Euphemistic Phrase Detection by Masked Language Model
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Euphemistic Phrase Detection by Masked Language Model Wanzheng Zhu and Suma Bhat University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, Abstract natural language processing communities (Durrett It is a well-known approach for fringe groups et al., 2017; Magu and Luo, 2018; Pei et al., 2019; and organizations to use euphemisms— Felt and Riloff, 2020), and the security and pri- ordinary-sounding and innocent-looking vacy communities (Zhao et al., 2016; Yang et al., arXiv:2109.04666v1 [cs.CL] 10 Sep 2021 words with a secret meaning—to conceal 2017; Yuan et al., 2018; Hada et al., 2020; Zhu what they are discussing. For instance, drug et al., 2021). However, existing approaches can dealers often use “pot” for marijuana and only detect single-word euphemisms (e.g., “pop- “avocado” for heroin. From a social media corn”, “coke”), and fail to detect multi-word eu- content moderation perspective, though recent phemisms (e.g., “black tar”, “cbd oil”) automati- advances in NLP have enabled the automatic detection of such single-word euphemisms, cally. Therefore, offenders can simply invent eu- no existing work is capable of automatically phemistic phrases to evade content moderation and detecting multi-word euphemisms, such as thwart censorship. “blue dream” (marijuana) and “black tar” Our paper focuses on the task of euphemistic (heroin). Our paper tackles the problem phrase detection—detecting phrases that are used of euphemistic phrase detection without human effort for the first time, as far as we as euphemisms for a list of target keywords—by ex- are aware. We first perform phrase mining on tending the state-of-the-art single-word euphemism a raw text corpus (e.g., social media posts) detection algorithm proposed by Zhu et al. (2021). to extract quality phrases. Then, we utilize Our proposed approach first mines quality phrases word embedding similarities to select a set of from the text corpus using AutoPhrase (Shang et al., euphemistic phrase candidates. Finally, we 2018; Liu et al., 2015), a data-driven phrase min- rank those candidates by a masked language ing tool. Then, it filters noisy candidates that are model—SpanBERT. Compared to strong not semantically related to any of the target key- baselines, we report 20-50% higher detection accuracies using our algorithm for detecting words (e.g., heroin, marijuana in the drug category). euphemistic phrases. This serves as a pre-selection step to construct a euphemistic phrase candidate pool. Finally, we 1 Introduction rank the pre-selected candidates using SpanBERT Euphemisms—ordinary-sounding and innocent- (Joshi et al., 2020), a pre-training Masked Lan- looking words—have long been used in human guage Model (MLM) that is designed to better pre- communication as an instrument to conceal secret dict the span of tokens (i.e., phrases) in text. information (Bellman, 1981). A primary motive of Evaluating on the benchmark drug dataset in their use on social media is to evade automatic con- Zhu et al. (2021), we find that our proposed ap- tent moderation efforts enforced by such platforms proach yields euphemistic phrase detection results (Cambridge Consultants, 2019; Yuan et al., 2018). that are 20-50% higher than a set of strong base- For example, a rich lexicon of drug euphemisms line methods. A qualitative analysis reveals that has evolved over time, with entire communities sub- our approach also discovers correct euphemisms scribing to benign sounding words that allude to that were not on our ground truth list, i.e., it can drug names (e.g., {“popcorn”, “blueberry”, “green detect previously unknown euphemisms and even crack”, “blue dream”} −→ “marijuana”, {“coke”, new types of drugs. This is of significant utility “white horse”, “happy powder”} −→ “cocaine”). in the context of Internet communities, where eu- Research on automatic euphemism detection phemisms evolve rapidly and new types of drugs has recently received increased attention in the may be invented.
Quality Phrases hash oil Relevant Phrases Ranked Phrases 2.2 Pre-Selection of Phrase Candidates black tar Text Corpus street drugs hash oil sugar cubes louis vuitton barack obama street drugs xtc pills hash oil … AutoPhrase takes only a text corpus as its input and xtc pills xtc pills sugar cubes street meth sugar cubes street meth … produces phrases that may or may not be relevant to black tar street meth black tar credit card … street drugs any of the target keywords. This stage aims to filter … … out phrases that are not relevant to the target key- Phrase Mining Pre-Selection Phrase Ranking words and thus pre-select the euphemistic phrase Figure 1: An overview of our proposed framework candidates. This serves to not only pre-filter noisy candidates, but also to reduce the computational resources in the subsequent ranking algorithm. 2 Proposed Model Specifically, we use the word2vec algorithm (Mikolov et al., 2013a,b) to learn the embeddings In this study, we assume access to a raw text cor- for all the words and phrases.2 Relying on the pus (e.g., a set of posts from an online forum). In distributional hypothesis that semantically similar practice, forum users may use euphemisms—words words occur in linguistically similar contexts, we that are used as substitutes for one of the target key- assume that the euphemistic phrases should not be words (e.g., heroin, marijuana). We aim to learn too far from the target keywords on the embedding which multi-word phrases are being used as eu- space. Therefore, we select the top k phrases3 in phemisms for the target keywords. The euphemism terms of the cosine similarities between the em- detection task takes as input (1) the raw text corpus beddings of each extracted phrase and the average and (2) a list of target keywords. The output is an embeddings of all target keywords. ordered ranked list of euphemistic phrase candi- dates, sorted by model confidence. 2.3 Euphemistic Phrase Ranking Our proposed approach for euphemistic phrase We extract contextual information of the target key- detection has three stages (shown in Figure 1): words and filter out uninformative contexts, follow- 1) Mining quality phrases, 2) Pre-selecting eu- ing Zhu et al. (2021). Next, with a collection of phemistic phrase candidates using cosine simi- informative masked sentences (e.g., “This 22 year larities of word2vec embeddings (Mikolov et al., old former [MASK] addict who I did drugs with 2013a,b), and 3) Ranking euphemistic phrases with was caught this night”), we aim to rank the pre- a masked language model. selected phrase candidates for their ability to serve as a replacement of the masked keyword. Toward 2.1 Quality Phrase Mining ranking the candidates for filling in the mask, a common approach is to use BERT (Devlin et al., Phrase mining aims to generate a list of qual- 2019), but BERT can be used to only rank single ity phrases, which serves as the candidate pool words. Here, we leverage the idea of masked lan- for the algorithm to rank. We select AutoPhrase guage model applied not at the word level, but at (Shang et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2015), which the phrase level to facilitate detection. Therefore, has demonstrated superior phrase mining perfor- we select SpanBERT (Joshi et al., 2020) to rank mance in a wide range of settings, to mine quality the candidates, because it is designed to better rep- phrases. This is because we are interested in a data- resent and predict contiguous spans of text and it driven method of detection from a domain-specific enables the likelihood calculation of multi-word text corpus such as subreddit1 , rather than by us- candidates in a given context. ing trained linguistic analyzers (e.g., dependency We fine-tune the pre-trained SpanBERT model parsers) that are less likely to have a satisfactory with the text corpus of interest.4 Then, for each performance on text corpora with unusual usage masked sentence m, and for each phrase candidate of words (euphemisms). By incorporating distant c, we compute its MLM probability (the proba- supervision (i.e., Wikipedia) and part-of-speech tags as Shang et al. (2018), we empirically find 2 We use the Gensim package in Python3 for word2vec that AutoPhrase can extract meaningful phrases training. We use a context window of 6, an embedding dimen- sion of 100, a minimum count of 5, and a sampling rate of successfully. 10−4 . 3 We empirically set k = 1000 in our experiments. 1 4 Forums hosted on the Reddit website, and associated with a specific topic. SpanBERT.
bility of the phrase c occurring in m as predicted P @10 P @20 P @30 P @50 by the masked language model) hc,m by the fine- SentEuph 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 tuned SpanBERT model. Therefore, given a set of Word2vec 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.06 EigenEuph 0.10 0.15 0.13 0.10 masked sentences, the weight w Pc of a word candi- EPD-rank-all 0.20 0.25 0.20 0.16 date c is calculated as: wc = m0 hc,m0 . Lastly, EPD-ILM 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.12 we rank the phrase candidates by their weights. EPD 0.30 0.30 0.27 0.22 3 Empirical Evaluation Table 1: Results on euphemistic phrase detection. Best results are in bold. We evaluate our proposed model (denoted as “EPD”) and the following baselines on the bench- Euphemistic Phrase Candidates mark drug dataset in Zhu et al. (2021), and compare black tar, nitric oxide, nitrous oxide, hash oil, citric acid, it with the following baseline models: crystal meth, lysergic acid, hydrochloric acid, cbd oil, magic mushroom, sour diesel, xtc pills, crystal meth, iso- • SentEuph (Felt and Riloff, 2020) recognizes eu- propyl alcohol, sugar cubes, speed paste, og kush, fen- tanyl powder, brown sugar, pot brownies, xanax bars, phemisms by sentiment analysis and a bootstrap- hemp oil, coca cola, dnm coke, co2 oil, blue dream, gold ping algorithm for semantic lexicon induction. bullion, cannabis tincture, oxy pills, amphetamine powder For a fair comparison, we do not include its man- ual filtering stage and exclude the single-word Table 2: Top 30 output by EPD. Purple bold words are predictions from the output. correct detections as marked by the ground truth list. • Word2vec: we follow Section 2.1 and 2.2 to rank all phrases by the cosine similarities be- truth list of euphemistic phrases. For a fair compar- tween each phrase and the input target keywords. ison of the baselines, we experiment with different We do not include the final euphemistic phrase combinations of parameters and report the best per- ranking step in Section 2.3. This is one of the formance for each baseline method. most straightforward baselines and also, an abla- tion study to investigate the effectiveness of the 3.1 Results euphemistic phrase ranking step. Table 1 summarizes the euphemistic phrase detec- tion results. We note that our proposed approach • EigenEuph (Magu and Luo, 2018) leverages outperforms all the baselines by a wide margin for word and phrase embeddings (following Section the different settings of the evaluation metric. 2.1 and 2.2) and a community detection algo- SentEuph’s poor performance could be attributed rithm, to generate a cluster of euphemisms by the to the absence of the required additional manual ranking metric of eigenvector centralities. filtering stage to refine the results. As mentioned • EPD-rank-all is a simpler version of EPD. It before, this was done to compare the approaches does not pre-select euphemistic phrase candi- based on their automatic performance alone. dates described in Section 2.2 but uses Span- Word2vec is one of the most straightforward BERT to rank all phrases mined by AutoPhrase. baselines. By taking advantage of the distributional hypothesis, it can output some reasonable results. • EPD-ILM ranks the pre-selected phrase candi- However, its performance is still inferior largely dates by Infilling by Language Modeling (ILM)5 because it learns a single embedding for each token (Donahue et al., 2020) instead of SpanBERT. and therefore does not distinguish different senses ILM is optimized for predicting fixed-length of the same token. EigenEuph, which leverages missing tokens of a document. We set the token a community detection algorithm to enhance the length to be 2, since a majority of euphemistic similarity for different tokens, has slightly better phrases (i.e., 749 out of 820 in the drug dataset) results than the vanilla Word2vec baseline. have 2 words. By comparing the performance of EPD and Word2vec, we conclude that it is effective to adopt Following Zhu et al. (2021), we use the evaluation SpanBERT for the final ranking of the pre-selected metric precision at k (P @k) to compare the gen- euphemistic phrase candidates. Comparing the per- erated candidates of each method with the ground formance of EPD and EPD-rank-all, we demon- 5 strate that it is effective to pre-select a set of eu-
Euphemism ID Sentences Associated Candidates • really incredible short lasting high nitrous oxide is so much more effective while on mdma 1 nitrous oxide • ive done multiple other drugs and im going to try nitrous oxide for the first time • so i have done a few different substances so far including weed mdma acid nitrous oxide and ketamine • he likes the stupidly pungent sour diesels and kushs and its all he smokes 2 sour diesel • vendor sftreats product oz of sour diesel price $280 okay let me start off by saying holy shit • us vendor sour diesel green crack • i bought cheap cocaine and cheap speed paste 3 speed paste • ordered 3g speed paste from an onion patch dried it out and tried a small bomb and a couple bumps ~60mg total • iv dosage of 70 pure speed paste • lsd or magic mushrooms solo trip magic 4 • ive done magic mushrooms 3 times and lsd 1 time 100mcg mushroom • if i would trip on lsd i would do 75mcg and with magic mushrooms 1 portion around 10g fresh • just this one time the rest of the night i had a gram of high quality dnm coke for the night 5 dnm coke • i also havent had amazing euphoria from dnm coke in a while im talking older batches of icoke and thecandymanuk • ive had dnm coke before from a different vendor and barely felt it and ive had street coke which i wont go near again Table 3: Case Studies of the false positives detected on the drug dataset. They are real examples from Reddit. phemistic phrase candidates using word2vec before Among other false positives, we find that many of ranking by SpanBERT.6 them are strongly related to a drug, but they are ILM performs poorly for this task. ILM is de- not proper euphemisms such as “crystal meth” and signed for text infilling for a document, but not “xtc pills" (“ecstasy pills”). for a sentence. By inspecting the output of ILM, we find that many top ranked candidates contain a 3.3 Generalizability to Other Datasets punctuation which separates one sentence from an- Owing the limited availability or the nature of other. For instance, in the masked sentence “these euphemisms in the dataset, we perform experi- products can sometimes be found in shitty and ments on only one real-life dataset. We did not dangerous [MASK] [MASK] pills”, ILM ranks perform experiments on the weapon and the sex- "places ." as the best candidates to replace the uality datasets used in Zhu et al. (2021), because masks. Though we limit the ranking candidates most euphemisms used are single words rather than to be the pre-selected phrases generated in Sec- multi-word phrases. Neither did we perform ex- tion 2.2, we still find its ranking performance to periments on the hate speech dataset collected by be suboptimal. However, we do find that ILM pro- Magu and Luo (2018) since the dataset was not duces reasonable results for single-word prediction, publicly available. which is not the task we consider. Despite the lack of empirical support, we believe our approach to be generalizable to other datasets 3.2 False Positive Analysis or domains since the algorithm does not make any We present the top 30 outputs generated by EPD domain-specific assumptions. Besides, EPD shares in Table 2 and perform case study on the false pos- a similar model architecture with the algorithm pro- itives in Table 3. A closer analysis of the false posed by Zhu et al. (2021), shown to be robust positives reveals that some of them are true eu- across various datasets. However, we do admit that phemistic phrases for drugs that were not present the generalizability of our approach needs to be in the ground truth list (i.e., cases 2-5 in Table 3). justified empirically on multiple real-life datasets. This is of significant utility in the context of In- We leave the dataset collection and empirical eval- ternet communities, where memes and slangs lead uation for future work. to rapidly evolving euphemistic vocabulary and new types of drugs may be invented. For instance, 4 Related Work we discover “nitrous oxide” (commonly known Euphemism detection and its related work has re- as “laughing gas”, popular among young people). cently received increased attention from the natural 6 We also point out that the pre-selection step saves 62% of language processing and security and privacy com- the run time in our experiment. munities (Durrett et al., 2017; Portnoff et al., 2017;
Magu and Luo, 2018; Pei et al., 2019; Felt and valuable for content moderation on social media Riloff, 2020; Zhao et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2017; platforms. Zhu et al., 2020; Yuan et al., 2018; Hada et al., 2020; Zhu et al., 2021). Existing euphemism de- Acknowledgements tection work have established a number of models We thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful by supervised (Pei et al., 2019), semi-supervised comments on earlier drafts that significantly helped (Durrett et al., 2017) and unsupervised learning improve this manuscript. This research was sup- schemes (Zhao et al., 2016; Magu and Luo, 2018), ported by the National Science Foundation award on diverse categories and platforms (Yang et al., CNS-1720268. 2017; Hada et al., 2020), with and without distant- supervision (Portnoff et al., 2017; Felt and Riloff, Ethical Considerations 2020). The data we use in this paper are from the previous Without requiring any online search services, years, were posted on publicly accessible websites, one major line of existing work have relied on static and do not contain any personal identifiable infor- word embeddings (e.g., word2vec) in combination mation (i.e., no real names, email addresses, IP with network analysis (Taylor et al., 2017; Magu addresses, etc.). Just like Zhu et al. (2021), our and Luo, 2018), sentiment analysis (Felt and Riloff, analyses relying on user-generated content do not 2020), and semantic comparison across corpora constitute human subjects research, and are thus (Yuan et al., 2018). However, the use of static word not within the purview of the IRB.9 embeddings provides a single representation for a given word without accounting for its polysemy, and yields limited benefits. Therefore, Zhu et al. References (2021) propose to explicitly harness the contextual Beryl L Bellman. 1981. The paradox of secrecy. Hu- information, formulate the problem as an unsuper- man Studies, pages 1–24. vised fill-in-the-mask problem (Devlin et al., 2019; Cambridge Consultants. 2019. Use of AI in online con- Donahue et al., 2020), and solve it by a masked tent moderation. Ofcom report. language model with state-of-the-art results. Though prior studies report excellent results, to Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and Kristina Toutanova. 2019. Bert: Pre-training of deep the best of our knowledge, none of the available bidirectional transformers for language understand- approaches is capable of detecting euphemistic ing. In Proceedings of the North American Chap- phrases without human effort.7 Therefore, policy ter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: evaders could simply invent euphemistic phrases to Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT). escape from the censorship. Our work bridges this Chris Donahue, Mina Lee, and Percy Liang. 2020. En- gap by extending the state-of-the-art euphemism abling language models to fill in the blanks. In Pro- detection approach proposed by Zhu et al. (2021) ceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Associa- and achieves holistic euphemism detection by en- tion for Computational Linguistics (ACL). abling the detection of euphemistic phrases. Greg Durrett, Jonathan K Kummerfeld, Taylor Berg- Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Portnoff, Sadia Afroz, Damon 5 Conclusion McCoy, Kirill Levchenko, and Vern Paxson. 2017. Identifying products in online cybercrime market- places: A dataset for fine-grained domain adapta- We have proposed a solution to address the prob- tion. In Proceedings of Empirical Methods in Nat- lem of euphemistic phrase detection. By mining ural Language Processing (EMNLP). quality phrases from the text corpus, pre-selecting Christian Felt and Ellen Riloff. 2020. Recognizing eu- euphemistic phrase candidates, and ranking phrases phemisms and dysphemisms using sentiment analy- by a masked language model, we, for the first time, sis. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Fig- achieve euphemistic phrase detection automati- urative Language Processing, pages 136–145. cally.8 Moreover, we discover new euphemisms Takuro Hada, Yuichi Sei, Yasuyuki Tahara, and Ak- that are not even on the ground truth list, which is ihiko Ohsuga. 2020. Codewords detection in mi- 7 croblogs focusing on differences in word use be- Felt and Riloff (2020) achieves euphemistic phrases de- tween two corpora. In Proceedings of International tection, with additional manual filtering process. 8 9 Our code is publicly available at https://github. Readers are referred to the Ethics Section in Zhu et al. com/WanzhengZhu/Euphemism. (2021) for more detailed information.
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