Engaging with Maths through Picture Books
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Engaging with Maths through Picture Books Engaging with Maths through Picture Books This book: • promotes the importance of truly engaging young children with mathematics • identifies the ‘big ideas’ in the relevant mathematical topics • highlights common misunderstandings and difficulties children may hold or develop • provides planning frameworks showing how the lessons can be enacted and extended. Engaging with Maths through Picture Books will help teachers engage children aged from 3 to 8 with mathematics through rich mathematical and literacy experiences. Each chapter focuses on different mathematical content or domains and has been written by a leading mathematics educator and researcher. This accessible book can be used as a form of professional learning and a springboard to developing your own exciting literature-based mathematics lesson by using the ideas as they are, adapting them for the needs of your learners and/or taking the ideas and applying them to different books. The authors are confident educators will find that it stimulates children’s thinking and mathematical experiences by building strong foundations for their future enjoyment and success with mathematics. Tracey Muir, Sharyn Livy, Leicha Bragg, Julie Clark, Jill Wells and Catherine Attard Code: TS0133 ISBN: 978-1-925145-17-5 Code: TS0133 Tracey Muir, Sharyn Livy, Leicha Bragg, Julie Clark, Jill Wells and Catherine Attard
Eng a g i n g M a t h em at ic s Copy to come w it h Lt G ES he A d . P rs E is bl PL u lP na Tracey Muir, Sharyn Livy, Leicha Bragg, Julie Clarke, Jill Wells & Catherine Attard M tio ca SA u Ed es N rc ou en IO es R T al Tracey Muir, Sharyn Livy, ti A Leicha Bragg, Julie Clark, ss LU E Jill Wells & Catherine Attard © A EV EWM 2nd pages corrected.indd 1 18/04/2017 11:58 PM
ES Published in 2017 by TEACHING SOLUTIONS Lt G PO Box 197, Albert Park 3206, Australia he A Email: info@teachingsolutions.com.au d . Website: www.teachingsolutions.com.au P rs Copyright © Tracey Muir 2017 E ISBN 978-1-925145-17-5 is bl Design and page make-up by Tom Kurema PL u Cover design by Tom Kurema lP Printed in Australia by OPUS Group na M All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act tio 1968 (for example a fair dealing for the purposes of study, research, criticism or ca SA review), no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, u or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. Ed Copyright owners may take legal action against a person or organisation who infringes their copyright through unauthorised copying. All inquiries should es be directed to the publisher at the address above. N rc ou Photocopying en IO The material in this book is copyright. The purchasing educational institution es and its staff, and the individual teacher purchaser, are permitted under the R Australian Copyright Act 1968 to make copies of the child activity pages of this T al book provided that: ti 1. The number of copies does not exceed the number reasonably required by A the educational institution to satisfy its teaching purposes; ss 2. Copies are made only by reprographic means (photocopying), not by elec- LU tronic/digital means, and are not stored or transmitted; E 3. Copies are not sold or lent. © A EV 04-2017 EWM 2nd pages corrected.indd 2 18/04/2017 11:58 PM EWM 2n
C o n te nt s ES Acknowledgements 4 Foreword 5 Lt G he A 1 Engaging children in mathematics through the use of literature 7 d . P rs 2 Engaging with early number concepts 12 E is bl PL u 3 Engaging with place value and number facts 21 lP na M tio 4 Engaging with patterning and algebraic thinking 27 ca SA u Ed 5 Engaging with smaller and bigger numbers 36 es N rc ou 6 Engaging with measurement concepts 44 en IO es R T 7 al Engaging with geometrical concepts 51 ti A ss 8 LU Engaging with chance and probability 59 E © 9 A Engaging with data handling and statistics 66 EV 10 Engaging with the proficiencies through children’s literature and other media 75 References 81 11:58 PM EWM 2nd pages corrected.indd 3 18/04/2017 11:58 PM
ES Acknowledgements Lt G Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following copyright holders for permission to reproduce pictorial material: he A d . p. 18: cover image from Six-Dinner Sid by Inga Moore reproduced by permission of Hodder Children’s Books, an imprint of Hachette Children’s Group, Carmelite House, P rs 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ. p 24: cover image and internal page from One Is a Snail, Ten Is a Crab by April Pulley Sayre E and Jeff Sayre and illustrated by Randy Cecil. Text © 2003 April Pulley Sayre & Jeff is bl Sayre. Illustrations © 2003 Randy Cecil. Reproduced by permission of Walker Books PL u Australia. lP p. 29: cover image from Beep Beep, Vroom Vroom by Stuart J. Murphy. Text © 2000 by na Stuart J. Murphy. Mathstart™ is a trademark of HarperCollins Publishers Inc. Used by M permission of HarperCollins Publishers. tio p. 32: cover image from Rooster’s Off to See the World by Eric Carle. Copyright ©1972 by ca SA Eric Carle. All rights reserved. Used with permission. u p. 39: cover image from Sophie’s Prize by Jennie Marston and illustrated by Lexie Watt Ed 2014, Little Steps Publishing, Frenchs Forest. Reproduced with permission of the author. Copies available from the author jenniemarston2@gmail.com. es pp. 40 & 42: cover image and two internal pages from The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchins. N rc Copyright © 1986 by Pat Hutchins. Used by permission of HarperCollins Publishers. ou en IO p. 47: cover image and Monday page from Diary of a Wombat by Jackie French and es illustrated by Bruce Whatley. Reproduced by permission of HarperCollins Publishers. R p. 48: cover image and one internal page from How Big Is a Foot by Rolf Myller reproduced T al by permission of Lois Myller. ti p. 54: cover image from Knuffle Bunny by Mo Williams. Copyright © 2004 Mo Willems. A All rights reserved. First published in the United States by Hyperion Books for ss Children. British publication rights arranged with Sheldon Fogelman Agency, Inc. LU E Reproduced by permission of Walker Books Ltd, London. © p. 63: cover image from The Wolf’s Chicken Stew by Keiko Kaka. Reproduced by permission of Penguin Random House. A p. 67: Data Detective poster reproduced by permission of Census At School New Zealand www.censusatschool.org.nz © 2008. EV p. 69: cover image from Fearless by Colin Thompson and illustrated by Sarah Davis. Reproduced by permission of HarperCollins Publishers. p. 71: cover image from Shoes from Grandpa by Mem Fox & Patricia Mullins. Text copyright © Mem Fox, 1989. Illustrations copyright © Patricia Mullins, 1989. First published by Scholastic Australia Pty Ltd, 1989. Reproduced by permission of Scholastic Australia Pty Limited. p. 76: cover image from the Snail and Turtle are Friends by Stephen Michel King. Text and illustrations © Stephen Michael King 2014. First published by Scholastic Press, a division of Scholastic Australia Pty Limited, 2014. Reproduced by permission of Scholastic Australia Pty Limited. Every effort has been made to trace and acknowledge copyright holders, but in some cases we have been unsuccessful. Any information that would redress this situation will be gratefully received. 4 EWM 2nd pages corrected.indd 4 11/05/2017 12:41 PM EWM 2n
For ew o r d ES As someone who has researched and published in the field of early Lt G childhood mathematics since 1976, it gives me great pleasure to see the results of the work of such a talented group of authors as has been he A . assembled for Engaging with Mathematics through Picture Books. The d idea that the learning of mathematical concepts might be enhanced P rs using appropriate and relevant children’s literature is not new. However, what has been missing is a book for early childhood educators that is E is based firmly in research but which addresses the practical needs of these bl PL educators and the children with whom they are working. Engaging with u lP Mathematics through Picture Books is that book. na The book begins with a very clear explanation of the fundamental M tio notion of young children’s engagement in mathematics and why this ca is critical to the children’s learning of mathematics. Then this notion is SA u actualised through links to quality children’s literature, particularly picture Ed books. In the past, there has been some tendency to assume that a high es quality picture book would, almost automatically, lead to high levels of N rc mathematical engagement – an uncritical adaptation of the ‘mathematics ou is everywhere’ mantra. Pleasingly, the authors of Engaging with en IO es Mathematics through Picture Books take a more nuanced approach to their R selection of picture books to illustrate how mathematics might develop T al from children’s engagement with specific literature. These choices do not ti preclude early childhood educators, and the children with whom they A are working, choosing their own ‘favourite’ literature. However, the book ss LU does provide guidance about what is important in doing this. Building on E these aspects of their approach, the authors provide substantial practical © support through their standardisation of lesson planning format and their A presentation of separate chapters on how to develop lessons around some of the major powerful ideas needed by young children. EV The bulk of this book consists of nine chapters each considering one of these powerful mathematical ideas. These are very practical chapters which will provide excellent support to early childhood educators, particularly in Australian schools. There are clear links to the Australian Curriculum – Mathematics but also quite extensive notes on the mathematics itself so that educators can be assured that they understand the material that they are trying to bring to the fore through the later literature-based lesson plans. All of the expected mathematical topics are to be found in these chapters, along with a couple of surprises, including chapters on chance and statistics and a final chapter that 5 12:41 PM EWM 2nd pages corrected.indd 5 18/04/2017 11:58 PM
Engaging with Maths through Picture Books carefully considers the general proficiencies of the curriculum. There is a complete package through which early childhood educators can get started and build their own confidence in the approach and in the mathematics. I look forward to hearing about how hearing about how this book is being used in the first years of Australian schools, as I am sure it will be. The authors have realised the potential of young children’s literature in their engagement with mathematical learning and have done it in a way which is both practical and rigorous. There is also much value ES in this book for early childhood educators in prior-to-school settings. Ideas around engagement, the value of children’s literature, and Lt G mathematical development will be of great interest to these educators. I commend Engaging with Mathematics through Picture Books to the early he A childhood education field and look forward to its wide acceptance. d . P Bob Perry, Professor of Mathematics Education, Charles Sturt University rs E is bl PL u lP na M tio ca SA u Ed es N rc ou en IO es R T ti al A ss LU E © A EV 6 EWM 2nd pages corrected.indd 6 18/04/2017 11:58 PM EWM 2n
Engaging children in mathematics through the use of literature Engaging children in mathematics through the use of literature appropriate for educators of young children in ES a variety of contexts. The importance of engaging young Lt G children with mathematics he A As we know, mathematics tends to have a d . reputation of being a difficult subject to learn. P Children can develop negative attitudes rs towards maths from a very young age, and E these attitudes can be detrimental as children is bl mature and begin to make choices that PL u sometimes exclude the study of mathematics. lP These choices have the potential to limit life na M opportunities so it is important that children tio are engaged with mathematics through ca SA Sid lived at number one Aristotle Street. He positive experiences from a very young age. So u also lived at number two, number three, Ed number four, number five and number six. Sid what does engagement really mean, and how can the use of children’s literature help children es lived in six houses so that he could have six to engage with maths? N dinners — Inga Moore, Six-Dinner Sid rc ou The word ‘engagement’ is used daily in en IO es educational settings. Often, teachers consider Six-Dinner Sid is one of nearly 20 stories R children to be engaged when they are on featured in this book. This chapter provides an T al task, following instructions, and looking ti overview of the philosophical underpinnings A ‘busy’. However, engagement is much more of the book and a rationale for teaching than ‘on task’ behaviour. True engagement ss LU mathematics through children’s literature. It E is multidimensional, consisting of cognitive, begins with an explanation of what we mean © operative and affective engagement – it is ‘in by ‘engagement’ and why it is particularly task’ behaviour rather than ‘on task’ behaviour. A applicable to mathematics learning. In terms of mathematics, true engagement EV We then show how this engagement can occurs: be fostered through the careful selection of appropriate literature and provide guidelines • when children are procedurally engaged and interacting with the task and with each other for evaluating this literature. Finally, we provide (operative engagement) some practical, research-based suggestions on how to effectively plan and implement • when there is an element of cognitive challenge within the task and children are purposeful and engaging mathematical reflecting deeply about the mathematics experiences in the classroom. (cognitive engagement) While the experiences documented target the • and when children understand that learning early years of school, many could be adapted mathematics is worthwhile, valuable and to less formal settings and would therefore be useful within and beyond the classroom 7 11:58 PM EWM 2nd pages corrected.indd 7 18/04/2017 11:58 PM
Engaging with Maths through Picture Books Cognitive FRAMEWORK FOR ENGAGEMENT Reflectively involved in WITH MATHEMATICS deep understanding of In an engaging mathematics classroom, mathematical concepts and positive pedagogical relationships exist where: applications, and expertise Engagement • children’s backgrounds and pre-existing knowledge are acknowledged and contribute to the learning of others Operative • the teacher is aware of each child’s Affective ES Actively mathematical abilities and learning needs Genuinely valuing – participating – group this learning will be • interaction amongst children and between discussions, practical, useful to me in my teacher and children is continuous Lt G relevant activities and life outside the • the teacher models enthusiasm and an homework tasks classroom he A enjoyment of mathematics and has a strong d . pedagogical content knowledge P • feedback to children is constructive, rs Figure 1.1: The coming together of affective, purposeful and timely E is cognitive and operative engagement results in true In an engaging mathematics classroom, bl engagement with mathematics. PL engaging pedagogical repertoires mean: u lP • there is substantive conversation Children’s literature and engagement about mathematical concepts and their na M applications to life tio Why use children’s literature as a tool to ca • tasks are positive, provide opportunity for all SA engage children with mathematics? Attard children to achieve a level of success and are u (2012) presented a Framework for Engagement Ed challenging for all with Mathematics (FEM), shown in figure 1.2. es This framework illustrates: • children are provided an element of choice N rc • technology is embedded and used to 1. How pedagogical relationships between ou enhance mathematical understanding en IO a teacher and their children form the es through a child-centred approach to foundations for engagement with R learning T mathematics al • the relevance of the mathematics ti A 2. How the teacher’s pedagogical repertoires curriculum is explicitly linked to children’s lives outside the classroom and empowers ss – the practices that occur each day in the LU children with the capacity to transform and E classroom – can promote high engagement reform their lives © 3. How the combination of relationships and • mathematics lessons regularly include a A repertoires leads to child engagement variety of tasks that cater to the diverse Many aspects of the FEM framework are needs of learners EV addressed through the variety of lessons Children are engaged with mathematics when: presented here. In particular, the lessons • mathematics is a subject they enjoy learning highlight the use of children’s literature that • they value mathematics learning and see its promotes a child-centred approach to learning, relevance in their current and future lives provides many opportunities to highlight • they see connections between the the relevance of mathematics and promotes mathematics learnt at school and the quality conversation about mathematical mathematics used beyond the classroom concepts. Figure 1.2: Framework for Engagement with Mathematics (Attard 2012) 8 EWM 2nd pages corrected.indd 8 18/04/2017 11:58 PM EWM 2n
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