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SC|M Studies in Communication | Media RESEARCH-IN-BRIEF Forschungspolitik in einer medialisierten Konstellation von Politik, Wissenschaft und Medien Science Policy in Mediatized Constellations of Politics, Science, and Media Bernd Blöbaum, Andreas M. Scheu, Annika Summ, Anna-Maria Volpers SCM, 1. Jg., 1/2012, S., 149-165 am 20.09.2021, 12:09:46 149 Open Access – -
Bernd Blöbaum, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institut für Kommunikations wissenschaft; Kontakt: bernd.bloebaum(at) Andreas M. Scheu, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institut für Kommuni kationswissenschaft; Kontakt: a.scheu(at) Annika Summ, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institut für Kommunikations wissenschaft; Kontakt: annika.summ(at) Anna-Maria Volpers, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institut für Kommuni kationswissenschaft; Kontakt: amvolpers(at) 150, am 20.09.2021, 12:09:46 SCM, 1. Jg., 1/2012 Open Access – -
RESEARCH-IN-BRIEF Forschungspolitik in einer medialisierten Konstellation von Politik, Wissenschaft und Medien Science Policy in Mediatized Constellations of Politics, Science, and Media1 Bernd Blöbaum, Andreas M. Scheu, Annika Summ, Anna-Maria Volpers Zusammenfassung: Dieser Beitrag präsentiert den theoretischen Hintergrund, das ana- lytische Konzept und das Forschungsdesign eines Projektes über die Governance wissen- schaftlicher Forschung in medialisierten Konstellationen. Die Studie konzentriert sich da- bei auf die Rolle von Massenkommunikation in der deutschen Forschungspolitik. Die forschungsleitenden Fragen sind: Wie beobachten sich Politik und Forschung gegenseitig über Massenmedien? Welche Einflüsse hat diese wechselseitige Beobachtung? Und wie un- terscheiden sich hierbei die Fachkulturen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Lebenswis- senschaften, Naturwissenschaften und Ingenieurwissenschaften? Bezogen auf diese Fragen entwickeln wir ein Theoriekonzept das „Governance“ als Modus inter-systemischer Inter- aktion begreift, welcher sowohl von Dynamiken auf der Ebene individueller und kollek- tiver Akteure als auch von sozialen Strukturen geprägt wird und außerdem davon ausgeht, dass diese Governance-Konstellation medialisiert ist. Hierauf aufbauend diskutieren wir unser analytisches Konzept und stellen kurz das Forschungsdesign der Studie dar. Schlagwörter: Governance von Forschung; Medialisierung von Forschungspolitik; Forschungsförderung; Fachkulturen Abstract: This paper presents the theoretical background, analytical concept, and brief outline of the research design of a project about the governance of scientific research in a mediatized governance constellation. Our study focuses on the role of mass communica- tion in the process of science policy regarding scientific research in Germany. The guiding research questions are: How do politics and sciences observe each other via mass media? How do such observations influence decision-making? And what differences exist concern- ing diverse scientific traditions (i.e. humanities/social sciences, life sciences, natural scienc- es, engineering sciences)? Those questions will be addressed considering a theoretical per- spective that conceives “governance” as an inter-systemic relationship, which can be explained as the outcome of dynamics between individual and collective actors and their actions on the one hand and social structures on the other and that further integrates the concept of “mediatization”. Based on this, we deduce an analytical concept for empirical research and briefly outline our research design. Keywords: Governance of scientific research; mediatization of science policy; funding of research; scientific traditions 1 This paper is based on a presentation at the 61st annual conference of the International Commu- nication Association (ICA) from May 26th to May 30th 2011 in Boston, Massachusetts., am 20.09.2021, 12:09:46 151 Open Access – -
Research-in-brief This paper presents the theoretical (cf. Benz, Lütz, Schimank, & Simonis, background and brief outline of the re- 2007a; Jansen, 2007; Puppis, 2010). search design of a project about the The concept of governance also takes governance of scientific research in a into account actions of different stake- mediatized governance constellation. holders with varying intentions (key- Our study focuses on the role of mass word: actor constellations) as well as communication in the process of sci- the structural level of such constella- ence policy regarding scientific re- tions (keyword: actor-structure dy- search in Germany. The guiding re- namics) (cf. Schimank, 2007a; Schi- search questions are: How do politics mank, 2007b; Schimank, 2007c). and science observe each other via Furthermore, we examine the govern- mass media? How do such observa- ance of science from the perspective of tions influence decision-making? And communication science and assume what differences exist concerning di- that the governance of science is medi- verse scientific traditions (i.e. humani- atized (cf. Cohen, Tsfati, & Sheafer, ties/social sciences, life sciences, natu- 2008; Marcinkowski & Pfetsch, 2009; ral sciences, engineering sciences)? The Meyen, 2009; Tsfati, Cohen, & project started in August 2010 and will Gunther, 2010). We therefore suggest be finished by July 2013. It is part of understanding the relation between an interdisciplinary network of pro- politics and science as a “mediatized jects about new governance of science, governance constellation”. In short, which aims at providing scientific sup- this means that mass communication port for political problems. plays an important role for scientific Below, we will introduce our theo- and political actors who use mass com- retical perspective that conceives “gov- munication in order to observe and in- ernance” as an inter-systemic relation- fluence each other; that those actors ship, which can be explained as the adapt to media logic in order to opti- outcome of dynamics between individ- mize their chances of influencing each ual and collective actors and their ac- other; and that media and journalistic tions on the one hand and social struc- actors have to be regarded as parts of tures on the other (cf. Schimank, 2010) this constellation. It is also suggested and that further integrates the concept that media affect the way decision of “mediatization” (cf. Marcinkowski makers in politics and science evaluate & Steiner, 2009; Meyen, 2009). We specific issues, e.g. how politicians as- conclude by briefly outlining the re- sess stem cell research as well as the search design. demand for regulation or funding of stem cell research (cf. Böcking, 2009) 1 Theoretical Framework or nanotechnology (cf. Ho, Scheufele, & Corley, 2010). The importance of In summary, science policy cannot be mass communication in this constella- satisfactorily described as a one-way tion lies in the benefits that the media process of regulation. Instead, we refer system provides for other systems (cf. to the concept of governance which al- Blöbaum, 1994; Blöbaum, 2004; Mar- lows us to analyze science policy as a cinkowski & Steiner, 2009) and be- complex and interrelated social pro- cause social actors believe that mass cess involving diverse social systems communication influences other actors 152, am 20.09.2021, 12:09:46 SCM, 1. Jg., 1/2012 Open Access – -
Blöbaum, Scheu, Summ, Volpers | Science Policy in Mediatized Constellations and therefore adapt accordingly (cf. on different forms of co-ordination, Gunther & Storey, 2003, p. 199). mutual influences, and the combinati- on of those (cf. Benz, Lütz, Schimank, 1.1 Basic theoretical concepts & Simonis, 2007b, pp. 15-16; Kastri- nos, 2010, p. 298; Schimank, 2007a) Our perspective on science policy in and understands the process of regula- Germany is mainly characterized by tion as “a multistakeholder process theories of governance, social systems, with actors drawn from market and and actor-structure dynamics as well civil society institutions as well as from as the concept of mediatization. An es- government” (Crozier, 2007, p. 3). sential part of our analysis is the at- Even though the concept leaves behind tempt to mediate between theoretical former, more linear perspectives such positions of individual or collective ac- tions on the one hand and social sys- as cybernetics or regulation, it still im- tems and structures on the other and plies that the political system is able to to research consequences of mediatiza- mold social reality by influencing other tion on both levels (cf. figure 1). social systems – in our case the system The concept of governance offers a of science. However, sociology, com- way to analyze both relations between munication science, and political sci- social systems and interrelations of in- ence discuss controversially how and dividual as well as institutional actors. to which degree the political system is The perspective of governance focuses able to do so. Figure 1: Concept to analyze interactions between systems within the governance constellation of science policy, structural influences, and consequences of media- tization regarding the modes of interaction and social structures Source: Schimank, 2010, p. 214, am 20.09.2021, 12:09:46 153 Open Access – -
Research-in-brief Social systems are considered to be social systems, too (cf. Besley & Shan- self-referential and autonomous in ahan, 2005; Ho, Scheufele, & Corley, principle and can be distinguished ac- 2010; Horst, 2008; Reis, 2008; Salter cording to their exclusive functionality & Salter, 2010; Stewart, Dickerson, & for society (cf. Luhmann, 1997, pp. Hotchkiss, 2009). 743-749). From this perspective, direct The concept of actor-structure dy- inter-systemic influence does not seem namics (cf. Schimank, 2005a) can ex- possible. Yet, we argue that social sys- plain the coupling of social systems as tems are structurally coupled – even interplay of actions that are conducted though the extent to which the systems by different actors of diverse social sys- are coupled may differ (cf. Luhmann, tems. Three modes of action seem espe- 1997, p. 92-120; Schimank, 2007d, p. cially relevant: Observations represent 152). In all cases, however, attempts to the basic mode of action and are the influence a certain system are usually precondition for any kind of influences, perceived and dealt with internally as and negotiations are based on both ob- irritations. Therefore, even though in- servations and mutual influences (cf. ter-systemic influences may be inten- Schimank, 2007b). All three modes of tional, their effects are mostly not in- action lead to dynamics that may result tended (cf. Schimank, 2010, p. 197). in changes or adaptations on the struc- Researching inter-systemic coupling tural level. This affects the structure of and its effects has become part of the constellations [“Konstellationsstruk- social sciences. One example of one so- turen”] (e.g. hierarchical structure of cial system provoking changes in other actors), different forms of expectational social systems is the widespread adap- structures [“Erwartungsstrukturen”] tation to economic principles (key- (e.g. institutionalized normative stand- word: economization) (Schimank, ards), and interpretive structures 2007d, p. 149). Other examples in- [“Deutungsstrukturen”] (e.g. the codes clude the establishment of legal depart- that regulate and characterize social ments in economic or media organiza- systems) (cf. Schimank, 2007b, pp. tions that reflect the influence of the 125-127). legal system, or the integration of re- As stated above, we analyze science search departments in companies, re- policy in mediatized governance con- sembling the influence of the scientific stellations. The basic premise of media- system. The system of science makes tization is that the need for mass com- no exception. For example, universities munication as a way to mediate have to follow political decisions (e.g. information across social systems in- Bachelor/Masters reform in Germany), creases in modern societies (keyword: curricula have to meet certain legal de- media society) (cf. Hjavard, 2008; Liv- mands (e.g. constitutional rights, study ingstone, 2009; Lundby, 2009, pp. 1f.; regulations), and appeals procedures Mazzoleni, 2008b). This leads to “ac- also depend on how much money uni- commodation” (Schulz, 2004, pp. 89f.) versities and institutes can afford to to mass media logic (cf. Altheide & spend. Furthermore, sensitive issues Snow, 1979). Therefore, research about such as stem cell research, nanotech- mediatization is usually concerned nology, genetic engineering, or climate with the process of social change and change may influence or irritate other assumes that this process is – at least 154, am 20.09.2021, 12:09:46 SCM, 1. Jg., 1/2012 Open Access – -
Blöbaum, Scheu, Summ, Volpers | Science Policy in Mediatized Constellations partly – influenced by mass communi- Marcinkowski & Steiner, 2009, pp. cation. The majority of studies in the 11f.). Thus, mediatization can affect field of mediatization therefore con- the evolvement of structures that in- centrate on the process of mediatiza- crease social systems’ abilities to effi- tion and on changes within certain so- ciently and strategically cope with cial systems (e.g. politics, science, their environments. According to Uwe economy, etc.) over time. Such research Schimank, such structures regulate seems to be most promising when im- constellations of actors, formal and in- plying longitudinal designs (cf. Meyen, formal (normative) expectations, and 2009, pp. 35f.). interpretations of social reality (cf. However, the study at hand takes a Schimank, 2010, pp. 204ff.). Taking different approach. We regard the me- “constellations” into account, we are diatization of modern societies as a ba- interested in the actor constellation sic condition of science policy. This as- that results from the system of research sumption is suggested by various funding in Germany and in character- studies about the mediatization of pol- istics of this constellation that are re- itics (cf. e.g. Donges, 2008; Kepplinger, lated to mass communication. The 2002; Mazzoleni & Schulz, 1999; term “expectations” refers to norma- Mazzoleni, 2008a; Schulz, 2006; Spör- tive structures – such as professional er-Wagner & Marcinkowski, 2010; roles or institutionalized moral stand- Vowe, 2006) and science (cf. e.g. Mae- ards – that might also be characterized seele, 2007; Peters, Heinrichs, Jung, by mass communication and journal- Kallfass, & Petersen, 2008; Schäfer, ism. With “interpretations”, Schimank 2007; Schäfer, 2008; Weingart, 2001, summarizes the “core” of social sys- pp. 244ff.; Weingart, 2003, pp. 113ff.), tems that regulates their functioning both of which constitute the essential (cf. Schimank, 2005a, pp. 39ff.). Ex- social systems regarding science policy. amples are so called systemic codes or This starting point yields consequences professional ideologies. for our research design. Instead of fo- Considering the level of interactions, cusing on process, we are rather inter- mediatization implies that political and ested in the consequences of mediatiza- scientific actors mutually observe each tion within a certain field of action: other mainly via mass communication, science policy. and individual as well as collective ac- Since individual actions influence tors adapt to the requirements of mass structural developments as well as vice media (keyword: media logic) (cf. Spör- versa (cf. Bourdieu, 1984; Giddens, er-Wagner & Marcinkowski, 2010, p. 2008; Hjavard, 2008; Schimank, 9) for strategic purposes. Mediatization 2010), consequences of mediatization on this level describes ‘second level me- may manifest themselves on the struc- dia effects’ (cf. Meyen, 2009, pp. 23f.) tural level as well as the level of inter- or the “influence of presumed media actions. On the structural level, any influence” (Cohen, Tsfati, & Sheafer, social system – to a certain degree – 2008, p. 331; Tsfati, Cohen, & may adapt to journalistic requirements Gunther, 2011, p. 143). Another facet because the unique service of establish- of mediatization on the level of interac- ing public attention becomes increas- tions can be seen in the fact that “pub- ingly important in modern societies (cf. licity becomes important as an alterna-, am 20.09.2021, 12:09:46 155 Open Access – -
Research-in-brief tive power source” (Spörer-Wagner & of stakeholders within the governance Marcinkowski, 2010, p. 8) for involved constellation of science policy, too. actors. We therefore are especially in- This interest of research leads us to terested in how (individual and collec- the analytical categories summarized tive) actors observe and influence each in figure 2 and a cross-sectional re- other using mass communication – search design consisting of a content even though this distinction is analyti- analysis and semi-standardized inter- cal and the boundaries between observ- views of decision-makers from the field ing and influencing seem to be rather of science policy. fluid in everyday life, for example when actors adapt their public appearances 1.2 Science policy in mediatized according to media logic in order to governance constellations strategically frame the observations of other stakeholders. Furthermore, be- Research about science policy in medi- cause of the role of mass communica- atized governance constellations has to tion in this context, journalistic actors take into account national particulari- have to be regarded as a relevant group ties. This can be realized by compara- Figure 2: Analytical categories and guiding questions 156, am 20.09.2021, 12:09:46 SCM, 1. Jg., 1/2012 Open Access – -
Blöbaum, Scheu, Summ, Volpers | Science Policy in Mediatized Constellations tive studies or by in-depth analyses of egies to deal with perceived attacks single countries. This study researches against their scientific freedom. The science policy in Germany and consid- role of mass communication in this ers national particularities with regard constellation seems diverse. On the one to the media system (e.g. dual broad- hand, access to journalism and mass casting system), the systems of politics communication can be seen as a poten- (e.g. legal system regulating the free- tial source of autonomy of science be- dom of research; division of responsi- cause journalism may provide certain bilities for science funding between benefits for the scientific system (e.g. state and federal political institutions), public legitimization). On the other and science (e.g. university structures). hand, this may also lead to an increase Recent developments within the Ger- of heteronomy (e.g. adaption to media man higher education system offer logic). But either way, mass communi- genuine research opportunities as well cation increases public access to sci- as an increased political demand for ence policy issues and is thereby rele- such research. Traditionally, the Ger- vant for the governance of scientific man “Humboldtian” higher education research (cf. Maeseele, 2007, p. 1; system is characterized by the combi- Woolley, 1998). nation of state funding and regulation The main stakeholders considering on the one hand and “constitutional the governance of scientific research guarantees of the ‘freedom of teaching obviously are connected to the social and research’” (Schimank, 2005b) on systems of politics and science. How- the other, which results in relatively ever, inter-systemic communication not low institutional and relatively high in- only takes place directly but can also dividual autonomy (cf. Schubert & be accomplished via mass communica- Schmoch, 2010, p. 246). Recently, this tion. Therefore, due to our aims of re- system has been subject to reforms that search and the theoretical approach of lead towards increased heteronomy (cf. “mediatized governance constella- Schimank, 2005b). This includes pro- tions” mentioned above, we also con- cesses of standardization (keywords: sider the journalistic system as a rele- Bologna Process, European Higher vant part of the constellation. Education Area), the changeover to a Furthermore, each social system seems Bachelor/Master structure, the imple- to provide interfaces to improve the ef- mentation of (external) evaluation, and ficiency of communication with others. incentive funding (cf. Auranen & Figure 3 offers an illustration of what Nieminen, 2010; Schimank, 2005b). we aim to analyze as “mediatized gov- Policy-makers thereby intend to in- ernance constellation of science policy crease the efficiency, competitiveness regarding scientific research”. and relevance of scientific institutions. The core element of science policy It is likely that scientific actors – who regarding research in Germany is fun- until now have been (and probably ding (cf. Hinze, 2010) – above all fi- still are) characterized by their relative nancial funding but also structural or autonomy compared to actors from ideological funding. Responsibilities other social systems – do not always are split between the federal and state consider such changes as improve- governments. Funding programs are ments but also develop defensive strat- intended to increase the efficiency,, am 20.09.2021, 12:09:46 157 Open Access – -
Research-in-brief Figure 3: Illustration of interrelations in the mediatized governance constellation of science policy considering the social systems “politics”, “science”, and “journal- ism” as well as the role of media coverage within this constellation competitiveness or relevance of scienti- makers in politics (federal and state fic institutions (cf. Kastrinos, 2010). level) and funding organizations. Other aims of funding mainly concern Within the system of science, we individual research areas, interdiscipli- focus on three types of institutionali nary co-operations, co-operations of zation: universities, non-university universities and institutions in the pri- research institutes and academic disci- vate sector, or training of junior scien- plines. Universities are the most popu- tists (cf. Gläser & Lange, 2007, pp. lar manifestation of research funding 444f.). Between political and scientific in Germany (cf. Auranen & Nieminen, 2010). Therefore, it is not surprising actors, funding organizations and insti- that a huge amount of governmental tutes occupy an important position: funding is addressed directly at univer- They are responsible for evaluating re- sities or is invested in specific funding search designs and the appropriateness organizations (e.g. German Research of funding and thereby mediate bet- Foundation (DFG)). What is more, the ween the social systems of politics and federal government recently initiated science (cf. Gläser & Lange, 2007, p. the so called “excellence initiative” – a 445). This becomes even more impor- competitive procedure to allocate tant because recent developments indi- funding of universities. There seems to cate a trend towards an allocation be a “general tendency for states to in- practice that is based on competition crease the conditionality of their re- (cf. Kastrinos, 2010, p. 302). Regar- search funding by making more re- ding the social system of politics, this sources dependent on competitive study therefore focuses on decision- bidding for research projects” (Whitley 158, am 20.09.2021, 12:09:46 SCM, 1. Jg., 1/2012 Open Access – -
Blöbaum, Scheu, Summ, Volpers | Science Policy in Mediatized Constellations & Gläser, 2007, p. 10). The trend to- policy (cf. Dunwoody, 2008). Bearing wards competitive allocation proce- in mind that many freelancers work in dures (cf. Hornbostel & Olbrecht, this field and that definitions of “sci- 2008, p. 55) based on quantity and ence journalist” vary, it is rather diffi- quality of research seems to constitute cult, however, to identify those journal- structural disadvantages for actors ists (cf. Blöbaum, 2008, p. 248). working at universities because they Science journalists working for nation- have to split their budget of time be- al quality media supposedly are the tween teaching and research (cf. Horn- most relevant actors in this constella- bostel & Olbrecht, 2008, p. 52). Non- tion because of the media usage of de- university research institutions in cision makers (cf. Chodura, 2006; Germany developed only after 1945 Harmgarth, 1997) and because they and now already receive financial re- are relevant regarding intermedia sources that amount to about 60 per agenda setting (cf. McCombs, 2004, p. cent of what is available for research at 114; Protess & McCombs, 1991). We universities (cf. Hohn, 2010, p. 457). also include journalistic actors work- Last but not least, academic disciplines ing for regional newspapers that cover constitute the institutional core of all regions in which research institutes sciences. From the socialization of have established. Media in such areas young scientists to decisions over fund- report differently about science than ing, the essential processes take place others (cf. Blöbaum & Görke, 2006). within disciplinary boundaries (cf. Besides newspapers, we also consider Bourdieu, 2004). Scientific disciplines television, radio and online communi- can be distinguished according to their cation as important influences with re- scientific tradition – the German Re- gard to mediatization and influences search Foundation (DFG) differenti- on decision makers (cf. Dunwoody, ates between the traditions of humani- 2008, pp. 22f.; Gurevitch, Coleman, & ties/social sciences, life sciences, Blumler, 2009; Maeseele & Desmet, natural sciences, and engineering sci- 2009; Merzagora, 2004). ences. Considering the study at hand, this implies that we consider decision 2 Methodological concept makers representing different scientific traditions and who work at both uni- The theoretical concept introduced versities and non-university research above leads to a concept of research institutes. which includes two methodological Another group of actors that we steps. The first step focuses on media take a closer look at – since they seem coverage about scientific research and to be relevant in the mediatized con- science policy, the second on the differ- stellation of the governance of scientif- ent stakeholders within the governance ic research – are actors from the jour- constellation. Accordingly, we conduct nalistic system specializing in science a content analysis and semi-structured communication or science policy. interviews. These specialized roles are of interest The content analysis covers the year for our study because journalists who 2011 and different types of media assume such roles shape the media including national newspapers and coverage about science and science news magazines, regional newspapers,, am 20.09.2021, 12:09:46 159 Open Access – -
Research-in-brief TV news broadcasts and TV science actions of stakeholders (e.g. criticism, broadcasts, a radio news broadcast recommendations, demands, protests, and radio science broadcasts as well as assurances, or evaluations) and specific an online news website (cf. figure 4). parts concerning reports about science policy, reports that refer to eight select- Figure 4: Selected media for content ed disciplines, and reports about scien- analysis tific research in general (cf. Figure 5). Due to our main interest of research about the role of journalism consider- ing the governance of scientific re- search, we firstly collect data about the media coverage of science policy is- sues. Considering this, we are – amongst others – especially interested in data about the network of stake- holders mentioned in media coverage about science policy and in instru- ments of science policy discussed in the selected reports. Secondly, we analyze media reports that cover one of eight selected disciplines representing either social sciences/humanities, life sciences, natural sciences or engineering scienc- es. We selected disciplines that all – in their own way – deal with current questions, risks, or problems concern- ing society: political science and phi- losophy (social sciences/humanities), virology and agricultural science (life- sciences), food chemistry and geophys- ics (natural sciences) as well as com- puter science and resources/recycling (engineering). In this part of the con- tent analysis, we code reports about scientific research and also consider reports about more general topics that contain references to the disciplines mentioned. By this, we will be able to The content analysis consists of a gen- compare media reports about different eral part including all selected media disciplines and scientific traditions as reports and containing variables such well as gain information about the as journalistic style, topic, cause for public image of the selected disciplines. news coverage, geographical referenc- Exemplary variables in this part are es, disciplines mentioned, associated evaluations of the selected disciplines scientific cultures, societal contexts or the functionality of references to mentioned, stakeholders, and strategic scientific research in mass media re- 160, am 20.09.2021, 12:09:46 SCM, 1. Jg., 1/2012 Open Access – -
Blöbaum, Scheu, Summ, Volpers | Science Policy in Mediatized Constellations ports. In order to be able to contextu- cal research institutes, German science alize this data, we – thirdly – also code council), and journalism that are based basic characteristics of general reports on first findings. By interviewing politi- about scientific research regardless of cal and scientific actors, we aim to find the associated disciplines (e.g. refer- out how they use mass media in order ences to scientific publications, refer- to observe other stakeholders within ences to applications of research, the governance constellation, whether chances/risks of scientific research, they adapt their actions to what they controversity, etc.). observe via mass media, and whether During the second phase of the project their observations influence decisions. we conduct semi-structured interviews By combining content analysis and in- with decision-makers from the social terviews, we hope to offer a holistic systems politics (e.g. national and fed- picture of the role of mass communica- eral science policy, political parties, tion within the governance constella- funding organizations), science (e.g. tion of scientific research in Germany. universities, research institutes, disci- plinary associations), interfaces be- tween politics and science (e.g. politi- Figure 5: Structure of codebook and exemplary variables, am 20.09.2021, 12:09:46 161 Open Access – -
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