Energy Security: Operational Highlights - No13 2020 - NATO Energy ...

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Energy Security: Operational Highlights - No13 2020 - NATO Energy ...
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Energy Security:
Operational Highlights

No 13                   2020
                                ENERGY SECURITY: OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS   No   13   1
Energy Security: Operational Highlights - No13 2020 - NATO Energy ...
                                                                                                      4    Editorial

                                                                                                      5    Disruptive and enabling technologies in the energy sector
                                                                                                           BY MS MARJU KÕRTS

                                                                                                           The strategic importance of rare earth minerals for

                                                                                                           NATO, EU and the United States and its implications
                                                                                                           for the energy and defense sectors
                                                                                                           BY MS MARJU KÕRTS

                                                                                                           Securing the industrial internet of things: Policy considerations
                                                                                                           for reducing cyber risks to industrial control and safety systems
                                                                                                           BY MR ÓSCAR RECACHA ORTEGA, MR VYTAUTAS BUTRIMAS

                                                                                                      53   Pulling the Thread for U.S. Air Force Mission Assurance
                                                                                                           BY MR MARK A.CORRELL

    This is a product of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (NATO ENSEC COE). It is
                                                                                                      55   NATO’s Experience in the Field of Energy Efficiency for Armed Forces
                                                                                                           BY MR ANDREA MANFREDINI

    produced for NATO, NATO member countries, NATO partners, related private and public insti-
    tutions and related individuals. It does not represent the opinions or policies of NATO or NATO
    ENSEC COE. The views presented in the articles are those of the authors alone.                         Interview with Commander Andrea Manfredini on his article:

    © All rights reserved by the NATO ENSEC COE. Articles may not be copied, reproduced, dis-
                                                                                                           “The Paradox of NATO’s Inefficiency in the Field of Energy
    tributed or publicly displayed without reference to the NATO ENSEC COE and the respective              Efficiency for the Armed Forces”
    publication.                                                                                           BY MR ANDREA MANFREDINI

2      No   13   ENERGY SECURITY: OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                    ENERGY SECURITY: OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS   No   13   3
Energy Security: Operational Highlights - No13 2020 - NATO Energy ...
Editorial                                                                                                    Disruptive and
                                                            novation in the energy sector play a key role in
                                                            energy transition. The technologies impacting
                                                            the new electricity system will be both – ena-

                                                                                                                 enabling technologies
                                                            bling and disruptive. Enabling technologies
    By COL Romualdas Petkevičius (LTU-AF)
                                                            facilitate the integration of renewable energy
    Director of the NATO ENSEC COE

                                                            generation technologies. Disruptive technolo-

                                                                                                                 in the energy sector
                                       hen respond-         gies by contrast have all of the process im-
                                       ing to security      provement possibility of enabling technolo-
                                       threats     and      gies, but disrupt current commercial models.
                                       crises, NATO         The factor determining the degree to which           by Ms Marju Kõrts

                          Allies and partner coun-          renewable energy may become disruptive is
                          tries must be able to de-         the development of efficient and cost-compet-                 hree primary drivers are transform-            This article will give an overview of the new
                          ploy their forces rapidly         itive energy storage devices.                                 ing the global energy system: decen-           emerging technologies in the power sector
                          and effectively. Techno-                                                                        tralization, digitalization, and decar-        including energy storage and electro-mobil-
                          logical innovation has al-        The NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence                 bonisation. Together, these factors            ity as the main drivers of decarbonisation of
    ways been critical for achieving military suc-          has also focused on “Smart Energy”, as to en-        are shifting the world’s power mix toward               the energy sector that pave the way towards
    cess. Matched with creative strategic thinking,         hance our armed forces’ energy efficiency that       smaller, cleaner, and more intelligent tech-            low carbon economy. It will also touch upon
    advanced technology often made a difference.            means saving fuel – and this means spend-            nologies. Digitalization is a key amplifier of          some trends in research and development
    Military energy needs are changing as well              ing less money on fuel. More energy-efficient        the power sector transformation, enabling               related to energy storage.
    as growing. More significant, the dramatic in-          equipment also means having to transport             the management of large amounts of data
    crease in electrical systems onboard military           less fuel over long and often dangerous supply       and optimizing increasingly complex sys-                1. THE NEW ENERGY LANDSCAPE AND THE
    platforms is driving electrification of the battle-     routes. This edition of Operational Highlights       tems. The growing importance of digitali-
                                                            will underline the role of new energy technolo-                                                              CONCEPT OF DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES
    field. That and the need to reduce the logistic                                                              zation in the power sector is also a conse-
    footprint are creating requirements for distrib-        gies, especially emerging technologies (energy                                                               Providing energy access while reducing emis-
                                                                                                                 quence of advances in two other innovation
    uted and portable power generation, smart en-           storage) and energy efficiency in the military.                                                              sions, major economies globally have commit-
                                                                                                                 trends: decentralization and electrification.
    ergy networks, improved energy storage, and             At the same time it will highlight that new                                                                  ted to decarbonisation as a way of combating
                                                                                                                 Decentralization is led by the increased de-
    wireless power transmission.                            technologies bring along new vulnerabilities                                                                 climate change effectively. To achieve this,
                                                                                                                 ployment of small power generators, mainly
                                                            such as cyber security. This last point has in-                                                              future power markets will need to focus on
                                                                                                                 rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV), connected to
    The share of renewables in the global energy            creasingly become a major concern in energy                                                                  implementing sustainable, low-carbon energy
                                                                                                                 the distribution grid. Electrification of trans-
    mix should be more than double by 2030 to               security as we have witnessed the recent use                                                                 solutions and technologies. Currently energy
                                                            of cyber weapons against electric distribution       port and buildings (heating and cooling) in-
    advance the global energy transition. Falling                                                                                                                        is experiencing what some have termed a
                                                            grids and petrochemical plants. Energy securi-       volves large quantities of new loads, such as
    technology costs continue to strengthen the                                                                                                                          “Fourth industrial revolution”, following those
                                                            ty is no longer just about security of supply and    electric vehicles, heat pumps and electric
    case of renewable energy. Solar panel costs                                                                                                                          of steam, electrification and automation.
                                                            price. The technologies used to drill and run        boilers. Technology is helping improve utili-
    have fallen by almost 90 per cent over the last                                                                                                                      Technology is powering renewable energy
                                                            fuel down a pipeline, control propulsion sys-        ties’ operational efficiencies through digi-
    10 years and onshore wind turbine prices have
                                                            tems, generate and distribute electricity can        talization and the Internet of Things (IoT). On         rise. The traditional model of large, top-down
    fallen by half in that period. The global energy
                                                            be accidentally and/or maliciously disrupted         the other hand, networks are vulnerable to              and centrally distributed energy production is
    market slowly but surely moves towards a re-
                                                            electronically. In other words technology must       cyberattacks that many believe will become              being replaced by modular, consumer driven
    newable-centered paradigm.
                                                            now be seen as both an enabler and as a target.      more prevalent and sophisticated.                       and evenly distributed power generation.
    More clean energy means more solar panels,
    wind turbines, electric vehicles and large-scale        This issue of Operational Highlights provides a
    batteries. At the same time it means more de-           timely overview of the emerging technologies
                                                                                                                                                by Ms Marju Kõrts
    mand for the materials that make those tech-            in the power sector including energy storage
    nologies possible. In a sense we have now               and electro-mobility, focusing on exciting new                                    Ms Marju Kõrts is an Estonian career diplomat who has hold several posi-
    entered the “Rare Metal Age” as science and             trends in energy storage research and develop-                                    tions at the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She graduated with her Mas-
    human ingenuity have allowed us unlocking of            ment. We also have a closer look at the stra-                                     ters degree in political science at Tartu University in Estonia. With the current
    various magnetic, luminescent, heat resistant           tegic importance of rare earth minerals that                                      function as the Estonian Subject Matter Expert at the Research and Lessons
    and conductive properties of a diversity of met-        are a critical for energy security. As well we                                    Learned Division of the NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence in Vilnius
    als such as lithium, cobalt, indium, gallium,           touch upon how we can reduce the likelihood                                       she focusses on the new energy technologies. At present she is conducting a
                                                                                                                                              research study “The use of LNG as an alternative propellant in the naval field”
    neodymium and dysprosium that are now de-               of cyberattacks against control systems used
                                                                                                                                              that will be launched this spring by the NATO Energy Security Center of Excel-
    livering technological innovation.                      to monitor and manage our critical energy in-                                     lence.
                                                            frastructure. Lastly, we provide fresh insights
    Emerging or disruptive technologies and in-             on NATO initiatives in military energy efficiency.

4      No   13    ENERGY SECURITY: OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                           ENERGY SECURITY: OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS              No   13   5
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Power generation technology is only one                               able renewable energy requires flexibility in                       sector we need to integrate more renewables                            ness models could have disruptive conse-
    part of the energy transformation story. Sta-                         the energy system which comes from 4 main                           to the grid and in this regards sector coupling                        quences regardless of technological change.
    tionary storage technology is improving and                           sources: flexible power generation, flexible                        is the key to a greater penetration of renewa-                         The discussion around energy and disruption
    costs are falling steeply. New energy sources                         demand, energy storage, and smart inter-                            bles in the energy sector, but it still has hur-                       has often focused on the work of Tony Seba6
    emerge, leading to a structural and perma-                            connected grid infrastructure. As the need                          dles to overcome, both technically and on the                          and discussions of the clean disruption. Se-
    nent change in supply, demand and energy                              for flexibility increases, grid operators need                      market scale.                                                          ba’s work focuses on technology-based dis-
    mix. For example, hydrogen could play a                               to utilize each of the categories through                                                                                                  ruptions: the convergence of technologies,
    significant role in low-carbon future: coun-                          resources such as residential demand re-                            Emerging or disruptive technologies and in-                            business model and product innovations
    terbalancing electricity as a zero-carbon                             sponse, long-term storage technologies or                           novation in the energy sector play a key role                          that are disrupting the world’s major indus-
    energy carrier that can be easily stored and                          synthetic fuels for zero-carbon dispatchable                        in energy transition. Much of the technologi-                          tries including energy, transportation and
    transported, enabling a more secure energy                            power generation. Decarbonisation is only                           cal innovation in the energy sector has been                           infrastructure. It means that traditional busi-
    system with reduced fossil fuel dependence.                           slowly taking hold beyond the power sector.                         of an incremental nature5. Incremental inno-                           ness models are challenged because of the
    While electricity is proving comparatively                            Heating, cooling and transport are other are-                       vations that accumulate over time can have                             zero marginal cost aspect of solar and wind.
    easy to decarbonize thanks to the dramatic                            as in which fossil fuels are to be gradually re-                    large impacts. But what is striking about the                          There are no fuel costs as there is no need
    cost reductions and uptake of renewables,                             placed with renewables. This can be achieved                        energy sector since the turn of the centuries                          to pay additional costs to produce more en-
    the other sectors (e.g transport, heat) must                          either by using renewables directly - for in-                       is the transformative nature of the changes                            ergy like you do with coal, gas and uranium
    not be forgotten.                                                     stance, by using solar thermal collectors to                        that are taking place. An example of renewa-                           powered energy production. So renewables
                                                                          heat a house, or by using renewable-gener-                          bles innovation can be found in floating solar                         substantially reduce the wholesale costs of
    Around the world the pace of developing and                           ated electricity in other sectors. This transfer                    – known as “floatvoltaics” – in which photo-                           energy. The business model of 20th century
    introducing better, more efficient renewable                          of clean electricity into other sectors, where                      voltaic (PV) panels are mounted on the sur-                            was based around building large power sta-
    energy technologies is accelerating. Renewa-                          it is used to reduce the amount of fossil ener-                     face of water bodies. With solar energy gen-                           tions producing a constant supply of energy
    bles are becoming the go-to option for many                           gy required, is referred to as sector coupling.                     eration requiring large areas for PV panels to                         in centralized systems. It was based, for the
    countries in their transition towards secure,                                                                                             lay, floating solar systems present a solution                         most part, around an active supply and pas-
    cost effective and environmentally sustainable                        As a result of energy transition, energy carri-                     that can address land acquisition issues ef-                           sive demand. This arguably all being dis-
    energy supply. According to the Renewables                            ers will become increasingly interconnected.                        fectively, which is particularly important in                          rupted because of the decentralized process
    2019 Global Status Report – the Renewable                             Cross sector coupling involves the integrated                       population-dense regions. Floatvoltaics on a                           with smaller units around the country and
    Energy Policy Network’s annual look at the                            use of different energy infrastructures and                         hydro-electric dam reservoir offers easy ac-                           intermittency factors. Renewables arguably
    market – recently revealed that, globally re-                         vectors, in particular electricity, heat and                        cess to power evacuation to the grid and a                             enable new players to come to the fore, for
    newable energy is outgaining fossil fuel and                          gas, either on the supply side, e.g. through                        hydro-floating solar hybrid solution for im-                           example prosumers selling electricity at the
    nuclear capacity combined and now repre-                              conversion of (surplus) electricity to hydro-                       proved grid performance. Electric vehicles                             household level back into the grid. For ex-
    sents one-third of the world’s installed capac-                       gen, or at the demand side, e.g. by using re-                       (EVs) and electrified fleets – everything from                         ample, the Brooklyn Microgrid, a P2P energy
    ity1. Once thought to be difficult to integrate                       sidual heat from power generation or indus-                         buses to garbage trucks – are growing in                               trading7 microgrid project in Brooklyn, New
    into the grid, renewables are now serving to                          trial processed for district heating. On one                        numbers, pressuring power providers to ac-                             York enables to localize the energy industry
    strengthen grid reliability and resilience.                           hand, sector coupling calls for bringing more                       commodate charging demand. Technology                                  by combining blockchain and microgrid tech-
                                                                          consumers to the grid to better utilize the                         with disruptive effects on markets and busi-                           nology. In this sense renewable energy and
    Renewable energy from solar, wind and bat-                            already plentiful generation. Looking at the                        ness models are gaining ground rapidly.                                energy storage technologies is that they are
    tery storage is grabbing a broader footprint                          same system from another perspective, the                                                                                                  disruptive to the traditional model.
    by the day, along with microgrids2 and other                          heating sector and the automotive sector, for                       The concept of disruptive technologies was
    distributed energy sources (DER), enabling                            example, are mostly using energy resources.                         first introduced and defined by the American                           The technologies impacting the new electric-
    governments and the utilities to integrate                            Outside electrification or using synthetic fu-                      scholar Clayton Christensen in the 1990s, but                          ity system of the future come in two technolo-
    those energy sources onto the grid. In this                           els such as hydrogen produced with renewa-                          it was later updated and called disruptive in-                         gies - enabling and disruptive technologies.
    transformation process, the role of electricity                       ble electricity, there are not many other alter-                    novation with the recognition that new busi-                           The distinction between them is curiously
    will become more prominent and more cen-                              natives to decarbonize these sectors3. Energy
    tral in the energy system.                                            retrofit of the building sector4 and other ener-                    3
                                                                                                                                                Van Nuffel, L. Study: “Sector coupling: how can it be enhanced in the EU to foster grid stability and decarbonisation”, Brussels, No-
                                                                          gy efficiency measures may reduce demand,                           vember 2018.
                                                                                                                                                Energy retrofit is an energy conservation measure in an existing building also leading to an overall improvement in the building per-
    The IEA report “World Energy Outlook 2018”                            but will not replace the underlying energy                          formance.
    highlights that increased penetration of vari-                        source. In order to decarbonize the energy                          5
                                                                                                                                                Technical innovations can be classified according to whether they are “incremental”, “radical” or “disruptive”. A disruptive innovation
                                                                                                                                              is something that creates a new market and value network displacing existing markets and business models, a game-changer.
     2019 Strategic Directions: Electric Report. Repowering the Power Industry.                                                               6
                                                                                                                                                Tony Seba “Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation – How Silicon Valley Will Make Oil, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Utili-
     A microgrid is a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources within clearly defined electrical boundaries acting as   ties and Conventional Cars Obsolete by 2030”, 2014.
    a single controllable entity with respect to the grid. A microgrid can connect and disconnect from the grid enabling it to operate with   7
                                                                                                                                                Peer-to Peer (P2P) energy trading is the trading of energy from one person or entity (producer) to another person or entity (consumer),
    the grid or island-mode on its own.                                                                                                       without the use of intermediary.

6       No   13       ENERGY SECURITY: OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                                                                   ENERGY SECURITY: OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS                     No   13        7
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slim. Enabling technologies facilitate the                          has the potential to eliminate the need for                       of large, top-down and centrally distributed                                  puter technology to create two-way commu-
    integration of variable renewable energy                            gasoline in cars, and can turn the relation-                      energy production is being replaced by mod-                                   nication between all nodes of the electricity
    generation technologies. Such technologies                          ship between citizens and energy.                                 ular, consumer driven and evenly distributed                                  network – supply, transmission, distribution,
    include, among others, storage batteries,                                                                                             power generation.                                                             and consumption – creating a more efficient,
    technologies that enable the electrification of                     For example, carmaker Tesla is having lot                                                                                                       reliable, and resilient system. Automated
    other sectors with renewable electricity, digi-                     of success with the sale of its revolutionary                     The advantages of energy storage are mani-                                    technology relays information from sensors
    tal and ICT developments, and smart grid so-                        electric vehicles (EVs), and has a plan to sell                   fold. Firstly, battery storage can be effectively                             and smart meters employed at home and of-
    lutions. Smart grid is an electricity grid which                    500,000 EVs by the year 2020. With the roll-                      used to tackle peak demand as it varies not                                   fices, allowing the utility to adjust and control
    includes a variety of operation and energy                          out of a cheaper model, the company expects                       only on a daily basis, but also seasonally and                                power flows in real time in each individual
    measures, including smart meters, smart                             to reach more people, but a cheaper model                         annually. Meeting the peak demand is costly,                                  device, or in millions of devices, from a cen-
    appliances, renewable energy resources, and                         is highly dependent on the price of the bat-                      as utilities have to either invest in additional                              tral location.
    energy efficient resource. Electronical power                       tery. This currently costs approximately one                      capacity by building new power plants, which
    conditioning and control of the production                          third of the price of the entire car, and will                    are not always optimally run, or buy power                                    This automated system allows utilities to
    and distribution of electricity are important                       not drop until it is produced on a much larger                    from independent power producers during                                       gauge shifts in demand in real time; more
    aspects of the smart grid. All of these devel-                      scale. For this reason, Tesla has worked out                      peak hours at higher prices compared to                                       rapidly respond to power outages; and inte-
    opments bring new opportunities for inte-                           a grand plan with Panasonic to build a “Giga-                     non-peak hours. On the other hand, grid-                                      grate intermittent sources of electricity like,
    grating higher shares of renewables, as they                        factory” in Nevada, for just such large scale                     connected battery storage can effectively                                     solar, wind, and eventually electric vehicles
    enable new ways of operating and optimizing                         battery production. The disruptive part of the                    inject the required power into the grid at the                                into the grid9. The backbone of the future
    power systems. Disruptive technologies by                           idea lies in the longer term potential to move                    right time to meet the demand. Power from                                     smart grid is artificial intelligence (AI), this
    contrast are such that have all of the process                      away from the current petrol engine. Mean-                        battery storage will not only save the utilities                              technology will continuously collect and syn-
    improvement possibility of enabling tech-                           while, other battery manufacturers are mak-                       from the above-mentioned challenges but                                       thesize overwhelming amounts of data from
    nologies, but do so in a way which disrupts                         ing similar plans, and the first mega-invest-                     also help in maintaining grid balance.                                        millions of smart sensors to make timely
    current commercial models. The disruption                           ments are expected to be made soon.                                                                                                             decisions on how to best allocate energy
    comes from economics, it has to do with con-                                                                                          2. THE ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES: SMART                                           resources. Additionally, the advances made
    sumption of energy. For example, the objec-                         Beside car batteries, Tesla also wants to build                   GRID AND ENERGY STORAGE                                                       from “deep learning algorithms”, a system
    tive of the Virtual Power Plant8 (VPP) is to                        larger batteries for households who want to                                                                                                     where machines learn on their own from
    relieve the load on the grid by smartly distrib-                    store their solar-panel generated energy. En-                     Many factors will impact the pace and scope                                   spotting patterns and anomalies in large data
    uting the power generated by the individual                         ergy which then can be used to recharge their                     of the expansion of the renewable sources of                                  sets, will revolutionize both the demand and
    units during periods of peak load. The biggest                      EV, and can be further used in the household.                     energy. These include federal and tax cred-                                   supply side of the energy economy10.
    VPP was established in Adelaide Australia in                        SolarCity is the company that will provide                        its in the United States of America, feed-in
    2016 and it boosts grid stability, reduce power                     both solar panels and storage technology,                         tariffs in the European Union, growing pres-                                  As a result, the large regional grids will be
    price volatility and support the expansion of                       and is led by Tesla director Musk.                                sures of climate change, and a projected low-                                 replaced by specialized microgrids that man-
    renewable energy.                                                                                                                     price environment of natural gas. But look-                                   age local energy needs with finer resolution.
                                                                        The example of Tesla shows that energy                            ing over the coming decades to 2035, the key                                  These can be paired with new battery tech-
    Innovation in energy storage represents the                         storage has begun to play a wider role in                         obstacle and/or enabler will be the degree                                    nologies that allow power to continually flow
    largest and most near-term opportunity to                           energy markets, moving from limited and                           to which the grid system is modernized and                                    to and between local communities even when
    accelerate renewable energy deployments                             niche uses, such as grid balancing to play a                      digitized into a smart grid; in the longer term,                              severe weather or other outages afflict the
    and bring us closer to replacing fossil fuels as                    larger role such as replacing conventional                        advancement will depend on breakthroughs                                      broader power system.
    the primary source to meet the world’s con-                         power generators for reliability, providing                       in cost-competitive energy storage. To effec-
    tinual growth in energy demand. Energy stor-                        uninterrupted quality power, and supporting                       tively integrate growing amount of intermit-                                  For example, the Brooklyn Microgrid11, a P2P
    age systems primarily offer value to power                          renewables integration. It is projected that                      tent energy sources like solar and wind into                                  energy trading microgrid project in Brooklyn,
    systems by absorbing power during periods                           storage will represent a core component of                        the grid, smart grids are key.                                                New York developed by LO3 enables to local-
    with low demand and injecting power during                          all new energy technologies moving into the                                                                                                     ize the energy industry by combining block-
    periods with high demand. This technology is                        future, as both utility-scale and domestic en-                    A “smart grid” is a digitized infrastructure                                  chain and microgrid technology. Peer-to Peer
    increasingly seen as disruptive technology as                       ergy storage solutions become more price                          of the electricity system, transforming elec-                                 (P2P) energy trading is the trading of energy
    it is able to break through existing business                       competitive, eroding the advantages of tradi-                     tricity systems much the same way that the                                    from one person or entity (producer) to an-
    models and create a whole new industry. It                          tional energy sources. The traditional model                      smartphone transformed telecommunica-                                         other person or entity (consumer), without
                                                                                                                                          tions from the use of landlines. It uses com-                                 the use of intermediary. On one hand, this
     Virtual Power Plant (VPP) is a network of decentralized, medium-scale power generating units, such as wind farms, solar parks, and
    Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units, as well as flexible power consumers and storage systems. The interconnected units are dis-       9
                                                                                                                                              Manning, R. “Renewable Energy’s Coming of Age: A Disruptive Technology?” Atlantic Council, Issue Brief, December 2015.
    patched through the central control room of the VPP, but nonetheless remain independent in their operation.                           10
                                                                                                                                              Wolfe, F. “How Artificial Intelligence Will Revolutionize the Energy Industry”. Harvard University newsletter on Artificial Intelligence, 2017.

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project will make Brooklyn more sustainable                             Based on their energy storage capacity, energy                        will dominate installations with 273 GWh, or                           A range of energy storage technologies exist,
     by incentivizing local home-owners and busi-                            storage systems can be categorized as short-                          some 43 percent of the total capacity, while                           each with different trade-offs for particular
     nesses to install rooftop solar. On the other                           term and long-term energy storages. Short-                            Europe and the U.S. will account for about 31                          applications. However, pumped hydropower is
     hand, it will make Brooklyn more energy re-                             term storage systems including the super-                             percent of cumulative capacity. Lithium-ion                            still dominant form of installed power system
     silient as the microgrid can operate autono-                            capacitator energy storage, flywheel energy                           batteries will remain the predominant stor-                            energy storage worldwide. Although the cost
     mously from the traditional grid, especially in                         storage and superconducting magnetic ener-                            age technology over the next decade, spurred                           of lithium-ion batteries has decreased signifi-
     the event of a weather incident such as Hur-                            gy storage are explained in detail in part 2.1.1                      by the anticipated growth of the EV market.                            cantly in recent years, their levelized cost of
     ricane Sandy. The need for greater flexibility                          of this article. The long-term storage systems                        The top 10 battery manufacturers alone have                            energy remains higher than the levelized cost
     and mobility in the marketplace has opened                              could be subdivided into pumped hydroelectric                         planned some 510 GWh of annual global                                  of energy of pumped hydropower and other
     the door to technologies such as blockchain                             energy storage (PHS), compressed air energy                           factory capacity by 2030, with 45 percent of                           gravity energy technologies. Also, gravity en-
     that helps provide part of the solution, pro-                           storage (CAES), battery energy storage, and                           global lithium-ion manufacturing capacity lo-                          ergy storage technologies, including pumped
     viding that real-time information in terms                              hydrogen energy storage.                                              cated in China, Europe and South Korea.                                hydropower, have two key advantages over
     of power generation. The use of data has                                                                                                                                                                             electrochemical batteries (e.g. lithium-ion,
     increased in tandem with the need for more                              The entire energy storage market has sig-                             Energy storage technologies can be used in                             lead-acid); (i) their capacity does not degrade
     technical solutions and the need for an ever-                           nificantly increased its presence in 2019. In                         different sectors such as defence, heat and                            each cycle and (ii) their power capacity is de-
     smarter grid.                                                           recent months, the news from the storage in-                          transport. The U.S example shows that battery                          coupled from their energy capacity16.
                                                                             dustry has ramped up significantly. We have                           storage technology can be successfully used
     Perhaps the factor determining the degree to                            seen recent announcements of large battery                            in the military. The U.S largest stand-alone                           Electricity storage technologies can be clas-
     which renewable energy accelerates and be-                              storage projects, some as big as NextEra’s                            battery energy storage system is developed at                          sified based on the underlying physical prin-
     comes disruptive is the development of more                             Manatee Solar/Storage undertaking involving                           Fort Carson army base in Colorado15. Battery                           ciples of the energy transformation process.
     efficient and cost-competitive energy stor-                             409 MW and 900 megawatt-hours (MWh) and a                             storage can provide immediate, flexible pow-                           Accordingly, four major categories are distin-
     age. Coupled with falling technology costs,                             495 MW energy storage project from intersect                          er to military installations while reducing the                        guished: (1) mechanical storage (including
     particularly for lithium-ion batteries, energy                          Power that may be developed in Texas, U.S13.                          carbon footprint, fuel demands and recurring                           pumped hydro storage (PHS), compressed
     storage is expected to play a key part in the                                                                                                 costs of existing back-up generators. Stor-                            air energy storage (CAES), and flywheels); (2)
     global transition toward a more sustainable                             North-America, the Asia Pacific and West-                             age technology has advanced to the point that                          electrochemical storage (including conven-
     and reliable power grid. The primary driv-                              ern Europe were the leading regions for de-                           large-scale installations can provide resilient                        tional batteries), advanced high-temperature
     ers for storage are changing rate structure,                            ployed energy storage power capacity during                           power without straining defence budgets.                               batteries and flow batteries); (3) electro-
     electric vehicle charging integration, solar PV                         the second quarter of 201914, with lithium-ion                                                                                               magnetic storage (including superconduct-
     integration, resiliency/back-up power, and to                           batteries remaining the fastest growing stor-                         In the heat sector, high temperature heat stor-                        ing magnetic energy storage (SMES), su-
     some degree business model innovation.                                  age technology. Triggered by electric vehi-                           age can be used to increase flexibility of ther-                       perconductors and supercapacitators), and
                                                                             cles’ development, battery technologies are                           mal power plants. Most prominently they are                            (4) thermal storage (including molten-salt
     A 2017 review of “deep carbonization” sce-                              progressing quickly. This progress is also                            considered as flexibility option for solar power                       technology, heat storage in tanks or rock cav-
     narios for the U.S. by power sector research-                           benefiting the large stationary batteries used                        plants in order to be able to feed power into                          erns, cryogenic energy storage and ice-based
     ers found that scenarios with a high penetra-                           for grids or small individual batteries used                          the grid also during times without sunshine.                           technology).
     tion of renewables require either a backup                              for self-consumption.
     system of dispatchable resources or long-                                                                                                     The transport sector is likely to deploy a                             Energy storage systems work by capturing
     duration, seasonal storage technologies12.                              The majority of investment today is in battery                        large-base of energy-storage systems in the                            the available form of required energy re-
     The only long-duration, seasonal storage                                storage, and part of that is lithium-ion energy                       future. With the anticipated increase in the                           source and store it for future use. In the past,
     technology currently proven viable at scale                             source of choice for new projects because of                          adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), the trend                         electricity storage was mainly employed in
     is pumped hydro storage. Areas of the world                             the falling prices. According to the recently                         is projected to increase demand for EV charg-                          the form of large-scale, bulk, centralized
     such as Norway, Wales, Japan and the U.S.                               published report from Rethink, global en-                             ing infrastructure on a global scale. This will                        units providing fast response (batteries, fly-
     have used elevated geographic features for                              ergy storage will grow from 6 GWh installed                           likely lead to significant growth in the elec-                         wheels). Today, there is an emerging interest
     reservoirs, using electrically powered pumps                            today to 635 GWh by 2030. It can be predict-                          trochemical energy storage systems market.                             in small-scale, decentralized storage and in-
     to fill them.                                                           ed that the Asia Pacific region, led by China,                                                                                               deed, in the future power system electricity
                                                                                                                                                   2.1 TYPES OF TECHNOLOGIES WITH THEIR                                   storage could fulfill a variety of functions and
        A microgrid is a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources within clearly defined electrical boundaries acting        SUB-TYPES UTILIZED FOR ENERGY                                          provide benefits to various stakeholders17.
     as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid. A microgrid can connect and disconnect from the grid enabling it to operate with
     the grid or island-mode on its own.                                                                                                           STORAGE SYSTEMS                                                        It might be connected directly to the trans-
        Ladislaw, S., Naimoli, S. “Transforming the U.S. and EU Electric Power Sectors: Workshop Report and Recommendations for Trans-
     atlantic Cooperation”. Center for Strategic International Studies, Washington D.C (August 2019).
                                                                                                                                                      Morstyn, T., Chilcott, M., McCulloch, M.D. “Gravity Energy Storage with Suspended Weights for Abandoned Mine Shafts”, Department
        Peter Kelly-Detwiler. “Energy Vault Receives 110 million USD From SoftBank for Gravity-Assisted Power Storage”. Forbes, August 14, 2019.   of Engineering Science, University of Oxford. Applied Energy, April 2019.
        According to the data of the second report from the UK-based market research company “Rethink Technology Research”.
                                                                                                                                                      It refers to ancillary services that are all services required by the transmission or distribution system operator to enable them to
        Smart Energy International newsletter. “U.S Army develops largest battery energy storage system”, 23 August 2018.                          maintain the integrity and stability of the transmission or distribution system as well as power quality. Ancillary services include fre-
                                                                                                                                                   quency control, voltage control, spinning reserve, standing reserve.

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mission or distribution grids, to renewable                         PUMPED STORAGE TECHNOLOGY                          FLYWHEEL STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES                                           of tons of mass uphill on railroad shuttles,
        generators, or to consumers. Also electric                                                                                                                                                     effectively storing thousands of megawatt-
                                                                            Pumped-storage hydroelectricity facilities         Flywheel energy storage systems use electric
        vehicles technically can provide the different                                                                                                                                                 hours of potential energy to power a medium-
                                                                            (PHS) use energy input which is stored in          energy input which is stored in the form of ki-
        storage functionalities. Besides electric en-                                                                                                                                                  sized city for several hours. Gravity is also the
                                                                            the form of kinetic energy. Water is pumped        netic energy. Kinetic energy can be described
        ergy storage in the narrow sense, also ther-                                                                                                                                                   force underpinning pumped hydro, the most
                                                                            to a higher elevation for storage during low-      as “energy of motion”, in this case the motion
        mal storage devices might see interesting                                                                                                                                                      widespread and cost-effective form of en-
                                                                            cost energy periods and high renewable en-         of a spinning mass, called a rotor, is a rotating
        applications at consumer level or in combi-                                                                                                                                                    ergy storage in the world. At the same time
                                                                            ergy generation periods. The relatively low        mechanical device that is used to store rota-
        nation with large, remote concentrated solar                                                                                                                                                   pumped hydro development is slow and cost-
                                                                            energy density of pumped storage systems           tional energy that can be called up instan-
        power facilities. Thus, electricity storage can                                                                                                                                                ly, requiring sites with specific topographical
                                                                            requires either a very large body of water or      taneously. This rotor is made spin under an
        be located closer to generation or closer to                                                                                                                                                   characteristics and often involving significant
                                                                            large variation in height. Recent innovations      enclosure with much less friction. In case of
        load; it could be operated in a more central-                                                                                                                                                  permitting hurdles. The proponents of newer
                                                                            have allowed PHS facilities to have adjustable     power requirements, stored kinetic energy in
        ized or in a more decentralized manner.                                                                                                                                                        gravity storage options claim that installation
                                                                            speeds, in order to be more responsive to the      the flywheel is converted into electrical en-
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and deployment of their technology is quick-
                                                                            needs of the energy grid. Pumped hydro stor-       ergy. Flywheel energy storage has major ad-
        The following sections analyse the effective-                                                                                                                                                  er, easier and cheaper.
                                                                            age is the leading technology accounting for       vantages such as fast charge capability, long
        ness, current status, and future scope of
                                                                            97% of world’s storage capacity, with a rated      lifecycle, and low maintenance requirements.
        some of the major energy-storage technolo-                                                                                                                                                     In 2018, Swiss/Southern Californian startup
                                                                            power of 159 GW, as it is cheaper and more         Currently, flywheels for energy storage are
        gies mentioned in Figure 1.                                                                                                                                                                    Energy Vault announced the commercial
                                                                            technologically mature than any other stor-        utilized for applications in sectors such as
                                                                                                                                                                                                       availability of its energy storage solution that
                                                                            age methods available18. In 2018, pumped           power, aerospace, and telecommunications.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       is based on the principles that underpin tra-
        ENERGY STORAGE                                                      hydro storage was the most widely deployed
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ditional gravity-based pumped hydro plants.
                                                                            storage technology on a large scale, account-      R&D activities are underway to improve the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Its new technology combines fundamentals

                                                                            ing for over 85% of the total energy-storage       performance of flywheel energy-storage
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of potential and kinetic energy with a cloud-
                                                                            systems market.                                    technology. For instance, research regarding
                                                                                                                                                                                                       based software platform to operate a newly
                                                                                                                               development for new materials possessing
                                                                                                                                                                                                       developed six-arm crane. The crane opera-
                                                                            China has the largest rated power capacity of      low density and high strength, which will pro-

                                                                                                                                                                                                       tion is automated and moves massive con-
                                                                            operational PHS plants with 32 GW, followed        vide higher energy densities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       crete bricks that provide the basis for the
                                                                            by Japan and the U.S., with 28.3 GW and 22.6
                                                                                                                                                                                                       storage and discharge of electricity. The com-
                                                                            GW respectively. While pumped hydro sys-           GRAVITY STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES                                            pany Energy Vault also announced a technol-
                                                                            tems currently dominate total installed pow-

                                                                                                                               Most gravity storage concepts are based on                              ogy and commercial partnership with CEMEX
                                                                            er storage capacity, the cost of stationary bat-
                                                                                                                               the idea of using spare electricity to lift a                           Research Group AG (Mexican cement and
               1kW         10kW    100kW    1MW     10MW   100MW     1GW    teries such as lithium-ion and flow batteries
                                                                                                                               heavy block, so the energy can be recovered                             building materials manufacturer) that will
                                                                            could fall up to 66% by 2030, in turn stimulat-
                                                                                                                               when needed by letting the weight drop down                             focus on material applications which include
                 ELECTROCHEMICAL STORAGE           THERMAL STORAGE          ing 17-fold growth in storage capacity.
                                                                                                                               again. For example, Advanced Rail Energy                                the optimization of various concrete based
                                                                                                                               Storage (ARES) has developed a gravity based                            composite materials that will support Energy
                                                                            Pumped hydropower is limited by the number
                                                                                                                               technology that will permit the global electric                         Vault’s system deployments globally. This co-
         Figure 1: Types of energy storage technologies                     of suitable locations since it requires large
                                                                                                                               grid to move effectively, reliably, and cleanly                         operation contributes to the development of
         Source: De Oude Bibliotheek Academy (2017)                         areas of land for an upper and lower reser-
                                                                                                                               assimilate renewable energy and provide                                 a new material that would be lightweight, du-
                                                                            voir, which must be separated in height. This
                                                                                                                               significant stability to the grid20. ARES has                           rable (lasting 30 or more years), inexpensive
                                                                            has created interest in developing new forms
        2.1.1 MECHANICAL ENERGY STORAGE                                                                                        combined proven electric railroad technology                            and capable of incorporating multiple waste
                                                                            of gravity energy storage, to capture the ben-
                                                                                                                               with modern electronics in an internationally                           materials, such as used debris concrete, coal
        Mechanical energy storage systems take ad-                          efits of pumped hydropower without its land-
                                                                                                                               patented system that has very low technology                            ash and industrial slag.
        vantage of kinetic or gravitational forces to                       use requirements. A particular technology
        store inputted energy. While the physics of                         patented by the U.S. Company Gravity Pow-          risk, growing markets, limited competition,
                                                                                                                               and expected high returns to investors. ARES                            Energy Vault’s technology was inspired by
        mechanical systems are often simple (e.g.                           er is based on a large underground piston,
                                                                                                                               will use surplus wind/solar or other low-                               pumped hydro plants that rely on the power
        spin a flywheel or lift weights up a hill), the                     which is lifted hydraulically to store energy,
                                                                                                                               cost energy from the grid to move hundreds                              of gravity and the movement of water to store
        technologies that enable the efficient and ef-                      and then released to push water through a
        fective use of these forces are particularly                        turbine. The cost of this system is primarily      18
                                                                                                                                  Whiteman, A; Esparrago, J.; Rinke, T.; Elsayed, S.;Arkhipova, I.; Strinati, C.; Alay,L.F. Renewable Energy Statistics 2017; International
        advanced. High-tech materials, cutting-edge                         made up of excavations (approximately 57%          Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA): Masdar City, UAE, 2017.
        computer control systems, and innovative                            of the total cost) and a reinforced concrete       19
                                                                                                                                  Morstyn, T., Chilcott, M., McCulloch, M.D. “Gravity Energy Storage with Suspended Weights for Abandoned Mine Shafts”, Department
                                                                                                                               of Engineering Science, University of Oxford. Applied Energy, April 2019.
        design makes these systems feasible in real-                        container to resist the load pressure (approx-     20
                                                                                                                                  Cava, F., Kelly, J., Peitzke, W, Brown, M., Sullivan, S. “Advanced Rail Energy Storage: Green Energy Storage for Green Energy”, Storing
        world applications.                                                 imately 25% of the total cost)19.                  Energy with Special Reference to Renewable Energy Sources, 2016, pages 69-86.

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and discharge electricity. The company’s so-           ronments. It is the most widely used method       Nebraska-based Tenaska Power Services,                                 types of conventional storage batteries used
     lution is based on the same fundamentals               for thermal energy storage as compared to         the leading provider of energy management                              extensively today: the lead-acid batteries,
     but replaces the water with concrete bricks.           its available counterparts. It works by storing   services and demand-side customers in the                              the nickel-based batteries and the lithium-
     The large bricks are combined with Energy              heat energy, which can be transformed into        U.S to help develop up to 4 GWh of cryogenic                           based batteries. Lead-acid batteries are the
     Vault’s system design and algorithm based              superheated steam. To run steam turbines in       energy storage plants in the U.S. over a two-                          oldest type of rechargeable batteries and are
     software, which calibrates the energy storage          order to generate electricity. This technology    year period22.                                                         based on chemical reactions involving lead
     tower and electricity charge/discharge while           is extensively utilized in solar thermal pow-                                                                            dioxide (which forms the cathode electrode),
     accounting for a variety of factors including          er plants in which molten salts are used as       Thermal storage can be as basic as stor-                               lead (which forms the anode electrode), and
     power supply and demand volatility, weather            a heat transfer fluid and to store the excess     ing ice for later use in air conditioning. In-                         sulphuric acid which acts as the electrolyte.
     and wind. As a result, the company said that           amount of heat energy. Molten-salt thermal        stead of generating electricity, making ice                            Lead-acid batteries have high energy effi-
     it can deliver all the benefits of a pumped            storage helps solar thermal power plants to       can shift power demand, especially to peak                             ciencies (between 85 and 90%), are easy to in-
     hydro system, but at a much lower price,               function as a base load power plant. A well-      solar generation hours during the summer                               stall and require relatively low level of main-
     higher round trip efficiency and without the           known molten salt storage is typically asso-      months, with the ice later used for air con-                           tenance. In addition, the self-discharge rates
     requirement for specific land topography and           ciated with the Solana concentrating solar        ditioning. California-based Ice Energy is cur-                         for this type of batteries are very low, around
     negative environmental or wildlife impacts.            power plan in Arizona, USA.                       rently installing 1,200 ice-energy systems                             2 percent of rated capacity per months (at 25
     Energy Vault is partnering with India’s energy                                                           under a contract with Southern California                              degrees C) which makes them ideal for long-
     giant Tata Power Company to construct an               One example of an experimental storage sys-       Edison (SCE). The systems will be centrally                            term battery storage applications.
     initial 35 MWh facility with an expected date          tem based on chemical reaction energy is the      controlled to manage peak demand and load
     of completion in 2019.                                 salt hydrate technology. The principle of this    shifting.                                                              The nickel-based batteries are mainly the
                                                            technology is that energy is stored chemi-                                                                               nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd), the nickel-metal
     According to the founders of Energy Vault,             cally by separating salt from water and then      Siemens Gamesa offers what it calls a cost-                            hydride (Ni-MH) and the nickel-zinc (Ni-Zn)
     the system operates about 90 percent ef-               released by combining them again. In Eu-          competitive technology, electric thermal en-                           batteries. All three types use the same mate-
     ficiency, and delivers long-duration storage           rope, the Swedish company SaltX Technology        ergy storage. In this case, electricity is used                        rial for the positive electrode and the electro-
     at half the prevailing price on the market at          is piloting a large scale plant with Vattenfall   to heat volcanic stones in an insulated con-                           lyte which is nickel hydroxide and an aqueous
     present. The idea is to bring something to             in Germany by using “salt hydrate” technol-       tainer to up to 600 degrees. The heat is later                         solution of potassium hydroxide with some
     the energy storage market, for the first time,         ogy21. SaltX Technology uses patented nano        converted to electricity using a conventional                          lithium hydroxide respectively. Typical opera-
     will produce baseload power below the cost             coating of the salt, which is claimed to offer    steam turbine, achieving a 45 percent round-                           tional life and cycle life of Ni-Cd batteries is
     of fossil fuels. In order to achieve this goal,        several advantages. One of them includes          trip efficiency. This technology could be used                         also superior to that of the lead-acid batter-
     Energy Vault must succeed where several                preventing the salt from becoming sticky          to retrofit fossil-fired power plants and the                          ies. Despite the above advantages of the Ni-
     mechanical storage startups, with their own            and thus to retain its original single crystal    company plans to begin operation at a pilot                            Cd batteries over the lead-acid batteries, Ni-
     takes on seemingly simple technological so-            form, which in turn increases the number of       facility later this year.                                              Cd and the rest of the nickel-based batteries
     lutions, have failed. A full scale Energy Vault        charge-discharge cycles it can undergo. In                                                                               have several disadvantages compared to the
     plant, called an Evie, would look like a 35-sto-       addition, salt is non-corrosive and also it is    2.1.3 ELECTROCHEMICAL ENERGY STORAGE                                   lead-acid batteries in terms of industrial use
     ry crane with six arms, surrounded by thou-            non-toxic and recyclable.                                                                                                or for use in supporting renewable energy.
                                                                                                              Electrochemical energy storage systems
     sands manmade concrete bricks, weighing                                                                                                                                         Ni-Cd battery may cost up to 10 times more
                                                                                                              have the potential to make a major contri-
     35 metric tons each.                                   Another emerging potential competitor for                                                                                than the lead-acid battery.
                                                                                                              bution to the implementation of sustainable
                                                            longer duration storage is cryogenic storage
                                                                                                              energy. Three important types of this storage
     2.1.2 THERMAL STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES                     (liquid air). England-based Highview Power                                                                               The third major type of battery storage tech-
                                                                                                              system are rechargeable batteries, fuel cells
     (INCLUDING MOLTEN-SALT THERMAL                         began operating a pilot-scale 5 MW cryogen-                                                                              nology is the lithium-based battery storage
                                                                                                              and flow batteries.
     ENERGY STORAGE)                                        ic energy storage facility near Manchester                                                                               technology. Lithium-ion battery storage sys-
                                                            in June 2018. The technology uses electric-                                                                              tems represent one form of electrochemical
     Thermal energy storage is achieved with wide-                                                            BATTERY STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES
                                                            ity to chill and liquefy air at -160 degrees of                                                                          energy-storage system. Globally, electro-
     ly differing technologies. Depending on the            Celsius, store the liquid air in insulated, low   Storage batteries are rechargeable elec-                               chemical energy storage market accounted
     specific technology, it allows excess thermal          pressure tanks and later expose the liquid air    trochemical systems used to store energy.                              for over 3,200 MW installed capacity in 2018,
     energy to be stored and used hours, days, or           to ambient temperatures to rapidly re-gasify      They deliver, in the form of electric energy,                          of which lithium-ion battery storage ac-
     months later, at scales ranging from the indi-         the air, expanding it to 700 times its liquid     the chemical energy generated by electro-                              counted for the dominant share. Lithium-ion
     vidual process, building, multi-user-building,         volume in order to provide power to turbines.     chemical reactions. There are three main                               batteries store power in the form of chemi-
     district, town, or region. When energy needs           In July 2019, for example, Highview Power, a
     to be stored, rocks, salts, water, or other ma-        global leader in long-duration energy stor-       21
                                                                                                                   Engerati network newsletter. “Salt storage shows promise in Germany”, 30 August 2019.
     terials are heated and kept in insulated envi-         age solutions, announced a contract with          22
                                                                                                                   Driscoll, W. “A non-battery year for advancing non-battery storage”, PV Magazine, September 2019.

14      No   13   ENERGY SECURITY: OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                                       ENERGY SECURITY: OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS     No   13     15
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cal energy, offering major advantages such             species outside the cell not only increase                     SUPERCAPACITATOR STORAGE                                                The ultracapacitator system recuperates the
     as low self-discharge rate, high round-trip            the life of battery, but allow the flow battery                TECHNOLOGIES                                                            braking energy of the trams and uses it for
     efficiency, and longer lifetime. Research is           capacity to be scaled up independently; this                                                                                           re-acceleration, saving energy and decreas-
     ongoing to further enhance the amount of               addresses the GW-scale energy storage re-                      Following Elon Musk’s speech at Cleantech
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ing costs. This project in Germany is further
     energy density for lithium-ion batteries. For          quired for grid power back-up. This drives                     Forum 2011, there has been a lot of interest in
                                                                                                                                                                                                   proof that ultracapacitators will be the key
     instance, high-voltage electrolytes and sili-          the importance in flow batteries to be better                  supercapacitators and for sure the potential
                                                                                                                                                                                                   enabler for smart city transportation systems
     con anodes are some of the techniques being            solution for long-term energy storage, this is                 offered by nanotechnologies is keeping high
                                                                                                                                                                                                   in Germany and across the globe.
     looked at to further increase energy density           most likely the best means of storing the in-                  hopes that at some point in the future, super-
     of these batteries. Ongoing research in en-            termittent energy from renewables.                             capacitators might reach a point where they
                                                                                                                                                                                                   2.1.4 HYDROGEN STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES
     ergy storage technology has resulted in re-                                                                           equal the performance of batteries. Superca-
     duced cost of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries           Flow battery is a type of rechargeable bat-                    pacitators (or ultracapacitators) are very high                         One of the technologies to store excess en-
     and an increase in their performance. With             tery where electricity is generated by the ion                 surface areas activated capacitators that use                           ergy produced by renewable energy sources
     this trend to continue, utility companies in           exchange process between two electrolytes.                     a molecule-thin layer of electrolyte as the                             is generation and storage of hydrogen. The
     future are expected to switch to large bat-            The electrochemically active components in                     dielectric to separate charge. The superca-                             system includes the major components of
     tery banks as an alternative to building new           the electrolytes circulate against each other                  pacitator resembles regular capacitator ex-                             an electrolyser, hydrogen storage tank, and
     power plants.                                          to generate a charge and are charge sepa-                      cept that it offers very high capacitance in a                          a fuel cell. The excess from the renewable
                                                            rated by a thin membrane and surrounded                        small package. Supercapacitators rely on the                            sources (e.g. solar and wind) is directed to-
     Another type of electrochemical energy-                by a positive and negative electrode. The con-                 separation of charge at an electric interface                           wards an electrolyser to generate hydrogen
     storage system – sodium-based battery stor-            struction principle of a flow battery is based                 that is measured in fractions of a nanometer,                           by electrolyzing water into hydrogen and oxy-
     age – is considered as a future alternative to         on directly converting chemical energy to                      compared with micrometers for most poly-                                gen. Hydrogen-based energy storage system
     lithium-ion based battery storage. The main            electricity directly. Flow batteries developed                 mer film capacitators.                                                  is one of the promising technologies favora-
     reason for this move forward toward the                based on this requirement are redox, hybrid,                                                                                           ble for long-term large-scale energy storage
                                                                                                                           Energy storage is by means of static charge                             applications. While receiving rapidly-growing
     sodium-based battery is simply because of              membrane less, semisolid, organic, metal
                                                                                                                           rather than of an electro-chemical process                              attention, hydrogen-based energy storage so-
     sodium is one of the most abundantly avail-            hydride, and nano-network.
                                                                                                                           inherent to the battery. While comparing                                lutions for such applications areas yet to be
     able resources in the Earth’s crust. In addi-
                                                                                                                           the key parameters of Li-ion batteries and                              further developed. Only 7 projects were re-
     tion, sodium can be recovered from seawater.
                                                                                                                           supercapacitators, it shows that one of the                             ported to be operational globally by 2016, hav-
     Moreover, chemical composition of sodium
                                                                                                                           key benefits of the supercapacitator is its ex-                         ing a combined capacity of just over 7 MW. Ac-
     provides inherent protection to the battery
                                                                                                                           tremely high cyclability, meaning that it can                           cording to a recent report published research
     in case of overcharging. This fact makes
                                                                                                                           be charged and discharged virtually an un-                              in August 2017, the hydrogen-based energy
     sodium-based battery storage safer than its
                                                                                                                           limited times. For systems designers having                             storage and technology market reached 3.6
     lithium-ion-based counterpart.
                                                                                                                           to power systems in harsh environments, su-                             billion USD in 2016 and is expected to reach
                                                                                                                           percapacitators will operate in very low to high                        around 5.5 billion USD by 202125.The round trip
     One possible drawback is that sodium-based
                                                                                                                           temperatures without degradation, which is                              efficiency today is lower than other storage
     battery storage is expected to be physically
                                                                                                                           not the case for batteries. On the downside                             technologies. Despite this low efficiency the
     heavier than lithium-ion-based battery stor-
                                                                                                                           supercapacitators self-discharge from 100 to                            interest in hydrogen energy storage is growing
     age. Nonetheless, R&D efforts are underway
                                                                                                                           50 percent in 30 to 40 days, whereas lead and                           due to the much higher capacity compared to
     to commercialize sodium-based batteries
                                                                                                                           lithium-based batteries self-discharge about                            batteries (small scale) or pumped hydro and
     in the near future owing to their aforemen-            Figure 2. Flow battery consists of two tanks of electrolytes
                                                                                                                           5% during the same period, but technol-                                 compressed air energy storage.
     tioned advantages. This option will provide            pumped against each other separated by a membrane.
                                                                                                                           ogy is improving daily and supercapacitators
     low-cost storage facilities for large-scale so-        Source:
                                                                                                                           are becoming better. For example, Skeleton
     lar and wind projects in the future.                   redox-flow-battery                                                                                                                     POWER-TO-HYDROGEN (OR OTHER FUELS)
                                                                                                                           Technologies, the European market leader
                                                                                                                           for ultracapacitators and energy storage                                It is another established technology, at least
     Flow-based electrochemical energy stor-                The Redox flow battery is a type of recharge-
                                                                                                                           systems for transportation and grid applica-                            for installations of modest scale. Hydrogen
     age systems have many advantages over                  able flow battery based on the principle of
                                                                                                                           tions will supply ultracapacitator systems to                           that is produced using electrolysis can be
     the solid-state rechargeable batteries. The            chemical reduction and oxidation in the pack-
                                                                                                                           power Škoda trams in Mannheim Germany24.                                stored and used later to generate electricity
     electroactive species involved in the electron         age to store energy in liquid electrolyte solu-
     transfer is outside the cell and makes battery         tions, which flow through negative and posi-
     capacity independent of quantity present in            tive electrodes. Most popular and extensively                     Dinesh, A., Olivera, S., Venkatesh, K, Santosh, S.M., Priya, M.G, Asiri, A, Muralidhara, H.B. “Iron-based flow batteries to store renew-

                                                                                                                           able energies”, Environmental Chemistry Letters, February 2018.
     the cell package unlike solid-state recharge-          studied redox flow batteries are Vanadium                      24
     able batteries. In addition, the electroactive         Redox Flow batteries23.                                        25
                                                                                                                              Biswas, R. Hydrogen Storage: Materials and Global Markets; bcc Research: Wellesly, MA, USA, 2017.

16      No   13   ENERGY SECURITY: OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                                                     ENERGY SECURITY: OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS                     No   13        17
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