Best Practice
| version 1.0 | March 2019

                        © 2019 Herbalife Nutrition. All rights reserved. Printed in USA #J5490 ID 18941566 03/19
Our Principles Expressed

Our Principles define our Why, How and What
as a company – they clarify our purpose.

                                              Our Why
                                              Making the World Healthier and Happier
                                              The purpose and unique value of our Company, our Distributors and our Employees, is to help people be Healthier and
                                              Happier through personalized nutrition and a proven business opportunity so that around the globe, every tomorrow is
                                              continually better.

                                              Our How
                                              Through Purpose-Driven Distributors Who Are Our Difference
                                              Beyond products that deliver on their promises, our customers receive irreplaceable Knowledge, Encouragement,
                                              Respect. Supportive Coaching, Care, Community. And amazing Opportunity. This is what our Distributors truly
                                              distribute. We are driven by their needs and energized by their passion.

                                              Our What
                                              To Create Inspiring Results for a Better Life
                                              With effective products that taste great, Distributors who provide guidance along the journey, the support of an entire
                                              company full of enthusiastic Employees, and an encouraging community, we can give people around the world a
                                              simpler path to a Healthier, Happier life.

                                              Our Values
                                              We Always Do What’s Right
                                              When we look in the mirror, we see integrity, honesty, humility and trust. We reflect the belief that ethical is never
                                              optional. And we honor and respect each other, our Distributors, our customers, and most importantly, ourselves.
                                              We Work Together
                                              We learn, we teach. We follow, we lead. We help one moment and accept help the next. We never stop collaborating,
                                              which makes us unstoppable. We have fun. We keep things simple. We celebrate the individual, and the team, in each
                                              of us.
                                              We Build it Better
                                              We’re always looking up. Because that’s where the opportunity is. To learn. To grow. To innovate. To excel and exceed.
                                              To be an agent of change in our communities. To turn an entrepreneurial spirit into daily inspiration as we make our
                                              customers’ lives — and ours — Healthier and Happier.

                                                                                                                                          Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                      Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Table of Contents

                   General Education                                                             4
                   		 Overview                                                                   5
                   		 Crafting Effective Email Marketing Campaigns                               6
                   		 10 Tips for a Powerful Email Strategy                                      9
                   		 The 5 Most Critical Elements of Every Email                               11
                   		 Subject Lines: The Most Important 50 Characters                           12
                   		 Organizing Your Email                                                     14
                   		 Anatomy of an Email                                                       17
                   		 Images & Fonts                                                            19
                   		 Colors                                                                    20
                   Getting Started                                                              21
                   		 Step #1 - Our Email Platform                                              22
                   		 Step #2 - Content Organization                                            23
                   		 Step #3 - Images                                                          24
                   		 Step #4 - Colors                                                          25
                   Create New Email                                                             26
                   		 Create New Email                                                          27
                   		 Create New Email Using Branded Template                                   28
                   		 Create New Email Using Existing Email                                     30
                   		 Send Email                                                                31
                   Design Elements (Content Blocks)                                             34
                   		 Email Layout & Content Blocks                                             35
                   		 Header – Logo, Webview, No Menu                                           36
                   		 Header – Logo, Webview, Menu                                              37
                   		 Body – 1 Col – Banners                                                    38
                   		 Body – 1 Col – Banner + Text                                              39
                   		 Body – 1 Col – Intro                                                      40
                   		 Body – 1 Col – CTA                                                        41
                   		 Body – 1 Col – Video                                                      42
                   		 Body – 1 Col – Intro with Image                                           43
                   		 Body – 2 Col – 50/50 – Icon Grid                                          44
                   		 Body – 2 Col – 50/50 – Side by Side                                       45
                   		 Body – 2 Col – 50/50 – Stacked                                            46
                   		 Body – 2 Col – 50/50 – Image Grid                                         47
                   		 Body – 2 Col – 30/70 – Sides                                              48
                   		 Body – 2 Col – 40/60 – Sides                                              49
                   		 Body – 2 Col – 40/60 – Image Grid                                         50
                   		 Body – 3 Col                                                              51
                   		 Body – 4 Col                                                              52
                   		 Footer – Social Media                                                     53
                   		 Footer – CAN-SPAM                                                         54
                   Image Guidelines                                                             55
                   		 Image Resources                                                           56
                   		 Preparing Images for Upload                                               57
                   		 File Types                                                                58
                   		 Iconography                                                               59
                   		 Product Images                                                            60
                   		 Internal Newsletter Intro Image                                           61
                   Corporate Standards                                                          62
                   		 Color Palette                                                             63
                   		 Fonts                                                                     64
                   		 Quality & Legal Considerations                                            65
                   		 Legal Standards                                                           66

                                                                    Email Best Practice Guide
Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education

                                  General Education

                                                                    Email Best Practice Guide
Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education


This Email Best Practice Guide and all           Optimizing Your Email Communications
of its contents, including, but not limited
to, all text, photographs, illustrations,        Email is a great communication tool to quickly and effectively deliver your message.
images, trademarks, service marks, and all       However, your emails can be that much more powerful when they have a consistent look and feel.
copyrightable material, is owned by Herbalife    Herbalife Nutrition has introduced branded email templates to achieve greater cohesiveness throughout.
International of America, Inc. (“Herbalife
                                                 These templates can help you send emails that:
Nutrition”). The Guide contains confidential
and proprietary information that is intended     		      • Look more polished and professional
for the exclusive use by Herbalife Nutrition
employees and authorized Herbalife Nutrition     		      • Are more clearly Herbalife Nutrition-branded
contractors and only for use as a reference in   		      • Connect more with your audience
the creation of materials to promote Herbalife
Nutrition products, services and business        		      • Prompt direct action
opportunity.                                     Please use this guide as a high-level introduction to email marketing best practices.
                                                 The information within has been provided to help optimize your emails and make your job easier.

                                                 How You Benefit
                                                 After reading this guide, you should:
                                                 ✓   Recognize the elements of a professionally designed email
                                                 ✓   Have a better understanding of email marketing best practices/dos and don’ts
                                                 ✓   Know what email resources are available to you, and where to find them
                                                 ✓   Know who to contact should you require any email marketing support
                                                 ✓   Feel more confident with your email marketing efforts – both internal and external

                                                                                                                                        Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                    Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education

Crafting Effective Email Marketing Campaigns

                             The average ROI for email                When executed well, email marketing offers businesses an
                              marketing campaigns is                  opportunity to send beautifully crafted, targeted campaigns
                                                                      that customers will actually open and respond to. In a study
                             approximately 3,800%, or
                                                                      conducted by Marketingsherpa, it was reported that 72% of
                             38 GENERATED                             people prefer to receive promotional content through email.
                                                                      Compare that with social media, where only 17% of those
                         for every dollar spent                       surveyed said they would like to receive promotions.
                                                                      > National Client Email Report                  > Marketingsherpa

                                                                       of people prefer to receive
                                                                       promotional content
                                                                       through email                                would like to receive promotions
                                                                                                                    through social media

                                                                                                                    Source: Salesforce

                                                                                                                             Email Best Practice Guide
                                                         Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education

How often should I send email to readers?
DB Marketing reports the email open rate is highest when companies send two emails per month.
Of course, there may be times when a one-off email message is appropriate, but businesses utilizing only
the right emails for the right campaigns — rather than an avalanche of messages, which is spam — will
drastically increase their ROI. Once you’ve got eyeballs, your messaging must be relevant to the customer.
To remain competitive, businesses must tailor their email marketing campaigns to their leads/customers.
> DB Marketing

                                                           Utilize segmentation and targeting.
                                                           Businesses can target specific audiences with personalized message using
                                                           segmentation. When businesses segment their leads or customer base, they set
                                                           themselves up to target each group with the right message at the right time, rather than
                                                           just casting a wide net made up of one single message. This is important, because
                                                           customers respond better to information that is relevant to them. In a study conducted by
                                                           Direction Marketing Association, segmented and targeted emails generated more than
                                                           half of all revenue from all email marketing campaigns.
                                                           > Direction Marketing Association

 There are two basic types of automated emails:
 Commercial emails – d
                      esigned to promote commercial products and services (such as ads,
                     promotions, campaigns, etc.). Marketing email must have the
                     “Unsubscribe” link.
 Transactional emails – are not promotional in nature, and might be triggered by interactions with
                         our site (such as receipts, shipping notices, password reminders, etc.).
                         Transactional emails do not contain the “Unsubscribe” link.
 To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), your transactional emails need to
 be limited in their purpose. Please always review your emails with your local Legal team and GDPR
 points of contact.

                                                                                                                                               Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                           Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education

                                                                                                                                From Los Angeles to Honolulu, only $239 each way.
Make copy and content that resonates.                                                                                           Hurry, sale ends soon! Book now.
The content of an email marketing campaign is what compels a lead or customer to act. Use actionable
language, personalize where possible, write in the second person, make the content relevant, and be brief.
Visuals can be effective and snappy language can catch customer attention, but before anything else,
marketers must make their message clear. The top promotional email marketing examples usually include
some visual asset along with very brief copy touting whatever special offer is being shared.
A picture of an island paradise in Hawaii is all many readers will need to click through. While a click-through
may not lead directly to a conversion, the idea has been planted. Those readers might then sign up for
“low fare alerts,” allowing the company to nurture them along until they are someday ready to commit to a
purchase. Until then, the company continues to send clear, visually attractive, brief, and relevant emails.

                                                                        Leverage the power of CTAs.
                                                                        Calls to action (CTAs) are perhaps of the most important components in a marketing
                                                                        email. Including a call to action button instead of a text link can increase conversion rates
                                                                        by as much as 28%. Conversion rates on CTAs are primary indicators of a successful
                                                                        campaign. That said, a call to action is more than just a sentence telling a prospective
                                                                        customer what they should do next. To make CTAs more effective, consider the text
                                                                        itself. The text of the CTA should say exactly what you want the customer to do, but the
                                                                        language should also indicate a low commitment level. Click Here is too generic. The
                                                                        customer is not going to “click here” just because you put a fancy button with Christmas
                                                                        lights around it in your email. Instead, altering the button to read Shop Now has been
                                                                        proven effective. It has also been shown to have higher conversion rates than one that
                                                                        reads Buy Now. Buy Now is less effective because customers are not as willing to
                                                                        immediately commit to a sale viewing an email. Learn More is also an easy, simple call to
                                                                        action example that has a proven track record.
                                                                        > Using CTA Buttons

                                                                        Implement a nurture track.
                                                                        A nurture track will automatically trigger timed follow-up emails based on a lead’s
                                                                        behavior and information. Instead of a single blast, emails are personalized based on the
                                                                        customer’s stage in the buying process, which is known as the customer lifecycle.
                                                                        Source: Salesforce

                                                                                                                                                 Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                             Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education

10 Tips for a Powerful Email Strategy

                                                                          2       Optimizing for mobile is
                                                                                  extremely important
                                                                           For brands that do not optimize
                                                                           email for mobile, the penalty is stiff.
                                                                           Offer an elegant mobile experience
                                                                           from the get-go, beginning with your
                                                                           initial welcome email.

                                                                                                                                  3         Your data should always
                                                                                                                                            be relevant
                                                                                                                                       Assess your current data to make sure
                                                                                                                                       you’re sending targeted communications,
                                                                                                                                       not “batch and blast” messages. Using
                                                                                                                                       simple data points like gender and
                                                                                                                                       location can dramatically improve the
                                                                                                                                       subscriber experience.

                                                                           4      Personalize email
                                                                                  whenever possible
                                                                           Your subscribers will appreciate
                                                                           your messages even more
                                                                           if they’re personalized.
                                                                           Adding personalized product
                                                                           recommendations into marketing
                                                                                                                                       5     Email drives accessibility
                                                                                                                                             across channels
                                                                                                                                       The ability to easily archive and access
Build an acquisition strategy                                             emails can increase sales                                   messages at a later time influences
                                                                           conversion rates by                                         consumer channel preferences. Email
If you’ve prioritized audience growth, begin by analyzing the places
                                                                           15-25%, and click-through                                   remains a powerful channel for its ability
 where customers are already engaging with your brand. Then,
                                                                           rates by 25-35%.                                            to bridge the three-device environment of
 determine how to enhance those experiences and drive interactive
 engagement with new tools and techniques.                                                                                             smartphone, tablet, and PC.

                                                                                                                                            Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                        Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Did they abandon
                                                                                                                                                                  before they bought?
              Get permission                                                                                                                                      Tailor the frequency and
               hanks to the good work of author and marketing guru Seth
              T                                                                                                                                                   number of abandoned cart
                                                                                                                                                                  emails to the purchase at
              Godin, the email channel is permanently linked with the concept                                                                                     hand, and that item’s typical
              of “permission marketing”—namely, that brands need to first seek                                                                                    purchase window. Pay
              permission before sending customers email marketing messages.                                                                                       attention to your industry’s
              Equally important, the CAN SPAM Act that it is a U.S. law that sets the                                                                             typical sales cycle, and send

              U.S. national standards—dictates that it must be easy for subscribers                                                                               abandoned cart emails
                                                                                                                                                                  accordingly. Abandoned cart
              to opt out of receiving emails, and those opt-out requests must be                                                                                  emails should not be sent
              honored in a timely fashion.                                                                                                                        without permission or opt-in
                                                                                                                                                                  by the customer.

                                                      7     Email drives deals
                                                      If you’re not making deals available via
                                                                                                                        Automate your post-purchase messages
                                                                                                                         utomate a re-engagement campaign for a week, a
                                                                                                                        month, and 90 days post-purchase. Determine the point
                                                       email, you’re ignoring the largest direct                        when subscribers typically purchase from your brand
                                                       audience for this content. According                             again (or disengage), and start from there to further
                                                       to The Audience Growth Survey, 91%                               personalize the send dates.
                                                      of survey respondents reported
                                                      being involved with email
                                                      marketing on a regular basis—
                                                      because it’s a channel that drives results
                                                      for their businesses.

Sharing isn’t just for social networks
If your brand is emphasizing only that
 consumers share via social networks, you’re
 reaching just the tip of the iceberg. Private
 communications are extremely valuable to brands,
 as a friend’s thoughtful personal endorsement will
 often realize a better response than one broadcast
 to thousands.
                                                                                                                    Source: Salesforce

                                                                                                                                                    Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                                Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education

The 5 Most Critical Elements
of Every Email
                                                               Your email must feature these
                                                                  5 critical elements
 1. SUBJECT LINE                                                                                                                   4. PERSONALIZED MESSAGES
 The first words your audience sees when they open their                                                                            Research shows that personalized email subject lines
 inbox are those that comprise the subject line. You need to                                                                        are even more likely to be opened than standard
 hook the reader with a phrase that compels them to open                                                                            subject lines. But that’s just the start. Personalizing
 the email and find out more. At the same time, you must                                                                            email leads to greater engagement, higher click-
 keep the subject line concise. The perfect email subject                                                                           through rates, and improved insight into customer
 line is a unique mixture of creativity and information that                                                                        segmentation. Your customers want to feel that
 grabs the reader and incites them to read more.                                                                                    you’re trying to establish a long-term relationship.
 > Subject Lines                                                    1                                        4                      Personalization helps in reaching that goal.
                                                                                                                                    > Personalized Email
                                                                                                                                    > Greater Engagement
 2. TIGHT COPY                                                                                              5
 Members of your audience likely receive hundreds                                                                                   5. MOBILE OPTIMIZATION
 of emails a day. The copy in your email must quickly
 communicate the message you want to impart and
                                                                    2                                                               Every email you send out needs to be optimized for
 intrigue them enough to react. Email marketing, in most                                                                            mobile responsiveness. Data shows that people in
 cases, is not the place to spin long-winded stories or                                                                             growing numbers are accessing their email through
 share layered messages. It’s a place to hit hard and fast                                                                          their mobile devices. And your customers are
 with the idea you’re communicating. Your copy should                                                                               spending more time on their phones and tablets,
 drive an almost subconscious reaction and response.                                                                                so they often go back to review old emails after
                                                                                                                                    initially opening the message. As your customers
                                                                    3                                                               continue this trend toward mobile responsiveness,
3. APPEALING VISUALS                                                                                                                it is paramount that all email sent out as part of
                                                                                                                                    a marketing campaign be optimized to reach the
Working hand in hand with the copy is the need to draw                                                                              greatest audience.
readers in with striking email design. You need to grab their
attention with compelling visuals that communicate the key                                                                          > Email through Mobile
messages of your email while still generating a call to action.
Email design requires active use of white space, an awareness
of what visual cues impact readers, and an understanding of                                                                         Source: Salesforce
how color theory can make a difference in causing a reaction.
> Email Design

                                                                                                                                              Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                          Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education

Subject Lines: The Most Important
50 Characters of Your Email

Understand the importance                                                    Have a goal in mind.
                                                                             In general, the goal for each of your email subject lines should be to get people to open and
of your subject line.                                                        read your emails, but you can (and should) get more specific if you want to accomplish that
                                                                             main goal.
The content of your marketing email is, of course, important. But            For instance, you may choose to try to get people’s attention by being informative. Pique
subject lines are part of each and every email, and since they’re usually    their curiosity, or shock or surprise them with some new information. Be clear about what
                                                                             you want your email subject lines to accomplish and how you’re going to do it. That should
the first part that subscribers see, they may be the most important.
                                                                             give you a better chance of actually accomplishing your goals as opposed to just hoping
Your subject line has the ability to get people’s attention and give         for the best.
them a taste of what’s included in your email. The wrong subject line
could turn people off, bore them, or cause them to overlook your
email altogether. But the right one can entice them to keep reading;         Keep it simple and short.
once you have their attention, you can share your actual message             If your subject line is so long that readers can’t get through it without losing focus,
with subscribers to get them to support your business. However, your         it doesn’t bode well.
subject line cannot be even remotely deceptive. Deceptive subject            Generally speaking, if you stick to 50 characters or less, subscribers should be able
lines violate CAN-SPAM.                                                      to quickly get an idea of what they can get out of reading your email. Sometimes even
                                                                             shorter, snappier titles can get a message across better. Your goal should be to use as few
                                                                             characters as necessary in order to provide a message of value to your readers.

Marketing emails can be
powerful, but they’re only                                                   Be specific.
as powerful as the people                                                    Just because you have to be short doesn’t mean you have to be vague. Your subject line
                                                                             should include keywords that very clearly tell your audience what the email is about.
who read them. That’s                                                        You don’t have to give the whole thing away, but let readers know what they can get out of
why you need great email                                                     reading your email, rather than just offering a general subject area.
subject lines.                                                               Additionally, the more specific you are, the more likely you are to get your message in front of
                                                                             the right people.

                                                                                                         The newest product launches are here!

                                                                                                                                                Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                            Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education

                                                                                         can benefit from maintaining a relationship with your brand through email, they’ll be more likely
Personalize it.                                                                          to take in your messages.
You can get even more specific by personalizing your email subject lines. If you
collect first names in your sign-up forms, you can address people by name in
subject lines to really grab their attention.                                                                                Want 80% OFF? (Obviously.)
Personalization extends beyond using a subscriber’s name: Segment your
email subscriber list to make sure your readers only get the content that is most
relevant to them. For example, notate who signed up for your list when you were          Make it urgent.
giving away a free item, then make sure those subscribers are on a list to receive       Putting a specific timeframe on your email subject lines can also improve your open rates.
updates about other giveaway promotions. Keep your lists specific so you know            While some subscribers may skip over or put off reading certain marketing emails right away,
what certain subscribers are most likely to be interested in so you can increase         if you alert them in your subject line that your message is time-sensitive, it could increase the
the likelihood that they’ll want to actually open and read your emails.                  likelihood that they’ll open your message before they forget about it or it gets pushed to the
                                                                                         bottom of a long line of unread messages.
                       Name, take time to reward yourself!                               Consider adding phrases like “limited time offer,” “ending soon,” or “today only” to make
                                                                                         sure readers understand the importance of opening your emails now, rather than later.
                                                                                         Don’t misuse this strategy, but if something truly is time-sensitive, tell your subscribers in the
                                                                                         subject line so they know to read the message right away. Subject should not be misleading
Catch their eye.                                                                         or intended to trick the recipient into opening it. As with all advertising materials, promotional
Sometimes, even if your subject line is compelling, people may pass over it              emails must be true, accurate and not be misleading and to make sure they comply with
because they have so much in their inbox — it all starts to blend together. But you      applicable advertising laws.
can make your email subject lines stand out visually through the use of emojis
and other symbols.                                                                                                      Wow – You don’t want to miss this!
It may seem like a small thing, but studies show that color can have a big impact
on how people view emails and the feelings they get from reading them. And
since a simple subject line doesn’t offer much opportunity for visual customization
and media, those little emojis have the ability to make a big difference.                Include a call to action.
                                                                                         What do you want people to do upon reading your emails? More specifically, what do you
                     Score Big! Your Black Friday deal is here!                          want them to do upon reading your subject lines — beyond opening the email?
                                                                                         Once you determine your goal, the easiest way to get subscribers to do what you want
                                                                                         is simply to ask them. If you want them to open your email to see the details about your
                                                                                         company’s latest promotion, you could say something like, “Click to take advantage of our
Ask questions.                                                                           latest offer just for subscribers,” or, “See how easy it is to save with our latest promotion.”
Email marketing should be an outlet for you to create relationships with customers
                                                                                         Subject lines like these tell readers quickly and succinctly what the purpose of your email is
and potential customers. That means it should be a two-way conversation.
                                                                                         before they even open it. The people on your subscription list who are interested in your offer
Ask a question in your email subject line and involve your subscribers in the            are probably going to want to read your emails after seeing those subject lines.
conversation. They could be more likely to care about what you have to say when
they feel listened to. Subject lines that include questions can quickly give the
                                                                                                            Buy a Special Edition Shake, get a $50 Gift Card
impression that the content of your email relates to them. And if they know they

                                                                                         Source: Salesforce

                                                                                                                                                          Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                                      Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education

Organizing Your Email

Email Naming Convention                                                    Name: Using a consistent naming
When creating your email, please follow the below                          convention keeps your files organized
naming convention based on your email type:                                and easy to find

If you are creating an email for only one country
and one language:

If you are creating an email for multiple countries
and/or languages:


                                                                                                                          Email Best Practice Guide
                                                      Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education

Organizing Your Email

Newsletters                                                          Name: Using a consistent naming
                                                                     convention keeps your files organized
If you are creating a newsletter for only one
                                                                     and easy to find
country and one language:
TheScoop_ 190128
StepUp_ 190128

If you are creating a newsletter for only one
country and one language:

Announcements/Standalone Emails
If you are creating an email for only one
country and one language:
DistributionCenterHolidayHours _181114

                                                                                                                    Email Best Practice Guide
                                                Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education

Organizing Your Email

    Local Folder Structure                                  Inside the Year folder, you will find the below
      • Folders should always be in English                 sub-folder structure:
      •	You have the ability to create and move folders,   As an example:
         emails and assets.                                  		      > 2018
      •	You will not have permission to delete folders,     		      > Announcements/Standalone Emails
         emails or assets.
                                                             		      > Campaigns
      •	Use the Trash folder to place folders or mails
                                                             		      > CampaignName
         you won’t need. MTS Communications team will
         periodically purge the content in this folder.      		      > Newsletters
                                                             		      > NewsletterName#
    Your local folder will contain the following
    sub-folders:                                            Inside your CampaignName folder, you can create
                                                            additional sub-folders if you wish to further organize
      • Localized Templates
                                                            its contents:
      • Localized Content Blocks
                                                              • CampaignName
      • Year (For Emails and images)
      • Trash: Emails and images you wish to delete
    Note: Images and files for your email recipients to
    download should not be saved in Content Builder,         		      >PR_SP
    please continue to use MediaBin for that purpose.         • CampaignName

                                                                                                                                                 Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                             Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education

Anatomy of an Email                                                                                                             Header: This identifies what
                                                                                                                                company the email is from, along with
                                                                                                                                text links for more information.

                                                                                                                                Text Link: Text that is clickable and
                                                                                                                                will either open another window or
                                                                                                                                take you online.

An email consists of different content blocks                                                                                   Intro: The main focus of the
(sections) that each have a function. Within                                                                                    communication.
the content blocks you will find a headline,
supporting copy, image(s), and a link (button                                                                                   CTA: ‘Call to Action’ – This includes
or text) to drive the reader online to learn more,                                                                              short action phrases such as ‘Learn
purchase, etc.                                                                                                                  More’, ‘Shop Now’, ‘Buy Now’, etc.
A few terms to note are on the right as well as                                                                                 Clicking the button will drive you to
the following:                                                                                                                  whichever part of the online site is
  • C
     haracter – you will encounter suggested
    character counts for each section of copy.
    This count INCLUDES spaces.                                                                                                 Banner: An image that stretches the
                                                                                                                                width of the email. This can appear
  • C
     olumn – emails are divided by invisible                                                                                   before or after the Intro.
    vertical columns to help organize the
    content in a visually pleasing manner.                                                                                      This could also include a video.
                                                                                                                                See page 30 for more information.
  • C
     ontent – information as copy, image,
    video, etc.
                                                                                                                                Additional Content: This can be filled
  • C
     ontent block – this describes sections of                                                                                 with various content blocks containing
    the emails containg content.                                                                                                text, images or iconography. The
                                                                                                                                content can be 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns
                                                                                                                                in width.

                                                                                                                                Social: Each icon is clickable and will
                                                                                                                                take you to each of the social media
                                                                                                                                sites to gain followers.
                                                                                                                                Footer: Includes legal content,
                                                                                                                                address and additional text links to
                                                                                                                                learn more about Privacy Policy.

                                                                                                                         Email Best Practice Guide
                                                     Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education

Anatomy of an Email

The content blocks provided are labeled
according to the number of vertical columns
they contain.
The amount of content provided will
determine the amount of columns needed.
Reminder: the shorter the email, the less
need there will be to scroll through, especially
on mobile devices.

                                                   1 column (1 Col)                                                      2 columns (2 Col)

                                                   3 columns (3 Col)                                                     4 columns (4 Col)

                                                                                                                                  Email Best Practice Guide
                                                              Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education

Images & Fonts

                                      Images can be .jpg, .png, or .gif. When animation is required, use .gif.
                                      When transparency is required, use .png / .gif.
                                      “Scale to fit” should be used only if needed.
Keep the following 2 pages as quick
reference when building emails.
                                      When creating your email, use either Helvetica (the preferred font) or Arial (as a back-up font).
                                      No other fonts should be used.
                                      Font sizes and line heights are:
                                      Hero image headlines – 40px / 46px
                                      H1 – 30px / 36px
                                      H2 – 24px / 28px
                                      H3 – 18px / 22px
                                      Paragraphs / lists – 16px / 22px
                                      CTA buttons – 16px / 16px
                                      Webview / footer – 12px / 16px

                                      On mobile, all font sizes are reduced to account for the smaller screen size.
                                      For many content blocks, text alignment changes to center align on mobile.
                                      Font color options allowed:

                                          Grey            White              Charcoal            Green for text           Blue for         Orange for
                                       (#888888)          (#ffffff)         (#25282a)         links or headlines         headlines         headlines
                                                                                                  (#78be20)              (#69b3e7)         (#f1b434)

                                      Bold, italics, and underlines may be used to bring attention to specific text,
                                      but should only be used on paragraphs, not on headlines or CTA links.

                                                                                                                                   Email Best Practice Guide
                                                               Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
General Education


         White             Light Grey         Grey                 Charcoal             Green for text links
         (#ffffff)         (#f2f2f2)          (#888888)            (#25282a)            or headlines

            • A
               ll content blocks either have a white (#ffffff), light grey (#f2f2f2), or charcoal (#25282a)

         Fonts / Links
            • All fonts have either white (#ffffff), charcoal (#25282a), or grey (#888888) colors.
            • Text links are light green (#78be20).

         Line Dividers
            • Line dividers are in 3 available colors, green (#78be20), blue (#69b3e7) and
              orange (#f1b434) and should match the color of CTA button.

         CTA Buttons

         Green               Blue             Orange
         (#78be20)           (#69b3e7)        (#f1b434)

                                                                                                      Email Best Practice Guide
                                  Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Getting Started

                                       Getting Started

                                                                    Email Best Practice Guide
Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Getting Started

Step #1 – Our Email Platform

The system we use to send email communications    For Salesforce Marketing Cloud related requests, please refer to the following:
is called the Salesforce Marketing Cloud
(formerly known as ExactTarget). The Salesforce   New User Account:
Marketing Cloud software powers multi-channel     		• 
                                                      Request for Access – Open a SNOW request
communications including on-demand email              Path: Service Catalog > Access > More > Other Access
marketing and interactive marketing solutions.
                                                  		• Request for Training – Send email to MTS Digital Marketing Campaigns
                                                  		• Request for New Template – Send email to MTS Communications
                                                  		      • Marketing Cloud Training – Send email to MTS Digital Marketing Campaigns
                                                  		      • New Email Templates – Send email to MTS Communications
                                                  		      • General Inquiries – Send email to MTS Communications

                                                  Technical Support
                                                  For support when getting started or anytime after, please reference the information below:
                                                  		      • Request for Access – Open a SNOW request
                                                             Path: Service Catalog > Access > More > Other Access
                                                  		      • Request for Training – Send email to MTS Digital Marketing Campaigns
                                                  		      • Request for New Template – Send email to MTS Communications

                                                                                                                                           Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                       Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Getting Started

Step #2 – Content Organization

A. O
    rganize your information before choosing
   your templates to help the process go
   more smoothly. Consider:
  • What is your email about?
  • D
     o you have a few things to
  • What is the priority?
  • Do you have images?

B. O
    rganize your information by content block
   and priority of content.
Reminder: the shorter the email, the less
need there will be to scroll through, especially
on mobile devices.

                                                                                                                       Email Best Practice Guide
                                                   Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Getting Started

Step #3 – Images

 • Image sourcing and approval will be    Developing Graphic Images for Your Email Campaign
    required. Allow enough time for this   Once you have obtained access to the Herbalife Nutrition Salesforce Marketing Cloud and have done the required
    process.                               training, you will find many pre-approved graphic images. These images are provided by our company for you to
 • See page 55 for imagery guidelines.     choose from and use for campaigns inside Content Builder.
                                           When needed, you can also develop, upload, and use your own graphic images – so long as they align with our
                                           brand and creative platform and are approved by Herbalife Nutrition.

                                           Here’s a snapshot of your two imagery options:
                                           1. Create Your Own
                                               • Before you start, refer to the Herbalife Nutrition Brand and Creative Style Guide. This outlines the style of
                                                  graphic images, photos, icons and/or illustrations that are allowed.
                                               • Submit your graphic asset to Herbalife Nutrition Brand Review via Workfront for approval.

                                           2. Request Creative Service Design Assistance
                                               For corporate and global departments:
                                           		      • Submit your creative project request via Workfront: (
                                           		      • New Request > Worldwide Marketing/Creative Requests > Creative Project.
                                           		      • Fill in the request form and ensure you give a full brief and specifications to allow faster intake process.
                                           		      • Since WW Marketing Creative Service is servicing many projects from various departments, your
                                                      request will be processed based on priority of business impact and on a first come, first served basis.
                                               For departments within the regions:
                                           		      • Please contact your local Herbalife Nutrition creative or marketing department for assistance.

                                                                                                                                      Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                  Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Getting Started

Step #4 – Colors

                                                                                                                        Header: Grey

 • D
    ecide the color theme for body content
   backgrounds – header and footer should                                                                               Intro: White
   be the same color, body content should
   contrast and be the same color.
 • D
    ecide on secondary colors – CTA
   buttons, divider lines and text links
   should be the same color to keep the
   layout look professional.

                                                                                                                        Banner: White

                                                                                                                        Body Content: White

                                                                                                                        Footer: Grey

                                                                                                                  Email Best Practice Guide
                                              Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Create New Email

                                   Create New Email

                                                                    Email Best Practice Guide
Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Create New Email

Create New Email

Create a new email in Salesforce Marketing            1.
Cloud Content Builder
To create a new email in Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Content Builder:

1.   Go to Email Studio and click on Content          2.
     (see Image 1).
2.   Content Builder will open. Click Create. From
     the drop-down menu, select Email Message.
     (see Image 2).
3.   The “Create an Email” dialog box will open,
     with three tabs:
     • Define Properties (selected)
     • Add Content
     • Preview and Test
4.   In Create Email, select the appropriate
     format from the drop-down menu (Template,
     HTML, Text Only or Existing Email).
5.   Add content to your email.

                                                                                                                               Email Best Practice Guide
                                                           Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Create New Email

Create New Email – Using Branded

Create a new email from a branded template in               1.                            2.                                                 3.
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Content Builder
The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Content Builder has
a selection of branded templates you can use to create
an email.

1.   In the content area, click Create and select
     Email Message from the drop-down menu
     (see Image 1).
2.   Under “Define Email Properties”, from the
     “Create Email” drop-down menu, select Template
     (see Image 2).
3.   A list of localized templates for your country will
     display under the “Saved” tab. If you don’t find the
     template you need, Click Folders (see Image 3).
4.   Go to Shared Folders > Shared Content >
     Templates. There are additional branded templates
     from which to choose. Click a template and then
     click Select.
5.   Under “Define Email Properties”, give the email
     a descriptive name and select the local folder
     where you want to save it. Click Next.
     (see Image 5).
6.   The template will open in the “Add Content”
     screen. Enter the Subject & Preheader and
     click Save. (see Image 6).                             6.
7.   The template will have several empty layout
     areas in the right pane. Click one of the layout
     areas to edit.

                                                                                                                                     Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                 Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Create New Email

Create New Email – Using Branded

 8. From the “Content” tab in the left          8.
				 pane, drag and drop content blocks
  		 into the layout areas as desired. For
		 additional content blocks, click on
     Folders > Local > Localized Content
     Blocks > Body or go to Shared >
     Content library > Body (see Image 8).

 9. Click the content blocks to add content.

10. When you’re finished adding content,
  		 click Next.

11. Send the email.

                                                                                                                         Email Best Practice Guide
                                                     Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Create New Email

Create New Email – Using Existing

Create a new email from an existing one in          1.
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Content Builder
To create a new email from an existing one in
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Content Builder:

1.   In Create Email, from the drop-down menu,
     select Existing Email (see Image 1).
2.   From the business unit’s local folders, find
     the email you wish to use, and click Select.
     (See Image 2)
3.   The “Define Email Properties” window will
     open. Rename the email. This field is
     required for all emails.
4.   Select the Location where you will save the
     email, and click Save.
5.   Using the content blocks, edit the email as
6.   Send the email.

                                                                                                                             Email Best Practice Guide
                                                         Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Create New Email

Send Email

Send email in Salesforce Marketing                           • Default Commercial - For sending to a                          A.1
Cloud Content Builder                                          list of recipients who have opted in to receive
                                                               Promotional or Marketing content from
After you have created your email message
                                                               Herbalife Nutrition. An “Unsubscribe” link
and your subscriber list – Data Extension, you                 must be included in the email footer
can send the message.
                                                             • Default Transactional – For “triggered”
                                                               emails based on a user’s interaction with 		                   B.2.
Checklist for sending                                          our website or app (e.g. Order Confirmation,
Before you send your email message ask yourself:               Shipping Confirmation, Account Creation or
                                                               Password Reset Emails)
  • Is your send classification set up and
    ready for use?                                      3.     If you would like to change the Sender
                                                               Profile or Delivery Profile within the send
  • Did you create your list and upload subscribers?
                                                               classification, you may overwrite to a
  • Is your email content ready and approved?                  different saved profile.
  • Did you do a test send and have final approval?     4.     After reviewing the email properties,
                                                               click Next.
Send Process                                            5.     Complete the steps in the Select
A. Begin:                                                      Audience section.
To begin sending the email message, open it and click
Send. Then continue through the four parts
of sending your email message (see Image A.1).
B. Define Properties:
  1.     Under “Email Properties”, review the
		       email subject and preheader.
  2. Under “From Options”, go to Saved
		Send Classification. Choose a Send
		   Classification from the drop-down menu
		(see Image B.2).

                                                                                                                                                         Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                                     Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Create New Email

Send Email

C. Select Audience:                                     6. Complete the steps in the Configure 		                             C.1
   1. Under Select Audience, select your 		                Delivery section (see Image C.6).
      Audience Type from the drop-down
      menu (see image C.1):                         D. Configure Delivery:
		 • All Audience Types                                1. Determine how you want to send the
		 • Lists and Groups                                 		 email message (see Image D.1):
		 • Data Extensions                                			 • Immediately send
		 • Data Filters                                   			    • Schedule-send on a specific date and time                        C.6
		 • Suppression Lists                                2. Check boxes for the following Tracking
		 • Audience Builder                               		 options as desired:
   2. Search for and select your subscriber list.   			    • Track Clicks
   3. When you have located your list(s),           			    • Suppress from Send Report
      drag and drop them into the 			               			    • Additional Info
      “Targeted” field. You can also add them       			    • My Tracking
      by clicking the arrow to the right of the
      list and selecting Add to Targeted.           			    • Multipart MIME
   4. When adding lists to the “Targeted”               3. Select a Tracking Destination
       field, review the “Total Targeted”                  Folder and check boxes for any
       number of subscribers at the bottom 		              Advanced Options.
       of the field. If the number does not 		        4. Complete the steps in the Review
      look correct, click Save, then Exit, 		       		 and Send section.                                                      D.1
      and review your subscriber list(s).
   5. Drag and drop any Exclusions or
      Suppressions into the “Excluded
      and Suppressed” field. You can also
      add them by clicking the arrow to the
      right of the list and selecting Add to

                                                                                                                                                   Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                               Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Create New Email

Send Email

E. Review and Send:
   1. Under Review and Send, carefully review:
       • Targeted Audience
       • Total Targeted
       • Excluded Audience
       • Suppressed Audience
       • Send Timing
       • Track Clicks
       • Suppress from Send Report
       • Tracking Destination Folder
       • Multipart MIME
       • Additional Info
   2. If anything needs to be changed, click
      Back, make changes, and review. If
      everything is correct, check This
      information is correct and this email
      is ready to send.
   3. Click Send. If there is no error with the
      email send, you will get a confirmation in
      green that says “Email successfully sent.”

                                                                                                                       Email Best Practice Guide
                                                   Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

                                     Design Elements
                                          (Content Blocks)

                                                                    Email Best Practice Guide
Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Email Layout & Content Blocks

Email Layout and Content Blocks
                                                          1.                                                   2.
An email in Content Builder is built by creating a
layout and then adding content blocks to the layout.
Content blocks are available in the Local (Localized
Content Blocks) and Shared (Branded Content
Blocks). Content blocks are categorized by Columns
(1, 2, 3 or 4).
To select a content block, click on the ‘Content” tab >
Folders > Local or Shared tab > Body and select the
Column (1, 2, 3 or 4). (See Image 1 and 2)
Once you find the content block, just drag and drop it
into the email body.

                                                                                                                                   Email Best Practice Guide
                                                               Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Header – Logo, Webview, No Menu

  • A
     lways match the header and footer colors.
    For example, if a grey header is used, use a
    grey footer.
 • 3 background variations to choose from:
		- grey
		- charcoal
		- white
  • Header links to
                                                       Example: Grey Header
  • T
     he default/preferred header should be the grey
    one shown, to the right.

                                                                                                                                          Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                      Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Header – Logo, Webview, Menu

  • A
     lways match the header and footer colors.
    For example, if a grey header is used, use a
    grey footer.
 • 3 background variations to choose from:
		- grey
		- charcoal
		- white
  • M
     enu hides on mobile for cleaner user
  • Menu text and links are editable.
  • 3
     links (no more, no less) should always       Example: Grey Header w/Links
    be used here. The text and links should be
    modified ONCE for each locale, after which
    they should stay the same from campaign to
  • Links:
        - 10-12 characters
        - 1 line max.

                                                                                                                                       Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                   Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 1 Col – Banners

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
		- grey
		- charcoal
		- white
  • Default size: 700 x 300px.
  • C
     an use taller images and adjust the height,
    but width should remain at 700px.

                                                    Example: White Banner

                                                                                                                                 Email Best Practice Guide
                                                             Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 1 Col – Banner + Text

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		    - grey
 		    - charcoal
 		    - white
 • Default size: 700 x 370px.
 • T
    o edit the background image, use the html editor
   in Salesforce to edit the background property in the
    container, as well as edit the src property in
   the Microsoft Outlook-specific code directly below.                           HERO HEADLINE
 • M
    ake sure background image is always
   700 x 370px.
 • A
    lternate version with curved bottom image border
   is also available.
 • A
    lternates of this content block may be created –
   simply copy the content block and change the text      Example: White Banner
   to charcoal and the background to white / grey,
   update the background image to a lighter image.
 • S
    hould be 1 line max. two or more lines
   requires custom top padding as well as mobile
   customization, so it is not recommended.
 • The max character count is 15 characters.

                                                                                                                                       Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                   Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 1 Col – Intro

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		    - grey
 		    - charcoal
 		    - white
 • Image – 120 x 120px
 • Editable text and CTA link.
 • U
    se 20 characters on H1 for optimal design,
   but the headlines can extend to 2 lines if
   needed without hurting the layout. The same
   is true of H2 headlines.
 • H
    1 – ALL CAPS – 40 characters,
   2 lines max.
 • H
    2 – ALL CAPS – 60 characters,
   3 lines max.
 • P
    aragraphs – 400 characters,
   2 paragraphs max.
 • T
    o change the kerning (the space between
   letters or characters), simply use the html tab
   in the content block to either delete or reduce
   the letter-spacing property from 5px to anything
   less than that.
 • T
    he preferred CTA button is solid green.          Example: Grey Intro
   You should only use one button, so delete
   the others using the “delete row” functionality
   (right clicking in the visual editor).
 • CTA
         - ALL CAPS
         - 20 characters
         - 2 lines max.

                                                                                                                                           Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                       Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 1 Col – CTA

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		 - grey
 		 - charcoal
 		 - white
 • 3 button colors to choose from:                                                     C TA H E R E
       - green
       - blue
       - orange
 • CTA                                                                                 C TA H E R E
         - ALL CAPS
         - 20 characters
         - 2 lines each max.
                                                                                       C TA H E R E
 • The preferred button is solid green.
 • D
    o not use more than one button together.
   Simply erase the rows you won’t need.

                                                                                                                    Email Best Practice Guide
                                                Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 1 Col – Video

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		    - grey

       - charcoal
       - white
                                                                                       H2 HE ADLINE HERE
 • P
    lay button is linked to where the video is
   hosted (YouTube, Brightcove, etc).
 • B
    ackground image size:
   640 x 360px.
 • T
    o edit background image, update the
   background property url in the  container
   and also update the src attribute in the
   Outlook-specific code.
 • H2:
         - ALL CAPS
         - 40 characters
         - 2 lines max.
 • CTA:
       - ALL CAPS
       - 20 characters
       - 2 lines max.

                                                                                                            CTA HERE

                                                   Example: Charcoal Video

                                                                                                                                        Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                    Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 1 Col – Intro with Image

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		    - grey
 		    - charcoal
 		    - white
 • Image is 700 x 300px.
 • H1:
         - ALL CAPS
         - 40 characters
         - 2 lines max.
 • H2:
         - ALL CAPS
         - 60 characters
         - 3 lines max.
 • Paragraphs:
       - 400 characters
       - 2 paragraphs max.
 • CTA:
       - ALL CAPS
       - 20 characters
       - 2 lines max.
 • Links:
       - 15 characters
       - 1 line each.

                                             Example: White Intro with Image

                                                                                                                                  Email Best Practice Guide
                                                              Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 2 Col – 50/50 – Icon Grid

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		 - grey
 		 - charcoal
 		 - white
 • O
    nly icons, and not images, may be used
   here. An icon library will be provided by
   Herbalife Nutrition.
 • Icon size: 65px x 65px.
 • H3:
         - ALL CAPS
         - 20 characters
         - 2 lines each max.
 • Paragraphs:
       - 100-150 characters
       - 5 lines max.

                                               Example: Grey 50/50 Icon Grid

                                                                                                                                   Email Best Practice Guide
                                                               Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 2 Col – 50/50 –
Side by Side

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		 - grey
 		 - charcoal
 		 - white
 • 2
    layout variations: Image on left,
   image on right.
 • Image is 305 x 305px.
 • H2:
         - ALL CAPS
         - 30 characters
         - 3 lines each max.
 • Paragraphs:
        - 100-200 characters
        - 7 lines max.

                                             Example: Grey 50/50 Side by Side

                                                                                                                                  Email Best Practice Guide
                                                              Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 2 Col – 50/50 – Stacked

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		 - grey
 		 - charcoal
 		 - white
 • Image size: 305 x 260px.
 • H2:
         - ALL CAPS
         - 25 characters
         - 2 lines each max.
 • H3:
         - ALL CAPS
         - 30 characters
         - 2 lines each max.
 • Paragraphs:
       - 125-175 characters
       - 5 lines max.

                                             Example: White 50/50 Stacked

                                                                                                                                 Email Best Practice Guide
                                                             Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 2 Col – 50/50 – Image Grid

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		    - grey
 		    - charcoal
 		    - white
 • Image size: 305 x 260px.

                                             Example: Charcoal Image Grid

                                                                                                                                 Email Best Practice Guide
                                                             Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 2 Col – 30/70 – Sides

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		 - grey
 		 - charcoal
 		 - white
 • Layout variations – Image/icon on right or left.
 • Image size: 100 x 100px.
 • H2:
         - ALL CAPS
         - 40 characters
         - 2 lines each max.
 • Paragraphs:
       - 200-300 characters                            Example: White 30/70 - Slides > Image Left
       - 5 lines max.

                                                       Example: White 30/70 - Slides > Image Right

                                                                                                                                            Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                        Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 2 Col – 40/60 – Sides

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		 - grey
 		 - charcoal
 		 - white
 • 2 layout variations: image left, image right.
 • Image size: 240 x 240px
 • H2:
         - ALL CAPS
         - 32 characters
         - 2 lines max.
 • Paragraphs:
       - 150-250 characters
       - 5 lines max.

                                                    Example: Grey 30/70 - Slides > Image Left

                                                                                                                                        Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                    Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 2 Col – 40/60 – Image Grid

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		 - grey
 		 - charcoal
 		 - white
 • 2 layout variations: image left, image right.
 • Image size: 170 x 170px.
 • H2:
         - ALL CAPS
         - 20 characters
         - 2 lines max.
 • Paragraphs:
       - 120-240 characters
       - 8 lines max.

                                                    Example: White 40/60 Image Grid > Images Left

                                                                                                                                        Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                    Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 3 Col

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		 - grey
 		 - charcoal
 		 - white
 • Image size: 193 x 193px.
 • H3:
         - ALL CAPS
         - 20 characters
         - 2 lines max.
 • Paragraphs:
       - 120-160 characters
       - 8 lines max.

                                             Example: Grey 3 Column

                                                                                                                                 Email Best Practice Guide
                                                             Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Body – 4 Col – Survey

 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		 - grey
 		 - charcoal
 		 - white
 • Image/icon size: 70 x 70px
                                                                 H3 HEADLINE HERE
 • H3:
         - ALL CAPS
         - 30 characters
         - 2 lines max.
 • Links:
       - 20 characters
       - 2 lines max..

                                             Example: Grey 4 Column

                                                                                                                                 Email Best Practice Guide
                                                             Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Footer – Social Media

 • A
    lways match the header and footer colors.
   For example, if a grey header is used, use a
   grey footer.
 • A
    lways match the social media color with the
   color of the CAN-SPAM footer (see following
   page). For example, if a grey social block is
   used, use a grey CAN-SPAM block.
 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		    - grey
 		    - charcoal
 		    - white                                     Example: Grey Footer - Social

 • Icon links are editable.
 • Image size for icon links: 30 x 30 px.

                                                                                                                                        Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                    Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
Design Elements

Footer – CAN-SPAM

 • A
    lways match the header and footer colors.
   For example, if a grey header is used, use
   a grey footer.
 • A
    lways match the social media color with the
   color of the CAN-SPAM footer. For example,
   if a grey social block is used, use a grey
   CAN-SPAM block.
 • 3 background variations to choose from:
 		    - grey
 		    - charcoal
 		    - white                                        Example: Grey Footer - Commercial

 • R
    equired in all template emails for Salesforce
   to allow an email send.
 • A
    ddress, preference center url, and
   unsubscribe url will be populated automatically.

                                                                                                                                          Email Best Practice Guide
                                                                      Confidential Property of Herbalife International of America, Inc.   Version 1.0 | March 2019
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