Engaging Transgender Women and Transgender Men in Digital Spaces Trans Participants in the AMP Study Fostering Transgender Inclusion in HIV Research

Page created by Rose Sparks
Engaging Transgender Women and Transgender Men in Digital Spaces Trans Participants in the AMP Study Fostering Transgender Inclusion in HIV Research

Engaging Transgender
Women and Transgender
Men in Digital Spaces

Trans Participants
in the AMP Study

Fostering Transgender
Inclusion in HIV Research
Engaging Transgender Women and Transgender Men in Digital Spaces Trans Participants in the AMP Study Fostering Transgender Inclusion in HIV Research
                              Welcome to the newest edition
                              of the HIV Vaccine Trials Network
                              (HVTN) Community Compass.

                              In this issue, we dive deeper
                              into some of the considerations,
                                                                        Please help us ensure that this
                                                                        publication is representative of our
                                                                        entire global HVTN community!
                                                                        HVTN members (who have access
                                                                        to the HVTN member’s website)
                                                                        can use our submission page that
                              perspectives, and best practices for      offers the ability to submit content
                              the engagement of transgender             and articles for inclusion in future
                              populations in our research. It is my     issues. More information about
                              hope that this issue enhances your        this follows on page 04 under the
                              understanding of the dynamic lives        “Meet the Community Compass
                              of transgender people, and gives          Team” section.
                              you a glimpse into the topics and
                              concerns that should be considered        Thank you for your continued
                              when engaging transgender                 support of the HVTN wherever you
                              persons in HIV prevention research.       are in the world, for the work that
                              In this issue, we offer perspectives      you do in whatever role you have
                              from members of the population,           in the HVTN community, and for
                              overviews of research done with           the impact we have been able to
                              transgender populations, and              make in our collective history and
                              other information that I hope             communities, together. Though we
                              you find useful.                          have come very far in response to
                                                                        the HIV epidemic, we have so much
                              None of this is a substitute for          further to go to achieve an effective
                              effective community engagement            global HIV vaccine. The HVTN
                              in your own local communities,            Community Compass team wants
                              and as always, the best way to            to be everywhere you are, so please
                              ensure that the voices of any             share with us what’s happening
                              community or population are heard         at your research sites, institutions,
                              is to meaningfully engage and             and in your communities, so that
                              include them. When you engage             we can share it with the world.
                              transgender persons and ask for
                              their input and perspective,
                              do so from a place of sincere
                              humility, and be prepared                 Be well,
                              to be responsive to the                   Stephaun E. Wallace, Ph.D.
                              feedback you receive.                     Editor-in-Chief, HVTN Community Compass

Engaging Transgender Women and Transgender Men in Digital Spaces Trans Participants in the AMP Study Fostering Transgender Inclusion in HIV Research
 The Transgender Pride Flag was
 created by American trans woman
 Monica Helms in 1999,[1][2] and was
 first shown at a pride parade in
 Phoenix, Arizona, United States
 in 2000.[3]
                                              Stephaun E. Wallace, Editor-in-Chief

 The flag represents the transgender
 community and consists of five
 horizontal stripes: two light blue,
 two pink, and one white in
 the center.
 Helms describes the meaning of the
 transgender pride flag as follows:
 “The stripes at the top and bottom
 are light blue, the traditional color
 for baby boys. The stripes next
 to them are pink, the traditional
 color for baby girls. The stripe
 in the middle is white, for those
 who are transitioning or consider
 themselves having a neutral
 or undefined gender.”[3][4]

  Brian van de Mark (10 May 2007). “Gay

 and Lesbian Times”. Archived from the
 original on 6 September 2012. Retrieved
 3 November 2016.
   Fairyington, Stephanie (12 November

 2014). “The Smithsonian’s Queer
 Collection”. The Advocate. Retrieved
 5 June 2015.
  “Transgender Flag Flies In San

 Francisco’s Castro District After Outrage
 From Activists” by Aaron Sankin,
 HuffingtonPost, 20 November 2012.
   “The History of the Transgender Flag”.

 point5cc.com. 23 April 2015. Archived
 from the original on 9 July 2015.
 Retrieved 9 July 2015.

Engaging Transgender Women and Transgender Men in Digital Spaces Trans Participants in the AMP Study Fostering Transgender Inclusion in HIV Research
                               Meet The Community Compass Team                                  4

                               Engaging Transgender Women and
                               Transgender Men in Digital Spaces                                 5

                               Case Western CAB Outreach in Local Communities                    7

                               From Noun to Verb: Three Parallel Lives of Beauty,
                               Competitiveness, and Empowerment                                 8

                               Trans Participants in the AMP Study: Voices From Via Libre       11

                               Exploring the Potential for Interactions Between Oral PrEP and
                               Gender-Affirming Therapy Among Transgender Women                 13

                               Upcoming Events/Conferences/Meetings                             15

                               Seen Around the HVTN                                             17

                               HVTN 505 Recap                                                   21

                               Fostering Transgender Inclusion in HIV Research                  23

                               HVTN 705/HPX2008 – The Imbokodo Study                            27

                               A Community Launch Event for the Imbokodo Study                  29

                               South Africans Do Not Have the Luxury to Claim That
                               They Are HIV/AIDS Fatigued                                       31

                               Interview With a Study Volunteer                                 33

                               Never Give Up                                                    35

                               OUT Role Model: Shawn Reilly                                     36

                               Getting the Right Test for HIV                                   37

                               Healthcare Experiences and Being Transgender                     39

                               Spotlight on the People of the HVTN                              41

Engaging Transgender Women and Transgender Men in Digital Spaces Trans Participants in the AMP Study Fostering Transgender Inclusion in HIV Research

          Stephaun E. Wallace, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief                        Cody Shipman, Layout & Design
Our vision is an informed HVTN community that is aware of current events and activities relating to the HVTN
network and its sites, advances in the field of HIV prevention and vaccination, as well as community priorities.
We work to accomplish this by providing relevant information and updates to promote awareness, understanding,
and support for HIV prevention and HIV vaccines, reaching global communities invested in the response to the
HIV epidemic.

We welcome submissions of articles on any topic for publication that is relevant to the HVTN community.
Submissions must be exclusive to us, and not appear in any other publication. Submissions must be 500 words
or less to comply with our layout and design requirements.Due to space limitations, we may need to hold
publishing your article for a future issue.

To submit articles for Community Compass, please go to the HVTN Members Site homepage, click on “About”,
then click “Community Compass”, then click on “Submit to Community Compass”.

          Nina Ennis, Production & Distribution                             Gail Broder, Contributing Editor

               HIV VACCINE TRIALS NETWORK | COMMUNITY COMPASS | VOLUME 19, ISSUE 1: JUNE 2019                      4
Engaging Transgender Women and Transgender Men in Digital Spaces Trans Participants in the AMP Study Fostering Transgender Inclusion in HIV Research
Featured Article

Engaging Transgender Women and
Transgender Men in Digital Spaces
By: Rafael Gonzalez & Bianca S. Hill, Bridge HIV CRS, San Francisco, CA, USA

There are approximately 1 million                                                          Participants identified the need
adults in the US who identify as                                                           to be inclusive and have visible
transgender. And while we don’t                                                            transgender representation in an
know the true prevalence and                                                               ad. The representation can take
incidence of HIV transmission                                                              place in a variety of ways: visible
within the community, we do                                                                Trans flag colors, or including
know that about 2,300 folks who                                                            specific text that explicitly states
identify as trans were diagnosed                                                           the study is recruiting transgender
with HIV between 2009 and 2014                                                             women and men. If using models
in the United States. It’s estimated                                                       in a campaign, the consensus
that HIV is 5 times the national                                                           was to use people from within the
average among transgender women                                                            community rather than opting for
and men. Yet transgender people                                                            stock photos that use non-familiar
account for a small proportion in                                                          or celebrity-style images.
HIV prevention research studies,
including vaccine research studies.                                                        A variety of messages were
With the growing prevalence of                                                             discussed that ranged from
HIV among transgender men                                                                  “Doing Good” by helping end
and women, it is essential to                                                              HIV, to messages that were not
identify barriers and facilitators for                                                     directly about HIV but spoke to the
transgender people to participate                                                          community such as “Big and Bold.
in HIV vaccine clinical trials.                                                            Beyond the Binary.” Participants
                                                                                           unanimously agreed that messages
Studies that are exploring the                                                             such as “Do Good” imply judgment
reasons for underrepresentation                                                            (that if you are not interested in
of trans people in HIV vaccine                                                             participating or being involved
trials have pointed out that there                                                         in HIV prevention, you are doing
is a need to develop recruitment                                                           bad). A transman under age 30 in
strategies geared specifically toward                                                      the focus group stated, “People are
the transgender community. Some                        Word based ads from Bridge HIV.     imperfect, also, their goodness is
of the barriers to address in such                                                         not determined by their STI status.”
strategies include stigma, being                       To explore the acceptability        On the other hand, some of the
unaware of or misinformed about                        of recruitment campaigns on         younger transwomen in the group
HIV, mistrust of the scientific                        social media sites/apps among
community, and concerns about                          transgender women and
possible vaccine side effects. But                     transgender men, Bridge HIV
before any of these can even be                        invited members of the community
addressed, how are we reaching                         to a paid focus group. We sought
trans-identified women and men?                        to evaluate and compare the
                                                       effectiveness of multiple styles
Our ever-evolving culture is                           of advertisements on social media
guiding us into digital spaces                         sites/apps (such as Instagram)
where visual advertisements grab                       as a recruitment tool for HIV
the attention of people. It has been                   prevention studies. Specifically,
estimated that 72% of US adults visit                  we focused on obtaining feedback
social media websites and 12% of                       about the imagery, text/language,
internet users access social media                     style, and overall message of
to research health-related issues.                     the campaigns.                      Ads featuring Trans people from the Bay Area.

Engaging Transgender Women and Transgender Men in Digital Spaces Trans Participants in the AMP Study Fostering Transgender Inclusion in HIV Research
and HPTN 083, phase 1 and 2b                References:
                                             (respectively) injectable PrEP
                                                                                          • https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/group/gender/
                                             studies that required participants             transgender/index.html
                                             to receive an injection in one of
                                                                                          • Karuna, Shelly & Grove, Doug & Broder,
                                             their butt cheeks. This campaign               Gail & Anude, Chuka & Hammer, Scott &
                                             depicts a variety of cartoon butt              Sobieszczyk, Magda & Andrasik, Michele.
                                             cheeks in different shapes and                 (2014). Transgender Participants in the
                                             sizes with text stating, “Show us yer          HIV Vaccine Trial Network’s HVTN 505
                                                                                            Trial: A Descriptive and Comparative
                                             cheeks!” Participants thought that
                                                                                            Analysis. AIDS research and human
                                             cartoon-based images were a great              retroviruses. 30 Suppl 1. A189. 10.1089/
                                             way to be inclusive: “I like the butts,        aid.2014.5405.abstract.
                                             because I think they’re universal,
                                                                                          • Burrell, E.R., Pines, H.A., Robbie, E. et
                                             and I think that isn’t – it’s not very         al. Use of the Location-Based Social
                                             gendered, and I like that.”                    Networking Application GRINDR as a
                                                                                            Recruitment Tool in Rectal Microbicide
                                             Our take-away at Bridge HIV is to              Development Research. AIDS Behav
                                                                                            (2012) 16: 1816. https://doi.org/10.1007/
                                             create a customized campaign for
                                             the trans community, as opposed
                                                                                          • Lee JL, DeCamp M, Dredze M, Chisolm
                                             to creating one general campaign.
                                                                                            MS, Berger ZD. What Are Health-Related
                                             While cartoon-based and text-based             Users Tweeting? A Qualitative Content
Cartoon based ads from Bridge HIV.           advertisements are acceptable, we              Analysis of Health-Related Users and
                                             think creating a campaign with                 Their Messages on Twitter. Eysenbach G,
felt that a tagline like “Big and Bold.      members from the transgender                   ed. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Beyond the Binary” targeted them             community as models would be a                 2014;16(10):e237. doi:10.2196/jmir.3765.

in a good way. They felt that the            great way to show the community              • Sun CJ, Stowers J, Miller C, Bachmann
message is “really clever alliteration”      that we are listening to their                 LH, Rhodes SD. Acceptability and
                                                                                            feasibility of using established geosocial
and that “this is meant for me.              feedback, that we care, and that we
                                                                                            and sexual networking mobile
This is meant for me to be reading           want to cultivate our relationship             applications to promote HIV and STD
right now.”                                  with the community. It would also              testing among men who have sex with
                                             create a paid opportunity for the              men. AIDS Behav 2015; 19:543–52.
Animated or cartoon-based                    models, which is also a facilitator
campaigns were appreciated                   in establishing trust.
among the group. Specifically,
the conversation focused on a                Rafael Gonzalez is the Community Program
campaign created for HPTN 077                Manager and Bianca Hill is a RAMP Scholar
                                             at the Bridge HIV CRS.

Altruistic ads from Bridge HIV.

                     HIV VACCINE TRIALS NETWORK | COMMUNITY COMPASS | VOLUME 19, ISSUE 1: JUNE 2019                                      6
Engaging Transgender Women and Transgender Men in Digital Spaces Trans Participants in the AMP Study Fostering Transgender Inclusion in HIV Research
Featured Article

Case Western CAB Outreach
in Local Communities
By: Bob Bucklew, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio

On October 5, 2018, the Community
Advisory Board (CAB) of the
Case Western Reserve University/
University Hospitals AIDS Clinical
Research Site sponsored a showing
of the film “Kings, Queens, &
In-Betweens” for the Greater
Cleveland community. The
film, a documentary filmed
in Columbus, Ohio, explores
gender, race, sexuality and
changing self-identity against
the backdrop of a then-thriving
local drag performance scene.
The event was open to the
community free of charge.
                                                    “Kings, Queens, & In-Betweens” Promotional Advertisement
Approximately 50 people attended
the event which started out with a reception, and included popcorn
(of course!). Following the screening, an audience discussion was led
by CAB Chair Julie Patterson. One of the stars of the movie, Sile Singleton
who performs as Luster dela Virgion and Anita Kwan, owner of Reel
Hoot Productions and editor of the film. The discussion was lively and
inspirational. Topics covered included the differences between drag
performance and gender identity, and the particular ways race and
racism impact transgender people and communities.

The CAB brainstormed new ways to continue the critical conversation
around gender, justice, and HIV. Several members had previously seen the
film at the Cleveland International Film Festival. In addition to being an
intelligent and entertaining film, the CAB members thought that having
the film set in Ohio would allow a greater connection with our community
than if it had been filmed in a larger coastal city, and they were correct.

Julie Patterson summed up the event, “Community members enjoyed the
film and found it was a springboard for discussion about gender fluidity,
generational differences in identity, and the transformative power of drag.
Ohio is full of amazing people - you just have to know where to find them!”
                                                                                                   Audience discussion leaders (l to r): Luster
Bob Bucklew is the outreach coordinator with Case Western Reserve University.                      dela Virgion, Julie Patterson (CAB Chair),
                                                                                                   and Anita Kwan

Engaging Transgender Women and Transgender Men in Digital Spaces Trans Participants in the AMP Study Fostering Transgender Inclusion in HIV Research
Featured Article

From Noun to Verb: Three Parallel Lives of
Beauty, Competitiveness, and Empowerment
By: Carolina Arredondo Villar, Lucía Ruíz Escalante, Carlos Vela Vela, Association Civil Selma Amazonica CRS, Iquitos, Peru

The value of stories lies in learning                  It was difficult for Chris to accept                    Chris thinks about modeling in
from brave people who share their                      herself, and the process began with                     Lima, plans she’ll carry out in the
so-called life lessons and how they                    a hormone treatment at the age of                       future. Chris is convinced that
have overcome life’s challenges.                       17. The following year she began her                    physical beauty is accompanied
These three survival stories lead                      transformation to become a trans                        by intellectual beauty, your
us to understand the urgency of                        woman. Were there any jokes? Yes                        education, which she defines
leaving speech behind and taking                       there were, and they were indeed as                     as the glamor of women.
action, that is, transforming nouns                    numerous as the love of her family
into verbs.                                            was huge, which was Chris’ source                       Like many others, Chris Martínez
                                                       of power to face life. Likewise, Chris                  considers that Angela Ponce’s
 “Some people mistake                                  has Francesca, her transgender                          participation in the Miss Universe
                                                       sister who always supports and                          2018 pageant (representing
 nudity for sensuality and                             accompanies her.                                        Spain) has opened a wide door
 vulgarity. Stay a mystery!”                                                                                   for transgender women. She also
                                                                                                               thinks that this fact will help to
                      - Carolina Herrera                                                                       unite the Iquitos trans community,
                                                                                                               minimizing the fears of coming out
BEAUTY + INTELLIGENCE                                                                                          and making themselves visible to
= POWER                                                                                                        society. For that purpose, Chris will
                                                                                                               continue to help empower others
Since 2015, Chris Martínez dreamt                                                                              through beauty, knowledge, and
about becoming a queen after                                                                                   acceptance of themselves, because
watching Lady Jeri crowned as Miss                                                                             it is not only about a face or a body,
                                                       Dragon fantasy costume show                             but also about education, and there
Amazonas, but there was a huge
obstacle Chris had to overcome: her                    The Beauty Academy (a component                         is much to learn!
shyness. She had never participated                    of the Miss Amazonas pageant) was
in any play in high school, nor being                  very difficult for Chris because it
a contestant for any beauty pageant.                   demanded her time and sacrifice,
She had actually refused to run for                    which in exchange gave her
Miss Belén Trans. Then, her mother                     information and empowerment.
and sister encouraged her. At that                     It was great. Now Chris wants to
moment, Miss Amazonas 2018                             follow this method to strengthen
Queen was born, bringing the                           herself and help other transgender
crown back to Belén after 11                           women by giving motivational
years of absence.                                      speeches on the advantages
                                                       and disadvantages of hormone
                                                       treatment. “There is very little
                                                       known about this topic, but by
                                                       2019 I’ll start this path at the
                                                       Asociación Civil Selva Amazónica,”
                                                       she said. Chris will also carry
                                                       out sensitization work about the
                                                       importance of participating as
                                                       volunteers in the research for
                                                       solutions to prevent HIV.
                                                                                                               Chris Martínez, Miss Amazonas 2018

Chris Martínez presentation MA2018
                                                                                                               Continued on Next Page...

                      HIV VACCINE TRIALS NETWORK | COMMUNITY COMPASS | VOLUME 19, ISSUE 1: JUNE 2019                                                 8
Engaging Transgender Women and Transgender Men in Digital Spaces Trans Participants in the AMP Study Fostering Transgender Inclusion in HIV Research
within her family, and responds          or clubs and then drug and rob
    “We cannot allow others’
                                             with defiance on a daily basis,          them], or sex workers, however
    limited perceptions to                   because it has been neither easy         there are many trans women who
                                             nor impossible at all.                   don’t do any of that.”
    define us.”
                          - Virginia Satir   Cris works at a store in Iquitos          “Those who don’t
                                             where she was required to have
                                             a short hairstyle, and when she
                                                                                       move do not notice
KNOWLEDGE CREATES                            asked her boss if the company             their chains.”
COMPETITIVENESS                              would hire a trans girl as allowed
                                             by law, she was told “absolutely
                                                                                                       - Rosa Luxemburgo
Cristina Vela, previously runner-            not” and that they would take her
up for “Miss Amazonas 2016,” is              application but wouldn’t hire her.       BUILDING IDENTITY
currently hostess of the Asociación          This affected Cris’ self-esteem, since   TO EMPOWER
Civil Selva Amazónica. She has               she had to play a role that was not
worked in many places where she              true to herself. To be a contestant      Fiorella Jiménez is a spokesperson
had played a role as a male, but             in “Miss Amazonas 2016,” Cris            for Kallpa, and jointly works with
knew herself to be a transgender             joined the Beauty Academy,               CHERL and the Office of the
woman. For Cristina, education is            empowered herself, acquired              Public Defender in Loreto-Perú
the engine for change in the world.          knowledge, and changed.                  on the defense of the community.
                                                                                      She doesn’t consider herself as
                                                                                      a role model, but she does desire
                                                                                      to become a reference for
                                                                                      her community.

                                                                                      Fiorella’s at Ayacucho, in Mesa de
                                                                                      Kallpa, to share experiences using
                                                                                      a methodology guide to implement
                                                                                      a comprehensive sexual education
                                                                                      program with CHERL and the Office
                                                                                      of the Public Defender. She has
                                                                                      been working on this since she
                                                                                      was 15 years old and in high school.
                                                                                      Her life has not been easy, especially
                                                                                      regarding her family; she got
                                                                                      away for a while, but now they
Cristina Vela, hostess at ACSA
                                                                                      live together once again.
The first challenge of her life was          Cris has been working for two
to accept herself. It was difficult          years at the Asociación Civil Selva
because she didn’t know who                  Amazónica as hostess and it’s
she was, she didn’t know what                a great opportunity to empower
a “trans girl” was, and she was              herself and widen her knowledge.
not comfortable with her gender.             She works in a comfortable
Nowadays, she knows she                      environment, because her
is a transgender woman and                   co-workers treat her as a
why she is living day after                  transgender woman.
day. Knowledge was the key
to her liberation.                           Cris says, “The trans community
                                             is in the process of strengthening
Cristina states that competitiveness         itself and gaining acceptance from
has meant improving herself                  society. If they have no rights, they
to overcome the difficult                    cannot move forward or evolve.
circumstances she has faced                  Transgender women are often
along her way. Therefore, she faces          labeled as thieves, “peperas” [women
obstacles and challenges, including          hired to attract men at parties, bars    Fiorella Jiménez, transgender woman leader

Empowering contestants for “Miss Amazonas 2018”

“Up until now, the topic                      Fiorella has a great concern about      Participating in “Miss Amazonas
(empowerment) has been difficult. I           the absence of regional ordinances      2015” contributed to her
am focusing on working with trans             that directly endorse transgender       empowerment. Through the Beauty
women, and it is twice as difficult           women. There are ordinances             Academy she had the opportunity
because there are only a few trans            about discrimination based on           to receive support, and since then
women participating in this topic.            sexual orientation and gender           she has had the opportunity to
Why? It’s a matter of stigma and              identity that are more focused          empower other contestants. In 2019,
discrimination. The trans women               on the gay community, and the           she plans to develop a personal
exclude themselves because of their           trans communities don’t consider        project with transgender women.
work, and they are more concerned             themselves included. In the health
about doing well. If they were                sector, for example, many women
properly directed, we would                   stop coming to medical facilities       Carolina Arredondo Villar, Communication
do greater things,” she said.                 because they are badly treated.         expert on Community Education, Asociación
                                                                                      Civil Selva Amazónica
                                              “Using the bathroom is a small
However, discrimination is not only           thing but causes great damage,”         Lucía Ruíz Escalante, Chief of the
                                              she stated.                             Community Education Area, Asociación
experienced externally, but also
                                                                                      Civil Selva Amazónica.
internally because there are those
who say they are transgender                  Fiorella shared that an example of a    Carlos Vela, Recruitment and
                                                                                      Retention Coordinator, Asociación
but do not transition and live                positive response from an authority
                                                                                      Civil Selva Amazónica.
openly as transgender people. It is           is that her social name is respected,
a challenge to build a self-identity          and she is acknowledged in her
that includes the concept of “trans”          study center. On the other hand, she
and to live with the suffering of             received a negative answer when
not knowing who you are. For                  she tried to talk to the dean of a
Fiorella, transgender women may               local university and the members
be directed and empowered to know             of the university assembly but they
and enforce their rights from this            refused to receive her because
moment on, and then they                      of being transgender.
can dialogue with the authorities
to propose changes.

                   HIV VACCINE TRIALS NETWORK | COMMUNITY COMPASS | VOLUME 19, ISSUE 1: JUNE 2019                            10
Featured Article

Trans Participants in the AMP Study:
Voices From VIA LIBRE
By: Julio Ortiz and Diego Torres, VIA LIBRE CRS, Lima, Peru
Among the participants enrolled                        Another woman, Zoe, found that the
in the AMP Study at the VIA LIBRE                      discovery of, initially, a gay identity,
research site, about 9% identify as a                  gave way to her transgender
transwoman (about 24 out of a total                    identity: “In the garden I played
of 254 enrolled). Five of the women                    with the girls, with the dolls. I felt
happily gave us their feedback                         like I was gay. When I was 12, I felt
and testimony regarding a few                          different. The change started at 15,
questions we asked them during                         16. I let my hair grow and I started
one of their scheduled study visits.                   taking hormones.”

                                                       Jeampi said: “I started to realize that
                                                       I was gay when I was 5 years old,
                                                       when I was in the nest. I realized
                                                       that I liked a child in the classroom.
                                                       At 8 I had my first kiss with a boy
                                                       who was from my neighborhood.              Jeampi

                                                       I think that my taste for being            because in a job application they
                                                       a woman came at 12 years. At               look for male or female sex. You
                                                       5 [as a boy] he was mannered,              go where it says female, but your
                                                       he had a taste for makeup, but             documentation comes out
                                                       I still did not see my future like         as a man.”
                                                       that [as a woman].”
                                                                                                  There is also a difference in the
                                                       Likewise, the family plays an              treatment of homosexuals and
                                                       important support role in this             heterosexuals, especially with trans
                                                       process, or can reject them. Carola        girls who demand equality. Zoe said,
                                                       shared: “My dad looked at me, gave         “They need to recognize us as they
                                                       me a bean on the forehead and              recognize the heterosexuals, and
                                                       said “I cannot do anything.” But           getting that recognition is in the
Shirley                                                my mom did not talk to me for              works. They need to call me by
                                                       almost a year.”                            my name if I think about changing
How was the process                                                                               it, but that will come later.”
of acceptance of your                                  Problems with
gender identity?                                       trans identity?                            On the other hand, there are those
                                                                                                  who have a more optimistic outlook
One of the women, Michel,                              For this question, we heard answers        and the conviction that they can
found that the conception of                           ranging from feeling pessimistic           create changes. Jeampi said, “My
their identity was a trauma that                       about being trans, linked to the           dream is to be a journalist and work
could be overcome, and sought                          difficulty of being recognized in          on a newscast. I want to escape the
the assistance of a psychologist                       their authentic gender identity            cliché of gossip journalism and do
for about 8 years: “I received                         to being able to obtain an                 more serious journalism. A trans girl
psychological therapy since I was                      identification in which their “social”     can also be a professional.” Jeampi
4 years old, because at school they                    name is used and appreciated.              also noted that it is important to
realized [my true identity]. It was a                  Michel said, “Study something else,        recognize the difficulties and lack
pleasure, because it was something                     not because the society we live            of sexual education that trans
that could not be hidden.”                             in does not accept a transgender           women still suffer, which hinders
                                                       person.... It is not easy to get a job     personality development and the
                                                                                                  affirmation of their identities.

Carola along with Jose-Luis Castro (Lead Community Educator, VIA LIBRE CRS) (right) and Enrique
Avila (Retention staff, VIA LIBRE CRS) (left)

According to a recent statistic, 70%             say they received when they were
of the trans population is engaged               invited to learn about the trial, and
in sex work. This affects those who              during their time in the clinic. Zoe
suffer stigma for being trans. Shirley           said, “I was informed first and I
told us, “Most people discriminate               liked how I was treated more than
against you, treat you badly,                    anything. I like the whole site; if
sometimes insult you. I try to lead              I hadn’t felt comfortable I would
my life quietly. We are dedicated                not have come.” Carola felt it was
to our homes, I am a stylist; not                important that people could access
all trans women are dedicated                    information about prevention and
to sex work.”                                    high-risk exposures. “That protected
                                                 me, as I run risks almost every day.”

                                                 On the other hand, Jeampi hopes
                                                 the study will obtain beneficial
                                                 results. “More than any benefit, it is
                                                 knowing how to inform people. And
                                                 to know if it works, if it really works
                                                 and if it can protect many people.”

                                                 Four of the women granted us
                                                 permission to publish their photos.
                                                 Jeampi’s photo is particularly
                                                 significant for her, since she
                                                 published it on social networks for
                                                 the viral #10YearChallenge, which
                                                 was shared and generated many
                                                 comments. Jeampi decided to
                                                 communicate, with great courage
                                                 and pride, the change in how she
                                                 looks now, different from the earlier
How did you decide                               child that appears in the first part
to participate in the                            of the photo.
AMP Study?
                                                 Julio Ortiz is the Recruitment and Retention
The participation of these trans                 Coordinator and Diego Torres is a Recruiter at
girls goes hand in hand with the                 the VIA LIBRE CRS in Lima, Peru.

information they had access to
and the good treatment that they

Featured Article

Exploring the Potential for Interactions
Between Oral PrEP and Gender-Affirming
Therapy Among Transgender Women
Craig W. Hendrix, MD., The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD

HIV is very common among                             were used and in which tissues.         transgender women and cisgender
transgender women, indicating                        Naturally high concentrations           men, and changes in estrogen
a special population that would                      of estrogen in pregnant women           concentrations before and after
greatly benefit from pre-exposure                    are associated with reduced             PrEP in transgender women. To
prophylaxis (PrEP) with oral                         concentrations of many drugs            assess the impact of GAHT on
tenofovir and emtricitabine (sold                    that are processed by the kidneys,      PrEP, we calculated the total drug
by the brand name Truvada®).                         including PrEP drugs. There is no       concentration in blood over 24
However, transgender women                           laboratory or clinical evidence to      hours, also known as the area under
are not well represented in most                     suggest that PrEP drugs have any        the concentration versus time
large PrEP clinical trials and there                 effect on estrogen concentrations,      curve for 24 hours (AUC24), and we
are very few pharmacokinetic                         but this has not been previously        measured the drug concentration
studies (where drug concentrations                   studied directly in clinical trials.    24 hours after the last PrEP dose
are measured over time) in                           Given the concern among                 was taken, also known as the trough
transgender women. In addition,                      transgender women that PrEP             concentration. After one week of
many transgender women also                          might adversely affect GAHT, and        daily PrEP dosing, tenofovir and
benefit from taking estrogens                        conflicting laboratory data that        emtricitabine AUC24 and trough in
with or without anti-androgens                       estrogen might affect PrEP drug         the blood plasma of TGW were lower
as gender-affirming hormone                          concentrations, we and others set       by 20% to 27% when compared to
therapy (GAHT). However, several                     out to study drug-drug interactions     cisgender men. The other research
surveys of transgender women                         between PrEP and GAHT                   team at the Thai Red Cross/HIVNAT
taking GAHT indicate a high degree                   in transgender women.                   also showed a slightly lower 12-
of unwillingness to take PrEP due                                                            18% reduction in tenofovir blood
to concerns that PrEP may impact                     We performed a small, open              concentrations when an estrogen/
their hormone regimens. Given the                    label study of daily oral PrEP          cyproterone regimen was added
established benefits from both PrEP                  drug concentrations in blood            to PrEP alone (presented at the
and GAHT, their likely use together,                 and rectal tissue in eight HIV-         Paris IAS 2019 meeting). Seeking
and the reluctance of many                           negative transgender women              a biologic explanation for these
transgender women to take PrEP,                      (TGW) consistently taking GAHT          results, we found that kidney
it is essential to understand the                    and eight cisgender men. Research       function (creatinine clearance
potential for interactions between                   participants took daily oral PrEP for   and glomerular filtration rate)
these drugs. Better understanding                    one week under direct observation       was substantially higher in the
could provide reassurance to                         in the research clinic to assure 100%   transgender women. These
transgender women and clinicians                     adherence. After the last dose, blood   measures were also strongly and
that PrEP and GAHT could be                          and rectal tissue were collected to     inversely correlated with plasma
prescribed together without risk                     measure PrEP drug concentrations.       AUC and trough concentrations
of reducing the effectiveness                        We also measured estrogen and           for both drugs—meaning that the
or increasing side effects of                        testosterone in the blood. We           higher the clearance, the lower the
either regimen.                                      reported study results at the HIVR4P    PrEP drug concentrations.
                                                     (HIV Research for Prevention)
Previously, laboratory and animal                    meeting in Madrid in October 2018.      To work, both of the medicines
studies suggested that estrogens                                                             included in Truvada® must be
might either increase or decrease                    The two primary outcome                 activated by enzymes in the body’s
the concentrations of PrEP drugs,                    measures were differences in PrEP       cells by the addition of phosphates
depending on which specific tests                    drug concentrations between             to become tenofovir diphosphate

and emtricitabine triphosphate.            study participants were on the          of oral PrEP using Truvada® in
Because we believe the location of         same GAHT regimen, which                transgender women, as in cisgender
drug action for these medicines            introduced a lot of variability,        women, until other studies are
used as PrEP in transgender women          making it harder to pick up small       completed. More importantly, there
is primarily in the rectal tissue cells,   differences. Better evidence to         is reassurance across these two
we measured these activated forms          prove there is no effect of PrEP on     studies that PrEP drugs do not affect
of the medicines in rectal tissue          GAHT comes from the Thai Red            GAHT drug concentrations. Larger
as well as blood. The differences          Cross/HIVNAT study (mentioned           and more carefully controlled
in concentration of both active            earlier) in which all transgender       PrEP-GAHT interaction studies
drugs inside certain white blood           women were on the same GAHT             are needed to establish whether
cells, known as peripheral blood           regimen of estrogen/cyproterone,        the differences in PBMC and rectal
mononuclear cells (PBMC), showed           in which PrEP drugs had no impact       tissue are real, so that we could
similar lower concentrations like          on estrogen concentrations. Their       better understand the role of the
that seen in the blood plasma.             rigorous study design allowed           different anti-androgen drugs
Unlike the plasma, however, these          the investigators to confidently        such as spironolactone or Lupron
were not statistically significant         detect smaller differences in drug      in the GAHT regimens, and to
and could have occurred by                 concentrations than we could.           provide more definitive guidance
chance alone. In rectal tissue             Taken together, these studies           to clinicians who prescribe GAHT
cells, the differences in active           provide good evidence that GAHT         to transgender women who wish
drug concentration were 62% to             is not affected by oral PrEP. Because   to take Truvada® as PrEP and
68% lower in TGW compared to               cyproterone is not available in         GAHT together.
cisgender men, however, as in the          the US and its specific role in
PBMC, these were not statistically         the changes seen in PrEP drug           Dr. Craig Hendrix is the Wellcome Professor
significant. Measuring drugs               concentrations was not directly         and Director in the Division of Clinical
in tissue cells is highly variable         assessed, we believe additional         Pharmacology in the Departments of
and the small differences seen in          studies are needed.                     Medicine and Pharmacology and Molecular
                                                                                   Sciences at Johns Hopkins University
plasma are hard to detect. Thus,
                                                                                   School of Medicine.
we cannot say with confidence              The magnitude of the decreases
that the differences in activated          in the 2 PrEP medicines in
drug in PBMC and rectal tissue             transgender women on GAHT are
cells are real. However, PBMC              similar to the effects of regularly
concentrations are highly related to       missing 1-2 doses each week. This
blood plasma concentrations based          decrease probably still provides high
on other studies, and we saw no            concentrations of protection with a
evidence of changes in the body to         daily dosing regimen – even if the
explain a loss of this relationship.       rectal tissue cell concentrations are
These facts provide a good reason          real and consistent with every other
to do larger studies to determine          day dosing. However, PrEP drug
with confidence whether or not             concentrations in combination
these changes in active PrEP drug          with GAHT and an on demand oral
concentration truly occur when             PrEP regimen, such as the regimen
PrEP is taken together with GAHT.          used in the Ipergay trial (the so-
                                           called 2-1-1 regimen), may fall
We saw no effect of Truvada® on            below protective concentrations.
estrogen or testosterone in our            Therefore, it would be wise to
study. However, not all transgender        only recommend daily dosing
                                                                                   Craig W. Hendrix, MD.

                 HIV VACCINE TRIALS NETWORK | COMMUNITY COMPASS | VOLUME 19, ISSUE 1: JUNE 2019                                  14
11-14 JUNE 2019
2019 IMPAACT Annual Meeting
Washington, DC, USA

                                             16-20 JUNE 2019
                                             2019 ACTG Annual Meeting
                                             Washington, DC, USA

14-17 JULY 2019
2019 STI and HIV World Congress
Vancouver, BC, Canada

                                             21-24 JULY 2019
                                             10th IAS Conference on HIV Science
                                             Mexico City, Mexico

5-8 SEPTEMBER 2019
2019 US Conference on AIDS
Washington, DC, USA

                                             2-6 NOVEMBER 2019
                                             2019 American Public Health Association Meeting
                                             Philadelphia, PA, USA

3-4 DECEMBER 2019
NMAC Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit
Houston, TX, USA

Seen Around the

Dr. Larry Corey (HVTN PI) being interviewed by the South              Zoe Moodie (SCHARP) being interviewed by Malawi News
African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) during HIVR4P                 during HIVR4P Conference in Madrid, Spain, October 2018
Conference in Madrid, Spain, October 2018

     HVTN RAMP Scholar Shay Behrens (Duke University School of Medicine) presenting her poster on bnAb lineage at the HIVR4P Conference
     in Madrid, Spain, October 2018

UNIDEC Recruitment and Retention Team: Daniel Alva,
Hugo Sanchez, Yolanda Vidal, and David Velasquez at
UNIDEC Participant Appreciation Dinner, November 2018

                                                                UNIDEC Counselor Miguel Morales and hostess Ariel in
                                                                vintage clothes at UNIDEC Participant Appreciation Dinner,
Hosts in vintage costume welcoming the attendees at             November 2018
UNIDEC Participant Appreciation Dinner, November 2018

   “Doctor Owl and his team”: (l to r) UNIDEC community educator Ruller Soto, Drag Langosta,
   Hugo Sánchez, Dr. Buho, Juan Carlos Gomez, and Lenin Silva at UNIDEC Participant
   Appreciation Dinner, November 2018
                     HIV VACCINE TRIALS NETWORK | COMMUNITY COMPASS | VOLUME 19, ISSUE 1: JUNE 2019                          18
Seen Around the
     UNIDEC Patient advocate Jhonatan Zamor (r), event
     coordinator Cristal del Castillo (center), and UNIDEC
     volunteer Augusto Vallejos at UNIDEC Participant
     Appreciation Dinner, November 2018

                                                             UNIDEC Retention Coordinator Daniel Alva and
                                                             even host Benjamin Marín at UNIDEC Participant
                                                             Appreciation Dinner, November 2018

     UNIDEC Principal investigator Dr. Jorge Sanchez (left)
     and performer Monique Pardo at UNIDEC Participant
     Appreciation Dinner, November 2018
Ceremonial masters and UNIDEC CER leads Daniel Alva and
Hugo Sanchez at UNIDEC Participant Appreciation Dinner,
November 2018

Drag Performer Georgia Hart at UNIDEC Participant
Appreciation Dinner, November 2018

Drag Performer Georgia Hart at UNIDEC Participant
Appreciation Dinner, November 2018
Special Feature

HVTN 505 Recap
By: Dr. Shelly Karuna- HVTN, Seattle, WA, USA, with contributions from the HVTN 505 Protocol Team

The phase 2b HVTN 505 study
(n=2,504) opened in May 2008 and
the final participant enrolled in
March 2013. The trial assessed the
safety and efficacy of a preventive
DNA/rAd5 HIV vaccine regimen
in MSM and transgender women
(TGW) who have sex with men
who were at risk for acquiring
HIV. It was HVTN’s first trial to
specifically include TGW, distinct
from MSM. Though by eligibility
criteria participants were required
to have been assigned male sex at
                                                    Table 1 | Baseline Demographics in HVTN 505 			                           *SD = standard deviation.
birth, no required gender identity
was specified, and 44 participants                  11% “other,” and 2% each as Asian                  retention factors such as stopping
did not identify as having a male                   or multi-racial. [Editor’s note: a                 vaccinations or dropping out of the
gender identity at study entry.                     statistic is defined as “significant”              study. Trans and cis participants
These 44 identified their gender                    when the p value is
Transgender participants said that
“a friend joined” as a reason to
enroll more often than cisgender
participants, which may prove
informative for future transgender
engagement & recruitment. Both
trans and cis individuals reported
participating primarily for
altruistic reasons.
                                        Figure 1 | HIV Prevalence in Transgender People. Overall sample refers to the general US adult
There were no differences in            population. Survey total and remaining circles refer to transgender respondents to the National
numbers of social harms or benefits.    Transgender Discrimination Survey, 2015.
87% of participants reported
experiencing social benefits to trial   In March 2011 the Institute of                     TG are, thus, among those most
participation. The most common          Medicine (IOM) published a                         in need of an HIV vaccine. Yet,
benefit was feeling good about          report of lesbian, gay, bisexual,                  TG experience increased rates
helping others, reported by 75%         and transgender health in which                    of stigma, discrimination, and
of TG and 70% of CG participants.       it was noted that transgender                      prejudice and these factors—
Other benefits included: receiving      individuals (TG) in the US have                    alongside lower educational
risk reduction counseling (50% TG,      increased risks of adverse health                  attainment and income,
42% CG); receiving medical care         outcomes, generally. With respect                  employment discrimination risks,
(46% TG, 29% CG); and positive          to HIV infection, specifically,                    and reduced social support—create
impacts on personal relationships       prevalence and incidence rates                     significant barriers to HIV vaccine
(36% TG, 31% CG).                       are much higher among TG than                      trial participation.
                                        among cisgender (CG) individuals,
New HIV infections were higher          with prevalence among black TG                     Dr. Shelly Karuna is the Director of Clinical
                                        approaching 25%. This is largely                   Development for the HVTN and the Protocol
among TG ppts. However, the
                                                                                           Team Leader for HVTN 505.
difference was not statistically        attributed to complex relationships
significant, although there was         between known predictors of HIV
limited power to detect a difference    incidence such as sero-discordant
because of the small number of          primary partners, unprotected anal
transgender participants who            intercourse, sex work and drug use,
were enrolled (3 TG ppts or 4.3/100     as well as the interaction
person-yrs vs. 84 CG ppts or 2.1/100    of interpersonal, social, and
p-y; p=0.37).                           structural variables with
                                        these predictors.
In conclusion, transgender and
cisgender participants at risk of
HIV can be successfully recruited
and retained, and contribute
meaningfully to HIV vaccine
clinical trials.

                HIV VACCINE TRIALS NETWORK | COMMUNITY COMPASS | VOLUME 19, ISSUE 1: JUNE 2019                                            22
Special Feature

Fostering Transgender Inclusion in HIV Research
By: DAIDS Cross-Network Transgender Working Group

Transgender people face stigma                  sex they were assigned at birth.         also provides multiple choices for
and discrimination in all aspects of            Simply asking if someone is male         responding, including options such
society--family, schools, workplace,            or female fails to capture that          as genderqueer, transgender man,
health care settings, housing,                  person’s identity as a transgender       transgender woman, man, woman,
the criminal justice system, and                or cisgender person. Furthermore,        and gender non-conforming. We
more. The cumulative effects                    it completely excludes those who         also recommend providing space
of these traumatic experiences                  don’t fit into one of the binary boxes   for someone to write-in how they
often create fear and distrust                  of man or woman. Transgender             identify, since there are many terms
among transgender people, and                   people represent an entirely distinct    for gender identity, and they are
this may directly impact their                  population and experience unique         always evolving. As an example, the
involvement in HIV research.                    epidemiological circumstances.           2015 U.S. Transgender Surveyi of
In order to successfully recruit,               We now know that transgender             nearly 28,000 individuals included
enroll, and retain transgender                  people—particularly transgender          a list of gender identity terms;
individuals into our clinical                   women of color—are among the             respondents could check all the
trials, it is important for research            populations most vulnerable to           terms that they used to describe
staff to develop some degree of                 HIV worldwide, and the factors           themselves. In addition to the 26
understanding, knowledge and                    driving this are different from          gender identity terms listed, the
humility. This is necessary across              those affecting cisgender women          respondents wrote in more than
all the NIH-funded HIV/AIDS                     and men of all sexual orientations.      500 unique terms with which
clinical trials networks and can                To miscategorize transgender             they identified. No one identifies
help ensure that the mistreatment               people is not only disrespectful         as “other,” nor should we ask
and discrimination that are already             and discriminatory, it’s just bad        them to.
part of the transgender experience              science. Without accurate scientific
are not perpetuated in the clinical             information about transgender
research setting. To address these              people, it’s difficult to fully
issues, the Division of AIDS (DAIDS)            assess HIV treatment and
established the Cross-Network                   prevention interventions for
Transgender Working Group                       transgender communities.
(CNTWG) in 2015. The group’s
goals are to foster coordination,               After reviewing data collection
collaboration and an exchange of                forms across the networks and
information related to transgender              looking at best practices from
issues across the networks. The                 organizations such as the Center
Working Group has members                       of Excellence for Transgender
representing each of the networks               Health, the CNTWG recommended
and DAIDS and meets quarterly.                  the standard use of the two-step
                                                method, which as the name implies,
Data collection was the first issue             asks people to describe themselves
                                                                                         This is an example of the two-step method
the CNTWG addressed, recognizing                in two ways: their gender identity       with the gender options listed alphabetically
that the research networks were not             and the sex they were assigned           to avoid the perception that they’re listed in
regularly collecting information                at birth. By separating gender           any form of hierarchy. Intersex was also added
                                                                                         to the question about sex assigned at birth.
about study participants’ gender                identity from sex assigned at birth,     While people are not necessarily assigned
identity in a unified, systematic,              study participants can accurately        intersex at birth, and some intersex conditions
and affirming manner. By failing                describe who they are, and               aren’t identified until later in life, an additional
                                                                                         category is available in some states in the U.S.
to collect information about                    researchers can correctly categorize
                                                                                         so that people can change their birth certificate
gender identity, we do two things:              transgender participants who might       to reflect their intersex or non-binary status.
we compromise the validity of                   otherwise be missed (for example,
the research, and we perpetuate                 a participant who indicates she is
discrimination against people                   a woman but was assigned male
whose gender does not match the                 at birth). The two-step method

The HIV Vaccine Trials Network
(HVTN) was at the forefront
regarding data collection, having
revised its Demographic Case
Report Forms in 2009 to adopt
the two-step method. Using the
HVTN form as a model, the DAIDS
CNTWG developed a template to
share with the other networks and
recommended its use for all studies.
Given the unique needs of each
network, not all the case report
forms are identical but overall, the
two-step method is now a regular
part of the data collection process.
However, DAIDS and the networks         “An Introduction to Transgender Communities” and “HIV in Transgender Communities” are both
acknowledge that there may be           available on the DAIDS Learning Portal.
specific reasons not to ask about       areas to help build the capacity                HIV Research Environment; 4)
gender identity. For instance, in       of all site and network staff. Input            Clinical Considerations and HIV
some regions of the world, gender       and guidance from subject matter                Risk Assessments for Transgender
identity disclosure could result        experts, including transgender                  Research Participants; and 5)
in harm to the participant due to       and gender non-conforming                       Trauma-Informed Care for
significant discrimination, stigma,     people, advocates, researchers,                 Transgender Research Participants.
or criminalization. Therefore,          and site staff, were solicited to
exceptions can and should be            further identify, design, develop,              To date, each module has been
made for not asking about gender        and review the training content.                presented at one or more of the
identity, but there should be a clear   Their experiences and perspectives              annual network meetings. Each
rationale as to why this is being       were essential to the process and               one was very well received and
done. The two-step method helps         ensured that a variety of key issues            generated thoughtful discussion.
acknowledge participants for who        were appropriately addressed. The               We found that having at least
they are and helps ensure that the      specific content of each module was             one transgender presenter was
information collected is accurate.      then pilot tested during training               extremely valuable, as their personal
In the context of HIV research,         sessions at the annual network                  stories and experiences helped
this allows us to better understand     meetings of each of the five DAIDS              bring the material to life. Attendees
the impact of HIV vaccines, other       clinical trials networks. The idea              of the training represented a
prevention strategies, and treatment    was to test the content to make sure            cross-section of our networks
on transgender communities.             that it was relevant and clear before           and sites, including community
                                        pursuing the costlier development               advisory board members, clinicians,
The CNTWG also recognized that          of web-based training tools,                    community educators/recruiters,
in order to foster a welcoming          which were needed to reach staff                data managers, study coordinators,
and affirming environment for           throughout the research enterprise.             laboratory and regulatory staff, as
transgender participants, staff                                                         well as staff from DAIDS – all of
needed more educational tools.          The five modules that were                      whom are the intended users of
While some materials exist, the         developed as part of the overall                the final training tools. While the
Working Group felt that they weren’t    Transgender Training Curriculum                 training modules were developed
always applicable to the research       for HIV Research include: 1) An                 with a strong U.S. focus, training
setting. The group decided to create    Introduction to Transgender                     attendees from outside of the U.S.
a comprehensive transgender             Communities; 2) HIV in                          felt that the content was relevant,
training curriculum and identified      Transgender Communities; 3)                     valuable, and globally applicable.
five of the most important content      Creating a Gender-Affirming                     Continued on Next Page...

                HIV VACCINE TRIALS NETWORK | COMMUNITY COMPASS | VOLUME 19, ISSUE 1: JUNE 2019                                       24
The process used to develop the
content, which involved ongoing
review and input by a transgender-
inclusive and diverse group of
subject matter experts, was essential
to the success of the final training
curriculum. Having the input
and experience of the subject
matter experts helped ensure the
accuracy, sensitivity, and cultural
responsiveness described in the
curriculum itself. The first two
modules are already available as
web-based training tools, and the       To access the transgender training modules and related material go to the DAIDS Learning Portal at
remaining modules should be
available in the coming months. It      Training Support Team”). Simply                   Cisgender describes someone
is hoped that they will help reduce     note that you are interested in the               whose gender identity matches the
the misinformation and lack of          transgender training modules.                     sex they were assigned at birth. This
understanding that perpetuate           In addition to the web-based                      term comes from chemistry, where
the misgendering, stigma,               training tool, you will also have                 “cis” means “same.”
mistreatment, and trauma too often      access to the in-person training
experienced by transgender people.      materials, including a PowerPoint                 Transgender or trans describes
Cultivating awareness, knowledge        presentation, facilitator’s guide, and            a person whose gender identity
and understanding of transgender        any hand-outs such as exercises,                  differs from their sex assigned
communities is a vital step in          answer keys, and a listing of                     at birth, and it is defined by the
providing transgender-affirming         resources and publications.                       person’s present identity. As an
care and services, and in supporting                                                      example, a transgender woman is
transgender inclusion in HIV            Sidebar: Selected                                 someone who currently identifies
vaccine, prevention, and                Definitions                                       as a woman but was assigned male
treatment research.                                                                       at birth. In the US, transgender
                                        Sex is typically considered to be                 can also be used as an “umbrella”
Sidebar: Transgender                    our anatomy as female or male.                    term to encompass the other
Training Curriculum for                 It includes our internal and                      gender identities.
HIV Research:                           external sex organs, chromosomes,
                                        and hormones.                        Gender Non-Conforming refers to
Two of the five training modules                                             a person whose gender expression
– An Introduction to Transgender        Sex Assigned at Birth is determined is not consistent with the societal
Communities and HIV in                  when a health care provider          or cultural norms expected of that
Transgender Communities are             inspects a baby’s genitalia; the     gender. People who are gender non-
currently available to the public       infant’s sex is assigned, without    conforming do not follow other
on the DAIDS Learning Portal at         the expectation of ambiguity.        peoples’ ideas or stereotypes about
https://daidslearningportal.niaid.                                           how they should look or act based
nih.gov/                                Gender is the social construct       on the female or male sex they were
                                        of being a man, woman, neither,      assigned at birth.
Anyone affiliated with a                or both, and can vary by culture.
site, including community                                                    Genderqueer is used to describe
representatives, can get an account     Gender Identity is a person’s        people who don’t identify as a man
by clicking on “request an account”     internal sense of their gender. It’s or a woman; they do not subscribe
and providing your site number          how we identify themselves. We       to conventional gender distinctions.
(available from your site) and          may identify as a man, woman, as     It may also be considered a catch-
other relevant information. For         neither, or as non-binary – which    all term for gender identities other
people who are not affiliated with      describes any identity that doesn’t  than man and woman, thus outside
a site or network, you can request      fit neatly into the categories       of the gender binary. It can also be
an account using the link at the                                             a term that separates someone from
                                        of man or woman.
bottom of the page (“Contact DAIDS                                           the heteronormative majority.

You can also read