Page created by Earl Barrett
     SPAIN 2019/20

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SPAIN IN 2019/20
This document is version 1 Spain Country Notes for the 2019/20 English Language Assistants Programme.
Any previous country notes relating to previous years should be ignored for the 2019/20 academic year.

Congratulations on your recent allocation to a post as an English Language Assistant in Spain. Every year,
around 2,500 Language Assistants from the UK support the teaching of English in 14 countries around the
world. Every Language Assistant is taking part in a programme that traces its heritage back to 1905. It
began as an exchange programme to allow graduates from France to help English students learn French,
with 'young Masters in English secondary schools' heading to France to perform a similar role. Shortly
afterwards, a similar agreement was reached with the government of Prussia.

Since those early days, the programme has endured major global events, two World Wars, and the Great
Depression to name a few. But while the global political, social and economic landscapes may have
changed over the years, the Language Assistants initiative has remained committed to increasing language
skills across the world.

This document contains important information and advice regarding a variety of practical and
administrative matters affecting UK assistants in Spain. This document should be read carefully, retained
for reference and considered in conjunction with any papers issued by the Spanish authorities. It is
important that you have access to this information whilst in Spain in order to be able to consult it at all
times when problems/questions arise.

If your permanent (UK) home address, personal e-mail or phone number changes, please inform us
immediately by sending an e-mail to languageassistants.uk@britishcouncil.org. We may need to contact
you during the year with urgent messages, invitations to events or to add updates to these notes, so please
ensure that you have given us the correct contact details.

We hope that you find the following information useful and that you enjoy the year ahead.

Best wishes,

Bethan, Ceana and Olivia

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                    2
Foreword.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.     Co-operating partners .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1.           British council............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2.           Partners in spain ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.     Role of the language assistant................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.           Teaching english ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3.     Posting information ....................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.           School allocation ...................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2.           Dates of appointment .............................................................................................................................. 7
3.3.           Holidays ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.4.           Predecessors ............................................................................................................................................ 7
4.     Pre-departure information .......................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.           Foreign & commonwealth office............................................................................................................ 8
4.2.           Passports and visas.................................................................................................................................. 8
4.3.           Travel to spain........................................................................................................................................... 8
4.4.           Taking a car abroad ................................................................................................................................. 9
4.5.           Taking pets abroad .................................................................................................................................. 9
4.6.           Graduates with student loans ................................................................................................................ 9
4.7.           Insurance .................................................................................................................................................10
5.     Health and wellbeing ...................................................................................................................................11
4.8.           Ehic card ..................................................................................................................................................11
4.9.           Medication ...............................................................................................................................................11
4.10.          Mental health ...........................................................................................................................................12
5.     Arrival ..............................................................................................................................................................13
5.1.           Induction meeting ..................................................................................................................................13
5.2.           Travel onwards from the induction courses......................................................................................13
6.     Settling in ........................................................................................................................................................15
6.1.           Accommodation......................................................................................................................................15
6.2.           Número de identidad de extranjero (nie) ..........................................................................................17
6.3.           Creating social networks.......................................................................................................................18
6.4.           Study opportunities ................................................................................................................................20
6.5.           Settling into school life ..........................................................................................................................20
7.     Money matters ..............................................................................................................................................21
7.1.           Monthly allowance..................................................................................................................................21
7.2.           Additional income ...................................................................................................................................21
7.3.           Erasmus+ grants .....................................................................................................................................22
7.4.           Currency and banks ...............................................................................................................................22

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                                                                                         3
7.5.          Lost or stolen credit cards ...................................................................................................................22
7.6.          Income tax ...............................................................................................................................................22
8.     Administrative matters...............................................................................................................................23
8.1.          Absence from school .............................................................................................................................23
8.2.          Solving problems & lines of referal ....................................................................................................24
8.3.          Consecutive years ..................................................................................................................................24
9.     In country advice .........................................................................................................................................25
9.1.          Personal safety .......................................................................................................................................25
9.2.          Travelling around spain .........................................................................................................................25
9.3.          Isic cards ..................................................................................................................................................25
9.4.          Internet .....................................................................................................................................................25
9.5.          Phoning home & mobiles ......................................................................................................................26
9.6.          Lost or stolen mobile phones...............................................................................................................26
10. Teaching tips and resources ....................................................................................................................27
10.1.         Observation period ................................................................................................................................27
10.2.         Teaching materials .................................................................................................................................27
10.3.         British council teaching resources......................................................................................................27
10.4.         Language assistants manual ................................................................................................................28
10.5.         School linking ..........................................................................................................................................28
10.6.         Bilingual programs .................................................................................................................................29
10.7.         Book list ....................................................................................................................................................29
11. Spotlight on spain ........................................................................................................................................30
11.1.         Regions.....................................................................................................................................................30
11.2.         National holidays ....................................................................................................................................30
11.3.         Emergency services in spain................................................................................................................31
11.4.         British embassy and consulate ............................................................................................................31
11.5.         British council in spain ...........................................................................................................................32
12. Other information ........................................................................................................................................34
12.1.         Drugs ........................................................................................................................................................34
12.2.         Political demonstrations ........................................................................................................................34
12.3.         Spouces / partners/dependants .........................................................................................................34
12.4.         References ..............................................................................................................................................34
12.5.         Social media ............................................................................................................................................34
12.6.         Useful websites .......................................................................................................................................34

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                                                                                       4

1.1. BRITISH COUNCIL                                Our work in the arts involves the very best British
The British Council is the United Kingdom's         and international artistic talent. We help increase
international organisation for cultural relations   audiences for international work in the UK and
and educational opportunities. We create            for UK work globally. We bring artists together
friendly knowledge and understanding between        and support the development of skills and policy
the people of the UK and other countries. We do     in the arts and creative industries. Through this
this by making a positive contribution to the UK    work, we ensure that culture in its broadest
and the countries we work with – changing lives     sense plays a vital role in connecting with others
by creating opportunities, building connections     and promoting friendly understanding.
and engendering trust.
                                                    1.2. PARTNERS IN SPAIN
We work with over 100 countries across the
                                                    Language assistants are either employed by the
world in the fields of arts and culture, English
                                                    Ministerio de Educacion y Formacion Profesional
language, education and civil society. Each year
                                                    (MEFP) or directly through the local education
we reach over 20 million people face-to-face
                                                    authorities (Comunidad Autónoma). It is
and more than 500 million people online, via
                                                    important that you understand if you belong to
broadcasts and publications. Founded in 1934,
                                                    the Ministry group or the Comunidad group so
we are a UK charity governed by Royal Charter
                                                    you know who to address for information or
and a UK public body.
                                                    queries. You can find out in your regional
                                                    allocation email if you are part of the Ministry or
Our work in English aims to bring high-quality
                                                    the Comunidad group.
language materials to every
learners and teachers across the world. In
developing and post-conflict countries, we teach    Ministry Posts
English and train teachers through radio, web       E-mail: auxiliares.conv@educacion.gob.es
and TV broadcasts. We offer more than three
million UK examinations worldwide, helping          Subdirección General de Promoción Exterior
people gain access to trusted qualifications to     Educativa
                                                    Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional
support their career and study prospects.
                                                    Calle de Alcalá, 34, 28014 Madrid, Spain
Our work in education and society helps
transform national education systems, builds        Tel: +34 91 506 5594
more inclusive and open societies and               www.educacionyfp.gob.es/servicios-al-
increases opportunities for young people . We       ciudadano/catalogo.html
encourage international students to come and
study in the UK and help British students to gain   Comunidad Posts
experience abroad. We bring schools around the      Please note that all those posted to cupo
                                                    comunidad posts should contact whoever has
world together, so young people and teachers
from different countries can learn from each        contacted them from the local education
other.                                              department in relation to the post.

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                5
The role of a language assistant is a very           to help you incorporate cultural content into
important one and one that we hope you will          your lessons in chapter 10 of this document.
enjoy. Please remember that you are
considered a member of staff with the                    “It would also not be a bad idea to
responsibilities and required professionalism that       prepare some presentations/activities
this entails. Please refer to our website for more       about your home country before
information on your role as an English Language          leaving.”
                                                     2.1. TEACHING ENGLISH
As a language assistant you are also an
ambassador for the UK and its culture. The way       It is important to be resourceful and use your
you behave will influence how those around you       initiative. If you do not think that you are being
view the UK and you should endeavor to set a         used sufficiently, make suggestions of topics that
positive example. If you set a bad example, you      you could discuss with the students or activities
could damage the reputation of the programme         that you could get involved with. This document
and adversely affect the experience of future        contains a whole chapter about teaching English
assistants.                                          but to get started the following links are useful.

   “Realise that you are going to work,              •   www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/fil
   and not be on holiday. Certainly some                 es/whole_manual.pdf
   tourism is understandable but often               •   www.teachingenglish.org.uk/language-
   school years run from autumn to spring                assistant/essential-uk
   when your neighbours and peers will
   not be sightseers but rather ordinary             It is also important to familiarize yourself with the
   working people and not tour guides.”              education system in Spain as it will help you
                                                     know what to expect when you start teaching at
Your first-hand experience of life in the UK is an   your school(s). Please see the Eurydice webpage
excellent resource and you should draw on this       for specific information:
during your lessons. We provide a lot of advice

                                                                                           © Mat Wright

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                    6
                                                       3.2. DATES OF APPOINTMENT
Each region differs as to when they organise
                                                       The period of appointment for UK assistants in
appointments and send out information. The
                                                       Spain will be 01 October 2019 – 31 May 2020.
British Council is involved in allocating assistants
                                                       The only exceptions are appointments to cupo
to a region and sometimes age group, but has
                                                       Comunidad posts in Madrid and some postings
no control over choice of town, size of town,
                                                       in Valencia which run from 01 October 2019 –
school environment or when information is sent
                                                       30 June 2020., You should check the details in
out. We encourage each region to send
                                                       your own Nombramiento.
information out as early as possible. You should
also write immediately to your school(s)
                                                       The majority of assistants are expected to work
confirming acceptance of the post. If you do not
                                                       12 hours a week. Some, but not all, posts in
receive a reply by mid-September it is a good
                                                       Madrid, Galicia and Valencia are 16 hours, and
idea to ring the school(s) to discuss your
                                                       some posts in Murcia 15 hours.
placement and give them an idea of your
anticipated arrival date.
                                                       Those who have been appointed to more than
                                                       one school will be asked to divide their time
You should ask them for information about the
                                                       between the schools concerned. You can
school(s) that you will be working in. For
                                                       request information regarding how your
example, it may be useful to know the age range
                                                       timetable will be arranged from the head of the
of pupils, the average class size, the general
                                                       host school which is usually the first one
level of ability, the social background of pupils,
                                                       mentioned when you are sent details of your
the facilities available and if you should bring any
                                                       posting in the Nombramiento. If you have been
specific materials from home. It is also important
                                                       appointed to two or three schools you should
to enquire about the dress code for teachers
                                                       write to all of them confirming your acceptance
and any other general school information.
                                                       of the post.
3.1. SCHOOL ALLOCATION                                 3.3. HOLIDAYS
The maximum number of schools to which you
                                                       Assistants are entitled to the usual school
can be appointed is three. Please contact us if
                                                       holidays. You should be able to obtain the dates
you have been appointed to more than three
                                                       from the school secretary or your mentor
schools. If the different schools are several miles
                                                       teacher. You should not be absent on other
apart and you must travel between two on the
                                                       occasions without prior permission. Attending
same day, you are entitled to ask for help
                                                       the induction course does not give assistants the
towards travel expenses. Under no
                                                       right to take leave at a later date.
circumstances should an assistant be required to
buy a car just to get to their schools. If following
contact with your school you establish that there      3.4. PREDECESSORS
is no regular public transport serves your             An online map of ELAs from 2018/19 is available
school(s) and there are no lifts available to your     in the country information pack. This list also
school(s) please inform us of the situation.           contains Modern Language Assistants returning
Please do not contact us without contacting            home to Spain from their year working in the UK.
your school first.                                     You may wish to look for previous / future
                                                       assistants in the many unofficial Facebook
                                                       groups online. Search ‘Auxiliar de Conversación
                                                       (name of location)’.

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                   7
Before travelling to Spain you should ensure that    This does not apply if one of your passports is
you check the Foreign and Commonwealth               Spanish. Assistants should always carry
(FCO) travel advice pages: www.gov.uk/foreign-       photocopies of their passport as a form of
travel-advice and ensure that you have               identification but ensure that this information is
subscribed to updates so that you receive any        kept safe and out of sight.
important changes to the FCO’s advice. During a
crisis, advice for British nationals will be         4.3.   TRAVEL TO SPAIN
published on the travel advice website and
updated regularly, so by subscribing you will           “Travel around Spain is cheap - buses
ensure that you are aware of any updates. You           and trains all good price, but some
can register for emails using this link:                timetables are not frequent. Avoid
www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/spain/email-           travel on a Sunday.”

We also recommend that assistants read the           You are responsible for the cost of your own
‘Advice for Travelers’ documentation provided        travel and any travel to and from your place of
by the FCO, which can be found here:                 appointment during the year. Booking in
www.gov.uk/government/policies/supporting-           advance for all forms of transport is highly
british-nationals-overseas/supporting-               recommended. Past assistants have warned to
pages/advice-for-travellers.                         check the baggage allowance for outward and
                                                     return journeys when travelling by plane as
                                                     sometimes the cheaper airlines have quite a low
4.2.    PASSPORTS AND VISAS                          baggage allowance. The following websites may
                                                     help you when booking your travel.
Assistants must be in possession of a standard
10-year passport before leaving the UK and are        • www.skyscanner.net
advised to ensure that it will not need to be         • www.eurostar.com
renewed before October 2020. Those who are            • www.raileurope.co.uk
not in possession of a passport, or need a new        • www.directferries.co.uk
one, should complete the application procedure        • www.eurolines.co.uk
as soon as possible either through a regional         • www.britishairways.com
Passport Office or online at:                         • www.easyjet.co.uk
www.gov.uk/browse/abroad/passports.                   • www.flybe.com
                                                      • www.thomsonfly.com
                                                       © Mat Wright
Holders of a UK passport and nationals of other       • www.opodo.co.uk
EU countries do not require a visa to enter Spain.    • www.expedia.co.uk
If you have dual nationality (UK/other) you           • www.ryanair.co.uk
should ensure that your UK passport is valid and      • www.interrailnet.com
you should use this one to travel while in Spain.     • www.iberia.com/gb
This will save you considerable complications
with the local authorities (Social Security etc.).

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                    8
4.4.    TAKING A CAR ABROAD                          4.5.     TAKING PETS ABROAD
You will need to research the laws on driving in     There are a variety of rules assistants must
Spain, including adapting your head lights for       follow to ensure that they are compliant when
driving on the right. The website                    taking pets abroad / returning them to the UK.
www.gov.uk/driving-abroad provides useful            Please check the FCO and Spanish Government
information about motoring abroad.                   website for more information. You may also wish
                                                     to consider pet travel insurance to ensure that
If you plan to take a car to Spain for the period    any pets are covered for emergency treatment
of your assistantship, please ensure that you        whilst in Spain.
take out adequate insurance for the full period
and be aware that many insurance companies            •     www.gov.uk/take-pet-abroad/pet-passport
will only insure you for periods of up to 90 days.    •     www.mapama.gob.es/en/
Past assistants have advised looking into             •     www.mapama.gob.es/es/ganaderia/legislaci
insurance well in advance in order to have the              on/animales-compania-normativa-
time to shop around for a suitable policy. All UK           zoosanitaria.aspx
motor insurance policies offer the minimum legal
protection required by EU countries and              4.6. GRADUATES WITH STUDENT
Switzerland. This gives third party cover for
bodily injury or damage to property. The British     LOANS
Council is unable to recommend specific
insurance companies.                                 If you will be overseas for more than 3 months,
                                                     you will need to let student finance know.
Many insurers offer 24-hour UK telephone             Complete an Overseas Income Assessment Form
numbers in case you need help in an                  to enable the Student Loans Company to
emergency. Make sure you have these details          calculate how much you need to repay. On the
with you when you travel abroad.                     Overseas Income Assessment Form you should
                                                     provide them with details of your circumstances
The website of the Association of British Insurers   and prospective income.
www.abi.org.uk has general information on
driving abroad, including the document               Whilst in Spain the money you receive is
‘Motoring Abroad’ which has useful information       considered a monthly allowance or grant, rather
on Motor Insurance cover and Green Cards. A          than a salary. This means you are officially taking
Green Card is an internationally recognised          part in a grant funded mobility programme rather
document that provides evidence that the             than formal employment. Last year assistants
policyholder has minimum insurance cover.            who declared their Language Assistant role as
                                                     formal employment rather than a grant funded
If you require information on driver licensing you   mobility programme faced challenges with the
should contact Drivers Customer Services (DCS),      student loans company, who requested copies of
Correspondence Team DVLA, Swansea SA6 7JL            employment contracts. Your Nombramiento is a
Tel: 0300 790 6801. Information on vehicle           contract of enrolment in the programme, not an
licensing or registration can be obtained from       employment contract.
Vehicle Customer Services (VCS), DVLA,
Swansea, SA99 1AR (Tel: 0300 790 6802). There        You will be required to provide evidence of
is also information on the website at                income or means of support. They will then send
www.dvla.gov.uk. UK licenses are recognised in       you a repayment schedule showing how much
all EU countries plus Switzerland, for as long as    you need to pay each month. Your monthly
they remain valid.                                   payments will be based upon the earnings
                                                     threshold for your destination country. More
                                                     information can be found online here. Please
                                                     note that the British Council cannot advise
                                                     further on student loans matters.

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                 9
                                                        Many policies also have legal expenses cover,
                                                        which is recommended in case you need legal
The British Council will not be responsible for
                                                        assistance while overseas.
you while you are in Spain, although we will offer
support when necessary. You are therefore
                                                        The British Council is unable to advise on private
required to take out comprehensive insurance to
                                                        insurance packages. You are recommended to
cover you during your whole time abroad. We
                                                        consult an insurance broker for professional
recommend you research the various options
                                                        advice and to check whether you are covered
available and consult other/ former assistants
                                                        by your parents’ or family insurance policy.
before purchasing a suitable policy. However
                                                        Undergraduate assistants may find that a "study
any insurance you purchase should include© Mat Wright
                                                        abroad" policy purchased online is an option.
cover for emergency treatment and repatriation.
                                                        Please be aware that some insurance policies,
Please note that it is unlikely that insurance
                                                        usually ‘backpackers’ insurance, do not allow for
companies will cover you in the event of a
                                                        trips home during the year and it is important to
natural disaster or the outbreak of war.
                                                        check the small print of your policy to make sure
                                                        that you are covered.
Whilst it may seem like an inconvenient cost at
this stage, it is highly recommended to take out
                                                        Personal Accident Travel policies are readily
appropriate insurance for your time abroad. You
                                                        available on price comparison websites, or by
will not be insured under the Spanish National
                                                        using a search engine to search for ‘travel
Health system because you will not be paying
                                                        insurance’. The UK Foreign & Commonwealth
contributions from your monthly allowance.
                                                        website offers additional advice on taking out
When choosing cover, please think carefully
                                                        Travel Insurance: www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-
about what you would like to happen in the
event of sickness / accident / death. It is also
advised to discuss insurance options with
                                                        Any package should cover medical expenses, air
partners, family members or a close friend.
                                                        ambulance, repatriation, personal accident &
                                                        civil liability, luggage & valuable items, and
Insurance whilst in post                                cancellation in extreme cases. Please note that
You are strongly recommended to take out                you should organise your insurance before you
Personal Accident Travel insurance for the              leave the UK.
period between leaving home and taking up
your appointment, time during your                      Insurance for travel outside of Spain
appointment, and also the period between
ending your appointment and your return to the             “Remember that normally your health
UK. This should include the following standard             insurance only covers you within your
elements of cover:                                         host country during your allocated time
                                                           there therefore if you travel outside
•   Medical costs for treatment in case of illness         that country during or after that
    or accidental injury                                   period, you may need additional
•   Benefits for permanent disabling injuries, e.g.        insurance” (ELA Spain 2015- 16)
    rehabilitation and living costs
•   Benefits for death and costs of repatriation        Experience from Previous language assistants
•   Cover for loss or damage to your personal           has told us that holidays provide the possibility
    belongings                                          for travel around or outside of Spain. If you do
•   Cover for cancelled flights, e.g. if the airline    leave Spain at any point, it is highly advised to
    goes out of business or on strike                   take out insurance for the country / countries
•   Personal Liability cover. This provides legal       that you visit.
    support and covers financial costs if you
    cause injury or property damage to others
    and are found personally liable.
•   24hr emergency assistance helpline.

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                      10
Please see the Foreign Commonwealth Office            ambulance) before travelling to another country.
website for more information regarding                Applicants from Guernsey should contact the
healthcare in Spain: www.gov.uk/healthcare-in-        Health and Social Services Department for
spain.                                                advice. Applicants from Jersey should contact
                                                      the Employment and Social Security Department
 There is a short video highlighting the              for advice.
importance of thinking about healthcare before
moving to Spain and further information is                “A simple thing like carrying your EU
available on the FCO healthcare in Spain                 health card with you at all times. I was
website.                                                 away one weekend and sprained my
                                                         ankle and luckily had my health card
For information in insurance please see section          with me but if not it could have caused
4.7 of this document.                                    some complications.”

4.8.    EHIC CARD                                     Be aware that each country’s healthcare system
                                                      is different. Services that cost you nothing at
For the time before, during and after your official   home might not be free in Spain (for example,
period of appointment as an assistant, you will       prescriptions).
need a UK-issued European Health Insurance
Card (EHIC). The EHIC card will also be useful for    The EHIC is not an alternative to travel insurance.
any trips to other EU countries. To apply for a       It does not cover any private healthcare or costs
card please use the following link:                   such as a return flight to your home country or
www.ehic.org.uk. You can also obtain an               lost/stolen property.
application form from the post office. If you're
planning to go abroad as part of your university      4.9.   MEDICATION
degree, you can apply for a time limited student
EHIC. More information is available online here.
                                                      If you take regular medication, please ensure
                                                      that you have a supply before you leave. It is
The EHIC gives you access to medically
                                                      also important to find out where your nearest
necessary, state-provided healthcare during a
                                                      doctor, dentist and hospital are as soon as you
temporary stay in Spain. When you show
                                                      arrive. You should ask your school for
your EHIC, you will receive treatment under the
                                                      information about the facilities in your area and
same conditions and at the same cost as people
                                                      always advise staff and your landlord of any
insured in Spain. There is a short video
                                                      medical conditions.
explaining how to use the EHIC card in Spain and
further information is available on the Healthcare
                                                         “Bring medicines that are hard to get in
in Spain website.
                                                         the place you're going to (E.g. your
                                                         specific contraceptive pill, branded
Residents of the Isle of Man and the Channel
                                                         things like day nurse / your preferred
Islands are not eligible for the European Health
                                                         hay fever tablets - the brands I wanted
Insurance Card. Residents of the Isle of Man
                                                         were unavailable)” (ELA Spain 2014-
need to take out fully-comprehensive insurance
(which should include repatriation by air

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                    11
In addition to health insurance, it would be wise    The Foreign Commonwealth Office provides
to consider insuring your personal possessions.      information about mental health and travel via
You should also check your parents’ household        the following links.
insurance as this sometimes covers possessions
away from home. Furthermore, cover for                  •   www.gov.uk/government/publications/me
personal liability is often overlooked but it is            ntal-health
extremely important. If you were the cause of           •   www.gov.uk/guidance/foreign-travel-
an accident of any kind – e.g. cycling on the               advice-for-people-with-mental-health-
road – the resulting costs, practical and legal,            issues
could be prohibitively high.

You will need to take your National Insurance        The leaflets hyperlinked below contain guidance
Number. Language Assistants in Spain have            on travelling abroad and mental health, and
student status and the money you receive each        information about how the Foreign &
month is referred to as a grant or beca, rather      Commonwealth Office (FCO) is able to assist
than a salary.                                       British nationals with mental health needs
                                                     abroad. The leaflets detail the type of assistance
                                                     you may find in the country. The leaflet also
4.10. MENTAL HEALTH                                  explains some of the differences between
                                                     English law and practice and that of other
Although working abroad can be enjoyable, it         countries.
can also be challenging. Lack of familiar support
systems, disrupted daily routines, language          Mental Health: Travelling Abroad
barriers, culture shock and unexpected
situations can intensify stress levels rather than   www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/upload
alleviate them.                                      s/attachment_data/file/584029/FCO_MentalHeal
Your mental health is just as important as your
physical health. It is advisable to read this        Mental Health: Travelling Abroad Checklist
information even if you are not currently            www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/upload
suffering from mental health problems.               s/attachment_data/file/466425/Mental_Health_C

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                12

5.1.    INDUCTION MEETING                            5.2. TRAVEL ONWARDS FROM THE
   “In Spain the Ministry of Education sets
                                                     INDUCTION COURSES
   up an orientation event in Madrid at the
   beginning of the placement. I didn't              We recommend planning your onward journey
   meet anyone from my area there but                from the induction course to your placement
   made some good friends who I then                 prior to leaving the UK, as time during the
   went to visit during the year - I wouldn't        induction course is limited. Please remember
   have travelled out to Gran Canaria                that we only pass on the following information. It
   otherwise.”                                       is up to you to carefully research and compare
                                                     each company before booking travel.

Induction courses are organised by the               Buses
Ministerio de Educacion y Formacion Profesional
or the local education authorities at the            Different bus stations within Madrid cater for
comunidades autónomas. The induction you are         different parts of the country. A useful website is
invited to will depend on who your post is           www.alsa.es which offers a national coach
funded by. If you are unsure, please check to        service where tickets can be purchased online in
see which organization issued your                   advance. If you create an account and are
Nombramiento to you.                                 under 26 years old, you can also get a discount
                                                     on most ALSA bus bookings.
Please follow any information/advice that is
given from the Comunidad/Ministry about your         The bus company “Bilman Bus”
induction course. Please follow their instructions   www.bilmanbus.es operates within the regions of
on how to confirm your place. If you do not          Cantabria, Vizcaya, Álava, La Rioja, Guipúzcoa y
confirm your place before the date stated, you       Navarra, la Comunidad Valenciana and Murcia.
may not be able to attend. Please do not send
your confirmation to the British Council.            For long distance journeys please see
                                                     www.movelia.es and www.avanzabus.com.
While these courses are not obligatory you are       www.damas-sa.es has also been recommended
strongly advised to attend. You will receive         by former ELAs as a bus company in the South
essential information regarding your                 of Spain. Other assistants have recommended
assistantship and also meet previous assistants      www.tmb.cat/ca/home/ for transport in
and language assistants of other nationalities. If   Barcelona and surrounding area.
you choose not to attend the briefing you should
inform the relevant contact for your region’s        Trains
                                                     Cap de formentor. Photo by Esther Driehaus on Unsplash
induction course once you arrive in Spain so that    RENFE is the national railway company and runs
arrangements can be made for any important           several types of trains, but fares and journey
documents to be posted to you.                       times can vary.

MEFP is not usually able to arrange separate         •     Cercanías provide regular services from
courses for assistants in the Canarias, Baleares           major cities to surrounding suburbs
Ceuta or Melilla. You are welcome to attend the      •     Regionales are trains that stop at all stations
course in Madrid, but it is understandable if you    •     InterCity, Alvia, Euromed and AVE (high
are not able to attend considering the travel              speed) trains stop at most major cities
costs involved.

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                        13
•   Carnet joven: Invest in this young person’s
    rail card equivalent for cheap rail fares
Booking train travel in advance online can also
sometimes be cheaper. Assistants in the past
have recommended bus travel over train as train
travel can be slow with the exception of the
high-speed links, which usually cost more.

Bla Bla Car
Bla bla car is a website which offers car sharing
for people travelling throughout Spain. A great
way to affordably see more of the country and
practice your Spanish on the journey. Please
exercise caution when travelling with people you
don’t know.

www.britishcouncil.org                              14
   “Stay positive through any adversity at            assistants have emphasised the need to look for
   the beginning. It may be tough to                  accommodation as early as possible. The first
   initially adapt but it soon gets easier!”          weeks of your assistantship will be busy as you
                                                      will be finding your way around an unfamiliar
                                                      town, dealing with bureaucracy and trying to
6.1.    ACCOMMODATION                                 make a good impression at school. Remember
                                                      that you will need your passport to check into
The British Council is not in a position to help to   hotels/hostels. Do not take out a contract on
find nor to provide accommodation. Equally your       your accommodation until you know the location
school(s) are not obliged to provide or find you      of your schools.
accommodation, but they may be able to offer
you somewhere temporary to stay for the first            “I know of people who organised
few days or weeks, thus giving you some time to         accommodation without seeing it
look for permanent accommodation. You should            before they arrived in their placement
however not assume that your school will do this        country and sometimes it did fall
and should discuss your arrival and initial             through - in one instance the flat didn't
accommodation arrangements with them in                 even exist! Before you leave the UK I'd
advance. Please note that if your school does           recommend you to book a week in a
offer you accommodation you are not obliged to          hostel (ideally before your placement
accept it but remember, if you do accept it, you        starts) to give you time to view
will have to abide by the school’s rules.               accommodation and get used to the
   “Be ready for anything and ask local
   people for advice - even if it's when you          Useful websites
   arrive! Something will come up, and
   don't be afraid to introduce yourself to           www.segundamano.es
   people in cafes, schools, churches etc.            www.idealista.es
   and ask for help, to pin up notices.”              www.loquo.es
It is advisable to book temporary
accommodation before you arrive. Staying in a         Assistants in the past have had relatively few
local hostel or airbnb will give you the              problems finding suitable accommodation but be
opportunity to get to know the area and go to         prepared to spend about a week looking after
flat viewings before arranging permanent
accommodation. You can ask your mentor
teacher for advice on where to find
accommodation. They may know a local family
with a room to rent, or already have somewhere
in mind for you to stay. If your school cannot
help, there are some popular websites where
rooms and flats are advertised.

Consider going to your teaching location to
arrange accommodation in advance of the
induction course or of starting your job. Past

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                              15
arrival. For this reason, you may wish to pre-        We recommend that you take photos of your
book a hostel or hotel before you arrive. Some        room and the flat when you move into your long-
previous assistants recommend going out to            term accommodation and when you leave to
your region a week earlier in order to find           help you get back any deposit you may have to
accommodation, get settled and sort out getting       pay, which is usually dependent on the
your NIE (Número de Identidad de Extranjero).         accommodation being in the same condition as
                                                      when you first arrived. When you leave your
Once you get to Spain the following suggestions       accommodation, remember to cancel any
may be of interest:                                   personal contracts e.g. internet or utilities.
                                                      Ensure that you have checked health and safety
•   advertise on the school/staff notice board        issues in your accommodation (temporary and
    and ask other teachers                            long term) such as fire alarms and exits, gas
•   buy the local newspapers early in the             leaks, electrics, water etc.
    morning and telephone likely numbers
    immediately                                       For assistants assigned to Madrid, Barcelona,
•   ring the local university halls of residence or   Málaga, Seville and Mallorca, looking for
    check their flat share adverts and notices, or    accommodation with Spanish families you can
    advertise on their notice board that you are      find the following programme useful:
    looking for a room                                www.babelbridges.org/programme/. Please note
•   ask local friends'/acquaintances' landlords if    that the British Council is in no way
    they have any further accommodation to let        recommending or endorsing this offer, we are
•   accommodation agencies may be able to             simply passing on the information. You should
    help but you should be very wary of paying        research the following before agreeing to
    large fees and deposits, and always read the      anything:
    small print in any leases or agreements to be
    signed; look for small agencies as often their    •   Location;
    fees are lower                                    •   Suitability; and
•   search for a room or flat on the internet         •   Contractual arrangements.

If you are living in a large town or city, you are    When looking for accommodation please follow
likely to have to sign a contract. In case you        the advice given in our Personal Safety leaflet.
decide to change your accommodation during            When you have found somewhere to live, even if
the year, you are advised not to sign a contract      it has been arranged for you, do not live
for the duration of your contract unless there is     anywhere or sign any agreement you are not
a notice period included in the contract. If you      comfortable with and make sure that there is a
are in a smaller town, landlords may not bother       period of notice written in the contract to avoid
with contracts. However, we strongly
recommend that you ask for one.

Assistants in Barcelona are advised that finding
accommodation can be difficult. They are
recommended to look at www.bcn-housing-
students.com/ or www.loquo.com for assistance.
Please make sure you are aware of notice
periods for moving out, or any fees you may
need to pay before you sign any agreement.
Former assistants have recommended
www.kalea.es/fotokaleacasa/n for
accommodation for ELAs appointed to Alava,
Vitoria, Vizcaya, Guipuzcoa, Cantabria and

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                               16
problems should you decide to change your                     and you will be able to open a bank
accommodation during the year.                                account easier.”

                                                         N.I.Es can be obtained at the Directorate-General
6.2. NÚMERO DE IDENTIDAD DE                              of the Police, either directly or through Spain's
EXTRANJERO (NIE)                                         Consular Posts abroad. Feedback from previous
                                                         assistants has highlighted the difference in
   “The process to gain the legal                        processes across Spain. Some areas operate an
   documents varies greatly in Spain,                    on the day que system, other regions allow
   what happens in one town will be totally              online appointment booking in advance. It is
   different to another. If you are in a                 worth trying to research this before departure or
   smaller town you may have to travel                   asking your school as there can sometimes be a
   the neighbouring larger town to obtain                wait for bookable appointments.
   such document, this is not always an
   easy process, but don't worry once it's               It is highly likely that you will need the following
   done it's done.”                                      (and potentially additional) items when applying.
                                                         You may wish to prepare some of these items
N.I.E. is an abbreviation for Número de Identidad        before leaving the UK so that you have them
de Extranjero, which translates as Identification        available should they be needed.
Number for Foreigners. Foreigners having a
relation with Spain for economic, professional or         •     Passport and photocopies
social interests are required to obtain a personal,       •     Completed EX-15 formula
unique and exclusive sequential number, for                     (English instructions for completing the
identification purposes. Without an NIE number                  form are available here)
the Spanish authorities will be unable to pay             •     Recent Passport photos
your ‘ayuda mensual’ / ‘beca’.                            •     Document proving why you need a Spanish
                                                                NIE number e.g your Nombramiento.
   “The process varies from region to
   region, so just stick to what you are told                 “When registering for the NIE (in Spain)
   from the officials and not what                            be sure to have EVERYTHING with you -
   somebody else has said in another part                     passport, accommodation contract,
   of the country.”                                           nombramiento etc. Each office seems
                                                              to handle the NIE differently and at
It’s very difficult for the British Council to provide        different speeds so it's handy to have
comprehensive advice as every region / city has               all documentation with you when
different processes for obtaining a NIE, however              applying.”
we hope that the information below can assist
you to prepare somewhat before departure to              Aside from accommodation, obtaining the NIE
Spain. Useful information can be found on the            could be one of the first challenges you face
Spanish Government website here:                         when relocating to Spain. We do advice that you
www.exteriores.gob.es/Portal/en/ServiciosAlCiud          try to start the process of obtaining a NIE as
adano/InformacionParaExtranjeros/Paginas/NIE.a           quickly as possible once you arrive in Spain.
spx                                                      Some assistants will find obtaining the NIE easier
                                                         than others, however at all stages we advise you
   “In Spain, apply for your NIE                         to be proactive (don’t leave things until the last
   appointment a month before you leave                  minute), patient (things might not be processed
   … I booked mine at the end of                         as quickly as you hope) and persistent (don’t
   September when I arrived in Spain and                 give up!).
   did not get an appointment until
   November, making it harder to set up a                      “In Spain, persistence is key. The
   bank account, therefore if you book                        catch-22 of needing an NIE to set up a
   early you might be able to book an                         bank account and vice-versa was made
   appointment for the week you arrive                        clear to me, but I found when I

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                      17
explained my situation and pointed out           As a golden rule, try to say yes to every social
      the difficulty of it, I could receive my         opportunity presented to you that does not
      NIE without a bank account.”                     compromise your personal safety. Accept
                                                       invitations to places and activities even if they
                                                       do not sound interesting as you might meet
6.3.      CREATING SOCIAL NETWORKS                     other people there who do share your interests
Even if you have been to Spain before it is            however at all times, please follow the advice
possible that you will find some things strange at     given in our Personal Safety leaflet.
first and will need a little time to settle in. On
arrival, the thought of making friends and mixing      Start at school
with the locals can seem like a daunting task, but     It is important to make a good impression on
as long as you are prepared to put yourself out        your colleagues at school. Be positive,
there; it is a part of the experience which            enthusiastic and willing to learn and help out
previous assistants have found the most                where you can. You never know when you might
enriching. Give yourself some time to adjust –         need help from your colleagues. Socialise as
you don’t need to feel like a local within a week      much as you can with them as it can give you a
and in the beginning you will have a lot of            bigger support network for the duration of your
administrative matters to deal with.                   placement. It is also a great chance to improve
                                                       and practice your Spanish, they might also want
      “Get involved with youth groups,                 to practice their English with you so help them
      churches, local activities, sports, the          where you can. Tell people what your interests
      gym etc. so that you're able to meet             are and ask them to let you know what’s going
      locals as well as other ELAs doing               on in the local area. Do keep in mind that
      similar things to you. But try to target         teachers can be very busy, especially during
      locals rather than fellow English-               exam periods.
      speakers, otherwise you could easily
      get comfortable and stuck speaking
      English most of the time”

Here are some other ways to meet people within
the area:

  •   Live with native speakers
  •   Attend language exchanges
  •   Enrol for an evening class, join a sports
      club, music group, choir etc.
  • Enquire about joining the local university
      and attending lectures
  • Get involved in the local culture and join
      clubs that you can’t join in the UK; and
  • Volunteer for a charity, society, festival, etc.
Former assistants have recommended that you
don’t spend all your free time with other
assistants, as you will not be able to integrate
into your community and life in Spain. On the
other hand, don’t feel that you must cut yourself
off from them – assistants can provide a very
good support network for each other, as you
understand each other’s experiences. Don’t
forget that there may be language assistants
from other countries in your area.

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                 18
Apart from your work in the classroom you may         languages in many areas). You could join
be able to attend other classes in subjects which     Erasmus societies (at a local university), offer
interest you. You will find that you become much      English lessons to colleagues/locals, join a club
more integrated into school life and gain             and join assistant groups on social networks
considerably more from your stay if you become        such as Facebook. www.educa-system.com
involved in activities organised by the school,       offers opportunities for teaching extra English
such as sports days, theatre or music                 classes. Often language exchanges are called
productions or modern language societies. Go          tandems or intercambios, so it’s worth keeping
to school ‘open days’ or parent evenings as           an eye out for adverts.
these are also a good way of meeting people. If
you hear about something happening which              ESN
interests you, ask if you can become involved.
                                                      Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit
Don’t wait to be invited as people may assume
                                                      international student organisation. Their mission
that you’re not interested.
                                                      is to represent international students, thus
                                                      provide opportunities for cultural understanding
   “My fellow teachers at IES Canarias                and self-development under the principle
   have really gone above and beyond in               of Students Helping Students. ESN can
   making me feel welcome and showing                 sometimes assist with finding accommodation in
   me around the island. They are truly               university towns and cities. Assistants
   making the experience as easy and                  completing their third year abroad can often
   enjoyable as possible for me”                      affiliate to local ESN groups and register for an
                                                      ESN student discount card. Often ESN groups
Previous Assistants and Modern Language               run events and trips throughout the year which
Assistants                                            provide a great way to meet new people and
                                                      explore Spain on a budget.
It is also a good idea to get in touch with other
people in the area before you leave. One useful
                                                      Social media
way to do this is to get in contact with a previous
assistant in your region and ask them to give you     There are often Facebook groups for people
any e-mail addresses or numbers of contacts           who are new to the city/town, which organise
they made. A map of contacts is available online      different events to help people make new friends
here.                                                 - just search for ‘new in “city name”’ Previous
                                                      assistants have also suggested joining a local
Languages                                             Couchsurfing group as they often organise
   “Language exchanges are a perfect                  social activities.
   way of meeting local people and
   improving your language skills. There              Madrid
   are groups that meet in bars in the                Assistants in Madrid may be interested in
   evening in most big towns and cities               MadridMas (see www.disfrutamadridmas.es), a
   (check facebook and watch out for                  student organisation which offers opportunities
   flyers when you're out in your area).              to meet people, travel, go to bars and clubs,
   Arranging exchanges with the teachers              fiestas, dance classes, etc. at discounted prices.
   in your area is also a good way to
   integrate, they tend to have a wealth of
   knowledge about the area and can be a
   lot of help when first settling in”

Another excellent way to meet new people is to
set up language exchanges with local people
who want to practice their English. You could
also enroll at a local language school (There are
inexpensive government Official Language
Schools that offer Spanish lessons and other

www.britishcouncil.org                                                                                    19
You can also read