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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Energy Safety Nets: Brazil Case Study was The research team acknowledges the contri- researched and written by partners at the Cen- butions to this work of the following workshop tre for Energy and Environmental Economics attendees and key interviewees: COPPE/UFRJ (Cenergia Lab), COPPE, Universidade Federal (Carlos Henrique Duarte), Cenergia/UFRJ (Talita do Rio de Janeiro (, with the Borges Cruz, Paula Borges, Mariane Zotin, Gerd help of Antonella Mazzone, from the Oxford Abrantes Angelkorte, Leticia Magalar de Souza University Centre for the Environment, Univer- and Rafael Garaffa), Institute of Applied Eco- sity of Oxford. The lead researcher from COPPE nomic Research – IPEA (Elaine Christina Licio), was Roberto Schaeffer (, Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency – ANEEL supported by a team that included Alexandre (Mauricio Lopes Tavares), Electric Energy Re- Salem Szklo, André Frossard Pereira de Lucena search Center – CEPEL (Márcio Gianini), Energy and Régis Rathmann. Research Company – EPE (Thiago Pastorelli Rod- rigues), Ministry of Social Development – MDS We acknowledge with gratitude the financial (Denise Direito), Frente por uma Nova Política support provided by the Wallace Global Fund. Energética (Joilson Costa). This report is based on research jointly implemented by partners at the Cenergia Lab, the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CA- FOD). The research in Brazil is part of a broader program of energy safety nets research also carried out in Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya and Mexico funded by Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) as part of its People-Centered Accelerator work program. ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2 LIST OF FIGURES 4 LIST OF TABLES 5 ABBREVIATIONS 6 MAP OF BRAZIL 8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 INTRODUCTION 11 BACKGROUND 12 The Brazil case study 12 ENERGY ACCESS IN BRAZIL – A CONTEXTUAL OVERVIEW 14 THE DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION AND EVOLUTION OF BOLSA FAMÍLIA, LUZ PARA TODOS AND TARIFA SOCIAL 17 BOLSA FAMÍLIA 18 Separate ministries provide separate safety nets (mid-1990s to 2003/4) 18 Integration into Bolsa Família 19 LUZ PARA TODOS 22 Electricity access prior to Luz para Todos 22 Electricity sector reform and the launch of Luz para Todos 23 The limitations of grid extension for providing electricity access 24 Shifting focus to prioritize those left furthest behind 26 TARIFA SOCIAL 26 The history of subsidized electricity consumption 26 A volume-differentiated tariff that varies by region and beneficiary group 27 BOLSA FAMÍLIA, LUZ PARA TODOS AND TARIFA SOCIAL: IMPACTS AND INSIGHTS 29 BOLSA FAMÍLIA AND THE IMPACTS OF THE LPG ALLOWANCE 30 Poverty reduction 30 Challenges of subsidizing energy access within Bolsa Família 30 ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 3
The value of Bolsa Família has not kept pace with the cost of LPG 31 Impact of the increase in LPG price on energy access 33 A lack of awareness of social protection programs by beneficiaries may hamper the programs’ impact 34 THE IMPACTS OF LUZ PARA TODOS AND TARIFA SOCIAL ON PROMOTING ACCESS TO ELECTRICITY 35 Luz para Todos: delivery of near-universal electricity access 35 Tarifa Social has supported consumption for the poorest, but not for all poor groups 35 THE GENDERED IMPACTS OF ENERGY SAFETY NETS IN BRAZIL 36 CONCLUSIONS 37 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 38 POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS 39 REFERENCES 40 Endnotes 43 COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER 44 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Brazil: HDI values by region (2010) 13 Figure 2: Brazil’s progress towards achieving SDG7 16 Figure 3: Timeline: Introduction of Social Policies in Brazil, 1995-2011 20 Figure 4: Population with access to electricity, 1960-2000 22 Figure 5: National Grid Coverage 24 Figure 6: Access to Electricity by State, 2010 25 Figure 7: Evolution of poverty in Brazil 30 Figure 8: Real price variation of LPG to final user by region in Brazil, 2007-2016 32 Figure 9: Residential consumption of firewood and LPG in Brazil, 2008-2017 33 ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 4
LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Relevant information about Brazil 15 Table 2: The composition of Bolsa Família 19 Table 3: Tarifa Social for low-income households 27 Table 4: Tarifa Social for specific groups 28 Table 5: Nominal price of LPG and value of Bolsa Família 31 Table 6: Regulated power consumption by end use sector (GWh) 35 ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 5
ABBREVIATIONS ANEEL Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency) BF Programa Bolsa Família (Family Allowance Program) BPC Benefício Assistencial ao Idoso e à Pessoa com Deficiência (Benefit for Elderly and Disabled People) CAD Cadastro Único para Programas Sociais (Single Registry for Social Programs) CAFOD Catholic Agency for Overseas Development CCC Conta de Consumo Combustível (Account for Cross-Subsidization) CCC-ISOL Fossil Fuels Consumption Account of Isolated Systems CDE Conta de Desenvolvimento Energético (Account for Energy Development) CEPEL Centro de Pesquisa em Energia Elétrica (Electric Energy Research Center) COPPE/UFRJ Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro CRAS Social Assistance Office EPE Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (Energy Research Company) HDI Human Development Index IBGE Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) IEA International Energy Agency IPEA Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Institute of Applied Economic Research) LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas LpT Programa Luz para Todos (Light for All Program) MCTIC Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações (Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications) MDS Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social (Ministry of Social Development) MMA Ministério do Meio Ambiente (Ministry of Environment) MME Ministério de Minas e Energia (Ministry of Mines and Energy) NGO Non-governmental Organization ONS Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (Brazilian´s Energy System Operator) ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 6
PRODEEM Brazilian Program for Rural Electrification Using Photovoltaics RF Person Responsible for a Family Unit within CAD SIN Sistema Interligado Nacional de Energia Elétrica (National Interconnected System) TS Programa Tarifa Social (Social Tariff Program) VG Vale Gás (Gas Assistance Program) A note on currency The Brazilian real (Portuguese: real, pl. reais; sign: R$; code: BRL) is the official currency of Brazil. Cur- rency conversions were carried out using year-averaged values available from the World Bank/IMF ( If a specific year was available from the context, this was used, otherwise the most recent data (i.e. 2018) were used. ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 7
MAP OF BRAZIL Roraima Amapá Amazonas Pará Maranhão Ceará Rio Grande do Norte Paraíba Piauí Pernambuco Acre Alagoas Tocantins Rondônia Sergipe Bahia Mato Grosso Distrito Federal Goiás Minas Gerais Espírito Mato Grosso Santo do Sul São Paulo Rio de Janeiro Paraná Santa Catarina Rio Grande do Sul ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 8
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This research aims to provide guidance for policy- fordability for poor and vulnerable households. It and decision-makers, by identifying measures in has expanded rapidly and more than one in ten of Brazil that have been successful in enabling very all households currently benefit from Tarifa Social poor people to access modern energy services to some degree. The volume-differentiated tariff and exploring the reasons for their success and applies discounts to the energy bills of households challenges encountered. Its findings are based on enrolled in the Cadastro Único (CAD), the unified quantitative and qualitative analyses of three pro- gateway registry for social programs. An analysis of grams that directly and indirectly impact the ac- consumption levels by poor households suggests cess and consumption of modern energy sources: that Tarifa Social has largely insulated electricity Luz para Todos (Light for All) and Tarifa Social (So- consumption in low-consuming poor households cial Tariff) for electricity, and Bolsa Família (Family from the recent economic downturn. However, Allowance) for LPG for cleaner cooking. the same analysis shows that the scheme would need to be modified to adequately support poor Luz para Todos was launched in 2003 to extend ac- households to consume more than very basic lev- cess to electricity connections in rural and remote els of electricity. areas of Brazil. Like Tarifa Social, it is supported by cross-subsidies funded via levies on consumer In 2003, the Brazilian Government launched the electricity bills. Through successive iterations, the Bolsa Família integrated cash transfer to bring program has focused on connecting households together support previously provided by 12 indi- and communities using a prioritization scheme vidual social assistance programs. This included that attempts to ensure the most disadvantaged support for LPG for cooking under the Vale Gás communities are connected first. Although the and Auxílio-Gás programs. Bolsa Família also vast majority of the unconnected households are uses the Cadastro Único to identify recipients located in regions of the country scoring low on and represents an important resource for families the Human Development Index (HDI), the scheme that has successfully lifted many millions out of appears to have been broadly effective. Since its poverty. However, the program is poorly set up inception, it has invested more than USD 7.1 billion to ensure access to modern cooking energy such (BRL 26 billion, 2018 prices) to reach over 16 mil- as LPG and data show a recent uptick in the num- lion people through more than half a million proj- ber of households reverting to using traditional ects, putting Brazil on track to achieve universal biomass for cooking. This is, in part, because the access to electricity well before 2030. program’s energy component is non-earmarked, which allows households to use the benefit to Tarifa Social was launched in 2010 to complement pay for other services, especially during times of universal access to electricity connections. The economic hardship. The scheme’s effectiveness program was built on previous experience with in supporting LPG consumption is also ham- subsidizing electricity consumption to increase af- pered by the cost of LPG rising much faster than ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 9
the amount the cash transfer provides to poor support low-income groups to access affordable, households. In 2015, the cost of a 13kg cylinder reliable, sustainable and modern energy services. of LPG represented 58 percent of the monthly These include adapting programs to reflect sub- Bolsa Família transfer, but by 2019 this figure had national variations, increasing awareness among increased to 79 percent. eligible beneficiaries, and changes to the way that support is targeted and delivered to enhance the The final section of this report details opportuni- programs’ ability to support energy access by ties to improve the extent that current programs poor and vulnerable households. ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 10
BACKGROUND Kenya and Mexico— seeks to answer four research questions: Social assistance measures can enable access to affordable energy. The use of targeted support • What policy measures have been used to en- measures may face inclusivity challenges. Different able very poor and marginalized people to ac- mechanisms (e.g. cash transfers, vouchers and price cess and use modern energy services? controls) may yield different results, and they may re- • How effective have these measures been in en- quire levels of administrative and institutional capac- abling the poorest social groups to access and ity that are not found in every country. Country case use modern energy services? study research is meant to build an understanding • What links have there been/are there between of the degree to which different mechanisms have these measures and wider/other social assis- been successful in different contexts, and identifies tance programs? areas for further innovation, piloting or research. • What changes could be made to enhance the The overall objective of the research is to provide effectiveness of existing policy measures in en- guidance for policymakers and decision-makers, by abling very poor people to access modern en- identifying measures that have been successful in ergy services? enabling very poor people to access modern ener- gy services and exploring both the reasons for their Using these general research questions, the case success and challenges encountered. study began by developing questions more directly relevant to the context of access to modern energy The Brazil case study services and social assistance programs in Brazil. A literature review was then carried out to identify the The Brazil case study aims to identify programs and main government policies and programs comprising public policies that have been successful in enabling Brazil's Energy Safety Nets (ESNs). access to modern energy services in regions with low HDI values (Figure 1). The programs analyzed Two stakeholder workshops were also carried out. are Luz para Todos, Tarifa Social and other govern- The first reviewed the specific research questions mental programs, such as the Bolsa Família, which and identified data sources. The second validated can indirectly impact the access and consumption of the preliminary research findings, addressed remain- modern energy sources. ing information gaps, and agreed preliminary con- clusions and policy recommendations. Twenty key This research used quantitative and qualitative informant interviews based on the research ques- methodologies to build a comprehensive picture of tions were also carried out with stakeholders directly different experiences of the use of social assistance involved in the design, implementation, or evalua- mechanisms for energy access. The case study— tion of the government programs and/or research like the other five, covering Ghana, India, Indonesia, related to them. Energy Safety Net (ESN) is an umbrella term ESNs can make physical access (i.e. connec- for government-led approaches to support tions) to electricity or clean fuels affordable for very poor and vulnerable people to access poor and vulnerable people, or they can make essential modern energy services, defined as the unit price of electricity or fuel affordable electricity and clean fuels and technologies to consume. ESNs include some form of tar- for cooking, by closing the affordability gap geting or eligibility criteria to direct benefits between market prices and what poor cus- to those who need them. tomers can afford to pay. ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 12
Figure 1 Brazil: HDI values by region (2010) Roraima Amapá Amazonas Pará Maranhão Ceará Rio Grande do Norte Paraíba Piauí Pernambuco Acre Alagoas Tocantins Rondônia Sergipe Bahia Mato Grosso Distrito Federal Goiás Minas Gerais Mato Grosso Espírito 0.77 – 0.83 do Sul Santo 0.74 – 0.76 São Paulo Rio de Janeiro 0.72 – 0.74 Paraná 0.69 – 0.71 Santa Catarina 0.61 – 0.68 Rio Grande do Sul Source: Authors' elaboration based on UNDP Atlas 2012 and IBGE 2019. ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 13
Brazil is an urban-industrial country with an ag- energy’ (Pachauri et al. 2011:36). In this study, ricultural sector that plays a leading role in the energy poverty is interpreted as the inability of global economy. One of the country’s most dis- individuals or groups to consume energy services tinctive characteristics is its energy mix, with a that are affordable and reliable (UNDP 2000; IE/ significant share of its renewable sources, partic- UFRJ 2005), yet it should be noted that it can ularly in the generation of electric energy, afford- be difficult to separate the definition of energy ing the sector a low-carbon profile. poverty from the general concept of poverty. Poverty is often the result of a complex economic Despite the wider definition of poverty concep- and sociocultural system that favors inequality, tualized in the Brazilian Constitution, the Instituto and energy access can play an important role in Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), which eliminating poverty, isolation and deprivation. carries out the national census, measures poverty Current definitions of energy poverty focus according to the following values: “extreme pov- on a lack of modern energy services and the erty” indicates an individual earning below USD reliance on what is available in nature (IEA 2016). 0.75 per day (BRL 89 per month); while “poverty” However, such definitions often do not specify is defined as individual income between BRL 89 the reasons for the ‘lack’ of modern energy and BRL 179 per month (USD 1.5 per day) (IBGE services, which can be linked to a family’s financial 2015). In 2017, the numbers of people living in constraints and the unaffordability of energy poverty and extreme poverty were 23 million services, whether energy poverty is the result and 12 million, respectively (IBGE 2019). In Bra- of geographical isolation (Bouzarovski 2014), zil, energy access is commonly reported using or a ‘complex combination of factors, including the metric of the percentage of households with lack of physical availability of certain energy access to electricity and clean cooking fuels–100 types and high costs associated with using percent and 96 percent, respectively, in 2017–see Table 1 Relevant information about Brazil Total area of 8,515,759,090 km2; divided in five political-administrative Territory regions – North, Northeast, Midwest, South and Southeast; composed of 26 states and the Federal District Population (2018) 209.5 million Gross Domestic Product – GDP 1,689 (in US$ billions/2018) GNI per capita 9,140 (in US$/2018) In 2017, renewables accounted for 43.2% of the Brazilian energy mix, a significantly higher share than world (13.8%) and OECD (10%) averages. Energy Mix Biofuels and sugarcane biomass supplied 40.3% of total energy. Renewables supplied 80.4% of electric energy. Hydraulic sources generated 59.4% of total electricity, natural gas 10.5% and wind 6.8% Source: IBGE 2018; MME 2018; World Bank 2019 ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 15
Figure 2 (IEA et al. 2019). It is not entirely clear (Ibid 2018:45). It is worth mentioning that while how well these figures reflect the actual num- firewood is largely used for cooking (Coelho et ber of households using electricity and modern al. 2018), it also has other uses. In the south it is cooking fuels. For example, one study noted that mostly used for space heating (EPE 2013), while in 2004 more than 98 percent of households had in the warmer north, it is also used in livelihood access to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (Jannuzzi activities such as brick and pottery making (Maz- et al. 2004), while another in 2015 showed that zone 2019b). 54 percent of the population in the northern re- gions was still exclusively using firewood versus In this context, the next chapter aims to pres- 46 percent relying on LPG (Coelho et al. 2018). ent the design, implementation and evolution of Similar proportions were observed for the most government programs such as Bolsa Família, Luz developed regions such as the south and south- para Todos and Tarifa Social, which can indirect- east, in which firewood is still used by 42 percent ly impact access to and consumption of modern and 45 percent of the population, respectively energy sources. Figure 2 Brazil’s progress towards achieving SDG7 Brazil Region Latin America and the Caribbean Subregion South America 100 96 46 Income Group Upper middle income GDP per capita 9,850 (USD) Access to Electricity Access to Clean Cooking Renewable Energy (% of population) (% of population) (% of Total Final Energy Consumption) Population 207,847,520 Source: IEA et al. 2019 16
BOLSA FAMÍLIA transformed into the Bolsa Escola; the Ministry of Health launched Bolsa Alimentação; and the Min- Separate ministries provide separate istry of Mines and Energy launched Auxílio-Gás in safety nets (mid-1990s to 2003/4) 2001 (more commonly known as Vale Gás after in- corporation into Bolsa Família in 2003/2004) (Zim- Modern social assistance programs were developed merman 2006). Auxílio-Gás provided families with in the mid-1990s with a series of policies emerging BRL 7.50 (USD 1.99) each month to assist with the to provide food security and eradicate child labor. In purchase of a refill for a 13kg LPG cylinder. 1995, President Fernando Henrique Cardoso initiat- ed the Social Safety Net Project (Rede de Proteção The introduction of Auxílio-Gás took place in the Social) aimed at redistributing wealth and protect- context of the liberalization of the cost of oil prod- ing the most vulnerable people in Brazilian society. ucts in Brazil that started in the mid-1990s and Attention to the poorest and the most marginalized ended a policy of universally subsidizing LPG that in Brazil increased in the mid-1990s because of the had lasted from 1954 to 1995 (ANP 2017). This social consequences of hyperinflation (1985-1994), long-term policy of LPG subsidization was aimed which increased the divide between rich and poor at helping families buy and refill LPG cylinders and the number of the extreme poor. and at encouraging a switch in cooking fuels from wood to modern cooking gas. The liberalization From 1995 to 2002, 12 programs were progressively of LPG prices meant that policymakers needed to included in the Social Safety Net Project, including introduce a monthly allowance to support low-in- Bolsa Escola (School Allowance), Vale Gás (VG) and come families’ continued consumption of LPG Bolsa Alimentação (Food Stamps). Individual minis- (ANP 2017). According to Coelho et al. (2018), tries were responsible for specific programs. For ex- generous subsidisation programs aimed at re- ample, the Ministry of Education implemented the placing firewood with modern fuels such as LPG Programa Agente Jovem (Youth Program) in 2001, were made available all over the country to make a cash transfer measure for education that was later LPG affordable for poor people. Box 1: Support for energy as support for nutrition It can be argued that supporting a transition to ongoing specific measures aimed at fighting ex- modern energy sources was not the only rea- treme poverty and hunger went hand-in-hand son why the Brazilian Government started the with LPG programs to guarantee food security LPG-support programs. As Zimmerman (2006) and nutrition for the poorest. The joint coordi- argues that Brazil’s first social protection pro- nation of social safety nets and energy subsi- gram targeted food poverty and malnutrition. dies for low-income families and marginalized Cooking meals guarantees nutrient absorption groups can be an effective way to target specific and increases energy intake. For this reason, aspects of poverty such as malnutrition. ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 18
Integration into Bolsa Família municipality received a fixed annual budget that was based on its current number of low-income A desire to address bureaucratic inefficiencies households. This meant that if any additional and weak communication between different min- families were identified, conditions of vulnerabil- istries appears to have driven the unification of ity in the following year would not be included in different social programs into the Bolsa Família the program (Ibid. 149). For these reasons, the program, beginning in 2003/2004, as shown in Cadastro Único para Programas Sociais (CAD), Table 3. For Zimmermann (2006:149), the lack of a unified system that could more easily identify effective coordination in implementing existing families eligible for more than program was cre- social policies resulted in leaving newly impov- ated in 2003. This allowed the government to erished people behind. As an example of these create a unified social safety net program in the systemic problems, Zimmermann notes that each form of Bolsa Família. Table 2 The composition of Bolsa Família (values updated to 2019) COMPOSITION OF BOLSA FAMÍLIA FOR WHOM? VALUE (IN BRL) For families living in extreme poverty Basic benefit 89 (income up to BRL 89 per family per month) Conditional benefits (additional) For families with children and Children 41 adolescents (0-15 years old) 41 Pregnancy For pregnant women (x 9 months) For families with 41 Nutrition children (x 6 months) (0-6 months) For families in 48 extreme poverty (each family can Adolescents with adolescents accumulate up to two (16-17 years old) benefits = BRL 96) Additional support Benefit against For families living on top of basic benefit extreme poverty in extreme poverty. (amount varies depending on circumstances) Observation Families living in extreme poverty can accumulate the basic benefit and all the conditional benefits (pregnancy, nutrition, adolescents) up to a maximum of BRL 372 per month. In addition, families can accumulate up to one benefit against extreme poverty. Source: Authors' elaboration based on CAIXA 2019 ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 19
According to the official government website cartão to pay for designated goods and services. CAIXA i, the main objectives of Bolsa Família are: In 2019, the value of the basic benefit of the allow- ance was raised to BRL 89 per month (USD 23.59). 1. to fight hunger and promote food and nutri- Details of the basic benefit and the conditional tional security benefits, i.e. those granted in addition to the basic 2. to fight poverty and other forms of deprivation benefit based on family composition, are shown 3. to promote access to public services, espe- in Table 2. cially health, education and social assistance. In addition to Bolsa Família, the government also Bolsa Família supports families with children liv- provides support to households through the Zero ing below the poverty line to different degrees Hunger (Fome Zero), My Home My Life (Minha Casa depending on their situation. Each family receives Minha Vida), and the Green Grant (Bolsa Verde) a cash card (cartão) to which the benefit amount programs. For more details of the evolution of so- is transferred monthly. Cardholders then use their cial assistance policies, see Figure 3. Figure 3 Timeline: Introduction of Social Policies in Brazil (1995-2011) Bolsa Verde Ministry of Social Development Credits to rural low-income families categorized 2011 Tarifa Social as traditional groups to conserve and develop sustainable management of the land Ministry of Mines and Energy Social tariff for electricity, targeted at poor 2010 and vulnerable households 9 million households benefit 2009 Minha Casa Minha Vida 2008 Ministry of Social Development Safe shelter and housing (tax reduction and credits for low-income families) 2007 2006 Bolsa Família 2005 Ministry of Social Development Auxílio-Gás/Vale Gás Unified cash transfer for low-income families (includes Auxílio-Gás/Vale Gás ) Ministry of Mines and Energy 2004 Benefited 36 million people between 2006 and 2015 Low-income families receive BRL 15 every two months to support LPG consumption 2003 Luz para Todos Programa Agente Jovem Ministry of Mines and Energy Ministry of Health 2002 Provides electricity connections to unelectrified Cash transfer to young people between households 15 and 17 years old living in extreme poverty and 3.4 million new connections provided by 2018 social risk (BRL 65 per month) () 2001 Extended four times – now targeting universal access by 2022 Bolsa Escola 2000 Ministry of Education Schooling allowance (cash transfer) to low-income families with young children to boost school attendance 1999 Bolsa Alimentação 1998 Ministry of Health Food stamp Program Renda Mínima 1997 Municipality distributed cash transfer Targeted low-income families with young children Programa de Erradicação do Trabalho Infantil 1996 Ministry of Health 1995 Cash transfer to children aged 7 – 14 to prevent FHC their employment 25 BRL (rural)/40 BRL (urban) LULA Source: Authors' elaboration based on Zimmermann 2006 and MDS 2019 ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 20
Box 2: Cadastro Único (CAD), Single Registry for Social Programs In 2002, a self-identification registry callled Ca- called RANI in the case of indigenous peo- dastro Único (CAD) was created to facilitate the ple) and national insurance number (Carteira distribution of social programs and to act as the de Trabalho). ‘gateway for poor people to access a set of over 20 • The condition for enrollment in the CAD is policies’ (MDS 2015). This includes Bolsa Família that the household’s income should not ex- and Tarifa Social (as per Decree 9357/2018) as well ceed three minimum wages. In the case of as other sectoral programs such as the Water for a single person household, the beneficiary All Program. The CAD is ‘the main tool for the should not earn more than one minimum state to select and include low-income families wage monthly. In 2019, the national minimum in federal, state and municipal programs aimed wage was equivalent to BRL 998 per month at inclusive social participation in public policies’ (USD 246), but state governments can vary (IBGE/PNAD 2014:22). the level of the minimum wage depending on local living standards.ii The enrollment guidelines developed by the MDS • The beneficiary must notify the CAD of any outline the application procedure as follows: changes in the household’s situation (house- hold income, change of address). • A member of the family (generally the house- hold head) is responsible for providing infor- In a household survey released by IBGE in 2014, mation about the other family members. The 40.6 percent of households surveyed in Brazil MDS clearly states: ‘the person – named as were not aware of the existence of CAD and Person Responsible for the Family Unit (RF) – were not fully aware of all social assistance pro- must be at least 16 years old, and preferably grams to which they may be entitled (IBGE 2016 be a woman’ (MDS 2015). p.26). This finding was corroborated during • The person must visit a Social Assistance Of- the first stakeholder workshop organized by fice (CRAS) to enroll. In many cases the com- COPPE/UFRJ for this research project in June pilation of relevant information is carried out 2019. Several participants flagged how citizens, by social workers. mainly in remote areas, are often unaware of the • The only documents requested for the enroll- main information regarding social policies in the ment in CAD are the RF’s identify card (also country. ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 21
LUZ PARA TODOS i) Initiatives led by foreign investments and pri- vate companies (1879-1930) Electricity access prior to Luz para ii) Creation of the state-owned company Todos Eletrobras, which held a monopoly over the sector and expansion of the hydroelectric Prior to the introduction of Luz para Todos in park (1930-1990) 2003, household electricity coverage was 93 per- iii) Privatization of the electricity sector and cre- centiii (urban and rural) with 97 percent access in ation of the Electricity Regulator – ANEEL urban areas and 70 percent in rural areas (IBGE (1990-2003) 2002). This result was realized by alternating iv) Reform of the electricity sector, rural electri- stages of public and private investments that can fication and energy development that is now be divided into four main phases: subsidized by the government (2003-today). Figure 4 Population with access to electricity, 1960-2000 TOTAL URBAN RURAL 180 168.2 160 145.6 137.0 140 117.3 120 POPULATION (MILLIONS) 110.1 100 89.9 79.3 80 69.2 60 51.5 50.3 38.6 38.0 40 35.5 33.2 39.5 31.2 30.5 18.3 20 0 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Source: Authors’ elaboration based on ANEEL 2002 and IBGE 2000 ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 22
The second and third phases were when the bulk Electricity sector reform and the of residential electricity access was achieved, es- launch of Luz para Todos pecially in urban areas where every urban house- hold that requested a connection from the local In 2002, a significant shift in the electricity sec- energy company distributor was provided with tor occurred when the rules for achieving uni- one. However, in rural areas, consumer demand for versal electricity access became stricter. Law new electricity connections was largely ignored, Nº10,438/2002 required electricity distribution resulting in the development of private initiatives. companies to respond to new requests for res- Rural households organized themselves into en- idential electricity connection within three days ergy cooperatives that would carry the costs of in urban areas and five days in rural areas and rural electrification. In return for covering these prevented them from charging the final consum- costs, rural consumers received large discounts er for the costs (ANEEL 2016). The 2002 law also on their electricity bills from the local energy en- required energy distribution companies to main- terprise responsible for that area. According to tain all new electric connections free of charge to one of the energy stakeholders interviewed for the final user. Funding comes from various sourc- this report: "rural electrification from 1930s to es but flows through the Conta de Desenvolvi- 1990s was largely driven by private initiatives and mento Energético or CDE (Account for Energy the creation of energy cooperatives" (AMX 2019). Development) (see Box 3). From 1990 to 2002, rural electrification became a concern for the government and several initia- Building on reforms, Brazil launched Luz para To- tives, including Luz no Campo (Light in the Coun- dos in 2003, with the aim of providing access to tryside) and PRODEEM (the Brazilian Program for electricity in still-unserved rural areas. According Rural Electrification Using Photovoltaics – 1996- to the IBGE, more than 2 million rural households, 2003),iv set out to provide rural households with or over 12 million Brazilians, lacked access to elec- electricity access in the form of renewable elec- tricity in 2002. Further aggravating their exclusion, tricity. These programs were largely funded by approximately 90 percent of these households foreign enterprises and development finance were estimated to be living in areas with a low HDI institutions. and on less than three times the minimum wagev Box 3: Conta de Desenvolvimento Energético (CDE), Account for Energy Development Conta de Desenvolvimento Energético (CDE), provided through Tarifa Social (affordability) Account for Energy Development was established and supports Conta de Consumo Combustivel in 2002 under Law Nº10,438/2002 and is regulated (CCC), the cross-subsidization account. The by the ANEEL. The CDE covers the costs of CDE is financed through levies added to universal energy access, funds the subsidies consumer electricity bills. ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 23
2 i.e. the level at which 2households were eligible ued expansion of the hydropower park and ex- 2 for support from Bolsa 2 Família2 and 2 other social tension of the national grid, starting with urban, safety nets. 2 2 2 3 densely populated areas and then moving to ru- 2 2 2 5 2 2 ral and 2 isolated areas. The reliance on hydropow- 2 2 2 3 4 2 Initially, the Luz para Todos program 2 was to 2end er for3 electricity generation entails a complex 2 2 in 2008, but it was subsequently 3 3 extended sev- 2 organization 3 of 2 resources and interconnections 2 2 eral times, most recently to 20222 (under Decree 2 2 between the reservoirs, 3 in addition to distribu- 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 29357 of 2018). The 2 initial target of connecting 12 tion to the 4 final2 consumer. 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 million 2 rural 2 3 2 people 2 by 2008 2 3 has been 3 2 revised 2 to 2 E 2 33 2 2 2 52 22 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 that of achieving universal access 2 2 3 by 202232 (MME 2 2 In2 20173 2 the national interconnected grid covered 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2015; 2017;22019). 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 141,388 3 2 km across the south and east of the coun- 3 3 3 3 23 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 try 3(see Figure 3 2 5) but remained largely absent 2 2 2 2 The2 2limitations 2 2 2 of2 grid 2 2 extension 4 2 for2 33 2 in the state2 of 3 3 Amazonas and in parts of Acre, 2 2 providing33electricity access 2 3 2 3 32 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 Mato Grosso,4 2 Roraima, Pará and Amapá (the Le- E E 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 22 2 gal2 Amazon). The grid is unlikely to be expanded 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 4 2 The preferred strategy 2for increasing D 2 2 electricity into2 the Amazon forest for a number of reasons 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 access in Brazil 2 2 has been characterized 6 3 by2 contin- 2 2 (ANEEL 3 2010). These include the geomorpholo- C 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 A 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 4 2 8 4 2 2 2 2 B2 2 2 3 3 2 Figure 2 3 5 3 2 2 3 2 7 4 3 2 2 2 4 2 23 2 2 National 3 2 2 Grid Coverage 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 D 2 2 2 2 2 D 2 2 6 2 2 2 26 2 2 2 22 C 2 2 C 2 2 A 2 A 2 2 2 2 28 2 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 B B 3 2 3 2 7 2 2 5 3 7 3 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 5 2 3 2 3 2 2 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 E 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 Existing Planned 2 Complex 2 2 3 138 kV 2 2 4 PARANÁ 2 2 230 kV 3 2 2 3 2 2 345 kV PARANAPANEMA 2 2 2 2 2 440 kV 3 GRANDE 2 D 2 2 500 kV 6 2 2 2 750 kV PARANAÍBA C 2 2 A 2 2 8 2 PAULO AFONSO 2 B 3 3 7 4 2 Existing Planned 2 Number Existing Complex Planned Complex of existing circuits 4 3 3 3 2 8 kV 138 kV 2 PARANÁ PARANÁ 2 0 kV 230 kV 2 2 5 kV 345 kV PARANAPANEMA PARANAPANEMA 0 kV 440 kV 2 2 GRANDE GRANDE 2 2 0 kV 500 kV 2 2 5 0 kV 750 kV PARANAÍBA PARANAÍBA 2 PAULO AFONSO PAULO AFONSO 2 2 Number of existing circuits Number of existing circuits Source: ONS 2017 138 kV Existing Planned Complex PARANÁ 230 kV 345 kV PARANAPANEMA 440 kV GRANDE 500 kV 750 kV PARANAÍBA ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY PAULO AFONSO 24 2 Number of existing circuits
gy of the Amazon forest with its thick vegetation; eas with the lowest electrification rates and low- low-density population and the low return over est HDI values in Brazil. investment on energy development projects in this area. Moreover, the Amazon forest hosts one The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) iden- of the most ethno-culturally diverse populations tified specific contexts in which access to elec- living in natural parks and sustainable reserves tricity was particularly challenging, such as vul- where development plans are not encouraged nerable indigenous or traditional communities by conservation plans. living in remote and sensitive ecosystems (nat- ural parks, extractive reserves and indigenous The area outside national grid coverage is called lands). In these areas, the MME ascertains that, the isolated system. It is composed of medi- as the national grid can not be expanded, local um-size thermopower plants supplying energy to populations should be served by renewable and the consumers of the northern states (Amazonas, decentralized systems (ANEEL 2017). Among Pará, Rondonia, Roraima, Amapá and Mato Gros- the available technological options, the MME so as well as the island of Fernando de Noronha). encourages mini- and micro-hydropower plants, As Figure 6 shows, the territory covered by the thermopower plants fueled by biofuels or nat- isolated system corresponds in large part to ar- ural gas, wind power, and solar photovoltaics. Figure 6 Access to Electricity by State, 2010 Roraima Amapá Amazonas Pará Maranhão Ceará Rio Grande do Norte Paraíba Piauí Pernambuco Acre Tocantins Alagoas Rondônia Sergipe Bahia Mato Grosso Distrito Federal Goiás Minas Gerais 98% – 98.99% Mato Grosso do Sul Espírito Santo 97% – 97.99% São Paulo Rio de Janeiro 95% – 96.99% Paraná 94% – 94.99% Santa Catarina 91% – 93.99% Rio Grande 77% – 90.99% do Sul Source: Authors' elaboration based on UNDP Atlas 2012 and IBGE 2010. ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 25
In addition, there are hybrid systems involving a example, if the electricity distribution company in combination of options including diesel/renew- the state of Amazonas received two connection able hybrids (ANEEL 2017). requests in the same period, one in a peri-urban village and the other in a quilombola village, they Shifting focus to prioritize those left should connect the quilombola one first, even if furthest behind the peri-urban request (because of geographical vicinity) were easier to connect in terms of dis- The priorities of Luz para Todos have evolved over tance and cost. time. Initially the program prioritized low-HDI communities located near the grid, whose con- TARIFA SOCIAL nection was at the lowest cost. As these near-grid communities were connected, the focus shifted The history of subsidized electricity to more remote communities and then, in the fi- consumption nal phase, to families located in regions farthest from the grid, especially in the Amazon. In recent The Luz para Todos program aims to achieve years, Luz para Todos has targeted low-income universal electricity access, but once con- families, ethnic minorities and vulnerable popu- nected, how do low-income families pay for lations living in protected areas such as national their electricity services? Gomes and Silveira parks, extractive reserves and conservation areas (2012:160) suggest that the creation of social (Decree Nº 9357/2018). These areas correspond tariffs is ‘instrumental in the process of ensur- to the regions with the lowest HDI in Brazil – see ing the sustainability of the [universal electrici- Figure 6. ty access] program’. This led to the creation of a social tariff to complement Luz para Todos To accelerate the completion of Luz para Todos in and ensure affordability of electricity by con- rural areas, the MME issued a regulation in 2012 sumers. The Tarifa Social program was created requiring energy distributors (currently still rely- under Law Nº12,212/2010 and is the most im- ing on the CDE to finance universal electricity ac- portant subsidy for electricity consumption for cess)vi to give priority to remote communities and low-income people. While the tariff was only in- ‘traditional’ groups. The Ministry of Environment troduced in 2010 (considerably after the launch (MMA) categorizes these as specific groups of of Luz para Todos), discounts on electricity people who share distinctive low socioeconomic consumption had been used since 1985 in the status, geographies and sociocultural identities, context of economic recession, inflation and including: a) indigenous Indians; b) Seringueiros high national debt. Prior to 2010, discounted (rubber workers); c) Quilombolas (people of Af- tariffs were not introduced explicitly as a tool rican-Brazilian heritage); Castanheiros (nut col- to reduce energy poverty. Due to economic re- lectors); d) Quebradeiras de coco-de-babaçu cession, the demand for electricity in the late (babaçu coconut workers); e) Pescadores Arte- 1980s and 1990s decreased. This coincided sanais (artisanal fishermen); f) Ribeirinhos (river- with several hydropower plants (commissioned ine people); g) Ciganos (Romani people); and h) during the 1970s) coming onstream. As a result, Caatingueiros (people living in the Caatinga bi- the supply of electricity exceeded demand and ome) among others (MMA 2017). Luz para Todos consumers were encouraged to consume more relies on these categories to prioritize future con- electricity with the introduction of discounted nections. The 2012 regulation stipulated that the tariffs (Tavares 2004). Hence, discounted tar- most vulnerable and marginalized groups should iffs were originally a way to increase electricity be given priority for electricity connection. For consumption and avoid financial losses on in- ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 26
vestment in the hydropower plants operating permanent disabilities (of any age).vii Households during the economic crisis. with a BPC beneficiary also receive discounts on their total electricity bill. A volume-differentiated tariff that varies by region and beneficiary Electricity tariffs in Brazil also vary by region. group The average tariff in 2018 was 0.568 BRL/kWh (ANEEL 2019). This means that without the dis- Tarifa Social has two components – one targeted count, a family consuming 30kWh would pay BRL at low-income households and the other at the 17.00 (USD 4.10) per month. With a discount of most vulnerable marginalized social groups. 65 percent the family would pay BRL 5.95 (USD 1.44). In addition to the volume-differentiated To be eligible for the low-income Tarifa Social, discount, electricity is also cross-subsidized in households must be enrolled in the CAD. The Tar- some regions, especially in the northern regions ifa Social is a volume-differentiated tariff. A lifeline where the costs of generation and distribution block mandates that if a household consumes 30 of energy are higher than in other parts of the kWh per month or less, they will receive a 65 per- country. Here, consumers of isolated systems cent discount on their electricity bill. As a house- receive electricity generated by decentralized hold’s monthly electricity consumption increases, thermal power plants that rely on fossil fuels. The the percentage discount decreases (see Table 3). lack of energy infrastructure together with low population density and large distances between The same tariff structure is also available to vul- urban centers contribute to high prices of goods nerable groups of people likely to be affected by and services. Higher tariffs than in other regions energy poverty, such as the elderly and disabled. would be needed to cover the extra costs of gen- The Benefício Assistencial ao Idoso e à Pessoa eration compared to electricity generated by the com Deficiência (BPC) or Benefit for Elderly and national grid. Given that these northern areas Disabled People, is a cash transfer program tar- have some of the lowest HDI values in Brazil, fos- geting older people (over 65) and people with sil fuels for transportation, cooking and electricity Table 3 Tarifa Social for low-income households MONTHLY CONSUMPTION QUOTA (MCQ) DISCOUNT (%) MCQ
Table 4 Tarifa Social for indigenous groups MONTHLY CONSUMPTION DISCOUNT (%) QUOTA (MCQ) MCQ
BOLSA FAMÍLIA AND THE IMPACTS fers lifted 3.4 million people out of extreme pov- OF THE LPG ALLOWANCE erty and 3.2 million out of poverty (IPEA 2019). Currently in Brazil there are 13.9 million people Poverty reduction receiving the benefit (MDS 2019). The numbers of poor and extremely poor people Bolsa Família represents an important resource in Brazil totaled 59 million and 25 million, respec- for low-income families. However, two issues— tively, in 2001 (IBGE 2019). While these numbers diversion to other goods and services, and failure decreased slightly in the 2000s, it was only after to keep pace with real cost increases in LPG— the launch of Bolsa Família in 2006 that the num- raise serious questions over the continued effec- bers decreased significantly, to 14 million and 5 tiveness of the program in supporting energy ac- million respectively in 2014 (IBGE 2019). Between cess for the most disadvantaged groups. 2006 and 2015, Bolsa Família benefited 36 million people and increased living standards in Brazil Challenges of subsidizing energy (IDB 2015:38). Its coverage among the poorest 20 access within Bolsa Família percent of the Brazilian population has increased over time, reaching 60 percent in recent years. During the second stakeholder workshop, par- Its incidence coefficients—measuring the redis- ticipants (energy stakeholders, academics and tributive impacts of the first real disbursed by NGOs) were asked about the effectiveness of the program—have also become more negative, consolidating diverse safety nets under Bolsa which indicates the measure has become increas- Família. The participants disagreed with the anal- ingly progressive. About 70 percent of the ben- ysis in the literature discussed above that this in- efits of Bolsa Família have reached the country’s tegration helped the government to have better poorest 20 percent. In 2017, Bolsa Família trans- control over the transfer, thus minimizing the risk Figure 7 Evolution of poverty in Brazil PEOPLE IN EXTREME POVERTY PEOPLE IN POVERTY 70 62 61 60 59 59 59 59 60 58 58 56 56 56 53 52 52 52 49 50 47 42 40 MILLION PEOPLE 40 37 34 30 29 29 30 28 28 28 26 26 26 26 24 24 25 24 24 23 22 22 21 20 17 17 14 14 13 12 10 10 10 8 0 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 20 19 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 19 20 20 20 20 Source: Authors' elaboration based on IBGE 2019 ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 30
of fraud, arguing that the consolidation neither the market price of LPG and the fall (in real terms) simplified the process nor reduced bureaucracy. of the value of the Bolsa Família with inflation averaging 6.5 percent in the 2000-2017 period In addition, participants suggested the delivery (IPEADATA 2019). This inability to keep pace with of Bolsa Família limited its ability to promote inflation may also have led to recent increases energy access. Families receiving Bolsa Família in the numbers of poor and extremely poor be- simply receive a lump sum cash transfer each tween 2015 and 2017. month with no limitations attached to how it may be spent. No assessment was found as to wheth- Table 5 shows the nominal annual price of LPG in er the LPG portion of Bolsa Família contributed comparison to the value of the Bolsa Família in Bra- to household energy expenditure, however, it zilian reals, both of which have increased in recent appears that ‘invisibility’ of the energy access years. The figures are not directly comparable be- subsidy within the non-earmarked Bolsa Família cause Bolsa Família is paid monthly, while a cylin- means families have the freedom to allocate their der may last longer than one month. However, the LPG allowance to other goods (mostly food and bottom row clearly illustrates that for a household educational materials). As a result, the govern- to consume the same amount of LPG, they had to ment is considering a return to the old Vale Gás use more of their Bolsa Família transfer in 2019 than voucher program exclusively aimed at subsidiz- in 2015, i.e., the cost of a 13kg cylinder represent- ing the monthly purchase of an LPG cylinder. ed 58 percent of the monthly Bolsa Família in 2015, while in 2019 it represented 79 percent of its value. The value of Bolsa Família has not kept pace with the cost of LPG Moreover, the liberalization of the LPG market ini- tiated in the mid-90s leading to a complete with- The workshop participants also highlighted that drawal of subsidies by the end of 2000 (Coelho et the amount of money transferred under the Bol- al. 2018) also created regional disparities. For ex- sa Família has become increasingly insufficient ample, monthly reports released by the MME show to cover the purchase of LPG. The impact varies that the northern region has the highest prices for between regions, due to disparities in delivery LPG due to the distribution margin and transporta- costs, and has been compounded by the rise in tion costs (MME 2015 N109, 2015: 9). Table 5 Nominal price of LPG and value of Bolsa Família 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Value of monthly 77 82 85 89 89 Bolsa Família transfer (BRL) Cost of 13 kg LPG (BRL) 45 50 55 65 70 Cost of LPG cylinder as share of value of monthly 58% 61% 65% 76% 79% Bolsa Família transfer Source: Authors' elaboration based on ANP 2019 and Ministry of Social Development 2019 ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 31
41.6 41.6 38.6 38.6 2010 38.2 2010 38.2 36.2 36.2 Figure 8 38.5 38.5 Real price variation of LPG (to final user) by region in Brazil, 2007-2016 41.4 41.4 39.0 39.0 2011 38.5 2011 38.5 CENTRE-WEST SOUTH SOUTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHERN REGION CENTRE-WEST SOUTH 36.4 SOUTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHERN CENTRE-WEST REGION SOUTH 36.4 SOUTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHERN PRICE VARIATION OF LPG (BRL/CYLINDER) 39.6 39.6 0% PRICE 10%VARIATION 20% OF30% LPG (BRL/CYLINDER) 40% 50% 60% 70% PRICE VARIATION OF LPG (BRL/CYLINDER) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 35.3 35.3 41.9 35.3 41.9 33.6 33.6 39.9 33.6 39.9 2007 32.2 2012 2007 32.2 32.7 39.4 2012 2007 32.2 39.4 32.7 37.3 32.7 37.3 34.3 34.3 40.4 34.3 40.4 35.0 35.0 43.7 35.0 43.7 33.8 33.8 41.3 33.8 41.3 2008 32.3 2013 2008 32.3 41.1 2013 2008 32.3 41.1 33.3 33.3 39.4 33.3 39.4 34.8 34.8 43.6 34.8 43.6 38.9 38.9 45.6 38.9 45.6 36.4 36.4 42.4 36.4 42.4 2009 35.2 2014 2009 35.2 43.1 2014 2009 35.2 43.1 35.0 35.0 42.0 35.0 42.0 35.8 35.8 46.5 35.8 46.5 41.6 41.6 51.7 41.6 51.7 38.6 38.6 48.5 38.6 48.5 2010 38.2 2015 2010 38.2 47.5 2015 2010 38.2 47.5 36.2 36.2 47.0 36.2 47.0 38.5 38.5 53.3 38.5 53.3 41.4 41.4 60.5 41.4 60.5 39.0 39.0 55.7 39.0 55.7 2011 38.5 2016 2011 38.5 52.6 2016 2011 38.5 52.6 36.4 36.4 52.2 36.4 52.2 39.6 39.6 59.5 39.6 59.5 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 41.9 41.9 41.9 39.9 39.9 39.9 2012 39.4 2012 37.3 39.4 2012 39.4 37.3 37.3 Source: Authors' 40.4 elaboration based on ANP 2017 40.4 40.4 32 43.7 ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 43.7 43.7 41.3 41.3 41.3 2013 41.1 2013 39.4 41.1 2013 41.1
Impact of the increase in LPG price on However, since 2013, levels of residential fire- energy access wood consumption have shown a slight increase (to 20.4 kilotons in 2015) while consumption of According to Gioda (2019:373) ”the use of fire- LPG has remained constant (Figure 9). Although wood by the low-income population seems to their analyses use different methodologies,viii this be directly associated with the price of LPG. In increase was corroborated by the IBGE that cal- general, the firewood used by this population culated that there was an increase to 17.6 percent is of ’picking’ quality (gathered from the land in households using firewood as fuel for cooking without cost) and the stoves are rustic”. Figure in 2017 compared to 16.1 percent in 2016 (IBGE 9 presents data from the state-owned Energy 2019; Gioda 2019). More research is needed to Research Company (EPE 2017) showing a de- understand how the recent economic crisis com- crease in the use of residential firewood con- bined with the increase of LPG prices has impact- sumption from 2008 to 2013 (from 24.9 to 18.5 ed fuel choices in low-income households. kilotons) along with a corresponding increase in LPG consumption. This supports the asser- To minimize the impacts of the increase in LPG price tion by Coelho et al. (2018) that the LPG sub- on energy access, workshop participants also rec- sidization policies contributed to a 22 percent ommended decreasing fees and taxes on LPG and reduction in households consuming firewood providing subsidies for the purchase of solar stoves between 2002 and 2012. in rural areas with poor LPG distribution networks. Figure 9 Residential consumption of firewood and LPG in Brazil, 2008-2017 FIREWOOD LPG 11 26 24.85 10.81 25 10.8 24.28 10.69 Annual firewood consumption (103t) 10.67 10.75 Annual LPG consumption (103m3) 24 23.47 10.70 10.6 23 10.41 10.46 10.4 22 10.30 20.87 10.2 21 20.98 20.43 19.72 20 19.70 10 10.00 19.56 19 9.89 9.8 18.52 18 9.6 17 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Source: Authors' elaboration based on EPE 2017 ENERGY SAFETY NETS | BRAZIL CASE STUDY 33
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