
OUR PROGRESS                                                                                                                                                                                       OUR PROGRESS

OUR PROGRESS   GOVERNANCE                                                          INVESTMENT                                                      ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT
                                                                                                                                                   ISLANDER PEOPLES
               A governance structure was established alongside                    Monash conducts its investment consistently with both
               the announcement of the Environmental, Social and                   modern corporate practice and the UN Sustainable                Monash is committed to fostering a society that respects
               Governance (ESG) Statement to help embed ESG                        Development Goals. Reducing the carbon footprint of             Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures and
               principles across relevant areas of Monash University’s             our investments is a core endeavour for Monash and              knowledges, and works towards addressing the legacies
               operations.                                                         was a principal driver behind the development of the first      of the past.
                                                                                   Responsible Investment Statement. Since 2016, nearly
               Oversight of this was given to the ESG Steering                     all rebalancing of the University’s investments has related     Monash University’s obligations towards Aboriginal and
               Committee, which was chaired by the Provost and made                to improving the responsible investment credentials of          Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia are guided by:
               up of senior leaders across the central portfolios and key          the portfolio.
               parts of the University.                                                                                                            ƒ The Monash University Act 2009, which requires
                                                                                   Monash subsequently became a signatory to the UN-                 the University to use its expertise and resources
               The Steering Committee has met periodically to monitor              supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in          to involve the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
               and guide implementation of actions to meet the ESG                 2017. This requires the University to embed responsible           people of Australia in its teaching, learning,
               objectives, and reported annually to University Council             investment action into its investment practices and report        research and advancement of knowledge
               on its progress. This included a “glossy” ESG mid-way               annually on progress to advance its consideration of              activities and thereby contribute to:
               progress report that was published on the University’s              responsible investment factors (including low carbon)
                                                                                                                                                      » realising Aboriginal and Torres Strait
               website. Development of a final substantive report in 2020          into its investment strategies. The terms of reference for
                                                                                                                                                        Islander aspirations; and
               was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.                           the Investment Advisory Committee that oversees the
                                                                                   investment of surplus Monash funds were subsequently               » the safeguarding of the ancient and rich Aboriginal
                                                                                   updated to reflect these commitments and responsible                 and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage
                                                                                   investment became a standing item on the agenda for
                                                                                                                                                   ƒ The Indigenous Student Success (ISSP) program,
                                                                                   the Committee.
                                                                                                                                                     an initiative of the Commonwealth Government
                                                                                                                                                     which provides funding to universities to help
                                                                                   Further measures adopted by Monash to align its
                                                                                                                                                     students thrive and succeed at university
                                                                                   investments with responsible investment best practice and
                                                                                   reduce the carbon intensity have included:                      ƒ Monash University Enterprise Agreement (Academic
                                                                                                                                                     and Professional Staff) 2019, which contains clauses
                                                                                   ƒ Requiring that all fund managers employed                       reflecting the parties’ commitment to the principles of
                                                                                     by Monash are also PRI signatories                              Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination,
                                                                                                                                                     social and restorative justice, and cultural affirmation
                                                                                   ƒ Investing in climate change solutions via
                                                                                     a low carbon global equities fund                             ƒ Universities Australia’s Indigenous Strategy 2017-
                                                                                                                                                     2020, which binds signatory universities to important
                                                                                   ƒ Directing investments into infrastructure funds
                                                                                                                                                     targets on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student
                                                                                     which include renewable energy projects
                                                                                                                                                     participation, success and employment in universities
                                                                                   ƒ Investing in tailored portfolios which exclude exposure
                                                                                                                                                   ƒ The values and purpose of Monash University.
                                                                                     to coal, tobacco, uranium and cluster munitions
                                                                                                                                                   Monash University’s obligations under the UN
                                                                                   ƒ Utilising climate scenario modelling as part
                                                                                                                                                   Sustainable Development Goals also intersect with
                                                                                     of the Annual Strategy Review process
                                                                                                                                                   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander matters, through
                                                                                   ƒ Utilising independently assessed ESG star-ratings in          an aspiration to uphold the Declaration on the Rights of
                                                                                     fund manager assessments and ongoing monitoring               Indigenous Peoples.
                                                                                   Monash has greatly improved the environmental
                                                                                                                                                   Monash has the longest history of engagement in
                                                                                   sustainability of its investments. As of 2020, 85 per cent of
                                                                                                                                                   Indigenous education in Australia and was the first
                                                                                   its combined portfolios had strong responsible investment
                                                                                                                                                   university to have a dedicated Australian Indigenous
                                                                                   credentials. Investment performance has consistently
                                                                                                                                                   Centre – the Monash Centre for Research into Aboriginal
                                                                                   exceeded the targeted return of CPI plus four per cent per
                                                                                                                                                   Affairs, established in 1964.
                                                                                   annum over rolling 10 years.

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OUR PROGRESS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       OUR PROGRESS

This legacy continues through the Monash Indigenous            Though enormously disruptive to much research,                       Monash institutes also make an invaluable contribution         The Monash Sustainable Development Institute (MSDI)
Studies Centre, the William Cooper Institute and its           COVID-19 showed the crucial importance of utilising                  to many of these outcomes. The Monash Sustainable              is one of the leading institutes for engagement in
Indigenous student support team, and other Indigenous          research and evidence to guide decision making,                      Development Institute (MSDI), for example, collaborates        sustainable development and practice worldwide and
academic and research units established across the             and provided new opportunities and impetus for                       with Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences on a “Teach         home to interdisciplinary platforms such as ClimateWorks
University since that time. The legacy of what we as           interdisciplinary collaboration. The Melbourne Experiment,           Green” Sustainable Healthcare Education program                Australia, which are transforming society’s response to
a University contribute through our efforts to work with       an interdisciplinary project studying the effects of the             that equips students with skills and knowledge to              the most significant environmental, economic and social
and for Indigenous communities, will be continued              pandemic response on the functions of the city, brought              foster sustainable practise in healthcare - a sector that      issues today.
through the Indigenous graduates who are making                together researchers across Monash to examine key                    historically has generated considerable environmental
outstanding contributions to Australian society through        activities and elements of the urban environment                     pollution. MSDI also offers short online microcredentials      More recently, the Monash Commission has been
service and commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait         before, during and after the shutdown, with the aim                  for professional and continuing education on                   established to combine the expertise of Monash University
Islander people and communities.                               of developing new approaches for sustainable urban                   sustainability themes.                                         scholars, eminent Australians, local and international
                                                               growth, emphasising social cohesion and environmental                                                                               enterprise leaders, leading thinkers on future societal
                                                               conservation alongside economic prosperity.                          Significant advances in fostering environmental and            challenges, and other groups with insights to share on
RESEARCH                                                                                                                            sustainability understanding are also being realised           public policy matters critical to Australia’s future.
Monash has the most diverse research profile of any                                                                                 through the development of cross-faculty graduate and
                                                               TEACHING                                                             postgraduate courses. The Master of Environment and
Australian university, a great deal of which intersects with                                                                                                                                       CAMPUS
environmental, social and governance themes and climate        Monash Business School became a Champion School                      Sustainability, established in 2018, remains the only
mitigation. Since the first ESG Statement was launched,        for the Principles of Responsible Management Education               Master course in Australia to offer a program specialising     Monash University’s first ESG Statement committed to
signature Monash projects that focus environmental and         (PRME) in 2016, positioning it as an international leader in         in sustainable development leadership. A new Master of         reducing the carbon footprint of its campuses and achieve
social principles, such as Revitalising Informal Settlements   responsible management education and engagement to                   Green and Sustainable Technologies will launch in 2021.        net zero emissions in the shortest feasible timeframe. In
and their Environments and the World Mosquito Program,         advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals.                                                                                       2017 the Net Zero Initiative was launched, setting out how
have transformed to become global in scale and ambition,                                                                            ENGAGEMENT                                                     the University would achieve net zero carbon emissions
attracting support from multiple international partners.       From 2018 the MBS was awarded Advanced Signatory                                                                                    for Scope 1 and 2 emissions across all Australian
                                                               status, providing students priority access for internship            Monash University hosts an array of internal capability        campuses by 2030.
New initiatives have also emerged with the potential to        and volunteer opportunities with the PRME Secretariat                and external networks that make it ideally qualified to
reach similar scale and impact. In 2020, for example, the      and UN Global Compact. While successful, PRME                        advance ESG principles, policy and action with world           The approach for implementing Net Zero 2030 is based on
Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future program –           was not extended to disciplines beyond the MBS                       class expertise in health and wellbeing, smart healthy and     strategies set out in ClimateWorks Australia’s Pathways
forecasting environmental change across the Antarctic to       because of its limited suitability outside business                  productive cities, sustainable environments and resilient      to Deep Decarbonisation report to adopt deep energy
secure the continent as a natural reserve – and Building       management education.                                                cultures and communities.                                      efficiency programs, electrification of campuses to
4.0 Cooperative Research Centre – reducing waste and                                                                                                                                               eliminate dependency on natural gas, on-site renewable
emissions from construction – were awarded tens of             Outside PRME, Monash offers rich experiences at the                  Research and teaching programs contribute much of this         energy generation and the transition to a 100 per cent
millions in funding.                                           faculty level that focus engagement in sustainability and            engagement, but a great deal of further activity occurs        renewable electricity supply.
                                                               social justice matters. These include dedicated degrees              outside these areas, spanning (for example) public
Pioneering research to transform society for the better        (e.g. the Bachelor of Global Studies and the Graduate                lectures, sporting and community events, art projects and      Key infrastructure investments to date have included:
occurs across every faculty, from the Monash Energy            Certificate in International Development Practice), as               exhibitions, to consultation work for industry and not for
Institute to the Castan Centre for Human Rights; the           well as specific units, e.g. units on the death penalty and          profit organisations.                                          ƒ More than 50,000 LED light upgrades, four megawatts
Centre for Development Economics and Sustainability            environmental law in the Faculty of Law.                                                                                              of on-site rooftop solar, four electric vehicle charging
to the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health. The                                                                            Building the strength and scale of our international profile     stations, and one megawatt of battery storage;
Centre for Women’s Studies and Gender Research and the         A very prominent and successful example, the Global                  and growing our enterprising capabilities and a culture
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ƒ Ongoing electrification of essential services, including
Gender, Peace and Security Centre are building globally-       Immersion Guarantee (GIG), is a funded international                 of collaboration are core goals for Monash. Our global
                                                                                                                                                                                                     heating and cooling as well as upgrades to efficient
recognised, gender-inclusive research evidence to deliver      experience for students in Arts and related double                   footprint, including physical locations in Europe and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     electric heat pumps for hot water services in-line;
peace and security globally. Outside the faculties, the        degrees. Supported by the New Colombo Plan, GIG                      Asia enables the formation of international partnerships
Monash Sustainable Development Institute, ClimateWorks         participants visit one of five countries – China, India,             unrivalled by other Australian institutions.                   ƒ Five all-electric, high-performance Net Zero Ready
Australia and the Monash University Accident Research          Indonesia, Italy or Malaysia – to complete a fieldwork                                                                                Buildings, two of which are Passive House certified;
Centre (MUARC) lead an array of programs to mobilise           unit exploring the interlinkage of the environment, society          Through the Networks of Excellence program the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ƒ Roll out of the Monash Microgrid at Clayton
communities and industry to adopt sustainable practice.        and technology.                                                      University is partnering with leading institutions in North
                                                                                                                                                                                                     campus to control energy use and ease
                                                                                                                                    America, the United Kingdom and Europe. Monash
                                                                                                                                                                                                     strain on the network during peak times.
                                                                                                                                    University’s alumni community also contributes to
                                                                                                                                    a network of expertise and collaboration that spans
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Recognising that energy requirements will always exceed
                                                                                                                                    the world. The Global Leaders Networks of alumni,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   onsite generation capacity, Monash signed a power
                                                                                                                                    established in eight priority locations worldwide, provide
                                                                                                                                                                                                   purchase agreement with the Murra Warra Wind Farm,
                                                                                                                                    our most successful international ambassadors the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   which commenced operations in late 2019.
                                                                                                                                    opportunity to help shape the future of Monash and
                                                                                                                                    make a genuine impact for those who live in the diverse
                                                                                                                                    communities we serve.

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OUR PROGRESS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        OUR PROGRESS

Monash was the first university globally to be certified     MODERN SLAVERY                                                        GENDER EQUALITY                                                   To further advance gender equity within STEMM-based
under the Climate Bond Standard, raising $400 million                                                                                                                                                careers, Monash became an inaugural Women in STEM
of funds for capital development. Assets certified under     Forced or exploited labour and human trafficking violate              Gender equity and a fully inclusive University are                Decadal Plan Champion. Developed by the Australian
this standard have been third party verified and are         basic human rights and dignity and are counter to Monash              fundamental to Monash University’s strategy and vision.           Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of
annually audited as industry best practice for zero carbon   University’s values and principles. Monash supports all               The University fosters an organisational culture that is          Technology and Engineering, the Women in STEM Decadal
development.                                                 efforts to eliminate modern slavery and is committed to               inclusive and in which all staff and students of all genders,     Plan aims to improve women’s STEM participation and
                                                             delivering a robust, meaningful response to the Modern                cultural backgrounds, faiths and heritages participate            retention by removing barriers that women as well intersex
Despite considerable campus growth, Monash has               Slavery Act.                                                          equally and are recognised and rewarded equally at all            and non-binary individuals face in these disciplines. In its
improved the energy and carbon performance of                                                                                      levels. Equality and incusion are central to our pursuit          public submission, Monash successfully demonstrated
its operations and is on track to achieve its 2020           As part of its reporting obligations under the Modern                 of excellence.                                                    how its gender equity, inclusion and diversity activities
targets, including:                                          Slavery Act 2018, Monash must submit an annual                                                                                          align with the six opportunities identified in the
                                                             statement on the risks of modern slavery in its operations            Monash University aspires to be recognised as the                 decadal plan:
ƒ 40 per cent reduction in carbon emissions                  and supply chains, actions it is taking to assess and                 leader in gender equity in the Higher Education sector in
                                                             address those risks, as well as the effectiveness of                  Australia and internationally. In 2020, the Times Higher          1. Leadership and Cohesion;
ƒ 10 per cent reduction in energy intensity (GJ/m2)          those actions.                                                        Education Impact Rankings placed Monash 24th in the
                                                                                                                                   world on gender equality, among the top four per cent of          2. Evaluation;
ƒ 55 per cent renewable energy
                                                             The risk of modern slavery is endemic in many parts of                institutions ranked. This achievement reflects Monash’s           3. Workplace Culture;
ƒ 4MW of on-site solar generation                            the supply chain. Monash has well in excess of 10,000                 longstanding commitment to advancing gender equality,
                                                             suppliers and the Modern Slavery Act’s obligations                    as well as strong institutional support for strategies,           4. Visibility;
The Monash Net Zero program has received global              apply for every supplier the University engages. This risk            programs and policies designed to foster an inclusive             5. Education; and
recognition for its leadership, being awarded the 2018 UN    increases with the number of tiers in a supply chain, due             workplace culture.
Momentum for Change Award.                                   to reduced visibility at local level (e.g. where raw materials                                                                          6. Industry Action.
                                                             are harvested and the labour practices used to do so).                Monash University’s Workplace Gender Equity Strategy
                                                                                                                                   and its action plan articulate a range of proactive               Against a backdrop of global upheaval due to COVID-19,
                                                             Significant work has been undertaken to develop                       measures to achieve set goals across the following areas:         Monash has remained committed to supporting diversity
                                                             a Modern Slavery Program to support and deliver Monash                                                                                  and pursuing equity and inclusion. Guiding principles
                                                             University’s response to the Act, to actively address                 ƒ Leadership Accountability                                       and actions were developed to help mitigate emerging
                                                             any risks of modern slavery in Monash’s operations and                                                                                  gendered impacts of the pandemic on staff and to
                                                                                                                                   ƒ Women in Senior roles                                           safeguard gains that had been made in retaining and
                                                             supply chains and to combat the significant issue of
                                                             modern slavery. Anti-slavery activity has been organised              ƒ Women in Science, Technology, Engineering,                      supporting women and underrepresented groups within
                                                             into workstreams, spanning category analysis and specific               Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM)                                the academy.
                                                             planning, supplier risk assessments, changes to supplier
                                                                                                                                   ƒ Flexible Workplace
                                                             onboarding processes, and development of an external-
                                                             facing website. Compliance with the Modern Slavery Act                ƒ Support for Parents and Carers
                                                             and updating on Monash’s response to modern slavery is
                                                                                                                                   ƒ Pay Equity
                                                             now a standing item for the Audit and Risk Committee of
                                                             University Council.
                                                                                                                                   Since joining the Science in Australia Gender Equity
                                                                                                                                   (SAGE) Athena SWAN program in 2015, Monash has
                                                             Monash is a key member of the Australian Universities
                                                                                                                                   made demonstrable improvements in advancing gender
                                                             Procurement Network (AUPN), the peak body for
                                                                                                                                   equity in STEMM, where addressing women’s under-
                                                             university procurement, which is leading a sector-wide
                                                                                                                                   representation is critically important for attracting diversity
                                                             program to reduce slavery risk. The AUPN has formed an
                                                                                                                                   of talent, fostering innovation as well as role modelling for
                                                             academic advisory board to function as experts, advisers
                                                                                                                                   students entering STEMM related careers.
                                                             and reviewers of anti-slavery activity. Three of the 12
                                                             board members are Monash academics, who have also
                                                             contributed greatly to development of the University’s
                                                             Modern Slavery Program.

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OUR PROGRESS                                                                                                                                                                                         WHERE TO NEXT?

WHERE          GOVERNANCE                                                            Overall, examples from international best practice suggest
                                                                                     there is opportunity for Monash to better coordinate,
                                                                                                                                                      The ESG principles are underpinned by a set of values
                                                                                                                                                      that align with the values of Monash University, presently
               Monitoring of environmental, social and governance
                                                                                     report on and celebrate its SDG performance at an                set out in Focus Monash 2015-2020. In the next iteration
               performance has matured significantly since Monash                    institutional level – particularly in view of the scale of the   of that document, the ESG obligations must assume
               University’s first ESG Statement. Much of this has been               University and the diversity of contributions it makes.          a very high priority for the University’s focus for the
               driven by deepening understanding of the importance                   Monash is the Australia, New Zealand and Pacific                 next decade.
               of climate and social concerns and how they underpin                  Regional Centre of the UN Sustainable Development
               corporate responsibility.                                             Solutions Network and host institution for internationally       ESG principles and the values and policies and
                                                                                     recognised organisations such as MSDI and ClimateWorks           procedures of the University have a cascading effect. In
               Different parts of Monash report regularly on a range of              Australia. The University is also deeply affiliated with         meeting the values of one, the values of the others should
               matters intersecting with ESG. Notable examples include               leading Australian organisations such as Alfred Health and       be met. It is essential, therefore, that they be consistent.
               the United Nations Global Compact Communication on                    the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, and partners       An ongoing assessment should be made to ensure the
               Engagement, the United Nations Principles of Responsible              closely with international organisations such as the Bill        University’s values and policies and procedures are
               Management Education (PRME) Sharing Information                       and Melinda Gates Foundation, Asian Development Bank             consistent with ESG principles.
               Report, National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting,                     and Wellcome Trust, each of which make transformative
               the University’s Annual Report to Victorian Parliament,               contributions to global SDG practice.                            Furthermore, whilst the University expects that all its
               and our reporting obligations under the Modern Slavery                                                                                 staff and students abide by and are committed to the
               Act (2018), among many others. Much of this reporting                 Consultation with staff and students also suggest there          University’s values and policies and procedures, so too
               currently occurs in isolation, without coordination across            is opportunity to foster broader awareness of, and               should the University expect all with whom it engages act
               the University.                                                       engagement with, the University’s ESG commitments.               consistently with those values.

               The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals                      It is important to note that ESG matters include
               (SDGs) are becoming the new international standard                    investment considerations that lie outside the scope of the
               for corporate sustainability reporting and there is                   17 SDGs. Developing targets and reporting on institutional       Public awareness of the role of corporate leaders to help
               considerable overlap with the reporting activity relating to          SDG performance would also require considerable                  solve urgent challenges such as climate change has
               sustainability and social impact performance at Monash.               endeavour by the University – there would be no                  grown considerably since our first Responsible Investment
               Research by RMIT and the United Nations Association of                advantage to introducing an SDG reporting requirement if         Statement was prepared.
               Australia shows SDG disclosures by the ASX150 improved                it merely adds to the reporting burden. Nonetheless there
               from 37 per cent of companies in 2018 to 48 per cent in               is a clear risk for Monash if the University falls behind the    The Net Zero Momentum Tracker, a 2020 report by
               2019. However, the report also found quality of disclosure            corporate sector and other universities in its sustainability    ClimateWorks Australia with the Monash Sustainable
               remains lacking, with few organisations linking business              and social impact reporting.                                     Development Institute, found that one in five
               goals and targets with the SDGs.
                                                                                                                                                      superannuation funds surveyed had stated goals or
                                                                                     The Review regards the adequate collection of all data           expressed aspirations to achieve net zero emissions
               Fostering greater understanding of the SDGs, their                    and information of the University’s ESG activities as a very     across their investments by 2050.
               significance for communities with which we engage,                    high priority. The Review considers there must be fulsome
               and how they align with our broader corporate social                  communication to the faculties about the importance and          Monash makes no direct investments in its portfolios –
               responsibility obligations is a challenge for the University.         relevance of ESG reporting. The Review also regards the          which are managed on its behalf by fund managers – and
                                                                                     training of faculty staff on ESG information identification,     its investments, and hence influence is modest given the
               As a 2016 signatory to the University Commitment to                   collection and reporting as very desirable.                      overall size of the funds being managed. As all industry
               the Sustainable Development Goals, Monash University
                                                                                                                                                      participants are still working to define the methods and
               agreed to report on activities in support of the SDGs.                The Review considers ESG-related responses should                products they will utilise to achieve net zero investment
               At present the only voluntary reporting it undertakes is              not be an additional burden imposed on faculties. Rather         (or improved climate change) targets, it is challenging
               for the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings,                 the ESG reporting process and its outcome lie at the             for Monash to set a firm date to eliminate all carbon
               which annually rank institutions on their commitment to,              heart of the University’s operation. Accordingly, there          emissions from its portfolios.
               and progress towards, the SDGs. Monash ranked equal                   should be a reassessment of other reporting obligations
               17th worldwide and fifth in Australia in the THE Impact               imposed by the University on faculties with the intention        The most immediate, effective means of reducing the
               Rankings in 2020.                                                     of rationalising such reporting and realigning those             carbon intensity of the University’s investments is by the
                                                                                     processes with the ESG process. In addition, given               acceleration of decarbonisation at a broad industry level.
               The University’s THE Impact Rankings assessment                       the centrality of the ESGs to the University’s operation,        This includes working with fund managers to develop
               was lower than would have been expected by Review                     indeed its existence, it is imperative there be adequate         financial instruments to better enable that transition.
               members in some specific areas, for example, in Gender                resourcing across the faculties and the Chancellery for the
               Equality and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.                  collection of ESG data. It should not constitute a further
               The Review also noted that the THE Impact Rankings                    administrative burden.
               assessment is highly competitive. It is a very significant
               assessment given it reflects the University’s ranking,
               which in turn impacts on student choice of university.

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WHERE TO NEXT?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WHERE TO NEXT?

A standout example of how Monash is contributing               ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT                                        RESEARCH                                                     Hundreds of Monash researchers are driving energy
to this endeavour is the Australian Climate Transition         ISLANDER PEOPLES                                                                                                                 innovation – spanning materials and devices, resources
(ACT) Index. Jointly developed by BNP Paribas with                                                                                 Amid a rapidly changing climate, an increasingly             and processing, systems, data science and security,
ClimateWorks Australia and the Centre for Quantitative         The Monash Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander                    contested geopolitical landscape and other global            markets and policy. Separate Monash teams have recently
Finance and Investment Strategies (Faculty of Science),        Framework 2019–2030 establishes the University’s                    challenges, the demand for discoveries and innovations       developed the world’s most efficient lithium-sulphur
the ACT Index is the first forward-looking index to identify   commitment to making a leading national and                         that enable us to foster sustainable and inclusive           battery and set a record for carbon dioxide capture using
companies likely to perform well in a world undergoing         international contribution to Indigenous advancement over           communities are becoming more pressing.                      nanocomposite metal organic frameworks (with CSIRO).
a 2°C transition and to continue to play a part of the         the next decade.
Australian economy.                                                                                                                Complex challenges such as these cannot be solved            Recognition of the economic opportunities that clean
                                                               The Monash Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander                    by any single discipline or field of inquiry; this is why    and renewable energy innovation presents is accelerating
Climate change is now recognised as a financial risk by        Framework comprises four framing pillars:                           interdisciplinary research has gained momentum.              globally. Organisations that move early to capture this
Australia’s three peak financial regulators, the Australian                                                                        The University’s Research Agenda 2020, a blueprint           interest will have a commanding position in the new
Competition Consumer Commission, Australian Securities         1. Increasing the participation of and supporting                   for translating Monash discoveries into genuine and          energy economy. All that is required is the leadership
and Investments Commission and Australian Prudential              success in Indigenous students by working to                     relevant impact, articulated four key focus areas for        and appetite for innovation capable of driving that
Regulation Authority. Considerable research indicates–            remove identified barriers to study and creating clear           interdisciplinary collaboration where Monash is able to      endeavour forward.
and Monash University’s strong long-term investment               pathway options for prospective Aboriginal and                   make a transformative contribution toward the most
performance demonstrates – that responsible investment-           Torres Strait Islander students, as well as improving            pressing challenges: AI and Data Science, Better             A global climate emergency is unfolding and new
focused funds provide stronger returns than funds that            Indigenous retention and completion for Aboriginal               Governance and Policy, Health Sciences and Sustainable       approaches are needed to solve it. Monash researchers
do not consider responsible investment factors. While the         and Torres Strait Islander students once they arrive.            Development.                                                 are pioneering many discoveries and leading innovations
investment industry is yet to offer a suitably diversified                                                                                                                                      to meet those challenges.
                                                               2. Embedding Indigenous perspectives and content
investment product that guarantees net zero carbon, it is                                                                          While there are numerous examples of interdisciplinary
                                                                  into curriculum, equipping all Monash students
clear that the industry is moving quickly on this issue and                                                                        research that fosters the kind of environmental and social
new methodologies and instruments will be in place in the
                                                                  with an understanding of Indigenous knowledges,
                                                                                                                                   impact to which Monash aspires, there is opportunity         TEACHING
                                                                  cultures and contemporary discussions relating
coming years that are capable of doing so.                                                                                         for the University to improve how it captures and
                                                                  to Indigenous Australians and the historical and                                                                              Amid the challenges of a rapidly changing climate, rising
                                                                                                                                   communicates the way this research aligns with, and
                                                                  contemporary issues in Australian society and beyond.                                                                         inequality and an increasingly geopolitically contested
If Monash University is to be an international leader                                                                              helps to progress, the Sustainable Development Goals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                region, the need to foster globally-minded leaders capable
driving change towards sustainability, it needs to be seen     3. Growing research contributions to address and serve                                                                           of embedding sustainable and inclusive practice into
to support companies that are moving towards the net              the needs of Indigenous people and communities.                  Decarbonisation through transitioning to renewables
                                                                                                                                                                                                our communities has grown more pressing. Growing
zero transition.                                                  Recognising the vital importance of Indigenous                   and clean energy is one of the most pressing global
                                                                                                                                                                                                our students’ awareness of and engagement with ESG
                                                                  research as a responsibility to Indigenous Peoples               challenges. Investment in R&D of low carbon technologies
                                                                                                                                                                                                principles is vital for this.
                                                                  and a key contributor to reconciliation, as well as              and clean energies is soaring worldwide. In late 2020
                                                                  acknowledging the complex tensions and historical                the Australian Government’s Technology Investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                While there are many ways for motivated and informed
                                                                  abuses that Indigenous people and communities                    Roadmap identified five priority technologies for
                                                                                                                                                                                                students to engage in ESG matters through Monash
                                                                  have experienced as the subjects of research                     investment: hydrogen, carbon capture and storage,
                                                                                                                                                                                                units and extracurricular programs (e.g. through the
                                                                  that has been conducted on or about them.                        soil carbon, storage options and green steel and
                                                                                                                                                                                                Monash Sustainable Development Institute), the focus
                                                                                                                                   aluminium production.
                                                               4. Upholding traditional knowledge and respecting                                                                                remains narrow and at the unit level. There is no alignment
                                                                  Indigenous students, staff and communities.                                                                                   across campuses, faculties and disciplines. There is
                                                                                                                                   Monash is well placed to pioneer advances in this space.
                                                                  Leveraging our experiences and resources                                                                                      clear opportunity for the University to promote greater
                                                                                                                                   Monash is the first university to announce a 2030 net zero
                                                                  to better involve Aboriginal and Torres Strait                                                                                immersion in the Sustainable Development Goals and their
                                                                                                                                   emissions target, the site of Australia’s most advanced
                                                                  Islander Peoples in knowledge advancement                                                                                     importance for achieving healthy, flourishing communities.
                                                                                                                                   microgrid platform, and hosts world class institutions
                                                                  and decision-making activities to safeguard our
                                                                                                                                   such as the Monash Energy Institute, the ARC Centre of
                                                                  ancient and rich Indigenous cultural heritages.                                                                               Monash has demonstrated in its short history an
                                                                                                                                   Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies
                                                                                                                                                                                                extraordinary capacity to search out change and creativity.
                                                               A full description of the strategic priorities                      and ClimateWorks Australia. These strengths are further
                                                                                                                                                                                                The Review considers the ESG focus will perpetuate the
                                                               and measures for each of these four pillars is                      amplified through collaborations with government and
                                                                                                                                                                                                University’s excellent teaching reputation. Significant
                                                               contained in the Monash Aboriginal and Torres                       leading international industry partners such as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                differences apply between Monash degrees in the
                                                               Strait Islander Framework 2019–2030.                                Australian Renewable Energy Agency, CSIRO (Hydrogen
                                                                                                                                                                                                availability of ESG or SDG-relevant units for students,
                                                                                                                                   to Energy Network), Engie and Indra.
                                                                                                                                                                                                with some faculties offering more opportunities than
                                                                                                                                                                                                others (not unexpected, given the different expectations
                                                                                                                                                                                                of students enrolling in different degrees). The Principles
                                                                                                                                                                                                of Responsible Management Education (PRME), though
                                                                                                                                                                                                invaluable for advancing ESG engagement in the Monash
                                                                                                                                                                                                Business School, have limited application across other
                                                                                                                                                                                                Monash disciplines, being tailored specifically for business
                                                                                                                                                                                                and management education.

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WHERE TO NEXT?                                                                                                                                                                                                                               WHERE TO NEXT?

One program aligning closely with PRME, the Global           The University has sought to progress this by encouraging            CAMPUS                                                        MODERN SLAVERY
Immersion Guarantee (GIG), has been shown to greatly         activation of the Monash Technology Precinct surrounding
mobilise student activity in international environment,      the Clayton campus as an ecosystem where globally                    As we continue to invest in our campuses, fostering           Monash University’s commitment to addressing modern
social and sustainability issues, as well as improving       connected change-makers, innovators and enterprise                   sustainability is key to ensuring we reduce our               slavery risks and the breadth of work required to meet
education and employment outcomes for low socio-             converge. This strategy has been very successful in                  environmental impact and establish our campuses as            requirements outlined in the Modern Slavery Act are
economic and disadvantaged students. However, this is        attracting international partners to establish a presence            exemplars of environmental best practice.                     significant.
presently only available for students enrolled in Arts and   within the Precinct, including leaders in health and energy
related degrees (e.g. Bachelor of Global Studies, Bachelor   innovation. Dialogue has also been established with                  By 2046, Victoria is expected to produce 40 per cent          In addition to the steps Monash has already taken to
of Politics Philosophy and Economics).                       Greater South East Melbourne to explore opportunities                more waste than presently, adding strain to our waste and     reduce the risk of modern slavery in its procurement
                                                             for collaboration on waste storage and waste to                      recycling systems, increasing landfill and generating more    chain, a supplier Code of Conduct will be developed and
The ability to offer cross-taught sustainability and         energy solutions.                                                    greenhouse emissions.                                         template tender documentation and standard contract
social themed units is also limited for some disciplines,                                                                                                                                       agreements will be revised and updated. The annual
particularly many health disciplines, where curriculum is    However, there is evidence of a disconnect persisting                Only around 10 per cent of plastics are recycled globally,    Monash statement on modern slavery will be published
more tightly constrained by standards set by professional    between the campus and the Precinct community, as                    prompting the United Nations to warn there will be more       on internal and external sites, and will be recorded on the
accreditation bodies. Opportunities therefore need to be     well as between different parts of the University about              plastic than fish, by weight, in the oceans by 2050 unless    Australian Government’s publicly available Modern Slavery
made available within existing elective spaces.              the opportunities for engagement the Precinct presents.              people change their habits. Offshore bans on import           Statement Register.
                                                             It was noted that there were opportunities to improve                of foreign recycling materials have led to a crisis in
The challenge of encouraging engagement in sustainability    participation and engagement between the campus and                  Australia’s municipal waste systems, which have struggled     An information bank of supplier data, as well as risk
and social justice learning is further compounded            the Precinct.                                                        to cope with millions of tonnes of recycling waste. Glass,    assessment and scorecard, are being developed by the
by financial disincentives that hamper cross-faculty                                                                              paper and plastics intended for recycling has instead been    Australian Universities Procurement Network (AUPN) to
collaboration. Under the current funding model, faculties    Internationally, the review noted numerous examples of               stockpiled or sent to landfill.                               create greater visibility across the supply base for the
are remunerated for taught load, which incentivizes them     Monash leadership through cross-border partnerships                                                                                university sector. Monash University’s Modern Slavery
to own teaching of every unit within a course, rather than   and programs that advance environmental and social                   One of the most significant untapped opportunities to         Program will incorporate these elements as appropriate.
encouraging placement of their students into a unit taught   principles. This work could be amplified further through             reduce waste in Australia is organic waste. Sending
by another faculty. Offering Monash-wide experiences         the development of a Pacific engagement strategy.                    organic waste to landfill results in the loss of valuable     Applying academic expertise and principles is invaluable
enables scale in such a way that overall costs are far                                                                            resources and generates methane – a greenhouse gas 25         for development of the Modern Slavery Program and
lower than the costs associated with a proliferation of      Many of the environmental and social challenges Monash               times more potent than carbon dioxide when released into      continued collaboration between the University’s
experiences being developed. It also builds on existing      seeks to solve as part of its mission are most pressing in           the atmosphere.                                               academic and operational areas is essential for
cross-faculty relationships in double degree offerings.      the Pacific Nations. The region is responsible for just .03                                                                        a comprehensive approach. Following broad consultation,
                                                             per cent of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions,              In April 2020 the Victorian Government released its           a governance model has been developed that brings
Attempts by other universities to make an ESG or SDG-        but is disproportionally affected; warming oceans,                   Circular Economy Strategy, setting out a program to           together all stakeholders with a responsibility for
focused unit of study compulsory for all students enrolled   drought, coral ecosystems destroyed, extreme weather                 reduce the environmental impacts of production and            Monash’s statutory compliance and experts capable of
in a particular degree have also tended to be unsuccessful   events, ocean acidification, and rising sea levels.                  consumption and improve natural resource utilisation by       making a transformative contribution in our response to
and potentially counterproductive.                                                                                                transforming waste and recycling in the state. The circular   modern slavery.
                                                             Monash has been involved in the Pacific region for                   economy is core to realising several UN Sustainable
                                                             over 40 years mostly through government scholarship                  Development Goals, most notably SDG 12 (Responsible           This model will also ensure alignment with and support
ENGAGEMENT                                                   programs and research partnerships. In recent years                  Consumption And Production), but also: SDG 2 (End             from world-leading academics in the Faculties of Arts
                                                             there has been considerable growth in Monash projects                Hunger), SDG 6 (Clean Water), SDG 7 (Affordable and           (e.g. the Trafficking and Slavery Research Group),
Growing the scale of engagement through partnerships
                                                             and interest in working with the region. These include the           Clean Energy), SDG 13 (Climate Action), and SDG 15            Monash Business School and Law. Monash Sustainable
with industry, community and government is essential
                                                             Revitalising Informal Settlements and their Environments             (Life on Land).                                               Development Institute (MSDI) will be also consulted to
for Monash to give greater effect to its mission meet the
                                                             (RISE) program; expansion of the Global Immersion                                                                                  ensure Monash continues to support the United Nations
environmental and social challenges of the age.
                                                             Guarantee education program to Fiji, as well as an array of          If Monash University is to be an international leader         Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
                                                             initiatives to foster (for example) good policy governance,          driving change towards sustainability and achieve its
Australia’s geographic isolation presents a challenge for
                                                             gender development, peace and security, improving                    commitments to the UN Sustainable Development goals,
collaboration of the kind of magnitude and depth to which
                                                             access to clean water, and the PacWastePlus project,                 it needs to be seen as a leader in the adoption and
Monash aspires. Much of the focus of R&D activity by
                                                             which is building capacity and sustainability into waste             application of the Circular Economy framework in its
prospective multinational partners remains concentrated
                                                             management practices.                                                operational sustainability strategy.
in economic blocs in Europe, North America and Asia,
where other world-class universities and major research
collaborations are based. To overcome these challenges,      This growth in Monash University’s involvement in
Monash must demonstrate capability for adding value          the region coincides with a shift in Australia’s foreign
above and beyond what other universities closer to those     policy priorities to build a Pacific region that is secure
partners can provide.                                        strategically, stable economically, and sovereign politically,
                                                             as well as stronger advocacy by the region itself.

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WHERE TO NEXT?                                                                                                                                                                                                     WHERE TO NEXT?

GENDER EQUALITY                                                Expanding gender equity goals to outreach programs and
                                                               student population will help Monash to improve further in          RECOMMENDATIONS                   GOVERNANCE
Notwithstanding our progress to date, Monash recognises        the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings that assess                                               The University will explore opportunities to improve
much more must be done to improve gender equity.               universities against the United Nation’s Sustainable                                                 its capture and reporting of environmental, social and
Gender imbalance continues to persist in leadership, in        Development Goal ‘Gender Equality’.                                                                  governance advances.
senior academic roles and in certain areas of Monash
where women’s participation has been historically low.         Advancing women’s careers in Science, Technology,                                                    Monash University makes transformative contributions
                                                               Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM) remains                                                to some of the most important environmental and social
While women are notably visible in several very senior         at the forefront of Monash’s gender equity strategy.                                                 initiatives of our age: as a signatory to the UN Sustainable
Monash appointments (including most notably the                Institutional support for continued participation in the                                             Development Goals and International Universities
President and Vice-Chancellor and the DVC Education),          Athena SWAN accreditation program will be a key enabler                                              Climate Alliance; as host institute for organisations such
their representation in senior roles is yet to reach parity.   for important cultural shifts and transformational changes                                           as ClimateWorks and the Gender, Peace and Security
Presently women make up 56% of Monash staff but                in STEMM and beyond. Monash seeks to achieve the                                                     Centre; through research such as the Revitalising
only 39.3% of senior appointments. This disparity              Athena SWAN Silver award by 2023, demonstrating                                                      Informal Settlements and their Environments (RISE)
is particularly concentrated in academic positions,            gender equity leadership within the sector and ensuring                                              Project and Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future,
specifically Level D and above, with less than one third       the University’s competitiveness in the increasingly                                                 and through education programs such as the Global
(29.2%) of Professors being women. Conversely, staff           discerning marketplace.                                                                              Immersion Guarantee and the Master of Environment and
in senior professional appointments reached gender                                                                                                                  Sustainability. It is time for the University to introduce
parity in 2020.                                                Monash is also continuing to address equity impacts                                                  a more coordinated approach capable of providing greater
                                                               of the health pandemic on staff by actively supporting                                               transparency and celebration of our activities and our
Recognising that a diverse, inclusive leadership is central    retention and career advancement of women in STEMM                                                   commitments in these areas, as well as how they fit within
to our pursuit of excellence and strengthens both the          and other underrepresented groups, by removing systemic                                              the broad mission of the University and how we can
University and our community, Monash University has set        barriers generated by caregiving responsibilities and by                                             continue to improve in them.
a target to reach 42% of women in senior academic and          reducing unconscious bias in decision-making.
corporate roles by 2022 and to halve the organisation-                                                                                                              Monash will accomplish this by folding ESG monitoring
wide gender pay gap by the same year.                                                                                                                               and implementation into the University’s business as usual
                                                                                                                                                                    planning, implementation and monitoring processes.
In reviewing the University’s efforts to address the issue                                                                                                          Responsibility for monitoring ESG processes shall be
of gender inequality in its staff profile, the Working Group                                                                                                        undertaken by a standing committee of the University
agreed that it would be appropriate for Monash to set                                                                                                               Council, which will meet twice per year.
a target of achieving salary parity for women within five
years, and gender parity in senior roles by 2030. The                                                                                                               The University will also find ways to amplify its SDG
importance of setting a five year milestone towards                                                                                                                 reporting and integrate this with the University’s other day
reaching the 2030 gender parity target was also noted.                                                                                                              to day reporting processes.
The Working Group’s intention is to achieve substantial
progress within the life of the ESG Statement.                                                                                                                      The University will finalise its approach to these steps by
                                                                                                                                                                    the end of 2021.

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 OUR PROGRESS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RECOMMENDATIONS

INVESTMENT                                                      The Yoo-rrook Justice Commission has also been                      The University will develop and refine a living strategy      The Faculties of Arts, Science and the Monash Business
                                                                established to build on this work on treaty, and address            for clean energy transitions to become the exemplar           School have developed close working relationships to
Monash University will continue to transition its investment    historic wrongs and ongoing injustices. Notably, the                Australian university for energy innovation research and      support the planning and delivery of GIG and other future
portfolio towards carbon neutrality.                            Director of the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law in               practice enabling a net zero future. The University will      rich experiences. The GIG can additionally be offered
                                                                the Faculty of Law at Monash University, Professor the              announce its living strategy for clean energy transitions     as an elective in all other degrees as determined by the
Fund managers are increasingly allocating resources to          Honourable Kevin H Bell AM QC, has been appointed                   by mid-2021.                                                  relevant faculties. This will ensure widespread availability
develop products and capture interest in climate aligned        as one of five historic truth-telling Commissioners Yoo-                                                                          without disrupting degree structures or load planning.
and social outcome orientated investments. Monash aims          rrook Justice Commission. This is excellent recognition of          Monash will establish as a priority a central portal or
to lead Australian universities in this endeavour, building     Monash University’s role.                                           digest of ESG-relevant research activity being conducted      Monash will engage with the Australian Government to
on its earlier progress to embed responsible investment                                                                             across all its faculties and affiliated bodies, to be made    expand funding under the New Colombo Plan to include
action and low carbon investment strategies into its            Monash University will support establishment of the Yoo-            available to the Monash community. The University             the Pacific, and the health student cohort where possible.
investment practices. The University will also recognise        rrook Justice Commission and contribute to progressing              will ensure all of its external departments, centres and
and satisfy its corporate responsibilities to manage its        the development of Treaty conversations with our                    affiliates are included in the capture of this information.   The University will roll out and integrate the Sustainable
finances responsibly and sustainably at all times.              stakeholders and the broader Victorian community.                                                                                 Healthcare Education initiative or similar programs
                                                                                                                                                                                                  throughout schools in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing
As a sustainability and social justice pioneer, Monash will     At the Commonwealth level, Monash University will
                                                                                                                                    TEACHING                                                      and Health Sciences to encourage sustainable
work with fund managers to define the pathways that             support and contribute to the Commonwealth Indigenous                                                                             development literacy for all students enrolled in health
                                                                                                                                    The challenges of the age are environmental and social
enable it to achieve carbon neutrality across its externally    Voice to Parliament co-design process.                                                                                            professional courses. Monash will also engage with other
                                                                                                                                    challenges. Monash students must be able to lead efforts
managed investments by 2050.                                                                                                                                                                      universities to increase this sustainable development
                                                                                                                                    to solve them. The University will respond to this demand
                                                                                                                                    by growing student take up and engagement in learning         literacy elsewhere.
This approach supports the broader University’s Net Zero        RESEARCH
                                                                                                                                    opportunities in ESG themes. Monash will leverage the
aspirations, while satisfying its fiduciary responsibilities.                                                                                                                                     Monash will also pursue development of common
                                                                The University will grow its leadership in social and               advantages provided by its international campuses,
                                                                environmental sustainability fields including research in           partnerships with other universities and its Pacific          core, cross-disciplinary microcredentials that focus on
Monash will also report annually on its progress to                                                                                                                                               embedding environmental sustainability and social themes
                                                                clean and renewable energy, and improve how it captures,            footprint for doing so.
improve the climate alignment of its investments as part                                                                                                                                          in the degrees of students at both the undergraduate
                                                                measures and reports discoveries that advance the UN
of the University’s broader responsible investment and                                                                                                                                            and graduate level. The University will explore options to
                                                                Sustainable Development Goals.                                      While recommending the extension of teaching programs
sustainable development goals (SDG) reporting processes.                                                                                                                                          address the current financial disincentives affecting cross-
                                                                                                                                    consistent with the ESGs, the Review appreciated that
                                                                Monash University has an impressive suite of researchers            some degrees have mandatory subjects for professional         faculty, multidisciplinary learning as part of this process.
ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT                                    delivering environmental and social transformation.                 qualification purposes. There may be a concern as to
                                                                Leveraging and reporting against the Sustainable                    faculties’ capacity therefore to include ESG focused          Monash will compile and publish annually its ESG
                                                                Development Goals to frame those advances will                      teaching in a degree syllabus. However, the Review            teaching programs and activities to be available both
Through our teaching, research and community                    help Monash to deepen the relevance of its research                 anticipated that many or some of the mandated subjects        internally and externally on the University website.
engagement, Monash will continue to make a substantial          to communities and strengthen how it coordinates                    may be taught in an innovative and creative manner so
and ongoing contribution to Indigenous advancement by           interdisciplinary collaboration across its diverse                  as to both satisfy professional bodies (e.g. the Victorian
fostering mutually-beneficial partnerships with Indigenous      research profile.                                                   Legal Admissions Board and the medical registration
peoples and communities.                                                                                                            authorities) and fulfil the ESGs. The Review regarded the
                                                                Monash has world class expertise in clean energy                    area as requiring encouragement of ESG awareness and
The University will improve its recruitment, support and        domains spanning production and utilisation, storage                leadership across teaching at Monash.
retention of Indigenous students and staff, and advance         and transport, AI-based design of future energy systems,
research, knowledge and awareness of Aboriginal and             market design, policy development and advocacy to                   In view of the benefits sustainability and social-themed
Torres Strait Islander Peoples, cultures and issues.            enable a clean energy economy to flourish. What is                  learning abroad experiences have on academic
                                                                now needed is to integrate this work more closely with              performance and retention, Monash will make the Global
Monash will continue to implement the pillars articulated in    government and industry priorities to translate this                Immersion Guarantee available as an elective for all first-
the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Framework 2019–       research into impact – the triple helix of innovation.              and second- year students enrolled in comprehensive
2030 across all of the University’s operations, and be                                                                              undergraduate degrees. This includes bachelor of Arts,
responsive to ongoing commitments established through           A whole-of-University strategy will bring this expertise            Commerce, Business, Business Administration, and
governments, and Indigenous community priorities.               together to maximise relevance and benefits to partners.            Science, as well as all double degrees with comprehensive
                                                                This requires a coordinated approach across faculties,              degrees (e.g. BEng/ BComm, LLB/BA, BBiomedSc/Sci).
The Victorian Government is committed to self-                  institutes, and university facilities management, as well as        Up to 70 per cent of the student cohort will have access
determination as the guiding principle in Aboriginal affairs.   engagement with partners and the public to accelerate our           to a funded international experience under this program.
As part of this commitment Victoria was the first Australian    impact and enhance transformation in energy innovation
state to progress Treaty discussions, establishing the          across the nation and worldwide.
First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria to be the voice for
Aboriginal communities across the state and represent
them in the next phase of the Treaty process.

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