Emmet Cohen Trio and the Live from - Emmet's Place All-Stars - Purdue University

Page created by Jordan Ramos
Emmet Cohen Trio and the Live from - Emmet's Place All-Stars - Purdue University
Emmet Cohen
Trio          and the Live from
              Emmet's Place All-Stars
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Loeb Playhouse
Emmet Cohen Trio and the Live from - Emmet's Place All-Stars - Purdue University
                                These stellar individuals are devoted arts advocates, stewards of Friends of
                                Convocations financial resources, and advisors to Convocations in all areas of
                                work. We’d like to give special thanks to these volunteers who are serving for the
OUR MISSION                     2021-22 performance season.
Purdue Convocations catalyzes
the curriculum, energizes the   OFFICERS
community and distinguishes     Vince Sitterding – President                  Lorraine Kisselburgh – Vice President
Purdue through powerful
performances, illuminating      MEMBERS
discourse and extraordinary     Bruce Craig               Marti Gutwein               Mike Moya               Jason Ware
learning encounters.            Johanna Downey            Patrick Harper              Dawn Ogas               Jon Wright
                                Natasha Duncan            Tammy Loew                  Sujatha Ramani
Purdue University has a rich    Sherri Guido              Sijia Lu                    Sandra Sydnor
history of bringing concerts,
lectures and performances to
campus. In 1902, the “Lecture   Info to Know
and Concert Course” was
first offered, creating the     PROTECT PURDUE is the University’s                     RESTROOMS are located at the north and
                                comprehensive plan to keep our campus and              south ends of the lower lobby of Elliott Hall
earliest iteration of what is
                                our community safe by limiting the spread of           of Music. Additional restrooms are located
now Purdue Convocations.
                                COVID-19. Guidance regarding campus visitors,          at the north and south ends of each balcony.
Over the years, the names and
                                social distancing, mask protocols and/or other         Loeb Playhouse restrooms are located off of
formats have changed, but one
                                requirements will be dictated by Protect Purdue        the lobby down one flight of stairs. Additional
thing has remained constant:
                                policies in effect at the time of each event. As of    restrooms are located on the main floor of
the desire to expand the
                                early December 2021, masks are required to             Stewart Center and HSSE Library (when open).
Purdue experience beyond the
                                be worn in ALL indoor spaces, regardless of
                                vaccination status.                                    CHILDREN
                                                                                       We ask that you please use discretion in
Photos by Gabriela
                                ACCESSIBILITY                                          deciding what is appropriate for a child to
                                • Wheelchair seating is available at all indoor        ensure a quality experience for all patrons. All
                                  venues with companion seating nearby.                patrons, including infants on laps, must have
                                • Audio induction hearing loop systems are             a ticket due to fire marshal requirements. You
                                  available in Elliott Hall, Fowler Hall and           are responsible for deciding whether a show’s
                                  Loeb Playhouse. Please switch your hearing           content is appropriate for you and your family.
                                  aid setting to T-coil.
                                • Closed captioning and/or sign language               CAMERAS AND RECORDING
                                  interpretation may be available with advance         EQUIPMENT are prohibited unless by
                                  notice and conditional upon the availability         special permission of Convos and the artist.
                                  of qualified service providers. Please request       Flash photography is prohibited at all times.
                                  this service at least 60 days prior to the show.
                                • Service animals are welcome. Special seating         FIRST AID AND LOST AND FOUND
                                  is required. When ordering, request an               can be accessed by contacting any usher or
                                  aisle seat and please inform the box office          house staff member.
                                  that a service animal will be with you.
                                                                                       BUILDING EMERGENCIES will be
                                SMOKING is prohibited in the theatres and              announced and directions given from the stage.
                                campus buildings.

                                        Purdue Convocations / 712 Third Street / Elliott Hall of Music / West Lafayette, IN 47907
                                Email: convocations@purdue.edu / Office: (765) 494-9712 / Box Office: (765) 494-3933 or (800) 914-SHOW
Emmet Cohen Trio and the Live from - Emmet's Place All-Stars - Purdue University
Performance                                              SILVER PARTNERS

       Partners                                                                        Chinese Studies Program/
                                                                                       School of Languages and Cultures

                                                                                       Office of the Vice Provost
                                                                                       for Student Life
 We applaud and appreciate the generosity of these
partners whose support ensures that incredible arts
    experiences are possible in our community.

                   GOLD PARTNERS

                                                                BRONZE PARTNERS

                                                                IVORY PARTNERS

                                                                    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
                                                                    Transgender and Queer Center
                                                                                                       INTEGRATED LIBERAL ARTS
                                                                    Bands & Orchestras

                                                                    Latino Cultural Center

                                                                    Asian American and Asian
                                                                    Resource and Cultural Center

  To learn more about becoming a corporate or campus partner,
       call the Director of Development at (765) 494-9712.
Emmet Cohen Trio and the Live from - Emmet's Place All-Stars - Purdue University
The Convocations Piano Giving                      In order to build a strong base for a powerful Giving Circle,

                                    Circle brings together the Friends of              Friends of Convocations Robert B. and Patricia Peyton Truitt provided a $50,000
                                    Convocations who believe in the importance         matching gift challenge. The Truitts matched, dollar for dollar, all new gifts
                                    of making live piano music performances            and pledges designated to the Convos Piano Giving Circle with a goal of raising
                                    regularly available in our community. By pooling   $100,000 in the inaugural year. The Piano Giving Circle achieved the ambitious
Giving Circle                       resources, the Circle has had a profound impact,
                                    making it possible to program world-class piano
                                                                                       goal in less than two months. John and Elizabeth Schneider, longtime Friends
                                                                                       of Convos, were so inspired by this initiative that they offered the Schneider
                                    performances at affordable ticket prices.          Matching Gift Challenge and a new $130,000 goal was set.
Having been the primary beneficiary of the gift of a new Steinway concert grand        After seeing such great success in the first year of the Piano Giving Circle, Bob and
instrument in 2015, Purdue Convocations has re-ignited its investigation of piano-     Patti Truitt announced the Piano Performance Endowment. The Endowment will
based repertoire. With the opportunities that an extraordinary instrument affords,     be open to anyone who wishes to help support Purdue Convocations’ dedication to
our goal is to showcase the instrument and its divergent repertoire across the         world-class piano music and the Truitt’s have generously agreed to create a $10,000
genres and formats (classical recitals, chamber music, orchestral concerti, jazz       match to inspire support for the new endowment.
ensembles, contemporary music, and more) while generating the support to make

these expressions possible.
The establishment of the Convocations Piano Giving Circle allows donors to make
dedicated gifts to provide restricted support of piano programming, outreach,           PERFORMANCE FUND
research, and maintenance. This fund affords Convocations the confidence and
capacity to program piano-based repertoire, inviting the world’s greatest artists to
our stages and communities well into the future.                                       Taking audiences on a journey through the landscape of remarkable theatrical
                                                                                       experiences is a hallmark of Purdue Convocations. Convos is committed to bringing
Learn more about the Piano Giving Circle by contacting us at (765) 494-9712.
                                                                                       new and engaging artists to our stages that stretch the imagination and boundaries
                                                                                       of audience members of all ages. We are actively seeking projects that go outside
                                                                                       the confines of the theatre and transform the everyday spaces of our community.
                                                                                       The Innovative Performance Fund brings together Friends of Convos who believe
Mike and Heather Armintrout^            Lorraine Kisselburgh^ and Howard Zelaznik      in the intrinsic power of inspired art forms. Sustained support will make this
Virgil Barnes^                         Robert and Beverly Knill^                      initiative a success and help Convos educate and expand our audience members
                                                                                       interested in imaginative innovation across all genres. Your multi-year support
Al and Rebecca Benham                  Clayton Lein^
                                                                                       gives us confidence to present innovative performances well into the future.
Karl and Nancy Brandt^                  Mike and Pam Luenz^
Caterpillar Foundation^                 Don Nead and Caryl Matthews+                  Special thanks to this season’s Innovative Performance Fund members for
CAF America-Dow Chemical                Betty and Dick Nelson                         their continued support.
Claire Chandler                        Janet^ and John* Nine
                                                                                       Mike and Heather Armintrout                Kelley Kimm
Gordon and Harriet Coppoc^             Dawn and Joseph Ogas^
                                                                                       Ronald and Margaret Brender                Chris and Rhonda Peck
Judd Danby                              Lisa Pantea^ and Dan Lybrook
                                                                                       James and Erin Britton                     Jamie Reed
Marshall and Joyce Deutelbaum          Chris and Rhonda Peck^
                                                                                       Becky Brown and Ken Knight                 Arman Salami
David and Janet Elmore                 Judy Rechberger^
                                                                                       Charities Aid Foundation of America        Vince and Ellen Sitterding
Joseph and Suzanne Farrell^             John and Elizabeth Schneider
                                                                                       Judd Danby                                 Ashlyn Smith
Zelda Flye^                             Michael L. Seretny
                                                                                       Jason Dufair and Tammy Swales              Sandra Sydnor
John and Jocelyn Grutzner              Kristine Tiffany^
                                                                                       Helga Dimitrov                             Ronnie Wilbur
Harsh and Suman Harshvardhan           Bob and Patti Truitt
                                                                                       Stephanie and Clayton Farlow               Jon and Casey Wright
Jan Hem                                Ginny Tyler
                                                                                       Joseph and Suzanne Farrell
Jurgen and Josephine Honig             Jason and Sharita Ware^                                                                   Learn more about the Innovative
                                                                                       Michael and Mary Grable
Charles Jones                          Gerald* and Louise Wasserman^                                                             Performance Fund by contacting us at
                                                                                       Dr. Vince and Sherri Guido
Susan Jones and Matt Huffine           Ronnie Wilbur^                                                                            (765) 494-9712. Your support gives us
                                                                                       Pam Hermes and Frank Dooley
                                                                                                                                  the confidence to present innovative
       founding members   ^current members   +additional support from *deceased        Johnson Charitable Gift Fund               performances well into the future.
Emmet Cohen Trio and the Live from - Emmet's Place All-Stars - Purdue University
                                                     powered by Convos

                                                                                                                       Todd Wetzel
                                                                                                             Assistant Vice Provost, Student Life

                                                                                 Executive Director, Purdue Convocations and Elliott Hall of Music/Hall of Music Productions

                                                                                         Dan Metro                                           Mike Armintrout
                                                                                   Senior Associate Director                                Senior Associate Director
                                                                                                                                         Advisor, SCC and TEDxPurdueU
                                                                               ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES
                                                                                     Cameron Wilson                                              MARKETING
                                                                                                                                               James Britton
Visit SCC, CVN and TEDxPurdueU at boilerlink.purdue.edu                         Administrative Services Manager
                                                                                         Kelly Kiser                                          Director of Marketing
                                                                                   Operations Administrator                                   Conner McGuire
                        Established in 1975, the                                     Kirsten Petersen                                         Marketing Coordinator
                        Student Concert Committee                             Manager, Guest Relations/Box Office                            Mollie Siu-Chong
                        (SCC) is equivalent to an                                        Bill Allison                                    Art Director / Graphic Designer
                        internship in the music and                        Theatrical Systems and Facilities Manager                           Shruti Mantha
                        entertainment business.                                                                                               CVN Graduate Advisor
                                                                           EVENT PRODUCTIONS MANAGEMENT
                        Members help select,                                                                                                    Gauri Mathur
                        market and produce                                             Skip Eads                                                Marketing Intern
concerts & events, and gain real-life concert industry                              Michael Kaufman                                         Shantanu Kashyap
                                                                                  Event Production Managers
business experience while powering live music and                                                                                             Graphic Design Intern
                                                                                      Tom Harmeson
event culture on campus!                                                   Event and Multimedia Production Manager                             Cameron Cole
purdue.edu/scc                                                                     TECHNICAL SERVICES                                   Natalia Valencia Montoya
                                                                                      Dallas Johnson
                                                                         Technical Manager, Audio, Staging & Operations
                         Founded in 1985,                                              Scott Wheeler
                         Convocations Volunteer                                Scheduling and Logistics Manager                              Rachel Lattimore
                                                                                                                                             Director of Development
                         Network (CVN) helps to                                         Geoff Gooch
                                                                              Production and Design Coordinator                                Abigail Fisher
                         support and promote                                                                                           Assistant Director of Donor Relations
                         Convos events. This group                                       Kenny Max
                                                                             Technical Coordinator, Audio Systems
                         ushers and helps in many                                                                                                PRODUCTION
                                                                                      Baron Brendel
other ways with performances and other Friends                               Technical Coordinator, Video Systems                          Erin Diener Mattull
of Convos, education and outreach events. In                                                                                         Artist Relations and Education Manager
                                                                                       Dustin Rogers
exchange, members can stay and see shows for                                    Technical Coordinator, Lighting                                 Sheridan Vik
free, and make a lot of new friends.                                                                                                            Production Intern

                                                                                       Alan Coxhead
                                                                             Live Event Technician/Audio Specialist                           Debbie Siciliano
                                                                                                                                   Assistant Director of Financial Affairs, VPSL
                                                                                        Joe Lehman
                                                                                     Live Event Technician                                   Kassidie Houchin
                                                                                                                                                Business Manager
                                                                                        Coty Padilla
                                                                                        Video Engineer                                       Jamie Vanderipe
                                                                                       Zach Roberts                                             Business Assistant
TEDxPurdueU is a student-run organization                                           Video Producer/Director                                     Robin Becker
standing behind TEDx talks and events held at                                           Tyler Rogers                                            Business Assistant
                                                                         Assistant Technical Coordinator/Audio Engineer
Purdue University. With the mission to stimulate                                                                                              STUDENT GROUPS
the curious mind, challenge perspectives and spark
                                                                                          Qiqi Wu
                                                                                       Talay Herman                                         Lindley Waterbury
discussion, they expose our local community and                                      Live Event Technicians                                       CVN President
global audience to “ideas worth spreading.”                                                                                                Marie-Claire Norins
                                                                                         BOX OFFICE                                               SCC President
                                                                                        Kyra Leal                                               Ray Bradley
                                                                                     Joanna Osterling                                   TEDxPurdueU Executive Director
                                                                                   Guest Relations Associates
Emmet Cohen Trio and the Live from - Emmet's Place All-Stars - Purdue University
Join Friends
  and get the              best seats                                                     in the
                                                                                                                   Saturday, February 12, 2022
                                                                                                                     Loeb Playhouse / 8pm

         Friends of Convos                            benefits
            Benefits begin at $50 annually and increase by contribution level.
      All Friends of Convocations enjoy the benefits of early access to ticket sales,              Emmet Cohen
        the best seat selection and the accumulation of Friends Priority Points*.
                Additional benefits are added at each contribution level.                                            and the Live from
                                                                                                                     Emmet's Place All-Stars
 SPONSOR / $100+ Recognition of your gift in our program books
 BENEFACTOR / $250+ Access to the Intermission Club at Broadway and select shows
 FOUNDER / $500+ Invitation to the annual Convocations Soirée
                                                                                                         Special Thanks to our Performance Partners
 DIRECTOR’S COUNCIL / $1,000+ Access to Friends parking at Elliott Hall shows
 AMBASSADOR / $2,500+ Exclusive reception with an artist
 COLLABORATOR / $5,000+ Invitation to the annual Convocations Director’s Event
 VISIONARY / $10,000+ Customized benefits
                                                                                                                                              Giving Circle
               *To learn more about Priority Points, visit convocations.org/priority-points

                                                                                                                                              JANET NINE

                                                                                                                                         BOB & PATTI TRUITT

                           THE CAMPAIGN FOR                                                                                             ROBERT B. & PATRICIA
                                                                                                                                           PEYTON TRUITT
                                                                                                                                        PIANO PERFORMANCE
To play your part in staging Convos' future, make or renew your gift today at
                                                                                                   Purdue Convocations is grateful for the generous support provided by our
   connect.purdue.edu/stagingconvos                                                                 partners to make incredible performances possible in our community.
         or contact us at convos@purdue.edu or (765) 494-9712.
Emmet Cohen Trio and the Live from - Emmet's Place All-Stars - Purdue University
Russell Hall
              Emmet Cohen Trio                                               Born in Kingston, Jamaica, Russell Hall began his journey as an actor
       and the Live from Emmet’s Place All-Stars                             from the tender age of 3. Performing in Jamaican adaptations of popular
                                                                             musicals to serious prose, he was destined to take the stage. Everything
                                                                             changed when he migrated to the United States in 2007. Under the
                        Emmet Cohen, piano                                   tutelage of The Commodores, he discovered the bridge between the
                         Russell Hall, bass                                  world of drama and the world of music. He progressed quickly from the
                       Kyle Poole, percussion                                electric bass to the double bass through the rigorous programs of The
                                                                             Dillard Center for the Arts and The Juilliard School. Now, he is revered
                      Mary Stallings, vocals
                                                                             as one of the most in demand artists in New York City, performing
                  Patrick Bartley, Jr., saxophone                            with some of the biggest names in music, dance and film. His work
                      Bruce Harris, trumpet                                  is featured on the Grammy nominated album “My Favorite Things” by
                                                                             Joey Alexander, “Motherless Brooklyn”, a film by Edward Norton which
                                                                             was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Score, and HBO’s Emmy-
Emmet Cohen                                                                  nominated “Masterclass Series” which features Wynton Marsalis as a
                                                                             master teacher. Russell’s own work has been acknowledged with prestige
Multifaceted American jazz pianist and composer Emmet Cohen is
                                                                             in some of the most renowned venues and festivals around the world
one of his generation’s pivotal figures in music and the related arts.
                                                                             such as The Appel Room, The St. Lucia Jazz Festival, The Apollo, The
Downbeat praised the “nimble touch, measured stride and warm
                                                                             Marciac Jazz Festival and many more. His most recent album, “The
harmonic vocabulary” he employs to communicate with other musicians
                                                                             Feeling Of Romance”, is available on all platforms.
and audiences at what he terms “the deepest level of humanity and
individuality.” Leader of the “Emmet Cohen Trio” and creator of the
“Masters Legacy Series,” Cohen is an internationally acclaimed jazz artist   Kyle Poole
and dedicated music educator.
                                                                             Hailed by Jazz Speaks as a “young prodigious drummer”, Los Angeles
Emmet Cohen is the winner of the 2019 American Pianists Awards and           native Kyle Poole has been residing in New York City since 2011 and
the Cole Porter Fellow of the American Pianists Association, and Artist-     continues to impress wherever his drums take him next. Along with
in-Residence at the University of Indianapolis. He was a finalist in the     his band of fellow New York jazz upstarts aptly titled “Poole & the
2011 Thelonious Monk International Piano Competition. Cohen has              Gang”, Kyle has performed in New York’s most esteemed jazz clubs,
appeared at major international jazz festivals and at Lincoln Center’s       notably Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola & SMOKE Jazz, culminating in a weekly
Rose Hall and Washington’s Kennedy Center, in addition to headlining         residency at Small’s Jazz Club lasting nearly 3 years. One of Poole’s chief
at the Village Vanguard and other major New York jazz clubs. For many        missions is to expand jazz’s audience by incorporating all dance styles
years he was Hammond B-3 Organist-in-Residence at Harlem’s SMOKE             of music, reaching back to ragtime & bebop, while forging ahead all the
jazz club. During the lockdown he created “Live From Emmet’s Place,” a       way to funk, hip-hop & beyond. With the constant fluctuation of genre,
weekly livestream that received millions of internet views worldwide.        rhythm & harmony, “Poole & the Gang” connects these musical dots in a
Cohen is a Mack Avenue artist.                                               uniquely improvised fashion, while audiences worldwide are delighted
A Suzuki piano student at age three, Cohen holds jazz piano degrees          to simply, “go with the flow”.
from the Manhattan School of Music (M.M.) and the University of Miami
(B.M.). Emmet Cohen has performed, recorded, or collaborated with
Ron Carter, Benny Golson, Jimmy Cobb, George Coleman, Jimmy Heath,
Tootie Heath, Houston Person, Christian McBride, Kurt Elling, Billy
Hart, Herlin Riley, Lea DeLaria, and Bill T. Jones.
Mary Stallings                                                                Patrick Bartley, Jr.
Born and raised in San Francisco, the middle child of 11 siblings,            Patrick Bartley, Jr. is Grammy-nominated saxophonist, multi-
Stallings started performing professionally before the age of 10 with her     instrumentalist, and bandleader from Hollywood, Florida who is
mother and two older sisters in a family gospel group. She got her first      known for his boundless versatility, virtuosic technique and expressive
real taste of jazz at home, sitting in at rehearsals with her uncle, tenor    vocal-like sound. Since moving to New York City, Bartley has performed
saxophonist and bandleader Orlando Stallings. Stallings’ career got off to    and recorded with some of the greatest musical masters in the world,
an early start in the late ’50s and her supple voice landed her in rarified   including Wynton Marsalis, Jon Batiste, Steve Miller, Herbie Hancock,
air: performing with such luminaries as Ben Webster, Cal Tjader, Earl         Louis Hayes, Carole King, The Coasters, Marquis Hill, Bobby Sanabria,
Hines, Red Mitchell, Teddy Edwards, and the Montgomery brothers               Marcus Printup, and many others. After studying at the Manhattan School
                                                                              of Music under the tutelage of Steve Miller and Joe Temperley, Bartley
(Wes, Monk, and Buddy) in Bay Area night clubs such as Hungry i, The
                                                                              set out to make his own name known as a leader and has led his own
Purple Onion and El Matador.
                                                                              original projects across several countries to critical acclaim. His most
Perhaps Stallings’ best-known recording was the 1961 Cal Tjader Plays,        notable recent project, the J-MUSIC Ensemble, is a band dedicated to
Mary Stallings Sings on Fantasy Records, which brought engagements            examining the world of modern Japanese music through the lens of jazz.
in Tokyo, Manila and Bangkok along with work up and down the West             Since its inception, J-MUSIC has garnered millions of views and hundreds
Coast. She spent a year in the late 1960s performing in Nevada with Billy     of thousands of fans worldwide and has led to Bartley connecting and
Eckstine, and toured South America with Gillespie’s band in 1965 and          working with some of the greatest names in modern Japanese music,
1966. She has shared the bill with such luminaries as Joe Williams, Tony      such as Sayaka Yamamoto, sasakure.UK, and Donna Burke. Originally
Bennett and Ella Fitzgerald. From 1969-1972, she enjoyed a successful         wanting to pursue visual art in childhood, Bartley was exposed to the vast
three-year residency in the Count Basie Orchestra. After touring with         artistic avenues that Japanese culture had to offer, and greatly influenced
the Basie orchestra, she devoted her time to raising her only child, R&B      the way he would later see, hear, and perform music from then on.
singer Adriana Evans.                                                         Bartley now resides in South Florida, where he plans to continue building
                                                                              his community through music performance and educational efforts.
Stallings returned to full-time singing in the early 1980s and returned to
the recording studio with the 1994 release of I Waited for You on Concord
Jazz with pianist Gene Harris. The album Spectrum followed in 1995 with       Bruce Harris
pianist Gerald Wiggins and trumpeter Harry “Sweets” Edison, while her         Bronx-born-and-raised trumpeter Bruce Harris’s love of music began
next album featured Monty Alexander as the pianist (Manhattan Moods,          in his home, where the sounds of New York’s storied music traditions
1997). 2005’s Remember Love was produced by Geri Allen, who played            of bebop and hip-hop captivated his attention early on. His interest and
piano and organ and also provided all of the arrangements.                    dedication brought him to the Jazz Studies Program at the Conservatory
Mary Stallings has played at legendary Monterey Jazz Festival 1965, 1995      of Music at Purchase College-SUNY, where he studied trumpet with
and 2003, the San Francisco Jazz Festival 2001, 2004, and 2006, a 2005        Jon Faddis, earning his MM in 2009. With his undeniable passion and
appearance with Clark Terry at the Blue Note Jazz Club in New York, the       youthful energy, Harris has performed on national television for The
2007 Savannah Music Festival and Jazz at Lincoln Center’s, “The Birth of      Late Show with Stephen Colbert and The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.
Cool.”                                                                        Harris feels privileged to play alongside some of the greatest talents
                                                                              of this generation, including Harry Connick, Jr., The Count Basie
In 2010, Mary Stallings signed an exclusive agreement with New York-          Orchestra, and Barry Harris. He’s also toured internationally as a leader
based, HighNote Records and her first recording, Dream, was released          himself. Harris has performed as a featured musician for Broadway’s
in October of that year. Mary’s second HighNote recording, 2012’s Don’t       Tony-nominated show Shuffle Along, starring Audra MacDonald. Wynton
Look Back, had Christopher Loudon proclaiming in JazzTimes magazine,          Marsalis joins in recognizing Bruce’s talent, calling Bruce “one of the
“Stallings and Eric Reed…achieving the same sort of rare, supreme             great and up-and-coming talents of our time.” Bruce’s sophomore
simpatico as Ella and Louis, or Sinatra and Riddle.”                          recording Soundview debuted in June 2021, garnering strong critical
                                                                              acclaim from Downbeat magazine, among others.
"Sensitivity, sophistication
 and control, along with
 a touch of magic.”
 ― The New York Times

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 Loeb Playhouse / 3pm
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Impact for the Future
      Live well now and in the future:    ENDOWMENT GIFTS
        Westminster Village Life Plan    An endowment gift is a powerful way to provide Convos with programmatic
    Community keeps you connected        support in perpetuity. Gifts to create a new endowment, or gifts to support
   to what matters most to you. More     the Friends of Convocations endowment, offer Lifetime membership
fun, more friends, and more ways to      benefits. Gifts of any amount may be given to any existing endowment.
 discover hidden talents and achieve
 lifelong wellness. With exciting new
     home designs and a cutting edge     PROGRAMMING SUPPORT
    Live Well Fitness & Rehab Center.
   Welcome to fabulous senior living!       Friends of Convocations                     Davis Family Endowment
                                                 Endowment                                   Established by Kevin and
                                          Established with accumulated gifts from             Janene Davis to provide
                                          1995-96 to provide support for the costs             performance support
                                                 of presenting performances                     2021-22 Support:
                                           2021-22 Support: Joshua Redman,                          Waitress
                                         Geneva Lewis, Waitress, Silkroad presents
                                         Home Within, Convos End of Season Bash
                                           with Kaleta and Super Yamba Band              Mike and Pam Luenz
                                                                                      Classical Music Endowment
                                                                                        Established by Mike and Pam Luenz
                                                 Jeanne Compton                        to provide support for classical music,
                                                  Endowment for                         with emphasis on Discovery Artists
                                                Artistic Excellence                             2021-22 Support:
                                         Established by Jeanne and Dale Compton                   Geneva Lewis
                                           to provide performance support and
                                                ensure performance variety
                                                                                          Leonora and Harold
                                                    2021-22 Support:                     Woodman Endowment
                                              Silkroad presents Home Within
                                                                                              for Theatre
                                                                                     Established by Harold Woodman to provide
                                                                                             support for theatre projects
                                            Robert B. and Patricia                      2021-22 Support: Aquila Theatre
                                              Peyton Truitt Piano                     Repetory Residency - The Great Gatsby,
                                           Performance Endowment                                    Macbeth
                                            Established by Bob and Patti Truitt
                                           to provide performance support, with
                                           emphasis on piano-based solo or small            Alan and Gail Beck
                                             ensemble classical and jazz music                 Endowment
                                                    2021-22 Support:                    Established by Alan and Gail Beck to
                                                    Emmet Cohen Trio                  provide support for vocal and jazz music
                                                                                           and innovative performances
Impact for Today
EDUCATION AND ACCESS SUPPORT                                                                DESIGNATED FUNDS
                                                                                            Designated gifts are set aside for specific programs. Gifts of any amount may be
      Mary E. Seyfried                               Christiane E. Keck                     given to any existing fund. Gifts listed below were received by November 18, 2021.
  All Aboard for the Arts:                           and David L. Filmer                    While we make every effort to ensure accuracy, we apologize for any error or omission.
 An Endowment to Engage                                 Endowment
Elementary School Students                      Established by Christiane Keck and          THE FISCHANG FUND
  Established by Mary Seyfried to provide      David Filmer to underwrite discounted
tickets and bus transportation for students         tickets for Purdue students             Established in honor of Bill Fischang, former Vice President for Student Services, to
   from schools with high economic need                                                     underwrite discounted tickets for Purdue and Ivy Tech students whose professors are relating
                                                                                            performances to curricula through the Curricular Connections collegiate program.
 2021-22 Support: Sonia De Los Santos
                                                                                            Becky Brown and Ken Knight		                 Sue and Lew Graham
                                                                                            Gene and Diane Carlson				                   Carolyn Jones
Mary E. Seyfried Community                          Bill Edward Wilburn                     Patricia Davies and J. Stuart Bolton         Mary Alice Nebold
Access to the Arts Endowment                             Endowment                          Denise Driscoll and Kevin Trumble            Carol and Alan York
    Established by Mary Seyfried to                Established by Janet G. Wilburn          Peg Fischang
    provide complimentary tickets to            to provide support for in-school artist
        underserved populations                       residencies and workshops
                                                                                            THE TREAGER FUND
                                                                                            Established in honor of Irwin Treager, Aviation Technology Professor Emeritus, to
      Mary E. Seyfried                            Floyd H. and Patricia S.                  underwrite discounted tickets for Purdue technology students whose professors are relating
    Endowment for Arts                            Garrott Endowment for                     performances to curricula through the Curricular Connections collegiate program.
  Outreach and Engagement                         Curricular Connections                    Donors:
                                                                                            Becky Brown and Ken Knight			                     Denise Driscoll and Kevin Trumble
      Established by Mary Seyfried             Established by Floyd and Patricia Garrott
  to provide support for in-school artist        to provide discounted tickets to Purdue
        residencies and workshops              students whose faculty member has tied a     THE FRITZ AND LEONA COHEN FUND
                                               performance to a course syllabus, support
                                              education research initiatives, and support   Established by Fritz and Leona Cohen to underwrite educational programming
                                                       P-12 matinee performances            expenses including ticket and transportation scholarships, artist and production fees
                                                                                            associated with matinee performances at Purdue, and to support in-school artist
                                                                                            residencies and workshops.
LEGACY GIFTS                                                                                Donors:
                                                                                            Becky Brown and Ken Knight                   Sue and Lew Graham
Gifts made to Convocations through estate planning provide for the                          Jan Pearlman Cortner				                     Judy Rechberger
organization’s future and offer significant tax and financial benefits in
return. Convocations has established the Legacy Society to recognize
individuals who have made provisions for future support through                             THE MICHAEL PIGGOTT FUND
bequests, annuities, charitable remainder trusts, or other planned gifts.
                                                                                            Established by Michael Piggott to underwrite general P-12 educational programming
Anonymous                        Nancy Grenard         Michael L. Seretny                   including ticket and transportation scholarships for at need P-12 students and schools
William* and Jean Beard          Mike and Pam Luenz    Cynthia Stauffacher                  attending a matinee performance at Purdue; subsidizing artist and production fees
Ronald and Margaret Brender      Betty and Dick Nelson Joanne and Lary* Troutner            associated with presenting P-12 matinee performances at Purdue; or subsidizing artist and
Jeanne* and Dale* Compton        Tom and Susan Pierce                                       production fees associated with sending artists to local schools for residencies.
John* and Patricia Corey         Lee and Rona Schwarz
We thank all of our wonderful donors who help make Convocations
programming a reality! Your gifts support performances as well as educational                     ANNUAL CONTRIBUTORS
arts opportunities for preschool to grade 12 and college students. Your gifts                     The following individuals have contributed annual gifts for the 2021-22 performance season.
also help keep ticket prices affordable for our patrons. Donations listed were
received by November 18, 2021 to support the Friends of Convocations. While                       LEADERSHIP CIRCLE                          $75,000+
we make every effort to ensure accuracy, we apologize for any error or omission.

LIFETIME CONTRIBUTORS                                                                             INNOVATORS CIRCLE                          $50,000+

The following individuals have contributed to an endowment or designated a planned gift to
receive Lifetime status in the Friends of Convocations.                                           PRODUCERS CIRCLE                       $30,000+
LIFETIME PRESENTER'S CIRCLE                                                                       Bob and Patti Truitt, support for Emmet Cohen Trio and Beatrice Rana
Michael L. Seretny
                                                                                                  PRESENTERS CIRCLE                          $20,000+
LIFETIME ARTISTS CIRCLE                                                                           Gordon and Harriett Coppoc, support for Tabea Debus and Alon Sariel
Kevin and Janene Davis                                                                            Mike and Pam Luenz, support for Beatrice Rana

LIFETIME VISIONARY                                                                                ARTISTS CIRCLE                    $15,000+
                                                                                                  Judd Danby
                                                                                                  Vince and Sherri Guido, support for The Simon and Garfunkel Story
LIFETIME COLLABORATOR                                                                             Ellen and Vince Sitterding
Jeanne* and Dale* Compton               Betty and Dick Nelson         Joanne Troutner
Mike and Pam Luenz                     Mary Seyfried                 Janet Wilburn               VISIONARY              $10,000+
                                                                                                  Jim Anderson and Maria Leahy, support for Sonia De Los Santos and Macbeth
LIFETIME AMBASSADOR                                                                               Tom and Susan Pierce
Anonymous                                                 John and Elizabeth Schneider
William* and Jean Beard                                  Lee and Rona Schwarz
Claire Chandler, in memory of Art and Jane Chandler       Bob and Patti Truitt                    COLLABORATOR                   $5,000+
Tom and Susan Pierce
                                                                                                  Gabrielle and Eyal Barash                          Betty and Dick Nelson
                                                                                                  Virgil Barnes                                      Janet Nine, support for Emmet Cohen Trio
LIFETIME DIRECTOR’S COUNCIL                                                                       Alan and Gail Beck                                 John and Elizabeth Schneider
Steve and Deborah Belter               Christiane Keck and David Filmer                          Mary-Claire and Mark Cartwright                    Cynthia Stauffacher
Mary A. Bonner                         Marilyn Lahr                                             Bill and Hanni Cramer                              Joe and Judith Tesmer
Nancy Cooper                           Caryl Matthews and Don Nead                              Elizabeth and Nicholas Delgass                     Glenn F. Tompkins
Dr. Frederick* and Dr. Marilyn Crane   George* and Louise McNelly                               David and Janet Elmore,                            Joanne Troutner, support for Manual Cinema’s
Virginia Ferris*                       Chris and Cynthia Meyer
                                                                                                   support for Tabea Debus and Alon Sariel             Christmas Carol
Peg Fischang                           Phyllis Past*
Beverly Fischer*                       Dennis* and Jane Richmond                                Hank and Sharon Kraebber                           Mary Beth and Mark Whitman
Macalyne Fristoe                       Cynthia Stauffacher
Pat and Floyd Garrott                   Bill and Helen Uhrig
Phyllis Hemmer                         Harold D. Woodman*
                                                                                                  AMBASSADOR                   $2,500+
Jules and Shirley Janick               Ruth M. Wukasch, in memory of Dr. Ronald D. Wukasch      D.P. and Kay Branson                               Michael and Rhonda Moya
Jennifer Jones                         Alan and Carol York                                      Ruth and M.J. Crocker                              Richelle Peterson
Susan Jones and Matthew Huffine
                                                                                                  Stephanie and Clayton Farlow                       John and Kimberly Reisman
                                                                                                  Sue and Lew Graham                                 Chip and Jane Rutledge
LIFETIME FOUNDER                                                                                  John and Jocelyn Grutzner                          Lee and Rona Schwarz
Al and Rebecca Benham                   Ronald and Margaret Brender                               Jan Hem, in memory of someone special, Stan Hem    Mary Seyfried
Alan and Gail Beck                      John* and Patricia Corey                                  Leah Jamieson and George Adams                     Steve and Tracey Simmerman
                                                                                                  Carolyn Jones                                      Janet Wilburn
  indicates Charter members who made gifts in 1985-86 to help start the Friends of Convocations   Caryl Matthews and Don Nead                        Kathy Lafuse Wood and Christopher Wood
* deceased
DIRECTOR’S COUNCIL                   $1,000+                                                   FOUNDER            $500+ (CONTINUED)

Anonymous                     Linda Kampe                     Michael Piggott                  Clifford Sadof and Linda Lemar   Gerald and Monica Shively      James and Kathleen Ward
Al and Rebecca Benham         Christiane Keck and David       John and Gail Polles             Courtney Schmidt and             Gerritt and Debra Smith        Michael and Marilou Warden
William and Linda Bennett       Filmer                        Steve and Cindy Pugsley           Andrew Eichmiller               Tom and Mary Jo Sparrow        Bud and Vera Weiser
Stacy and Brent Bible         Jack and Leta* Kelley           Judy Rechberger                  Catharine Scott-Moncrieff        Betty Stoddart                 Anna and John* Wilson
Jim and Cadi Bien             Robert and Beverly Knill        Gerry Rogers                      and Wallace Morrison            Ron Stroup                     Antonio* and Betty Zamora
Ronald and Margaret Brender   Lorraine Kisselburgh and        James and Marylin Ross           Cynthy J. Scruggs                James and Dana Vann
Steve* and Lloyd Brewer         Howard Zelaznik               Michelle and Doug Samuel
David Bunte                   Natalie Koch and Eric King      Dennis and Cathy Savaiano
Barrett S. Caldwell           Ramona and Wynn Lawson          Charles and Sue Scholer          BENEFACTOR                $250+
Brad and Ann Cohen            Mike and Cathy Lockwood         MaryAnne Shacklett
Linda S. Cohen                Mary M. Losey                   Lou and Debby Sherman            Karen Adams                      Charlotte Erdmann              Neil and Lorna* Myers
Kurt and Jessica Cohen        Joy Matson                      Jeff and Sharon Siirola          Elizabeth and Frank Akey         Daniel and Georgana Finn       Shannon and Lawrence Oates
Bruce and Jennifer Craig      Judy Marten                     Pam and Dan Smith                Mike and Heather Armintrout      Jennifer Foray                 Bill Pak
Janice Compton                John and Marj Martin            Stephen Sutherlin                Beate Allert and Shaun Hughes    Tanya and Kevin Foster         Thomas and Virginia Pearson
Jan Pearlman Cortner          Neil and Katharine              Sandra Sydnor                    John and Cathy Barron            Barbara and Dave Francis       Angela Peterson
Marti Decker                    Mascarenhas                   Robert and Martha Taylor         Emily and John Bauman            James and Susan Gothard        Mark Peterson
Marshall and Joyce            John and Prella McBride         Ginny Tyler, support for Tabea   Nancy Bauman                     David Goldberg                 Nancy Peterson
  Deutelbaum, support for     George and Linda McCabe           Debus and Alon Sariel          Dr. Patricia Bauman              Hope Gulker                      and Dennis Drews
  Beatrice Rana               Dwight and Mary McKay           Wally and Jean Tyner               and Dr. Daniel Phillips        Andrew Hart                    Robert Peterson
Pam Hermes and Frank Dooley   John H. Meyers                  Rodney and Mary Jo Vandeveer     Jane A. Baysinger                Lois V. Harth                    and Kelly Grieger
Laurie and Doug Ellenberger   Stacey and Michael Mickelbart   Bob and Mary Vaughan             David and Donna Beering          Jamie L. Hendershot            Leo and Carol Plomin
Joseph and Suzanne Farrell    John and Joyce Moser            Jeffery Waldon                   Bryan E. Bell                    Russ and Bev Herren            Warren and Kimberly Reneau
Andy and Tracy Fristoe        Jim and Karen Mullen            Terry and Shirley West           Gary and Milta Bennett           Harry Heyer                    April Robillos
Brian and Lorene Furrer       Mary Alice Nebold               Todd and Diane Wetzel            Rob and Emily Blue               Terry and Jim Hopf               and Paul Muzikar
Michael and Mary Grable       Susan Niemczyk and Alan         Harold D. Woodman                James and Erin Britton           Jean Horner                    Sujatha and Karthik Romani
Alee and Michael Gunderson      Studzinski                    Roland K. Winger and Family      Leslie and Richard Brost         Stephen and Linda Isenhower    Jim and Pam Schweitzer
Amy and Jon Harbor            Sue and James Pajakowski        Jon and Casey Wright             Kenneth and Sandra Burbank       Richard and Racey Johnson      Jacquelyn J. Scott
Lena and Patrick Harper       Lisa Pantea and Dan Lybrook     Ruth M. Wukasch, in memory       Jeff and Darlene Cass            Roy and Sarah Johnson          Jane Smith
Jurgen and Josephine Honig    Deb and Tom Parent                of Dr. Ronald F. Wukasch       Claire Chandler                  William and Kristine Kealey    Jim and Liz Solberg
Martin and Patty Jischke      Chris and Rhonda Peck                                            Gordon and Susan Chavers         Jennifer L. Keenan             Anne and Kurt Sommer
                                                                                               Al and Martha Chiscon            Julia and Gref King            Doris D. Sprong
                                                                                               Gordon and Barbara Clark         Nathaniel and Maureen Lifton   Jeffery and Lori Stefancic
FOUNDER          $500+                                                                         Joe and Beth Cychosz
                                                                                               Dinah and Brian Dalder
                                                                                                                                Tammy and Bob Loew
                                                                                                                                Chris and Melissa Martin
                                                                                                                                                               Tom and Pat Tesmer
                                                                                                                                                               Kristine Tiffany
Nick and Sara Adler           Richard and Carol Ghiselli      Al and Janet Lucas               Kent and Annette DeLaCroix       Marshall and Berdine Martin    Anne Traynor
Tom and Winnie Adler          Tamara and Eckhard Groll        Donald R. Lynam                  C. Bradley Dilger                Victoria A. Martin             Barbara G. Tyner
Deborah Anderson              Monica and Gary Halstead        Amanda S. Mayes                  Tamara Dillman                   Michelle S. McBrite            Jodi Verhoeven
Roger W. Bennett              Lee Ann Happ                    Dale and Anne Mallett            Otto and Barbara Doering         James and Maureen McClure      Ralph and Ginny Webb
Karl and Nancy Brandt         Alka and Brad Harriger          Donald L. Matthews               Sandra Donahue                   William and Kay Miller         Marvin and Trudi Wildfeuer
Joseph and Joan Briller       Marietta Harrison               Jim and Susie Marshall           Johanna Downey                   Ryan and Denise Mills          David and Julie Windhorst
Melea and David Broekers        and Bob Geahlen               John and Kris Martin             Larry and Margaret Dunkle        Janet Mitchell-Mastey          Amy and Sherman Wright
Mike Brown and Jane Kinyon    Harsh and Suman                 Kathleen McGinnis                Linda and Jim Eales                and Paul Mastey              Gary S. Yates
Mary Caccavo                    Harshvardan                     and Tim Gennett                Abby Eddy and Nick Rogers        William and Sharon Murray      Carol and Alan York
  and Thomas Kent             Nancy Hathaway                  Stan and Kay Mithoefer
Jim and Becky Caruthers         and David Thompson            Harriet Morrison
Kim and Tamara Craig          Philip and Barbara Herb         Harry and Harriet Morrison       SPONSOR             $100+
Arnold Chen and Lin Ng        Carolyn Jagacinski and          Dawn and Joseph Ogas
Edward and Rebecca Chosnek      Richard Schweickert           Patti Purcell                    Ximena Arriaga Agnew             David and Valerie Bahr         Jon Bowman
Michael and Beth Dana         Dwaine Jengelley and            Jeff and Janine Rhoads             and Christopher Agnew          Steven and Beth Baker          John and Laurel Branstrator
Elizabeth and Nicholas*         Natasha Duncan                Rosemary Ricci                   Kendrick Albert                  Andrew and Megan Banta         Melanie and Stewart Braswell
  Delgass                     Rob and Brenda Larew              and Garrett Jeong              Erin and Thomas Albregts         Steve Bell                     Cory and Jeff Brenner
Steven and Beth Duket         Laszlo Lempert                  Jane Richmond                    Cheryl and Kemal Altinkemer      Janet and Bill Biddle          Claire and Ron Brettnacher
Pat and Polly Egan              and Marta Istok               Bill and Carol Risk              Jean and Ron Andres              Todd and Judith Birchman       Lisa Brown
Mike and Leah Everly          Jim Leslie, in memory of        Felicia Roberts                  Heather Anthrop                  Marcia and Chip Blatchley      Dean and Anita Brusnighan
Peg Fischang                    Sue Leslie                      and Danny Weiss                Susan and David Aufderheide      Jim and Sandy Bodenmiller      Angela and Mike Buckles
Zelda M. Flye                 Jason and Tricia Lohr           Julie and Tracy Rosa             Elaine Bahler                    Susanne L. Bousquet            Kitty K. Campbell
SPONSOR            $100+ (CONTINUED)
Gene and Diane Carlson        Sarah and Clinton Johnson       Pam Phegley
                                                                                             We’re back—again!
Guthrie and Betty Carr        Thomas Johnson                  Paul V. Preckel                Welcome to Part Two of the Purdue Convocations season. As promised, we’re bringing
Jennifer Cioni                Patricia and James Kantner      Andrew Quintero                you our lineup of in-theatre shows for the Spring 2022 semester. It has been so gratifying
  and Chuck Schwarz           Birgit and Ralph Kaufmann       Elizabeth A. Rausch            to see how you have embraced our creative approach to keeping the performing arts a
Dan and Susanne Collins       Nicole Key and Doug Schrader    Jamie Reed
                                                              David and Susan Reseigh
                                                                                             vital part of the Purdue experience—and you should know that we couldn’t have done
Darren Cooper                 Stephen and Natalie Kiff
  and Elizabeth Larsen        Christine King and Ted Harris   Jennifer Richardson            it without you. Your attendance and your support have been central to our success! The
Gail and John Copeland        Gloria and Steve Klutzke        Toni Rogat                     Staging Our Future campaign is the vehicle that enables us to boldly deliver this rich
Philomena Daly                Kate and Joe Kollman            Josette Rolley                 cultural mix, just for you. If you haven’t already done so, please consider making a gift or
Patricia Davies               Cheorge and Cheri Kochert       Alysa and David Rollock        renewing your support to Convos. Here’s what your gift will do right now:
  and J. Stuart Bolton        John and Gail Koehler           Todd Roswarski
Elizabeth and Joseph DeJoan   David and Irma Kovich           Evelyn Royer
Jack and Delores Delleur      Stephanie Knight                Brooke Sauter
Erin and Al Diener            Dick and Judy Kramer            Steven M. Schlenk
Steve and Mary Dietrich       Kathleen Kroll                  Elizabeth A. Shiffman
Helga Dimitrov                Lonni and Dave Kucik            John and Janet Sieber
Delmar Doyle
Denise Driscoll
                              Fred and Andrea Kuipers
                              Keith and Michelle Larson
                                                              Ashlyn Smith
                                                              Dana and Maggie Smith                         THE CAMPAIGN FOR
  and Kevin Trumble           Richard and Carolyn Laster      Kendall and Beatrice Smith
Christine A. Durbin           Rachel Lattimore                Preston and Cheryl Smith
Laura A. Esman                Noell Lenardo                   Barbara and Nick Soodek
Barbara Estes                 Kim and Kelly Little            Greg and Pat Springer
Bill and Joanne Evers         Donna Lofgren                   Barbara and Michael Steif                                                  ACT I
Pamela and Karl Ferger
Renee and Dennis Figueroa
                              Timothy and Gloria Lohr
                              Anne and Richard Lucietto
                                                              Sheila Sutter
                                                              Aurie Swartz
                                                                                                                           Create Capacity
Heidie and William Fornes     Timothy and Sally Luzader       Frank and Kirsten Szendrey         Without a traditional renewal campaign in the spring of 2020 or a large-scale season in
Jeffery Fritz                 Thua Ly-Pham                    Arlene S. Tatum                  2020-2021, we still need your help to rebuild our capacity. You’ll get great shows in return.
Joan and Timothy Gardner      Jo Ann Mahlke                   Elfa S. Taylor
Jane M. Gaskell               Kathleen Manwaring              Richard Thomas
Don and Carol Gentry          Christina A. Marheine           Cheryl and David Trombley                                                  ACT II
Randall Gibson
Sarah Glass
                              Holly and Jia Mason
                              Stephanie Masta
                                                              Patricia S. Tucker
                                                              Emily and Michael Ulrich
                                                                                                                  Program Powerful Work
Dona Gray                     Rich and Melinda Mattes         Stacy and Kevin Umlauf               Great shows, world-class artists, powerful themes and thoughtful discourse all
Linda and Andy Gutwein        Marifran and Jim Mattson        Marion Undersood                     require support; very few performances are built on box-office success alone.
Nina Haberer                  Shannon May                     Stephanie VanDerHeyden                        You’ll get an incredibly diverse selection of performances.
Rose Haberer                  Jane P. McCann                  Jamie Vanderipe
Kenneth and Elizabeth Hall    Ray and Beveryly Mentzer        Katherine Vanderwall
Matthew Halladay              Laura and Christopher Meritt    Erin VanEmon                                                              ACT III
Mary H. Halsema
Kevin and Susie Hannon
                              Jane Messer
                              Twyla and Andrew Milam
                                                              Mark and Laura Ward
                                                              Jason and Sharita Ware                            Catalyze Student Learning
Christine Hardt               Lisa and Timothy Miles          Gerald* and Lousie Wasserman           Connections to curricula, learning communities and student organizations
Arnold and Sara Harlan        Janis E. Miller                 Carla and Doug Webb                          are vital components of comprehensive residential education.
Joseph and Kathy Heath        Kathleen and Abigail Mills      Mark and Jody Weber                     You’ll get the satisfaction of enriching Purdue’s learning environment.
Bob and Becky Herrick         Albert and Carie Mondero        Robert Wild and Pauline Shen
Margaret Hicks                Ken and Mary Musselman          Jeff and Chrstine Williams
Carrie Honn                   Susan and Tim Newton            Kristan Wilson                                                            ACT IV
Kyla Houston
Edward and Kathleen Howell
                              Shawn Nubel
                              Dealen Ogas
                                                              Chuck and Sundra Wolpert
                                                              Paul and Marilyn Ziemer                             Power the Quality of Life
Jessica Huber                 Cindy and Thomas O’Neal                                                  Our community is a destination because of the incredible concentration
Mark and Michaela Huesing     Joe Orczyk                                                                 of riches here, and Convos plays a powerful role in that dynamism.
Susan and David Huffman       Steve and Diana Pennell                                                         You get to live in a culturally rich, inspiring community.
Andrew and Konie Hughes       Mollie and Gordon Pennock
Nancy Hutchinson              Carolyn Percifield
Denis Jarvinen                Mark and Jana Perniconi                                             To play your part in staging Convos' future, make or renew your gift today at
Ellie Jeffcoat
Bruce and Kathy Johnson
                              Robert and Carolyn Perrucci
                              Bruce and Dana Pershing                                                 connect.purdue.edu/stagingconvos
                                                                                                             or contact us at convos@purdue.edu or (765) 494-9712.

                                                Modern                                    Sonia
                                                Renaissance                               De Los

                        February 17              February 19                              February 26
                        Elliott Hall of Music    Loeb Playhouse                           Wells Cultural Center

Great                                                                                     Beatrice Rana
Gatsby                                           Macbeth
 March 2                                         March 3
 Loeb Playhouse                                  Loeb Playhouse

                                 Aquila Theatre                                           March 6
                                 Repertory Residency                                      Loeb Playhouse

                                                Tabea    Debus

March 10                                        April 2                                   April 7
Elliott Hall of Music                           Duncan Hall                               Elliott Hall of Music

                                                                                          Convos End of Season Bash
                                                                           THE STORY
                                                                           OF FRANKIE
                                                                                                     Kaleta       and
Silkroad presents                                                           VALLI AND
                                                                            THE FOUR
                                                                                          Super Yamba Band
 April 9                                                          April 19                April 28
 Loeb Playhouse                                                   Elliott Hall of Music   PMU Ballrooms

           CONVOCATIONS.ORG                                               (800) 914-SHOW
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