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RESEARCH ARTICLES Cite as: C. M. Saad-Roy et al., Science 10.1126/science.abg8663 (2021). Epidemiological and evolutionary considerations of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine dosing regimes Chadi M. Saad-Roy1*, Sinead E. Morris2, C. Jessica E. Metcalf3,4, Michael J. Mina5, Rachel E. Baker3,6, Jeremy Farrar7, Edward C. Holmes8, Oliver G. Pybus9, Andrea L. Graham3, Simon A. Levin3, Bryan T. Grenfell3,4,10*, Caroline E. Wagner11* 1 Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA. 2Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY 10032, USA. 3Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA. 4Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA. 5Departments of Epidemiology and Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA 02115, USA. 6High Meadows Environmental Institute, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA. 7The Wellcome Trust, London NW1 2BE, UK. 8 Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, and School of Medical Sciences, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. 9Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3SZ, UK. 10Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA. 11Department of Bioengineering, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 0C3, Canada. Downloaded from http://science.sciencemag.org/ on March 9, 2021 *Corresponding author. Email: csaadroy@princeton.edu (C.M.S.-R.); grenfell@princeton.edu (B.T.G.); caroline.wagner@mcgill.ca (C.E.W.) In the face of vaccine dose shortages and logistical challenges, various deployment strategies are being proposed to increase population immunity levels to SARS-CoV-2. Two critical issues arise: how will the timing of delivery of the second dose affect both infection dynamics and prospects for the evolution of viral immune escape via a build-up of partially immune individuals. Both hinge on the robustness of the immune response elicited by a single dose, compared to natural and two-dose immunity. Building on an existing immuno-epidemiological model, we find that in the short-term, focusing on one dose generally decreases infections, but longer-term outcomes depend on this relative immune robustness. We then explore three scenarios of selection and find that a one-dose policy may increase the potential for antigenic evolution under certain conditions of partial population immunity. We highlight the critical need to test viral loads and quantify immune responses after one vaccine dose, and to ramp up vaccination efforts throughout the world. As the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (although for logistical reasons some trial participants re- (SARS-CoV-2) betacoronavirus (β-CoV) pandemic continues, ceived their second dose after a delay of at least 12 weeks). the deployment of safe and effective vaccines presents a key Clinical trials indicated 62%–90% efficacy for this vaccine ac- intervention for mitigating disease severity and spread and cording to the specific dose administered (4). While we base eventually relaxing non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs). our parameter choices and modeling assumptions on these At the time of writing, eleven vaccines have been approved three vaccines, our results are generalizable across platforms. by at least one country (1). We focus mainly on the vaccines As these vaccines have been distributed internationally, from Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, and Oxford/AstraZeneca. several countries including the UK (5) and Canada (6) have The first two elicit adaptive immunity against SARS-CoV-2 in chosen to delay the second dose in an effort to increase the response to the introduction of messenger ribonucleic acid number of individuals receiving at least one or in response to (mRNA) molecules that encode the spike protein of SARS- logistical constraints (7). Although a number of participants CoV-2 (2), and appear to offer greater than 95% (Pfizer/BioN- dropped out after a single dose of the vaccine in the Pfizer/Bi- Tech (3), approved in 60 countries) and 94% (Moderna (2), oNTech and Moderna trials, these studies were not designed approved in 38 countries) protection against symptomatic to assess vaccine efficacy under such circumstances, and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Both of these mRNA Pfizer has stated that there is no evidence that vaccine pro- vaccines were tested in clinical trials according to a two-dose tection from a single dose extends beyond 21 days (5), alt- regime with dose spacing of 21 and 28 days for the Pfizer/Bi- hough other data paint a more optimistic picture (8, 9). The oNTech and Moderna platforms, respectively. The Ox- Oxford/AstraZeneca clinical trials did include different dose ford/AstraZeneca vaccine uses a non-replicating adenovirus spacings, and limited evidence suggests that longer intervals vector, and has also been tested in clinical trials according to (two to three months) did not affect and may even have im- a two-dose regime with a target 28-day inter-dose period proved vaccine efficacy (4, 5). Ultimately, the consequences of deviating from manufacturer-prescribed dosing regimes at First release: 9 March 2021 www.sciencemag.org (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 1
the population scale remain unknown, but will hinge on im- characterized by (possibly different) levels of immune protec- mune responses. tion ϵ1 and ϵ2. Infection following waned one-dose or two-dose While there has been significant progress in quantifying vaccinal immunity is tracked by the immune classes I S1 and host immune responses following infection (10–12), substan- I S2 , respectively. We consider a continuous spectrum for the tial uncertainty regarding the strength and duration of both natural and vaccinal SARS-CoV-2 immunity remains. Previ- 1 inter-dose period , with an infinite value corresponding ous work suggests that these factors will play a central role ω in shaping the future dynamics of COVID-19 cases (13). Fu- to a “one-dose strategy”, and model the rate of administration ture cases also create an environment for the selection of of the first dose ν as an increasing function of the inter-dose novel variants [e.g., (14–16)]. Of particular concern is the pos- period (Fig. 1 and Materials and methods) to reflect the in- sibility of antigenic drift [e.g., for influenza (17), and (18) for crease in available doses due to a delayed second dose. Thus, the seasonal human coronavirus 229E] via immune escape dosing regimes with longer inter-dose periods allow for from natural or vaccinal immunity. For example, immune es- higher coverage with the first dose. cape might be especially important if vaccinal immunity elic- We begin by projecting the epidemiological impacts of the ited after the complete two-dose regime is highly protective different dosing regimes on medium-term temporal dynam- Downloaded from http://science.sciencemag.org/ on March 9, 2021 whereas a single vaccine dose provides less effective immun- ics of COVID-19 cases. We then examine the potential evolu- ity. Consequently, the longer term epidemiological and evo- tionary consequences of dosing regime by calculating a time- lutionary implications of these different SARS-CoV-2 vaccine dependent relative net viral adaptation rate (17). This term is dosing regimes are not yet clear; the immediate need for ef- related to the strength of natural and vaccinal immunity (ei- fective mass vaccination makes understanding them critical ther via inducing selection through immune pressure or sup- to inform policy (19). pressing viral replication) as well as the sizes of classes of Here, we explore these epidemiological and evolutionary individuals experiencing infections after immune waning. considerations with an extension of a recent immuno-epide- miological model for SARS-CoV-2 dynamics (13), depicted Epidemiological impacts schematically in Fig. 1. Without vaccination, our model re- As a base case, we consider a high latitude European or North duces to the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered-(Susceptible) American city with initial conditions that qualitatively corre- [SIR(S)] model (13, 20), where individual immunity after re- spond to early 2021 (see supplementary materials and figs. S5 covery from primary infection may eventually wane at rate δ, and S6 for other scenarios, e.g., a high initial attack rate or leading to potentially reduced susceptibility to secondary in- almost full susceptibility), in addition to a seasonal transmis- fections, denoted by the fraction ϵ relative to a baseline level sion rate (21) with NPIs (see Materials and methods). Note of unity. This parameter ϵ is thus related to the (transmission- that given immunological and future control uncertainties, blocking) strength of immunity, and titrates between the SIR we are aiming to project qualitatively rather than formulate (lifetime immunity, ϵ = 0) and SIRS (hosts regain complete quantitative predictions for particular locations. The UK and susceptibility, ϵ = 1) paradigms. Quantifying ϵ is challenging Canadian policy is for a delayed second dose; they are not because it requires measuring reinfection rates after the wan- aiming for an “exclusively” one-dose policy. However, we ex- ing of immunity. Some studies have made significant pro- plore the one-dose strategy as an extreme case for the “two- gress in this direction (11, 12); however, uncertainties remain, dose” vaccines; it also encompasses a pessimistic situation of particularly related to quantifying the average duration of waning public confidence in vaccination and individuals’ immunity 1/δ. In this model extension (Fig. 1 and Materials own decisions to forgo the second dose. Finally, this one-dose and methods) we incorporate two vaccinated classes; V1 ac- policy could capture vaccines which only require a single counts for individuals who have received one dose of a SARS- dose, e.g., the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. CoV-2 vaccine and V2 tracks individuals who have received In Fig. 2, we present potential scenarios for medium-term two doses. In the short term, we assume that both dosing op- SARS-CoV-2 infection and immunity dynamics contingent ( ) tions decrease susceptibility by fractions 1 − V1 (one dose) upon vaccine dosing regimes. We start by assuming that vac- cination occurs at a constant rate, and assume a relatively ( and 1 − V2 ) (two doses), inferred from the clinical trial data optimistic maximum rate of administration of the first dose (though the nature of the infecting variant may influence of ν0 = 2% of the population per week (see supplementary this); we also assume that IV tracks infection following vac- materials for other scenarios). Figure 2A and Fig. 2B corre- cination. We allow for vaccinal immunity to wane at separate spond, respectively, to scenarios with weaker (and shorter) rates [ρ1 (one dose) and ρ2 (two doses)], moving individuals and stronger (and longer) natural and vaccinal adaptive im- to the partially susceptible immune classes S S1 and S S2 mune responses. Thus, the former represents a scenario with higher secondary susceptible density than the latter. In each First release: 9 March 2021 www.sciencemag.org (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 2
panel, the top and bottom sections consider poor and robust S2, ν0 = 0.1% per week; and fig. S3, ν0 = 1% per week), the one-dose vaccinal immunity, respectively. The leftmost col- benefits of a single dose strategy diminish even for an effec- umn represents a one-dose vaccine policy (captured in the tive first dose, as an insufficient proportion of the population model by infinite dose spacing), with dose spacing decreasing are immunized. The short term effect of the vaccine on case to 4 weeks in the rightmost column (i.e., a strict two-dose pol- numbers is sensitive to when it is introduced in the dynam- icy with doses separated by the clinical trial window corre- ical cycle (figs. S7 and S8), highlighting the critical interplay sponding to Moderna’s recommendations for their vaccine, between the force of infection and the level of population im- hereafter referred to as the “recommended two-dose strat- munity (see supplementary materials for further details). egy”). Vaccines will be central to efforts to attain community im- As expected, we find that broader deployment of widely- munity (22), and thus prevent local spread due to case impor- spaced doses is beneficial. Specifically, a one-dose strategy (or tation. We therefore analytically calculated the first vaccine a longer inter-dose period) may lead to a substantially re- dose administration rate for a given inter-dose spacing re- duced “first” epidemic peak of cases after the initiation of vac- quired for community immunity in our model (see supple- cination (compare the leftmost top panels of Fig. 2, A and B, mentary materials). In the long term, however, individuals with the no vaccination scenarios in fig. S1, A and B). This whose one- or two-dose immunity has waned will likely be Downloaded from http://science.sciencemag.org/ on March 9, 2021 result applies even if immunity conferred by one vaccine dose able to be vaccinated again before infection in countries with is shorter and weaker than that following two-doses (top pan- adequate supplies; we therefore incorporated re-vaccination els of Fig. 2, A and B). However under these conditions of of these individuals into the extended model and computed imperfect immunity, an exclusively one-dose strategy then an analogous minimal vaccination rate which we plot in Fig. leads to an earlier subsequent peak due to the accumulation 3B. We find that as the inter-dose period grows, this minimal of partially susceptible individuals. When the rate of admin- rate depends increasingly on the degree of reduction in sus- istration of the first dose is very high (fig. S4, ν0 = 5% per ceptibility after the waning of one-dose vaccinal immunity ϵ1 week), this subsequent infection peak may be larger than that (Fig. 3B and see fig. S13 for other parameter choices). Vaccine expected in the scenario with no vaccination. In general, the refusal (23) may also impact the attainment of community accumulation of partially susceptible individuals with waned immunity through vaccinal immunity in the longer-term (see one-dose vaccinal immunity can be mitigated by implement- supplementary materials). ing a two-dose strategy and decreasing the time between doses. Thus, in situations of a less effective first dose where Evolutionary impacts the second dose is delayed, it is important to ensure individ- The recent emergence of numerous SARS-CoV-2 variants in uals eventually do obtain their second dose. still relatively susceptible populations underline the virus’s In line with intuition, longer and stronger immunity elic- evolutionary potential (24–26). We focus here on the longer ited after a single dose heightens the benefits of a one-dose term potential for immune escape from natural or vaccinal strategy or of delaying the second dose (compare the top and immunity (17). For immune escape variants to spread within bottom leftmost panels of Fig. 2, A and B). Additionally, the a population, they must first arise via mutation, and then protective effects of adopting these strategies instead of the there must be substantial selection pressure in their favor. two-dose regime are maintained in the medium-term, with We expect the greatest opportunity for variants to arise in decreased burden in all future peaks. This is further summa- (and spread from) hosts with the highest viral loads, likely rized in Fig. 3A via the cumulative number of total and severe those with the least immunity. On the other hand, we expect cases (right and left panels, respectively) over approximately the greatest selection for escape where immunity is strongest. four years from the time of vaccine initiation, normalized by Previous research on the phylodynamic interaction between the burdens with no vaccination; these ratios are plotted as a viral epidemiology and evolution (based on seasonal influ- function of the inter-dose period and the one- to two-dose enza) predicts that partially immune individuals (permitting immune response ratio xe (see figure caption for details). intermediate levels of selection and transmission) could max- When the immune response conferred by a single dose is imize levels of escape (17) (Fig. 4A). Under this model, we close to the robustness following two doses, total case num- would project that different categories of secondarily infected bers (Fig. 3A, right panel) can be substantially reduced by de- people (after waning of natural immunity or immunity con- laying the second dose. However, for smaller values of xe, ferred from one or two doses of vaccine) would be key poten- larger inter-dose periods are associated with more cases. The tial contributors to viral immune escape. reduction in the cumulative burden of severe cases is even In Fig. 4, we consider three potential evolutionary scenar- more sizeable (Fig. 3A, left panel) due to the assumed reduc- ios, exploring different assumptions regarding viral abun- tion in the fraction of severe cases for partially immune indi- dance and within-host selection for the various immune viduals. When vaccination rates are substantially lower (fig. classes. In all scenarios, we assume for simplicity that First release: 9 March 2021 www.sciencemag.org (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 3
immunity elicited after two doses of the vaccine is equivalent visibility in Figs. 1, 2, and 4.) When the assumed individual to that elicited after natural infection. We also assume that rates of evolutionary adaptation arising from these infection transmission rises with viral abundance in hosts (17). In Sce- classes are high (Scenarios II and III), we find that a one-dose nario I (black borders on circles, top panel of Fig. 4A), we strategy could lead to substantially higher relative rates of assume that infections of all classes of partially susceptible adaptation. This effect can be mitigated by implementing a individuals lead to strong selective pressures and low viral two-dose strategy even with a longer inter-dose period than abundance (a marker of low transmission), and thus low the recommended duration, echoing our epidemiological rates of adaptation, with only slightly reduced immune pres- findings. sure for infections after a waned single vaccine dose relative A single dose strategy of a strongly immunizing vaccine to natural infection or two doses. Scenario II (blue borders reduces infection rates, resulting in lower relative rates of ad- on circles, middle panel of Fig. 4A), considers a situation aptation when a one dose strategy is used; however the re- where natural and two-dose vaccinal immunity again lead to sulting large fraction of S S1 individuals may still lead to low viral abundance, but one-dose vaccinal immunity is asso- evolutionary pressure, particularly when the potential viral ciated with intermediate immune pressure that results in adaptation rate associated with I S1 infections is large. A two- substantially higher rates of viral adaptation. Finally, in Sce- Downloaded from http://science.sciencemag.org/ on March 9, 2021 nario III (purple borders on circles, bottom panel of Fig. 4A), dose strategy mitigates this effect, but the corresponding re- adaptive immune responses following waned natural, one duction in vaccinated individuals increases the infection bur- dose, and two dose vaccinal immunity all lead to similar in- den from other classes. Thus, to avoid these potentially termediate levels of immune pressure and high rates of viral pessimistic evolutionary outcomes, our results highlight the adaptation. In all cases, we assume for tractability that viral importance of rapid vaccine deployment. More broadly, our immune escape is not correlated with clinical severity (27). results further underline the importance of equitable, global The relative potential viral adaptation rates [see (17) for vaccination (28, 29): immune escape anywhere will quickly more details] corresponding to each scenario are presented spread. in the top rows of Fig. 4, B and C. This relative rate is esti- mated as the sum of the sizes of the infection classes follow- Impact of increasing vaccination through time ing waned immunity (i.e., IS after SS, I S1 after S S1 , and I S2 In the supplementary materials (figs. S10 to S12), we explore the implications of ramping up vaccine deployment through after S S2 ) weighted by the infection class-specific net viral two approaches. First, we examine a simple increase in the adaptation rate assigned in each scenario. Therefore, this rate of administration of the first dose and unchanged dosing quantity reflects a weight-averaged potential rate for viral ad- regimes (fig. S10). Qualitatively, these results are largely anal- aptation per-individual per-infection. The corresponding im- ogous to our previous results, and reflect the benefits of in- mune and susceptibility classes are plotted in the middle and creasing population immunity through an increase in bottom rows, respectively, according to the color scheme de- vaccination deployment. fined in Fig. 1A. The weaker immunity scenario of Fig. 2A is However, as vaccines become more widely available, poli- considered, with Fig. 4B and Fig. 4C corresponding, respec- cies on dosing regimes may change. The second approach we tively, to the situations of a weaker and more robust single consider is a timely shift to a two-dose policy with recom- vaccine dose relative to two doses. The leftmost column cor- mended inter-dose spacing as vaccine deployment capacity responds to a one dose strategy, an inter-dose period of increases (figs. S11 and S12). Initially delaying (or omitting) 1 the second dose decreases the first epidemic peak after the = 24 weeks is assumed in the middle column, and the initiation of vaccination. Such a reduction in first peak size ω rightmost column assumes a two dose strategy with doses would also reduce secondary infections, and thus potentially immune escape in most cases (i.e., an evolutionary ad- 1 separated by the clinical trial window of = 4 weeks. vantage). Subsequently, the switch to a manufacturer-timed ω vaccine dosage regime mitigates the potential medium-term Different assumptions regarding the strength and dura- disadvantages of delaying (or omitting) the second dose that tion of adaptive immune responses to vaccines and natural may arise if immunity conferred from a single dose is rela- infections alter projections for the proportions of individuals tively poor, including the accumulation of partially suscepti- in the partially susceptible immune classes over time. When ble S S1 individuals whose one-dose vaccinal immunity has one dose vaccinal immunity is poor, a one-dose strategy re- sults in the rapid accumulation of partially susceptible S S1 waned. These contrasts highlight the importance of data- driven policies that undergo constant re-evaluation as vac- individuals (Fig. 4B, bottom row) and a greater infection bur- cination progresses. den. (Note, this S S1 immune class is highlighted in orange for First release: 9 March 2021 www.sciencemag.org (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 4
Caveats increases in viral avidity to the human ACE2 receptor might Our immuno-epidemiological model makes several assump- generate multiple benefits for the virus in terms of enhanced tions. While heterogeneities (superspreading, age, space, etc.) transmission and immune escape (46). Finally, genetic pro- (30–33) are important for the quantitative prediction of cesses such as clonal interference, epistasis, and recombina- SARS-CoV-2 dynamics, we previously found that these do not tion also add substantial complexity to evolutionary qualitatively affect our results (13). Nevertheless, we again dynamics [e.g., (17, 47, 48)]. Further model refinements briefly explore the epidemiological consequences of hetero- should also include these details for increased accuracy. A full geneities in transmission and vaccine coverage in the supple- list of caveats is presented in the supplementary materials. mentary materials. We have also assumed that the robustness of immune responses following the second dose is independ- Conclusion ent of the inter-dose period, yet it is possible that delaying The deployment of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in the coming the second dose may actually enhance adaptive immune re- months will strongly shape post-pandemic epidemiological sponses (34). Detailed clinical evaluation of adaptive immune trajectories and characteristics of accumulated population responses after one and two vaccine doses with different in- immunity. Dosing regimes should seek to navigate existing ter-dose spacing is an important direction for future work. immunological and epidemiological trade-offs between indi- Downloaded from http://science.sciencemag.org/ on March 9, 2021 Additionally, we have assumed highly simplified scenarios viduals and populations. Using simple models, we have for NPIs. The chosen scenario was selected to qualitatively shown that different regimes may have crucial epidemiologi- capture current estimates of SARS-CoV-2 prevalence and se- cal and evolutionary impacts, resulting in a wide range of po- ropositivity in large cities. However, these values vary sub- tential outcomes in the medium term. Our work also lays the stantially between locations, a notable example being recent foundation for a number of future considerations related to estimates of a large infection rate in Manaus, Brazil, during vaccine deployment during ongoing epidemics, especially the first wave (35), or countries having almost no infections preparing against future pandemics. due to the successful implementation of NPIs (36–38). We In line with intuition, spreading single doses in emer- have examined these scenarios in the supplementary materi- gency settings (i.e., rising infections) is beneficial in the short als (figs. S5 and S6). The qualitative projections of our model term and reduces prevalence. Furthermore, we find that if are sensitive to the composition of infection and immune immunity following a single dose is robust, then delaying the classes at the onset of vaccination (including, therefore, the second dose is also optimal from an epidemiological perspec- assumption of dramatically higher seropositivity levels, i.e., tive in the longer term. On the other hand, if one-dose vacci- the sum of the SS and R classes). We further explore this in nal immunity is weak, the outcome could be more the supplementary materials through the initiation of vac- pessimistic; specifically, a vaccine strategy with a very long cination at different times in the dynamic cycle (figs. S7 and inter-dose period could lead to marginal short-term benefits S8). Thorough explorations of various NPIs, seasonal trans- (a decrease in the short-term burden) at the cost of a higher mission rate patterns, vaccine deployment rates, dosing re- infection burden in the long term and substantially more po- gimes, and clinical burdens can be investigated for broad tential for viral evolution. These negative longer term effects ranges of epidemiological and immunological parameters may be alleviated by the eventual administration of a second with the online interactive application, available at (39). dose, even if it is moderately delayed. With additional Finally, we have explored the simplest evolutionary knowledge of the relative strength and duration of one-dose model, which can only give a general indication of the poten- vaccinal immunity and corresponding, clinically-informed tial for evolution under different scenarios. Including more policies related to dosing regimes, pessimistic scenarios may complex evolutionary models (40, 41) into our framework is be avoided. For context, at the time of writing, the UK for thus another important area for future work. Population het- example has been particularly successful in rolling out vac- erogeneities likely have complex impacts on viral evolution. cination to a large population with a wide spacing between First, heterogeneities in immune responses and transmission doses (49). Our model illustrates that, ultimately, the long (e.g., chronically infected hosts that shed virus for extended term impacts of this strategy, especially in terms of transmis- periods (42), or focused versus polyclonal responses) may sion and immune escape, will depend on the duration and have important impacts on the accumulation of genetic di- strength of one-dose vaccinal immunity. Recent experience of versity and the strength of selection pressures, and hence on weaker vaccinal immunity against the B.1.351 strain (50) un- evolutionary potential [e.g., for influenza, see (43)]. Second, derlines the importance of both detecting novel strains and there are complex evolutionary implications of disease sever- titrating the strength of natural and vaccinal immunity ity minimization by vaccination (27, 44). Third, superspread- against them. ing and contact structure could influence the rate of spread In places where vaccine deployment is delayed and vac- of novel variants through a population (45). Additionally, cination rates are low, our results stress the subsequent First release: 9 March 2021 www.sciencemag.org (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 5
negative epidemiological and evolutionary impacts that may immunity to two-doses for fully susceptible individuals (SP). emerge. Particularly since these consequences (e.g., the evo- Finally, xi is the fraction of individuals in S Si that are re-vac- lution of new variants) could emerge as global problems, this cinated, and (1-pi) is the fraction of individuals in S Si for underlines the urgent need for global equity in vaccine distri- bution and deployment (28, 29). whom re-administration of the “first dose” provides equiva- Current uncertainties surrounding the strength and dura- lent immune protection to two doses (i.e., they transition to tion of adaptive immunity in response to natural infection or the V2 class). The full set of equations governing the transi- vaccination lead to very broad ranges for the possible out- tions between these infection and immunity classes is then comes of various dosing regimes. Nevertheless, ongoing ele- given by vated COVID-19 case numbers stresses the rapid need for dS P μ βS P I P + αI S + αV IV + α1 I S1 + α 2 I S2 − ( S vax ν + μ ) S P =− effective, mass vaccine deployment. Overall, our work empha- dt sizes that the impact of vaccine dosing regimes are strongly (1a) dependent on the relative robustness of immunity conferred dI P by a single dose. It is therefore imperative to determine the = βS P I P + αI S + αV IV + α1 I S1 + α 2 I S2 − ( γ + μ ) I P (1b) dt strength and duration of clinical protection and transmis- Downloaded from http://science.sciencemag.org/ on March 9, 2021 sion-blocking immunity through careful clinical evaluations dR (including, for instance, randomized control trials of dose in- = dt ( ) γ I P + I s + IV + I S1 + I S2 − ( δ + μ ) R (1c) tervals and regular testing of viral loads in vaccinated indi- viduals, their contacts, and those who have recovered from natural infections) in order to enforce sound public policies. dS S =δR − βS S I P + αI S + αV IV + α1 I S1 + α 2 I S2 − ( S vax ν + μ ) S S More broadly, our results underscore the importance of ex- dt ploring the phylodynamic interaction of pathogen dynamics (1d) and evolution, from within host to global scales, for SARS- dI S CoV-2, influenza, and other important pathogens (40, 41, 47, = βS S I P + αI S + αV IV + α1 I S1 + α 2 I S2 − ( γ + μ ) I S (1e) dt 48, 51, 52). dV1 Materials and methods =svax νS P + csvax νS S + x1 P1 svax νS S1 + x2 P2 svax νS S2 − dt (1f) Model formulation V1 βV1 I P + αI S + αV IV + α1 I S1 + α 2 I S2 − ( ω + ρ1 + μ )V1 We extend the model of (13) to examine different vaccination strategies. The additional compartments are as follows: Vi de- dV2 notes individuals vaccinated with i doses and are thus im- = (1 − c ) svax νSS + x1 (1 − p1 ) svax νSS1 + x2 (1 − p2 ) svax νSS2 + ωV1 − mune; S Si denotes individuals whose complete i-dose dt V2 βV2 I P + αI S + αV IV + α1 I S1 + α 2 I S2 − ( ρ 2 + μ ) V2 immunity has waned and are now partially susceptible again; I Si denotes individuals who were in S Si and have now been (1g) dIV infected again; IV denotes individuals for whom the vaccine ( ) = β V1V1 + V2 V2 I P + αI S + αV IV + α1 I S1 + α 2 I S2 − ( γ − μ ) IV dt did not prevent infection. 1 (1h) The extended model contains several new parameters: dS S1 ρi 1 1 − 1βS S1 I P + αI S + αV IV + α1 I S1 + α 2 I S 2 − ( svax x1 ν + μ ) S S1 = PV 1 dt is the average duration of vaccinal immunity Vi; is the av- (1i) ω dS S2 erage inter-dose period; Vi is the decrease in susceptibility = P2V2 − 2βS S2 I P + αI S + αV IV + α1 I S1 + α 2 I S2 − ( svax x2 ν + μ ) S S2 dt following vaccination with dose i; ϵi is the decrease in suscep- (1j) tibility following waning of i-dose immunity; αi is the relative dI S1 infectiousness of individuals in I Si ; and αV is the relative in- = 1βS S1 I P + αI S + αV IV + α1 I S1 + α 2 I S2 − ( γ + μ ) I S1 (1k) dt fectiousness of individuals in IV. To allow for heterogeneity in vaccinal immune responses and potentially cumulative ef- dI S2 fects of natural and vaccinal immunity, we take c to be the = 2βS S2 I P + αI S + αV IV + α1 I S1 + α 2 I S2 − ( γ + μ ) I S2 (1l) fraction of previously-infected partially susceptible individu- dt als (SS) for whom one dose of the vaccine gives equivalent First release: 9 March 2021 www.sciencemag.org (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 6
For all simulations, we take μ = 0.02 y−1 corresponding to dose period), and that when the first and second doses are a yearly crude birth rate of 20 per 1000 people. Additionally, spaced by the clinically recommended inter-dose period Lopt we take the infectious period to be 1/γ = 5 days, consistent 1 with the modeling in (13, 21, 53) and the estimation of a serial ωopt = , the rate of administration of the first dose is Lopt interval of 5.1 days for COVID-19 in (54), and assume that c = one half of its maximum value. Thus, ν [ ω] = 2 − Lopt ω 0.5. We take the relative transmissibility of infections to be α ν0 . = αV = α1 = α2 = 1, and therefore only modulate the relative susceptibility to disease ϵ. For the initial conditions of all sim- ulations, we take IP = 1 × 10−9 and assume the remainder of REFERENCES AND NOTES the population is in the fully susceptible class. The values of 1. 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