ENTRY GUIDE DEADLINE FOR ENTRY: THURSDAY 9TH MAY 2019 - www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk - Scottish Whisky Awards

Page created by Sam Gonzalez
ENTRY GUIDE DEADLINE FOR ENTRY: THURSDAY 9TH MAY 2019 - www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk - Scottish Whisky Awards

ENTRY GUIDE DEADLINE FOR ENTRY: THURSDAY 9TH MAY 2019 - www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk - Scottish Whisky Awards
The Scottish Whisky Awards is a new national celebration for the
business of Scotch Whisky. Distilleries and companies are invited
to compete in an independent competition which will recognise
and reward people and teams working hard to deliver Scotland’s
greatest global product.
Our competition combines written submissions
in 6 business categories and a blind tasting
competition for 10 taste categories.
The business awards will be presented to highlight
the world leading and innovative performance of
Scotland’s whisky distillers in a range of categories
covering marketing, tourism and innovative
business practices.
In our wide-ranging blind tasting competition,
Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards will be presented
to products achieving the highest marks from
independent taste panel gathered from Scotland,
the UK and abroad.
Created and operated by Edinburgh based events
company, KDMedia, and with the support of an
advisory panel and an international judging panel,
this new and unique programme will showcase the
best of the Scotch whisky industry across the UK
and worldwide.

                                                                                          Images from the Scottish Gin Awards, a KDMedia event.

2    SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019                       www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk   @whisky_awards #whiskyawards19                         SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019   3
ENTRY GUIDE DEADLINE FOR ENTRY: THURSDAY 9TH MAY 2019 - www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk - Scottish Whisky Awards

              Alan Wolstenholme                Mike Aikman                       Jon Beach                                              Davin de Kergommeaux        Gordon Galloway                   Jan Groth
              Chair of the Judging Panel       Taste Judge                       Taste Judge                                            Taste Judge                 Business Judge                    Taste Judge

Anne-Sophie Bigot                Blair Bowman                   Kevin Boyd                        Dave Broom              Justine Hazlehurst          Kyle Jamieson                  David Johnston                 Stephen Johnstone
Taste Judge                      Taste Judge                    Business Judge                    Taste Judge             Taste Judge                 Taste Judge                    Business Judge                 Taste Judge

              Ryan Chetiyawardana              Colin Church                      Marc Crothall                                          Eric Kozlik                 Darren Leitch                     Steven Lin
              Taste Judge                      Business Judge                    Business Judge                                         Taste Judge                 Taste Judge                       Taste Judge

4     SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019                                                      www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk   @whisky_awards #whiskyawards19                                                   SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019   5
ENTRY GUIDE DEADLINE FOR ENTRY: THURSDAY 9TH MAY 2019 - www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk - Scottish Whisky Awards

              Mike Lord                       Viktorija Macdonald            Charles MacLean                                        Frank Murphy                     Hans & Becky Offringa        James Porteous
              Taste Judge                     Business Judge                 Taste Judge                                            Taste Judge                      Taste Judges                 Taste Judge

Michael MacLean                 Angus MacRaild                 Matthew McFadyen            Ian McKerrow               John Ramsay                    James Robertson                Ingvar Ronde                   Bernhard Schäfer
Taste Judge                     Taste Judge                    Taste Judge                 Business Judge             Taste Judge                    Taste & Business Judge         Taste Judge                    Taste Judge

              Annabel Meikle                  David Moore                    Sean Murphy                                            Karen Somerville                 Tristan Stephenson           Keir Sword
              Taste & Business Judge          Business Judge                 Taste Judge                                            Business Judge                   Taste Judge                  Business Judge

6     SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019                                                  www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk   @whisky_awards #whiskyawards19                                                   SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019   7

                 Ken Symon                      Karen Walker                      Ged Welch
                 Business Judge                 Business Judge                    Business Judge

                                                                                                                                    SAVE THE DATE
Lesley Welsh                      Dr Christopher White           Alf Young
Business Judge                    Taste Judge                    Business Judge                                            T H U R S D A Y 5 TH S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 9
                                                                                                                                   Sheraton Grand Hotel, Edinburgh
                                                                                                                                            From 6:30pm


8    SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019                                                        www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk

                                                                                   Scottish Whisky Distillery of the Year                                   Product Launch
                                                                                                                                                            of the Year
                                                                                   The ultimate award in the competition, this award will be presented to   The innovative and considered
                                                                                   a distillery demonstrating an outstanding year of business in 2018/19.   efforts involved in launching a new
                                                                                                                                                            Scotch whisky on to the market will
                                                                                   The Scottish Whisky Distillery of the Year will be presented to a team
      • Scottish Whisky Distillery of the Year                                     demonstrating product development, quality standards, contribution
                                                                                                                                                            be awarded via the assessment of
                                                                                                                                                            a number of measures. Successful
                                                                                   to the community, positive environmental impact, collaboration with
                                                                                                                                                            use of marketing, PR, branding and
                                                                                   suppliers and customers and best practice, shared across the industry.
      • Product Launch of the Year                                                                                                                          consumer experience in any retail
                                                                                   Entries should include:                                                  market will be considered.
      • Excellence in Branding                                                     •   Information on key milestones such as investment, distribution       Entries should include:
                                                                                       deals, premises or export success
                                                                                                                                                            •     An overview of the product
                                                                                   •   Description of approaches to staff development, training, product          and the strategy for launch
      • Brand Experience of the Year                                                   quality, community contribution, environmental credentials, and
                                                                                                                                                            •     Information relating to the
                                                                                       collaborative working
                                                                                                                                                                  product launch including the
      • Tourism Destination of the Year                                            •   Outline business performance in the period 1 May 2018- 1 May               use of marketing, events, social
                                                                                       2019 including financial results for the last two years and next           media
      • Community Contribution of the Year                                             year’s predicted figures
                                                                                                                                                            •     Information relating to the
                                                                                                                                                                  subsequent success of the
                                                                                                                                                                  brand including distribution
      • Newcomer of the Year                                                                                                                                      deals, listings and evidence of
                                                                                                                                                                  sales success

10   SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019                www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk   @whisky_awards #whiskyawards19                                              SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019     11
BUSINESS CATEGORIES                                                                                                 BUSINESS CATEGORIES

Excellence in                                                            Brand Experience                           Tourism Destination                    Community                              Newcomer of the Year
Branding                                                                 of the Year                                of the Year                            Contribution Award
This category will recognise the creation of an effective brand with      This award will recognise the efforts      This award will recognise efforts to   The Scottish Whisky industry has       For distilleries launching their
a creative edge in an increasingly competitive market place. The         of marketing teams to create brand         attract domestic and international     been applauded for its work to         first release of scotch, this award
judging panel will be looking for a creative and innovative brand        experiences which immerse target           tourists from a leisure or business    create sustainable businesses. This    will recognise a team for their
identity.                                                                consumers in a whisky brand, building      environment to a destination           award will recognise investment        work bringing their first scotch to
                                                                         awareness, knowledge and customers.        dedicated to whisky.                   in local economies through long        the market. Entries are open to
Entrants should demonstrate how the brand philosophy has been
                                                                         The experience could be in a retail or a                                          term employment and sustainable        businesses which launched their
conceived and is implemented throughout the business including in                                                   Entries should include:
                                                                         festival or event environment in the UK                                           business practices. This award is      first release between May 2017
the product creation, packaging, staff training and marketing and
                                                                         or abroad.                                 •   An overview of activity in         open to distilleries or companies      and April 2019.
communications strategies.
                                                                                                                        the last 12 months including       operating a number of distilleries.
                                                                         Entries should include:                                                                                                  Entries should include:
Entries Should include:                                                                                                 marketing activity, local
                                                                                                                                                           Entries should include:
                                                                         •   An outline description of the              partnerships, events and                                                  •      An overview of the business,
•    A description of the foundations of the brand including its
                                                                             Brand Experience including an              educational initiatives            •   An overview of the business, its         its location, distilling
     vision, mission and core values
                                                                             explanation of the brand concept,                                                 location, employment profiles            methods, team and any other
                                                                                                                    •    A description of the visitor
•    A description of the approach to the creation of the brand and in       design strategy and delivery                                                      and business activities                  relevant business activities
     bringing it to life
                                                                         •   Information relating to marketing,                                            •   Information relating to            •      Information relating to
                                                                                                                    •   Information relating to the
•    An overview of the approach to packaging and how it plays into          event, digital and PR efforts to                                                  sustainable business practices           marketing activity around
                                                                                                                        success of the destination
     the brand identity                                                      enhance the experience directly to                                                and environmental efficiencies           the launch of the product
                                                                                                                        including visitor numbers,
                                                                             the consumer                                                                                                               and sales success
•    An outline of the brand communication plan and how it                                                              revenue, publicity, reviews and    •   Information relating to the
     contributes to the sales success of the brand                       •   Information including the success          testimonials from customers            positive impact of the business    •     A 70cl bottle for sampling
                                                                             of the brand activity and its impact                                              in the local community
                                                                             on sales

12    SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019                                             www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk      @whisky_awards #whiskyawards19                                                   SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019       13
TASTE CATEGORIES                                                                                                                             KEY DATES
                                                                                                                                             T H U R S D A Y 9 TH M A Y 2 0 1 9
                                                                                                                                             Deadline for Written Entries

                                                                                                                                             W E D N E S D A Y 2 2 ND &
SINGLE MALT                              BLENDED MALT                                BLENDED                      SPECIALITY
                                                                                                                                             T H U R S D A Y 2 3 RD M A Y 2 0 1 9
CATEGORIES                               CATEGORIES                                  CATEGORIES                   CATEGORY                   Product Delivery for Taste Entries

• Up to 12 Years*                        • Up to 12 Years*                           • Up to 12 Years*            • Grain, Single Grain,     T H U R S D A Y 5 TH S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 9
                                                                                                                    Speciality Cask or       Awards Dinner & Celebration,
                                                                                                                    other innovative         Sheraton Grand Hotel, Edinburgh
• 13-25 Years                            • 13-25 Years                               • 13-25 Years

• 26 Years and over                      • 26 Years and over                         • 26 Years and over

In each age range, the top three products will be presented with Gold, Silver and Bronze Scotch Medals.                                      ABOUT KDMEDIA
                                                                                                                                             KDMedia is a PR & event company with a 17-year track record delivering events
                                                                                                                                             and awards competitions. Founders and creators of the Scottish Beer Awards and
                                                                                                                                             the Scottish Gin Awards, the Edinburgh based team of PR, marketing and event
                                                                                                                                             professionals, deliver over 30 events each year and host over 4000 guests.




      O                              O


          T                     A                                       O                           R

              CH                         TC                     A           TC                  A
                            W                              AW
                   BRONZE A                   H S
                                                  I LV E R                       H G O L D AW

*includes no age statement

14            SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019                                                                 www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk
Please visit: www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk

BEFORE ENTERING                                         THE ENTRY PROCESS
                                                                                                               TERMS & CONDITIONS:
• Please contact the awards team at KDMedia             • Please include a summary statement that can          • The Scottish Whisky Awards is open to blenders, distillers and bottlers
  for advice on categories and eligibility prior          be used by the Scottish Whisky Awards for PR           operating in Scotland.
  to entry, on 0131 337 6232 or by emailing               purposes to promote the entry, as indicated in the
                                                                                                               • Entered samples must conform to the Scottish Whisky Association guidelines
  pippa@kdmedia.co.uk or kirsten@kdmedia.co.uk            entry form.
                                                                                                                 and the legal definition of each category.
• All entrants must register as a user at               • Please use appendices for relevant supporting
  www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk                                                                              • Entries will not be considered without registration fees received. Registration
                                                          material and evidence such as marketing
                                                                                                                 fees will not be refunded in any circumstances.
                                                          materials, statistics or financial reports.
• All entries are completed and submitted online
  using the online entry form.                                                                                 • The judges and KDMedia Ltd reserve the right to move entries into other
                                                        • All entries must include company logo in high
                                                                                                                 categories, to remove categories or create new awards.
• A one-off registration fee of £55 will be charged       resolution JPEG, PNG and EPS formats.
  per distillery or company and allows you to enter                                                            • The judges’ decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
                                                        • A maximum of 4 high resolution images can be
  as many categories as you wish in both taste            uploaded with your entry, where appropriate.         • By entering the Scottish Whisky Awards you give permission for the images
  and business sections. A separate form will be
                                                                                                                 included in your submission to be used at the awards ceremony and in the
  required for each entry.                              • All accompanying images, logos and appendices
                                                                                                                 awards marketing materials.
                                                          must be uploaded in the online entry using one
• You must enter a business category to qualify for
                                                          zipped file which must contain all assets and        • The information contained in each entry is kept strictly private and confidential
  the taste competition.
                                                          information to be considered with the entry.           unless the release of any content in the entry is approved by the entering
• Please read our terms and conditions of entry.                                                                 company in advance.
                                                        • To create a zipped file, please follow the
                                                          instructions below:                                  • The Scottish Whisky Awards is a registered trademark of KDMedia Ltd
                                                          •   For Microsoft Users – read details here.           registered in Scotland SC244168
• Please deliver 2 x 70cl or 3 x 50cl bottles of each
  entered whisky to the Edinburgh Corn Exchange           •   For Mac users – read details here.               • Late submissions will not be considered.
  on Wednesday 22 or Thursday 23 May 2019,              • Once your entry is completed, you will receive an
  during the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm. An event                                                              • All queries should be directed to KDMedia on 0131 337 6232 or by email to
                                                          email to confirm your submission. If you do not
  manager will meet you and confirm receipt.                                                                     whiskyawards@kdmedia.co.uk
                                                          receive this, please contact us on
                                                          0131 337 6232.
• If you have a high value whisky for the panel
  to consider please contact the awards team            • The closing date for business awards is
  at KDMedia on 0131 337 6232 or by emailing              Thursday 9th May 2019. No late submissions will
  pippa@kdmedia.co.uk                                     be accepted.

16   SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019                                            www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk   @whisky_awards #whiskyawards19                                             SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019   17
Bairds Malt are Scotland’s oldest maltster with a          Digital – Wide Format – Litho Printers                   Bruce Stevenson is Scotland’s largest independent           Close Brothers Brewery Rentals are experienced and
heritage dating back to 1823. Having started out with                                                               Insurance Broker, trading from offices in Glasgow,          respected industry specialists offering tailored solu-
                                                           We supply Pop-Up-Banners, Brochures, Newsletters,
a floor Maltings in Glasgow we now find ourselves on                                                                Edinburgh, Galashiels, Turriff and London. As an            tions for kegs, casks and drinks equipment to brewers,
                                                           Leaflets, Letterheads, Business Cards and so much
the Eastern Seaboard, situated in the best of the barley                                                            independent broker, we are an innovative and dynamic        cider makers and distillers.
                                                           more…….for a free print audit or free estimates please
growing regions in the UK.                                                                                          organisation, who are committed to providing the best
                                                           contact Kenny Milne.
                                                                                                                    possible advice and support to protect what’s important     Our flagship offering is keg and cask rental and we
We have just announced plans to further expand our
                                                           With over forty years delivering solutions for           to our clients.                                             operate a fleet of over two million containers across
Malting capacity in Scotland to help bring as many
                                                           businesses, Barr Printers are delighted to support the                                                               the UK, Ireland and Germany. Established in 2007,
Scottish distillers malt that is Sown, Grown and Malted                                                             As well as providing general Corporate and Commercial
                                                           inaugural Scottish Whisky Awards.                                                                                    CBBR provides a wide range of services in addition
in Scotland.                                                                                                        insurance we have developed specialist knowledge
                                                                                                                                                                                to container rental including Fee per fill containers
                                                           Contact: kennymilne@barrprinters.co.uk                   and understanding of the unique risks relating to
Along with our in house grain merchants, Scotgrain,                                                                                                                             – ECasks & EKegs, repair and refurbishment and
                                                                                                                    Distilleries, Whisky Brokers and Private Whisky
we go to great lengths to support growers local to our                                                                                                                          equipment finance. By using RFID (Radio-frequency
Maltings, some of whom have been delivering barley to                                                                                                                           identification) tags on our containers we can consid-
us for multiple generations.                                                                                        We work closely with a select panel of Insurers’            erably reduce handling times and provide clarity on
                                                                                                                    and Loss Adjusters’ experienced with managing the           stock position.
With increasing interest from consumers in product
                                                                                                                    complex claims and industry specific challenges such as
provenance, our expansion plans mark a further                                                                                                                                  Close Brothers Brewery Rentals also provides finan-
                                                                                                                    relocating stock to another bonded warehouse to avoid
commitment to the whisky industry to provide our                                                                                                                                cial solutions for equipment used within the drinks in-
                                                                                                                    premature payment of duty, warehousing arrangements
customers with malt that is sown and grown on their                                                                                                                             dustry in the UK. We are familiar with the equipment
                                                                                                                    to remain in Scotland to satisfy the trade description
doorstep.                                                                                                                                                                       commonly used and have good relationships with
                                                                                                                    ‘Scotch’ and an understanding of the age profile of stock
Approaching nearly 200 years as maltsters, Scotland                                                                 to quantify the loss of matured value.                      many of the main suppliers. In addition to production
represents our spiritual home, from the Lothians to the                                                                                                                         equipment for both breweries and distilleries, we are
                                                                                                                    For further information please contact graeme.              also now able to offer funding for wooden spirit casks.

18   SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019                                               www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk     @whisky_awards #whiskyawards19                                                SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019      19
Dentons is the world’s largest law firm, delivering         In a little over 40 years, Halewood Wines and Spirits     Employing over 150 people and operating across             We are passionate and committed to creating spaces
quality and value to clients around the globe. Dentons     has grown from a start-up company to become one of         five facilities totalling 180,000 square feet in Central   that connect people in simple, intuitive ways. We use
is a leader on the Acritas Global Elite Brand Index, a     the UK’s largest independent drinks manufacturers and      Scotland, McLaren Packaging is a family run company        our creative approach to deliver pragmatic, effective
BTI Client Service 30 Award winner and recognized          distributors, with a turnover of £216 million, selling     supplying small, independent operators through to          and commercially-astute buildings, transforming places
by prominent business and legal publications for           over 18 million cases each year and exporting to over 88   large multi-national organisations.                        to make them better to live, work and play in.
its innovations in client service, including founding      countries.
Nextlaw Labs and the Nextlaw Global Referral Network.                                                                 We specialise in the design and manufacture of             As multi-award-winning architects & interior designers
                                                           Employing just under 1,000 drinks specialists              premium, paper based packaging, to the spirits             we take pride in the spaces we design to make them
Dentons’ polycentric approach and world-class talent
                                                           worldwide, the Halewood Group has four operations          industry. Applying over 40 years’ expertise across         really work. We care about delivering a high-quality
challenge the status quo to advance client interests
                                                           outside the UK - South Africa, China, Thailand and         a wide range of paper substrates to meet customer          service on time and on budget, which means you can get
in the communities in which we live and work. From
                                                           Ireland.                                                   requirements, delivering added value for their brands      on with enjoying a building that delivers what you need.
supporting some of Scotland’s biggest distillers through
transformational change, to advising new distilleries                                                                 and products.
on the legal requirements to get them up and running,                                                                 From high-quality flexographic printing to award-
Dentons has a wealth of experience in this industry.                                                                  winning shaped composite tubes and rigid boxes, we
www.dentons.com.                                                                                                      lead on innovation, quality and service.

20   SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019                                               www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk       @whisky_awards #whiskyawards19                                               SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019       21

Orb Group is a creatively-led design & manufacturing     Founded in 1774, Rankin is the UK’s local supplier of      Shawbrook Bank serves the UK SME market by                  Wolffe is a boutique brand design and innovation
company with offices in Glasgow and London. We           quality closures for the Beers, Wines, Spirits and Foods   providing specialist funding for a breadth of needs         agency that was founded by Andrew Wolffe in 1998.
specialise in the creation of Unique, aesthetic POS      packaging industries.                                      including structured solutions for event-driven
                                                                                                                                                                                We help create vivid, memorable brand personalities
display & Creative branded merchandise for the drinks                                                               requirements (e.g. change of ownership); commercial
                                                         Through the design and performance of our products,                                                                    by way of visual identity and style, and distinctive
sector.                                                                                                             property acquisition or development; wholesale
                                                         we help premiumise aspiring brands and add value to                                                                    tone of voice. But we go further; by way of immersive,
                                                                                                                    funding; working captial; and asset acquisition.
No matter what the size of the project, excellent        local tastes & flavours.                                                                                               exploratory innovation workshops and dynamic tools,
craftsmanship, high-quality design, and attention to                                                                Working with clients, their advisers and sponsors,          we help create new brand offerings, whether they be
                                                         Our offer extends from natural cork, to micro
detail are essential in all of the work that we do.                                                                 Shawbrook can deliver the support that matters: sector      initiatives, exhibits, products, services or portfolios. We
                                                         agglomerate, synthetic or Nature, to T Top Stoppers,
                                                                                                                    specialists who can speak the language of your industry;    deliver: strategy services; brand design and creative
Our multi-disciplinary team of designers and marketers   wire hoods, screw caps, crown caps, cask bungs, keg
                                                                                                                    regional business centres and teams with a deep             services; and innovation and product design.
are dedicated to building profitable brands and          caps, capsules in Tin, Polylaminate, PVC & PET and to
                                                                                                                    knowledge of the local markets they serve; and a human
enduring client relationships.                           heatshrink tamper evident sleeves.                                                                                     All our clients benefit from our unstinting desire to
                                                                                                                    approach to decision making, which doesn’t rely solely
                                                                                                                                                                                do better; our tried and tested innovation techniques,
Our mission is to develop the most engaging point of     Rankin is the custodian of 4,500 acres of cork forestry    on anonymous scorecards and automated systems.
                                                                                                                                                                                and our well informed brand thinking, our intelligent
sale that will WOW your target market and ultimately     in Portugal; managing cork supply from ‘acorn to
                                                                                                                    With a product portfolio that’s consistently evolving to    creative solutions and strong service ethic.
maintain the loyalty of your customers.                  bottle’.
                                                                                                                    meet a growing range of needs within the mid-market,
                                                                                                                                                                                We are a sophisticated consultancy dedicated to
We offer the following disciplines:                      We are delighted to support the Scottish Whisky            get in touch to find out what Shawbrook Bank could
                                                                                                                                                                                maximising a brand’s potential. We’re pioneering in
•    Packaging Design & Manufacture                      Awards and we look forward to playing our part in the      do to support your funding requirements. If you’re
                                                                                                                                                                                our 360 degree approach. We sail, silver shining, in an
                                                         ongoing development and success of our `local’ spirits     looking to work with specialists who understand every
•    POS design & Manufacture                                                                                                                                                   azure blue ocean. Come on board and transform your
                                                         industry.                                                  business has its own unique story, we’re pretty sure they
•    Window Displays                                                                                                                                                            brand.
                                                                                                                    can help.
•    Travel Retail Furniture                                                                                                                                                    The sky’s the limit.
•    Free Standing Displays
                                                                                                                                                                                Get in touch to find out how we can help your business
•    Branded Merchandise                                                                                                                                                        flourish www.wolffedesign.com

22    SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019                                            www.scottishwhiskyawards.org.uk       @whisky_awards #whiskyawards19                                                    SCOTTISH WHISKY AWARDS 2019       23

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