Engineering, Physics and Product Design - The University for World-Class Professionals

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Engineering, Physics and Product Design - The University for World-Class Professionals
The University for
World-Class Professionals

Engineering, Physics
and Product Design
Engineering, Physics and Product Design - The University for World-Class Professionals
of Engineering
  Welcome to the School
                                                                                      ching and research
                                                an outstanding record in tea
  We are a large School with                                                          rt of the Faculty of
                        sta   te-  of- the   -ar t  facilities. The School is pa
  and   fan tas tic                                                                          and engineering
                            gin   eer  ing    wh   ich   is one of the largest science
  Science an     d    En                                                                             alone, we
                               UK     wi  th  ove   r  5,0 00  stu  dents. In the last ten years
  educators in the                                                                 rkshops and equipment.
                                               llion in specialist labs, wo
  have invested over £50 mi                                                           in the centre of
         ho me    is   the     Joh    n  Da  lto n    Building which is located
                                                  s Campus.
  Manchester at our All Saint
                                                                                      es, high student
                                                    ellent academic programm
   We have a reputation for exc                                                           g industry links. Our
                              ern   ati on  ally   rec  ognised research and stron
   satisf act  ion   ,  int                                                                    ing, mechanical
                          mm      es   ran  ge   fro   m  tra ditional electrical engineer
   degree pro      gra                                                                                d network
                                 ap  pli ed   ph   ysi  cs  to the   newer areas of computer an
   engineering an            d                                                                           eering.
                                  ct   de  sig  n,  au  tom   oti ve en  gineering and design engin
   technology, produ                                                                     the UK by the
                              gra   mm    es   are    professionally accredited in
   Our    de gre   e   pro                                                                    n of Mechanical
                     of   En    gin   eer  ing   an   d  Te chnology and the Institutio
    Institutio   n                                                                                  label.*
                         d    acr   oss    Eu  rop  e  by   the  EUR-ACE European quality
    Engineers an
                                                                                            ped 40 places
                          l  an   d  Ele   ctron   ic  Engineering division has jum
     Our  Ele  ctr  ica                                                                        e table and is
                               in   Th  e  Gu   ard   ian  University Guide 2015 leagu
     since las   t  yea     r                                                                     partments with
                         13t    h   in the    UK   .  We    we re featured as one of the de
     now ranked
                                                  The Guardian.
     reputations on the rise by
                       ltim    illi on -po  un   d   inv  est me  nts have strengthened our
     Recent mu                                                                                         earch
                                ing    a  ne  w   £4   m   he avy   en gineering workshop for res
      facilities includ                                                                                     also
                                        fac e   en  gin  eer ing  , ma  ter ials and dynamics. We have
      and teaching in sur                                                            id prototyping machines
          est ed   in    sta    te-  of- the  -ar  t equipment including rap
       and water jet cutters.
                                                                                           ing year; you
                                                      e of our open days in the com
       We hope to meet you at on                                                         and visit us and see
            fin d   the      de  tai  ls  on   pa  ge   42 of this brochure. Come
       for yourself!
                                  ng you to our School.
       We look forward to welcomi

        Dr Georgina Harris
        Head and Associate Dean
        School of Engineering

*Professionally accredited
The School of Engineering is an enhanced partner of the Institution of Engineering and Technology and all of our
BEng and BSc programmes are professionally accredited by the IET except BSc (Hons) Applied Physics. BEng
(Hons) Mechanical Engineering and Automotive Engineering are also professionally accredited by the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers. The School of Engineering is certified with the EUR-ACE® European quality label for our BEng
degree programmes; we are one of a small number of UK Universities including Cambridge to gain this prestigious
certification. Accreditation by the IET and IMechEng of the new integrated Masters degrees (MEng) is being sought.
Accreditation by the Institute of Physics is being sought for the new BSc (Hons) Applied Physics.
Engineering, Physics and Product Design - The University for World-Class Professionals
   4        Courses                         34       Your student experience
   16       Unit information                36       World-class professionals
   24       Formula Student                 38       Global connections
   29       Foundation Year                 41       International students
   30       Studying                        42       Come and meet us
   32       Teaching and research           43       Courses fact file

Engineering, Physics
and Product Design
The benefits of engineering and technology are integral to our
day-to-day lives and engineers, physicists and designers contribute
to the creation and optimisation of a vast array of essential
equipment including communication tools, transport and automotive
systems, renewable energy systems, production lines, medical
equipment and the technology for consumer and entertainment
products, to name but a few.

Both engineering and physics are            Real-world experience
creative and practical disciplines that     You will study a curriculum designed in
utilise science and mathematics to solve    conjunction with industry to equip you
problems, implement improvements and        with the range of skills and strengths
develop entrepreneurial flair through       that employers demand. All of our
dynamic project work. Engineers,            degree courses offer a sandwich route
designers and physicists make ideas         where you spend your third year on an
a reality: studying one of these degree     industry placement. Experience has
programmes will enable you to access a      shown that placements can lead to
rewarding and fascinating career with       improved performance in the final year
the potential for excellent progression     and boost your employment prospects
and remuneration.                           on graduation. As an undergraduate
                                            here, you will also experience what it’s
Professional endorsement                    like to work as part of a professional
The School of Engineering is an             team finding solutions to complex
enhanced partner of the Institution         problems via group projects. You can
of Engineering and Technology who,          also get involved with extracurricular
along with the Institution of Mechanical    work to further apply your skills, for
Engineering, provide accreditation for      example the Formula Student racing car
many of our degree programmes. The          competition.
School of Engineering is certified with
the EUR-ACE® European quality label         Flexibility and choice
which guarantees that your knowledge,       All of our MEng and BEng degrees
understanding and practical capabilities    share a common first year enabling
as an engineer meet rigorous                you to transfer between courses and
international standards. Successful         specialise in your interests.
completion of your BEng degree means
you can achieve professional registration   Progression from BEng to MEng is
as an Incorporated Engineering (IEng).      conditional and possible up until
We are one of only a handful of UK          the end of your second year. Our
universities including Cambridge            virtual learning environment, moodle,
to have gained this prestigious             allows course material to be accessed
certification.                              anywhere at any time.
                                                           | 3
Engineering, Physics and Product Design - The University for World-Class Professionals
Our undergraduate
Our degree courses will give you the
specialist knowledge and skills and                                                                   Integrated Masters
                                                                                                      gives you advanced
access to top-of-the-range, industry                                                                 level study as part of
                                                                                                      your undergraduate
standard equipment to prepare you                                                                            degree

for a range of fascinating careers.

 Mechanical Engineering
 MEng (Hons)
     For in-depth unit information, see pages 16 – 27

  The MEng (Hons) Mechanical                  Typical units of study may include:      Year 4
  Engineering programme is an                 Year 1                                   • Group Engineering Project
  integrated four-year (or five-year with     • Electrical and Electronic Science      • Manufacturing Engineering
  sandwich) undergraduate Masters             • Engineering Design and Practice        Option units:
  course. It has been designed through        • Engineering Mechanics                  – Applied Digital Signal Processing
  our close industrial links with high        • Mathematical Methods 1                 – Automotive Engineering and
  quality engineering companies and                                                      Vehicle Dynamics
  provides the specialist knowledge and       Year 2                                   – Bioengineering
  expertise required for a professional       • Mathematical Methods 2                 – Computational Mechanics
  career in mechanical engineering.           • Professional Design and Practice       – Engineering Structural Integrity
  Project-based learning in all years,        • Solid Mechanics and Dynamics           – Industrial Automation and
  including industry-led projects, will       • Thermodynamics and Fluid                  Communication
  help you develop the transferable skills      Mechanics                              – Power, Renewables and
  and the multi-disciplinary awareness                                                   Sustainability
  so highly prized by industry.               Year 3
                                              • Individual Engineering Project
  The first year will establish the           • Mechanical Engineering Design      
  fundamentals of engineering science
  and applicable mathematics and you          Option units:
  will work on your practical and project     – Control and Automation
  skills in mechanical engineering.           – Digital Signal and Image Processing
  In the second year you will further         – Engineering Management
  develop your scientific and analytical      – Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics
  skills, take on a specialist role in a      – Power Generation and Distribution
  multi-disciplinary group project and        – Stress, Structures and Engineering
  start to plan your career. Specialist          Dynamics
  options in the third and final years,
  all informed by active research and
  industrial partnerships, will give you
  experience of the latest engineering
  challenges faced by industry and
  society. In the final year, you will
  work in a multidisciplinary team on
  a major project challenge. The five-
  year sandwich route provides the
  opportunity for you to spend your
  third year on industrial placement,
  either within the UK or further afield.
  You can work with other students to
  apply your engineering skills in, for
  example, the Formula Student racing
  car competition or the IMech Design

4 | Engineering, Physics and Product Design
Engineering, Physics and Product Design - The University for World-Class Professionals
Mechanical Engineering                                                             “We learn in lots of
BEng (Hons)                                                                        different hands-on ways
  For in-depth unit information, see pages 16 – 27                                 and there are practical
This programme has been designed          Typical units of study may include:      and creative sessions in
through our close industrial links with   Year 1                                   the workshops and labs
high quality engineering companies,
to provide the specialist knowledge
                                          • Electrical and Electronic Science
                                          • Engineering Design and Practice
                                                                                   alongside our lectures
and expertise required for a              • Engineering Mechanics                  which bring everything
professional career. Project-based        • Mathematical Methods 1
learning in all years, including live                                              alive. The support from
projects with external industrial and
manufacturing companies, will help
                                          Year 2                                   tutors has been fantastic.”
                                          • Mathematical Methods 2
you develop the transferable skills and   • Professional Design and Practice       Kirstie Duguid
the multi-disciplinary awareness so       • Solid Mechanics and Dynamics           BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering
highly prized by industry.                • Thermodynamics and Fluid
The first year will establish
fundamentals of engineering science       Year 3
and applicable mathematics, and you       • Individual Engineering Project
will work on your practical and project   • Mechanical Engineering Design
skills in mechanical engineering.
In the second year, you will further      Option units:
develop your scientific and analytical    – Automotive Engineering
skills, take on a specialist role in a    – Control and Automation
multi-disciplinary group project and      – Digital Signal and Image Processing
start to plan your career. Specialist     – Engineering Management
options in the final year, all informed   – Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics
by active research and industrial         – Power Generation and Distribution
partnerships, will give you experience    – Stress, Structures and Engineering
of the latest engineering challenges         Dynamics
faced by industry and society. You
can work with other students to
apply your engineering skills in, for
example, the Formula Student racing
car competition or the IMech Design
Engineering, Physics and Product Design - The University for World-Class Professionals
Daniel Patel
BEng Automotive
Daniel Patel confesses to being
something of a petrol head, which can’t
be a bad thing as last year he landed
a graduate engineering role at Jaguar
Land Rover:

“I always had an interest in cars and
how they worked even before I could
drive. I wanted to know why, if you put
your foot on the accelerator, you moved

He says he made the trip across the
Pennines from his home in Leeds
to MMU having been impressed by
the resources and facilities at the
University: “The tutors were switched
on and the School of Engineering was
impressive. I also liked the idea of being
in the middle of the city.

“It was brilliant being in the centre
of Manchester as University life and
the social side of things moved along
together seamlessly. The balance
between study and play was great. I
had the encouragement from the School
to work hard and I was close to the city
centre and all the action.

“The course itself answered my
questions and a lot more. The first two
years gave a breadth of experience
before the final year concentrated on
the automotive side in depth. And if
you asked a question the tutors didn’t
just answer it. They spent a lot of time
and went into detail giving all the
background information that helped
us to understand it more. That year
of doing the specialist work, such as
vehicle design and aerodynamics, has
given me knowledge that I use all the
time now. It really helped me when I
came to Jaguar Land Rover.”

“The work is great here. The only thing
I struggled with at first was the early
mornings – starting at 7 o’clock in the
morning was a bit of a shock!”

6 | Engineering, Physics and Product Design
Engineering, Physics and Product Design - The University for World-Class Professionals
Specialist options in the final year,
all informed by active research and
industrial partnerships, will give you
an in-depth understanding of the key
automotive skills desired by both
passenger and racing car industries.

Automotive Engineering
BEng (Hons)
    For in-depth unit information, see pages 16 – 27

 This course has been developed              Typical units of study may include:
 through consultation with the               Year 1
 automotive industry to provide the          • Electrical and Electronic Science
 specialist knowledge and expertise          • Engineering Design and Practice
 required for a professional career. The     • Engineering Mechanics
 first year will establish fundamentals of   • Mathematical Methods 1
 engineering science and mathematics,
 and you will work on your practical         Year 2
 and project skills. In the second           • Mathematical Methods 2
 year you will further develop your          • Professional Design and Practice
 scientific and analytical skills, take on   • Solid Mechanics and Dynamics
 a specialist role in a multi-disciplinary   • Thermodynamics and Fluid
 group project and start to plan your          Mechanics
 career. Specialist options in the final
 year, all informed by active research       Year 3
 and industrial partnerships, will give      • Automotive Engineering
 you an in-depth understanding of the        • Individual Engineering Project
 key automotive skills desired by both
 passenger and racing car industries.        Option units:
                                             – Control and Automation
 Project-based learning in all years,        – Digital Signal and Image Processing
 including industry-led projects, will       – Engineering Management
 help you develop your transferable          – Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics
 skills and multi-disciplinary awareness.    – Power Generation and Distribution
 You can work with other students to         – Stress, Structures and Engineering
 apply your engineering skills in, for          Dynamics
 example, the Formula Student racing
 car competition or the IMech Design

                                                                             | 7
Engineering, Physics and Product Design - The University for World-Class Professionals
Nadeem Bashir                                                     Adrian McGranaghan
BEng Electrical and                                               BEng Electrical and
Electronic Engineering                                            Electronic Engineering
After working in nuclear engineering for six                      Adrian McGranaghan has held a long term
years, Nadeem Bashir has forged a career in                       fascination with electronics, and extols its
the rail sector. “My first graduate job was at                    importance in all areas of modern day life:
Sellafield which was certainly enlightening.
The requirements in nuclear are different to                      “I wanted to put myself at the forefront of this world-shaping
                                                                  field of engineering and so that directed my choice of course.
mainstream engineering, but it was enjoyable                      And I thoroughly enjoyed my time at MMU. The lecturers
and there was lots of variety.”                                   clearly knew their subjects in depth, and in my final year at
                                                                  university I joined the MMU Formula Student team, where
Nadeem then worked for London Underground before                  I learned a great deal about not only my own engineering
returning to Manchester to continue in the rail sector, joining   discipline but others too. It was a very rewarding experience
Jacobs Engineering where he was responsible for managing          and through it I made some really good friends and contacts
outside partner contracts to make sure that maintenance           for the future.
work did not affect the operational railway.
                                                                  “Faculty staff were always available when I needed
Now at multinational engineering consultants Parsons              assistance. They often arranged extra lessons and tutorials
Brinckerhoff, Nadeem is currently working on level crossing       when required, especially close to the exam periods. The
schemes on a major project in the North of England. He says       project mentors were very patient and keen to offer their
that the practice-based learning at MMU provided an ideal         guidance and input.”
grounding for his current career: “When I was applying to
study at University, I had two options and I opted for MMU        Adrian embarked on a career with Siemens in Germany,
because it offered a lot more hands-on study in terms of lab      taking up a position immediately after graduating. Siemens
testing; and a good mix of lectures and practical work. This      had visited MMU in 2010 which prompted him to submit an
has stood me in very good stead when it came to getting a         application for a graduate role with the company:
graduate job.
                                                                  “At my interview in January 2011 I had to deliver a
“I wanted to avoid a course that was limited by too much          presentation about the electrical transmission industry
classroom learning. The strength of MMU’s School of               within the UK. A few weeks later I received a telephone
Engineering was its practical approach to learning and            call offering me a graduate position with the company
teaching, combined with the high quality of lecturing and         starting in September 2011. Securing employment before
tutor support. There were ex-industry people with real-           graduating was fantastic and it enabled me to focus solely
world knowledge to pass on, and they were great at what           on my exams.
they were teaching and how it is applied. Course material
was excellent and very wide ranging – it included power           “The content of my course has provided me with the
engineering which is fundamental to what I do now. There’s        theoretical knowledge required to kick start my career here.
relevance to a wide range of jobs.”                               Completing individual assignments and project work honed
                                                                  my independence and organisational skills. And doing
Nadeem advises undergraduates to plan early to                    group tasks and assignments strengthened my ability
maximise the value of their degree: “Start thinking in your       to work as part of a team which is paramount to most
first and second year and get a placement if there’s an           employers nowadays.”
opportunity. It will give you a good idea of the career path
you want to follow.”

8 | Engineering, Physics and Product Design
Engineering, Physics and Product Design - The University for World-Class Professionals
Project-based learning in all years,
including live industry-led projects,
will help you develop the transferable
skills and multi-disciplinary awareness
so highly prized by industry.
                                                                                                    Integrated Masters
                                                                                                    gives you advanced
                                                                                                   level study as part of
                                                                                                    your undergraduate

Electrical and Electronic Engineering
MEng (Hons)
   For in-depth unit information, see pages 16 – 27

 The MEng (Hons) programme is an            Typical units of study may include:      Year 4
 integrated four-year (or five-year with    Year 1                                   • Energy Distribution and
 sandwich) undergraduate Masters            • Electrical and Electronic Science        Management
 course that has been designed to           • Engineering Design and Practice        • Group Engineering Project
 provide the specialist knowledge           • Engineering Mechanics                  Option units:
 and expertise required for a               • Mathematical Methods 1                 – Applied Digital Signal Processing
 professional career. Project-based                                                  – Computational Mechanics
 learning in all years, including live      Year 2                                   – Computer Engineering and CPU
 industry-led projects, will help you       • Electrical Systems                        Design
 develop the transferable skills and        • Electronic Systems                     – Embedded Systems and Systems
 multi-disciplinary awareness so highly     • Mathematical Methods 2                    on a Chip
 prized by industry.                        • Professional Design and Practice       – Industrial Automation and
 The first year will establish the          Year 3                                   – Power, Renewables and
 fundamentals of engineering science        • Electronic Engineering Design             Sustainability
 and applicable mathematics, and            • Individual Engineering Project         – Sensing and Imaging
 you will work on your practical
 and project skills in electrical and       Option units:
 electronic engineering. During the         – Electronic Systems Design         
 second year you will further develop       – Digital Signal and Image Processing
 your scientific and analytical skills,     – Power Generation and Distribution
 take on a specialist role in a multi-      – Communication Systems and
 disciplinary group project and start to       Networks
 plan your career. Specialist options and   – Engineering Management
 projects in the third and final years,     – Control and Automation
 all informed by active research and
 industrial partnerships, will give you
 experience of the latest engineering
 challenges faced by industry and
 society. In the final year, you will
 work in a multidisciplinary team on
 a major project challenge. The five-
 year sandwich route provides the
 opportunity for you to spend your third
 year on industrial placement, either
 in the UK, or further afield. You can
 work with other students to apply
 your engineering skills in, for example,
 through participation in the Formula
 Student racing car competition.

                                                                                                    | 9
Engineering, Physics and Product Design - The University for World-Class Professionals
Specialist options in the final year, all
                                               informed by active research and industrial
                                               partnerships, will give you experience of
                                               the latest engineering challenges faced
                                               by industry and society.

                                               Electrical and
                                               Electronic Engineering
                                               BEng (Hons)

                                                 For in-depth unit information, see pages 16 – 27

                                               This programme has been designed to         Typical units of study may include:
                                               provide the specialist knowledge and        Year 1
                                               expertise required for a professional       • Electrical and Electronic Science
                                               career. You will learn through theory,      • Engineering Design and Practice
                                               analysis and hands-on activities,           • Engineering Mechanics
                                               which include project-based learning        • Mathematical Methods 1
                                               and live industry-led projects. The first
                                               year will establish the fundamentals        Year 2
                                               of engineering science and applicable       • Electrical Systems
                                               mathematics, and you will work on           • Electronic Systems
                                               your practical and project skills in        • Mathematical Methods 2
                                               electrical and electronic engineering.      • Professional Design and Practice
                                               During the second year you will further
                                               develop your scientific and analytical      Year 3
                                               skills, take on a specialist role in a      • Electronic Engineering Design
                                               multi-disciplinary group project and        • Individual Engineering Project
                                               start to plan your career. Specialist
                                               options in the final year, all informed     Option units:
                                               by active research and industrial           – Communication Systems and
                                               partnerships, will give you experience         Networks
                                               of the latest engineering challenges        – Control and Automation
                                               faced by industry and society. You          – Digital Signal and Image Processing
                                               can work with other students to apply       – Electronic Systems Design
                                               your engineering skills, for example,       – Engineering Management
                                               through participation in the Formula        – Power Generation and Distribution
                                               Student racing car competition.

10 | Engineering, Physics and Product Design
Computer and Network Technology
BSc (Hons)
  For in-depth unit information, see pages 16 – 27

This programme aims to provide you
with the skills to design, implement
                                         Typical units of study may include:   You will benefit
                                         Year 1
and manage computer-based systems        • Computer and Network Technology     from a number of
using hardware and software
technologies in three main areas:
                                         • Computer and Network Technology
                                                                               PC laboratories used
computer systems and architectures,
networking technologies, and
                                           Project 1                           for teaching and
                                         • Computer Systems 1
engineering application development.     • Networks 1                          open access, as well
You will use specialist, industry        Year 2                                as flexible lab space
standard hardware and software to
analyse and implement PC systems,
                                         • Computer and Network Technology
                                                                               where you will
networks and control devices such
as embedded systems and remote
                                         • Computer and Network Technology     build PC systems
                                           Project 2
sensors. Project-based learning in       • Computer Systems 2                  and networks, and
all years, including “live” industry-
led projects, will help you develop
                                         • Networks 2
                                                                               control devices
the transferable skills and the multi-
disciplinary awareness valued by
                                         Year 3
                                         • Advanced Communications and
                                                                               such as robots and
industry. You will benefit from a
number of PC laboratories used for
                                           Networks                            remote sensors.
                                         • Advanced Computer and Network
teaching and open access, as well          Technology
as flexible lab space where you will     • Advanced Computer Engineering
build PC systems and networks, and       • Project
control devices such as robots and
remote sensors. You will also have the
opportunity to work on projects with 
other students, for example, through
designing an on-board computer
system for the Formula Student
racing car.

                                                                                 | 11
This degree is suitable for students
who wish to study physics both at
a fundamental, theoretical level and
across all its broad and varied real
world applications.
                                                                                                        –dB(t ·dS
                                                                          –                                  )
                                                                     EMF = dt                         ∫
                                                                                         d ∫ B(t)·dS = S dt
                                                                                  dS = –   t
                                                                          ∇ × E ·        d
                                                                        ∫S        – ∂B(t)
                                                                         		    E = ∂t
 Applied Physics
 BSc (Hons)
     For in-depth unit information, see pages 16 – 27

  This degree is suitable for students         Typical units of study may include:
  who wish to study physics both at            Year 1
  a fundamental, theoretical level and         • Introductory University Physics 1 & 2
  across all its broad and varied real         • Mathematical Methods 1
  world applications. We aim to give           • Technology Applications
  you an in-depth understanding of
  the physical principles that enable,         Year 2
  for example, lasers to gauge precise         • Advanced Physical Principles 1 & 2
  time and space measurements, MRI             • Industrial Applications
  and ultrasound systems to produce            • Mathematical Methods 2
  spectacular, life-saving imagery,
  and Wi-Fi systems to deliver Gbps            Year 3
  communications.                              • Digital Signal and Image Processing
                                               • Energy Resources and Energy
  The first year will establish the              Generation
  fundamentals of physics and                  • Final Year Project
  applicable mathematics. During the           • Sensor Systems
  second year you will further develop
  your scientific and analytical skills,
  and start to plan your career. In        
  the final year, you will study theory
  and application to a greater depth
  and breadth. You will benefit from
  project-based learning throughout
  the programme, and undertake live
  projects with external companies. In
  addition, you will have an opportunity
  to further apply your physics
  knowledge through working with other
  students in the Formula Student racing
  car competition. Accreditation by the
  Institute of Physics is being sought.

12 | Engineering, Physics and Product Design
We will develop and support your
    knowledge and skills in design
    thinking, engineering, marketing,
    rapid prototyping, project
    management and communication.

    Product Design and Technology
    BSc (Hons)
       For in-depth unit information, see pages 16 – 27

    This course aims to provide you with      Typical units of study may include:
    a professional approach to designing      Year 1
    new products. You will learn how          • Design Skills 1
    to analyse existing products in the       • Project 1
    context of markets and end users,         • Technical Values
    and you will explore and study            • Usage Values
    materials and production methods
    so that you can design exciting new       Year 2
    products for the future, based on         • Communication Values
    viable technology and environmental       • Design Skills 2
    awareness. Throughout the                 • Environmental Values
    programme, we will develop and            • Project 2
    support your knowledge and skills
    in design thinking, engineering,          Year 3
    marketing, rapid prototyping, project     • Advanced Design Skills
    management and communication.             • Major Project Design and Make
    Industrial and cultural visits will       • Major Project Report and Brief
    further challenge your views and          • Product Design Project
    expose you to new design and
    technological thinking. You will
    make extensive use of high-tech       
    equipment such as rapid prototyping
    facilities and water jet cutters in our
    specialist workshops.

    Project-based learning throughout
    your studies, including live industry-
    led projects, will help you develop
    the transferable skills and the multi-
    disciplinary awareness valued by
    industry. At the end of your degree
    you will present your work at a
    professional show and in a published
    yearbook, both of which are viewed by
    industry representatives and practising

                                                                           | 13
In your final year you will
develop your portfolio and exhibit
your work in the Degree Shows.
Your work and profile will also be
published in the Product Design
and Design Engineering Yearbook.

14 | Engineering, Physics and Product Design
Design Engineering
BSc (Hons)
  For in-depth unit information, see pages 16 – 27

This programme aims to provide you
with a pragmatic and professional
                                          Typical units of study may include:
                                                                                Throughout the
                                          Year 1
approach to engineering and designing     • Design Skills 1                     programme we will
new products. You will learn how
to use technology in innovative
                                          • Project 1
                                          • Technical Values
                                                                                develop and support
ways to make things work, and how
to research and explore materials
                                          • Usage Values                        your knowledge
and production methods to make
exciting yet realistic proposals for
                                          Year 2                                and skills in design,
                                          • Applied Engineering
new machines and products. You            • Design Skills 2                     science, prototype
will undertake live projects with
external industrial and manufacturing
                                          • Environmental Values
                                          • Project 2
                                                                                making, computer
companies that will boost your
employability skills.
                                                                                aided design, project
                                          Year 3
Throughout the programme we
                                          • Advanced Design Skills              management and
                                          • Engineering Design Project
will develop and support your             • Major Project Design and Make       communication.
knowledge and skills in design,           • Major Project Report and Brief
science, prototype making, computer
aided design, project management
and communication. Industrial and     
cultural visits will challenge your
views and expose you to new design
and technological thinking. You will
extensively use high-tech equipment
such as rapid prototyping facilities
and water jet cutters in our specialist
workshops. At the end of your degree
you will present your work at a
professional show and in a published
yearbook, both of which are viewed
by industry representatives and
practising designers.

                                                                                  | 15

 Year 1 Units
  Computer & Network Technology 1              Design Skills 1                              values of voltage and current. Series
  An overview of different types of            This unit explores creative design           resonance. Q factor and bandwidth.
  data and media and how it may be             thinking and problem solving and             Balanced three phase systems,
  captured and subsequently processed          introduces both manual and computer          currents, voltages and power,
  using interfacing across devices.            aided drawing (CAD) graphical                Wheatstone and simple AC Bridge
  An overview of different methods of          communication methods and                    circuits. Analogue Electronics:
  data and media capture and how it            techniques. It covers topics such as:        diodes, bipolar junction transistors,
  is processed and transformed using           • knowledge and awareness of                 field effect transistors, operational
  different techniques and application           design methodologies and thinking          amplifiers. Digital Electronics:
  software. Techniques and protocols             strategies; conscious understanding        Boolean algebra, binary codes,
  for storing data and exchanging data           of the processes of designing              combinational and logic circuits.
  over the web. The design, build and          • the practice of approaches to              Sensors and instrumentation:
  programming of a simple embedded               designing, problem investigations,         introduction to data acquisition,
  system to capture and process data             solution generation, development           strain gauges, pressure sensors,
  using various input devices.                   and evaluation.                            piezoelectric transducers and
  Computer and Network                         Electrical and Electronic Science
  Technology Project 1                         This introduction to the principles of     Engineering Design and Practice
  A focus for the year in which you            Electrical and Electronic Engineering      This extended induction programme
  will develop projects to apply and           covers:                                    includes the essentials of health and
  present the skills and technology from       • Electronic materials science: atomic     safety and good laboratory practice
  the other units. It covers topics such         model. Periodic table. Electrical        and a set of skills training sessions
  as appropriate research techniques;            conduction. Semiconductor materials      and mini projects to introduce a
  creating project specifications; and         • P-N junction. Thermal and                range of key laboratory and workshop
  analysis and presentation of results;          photoelectric effects. Electrostatics:   equipment and software packages.
  time management and planning; and              laws, forces, flux and permittivity      Work in the laboratory will continue
  reflection on logical thinking and           • Capacitors, energy stored,               with a set of exercises designed to
  problem solving skills using a personal        capacitance, series and parallel         introduce applicable hardware and
  development plan.                              connected capacitors. Displacement       software technologies, including a
                                                 current, change of voltage               range of materials and components,
  Computer Systems 1                             electro-magnetics. Laws, forces,         prototyping, simulation and CAD/
  An introduction to the configuration           permeability. Inductance, mutual         CAE tools. Students will also develop
  of PCs and embedded systems and                inductance, hysteresis loop,             their information skills, supported
  connecting them together. The main             magnetic materials. Energy stored,       by staff and online resources from
  features of computer components:               induced emf, change of flux or           the MMU Library. Students will start
  CPUs, bus systems, memory and                  current. Units and definitions of        work on a lab-based project that will
  storage devices. Planning and                  voltage, current, power, energy and      give them the opportunity to apply
  evaluating experiments to benchmark            force. Circuit components R,L,C and      the skills they have developed in this
  a computer system and investigate              V/I relationships                        and other units. The project will be
  the effects of using combinations of a       • Electrical circuits: circuit laws and    developed in a series of supported
  range of hardware devices including            theorems. Transient response of RL       laboratory sessions. Personal tutors
  memory configurations, different               and RC in dc circuits. AC circuit        will support the students throughout
  internal and external storage devices          theory including phasor diagrams         as they develop their study and project
  and video cards.                               and `j¿ notation. Power and power        management skills and prepare a
                                                 factor in a.c. circuits. Mean and rms    Personal Development Plan.

16 | Engineering, Physics and Product Design
Engineering Mechanics                       Project 1
An introduction to the fundamental          This unit explores the process of
principles of mechanical engineering,       creative, hands-on problem solving
including basic mechanics, statics,         with a series of subject-based, holistic
dynamics and an introduction to             projects that will act as a focus for
thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.         the year. This unit will provide the
                                            opportunity for you to utilise, integrate
Introductory University Physics 1           and apply skills and knowledge from
This unit will provide you with a           all Year 1 units appropriately.
firm grounding in electrostatics,
magnetostatics, Newtonian                   Technical Values
gravitation, Newtonian mechanics and        You will develop an understanding
the concepts of special relativity.         of the skills required in basic
                                            manufacturing processes and the
Introductory University Physics 2           application of the appropriate
This course introduces the basic            materials. The unit will provide
physical properties of matter (for solid,   a hands-on introduction to the
liquids and gases) at the macro and         technologies that make products work.
microscopic levels and exposes you          It covers topics such as development
to how physical theories describe           of product design from a technical
observed phenomena and how                  standpoint, appropriate selection of
technology exploits this.                   technological solutions and principles,
                                            and use of patents and standards.
Mathematical Methods 1
Analysis and solution of physical           Technology Applications
science and engineering problems by         Experiments and projects that use
applying mathematical methods to            technology and practical laboratory
their mathematical descriptions.            skills to solve typical engineering or
                                            physical science problems.
Networks 1
An introduction to the basics of            Usage Values
installing and setting up small local       This unit will enable you to understand
area networks. It covers topics such        the relationship products have with
as the client-server model, ethernet        their users and the environment in
technology, IP technology, blocks and       which they are situated. It cover
topologies, typical case studies, basic     topics such as use of ergonomic and
cabling of patch and crossover cables       anthropometrical data and information,
and error detection and correction.         development of product design
                                            from a user centred approach and
                                            an introduction to the principles of
                                            product psychology.

                                                                               | 17
Year 2 Units
  Advanced Physical Principles 1                 for Installation (DFI)                   Computer and Network
  You will learn about electromagnetic         • the use of the engineering design        Technology Project 2
  wave theory and selected applications,         process in the creation of prototypes    Using computer and network
  condensed matter theory and                    suitable for testing and evaluation.     technology expertise to contribute
  applications of solid state physics,                                                    to a multi-disciplinary project, and
  building on Foundations of University        Communication Values                       combining experience to date with
  Physics II.                                  Exploring, understanding and               industrial case studies to develop a
                                               developing the visual aspects of           career plan.
  Advanced Physical Principles 2               products and the influence of design
  Advanced Physical principles II will         history and culture. You will explore      Computer Systems 2
  build on your knowledge of the nature        and understand the influence of design     Investigating the detailed design,
  of matter by introducing quantum             history, culture, markets, materials       structure and implementation of
  mechanics, statistical thermodynamics        and lifestyle upon the visual aspects of   computer systems and evaluating
  and nuclear structure. Examples of           products, including:                       their key performance features across
  technology are provided to illustrate        • product aesthetics, symbolism and        a range of hardware and software
  these fundamental principles.                  conventions                              platforms.
                                               • identification and investigation of
  Applied Engineering                            cultural and lifestyle influences and    Design Skills 2
  This unit focuses on how to apply              trends                                   Develop skills using 3D solid
  key principles within engineering,           • use and selection of appropriate         modelling and CAD software for
  mechanics, design and manufacturing.           market research and data                 detailed assemblies, drawings and
  It will provide you with knowledge           • use of appropriate product case          the development of professional
  and understanding of how to apply              studies                                  communication and presentation skills.
  key principles within engineering,           • investigation into design history and    This unit uses solid-modelling software
  mechanics, design and manufacturing,           the influence of global culture on       to design components appropriate
  including:                                     product design                           to a product design context and
  • engineering management –                   • influence of manufacturing and           then present them to a professional
     understanding the operation                 new technologies in product              standard, with specific emphasis on
     of manufacturing, supply                    development.                             the following:
     chain management and project                                                         • creation of part files using three-
     management                                Computer and Network                         dimensional form features as
  • engineering quality – the importance       Technology 2                                 required, including advanced
     of and health and safety within           The design and implementation of             feature and construction geometry
     engineering and manufacturing and         data management and processing               techniques
     current legislation                       engineering applications.                  • assembling parts to create complete
  • applied mechanics – designing                                                           products and assembly files
     appropriate mechanisms and                                                           • creating representations of complete
     components                                                                             products using conventional means
  • material selection and application for                                                  (orthographic/pictorial drawings)
     specific engineering requirements                                                      and virtual representations (rendered
     and how this impacts on design,                                                        images, animations) and drawing
     cost and build                                                                         files
  • production processes in a modern                                                      • developing appropriate portfolio
     manufacturing environment; Design                                                      presentation techniques.
     for Manufacture (DFM) and Design

18 | Engineering, Physics and Product Design | 19
Year 2 Units (continued)
  Electrical Systems                             lifecycle analysis of products and       Professional Design and Practice
  Design and evaluation of electrical            systems                                  Students will contribute specialist
  systems including energy sources and         • design guidelines for minimising         skills in technology, experimentation
  distribution, energy converters and            environmental impact and                 or data analysis to a multi-disciplinary
  control systems.                               the consideration of reuse,              project and develop a personal
                                                 remanufacture and recycling              career plan. This extended induction
  Electronic Systems                           • community-focused design and             programme will include a skills and
  An introduction to the components,             manufacturing                            learning review of the previous year
  tools and methodologies used in              • principles and practice of design        and sessions to raise awareness of
  analogue and digital circuit design            from a moral and ethical stand point     the industrial requirements placed on
  including: analogue electronics              • personal development planning.           professional engineers, technologists
  – basic electronic circuits, diode                                                      and scientists. Students will be
  bipolar junction, transistor field effect    Industrial Applications                    encouraged to start planning their
  transistor, operational amplifier;           You will contribute specialist skills in   professional careers and to consider
  mixed signal design – reading circuit        technology, experimentation or data        applying for a placement year,
  schematics and datasheets, EDA               analysis to a multi-disciplinary project   supported by visits from professional
  software, signal generation and              and develop a personal career plan.        bodies, industrial partners and by
  rectification.                                                                          colleagues from the Careers and
                                               Mathematical Methods 2                     Employability Service at MMU.
  Environmental Values                         During this unit you will solve physical   Personal tutors will support the
  Develop an awareness of the                  science and engineering problems by        students throughout as they develop
  product designer’s contribution to           translating them into mathematical         their study and professional skills
  and impact upon the people and               descriptions and by applying more          and prepare a Career Development
  environments with which they work.           advanced mathematical methods and          Portfolio. Industry standards in project
  This unit introduces technologies            tools such as PDEs and the application     management and quality assurance
  and design ethics used within less           of power series.                           will be investigated and industrial case
  economically developed countries                                                        studies will be analysed with respect
  and more economically developed              Networks 2                                 to sustainability and professional
  countries, creating an awareness of          The standards, operation and               and ethical considerations. A current
  the contribution designers can have          performance of computer networks.          problem in engineering or physical
  in improving peoples’ lives but also                                                    science that requires a multi-
  in causing harm through product                                                         disciplinary solution will be introduced
  type and the impact of some products                                                    and students will contribute to a
  on specific environments. Example                                                       central project management plan
  issues might be the ethics of child                                                     to deliver the solution. A series of
  labour or the recycling of materials                                                    workshops will help the students
  at the end of a product’s life. You                                                     develop their specialist skills related to
  will explore:                                                                           the project.
  • design for human scale and
    consideration of social factors in the
    use of technology and appropriate
    alternative and intermediate
  • design for the environment,
    consideration of sustainability and

20 | Engineering, Physics and Product Design
Project 2                                    Solid mechanics and dynamics                 Thermodynamics and Fluid
This unit explores a series of staff-        The fundamental theories and                 Mechanics
initiated design, engineering and            methods for stress analysis and              The basic tools and methodologies for
manufacturing holistic group and             vibration analysis of simple structures/     thermodynamic and fluid mechanic
individual projects. It will provide         components and dynamic systems,              analysis of engineering systems,
the opportunity for students to              including:                                   including:
utilise, integrate and apply skills          • Solid mechanics – introduction to          • thermodynamics – first law of
and knowledge from all Year 1 and 2            material groups and properties,              thermodynamics, gas laws, steam,
units within design, engineering and           generalised Hookes law, 2D stress            second law of thermodynamics,
technological project work and will            analysis (plane stress transformation,       Non-Flow Energy Equation (NFEE),
focus on:                                      Mohrs stress circle), thin-walled            Stead Flow Energy Equation
• determining briefs and                       cylinder stress analysis and strain          (SFEE), Carnot & Rankine cycles,
  specifications; generating and               calculation, thick-walled cylinder           refrigeration, gas mixtures and
  evaluating ideas using 2D, 3D and            stress analysis, shear stress in             psychrometry
  technological modelling techniques           beams, beam deflection and slope,          • fluid mechanics – elementary fluid
• recording ideas using appropriate            introduction to elastic failure criteria     dynamics, concepts of fluid flow,
  means e.g. photographic,                   • Vibration – free vibration of SDOF           introduction to laminar/turbulent
  reprographic and computer-aided              mechanical system, response of               flow, flow measurements, pipe
  methods                                      open loop system, forced response of         flow, introduction to heat transfer,
• development and synthesis of ideas           SDOF mechanical system, frequency            combustion, internal combustion
  in pursuit of appropriate solutions          response of 2-DOF mechanical                 engines, turbomachinery.
• the use of appropriate presentation          system
  media techniques                           • Introduction to finite element
• the generation, collection and use of        analysis – concept and principles
  appropriate information and research         of FEA, use of a commercial FEA
  relating to the given brief/product          software package for stress analysis
  scenario                                   • Laboratory – solid mechanics
• application of technological                 activity, vibration activity.
  concepts, materials, techniques and
  processes to design/engineering
  proposals and solutions
• testing and evaluating solutions
• the generation and use of primary
  and secondary research
• introduction to essay and report
  writing highlighting the required
  formats applicable to the subject
  area, e.g. planning, structure, critical
  analysis, bibliographies/references
• individual and group based project

                                                                                                        | 21
Year 3 Units
  Advanced Communications and                  Advanced Computer Engineering            Automotive Engineering
  Networks                                     Design and analysis of embedded and      This unit examines the integration of
  Current industry standards in                high performance computing systems       key vehicle subsystems and effects
  computer networking and satellite            and their applications, including:       on the vehicle dynamic performance,
  communication systems, including:            • design and analysis of embedded        including:
  • networking – network layer                   systems using industry standard        • fundamental vehicle mechanics
    functions and protocols, flow                techniques (such as requirement          – road loads, longitudinal vehicle
    control, routing, congestion, network        analysis, system specification           performance, traction and power
    interconnection, functions of internet       and functional design). Trends in        limited performance, braking
    protocol. Class based and classless          computer processor technology.           performance, powertrain components
    routing schemes, QoS in IP, VoIP and         Introduction to emerging high          • vehicle ride analysis – quarter
    VoD                                          performance computer technologies        car analysis, human interaction to
  • transport – functions of the transport       and their application in science and     vehicle ride characteristics
    layer, Transport Control Protocol            engineering                            • vehicle handling analysis – handling
    (TCP) model, protocol, services and        • parallel programming paradigms,          balance, driver perception of
    operation. User Datagram Protocol            methods and toolkits. Analysis of        vehicle control, steady state vehicle
    (UDP) function and operation                 software toolkits for distributed        performance, vehicle stability, tyre
  • applications – application protocols,        systems development. Analysis of         characteristics and performance
    including HTTP, DNS and Real-Time            distributed systems architectures      • suspension systems – suspension
    Streaming Protocol RTSP, network             and requirements. Service oriented       mechanisms, suspension kinematics
    management (SNMP), network                   design principles. Implementation        and forces, roll centre analysis,
    transmission technologies, global            of distributed systems to solve          steering systems, mechanism types,
    network technologies including               engineering problems. Evaluation of      steer system effects on vehicle
    gigabit Ethernet, synchronous                cloud computing technologies using       control
    digital hierarchy, synchronous               case studies from industry.            • chassis design – chassis
    transfer mode, dense wavelength                                                       constructions.
    division multiplexing and developing       Advanced Design Skills
    technologies. Asynchronous transfer        Further development of advanced          Communication Systems and
    mode. Introduction to satellite            CAD/CAM techniques and                   Networks
    technology, systems and their              presentation methods. This unit          Operation and performance of modern
    applications.                              will provide a good grounding in         communication systems and networks.
                                               advanced CAD/CAM techniques and
  Advanced Computer and Network                presentation methods, focusing on
  Technology                                   several practical aspects:
  Developing applications to capture,          • advanced 3D modelling principles
  process and visualise data streams           • rapid prototyping and manufacturing
  from real-world engineering systems,         • CAD/CAM integration
  including:                                   • 3D product animation techniques
  • data capture, analysis and                 • portfolio building and presentation
     processing                                  techniques
  • control of engineering plant               • digital technologies.
  • data visualisation
  • engineering application

22 | Engineering, Physics and Product Design
Control and Automation                    Engineering Design Project                   industrial context
This unit focuses on two areas:           The design and development of a new        • development of modelling constructs
• robotics – applying mechanical          product based around a ‘live client          to enable the modelling of
  sciences to study the kinematics,       staff initiated project’ brief, enabling     engineering management systems
  dynamics and control of robot arms.     the demonstration of engineering           • analysis of a range of engineering
  You will study how this information     design skills and abilities. Involves        management problems and building
  can be used to program the              students in designing and developing         appropriate probabilistic models to
  trajectory of the robot arm. You will   a new engineering based product              support effective decision-making.
  also study the key technologies in      around a ‘live client project brief,
  mobile robots and how these must        including:                                 Final Year Project
  be appraised in the design process      • determining briefs and specifications    A student-led, individual project to
• automation – you will analyse           • generation and evaluation of ideas,      design, develop, evaluate and present
  how automation systems can be             using 2D, 3D and engineering             a specialist technology solution to a
  programmed using the high level           modelling methods and techniques         current, relevant problem.
  1131 programming languages              • development and synthesis of ideas
  including ladder diagrams, function       in pursuit of appropriate solutions      Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics
  block diagrams and sequential           • generation, collection and use of        Scientific principles in the fields of
  function charts.                          appropriate information and research     heat transfer, fluids and aerodynamics,
                                            relating to the given brief/scenario     including:
Digital Signal and Image                  • application of technological             • Heat transfer: differential
Processing                                  concepts, materials, techniques and        equation of conduction, one- and
This unit introduces the concepts of        processes to design/engineering            two-dimensional steady-state
digital signal and image processing. It     proposals and solutions                    conduction, heat generation, forced/
will cover data and image acquisition,    • testing and evaluation of solutions        free convection, heat exchangers,
signal conditioning and processing,       • development of report writing,             radiation, transient heat transfer
hardware and electronics and state-of-      planning, critical analysis and          • Fluids: derivation and solution
the-art algorithms for data analysis.       referencing                                of the Navier-Stokes equations,
                                          • professional presentation techniques       boundary layers, two-phase flows,
Electronic Engineering Design               and methods.                               compressible flow, computational
Electronic engineering design of radio                                                 fluid dynamics
communication systems.                    Engineering Management                     • Aerodynamics: Introduction to
                                          The principles of engineering                aerodynamics, some fundamental
Electronic Systems Design                 management, including:                       aerodynamic principles, variation of
Developing complex and innovative         • applications and case studies of           aerodynamic coefficients, potential
electronic systems to industrial            engineering management issues and          flow theory, aerofoil theory, finite
standards.                                  processes                                  wing theory, wing in compressible
                                          • understanding of design, planning          flow, aspects of wing design and
Energy Resources and Energy                 and control of operations in               flow control.
Generation                                  engineering organisations
During this unit you will analyse         • knowledge on the supply chain            Individual Engineering Project
energy harvesting and generation from       network and its operations               A student-led individual project to
conventional and renewable resources      • understanding inventory, quality,        design, develop, evaluate and present
and distribution through conventional       capacity and project management          a specialist technology solution to a
and smart grids.                          • understanding continuous                 current, relevant problem.
                                            improvement techniques in an

                                                                                                   | 23
Formula Student
Formula Student is Europe’s
most established educational
motorsport competition,
run by the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers.
Backed by industry and high profile
engineers such as Patron Ross Brawn
OBE, the competition aims to inspire
and develop enterprising and innovative
young engineers.

Ross Brawn OBE was awarded
a Doctorate of Engineering from
Manchester Metropolitan University in
2011 for his outstanding achievements
in Formula1 and automotive engineering
and the inspiration he represents for
young and upcoming engineers, such
as Mechanical Engineering graduate
Ashley Sinclair, who said:

“I was heavily involved with formula
student, the University competition
where student teams from the UK and
around the world design and build a
single-seat racing car and then race
at Silverstone. Not only did it give me
extra practical engineering experience,
but I was able to develop my project
management, teamworking and
leadership skills on a real live project
which was excellent preparation for
entering the job market. I’m happy to
say I got a graduate level job as soon
as I finished my degree with one of the
sponsor companies I had worked closely
with on the formula student car.”

24 | Engineering, Physics and Product Design
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