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NA                              NATO ENERGY SECURITY

                                CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE




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             F E XC E


No 16                 2021
                                     ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS   No   16   1
This is a product of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (NATO ENSEC COE). It is produced
    for NATO, NATO member countries, NATO partners, related private and public institutions and related
    individuals. It does not represent the opinions or policies of NATO or NATO ENSEC COE. The views
    presented in the articles are those of the authors alone.

    © All rights reserved by the NATO ENSEC COE. Articles may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or
    publicly displayed without reference to the NATO ENSEC COE and the respective publication.

2      No   16    ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS
 4   Editorial

 5   Nitrogen based propellants as substitute for
     carbon containing fuels

22   The hidden costs of solar photovoltaic power

34   What to expect from an energy transition for
     Australia’s energy security and its Defence Force?

44   The Synchronization of the Baltic States’:
     Geopolitical Implications on the Baltic Sea Region and Beyond

                                                     ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS   No   16   3
    By COL Romualdas Petkevičius (LTU-AF)
    Director of the NATO ENSEC COE

                                    he clean energy       Meanwhile, in his piece Thomas Troszak exam-
                                    transition is with-   ines the environmental impact of solar photo-
                                    out a doubt one       voltaics (PV) production. More specifically, the
                                    of the greatest       author introduces the readers to the many types
                           challenges of the 21st cen-    of fossil fuels that are used in PV production and
                           tury. The reasons for that     notes how some other environmentally hazard-
                           are myriad, complex and        ous inputs are required before the delivery of a
                           sometimes overlapping.         solar PV array can take place.
                           There are significant chal-
                           lenges associated with         In the third article, Camille Fourmeau, Nicolas
    some of the new and innovative energy tech-           Mazzucchi and Dr. Reiner Zimmermann analyse
    nologies that could help to decarbonise hard-to-      Australia’s energy transition challenges and its
    abate sectors. And, due to a number of reasons,       implications for the country’s military. The au-
    even some of the more established technologies        thors place particular emphasis on the difficulties
    have flaws that often are easily overlooked.          Canberra faces while trying to reconcile its cur-
                                                          rent dependency on fossil fuels, the negative im-
    In addition to these technological problems, in       plications of climate change and the urgent need
    some countries historical path dependencies can       to expand investments in renewable sources of
    hinder the clean energy transition from gaining       energy.
    momentum. Or, alternatively, traditional energy
    security issues may at times divert some of the       Finally, Justinas Juozaitis explains why it is
    attention that could otherwise be spent on mak-       important for the Baltic States to disconnect
    ing the energy systems greener.                       their power systems from the Soviet-era BRELL
                                                          power grid and to synchronize with the Con-
    This issue of Energy Highlights will tackle some      tinental European Network. The author not
    of these challenges head on.                          only provides a comprehensive account of
                                                          the historical development of the BRELL grid,
    In their contribution, Dr. Jutta Lauf, Wsewolod       highlights the synchronization significance for
    Rusow and Dr. Reiner Zimmermann examine the           Baltic energy security, but also points out how
    utility of nitrogen-based fuels. They argue that      Russia and Belarus have been pursuing various
    these fuels have significant advantages over car-     strategies to deter the Baltics from leaving the
    bon-based fuels because they do not emit green-       BRELL grid.
    house gases or any other hazardous compounds
    during combustion. While the authors agree that       In the end, we hope that these articles would
    it may take a while before nitrogen-based fu-         provide you, the readers, not only with a better
    els can become adopted on a wider scale, they         grasp of the clean energy transition challenges
    are confident that in the near future these fuels     that many governments face, but would also in-
    could play a meaningful role in the global decar-     spire you to be part of the change.
    bonisation effort.

4      No   16     ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS
Nitrogen based propellants
as substitute for carbon
containing fuels
by Dr. Jutta Lauf, Wsewolod Rusow and Dr. Reiner Zimmermann


           itrogen based fuels have several ad-         and plants are existing in all major agricultural
           vantages over carbon-based fuels. No         countries, the upscaling of ammonia production
           greenhouse gases (GHG) or health             seems easily possible. The prime advantage of ni-
           compromising compounds are emit-             trogen based fuels are both, the intrinsic lack of
ted during the combustion and the subsequent            carbon as well as the technological maturity of
waste gas treatment of most nitrogen bases              their production, transport and storage. As the
fuels. When nitrogen based fuels are produced           various propulsion engines and the combustion
with power from renewable sources, no GHG               technologies reach technical maturity, nitrogen
are emitted during the production process either.       based fuels will certainly become attractive for a
All nitrogen based fuels originate from ammonia         decarbonizing world.
(NH3), which is produced via the Haber-Bosch-
Process. Ammonia combustion engines have                2. INTRODUCTION
been developed and tested as prototypes for sev-
eral decades. In recent years the interest mainly       Nitrogen based fuels are well known since several
for use in naval propulsion systems has grown.          decades but rarely used for transportation pur-
Marketable fuels cells using ammonia are now            poses. Their inherent environmental advantage
commercially available, as well as fuel cells using     is the absence of any carbon dioxide (CO2) emis-
hydrogen which was stripped from the ammonia.           sions during combustion. Therefore, they may
Hydrazine is a commonly used rocket propellant          contribute significantly to the internationally
but is not used in civil environments due to its        demanded decarbonisation of the transport sec-
high toxicity. Ammonium nitrate and urea en-            tor. However, easy access to fossil carbon-based
gines are fringe applications which were currently      gas (methane) and liquid fuels (derived from
tested in laboratory environments. Production of        crude oil) during the past decades as well as their
nitrogen based fuels by using renewable power           cheapness, low safety risks and established pro-
sources would be most economically feasible             cessing infrastructure made them the almost ex-
with energy produced in the global Sunbelt. Since       clusive propulsion energy for transportation pur-
the necessary Haber-Bosch technology is mature          poses. Crude oil is easily refined to e. g. kerosene,

    by Dr. Jutta Lauf, Wsewolod Rusow and Dr. Reiner Zimmermann

    Dr. Jutta Lauf works at the department of Renewable Energy Management at the University of Applied
    Sciences Erfurt. She is also a Fellow at the NATO ENSEC COE.
    Wsewolod Rusow works at the Doctrine and Concept Development Division of the NATO ENSEC COE.
    Dr. Reiner Zimmermann was the Head of the Research and Lessons Learned Division of the NATO ENSEC COE.

                                                                         ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS       No   16     5
diesel, or gasoline. In the next decade the need      actions were taken to reduce the dependency
    to move away from fossil carbon-based energy          from fossil carbon fuels in the transportation or
    may favour – at least in part - nitrogen as fuel in   heating sectors on a global scale and only the nu-
    the transportation sector due to its ecologic ad-     clear power generation sector gained importance
    vantages, the technological practicability and the    since the end of the 1970ies, mainly in techno-
    relatively moderate changes needed to existing        logically advanced countries (Roser 2020).
    infrastructure for production and logistics.
                                                          Even today most attempts to reduce or mini-
    As early as 1943, during the fossil fuel shortages    mise the usage of carbon-based fossil fuels are
    in WW II, a retrofitted bus engine was propelled      not price driven. In fact, global oil prices have
    by ammonia (NH3) in Belgium (Kroch 1945) (Fig-        reached a relatively stable minimum caused by
    ure 1). In the 1950ies an Austrian inventor rede-     the increased application of fracking techniques
    signed a motor bike to run on hydrazine (N2H4)        in North America, political discord of the oil
    in a fuel cell (Figure 2). Hydrazine in combina-      producing countries about production quanti-
    tion with other fuels was used during WW II as        ties and the current economic slow-down due
    a propellant for the German A4 rocket and the         to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (BP 2020; BBC
    rocket engine driven German Me-163 interceptor        09.06.2020). Current attempts to reduce the us-
    airplane (Ziegler 1976). Hydrazine is still com-      age of fossil fuels and to replace them with carbon
    mon in the Titan and Ariane rockets as well as in     free fuels are due to mounting concerns regarding
    satellites and space ships (Haidn 2008). However      the negative environmental consequences of ris-
    hydrazine is not widely used because of its high      ing global temperatures which are caused by the
    toxicity (Table 1) (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitss-       increasing atmospheric concentration of CO2 and
    chutz und Arbeitsmedizin 1991). Nitrous oxide         other greenhouse gases. The increasing global
    (N2O) injection in piston driven engines was used     temperatures cause rising sea levels, more se-
    by high performance airplanes during WWII as an       vere droughts, raging wildfires and the melting of
    additional power booster.                             permafrost areas. The resulting natural disasters,
                                                          economic disruptions, social unrest and mass
    Non-fossil originated carbon-based fuels (often       migrations will result in more refugee and rescue
    called “synthetic carbon fuels”) are very expen-      missions for the military forces (Reinhardt and
    sive in production and are currently used for niche   Toffel 2017; Fourmeau and Zimmerman 2020).
    applications only. Even after the global oil price
    shocks in 1973 and 1979/80, which were caused         The present article will provide an overview of
    by geo-political disruptions (BP 2020), no serious    the chemical production processes of nitrogen-
                                                          based fuels using power from renewable energy
                                                          sources as well as cover the safety issues of nitro-
                                                          gen fuels in comparison with carbon-based fuels.
                                                          Also, propulsion technologies for nitrogen based
                                                          fuels and possible global NH3 production capaci-
                                                          ties will be discussed.

                                                          3. NITROGEN BASED FUELS IN
                                                          POWER-TO-FUEL PROCESSES
                                                          Power–to-fuel (PtF) is an umbrella term for pro-
                                                          cesses using electricity from renewable sources
                                                          for the production of gaseous or liquid fuels. Liq-
                                                          uid fuels are the most attractive and cost-effec-
                                                          tive approach for storing and delivering energy
    Figure 1: Retrofitted bus with an ammonia driven      for large scale applications. They are unmatched
    internal combustion engine in 1943 during WWII in     in terms of transportability and energy density
    Belgium (Kroch 1945).

6      No   16     ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS
(Andersson and Grönkvist 2019) compared with           quires a significant amount of energy and safety
gaseous fuels (Table 1).                               precautions to reach these states (Table 1) (An-
                                                       dersson and Grönkvist 2019). H2 is also a valua-
Liquid fuels come with higher production costs         ble base chemical, leading to further applications
compared to gaseous fuels because more steps           in fuel syntheses.
are required to produce them. Due to the second
law of thermodynamics each energy conversion           (1) Electricity production from renewable sourc-
process – of which chemical synthesis is one - re-     es. Electricity can be used directly in electric en-
sults in a loss of energy available to perform work    gines. (2) Electrolysis of water and production of
(free energy). This fact leads with each additional    hydrogen (H2). (3) Synthetic gas (syngas) or am-
step of synthesis to substantial losses in the         monia (NH3) can be produced with H2. Syngas
useable fuel energy content (Atkins et al. 1990;       requires a CO2 source from fossil or non-fossil
Perner et al. 2018). Consequently, the number of       sources. NH3 requires nitrogen (N2) from ambi-
production or energy conversion steps should al-       ent air. (4) Reactors for the synthesis of organic
ways be kept as low as possible.                       compounds (synthetic fuels or methanol) or hy-
                                                       drazine. (6) Fuel cell for electricity production. (7)
A selection of production pathways for nitrogen-       Engine technologies useable for different types
based fuels is presented in Figure 2 . All processes   of fuels. Electricity from the producing plants can
start with the production of electricity from re-      be used directly in electric engines. H2, NH3 and
newable sources (1). Electricity can be directly       hydrazine can be either used in fuels cells, which
used in electric engines via battery storage.          power electric engines or in internal combustion
Electricity driven electrolysers produce hydro-        and rocket engines. Modified after (Sterner 2019;
gen (H2), from water, which is the first possible      Perner et al. 2018; Grinberg Dana et al. 2016).
chemical storage (Holleman et al. 1985). H2 is a
nontoxic gas under normal conditions, but han-         NH3 produced by the Haber-Bosch process (Hol-
dling is difficult due to its flammable and ex-        leman et al. 1985) is the first of several possible
plosive properties (Table 1) (Bundesanstalt für        nitrogen based fuels (3). Nitrogen (N2) is needed
Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin 2020). The            as a base component (Formula 1) and normally
volumetric and gravimetric energy density of H2        extracted from ambient air. NH3 can be used as
in compressed or liquefied form is high but it re-     a base chemical for further synthesis (4), in fuel
                                                       cells (6) or in internal combustion or jet engines
                                                       (7). Hydrazine and its methyl derivatives are used
                                                       as long term storable rocket fuels (Haidn 2008).
                                                       Because hydrazine is extremely toxic (Bundesan-
                                                       stalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin 1991)
                                                       (Table 1), its usage is only allowed in environ-
                                                       ments where no substitutes are possible, e.g. in
                                                       military and space technologies. Fuels which are
                                                       based on nitrates (NO3-) - including aqueous so-
                                                       lutions of urea, ammonium nitrate and their mix-
                                                       tures - are currently tested in laboratory environ-
                                                       ments (Grinberg Dana et al. 2016).

                                                       Carbon based fuels (often simply called synthetic
                                                       fuels) derived from the Fischer-Tropsch pro-
                                                       cess or methanol from methanol synthesis can
                                                       be obtained via the production of synthetic gas
Figure 2: Schematic of power- to-X (PtX) produc-       (syngas) (Holleman et al. 1985). These chemical
tion pathways and the usage of the products for        processes require CO2 as the carbon source. Non
mobility.                                              fossil CO2 sources (secondary carbon sources) as

                                                                       ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS        No   16      7
well as their production costs were discussed in        mans to leave a contaminated area before health
    (Lauf 2020b). Methanol can be used in fuel cells        risks occur. However, if suddenly exposed to high
    and methanol or synthetic fuels can also be used        concentrations, the human nose can no longer
    in internal combustion and jet engines.                 detect it. Hydrazine is the most toxic and inflam-
                                                            mable of the fuels discussed. Ammonia is 200
    Ammonia and hydrazine are generally more toxic          times less toxic than hydrazine and not inflam-
    than conventional fossil or synthetic fuels (Table      mable. The smell of hydrazine is similar to that of
    1). Many countries define maximum workplace             NH3, but less intense. Ammonium nitrate is not
    air concentrations for mean daily exposure to           toxic but explosive in solid state while urea is nei-
    humans (e.g for Germany: Bundesanstalt für Ar-          ther toxic nor inflammable.
    beitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin 1991; Bundesan-
    stalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin 2020).       The carbon-based methanol and diesel fuels are
    Hydrogen as the first fuel generated from elec-         less toxic than NH3 but inflammable. A maxi-
    tricity is not toxic but extremely inflammable          mum workplace air concentration for diesel is
    and explosive. It is odourless and can only be de-      not given, as it is a mixture of many components.
    tected by elaborate technical devices. NH3 is also      The most toxic component is benzene. Synthetic
    toxic but self-alarming due its pungent smell.          diesel may differ from its fossil counterpart, as
    The limit of detection (LOD) by the human nose          the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis can be managed to
    is about 4 times lower than the allowed work-           result in less toxic by-products.
    place air concentration (Assumpção et al. 2014).
    The unpleasant smell of NH3 normally forces hu-         The so-called inferior heating values or net ca-

                                             Maximum workplace
                                                                      Inflammable           Energy content, Hi
                                             air concentration
                                                                      and/or explosive      [kWh/kg]
      Hydrogen (g) (H2)                      - (1)                    Yes (3)               33,3 (6)

      Ammonia (g) (NH3)                      20 (1)                   No (3)                5,2 (6)

      Hydrazine (l) (N2H4)                   0.1 (2)                  Yes (3)               5,5 (6)

      Urea (s) (H2NCONH2)                    - (1)                    No (3, 4)             2,6 (6)

      Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3)

            - Solid                          - (1)                    Yes (5)               -

            - Aqueous solution               - (1)                    No (5)                -

      Methanol (l) (CH3OH)                   100 (1)                  Yes (4)               6,3 (6)

      Ethanol (l) (CH3-CH2OH)                200 (1)                  Yes (4)               7,5 (6)

      Diesel fuel (l) (analogue to F-34)     - (1)                    Yes (1)               11,8 (7)

      Carbon dioxide (g) (CO2)               5 000 (1)                No                    -

    Table 1: Maximum workplace air concentrations in parts per million [ppm], flammability and energy densi-
    ty for selected alternative fuels as well as for ethanol and carbon dioxide. State of aggregation at ambient
    air temperature and pressure: g = gaseous, l = liquid, s = solid). Energy content expressed as the so called
    inferior heating value (net caloric value, Hi) Citations: (1) (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeits-
    medizin 2020); (2) (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin 1991); (3) (Holleman et al. 1985);
    (4) (Beyer and Walter 1988); (5) (Grinberg Dana et al. 2016); (6) (Beilicke 2010); (7) (Reitmair 2013).

8      No   16        ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS
loric value Hi of a selection of fuels (referenced to    Large scale electrochemical storage in batteries
weight) are shown in Table 1. H2 shows the highest       is not yet economic and affordable, although a
Hi value. The nitrogen-based fuels NH3 and N2H4 as       pilot project in Australia shows promising results
well as methanol and ethanol show inferior heating       in levelling fluctuations and peaks in the elec-
values within the same order of magnitude. Hi is         tricity demand during the summer months for a
rising with the increasing number of chemical bonds      community of 30 000 households (DER SPIEGEL
of the respective compound. The energy content           2017). Physical storage using pumped hydro
of diesel fuel is highest, as it contains much more      power stations is a mature technology but lim-
chemical bonds. From the perspective of Hi values,       ited by topographic conditions. Environmental
diesel appears to be the most promising fuel to pro-     and social problems invoked in building them are
duce. However, the Hi does not reflect the amount        paramount and have led to an almost complete
of energy needed – or, in other words, the amount        construction freeze during the past decades in
of free energy lost - to produce these components        the western world (Sinn 2017; Bundesministe-
from steps (3) to (5) in Figure 2. If the energy con-    rium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz 2020).
tent of the product and the energy needed for its        Chemical storage of electricity is currently in-
synthesis are accounted for, H2 is the best fuel to      tensely studied. It is the preferred storage solu-
use and NH3 is the second best.                          tion because the energy carrier can be directly re-
                                                         transformed into electricity by fuel cells, internal
FLUCTUATING POWER SUPPLY FROM                            combustion engines, jet engines etc or used as
RENEWABLE PLANTS AND STORAGE OF                          fuel for mobility.
                                                         The focus of the following sections is on the pro-
Electricity is difficult to store on a large scale. It
                                                         duction steps of nitrogen based fuels from re-
has to be provided “on time” to enable efficient
                                                         newable electric power, in comparison with car-
and effective processes in all sectors of society.
                                                         bon bases fuels.
Most providers ensure this flexibility by provid-
ing excess production capacity in plants with in-
                                                         4. INDUSTRIAL SCALE PRODUCTION OF
herent ultralow response times (e.g. gas powered
                                                         NITROGEN-BASED FUELS
plants). Power from renewable sources usually
can’t be managed in this way as it has to be pro-        AMMONIA
duced when e.g. the wind blows or the sun shines.
                                                         Ammonia is a poisonous (Table 1), colourless
Therefore, the key enablers for the shift to re-
                                                         and lighter-than-air gas with a characteristic
newable energy sources are efficient means of
                                                         pungent smell. Its synthesis (artificial nitrogen
storing renewable electricity for times when it is
                                                         fixation) from atmospheric nitrogen (N2) and
not generated and distributing the stored energy
                                                         hydrogen (H2) was invented before WWI by the
effectively over large distances. Hydro powered
                                                         German scientists Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch.
dams and biogas plants are the only renewable
                                                         The so called Haber-Bosch process was imple-
energy producing technologies which are adjust-
                                                         mented at an industrial scale during WWI (Hol-
able to fluctuating electricity demands. Howev-
                                                         leman et al. 1985) and provided the German
er, they are not available on a scale needed for
                                                         Empire with nitrate (NO3-) which could not be
many industrial processes.
                                                         obtain from the mines in Chile as they were con-
                                                         trolled by the Allied forces. Nitrate was needed
Three forms of storage are considered in this arti-
                                                         for the production of explosives like nitroglyc-
cle: a) batteries, b) physical storage and c) chemi-
                                                         erine and dynamite. Since more than 100 years
cal storage. This scheme is not the conventional
                                                         the Haber-Bosch process remains virtually un-
classification of physics and chemistry. Energy in
                                                         changed and this mature technology provides
batteries is stored due to electrochemical process-
                                                         NH3 at low costs. Nowadays about 70 % of the
es. Physical storage in this article means gravita-
                                                         global ammonia production of about 11,3 * 109 t
tional, kinetic and thermal energy. Chemical stor-
                                                         in 2014 is used for fertilizer production (Ritchie
age means the synthesis of new compounds where
                                                         and Roser 2020).
the energy is stored in chemical bonds.

                                                                         ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS       No   16     9
The chemical reaction is performed using cat-            sodium salt of hypochloric acid (NaClO) is used as
     alysators at >10 MPa pressure and temperatures           oxidant for NH3 (Holleman et al. 1985).
     between 400 – 500 °C (Holleman et al. 1985).

                                                              NH3 + ClO-            NH2Cl + OH-              (4)
     91.8 kJ + 3 H2 + N2               2 NH3         (1)

                                                              NH2Cl + NH3 + OH-           N2H4 + Cl- + OH- (5)
     Currently about 90% of the hydrogen needed
     for the process is obtained via synthetic gas by
     steam gas reformation of fossil resources (typi-         AMMONIUM NITRATE
     cally gas or coal) which releases huge amounts of        Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) is globally pro-
     CO2 (Holleman et al. 1985).                              duced in large quantities as a raw material for
                                                              most common nitrogen fertilizers. It is produced
                                                              in two steps: Nitric acid (HNO3) production from
     206.2 kJ + CH4 + H2O               CO + 3 H2      (2)    NH3 and subsequently NH4NO3 production from
                                                              nitric acid. Both steps are often performed at the
                                                              same industrial site. The production and handling
     Hydrogen can also be obtained by the expensive           of NH4NO3 involves mature technologies.
     process of electrolysis of water (Holleman et al.
     1985) which requires large amounts of electric           Ammonia as a gas (g) from the Haber-Bosch pro-
     energy (Lauf 2020a).                                     cess is oxidised with oxygen (g) in the presence of
                                                              platinum/rhodium catalysts in solid state (s) to
                                                              nitric acid (HNO3) which is dissolved in the water
     286.02 kJ + H2O (liquid)            H2 + ½ O2 (3)        formed during the reaction and which results in
                                                              an aqueous solution (aq). This process is called
                                                              Ostwald process.
     Industrial sized Haber-Bosch plants have their
     own on-site N2 supply, which is obtained from
     ambient air (78% N2, 21% O2 and other gases).            2 NH3 (g) + 4 O2 (g) + H2O (l)
     In steam gas reforming plants, the ambient air
                                                              2 HNO3 (aq) + 3 H2O (g) + 740 kJ               (6)
     is used in the clean-up of the synthetic gas (For-
     mula 1) resulting in a pure N2 gas. In electrolyser
     plants, pure N2 gas can be generated either by
                                                              Ammonium nitrate is produced by the acid-base
     cryogenic distillation of liquified air or by mem-
                                                              reaction of NH3 in aqueous solution and HNO3 in
     brane filtered compressed ambient air. The lat-
                                                              aqueous solution. The dissolved salt is then dried
     ter is less expensive and delivers lower, but suf-
                                                              and handled in solid state.
     ficient, N2 purity grades. (Holleman et al. 1985;
     thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG 2020)
                                                              NH3 + HNO3                  NH4NO3             (7)
     Hydrazine is a toxic and carcinogenic oily liquid. Its
     smell resembles that of NH3. For safety reasons it is    Ammonium nitrate is explosive and therefore
     mostly used in the form of hydrazine hydrate which       widely used in mining and quarrying. As fertilizer
     is unstable and even as in aqueous solution danger-      it is mixed with lime (calcium carbonate, CaCO3)
     ous to handle. At industrial scale three pathways        and oil to prevent its explosive properties (Holle-
     for hydrazine (N2H4) are in common use which all         man et al. 1985). However, several catastrophic
     use NH3 as base chemical. The most common path-          accidents have occurred ever since the Haber-
     way is the two step Raschig synthesis in which the       Bosch- and Ostwald processes were first estab-

10      No   16      ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS
2 NH3 + CO2            H2NCONH2 + H2O                (8)

                                                            5. WASTE GAS PROPERTIES AND APPLICA-
                                                            TIONS OF NITROGEN-BASED FUELS
                                                            The composition of waste gases are defined by
                                                            the energy conversion technology used. Waste
                                                            gases from fuel cells contain only the products of
                                                            a complete combustion with no side products. In
                                                            the case of carbon-based fuels these are carbon di-
Figure 3: Aerial photo of the BASF Oppenau/Lud-             oxide (CO2) and water (H2O) in the case of ammo-
wigshafen (Germany) production plant after the              nia- and nitrate-based fuels these are N2 and H2O.
devastating explosion of 400 tonnes of ammoni-              The waste gases of urea contain CO2, N2 and H2O.
um sulphate nitrate in 1921 causing 559 fatalities
(Abelshauser 2003). The crater in the foreground
                                                            Fossil fuels do contain varying amounts of sul-
indicates the location of the storage area where the
explosion happened.
                                                            phur. The maximum sulphur concentration of fu-
                                                            els is often regulated by local laws. Sulphur burns
                                                            into a mixture of sulphur oxides (SOx). In carbon-
lished in Germany on an industrial scale. In 1921           based fuels volatile organic compounds (VOC’s)
at the BASF Oppenau/Ludwigshafen manufac-                   and particulate matter (PM) are formed during
turing plant in Germany approx. 400 tonnes of               incomplete combustion. Depending on the com-
stored ammonium sulphate nitrate exploded and               bustion temperature, the nitrogen (N2) and oxy-
killed 559 persons, mostly workers of the plant             gen (O2) from the air form a mixture of nitrogen
(Figure 3) (Abelshauser 2003). The most recent              oxides (NOx). This process occurs for both, car-
explosion occurred in 2020 in Beirut (Lebanon),             bon- and nitrogen-based fuels and sparked an in-
when approx. 2750 tonnes of stored ammonium                 tense environmental debate over the future use
nitrate exploded in a warehouse at the harbour              of diesel engines. In nitrogen based fuels nitrous
(BBC 05.08.2020).                                           oxide (N2O) and NOx may form as products of an
                                                            incomplete fuel combustion.(Baird 1995; Holle-
UREA                                                        man et al. 1985; Pavlos and Rahat 2020)
Pure urea is a non-toxic and non-explosive crystal-
line solid which easily dissolves in water or alco-         AMMONIA
hols. It is used as fertilizer in agriculture and for the   The complete combustion of ammonia under
reduction of NOx in power plants and combus-                laboratory conditions is shown in Formula 9. No
tion engines. Sold under the trademark “AdBlue”             greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O, NOx) and no toxic
it contains one third of urea mixed with water.             components (NOx, SOx, VOC’s and PM) are re-
Other applications are as a pharmaceutical for the          leased to the atmosphere (Holleman et al. 1985).
treatment of skin diseases. The production of urea
at an industrial scale became possible after the
Haber-Bosch process was established. Carl Bosch             4 NH3 + 3 O2         2 N2 + 6 H2O + 1 267 kJ (9)
and Wilhelm Meiser established an urea produc-
tion site in 1922 (Holleman et al. 1985).
                                                            A selection of ready to use solutions as well as de-
For urea production NH3 and CO2 are mixed at                velopment projects in early and advanced stages
temperatures of 170 – 220 °C and at pressures               with emphasis on NATO members and partners is
between 12.5 – 25.0 * 106 Pa (125 – 220 bar). The           given below. Intensive research and development
reaction is in equilibrium and can be pushed to-            work in this field is also done by the Peoples Re-
wards the desired urea product by adding NH3 in             public of China, the Republic of Korea and Japan.
excess (Holleman et al. 1985).

                                                                            ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS       No   16         11
Ammonia in NH3-fuel cells                               diesel engines retrofitted in commercially avail-
     Fuel cells provide optimal combustion conditions        able cars and trucks to run on pure NH3, as well
     with no secondary reactions. However, NH3-fuel          as standard carbon-based fuels mixed with NH3.
     cells are not yet a mature technology and re-           Prototype cars and trucks are operating (Vezina
     search and development efforts are being under-         2020). Ammonia is also tested under laboratory
     taken on a global scale (Assumpção et al. 2014;         conditions as sole fuel in internal combustion en-
     Cinti et al. 2016; Holleman et al. 1985).Currently      gines in the shipping sector by the Finnish ship-
     a pilot project which is partly financed by the EU      ping company Wärtsilä. Results are not available
     Horizon 2020 SHIPFC program is upscaling a 100          yet, but first tests seem promising (Figure 4 a)
     kW NH3-fuel cell to a 2 000 kW version. It will         (Wärtsilä Helsinki Campus 2020). The German
     be installed the long haul vessel “Viking Energy”,      engineering company MAN has already devel-
     allowing emission free sailing for 3 000 hours an-      oped a NH3 driven internal combustion engine
     nually. The system should be operative on the           and is currently building cooperations with ship-
     vessel by the end of 2023. The NH3 needed will          yard companies for its implementation (Figure 4
     be produced by electrolysis.(SHIPFC 2020)               b). (MAN Energy Solutions 2019)

     Ammonia in H2-fuel cells                                While NH3 as fuel shows no CO2, PM, VOC’s or
                                                             SOx emissions, other emissions from unburnt
     Ammonia is also useable in H2-fuel cells. The NH3
                                                             NH3, N2O and NOx are significant. Therefore
     is catalytically split into N2 and H2. The N2 is re-
                                                             post treatment technologies for cleaning these
     leased directly into the air while the H2 is fed into
                                                             exhaust gases are needed. Mature technologies
     the fuel cell. No secondary products are formed.
                                                             like selective catalytic reduction, SCRare avail-
     Such H2-fuel cells systems powered by NH3 can
                                                             able (MAN Energy Solutions 2019; Pavlos and
     be purchased for private sector applications
                                                             Rahat 2020).
     (GENCELL, Israel). They provide uninterruptable
     power supply (UPS) for critical infrastructure
                                                             Ammonia and diesel in dual fuel internal
     i. e. hospitals or main power supply for remote
                                                             combustion engines
     communities or remote telecommunications
     infrastructure(GENCELL WORLDWILD 2020).                 In recent years the diesel engine has received a
                                                             great deal of scrutiny with respect to NOx and
     Ammonia in internal combustion engines                  PM emissions. Emission treatment systems (i.
                                                             e. AdBlue injection) are now widely available to
     A Canadian inventor showed the feasibility of

     Figure 4: A)Test engine for using NH3 as fuel in an internal combustion engine in a laboratory at the Wärt-
     silä Helsinki Campus of the Wärtsilä Corporation (Finland) (Wärtsilä Helsinki Campus 2020). B) Engine test
     room at MAN Energy Solutions (The Maritime Executive 2020)

12      No   16      ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS
minimise these emissions and became standard           thus requiring no external ignition devices or
in many truck engines. With respect to the decar-      chemicals. Hydrazine based liquid fuels are e. g.
bonisation of the economy, dual fuels of NH3 and       Aerozin 50 used in the USA built Titan rockets
lower auto-ignition temperature fuels like die-        and UH 25 used in the European Ariane rocket. It
sel fuels are in early testing phases. Preliminary     is estimated that currently about 500 satellites
results show that conventional diesel engines          in orbit use hydrazine based small control rockets
can use NH3/diesel mixtures but produce high           for position and orbit control. In the NASA Space
amounts of NH3 and NOx emissions. Adjust-              Shuttles missions, the high toxicity of hydrazine
ments on the injection system may reduce the           required careful pre-launch and post-touchdown
emissions, but the implementation of an after-         checks for N2H4 leaks by teams wearing protec-
treatment system is required to meet emission          tive gear and self-contained breathing equipment
standards.(Pavlos and Rahat 2020)                      (Jenkins 2016).

Ammonia in new settings                                Many naval forces currently use hydrazine in their
Ammonia as carrier for H2 is a versatile agent for     submarine rescue systems for emergency sur-
innovative energy solutions. The decomposition         facing by rapid displacement of the ballast tank
of NH3 into N2 and H2 is a well-known process          water upon injection. The RESUS (REscue system
(see above, NH3 in H2 fuel cells). The H2 gained       for SUbmarineS) uses hydrazine which catalyti-
may be used either in pure H2 combustion en-           cally decomposes in the ballast tanks and creates
gines or in dual fuel (H2/diesel) combustion en-       buoyance. (ArianeGroup 2020)
gines (Wang et al. 2013).
                                                       NITRATE AND UREA-BASED FUELS
HYDRAZINE                                              Nitrate-based fuels burn under optimal laborato-
As early as in May of 1944 the German Luftwaffe        ry conditions without releasing CO2, VOC, PM or
put a rocket engine powered interceptor aircraft       NOx. Urea-based fuels do not release NOx under
into active service. The Messerschmitt Me-163          optimal laboratory conditions but always release
“Komet” used a volatile fuel mixture of T-Stoff        CO2. (Grinberg Dana et al. 2014; Grinberg Dana
(80% hydrogen peroxide and 20% water) and C-           et al. 2016). Whether this can be also achieved
Stoff (hydrazine hydrate, methyl alcohol and wa-       in service engines has not been tested yet. A fuel
ter), which provided a maximum thrust of 1 500         infrastructure is not existing but ammonium
kp (3 300 lb.). The airplane set the speed record      nitrate could be transported as non-toxic sub-
for its time at 1 170 km/h or 700 mph. A surviving     stance in solid state or in aqueous solutions. The
airplane is on display in at the Smithsonian’s Boe-    solid state – when handled properly – is also non-
ing Aviation Hangar at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy        explosive. However, accidents occur on a regular
Center in Chantilly, VA (USA) (National Air and        basis (c.f. Fig 3).
Space Museum 2021). The first operational mili-
tary use of hydrazine as rocket propellant was in      6. AMMONIA COMBUSTION IN INTERNAL
the German A4 ballistic long range artillery rock-     COMBUSTION ENGINES FROM AN
ets (also known as V-2) which were launched in         ENGINEERING POINT OF VIEW
late 1944. The same A4 type rocket started suc-        If the question is the feasibility of using ammo-
cessfully from the deck of a US aircraft carrier in    nia in internal combustion engines there is only
1947 initiating the era of seaborne rocket launch-     one simple answer: yes, an internal combustion
es. (Zaloga 2003).                                     engine can be driven with either ammonia or its
                                                       mixtures. This answer remains valid for Compres-
Hydrazine (pure or in mixture with e. g. dimethyl      sion-Ignition Engines (CIE) and Spark-Ignition En-
hydrazine) is a very commonly used liquid rocket       gines (SIE) likewise. A gas turbine can be “fired”
fuel. It ignites as a hypergolic fuel (self-igniting   with ammonia blends as well. This has been
fuel mixture) if brought in contact with an oxi-       proven several times through basic research,
dizer like dinitrogen tetroxide (NO2          N2O4)    feasibility studies, experiments and prototypes.

                                                                      ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS      No   16     13
Nevertheless, the challenge is not to offer a new                                         compression ratios as much as 35:1 are needed
     propulsion technology to the public or markets,                                           for ammonia as fuel in CI-engines (Kong and Re-
     it rather is to suggest a new propulsion technol-                                         iter 2011). Therefore, the use of a pilot fuel is re-
     ogy which can replace the existing technology.                                            quired in order to achieve and maintain a certain
                                                                                               ignition temperature and compression ratio. Very
     In the following, the focus is more on feasibil-                                          common and useful pilot fuels are diesel or Di-
     ity and less on economic competition, which is                                            methyl Ether (DME) – a synthetic substitute for
     discussed separately. While it is not very diffi-                                         diesel fuel. Fuels with higher cetane numbers
     cult to replace passenger cars after a couple of                                          show generally better ignition characteristics
     years of service it is more difficult to modify a                                         with ammonia (Pearsall and Garabedian 1967).
     fleet of hundreds of container freighters where                                           An ammonia content up to 95% was feasible with
     the life cycle of the asset is 25 years and more.                                         only 5% diesel fuel when used in a John Deere en-
     The logical solution is a dual use technology that                                        gine. However, the optimal mixture is 40% diesel
     provides a sufficient transition period for the new                                       with 60% ammonia since a diesel amount larger
     technology with a minimum of drawbacks on the                                             than that would limit the ammonia´s flammabil-
     overall performance. A dual use technology in                                             ity (Reiter and S.-C. Kong 2008). Due to the DME
     this context means that either one or the other                                           chemical characteristics it can be mixed directly
     fuel is used for combustion. No mixtures of fuels                                         with liquid ammonia and injected into a CI en-
     are used.                                                                                 gine. Researchers at the Iowa State University
                                                                                               (USA) demonstrated this in 2013 when they suc-
     COMPRESSION-IGNITION ENGINES (CIE)                                                        cessfully used it in an off-the-shelf diesel engine.
     Ammonia is flammable, but the ignition temper-
     ature is higher than for petroleum-based fuels.                                           The original setup used for the exploration of
     Thus, it is not possible to use ammonia as a sole                                         highly advanced liquid ammonia direct injection
     fuel in a CI-engine due to the high compression                                           was designed very similar to a diesel direct injec-
     ratios needed for ignition/combustion (Pearsall                                           tion system. A fuel combination of ammonia and
     and Garabedian 1967; Brohi 2014). Very high                                               DME was directly injected into the engine, using

                       C-RIO Fuel Controller
                                                             C-RIO Engine Controller

                                                              High Pressure
                                                               Fuel pump
                                                                                                                        Smoke meter
                                             Mixing Fuel Tank                                                                   5 Gas Analyzer NOx/NH3 Analyzer
                                                                                            Injector       Pressure Sensor

                                        Intake Air Flow Measurement

                                                                                                                                                   Exhaust Out
                                             Intake Air Heating control

                                 Laminar Flow                             Intake Air In                                                Dynamometer
                                                                                                    Diesel engine
                                                       Surge Tank
                                                                                                           Speed and Torque signal

     Figure 5: Schematic of an experimental apparatus for highly advanced liquid ammonia direct injection
     testing (Zacharakis-Jutz 2013).

14      No   16              ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS
conventional to slightly early diesel injection tim-                                     do not avoid CO2 emissions completely but rath-
ings. However, it was observed that conventional                                         er reduce them substantially.
injection timing or even earlier injection timing
was insufficient to achieve more than 40% am-                                            SPARK-IGNITION ENGINES (SIE)
monia content in fuel. Thus, in an attempt to                                            The use of ammonia as sole fuel for SE-engines
increase the operating range and maximum per-                                            is possible but requires significant changes to the
cent of ammonia in the fuel, highly advanced                                             ignition hardware. For instance, ammonia as sole
injection timing was used. Such highly advanced                                          fuel has been patented by Toyota where they
injection timing transforms conventional diesel                                          suggest that several plasma jet igniters arranged
combustion into a homogeneous charge com-                                                inside the combustion chamber or plural spark
pression ignition (HCCI) combustion. The highly                                          plugs that ignite the ammonia at several points
advanced injection allows the heat loss due to                                           will facilitate ammonia combustion (EP 2378105
the vaporization of the ammonia to be mitigated                                          A; EP 2 378 094 A1). Those changes are not trivial
over a longer time period thus reducing its nega-                                        and would probably require the redesign of the
tive effects (Zacharakis-Jutz 2013).                                                     entire cylinder head. As of now, there is no sin-
                                                                                         gle fuel asset on the market which would be at
The technical retrofitting efforts will have to                                          the serial production level or even close to that.
include additional fuel installations (tank, mix-                                        More promising are double-fuel applications. Hy-
ing tank, pumps, and valves), inject assembly                                            drogen dissociates at 400 °C and can be used as a
upgrade, engine management software (com-                                                combustion promoter for ammonia as fuel. A hy-
pression ignition timings) and extensive exhaust                                         drogen content of 3-5% weight basis is the mini-
treatment system. The implementation of CI en-                                           mum amount of hydrogen required as combus-
gine technology is feasible and requires moderate                                        tion promoter (Starkman and Samuelsen 1967).
retrofitting only. A significant drawback, how-                                          For comparison: Using gasoline as a combustion
ever, is the unstable performance at alternating                                         promoter requires a compression ratio of 10:1
loads. The use of pilot fuels for NH3 engines is a                                       for optimal operation with a gasoline content of
double fuel technology. Therefore, these engines                                         30% (Grannell et al. 2008).

                                                             C-RIO NH3 Fuel Controller

                     Supercharged          2 Stage
                      Surge Tank          Surge Tank                                                                     Data Acquisition
                                                                 Intake Air In                                                Gas Analyzer
                                       Pressure                                                                  Amplifier
                                      Relief Valve
                                                       Fuel line Heating Controller               NH3 Injector
                                                                                                         Pressure Sensor
                             Ammonia Gas        Constant
                                              Temperature                                                        Spark Plug      Exhaust Out

                             Ammonia Liquid
                                                               Cooling Water
                                                                                                                    Speed and Torque Signal
                               138.17 g

                         Electronic Balance
                                                            25.76 g              Pump                                                        Encoder
                                                     Electronic Balance                     CFR Engine

Figure 6: Schematic of an experimental setup for testing gaseous ammonia direct injection (Zacharakis-Jutz 2013).

                                                                                                            ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS                       No   16   15
Figure 7: Ammonia storage facility in Japan (Harding 2020).

     Researchers from Iowa State University (USA)            and comprehensive exhaust after-treatment sub-
     conducted a trial with a Cooperative Fuel re-           systems. This automatically reduces the number
     search (CFR) Engine and had to overcome signifi-        of possible applications. The large space demand
     cant upgrade challenges while adjusting the in-         paired with a limited response time to fast chang-
     jection assembly for the gaseous ammonia usage.         ing load demands indicates that two common
                                                             applications are likely: In stationary power gen-
     Furthermore, they (Zacharakis-Jutz 2013) as-            eration facilities and as naval propulsion systems.
     sessed that the required changes and add-ons            Both applications could provide a significant con-
     for the ammonia injection such as an ammonia            tribution towards global GHG emission reduction
     vaporizing unit, an ammonia gas preheating and          if implemented at a large scale.
     ammonia direct injection system, are not suit-
     able for small-scale engines. With respect to           While the usage of ammonia for power gen-
     retrofitting efforts, the statements made about         eration may sound like fiction for the European
     CI engines apply as well: The subsystems to be          audience, it does play an essential role in Asian
     modified are injection assembly, engine manage-         (Japan, Korea, China) future energy strategies
     ment and exhaust after treatment. In the case           (Figure 7) (Harding 2020). Japan for instance is
     of SI engines the injection assemblies are more         strongly heading towards ammonia usage in the
     complex and voluminous.                                 near future. Green ammonia is supposed to be
                                                             generated by renewables (though imports are
     NH3 AS A FUEL OF THE FUTURE                             needed) and used in gas turbines for power gen-
     As of today, it is not easy to say how the future       eration. Japanese industries conducted successful
     for ammonia as a fuel for combustion engines may        tests and are now able to engage 100% ammonia
     look like. From an engineering perspective, the an-     driven turbines (without any pilot fuels). Within
     swer is positive. All the challenges and setbacks       the near future, ammonia will cover at least 1%
     described above are manageable issues and all           of the country’s electricity demand.
     these issues can be solved with state-of-the-art
     technologies. All required technologies are avail-      In general, NH3 represents a very economic stor-
     able and the only thing to do is to find applications   age option for renewable power. It is also much
     where the advantages of ammonia combustion              easier to handle than storing electric power in
     dominate over the existing disadvantages.               secondary cells or hydrogen. Another promising
                                                             application is in the maritime sector. The future
     Based on the research discussed above, it is obvious    of naval propulsion systems is on the brink of un-
     that when using ammonia a volumetric enlarge-           dergoing significant changes. Political and public
     ment of equipment is unavoidable: larger tanks          demands result in national and international en-
     with additional equipment, the usage of pilot fuels     vironmental regulations and expect the industry

16      No   16      ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS
to provide solutions. Ammonia is one of several         dropower stations is possible if certain geological
mature solutions to address these challenges and        and topographic conditions are met, but public
will compete with LNG, LPG, hydrogen, biofuels          acceptance is low. Flywheel storage technology
and synfuels. From many points of view ammo-            is not yet widely established but appears prom-
nia is a strong competitor and makes especially         ising. Chemical energy storage in newly synthe-
sense if being implemented with a strategic ap-         sised compounds seems an interesting pathway.
proach and not in a case-by-case scenario. Sev-
eral research activities provided prove of concept      According to the second law of thermodynamics,
for ammonia technologies but did not go beyond          each conversion is ultimately coupled with loss-
laboratory and test environments yet. The next          es in free energy (Atkins et al. 1990). Therefore,
step could be the presentation of a fully function-     the number of production steps for fuels should
ing device as a minimum viable product being            always be kept to a minimum. Hydrogen is the
able to serve the market requirements.                  first fuel product of the electrolysis of water and
                                                        shows the least loss of free energy (Holleman
The project performed by Wärtsilä Corporation           et al. 1985). Hydrogen can be used as a fuel in (a)
with the support of the Norwegian Government            fuel cells – as currently tested in pilot projects in
(see chapter 5) might deliver such a device. The        public transportation buses (Waterstofnet 2020)
project successfully passed the laboratory trials       and trains (VDI 2018), (b) blended into natural
in Finland in 2020 and was then moved to Norway         gas pipelines for heating purposes (Atlantic Coun-
for further development. A maritime vessel with         cil 2020; Sadler 2016) or (c) used as pure H2 as
ammonia propulsion is expected to sail in 2023. If      an chemical basic material (Gasunie Waterstof
successful, that vessel would be much more than         Services B.V. 2020). In The Netherlands, a consor-
just a working prototype. It will be able to provide    tium of the Gasunie pipeline operator, Groningen
information on the necessary depth and the vol-         harbour and Shell Netherland built a wind farm to
ume of retrofitting naval engines for use of am-        power electrolysers for H2 production. The pro-
monia. Besides that, the vessel will allow both, to     ject was started at the beginning of 2020 (N.V.
formulate the ammonia supply infrastructure re-         Nederlandse Gasunie 27.02.2020). In all those
quirements and to evaluate the economic frame-          technologies mentioned, the final product of the
work conditions of using ammonia as fuel.               incineration process is H2O. The disadvantages of
                                                        using H2 are its highly inflammable and explo-
Today, it is difficult to predict whether ammonia       sive properties as well as its low energy density
will win the competition for the fuel of the future     as gas. Thus, before transport and storage, a liq-
or will end up in scientific libraries as a “missed     uefaction or pressurisation is necessary which is
chance”. What is sure, however, is that if ammo-        expensive and energy consuming (Table 1).
nia propulsion will reach the market, it is going to
be first in the maritime sector.                        Hydrogen can be further on processed to am-
                                                        monia which is mostly known as a precursor for
7. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK                              nitrogen fertiliser production (nitrates and urea),
                                                        but is also used as fuel since many decades. NH3
Electricity production from renewable sources
                                                        may also serve as a chemical storage substance
is well established. From 2018 on it became
                                                        for H2. Catalytic dissociation of ammonia produc-
cheaper on the international energy market than
                                                        es N2 and H2. The hydrogen can then be used in all
electricity produced by fossil power plants (Kost
                                                        applications mentioned in the paragraph above.
et al. 2018; The International Renewable Energy
                                                        NH3 is easier and safer to handle and to transport
Agency 2019). Decarbonising the economy de-
                                                        than H2. Applications supplying power in remote
mands both, energy storage options for time
                                                        areas are already established (GENCELL WORLD-
periods when renewable energy sources are not
                                                        WILD 2020). Since additional transformation
available and production of carbon neutral or no-
                                                        steps cause further energy losses, direct uses of
carbon fuels for mobility and e.g. heating. Large
                                                        ammonia should be preferred. The most prom-
scale storage of electricity in batteries is current-
                                                        ising short term NH3 applications are in marine
ly not economic. Physical storage in pumped hy-

                                                                        ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS       No   16      17
vessels. Both, ammonia driven fuel cells (SHIPFC        Fischer-Tropsch syntheses. On the source to tank
     2020) and internal combustion engines (Wärtsilä         basis, NH3 as a fuel is superior to H2 and metha-
     Helsinki Campus 2020) are on the brink of their         nol. The efficiency of the NH3 fuel cells, however,
     first real life tests. Both technologies will provide   has to be improved to sustain the cost advantage
     CO2- and SOx- emission free mobility. However,          of NH3.(Zhao et al. 2019)
     such internal combustion engines need selective
     catalytic reduction (SCR) treatment systems) be-        Ammonia is toxic but self-alarming to humans due
     cause the NH3, N2O and NOx emissions are high.          to its pungent smell and it is neither inflammable
     These treatment systems are mature and well             nor explosive. Ammonia is widely used as a cooling
     established technologies in ships, as they are al-      agent in the food industry, in sporting arenas and
     ready used with carbon based fuels for reducing         in emission treatment systems in ships. NH3 pro-
     NOx emissions (MAN Energy Solutions 2019).              duction, transportation and distribution by ships
     These combined technologies would have a huge           and trucks is common practise. Safety routines are
     positive impact on decreasing the pollution with        well established during maintenance and repair
     SOx, PM and heavy metals in harbours and coast-         works (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Natur-
     al regions since the fuels currently used in most       schutz und nukleare Sicherheit 2018; MAN Energy
     large ships are waste products from the crude           Solutions 2019). The practical obstacles for large
     oil refining processes and are highly enriched in       scale NH3 usage seem smaller than for H2 usage.
     substances hazardous to health. The concentra-
     tions permitted for these hazardous substances          Ammonia is one of the most commonly produced
     in shipping fuels are currently much higher than        commodities on a global scale. In 2014 approx.
     for land based mobility fuels (Umweltbundesamt          113 x 106 tonnes of NH3 were produced glob-
     - UBA) - but this may change soon.                      ally. Production, transportation and distribution
                                                             capacities are available on all continents (Figure
     Zhao (2019) estimated the costs for differ-      8) (Ritchie and Roser 2020). Countries with large
     ent non-fossil fuels from source-to tank in cars.       agricultural and industrial sectors show high lev-
     He compared several hydrogen-, nitrogen and             els of production.
     carbon-based fuels produced from renewable
     electricity, H2 from electrolysis, methanol and         Using NH3 as fuel would require a significant upscal-

     Figure 8: Global nitrogen fertilizer production in 2014. Global production in 2014 was 113.31 * 106 tonnes
     (Ritchie and Roser 2020).

18      No   16      ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS
Figure 9: Global map of photovoltaic power potential(THE WORLD BANK, 1818 H Street, NW Washington,
DC 20433 USA 2020).

ing of the production capacities. Under the given         In the future we will surely experience intensified
conditions this seems a manageable task and vari-         research and development for using fuels on a
ous CO2-free or low CO2- routes are thinkable. On a       nitrogen basis. The prime advantages of nitrogen
larger scale, additional plants for ammonia produc-       based fuels are both, the intrinsic lack of carbon –
tion would be needed. If powered with renewable           with exception of urea - as well as the technolog-
electricity for the electrolysis of water, the overall    ical maturity of their production, transport and
CO2 emission could be substantially reduced. Many         storage. As the various propulsion engine and
of the countries with a large NH3 production output       combustion technologies reach technical matu-
are located in the global Sunbelt (Figure 9) between      rity, nitrogen based fuels will certainly become
35th degrees of northern and southern latitude,           attractive fuels for a decarbonizing world.
where global yearly irradiation is the highest. These
regions are very well suited for solar electricity pro-   For the next years it appears to be a prudent di-
duction. The German plant manufacturer Thyssen-           versification strategy for NATO nations and part-
Krupp already offers small scale Ammonia pro-             ners to establish a balanced strategy of invest-
duction plants with H2 obtained by electrolysis of        ments in Power to Liquid technologies at home
water with electricity gained from renewable sourc-       and in politically stable regions and to include
es (thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG 2020).           nitrogen fuel research in their portfolio. This will
Upscaling of these plants is surely possible. MAN         ensure own technological competence and lead-
Energy Solutions (Denmark), the producer of two-          ership for promising technologies.
stroke NH3 internal combustion engines for ships,
proposes the production of NH3 fuel in plants in the      ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Australian deserts, powered by electricity from so-
                                                          The lead author thanks the NATO Energy Security
lar parks (MAN Energy Solutions 2019).
                                                          Centre of Excellence for a fellowship grant as well
                                                          as the librarians of the University of Bayreuth and
Hydrazine is highly toxic and applications for the
                                                          Dr. Gintaras Labutis from the Lithuanian Military
general public are unlikely. It is currently used as a
                                                          academy for help in obtaining literature and sta-
fuel in space travel and military applications only.
                                                          tistical information. Thanks also go to Cpt Juozas
Nitrate and urea based fuels are in early laboratory
                                                          Latvys (LTU) for excellent support during the ed-
testing phases. Whether these fuel-technologies
                                                          iting process.
will reach marketability is not yet conceivable.

                                                                          ENERGY H IG HLIG HTS       No   16     19
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