Senior Officials Working Group on Renewable Energies Thematic Report - Elaborated by the SOM WG on Renewable Energies CONACYT Mexico - MINECO ...

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Senior Officials Working Group on Renewable Energies Thematic Report - Elaborated by the SOM WG on Renewable Energies CONACYT Mexico - MINECO ...
Senior Officials Working Group on
          Renewable Energies

             Thematic Report
Elaborated by the SOM WG on Renewable Energies

       CONACYT Mexico – MINECO Spain

      V EU-CELAC Senior Officials Meeting

                 March, 2016

               Brussels, Belgium
Senior Officials Working Group on Renewable Energies Thematic Report - Elaborated by the SOM WG on Renewable Energies CONACYT Mexico - MINECO ...
1   Objective of the thematic report ............................................................................................................... 3
2   Bi-regional Cooperation Activities in renewable energies area ................................................................ 4
3   Cooperation Actions and instruments: Road Map for implementation ..................................................11
4   Summary of EU-CELAC SOM decisions-making issues .............................................................................17
5   Annexes ....................................................................................................................................................19
6   Acronyms .................................................................................................................................................21
1        Objective of the thematic report

The present thematic report has been prepared to provide the EU-CELAC Senior Official Meetings (SOM)
representatives with the insights found by the EU-CELAC Senior Officials Meetings Working Group on
Renewable Energies (SOM WGRE) a concrete overview of the activities carried out in the renewable
energies area and to serve as supporting element for the decision making process which will be carried out
during the Senior Officials Meeting that will take place on the 25th and 26th of November 2015 in Brussels,

The SOM WGRE co-leaded by Mexico (CONACYT) and Spain (MINECO) was created in 2011 with aim to
provide ST&I background knowledge and set strategic objectives in the area of renewable energies to
determine basic lines of cooperation between EU and LAC institutions, identify research and innovation
topics   for potential collaboration, formulate pilot activities in renewable energies, identify funding
instrument, establish a common energy framework, contribute to mobilize expertise and resources
between EU and LAC countries, develop joint initiatives/programmes, promote an operative platform to
implement joint initiatives in emerging technologies, foster cooperation and coordination among EU-LAC
countries that could impact on smart regions development while assuring a sustainable energy supply.

ENERGY-SOM Working Group Thematic Report 2016-F
2    Bi-regional Cooperation Activities in the Renewable
    Energies Area

       Thematic area background in Latin America, Caribbean and the European Union

The energy present situation is one of the greatest challenges faced by our society today. Social progress
and well-being of people, industry and economy depend on safe, secure, sustainable and affordable
energy. Addressing energy challenges through transformative science and technology solutions has
become a priority for both governments of developed countries and emerging economies. Countries are
increasingly recognising the potential role of emerging energy technologies capable of responding to the
major challenges of climate change, energy security, and access to energy. Energy solutions, comprising not
only energy production but also energy efficiency, namely the existing building stock and transport sector,
would make energy consumption more affordable for consumers as well as create employment.
Appropriate management of the energy resources, a proper infrastructure (smart grids), energy storage
systems and market regulations are needed as well.

The analysis of research issues, priorities and emerging energy technologies, as well as the activities of
several energy agencies and key actors, are increasingly focus on policy and market analysis and system
integration issues.

The work is rapidly expanding as a response to the present challenges of an unsustainable global energy
structure and the expansive clean energy economy. Clean energy investments are building the foundation
for new industries and job growth. The EU agreed to implement the 20-20-20 objectives: reducing
emissions of greenhouse gases by 20%, increasing energy efficiency to save 20% of energy consumption,
and to reach 20% of renewable energy in the total energy consumption in the EU by 2020. To reach these
goals, both federal governments and the private sector will have to invest in clean energy development and
deployment for major new energy efficiency benefits.

Intensified RTD cooperation between research institutions, universities and the private sector from Europe
and Latin America and the Caribbean is crucial to establish the pathway of the policies in the field of
emerging energies.

The Working Group on Renewable Energies for Societal Challenges aims at strengthening cooperation and
coordination among EU-CELAC countries which could impact on smart regions development while assuring
a sustainable energy supply thus contributing to the mutual development of policies, fostering synergies
between EU and LAC countries helping to develop joint initiatives/programmes and foster innovations for
social benefit in order to:
      Address specific problems that have a global character, on the basis of mutual interest for EU-CE-
         LAC region, with a win-win perspective.
      Support bi-regional competitiveness through strategic partnerships in the field of energy by
         engaging the CELAC countries´ scientists to work in and with Europe and vice versa.
      Integrate the scientific community working in the energy field and support the JIRI process.
      Promote an EU-CELAC operative platform or net to implement joint initiatives in the renewable
         energies area.

ENERGY-SOM Working Group Thematic Report 2016-F
The activities carried out in support to the scientific policy bi-regional dialogue between the European
Union and Latin America and the Caribbean for the renewable energies area in the frame of the Working
Group on Renewable Energies for Societal Challenges have sought the following objectives:
- Generating a thematic bi-regional dialogue both at a technical and a political level in support to the
   implementation of the JIRI´s Road Map in the renewable energies area, particularly in bio-energy, wind
   energy, solar –photovoltaic and thermal energy, and energy efficiency.
- Identify and bring together stakeholders representing industry, researchers and policy makers from EU
   and LAC, the European Commission and the EU and LAC technology platforms.
- Developing relevant background documentation for the identification of current principal policy,
   institutional and technical limitations and opportunities; possibilities for policy coordination (policy
   components, sharing of experiences and best practices).
- Identify cooperation activities to be developed in renewable energies among EU and Latin American
   and Caribbean countries and iidentify appropriate instruments, mechanisms and funding schemes for
   coordinating and financing joint research, technology development and innovation activities.
- Discuss European and Latin American public policies concerning the renewable energies
- Produce inputs for the Working Group on Renewable Energies.

       Description of activities

The activities carried out in support to the scientific policy bi-regional dialogue between the European
Union and Latin America and the Caribbean for the renewable energies area have sought the generation of
a thematic bi-regional dialogue both at a technical and a political level in support to the implementation of
the JIRI´s Road Map.

Thematic focused and policy level meetings and workshops/consultations bringing together relevant
stakeholders from EU-CELAC countries have been organized in order to: (i) identify pilot funding initiatives
for cooperation on renewable energies, (ii) identify priority areas for cooperation in renewable energies
and energy efficiency, (iii) address and design top-down synergies, initiatives and measures.

To advance in the objectives of the Working Group on Renewable Energies the implementation process has
been organized around research and innovation areas identified as priorities of common interest through
the analysis of the documents and studies and the activities carried during the first and second periods of
the ALCUENET project, and also taking stock from work done in renewable energies under previous INCO

Relevant documentation produced - elaboration of analysis, studies and preparation of specific reports in
the EU-CELAC renewable energies area - has been focused in a first stage in bio-energy, wind energy, solar
–photovoltaic and thermal- energy, and energy efficiency.
    - Report: “State of the Art in Science, Technology & Innovation related to Renewable Energy in LAC
    - “Energy thematic Report and Concept Paper” which has been continuously updated according to the
    activities in the frame of the ALCUE NET and ERANet LAC projects and the recommendations of the
    Working Group on Renewable Energies for the EU-CELAC SOM JIRI process.
    - “ALCUE NET Position on Energy Efficiency -Non paper”       where two approaches towards energy
    efficiency, based on the integrated road map and the energy efficiency policy of the EU, are proposed
    for the implementation plan of the activities.
    - Thematic document to support the recommendations for implementing EU-LAC short term courses in
    geothermal energy and a Masters in geothermal energy.

ENERGY-SOM Working Group Thematic Report 2016-F
- Elaboration of call topics description on renewable energies for the JIRI implementation and funding
    options (the workshops have provided direct inputs to the first and second joint calls launched under
    the ERA Net-LAC project).

This supporting material has been presented to the Senior Official Meetings in Brussels 2013 and Costa Rica
2014 along with recommendations for further development and upcoming activities and also has been
delivered to the experts and stakeholders involved in the activities organized under the energy theme in
the frame of ALCUENET and are also published in the project´s website.

Collaboration between the scientific and industrial communities working to solve the problems linked to a
secure and sustainable use of and access to energy and support the JIRI process has been encouraged and
contacts with partners in third countries with the aim of providing at the same time sustainability to
cooperation have been facilitated. In Annex 2 is a list of key actors and stakeholders that have collaborated
in the activities above described and for the collection of specific information and the generation of
materials and recommendations for actions.

 The following is an abstract of the main activities in support of the Working Group on Renewable Energies
for the implementation of the JIRI. Through these activities synergies between ALCUE NET and ERA Net-
LAC projects and CYTED and other relevant initiatives have been established.

    -   ALCUE NET – CYTED Thematic Meeting on Renewable Energies, Biodiversity & Climate Change,
        Bioeconomy and ICT in CONACYT, Mexico on October 23, 2013.
    -   ALCUE NET European-Latin American Workshop on Renewable Energies-CONACYT, Mexico,
        October 24-25, 2013.
    -   ALCUE NET European-Latin American Renewable Energies Policy Dialogue Meeting- Mexico, March
        11-12, 2014.
    -   Support to the SOM Working Group on Renewable Energies – Reporting of advances SOM 2013 in
        Brussels and SOM 2014 in Costa Rica.
    -   SOM Working Group on Renewable Energies Meeting held in Mexico City on March 12, 2014.
    -   ALCUE NET Energy Workshop, 13-14 November 2014, Sevilla, Spain.
    -   ALCUE NET Geothermal Energy Workshop, 9-11 December 2014, Salta, Argentina.
    -   Energy Week, June 2015, Brussels, Belgium focused on Renewable Energies.

Non-partners stakeholders have been invited to participate in the activities related to the energy area
through the implementation of Travel Grants for representatives from those countries, particularly from
Nicaragua, Italy, Bolivia, Cuba and Peru.

First transnational call under the ERANet-LAC project: 20 funding organizations from EU-LAC countries
funded 14 transnational research and innovation projects. 79 research institutions and small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) from both regions are involved in the consortia. The total volume of funding is 10.4
million €. Energy projects amount to 4,898,789.50 EUR.
Two projects funded in solar energy in the topic Towards Zero Carbon Energy Systems (1,507,167.50 EUR).
Five projects funded in biorefineries topic Small scale self-sustainable biorefineries (3,391,622.00 EUR).

       Priority areas for cooperation in renewable energies and energy efficiency

As a main result from the activities focused in renewable energies organized mainly in the frame of the
ALCUE NET project, specific research and innovation areas have been identified as priorities of common
interest on which the cooperation should focus include:

ENERGY-SOM Working Group Thematic Report 2016-F
   Bioenergy: Biomass availability and supply; Conversion processes; Markets and regulatory
        framework; Sustainability
       Photovoltaic energy: Solar resources prediction and monitoring; Quality Assurance Procedures;
        Stands alone systems; Advanced grid integration & large integration of PV in building areas.
       Solar thermal energy: Quality Assurance Procedures oriented to the use of certified equipment and
        its certification, certifications integration, installers harmonization, equipment and installers.
        Thermal energy storage mainly in distributed generation.
       Wind energy: Wind Resource Assessment and short term forecasting; Wind Turbines: technology
        for regional manufacturing; Removing barriers and promoting deployment and acceptance of wind
        energy: market obstacles, environmental issues, capacities.
       Energy efficiency focused on: 1. Increasing energy efficiency in buildings; 2.      Heating          and
        cooling; 3.      Increasing energy efficiency in industry and SMEs; 4.      Increasing           energy
        efficiency of energy-related products ; 5.         Innovative financing for energy efficiency; 6.Citizen
        Engagement, capacity building, governance and communication for energy efficiency main energy.
       Geothermal energy: 1. Capacity Building: increasing geothermal human capacities in Latin America
        and Caribbean countries. 2.Fostering networks (EU-CELAC) for knowledge exchange.

Following the great interest on energy efficiency by the European Commission in its communication about
energy technologies and innovation sent to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic
and Social Committee and the Committee of the regions, two strategic approaches towards Energy
Efficiency have been proposed within the implementation plan of the activities in the frame of ALCUE NET
project in the energy area.
Two strategic approaches to energy efficiency:
 i) the “Integrated Road Map” by the EC that will put forward key research and innovation actions to be
undertaken in the next 6 years and will be the basis for EU, national and multi-Member State activities (the
latter based on the variable geometry model), and can serve as well, as a basis for private investments in
energy research and innovation. In this approach energy efficiency is horizontal to solar thermal, solar
photovoltaic, wind and bioenergy;

                      Solar thermal         Solar photovoltaic     Wind energy           Bioenergy

Energy efficiency

ii) Energy efficiency approached based on the EU energy efficiency policy, where the full potential of
energy efficiency, focusing on end use consumption is prioritized and according to the “Secure, clean and
efficient energy Challenge”. These areas are related to buildings: heating & cooling, industry aspects and
products development. This approach has been further elaborated through a series of documents
prepared by the experts supporting the SOM Working Group on Renewable Energies. Full description in the
“Position paper on energy efficiency non-paper” integrated into the Energy WG thematic report in the
section of Annexes.
The formulation of recommendations, activities and narrowing down of areas has taken into consideration
the SET Plan as the guiding initiative of the EU research and innovation policy in the field of energy.
The selection process was based on an open and flexible approach, integrating some of the themes to
involve more stakeholders and achieve a greater impact of the projects.
ENERGY-SOM Working Group Thematic Report 2016-F
Energy   Research                                             Topics
WIND ENERGY       -        Advancement of small/medium-scale wind turbines in EULAC countries
                  -        Integration of wind generation into existing electricity grids
BIOENERGY              -   Development of cost-effective and sustainable advanced bioenergy
                           technologies with biomass feedstock flexibility
                       -   Cost-effective biomass availability, supply and storage systems optimization to
                           reduce feedstock uncertainty for bioenergy production.
                       -   Assessing and monitoring the four dimensions of sustainability (economic,
                           environmental, social and institutional) for bioenergy to ensure governance and
                           compliance with biomass value chains sustainability goals.
SOLAR THERMAL          -   Solar technology development for industrial process heat
                       -   Solar resource assessment
                       -   Energy Storage technologies
SOLAR                  -   Novel concept in cost-effective constructive systems based on solar technology
PHOTOVOLTAIC               in buildings and urban areas
ENERGY EFFICIENCY      -   Novel concept in cost-effective constructive systems based on solar technology
                           for the built environment
GEOTHERMAL             -   Capacity Building: increasing geothermal human capacities in Latin America and
                           Caribbean countries.
                       -   Fostering networks (EU-CELAC) for knowledge exchange

In order to fund research activities a ranked list of themes was elaborated and presented to the EU-CELAC
SOM where the topics for the first ERANet-LAC joint call were endorsed. Two topics on bioenergy and solar
energies were finally selected: Small-scale self-sustainable biorefineries for multi-feedstock processing of
agro-industrial and urban wastes for advanced biofuels, biobased chemicals and biomaterials; and
Towards Zero Carbon Energy Systems for heating and cooling processes by means of solar technologies
including the envelopes of the buildings.

Since bioenergy is part of the renewables and also is encompassed as part of the bioeconomy domains, the
leaders and partners involved in the energy and bioeconomy work packages and SOM thematic groups
have established synergies towards the identification of topics under the biomass. As a result the following
topics for biorefinery products were identified as of mutual interest for joint call purposes:
- Valorization of agro-industrial and urban residues at current biomass processing and consumption
    sites. Biorefinery of wet biomass – energy efficient processing
- Lignocellulosic Biorefinery platform - production of high-value bio-based products
- Green Biorefinery: Energy intensification and new bioproducts from wet biomass

For the second ERANet-LAC joint call, the funding agencies selected two topics on wind and solar energy:
Advancement of small/medium-scale turbines in EULAC countries; and Energy storage technologies.

       Policy dialogue

The policy dialogue process has been supported through the meetings which are regularly arranged back to
back thematic activities arranged under ALCUENET project activities and the SOM Working Group on
Renewable Energies. To optimize resources, joint activities with other project meetings or thematic
workshops have been sought. At these meetings, stakeholders from governmental institutions and
representatives from international organizations, industries, universities and NGOs from EU-CELAC

ENERGY-SOM Working Group Thematic Report 2016-F
countries familiar with national priorities and policies give inputs for the elaboration of policy concept
notes and recommendations for the SOM Members.

As a result of the ALCUE NET Geothermal Energy Workshop that took place on 9-11 December 2014, Salta,
Argentina, the scope of the EU-CELAC SOM political agenda in science and technology enlarged its scope by
including the geothermal energy. This increases the opportunities for bi-regional cooperation in the area
of energy.

The roadmap for activities in the energy area has incorporated activities and meetings, coordinated by
CONACYT and MINECO as the co-leaders of the Working Group on Renewable Energies, where this non-
conventional energy is included together with capacity building and training, as well as ocean energy as
another common interest area for EU-CELAC cooperation.

1st ERANet-LAC Joint Call. The first transnational call under the ERANet-LAC project was successfully
completed on 27th November 2014. The 20 participating funding organizations from Europe, Latin America
and the Caribbean countries received a total of 90 proposals. The proposals submitted in the first joint call
address the following thematic fields: Biodiversity (18%) Bioeconomy/Energy (57%) and Health (25%). Each
consortium is composed of experts from at least two countries in each region. Approximately a quarter of
the proposals involve innovation actors. Since ERANet-LAC has a particular focus on the innovation
dimension, the project strives to involve innovation actors in all types of activities of the project.
In total, 20 national/regional funding organizations have agreed to participate in the first ERANet-LAC Joint
Call for funding research projects. In concrete, in the energy topic “Towards Zero Carbon Energy Systems
for heating and cooling in industrial processes by means of solar technologies including the envelopes of
the buildings” participated Argentina, Chile, Dominican Republic, France, Mexico, Norway, Panama, Peru,
Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey, Uruguay.
 As a result of the 1st ERANet-LAC joint call, 20 funding organizations from Europe, Latin America and the
Caribbean countries funded 14 transnational research and innovation projects. 79 research institutions and
small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from both regions are involved in the international consortia. The
total financial volume amounts to 10.4 million €. The projects address the thematic fields Bioeconomy,
Health, Biodiversity and Energy. In total, 90 proposals involving 533 applicants from research institutions
and SMEs were submitted. Approximately a quarter of the proposals involve innovation actors.

Actions in progress
- Energy reports: Aimed at providing inputs for a comprehensive analysis of the potential in science,
    technology and innovation in the renewable energies
- Follow up of the activities of existing “Observatories” operated in EU-CELAC countries - “Observatorio
    de Energía Renovable para América Latina y el Caribe” under OLADE (Organización Latinoamericana de
    Energía), observatories for energy indicators, new sectoral regulations, etc. Also the activities of
    international organizations related to the energy sector like IRENA, IEA, WEC, IDB, ECLAC to be taken
    into consideration.

       Future activities

Aimed at sharing knowledge on research infrastructures and key initiatives to facilitate the development of
R&I projects between both regions; promoting partnerships between the scientific communities from both
regions; exploring common priority topics for both regions (ocean energy and others); identifying funding
opportunities on renewable energies at the bi-regional level; disseminating information on the advances of
bi-regional cooperation; strengthening ST&I policy dialogue.

ENERGY-SOM Working Group Thematic Report 2016-F
Upcoming events
- Thematic experts workshop in Portugal (T2.2)
- Thematic experts workshop in Brazil (35 persons/2 days) (T2.2)

Thematic studies
To be further conceptualized on the basis of the results achieved after the 2nd product delivered in the first
quarter 2016 and the conclusions and agreements reached at the SOM 2016 in order to better align them
towards the sustainability of the EU-CELAC cooperation in energy issues in ST&I
Energy reports: Aimed at providing inputs for a comprehensive analysis of the potential in science,
technology and innovation in the renewable energies to provide an overview on the basis of research, both
academic and industrial, as well as interest towards international cooperation in key areas of the energy
sector, identified by the European Union.
Strategic analysis for STI cooperation in the energy field: current status of energy research base, whether
academic or industrial, with potential and interest towards international cooperation within key areas of
bi-regional interest in energy to support the development of a strategy for cooperation in STI on energy
issues between both regions.

Research energy infrastructures
Proposal for a coordination action aimed at opening existing research infrastructures with a view to
establish joint structures in the long-term and to keep an ‘open door’ policy, trying to reinforce EU and LAC
researchers access to infrastructures (e.g. ESFRI)

“Common Use and Access to National Infrastructures – Pilot Action”
Mexico and Spain are exploring a first draft of inventory of Energy National Research Infrastructures which
wish to joint to this EU LAC initiative.
The objective of this action is to enhance and foster synergies and the cooperation among countries of
both regions, with a double goal of supporting research but also high qualified training. Collaboration
opportunities for EU LAC researchers and Joint public research projects of common interest could be
supported following traditional ERANET instrument rules.

       Research Projects will be participated by consortia formed by EU LAC countries.
       The R&D proposal must be acceptable to the hosting infrastructures (technical feasibility of the
        project or experiment, timing etc.).
       The number of access grants per year and the duration of the stay will be limited and agreed with
        the Research Infrastructure.

Promote opening and coordination of innovation programmes
“ERANet-LAC Innovation Forum” Aimed at increasing innovation projects between agents from both
regions. ERANet-LAC seeks to foster the cooperation between research and innovation actors while
boosting the bi-regional cooperation, particularly at a funding agencies’ level, taking into account the
whole innovation cycle when designing common programs.
In the frame of ERANet-LAC, FECYT (Spain); IRD (France) and DLR (Germany ) are organizing a participative
Innovation Forum focused on innovation policies and measures, both public and private, analyzing the
main barriers and proposing solutions for them, and developing recommendations. The targeted audience
includes programme managers and designers of innovation funding agencies, from the EU-CELAC countries
and innovation stakeholders.
Venue, Madrid, 23-24 of May, 2016.
Coordination of existing projects, staff exchanges.
“Pilot Coordination Actions”

ENERGY-SOM Working Group Thematic Report 2016-F
In the frame of the activities of the ERANet-LAC project the Pilot Coordination Actions promote mutual
opening and coordination of existing research programmes and infrastructures. Six out of 25 proposals
received for PCAs with an average of 6 partners per project from 23 different countries are funded. The
activities of said actions started in January 2015. The proposals selected for funding have received technical
and financial support for the organization of working meetings aimed at defining common research
agendas or a roadmap for mutual opening of programmes. Two of them include energy related activities
which can lead to joint projects in this area: a) deepening on geothermal potential of volcanic fields as well
as in training of young scientists. Recommendations on possible topics in the geothermal area for joint call
as well as in further activities in capacity building at the bi-regional level b) access of the researchers to the
different infrastructures.

Promotion of capacity building activities:
Implementation of the proposal for EU-LAC short term courses in geothermal energy and a Masters in
geothermal energy and an international network for geothermal development in the region -high enthalpy
and low enthalpy alternatives- where the Andean Geothermal Center of Excellence (CEGA- in Chile and the Mexican Center for Innovation in Geothermal Energy (CeMIE-Geo, in Mexico could enlarge their training programs and geothermal research
development to other entities and universities in the region to perform joint geothermal research.

Dissemination of opportunities for third countries in European Union's Innovation and Research
Framework Programme - Horizon 2020, ERANET LAC, progress made by the SOM thematic groups

Exploring the opportunities for EU-CELAC cooperation and coordination of research activities under the
national or regional level in the EU Member States and Associated States in the energy domain:
See overview of the current ERANET initiatives below. The Graphene Flagship1 (http://graphene- focuses on specific functions
involved in applications including photovoltaics. The ECSEL JTI2 includes the “Smart energy” as one of its
key application as show the following scheme. This ECSEL key application focuses on sustainable energy
generation and conversion, reducing energy consumption, efficient community energy management.

  The Graphene Flagship is a Future and Emerging Technology Flagship by the European Commission. With a budget of
€1 billion, the Graphene Flagship represent a new form of joint, coordinated research on an unprecedented scale,
forming Europe's biggest ever research initiative (
  ECSEL Joint Undertaking is a Public-Private Partnership which aims with to contribute to the development of a strong
and globally competitive electronics components and systems industry in the European Union.
ENERGY-SOM Working Group Thematic Report 2016-F
3        Cooperation Actions and instruments: Road Map for implementation

Activity           Concrete Actions                                                   Work progress      Instruments &      Indicators +      Timeline
                                                                                                         resources          Impact
1st Joint Call –   20 funding organizations from EU-LAC countries                     DONE               ALCUENET           Number and        2014-2015
ERANet-LAC         79 research institutions and small and medium enterprises                             +ERANet-LAC        quality of EU-
Bi-regional        (SMEs) from both regions involved in the consortia                                    projects           LAC projects
collaborative      14 transnational R&D projects (10.4 million €)                                                           funded
projects           Energy Projects - 4,898,789.50 EUR
                   Solar energy: Towards Zero Carbon Energy Systems - 2 funded
                   projects (1,507,167.50 EUR)
                   Energy-Biomass: Small scale self-sustainable biorefineries –
                   5 funded projects (3,391,622.00 EUR)
Bi-regional        Concrete inputs for the SOM political agenda in ST&I:              DONE               ALCUE NET          EU-CELAC          2014-2015
common             Geothermal energy in the roadmap for activities in the energy                         Geothermal         SOM political
interest areas     area; exchanging experiences and good practices; possibilities                        Energy             agenda in
for joint calls    to develop proposals for capacity building activities for training                    Workshop,          ST&I.
                   experts and specialists at the bi-regional level.                                     Salta, Argentina   Two call topics
                   Ocean energy is being under consideration for potential bi-                                              description on
                   regional activities following the interest of the European                                               geothermal
                   Commission and CELAC countries.                                                                          energy for the
                   Direct inputs to the first and second joint calls launched under                                         2nd joint call
                   the ERA Net-LAC project.
Solar energy:      Promote high-quality research, development and innovation          DONE – Update      ALCUE NET          EU-CELAC Join     2014
Bi-regional        projects in the area of renewable energies and energy efficiency   and revision of    Energy             calls &
common             and to facilitate the collaboration between research and           common interest    Workshop,          number and
interest areas     industrial sectors taking advantage of the International           areas and topics   Sevilla, Spain     quality of
for joint          Conference on Concentrated Solar Power CSP Today 2014              fine tuning in                        projects
activities in                                                                         solar energy                          funded
solar energy
Capacity           -Elaboration of a proposal and recommendations for                 Annual itinerant   ALCUENET bi-       Expansion of      2015 (May)
building and       implementing EU-LAC short term courses and a Masters in            model proposed     regional           the LAC
  ENERGY-SOM Working Group Thematic Report 2016-F
networking        geothermal energy                                                     for a Latin            activities in      Network of
activities        -Proposal for developing an international network for                 American course        work               NCPs,
                  geothermal development in the region -high enthalpy and low           on geothermal          programme,         participation
                  enthalpy alternatives- where the Andean Geothermal Center of          energy, different      geothermal         in
                  Excellence ( in Chile and the             countries (4-5         energy and         Horizon2020
                  Mexican Center for Innovation in Geothermal Energy (CeMIE-            lectures and a         capacity           and ERANet-
                  Geo, in Mexico could enlarge their training         period of practical    building           LAC calls
                  programs and geothermal research development to other                 field work) -          workshops in
                  entities and universities in the region to perform joint              under                  Salta, Argentina
                  geothermal research.                                                  consideration for      and Bridgetown,
                  -Strengthening the capacities of existing LAC NCP and expansion       joint activities.      Barbados
                  LAC Energy NCPs network: Dissemination of opportunities for
                  third countries in European Union's Innovation and Research
                  Framework Programme - Horizon 2020, ERANET LAC, progress
                  made by the SOM thematic groups
Opportunities     - Explore the possibilities of a pilot project of bi-regional         Dialogue               ALCUE NET – Collaborative            2016 - 2017
for cooperation       interest in renewable energies within the framework of            established            CYTED Thematic projects
with other            CYTED                                                             between ALCUE          Meeting     on
programmes/in     - More than 10 ongoing ERANET scheme initiatives in the               NET, ERA Net-LAC       Renewable
itiatives             frame of H2020, 5 European Technology Platforms,                  and CYTED .            Energies, &
                      Consortium Research Programmes under CYTED and other              First draft of         ALCUE NET
                      CELAC regional initiatives in the energy field- identified as     existing initiatives   Workshop on
                      important opportunities to foster bi-regional cooperation in      for supporting         Renewables
                      this sector.                                                      R&I and capacity       CONACYT,
                  - At national or regional level in the EU Member States and           building actions       Mexico.
                      Associated States in the energy domain. See overview of           on renewable           Working Group
                      the current ERANET initiatives, the Graphene Flagship3 &          energies.              on Renewable
                      the ECSEL JTI4 “Smart energy” - focus on sustainable energy                              Energies
                      generation and conversion, reducing energy consumption,
                      efficient community energy management.

   The Graphene Flagship is a Future and Emerging Technology Flagship by the European Commission. With a budget of €1 billion, the Graphene Flagship represent a
 new form of joint, coordinated research on an unprecedented scale, forming Europe's biggest ever research initiative (
   ECSEL Joint Undertaking is a Public-Private Partnership which aims with to contribute to the development of a strong and globally competitive electronics
 components and systems industry in the European Union.
 ENERGY-SOM Working Group Thematic Report 2016-F
Synergies with      Common grounds with EU-CELAC activities -instruments for DONE                             EU-MEX           Inputs      on 2015
projects/initiati   collaboration, priority areas identified. Joint work and activities                       INNOVA           identified
ves -               on common priorities –geothermal, wind, solar and bioenergy-                              workshop-        initiatives in
opportunities       for increased collaboration and networking.                                               Energy Week      both regions
for cooperation                                                                                               Brussels
and optimize
2nd ERANet-         Topics selection process:                            Launched                             ERANET LAC       Number and         2015-2016
LAC Joint Call      Wind Energy - Advancement of small/medium-scale wind December 2015                                         quality of EU-
on Research         turbines in EULAC countries                                                                                LAC projects
and Innovation      Solar energy – Energy storage technologies                                                                 funded

Support to the      Relevant documentation produced as part of the objectives of         1st and 2nd phases   ALCUNET          Support the        First quarter
strategy for STI    the WG to support the making decision process for joint              DONE                                  making             2016
cooperation         activities. Strategic analysis of the potential in ST&I in                                                 decision
energy issues       renewable energies in LAC countries to provide an overview on                                              process for
between both        the basis of research, both academic and industrial, as well as                                            joint activities
regions             interest towards international cooperation in key areas of the
                    energy sector, identified by the European Union.
Promote             Build a coordination action aimed at opening existing research       Mexico and Spain     Interested FAs   Increase the       2016
opening of          infrastructures (e.g. laboratories) with a view to establish joint   exploring a first                     collaboration
energy              structures in the long-term and to keep an ‘open door’ policy,       draft of an                           between
infrastructures     trying to reinforce EU and LAC researchers access to                 Inventory of                          researchers
                    infrastructures (e.g. ESFRI).                                        Energy National                       from EU and
                    “Common Use and Access to National Infrastructures – Pilot           Research                              LAC
                    Action” aimed at enhancing and fostering synergies and the           Infrastructures
                    cooperation among countries of both regions, with a double           wishing to joint
                    goal of supporting research but also high qualified training.        this EU LAC
                    Traditional ERANET instrument rules: EU-CELAC consortia,             initiative.
                    technical feasibility of the project or experiment, timing etc..
                    Number of access grants per year and duration of stay agreed
                    with the Research Infrastructure.
Promote             Participative Innovation Forum focused on innovation policies        On-going             “ERANet-LAC      Increase of        23-24 of
opening and         and measures, both public and private, analyzing the main                                 Innovation       innovation         May, 2016.
  ENERGY-SOM Working Group Thematic Report 2016-F
coordination of   barriers and proposing solutions for them, and developing               Forum” Madrid,       projects
innovation        recommendations. The targeted audience includes programme               Spain                between
programmes        managers and designers of innovation funding agencies, from                                  agents from
                  the EU-CELAC countries and innovation stakeholders.                                          both regions

Appointment of    Expressions of interest and commitment to support the WG      Ongoing   EU-CELAC SOM         EU-CELAC        2016
EU-CELAC                                                                                                       countries and
representative                                                                                                 reps.
to join the SOM                                                                                                appointed
energy WG
Horizon 2020      Work programme of the Horizon 2020 reviewed in order to Ongoing         Project activities   Number of       2016-2017
                  identify calls for potential partnership                                                     projects with


 ENERGY-SOM Working Group Thematic Report 2016-F
4       Summary of EU-CELAC SOM decisions-making issues

 Lines for action for potential EU-LAC collaboration in renewable energies and ideas to enhance bi-regional
cooperation on R&I and future sustainability beyond lifetime of on-going supporting projects and initiatives

Opening of research energy infrastructures
Proposal for a coordination action aimed at opening existing research infrastructures with a view to
establish joint structures in the long-term and to keep an ‘open door’ policy, trying to reinforce EU and LAC
researchers access to infrastructures (e.g. ESFRI) - “Common Use and Access to National Infrastructures –
Pilot Action”

Capacity building activities
Implementation of the proposal for EU-LAC short term courses in geothermal energy and a Masters in
geothermal energy and an international network for geothermal development in the region -high enthalpy
and low enthalpy alternatives- where the Andean Geothermal Center of Excellence (CEGA- in Chile and the Mexican Center for Innovation in Geothermal Energy (CeMIE-Geo, in Mexico could enlarge their training programs and geothermal research
development to other entities and universities in the region to perform joint geothermal research.

Cooperation and coordination of research activities
Evaluate the opportunities for EU-CELAC cooperation and coordination of research activities under the
national or regional level in the EU Member States and Associated States in the energy domain (The
Graphene Flagship, ECSEL JTI5 includes the “Smart energy”; European Technology Platforms (ETPs);
encourage the opening of European initiatives like ERANets and Joint Programming Initiatives to CELAC
countries participation.

Explore the possibilities of implementing a strategic pilot project of bi-regional interest in renewable
energy within the framework of the activities of the Ibero-American Programme for Science and
Technology Development (CYTED). First steps done through the ALCUENET-CYTED Thematic Meeting with
the co-leaders of the Working Group on Renewable Energies, together with the thematic area managers of
CYTED, and key thematic experts.

Promote specific topics for the calls in the next Work Programme of the Horizon 2020 in support to the
implementation of the EU-CELAC JIRI in the energy thematic field.

Enhanced interaction with regional initiatives in the field and regional thematic nets in the energy field
In particular with the Regional Observatory on Renewable Energy in LAC initiated as a UNIDO regional
Program most notably with regard the implementation of the activities carried out in support of the
Working Group on Renewable Energies in the frame of the ALCUENT project linked with to the promotion
of cooperation between countries of the region and among energy agents of each country and the
development of a tool to share technologies, successful experiences, information on specific projects,
existing financing mechanisms, successful legal practices and any information aimed at harnessing the
potential of renewable energy technologies to meet the energy needs.

 ECSEL Joint Undertaking is a Public-Private Partnership which aims with to contribute to the development of a strong
and globally competitive electronics components and systems industry in the European Union.
Appointment of EU-CELAC representative to join the SOM energy WG
Appoint representatives both at institutional and technical levels. Include CELAC Energy NCPs officially
nominated due to their expertise in cooperation with the EU.

Sustainability of bi-regional cooperation on energy ST&I
Support the establishment of the Platform of Funding Agencies for the implementation of the EU-CELAC
JIRI in the frame of the ERANet-LAC project activities, particularly in the energy thematic area.
Annex 1 Position on Energy Efficiency Non-Paper
The Position on Energy Efficiency Non-Paper elaborated under ALCUE NET as well as the topics elaboration
and selection process for joint calls and all pilot activities executed in support to the Renewable Energies
Working Group are in line with the SET Plan as the guiding initiative of the EU research and innovation
policy in the field of energy.
Annex 2. First draft of existing initiatives for supporting R&I and
     capacity building actions on renewable energies - European
     joint activities
     At European level, some joint initiatives related to energy are implemented jointly by the European
     Commission, Member States and Associated Countries. The table below provides an overview of the
     current ERANET initiatives, aiming at promoting the cooperation and coordination of research activities
     carried out at the national or regional level in the EU Member States and Associated States in the energy
  Energy                                                                                      Participating
 Research      FP                                     Thematic scope                           countries          Calls
                                  NEWA aims to integrate and coordinate national
                                  efforts towards the creation and publication of a New
                                  European Wind Atlas. The Atlas, based on improved
                                  modelling competencies on atmospheric flow and its
                      NEWA        interactions with wind turbines and wind farms, will
                      http://eu   cover all EU Member States and some Associated              BE; DK, DE; LV;   One call
                      windatlas   Countries, as well as their exclusive economic zones,       PT; ES; SE; TK    2014
                      .eu/        both onshore and offshore, and should become a key
                                  tool not only for manufacturers and developers, but
                                  also for public authorities and decision-makers, by
  WIND                            reducing overall uncertainties in determining wind
 ENERGY                           conditions
                                                                                              BE; DK; NL;
                                                                                              NO; ES; UK
             FP7      DEMOWI
                                  DemoWind aims to support the development and
                                  demonstration of innovative technologies which can
                                  reduce the cost of offshore wind energy. DemoWind
                      DEMOWI      will target capital intensive, industry-led
                      ND 2        demonstration projects that would be difficult or
             H2020    http://w    impossible for a single country to support.
                                  Bioenergy Sustaining the Future (BESTF) will provide        AT; DK; FI; DE;
                      BESTF 1 –
                                  funding to collaborative bioenergy projects that            NL; PL; ES;
             FP7 -                demonstrate at least one innovative step and will           SW; UK            2013 -
BIOENERGY             http://er
             H2020                result in demonstration at a pre-commercial stage.                            2016
                                  Boosting the contribution of bioenergy to the EU
                                  climate and energy ambitions.
                                  SOLAR-ERA.NET focuses its activities on the field of
             FP7      SOLAR       solar electricity generation, i.e. photovoltaics (PV) and
SOLAR                 ERANET      concentrating solar power (CSP) / solar thermal
                                                                                              AT; BE; CY; FI;
THERMAL/S             http://w    electricity (STE). SOLAR-ERA.NET shall contribute to
                                                                                              FR; DE; HE; IT;   2013 -
OLAR           reaching the objectives of the Solar Europe Industry
                                                                                              NL; PL; ES: SE;   2016
PHOTOVOLT       Initiative by carrying out the coordination and support
                                                                                              CH; TK; UK
AIC                               actions for the implementation of the SEII between
                      SOLAR       national and regional RTD and innovation
             H2020                programmes.
                      ERANET II
                      M ERA II    M-ERA.NET provides a central forum where                    AT; BE; BR; CY;   2016-
             H2020    (Material   substantial pan-European funding and research               DE; EE; ES; FR;   2021
                      science     programmes can be aligned. The consortium aims to           HU; IE; IL; IS;
and         address societal challenges and technological needs        IT; LU; LV; NL;   March
                      engineeri   with an interdisciplinary approach, creating a flexible    NO; PL; PT;       2016
                      ng)         umbrella structure to allow coverage of topics in          RO; RU; SE; SI;   launch
                      http://w    materials science and engineering. As a core activity, a   SK; TR; TW; ZA    co-fund
                      ww.m-       series of joint calls for transnational RTD projects are                     call with
                implemented.                                                                 energy
                      Geother     The Geothermal ERA-NET is focusing on the utilization      IS; NL; CH; IT;   -
                      mal         of geothermal energy applications that involve direct      DE; FR; TR; SL;
                      http://w    heating and power generation, thus medium-high             HU
                      ww.geoth    enthalpy resources and reserves.
GEOTHERM              ermalera
                                  Pending                                                    At least: IS;     2017
                      Geother                                                                NL; CH; IT; DE;   (pending)
                      mal                                                                    FR; TR; ES. In

   Following the previous table, some other geographical ERANETs also focus their activities on energy calls
   and programs such as ERANETMED ( ) to enhance Euro-Mediterranean co-
   ownership through innovation and competitive research in the societal challenges of the region, CONCERT-
   JAPAN ( support and enhance science, technology and innovation (STI)
   cooperation between European countries and Japan.
   In addition to the previous ERANETs, other big European initiatives implement programs and fund projects
   related     to     energy.     The    WP9      of     the    Graphene       Flagship6   (http://graphene- focuses on specific functions
   involved in applications including photovoltaics. The ECSEL JTI7 includes the “Smart energy” as one of its
   key application as show the following scheme. This ECSEL key application focuses on sustainable energy
   generation and conversion, reducing energy consumption, efficient community energy management.

     The Graphene Flagship is a Future and Emerging Technology Flagship by the European Commission. With a budget of
   €1 billion, the Graphene Flagship represent a new form of joint, coordinated research on an unprecedented scale,
   forming Europe's biggest ever research initiative (
     ECSEL Joint Undertaking is a Public-Private Partnership which aims with to contribute to the development of a strong
   and globally competitive electronics components and systems industry in the European Union.
Finally, the table below provides an overview of the European Technology Platforms in the energy domain.

Energy Research Areas                Acronym                                          Scope
                                                            The European Technology Platform for Wind Energy
                                                            (TPWind) is the indispensable forum for the
                                                            crystallisation of policy and technology research
                                                            and development pathways for the wind energy
                         TP WIND                            sector, as well as an opportunity for informal
                                                            collaboration among Member States including
                       those less developed in terms of wind energy. The
                                                            objective of TPWind is to identify areas for
                                                            increased innovation, new and existing research
                                                            and development tasks
                                                            The European Biofuels Technology Platform actively
                                                            engages with biofuels stakeholders (researchers,
                                                            academia, civil societies, industry), EC-funded
                                                            research projects and initiatives, related European
                                                            TPs and global biofuels organisations in a wide
     BIOENERGY                                              range of activites relevant to the R&D&D of
                                                            sustainable advanced biofuels in Europe. In
                                                            particular, the EBTP has developed a Strategic
                                                            Research Agenda for Biofuels in Europe and is
                                                            actively involved in the European Industrial
                                                            Bioenergy Initiative EIBI.
                                                            The Platform’s mission is to develop a strategy and
                                                            corresponding implementation plan for education,
SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC                                          research & technology development, innovation
                                                            and market deployment of photovoltaic solar
                                                            energy, to realise its vision.
                                                            The European Technology Platform on Renewable
                                                            Heating & Cooling (RHC-Platform) directs its efforts
                         RHC Platform http://www.rhc-       toward the coordination of European, national,
                                regional and local research, development and
                                                            deployment programmes and initiatives in the
                                                            renewable heating and cooling sector
                                                            The European Technology Platform on Renewable
                                                            Heating & Cooling (RHC-Platform) brings together
                                                            stakeholders from the biomass, geothermal and
GEOTHERMAL                                                  solar thermal sector - including the related
                                                            industries - to define a common strategy for
                                                            increasing the use of renewable energy
                                                            technologies for heating and cooling.
Annex 3. Renewable Energies Working Group -
FIRST NAME       LAST NAME             INSTITUTION                                                    COUNTRY
Aarón            Sánchez Juárez        IER-UNAM-Instituto de Energías Renovables                      Mexico
Adolfo           Anguiano              Secretaría de Energía                                          Mexico
Adriano          Duarte Filho          Ministry for ST&I                                              Brazil
Agustin          Escardino Malva       European Commission                                            EC
Agustín          Segovia               Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología                       Mexico
Agustín          Segovia               Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologìa                       Spain-Mexico
Akexandra        Silén                 Embajada de Denmark                                            Denmark
Alberto José     Delgado Dos Reis      Laboratorio Nacional de Energía e Geología, I.P. (LNEG)        Portugal
Alejandra        Álvarez               Dirección Nacional de Relaciones Internacionales               Argentina
Alejandro        Brenes Winiker        Enertiva                                                       Costa Rica
Alejandro         Amerena Carswell     SENER                                                          Mexico
Alexis           Valqui, Dr.           Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Q.53 - Technical        Germany
                                       Cooperation in Lateinamerica and the Caribbean
Alexis           de Greiff                                                                            Colombia
Alfredo          Martinez-Jimenez      UNAM Instituto de Biotecnología                                Mexico
Alina C.         Celi                  FUNIBER, Florianópolis                                         Brazil
Allan            Leest                 Embajada de Denmark                                            Denmark
Almudena         Carrero Escribano,    Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT)     Spain
Amparo           González Espartero    CIEMAT-Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas y                 Spain
Ana Luiza        Lima                  IBICT-Inst. Brazileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia   Brazil-MCT
André            de Courville          CIRAD                                                          France
Andrzej          Rogulski              Ministry of National Education                                 France
Angel            Cárdenas              Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Mexico                Mexico
Angel            Corbi, Dr.            CSIC-Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas                      Spain
Ángel            Landabaso Álvarez     EU Delegation to Brazil                                        EC
Angeles          Macías                Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación                             Spain
Anibal Enrique   Barroto, Dr.          Universidad Cienfuegos                                         Cuba
Annie             Marchegay            Embajada de France                                             France
Antonio          Pérez Rodríguez, Ing. Centro Mario Molina                                            Mexico
Antonio          Joyce, Dr.            Evora University/Solar European Industrial Initiative          Portugal
Antonio          Urbano Castelán,      SEES-DIE-CINVESTAV-IPN                                         Mexico
Aroldo           Leal de Andrade       CNPq                                                           Brazil
Arturo           Sánchez Carmona       Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del I.P.N.        Mexico
Arturon          Fernández Madrigal IER-UNAM-Instituto de Energías Renovables                         Mexico
Astrid           Walterman             National Commission for Scientific and Technological           Chile
                                       Research - CONICYT Chile
Atilio           Castagnaro            Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Columbres          Argentina
Barbara          Escudero              Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores                            Mexico
Bárbara          de Sant’Anna          Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia-Brazil                      Brazil
Basile           Papadopoulos          European Commission                                            EC
Bayard           Beling Morales        STE Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento                                 Brazil
Bjorn              Welin, Dr.             Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres     Argentina
Camilo A.          Arancibia Bulnes       IER-UNAM-Instituto de Energías Renovables                 Mexico
Carlos             Casasus                CUDI                                                      Mexico
Carlos             Ramos Berumen, Ing.    Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas                   Mexico
Carlos             Patiño Gómez, Dr.      Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua                 Mexico
Carlos             Meza Benavides         Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica                       Costa Rica
Carlos             Cascante               Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología                        Costa Rica
Carlos             Cadena                 Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva Argentina
Carlos             García Bustamante      Red Mexicana de Bioenergía AC, REMBIO                     Mexico
Carlos             Ortíz                  Secretaría de Energía - SENER                             Mexico
Carlos             Meza Benavides         UNESCO-International -Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
                                                                                                    Costa Rica
Carlos Ángel       Torres G.              Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores                       Mexico
Carlos Augusto      Mattos                                                                          Brazil
Carlos Roberto     Ochoa Córdova          Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología                  El Salvador
Carmen             Agüero Castañeda       Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Mexico
Carmen Giovana     Granados Ramírez       Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados           Mexico
Cecilia Beatriz    de Soto Martínez       Cámara de Industrias de Uruguay                           Uruguay
Celia              Marín Rosas            INSTITUTO MEXICANO DEL PETRÓLEO                           Mexico
Cesár              Angeles Camacho        UNAM- Instituto de Ingeniería                             Mexico
César              Talavera Galeano       Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología                  Paraguay
César              Angeles Camacho        Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México                   Mexico
César              Arreola                Secretaría de Energía                                     Mexico
Christiane Marie   Daem                   Centro de Estudios de la Relación entre la UE y AL        Belgium
Christoph           Meyenburg             Embajada de Austria                                       Austria
Christophe          Montagnon             CIRAD                                                     France-MX
Christopher        Rawlings               British Council Mexico                                    UK
Claudia            Guerrero Monteza       Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación   Panama
Claudio            de Castro Pellegrini   Federal University of São João del Rey                    Brazil
Claudio A.         Estrada Gasca          IER-UNAM-Instituto de Energías Renovables                 Mexico
Consolación        Medrano Vaca, Ing.     Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas                   Mexico
Cornelia           Nauen                  European Commission                                       EC
Daniel             Villavicencio, Dr.     Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana                        Mexico
Daniel Fernando    Pratto                 Centro de Investigación en Mecatrónica Automotriz – CIMA Mexico
Davi Ezequiel      François               Pontifical Catholic Univ. of Rio Grande do Sul            Brazil
David              Perez Martin           CUBAENERGIA                                               Cuba
David              Schmidt                Embajada de la República Federal de Germany               Germany
Delfa               Capelo Ayala          Universidad de Cuenca                                     Ecuador
Diassina           Di Maggio              Agenzia para la Promozione della Ricerca Europea          Italy
Diego              De Morata              CEGA Andean Geothermal Centre of Excellence - UCH - Chile Chile
Dietling           Jering                 European Commission SDME                                  Belgium
Eder               Caballero              INSTITUTO DE RECONVERSIÓN PRODUCTIVA Y                    Mexico
Edgar              Santoyo, Dr.           Centro de Investigación en Energía                        Mexico
Edgar              Berrezueta Alvarado    Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME)             Spain
Edgardo            Rubianes               ANII                                                      Uruguay
Eduardo            Trigo                  CEO                                                       Argentina
Emiliano           Pérezagua, Dr.         CONACYT                                                   Mexico
Emiliano           Pérezagua, Dr.         ETP                                                       Spain
Emilien            Simonot                REOLTEC                                                   Spain
Enio               Nascimento de          CNPq Brazil                                               Brazil
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