EMEA Market Snapshot Capital Markets | Q1 2022 - Colliers

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EMEA Market Snapshot Capital Markets | Q1 2022 - Colliers
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

   Capital Markets | Q1 2022

   Market Snapshot
EMEA Market Snapshot Capital Markets | Q1 2022 - Colliers
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

Russia’s indefensible invasion of Ukraine cast a cloud over the post-                                                                                     Q1 Pricing Direction                                                                          Q2 Pricing Forecast
pandemic recovery that was continuing into first quarter of 2022.                                                    Office                                                                                                                                                               
The sanctions imposed on Russia and knock-on effects on global
commodities, further disrupted global supply chain issues driving higher                                             Logistics                                                                                                                                                       / 
inflation and interest rates. However, investment appetite and capital
                                                                                                                     Residential                                                          /                                                                                        / 
has remained resilient with both transactions and new fund-raising
continuing.                                                                                                          Retail                                                               /                                                                                              

For now, analysing Q1 2022 activity, we are            specialist retail stores. Italy also posted an exceptional    Hotel                                                                                                                                                                
encouraged to see that investor confidence in the      Q1 and the UK saw a 10% year-on-year rise in volumes.
region’s CRE fundamentals and future prospects         Activity in France was more subdued, with a 7% decline
remains strong. Provisional figures for Q1 2022 put    in activity from the previous year.
                                                                                                                    European investment volumes by sector: Quarterly
European volumes up 5% over Q1 2021, and rolling
                                                       One company stood out over the quarter. Google               € billions
12-month volumes up by 7%, with many investors                                                                                                                                                          Hotel                    Retail                   Apartment                              Industial                          Office
                                                       and its parent group Alphabet have reaffirmed their
continuing to view commercial real estate as a hedge                                                                160
                                                       commitment to the physical office, with Alphabet CEO
against rising prices. The bidding landscape remains                                                                140
                                                       Sundar Pichai increasingly vocal about the importance
highly competitive with investors looking to deploy                                                                 120
                                                       of office investment. This intent was on full display in
available capital that is nearing 2019 levels again.
                                                       Europe in Q1, with Google closing deals on campuses          100
In the major markets of Western Europe, overall        in London (€879 million) and Warsaw (€583 million).           80
performance was robust. Germany saw a record           This bodes well for the vibrancy of Europe’s prime            60
opening quarter as investment flocked into crisis-     office markets even amid the uncertain months ahead.
resistant segments such as DIY and food-anchored


                                                                                                                            Q1 2017
                                                                                                                                      Q2 2017
                                                                                                                                                Q3 2017
                                                                                                                                                          Q4 2017
                                                                                                                                                                    Q1 2018
                                                                                                                                                                              Q2 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                        Q3 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Q4 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Q1 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Q2 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Q3 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Q4 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Q1 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Q2 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Q3 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Q4 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Q1 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Q2 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Q3 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Q4 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Q1 2022
             Luke Dawson
             Managing Director | EMEA Cross-Border Capital Markets
             +44 20 7344 6788

                                                                                                                      Source: Real Capital Analytics
EMEA Market Snapshot Capital Markets | Q1 2022 - Colliers
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

UK                                                                                                                      Sectors
                                                                                                                        to watch
                                                                                                                                                                Q1 Pricing
                                                                                                                                                                                 Q2 Pricing
                                                                                                                        Industrial across Office                                    
There are mountains of capital for every sector with some headwinds from build costs,                                   all submarkets,
                                                                                                                        PRS residential,
interest rates and ESG. Pricing remains firm.                                                                                               Logistics                                 
                                                                                                                        long-income, life
                                                                                                                        sciences, data
                                                                                                                        centres, offices in Residential                             
Market Review                                                                                                           the right location
• Investment volumes reached €15.6 billion in Q1                  • Investors are looking at shopping centres again.                        Retail                                    
  2022, up by 10% on the €14 billion transacted in                  The sector witnessed transactions worth
  Q1 2021 and in line with the 10-year Q1 average.                  €889 million, the highest quarterly figure in                                Hotel                              
                                                                    over five years. Yields have started to compress.
• The number of +€100 million transactions stood
  at 28 in Q1 2022, up from 19 in Q1 2021 and 22                  • The purpose-built student accommodation sector
                                                                                                                        All sector capital value index
  in Q1 2020.                                                       attracted €1.8 billion, making it the fourth-best
                                                                    quarter on record. Six deals were larger than       120
• Over €6 billion was transacted in the office sector,
                                                                    €60 million. Residential volumes were close to
  more than double the corresponding 2021 figure
                                                                    €1.2 billion.
  of €2.5 billion. Most of the activity was recorded in
  London (€5.6 billion). US and Asia-Pacific investors            • Yields are compressing across most sectors,
  were particularly acquisitive as the easing of travel             especially for prime assets in prime locations.
  restrictions brought global capital into the market.              MSCI all-property yields are at a record low.
                                                                    Despite narrowing, the all-property yield/gilt
• Despite a quiet January, quarterly investment
                                                                    spread will settle at around 275 basis points.
  volumes in the industrial sector reached €3 billion.                                                                   80
  Several assets sold at sub-4% yields.                                                                                         03’17 09’17 03’18 0918 06’19 09’19 06’20 09’20 06’21 09’21 03’22

                                                                                                                        Source: Colliers        Leeds        Bristol          Manchester
                                                                                                                                                Glasgow      Birmingham       London

                       Largest Q1 deal:                   Second-largest Q1 deal:         Third-largest Q1 deal:
                       5 Broadgate, London EC2            Central St Giles, London        Retail portfolio (Cheshire                        John Knowles | Head of National Capital Markets I UK
    Highlighted        (710,000 sq ft of office           WC2 (710,000 sq ft of           Oaks Designer Outlet                              john.knowles@colliers.com
    Top Three          space). Bought by                  office space). Bought by        and Swindon Designer                              +44 7979 245792
    Deals              NPS of South Korea for             Google for €879 million in      Outlet). Bought by LaSalle
                       €1.4 billion. Largest office       an off-market transaction,      Investment Management                             Andrew Thomas | Head of International
                       deal since 2017.                   at a net initial yield of       for €721 million.                                 Capital Markets | London
                                                          3.91%.                                                                            andrew.thomas@colliers.com
                                                                                                                                            +44 7793 808181
EMEA Market Snapshot Capital Markets | Q1 2022 - Colliers
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

Germany                                                                                                                 Sectors
                                                                                                                        to watch
                                                                                                                                                                   Q1 Pricing
                                                                                                                                                                                       Q2 Pricing
                                                                                                                        Food-anchored               Office             /                /
The German investment market posted a record start to 2022 despite the ongoing effects of
                                                                                                                        retail, logistics,
the pandemic and geopolitical tensions.                                                                                 trophy office
                                                                                                                                                    Logistics                                
                                                                                                                        buildings, ESG-
Market Review                                                                                                           compliant assets
                                                                                                                        across all asset            Residential                              
• Q1 2022 saw record investment of €18.2 billion.               • Demand for industrial and logistics assets and
  Three quarters of the volume was attributable to                portfolios was again strong (21% market share)
  strategic corporate acquisitions in crisis-resistant            and took second place behind offices (51%). While                                 Retail*                                  
  sectors and markets. Most notable were the                      prime office yields in the BIG 7 cities remained
  takeover of the alstria Office REIT by Brookfield               at the low level of the previous quarter, logistics                               Hotel                                  
  and the 60% takeover of VIB by DIC Asset.                       yields continued their downward slide, further
                                                                  approaching office yields.
                                                                                                                                                 Retail: Grocery , Shopping centres & High street 
• Worth €4.8 billion, alstria’s portfolio comprises
  over 110 office properties in the country’s major             • Overall, despite the geopolitical crisis, market      All sector capital value index
  investment hubs. DIC‘s interest was focused in                  momentum suggests another strong investment
  particular on industrial and logistics (I&L) properties         year, in which interest in real estate as a hedge
  particularly in southern Germany, as well as                    against inflation will continue to grow.              160
  around 40 retail properties from crisis-resistant
  sectors (DIY, food-anchored specialist retail stores).                                                                140

  Both major deals contributed significantly to a
  reinvigorated portfolio share of volumes (44%).
  However, trophy buildings such as the Marienturm                                                                      100
  office tower in Frankfurt’s banking district also
  remain highly popular with investors.                                                                                         03’17 09’17 03’18 0918 06’19 09’19 06’20 09’20 06’21 09’21 03’22

                                                                                                                        Source: Colliers       Berlin           Dusseldorf         Hamburg
                                                                                                                                               Frankfurt        Munich

                       Office portfolio: 91.6%           Mixed-use portfolio (I&L,     Office single deal:
                       company takeover of               retail): 60% company          Marienturm Frankfurt,                                Christian Kadel | Head of Capital Markets
    Highlighted        alstria Office REIT by            takeover of VIB by DIC        Aermont Capital/Pecan                                christian.kadel@colliers.com
    Top Three          Brookfield, 110 assets in         Asset, 110 assets; approx.    (seller), DWS on behalf                              +49 151 68850231
    Deals              major investment hubs,            €900 million.                 of National Pension
                       €4.3 billion.                                                   Service of Korea, €800
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

France                                                                                                                  Sectors
                                                                                                                        to watch
                                                                                                                                                                Q1 Pricing
                                                                                                                                                                                 Q2 Pricing

2022 started on a quiet note in the French market with €4.6 billion of transactions recorded                            Office core and          Office                             
                                                                                                                        value-add (in
in Q1, down 7% on Q1 2021. The slowdown was even more pronounced in the Greater Paris
Region (€2.9 billion invested, down 19% year-on-year).                                                                                           Logistics                           
                                                                                                                        Logistics                Residential                         
Market Review
• While investment activity is still subdued the               • Amid strong uncertainty linked to the geopolitical                              Retail                               
  office sector has continued to be the driving force             situation and the French presidential elections,
  of the market, accounting for nearly 80% of Q1                  prime yields have remained stable, at record levels                            Hotel                               
  investment volume.                                              for Paris CBD office prime yields (2.70%) and prime
                                                                  logistics assets (3.00% for warehouses located in
• On the back of solid fundamentals and increasing
                                                                  the Greater Paris Region). The upward trend for       All sector capital value index
  rental values, the logistics sector attracted around
                                                                  rental values for these specific asset classes may
  €1 billion of deals, including the sales of several                                                                   150
                                                                  lead to further yield compression in the coming
  pan-European or country-level portfolios.
• The largest deals of the quarter involved a diverse
  range of buyers and sellers with a majority of
  domestic players, including Primonial REIM and
  BNP Paribas REIM, as well as European investment
  funds such as AEW Europe or Principal Real Estate
                                                                                                                                03’17 09’17 03’18 0918 06’19 09’19 06’20 09’20 06’21 09’21 03’22

                                                                                                                        Source: Colliers                       Paris

                      Office single asset: €500          French part of a pan-          Office single asset: €256
                      million, below 4% – 90             European logistics asset       million Prime office asset
                      boulevard Pasteur Paris            portfolio: €375 million,       in Paris CBD. 10 000 sqm.
   Highlighted                                                                                                                              Philippe Ravoire | Senior Director, Capital Markets
                      15th let to Amundi. 12-            approx.3.70%. 320,000          Bought by Financière
   Top Three                                                                                                                                philippe.ravoire@colliers.com
                      year leasing contract, sold        sqm of warehouses sold         Dassault from a JV (AXA
   Deals                                                                                                                                    +33 6 86 18 20 86
                      by Primonial Real Estate           by Blackstone to GLP           IM/NBIM) – let to Le Figaro.
                      Investment Management              Europe.
                      to Société Foncière
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

Netherlands                                                                                                                Sectors
                                                                                                                           to watch
                                                                                                                                                                   Q1 Pricing
                                                                                                                                                                                    Q2 Pricing
                                                                                                                           Logistics,               Office                             
                                                                                                                           residential and
The war in Ukraine and resulting inflationary pressures are creating a lot of uncertainty for                              office
                                                                                                                                                    Logistics                            
the real estate sector in the Netherlands, which benefited from low interest rates in previous
years.                                                                                                                                              Residential                        

                                                                                                                                                    Retail                             
Market Review
• After a recovery in the previous two quarters,                   • Retail and hotels showed quite low activity. Good                              Hotel                              
  dynamics in the office market in Q1 were                           quality retail investments are scarce but we do see
  somewhat more subdued again. This is also related                  interest returning, and even yield compression
  to a lack of supply, as demand for core investment                 for the best product as a result. The low volume      All sector capital value index
  product remains high and there are no yield shifts                 of hotel transactions is also caused by a limited     160
  visible. However, in late Q1 and early Q2, marketing               number of offerings. Owners are not willing to sell
  campaigns for several large core offices were                      their hotels with a discount, despite the impact of   140
  launched in Amsterdam and Rotterdam.                               COVID-19 over the last two years.

• Demand for logistic assets remains high and large                                                                        120

  deals are still prevalent. The bid of Prologis on
  Mileway (€21 billion) is underlining this. Investment                                                                    100

  volumes for healthcare and residential were rather
  low. Residential investments rely mainly on new                                                                           80
                                                                                                                                   03’17 09’17 03’18 0918 06’19 09’19 06’20 09’20 06’21 09’21 03’22
  developments which are limited in number.
                                                                                                                           Source: Colliers            Amsterdam        Rotterdam

                                                                                                                                               Dré van Leeuwen | Partner, Executive Director
                         Logistics: Mirastar acquired a value-              Retail: Mitiska REIM acquired the                                  Capital Markets & Agency
                         add industrial portfolio of 7 assets in            35,000 sqm LFA convenience centre
   Highlighted                                                                                                                                 dre.vanleeuwen@colliers.com
                         the Netherlands, with a total size of              Makado in Beek for €56 million from                                +31 6 50 67 10 93
   Top Deals
                         69,000 sqm LFA. The properties are                 Syntrus Achmea. This was the largest
                         partially leased. The acquisition price            shopping centre transaction in the
                         was €47 million.                                   Netherlands in 2.5 years.
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

Ireland                                                                                                                    Sectors
                                                                                                                           to watch
                                                                                                                                                                      Q1 Pricing
                                                                                                                                                                                    Q2 Pricing

Ireland is a core market for international investors, who are competing for limited                                        Residential,             Office                               
opportunities across the PRS, office and logistics sectors. €762 million was invested in Q1 with
                                                                                                                           industrial and
50% attributable to residential.                                                                                                                    Logistics                            

Market Review                                                                                                                                       Residential                        
• The Q1 outturn of €762 million represents a decline               and there is very low supply which is driving rental
  of 37% relative to Q1 2021, a result of limited                   growth. The second-largest deal of the quarter saw                              Retail                             
  opportunities and slower completion time rather                   Union Investment acquiring Primark’s new 595,000
  than decreased demand.                                            sq. ft. distribution centre by way of a forward                                 Hotel                              
                                                                    funding deal.
• Residential is the dominant asset class but there is
  also strong demand for offices, particularly in the            • We have seen several new investors entering
                                                                                                                           All sector capital value index
  €40-60 million price range. Investors are attracted              the market which demonstrates confidence. An
  by an increasingly international tenant base that                example is French fund Sofidy which has acquired        140
  is taking up new, world-class offices in Dublin.                 three office properties since Q3 2021 with a total
  The limited supply of Grade A offices available for              spend of €69 million.
  investment is driving strong pricing.
                                                                 • Investor sentiment towards Ireland remains
• Capital allocations to industrial & logistics are                extremely positive and strong activity is expected
  increasing and yields have now moved sub-                        throughout 2022, despite inflationary headwinds         100

  4%. Demand has been driven by the growth of                      and geopolitical turbulence.
  e-commerce, particularly in the context of Brexit,
                                                                                                                                   03’17 09’17 03’18 0918 06’19 09’19 06’20 09’20 06’21 09’21 03’22

                                                                                                                           Source: Colliers                  Dublin

                      Student                            Industrial & Logistics:         Mixed-Use: Irish fund
   Highlighted        Accommodation: Ares                Union Investment agreed         Ballybunion Capital
                      Real Estate Group and              a deal with Primark             acquired a mixed-use
   Top Three
                      Generation Partners                to forward fund the             retail and office asset
   Deals                                                                                                                                       Michele McGarry | Director, Head of Capital Markets
                      acquired the ‘Project Ruby’        planned 595,000 sq. ft.         at Point Square, Dublin
                      student accommodation              Penneys warehousing             1 for €85 million / 5.2%                              michele.mcgarry@colliers.com
                      portfolio for €150 million         and distribution facility in    NIY. This asset includes                              +353 87 2050515
                      / c. 5% NIY. The deal              Newbridge, Co. Kildare for      a 103,000 sq. ft. office
                      included two assets in             €128.7 million / 3.6% NIY.      block and a 242,000 sq. ft.
                      Dublin and one in Cork                                             shopping centre anchored
                      with a combined total of                                           by Dunnes Stores (not
                      664 student beds.                                                  included in the sale).
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

Spain                                                                                                                            Sectors
                                                                                                                                 to watch
                                                                                                                                                                         Q1 Pricing
                                                                                                                                                                                          Q2 Pricing
In Q1 2022 the volume of investment reached €4.16 billion, 27.9% above the quarterly                                             Leisure hotels,     Office                                  
average of 2021, maintaining the good pace of Q4 2021 (€4.26 billion). Yields have remained                                      logistics,
stable with slight compressions in the logistics and living sectors. Yields remain low due to                                    residential
                                                                                                                                                     Logistics               /            /
high CPI inflation and significant liquidity seeking opportunities in the real estate sector.                                    multifamily, office
                                                                                                                                 and alternatives
                                                                                                                                                     Residential             /            /
Market Review
• Investment in the first quarter break down as follows:           • With almost €1.1 billion of hotel investment, Q1 set an                              Retail                             
  the hotel and living sectors with more than €1 billion             investment record for the first quarter of the year and
  (26% share) apiece, industrial & logistics (I&L) with              exceeded the investment volume for the whole of 2020.
                                                                                                                                                          Hotel                              
  €784 million (18.9%), offices with €675 million (16.2%),           Both investor appetite and market liquidity are at record
  retail with €375 million (9%) and other at €159 million            levels, contributing to price sustainability. Investors
  (3.8%).                                                            continue to focus on                                        All sector capital value index
                                                                     resort hotels.
• The I&L sector continues to be one of the most                                                                                 160
  attractive for investors in Spain. With yields at record         • Investor interest in the office market remains at
  lows and construction prices soaring, some land price              record levels, though there are very few products on        140
  containment may allow for development deals. For                   the market. Madrid and Barcelona continue to be the
  assets in rent, the strong CPI inflation will help to              preferred destinations for investors, with more than        120
  increase their profitability.                                      68% of investment.

• In the living sector, residential developers are concerned                                                                     100

  about construction cost increases and
  c. 50% state that they have already been forced to                                                                              80
                                                                                                                                         03’17 09’17 03’18 0918 06’19 09’19 06’20 09’20 06’21 09’21 03’22
  suspend construction work or to put off the launch of
  some of their projects. More positively, PRS buildings                                                                         Source: Colliers            Barcelona      Madrid
  are in very strong demand and BTR products can be sold
  with very attractive conditions on a speculative basis.

                                                                                                                                                     Alberto Díaz | Managing Director
                        Hotels Portfolio:                    Industrial & Logistics:         Offices: Beraunberri/                                   Head of Capital Markets
                        Eurazeo acquired five                EQT Exeter bought a             Onchena family offices                                  alberto.diaz@colliers.com
    Highlighted         Ayres Hotels from                    logistics portfolio from        acquired Vizcaya Tower in                               +34 645 801 840
    Top Three           Palladium and El Corte               Logicor comprising a            Bilbao for €170 million.
    Deals               Inglés for €135 million.             portfolio of six logistics
                                                             warehouses in Madrid.
                                                             Volume €295 million,
                                                             yield close to 4%.
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

Italy                                                                                                                         Sectors
                                                                                                                              to watch
                                                                                                                                                                       Q1 Pricing
                                                                                                                                                                                       Q2 Pricing
                                                                                                                              Logistics                Office                               
Activity in Q1 reached a record volume of €3.1 billion. This was achieved largely thanks to                                   (Southern Italy)
the closing of the Project Dream portfolio, but was also driven by increasing activity in all
                                                                                                                              Residential         Logistics                                  
asset classes, especially the office sector.                                                                                  (main large cities)
                                                                                                                                                       Residential                          

Market Review
                                                                                                                                                       Retail                              
• The Italian market started to post strong                      • Core opportunities are preferred but value-add
  performance in H2 2021 and this trend is continuing              operations have started to close again. Two office                                  Hotel                              
  in 2022. Activity in Q1 was high and we expect other             deals are noteworthy: Project Dream and the A2A
  deals to be closed in the coming months.                         portfolio. The first is a mixed portfolio with assets
                                                                   mainly in Milan, but also Rome, Florence and Latina.       All sector capital value index
• All asset classes registered higher volumes
                                                                   The second consists of three offices that will be
  compared to Q1 2021. The office sector again took                                                                           160
                                                                   liberated in the next two years and boast strong
  first place with important deals closed in Milan and
                                                                   refurbishment potential.
  Rome. Logistics remained a sought-after asset class,                                                                        140
  with deals closed in the Centre-North. Investors are           • Other deals included important value-add
  still looking at assets in the South, without closing            operations in the living asset class. Institutional        120
  any deals yet.                                                   investors are beginning to enter this market,
                                                                   traditionally dominated by local players focused on        100
                                                                   build to sell (BTS), and private landlords renting units
                                                                   to students/young professionals or local families.          80
                                                                                                                                      03’17 09’17 03’18 0918 06’19 09’19 06’20 09’20 06’21 09’21 03’22

                                                                                                                              Source: Colliers                  Rome      Milan

                                                                                                                                                  Silvio Sancilio | Head of Capital Markets
                      Office/Retail/I&L/Hotel/            Logistics: Verona DC1           Office: A2A portfolio –                                 silvio.sancilio@colliers.com
    Highlighted       Living: Project Dream –             in Nogarole Rocca (VR) -        €221m, 3 assets bought by                               +39 338 7469372
    Top Three         €842m, 68 assets bought             €117m, bought by LaSalle        Henderson Park (Value-
    Deals             by Apollo (mainly value-            Investment (core at 4%).        add).
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

Sweden                                                                                                                Sectors
                                                                                                                      to watch
                                                                                                                                                              Q1 Pricing
                                                                                                                                                                               Q2 Pricing
As of early 2022, the Swedish market remains strong in terms of both volume and pricing.                              Logistics,          Office                                   
Total transaction volume for Q1 2022 amounted to €4 billion, a 22% increase from                                      residential, office
the same quarter of the previous year.                                                                                and public sector
                                                                                                                                          Logistics                                
Market Review
                                                                                                                                               Residential                         
• Although Sweden had a slow start to 2022, with             • The industrial and logistics sector continues to be
  another stay-at-home order and geopolitical                  a focus of intense investor interest. In addition,                              Retail                              
  uncertainty amongst our European neighbours,                 there is solid and most likely growing investor
  we have continued to see a performing and                    interest in offices and defensive retail subsectors
                                                                                                                                               Hotel                              
  transacting investment market. We expect the                 such as grocery stores and big box budget retail.
  next quarter to remain strong, but potentially               Residential remains the most expensive property
  not as strong as the second quarter of 2021 since            type as yields have continued to compress,
                                                                                                                      All sector capital value index
  interest rates have started to rise. Interest rate           deterring some investors.
  considerations have yet to really impact and flatten                                                                160
                                                             • Social infrastructure company SBB continues its
  the price growth.
                                                               growth. It signed as the buyer in two of the largest
                                                               transactions in Sweden during the first quarter
                                                               of 2022. SBB ranked as the fifth largest property
                                                               owner in Sweden in 2022.


                      Portfolio deal: SBB            Mixed-use: SBB won              Office: Regio (owned by           80
   Highlighted        sold three properties to       the battle for a major          the Third AP Fund and                    03’17 09’17 03’18 0918 06’19 09’19 06’20 09’20 06’21 09’21 03’22

   Top Three          Swedish Government             opportunity offered by          Brunswick Real Estate)           Source: Colliers                  Stockholm
   Deals              Buildings, a JV that SBB       Kalmar municipality. For        signed an agreement with
                      owns in equal parts            €258 million,                   Castellum to acquire a
                      with Kåpan Pensions.           SBB acquired 24                 portfolio of 12 centrally
                      The properties include         properties with a total         located office properties
                      tenants such as the            of 136,000 sq m. The            in Gävle. The purchase
                                                                                                                                          Daniel Gorosch | CEO & Head of Capital Markets
                      Police Authority and           portfolio includes several      price amounts to €232
                      the Swedish Courts             modern office buildings,        million, which is Regio’s
                                                                                                                                          +46 761 48 51 03
                      Administration. The            a large school, a new           single largest acquisition
                      properties sold for            sports hall, and the county     ever.
                      €261 million.                  administrative board’s
                                                     beautiful office.
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

Denmark                                                                                                             Sectors
                                                                                                                    to watch
                                                                                                                                                            Q1 Pricing
                                                                                                                                                                             Q2 Pricing
                                                                                                                    Residential –            Office                             
The property market is expected to remain relatively stable and to be characterised by                              in particular
continued high activity following the lifting of all COVID-19 restrictions in Denmark.                              affordable
                                                                                                                                             Logistics                           
                                                                                                                    housing and
                                                                                                                    micro living
                                                                                                                                             Residential                        
Market Review                                                                                                       Prime core and
                                                                                                                    value-add office
• So far, 2022 has seen strong appetite from                 • International investors are increasing their share                            Retail                              
  domestic and international investors alike. The              of investment volume as they perceive the Danish     Logistics
  Danish market is expected to stay buoyant despite            investment market to be a safe haven. Four of the                             Hotel                              
  the uncertainty caused by the war in Ukraine,                five biggest transactions in the quarter stemmed
  given the security provided by its status as a NATO          from international investors.
  member state.                                                                                                     All sector capital value index
• Rising inflation and spiking interest rates have                                                                  160
  created uncertainty in the market, as has the
  Ukraine crisis. Despite this, activity remains                                                                    140
  exceptionally brisk in the market for Danish
  commercial and investment properties, with                                                                        120
  considerable demand from both domestic and
  international investors.                                                                                          100

                                                                                                                            03’17 09’17 03’18 0918 06’19 09’19 06’20 09’20 06’21 09’21 03’22

                                                                                                                    Source: Colliers                  Copenhagen

                      Residential: On behalf            Retail: A Swedish            Industrial & logistics:
                      of a sovereign wealth             property company             The British investor
   Highlighted        fund, an international            acquired a portfolio of 35   Promontoria Logistics
                      asset manager acquired            retail properties, mainly    acquired a secondary                               Peter Winther | Executive Director &
   Top Three
                      a 30,000 sq m residential         supermarkets, for            111,000 sq m industrial                            Head of Capital Markets
   Deals                                                                                                                                peter.winther@colliers.com
                      portfolio in suburban             €280 million.                and logistics portfolio at
                      Copenhagen. The                                                €80 million, reflecting                            +45 28 19 66 76
                      net initial yield was                                          a net initial yield of
                      approximately 3.65%.                                           approximately 6.5%.
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

Czech Republic                                                                                                           Sectors
                                                                                                                         to watch
                                                                                                                                                                    Q1 Pricing
                                                                                                                                                                                  Q2 Pricing
Investor sentiment and market momentum gained in Q4 of 2021 and this continued into                                      Residential - PRS,       Office                             
the first quarter of 2022, with transaction volumes at a level not seen for some time. Initial                           industrial, core
indications are that recent geopolitical and economic inflationary events do not appear to have                          offices
                                                                                                                                                  Logistics                            
had a detrimental impact on pricing as yet, although every crisis has its winners and losers.
                                                                                                                                                  Residential                        
Market Review
                                                                                                                                                  Retail                              
• Q1 2022 saw transaction volumes of over €900                 • Surprisingly, investors returned to the retail sector
  million in just one quarter, equivalent to 50% of              in Q1. Shopping centre transactions included
                                                                                                                                                  Hotel                              
  the previous year’s total volume. This is in part a            the disposal of Géčko in České Budějovice by CPI
  result of some transactions completing later than              PG and the sale of two shopping centres in Brno
  projected, having been postponed from last year.               Avion Shopping Park, and to Polish and Slovak
                                                                                                                         All sector capital value index
  Such levels of liquidity have not been seen since              investors respectively. This is the first time we
  2019. We project that investment volumes will be               have seen Polish investors acquire retail assets in     160
  lower in Q2.                                                   the Czech Republic, reversing the trend of capital
                                                                 flowing from the Czech Republic to Poland.              140
• Investor appetite for prime industrial assets
  remains unabated, but with limited suitable
  investment product, investors must react
  quickly to opportunities and where necessary
  be prepared to pay a premium for assets. Office
  schemes, as was seen this quarter, remain
  popular and if the asset is of good quality with                                                                               03’17 09’17 03’18 0918 06’19 09’19 06’20 09’20 06’21 09’21 03’22
  a reasonable WAULT in place, then it is likely to
                                                                                                                         Source: Colliers                  Prague
  attract strong investor interest, particularly in
  Prague which remains a key focus for investors.

                                                                                                                                             Mark Richardson | Director, Head of Industrial and
                      Retail: Sale of CPI PG            Office/Retail: Bořislavka      Industrial: Hines acquired                            Investment Services
                      Shopping centre portfolio         brand-new mixed-use            an industrial portfolio                               mark.richardson@colliers.com
                      (two properties) to               development was sold to        from CPI PG of smaller                                +420 734 235 037
   Top Three
                      Slovakia’s 365.invest for         Reico for an estimated         parks around Prague for
                      over €200 million.                price exceeding                over €100 million.
                                                        €180 million.
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

Romania                                                                                                                 Sectors
                                                                                                                        to watch
                                                                                                                                                                Q1 Pricing
                                                                                                                                                                                 Q2 Pricing

2022 started on a decent note volume-wise, with some delays to or renegotiations of large                               Prime offices,           Office                             
                                                                                                                        industrial assets
deals taking place amid the war in Ukraine, though the good news is that deal making has not
stopped.                                                                                                                                         Logistics                            

                                                                                                                                                 Residential                          
Market Review
• Close to €90 million of commercial real estate               • The inflationary backdrop continues to favour a                                 Retail                             
  assets traded in the first quarter of 2022, down               capital shift towards real estate in general, given
  some 9% compared to a year ago. Offices                        its perceived status as an asset class hedged
                                                                                                                                                 Hotel                              
  accounted for over 70% of dealmaking activity,                 against CPI spikes. That said, the war in Ukraine is
  with the quarter’s biggest deal seeing Speedwell               causing some issues, with some deals (particularly
  selling the mixed-use Record Park in Cluj-Napoca               those involving big-ticket items) seeing delays
                                                                                                                        All sector capital value index
  (with offices generating the bulk of the value) to             or even renegotiations, though, positively, deal
  AYA Properties Fund for €35 million.                           making is not frozen.                                  140

• The retail sector generated the quarter’s                    • The pipeline for Romania remains office
  second biggest deal, which saw Revetas Capital                 heavy, with logistics transactions still failing to    120
  selling Vitantis Shopping Center, a retail park                underscore the true scope of demand given that
  in Bucharest, to Praktiker Real Estate; this deal              many landlords are either long-term owners or
  represented some 20% of Q1 turnover.                           are still holding onto their assets in the hope of     100

                                                                 getting more favourable terms in the coming
                                                                                                                                03’17 09’17 03’18 0918 06’19 09’19 06’20 09’20 06’21 09’21 03’22

                                                                                                                        Source: Colliers                  Bucharest

                      Office: Record Park, a           Retail: Revetas Capital         Office: The third biggest
                      new office project in Cluj-      sold Vitantis Shopping          deal of the quarter saw
   Highlighted        Napoca, was sold by its          Center in Bucharest to          Hungarian group Indotek
                                                                                                                                            Robert Miklo | Head of Capital Markets
   Top Three          developers (Speedwell and        Praktiker Real Estate;          purchase an office project
   Deals              Baltisse) to AYA Properties      ticket size estimated in the    in the north of Bucharest
                                                                                                                                            +40 21 319 77 77
                      Fund for €35 million.            region of €20 million.          (Baneasa Business Center)
                                                                                       in a deal estimated in the
                                                                                       €15 million region.
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

Hungary                                                                                                                    Sectors
                                                                                                                           to watch
                                                                                                                                                                   Q1 Pricing
                                                                                                                                                                                    Q2 Pricing

Total investment volume (excluding development plots) reached €142 million in Q1 2022,                                     Both core                Office                             
down 38% year-on-year. The office sector continued to attract the majority of investment                                   and value-add
                                                                                                                           offices in the
volume with a total of €111 million, representing 78% of the quarter’s investment volume.                                                           Logistics                            
                                                                                                                           right locations,
                                                                                                                           logistics and
Market Review                                                                                                                                       Residential                        
• The remainder of the activity (22%) was in the                  • Pricing of non-prime assets will likely remain under
  industrial & logistics sector. No transactions were               pressure, given increased vacancy rates among                                   Retail                             
  registered in the hotel or retail sectors during the              B-class properties, stagnating rents and higher
  quarter. The average deal size was €24 million, and               fit-out costs, which have a negative effect on net                              Hotel                              
  local investors were behind most of the volume.                   effective rents.

• A major push is expected in the development of                  • Prime offices have demonstrated that they will
  industrial & logistics facilities in 2022, while some             remain the key drivers of Hungary’s property           All sector capital value index
  new offices will also be handed over during the                   investment market for years to come, despite           180
  year, driving deals in the office sector. Prime offices           the headwinds presented by new hybrid working
  remained mostly stable in value, whilst the pricing               trends within the occupier market as a result of the   160

  of prime logistics has risen further. Typical prime               pandemic. The growth in demand has accelerated
  yields at the beginning of 2022 were 5-5.25% in the               most markedly in the industrial & logistics sector
  office sector and 5.75% in the modern industrial                  since the onset of the pandemic, which has also        120
  & logistics sector. Chinese and South-Korean                      resulted in strong capital appreciation in this
  investors are especially interested in the industrial             sector.
  & logistics sector, as well as the office sector.                                                                         80
                                                                  • With Hungary’s COVID-era loan moratorium
                                                                                                                                   03’17 09’17 03’18 0918 06’19 09’19 06’20 09’20 06’21 09’21 03’22
                                                                    expiring, we forecast more forced sales in the
                                                                    hotel market.                                          Source: Colliers                  Budapest

                       Office: Europa Capital,              Office: R70 was acquired      Industrial: M7 Real Estate
                       together with local partner          by Épkar Zrt. (10,300 sq      purchased Akácliget                                  Bence Vecsey | Director, Head of Investment
                       ConvergenCE, acquired the            m) from CA Immo in the        logistics centre from                                bence.vecsey@colliers.com
    Top Three          Akadémia Business Center             Central Pest submarket        Phoenix Fund (18,000                                 +36 1 336 4200
    Deals              (12,500 sq m) in the CBD             for €30 million.              sq m) on the outskirts of
                       submarket of Budapest for                                          Budapest.
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

Poland                                                                                                                           Sectors
                                                                                                                                 to watch
                                                                                                                                                                         Q1 Pricing
                                                                                                                                                                                          Q2 Pricing
                                                                                                                                 Office, logistics/       Office                             
With a total preliminary volume of €1.5 billion (a figure still to be adjusted upwards following                                 industrial, PRS
the late closing of several industrial and logistics transactions) Q1 2022 represented a                                                                  Logistics                           
significantly improved performance compared to Q1 2021, with pandemic restrictions being
lifted and the injection of new capital into the market. Momentum is expected to persist                                                                  Residential                        
despite the war in Ukraine weighing on investor sentiment to some degree.
                                                                                                                                                          Retail                             

Market Review                                                                                                                                             Hotel                               
• Despite ongoing turbulence, the market is still                  • Rental growth in both offices and logistics is
   active with a number of new buyers entering.                       finally on the horizon and the market is already
                                                                                                                                 All sector capital value index
                                                                      witnessing first instances of developers increasing
• CEE-based capital is expected to be one of the
                                                                      rents, as well as incentive packages decreasing.           140
   market-makers in 2022 amid established Western
   investors adopting a more selective approach due                • Several major preliminary agreements were signed
   to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.                                for office assets in particular, which will be reflected   120
                                                                      in volumes in the following quarters.
• Industrial & logistics assets are still in the highest
   demand, however demand for offices is coming
   back due to supply and demand dynamics, in
   particular an inflow of new occupiers as well as
   rapidly increasing construction costs.                                                                                         80
                                                                                                                                         03’17 09’17 03’18 0918 06’19 09’19 06’20 09’20 06’21 09’21 03’22

                                                                                                                                 Source: Colliers                  Warsaw

                        Office: €583 million               Retail: €650 million – A         Industrial: €71 million –
                        / 4.5% - Google’s                  delisting of one of CEE’s        Acquisition by Partners
                        acquisition of the Hub,            leading retail landlords,        Group and Peakside of
    Highlighted                                                                                                                                      Piotr Mirowski | Senior Partner, Head of Capital Markets
                        a Class A Warsaw office            followed by restructuring        Cromwell’s prominent
    Top Three                                                                                                                                        piotr.mirowski@colliers.com
                        tower, proved to be                of ownership with                Warsaw portfolio.
                                                                                                                                                     +48 512 233 228
    Deals               one of Europe’s largest            Redefine Properties, the
                        single-asset transactions          second largest REIT listed
                        in the last 12 months.             on Johannesburg’s stock                                                                   Dorota Wysokinska-Kuzdra | Senior Partner
                                                           exchange, taking control.                                                                 dorota.wysokinska-kuzdra@colliers.com
                                                                                                                                                     +48 661 380 570
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

For more information please use the contact details below:

EMEA Team                                                    Local research leads

Christian King                                               Josef Stanko                               Silviu Pop
Client Services, Cross Border Capital Markets | EMEA         Research Analyst | Czech Republic          Head of Research | Romania
+44 7981 704448                                              josef.stanko@colliers.com                  silviu.pop@colliers.com
christian.king@colliers.com                                  +420 728 175 024                           +40 21 319 77 77

Damian Harrington                                            Emil Helmsøe-Zinck                         Madeline Buijs
Director, Head of Research | Global Capital Markets & EMEA   Head of Valuation and Advisory | Denmark   Head of Research & Economy | Netherlands
+44 7867 360489                                              emil.helmsoee-zinck@colliers.com           madeline.buijs@colliers.com
damian.harrington@colliers.com                               +45 30 23 96 41                            +31 6 10 97 17 86

Istvan Toth                                                  Laurence Bouard                            Jorge Laguna
Director, Research | EMEA                                    Head of Research | France                  Business Intelligent Director, Head of Research | Spain
+44 20 7487 1899                                             laurence.bouard@colliers.com               jorge.laguna@colliers.com
istvan.toth@colliers.com                                     +33 6 81 56 49 02                          +34 654 387 110

                                                             Susanne Kiese                              Dr. Walter Boettcher
                                                             Head of Research | Germany                 Head of Research and Economics I UK
                                                             susanne.kiese@colliers.com                 walter.boettcher@colliers.com
                                                             +49 151 55110942                           +44 20 7344 6581

                                                             Simone Roberti                             Gertrúd Hausenblasz
                                                             Head of Research | Italy                   Research Analyst | Hungary
                                                             simone.roberti@colliers.com                gertrud.hausenblasz@colliers.com
                                                             +39 348 3806762                            +3670 702 8626
EMEA Capital Markets Snapshot | Q1 2022

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               €3.5B                                                                62                                                    €45B                                            APAC
                                                                                                                                         Assets under                                  Coming soon
           Annual revenue                                                      Countries
                                                                                                                                         management                                     Coming soon

             53,000                                                      185M                                                            17,000
                                                                                                                                          Professionals                               North America
                Lease/sale                                             Square metres                                                                                                   Coming soon

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           Statistics are for year-end 2021 and in EUR. Number of countries includes affiliates and as of March 2022.

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