Energy Taiwan Oct. 27 th-29th, 2021 - Combines Major Renewable Energy Business Opportunities - NRW.Global Business

Page created by Anthony Armstrong
Energy Taiwan Oct. 27 th-29th, 2021 - Combines Major Renewable Energy Business Opportunities - NRW.Global Business
Energy Taiwan

                                        th       th
                           Oct. 27 -29 , 2021

                           Combines Major Renewable Energy Business Opportunities
Energy Taiwan Oct. 27 th-29th, 2021 - Combines Major Renewable Energy Business Opportunities - NRW.Global Business
Why Taiwan?

Taiwan has set itself an ambitious goal—while decommissioning its nuclear power, the country is already undergoing a remarkable ener-
gy transition towards home grown solar, wind, hydro and other renewable energy sources. As one of the world’s most innovative econo-
mies, Taiwan has steadily become the world’s second-biggest photovoltaic cell producer and overall emerged in the renewables industry
through cutting-edge technologies. Especially by taking a research and development focused approach, Taiwanese companies have suc-
cessfully created unprecedented solutions for renewable energy. These developments, Taiwan’s geographical characteristics and rela-
tively friendly investment environment open vast market opportunities, drawing the interest of foreign investors as well as business part-
ners. And what is more attractive than potential German partners specialized in technology which has proven its value during the energy
transition in Germany?

     Energy Taiwan                                                  Who Should Attend?

     Taiwan’s largest trade show on green, renewable energy         German businesses in:
     will be jointly organized by the Taiwan External Trade
                                                                    • Photovoltaics (Manufacturing Equipment, Materials and
     Development Council (TAITRA) and SEMI at the Taipei
                                                                      Components Related, Cells & Modules Manufacturing, Testing
     Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1 from 27th until 29th
                                                                      & Verification, System Designer, Inspection Equipment etc.)
     October 2021.
     The show offers an ideal environment for showcasing            • Wind Energy (e.g. Wind Turbine System, Raw Material Suppli-
     innovative technologies, while also providing industry           er, Balance of Plant, Components/Subsystem Supplier, Cargo
     professionals deal-making and partnering opportuni-              Carriers, Developer and Operator)
     ties, domestically as well as internationally.                 • Hydrogen Production Materials and Equipment, Fuel Cell
     In 2020, three renowned German companies participat-             System, Storage and Delivery System, Hydrogen Transporta-
     ed in our German Pavilion. They presented their latest           tion, Gas Sensors and Simulation Equipment and more
     green energy technologies and innovations, attracting
                                                                    • Smart Storage (e.g. Smart Grids and Meters, Electric Vehicles,
     the interest of many visitors. Furthermore, for the first
     time, Energy Taiwan covered all key sectors of the sus-
     tainable energy sector, from matters of financing and          • Green Finance & Insurance
     insuring projects, quality management and academic
     research to PV manufacturing, wind turbine systems,
     hydrogen production materials and more.

     Date & Venue                                                                        2020 Post Show Report

     Show Days: 27th - 29th October, 2021
     Venue: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1 (TaiNEX
                                                                                                     Total Visitors:



              The German Pavilion at Energy Taiwan 2020
Energy Taiwan Oct. 27 th-29th, 2021 - Combines Major Renewable Energy Business Opportunities - NRW.Global Business
THE GERMAN PAVILION Our Service Package for You
 The German Pavilion offers a comprehensive service package — adjustable to your company’s needs. We ensure maximum expo-
 sure for your products and services, strengthening the brand ’Made in Germany’ in Taiwan.

Benefits of Joining the German Pavilion                                 German Pavilion Booth Package ( incl. VAT)
                                                                               Price                         Remark
1. Uniform booth designs and premium location             Unit(s)
   for optimum recognition - tentatively reserved
   location for German Pavilion is on the 1st floor         9m²           EUR 4.140,00
                                                                                             Includes 9 m2/ 18m2 booth space
   at TAINEX 1                                           (1 booth)         NTD 140,760
                                                                                             rental free, German Pavilion image
2. German companies exhibiting together in one
   pavilion to attract visitors. We offer a One-stop       18m²           EUR 7.510,00       design & construction and 5% VAT as
   Shop for all your trade fair needs                    (2 booths)        NTD 255,340       well as media & promotion.

3. Access to the Exhibitor lounge (organized by
   German Trade Office Taipei), which provides
   on-site assistances for all German Pavilion ex-
   hibitors (meeting area, beverages, snacks etc.)
4. Information and assistance in preparation for
   the show
5. German Pavilion organizers are           present
   throughout the show to assist you

Booth Package

The German Pavilion service package fee

                                                        Booth Construction Regulations


Customizable Designs

                                                                  Government officials delegation visited German Pavilion 2020
Energy Taiwan Oct. 27 th-29th, 2021 - Combines Major Renewable Energy Business Opportunities - NRW.Global Business
Payment Terms



How to Apply?
Application Form for the German Pavilion at Energy Taiwan 2021

To: Ms. Angelika Weng
Senior Manager Trade Fair Services
Tel +886 2 7735 7536
DEinternational Taiwan Ltd.

 We hereby register for __ booth(s) in the German Pavilion at Energy Taiwan 2021
 and please invoice us .

 ❒ Representation Package Services

     Detailed briefing

     Intensive exchange during the exhibition

     Final report

 Rates: EUR 608 per day x _____days (5% VAT excluded)

Company Name: (Chinese if any) _____________________________________ (English) ____________________________________

Company billing address: (Chinese if any) ______________________________ (English)____________________________________

Website: _______________________________________________ E-Mail: _______________________________________________

Event Contact: ___________________________________________ Position: _____________________________________________

Tel: ________________________________ Fax: ____________________________ Mobil: ___________________________________

Company Tax ID (if in Taiwan): ___________________________________________________________________________________

Exhibition product(s): _________________________________________________________________________________________


German brand(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________________

□ We have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions of the German Trade Office Taipei and the Terms and Regulations for Par-
ticipation made by Energy Taiwan 2021 in connection with this show. The company I represent will participate as an exhibitor and
will bear the expenses stated in this chosen package.

Authorized Signature: ___________________ Company Stamp: _____________________ Application Date: ___________________
Terms and Conditions for Participation                                for the full amount rather than pay a down payment followed            Changes to Event
                                                                      by the remaining amount.                                               DEinternational will endeavor to ensure that the event pro-
                                                                      Once DEinternational has received payment of the participation         ceeds in accordance with the details in the Information Sheet/
DEInternational is the pavilion organizer of the pavilion at a
                                                                      fee in full, the Participant’s place at the trade fair is secured.     Application Form. DEinternational is entitled to make necessary
trade fair which provides booths for participants to display their
                                                                      DEinternational will issue a triplicate uniform invoice for those      changes to the event time and venue at any time without prior
                                                                      Participants with an establishment in Taiwan and send it by            notice to the Participant if those changes are due to circum-
Application Form is the form which should be filled in and
                                                                      registered mail to the Participant.                                    stances that DEinternational is not responsible for. If DEinterna-
submitted to DEinternational
                                                                      If the Application Form is submitted after the application period      tional is responsible for those circumstances, changes can only
Information Sheet is the sheet, which includes the information
                                                                      has expired but is confirmed by DEinternational afterward,             be made by prior consent with the Participant. In this case
about the trade fair which is provided by DEinternational to the
                                                                      DEinternational shall provide the Participant with an invoice for      DEinternational will send a request in writing to the Participant
Participant at Energy Taiwan 2021.
                                                                      the full amount of participation fee. In this case, the exhibition     as soon as practicable. If DEinternational cancel or postpones
Participant: is the legal person whose application is confirmed
                                                                      booth will not be allocated and secured unless the full partici-       the event, due to circumstances that DEinternational is not
by DEInternational according to Article 3 whereupon the con-
                                                                      pation fee is paid duly to the account given in the invoice.           responsible for, especially due to an inadequate number of
tract with DEInternational is concluded and a down payment
                                                                      If the Participant fails to pay the participation fee in full by the   Participants, the Participant acknowledges and agrees that
invoice, or an invoice of the full amount is issued to.
                                                                      date specified in the invoice, DEinternational may decide at its       DEinternational will not be liable to pay compensation, damag-
                                                                      sole discretion to cancel the Participant’s application and re-        es or costs to the Participant in respect of the cancellation or
When signing the related Application Form, the Participants
                                                                      allocate the booth to other Participants. In that instance, the        postponement of the event.
agree to follow these Terms and Conditions for Participation.
                                                                      down payment paid by the Participant who is in default of              Withdrawal
These Terms and Conditions for Participation are to be read in
                                                                      payment will be forfeited as part of a compensation and no             If a Participant wishes to withdraw from the event, written
conjunction with the Information Sheet and the Application
                                                                      refund will be made.                                                   notice must be given to DEinternational. Upon withdrawal after
Form. In the event of inconsistency, the Terms and Conditions
                                                                      Event Booth                                                            the application has been confirmed, the paid down payment
of Participation take precedence to the extent of any incon-
                                                                      DEinternational will, at its sole discretion, determine the num-       will not be refunded. Upon withdrawal after booth allocation,
                                                                      ber and location of the booths assigned within the Pavilion to         the paid participation fee will not be refunded. If a Participant
The Participant shall comply with the terms and conditions of
                                                                      each Participant and adjust registered square meters in accord-        withdraws from the event, DEinternational will not be liable for
the respective trade fair organizer attached to these Terms and
                                                                      ance with the nature of the exhibits and/or in the manner it           any loss or damage the Participant may incur as a consequence
Conditions. Violations of the Terms and Conditions can result,
                                                                      deems appropriate, considering the design and limitations of           of the withdrawal.
by discretion of DEinternational and/or the respective trade fair
                                                                      the venue and any other special circumstances that may arise.          Liability and Termination Rights
organizer, in the exclusion of the offending party whose damage
                                                                      DEinternational is not obliged to make any changes to its allo-        DEinternational reserves the right to suspend or terminate
claim, if any, will be rejected.
                                                                      cation of the booth and positions, except at its discretion.           services under this Agreement at its sole discretion and without
Confirmation of Application
                                                                      DEinternational reserves the right to rearrange the allocation of      liability if it considers there to be a breach of any local or for-
Once the Participant has signed and submitted the Application
                                                                      the booth and amend booth or position at its discretion. In            eign law. DEinternational excludes its liability for slightly negli-
Form in hard copy, fax copy or in an electronic version and
                                                                      addition, DEinternational is entitled to reassign booth space          gent breaches of duty, insofar as these do not concern essential
DEinternational has confirmed the application in writing
                                                                      which differs from the ordered booth space if such is necessary        contractual obligations, damages from injury to life, body or
(including e-mail and fax copy), the contract will be established
                                                                      and can be reasonably expected of the Participant. The differ-         health or guarantees. The same applies to breaches of duty by
and come into effect. The Participant shall be liable for conse-
                                                                      ence shall be considered to be reasonable unless the Partici-          our vicarious agents.
quences arising through the inaccurate, incomplete or incorrect
                                                                      pant immediately rejects such difference. Upon the booth is            Force majeure
completion of the Application Form.
                                                                      rearranged, DEinternational will provide to the Participant an         No party will be liable in damages or have the right to terminate
If DEinternational refuses approval to a Participant, there is no
                                                                      updated information about the new location at the booth.               this contract for any delay or default in performance if such
concluded Agreement. If DEinternational refuses approval to a
                                                                      DEinternational will allocate a booth space consistent with the        delay or default is caused by conditions beyond that party's
Participant, DEinternational will notify the Participant in writing
                                                                      description contained in the Information Sheet and/or Applica-         control including, but not limited to acts of God or government
within a reasonable time period. DEinternational reserves the
                                                                      tion Form. It reserves the right to determine the visual elements      restrictions, wars, insurrections, natural disasters, such as
sole discretion as to whether to accept an application and the
                                                                      of that space and to limit the use of extra furnishing deemed          earthquakes, hurricanes or floods and/or any other cause
Participant agrees and accepts that DEinternational’s decision
                                                                      inappropriate or unsuitable to the overall aesthetics of the           beyond the reasonable control of the party whose performance
is final and not subject to challenge. DEinternational is not
                                                                      pavilion. The Participant shall not assign, sub-let or apportion       is affected. In all such circumstances DEinternational shall be
required to provide reasons for refusal of an application.
                                                                      the whole or any part of the assigned space or have representa-        entitled to retain the participation fee paid by the Participant.
Participation Fee
                                                                      tives, equipment, or materials from firms other than his own in        Variation
The participation fee and the down payment is as set out in the
                                                                      the exhibit booth.                                                     A provision of this contract can only be varied by a later written
Information Sheet/Application Form and is indicative only and
                                                                      Construction/Decoration/Removal of Stand                               document executed by or on behalf of DEinternational and the
subject to currency rate variations. The Participant acknowledg-
                                                                      All Participants ought to comply with all the regulations accord-      Participant. The same applies to the cancellation or variation of
es and agrees that the participation fee, when calculated in
                                                                      ing to the exhibitor’s manual (provided by the respective trade        this clause.
Taiwan Dollar (TWD) at the time of invoicing, may increase from
                                                                      fair organizers) and complete their construction and/or decora-        Applicable law / Jurisdiction
the amount set out in the Event Brochure and/or DEinterna-
                                                                      tion by the date and time stipulated by DEinternational.               The Terms and Conditions are governed by and to be construed
tional’s Application Form Notwithstanding this potential varia-
                                                                      The Participants are responsible for the transport and storage         in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan),
tion, the Participant agrees to pay partial participation fee as
                                                                      of exhibits, use of lifting and transport equipment, employment        under exclusion of the conflict laws. The English version of all
the down payment in TWD as invoiced and any increase when
                                                                      of staff for packing and unpacking, permanent supervision and          contractual documents shall prevail. The exclusive jurisdiction
calculated in TWD remains the sole responsibility of the Partici-
                                                                      cleanliness of their booth space, setup of exhibits and their          for any disputes arising from out of or in connection with this
                                                                      disassembly as well as repacking. Participants must remove all         Agreement which the parties cannot settle amicably shall be
Arising bank charges shall be borne by the Participant.
                                                                      exhibits from the exhibition hall within the move-out period           where DEinternational is registered, International Trade Bldg.,
                                                                      stipulated by the trade fair organizers. Participants will be held     19F-10 No. 333, Keelung Rd., Sec. 1 Taipei 11012, Taiwan.
Upon issuance of the confirmation, DEinternational shall pro-
                                                                      responsible for any loss or damage to the exhibition organizers        Severability:
vide the Participant with an invoice for the down payment
                                                                      or DEinternational due to neglect of these responsibilities set        If any term, condition, provision or covenant contained in this
which must be paid by the date stated in that invoice. In case
                                                                      forth herein.                                                          Agreement is determined to be illegal, void, prohibited, invalid
that the Participant fails to pay the down payment by the due
                                                                      Insurance                                                              or otherwise unenforceable, it will be severed from these Terms
date, the application will be deemed to be withdrawn by the
                                                                      The Participant is responsible for taking out appropriate insur-       and Conditions and the remaining terms and conditions will
Participant and DEinternational shall be entitled to resell the
                                                                      ance to cover risks which may arise due to the Participant’s           survive and remain in full force and effect.
exhibition booth at its sole discretion applying the criteria of
                                                                      involvement in the event, specially but not limited to the risk of     Heading:
the initial decision for application confirmation, according to
                                                                      transport from and to the trade center.                                Headings are inserted for the convenience of the parties and for
Art. 3.
                                                                      Adherence to Copyright and Patent Laws                                 the purpose of interpreting this contract. Words in the singular
If the down payment has been made to the account given in the
                                                                      The display of products which infringe others’ intellectual            mean and include the plural and vice versa.
invoice, exhibition booth will be allocated. After booth alloca-
                                                                      property right is strictly prohibited. To safeguard intellectual
tion, DEinternational will provide the Participant with a confir-
                                                                      property rights, it is strictly forbidden to display products
mation of booth allocation and an invoice for the remaining
                                                                      infringing the patent rights, trademarks, copyrights and busi-
participation fee which must be paid by the date specified in
                                                                      ness secrets of others.
that invoice.
                                                                      Prohibition of Sales
At the time when the application is confirmed by DEinternation-
                                                                      On-the-spot sales are prohibited.
al pursuant to Article 3, a Participant may request one invoice
DEinternational Taiwan Ltd.

Service Unit of German Trade Office Taipei
International Trade Bldg. 19F-10 No. 333
Keelung Rd. Sec. 1
Taipei 11012, Taiwan
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