Ethical and Scientific Implications of the Globalization of Clinical Research

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The   n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l     of   m e dic i n e

                                          s ounding b oa r d

              Ethical and Scientific Implications of the Globalization
                               of Clinical Research
       Seth W. Glickman, M.D., M.B.A., John G. McHutchison, M.D., Eric D. Peterson, M.D., M.P.H.,
               Charles B. Cairns, M.D., Robert A. Harrington, M.D., Robert M. Califf, M.D.,
                                      and Kevin A. Schulman, M.D.

      Economic globalization is an important develop-            in industry-sponsored phase 3 clinical trials as of
      ment of the past half century. Proponents of glo-          November 2007 for the 20 largest U.S.-based phar-
      balization highlight the benefits of greater eco-          maceutical companies.9 We found that approxi-
      nomic growth and prosperity; critics point to the          mately one third of the trials (157 of 509) are be-
      exacerbation of economic disparities and the ex-           ing conducted solely outside the United States and
      ploitation of workers, particularly in developing          that a majority of study sites (13,521 of 24,206)
      (i.e., low- and middle-income) countries.1,2 Phar-         are outside the United States. Many of these trials
      maceutical and device companies have embraced              are being conducted in developing countries, in-
      globalization as a core component of their busi-           cluding the rapidly evolving countries of Eastern
      ness models, especially in the realm of clinical           Europe and the Russian Federation (Fig. 1).
      trials. This phenomenon raises important ques-                 The globalization of clinical research is also a
      tions about the economics and ethics of clinical           relatively recent phenomenon. We reviewed 300
      research and the translation of trial results to clin-     articles reporting the results of clinical trials in
      ical practice: Who benefits from the globalization         the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), the Lan-
      of clinical trials? What is the potential for exploi-      cet, and the Journal of the American Medical Association
      tation of research subjects? Are trial results ac-         (JAMA) in 1995 and 2005 and found that the num-
      curate and valid, and can they be extrapolated to          ber of countries serving as trial sites outside the
      other settings? In this article, we discuss recent         United States more than doubled in 10 years,
      trends in and underlying reasons for the global-           whereas the proportion of trials conducted in the
      ization of clinical research, highlight important          United States and Western Europe decreased (Ta-
      scientific and ethical concerns, and propose steps         ble 1).
      for the harmonization of international clinical re-            What has led to this dramatic shift in the lo-
      search.                                                    cation of clinical trials? One explanation is that
                                                                 pharmaceutical and device companies can real-
          Trends in the Glo b aliz ation                         ize substantial cost savings by conducting trials
              of Clinic al Re se ar ch                           in developing countries, so they are increasingly
                                                                 moving phase 2 and phase 3 trials to places such
      Clinical trials increasingly occur on a global             as India and South America.10,11 A pharmaceuti-
      scale as industry and government sponsors in               cal executive reported that a first-rate academic
      wealthy countries move trials to less wealthy              medical center in India charges approximately
      countries.3-8 Since 2002, the number of active             $1,500 to $2,000 per case report, less than one
      Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–regulated               tenth the cost at a second-tier center in the United
      investigators based outside the United States has          States.10 Since clinical research costs are driven
      grown by 15% annually, whereas the number of               by human labor, much of this cost difference is
      U.S.-based investigators has declined by 5.5%.3            attributable to the lower salaries of physicians,
      This trend suggests that clinical research is under-       nurses, and study coordinators in developing
      going the same globalization process as other in-          countries.12
      dustries. To further explore this trend, we used the           Globalization of clinical trials may also short- registry to examine recruitment         en the timeline for clinical testing. In 2000, the

816                                     n engl j med 360;8   february 19, 2009
sounding Board

 A Sites

    No. of Clinical Trial Sites


























































 B Trials

    No. of Clinical Trials





















































 Figure 1. Open Phase 3 Clinical Trials Sponsored by the 20 Largest U.S.-Based Pharmaceutical Companies,
 as of November 2007.
                                            AUTHOR: Schulman (Glickman) RETAKE           1st
 The size of the pharmaceutical companiesFIGURE:
                                              is based
                                                     1 ofon                              2nd 9 The number of clinical trial
                                                          1 total annual health care revenue.
                                    REG F
 sites (Panel A) includes each location where a study is recruiting patients. The number 3rd of clinical trials (Panel B) in-
                                    CASE                                        Revised
 cludes any trial conducted in a country that has at least oneLine
                                                                site. The4-C
                                                                          data were abstracted from the
                                    EMail                                           SIZE
 Web site in November 2007.                 ARTIST: ts         H/T       H/T
                                                                                                          Combo                 33p9

                                                                                          AUTHOR, PLEASE NOTE:
                                    Figure has been redrawn and type has16been reset.
cost to develop a new drug averaged     $802 million,       markets.
                                                 Please check carefully.    Widespread adoption of the Interna-
with time costs accounting for half of that tional Conference on Harmonisation of Technical
amount.13 The large pool of   JOB:potential
                                   36009      research Requirements      ISSUE:for    Registration of Pharmaceuticals
participants and the lower cost of research in for Human Use Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP)
countries such as China and India provide oppor- guidelines and stronger intellectual property pro-
tunities to accelerate recruitment.6,14,15 Clinical tections in developing countries may also have
testing in developing countries is also attractive contributed to the globalization of clinical re-
to pharmaceutical and device companies because search.11
it can help them overcome regulatory barriers for               An important force that is moving clinical
drug approval in these countries in which the pop- trials to developing countries is the increasingly
ulation size alone offers the promise of expanding bureaucratic and expensive regulatory environ-

                                                                        n engl j med 360;8         february 19, 2009                                    817
The    n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l          of   m e dic i n e

                                                                                          without benefiting participants or the research
 Table 1. Characteristics of 300 Clinical Trials Reported in the Journal of the
 American Medical Association, the Lancet, and the New England Journal                    mission.21-23
 of Medicine in 1995 and 2005.*

 Characteristic                                                    Year
                                                                                           E thic al and Scientific Que s tions
                                                                                                R aised by Glo b aliz ation
                                                         1995           2005
                                                       (N = 150)      (N = 150)
                                                                                          There are clear benefits to conducting trials in
 No. of countries represented                               33              70
                                                                                          developing countries. These include fostering pos-
 No. of patients per trial                                                                itive relationships among clinician investigators
      Median                                               215              661           globally and answering questions about the safe-
      Interquartile range                               75–830        239–1837            ty and efficacy of drugs and devices that are of
 Multinational trials — no. (%)                        25 (16.7)          44 (29.3)       interest throughout the world.20 At the same time,
 Information reported about location — no. (%)
                                                                                          the globalization of clinical trials raises ethical
                                                                                          and scientific concerns.14,24 Regulatory bodies are
      Locations not reported                           59 (39.3)          13 (8.7)
                                                                                          often structured to monitor the quality of clinical
      Only continents reported                           5 (3.3)           8 (5.3)        trial data and the safety of drugs and devices in
      Only number of countries reported                  6 (4.0)          14 (9.3)        their domestic markets. They have limited infor-
      Names of countries reported                      79 (52.7)      113 (75.3)          mation on many aspects of research conducted
      Enrollment from each country reported†             1 (4.0)           2 (4.5)        outside their jurisdictions or countries, including
                                                                                          the sites, investigators, and participants and the
 Countries per trial — no. (%)‡
                                                                                          quality of trial data.5,25 Thus, we know little
      1                                                65 (75.6)          94 (72.9)
                                                                                          about the conduct and quality of research in coun-
      2–10                                             17 (19.8)          20 (15.5)       tries that have relatively little clinical research ex-
      11–20                                              4 (4.7)           5 (3.9)        perience.
      >20                                               0                 10 (7.8)            A major concern is the ethical oversight of re-
 Regions represented — % of trials                                                        search involving human subjects in developing
      Africa                                                5.0              8.7
                                                                                          countries. Wide disparities in education, econom-
                                                                                          ic and social standing, and health care systems
      Eastern Europe and Russia                             2.5              5.2
                                                                                          may jeopardize the rights of research partici-
      Middle East                                           1.3              3.5          pants.26-28 There may be a relative lack of under-
      Asia                                                  8.8              6.1          standing of both the investigational nature of
      United States                                        53.8             42.6          therapeutic products and the use of placebo
      Western Europe                                       40.0             36.5          groups.29 In some places, financial compensation
                                                                                          for research participation may exceed participants’
* Percentages may not sum to 100 because of rounding.                                     annual wages, and participation in a clinical trial
† The percentages are based on 25 multinational trials in 1995, and 44 in 2005.           may provide the only access to care for persons
‡ The percentages are based on the number of articles that reported country-
  level information (86 articles in 1995 and 129 articles in 2005).                       with the condition under study.30,31 Standards of
                                                                                          health care in developing countries may also allow
                                                                                          ethically problematic study designs or trials that
                      ment in many wealthy countries. Regulations gov-                    would not be allowed in wealthier countries.32-38
                      erning the conduct of clinical research have be-                    In one study, only 56% of the 670 researchers
                      come more and more complex, placing a greater                       surveyed in developing countries reported that
                      burden on investigators in terms of compliance,                     their research had been reviewed by a local in-
                      documentation, and training.17-20 In the United                     stitutional review board or health ministry.39 In
                      States, the costs of conducting clinical trials have                another study, 90% of published clinical trials
                      generally outstripped federal funding for clinical                  conducted in China in 2004 did not report ethical
                      research and strained industry’s site-level research                review of the protocol and only 18% adequately
                      budgets.18 Although these regulations are well                      discussed informed consent.40
                      intended, they are generally uncoordinated and                          Another concern is the transparency of clini-
                      frequently have not been subjected to empirical                     cal research in developing countries. The Interna-
                      study to determine which elements improve the                       tional Committee of Medical Journal Editors has
                      conduct of trials and which elements add cost                       issued guidelines for investigators with regard

818                                                         n engl j med 360;8   february 19, 2009
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to participation in study design, access to data,         try to country. We would not expect, therefore,
and control over the publication of results.41 Pro-       that access to medications or devices alone, with-
tection of publication rights for investigators is        out appropriate physician training and health care
necessary to the transparency and integrity of re-        infrastructure, would have the same effect on dis-
search, yet it is an ongoing area of contention for       ease as would use of the same therapy in a state-
industry sponsors.42,43 Investigators in developing       of-the-art clinical practice. In large clinical trials,
countries are generally less experienced and less         physician training, practice patterns, and medical
familiar with these guidelines and, therefore, less       infrastructure are generally not reported at the
likely to have access to trial data or to publish         site or country level. Thus, it is difficult to assess
results.44,45                                             whether standards of care are similar among study
    To what extent should people in developing            sites or whether they are similar among countries.
countries be enrolled in clinical trials? Clinical re-    Patients in developing countries often have un-
search should be responsive to the health needs           treated or undertreated diseases, providing a
and priorities of the communities in which the            greater opportunity to recruit for clinical studies
research is conducted.46 Given the increasing             patients who have not previously received treat-
global prevalence of conditions such as cardio-           ment, rather than patients whose diseases are re-
vascular disease, it will be important to test drugs      fractory to treatment.49,50 The practice of recruit-
and devices on a global scale. However, among             ing patients who have not previously received
the ongoing phase 3 clinical trials that we ex-           treatment suggests that new products are increas-
amined that were sponsored by U.S.-based com-             ingly being evaluated under circumstances that are
panies in developing countries, none were trials          not generalizable to most patients in developed
of diseases such as tuberculosis that dispropor-          countries. For patients who are already receiving
tionately affect the populations of these countries.      multiple effective therapies for a condition, it re-
In contrast, we found a variety of trials in devel-       mains unclear whether adding a new agent would
oping countries for conditions such as allergic           be beneficial, neutral, or detrimental on the basis
rhinitis and overactive bladder. Developing coun-         of the findings of a successful placebo-controlled
tries will also not realize the benefits of trials if     trial in a population of patients who have not pre-
the drugs being evaluated do not become readily           viously received treatment.
available there once they have been approved. The             Interaction effects according to treatment and
Declaration of Helsinki expresses an expectation          country were discussed at a 2007 meeting of the
that every patient enrolled in a clinical trial should,   FDA Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs Advisory
at the end of the trial, be assured access to the         Committee about a drug for atrial fibrillation.51
best proven therapy identified in the study.47 The        The panel raised concern about the applicability
reality is that the overwhelming majority of drugs        to the United States of the phase 3 trial results
for the treatment of common diseases are sold             under discussion, since more than 90% of the
in the wealthiest countries.48 Therefore, we need         patients enrolled in the trial were from Eastern
to confirm whether the growth in clinical trials          Europe. In our review of articles reporting trial
worldwide is accompanied by greater availability          results that were published in NEJM, JAMA, and
of drugs in the countries where the trials are            the Lancet in 2005, less than 5% of the multina-
conducted.                                                tional trials reported study recruitment numbers
    To the extent that there is an imbalance be-          according to individual country (Table 1).
tween clinical trials in developing countries and             The second question relates to social ecology
the extrapolation of results to populations in de-        and the genetic makeup of trial populations. Geo-
veloped countries, additional questions arise: What       graphically distinct populations can have differ-
is the nature of the health care delivery system          ent genetic profiles, and these differences have
of the country where the trial was conducted? Do          been shown to be related to the safety and effec-
social ecology and the genetic makeup of the study        tiveness of drugs and even medical devices. For
population allow trial results to be generalized to       example, a study of 42 genetic variants associat-
populations in which the treatment will most like-        ed with pharmacologic response in drug studies
ly be used?                                               showed that more than two thirds had significant
    Hospital and clinic infrastructure, treatment         differences in frequency between persons of Af-
choices, and quality of care vary widely from coun-       rican ancestry and those of European ancestry.52

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The   n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l     of   m e dic i n e

      In another study, a common mitochondrial poly-                Industry sponsors, contract research organiza-
      morphism associated with impaired ethanol me-             tions, and the academic community can meet the
      tabolism and decreased efficacy of nitroglycerin          challenges of globalization by accepting full re-
      treatment53 was found almost exclusively in popu-         sponsibility for the ethical conduct and quality
      lations of Asian origin, including 40% of persons         oversight of these trials. Key strategies for clini-
      of East Asian origin.54 This finding may affect the       cal trials should be outlined in formal clinical-
      relevance of trials involving cardiac, circulatory,       development plans, publicly vetted, and submitted
      and neurologic disorders that are treated with            to regulatory agencies. The plans would outline
      nitroglycerin or nitric oxide–dependent therapies.55      the anticipated study design, the choice and jus-
      Genetic diversity is often not considered in study        tification of trial sites, and mechanisms for en-
      design and interpretation and in the reporting of         suring the quality of the clinical trial, including
      trial results.                                            independent oversight and site evaluation and
                                                                monitoring. Sponsors of multinational research
                        Ne x t S tep s                          should also be required to document that study
                                                                sites are determined on the basis of anticipated
      In our opinion, multiple approaches are needed to         product availability after approval.
      address concerns raised by the globalization of               Improved international collaboration among
      clinical research (Table 2). In general, the goal is      academic investigators would increase the quality
      to foster innovation and access to therapies while        of multinational trials. Investigators in developing
      ensuring that clinical research is conducted in           countries would benefit from rigorous training in
      populations in proportion to the potential uses           the design, conduct, and ethical oversight of trials,
      of the products after approval. Also, it is essen-        which would allow them to engage more fully
      tial to create a robust framework to ensure the           in multinational clinical research at a leadership
      integrity of research, wherever it takes place.           level. These programs could be structured as
          The complexity and cost of clinical research          courses of study in either residence or distance
      in developed countries are recurring concerns.            offerings through academic institutions and jointly
      A careful effort to streamline regulations govern-        funded by industry and clinical research organi-
      ing clinical trials could reduce redundancy in the        zations. In addition, an international mechanism
      system while ensuring ethical conduct. Improved           for tracking investigators who are trained through
      research efficiency would decrease the differen-          such programs or, conversely, who have been pro-
      tial costs of research among countries and increase       hibited from conducting clinical studies is needed.
      the likelihood that trials are initiated in the coun-         Transparency of the conduct and results of
      tries where the drugs being tested will be sold.          clinical trials contributes to the integrity of clini-
      Greater use of centralized institutional review           cal research. Accordingly, provisions for the publi-
      boards, standard terms for research contracts, and        cation of all clinical trial data and protection of
      the development of streamlined best practices to          publication rights for investigators should be pre-
      reduce unnecessary work for investigators and             served, independent of sponsorship. The charac-
      medical institutions are needed.29,62                     terization of trial populations and trial sites in
          The ICH-GCP guidelines are valuable regard-           publications and registries should be improved,
      ing the technical standards and ethical oversight         and enhanced international efforts to collect and
      of clinical trials.56 However, certain guidelines,        analyze pharmacogenomic data are needed. This
      such as the one indicating that sponsors should           information will help identify therapies that ben-
      ensure that trials are “adequately monitored,”            efit populations in all parts of the world and will
      are subject to interpretation and are only as ef-         better enable local regulatory bodies to interpret
      fective as the degree to which they are implement-        the relevance of trial results from other countries
      ed. The solution is not simple; different types of        for their target populations.
      trials require different monitoring procedures.
      A rigid set of rules will not suffice and may even                   Conclusions
      impair the quality of the research23,45,62; instead,
      a vast improvement in the quality of clinical re- Long-term solutions to problems arising from the
      search is needed, so that trial procedures match globalization of clinical research will require in-
      the research goals and societal needs.                put from stakeholders in academia, industry, and

820                                    n engl j med 360;8   february 19, 2009
Table 2. Issues and Proposed Solutions for the Globalization of Clinical Research.*

                      Issue                            Problem                                                         Proposed Solutions
                      Selection of patients in mul-    Research in communities that are not intended to be major Sponsors need to describe how trial populations match their intended markets for the
                          tinational trials               markets for the products under testing can be ethically    drugs or medical devices being tested.
                                                          problematic.                                            Create target enrollment of patients according to geographic region on the basis of the in-
                                                                                                                     tended use of the product, similar to FDA and NIH policies for target enrollment of
                                                                                                                     women and minorities in clinical trials.
                      Transparency of clinical trial   Protection of publication rights and access to trial data for Publish all clinical trial data regardless of the location of research, and reinforce these re-
                         results in developing            investigators is necessary to preserve the integrity of re-    quirements according to the FDA Amendments Act of 2007.
                         countries                        search.                                                     Preserve publication rights of investigators globally, independent of sponsors, through le-
                                                                                                                         gal agreements at the onset of the clinical trial.
                                                                                                                      Create mechanisms for leadership of clinical trials that incorporate representatives of key
                                                                                                                         countries involved in the study.
                      Regulatory oversight of in-      Regulatory agencies in many developed countries have lim- Create a formal mechanism for sharing regulatory oversight governing the conduct of clini-
                         ternational clinical re-         ited information on important aspects of clinical trials        cal studies between government agencies on a global basis.
                         search                           that are conducted outside their countries, including        Create a public registry of IRBs and an inventory of country-specific provisions for the ethi-

n engl j med 360;8
                                                          sites, investigators, participating subjects, and the ancil-    cal oversight of clinical research.
                                                          lary health treatments that affect trial outcomes.           Conduct a comprehensive study of issues related to the globalization of clinical research by
                                                                                                                          the Institute of Medicine or the World Health Organization.
                                                                                                                       Develop a central statistical monitoring system to find unusual data patterns in trial results
                                                                                                                          that raise suspicion of fraud.
                      Training and experience of       Clinical investigators in developing countries are typically    Create formal training programs for clinical research and ethics for investigators in devel-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              sounding Board

                          clinical investigators           less experienced in conducting clinical trials than are        oping countries to expand their global clinical research leadership capacity and improve
                          globally                         those in developed countries.                                  collaboration between academic investigators worldwide.
                                                                                                                       Create a mechanism for tracking investigators who are formally trained to conduct clinical trials as
                                                                                                                          well as those who have been prohibited from conducting such studies.

february 19, 2009
                      Genomic information in           Lack of pharmacogenomic information for trial subjects          Expand the FDA Voluntary Genomic Data Submissions program56 to international regula-
                         drug development                 limits confidence in the generalizability of results.           tory agencies and develop global data-warehousing and data-analyzing capabilities.
                      IRB quality and efficiency       Redundancy in the review process may harm patient safety        Make greater use of centralized IRBs (e.g., Central Institutional Review Board Initiative57
                                                          by requiring diversion of effort to unnecessary proce-         and European Union Clinical Trials Directive58) or encourage mutual acceptance of the
                                                          dures and practices.39                                         review of proposals in consortia (e.g., Biomedical Research Alliance of New York59) and
                                                                                                                         develop streamlined best practices to reduce unnecessary work for investigators (e.g.,
                                                                                                                         Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative60).
                      Payment compliance               Increased costs and delays associated with payment for          Establish a nonpunitive mechanism for reconciliation of payment for clinical research sub-
                                                           clinical research subjects divert financial support from       jects and expand mechanisms to pay for usual care services for trial participants (e.g.,
                                                           research to administration and make research less at-          within Medicare and Medicaid in the United States).
                                                           tractive to investigators because of the risk of criminal
                                                           penalties from errors.
                      Commercial contracts             The variety of contracting practices brings complexity and      Adopt standard contract language for clinical research agreements.61
                                                          delays to research.
                      Confidentiality agreements       Confidentiality agreements reduce the transparency and ef- Adopt standard confidentiality agreements for clinical trials.
                         in commercial contracts          ficiency of clinical research.

                     * FDA denotes Food and Drug Administration, IRB institutional review board, and NIH National Institutes of Health.

The   n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l          of   m e dic i n e

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