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Design Study Requirements
                 for a U.S. Macrogrid
         A Path to Achieving the Nation’s Energy
                  System Transformation Goals

Energy Systems
Integration Group
February 202 2                           ES
                                          ENERGY SYSTEMS
                                        INTEGRATION GROUP
                       ENERGY SYSTEMS
                     INTEGRATION GROUP

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                     organization that marshals the expertise of the electricity
                     industry’s technical community to support grid transfor-
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Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                             Energy Systems Integration Group ii
Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid
          A Path to Achieving the Nation’s Energy System Transformation Goals

          ESIG Macrogrid Studies Scoping Team
             Jay Caspary, Grid Strategies LLC
             Rob Gramlich, Grid Strategies LLC
             Jim McCalley, Iowa State University
             Nick Miller, HickoryLedge LLC
             Dale Osborn, Independent Consultant
             Alison Silverstein, Independent Consultant
             Bob Zavadil, Enernex

          Suggested Citation
          Energy Systems Integration Group. 2022. Design Study
          Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid: A Path to Achieving
          the Nation’s Energy System Transformation Goals. Reston,
          VA: Energy Systems Integration Group. https://www.esig.

          Production management/editing:
          Karin Matchett/

          Design: David Gerratt/

          © 2022 Energy Systems Integration Group

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                       Energy Systems Integration Group iii
            1 Executive Summary

            5 Introduction

           11 Macrogrid Design and Attributes

           17 Recommended Macrogrid Design Studies

          25 Reliability Analysis

          33 Resilience Analysis

           37 Economics and Feasibility

          40 Operations and Operability

          45 Summary

          47 References

          49 Appendix: The “Rule of Three” for Transmission Expansion

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                     Energy Systems Integration Group iv
Executive Summary

       everal recent, comprehensive studies of a clean      The advanced hybrid grid may be part of the key for
       energy future for the United States point to the     the massive transmission expansion required to support
       same conclusion: a clean electricity future for      very high levels of clean electricity for the United States.
the United States will require massive development          Some major features of the macrogrid concept (Figure
of the bulk transmission infrastructure.                    ES-1, p. 2) are the principle of looped circuits and the
                                                            interspersed converter stations to either collect clean
States, utilities, and consumers have significant com-      electricity or deliver it to demand centers.
mitments to rapidly decrease carbon emissions in the
power sector and to use more electricity to reduce emis-    The macrogrid concept proposed here is more than
sions in other sectors. In the autumn of 2020, the Energy   massive build-out of conventional high-voltage DC
Systems Integration Group conducted a series of virtual     (HVDC) lines and converter stations. The macrogrid
workshops to consider the implications of and opportu-      vision consists of a backbone of long-distance lines
nities highlighted by the above referenced studies. These   composed of networked, multi-terminal HVDC
workshops confirmed that our current transmission           based on voltage source converter (VSC) technology.
development approaches and processes would almost
certainly be inadequate for the challenge of growing
to enable a clean energy future.

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                   Energy Systems Integration Group 1
F ig u re E S - 1
           Macrogrid Concept with Overlaid Clean Energy Resource Areas
           and Locations of Major Electricity Demand

           Macro Grid Node Voltage (kV)                                                         Resource Area

                 Stage 1         100–161
                 Stage 2
           Macro Grid Line
                 Stage 1
                                 735 and Above
                 Stage 2
                                 DC Line

           Source: Energy Systems Integration Group.

Major Benefits of a Macrogrid                               The controls associated with HVDC equipment,
                                                            and wide-area situational awareness enabled by new
The benefits of a national macrogrid go well beyond
                                                            connectivity and technology, will tie regions together
simply serving as conduits for moving clean energy from
                                                            in ways that facilitate better and more efficient over-
source to load. The general attributes of a macrogrid
                                                            all grid performance. Energy, capacity, and ancillary
fall into the following broad categories:
                                                            services would be deliverable from any region of the
• Reliability. The macrogrid’s capabilities will be         country to any other region, not just between neigh-
  extremely valuable for grid management and security       bors. A macrogrid can provide operational tools and
  with very high levels of renewable resources to sup-      capabilities that not only can reduce the bulk power
  port decarbonization goals. Increased interconnec-        system’s susceptibility to failure, but can enhance
  tivity between regions of the United States can           outage restoration capabilities and speed, which can
  contribute to significant improvements in reliability.    be critical during extreme operating scenarios.
  The technologies comprising the macrogrid—extra-       • Resilience. Extreme weather events, a growing con-
  high and ultra-high voltage DC (EHVDC and                cern in a changing climate, can affect large regions
  UHVDC) transmission that can make the bulk               of the country as experienced in California in August
  transmission network highly controllable—can             2020 and Texas in February 2021. The scope and scale
  be leveraged to address long-standing challenges 		      of the macrogrid will provide interconnectivity that
  with bulk power system reliability.

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                               Energy Systems Integration Group 2
spans the entire country (and potentially the northern       • Operability. The macrogrid would add an overarch-
  and southern borders as well) and goes well beyond             ing layer on the existing grid management structure,
  the connections that we have now, between mostly               enabling the coordination of national and regional
  adjacent regions. Such interconnectivity is needed to          energy flows. The macrogrid’s capabilities will be
  ensure the resilience of the electricity infrastructure on     extremely valuable for grid management and security
  which the country’s residents and economy depend.              with very high levels of renewable resources to sup-
                                                                 port decarbonization goals. The controls associated
• Economics. Some recent studies indicate that a
                                                                 with HVDC equipment, and wide-area situational
  macrogrid would substantially reduce the overall
                                                                 awareness enabled by new connectivity and technology,
  cost for a clean energy future, saving as much as one
                                                                 will provide capabilities that would not only reduce
  trillion dollars (see, for example, VCE (2020)). Con-
                                                                 the bulk power system’s susceptibility to failure, but
  ventional power system planning models under-value
                                                                 also enhance outage restoration capabilities and
  transmission, but newer approaches capture the ben-
                                                                 speed, which can be critical during extreme operat-
  efits of moving power to balance power systems with
                                                                 ing scenarios.
  dispersed variable resources based on the location and
  time of output. A macrogrid can facilitate the use of        The U.S. Department of Energy, through the National
  the most economically attractive resources (bulk gen-        Renewable Energy Laboratory and Pacific Northwest
  eration and storage, for energy and ancillary services),     National Laboratory, has launched efforts to explore
  which can be dispatched to cover energy demand               transmission development for supporting clean electricity
  across four time zones to serve all regions and customers.   futures. We propose that the macrogrid be evaluated in
  And HVDC transmission has lower costs when                   the context of this DOE initiative as an alternate trans-
  transmitting electricity over hundreds of miles.             mission approach for supporting very high levels of clean

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                    Energy Systems Integration Group 3
electricity. Using the clean electricity scenarios developed     exercise. The initial macrogrid design would then
by the laboratories as the starting point, a quantitative        be subjected to additional technical analysis to elicit
process based on recent transmission expansion planning          further details on the range of ancillary benefits
principles, augmented to accommodate the scale and               provided by the macrogrid infrastructure.
technologies envisioned for the macrogrid, would be
                                                               • Coordination and oversight of the physical
applied. From this initial design, a series of studies would
                                                                 infrastructure. Physical operation of the macrogrid
be conducted to elicit the full range of costs and benefits
                                                                 raises a number of technical challenges and questions.
of the macrogrid, along with identification of outstand-
                                                                 Currently, there is no operating entity that has the
ing questions and recommendations for future research.
                                                                 purview and national scope of the macrogrid infra-
                                                                 structure, or has the tightly coupled operating inter-
Central Tasks in Working Toward                                  actions with the number of entities that would be
                                                                 necessary here.
a Viable Macrogrid Design
                                                               • Cost comparisons. The costs to build the macro-
This report explores the central tasks involved in working
                                                                 grid are obviously of major importance and would be
toward a viable macrogrid design and presents specific
                                                                 compared to other alternatives for grid expansion to
steps for addressing them:
                                                                 support the same clean electricity scenario. Against
• Technical studies on reliability, resilience, 		               these costs, the full range of benefits—including those
  economics, and operations. A series of technical               related to improved power system reliability and resil-
  studies is proposed and described here to design and           ience—would be captured and quantified to develop
  evaluate the macrogrid alternative for grid expansion.         a full picture of the macrogrid economics.
  An initial design for the macrogrid would be based on        • Use of rights-of-way. Acquisition of rights-of-way
  clean electricity scenarios already under development          for new transmission is a barrier to any form of grid
  in DOE initiatives. It is recommended that the initial         expansion. Because of the architecture, the HVDC
  macrogrid design be based on the end-point scenario,           lines comprising the macrogrid would likely be much
  and not involve a multi-step incremental expansion             longer than new lines that are part of a more conven-
                                                                 tional grid expansion. Further, utilization in terms of
                                                                 power transfer of the rights-of-way would be much
It is recommended that the initial 		                            higher. As part of this evaluation, opportunities to
                                                                 use existing or more readily available line routes, such
macrogrid design be based on the end-point
                                                                 as interstate highways or railroads, would be explored
scenario, and not involve a multi-step                           in detail.
incremental expansion exercise. The initial
                                                               The convergence of the national push for very high
macrogrid design would then be subjected                       levels of clean electricity and the advances in HVDC
to further technical analysis to elicit further                transmission technology of the last decade have created
details on the range of ancillary benefits                     a unique opportunity for a detailed exploration of an
                                                               alternative to the conventional transmission expansion
provided by the macrogrid infrastructure.
                                                               process to address identified challenges for the U.S.
                                                               electric power system.

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                     Energy Systems Integration Group 4

        tates, utilities, and consumers have made signifi-     This report draws from these rigorous studies as well
        cant commitments to rapidly decrease carbon            as a series of workshops including technical experts from
        emissions in the power sector and to use more          throughout the industry, hosted by the Energy Systems
electricity to reduce emissions in other sectors. To achieve   Integration Group (ESIG). It articulates a set of recom-
decarbonization on the scale these commitments require,        mendations for the next stage of proactive transmission
very large amounts of clean electricity will need to be        planning of a macrogrid covering reliability, resilience,
moved across the country. Several recent, comprehensive        economic, and operational aspects of the design.
studies of a clean energy future for the United States
point to critical importance of transmission: a clean          Broad Benefits of a Macrogrid
electricity future for the United States will require
massive development of the bulk transmission infra-            There are many benefits of a nation-wide transmission
structure, spanning large regions of the country and           overlay—a macrogrid—as a system of diverse resources
allowing the sharing of clean renewable energy among           significantly improves reliability and resilience on a
neighboring grids (Bloom et al., 2021; Brown and               continental scale. In some regards, the macrogrid will
Botterud, 2020; MISO, 2017; VCE, 2020).                        provide a solid “anchor” against which existing and new

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                     Energy Systems Integration Group 5
local and regional AC systems can lean. Macrogrid                Conventional power system planning models under-
terminals also offer large control opportunities for grid        value transmission, but newer approaches capture the
management and enhancing system security during                  benefits of moving power to balance power systems
routine and high-consequence climate-induced and                 with dispersed variable resources based on the location
other severe events. The general types of benefits 		            and time of output. A macrogrid can facilitate the
offered by a macrogrid include the following:                    use of the most economically attractive resources
                                                                 (bulk generation and storage, for energy and ancillary
• Reliability. The macrogrid’s capabilities will be              services), which can be dispatched to cover energy
  extremely valuable for grid management and security            demand across four time zones to serve all regions and
  with very high levels of renewable resources to sup-           customers. And HVDC transmission has lower costs
  port decarbonization goals. Increased interconnec-             when transmitting electricity over hundreds of miles.
  tivity between regions of the United States can
  contribute to significant improvements in reliability.
  The technologies comprising the macrogrid—extra-
                                                               A macrogrid can facilitate the use of the
  high and ultra-high voltage DC (EHVDC and
  UHVDC) transmission that can make the bulk                   most economically attractive resources
  transmission network highly controllable—can                 (bulk generation and storage, for energy
  be leveraged to address long-standing challenges 		          and ancillary services), which can be
  with bulk power system reliability.
                                                               dispatched to cover energy demand
  The controls associated with HVDC equipment,                 across four time zones to serve all
  and wide-area situational awareness enabled by new           regions and customers.
  connectivity and technology, will tie regions together
  in ways that facilitate better and more efficient over-
  all grid performance. Energy, capacity, and ancillary
                                                               • Operability. The macrogrid would add an overarch-
  services would be deliverable from any region of the
                                                                 ing layer on the existing grid management structure,
  country to any other region, not just between neigh-
                                                                 enabling the coordination of national and regional
  bors. A macrogrid can provide operational tools and
                                                                 energy flows. The macrogrid’s capabilities will be
  capabilities that not only can reduce the bulk power
                                                                 extremely valuable for grid management and security
  system’s susceptibility to failure, but can enhance
                                                                 with very high levels of renewable resources to sup-
  outage restoration capabilities and speed, which
                                                                 port decarbonization goals. The controls associated
  can be critical during extreme operating scenarios.
                                                                 with HVDC equipment, and wide-area situational
• Resilience. Extreme weather events, a growing con-             awareness enabled by new connectivity and technology,
  cern in a changing climate, can affect large regions           will provide capabilities that would not only reduce
  of the country as experienced in California in August          the bulk power system’s susceptibility to failure, but
  2020 and Texas in February 2021. The scope and scale           also enhance outage restoration capabilities and
  of the macrogrid will provide interconnectivity that           speed, which can be critical during extreme
  spans the entire country (and potentially the northern         operating scenarios.
  and southern borders as well) and goes well beyond
                                                               A macrogrid is the only approach that has the scale
  the connections that we have now, between mostly
                                                               necessary to meet societal decarbonization objectives,
  adjacent regions. Such interconnectivity is needed to
                                                               and the deployment of one requires concerted, proactive
  ensure the resilience of the electricity infrastructure on
                                                               efforts. Incremental approaches—local build-outs, pack-
  which the country’s residents and economy depend.
                                                               ing more onto existing lines and right-of-way, use of
• Economics. Some recent studies indicate that a               advanced technology, distributed energy resources,
  macrogrid would substantially reduce the overall             energy efficiency, etc.—are necessary, but they are in-
  cost for a clean energy future, saving as much as            sufficient. And they are more costly in the long run than
  one trillion dollars (see, for example, VCE (2020)).         proactively planning at a larger scale. An interregional

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                     Energy Systems Integration Group 6
transmission macrogrid using HVDC technology                “ Multi-regional transmission provides diverse and
provides greater benefits than numerous, smaller AC           important economic and reliability benefits at a rela-
transmission expansions.                                      tively low cost. It enables deliverability of resources to
                                                              load; it provides resource and load diversity to facilitate
Moving Forward with Proactive Planning                        system balancing, enables resource adequacy, and helps
                                                              the grid weather extreme events; and it helps to strengthen
In the autumn of 2020, ESIG conducted a series of virtual     the grid, making it more resilient to operational failures.
workshops to consider the implications of and opportu-        For example, the ZeroByFifty study found that the
nities highlighted by these comprehensive studies. The        United States will need to add about twice as much
workshops confirmed that our current transmission devel-      transmission as we have today in order to fully decar-
opment approaches and processes would almost certainly        bonize by 2050 [VCE, 2020]. It also found that if
be inadequate for the challenge of expanding to enable        we do build a macrogrid, we will save $1 trillion in
a clean energy future, because they have produced little      reaching these decarbonization goals compared to
new interregional transmission on the ground over the         a future where we do not build a macrogrid.
past decade. The ESIG workshops resulted in a vision of
a transmission overlay—a macrogrid—that would connect       “ The Interconnections Seam Study [Bloom et al.,
regions rich with clean energy resources to load centers      2021], MIT study [Brown and Botterud, 2020], and
in a way that would take advantage of the diversity in        ZeroByFifty show that an interregional transmission
production, demand, and geography, as well as substan-        macrogrid using HVDC technology provides greater
tially bolster the operation of the existing AC grid.         benefits than numerous, smaller AC transmission
                                                              expansions. HVDC transmission has lower costs when
Such transmission is crucial to achieving clean energy        transmitting electricity over hundreds of miles, and
goals. The white paper developed following the work-          energy flows can be directed to minimize inadvertent
shops described the critical role of transmission in          impacts on the AC system, for example, to minimize
supporting clean energy goals (ESIG, 2021):                   loop flows.”

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                   Energy Systems Integration Group 7
Rethinking Grid Expansion                                     could double that. It has taken two decades to install the
The massive expansion of the bulk transmission system         roughly 200 GW of wind and solar PV in today’s fleet.
necessary for supporting very high levels of clean elec-      Transmission availability has been a major obstacle to
tricity in such a relatively short period of time (15 to      that development most of the way. While distributed
25 years) requires a rethinking of and evolution in the       energy resources will play a substantial role in the clean
way we currently expand the grid. Over the last decade        electricity future, very substantial development of bulk
of transmission expansion, most projects have been built      system renewable generation will still be necessary.
to improve reliability locally and to replace assets having
                                                              Connecting Areas Rich in Renewable
reached their end of life. While some expansion was for
                                                              Resources with the Nation’s Load Centers
economic and policy reasons, the headwinds for these
types of projects have become increasingly strong. Very       A conceptual map of clean energy resources is shown
little interregional transmission has been developed          in Figure 1, illustrating the geographical reality that we
over the past 20 years.                                       face—many of the high-quality wind and solar resources
                                                              that would need to be developed to reach ambitious
The sheer scale of the clean electricity targets set in       clean energy targets are located far from major load
the past 10 to 20 years is hard to fathom. The aforemen-      centers. Clean resources close to major population cen-
tioned studies agree that a 100% clean electricity target     ters would be used locally or regionally when available.
implies about a five-fold increase in wind and solar          However, achieving high levels of clean electricity will
photovoltaics (PV) generation over 2021 levels. Clean         require exploiting these vast clean energy resource areas
energy targets—decarbonization not just of the electric-      and transporting that electricity over long distances to
ity system but of the whole economy by 2035 or 2050—          locations of high demand. In order to move massive

F ig u re 1
Clean Energy Resources in the Continental United States

                                                                                                    Distributed Energy Zone
                                                                                                    Hydropower Resources
                                                                                                    Wind Energy Zone
                                                                                                    Solar Energy Zone
                                                                                                    Wind and Solar Energy Zones

Source: Energy Systems Integration Group.

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                    Energy Systems Integration Group 8
amounts of energy, capacity, and grid services over long            were available, it would likely be economic to develop
distances, we will need a new transmission infrastructure           and export 5 to 10 times this level of low-cost, high-
that will offer significant reliability and diversity benefits      quality wind production, based on the resource avail-
from linking regions across time zones and weather                  ability, and deliver it to customer load centers.
                                                                    Major expansions of electric export capacity would
The challenge that comes from the conventional view                 require additional interregional HVAC and/or HVDC
of transmission expansion at this scale is illustrated by           lines. While the example in Figure 2 is for a single
an example from the interior west. In today’s bulk trans-           region of the country, meeting the nation’s aggressive
mission system, the total export capability from the                clean electricity and energy goals requires similar con-
wind-rich region centered on Wyoming and Montana                    siderations simultaneously for all regions of the country.
is about 8 GW (Figure 2). This is a relatively small                The questions therefore become, how to add these
amount of power given the excellent wind resource in                interregional lines, how many to add, when, and at
the region, and it is limited by existing Western Elec-             what cost? Our transmission expansion experience
tricity Coordinating Council (WECC) path limits.                    to date offers little relevant guidance for such trans-
However, if adequate transmission export capability                 formational development.

F ig u re 2
Illustration of Transmission Constraints in Clean Energy Resource Regions

                              of Approx.
                               8 GW at

                                                                                                             Population Center

                                                                                                             Hydroelectric Power

                                                                                                             Fossil Resource

                                                                                                             Wind Resource

                                                                                                             Solar Resource

                                                                                                             Wind and Solar Resource

Today, the total export capability from the wind-rich region centered on Wyoming and Montana is about 8 GW. However, if adequate
transmission export capability were available, it would likely be economic to develop and export 5 to 10 times this level of low-cost,
high-quality wind production and deliver it to customer load centers.

Source: Energy Systems Integration Group.

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                             Energy Systems Integration Group 9
Adopting a National Perspective and Vision                    of a macrogrid have received only cursory or qualita-
                                                              tive attention.
To successfully address and resolve the challenges of
massive clean energy development and delivery volumes,
                                                              The ESIG transmission workshops proposed that a
distances, and time frames, a national perspective and
                                                              cadre of studies be launched to develop the next level
vision are needed. A national transmission infrastructure
                                                              of quantitative detail about how a properly designed
would help to maximize the benefits of load and clean
                                                              macrogrid could transform the operation of the electrical
energy resource diversity across geographical regions and a
                                                              infrastructure in the United States. The scale of the grid
multi-decade time horizon. The rationale and conceptual
                                                              transformation required for high levels of clean electric-
plans for this massive infrastructure have been laid out
                                                              ity necessitates a rethinking and revision of conventional
in several recent studies and were a major outcome of
                                                              transmission planning approaches, and we delve into
the ESIG transmission workshops (Figure 3). However,
                                                              those revised approaches in the sections that follow.
the many facets of design, construction, and operation

F ig u re 3
Conceptual Macrogrid Layout from Fall 2020 ESIG Transmission Workshops

 Macro Grid Node Voltage (kV)

       Stage 1         100–161

       Stage 2
 Macro Grid Line
       Stage 1
                       735 and Above
       Stage 2
                       DC Line

Source: Energy Systems Integration Group.

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                   Energy Systems Integration Group 10
Macrogrid Design and Attributes

       he concept of transforming the bulk power              decades of bottom-up, incremental development—
       system in the United States through the addition       connecting generation to load centers, then electric
       of a transmission overlay spanning all regions         company to electric company, followed by transmission
of the country has been referred to, either explicitly or     to enhance regional aggregations of companies, and,
implicitly, in several recent studies of the United States’   in a few instances, improved connections between the
clean electricity future. The term “macrogrid” has become     aggregated regional footprints. This continual develop-
part of the current lexicon in technical, regulatory, and     ment over nearly a century has brought us to a place
political discussions about the future of the grid in the     where the electric grid in the contiguous 48 states
United States, although its definition has thus far           remains balkanized, with three mostly separate intercon-
remained quite general and fluid.                             nections, and barriers to development of high-quality
                                                              clean energy resources within each of them.
To transform the U.S. bulk power system in just a couple
of decades requires more than evolutionary thinking,          A properly designed macrogrid has the potential to
however. Our current grid is the product of many              break through these barriers.

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                   Energy Systems Integration Group 11
F ig u re 4
            Conventional Point-to-Point HVDC Based on Line-Commutated
            Converter (LCC) Technology

            HVDC transmission facilities of the conventional type provide point-to-point connections between
            separate AC grids or portions of a single grid separated by substantial distances.

            Source: Energy Systems Integration Group.

HVDC Infrastructure Built “Over”
the Existing AC Grid                                             HVDC links using VSC terminals are
The first general attribute of a macrogrid is that it is         much more controllable and do not impose
built “over” the existing AC grid. Its operation would           reactive burdens on the connected AC
obviously be integrated with the existing, underlying            network.
AC grid, but it would operate on its own level, akin
to the relationship between an urban freeway and the
surrounding (underlying) city streets. A macrogrid is
national in scale, so with the required distances and            Networked, Multi-Terminal HVDC
volumes for energy transport, it would be composed               Based on VSC Technology
substantially of HVDC transmission.
                                                                 Over the past two decades, a new technology for HVDC
HVDC transmission is relatively common around the                conversion has emerged and ascended to power levels
world, with more than 100 projects currently in service.         appropriate for large-scale transmission projects. In the
Most of these facilities are of the conventional type            simplest form, the structure of an HVDC link using
(Figure 4), providing point-to-point connections                 voltage source converter (VSC) terminals is identical
between separate AC grids or portions of a single grid           to that of the conventional arrangement except these
separated by substantial distances. These systems allow          are much more controllable and do not impose reactive
controllable transfer of power from end to end. The              burdens on the connected AC network (Figure 5, p.13).
technology comprising the converter stations is based            Because of the controllability, in fact, the terminal can
on high-power thyristors, and the DC-to-AC conversion            provide reactive support and voltage control to a weak
process places some burdens on the connected AC systems.         AC system.
Most prominently, the AC systems must supply reactive
power to the converters for their operation. This can be         It has long been recognized that the ability to add a
problematic in weak and remote portions of the grid,             third terminal to a point-to-point HVDC line would
which can be a significant barrier to the application of         be a significant advantage for applications requiring
the conventional HVDC links. The macrogrid design                improved flexibility and faster control. A few such
therefore utilizes an advanced technology for DC-                systems are in commercial service globally and are
to-AC conversion.                                                technically feasible with either conventional or VSC
                                                                 terminals (Figure 6, p.13).

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                        Energy Systems Integration Group 12
F ig u re 5
               Point-to-Point HVDC Link Employing VSC Terminals

               Source: Energy Systems Integration Group.

F ig u re 6
Multi-Terminal HVDC Links Employing Conventional and VSC Terminal Technology

Left: multi-terminal HVDC links employing conventional technology. Right: multi-terminal HVDC links employing VSC terminal
Source: Energy Systems Integration Group.

One disadvantage of the “tapped” arrangement is that             A major challenge for a true HVDC network is the
all converters must be shut down instantaneously or as           protection of the DC links themselves. Interruption of
quickly as possible in the event of a short circuit on the       HVDC currents in the event of a short circuit is difficult,
DC lines. For example, a short circuit on a short tap line       since there are no natural instants where the fault current
would require that all three converters be blocked (shut         goes to zero as in AC systems. There are some relatively
down) to allow the DC fault current to be extinguished.          recent developments, however, that point to the avail-
The protection complications as well as other technical          ability of commercial HVDC circuit breakers in the
control challenges have been an impediment to signifi-           not-too-distant future.
cant adoption of multi-terminal HVDC systems.
                                                                 An advanced hybrid grid concept such as described
Technological advances for VSC-based HVDC are                    above is key for the massive transmission expansion
spurring growing interest in what can be described as            required to support very high levels of clean electricity
truly a next generation of bulk power transmission. These        for the United States. Some major features of the
systems will consist of both HVAC and HVDC grids.                macrogrid concept are the principle of looped circuits
The hybrid system leverages HVDC for controllability             and the interspersed converter stations to either collect
and long-distance energy transportation and the flexibil-        clean electricity or deliver it to demand centers
ity of HVAC delivery of energy to regional load centers          (Figure 7, p. 14).
(Rodriguez and Rouzhehi, 2017).

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                        Energy Systems Integration Group 13
F ig u re 7
           Macrogrid Concept with Overlaid Clean Energy Resource Areas
           and Locations of Major Electricity Demand

           Macro Grid Node Voltage (kV)                                                           Resource Area

                 Stage 1         100–161
                 Stage 2
           Macro Grid Line
                 Stage 1
                                 735 and above
                 Stage 2
                                 DC Line

           Source: Energy Systems Integration Group.

The macrogrid concept proposed here is more than
a massive build-out of conventional HVDC lines and
                                                            The macrogrid vision consists of a
converter stations. The macrogrid vision consists of a
backbone of long-distance lines composed of networked,      backbone of long-distance lines composed
multi-terminal HVDC based on VSC technology. It             of networked, multi-terminal HVDC based
would incorporate important transmission planning
                                                            on VSC technology.
principles, including the “rule of three” for transmis-
sion expansion, discussed in the appendix.

The HVDC transmission paths form a true DC network         circuits of six conductors total rather than two three-
and are composed of triple bi-pole circuits operating at   phase AC circuits of six conductors.
+/- 800 kV DC. A transmission tower design by American
Electric Power (AEP), known as the ”Bold” concept,         VSC converter stations are now available with ratings up
could be utilized for these high-capacity macrogrid        to 3000 A. This equates to a 2400 MW rating at 800 kV
transmission line segments. Currently in use as a          for a single pole and double that—4800 MW—for a
double-circuit high surge impedance loading (HSIL)         bi-pole configuration. Other needed technologies, such
line, the structure is more material-efficient, compact,   as HVDC breakers, are entering commercialization and
and aesthetic than alternatives (Figure 8, p. 15). With    can be assumed to be available by the time any procure-
some adaptation it could be used to carry three bi-pole    ments would commence.

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                 Energy Systems Integration Group 14
F ig u re 8
            Physical Comparison of Structures for AEP Bold Line Design
            with Other Common Transmission Towers

            Source: American Electric Power.

                                                              On Ramps and Off Ramps Between the
 Higher circuit ratings for the lines                         HVDC Network and Existing AC System
 make maximum use of rights-of-way                            The “on-ramps” for clean electricity would be connected
 and provide flexibility for the evolution                    to the existing AC system, if stout enough to carry the
 of the macrogrid network over time.                          clean electricity generated in the proximity. In high clean
                                                              electricity resource areas with weak AC transmission,
                                                              the source VSC node could be fed by separate EHVAC
                                                              (extra-high-voltage AC) collector transmission circuits
Self-Redundancy                                               of up to a couple of hundred miles in length.
The fundamental design for self-redundancy requires
that the macrogrid be composed of loops, where at least       “Off ramps” near demand centers would be integrated
three terminals are connected by three HVDC circuits.         with the underlying AC system, and appear as large local
In this way, the outage of a single HVDC line path            generators. The flexibility of this design would allow the
could be accommodated with built-in reserve capacity.         macrogrid delivery point to be rated up to 2400 MW.
                                                              Smaller ratings, potentially dictated by local or regional
Further, the transmission paths themselves would be           conditions, would also be possible.
designed so that each bi-pole circuit would have contin-
gent capacity. As an illustration, if a transmission path     These concepts for the macrogrid architecture are
is delivering 4800 MW on each of the three bi-pole            illustrated in Figure 9 (p. 16). Because the DC lines
circuits, the total transfer over this path would be 14,400   form a true network, it would be possible to insert addi-
MW. The loss of one bi-pole circuit could be covered by       tional converter stations where needed for either collecting
rating the path at 21,600 MW (7,200 MW per bi-pole            or delivering clean energy. This provides a level of modu-
circuit times three) to provide additional redundancy.        larity and flexibility not available with conventional
                                                              point-to-point HVDC, but is obviously dependent
Higher circuit ratings for the lines make maximum use         on HVDC breakers for protection of the HVDC
of rights-of-way and provide flexibility for the evolution    network.
of the macrogrid network over time.

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                    Energy Systems Integration Group 15
F ig u re 9
           Illustration of Concepts for Macrogrid Architecture

           Sources: Energy Systems Integration Group (graphic ); American Electric Power (photograph).

                                                                          areas of the network. Grid-forming VSC designs could
 Rather than requiring reactive power                                     also provide other services, such as black start, which
                                                                          would not be possible from LCC HVDC stations.
 for operation, VSC converter stations could
 provide voltage support in weak areas of                                 Addition of an Overarching Layer
 the network. Grid-forming VSC designs                                    on Existing Grid Management Scheme
 could also provide other services, such                                  The existing interconnections in the United States are
 as black start.                                                          managed through a multi-party and multi-layer control
                                                                          structure that includes embedded competitive wholesale
                                                                          energy markets. The macrogrid would add an overarching
In contrast with conventional line-commutated con-                        layer on this existing grid management scheme, neces-
verter (LCC) HVDC converter stations, the VSC design                      sitating the coordination of national and regional energy
would impose minimal requirements on the AC system                        flows, and requiring the creation of an entity to ensure
to which it would be connected. Rather than requiring                     the macrogrid is operated in such a way as to meet
reactive power for operation, as an example, VSC con-                     reliability and resilience needs and facilitate economic
verter stations could provide voltage support in weak                     operation of the U.S. electricity infrastructure.

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                                     Energy Systems Integration Group 16
Recommended Macrogrid
Design Studies

Synopsis                                                        studies would be conducted to elicit the full range of
                                                                costs and benefits of the macrogrid along with identifi-
• Previous studies that addressed possible transmission         cation of outstanding questions and recommendations
  expansion to support high levels of clean electricity,        for continued research.
  including macrogrid overlays, are excellent works,
  and form a solid basis for important next steps:              To be clear, what we are proposing is not an alternative
                                                                incremental capacity and transmission expansion exercise.
  – To incorporate important transmission planning
                                                                The grid expansion, including the macrogrid overlay,
    principles necessary to ensure system reliability
                                                                would be designed as if the end point is known, based
  – To add technical details of how an overlay should           on the scenarios identified through the ongoing DOE
    be built and how it might be operated                       efforts. We believe that focusing on the end point would
                                                                best illustrate the transformative nature of the macrogrid,
  – To address how an appropriately designed and
                                                                and allow for quantitative assessment of related benefits
    constructed macrogrid could transform the opera-
                                                                for the reliability and resilience of the bulk grid in the
    tion of the bulk power system in the United States
                                                                United States. From this initial design, follow-on efforts
• A macrogrid concept that incorporates available               can explore sensitivities to other clean electricity expan-
  but still novel technologies should be evaluated              sion scenarios, including how the macrogrid could be
  at a similar level of detail (and possibly beyond)            developed over time.
  as other more conventional options for expanding
                                                                The cadre of technical evaluations being recommended
  the bulk electric system to support a new future.
                                                                consists of:

Background and Recommended 		                                   • A focus on architecture and design of a fully devel-
Technical Evaluations                                             oped macrogrid as it would exist in the future for
                                                                  supporting a target level of clean electricity/energy
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), through the                  (for example, >90% clean electricity). The evaluation
National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Pacific                  would start at the end point, effectively being a
Northwest National Laboratory, has launched efforts               single-step expansion from present to that future.
to explore transmission development for supporting
clean electricity futures. We propose that the macrogrid        • The following major study elements:
be evaluated in the context of this DOE initiative as an          – Development of an initial macrogrid design that
alternate transmission approach for supporting very high            adheres to principles for reliable transmission
levels of clean electricity. Using the clean electricity sce-       expansion
narios developed by the laboratories as the starting point,
a quantitative process would be applied based on recent           – Reliability analysis (steady-state and dynamic)
transmission expansion planning principles augmented
                                                                  – Resilience assessment
to accommodate the scale and technologies envisioned
for the macrogrid. From this initial design, a series of          – Considerations for operability and operations

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                     Energy Systems Integration Group 17
– Economics, routing, and permitting                     consultants, equipment manufacturers, transmission
                                                           line designers, energy economists, and others), and
• Iteration and sensitivities—what about decarboni-
  zation goals, or what if we don’t get to >90% clean
  electricity?                                             The next sections highlight and summarize the individual
• A comparison of findings here with other transmis-       components of the technical evaluation we believe is
  sion expansion options developed through parallel        necessary to determine how the macrogrid option would
  efforts.                                                 compare to more conventional approaches to transmis-
                                                           sion expansion for high levels of clean electricity.
The intention is for the initial macrogrid design to
be conducted first, and then serve as the object for       Initial Macrogrid Design
the subsequent technical evaluations. These follow-on
evaluations could probably be conducted in parallel if
consideration of the important overlaps between the        • Create macrogrid design(s) for a 100% clean
study tracks is made.                                        electricity scenario

We recommend that the macrogrid study effort be con-       • Determine the best mix of transmission and other
ducted as an open process, with maximum involvement          technologies (e.g., storage) that will facilitate trans-
from the energy industry. This includes regional trans-      portation of clean energy from source to sinks
mission organizations (RTOs) and others in the transmis-   • Maintain/enhance bulk system reliability—
sion planning space; technologists (including expert         initial view

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                 Energy Systems Integration Group 18
• Increase the resilience of bulk electric supply—                   Step A: Technology Selections
  initial view
                                                                     Technology selections are made in Step A. This deci-
Overview                                                             sion may include use of either DC or AC transmission,
                                                                     although most macrogrid design work conducted to
A macrogrid is a high-capacity transcontinental trans-               date has selected DC, for the following reasons:
mission system distinct from, but interconnected with,
existing underlying AC transmission. The objective of                • There is no minimum capacity required for stable
a macrogrid design is to identify the macrogrid tech-                  interconnection
nologies, network topology, and circuit capacities to
                                                                     • A macrogrid using DC transmission offloads the
maximize the derived macrogrid benefits. This section
                                                                       underlying AC system, allowing increased AC
describes a process to achieve this objective, a nascent
                                                                       interconnection of renewables
process that will further develop as experience grows.
The design process described here is intended to be                  • It improves AC system performance in terms of
one on which further design efforts will build.                        voltage, frequency, transient, and oscillatory stability
                                                                       through converter control
Macrogrid design requires understanding and modeling
the manner in which the macrogrid will operate. This                 • Its power density (MW per right-of-way area re-
requires identification of a market construct, including               quired) is greater than AC
its participants, and how macrogrid operation interacts              • Its cost per MW-mile for long-distance transmission
with the operation of regional markets run by the RTOs.                is lower than for AC
The market aspects are addressed later in the report.
                                                                     • HVDC losses are less than HVAC losses for the
Design Process                                                         same transfer capacity
The design process is composed of four main steps, as
                                                                     Assuming the macrogrid is DC, then converter technol-
illustrated in Figure 10. An underlying assumption of
                                                                     ogy must be chosen; options are multilevel voltage source
the process is that the design targets very-high-percentage
                                                                     converters (VSC), line-compensated converters (LCC),
clean electricity futures (e.g., 85% to 100%). The design
                                                                     or hybrid (use of both). Although LCCs provide higher
process identifies the best mix of macrogrid technologies
                                                                     capacity than VSCs, VSCs provide better control, in-
and AC system generation, transmission, and storage to
                                                                     cluding provision of voltage support and grid-forming
facilitate the delivery of clean electricity from sources
                                                                     capability. In addition, VSCs enable the implementation
to load centers while enhancing the reliability and
                                                                     of a multi-terminal network rather than a series of point-
resilience of the bulk power system.
                                                                     to-point DC lines, offering the ability of the macrogrid

            F ig u re 1 0
            Overview of Macrogrid Design Process

                Step A               Step B             Something
                                                          Step C           Step D                     Yes
                                                         Or Other
                Select       ❯       Develop       ❯     Identify    ❯      Assess     ❯      OK      ❯     DONE
             technologies           macrogrid             circuit        performance           ?
                                    topology            capacities


            Source: Energy Systems Integration Group.

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                             Energy Systems Integration Group 19
to control DC network to AC network injections rather                          innovative option of a VSC-based multi-terminal
than only the flows on each point-to-point DC line.                            HVDC network with grid-forming converters.
Finally, there is the potential to take advantage of the
strengths of both LCCs and VSCs in a hybrid network,                           Step B: Macrogrid Topology
for which there is an implemented case (McCalley and
                                                                               Macrogrid topology is developed in Step B. The objec-
Zhang, 2020; Rao et al., 2021).
                                                                               tive of this step is to identify the number and location
Technology decisions can affect the cost of interconnec-                       of macrogrid nodes together with the circuits that con-
tion points, as voltage-weak LCC nodes must be com-                            nect those nodes. The macrogrid topology explored
pensated; because interconnection point selection affects                      in previous studies is shown in Figure 11.
topology, technology decisions also influence topology.                        Nodes should be located close to load centers or in areas
In addition, whereas LCC nodes may be located only                             where hydro, solar, and/or wind resources are expected
at the terminals of point-to-point DC lines, VSC nodes                         to reach significant levels. There is a trade-off between
may be located anywhere along a line, increasing flexi-                        macrogrid accessibility and cost. A large number of
bility in interconnecting with resources and adding                            nodes increases macrogrid accessibility and may also
nodes, and thus potentially affecting topology.                                reduce transmission spur cost from nodes to load and
Although future studies should carefully consider the                          resource centers, but each node incurs the significant
various technology options, we recommend and assume                            cost of an additional converter station. In addition, it
in what follows the adoption of a state-of-the-art,                            may be useful to locate nodes to ensure balance between

 F ig u re 1 1
Experience-Driven Macrogrid Topology Concepts

Several top-down designs have been proposed in recent research.

Sources, counter-clockwise from upper left: Figueroa-Acevedo et al. (2021); Clack (2021); Energy Systems Integration Group (2021); McCalley and Zhang
(2020); Brown and Botterud (2020).

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                                           Energy Systems Integration Group 20
geographical regions, North American Electric Relia-             contingent and economically attractive if it is built
bility Corporation (NERC) regions, RTO regions, and              using at least three parallel circuits. Self-contingent
possibly states, as the decision to locate a node in an area     means that remaining macrogrid circuits are able
may also influence that area’s willingness to participate in     to carry the additional loading for loss of one of the
macrogrid development, implementation, and operation.            parallel circuits. Economically attractive means that,
Consideration should be given to including terminals of          during normal operation, the circuit provides signifi-
existing or planned interregional transmission projects.         cant additional transmission capacity, with a low
A final consideration in identifying nodes is that there         derating to satisfy N-1 contingency conditions.
may be benefit to converting or extending existing AC            The rule of three is illustrated in the appendix.
substations, particularly those for which connected lines
                                                               • Circuit cost. Circuit cost should account for routing
may use right-of-way that can be converted or adapted
                                                                 and related right-of-way cost, issues that are influ-
to DC line right-of-way.
                                                                 enced by terrain, elevation, preserved land, lightning
Each pair of nodes may be connected by a circuit. With           frequency, and availability of existing rights-of-way
N nodes, there are N*(N-1)/2 possible circuits (e.g., 50         that could be used. Some work has been done on
nodes results in 1,225 possible circuits). Yet only a small      assessing right-of-way cost (Li and McCalley, 2015).
subset of the possible circuits are ultimately needed.           Usage within macrogrid operation may be assessed
Identifying those circuits should account for the impact         through Step C, described next. The design process
of macrogrid outages on underlying AC system reliabil-           can be strengthened via iterations of Steps B and C,
ity, circuit cost, and usage within macrogrid operation,         as Step C results can provide insight into use of
as described below.                                              nodes or circuits that were not originally considered.

• Rule of three. The rule of three is a guideline to
                                                               Step C: Circuit Capacities
  ensure that circuit selection accounts for the impact
  of macrogrid outages on underlying AC system reli-           Circuit capacities are identified in Step C. This is
  ability. According to the rule of three, high-capacity       accomplished through the use of a co-optimized expan-
  interregional transmission can be built to be self-          sion planning (CEP) application. CEP applications to

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                    Energy Systems Integration Group 21
macrogrid design have been described in the literature
(Bloom et al., 2021; Brown and Botterud, 2020; Figueroa-
Acevedo et al., 2021; MacDonald et al., 2016). CEPs are
computationally intensive; their application requires that
industry-sized network and production cost datasets be
reduced, a process described in the slide deck accompany-
ing this report. These datasets should be selected so that
they provide time-synchronized levels of demand, wind
generation, and solar generation throughout the country.
They should be based on projected loading and envi-
ronmental conditions and not historical ones, since his-
torical conditions may not well reflect future conditions
due to increased electrification of other sectors and
impacts of climate change.

A CEP determines those generation and transmission
investments needed in a power system to achieve least
cost (including investment and operational costs) subject
to constraints and assumptions. A CEP is capable of
determining investment timing as well. However, as
described previously, the focus of this work should be
on the end-point scenario (i.e., very high levels of clean
electricity) rather than the transition years, and as such,
it is reasonable to apply the CEP with a limited number
of investment periods, e.g., one or two. Constraints
include standard power flow constraints and require-
ments on ancillary services and annual planning reserves.
Assumptions characterize the expected future conditions
including, for example, demand growth, fuel prices, tech-     assessment may be performed by repeating CEP analysis
nology costs, environmental conditions, and policy direc-     for each scenario. It is also possible to obtain “one-shot”
tives. Costs associated with technologies not yet heavily     optimizers that perform CEP under uncertainty (Hobbs
used—e.g., HVDC breakers, demand control, and some            et al., 2016; Maloney et al., 2021). In identifying scenarios,
kinds of storage—may require interaction with various         it is important to select a limited number that well rep-
manufacturers to obtain. AC transmission costs are            resents the scenario space. In macrogrid design, recom-
typically available within RTO planning processes. For        mended scenarios might include high and low growth
example, the Midcontinent Independent System Opera-           in distributed energy resources; high and low technology
tor (MISO) has developed an excellent resource that           maturation for VSCs, DC breakers, wind, and solar; and
includes both AC and DC costs (MISO, 2021). Such              limited and aggressive implementation in CO2 reduction
cost information should be integrated with methods of         policy. There are methods to select such scenarios based
avoiding the use of new rights-of-way (e.g., using exist-     on scenario probability and proximity to other scenarios.
ing transmission, rail, or transportation right-of-way)       A recent development also provides a simulation-based
and maximizing AC transmission power density in terms         approach to test a CEP design against a large number
of MW of transmission capacity per unit of required right-    of out-of-sample scenarios (Maloney, 2019).
of-way area (e.g., employing lines with double-circuit
                                                              Operating conditions modeled within the CEP should
towers and high surge impedance loading designs).
                                                              include those corresponding to different daily times for
It is typical to develop several scenarios, where each        each of three seasons of the year together with the con-
realizes a different set of assumptions. Multi-scenario       ditions corresponding to the annual peak for each U.S.

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                    Energy Systems Integration Group 22
region. Transmission investments identified within           Step D: Performance of the Macrogrid Design
the CEP solution include those associated with the
macrogrid circuits identified in Step B as well as those     The performance of the macrogrid design is assessed in
associated with the underlying AC transmission system.       Step D, and the design is adjusted based on these results.
When macrogrid circuits identified in Step B receive         Several of the performance assessments require a full
little or no investment following Step C CEP applica-        unreduced model. This requires that the Step C macro-
tion (and thus have little or no capacity in the resulting   grid design, which includes generation and transmission
macrogrid design), it is an indication that those circuits   investments represented at equivalent buses and lines,
are not needed for transferring energy, services, or         respectively, be translated to buses and lines in the full
capacity between macrogrid nodes, and their elimination      model. The translation function is described in the
from the macrogrid topology should be considered.            appendix of the attached slide deck and in the literature.

CEP implementation of Step C should be performed             Following the development of the translated model,
twice, once with the macrogrid topology overlaid on          performance assessments are conducted, as described
the existing AC system (as assumed in the previous           below. These assessments overlap with the discussion
paragraph) and once without it, i.e., with only the          given in this report’s section on reliability and resilience.
reduced model of the AC power system. This second            • Production cost simulation (PS): PS is necessary
CEP implementation will establish a reference case             to check the benefits identified based on CEP results,
that represents the targeted clean electricity level but       since PS improves the quantification of operational
without the macrogrid. Differences in the costs between        costs. PS also enables characterization of how the
the two cases (macrogrid and reference) can be used to         markets and the system behave across daily, weekly,
assess the economic benefits of macrogrid development.         and seasonal periods in terms of flow variation in

Design Study Requirements for a U.S. Macrogrid                                    Energy Systems Integration Group 23
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