Bahn Terminal) / Eingang                                                        9.0 South, 10.0, 11.0                         +49 (0) 69 75 75-65 55
                                               + Congress GmbH Frankfurt Tourist
6    EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                                                             July 12, 2022

                            THE FUTURE OF MOBILITY
       What does the future of mobility look like, and which companies will
      help build it? A trip to Hall 8 at this year ’s Eurobike should offer some
       insight. While the bicycle in all its forms remains central to the show,
      stand-up e-scooters, e-mopeds, and light electric vehicles also provide
                     the possibility of revolutionising transport.
    With its new and more urban location         for the bike industry because we’re         Try the future today
    in Frankfurt, twinned with the addition      already seen as prioritising sustain-       Thanks to the show’s location in
    of the Eurobike convention, this year’s      ability. We’ve also already brought the     Frankfurt, visitors can experience the
    show offers a fantastic opportunity to       right products in the cargo and e-bike      latest in multi and intermodal transport
    explore the sector.                          segments”.                                  integration. With the ability to travel
        “I think this is perhaps the hottest         Being adjacent to this growing          between rail links and the show via the
    topic for Eurobike 2022,” explains           market offers incredible opportunities      city’s hire fleet, you’ll be using just one
    Stefan Reisinger, Head of Eurobike.          for the cycling industry. At the same       of the schemes the new area is designed
    “We’ve dedicated a huge hall, with the       time, it also provides challenges in        to promote.
    idea not just of showing e-bikes and         terms of technology and navigating              With fleet operation becoming a key
    cargo bikes but really making the next       the evolving legislation governing          area of growth, managers of multiple
    step into light electric vehicles. It’s an   the design and use of such products.        transport and delivery vehicles will be
    area we think will be a main focus of        “It’s something we considered when          able to examine the latest infrastruc-
    innovation in the years to come”.            developing the show concept,”               ture. Less tangible assets will also be
        In a segment that’s already drawing      explains Reisinger. With a huge             addressed, with a particular focus on
    interest from established vehicle            number of discussions about the             digitisation.
    makers and tech-focused start-ups,           shape of future mobility taking place           Looking to a future where mobility
    who will cater to this growing sector        during the convention, many of the          increasingly becomes an on-demand
    remains to be seen. “This is a super         people shaping policy will also be          service, the smartphone is likely to          German and European institutions and
    interesting question for the bicycle         in attendance. “We hope to create           play almost as prominent a role in the        associations are involved in some way,”
    industry because it’s not clear who will     discussion between industry and the         transport solutions of tomorrow as            says Reisinger. “They’ll be offering
    feed the market,” says Reisinger. “Will      various initiatives, associations and       on-the-ground hardware. As such, the          awesome panels and meetings on the
    it be the car industry coming from the       other players to shape legislation, or      exhibition area offers a dedicated space      subject of future mobility. I think this
    top down, or will the bike industry help     to make sure that as an industry we’re      for digital solutions and new services        is what really makes Eurobike such a
    create this new segment?”                    in line with legalisation for the sake of   for carpools and vehicle fleets.              great place to meet and move things
        “I think there’s a huge potential        our customers”.                                 “I’m really happy that all the            forward”. ■ JD

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July 12, 2022   7
8   EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                                                         July 12, 2022

                             EUROBIKE EXTENDS FAR BEYOND THE MESSE
                            FRANKFURT TRANSFORMS
                              INTO EUROBIKE CITY
            Frankfurt is turning into Eurobike City this week, as the trade show is accompanied by
              a slew of activities involving consumers, specialist retailers and other stakeholders
                                         from the country’s financial hub.

                                                                                                                                      Stefan Reisinger, head of Eurobike

                                                                                                                                      tour allows riders to take in plenty of
                                                                                                                                      city sights as well as green areas.
                                                                                                                                         Another tour has been arranged
                                                                                                                                      around some of the city’s many green
                                                                                                                                      spots, such as the Europagarten, the
                                                                                                                                      Schrebergärten and the Solmspark. The
                                                                                                                                      ride includes information about the
                                                                                                                                      parks, the city’s story and its buildings.
                                                                                                                                         Yet another tour will take you to
                                                                                                                                      the Ostend, an area of Frankfurt that
While over 1,500 exhibitors from the         with dealers to set up their own rides.     will be held on the stages, and short        was transformed with the European
international cycling and mobility indus-        Another crucial point is that           cycling films will be shown in an            Central Bank building.
try are congregating at the fairgrounds,     the program is wide-ranging, with           open-air cinema. The area is family-            Some of the events are held in the
the city is turning into a hive of cycling   events that are relevant for almost         friendly, with obstacle courses and          late afternoon, to help fair participants
activity, with information stands as         anybody – from residents who want           test tracks for children, street food        unwind while enjoying the city and
well as group rides, competitions and        to discover other parts of their city, to   stands and a beer garden.                    surrounding areas. They range from
interactive events.                          commuters eager to learn more about             The Frankfurt Bicycle Market             social ride sfor women with road and
    The organisers have created a            the workings of their bikes, committed      will be held nearby on July 16, with         gravel bikes to a guided Sundowner
Eurobike City label to promote initia-       gravel riders, or youngsters who enjoy      plenty of activities to give visitors an     Ride of about 50 kilometers starting
tives at two key venues, the Mainkai         watching BMX tricks with a cool beer.       impression of cycling culture – cover-       from the fair grounds and heading for
and the Osthafen park, from July 13 to           “It’s not only targeting the sporty     ing anything from bicycle repair tips        Eppstein and Königstein.
17. But bicycle culture should come to       people, it’s not only targeting men,        to discussions around sustainability            Eurobike has also teamed up with
life all around the city, through social     it’s targeting very different interest      and entertainment. Participants have         The Gravel Club, a community that
rides and guided tours with e-bikes,         groups, that is what makes it very          been encouraged to pitch up and sell         arranges outings for like-minded riders
mountain bikes and cargo bikes, and          inclusive,” said Reisinger.                 bikes they no longer use. The venue          around Germany. Their social rides
many other events.                               The full integration of the city into   will make it easy to organise test rides     will be offered after each of the Gravel
    “It’s important for the industry to      the Eurobike program is apparently          of second-hand bikes.                        Talk sessions, ending up at the Mainkai.
really establish Frankfurt as the new        supported by Frankfurt and transport            The Osthafen park is the place to go        Workshops are held on a daily
home for the Eurobike show for the           organisations. Special bike paths have      over the weekend for BMX shows and           basis, for riders who just want to learn
future,” said Stefan Reisinger, managing     been laid out between the main train        workshops. A green area near the river-      more about taking care of their bike, as
director of Fairnamic, the joint venture     station and all Eurobike locations. The     side, the park is famous in the German       well as specialist workshops for BMX.
that organises Eurobike. “It’s a strategic   Eurobike Map shows the best routes,         BMX scene for its bowl constructions.           The program for consumers
focus for this first year, to make sure      and there’s safe parking space in large     An airbag has been added for Eurobike        culminates at the weekend with the
Eurobike is not only a trade show at         bicycle parking areas.                      Week and flatland activities are planned     two Eurobike Festival Days on
the fairgrounds, but there are lots of           Under its “Call a Bike” program,        on the nearby street basketball court.       Saturday and Sunday. Along with the
activities in the city the whole week.”      DB Connect has prepared for the             The chilling & grilling events, with a       exhibition, they offer testing, bike
    Reisinger added that the program         trade show with a fleet of more than        DJ and food trucks, will also turn the       races and cycling events.
would encourage consumers to take            2,000 rental bikes, for which Eurobike      Osthafen into a cool spot to relax at the       More than 1,000 bikes can be thor-
part in Eurobike’s festival days at the      visitors will receive voucher codes.        end of the day.                              oughly put through their paces on large
weekend. “It’s one of our main goals         DB Connect is a connected mobility              The Eurobike team is promoting the       test tracks. The Drop & Roll Show
for this year’s Eurobike, to transform it    concept from the Deutsche Bahn, the         program online, in the Eurobike app,         with Danny MacAskill and the Freeride
from a show focusing on the industry         German rail group.                          on social media and in the local media.      Mountain Bike (FMB) Slopestyle Gold
and dealers to an event that also                A lively waterfront area, the               Along with suggestions from Komoot,      Event should be spectacular.
focuses much more on end consum-             Mainkai will be closed to traffic for the   the cycling app, participants are invited       The Bembel Crit, an all-comers
ers, politics, media, and getting society    duration of the fair. Just outside the      to take part in guided tours with e-bikes,   circuit race, will be held on Saturday in
involved,” he said.                          city center, it’s a popular promenade       gravel bikes or cargo bikes.                 seven formats.
    Fairnamic made a point of getting        to enjoy views of the river and the             The routes of the guided tours              There’s even a Cargobike
multiple stakeholders on board with          Frankfurt cityscape. Bicycle manufac-       include the Frankfurter Anlagenring,         EuroCup on Sunday, which should be
the Eurobike City program. Some              turers and other groups have set up         consisting of two concentric one-way         fun to watch. The challenge is to load
bicycle manufacturers are sponsoring         their information stands in the area.       streets around the inner city, with the      or unload the cargo on each lap of the
activity areas, others have teamed up            Presentations and workshops             former city walls between them. This         short sprint course. ■ BS
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10    EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                                                           July 12, 2022

                                                             EUROBIKE CONVENTION
                        IDEAS AT THE EUROBIKE CONVENTION
                                                                                                                                          cycling the easiest and most stress-
                                                                                                                                          free option for as many journeys as
                                                                                                                                           possible, the event’s second and final
                                                                                                                                           keynote speech will be delivered by
                                                                                                                                           Germany’s Federal Minister for Digital
                                                                                                                                           and Transport, Dr Volker Wissing.
                                                                                                                                              “The convention is one of the
                                                                                                                                           conceptional changes we wanted
                                                                                                                                           to make when moving the show to
                                                                                                                                           Frankfurt”, explains Reisinger.
                                                                                                                                              “In the past, Eurobike was mainly
                                                                                                                                           a product show, and that’s something
                                                                                                                                           we will change. This year and in the
                                                                                                                                           future, there will be more discussion
                                                  Mobility expert Janette Sadik-Khan        Federal Minister for Digital and Transport,    about mobility and how the bicycle
     Alongside the latest products and                                                      Dr Volker Wissing                              can help change the world for the
     services, Eurobike offers visitors an op-    initiatives, associations, and other                                                     better. That’s what we’re trying to
     portunity to shape the ideas and trends      players that can change legislation       government and municipalities.                achieve with the convention”.
     that will sustain cycling into the future.   discuss and bring things forward              Finally, ‘interfaces of local mobil-          A second benefit of expanding
        With five days of talks, lectures,        together”.                                ity’ looks at how different modes of          the scope of Eurobike to include a
     and workshops across the show this               Opening the entire Eurobike show,     local travel can be better linked with        broader focus on cycling policy is to
     year, the conceptual side of Eurobike        the conference day itself will be split   each other - both in the digital and          attract a wider audience to the show.
     will look at designing the future of         into three thematic blocks. The first     physical environment.                             “By putting topics like politics and
     mobility. At the heart of this is the        of these will address ‘planning and           With events throughout the day,           society on the agenda, not only can
     new Eurobike Convention, a single-           designing the city of tomorrow’.          mobility expert, consultant, and author       we generate a bigger positive impact,
     day event taking place tomorrow              This will look at how we can affect       Janette Sadik-Khan will deliver the first     we also create a wider network of
     - Wednesday 13th July – in Hall 8.           the transformation of our current         of two keynote speeches. A former             people who might be interested to get
        “We have a huge area for panels           infrastructure to create more cycling-    New York City Department of Trans-            in touch with the bicycle industry,”
     and discussions, with a lot of stuff         friendly cities.                          portation commissioner, she’ll address        says Reisinger.
     going on over the five days of the               Topic two will be ‘mobil-             the topic of people-oriented urban                Sure to be an intriguing opening to
     show,” says Stefan Reisinger, Head           ity at work’. This will examine how       planning, the redistribution of space,        five days of bicycle-related activities,
     of Eurobike.                                 corporate entities can encourage          and how to build cross-stakeholder            the Eurobike Convention should be
        “Part of our aim is to create an          more sustainable transport, with an       cooperation to make this happen.              the first stop for anyone interested in
     atmosphere where the industry,               emphasis on cooperation between               Talking about the need to make            the future of cycling. ■ JD
July 12, 2022                                                                                                                                       11

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12             EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                                                                                                                                        July 12, 2022

                                                                                                                                         NEW CITY, NEW SHOW
                                                              GETTING AROUND EUROBIKE
                            HALL ALLOCATION EUROBIKE SHOW                                                                                                                                             CONFERENCE ROOMS

                                                                                                                                                                                               geländeMeeting room
                                                                                                                                                                                                      (< 55qm)
                                                                                                                                                                                                rn part of the
                                                                                                                                                                                               tion grounds
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Conference room
                                                                                                                                                                                                           (< 200qm)

                                                                                                                                                                                                           (> 200qm)

                                                                                                                                                                                               g room
                                                                                                                                                                                                nce room
    es,                                                                                                                                                                                         m)



                                                                                                                                                                                                Portalhaus               Halle 11
                                                                                                                                                                                                Ebene PH. Via            Ebene 11.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Frequenz 1               Korall              Ebene 9.T             Halle 8
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Frequenz 2               Karmesin                   Cosmopolitan   Ebene 8.1
                            Event areas                   Special exhibition areas                              Logistics, routes, entrances                                                      Frequenz 1 + 2           Granat              Lounge                  Symmetrie 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Symmetrie 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                Ebene PH.1               Halle 10              Ebene 9.1               Symmetrie 2
                            EUROBIKE CITY                                                                                                                                                         Sequenz                Ebene 10.2              Impuls                Symmetrie 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Transparenz 1            Inspiration 1         Ratio                 Symmetrie 2 + 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Transparenz 2            Inspiration 3         Logos
                                                                          r.                                                                                                                      Transparenz 1 + 2        Inspiration 2         Genius              Halle 12
                                                                     r St



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                                                                                                    z                                             Dompl.
                                                                                                                                                     pl.                                                                   Inspiration 1 + 2     Logos + Genius      Ebene 12.1


                                                                                                                                                                                                Ebene PH.C                 Inspiration 2 + 3     Esprit                Achat

                                thm                                                                    Röm
                                                                                                       R mer-
                                                                                                          er--                                                   t
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lumen                    Inspiration 1 – 3     Motiv                 Amethyst
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                                                                                                            g                                           Wec                                       Lux                      Atelier                                     Aventurin



                                                                                                                                  Saalg                                                           Candela                                      Ebene 9.2               Jade


                                                          asse                                                                                                                                    Focus                  Ebene 10.3              Dialog                Jaspis

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Prisma                   Reflexion 1                                 Lapis

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Reflexion 3                                 Onyx
                                                                Gasse                                                                                                                                                      Reflexion 2                                 Opal
                                                   Alte Mainzer
                                                                                                                                                                                 Alte Brücke

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Reflexion 1 + 2                             Pyrit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Reflexion 2 + 3                             Rubin
                                                                                                           er Ste

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Reflexion 1 – 3                             Saphir
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Halle 9                                     Smaragd

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                                                                             e  l

                                                                             pa k

                            Bike Flea Market                    Bike Parcour                      Chill Area                        Exhibitors                 Street Painting

                            Food & Hub & Stage                          Bike Parking                   Pumptrack                              Storage Space

                 Whether as a contact point for the bike scene, a weekend program for the family
                 or to wind down after a hard day at the trade fair - the EUROBIKE CITY Mainkai
                 becomes a relaxed meeting place - right on the beautiful banks of the Main. There,
                 all bike fans can look forward to a colorful bike culture program with a bike flea
                 market, children‘s parcours, street food, information stands from initiatives as well
                 as lectures, workshops and movies on the stages.
                 Location: Mainkai between "Eiserner Steg“ and "Untermainbrücke“, free admission!

                            Opening hours:                                                                                                                                                      All visitor tickets, which are available online, entitle the holder to free return
                            Wednesday July 13 – Friday July 15: from 2p.m. – 10p.m.                                                                                                             travel to the fair on buses and trains in the area covered by the Rhein-Main-
                            Saturday July 16: from 9a.m. – 10p.m.                                                                                                                               Verkehrsverbund. Please note that these tickets are only valid when printed out and
                            Sunday July 17: from 10a.m. – 8p.m.                                                                                                                                 accompanied by a valid identification document. You will find further information
                                                                                                                                                                                                on your ticket.
14    EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                          July 12, 2022

                                                    MOBILITY NETWORK NIGHT

                                                                    Prof. Dr. Marco te Brömmelstroet
     Annalena Horsch                Patrick Ayad                    (Photo: Christa Romp)               Christopher Werner

     The first Mobility Network Night             Over the past two years, count-          ESG due diligence and M&A advisory
     presented by Brose on July 14th in       less supply chain disruptions have           services worldwide, amongst others.
     Frankfurt, will provide a framework      confronted companies around the                  Prof. Dr. Marco te Brömmelstroet,
     for exploring cross-industry synergies   world with enormous organizational           considered one of the leading think-
     with other relevant urban mobility       and economic challenges. These reali-        ers when it comes to the innovative
     players. In an informal atmosphere,      ties collide with regulations such as the    future of mobility, will present his
     the organisers want to create space      Supply Chain Act in Germany or the           new book “Movement” and in his
     for genuine, personal exchange           Transparency Act in Norway, the EU           keynote speech he will reflect on how
     between decision-makers and              taxonomy, the UN Sustainable Develop-        the bicycle became a symbol of the
     opinion-makers. Beyond their own         ment Goals and a changing consumer           counter-movement in the 60s, what
     playing field, new contacts are to be    mindset. Experts from consulting and         it achieved and most importantly:
     made - whether legacy companies or       industry will discuss why it is advisable    what can we learn today when we
     forward-looking start-ups.               for companies to battle their way            think about the role the bicycle will
        The B2B event will take place         through the jungle of ESG frameworks,        play in the city of the future and on
     in the Westhafenpier 1 location          and what the challenges and opportu-         the streets of tomorrow? Marco holds
     — with a skyline view and Rhine          nities of sustainably designed supply        the Chair of Urban Mobility Futures
     river atmosphere. Besides high-end       chains are.                                  at the University of Amsterdam and
     BBQ and music, industry-relevant             Joining the panel will be Dr.            is the founding academic director of
     topics are on the agenda. Guests         Patrick Ayad, Global Leader Mobility         the Urban Cycling Institute and Lab
     will receive valuable insights from      and Transportation at Hogan Lovells,         of Thought. Former Elctra Bicycle Co.
     consulting and industry figures on a     Annalena Horsch, Managing Partner            CMO EU, Nicola Hemshorn-Bowen
     top-class panel discussing the topic:    of e-bike pioneer Coboc, and Christo-        will be the presenter.
     “Challenges and opportunities in         pher Werner, Managing Partner of fp          Tickets and further information at:
     making supply chains sustainable.”       - Frank Partners, a leading provider of
July 12, 2022   15
16   EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                                                       July 12, 2022

                                                            OVERVIEW: HUB DRIVES
                           HUB MOTORS LOSE WEIGHT
                             AND GAIN EFFICIENCY
       No one needs to be told (again) how many product advances have been stalled by the
     COVID pandemic. That didn’t stop some hub motor manufacturers from pressing onward in
their drive to find new solutions to the rising problems of fossil-fueled transportation and increased
  demands for e-bikes that do more. Lighter weight, easier to adapt to a bike wheel, and nearly as
   powerful as mid-drive motors, hub motors are often more economical as well – especially when
    a brand drops the price especially for Eurobike. However, weight and price can be secondary
     when the singular goals for a hub motor are to be performance-specific and meet demands
                          ahead of their time, like this first one from Pendix.

                                                                                                                                      If you didn’t know it was there, you
                                                                                                                                      probably wouldn’t notice the X20 system
                                                                                                                                      from Mahle.

                                                                                                                                      the X20’s weight and size relative to its
                                                                                                                                      power, Mahle has targeted the system
                                                                                                                                      for high-end road, gravel, cross-country,
                                                                                                                                      and urban e-bikes.
                                                                                                                                          Two weeks ago Mivice (8.0 /
                                                                                                                                      H17) opened the doors to its new
                                                                                                                                      headquarters in Germany. The bike
                                                                                                                                      system brand got started in 2011
                                                                                                                                      through a joint venture with Bosch
                                                                                                                                      Ningbo and now supplies both front
                                                                                                                                      and rear hub motors designed for
                                                                                                                                      pedal assisted urban, road, mountain
                                                                                                                                      bikes, fat bikes, or cargo bikes. The
                                                                                                                                      practically imperceptible M070 motor
                                                                                                                                      has the same dimensions as an inner
                                                                                                                                      eight-speed hub. The main body’s
                                                                                                                                      exterior diameter is 80 mm and can
Swytch is offering 60 percent off its new eBike Conversion Kit to Eurobike attendees.                                                 be adapted to either disc or V brakes.
                                                                                                                                      The M070 weighs a lean 1.7 kg and can
Pendix (8.0 / F19) caused its first             from there, it can be adapted to various   can become e-bikes with a narrow, 74       achieve a maximum power of 250 watts.
sensation in 2015 with the introduction         wheel and bike types.                      mm motor that easily fits on folding       The beefier M080 fits wheel diameters
of the Pendix eDrive, a powerful and                Of course not everyone wants           bikes and allows them to fold as           from 20 inches to 700c and reaches a
efficient mid-drive motor for cargo bikes       electric-assisted pedaling all the time    normal. Swytch has arranged special        maximum power of 700 watts, which
that was quickly adopted by postal              but the mighty heft of most e-bikes        pricing for Eurobike with the biggest      makes it suited for an e-mountain bike
services in Austria, Germany, Denmark,          doesn’t leave the rider much choice.       discount the company will most likely      or a small cargo e-bike. The M090 raises
and Sweden, as well as some private             Enter London-based Swytch (8.0 /           ever offer. The new e-bike conversion      the power to 1000 watts and boosts
shipping services. Carrying capacity,           A25), which smashed its crowdfund-         kit is available to show-goers for 60      the torque to 80N-m, which makes it
however, was limited by traditional             ing target for its e-bike conversion       percent off the regular price.             the workhorse of Mivice’s hub motors.
drivetrains, and so Pendix took aim at          kit when it first debuted in 2017.             While the bike industry has been       Given its strength and weight (the M090
solving that weakness. Early last fall          The conversion kit contains a motor        focused on reducing unnecessary            is 4.5 kg), Mivice strongly recommends
Pendix made waves again with its new            wheel, power pack, PAS (Pedal Assist       weight in traditional bikes for decades,   it for beach, snow (fat bikes), and cargo
Pendix eDrive IN, a completely chainless        Sensors) kit, handlebar bracket, and       Mahle SmartBike Systems (8.0 /             bikes.
bicycle drivetrain composed of a crank-         charger, and can transform any bike        F18) recently presented its X-Series
based generator in the front, battery,          into an e-bike. Back then, the nearly      solution, which claims to combine the
hardware, and rear hub motor(s) that            three-kilogram power pack was a            lightest materials of traditional bikes
power the bike’s forward momentum.              heavy weight if one wanted to pedal        with the most advanced electric motor
Intended as an OEM solution for                 their bike on their own, so Swytch         on the market to result in the lightest
cargo fleets, the Pendix eDrive IN is a         embraced the challenge of dropping         e-bike drive system on the market. The
                      system at its most        the system’s weight. The new Swytch        X20 has a total system weight of just
                          fundamental           eBike Conversion Kit has slashed the       3.2 kilograms and has been de-
                            level but           battery weight down to a lean 700          signed to be as inconspicuous as
                                                grams for the Air version, which is        possible – in other words, to look
                                 The Pendix     about the size of an android smart-        like you’re pedaling a traditional
                                    eDriveIN    phone, and 1.1 kilograms for the Max       bike even though it’s an e-bike.
                                    has been    version. The Air has a range of up to      The system mainly consists of an
                                    specially   15 kilometers while the Max can go up      ultracompact hub drive unit, iX250
                                   designed     to 30 kilometers. The kit has evolved      (236Wh) or iX350 (350Wh) battery,
                                    as a B2B    to accommodate wheel sizes 16” to 29”      head unit, torque sensor, and a
                                 product for    and offer customization options, like      proprietary software ecosystem.
                             the bicycle and    motor color (polished silver or matte      Optional accessories include
                              micromobility     black), and seven kit colors. Swytch       external displays, e-shifters,
                                      sector.   has also seen to it that folding bikes     range extender, and GPS. Given                    Mivice’s 1.7 kg M070 rear hub motor
18     EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                             July 12, 2022

Hyena E-Road system

   As a full-service development              slim in-tube batteries with a lower
partner and R&D company, Hyena Inc.           capacity. You also get to select from
(8.0 / I16) provides all drive system         handlebar-mounted displays with all
parts, an app for consumers and               control buttons, low-profile handlebar
service software for brands looking to        units with some LED lights and a
get into the lucrative e-bike market. OE      minimalist control unit that fits into
customers get to choose from different        the top tube for the road bike package.
packages for city, trekking or road           The latter also comes with dual sen-
bikes. All systems are based on hub           sors for a natural feel when pedaling.
motors that deliver 250 Watt power            So far Hyena Inc. only offers bottom
and 40 Nm of torque and fit standard          brackets with square taper axles, but
cassettes. As for the batteries, Hyena        they are working on a splined axle for
has units that fit under the carrier,         the road package as well to up their
semi-integrated designs or particularly       game. ■ WB

     This ecity model is features a 350W
     high speed brushless motor,
     suspension fork, LCD Display,
     6 Speed Shimano derailleur,
     36V/10Ah lithium ion battery,
     36V 2A charger, and front
     and rear LED light. Arturo is
     also extra safe thanks to its
     combined braking system and
     disc brakes on both wheels.
     Hall 8/A01

     Innova’s El Camino II 700x38C
     features a smooth tread center to
     roll very quickly on paved roads.
     The diamond-shaped intermediate
     transition tread makes sure this tire
     won’t be stopped by any rough roads
     and long detours. It allows for strong
     confidence in any road conditions,
     providing a smooth riding experi-
     ence, and maintaining good handling
     on unpredictable terrain with the
     square pattern of the tread shoulder.
     With the best puncture protection.
     Hall 9.1 / D04

                                                 Miranda handlebar stems have
                                                 been used by world champions
                                                 and are available in various sizes
                                                 such as 35mm, 45mm and 50mm,
                                                 with other specifications by
                                                 request. Specially designed to be
                                                 used on e-bikes, these allow 12Nm
                                                 of torque for maximum stiffness
                                                 and safety. Hall 9.0/B15
July 12, 2022   19
20   EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                                                                 July 12, 2022

                                                                 OVERVIEW: WHEELS
                  AS NEW WHEEL RANGES
                     COVER ALL BASES
 With gravel wheels now filling in the gap between road bikes and mountain bikes, and many ranges
 crossing between one genre and another, the wheel market has a greater coverage of the gamut of
                                       cycling than ever before
                                                                                                    With an all-in weight of                                    Zipp’s 101 XPLR gravel
                                                                                               1,295g the Fulcrum [11.0/                                          wheelset borrows Zipp’s
                                                                                               D07] Speed 25 is a wheel                                            Moto single-wall rim
                                                                                               designed for climbing                                               technology from MTB
                                                                                               performance. “The
                                                                                               profile”, says Fulcrum,                                               are available for
                                                                                               “optimises the                                                        Shimano, Cam-
                                                                                               sweet spot between                                                   pagnolo and Sram
                                                                                               lightness and                                                       cassettes.
                                                                                               aerodynamics                                                           Moving over to
                                                                                               for climbing and                                                  gravel, Zipp [12.0/
                                                                                               descending fun” The                                             B10) has long been
                                                                                               wheels are produced                                          a market leader in road
                                                                                               using a DIMF process                                      bikes but has branched
manufacturing improvements and ultra-                                                          that gives a smart                                      out into gravel with the 101
modern carbon make the Mark 3 SL wheels                                                        matt finish direct from                             XPLR wheelset, the company’s
320g lighter than their predecessors                                                           the mould, and the MoMag™                      first custom-built wheelset for gravel.
                                                                                               design allows for traditional nipples for      The 101 XPLR borrows Zipp’s Moto
XeNTiS [11.1/B22] has been making                                                              easy spoke tensioning, but without any         single-wall rim Technology. The rim
monocoque wheels for many years, and                                                           holes in the rim which makes tubeless          can locally flex to stay parallel to
the Mark 3 SL disc brake wheelset “sets         Fulcrum’s Speed 25 wheelset tips the scales    setup much easier without the need to          the ground during cornering, which
new standards in monocoque lightweight          at under 1,300g                                fit rim tape. The 26mm rim is mated with       increases traction much like a human
construction”, according to the company.                                                       hubs running USB™ ceramic bearings             ankle and guards against pinch flats.
Taking the existing Mark 3 wheelset as          The rim height and the shape of the            which exhibit 50% less rolling resistance      The single-wall rim construction also
the baseline, the XeNTiS engineers have         KONAX is the result of                                           than standard bearings.      provides excellent vibration damping.
been working hard to reduce the overall         analysis using state of                                            The wheels retail for      The wheels are built with Zipp’s ZR1
weight of the wheelset. The result is that      the art aerodynamic                                                  €2,190 with a choice     hubset which has beefed-up seals
this SL wheelset is 320g lighter, at just       analysis software-CFD                                                 of HG11, XDR or N3W     for improved reliability in mixed
1,420g per set, an 18% weight saving. The       (Computational                                                         freehubs.              conditions, as well as quicker freehub
savings have been achieved with the use         Fluid Dynamics).                                                            Deda elemen-      response with 66 points of engagement.
of an updated mix of ultra-modern carbon        While the middle                                                         ti [12.1/B03] will   Zipp 101 XPLR wheels are available in
fibers and tweaks to the manufacturing          depth is an all-                                                         be showcasing its    700c (1,665g) or 650b (1,590g) with a
process. The wheels are hand made in            round wheelset                                                            RS4DB road disc     27mm wide internal profile.
Austria with Ceramicspeed bearings and          the deepest                                                               wheelset, which         New to the Novatec [9.1/C07] line
retail for €3,999 per set. They are available   wheel is designed                                                         the company         up is the G24 700c gravel wheelset
in rim brake or disc brake builds.              specifically for                                                         says “defines a      ($899). “We’re confident this will
    The Prime series of high-end                triathlon. “The                                                          new standard         become a favorite of the back-road
tubeless-ready wheelsets from Token             design has been                                                         for performance       explorer”, says Novatec of the new
[9.0/B04] are available in three rim            adapted to ensure                                                      and lightness of a     wheelset. The G24 is built with a full
depths for different disciplines and            that the wheels                                                       tubeless disc brake     carbon hookless rim with a height
riding conditions. The shallowest               have optimum                                                          wheelset”. The full     of 28mm and comes in at a slim 415g
wheel, the VENTOUS DISC ($1,399),               aerodynamic                                                         carbon rim is 38mm        keeping rotational weight low; the total
uses a 36mm rim depth for all-round             efficiency”, says                                                  deep and 26mm wide,        weight of the wheelset is 1,575g per pair.
performance, with a 1,455g overall              Token. “The lateral                                             with a 19mm internal          With an inner rim width of 24mm, The
weight. The name is derived from                rigidity is the strongest of         Deda Elementi’s      width. The process that             G24 wheels can take gravel tyres up to
Mont Ventoux, made famous by the                the three wheelsets, and the         RS4DB wheels        Deda uses to mould the rims          50c and the rim depth is an ideal bal-
Tour de France. The Konax wheels                mass is proportional to the          use a 2-ratchet     allows it to reinforce the the       ance between rigidity and compliance,
are inspired by the IRONMAX-Hawaii              inertia, resulting in high-speed freehub system nipple holes and reduce the                   with excellent performance in durability
KONA triathlon World Championships.             cruising performance that is                             thickness between holes in           and impact resistance. They’re hand
Two rim depths are available: the               simply outstanding.” All of the rims           order to save weight and reduce                        built with stainless aero spokes
KONAX PRO ($1,499) with a rim                   use an ultra-wide rim design with an           the inertia of the wheel. The RS                           & DSN nipples, and have a
depth of 52mm, and the KONAX TRI                outer width of 27.4mm and an inner             hubs have been completely                                     maximum system weight
($1,599) that has a rim depth of 76mm.          width of 20mm.                                 redesigned too, replacing                                       (bike + rider + luggage) of
                                                                                               the SL generation of                                             110kg.
                                                                                               hubs and saving 80g                                                   The Proterra
                                                                                               per pair; the wheelset                                             wheels from WTB
                                                                                               weighs in at 1,340g. In                                             [12.0/C15] cover
                                                                                               the rear hub there’s                                                 everything from
                                                                                               a 2-ratchet freehub                                                  adventure road
                                                                                               system: a smaller                                                    riding to enduro in
                                                                                               ratchet is located in                                                four different builds
                                                                                               the freehub body with                                                with internal rim
                                                                                               a larger ratchet inside                                              widths from 23mm
                                                                                               the hub flange for a                                                up to 30mm. The
                                                                                               better power transmis-                                              most heavy-duty
                                                                                               sion. Internal, self-                                              build is the Proterra
                                                                                               locking nipples improve                                           Tough i30 (Front
     Token’s prime                                                                             aerodynamics and help
     wheel range has                                                                           to keep the wheels running                                   Novatec’s G24 gravel wheel
     had a rebranding                                                                          true. The wheels retail at                                 is designed to take up to a
                                                                                               €1,950 (ex VAT) and freehubs                             50mm tyre
July 12, 2022                                                                                                                                                                     21

                                            addition to its MTB range on the                                                          the load. They’re
                                            stand at Eurobike, the Fortus 30 SC. “                                                    tubeless-ready
                                                    Our original Fortus 30 quickly                                                    and come pre-
                                                        became the rim of choice                                                      installed with
                                                           for downhill and e-bike                                                    tubeless tape
                                                             riders because of its                                                    and valves. A
                                                              robust, reinforced three                                                25mm internal
                                                               chamber structure”,                                                    width will
                                                                says Hope. The 30mm                                                   allow for some
                                                                width quickly became       Stan’s NoTubes Flow Mk4 wheelset uses      bigger touring
                                                               popular for more            M-Pulse hubs with magnetic freehub         tyres to easily be
                                                              trail-oriented MTBs          engagement                                 fitted. The wheels
                                                             too, and the Fortus 30                                                   use 32 Pillar
WTB’s Proterra range covers                                SC uses a single chamber        coasting resistance, but the pawls         PTB380 spokes Seido’s Magnon wheels can
everything from adventure                               rim design that saves 100g         lock into place more reliably, with an     front and rear,      take a load of up to 150kg
road riding to enduro in four builds                over the original Fortus 30 rim.       engagement angle of just 1.66° for fast    and they’re
                                            “Although not as robust as the Fortus          pickup. The Flow MK4 wheelset uses         disc only. Builds are available in
€295.90/Rear €355.50), which uses a         30 rim, it is still more than capable of       an asymmetrically-drilled 6069 alloy       650b (1965g) and 700c (2059g) with a
rim with WTB’s Dual I-Beam support          tackling rough singletrack on a trail          rim that builds up into a very durable     selection of freehub bodies available.
that braces the rim internally for extra    bike”, it says of the new wheelset. The        wheel, with the enduro bearings in             Finally, if you’re happy with your
strength. All the wheels can also be fit-   Fortus 30 SC will retail for €210/€340 for     the hub promising a long service life.     wheels but looking for a way to keep
ted with Solid Strip, which is installed    front and rear wheels.                         The low-profile 30mm internal width        them secure it’s worth heading over
under the tubeless tape to prevent the         Stan’s NoTubes [12.1/D07] has               optimizes tyre shape, traction, and        to the Pinhead [9.1/G07] booth
tape from sagging at the spoke holes        some interesting tech inside its M-Pulse       control for 2.3-2.6” tires. The Stan’s     to see its range of lockable options
which results in a smooth, consistent       hubs, as used in the Flow MK4 wheelset         NoTubes Connection program includes        for wheels, as well as seatposts,
interface between the tyre and rim          ($965 / €1055). Instead of a pawl and          a 5-year hub warranty, a 3-year rim        saddles and headsets. One unique
making fitting of tubeless tyres much       spring design the freehub uses pawls           warranty, crash replacement for a year,    multi-combination key unlocks any of
easier. The lighter Proterra Light                      engaged by Neodynium mag-          and a $10 donation to trail maintenance    the components on your bike. New to
i23 wheels (Front €295.90/Rear                               nets. The magnets work        or advocacy group of your choice.          the range is a through-axle lock than
€355.50) use an open-cavity                                      in the opposite way to        If you’re looking for something for    can be customised online for different
rim for lighter weight and                                         a spring, in that the   heavier loads then Seido [11.0/B07]        wheel types. ■ DA
the 23mm internal width                                              force applied by      is presenting the Magnon wheelset, a
provides the optimal tyre                                             the magnet to the    heavy-duty touring build that can take
profile for adventure road                                             pawl is strongest   a total system weight up to 150kg. “it’s
and gravel tyres ranging                                               when engaged,       a reliable choice for a world-exploring
from 30-42mm. All the                                                  and weakest when    touring bike as it can easily cope
Proterra wheelsets use                                                 coasting. That      with the added luggage and rough
Top-tier EZO bearings,                                                 results in lower    terrain”, says Seido. “With the added
and a swift 6-pawl                                                                         strength it also means less road-side
freehub with 5 degrees of                                        Hope’s Fortus 30 SC       repairs due to spoke breakage or rim
engagement.                                                     is a lighter build with    failure”. The rims are 6061-T6 alloy
   Hope [9.0/A05]                                             a single chamber rim,        with a sleeved joint, and they’re an       Pinhead’s locking systems can secure any
will have the most recent                                   designed for trail use         asymmetric design to better balance        type of wheelset
22   EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                               July 12, 2022

        NEW TOOL
        THE LATEST
   Fresh technology needs fresh tools. As home
  mechanics become more familiar with systems
 once thought too complex to tackle, the demand
   for specialist implements continues to grow.
Whether it’s setting up or repairing tubeless tyres
   or servicing hydraulic disc brakes, ever more
tasks are becoming natural to the average cyclist.

Park Tool's BBT-RS promises
to be the ideal tool for one of
the trickiest of workshop jobs

On the road or trail, cyclists are also        Park’s classic
demanding that their carry-along               wheel truing stand
tools offer improved functionality and         reimagined to
ergonomics. The same goes for that             accommodate the
most crucial of devices, the bicycle           most up-to-date of
pump. We’ve rounded up some of the             hub standards and
best from this year’s show to see who’s        widest of tyres
keeping pace with demand.
   No name is as synonymous with
bicycle tools as Park Tool [11.1/              modates thru-axles via removable
B04]. This year the famously blue              adaptors making it compatible with
brand adds new tools for both work-            all hub types. One thing remains
shop and carry-along use. First is the         the same; it’s still assembled and
latest TS-2.3 professional wheel truing        calibrated in St. Paul, Minnesota. A
stand. A fixture in many workshops,            somewhat more specialist tool is the
this most recent iteration is now taller       BBT-RS bottom bracket tool retaining
to accommodate bigger
wheels, hubs, and
tyres. Keeping up
with the latest
standards, it
also accom-

 This modern multitool can fix your bike and
                   plug your tubeless tyres
July 12, 2022                                                                                                                                                                           23

                                                                                                                                              Schrader valves via a flexible hose
                                                                                                                                              with an integrated valve core tool, its
                                                                                                                                              striking metallic finish means it’s both
                                                                                                                                              practical and covetable. Almost equally
                                                                                                                                              attractive is Lezyne’s Pocket Torque
                                                                                                                                              Drive. This torsion ratchet tool is again
                                                                                                                                              constructed from durable, lightweight
                                                                                                                                              machined aluminium. Coming apart
                                                                                                                                              for easy storage in the included case,
                                                                                                                                              it arrives equipped with six hardened
                                                                                                                                              steel bits, including 2.5, 3, 4, 5mm
                                                                                                German firm SKS has at least five new floor   hex bits and T20, T25 Torx bits.
                                                                                                pumps from which to choose from               Adjustable between 2 – 6Nm in
                                                                                                                                              0.5Nm increments, it’s perfect for
                                                                                                dual-sided nickel-plated bits. Magne-         making precise adjustments at
                                                                                                tised for secure fitting, these cover         home or on the road.
                                                                                                2-6mm Allen keys, Philips and flat
                                                                                                head screwdrivers, and T10 and T15            Giyo's Dual high-                Giyo’s
                                                                                                Torx drivers. Snapping into                           volume and            compact
                                                                                                place, once inserted into                                 high-         pumps cram
                                                                                                the end of the tool, its user will                        pressure        in features
                                                                                                benefit from greater leverage and               modes make for            like digital
Weldtite offers an entire board of quality tools ready to be installed either at home or in a   improved dexterity, making it ideal            accurate and sweat-      connectivity
professional workshop                                                                           for working on hard-to-reach areas.            free inflation                and dual
                                                                                                    In their famous orange                                                   pressure
                                                                                                livery, SKS [12.1/A27] pumps are                                            pumping
                                                                                                instantly recognisable. At this year’s
                                                                                                show, the brand will be exhibiting                    Also making elegant
                                                                                                five new upright options, each of                 aluminium hand pumps
                                                                                                which comes with the firm’s MV                      is Giyo [9.1/A29]. Its
                                                                                                Easy multi-valve head. Further                      GM-56BT E-Bike mini pump
                                                                                                recommending them is that each                  is well-suited for convenient
                                                                                                can be rebuilt, with spare parts                use with electric bikes thanks
                                                                                                readily available. Covering the                 to its large barrel and flexible
                                                                                                entry-level, the firm’s Airkompressor           hose design. Also featuring a
                                                                                                Compact 10 pump is made of robust               Bluetooth digital gauge that
                                                                                                plastic and focuses on ergonomics.              can connect to the iGauge
                                                                                                A level up, the Airkompressor 10.0 is           smartphone app to display exact
                                                                                                equipped with a precision pressure              pressure, it’s likely to be a hit with
                                                                                                gauge for optimum readability plus               technology-savvy electric bike
                                                                                                an extra-long hose, making                        owners. Also very clever is the
                                                                                                it even more comfortable                               firm’s GM-24VP’s Air-Turbo mini
WorldTour tested tool kits in easy-to-transport cases from Unior                                and gentle on your valves.                                pump. Quickly reaching a
                                                                                                The Air-X-Plorer 10.0’s sturdy                            huge 300psi, it does this by
system. Potentially a saviour for one                                                           metal construction is stable and                          combining dual high-volume
of the most challenging workshop                                                                allows for pressures of up to 10 bar,         and high-pressure modes. It’s a trick
jobs, it’s designed to help remove                                                              which is high. But not as high as the         also managed by the brand’s GF-2232
tight or seized bottom brackets with                                                            Airmotion 12.0, which can hit a solid         High-Pressure/High-Volume floor
shallow tool engagement and works                                                               12 bar. Finally, the Air-X-Plorer Digi        pump.
in conjunction with the current line                                                            10.0 guarantees measuring accuracy                Finally, and nicely bridging the
of Park Tool bottom bracket tools.                                                              thanks to its digital gauge. In a further     categories of tools and pumps, is
More universally useful is the RTP-1                                                            string to the brand’s bow, SKS also           Airace’s [www.airace-cycling.
rescue tool pod. Mounting to your                                                               produces various tools. These include         com] Handy tyre lever and CO2 infla-
bike’s frame, this multi-tool and tyre                                                          the Tom 18, a compact and lightweight         tor. This great-looking tool combines
plug combo means you’ll be able to fix                                                          multi-tool with 18 functions. Featuring       everything you need to remove
minor damage to your tubeless tyres                                                             an integrated compartment for a               and inflate an inner tube, except of
at the roadside while also accomplish-           Locking into a T or an L shape, the Groove     chain pin, it should cover most riders        course, for a CO2 canister. Made from
ing the everyday tasks you’d expect of           Pro tool from Ryder Innovation offers          against all common mechanicals.               robust aluminium, the back of the
a multi-tool.                                    leverage and length beyond that of most            Lezyne [12.0/C16] offers a vast           lever features a plastic protector to
    Owning your own tool wall is the             multitools                                             range of products, including          defend the rim against damage. By
dream of many home mechanics.                                                                                both tools and pumps.            comparison, the firm’s Infinity DT floor
Making it a reality, Weldtite’s [9.1/            hard cases, within which are housed                           Premiering at this year’s      pump looks a little more
C12] new Cyclo brand Shadow Board                a readily accessible selection of qual-                       show, its Pocket Drive         traditional but is actu-
arrives with an up-to-date selection             ity tools. Designed for the hardest                            Pro HV is a compact,          ally just as innovative.
of tools that’s perfect for working on           working mechanics, the Master kit                              lightweight hand pump         Combining a standard
a range of modern standards. Also                features 94 items, enough to set up                           for high volume tyres.         pumping function with an
very current is the inclusion of a               a workshop wherever in the world                              Featuring a full CNC           accumulator tank for seating
2-24Nm torque wrench with a selection            you find yourself. Safe and secure in a                       machined aluminium             tubeless tyres, switching
of the most commonly requested                   dust and waterproof casing, each tool                         construction, its clever       modes is as easy as flipping
bits. Meaning there’s no excuse for              is logically located, ensuring every                          overlapping handle design      a lever on the pump head.
ham-fisted overtightening of delicate            instrument remains close to hand.                             offers maximum volume          Regardless of which way you
components; it promises to close the             Offering a more tailored selection of                         in a com-                      use it, you’ll benefit from
gap between home and professional                tools and a smaller pack size is the                          pact                                       a colourful digital
workshops. Also including wire and               Home tool kit. Retaining the same                             size.                                         gauge and a neat
cable cutters, a sizable pedal spanner           robust case and secure foam trays,                            Attaching                                     one-piece design.
and a range of files and screwdrivers,           it provides identical professional-                           to both Presta and                            ■ JD
the finishing touches to many every-             level quality in a size more suited                                                                            Twin tanks make
day tasks are equally well catered to.           to enthusiasts or those with limited                         Maximum volume,                                   for easy inflation
    Another company offering a wide              space or budget.                                             minimum size.                                     and seating via a
range of kits is Unior [9.1/E01].                    Ergonomics is often the stumbling                        Lezyne’s Pocket Drive                                    single unit
Sponsoring many teams, including the             block for many compact carry-along                           promises performance
mighty Jumbo-Visma and Ineos, its                tools. Omnico’s [9.1/F25] Ryder                              to match its stunning
products are designed in conjunction             Innovation Groove Tool seeks to solve                        looks
with some of the best mechanics                  this problem with a unique design
on the WorldTour circuit. New for                that doesn’t require folding. Instead,
the show are two key workshop                    the tool’s body functions as a driver          Torque takes to the trail thanks to             The Airace Handy
selections, the Master and Home tool             that can be locked in either a T or             Lezyne’s compact and adjustable                combines inflator and
kits. Both arrive in easy to transport           L-type position. Housed inside are five                      pocket-sized driver               levers into a single tool
24   EUROBIKE SHOW DAILY                                                                                                                                           July 12, 2022

                                                EUROBIKE INVESTORS LOUNGE
   From private equity
firms to car makers, the
  bicycle business has
 drawn unprecedented
    investment in the
   last year, driven by
  an appetising mix of
   favourable factors.
As analysts explain, the industry is at the
intersection of several “mega-trends” that
suggest potential for long-term expan-
sion, and the structure of the industry
provides leeway for improved profit
margins in the years ahead.
    This has encouraged Eurobike
to organise an investors’ lounge in
partnership with Ralf Kindermann. The
former chief executive of Internetstores,
Kindermann is an investor and board
member at several companies, and the
supervisory board chairman of Bike24.
Backed by The Riverside Company,              tions and fundraises involving European
this German online bike retailer was          companies in 2020, the number shot up
launched on the Frankfurt stock               to 52 last year. The tally so far this year
exchange last June.                           suggests that the level should be similar
    “When I found out that Eurobike was       for 2022, Rump said.
moving to Frankfurt, the German finan-            The trend has seen investment
cial capital, I thought that it would make    from financial investors such as KKR,
a lot of sense to organise a program for      the firm that led a consortium to take
investors who are interested in the bike      over the Accell Group earlier this year,
industry, to give them more insights into     with a bid valuing the Dutch supplier
market development and dynamics,”             at $1.56 billion. Van Moof managed to
Kindermann said. He has reached out to        secure $128 million last September,
more than 800 potential investors, from       in a fundraising led by Hillhouse
venture capital firms to family offices.      Investment. The particular potential of
    The Eurobike Investors’ Lounge            the U.S. market probably helped Rad
enables participants to meet up near          Power bikes to secure $154 million            The investor lounge at Eurobike
the New Mobility Hall 8. They will hear       from existing investors last October.
presentations about the bike industry             Other protagonists in the ecosystem       investment fund, relating to e-bike           less relevant, and consumers will have
and get a tour of the trade fair, taking in   have benefitted from the influx of cash,      distribution and technology.                  a substantial mobility budget to spend
the latest trends. Snacks and drinks are      from e-bike component makers to                   “With these steps, Porsche is             on a bike.”
on the menu as well.                          specialists in accessories such as Selle      driving forward its e-mobility strategy          In its most disruptive scenario,
    Among the presenters are Burkhard         Royal. Wise Equity bought a stake of          in a holistic manner,” the group said in      McKinsey predicts that the market for
Stork, who heads up the Zweirad-              33% in the Italian group in May 2021,         a statement.                                  e-bikes will increase from 30 to 35 mil-
Industrie-Verband (ZIV), the German           and Selle Royal said earlier this year            Other transactions in the last            lion units sold in 2021 to about 270 to
bike industry association, and Gunnar         that it’s aiming for a listing on the Milan   years were in part intended to create         300 million units across North America,
Fehlau, a German author and influencer        stock exchange.                               synergies with enlarged combinations          Greater China and Europe.
specialised in cycling.                           Bicycle retailers are in the picture as   of bicycle brands. That could be said            Low interest rates and the
    Deloitte has conducted consumer           well, such as Bike24 and Signa Sports         for Pon as well as Pierer Mobility, which     abundance of cash in the market
research that will be presented to par-       United. The company behind online             agreed to buy Felt Bicycles from the          have contributed to the size of the
ticipants of the investor program, along      specialists such as Probikeshop and           Rossignol Group.                              investments and valuations, which
with trends in mergers in acquisitions. finalised the acquisition of           Kersten Heineke, co-leader of             may be adjusted in the years ahead.
    Christian Rump, manager at                Wiggle and obtained a listing on the          McKinsey’s Center for Future Mobility in      But underlying trends speak in favour
Deloitte’s Sports Business Group, said        New York stock exchange through a             Frankfurt, has seen a shift in investment     of continued appetite for bike busi-
the report published in June shows            special purpose acquisition company.          in the last two years to e-scooters. He       nesses, from government support to
e-bikes remain by far the most popular            With its acquisition of Dorel Sports,     predicts that more money will flow            the demand for healthier lifestyles and
e-mobility solution among German              the entity behind Cannondale and              into alternative forms of mobility, such      investments integrating environmental,
consumers. About 18% of the 1,000             other brands, the Pon Group from the          as e-cargo bikes, and probably a new          social and governance (ESG) criteria.
respondents said they use e-bikes,            Netherlands is among the car compa-           category consisting of microcars, or bikes       “We’re already seeing investment
compared with 7% each for e-scooters          nies that are pumping up investment in        with some form of protective casing.          advisors declining assignments from
and e-cars.                                   the bike market – creating synergies in           The financial market has seen             companies without ESG strategies,”
    “The target group for e-bikes has         the mobility market.                          interest in sharing and subscription          said Heineke. “Companies that aren’t
continually grown, because e-bikes have           Porsche has moved in the same             platforms as well, with large-scale           making an effort on sustainability in
become lighter and they are spreading         direction by snapping up a majority           takeovers and fundraises around               the next five years will find it hard to
to mountain biking,” said Rump. “They         stake in Greyp, the Croatian brand,           companies such as Nextbike, Lime and          draw investment.”
have moved from a convenience                 and by taking over Fazua. After its           Jump. But Heineke reckons that bicycle           The bicycle industry is at an
product, to avoid sweating on your way        acquisition of a 20% stake in the maker       ownership will drive the market and           advantage in this context, because its
to work, to a lifestyle product.”             of light e-bike drive systems earlier this    push up sales of higher-end bikes.            products could be regarded as intrinsi-
    The growth prospects for the e-bike       year, Porsche decided to exercise its             “For most bikes, the ticket isn’t so      cally green. But Heineke warns that this
market have driven a spurt in transac-        option to buy the entire company in           high compared with other mobility             doesn’t exempt them from investments
tions in the entire bike market. While        June. Separately, it’s forming two joint      options,” said Heineke. “If cars are          in clean manufacturing and reduction of
Deloitte counted 17 mergers, acquisi-         ventures with Ponooc, the Pon group’s         driven out of city centers, the car will be   carbon emissions. ■ BS
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