ENGLEWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT - Dr. John Grieco Elementary School

Page created by Kyle Perry
ENGLEWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT - Dr. John Grieco Elementary School
        Dr. John Grieco Elementary School
                              50 Durie Avenue, Englewood , NJ 07631

                          Student / Parent Handbook
                           “Home of the Grieco Superstars”

The content of this handbook is current as of August 2020. All information contained in this publication
is subject to change. For the most current information and policies referenced in this handbook, go to
the district website: www.epsd.org.
ENGLEWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT - Dr. John Grieco Elementary School
Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year!
                            Message from your Principal

Dear Grieco Families,

As we begin another school year, I would like to welcome our new and returning families to Grieco
Elementary School. Our school is a wonderful learning community due to the dedication of Grieco
School staff, the enthusiasm of its students and our P.T.O. involvement. I am confident that this
will continue as we work together to provide your child with the best learning environment and
experience possible.
In spite of the challenges we’ve faced thus far with the Covid-19 virus, we want your child to be
happy and successful at Grieco School and believe that you play a key role. That role is to
continually show interest in and support for your child. This new school year, things will be a bit
different. Students will be engaged in distance virtual learning for the first marking
period. There is also a possibility that at some point this year all students may be asked to
participate in a hybrid learning experience. This will be based on the State Department of
Education and/or Health Department guidance. Each school created a Reopening Plan
document to ensure we prepare our families and students for each scenarios.
We’ve had to make major adjustments in the way we teach and interact with each other. While I
know it’s difficult, we will continue to support you and our students the best we can, given the
parameters we are working within. Please know, we are here to teach, and support our students.

Thank you for your cooperation and involvement in your child’s education. Together, we will all
have a great school year.


Daniela Small-Bailey                                         Gina Edone

Daniela Small-Bailey                                         Supervisor

Board of Education Members 2020-2021
                 Ms. Molly Craig-Berry, President
                Mr. Steven Berrios, Vice President
                               Ms. Dalia Lerner
                           Ms. Suzanne Mullings
                           Ms. Michelle Marom
                      Ms. Angela Midgette-Davis
                         Mr. Donovan Rodriguez
                            Mr. Samuel E. Trusty
                              Mr. Brent Watson

                  Message from the Board of Education

On behalf of the Englewood Board of Education, we are proud to welcome you to the
Englewood Public School District for the 2020-2021 School Year. We are committed to
delivering the best educational experience possible to every student in our community.
The Board serves as the policy-making body for the district. It reviews and adopts policies
on almost every aspect of the school district. This manual was prepared to serve as a
resource for students and parents alike. Please use this handbook to get an understanding of
regulations and procedures that affect all of us. If you still need clarity, please feel free to
contact any member of our administration.

Englewood Public School District Directory 2020-2021
    School                   Mailing Address         Phone            Grade
    Name                     City Zip                Fax              Span
                                       DISTRICT OFFICE
    Englewood                274 Knickerbocker Rd.   P 201-862-6000   PK - 12
    Superintendent           Englewood 07631         F 201-862-6226
    of Schools
                                   ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS
    Donald A. Quarles        155 Davison Place    P 201-862-6115      PK-K
    Early Childhood Center   Englewood 07631      F 201-871-4751
    Dr. John Grieco          50 Durie Avenue      P 201-862-6167      1-2
    Elementary School        Englewood 07631      F 201-871-5884
    Dr. Leroy McCloud        325 Tenafly Road     P 201-862-6203      3-5
    Elementary School        Englewood 07631      F 201-871-8573
                                  MIDDLE/JUNIOR SCHOOLS
    Janis E. Dismus          325 Tryon Avenue       P 201-862-6005    6-8
    Middle School            Englewood 07631        F 201-833-9103
                                       HIGH SCHOOLS
    Dwight Morrow High       274 Knickerbocker Rd.  P 201-862-6039    9-12
    School/ Academies @      Englewood 07631        F 201-833-9620

          SCHOOL                    GRADES        ARRIVAL TIME   DEPARTURE      Early Dismissal    Delayed
                                                                    TIME                           Opening
Donald A. Quarles Early        Pre-K –              7:55 a.m.     2:15 p.m.     12: 30 p.m.       10:00 a.m.
Childhood Center               Kindergarten
Dr. John Grieco Elementary     Grades: 1-2          8:25 a.m.     3:00 p.m.      1:35 p.m.        10:25 a.m.
Dr. Leroy McCloud              Grades: 3-5          8:25 a.m.     3:00 p.m.      1:25 p.m.        10:30 a.m.
Elementary School
Janis E. Dismus                Grades: 6-8          7:45 a.m.     2:30p.m.      12:35 p.m.        10:00 a.m.
Middle School
Dwight Morrow High School/     Grades: 9-12         7:50 a.m.     3:00 p.m.     12:54 p.m.        10:00 a.m.
Academies @ Englewood

JULY                                                                                 JANUARY
                M       T    W       T    F                                                                  T   W    T    F
                             1       2    3     3    EPSD 2020-2021                                                        1
                6       7     8      9    10    10
                                                    SCHOOL   CALENDAR
Staff-186                                      JULY    Independence Day/District                     4       5   6    7    8
                13     14    15     16    17   317         Closed                                                               Students-19
                                               AUGUST      ------                                   11     12    13   14   15
                                                                                                                                Staff -19
                20     21    22     23    24   24                                                   18     19    20   21   22
                27     28    29     30    31   31
                                               1-2         New Teacher Orientation                  25     26    27   28   29
              AUGUST                           3           First Day for All Teachers-
                                                           Teachers Orientation                    FEBRUARY
                M       T    W       T    F                 All Staff /No Students                  M        T   W    T    F
                3       4    5       6    7    4&8         Professional Development                 1        2   3    4    5
                                                           All Staff /No Students
                10     11    12     13    14   77          Labor Day/District Closed                 8       9   10   11   12
                                               9           Virtual Opening Day for                                              Students-18
                17     18    19     20    21   21          Students                                 15     16    17   18   19
                                               28          Yom Kippur/District Closed                                           Staff -18
                24     25    26     27    28   28                                                   22     23    24   25   26
                31                             12          Professional Development
                                                           All Staff /No Students
                                               NOVEMBER                                            MARCH
                M       T    W       T    F    3        Election Day- Professional                  M        T   W    T    F
Students-15             1    2       3    4             Development
                                                        All Staff /No Students                      1        2   3    4    5
Staff -18                                      5-6      NJEA Convention-
                7       8     9     10    11                                                         8       9   10   11   12
                                                        Schools/Offices Closed
                                               25       District Early Dismissal                                                 Students-22
                14     15    16     17    18                                                        15     16    17   18   19
                                               26-27    Thanksgiving/District Closed
                                                                                                                                 Staff -23
                21     22    23     24    25   DECEMBER                                             22     23    24   25   26
                                               23       District Early Dismissal
                28     29    30                24-31    Winter Recess                               29     30    31
              OCTOBER                          JANUARY                                             APRIL
                                               1        Ne Year s Da Dis ric Closed
                M       T    W       T    F    4        Schools Reopen
                                                                                                    M        T   W    T    F
                                     1    2    18       MLK Birthday/District Closed                                  1    2
Students-21     5       6     7      8    9                                                          5       6   7    8    9
                                               15-16       Presiden s Day/District Closed
Staff -22       12     13    14     15    16               Winter Break /Schools Closed
                                                                                                    12     13    14   15   16    Students-16

                19     20    21     22    23   MARCH                                                19     20    21   22   23    Staff -16
                                               8           Professional Development
                26     27    28     29    30               All Staff /No Students                   26     27    28   29   30
              NOVEMBER                                                                             MAY
                M       T    W       T    F    APRIL                                                M        T   W    T    F
                2       3    4       5    6    2           Good Friday/ District Closed             3        4   5    6    7
                                               5-9         Spring Break/Schools Closed
                9      10    11     12    13               District /Offices Open                   10     11    12   13   14
                                               MAY                                                                              Students-20
Staff -17       16     17    18     19    20   31          Memorial Day/District Closed             17     18    19   20   21
                                               JUNE                                                                             Staff -20
                23     24    25     26    27   18-22       Early Dismissal Students
                                                                                                    24     25    26   27   28
                30                             22          Graduation Day-                          31
                                                           DMHS Office Closes @1pm
              DECEMBER                         22          Last Day (Students)-                    JUNE
                M       T    W       T    F                Rain Date for Graduation                 M        T   W    T    F
                                               22          Last Day (Staff)
                        1    2       3    4                Summer hours begin June 26,
                                                                                                             1   2    3    4
                                                           2020 and end August 24, 2020.
Students-17     7       8     9     10    11   Day:        Offices open Monday - Friday              7       8   9    10   11
                                               April 9     8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. with 1 hour                                      Students-16
Staff -17       14     15    16     17    18   April 8     for lunch.                               14     15    16   17   18
                                               April 7           District Closed                                                Staff-16
                21     22    23     24    25   Or add on         Schools Closed/Offices Open        21     22    23   24   25
                                               end of            Early Dismissal Students/ Staff
                28     29    30     31                           Staff Only in Attendance           28     29    30
              Approved by BOE 1/16/2020                          Early Dismissal Students
              Revised 8/11/2020

**Please note adjustments in these policies/procedures due to COVID-19 and Virtual Schooling**

                               Emergency Announcements
In case of snow, ice, or other unusual conditions such as power outages and excessive heat, school
officials may decide to close school, delay school opening, or send students home early. News about these
decisions is communicated as soon as the decision is made in these following ways:

    •   Posted on the EPSD website.
    •   District message in English and in Spanish.
    •   E-mail sent by SchoolMessenger, a notification service used by the nation's leading school
        systems to connect with parents, students and staff through voice, SMS text, email, and social
        media for those who elect to receive emergency announcements.
    •   Called in to television stations: Channel 12, Channel 4, Channel 9, Channel 5 and Channel 7
    •   Posted on FIOS 1 News, NY 1.

Here is what happens in each situation when the school schedule changes:
Schools Closed- All school buildings are closed. The decision is usually announced by 5 a.m. - 6 a.m. on
all information outlets. Extended Day and Aftercare are also closed. All school activities are canceled
unless otherwise announced.
Delayed Opening- Schools will open two hours later than usual. The decision is usually announced by 5
a.m.-6 a.m. The morning bus route schedule is also delayed by two hours. Field trips are canceled.
Breakfast is served on a two-hour delay. The Extended Day program will begin at its normal time. In the
event that delayed opening occurs on a half day, the early release is canceled and students remain until the
regular daily dismissal time.
Early Dismissal- Schools will dismiss two hours early, if conditions require. This decision is normally
announced by 11:30 a.m. Extended Day will be closed. Extracurricular activities, team practices, field
trips, and recreation programs in schools and on school grounds will be canceled. Please check with the
Aftercare program for hours.


    •  All doors are locked during the school day.
    •  Everyone shall enter the building via the front door and visitors MUST sign in and receive
       clearance from security before proceeding.
   • Students are not permitted inside the building until 7:30 a.m.
   • Supervision is provided in the Cafeteria ONLY.
   • Parents may enter Grieco Elementary School during school hours (8:25 a.m.-3:00 p.m.) by
       Appointment ONLY. No parent will be allowed in the building to wait for teacher pickups.
   • Dismissal is 3:00 p.m. Doors will open @ 3:00 p.m.…. for pickup.
The above procedures are designed for the safety and well-being of our students.


(The playground is off-limits before and after school)
Arrival: Morning Drop Off: (7:30 a.m. – 8:25 a.m.).
Parents will not be permitted to leave their cars unattended in front of the Grieco Main Entrance. Parents /
Guardians MUST drop off the students in the entranceway, and the Grieco staff will make sure that the
students are directed to the appropriate location. Morning line up will be assigned by grades as follows
first grade to the media center and second grade to the gymnasium. Breakfast program will be served in the
cafeteria. There will be supervision in the media center, cafeteria, and gymnasium to assist all students.
Dismissal: Student Pick Up (3:00 p.m.)
Grieco school doors are locked during the school day. Doors will be open for dismissal at 3:00 p.m. Grieco staff
will not allow anyone to enter the building 30 minutes prior to dismissal time. Parents who are picking up
students should proceed to the following areas: First grade students will be picked up in the media center and
second grade in the foyer area. If you will be picking up a student who is scheduled to take the bus, please call the
office at 201-862-6167 by 12:00 pm. Parents will not be allowed into the gymnasium at dismissal.
Parent/Guardian Student Sign Out
During the academic year, if you need to sign your child out of school during the school day, PLEASE send
in a note that morning so the teacher can have the assignments ready at the pick-up time. Parent / Guardian
must sign the student OUT at the Security Desk, and then proceed to the Main Office to retrieve the student.
Early Dismissal
Half Day School hours are 8:25 a.m. – 1:35 p.m. Students are expected to go directly home unless they are
in a supervised after-school activity. The above procedures have been set in place to insure the safety
and well-being of our students.

Parents must call the Grieco School Main Office by 8:00 a.m. the morning of an absence 201-862-6167.
We believe that regular attendance and promptness in the school is essential for learning. Please send in a
note on the day of your child’s return to school. Parents who do not inform the school of their child’s
absence will receive a call from the school.
If your child is absent for ten (10) consecutive days (unexcused absence), you will need to re-register at
the District Office. In this case, it is possible that a home liaison or truant officer will make a home visit.
CP&P (Child Protection and Permanency) will be informed and the Englewood Police.
Arriving to school late interferes with instruction and causes class interruptions. Parents/guardians are
responsible for making sure that their child is in school on time every day. Please note that for every 3
days late your child will accumulate 1 absence.
All students shall be under the jurisdiction of the school during normal school hours, from the time the
student arrives at school each day until he/she leaves the school campus in the afternoon. In case a student
rides a bus, he/she shall be under the jurisdiction of the school from the time he/she boards the bus until
the student exits the bus in the afternoon. Students shall be under the jurisdiction of the school while
attending any school-sponsored activity, either at school or away from school. In disciplinary matters, the
Board's authority may extend beyond the limits set forth above, in accordance with state law.

Attendance Requirements for Promotion
School attendance shall be a factor in the determination of a student’s promotion or retention. Only
extenuating circumstances will permit the promotion of a student who has been in attendance fewer than
one hundred sixty-two (162) days out of one hundred eighty (180) days for a student enrolled at the
elementary, middle, and high school levels, including the granting of high school course credit. A request
to consider extenuating circumstances must be articulated by parents/guardians to the School Principal,
who will approve or deny the request.

School Breakfast: Breakfast is available at 7:30 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. each morning. All students must clean
up after themselves and report to the morning line-up location by 8:20 a.m. A menu is provided monthly
and it should be consulted daily if a family cares to purchase a specific meal. Students who decide that they
do not like the meal may NOT call home and request that a meal is delivered to them.
School Lunch: The School Lunch Program generally provides a hot meal with a choice of sandwiches. A
menu is provided monthly and it should be consulted daily if a family cares to purchase a specific meal.
Students who decide that they do not like the lunch may NOT call home and request that a lunch is
delivered to them.
During lunchtime, students may not leave or enter the school building. They are to remain in the
lunchroom at their designated tables. All students must clean up after themselves and they must follow
the directions of the supervising staff. Students should use a low voice when eating. Rules will be
explained to all students.

Each school operates a cafeteria program that provides breakfast each morning before school and a lunch
meal. All students are required to complete a lunch form application on a yearly basis. Please return the
application to your child’s school on the first day of school. You can also access a copy of the application,
price list and school menu on our district website under Cafeteria. Information on prices and menus for
both breakfast and lunch may be obtained from your child’s school. If you have any questions, please direct
your calls to Ms. Heather Waldron, 201-862-6214, or the Director of Food Services at 201-862-6020.

    •   Pomptonian Food Service
        Pomptonian is committed to creating a healthy food environment. They believe that giving students
        a variety of healthy options will encourage them to make nutritious choices. Pomptonian is pleased
        to have won NJASBO’s prestigious Above and Beyond award for this successful program. The
        Farm Stand is proven to increase fruit and vegetable consumption by allowing students to choose
        from their favorite fruits and vegetables. A selection of fresh vegetables with low-fat dip is
        available daily, as well as at least three fresh fruit choices. This innovative, healthy food option is
        offered on every serving line each day.
    •   Wellness Policy/Nutrient Standards for Meals and other Foods-Policy 8505

The Board of Education recognizes child and adolescent obesity has become a major health concern
    in the United States. The Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) funds child nutrition
    programs and establishes required nutrition standards for school lunch and breakfast programs. In
    accordance with the requirements of the HHFKA each school in the district shall implement this
    Wellness Policy that includes goals for nutrition promotion, nutrition education, physical activity,
    and other school-based activities that promote student wellness.
    HEALTHY EATING: Students should eat breakfast prior to coming to school or during the
    Breakfast Program at school. Snack Suggestions: non-sugary cookies, fresh fruits, vegetables
    and/or a small juice
•   School Nutrition Programs --Policy 8540
    The Board of Education recognizes the importance of a child receiving a nutritious, well-balanced
    meal to promote sound eating habits, to foster good health and academic achievement, and to
    reinforce the nutrition education taught in the classroom. Therefore, the Board of Education may
    participate in the school nutrition programs of the New Jersey Department of Agriculture in
    accordance with the eligibility criteria of the program. These programs may include the National
    School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program and the Special Milk Program.
    Students may be eligible for free or reduced pricing in accordance with the requirements of the
    program operating in the school district. Prices charged to paying children shall be established by
    the Board of Education, but must be within the maximum prices established by the Division of
    Food and Nutrition, School Nutrition Programs, New Jersey Department of Agriculture.

•   Outstanding Food Service Charges - Policy 8550
    The Board of Education understands a student may forget to bring breakfast or lunch, as applicable,
    or money to purchase breakfast or lunch to school on a school day. When this happens, the food
    service program will: provide a student a breakfast or lunch with an expectation payment will be
    made the next school day or shortly thereafter. However, there may be circumstances when
    payment is not made and a student’s school breakfast or lunch bill is in arrears. The school district
    will manage a student’s breakfast or lunch bill that is in arrears in accordance with the provisions
    of N.J.S.A. 18A:33-21 and this Policy.

    In the event a student’s school lunch or breakfast bill is in arrears in excess of $40.00 which would
    total 2 weeks of meals, the student will continue to receive lunch or breakfast and their account will
    be charged accordingly. The Principal or designee shall contact the student’s parent to provide
    notice of the amount in arrears and shall provide the parent a period of ten school days to pay the
    full amount due. If the student’s parent does not make full payment to the Principal or designee by
    the end of the ten school days, the Principal or designee shall again contact the student’s parent to
    provide a second notice that their child’s breakfast or lunch bill is in arrears. If payment in full is
    not made within one week from the date of the second notice, the student will be provided an
    alternate breakfast or lunch, as applicable, that will contain the essentials in balanced nutritional
    selections as prescribed by the Bureau of Child Nutrition Programs, New Jersey Department of
    Agriculture and the Food and Nutrition Services of the United State Department of Agriculture
    beginning the eighth calendar day from the date of the second notice. This alternate meal will be

provided until the bill is in arrears in excess of $40.00 which would total 2 weeks of meals, at which
    time the student will not be served school breakfast or lunch, as applicable.

    A parent who has received a second notice their child’s lunch or breakfast bill is in arrears and who
    has not made payment in full within one week from the date of the second notice will be requested
    to meet with the Principal or designee to discuss and resolve the matter.

    A parent’s refusal to meet or take other steps to resolve the matter may be indicative of more serious
    issues in the family or household. In these situations, the Principal or Business Administrator shall
    consult with and seek necessary services from both the County Board of Social Services and the
    Department of Children and Families, Division of Child Protection and Permanency, as
    appropriate. Also, the Business Administrator will utilize an approved collections bureau for
    uncollected balances.

    When a parent’s routine failure to provide breakfast or lunch is reasonably suspected to be
    indicative of child abuse or neglect, the Principal or designee shall immediately report such
    suspicion to the Department of Children and Families, Division of Child Protection and
    Permanency as required in N.J.S.A. 9:6-8.10. Such reporting shall not be delayed to accommodate
    a parent’s meeting with the Principal or designee.

    If the student’s breakfast or lunch bill is in arrears, but the student has the money to purchase
    breakfast or lunch, the student will be provided breakfast or lunch and the food service program
    will not use the student’s money to repay previously unpaid charges if the student intended to use
    the money to purchase that day’s meal.
    The food service program will prevent the overt identification of children through the method of
    payment used to purchase a meal and whose breakfast or lunch bill is in arrears.

    In accordance with the provisions of the United States Department of Agriculture, this Policy shall
    be provided in writing to all households at the start of each school year and to households
    transferring to the school or school district during the school year. The school district may post
    this Policy on the school or school district’s website provided there is a method in place to ensure
    this Policy reaches all households, particularly those households without access to a computer or
    the Internet.
•   PayForIt.net
    PayForIt was developed by QSP, LLC and is your portal to convenient, secure meal account
    management of your child's lunch account. We make it easy to apply funds to your child's account
    and check your account balance. No more worrying about having cash for lunch, no more lost or
    stolen lunch money. Convenient, easy and secure...prepaying with PayForIt makes your life easier.
    By letting parents fund their children's account from the comfort of their home or office, night or
•   Prices

Prices:           Regular:         Reduced:
               Breakfast        1.10             .30
               Lunch            2.60             .40

Bus Discipline reports should be reported to the Bus Aide and the Building Principal. Educators should
reason with the students who exhibit inappropriate behaviors. Those involving minor infractions or
negative behaviors can be eliminated through the use of a positive and constructive discussion with the
In case of disciplinary infractions that cannot be remediated with the lower level counseling of the student
(reflective questioning of the student concerning his / her behavior and how he / she can modify it) by a
staff member, the building Principal shall employ the following disciplinary steps:
Level 1= Deprivation of Outdoor Play.
Level 2= Telephone conference with Parent and In–School suspension.
Level 3= Bus Privileges will be suspended for a period of time due to repeated problems.
     Parent/Guardian or Designated person must be at the BUS ZONE at arrival & dismissal times.

Behavior standards for school bus students......
1. Comply with the Behavior Standards for School Bus Students.
2. Board and exit the bus in an orderly, safe manner (in a straight line).
3. Remain seated while on the bus.
4. Talk with other students in a normal voice.
5. Keep all parts of the body inside the bus windows.
6. Keep aisles, steps, and empty seats free from obstruction.
7. Treat the driver, bus assistant and students with respect.
8. Be at their assigned bus stop at pick up and drop off.
9. Treat the bus and other private property with care.

10. Wear seat belt at all times.

1. Fight, push, shove, or trip other passengers.          10. Harass or interfere with other students.
2. Push while boarding or exiting the bus.                11. Disrespect, distract or interfere with bus
3. Get on or off the bus while the bus is in motion.
                                                          12. Sit in the bus driver seat.
4. Make excessive noise.
                                                          13. Open or try to open the bus door.
5. Put objects out of bus windows or hands out
of the windows.                                           14. Throw or shoot objects inside or out of the
6. Open the windows unless told by the driver or
bus assistant.                                            15. Tamper with bus controls or emergency
7. Engage in horseplay or stand up while bus is
driving.                                                  16. Accept candy from anyone.
8. Eat, drink, or litter on bus.                          17. Play cards or exchange cards on bus.
9. Use profane or abusive language or make                18. Spit
obscene gestures.

Students may not bring the following items to school:

    • Toys
    • Hand held electronic games
    • iPods
    • MP3
    • Cell phones
    • Any other electronic devices
Any violations of this policy will result in the student’s property being confiscated and returned to a
parent / guardian via administration. In addition, the school will not assume any responsibility if these
items are broken, lost or stolen.
Teachers will be publishing classroom newsletters that will be accessible on the school web site:

Grieco School's discipline policy seeks to ensure that all students are treated equitably. These standards of
conduct apply to students during school hours, before and after school while on school property, traveling
to and from school and at all school-sponsored events. Furthermore, these standards of conduct apply to

off-school grounds when such conduct can be demonstrated to negatively impact the educational process
or endanger the health, safety, welfare or morals of our school community.
It is of utmost importance that there is cooperation between the school and the home. Parents MUST be
kept informed of their child's conduct in school.
• Be on time                                         •Stay to the right in the hallway
•Respect yourself, each other, and the school        •Remove hats/caps when entering the building
•Keep hands to yourself                              •Do not chew gum
•Be quiet in the hallway                             •RESPECT! RESPECT! RESPECT!
•Walk in the hallway                                 •Ask your teacher for help

We believe true discipline is self-corrective, therefore having the students reflect on their actions and
learn from their experiences. Students are required to examine their behavior, enabling them to use good
judgment when confronted with similar situations. Students are questioned about incidents and are
allowed to explain their actions. Parents are contacted as soon as possible regarding incidents.
Students may be required to stay after school, denied recess and suspended if necessary. Discipline only
works if the school, parents and child take responsibility.

DRESS CODE – Policy 5511

The Optional School Uniform Dress Provision of this Policy shall be implemented in accordance with
N.J.S.A. 18A:11-7 and 18A:11-8.]

The Board’s School Uniform Dress Provision of this Policy is not mandatory and parent(s) may
choose for their student not to comply with the school uniform requirement. Pursuant to N.J.S.A.
18A:11-8b., the student will not be penalized academically or otherwise discriminated against nor denied
admittance to school if the student’s parent(s)/legal chooses not to comply with the school uniform

It is within this motto that Grieco School must remind students and families of the District Dress Code
throughout the school year:
Boys and Girls: Burgundy or White Shirts (polo/knit or button down)
Boys: Navy Blue or Khaki Pants (NO DENIM)
Girls: Navy Blue or Khaki Skirt or Pants (NO DENIM)
Footwear: Solid Black Shoes/Sneakers (Rubber bottoms)
Note: Cool weather option ~ burgundy knit vests or sweaters
Physical Education/Gym Uniforms

Grey top (t-shirt or sweatshirt)
Navy bottom (shorts or sweats)

Please adhere to the Dress Code Policy and contact the office with any questions or concerns.

Every precaution is taken to insure the safety of your child during the school hour.
Grieco Elementary School will have one fire drill and one lock-down drill per month.
Grieco will have two evacuation drills to McCloud School during the school year.
The above practices will allow the students to learn the proper safety procedures and adhere
to all safety guidelines.

The Board of Education prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying of a student. A safe and
civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic
standards. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, is conduct that
disrupts both a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its students in a safe and disciplined
environment. Since students learn by example, school administrators, faculty, staff and volunteers should
be commended for demonstrating appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and
refusing to tolerate harassment, intimidation, or bullying.

Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Definition
“Harassment, intimidation, or bullying” means any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or any
       electronic communication, as defined in N.J.S.A. 18A:37-14, whether it be a single incident or a
       series of incidents that:

        1.      Is reasonably perceived as being motivated by either any actual or perceived characteristic,
                 such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender
                 identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability, or by any other
                 distinguishing characteristic;

        2.      Takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, on a school bus, or off
                school grounds, as provided for in N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15.3;

        3.      Substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of
                other students; and that

                 a.      A reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, that the act(s) will have
                         the effect of physically or emotionally harming a student or damaging the student’s
                         property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm to
                         his/her person or damage to his/her property; or

                 b.      Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students; or

                 c.      Creates a hostile educational environment for the student by interfering with a
                         student’s education or by severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional
                         harm to the student.

Schools are required to address harassment, intimidation, and bullying occurring off school grounds, when
there is a nexus between the harassment, intimidation, and bullying and the school (e.g., the harassment,
intimidation, or bullying substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the
rights of other students).

“Electronic communication” means a communication transmitted by means of an electronic device,
including, but not limited to: a telephone, cellular phone, computer, or pager.

Dr. John Grieco Elementary School’s administration and staff take allegations of harassment, bullying
and intimidation very seriously by any student who feels as though he or she were a victim as described in
the abovementioned H.I.B. definition should report the incident to a staff member immediately. This
incident will be shared with the principal, who will initiate an investigation by the school’s Anti-Bullying
Specialist. The guardians of all students involved will be notified of the incident. In some cases, where
extended investigations are needed, guardians will receive updated information within 10 school days.
Parents reserve the right to request information about the incident. All findings will be forwarded to the
Superintendent of Schools, who will share the incident with the Board of Education at the following
Board of Education meeting. The Superintendent of Schools reserves the right to amend and/or impose
further consequences.

These processes, along with schoolwide behavioral expectations, are in place to better ensure a safe and
productive school community.
The goal of the Health Office is to work with the parent/guardians in order to provide the best health care
and information. The School Nurse works within the state guidelines, laws and district policies. The
policies and procedures of the health office are listed below. Please contact the nurse, Mrs. Nancy Norell,
with any questions.

    •   Immunizations: All students must have proof of the following mandatory immunizations or
        proof of a medical / religious exemption:

            1. DTap/DTP: 4-5 doses                                  4. Varicella: 1 dose
            2. Polio: 3-4 doses                                     5. Hepatitis B: 3 doses
            3. MMR: 2 doses
    •   Physical Exams: Physical exams are highly recommended for all students. All new students
        entering Grieco Elementary School for the first time must have a physical exam completed.

    •   Emergency Cards: An emergency card will be distributed either by mail, before school starts, at
        the beginning of the year, or when a new student enrolls at Grieco. This card is extremely
        important; it is the only way of contacting parents/guardians if the student is ill or injured. Please
        complete the emergency card with at least two emergency numbers. As telephone numbers and /
        or addresses change during the year, please update the card.

    •   Administration of Medication: For the purpose of this policy, “medication” means: any
        prescription drug or prescribed Over-the-Counter medication (aspirin, Tylenol, Advil) or
        nutritional supplement. This also includes cough drops. Medication will be dispensed in school
        only when a pupil’s health and continuing attendance in school so requires this as prescribed by
        a physician. Only a licensed nurse is allowed to administer medication. The following is required:

1. Written orders from a physician must be provided detailing:

            The diagnosis or illness,

            The name of the medication,

            The dosage and time of administrating of the medication

        2. The parent/guardian must provide a written request for the administration of the
           prescribed medication at school.

        3. The medication should be brought to school in the original container, appropriately
           labeled by the pharmacy.

        4. The medication should be kept and administered in the Health Office.

        5. All medication orders are valid for the current school year. They must be renewed

•   Allergies: The teacher and the nurse must be notified when your child is having a birthday
    celebration in the classroom. This is to prevent food allergies. If your child has a food allergy
    and needs an Epi-pen, please follow the “Administration of Medication” procedures.

•   General Illness or Medical Dismissal: If a student visits the Health Office early in the day with
    minor complaints, he/she is encouraged to stay in school. Resting in the Health Office is time
    limited. Students who are ill and need to go home MUST be signed out by a parent or guardian
    or an adult that the parent / guardian designates in writing.

•   Students will be excluded from school for the following:

        1. A temperature of 100 degrees or greater. The student should not return to school until
           he / she is fever free for 24 hours.

        2. Vomiting

        3. Loose stool

        4. Suspicious rashes

        5. Possible conjunctivitis (pink eye)

        6. Severe cold symptoms (continues coughing, sore throat, nasal drainage)

        7. Lethargy or on medication that would cause drowsiness

Students who have been diagnosed with strep throat should not return to school until he/she is on
medication and/or free of fever for 24 hours.

If your child does not feel well and/or had a fever either the night before or in the morning, Please

DO NOT Send your child to school. Likewise, if your child has vomiting or loose stool, please

DO NOT send your child to school.

    •   Injuries: All injuries that happen in school or at school activities must be reported to the nurse.
        If a student visits the nurse during school hours with a minor injury, first aid will be given.
        Parents / guardians will be called immediately and instructed to come to school and take their
        child from medical treatment. An ambulance will only be called in a life-threatening emergency
        or if the student should not be moved.

    •   Crutches: All students must have a doctor’s note prescribing crutches and excusing the student
        from physical education. All students with crutches must be seen by the nurse upon their arrival
        to school.

    •   Screenings: All health screenings will be performed according to NJ State School Health
        guidelines. Screenings may include height, weight, blood pressure, vision and hearing. Parents
        will receive a notification or referral only if a defect is found.

    •   Extra Clothing: All students should have a set of extra clothing to be kept in their classroom. If
        the child uses the extra clothing, please replace the spare set the following day.


    1. When your child is absent from school and needs his/her homework assignment, please
       telephone the school office (201-862-6167) in the morning. The classroom teacher will be
       notified and will make a folder which includes all homework. Homework assignments can be
       picked up in the office at the end of the school day or sent home with another child, if
       requested. All homework must be made up when your child is absent.

    2. Parents must review their child’s planner and are encouraged to sign that they reviewed the
       daily homework.

    3. Homework is expected to be returned completed the next day.

    4. A “Missing Homework” will be sent home when homework is not submitted.

    5. Each teacher will have a rewards / consequences system in place regarding homework.

    6. Students who do not complete homework will:

            •   Receive a telephone call home to parent / guardian

            •   Receive a letter home to parent / guardian

•   Have parent / guardian meet with teacher

            •   Have parent / guardian meet with principal

Teachers will post all homework assignments on line @ Education Leadership Solutions. Please visit the
website below and look for your child’s teacher to view his/her homework assignment
https://www.k12els.com/parent/parentpage.php?eid=944&hkey=944963A671 Working together will
assist our students in obtaining the success they need for the future.

Please contact the school (201-862-6167) as soon as possible if your child is missing anything. It is much
easier to return a lost item if it is labeled with the owner's name. Remember to label everything. Labeling
reduces confusion. There is a Lost and Found Box located inside the cafeteria. Unclaimed items will be
donated to charity each month.

Grieco Families as Reading Partners is a Literacy Initiative that will reinforce children and family
members’ literacy interaction. Families will be invited into Grieco School monthly to read aloud with
their students and their classmates in an intimate setting. The literacy pairing will enhance both literacy
and family bonds that will reinforce the commitment of continuing literacy at home. Please sign up with
your child’s teacher to attend this interactive initiative.

PBSIS is a collaboration between the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education
Programs and the Boggs Center @ UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Jersey’s
University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service.
The Goal of PBSIS: To support the inclusion of students with disabilities within the general education
program by developing the capacity of schools to create environments that encourage and support pro-
social student behavior at the schoolwide, classroom, and individual student levels using current research-
validated practices in positive behavior support.
Grieco School will achieve:

    •   An integrated system to promote and encourage positive behavior school-wide;
    •   A system to catch and intervene with conduct behaviors early;
    •   A system for designing and implementing targeted interventions to provide behavior support for
        all students.

Grieco School PBSIS Interventions:

    •   Support students with disabilities in general education programs and settings;

•   Promote school connectedness and positive climate;
    •   Foster family involvement;
    •   Use data to make decisions and evaluate progress;
    •   Reduce the number of referrals to special education services, discipline referrals and suspensions,
        both first offenses and repeat offenses.

The PTO at Grieco School is happy to welcome you back to the 2017~2018 school year. Every parent at
Grieco School is a member of the PTO and we encourage you to invest your time and attention to our
students. The money that we raise during the school year will be used to fund educational and social
events to broaden your child’s EPSD experience. The goal of the Grieco PTO is to have students, staff,
and parents working together to create the best learning environment for our children. We look forward
to your participation at our school events.

Report Cards will be sent home four times a year. The grading scale for the district will be the following:

                            GRADING SCALE (GRADES 1-12)
        *Letter Grade          *Numerical Grade          **AP        **Honors        **College Prep

                 A                  95– 100               5.0            4.5                4.0

                 A-                  90 – 94              4.8            4.3                3.8

                 B+                  87 – 89              4.5            4.0                3.5

                 B                   83 – 86              4.0            3.5                3.0

                 B-                  80 – 82              3.8            3.3                2.8

                 C+                  77 – 79              3.5            3.0                2.5

                 C                   73 – 76              3.0            2.5                2.0

                 C-                  70 – 72              2.3            2.3                1.8

                 D                   65 – 69              2.0            2.0                1.0

                 F                   < - 65                0              0                  0

                                     *Grades 1-12          **Grades 9-12

Honor Roll will be for all students in Grade 3 who meet the established criteria. Honor roll students cannot
have a grade lower than an “80” in any academic area and related arts subjects. Any student that receives

all “A’s” in a single marking period will be on the High Honor Roll List and those that receive “A’s” and
    “B’s” will be considered Honor Roll.

    Textbooks are furnished to your child by Englewood Board of Education on a loan basis and should be
    treated as borrowed property. Students must pay for the loss or abuse of textbooks.

    VISITORS (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)
    All visitors (including parents) to the school MUST:
         1. Enter Grieco School via Front Door. They must ring the bell to receive clearance from Security /
              Office to enter.
         2. Proceed to Security Desk to receive an Identification Badge and then report to the Main Office.
         3. A visitor who wishes to proceed to areas in the building must confirm their location with the
              office prior to entering the educational areas. A visitor shall not interrupt the instructional
              program, speak to or disturb students or distract teachers. A visitor who wishes to confer with a
              teacher must make arrangements via telephone / email for a conference at a later date.
         4. The badge is to be worn and displayed at all times during the course of the visit.

The Annual Integrated Pest Management Notice and the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)
yearly notification can be found on the EPSD website www.epsd.org . The New Jersey School Integrated Pest
Management Act of 2002 requires school districts to implement a school integrated pest management policy
that includes an Integrated Pest Management Plan. In accordance with the requirements of the Act, the Board
shall ensure implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) procedures to control pests and minimize
exposure of children, faculty, and staff to pesticides. These procedures shall be applicable to all school property
in the Englewood School District.
On July 13, 2016 the New Jersey State Board of Education adopted regulations requiring testing for lead in
drinking water in public schools throughout the state. The regulations require "testing for lead in all drinking
water outlets within 365 days of the effective date of the regulations, “which was July 13, 2016. All districts
are directed to develop a lead sampling plan that will govern the collection and analysis of drinking water
samples. Samples must then be sent to a certified testing laboratory for analysis.
The Englewood Public School District provides access for students and staff to state-of-the art computer
technology, electronic mail and the Internet. All users must share the responsibility for seeing that our
technology facilities are used in an effective, efficient, ethical and lawful manner. It is a privilege to have access
to these extraordinary resources and therefore, all users must agree that they will comply with the guidelines
listed below: Circumventing District Internet Filtering/Possession or use of the software that circumvents the

school district’s Internet filtering system is prohibited. Violations will result in disciplinary action and the
removal of technology access.
In order to use the technology available in the district, it is mandatory that all students obtain a district
technology ID. Technology IDs will be issued to students only after the Technology Acceptable Use Agreement
is returned to school with all the required signatures.


    1.      Follow the rules explained to me by school staff.
    2.      Demonstrate appropriate behavior.
    3.      Be courteous to others and respect their documents and files.
    4.      Use the equipment with care.
    5.      Use only software that my teacher has assigned to me.
    6.      Connect only to sites on the Internet that have been allowed by the teacher.
    7.      Understand that the computer systems have been set up for me and may not be changed in any
    8.      Use only “school-appropriate” language, pictures, and other data on the computers or network;
            abide by any email instructions given to me by my teacher to protect me and to promote the
            health of our network.
    9.      Follow the copyright laws that protect programs, data, books and pictures.
    10.     Tell the teacher about problems.
    11.     Leave all materials, equipment, and parts in the lab or computer area so that the systems will be in
            good working order for next year.
    12.     Help to keep the lab or computer area clean and orderly by recycling unwanted paper, picking up
            personal items, etc.
    13.     Bring no food or liquids near the computers.
    14.     Get teacher’s permission for using the Internet, computer or lab.

    If these guidelines are violated, a student’s computer and network privileges may be suspended and other
    school discipline and/or appropriate legal action may be taken.

          ******** During COVID-19 VIRTUAL/HYBRID MODEL ADJUSTMEMTS*********

Grieco Virtual/Hybrid Model for School Opening
 §   Two Groups: A and B will have a 5-hour instructional day, lunch included within the day
 §   Grieco: 8:25 AM- 1:30 PM
 §   Group A will receive in-person learning on Monday and Tuesday
 §   Group B will receive in-person learning on Thursday and Friday
 §   Wednesday- Virtual Learning for both Groups A and B
 §   Wednesday- all classrooms will be cleaned and ready for the next group
 §   Each group will receive distance learning on the days not physically in school
 §   Hand sanitizers available in classrooms.
 §   Bathrooms will be cleaned throughout the day.
 §   Cleaning of all occupied areas between morning and afternoon shifts.
 §   Limit any nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or
     organizations as possible.
 §   Recess and playground equipment will be cleaned and sanitized between usages.
 §   Utilize outdoor space as much as possible.
 §   Snacks: limited.
 §   Lunch: in the classroom.
 §   Masks: required.

     §   Students must be fever free AND COVID-19 screened in order to be admitted into
     §   Daily Screening of Students:
     §   Students who ride the bus will be screened by their parent(using an app) before riding
         the bus
     §   If anything is answered YES, the student may not board the bus.
     §   Parent or designated adult must take the student home.
     §   Parent or designated adult MUST accompany student to the bus stop.
     §   Students who are dropped off to school will be screened prior to entering the building.
     §   A temperature will be taken before entering the building.
     §   Parents will be required to complete the app questionnaire before entering.
     §   If anything is answered YES, the student may not enter the building
                  § Parent/Guardian will be called to pick up the student
     §   Daily Screening of Employees:
                  § Temperature will be taken before entering the building

§   Please note that the Nurse's Office must be used for acutely ill, injured, or students
    with chronic illnesses.
§   It must not be used for routine matters such as the application of band aids, Vaseline
    for chapped lips, change of clothing, or use of the bathroom.
§   Visits should be limited to students exhibiting the following complaints of acute
             § Vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea
             § Fever or lethargy
             § Headache (after eating or drinking water or other fluids)
             § Visible rash
             § Stomachache (after going to use the bathroom)
             § Pain
             § Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
§   Visits should be limited to students exhibiting the following complaints of acute
             § Obvious cold symptoms (excessive coughing, congestion or nasal
             § Loss of smell or taste
             § Chest pain
             § Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath)
             § Seizures
             § Students may also be sent to the nurse for the following reasons:
                         § Diabetic care
                         § Routine and as needed medications (inhalers, nebulizer
                             treatments, ADHD medication, etc.)
                         § Injury or emergency

§   Confidentiality must always be adhered to (HIPAA)
§   The nurse is responsible for initially contacting and directly communicating with:
            § parents regarding an ill or injured student
§   Staff should not be contacting parents via phone call or text without notifying the
    School Nurse.

§   As per the CDC: "Some students may develop symptoms of infectious illness while
    at school. Schools should take action to isolate students who develop these
    symptoms from other students and staff."
§   Students with the following conditions will be isolated in a supervised, separate
    location(s) awaiting pick-up from parent/guardian:
§   Fever >= 100° and symptomatic (obvious cold symptoms: excessive coughing,
    congestion, nasal discharge) § Fever >= 100° with vomiting

§   Fever >= 100° with asthma (if stable)
       §   Fever >= 100° and asymptomatic (fever of unknown origin)
       §   Students with the following conditions will be supervised in the Health Office while
           awaiting pick-up from parent/guardian:
       §   Diarrhea with/without Fever >= 100°
       §   Unstable asthmatic
       §   Unstable diabetic
       §   Injured student requiring MD follow-up

   §           •If a student displays any of the above listed signs at the end of the school day:
         •Student will not be sent home on the bus
         •Parent or authorized adult must pick-up the student
        § •Parent or authorized adult will sign the student out of school with security and/or an
            administrator at the Main Entrance or designated pick-up area
            •Parent or authorized adult will not enter the building
•The waiting/isolation room or Health Office will be cleaned and disinfected by the custodial
staff after an infected student was held there, even if the student was only there for a minimal
amount of time

       §   If a student is sent home sick with a fever, a physician's note is required to return to
       §   A physician's note, which states the student's diagnosis and the specific date of return
           to school, must be submitted to the School Nurse
       §   All students who receive a COVID-19 test by their physician must:
       §   Remain home until the test comes back negative or the student has been quarantined at
           home for 10 days.
       §   A copy of the Covid-19 test results, whether positive or negative, must be submitted to
           the School Nurse.

Annual Integrated Pest Management Notice
                             For School Year 2020 - 2021

Dear Parent, Guardian, or Staff Member:

This notice is being distributed to comply with the New Jersey School Integrated Pest
Management Act. Englewood Public Schools has adopted an Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Policy and has implemented an IPM Plan to comply with this law. IPM is a holistic, preventive
approach to managing pests that is explained further in the schools IPM Policy included with this

All schools in New Jersey are required to have an Integrated Pest Management Coordinator (IPM
Coordinator) to oversee all activities related to IPM and pesticide use at the school.

The IPM Coordinator for Dr. John Grieco Elementary School is:

Name of IPM Coordinator:      Mike Hunken

Business Phone number:        201 862 - 6202

Business Address:     12 Tenafly Rd

The IPM Coordinator maintains the pesticide product label, and the Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) (when one is available), of each pesticide product that may be used on school property.
The label and the MSDS are available for review by a parent, guardian, staff member, or student
attending the school. Also, the IPM Coordinator is available to parents, guardians, and staff
members for information and to discuss comments about IPM activities and pesticide use at the
school. As part of a school pest management plan Englewood Public Schools may use pesticides
to control pests. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the New Jersey
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) register pesticides to determine that the use of a
pesticide in accordance with instructions printed on the label does not pose an unreasonable risk
to human health and the environment. Nevertheless, the EPA and the DEP cannot guarantee that
registered pesticides do not pose any risk to human health, thus unnecessary exposure to pesticides
should be avoided. The EPA has issued the statement that where possible, persons who are
potentially sensitive, such as pregnant women, infants and children, should avoid unnecessary
pesticide exposure.

I have received a copy of the Englewood Public School District Handbook. I have read and understand
the contents. I agree that I shall abide by the policies and procedures contained in the Student

I understand that the policies and procedures are evaluated continually and will be updated periodically.
The school has the right to amend these policies and procedures at any time and will attempt to issue
timely updates to you, should a change in policy or procedure occur.

To indicate your assent to the terms and conditions stated above, please sign and return this
Acknowledgment to the main office by September 30 of each recurring school year.

            Student Name Print

            Student Signature

            Parent Signature

            Date Signed


You can also read