Embracing the Regional Infrastructure Opportunities - 16 August 2019 The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore - Singapore Regional Business ...

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Embracing the Regional Infrastructure Opportunities - 16 August 2019 The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore - Singapore Regional Business ...
Embracing the Regional Infrastructure Opportunities

                  16 August 2019
        The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore
Embracing the Regional Infrastructure Opportunities - 16 August 2019 The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore - Singapore Regional Business ...
Content 03                                                                           Foreword

                                                                                   04                   SRIS Programme

                                                                                   09                   Guest-of-Honour

                                                                                   10                   Speakers

                                                                                   54                   Partners

                                                                                   55                   Sponsors

The content is accurate as of 14 August 2019. Please refer to the website www.srbf.com.sg and the event app for the latest information.
Embracing the Regional Infrastructure Opportunities - 16 August 2019 The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore - Singapore Regional Business ...
                               A very warm welcome to the inaugural Singapore Regional Infrastructure Summit
                               (SRIS), a new initiative led by the SBF Infrastructure Committee.

                               Theme “Embracing the Regional Infrastructure Opportunities”, SRIS will focus
                               on infrastructure opportunities in Asia, and how different Asian countries
                               can harness the economic and social benefits arising from infrastructure
                               developments for sustainable economic growth and long-term prosperity.

                              Commemorating Singapore’s Bicentennial, this year’s Summit aims to position
                              Singapore as Asia’s infrastructure hub and gateway to the region’s infrastructure
                              opportunities and ecosystems. SRIS hopes to facilitate infrastructure
development by connecting multiple stakeholders, including industry leaders, senior government officials and
senior bankers, to promote sustainable growth and improve connectivity in the region.

In addition to knowledge sharing through esteemed panels of local and international speakers, we will also be
showcasing Singapore’s extraordinary transformation from fishing village to thriving metropolis in a short span
of 200 years. In this regard, we are honoured to mark this occasion with Ms Indranee Rajah, Minister in the
Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Finance and Education Singapore, as our Guest-of-Honour. We
are also pleased to have with us Special Guest Speaker, Mr Giulio De Carli, Founder and Managing Partner of
One Works.

The SRIS will feature over 35 industry captains, prominent business leaders, senior government officials and
thought leaders from ASEAN states, China, Europe, Japan and beyond. The forum will present an exciting
line-up of plenary discussions, business matching and roundtable discussions on diverse topics relating to
infrastructure development in Asia.

Together with SRBF®, we look forward to welcoming more than 800 foreign ministers, ambassadors, government
officials, prominent business leaders and project owners from around 50 countries and regions to the two-day

On behalf of Singapore Business Federation, we wish to thank the Ministry of Trade & Industry Singapore,
the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Singapore, Infrastructure Asia, all sponsors and partnering
business chambers and associations for your unwavering support. Many thanks also to local participants and
overseas delegates for attending this forum. We look forward to your feedback, so that SRIS can serve as a high-
profile, neutral business platform to facilitate open and constructive conversations on regional infrastructure

I wish you a fruitful and insightful time at SRIS. Thank you.

Mr Pek Lian Guan
Vice-Chairman, Singapore Business Federation
Chairman, SBF Infrastructure Committee

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Embracing the Regional Infrastructure Opportunities - 16 August 2019 The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore - Singapore Regional Business ...
SRIS Programme
        VENUE: Grand Ballroom, Level 1

        08:00 – 09:00              Registration & Morning Reception

        09:00 – 09:10              Welcome Address
                                   Mr S.S. TEO
                                   Chairman, Singapore Business Federation
                                   Executive Chairman, Pacific International Lines

        09:10 – 09:30              Keynote Speech by Guest-of-Honour
                                   Ms Indranee RAJAH
                                   Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office
                                   Second Minister for Finance and Education

        09:30 – 09:40 Special Remarks
                      Mr PEK Lian Guan
                      Vice Chairman, Singapore Business Federation
                      Chairman, SBF Infrastructure Committee
                      Chief Executive Officer, Tiong Seng Holdings Ltd

        09:40 – 10:10 Networking Tea Break

        10:10 – 12:00              Plenary Session

                                   Bolstering Asia’s Economic and Social Growth through Infrastructure Development
                                   Infrastructure projects are crucial for sustainable economic growth and aspired prosperity in target
                                   countries. While attracting infrastructure investments is a common theme among Asian countries,
                                   their respective approaches and challenges may differ from one another. What are the factors
                                   and challenges in infrastructure procurement unique to the respective countries? How do different
                                   Asian countries maximise the economic and social benefits of infrastructure developments? This
                                   panel explores the views from investors, financiers and senior government representatives.

                                   Mr Seth TAN
                                   Executive Director
                                   Infrastructure Asia

                                   Dr Maria Catalina E. CABRAL
                                   Undersecretary for Planning and Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
                                   Department of Public Works and Highways
                                   The Philippines

                                   Ms Isabel CHATTERTON
                                   Regional Industry Director
                                   Infrastructure and Natural Resources Asia Pacific
                                   International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group

                                   Mr Yoji MORISHITA
                                   Head, Office of Public-Private Partnership
                                   Asian Development Bank

                                   Mr PANG Yee Ean
                                   Director General, Investment Operations II: Energy and Urban
                                   Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

                                   Ms Jennifer TAY
                                   Partner, Capital Projects & Infrastructure Advisory
                                   PwC Singapore

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Embracing the Regional Infrastructure Opportunities - 16 August 2019 The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore - Singapore Regional Business ...
SRIS Programme

                Mr XU Zhongchao
                Managing Director and Head of Alternative Investment Department
                CICC Capital Management Co., Ltd

                Mr Tonny YEAP
                Director, Commercial
                MyHSR Corp

12:00 – 13:00   Luncheon Plenary by Special Guest Speaker
                As ASEAN economies continue to thrive, investment opportunities increase and demand for
                infrastructure projects continues to grow, governments are now transforming the political and
                legislative landscape of the infrastructure sector. With the region seeking to introduce PPP
                projects at a rapid pace, now is the time for increased international collaborations and to learn
                from other markets. How can we actively share best practice? What can be learnt from previous
                developments? And, most importantly, how can the ASEAN community better prepare and
                design more efficient infrastructure projects?

                Mr Giulio DE CARLI
                Founder and Managing Partner
                One Works

13:00 – 14:15   Concurrent Sessions & Roundtable Discussions (Part I)

                Track 1:
                Infrastructure Opportunities in Indonesia
                There is significant demand for infrastructure investments in Southeast Asia’s largest economy,
                namely in sectors such as roads, ports, airports, railways, water and power plants. Aided by
                government plans to increase infrastructure spending and with a list of priority projects,
                Indonesia is a focus target for numerous investors and financiers around the world. How does
                Indonesia keep the momentum going?

                Mr Julian SMITH
                Global Transport and Logistics Industry Leader
                PwC Indonesia

                Mr Reynaldi HERMANSJAH
                President Director and Chief Executive Officer
                Indonesia Infrastructure Finance

                Dr Armand HERMAWAN
                President Director
                Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund

                Mr Gautsil MADANI
                Senior Vice President
                Corporate Strategic Development
                Angkasa Pura ll

                Mr Pradana MURTI
                Head of Project Development Division
                PT. Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)

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Embracing the Regional Infrastructure Opportunities - 16 August 2019 The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore - Singapore Regional Business ...
SRIS Programme

                        Track 2:
                        Infrastructure Opportunities in Myanmar
                        Since the re-opening of Myanmar in 2011, the country has undergone significant economic and
                        legislative reforms and political transformation. Described by investors as Asia’s ‘last frontier’, it
                        has seen a flurry of foreign investments over the last 8 years, including in a range of infrastructure
                        projects. What is in store for Myanmar in the near future and longer term?

                        Ms Jennifer TAY
                        Partner, Capital Projects & Infrastructure Advisory
                        PwC Singapore

                        Mr LEE Leong Seng
                        General Manager (Myanmar)
                        Surbana Jurong Pvt Ltd

                        Mr MINN Naing Oo
                        Managing Director
                        Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar)

                        Mr MYAT Noe
                        Economic Attaché and Counsellor
                        Embassy of The Republic of The Union of Myanmar

                        Mr THURANE Aung
                        Executive Director
                        Yangon Metropolitan Development Public Company Limited

                        Dr WUNNA Aung
                        Directorate of Investment & Company Administration (DICA)

        14:15 – 14:45   Networking Tea Break

        14:45 – 16:00   Concurrent Sessions & Roundtable Discussions (Part II)

                        Track 3:
                        Infrastructure Opportunities in Vietnam
                        Vietnam is one of the fastest growing economies in Southeast Asia and a target country for
                        infrastructure investors. The expansion of its population in major cities has fuelled demand for
                        more transportation and logistics networks, and utilities infrastructure. The government has
                        also made efforts to introduce PPP projects especially in the road and rail sectors to attract
                        foreign investments. How does Vietnam keep the investment coming from foreign investors?

                        Mr Glenn HUGHES
                        Director, Head of Capital Projects and Infrastructure Advisory
                        PwC Vietnam

                        Dato’ Seri AZMI Abdul Aziz
                        Chief Executive Officer
                        YTL Rail

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Embracing the Regional Infrastructure Opportunities - 16 August 2019 The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore - Singapore Regional Business ...
SRIS Programme

                 Mr Paul DILLBECK
                 Founder and Chief Legal Officer
                 Gen X Energy

                 Mr Leonid GAVRILCHIK
                 Business Development Director
                 Royal Haskoning DHV

                 Mr Timmy KÖHLER
                 Associate Vice President
                 SUSI Partners

                 Mr NGUYEN Tien Dzung
                 Founder and Chairman
                 GAMI Group

                 Mr Perry RIVERA
                 Chief Operating Officer
                 New Business Operations
                 Manila Water

                 Track 4:
                 Infrastructure Opportunities in Thailand
                 In line with the PPP Strategic Plan published by the Thai government in late 2017, which sets out
                 the sectors in which infrastructure projects can be developed as PPPs, projects under Thailand’s
                 Eastern Economic Corridor have garnered great attention from investors. Numerous projects
                 are on-going which seek to integrate the region and harness economic synergies across sectors.

                 Mr Oliver REDRUP
                 Managing Director, Capital Projects and Infrastructure Advisory
                 PwC Singapore

  Director, Infrastructure Management Group
		Eastern Economic Corridor Office of Thailand

                 Mr Weerawong CHITTMITTRAPAP
                 Senior Partner
                 Weerawong, Chinnavat & Partners

                 Dr Pisit PUAPAN
                 Executive Director
                 Macroeconomic Policy Bureau, Fiscal Policy Office
                 Ministry of Finance

                 Dr Phongthon THARACHAI
                 Chief Executive Officer, PPS Group
                 Managing Director, PPS OneWorks

                 Dr Wesley WONG
                 Country Manager – Malaysia and Thailand
                 Jacobs Engineering Group Malaysia Sdn Bhd

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Embracing the Regional Infrastructure Opportunities - 16 August 2019 The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore - Singapore Regional Business ...
SRIS Programme

        16:15 – 17:30   Concurrent Sessions & Roundtable Discussions (Part III)

                        Track 5:
                        Project Sharing by Infrastructure Asia
                        Infrastructure Asia, set up by Enterprise Singapore and the Monetary Authority of Singapore,
                        offers a platform for information exchange and sharing of best practises in the development,
                        financing and implementation of infrastructure projects. Since its inception in late 2018, it
                        has engaged various ASEAN countries, private investors as well as a range of stakeholders in
                        infrastructure projects to push forward its agenda. What role would Infrastructure Asia play in
                        catalysing infrastructure development in Asia?

                        Mr KOW Juan Tiang
                        Deputy Executive Director
                        Infrastructure Asia

                        Project Sharing by MCC Land Singapore
                        When we talk about Cambodia, we will associate her with Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. Phnom
                        Penh, Cambodia’s busy capital, sits at the junction of Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers. It was a hub
                        for both the Khmer Empire and French colonialists. Siem Reap is the gateway to the ruins of
                        Angkor, the seat of the Khmer Kingdom from the 9th – 15th centuries.

                        Little is known about the hidden jewel located off the south coast of Cambodia. The aim of this
                        presentation is to give you a glimpse of this emerging jewel which will be a liveable, smart, and
                        innovative city

                        Ms LI Yanmei
                        Senior Vice President, Urban Development
                        MCC Land (Singapore)

                        Track 6:
                        Side Meetings
                        There are numerous opportunities for participants to meet and discuss other specific topics of
                        interest, such as the sharing of experiences in the collaboration between Singapore and Andhra
                        Pradesh to develop the planned state capital city of Amaravati.

        17:30 – 18:00   Business Matching and Networking

        18:00           End of Programme (SRIS)

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Embracing the Regional Infrastructure Opportunities - 16 August 2019 The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore - Singapore Regional Business ...

                            Ms Indranee RAJAH
                            Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office
                            Second Minister for Finance and Education

Ms Indranee Rajah is the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office. She is also Second Minister for Finance and

She was in practice as a lawyer and Senior Counsel before joining Government.

Under her law portfolio from 2012 – 2018, she co-chaired the Committees on Family Justice, the formation of the
Singapore International Commercial Court as well as the Committee to Strengthen Singapore as an International
Centre for Debt Restructuring. She also helmed the Steering Committee on the strategic direction of Singapore’s
third law school at UniSIM.

Under her MOF portfolio, Ms Rajah co-chaired the Working Group on Legal and Accounting Services, a sub-
committee of the 2016 Committee on the Future Economy, the recommendations of which are aimed at
transforming the legal and accounting industries in Singapore and catalysing the internationalisation of such
professional services.

In her first tour of the Education Ministry from 2012 - 2015, she led the Committee for Applied Studies in
Polytechnics and ITE (ASPIRE) resulting in SkillsFuture, a national movement to align education with economic
demand, career guidance and lifelong learning.

As Second Minister for Education, Ms Rajah currently chairs UPLIFT – the “Uplifting Pupils in Life and Inspiring
Families Taskforce”, an inter-agency team convened in 2018 aimed at strengthening support for students from
disadvantaged families.

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Embracing the Regional Infrastructure Opportunities - 16 August 2019 The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore - Singapore Regional Business ...
Welcome Address

                                      Mr S.S. TEO
                                      Chairman, Singapore Business Federation
                                      Executive Chairman, Pacific International Lines

          Mr Teo Siong Seng (S.S. Teo) is the Executive Chairman of Pacific International Lines (“PIL”) Singapore, Chairman
          and CEO of Singamas Container Holdings Ltd, Hong Kong. He is also the Chairman of the Singapore Business
          Federation, the Singapore Apex Business Chamber.

          PIL is ranked as the top 9 containership operators in the world and the largest ship owner in Southeast Asia. Its
          subsidiary, Singamas Container Holdings Ltd, is the 2nd largest container manufacturer in the world.

          Mr Teo is a Member of the Singapore Future Economy Council (FEC). He is the Honorary President of Singapore
          Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Honorary Council of the United Republic of Tanzania in Singapore and Pro-
          Chancellor of the National University of Singapore. He is Director of Business China, Board Member of Enterprise
          Singapore, Chairman of Singapore Guangxi Integrated Developments Pte Ltd (China-Singapore Nanning
          International Logistics Park), Chairman of Sino-Singapore Chongqing Connectivity Solutions Co., Ltd., Independent
          Non-Executive Director of COSCO Shipping Energy Transportation Co. Ltd, COSCO Shipping Holdings Co. Ltd. and
          Wilmar International Limited.

10 | SRIS 2019
Special Remarks

                             Mr PEK Lian Guan
                             Vice Chairman, Singapore Business Federation
                             Chairman, SBF Infrastructure Committee
                             Chief Executive Officer, Tiong Seng Holdings Ltd

Mr Pek Lian Guan started his career at Tiong Seng Contractors upon his graduation from Loughborough University
of Technology, United Kingdom, with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering (First Class Hons) in 1989. In 1993, he was
appointed as a Director of Tiong Seng Contractors and soon became the Deputy Managing Director in 1997. Mr
Pek has been a member of Tiong Seng Holdings Limited’s Board of Directors since 15th April 2008, and was last
re-elected on the 21st April 2016.

Tapping on more than 30 years of experience in project management for civil engineering and building works in
Singapore, Mr Pek has gone on to champion the use of advanced construction technology and green practices
across its businesses for better productivity and efficiency. Notably, Mr Pek’s pursuit of transforming the
construction landscape with technologies such as Pre-fabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction (PPVC)
has elevated Tiong Seng to become one of the industry leaders in adopting cutting-edge construction capabilities.

Under his leadership, Tiong Seng has built up a solid track record and achieved numerous quality, safety, innovation
and environmental sustainability awards and accolades in both the local and international arena, including the
Singapore Quality Award (SQA), where Tiong Seng was the first construction builder in Singapore to win this
prestigious award.

Mr Pek is known as an advocate of initiatives pertaining to the enhancement of productivity standards in
Singapore, and is actively involved in various private and public sector committees which include the Building and
Construction Authority (BCA) and Workplace Safety and Health Council (WSH) amongst others.

More recently, Mr Pek was appointed as Vice President of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (SCCCI). Mr Pek also sits on the Council of the Singapore Business Federation (SBF) and holds the post
of Vice Chairman of the SBF Council and the Chairman of the SBF Infrastructure Committee.

                                                                                                                SRIS 2019 | 11
Special Guest Speaker

                                       Mr Giulio DE CARLI
                                       Founder and Managing Partner
                                       One Works

          Mr Giulio De Carli is one of the Founding Partners at global architecture and engineering firm, One Works, and an
          active Board Member for specialist multi-disciplinary specialist firm, PPS OneWorks.

          With over 30 years’ experience and a great passion, he specializes in the planning and design of transport related
          developments and infrastructures, whilst providing consultancy support to a range of organisations/authorities to
          help create sustainable communities.

          As an expert in his field, high-profile projects include: the Italian Airports Network master plan commissioned by
          ENAC; expansion of Venice International Airport; two Riyadh Metro flagship stations; and seven Red Line stations
          for the Doha Metro. Mr De Carli also published a book titled ‘New Airports’.

12 | SRIS 2019

                              Mr Seth TAN
                              Executive Director
                              Infrastructure Asia

Mr Seth Tan is the Executive Director of Infrastructure Asia, which is a project facilitation office under the Singapore
government. Set up by Enterprise Singapore and the Monetary Authority of Singapore, the office aims to harness
the network and collective capabilities of public sector agencies and private sector firms, and partner stakeholders
across the region to meet Asia’s infrastructure needs. Prior to his role as head of the Infrastructure Asia office,
he has helmed leadership roles in DBS Bank, BNP Paribas, Standard Bank, and Babcock & Brown, and was based
overseas in China, Australia, Hong Kong. Over his 23 years’ involvement in the infrastructure sector, he has worked
on various opportunities across various infrastructure sub-segments.


                                                    Dr Maria Catalina E. CABRAL
                       Undersecretary for Planning and Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
                                             Department of Public Works and Highways
                                                                        The Philippines

A licensed Civil Engineer, Undersecretary Maria Catalina E. Cabral has three (3) Masters Degrees and two (2)
Doctorate Degrees in the field of Business Management, Economics and Public Administration. At present she is
taking another Doctorate Degree on Urban and Regional Planning at the University of the Philippines.

A registered ASEAN and APEC Engineer. She is the 2017-2018 National President and first female highest leader
of the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE). She also commissioned in the Reserve Force, with the rank of
LIEUTENANT COLONEL in the Philippine Army.

As Undersecretary for Planning and PPP, Undersecretary Cabral is in-charge of overseeing the development of
strategic and priority plans and programs of the Department including implementation of PPP projects.

With 35 years of experience in public service, Undersecretary Cabral’s professional and personal feat as a public
servant, an engineer, and a woman serves as inspiration not only to DPWH but also to other public servants.

                                                                                                                    SRIS 2019 | 13

                                       Ms Isabel CHATTERTON
                                       Regional Industry Director
                                       Infrastructure and Natural Resources Asia Pacific
                                       International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group

          Ms Isabel Chatterton is the Regional Industry Director, Infrastructure and Natural Resources, Asia and Pacific,
          based in Singapore. For seven years prior to her current role, Ms Chatterton was the Regional Manager for PPP
          Transaction Advisory Services, initially for South Asia based in Delhi, and subsequently in Singapore as her mandate
          expanded to cover all Asia Pacific for the last four years. Ms Chatterton spent four years in IFC’s Subnational
          Finance unit where she worked in deal origination, structuring and supervision of debt and structured finance
          products in more than six countries in LAC. Before joining IFC, Ms Chatterton held various positions in World Bank
          operations in the urban sector in the Middle East and North Africa region, the water sector in Latin America, and
          the transport, power and urban sector in South Asia. Before joining the World Bank in 2001, Ms Chatterton worked
          in emerging markets and Western Europe for WS Atkins in the UK as Senior Management Consultant; working on
          infrastructure finance in Thailand, Argentina, Barbados, Qatar, the UK, and Europe.

          Ms Chatterton, a civil engineer by training, holds an MBA and a PhD from the University of Birmingham (UK).


                                                                       Mr Yoji MORISHITA
                                                     Office of Public-Private Partnership (OPPP)
                                            Manila Headquarters, Asian Development Bank (ADB)

          Mr Yoji Morishita is currently leading and supervising ADB’s operations of PPP and transaction advisory services
          at Office of PPP, which was established on 1 September 2014. Before ADB, he was Managing Director and Country
          Head of Global Banking in Standard Chartered Bank Tokyo Branch, was Japan country manager & CEO at ING
          Bank, Citibank in Japan and New York. Previously, worked at Export-Import Bank of Japan and started his career
          with Kobe Steel, Ltd. He has been engaged in project finance operations globally for more than 20 years.

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                              PANG Yee Ean
                              Director General, Investment Operations II: Energy and Urban
                              Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

Mr Pang Yee Ean, a Singaporean, is the Director General, Investment Operations, of Asian Infrastructure Investment
Bank (AIIB). He has responsibilities to strategically identify and execute infrastructure investments in the region for
AIIB. He leads a team that has invested and manages an active portfolio of more than 20 investments. He started
the Private Sector Financing Operations of the Bank, and is currently focusing on Energy and Urban infrastructure,
investing in both Sovereign and Private Sectors.

Mr Pang was formerly the CEO of Surbana Consultants (Surbana) and Group Chief Operating Officer of Surbana
Jurong Private Limited (Surbana Jurong). During his tenure in Surbana, he led a transformation growth of annual
order book by more than 50%, and revenue by more than 20%. Before joining Surbana, he was Senior Vice President
in charge of Real Estates Funds where he co-led the team in the SGX listing of a S$700 million market value
Ascendas Hospitality Trust. Prior to that, Mr Pang was the Assistant Chief Executive Officer of Ascendas Services
Pte Ltd. He also spent 6 years stationed in India with Ascendas, including being Head of Ascendas North India and
Head of Hyderabad, setting up offices in various locations and investing in industrial parks.

                                                                                                                   SRIS 2019 | 15

                                       Ms Jennifer TAY
                                       Partner, Capital Projects & Infrastructure Advisory
                                       PwC Singapore

          Ms Jennifer Tay is a Partner in PwC Singapore’s Capital Projects and Infrastructure (“CP&I”) practice that provides
          advice to both public and private sectors. She focuses on outbound investments from Chinese investors into the
          Southeast Asia region, as well as inbound investment from regional investors (including private sector players and
          multi-laterals) into China. Ms Tay is fluent in both English and Mandarin.

          Ms Tay has considerable experience in professional services, particularly in large scale financial and PPP
          transactions. Her sectors of expertise include Power & Energy (e.g. electricity generation/transmission/
          distribution), Transport (e.g. urban rails, toll roads, bridges, and port terminals), Water, and Telecommunications/
          Fibre Network infrastructure.


                                                                          Mr XU Zhongchao
                               Managing Director and Head of Alternative Investment Department
                                                              CICC Capital Management Co., Ltd

          Mr Xu Zhongchao joined China International Capital Corporation (3908.HK) since 2011. He is now in charge of
          CICC Infrastructure Fund and CICC Special Opportunity Investment Fund, and the total AUM is around 10 billion

          Prior to joining CICC, Mr Xu previously worked as vice president of Asset Allocation Department at China Investment
          Corporation (CIC) since 2007. He was in charge of market research, asset allocation of private equity and real
          asset investments. Before that, Mr Xu worked as research analyst at Central SAFE.

          Mr Xu holds a B.A in Economics and M.A in Finance from RENMIN University of China.

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                            Mr Tonny YEAP
                            Director, Commercial
                            MyHSR Corporation

Mr Tonny Yeap is the Director of Commercial in MyHSR Corporation, the project delivery vehicle for the Kuala
Lumpur - Singapore High Speed Rail (KL-SG HSR). An electrical and electronic engineer by training, Mr Yeap has
19 years of experience in the private and public sector across the technology, telecommunications, aviation, and
transportation industries.

Since its inception, Mr Yeap led the KL-SG HSR project work from the feasibility stage and continues to helm
the project as it enters into the implementation phase. Mr Yeap has been instrumental to ensure the successful
delivery of the KL-SG HSR project. A certified project manager, Mr Yeap brings wealth of experience in urban and
cross border rail planning, technical and commercial strategy.

As the project continues to mature, Mr Yeap’s role is to spearhead commercial development for the project,
including transit-oriented developments and procurement.

In his free time, Mr Yeap enjoys photography and badminton.

                                                                                                            SRIS 2019 | 17

                                      Mr Julian SMITH
                                      Global Transport and Logistics Industry Leader
                                      PwC Indonesia

          Mr Julian Smith is PwC’s Global Transport and Logistics industry leader and a director at PT
          PricewaterhouseCoopers Indonesia Advisory, leading a local team of 50 and advising on many aspects of
          infrastructure projects. He lives in Jakarta and previously in Russia and UK. He is an expert on international
          corporate and project finance, strategy and policy in the transport sector and has advised on PPP and other
          transactions totalling >$20bn. Currently he focuses on infrastructure advisory services to clients in Indonesia
          such as the state-owned port, airport and railway operators and has been supporting the state procurement
          agency in developing improved PPP procurement regulations. In 2017, he was the author of “Developing
          Sustainable and Inclusive Transport Systems”. He is also advising Kominfo on its IdeaHUB project to promote
          socially inclusive digital business models.

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                              Mr Reynaldi HERMANSJAH
                              President Director and Chief Executive Officer
                              Indonesia Infrastructure Finance

Mr Reynaldi Hermansjah is currently the Chief Executive Officer of PT. Indonesia Infrastructure Finance.
Previously, he was the Chief Financial Officer of PT. Jasamarga (Persero) Tbk, Indonesia’s State-Owned listed
Toll-Road Company from 2006 until 2016, and from 2016 until 2019, he was the CFO of PT. Pembangunan Jaya
Infrastruktur. Within his ten years tenure at PT. Jasamarga (Persero) Tbk, he has brought the company public
through an International Global Offering and has an extensive knowledge in the Infrastructure Industry especially
in the Toll-Road sector.

He completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Trisakti University and Master Degree from
Pelita Harapan University. He has more than 15 years of experience in the financial sector, especially in the field of
Investment and Capital Markets. He began his career in 1991 at Nomura Securities and afterwards held several
senior key positions at several national and multinational companies, such as Mees Pierson Finas, BII Lend Lease
Investments and Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency. Prior to being assigned at Jasamarga, he was the
President Director of PT PNM Investment Management from 2003 until 2006.

Aside from attending and speaking at international conferences, he is an Honorary Fellow at the ASEAN Federation
of Engineers Organization.

                                                                                                                  SRIS 2019 | 19

                                       Dr Armand HERMAWAN
                                       President Director
                                       Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund

          Dr Armand Hermawan, serves as the President Director of the PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero)
          “PT PII”/Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund “IIGF” – a state-owned company that provides government
          guarantee for infrastructure project and carries out project preparation & transaction advisory, since November
          2017; while previously he served as Director of Finance and Risk Management and is responsible for corporate
          strategy & finance, risk management, and organizational development since March 2010. During his tenure as
          President Director and Director of Finance & Risk Management, Dr Hermawan has achieved various awards for
          PT PII:

          • “PPP Agency of the Year 2019” from The Asset Asia Infrastructure Award
          • “The Most Committed GRC Leader 2019 (CEO)” from Top Business Magazine
          • “Top GRC 2019 4 Star” from Top Business Magazine
          • “The Best State Owned Company 2018” from SWA Magazine
          • “The Best Risk Asian Award 2018” from Asian Risk CMR
          • “The Trusted Company 2018” from CGPI

          Dr Hermawan spent his professional life in Indonesia’s major telecommunications company PT Indosat, Tbk – the
          second largest telco USD 10 billion company of more than 60 million subscribers. His final position in Indosat was
          Chief of Controller (SVP).

          A registered accountant, Dr Hermawan obtained a Bachelor’s in Accounting from University of Padjadjaran and a
          Master’s Degree in Financial Econometrics Faculty of Economics and Commerce from the University of Lincoln,
          New Zealand, and a PhD Degree in Finance Management Faculty of Business and Law from the University of
          Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Also, Dr Hermawan is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in Australia, Chartered
          Accountant (CA) in Indonesia and Certified Management Accountant (CMA) in Australia.

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                            Mr Gautsil MADANI
                            Senior Vice President
                            Corporate Strategic Development
                            Angkasa Pura ll

                                                          TRACK 1: INFRASTRUCTURE OPPORTUNITIES IN INDONESIA

                                                            Mr Pradana MURTI
                                                Head of Project Development Division
                                               PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)

Mr Pradana Murti is now at PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) as Head of Project Development. Previously, he
was Head of Project Showcase Task Force (2011-2013), and Investment and Financing Manager (2009-2011) at
PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero). Consultant (2004-2009) at Steer Davies Gleave, UK, with brief secondment
period as Interim Commercial Analysis Manager (2007-2008) at Great North Eastern Railway/National Express
East Coast, UK.

He earned his Master of Science (MSc) in Transport Planning from the University of Leeds, UK in 2003 and his
Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from the Institute Technology of Bandung, Indonesia in 2002.

                                                                                                             SRIS 2019 | 21

                                       Ms Jennifer TAY
                                       Partner, Capital Projects & Infrastructure Advisory
                                       PwC Singapore

          Ms Jennifer Tay is a Partner in PwC Singapore’s Capital Projects and Infrastructure (“CP&I”) practice that provides
          advice to both public and private sectors. She focuses on outbound investments from Chinese investors into the
          Southeast Asia region, as well as inbound investment from regional investors (including private sector players and
          multi-laterals) into China. Ms Tay is fluent in both English and Mandarin.

          Ms Tay has considerable experience in professional services, particularly in large scale financial and PPP
          transactions. Her sectors of expertise include Power & Energy (e.g. electricity generation/transmission/
          distribution), Transport (e.g. urban rails, toll roads, bridges, and port terminals), Water, and Telecommunications/
          Fibre Network infrastructure.

22 | SRIS 2019

                             Mr LEE Leong Seng
                             General Manager (Myanmar)
                             Surbana Jurong Pvt Ltd

As the General Manager for Surbana Jurong (Myanmar), Mr Lee Leong Seng leads a team of more than 100
professionals providing consultancy services in the area such as Masterplanning, Infra planning, Archi, Engineering
(M&E & C&S), Quantity Surveyor, Project Management, Facility Management, Security and Building Management
solutions. Mr Lee also oversee the SMEC Myanmar operation which provide Infrastructure consultancy services
such as Water & Wastewater Management, Power & Energy, Oil & Gas, Road and Bridges Design and ESIA, etc. Under
his leadership, Surbana Jurong Myanmar have provided consultancy and advisory services to many large Myanmar
conglomerate and govt agencies and ministries in Yangon, Mandalay, Bago, Mon, Kayin and many other regions/
states in Myanmar.

Mr Lee has extensive experience in managing large projects with many different stakeholders in Project Development
and Management. He held various positions in companies such as CapitaLand, NTUC Choicehomes and UOL. He
also has business development experience in Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam. Mr Lee is also the President of the
Singapore Association of Myanmar (SAM) where his role is to facilitate the Singapore businesses in Myanmar.

                                                            TRACK 2: INFRASTRUCTURE OPPORTUNITIES IN MYANMAR

                                                              Mr MINN Naing Oo
                                                                    Managing Director
                                                            Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar)

Mr Minn Naing Oo is the Managing Director of Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar) and a Partner of Allen & Gledhill. He has
extensive experience in Myanmar advising on various sectors including infrastructure projects.

He was previously the CEO of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre and Director at the Ministry of Trade
and Industry Singapore. He is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the Singapore Institute of
Arbitrators, and has been appointed to dispute panels involving World Trade Organization (WTO) member states.

                                                                                                                SRIS 2019 | 23

                                       Mr MYAT Noe
                                       Economic Attaché and Counsellor
                                       Embassy of The Republic of The Union of Myanmar

          Mr Myat Noe is the Economic Counsellor attached to the Myanmar Embassy in Singapore.

          Prior to this assignment, he was the Assistant Director at the Department of Trade in the Ministry of Commerce.
          He has also served in the Ministry of Electric Power and the Ministry of Construction before moving to the Ministry
          of Commerce in early 2015.

          He specializes in the areas of Competition Law and policy implementation, policies review, and rules and regulations
          relating to trade development.

          Mr Myat has a Master Degree in International Trade and Policy from Ajou University, South Korea,
          and a Master Degree in Commerce from Monywa University of Economics, Myanmar.

24 | SRIS 2019

                             Mr THURANE Aung
                             Executive Director
                             Yangon Metropolitan Development Public Company Limited

Mr Thurane Aung is an Executive Director of Yangon Metropolitan Development Public Co., Ltd (YMD). YMD is the
Government linked company which was set up by Yangon Regional Government with the intention to carry out the
Housing and Infrastructure Development Projects in Yangon.

He is also the CEO of Dagon Group of Companies, which is one of the leading conglomerates in Myanmar
with diversified businesses in sectors that include property development and construction, hospitality, timber,
agriculture, commodity trading, plantation, retail and distribution, petroleum, automobile and food processing. He
is a Project Director of the Myanmar Thilawa SEZ Holdings Company (MTSH) and Vice President of the Myanmar
Japan Thilawa Development Co Ltd (MJTD).

He also contributes much of his time for the development of the different business sectors as an Executive
Committee Member of Myanmar Construction Entrepreneur Association (MCEA), Vice-President of Yangon
Region Young Entrepreneur Association (YRYEA).

                                                                                                              SRIS 2019 | 25

                                       Dr WUNNA Aung
                                       Directorate of Investment & Company Administration (DICA)

          Dr Wunna Aung (Mr) is the Director of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) under the
          Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER), Myanmar.

          He obtained Degrees for the Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Engineering in Mechanical 2002 and 2008
          respectively. His Ph.D (Mechatronics) has also been obtained in 2011. He took an educational service from 2002
          to 2015 as an Assistant Lecturer to Associate Professor in the Technological Universities in Myanmar.

          After that he was transferred to the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) as a Deputy
          Director in 2015. Afterward, he has been promoted to the current position, Director of the DICA in 2018.

          He attended trainings in various institutions and participated in the international seminars and meetings related to
          investment. He has also led inbound and outbound investment promotion activities.

          He is married and has one son and one daughter.

26 | SRIS 2019

                              Mr Glenn HUGHES
                              Director, Head of Capital Projects and Infrastructure Advisory
                              PwC Vietnam

Mr Glenn Hughes has been a senior urban development executive and advisor for over 25 years, gaining
international experience working for private and government sector organizations in Australia, South East Asia
and the Middle East.

Prior to joining PwC Vietnam in 2015, Mr Hughes was Chief Operating Officer at a large property company in
Australia with a development project pipeline and investment portfolio valued at > USD 4 billion.

Mr Hughes was previously the Director of Project Development for a State-owned enterprise in Abu Dhabi (UAE)
with responsibility for several ‘mega-projects‘ across urban and industrial land holdings in excess of 10,000 ha.

Mr Hughes started his career in urban development with the Lend Lease Group.

Mr Hughes’s speciality is providing strategic advice to support decisions across the full life cycle of major projects,
with most recent focus being on supporting clients to invest in the Vietnam power, roads and real estate sectors.

                                                                                                                   SRIS 2019 | 27

                                        Dato’ Seri AZMI Abdul Aziz
                                        Chief Executive Officer
                                        YTL Rail

          Dato’ Seri Azmi Abdul Aziz brings with him over 33 years of experience in the public and private sectors in the
          public transport industry with outstanding intellect that encompasses policies and operations of public transport
          systems and services.

          Playing a pivotal role in the development of Kuala Lumpur’s first Light Rail System in the mid 1990’s he was
          responsible for many invaluable contributions such as the establishment of the Operations & Maintenance to
          operate and maintain the LRT system, the then first fully automated driverless metro system in the world. Once the
          LRT became operational, he held an even bigger responsibility in managing and administering the core businesses
          geared towards ensuring for the safe operations in transporting of passengers.

          From there, he moved on to become the Chief Operating Officer of SCOMI Engineering Berhad. serving as a Project
          Director for India’s first Monorail project in Mumbai.

          In 2011 he served as Chief Development Officer at Land Public Transport Commission (S.P.A.D.) formulating the
          National Land Public Transport Masterplan, setting up of Transport Policies planning and supervising the MRT
          Line 1 (Sungai Buloh-Kajang), MRT Line 2 (Sungai Buloh-Serdang-Putrajaya), and played an essential role on the
          formulation for the High Speed Rail project from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore.

          From 2015 to December 2017, he served as President & Chief Executive Officer of Prasarana Malaysia Berhad,
          Malaysia’s premier public transport provider with Prasarana’s primary role as an integrated public transport
          provider for intra-city rail and bus services.

          Currently, he is lending his expertise to YTL Construction, playing a pivotal role in the fast track development of the
          Electrified Double Track Project which spans along the State of Johor Bahru and is scheduled to be operational
          end 2021.

28 | SRIS 2019

                             Mr Paul DILLBECK
                             Founder and Chief Legal Officer
                             Gen X Energy

Mr Paul Dillbeck has extensive career experience focusing on project finance, M&A and corporate matters
associated with energy and infrastructure projects. Prior to Gen X Energy, Mr Dillbeck was the General Counsel
of Venture Global LNG, a US LNG export company, and a Counsel at Hogan Lovells. Mr Dillbeck has worked
on over 10,000 MW of energy projects and advised clients in connection with over $12 billion in non-recourse
project financings, led negotiations and helped raise in excess of $265 million of private placements. He has also
successfully closed the acquisition and sale of numerous energy projects, including a portfolio of over 2,700 MW
of natural gas-fired power plants; the acquisition, development and construction of over 2,000 MW of wind energy
projects; the financing of over 3,300 MW of wind energy projects; and the development, construction and sale of
utility-scale and roof-top solar energy projects, including the financing of over 1,000 MW of solar energy projects.

                                                               TRACK 3: INFRASTRUCTURE OPPORTUNITIES IN VIETNAM

                                                        Mr Leonid GAVRILCHIK
                                                       Business Development Director
                                                               Royal Haskoning DHV

Mr Leonid Gavrilchik is a port and maritime expert with over 13 years of experience in infrastructure development
project across the different regions including Middle East, Europe, North and South Americas and South, and
Southeast Asia. Over the years Mr Gavrilchik has developed a good understanding of the challenges and
requirements of the complex infrastructure developments and as technical expert, project manager and technical
advisor, was involved in more than 50 projects including major trading ports and free zones, oil & gas hubs and
energy projects. Currently Mr Gavrilchik is based in Singapore and heading the Southeast Asia regional business
development group of Royal Haskoning DHV - a leading international engineering consultancy that supports their
clients with technical and commercial advisory services, engineering design and project management of major
projects in Maritime, Water, Industry and Transport sectors.

                                                                                                                SRIS 2019 | 29

                                       Mr Timmy KÖHLER
                                       Associate Vice President
                                       SUSI Partners

          Mr Timmy Köhler is investment manager at SUSI Partners and currently focuses on equity financing of renewable
          energy, energy efficiency and energy storage projects in Southeast Asia. He was previously with SUSI’s dedicated
          energy storage investment team, where he worked on some of the world’s first non-recourse financed energy
          storage projects involving lithium-ion batteries and flywheels. He has six years of experience in infrastructure
          equity and debt financing and has worked on transactions in the sustainable energy, communications networks,
          transportation and social infrastructure sectors in Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific. He holds a diploma in
          business administration from the University of Greifswald.

30 | SRIS 2019

                             Mr NGUYEN Tien Dzung
                             Founder and Chairman
                             GAMI Group

Dr Nguyen Tien Dzung (John) was born in 1966 in Hanoi.

He was one of the excellent Vietnamese students who were sent abroad for education by the government. In 1989
he became the youngest Vietnamese PhD in Theoretical Physics (subject: Quantum Fields) in Former Soviet Union.

He has also taken part in many Senior Management Courses in Nanyang Technology University, Singapore; University
of California, Berkeley or Harvard University, USA.

Despite his wonderful academic record and reputation overseas, he came back to Vietnam with his life’s biggest
ambition – “Houses and Cars for Every Vietnamese Family” and contributes to Vietnamese economy.

He founded Gami Group in 1993 and became the Co-Founder of ACB Bank (1993), CEO of VP Bank (2001), Chairman
of National Citizen Bank (2018 until now) and the pioneer of cultural theme park in Vietnam.

Not only a businessman, he is also a writer and translator of many book titles and is a man who loves to share. He
was Dean of Business Administration Department (Hanoi National University – 2007). He has his own Education
Institute and keeps training leaders of Gami Group, Banks and other companies while sharing his human kindness
through Hành Trình Xanh Charity.

Besides working and sharing, he is also a Buddhist who trusts in goodness.

                                                                                                              SRIS 2019 | 31

                                       Mr Perry RIVERA
                                       Chief Operating Officer
                                       New Business Operations
                                       Manila Water

          Mr Perry Rivera has been with Ayala Corporation, one of the Philippines’ largest conglomerates, for 31 years where
          he held various appointments. He is currently a Managing Director seconded to Manila Water Company, Inc.
          (MWCI) as Chief Operating Officer for New Business. His expertise includes PPP with focus on BOT and Concession
          models, and also corporate strategy, public policy and regulation, and international business development.

          Mr Rivera led MWCI’s expansion in other cities in the Philippines and Southeast Asia. He devotes considerable
          time developing new opportunities in the region. He is an Independent Director of the Toilet Board Coalition (TBC),
          a Founding Member of The Academy of Regulatory Professionals, an Adjunct Professor at the Global Change
          Institute at University of Queensland, and a Board Member and Fellow of the International Water Association

          He earned his degrees in Economics and Behavioural Science at the University of Santo Tomas (Philippines)
          and completed his graduate-level coursework in Economics at De La Salle University (Philippines). In 2011,
          he completed the Advanced Management Program of Harvard Business School. His book Tap Secrets: The
          Manila Water Story - An Exercise in Successful Utility Reform in Urban Water Sector, was published by the Asian
          Development Bank in 2014.

32 | SRIS 2019

                            Mr Oliver REDRUP
                            Managing Director, Capital Projects and Infrastructure Advisory
                            PwC Singapore

Mr Oliver Redrup is a Managing Director in PwC Singapore’s Capital Project and Infrastructure (“CP&I”) practice.
He leads the PwC CP&I team in Thailand and has advised the Thai government on all of their flagship Eastern
Economic Corridor projects, including the 3 Airports HSR and U-Tapao Airport. He has advised SEPO on the
development of the current PPP Strategic Plan, as well as overseas investors looking to enter Thailand.

                                                            TRACK 4: INFRASTRUCTURE OPPORTUNITIES IN THAILAND

                                                  Mr Supanit CHANTARASIRI
                                           Director, Infrastructure Management Group
                                         Eastern Economic Corridor Office of Thailand

Mr Supanit Chantarasiri graduated as a Mechanical Engineer. He joined Thai Airways International in 1983
as an aircraft engineer. He used to be a deputy Vice President of the Technical Department and used to be a
representative at the Boeing Company, USA. He joined the Eastern Economic Corridor office of Thailand after his
retirement in 2019. He is now working as an Executive Director of the Infrastructure Management Group which
mainly supports Public-Private Partnership projects.

                                                                                                            SRIS 2019 | 33

                                       Mr Weerawong CHITTMITTRAPAP
                                       Senior Partner
                                       Weerawong, Chinnavat & Partners

          Mr Weerawong Chittmittrapap is widely recognized as one of Thailand’s most experienced lawyers in banking
          and finance, capital markets, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions and public-private partnerships
          for the development of major infrastructure projects in Thailand. He is renowned for advising clients on strategic
          transactions, including some of the largest mergers and acquisitions in Southeast Asia to date. He is Special
          Advisor to the Association of Listed Companies of Thailand and has written two books on directors’ roles and
          liabilities for the Bank of Thailand and the Stock Exchange of Thailand. He has been recognized as a Senior
          Statesman in the legal profession by Chambers and Partners and as a market leader by the International Financial
          Law Review. Mr Chittmittrapap obtained an LL.B. degree from Chulalongkorn University and an LL.M. degree from
          the University of Pennsylvania School of Law, USA.

34 | SRIS 2019

                             Dr Pisit PUAPAN
                             Executive Director
                             Macroeconomic Policy Bureau, Fiscal Policy Office
                             Ministry of Finance, Thailand

Dr Pisit Puapan, Ph.D. is currently the Executive Director of Macroeconomic Policy Bureau, Fiscal Policy Office
under the Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand. He holds Doctoral degree in Economics from National Institute
of Development Administration and received Exemplary Ph.D. Thesis Award from the Senate Office of Thailand. He
is responsible for supervising the economic monitoring and assessment for Thailand and policy formulation under
the Ministry of Finance as well as performs economic and fiscal assessment with International Monetary Fund
(IMF) and credit rating agencies. He regularly liaises with foreign and domestic investors on economic situations
and outlook for Thailand. He also participated in the staff exchange program with the United Nations Economic and
Social Commission for the Asia-Pacific (UNESCAP) as Economic Affairs Officer in the Macroeconomic Policy and
Development Division, UNESCAP, responsible for economic analysis and forecasting for Asia-Pacific economies
and undertake research works; contributed to the UNESCAP’s annual flagship publication “Economic and Social
Survey of Asia and the Pacific” during 2011- 2012.

His major publications and research papers include Thailand’s Fiscal Policy Impact Analysis, requirement for PhD
dissertation at the National Institute of Development Administration, received exemplary Ph.D. thesis award by
the Senate Office of Thailand in 2013; Fiscal Policy in Response to Climate Variability in Thailand, co-authored by
Sasatra Susawasd and Pisit Puapan, published in Southeast Asian Journal of Economics, Volume 2, Number 1,
June 2014; Assessment of FDI Impact on Thailand’s Production Sectors: Implications for Investment Promotion
Activities, published in IDE-JETRO Discussion Paper No. 443 in February 2014.

Dr Puapan has received Royal Decorations and major awards such as Exemplary Civil Servant Award from the
Royal Thai Government in 2009 and Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of
Thailand in 2017.

                                                                                                               SRIS 2019 | 35

                                      Dr Phongthon THARACHAI
                                      Chief Executive Officer, PPS Group
                                      Managing Director, PPS OneWorks

          Dr Phongthon Tharachai graduated with a Master’s degree in Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana
          Champaign, USA and shortly afterwards completed his doctorate in Engineering from Kyoto University. In 1998, he
          joined Project Planning Service PCL (PPS) as a Civil Engineer where he worked across a range of sectors including
          retail, high-rise developments and large infrastructure projects in Thailand.

          In 2017, Dr Tharachai was appointed CEO of PPS Group and is now responsible for key projects including:
          development of the Sri Rat Outer Ring Road Bangkok Expressway; expansion of Bangkok’s first underground
          mass transit – the MRT Blue Line; as well as Suvarnabhumi Airport’s new midfield terminal building. Building on
          his extensive knowledge of finance and investments, Dr Tharachai recently led the joint venture between PPS and
          global Design and Consultancy firm, One Works, to provide a full-suite of Engineering, Design, Procurement and
          Construction Management services to support Public-Private Partnership projects across South East Asia.

36 | SRIS 2019

                              Dr Wesley WONG
                              Country Manager – Malaysia and Thailand
                              Jacobs Engineering Group Malaysia Sdn Bhd

Dr Wesley Wong is currently leading 350-man strong Jacobs operations in Malaysia & Thailand as the Country
Manager. During his time with Jacobs, he has served as Project Director, Project Manager and Structural Engineer
with over 20 years of experience working in multi-disciplinary projects in Asia, UK, Eastern Europe, Australia, United
States, South Africa & the Middle East. He specialises in programme & project management, maritime, bridges,
coal-fired power plants, lightweight and long-span structures.

He provides executive oversights to all major transport infrastructure projects in the region like the Reference
Design of KL-SG High Speed Rail project, Technical adviser to the Three Airport-Link High Speed Rail project in
Thailand and Feasibility Study of Penang Sky-Cab project.

Dr Wong was the Global Programme Management Office (PMO) Director for Shell Retail Network Development
Programme where he had provided leadership and strategic directions to the programme covering 18 countries
(Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan, Oman, China, Russia, Poland,
Slovakia, Hungary, Chez Republic, Bulgaria, South Africa & Canada).

                                                                                                                  SRIS 2019 | 37

                                       Mr KOW Juan Tiang
                                       Deputy Executive Director
                                       Infrastructure Asia

          Mr Kow Juan Tiang was appointed Deputy Executive Director of Infrastructure Asia with effect from 1 April 2018.

          Infrastructure Asia supports Asia’s economic and social growth through infrastructure development. The office
          brings together regional infrastructure stakeholders across the value chain to catalyse more projects across
          Asia. Infrastructure Asia is a government office created by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (Central Bank of
          Singapore) and Enterprise Singapore (a statutory board under the Ministry of Trade & Industry)

          Prior to this appointment, Mr Kow was the Coordinating Group Director for the Environment and Infrastructure
          Solutions Group of International Enterprise Singapore (now known as Enterprise Singapore), since 1 Jan 2012.

          He was responsible for assisting Singapore-based companies from the environment and infrastructure solutions
          industries with their ventures into strategic high growth markets such as China, India, Vietnam and Indonesia. His
          focus sectors include water and waste management, renewables and conventional energy. He also champions
          the export of urban solutions to markets currently undergoing high urbanisation development.

38 | SRIS 2019
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