FOCUS Energy Cost Politics and the Environment in Nova Scotia
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CCPA-NOVA SCOTIA FOCUS 10 YEARS OF RAISING DEBATE AND PROPOSING POLICY ALTERNATIVES Energy Cost Politics and the Environment in Nova Scotia Reflections on the Government’s Backtrack on Mercury Emissions Brendan Haley On July 22nd, 2010, the Government of Nova Scotia announced that it would delay the mercury reduction standards for the provincial power utility, Nova Scotia Power. The Premier stated that he made this decision because the projected rate increase, which the utility said was necessary to meet the standard, “would have a devastating impact” on Nova Scotians.1 An op-ed written by Nova Scotia Energy Minister Bill Estabrooks later argued that the decision struck a balance between “affordability and the environment”.2 In the media the Minister stated: “I make no apologies...I’ll put people first and that’s what we did in this case in the short term.”3 The Minister’s statements show that a trade-off existed, in his mind, between “people” and the “environment”. Advocates of sustainable develop- ment have been striving to eliminate these types of trade-offs for decades. In Nova Scotia the government`s environmental discourse of “sustain- able prosperity” emphasizes that the province’s economic future is deeply coupled with the task of creating a cleaner environment.4 The province’s Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity Act seeks to “demonstrate international leadership by having one of the cleanest and most sustain- able environments in the world by the year 2020.”5 The decision to relax an environmental target is confounding for a province that has endorsed this progressive environmental and economic vision, and from a new government that received accolades for its green energy initiatives. Nova Scotia is the first jurisdiction in Canada to place caps on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions within its electricity sector and it has recently launched a strategy focused on making renewable energy a strategic sector for development.6
However, it is also not surprising that Premier to make annual reductions from 2010 to 2014 Dexter’s government would balk at the prospect and to make-up for the emissions over 65 kg/yr of higher energy prices for consumers. Before by overshooting the 65 kg/yr cap between 2014 the election, the NDP advocated sales tax cuts and 2019.12 Thus the cumulative amount of emis- to reduce energy prices.7 The NDP also issued a sions up to 2019 should be the same as a 65 kg/yr press release during the last election campaign cap starting in 2010. The new plan trades more arguing against a rate increase to fund energy mercury pollution in the short-term for deeper efficiency programs.8 cuts in the latter part of the decade.13 Environ- The relaxation of the mercury standards mental organizations in the province condemned shows that this government has a tendency to the announcement and emphasized the costs of support low energy prices for consumers at the mercury emissions to human health.14 expense of environmental and health initiatives. The government has provided little assur- When faced with an increase in electricity rates, ance that these new long-term mercury reduc- the government’s knee-jerk reaction was to push tion goals are credible. Even though Nova Scotia environmental standards off into the future. If made a commitment to the other provinces to this foreshadows the dominant tendency of this reduce emissions in 2010, it changed its regula- government, Nova Scotia’s emerging green en- tion at the last minute. What is to prevent the ergy agenda is in jeopardy. same thing from happening in the future? Is this conflict between energy consumers In 2007, all parties in the legislature support- and the environment inevitable? If the issue at ed the passage of the Environmental Goals and hand is real energy affordability and accessibil- Sustainable Prosperity Act, which entrenched a ity for Nova Scotians and not the dubious and number of environmental targets in legislation, opportunistic politics of energy price increases, including targets for renewable energy and re- we can implement policy solutions that ensure ductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The Act energy affordability while accelerating the transi- states that “mercury emissions will be reduced tion to a cleaner, lower-carbon economy. Practic- by seventy per cent by the year 2010 relative to ing a new form of energy cost politics is the key pre-2001 levels”, which is consistent with a 65 to avoiding undesirable tensions and trade-offs. kg/yr target in 2010.15 This Act was supposed to signal that political leaders were affirming their commitment to environmental goals by establish- Implications of Mercury ing them within legislation, as part of a broader Regulation Changes “sustainable prosperity” agenda. The 2010 mercury regulation stipulates emission When the government chose to delay the reductions from a cap of 168 kilograms per year emissions target in July, it did not consult the (kg/yr) to 65 kg/yr. Nova Scotia agreed to this Roundtable on Environment and Sustainable cap in 2006 in cooperation with other provinces Prosperity tasked with helping the government as part of the Canada Wide Standards for mer- meet its environmental goals.16 Instead, the En- cury pollution from coal-fired power plants.9 It ergy Minister held a quick meeting with some appears that other provinces with compliance business representatives and other stakeholders obligations will meet their goals.10 before announcing the decision.17 In July, the government decided to move the The broader problem is that the government 65 kg/yr target from 2010 to 2014. It also an- undermines all of the goals contained within nounced a new cap of 35 kg/yr in 2020.11 Under the Act when it backtracks on one of them via the new plan, Nova Scotia Power will be required a rather loose consultation process. What is to 2 c anadian centre for polic y alternatives–nova scotia
figure 1 North American Electricity Prices (residential prices, Can cents/kwh) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 ni QC B C to A Re , AB SK oh OR tta NL n N ct N B hv AB ifa N M NS Av L ica e tro L wn I Sa us PE an , TX Yo A on Y A tte it, M Ch rag i, F Ch De o, I Bo k, N nc , M Ca n, N ,W Se r, B ew o, C ,M To a, O on O H e, T , Po na, O 's, N ary, x, n St nd, , n m M to, g e W real Va peg Ed ttle ve to ill r cis n o w ia gi to a ou lg st on al rtl ro a t on .J as o m in Fr H M lo N n ar source Hydro Quebec. 2009 Comparison of Electricity Prices in Major North American Cities, Rates in Effect April 1. Pg. 20. prevent the government from backtracking on Nova Scotia politics ever since they caused the greenhouse gas reduction goals and renewable defeat of Gerald Regan’s government in 1978”.18 energy goals in the future? Figure 1 shows that Nova Scotians face rela- The lesson here is that future targets (even tively higher electric rates than most other Ca- when contained in legislation with associated nadian jurisdictions (except Charlottetown, regulations) don’t amount to much unless ac- PEI). However, Nova Scotia rates are below the tivities take place in the interim that help meet average of the North American cities sampled.19 these goals in a manner that is politically accept- Claiming that the mercury regulations would able. Obviously, this government did not find impose significant new costs, Nova Scotia Power meeting the 2010 mercury goal to be politically proposed to increase rates by 12% for residential realistic. Nova Scotia’s particular brand of en- customers and 18% for industrial customers in ergy cost politics is the prime stumbling block. 2011. After the government changed the mer- cury regulations NSP changed its rate increase application to 6.5% and 11.3% respectively.20 This Energy Cost Politics will be the sixth rate increase in Nova Scotia Politicians have always had to tread carefully since 2002.21 when it comes to electricity rate increases in Rate increases can have serious social and the province. Political blogger Parker Donham economic impacts. Anti-poverty organizations says that “Power rates have been the third rail of have highlighted how low income Nova Scotians Energy Cost Politic s and the Environment in Nova Scotia 3
have foregone food and been forced into home- ity plan anticipates that coal prices will trend lessness to pay electricity bills.22 Electricity rates upward and it highlights renewable energy as are also an issue for energy-intensive industries a way to provide “stable” electricity rates in the in the province. Consider that just two pulp and future.26 This is a rational approach. Neverthe- paper plants consume about 20% of Nova Sco- less, long-term rationality does not necessarily tia’s electricity sales.23 win out over short-term expediency. The politi- Whenever Nova Scotia Power (the prov- cal problem is that deliberate policy action must ince’s privatized, vertically integrated utility) increase rates in the short-term to make invest- announces a new rate increase extensive media ments in renewable energy, energy efficiency coverage and angry letters to the editor are sure and to restructure the transmission and distri- to follow. In recent years, Nova Scotians have re- bution systems. The more radical energy transi- peated this ritual on an almost annual basis. It tions required to cut greenhouse gas emissions feels like something has gone awry. The pattern by enough to avoid dangerous climate change of rate increase after rate increase is increasing will require even larger investments.27 social unrest. Also, if it is the case that rates are likely to The electric utility system is encountering increase in almost all future scenarios, and if a market and policy environment that it wasn’t households, as well as businesses, are actually set up to handle. The original goal of large, cen- having trouble dealing with energy costs as it is, tralized utility systems was to increase the quan- isn’t it time for a new discussion about energy tity of energy consumed and to decrease price affordability in the future? by reaping economies of scale. Utility managers even promoted electricity consumption in resi- Real Affordability: dential households to increase demand during Energy Cost Security vs. Energy Prices off-peak periods. Then nuclear technology cre- ated the false promise of delivering the ultimate The historic remnants of a utility system whose in economies of scale and lower prices, making purpose was to deliver energy to passive con- electricity “too cheap to meter”.24 sumers leaves us fixated on energy prices. But The power system’s large fixed costs made of course, energy prices are only one component utilities natural monopolies. Policy makers es- of consumer energy costs. Our energy bills are tablished regulatory boards to check their mo- determined by both price and how much energy nopoly power and ensure prices were no higher we use; including the energy we waste. Energy than actual costs (plus profit). In this centralized bills themselves only become unmanageable energy paradigm, citizens are passive consum- when they are too high relative to the income ers that the regulators are supposed to protect of a household or business. from unjustified price increases. The concept of “energy burden” provides a Nova Scotia did not experiment in the same full accounting of energy affordability or ener- manner as other jurisdictions with “deregula- gy costs. The energy burden measures the per- tion” during the 1990s.25 For better or worse, the centage of a household’s income spent on energy dominant electricity paradigm in Nova Scotia services. Even if prices increase, the energy bur- has remained relatively stable over the last num- den equation shows that it is possible to main- ber of decades. tain affordability by changing the other terms. If coal prices escalate and society decides to Energy efficiency measures can reduce the quan- tackle environmental problems the increases in tity of energy consumed. A variety of policy rates are unlikely to halt. The province’s electric- measures such as decreasing income inequality, 4 c anadian centre for polic y alternatives–nova scotia
increasing social assistance and promoting eco- Energy Burden nomic development (this includes green energy strategies) can also increase income. Energy burden measures how much of a household’s Individuals in energy poverty face energy income is spent on energy services: burdens that are too high. Spending more than Price × Quantity Consumed 6% of household income on electricity has been Energy Burden = highlighted as an unsustainable energy burden Income based on targeting no more than 30% of income spent on shelter costs and no more than 20% of these costs spent on electricity.28 The UK govern- Energy Efficiency ment’s energy poverty plan defines 10% of income The soon to be created Efficiency Nova Scotia as an unacceptable energy burden.29 agency is expected to operate an energy effi- Policies that focus on maintaining accept- ciency program on par with the most advanced able energy burdens by focusing on prices tend and ambitious programs in North America.30 At to create undesirable trade-offs between ener- least that is the current plan. gy costs and the environment (e.g. relaxing air Energy efficiency is a cost-effective energy re- emission standards). source because saving kilowatt hours is cheaper It is very difficult for politicians to propose than having to produce them by building power policies that would result in higher energy prices plants and burning fuels.31 Paying for energy ef- without offering anything in return to deliver so- ficiency programs through power rates reduc- cial security for households with respect to their es the future costs of the entire electricity sys- energy costs. But our current obsession with en- tem. This means less money going out of Nova ergy prices can be traded in for energy afford- Scotians’ pockets to provide revenues for Nova ability policies focused on reducing the quantity Scotia Power.32 of energy consumed and providing income gen- Utility board regulators and policy makers erating opportunities. These policies can actu- in Nova Scotia now accept energy efficiency as ally help reinforce environmental transitions by a cost-effective way to manage the electricity encouraging energy efficiency, renewable energy system and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions production and wider eco-industrial transitions. and other forms of pollution. The challenge with the latter approach is that The other benefit of energy efficiency is that it requires a new way of thinking and a political it actually reduces the quantity of energy con- culture focused less on energy price and more on sumed by those households and businesses that energy costs or actual energy affordability. Politi- participate in programs aimed at increasing the cal leaders and the public would have to strike efficiency of heating systems, lighting, appliances, a new social bargain that would work towards equipment and industrial operations. This makes providing universal access to green energy cost energy efficiency a powerful and direct method savings opportunities. This requires us to take a of reducing energy burdens, but these opportu- second look at existing green energy policies with nities are not altogether publicly accessible un- regard to energy affordability and social security, less they are able to service a wide spectrum of and not just environmental goals in isolation. sectors and communities. Since these programs give households a di- rect method of controlling their energy burdens, providing equitable access to them is a social Energy Cost Politic s and the Environment in Nova Scotia 5
objective that can exist alongside the ecological have little opportunity to reduce their energy objective of reducing pollution and the econom- burdens through energy efficiency. This is most ic objective of lowering electricity system costs. unfortunate since low-income organizations These objectives can reinforce one another and were important supporters of the extra charge increase political support for energy efficiency on electric rates to fund efficiency programs. programs. Ensuring that everyone has the abil- What they expected in return was a guaran- ity to participate in efficiency programs is a nec- tee of equitable service provision.37 The politi- essary component of a social bargain that seeks cal bargain that stakeholders struck to help the to ensure energy affordability in a future with environment and give energy consumers the higher electricity rates. security they needed to support investments in But these different objectives pull program efficiency has been broken (or at least delayed). administrators in different directions since en- Energy efficiency is not only a means to re- ergy savings can’t be found as easily or as cost- duce GHG emissions and reduce costs within effectively in all sectors and communities. The the entire electricity system. We can also con- issue of equitable access is especially important sider it as a new social program for a low-car- for low-income households. These households bon future, since it is an effective way to reduce cannot afford to share the costs of energy up- energy burdens without relying on lower prices. grades with the administering agency. If the sole Unfortunately, the habit of thought that focuses objective of energy efficiency policies is to find on energy prices instead of real energy afford- the cheapest way to encourage energy savings in ability leads policy makers to ignore and neglect the short term, programs targeting low income the importance of providing universal access to households will not be a priority. energy efficiency services. During a consultative process, experts and stakeholders proposed “equity targets” to ensure Renewable Energy that the province’s efficiency agency properly de- signs and funds programs for groups that could The province’s renewable electricity plan describes otherwise be excluded. 33 The low income target how renewable energy stabilizes the costs of the would require Efficiency Nova Scotia to spend a electricity system. Renewable energy also reduces minimum amount (e.g. 15%) of its overall budget GHG emissions and creates jobs associated with on low-income households.34 A recommendation manufacturing, installation and maintenance. to make “special provisions for those on low in- Renewable energy can also play a role in re- come”, including minimum spending targets defining energy cost politics within the province. were outlined in a final report to government.35 It has the potential to turn the energy cost equa- However, it is unclear if this recommendation tion on its head since many consumers could will ever be implemented, since the government transform into revenue-earning renewable en- failed to include these equity objectives within ergy producers. While it is difficult for a large the subsequent Efficiency Nova Scotia Corpora- number of citizens to hold a significant owner- tion Act. That leaves their implementation up ship stake in coal-fired power plants, citizens can to the Utility Board, which has previously ruled participate in community wind co-operatives or that it cannot consider special programs for low- put solar panels on their property. Citizens can income consumers.36 reduce their energy cost burdens by becoming If the government fails to amend the Public mini power utilities. Households will increase Utilities Act or the Efficiency Nova Scotia Cor- their incomes by participating in renewable en- poration Act low-income Nova Scotians could ergy generation projects and/or directly offset 6 c anadian centre for polic y alternatives–nova scotia
their bills as their meters run backwards. In the The potential inclusion of solar electric tech- process, citizens’ political and economic inter- nologies in a FIT demonstrates the difference ests will shift from those of passive consumers between lowering energy prices and contribut- to those of energy generators. ing to energy cost security by developing renew- Like energy efficiency we can think of re- able energy. Solar electric technologies have high newable energy generation as not only a way to costs per kilowatt hour of electricity41, yet they reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide are also technologies with near universal appli- electric system benefits, but also as a means of cability. Including solar in a FIT would raise the providing energy cost security for households. electric rates42, but it would also open up renew- To do this we must consider how we can broaden able energy generation opportunities to a host and equalize participation in renewable energy of new users. generation opportunities. The province’s announcement of a communi- An Energy Cost Social Safety Net ty feed-in tariff (FIT) shows potential to include many more Nova Scotians in renewable energy A social safety net to ensure against unsustain- opportunities.38 Feed-in tariffs establish fixed able energy burdens is required for a number of prices for renewable energy generators based reasons. First, it will catch those who might fall upon their cost of generation, plus a reasonable between the cracks because of low-income and/ rate of return. FITs promote community-based or due to time lags in energy efficiency and re- renewable energy projects because the adminis- newable energy development. Second, it provides tration of generation contracts is simplified and a political guarantee to all citizens that higher the price certainty facilitates access to capital.39 electricity rates will not result in energy poverty. North American FIT expert Paul Gipe ex- The key to avoiding environment and energy plains that “Feed-in tariffs work because they are cost trade-offs is to provide social security against more equitable than other policies. They enable energy poverty without relying on the blunt in- everyone — including homeowners, farmers, co- strument of low energy prices. The Universal operatives, and businesses large and small — to Service Program proposed by Roger Colton be- profit from renewable energy.”40 fore Nova Scotia’s Utility and Review Board is an The design details of the FIT program will elegant solution consistent with this approach.43 determine the inclusiveness of renewable energy Maintaining appropriate energy burdens is generation opportunities. The ability for genera- the program’s prime objective. The key compo- tors to connect to the distribution and transmis- nent of the program is a credit on bills to bring sion grid will be important since, in some cases, low-income households back under an energy the utility will need to expand the grid to bring burden threshold.44 For example, if a household new generators online. spends 15% of its annual income on electricity Another way to broaden participation in re- an on-bill credit will reduce its energy costs to newable energy opportunities is to promote a 6% of its income.45 diversity of technologies since different sectors A benefit of this approach is that the credit and communities will have different renewable will adjust itself in accordance with energy ef- energy generation options. For example, wind ficiency measures to reduce the quantity of en- and bio-gas opportunities will exist for many ergy wasted and/or policies to increase the in- rural communities, but they are unlikely to ex- comes of the energy poor. One way to reduce ist for urban businesses and residents. the costs of the social safety net program is to Energy Cost Politic s and the Environment in Nova Scotia 7
target households with high energy burdens for tions. This government’s energy policy Achilles efficiency improvements. heel is their willingness to capitulate in the face The program also provides a powerful con- of rate increases. They have now fully exposed servation incentive by fixing the amount of the their vulnerability. Instead of following a strategy credit for a certain period.46 If a household reduc- of transformation and innovation, the business es energy consumption, they will keep receiving sector might opt for political strategies that will the fixed credit as a one-time bonus and if they redistribute benefits to themselves at the expense increase energy consumption, they will not im- of environmental improvements. mediately receive a credit increase. The state of affairs should underline the ur- Like all of the other initiatives mentioned, gent need to enhance the Nova Scotia business ratepayers will pay for this program and thus it sector’s capacity to transform and adapt to an might increase electric rates.47 However, it would economy with higher energy prices. also quite effectively provide universal security The business sector has the potential to pro- against energy poverty. duce some of the most dramatic energy savings and transformations of energy systems. This po- tential exists because successful businesses re- Industry Productivity and Competitiveness structure themselves and engage in innovative Energy affordability policies aim to reduce the activities. They find new markets, produce new social insecurity of households concerned about products and reform internal processes. How- access to an essential service. For the energy ever, to harness this innovative capability, and poor, energy affordability can become a health to push it in a greener and less energy intensive and safety issue; choosing between heating or direction, businesses need to anticipate a world eating, medication or lights.48 with higher energy costs and search for new op- For the industrial sector, energy cost issues portunities within green technological systems. more directly relate to productivity and compet- Governments can encourage environmental- itiveness objectives. Business energy cost issues ly-friendly innovation by promoting the expec- are also very political. Business pressure appears tation of a lower carbon, cleaner economy in the to have greatly influenced the government’s de- future. This means standing firm with respect to cision to relax mercury emissions standards.49 environmental commitments in the face of higher Keeping prices low for business is unlikely energy prices. In addition, the government can to improve Nova Scotia’s productivity and eco- encourage both large and small businesses to re- nomic performance. “Policies that convey static, strategize by facilitating access to new networks short-term cost advantages but that unconsciously and new types of knowledge. undermine innovation and dynamism represent Efficiency Nova Scotia will encourage incre- the most common and most profound error in mental changes along existing production pro- government industrial policy”, says renowned cesses and it will take advantage of opportunities business competition expert Michael Porter.50 for large energy savings when businesses change Governments that give into business lobbying product lines and make capital investments. But for short-term cost relief entrench a conserva- a different policy is required to encourage the tism that hampers innovation. The Nova Scotia development of more fundamental, systemic government’s quick backtrack has signalled to changes of business energy systems. Govern- the business sector that environmental initia- ment economic development initiatives could tives that could result in rate increases are eas- offer to share the costs of consultants with par- ily stopped with some lobbying and public rela- ticular eco-industrial expertise within particu- 8 c anadian centre for polic y alternatives–nova scotia
lar firms, sectors or combinations of firms and deliver universal access to electricity, and the sectors. This would initiate planning processes government would protect consumers against to explore new market opportunities; new link- the monopoly power of utilities by keeping en- ages with other industries to promote industrial ergy prices low. symbiosis of energy and waste flows; new research The old social bargain involving low energy and development priorities; and new forms of prices and centralized energy systems is broken. business organization. Government could then Governments concerned about energy price in- offer support for the implementation of these creases can only postpone them until after the strategic plans by developing capital-financing next election. Those governments that initiate arrangements, prioritizing local-green industries some limited reprieve from higher prices for in procurement practices, and by supporting new consumers likely do so at the expense of envi- product and process experiments.51 ronmental progress. The government must send a message to in- While governments, industry and citizens dustries that they have to re-tool processes and have, by and large, endorsed a green energy products as part of developing different strate- agenda, we are still stuck within an old form of gies to prepare for the future. If this fails to be energy cost politics. The Nova Scotia govern- an immediate priority, the same industries that ment’s reaction to the potential rate increases lobbied for lower environmental standards are due to mercury regulations shows that human likely to fall back on repeating their requests in health and the environment can be the causal- the future. ity of this mismatch. The government might have thought that it would be better to spend its limited political cap- A New Energy Cost Politics ital on investments in the transmission system, The current government is implementing many renewables and energy efficiency. Yet they said energy efficiency and renewable energy policies. little about preventing such trade-offs from oc- If they consider the social aspects of these poli- curring again. The government made no moves cies, they could help alleviate energy costs via to change the nature of the energy cost politics many of the non-price methods discussed in game in the midst of its capitulation. this paper. Specific initiatives on energy pov- An escape from these political conundrums erty and more aggressive policies on industrial associated with the traditional energy paradigm eco-restructuring have yet to be implemented. is possible. The advent of decentralized renew- But, even the initiatives and plans already an- able energy and energy efficiency, in addition to nounced are in jeopardy if Nova Scotia’s energy information and communication technologies cost politics remains laden with the traditional has the potential to revolutionize the energy tendency to fixate on energy prices instead of sector.53 In this alternative future, energy cost real energy affordability. security will not be provided via lower prices, The idea that citizens have a “right” to low but by providing universal access to energy ef- energy prices is deeply ingrained within the ficiency services and renewable energy genera- present political culture. This stems from the tion opportunities. This future requires a new mass consumption paradigm that took hold in social bargain whereby government, citizens and the 20th century.52 At that time, the power indus- industry agree to respond to rising energy prices try, government, and energy consumers struck by developing new methods of ensuring energy a particular (implicit) social bargain. The power affordability. This process needs to start now. industry would exploit economies of scale and Energy Cost Politic s and the Environment in Nova Scotia 9
Beyond implementing the initiatives discussed a much more active role as home energy manag- in this paper, the government could also consider ers, conservers and generators. Businesses need undertaking changes in rate design, developing to retool their products and processes for a green initiatives for non-electric forms of energy, and future. Environmentalists need to propose new encouraging the use of home/business energy methods of providing social security with respect management systems.54 to energy costs to accelerate (political) momen- Nevertheless, whether Nova Scotia endorses tum towards a greener future. a new social bargain on energy costs rests more The government’s decision to relax mercu- on the political culture of the province than on ry emissions is an example of a trade-off we do the availability of science and technology, policy not want to see repeated in the future. The gov- or program options. New thinking in a variety ernment’s mercury decision is a warning signal of quarters is required. Political leaders have to that reveals the fragility of the province’s envi- be willing to signal a different direction for the ronmental agenda. For Nova Scotia to meet its future. The media need to sponsor a discussion environmental goals and realize its vision of sus- on real energy affordability instead of simply tainable prosperity, we need to strike a new so- reporting that the utility is threatening another cial bargain on energy costs and practice a new rate hike. Citizens have to start demanding en- form of energy cost politics. ergy efficiency services and be prepared to take 10 c anadian centre for polic y alternatives–nova scotia
Notes 1 Premier’s Office, “Province Steps in to Limit Power Upon release of the Province’s renewable energy Rate Increases,” News Release, July 22, 2010. plan, the Pembina Institute stated, “Nova Scotia is 2 Bill Estabrooks, “Balancing Affordability and the setting a leadership example for other coal depend- Environment, op-ed,” July 27, 2010, available at http:// ent provinces”. Tim Weis, “Pembina Reacts to Nova Scotia Renewable Energy Plan,” News Release, April 23, 2010, available at http://communities.pembina. 3 CBC News, “Emissions goal eased to trim N.S. rate org/media-release/2005 hike,” July 22, 2010, available at canada/nova-scotia/story/2010/07/22/ns-emissions- See also Tyler Hamilton, “Nova Scotia joins Canada’s target-eased.html clean energy club,” Toronto Star, Aug 23, 2010. 4 See especially Nova Scotia Premier’s Advisory Coun- 7 One of the NDP’s 7 Key Commitments in the 2009 cil on Innovation, Interim Report of Council, [2005]; election was to “take the HST off home energy to make Opportunities for Sustainable Prosperity: An Updated life more affordable”. Economic Growth Strategy for Nova Scotia, [2006]. 8 Originally published by, “NDP: 5 Bill 146, Environmental Goals and Sustainable Pros- NSP shouldn’t charge consumers for conservation perity Act, Bill 146, 1st sess., 60th Leg., Nova Scotia, plans,” June 4, 2009. (assented to 13 April 2007). 9 Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environ- 6 The David Suzuki Foundation chose Nova Scotia’s ment (CCME), “Canada-Wide Standards for Mercury decision to cap power emissions as one of the top five Emissions from Coal-Fired Electric Power Generation actions on climate change in the past year. David Su- Plants,” [2006], available at zuki Foundation, “Best and worst moves on climate sets/pdf/hg_epg_cws_w_annex.pdf. change,” News Release, August 5, 2010, available at 10 Ronan Orsquobeirne, “Mercury target not met; Re- port: Province makes scant progress in cutting emis- best-and-worst-moves-on-climate-change/ sions” Chronicle Herald, August 2, 2010. Energy Cost Politic s and the Environment in Nova Scotia 11
11 This target is consistent with a reduction level that 25 Some of these deregulation experiments brought the CCME 2006 agreed to explore “for 2018 and be- forward even larger rate increases and volatility as yond” and that Nova Scotia Power’s 2009 Integrat- policy makers found the creation of a free market in ed Resource Plan base case projected to come into electricity more difficult than originally thought. See force in 2018. G. Bruce Doern and Monica Gattinger, Power Switch 12 The government has yet to announce the details : Energy Regulatory Governance in the Twenty-First of the year-over-year reductions at time of writing. Century (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003). 13 Premier’s Office, “Province Steps in to Limit Power 26 Nova Scotia Department of Energy, Renewable Rate Increases,” News Release, July 22, 2010. Electricity Plan: A path to good jobs, stable prices, and a cleaner environment, [2010]. 14 Sierra Club of Canada et al., “Nova Scotians will pay the price for giving NS Power a pass on Mercury 27 Science-based GHG reduction targets are 25% be- Regulations” News Release, July 26, 2010, available at low 1990 levels by 2020 and 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. See Matthew Bramley, The Case for Deep Reductions: Canada’s Role in Preventing Dangerous 15 Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity Climate Change David Suzuki Foundation and the Act, Sec 4(2)(f). Pembina Institute, [2005]. 16 Personal correspondence with Roundtable mem- 28 Roger Colton, Direct Testimony and Exhibits be- ber Mark Butler. fore the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board on 17 Keith Doucette, “NDP asked to soften blow; Pro- Behalf of Dalhousie Legal Aid Service in the Matter posed power hike puts pressure on government to of: An Application by Nova Scotia Power Inc. for Ap- alleviate costs,” Chronicle Herald, July 14, 2010. CBC proval of Certain Revisions, to its Rates, Charges and News, “NSP proposed hike ‘unacceptable’: Groups meet Regulations, 2004. with energy minister,” July 14, 2010, available at http:// 29 The definition depends on what forms of energy are included. It can include electricity as well as oth- power-rate-hike-concerns.html er energy sources used in households. The definition 18 Parker Donham, “The biosolidity of Ellen Page” often excludes transportation costs. This paper pri- Aug 17, 2010, available at marily discusses electric energy costs. 19 Cities are taken as proxies for provincial rates. 30 Conserve Nova Scotia, “Efficiency Nova Scotia 20 Also an 8.6% increase for commercial customers Corporation to be Created,” News Release, Oct 23, 21 Residential increases have been 3.1% in 2002; 6.2% 2009. Nova Scotia Power has been implementing in 2005; 8.6% in 2006; 4.7% in 2007; and 9.4% in 2009. Demand Side Management (energy efficiency) pro- grams since 2008. The budget and energy savings 22 See Direct Evidence before Nova Scotia Utility and continue to ramp-up towards the aggressive energy Review Board in the matter of P-886(3) Constitutional savings goals contained within Nova Scotia Power’s and Human Rights Issues, [2007]. Integrated Resource Plan. 23 Summit Blue Consulting, Nova Scotia Power Inc.: 31 See Brendan Haley with Stephanie Sodero, Path- DSM Report, September 2006, p. 12. ways to Sustainable Energy Prosperity in Nova Scotia 24 See Thomas Hughes, Networks of Power : Electrifi- Ecology Action Centre [2007], chapter 2, available at cation in Western Society, 1880-1930 (Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983). David E. Nye , Con- gy/EACEnergy.pdf suming Power : A Social History of American Energies 32 Energy efficiency reduces the revenue requirements (Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1998.). of the utility. But this does not necessarily mean lower 12 c anadian centre for polic y alternatives–nova scotia
rates. Very aggressive energy efficiency could actually 42 Though solar has high cost per kilowatt hour of increase rates. The price per kilowatt hour might in- production, if the volume of solar generation is low crease since the fixed costs of the electricity system there would be a negligible impact on rates. will be spread over fewer kilowatt hours. 43 Roger Colton, Direct Testimony and Exhibits be- 33 Targets could also be created for the small busi- fore the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board on ness sector and to ensure that commercial, industrial Behalf of Dalhousie Legal Aid Service in the Matter and residential sectors receive a fair distribution of of: An Application by Nova Scotia Power Inc. for Ap- efficiency program benefits. proval of Certain Revisions, to its Rates, Charges and 34 This could incorporate the electricity budget or Regulations, 2004. the combined electric and non-electric fuels budget 44 The plan also includes energy efficiency, arrearage for the efficiency agency. credits and crisis intervention. The credit is restrict- 35 David Wheeler, Stakeholder Consultation Pro- ed to households below the Low-Income Cut-Off to cess for an Administrative Model for DSM Delivery in avoid subsidizing the luxury consumption of energy. Nova Scotia: Final Report [2008], available at http:// 45 To illustrate, the credit would have the effect of modifying the energy burden equation by adding a Report-Final.pdf new (negative) term to the numerator: 36 The highest court in Nova Scotia has ruled that (P×Q )−SN section 67(1) of the Public Utilities Act prohibits dis- Energy Burden = I tinctions between members of the same rate class. This prevents the UARB from considering programs Where P is price, Q is quantity consumed, I is income for low income residential electricity consumers. Dal- and SN is the amount of the safety net or the on-bill housie Legal Aid Service v. Nova Scotia Power Inc., 74, credit. Notice that the program does not change the (Nova Scotia Court of Appeal 2006) price of energy. Instead, it increases or decreases the 37 See submissions of the Affordable Energy Coali- on-bill credit in accordance with the energy bur- tion before the Utility and Review Board with respect den target. to Demand Side Management. 46 In this way, the inevitable administrative delays 38 Nova Scotia Department of Energy, Renewable actually provide the conservation incentive. If the Electricity Plan: A path to good jobs, stable prices, credit payments are re-adjusted on an annual basis and a cleaner environment, [2010]. it also fixes annual budget costs and simplifies ad- ministration. 39 See Miguel Mendonça, David Jacobs and Benjamin Sovacool, Powering the Green Economy: The Feed-in 47 In some cases, these programs have paid for them- Tariff Handbook (London: Earthscan, 2009). selves by reducing utility credit and collection costs. 40 Paul Gipe, Feed In Tariff Primer 250 words, avail- 48 See Larry Hughes and Dave Ron, Energy security able at in the residential sector (Part 2 - Nova Scotia), Rapid Feed-inTariffsandAdvancedRenewableTariffs.html responses to heating emergencies ( Halifax: Canadi- an Centre for Policy Alternatives-NS, 2009); http:// 41 Solar rooftop FIT prices for Ontario are between 53.9 and 80.2 cents/kwh, depending on project size. ergy-security-residential-sector-part-2-nova-scotia Ontario Power Authority, “Feed-in Tariff Prices for Renewable Energy Projects in Ontario” Base Date, 49 Keith Doucette, “NDP asked to soften blow; Pro- Aug 13, 2010. posed power hike puts pressure on government to alleviate costs,” Chronicle Herald, July 14, 2010. CBC Energy Cost Politic s and the Environment in Nova Scotia 13
News, “NSP proposed hike ‘unacceptable’: Groups meet Howard Rush, “Developing Innovation Capability: with energy minister” July 14, 2010, available at http:// Meeting the Policy Challenge,” in Techno-Economic Paradigms, eds. Wolfgang Drechsler, Rainer Kattel power-rate-hike-concerns.html and Erik S. Reinert (London and New York: Anthem 50 Michael E. Porter, On Competition (Boston, MA : Press, 2009), 19-38. Harvard Businesss School Publishing, 2008). Pg. 202 52 David E. Nye , Consuming Power : A Social His- 51 For industrial policy discussions along these lines see tory of American Energies (Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Manfred Binder, Martin Jänicke and Ulrich Petschow, Press, 1998.). eds., Green Industrial Restructuring: International 53 See Peter Fox-Penner, Smart Power: Climate Change, Case Studies and Theoretical Interpretations (Berlin: the Smart Grid, and the Future of Electric Utilities Springer, 2001).; Neil Bradford, “Prospects for Asso- (Washington/Covelo/London: Island Press, 2010). ciative Governance: Lessons from Ontario, Canada,” 54 See for example Larry Hughes, The Inverted Block Politics and Society 26, no. 4 (1998), 539-573.; Nigel Rate: An Alternative to Flat Rate Billing [2004]; David Roome, “Policies and Conditions for Environmen- Leeds, The Smart Grid in 2010: Market Segments, Ap- tal Innovation and Management in Industry,” in To- plications and Industrial Players, Greentech Media wards Environmental Innovation Systems, eds. Mat- Inc. [2009]; Optimal Energy Inc and Dunsky Energy thias Weber and Jens Hemmelskamp (Berlin ; New Consulting, Triennial Plan of the Efficiency Maine York : Springer, 2005), 237-249,; John Bessant and Trust 2011-2013 [2010] 14 c anadian centre for polic y alternatives–nova scotia
CCPA-NS In Focus: The opinions presented in this document do not Energy Cost Politics and the Environment in Nova necessarily represent the views of the CCPA-NS. Scotia: Reflections on the Government’s Mercury Emissions Backtrack In Focus publications provide commentary and By Brendan Haley reflections on a specific policy area, sector or government decision; they are intended to stimulate isbn 978-1-926888-18-7 public debate. This report is available free of charge from the CCPA Acknowledgements website at Printed The author would like to thank Christine Saulnier, copies may be ordered through the National Office Mark Butler, Claire McNeil and Chris Benjamin for a $10 fee. as well as an anonymous reviewer. All errors and omissions are the responsibility of the author. Please make a donation... Help us continue to offer our publications free online. About the Authors We make most of our publications available free Brendan Haley is a CCPA-NS Research Associate on our website. Making a donation or taking out currently studying energy policy and innovation a membership will help us continue to provide systems as a PhD candidate in Carleton’s School people with access to our ideas and research free of Public Policy and Administration. He was of charge. You can make a donation or become a formerly the energy coordinator for Nova Scotia’s member on-line at Or Ecology Action Centre where he championed the you can contact the National office at 613-563-1341 development of energy efficiency programs in the for more information. Suggested donation for this province and the development of the sustainable publication: $10 or what you can afford. prosperity agenda. He holds an undergraduate degree in economics and a Masters of environmental studies. Nova scotia Office P.O. Box 8355, Halifax, ns b3k 5m1 tel 902-477-1252 fa x 902-484-6344 em ail
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