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eMAGAZINE Constrofacilitator MARCH 2021 www.constrofacilitator.com Knowledge and b2b portal for construction and infrastructure Volume-03 eM-03 FOLLOW US
WATERPROOFING Water inltration can lead to damages such as insect infestation, mold and in worst cases building failures. Waterproong the building before construction will avoid these problems. Waterproong is very important as it helps keep your building dry. It helps reduce humidity inside the house and thereby protects things inside your house from damage caused due to humidity or water exposure. It is also important for the veracity of the building. With time, waterproong as a concept has evolved and so have been the types of membranes being used. The focus now is on faster solutions with long-term benets. In this edition of eMagazine, we have focused on waterproong membrane, tunnel waterproong, basement waterproong and concrete deck waterproong. The wide variety of waterproong options provides signicant advantages. Waterproong systems can be installed indoors or out, depending on the level of water damage or owner preference, allowing for a greater range of exibility and affordability March 2021 • Constrofacilitator 2
Waterproofing membrane - Types 04 and Applications Basement Waterproofing - 08 Causes, Methods & Membranes Concrete Deck Waterproofing 12 membranes Tunnel Waterproofing - 15 Components and Types 4 8 12 15 3 Constrofacilitator • March 2021
WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE Waterproofing membrane - Types and Applications A waterproofing mem- added to the concrete that will help the kind of membranes that come in brane is a layer of make water ingress impenetrable as the form of liquid that can be sprayed water-tight material well as making it easy to maintain. or brushed onto the surface. By spray- that is laid onto a sur- ing, the liquid forms a monolithic mem- face to prevent water Different types of waterproofing brane, with no laps, welds or seams. leaks or damage. membrane Under these two broad categories, dif- Waterproofing membranes generally ferent types of waterproofing mem- consist of liquid applied or pre-formed Waterproofing membranes can be branes are available in the market, sheet membranes. They can be broadly categorized as Sheet Based each of them is explained below. adhered to or installed around the Membranes and Liquid Applied Water- Self-adhesive modified bituminous foundations (like a structural slab) to proofing Membranes. Sheet-based membrane prevent water penetration. Whether membranes come in the form of rolls. it's to protect your building's basement These are unrolled and laid on a firm Self-adhesive modified bituminous or roof, waterproofing will help stop surface. One of the most common membranes are composed of asphalt, water from infiltrating your foundation sheet-based membranes is the bitumi- polymers, and tackifiers, and may con- and protect your structure from water nous waterproofing membrane. Liquid tain mineral stabilizers. The products damage. Waterproofing membrane is applied waterproofing membranes are may be reinforced with fiberglass, poly- 04 March 2021 • Constrofacilitator
WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE of which indicates the proper material heating. On the top side, the material is covered by a polymer film. EPDM membranes It is a preformed elastomeric water- proofing membrane made of high- quality EPDM rubber. It exhibits high tensile strength, elongation, tear strength and is resistant to weathering, ester, or a combination of the two. heat aging, ozone, UV rays, acids, alkalis Products designed for exposure to the and oxygenated solvents. The installa- elements are typically surfaced with tion is quick and more importantly, mineral granules, coatings, films, or safe. Modern products come as a sin- Bituminous Membrane other opaque surfacing. The self- gle component cementitious, polymer- Hot melt liquid bituminous rubber adhesive layer is protected with a modified non-reactive selective fiber- blend structural waterproofing sys- release film or paper, which is removed reinforced repair mortar to provide tems with an interlaid reinforcement during installation. Self-adhesive modi- excellent properties as well as resis- can be used in roof and podium deck fied bituminous membranes are gen- tance to corrosion and carbonation applications to provide a seamless erally packaged and stored in card- and shrinkage cracking. This can be waterproofing membrane for high board boxes or they are protected with applied in thickness from 10 mm to 40 green roofs and podiums, and are opaque wrapping. mm in vertical and 25 mm in an over- sometimes specified for winter applica- head situation. It is suitable to apply by Polymer-modified bitumen membrane tions as they can be laid at low temper- hand trowel or by special mortar spray atures. The most widespread materials for the machine. creation of the waterproofing layer are the polymer-bitumen roll-fed sheet membranes. These materials could also be used as an underlay for pitched roofs and as a vapor barrier. The mate- rial withstands temperature fluctua- tions and high mechanical loads pro- viding long-term, reliable and effective waterproofing. The polymer-modified bitumen sheet membrane provides Polyurethane membrane additional flow resistance that makes it Thermoplastic membrane These products come with a fiber- possible to use the material in a very Thermoplastic roof membranes set enhanced one component water- hot climate. On the bottom side, the themselves apart from other commer- based polyurethane membrane that material is covered by a polymer film cial roofing systems. It is a blend of poly- has been designed for a range of with special graphic elements, melting propylene, ethylene-propylene and is waterproofing applications where the often reinforced with polyester. Sheets of TPO can contain UV absorbers, colorants, flame retardants or other add-ins to achieve required physical properties. Often white, TPO sheets can range in width from 6 to 12 feet and have varying thicknesses, usually 40 to 100 mil. Thermoplastic mem- branes can be less expensive than other roofing options. March 2021 • Constrofacilitator 05
WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE membrane is to be covered over with proofing safety and installation effi- as there is no active release zone. tiles, screeds, concrete beds, etc They ciency and are typically used for base- This can be addressed by installing offer excellent adhesion properties ments or below-grade areas. a compressible foam rod to the overbuilding substrates including con- perimeters, before placing the Application of waterproofing mem- crete, masonry, renders, cement sheet- screed. This is further compro- brane ing, wet area sheet surfaces and plas- mised when the required DFT is terboard surfaces. Regardless of the scale, size, location or not achieved, reducing the mem- type of building, waterproofing mem- brane elongation tolerance drasti- Polypropylene Membrane branes are an essential component cally. It is a special waterproofing material necessary to protect the building's Ÿ Uneven film thickness is even that is manufactured from Bitumen. structural integrity and its inhabitants. more prone to elongation failure. They come in rolls. Each roll measures Its application areas include; Thicker coatings can restrict move- 10 metres by 1 metre and covers an ment, where thinner applied coat- Ÿ Tanking/ basements ings will tear under minimal move- area of 8.7 m². It is a very efficient and durable waterproofing material used in Ÿ Flat Roofs (including Green Roofs) ment. This is why filleting is not as most constructions. It is a common Ÿ Plant rooms successful as bond breaker sys- waterproofing material used on con- Ÿ Podiums and balconies tems. An even DFT [ Dry Film crete flat roofs. Apart from concrete Ÿ Retaining walls Thickness ] of coating, bonded to a roofs and low-pitched roofs, other Ÿ Garden beds and planter boxes compatible joint sealant, is areas of application are concrete gut- Ÿ Concrete water tanks restricted from stretching as the ters, basements and retaining walls. Ÿ Containment and bunded areas uneven fillet section of sealant allows free movement at the thin Factors to consider for the water- points, and restricts movement at proofing membrane application thicker fillet zones. Oftentimes missing out on a small tech- Ÿ Most coating manufacturers nical miss out might cause undesired require different ranges of mini- results. Given below are few details mum DFTs [ Dry Film Thickness ] that need to be addressed for the under different circumstances. application of waterproofing mem- Internal wet areas may require a branes. minimum DFT of 0.6 to 1mm for wall applications and 1 to 1.5mm Ÿ Coating materials need to be abra- for floors and horizontal surfaces. sive resistant and accommodate Balconies and podiums may PVC and TPO membrane building movement. Quite often require a minimum DFT at the These are highly flexible sheet mem- this is misunderstood and range of 1.5 to 2mm, where lift brane systems that protect any con- unbonded screeds are placed over pits, pools and planter boxes may crete structure. It can be built as stan- membranes that are applied too require a minimum DFT up in the dard single-layer compartment sys- thin, resulting in mechanical abra- ranges of 2 to 3mm, depending on tems up to the active control system to sion. This mechanical abrasion is the coating material used. meet the highest demands. They are akin to trying to wear through the Ÿ Low viscosity coatings must have fully-bonded and offer high water- coating with a brick. Any thin at least 3 coats, where one cannot spots, weak points or high spots achieve anything greater than can wear through, forming rup- 0.5mm WFT, due to slump and tures and blisters. souping of the coating. Even at Ÿ Movement accommodation at 66% solids, we need to apply 3 bond breaker junctions is severely coats to achieve the 0.99mm compromised when waterproof- (1mm) DFT required for floor and ing is applied beneath a screed. horizontal surfaces. The compacted screed restricts Ÿ Coating DFT[Dry Film Thickness ] is the coating movement when paramount to achieving the opti- releasing from the bond breaker, 06 March 2021 • Constrofacilitator
WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE mum performance as required by the manufacturer. Reduced coat- ing thickness can result in abrasive damage and reduces elongation properties. Excessive thickness may result in re-emulsification and splitting during curing. Detailed substrate preparation will ensure even film thickness and perfor- mance. References: prweb.com sondhienterprises.com polygomma.com greenshield.co.in sika.com concretecareindia.com bronco.co.in sandexwaterproofing.com Ultra-Water Resistant Surface A group of researchers from the ridging pattern will reduce the contact resistant coating, manufacturers might Massachusetts Institute of Tech- time between water droplets and a sur- enable products to display superior nology recently announced a face, it could hold great value in terms deicing properties. Similarly, ultra- stunning breakthrough in the develop- of enhancing ice-resistance. Frozen water resistant fabrics would help pro- ment of an exceedingly water-resistant water clinging to aircraft parts poses a tect people from exposure to the ele- surface. Their research focused upon significant aviation issue in many situa- ments more effectively in some set- repelling water droplets. They tions. By installing a more water- tings. announced they had discovered a way to increase exterior ridges in silicon in a way that deflects water falling onto the surface. Their research could lead to the even- tual production of very “hydrophobic” i.e. water resistant garments and mechanical and electronic parts. Ultra hydrophobic (or superhydrophobic) surfaces are highly hydrophobic, i.e., extremely difficult to wet. The contact angles of a water droplet on an ultrahydrophobic material exceed 150°.This is also referred to as the lotus effect, after the superhydrophobic leaves of the lotus plant. Since the fine March 2021 • Constrofacilitator 07
BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Basement Waterproofing - Causes, Methods & Membranes B asement water ingress larly prone to wetness and moisture struction. When pockets of air are can lead to problems of development. Water in the soil causes not removed, or the mixture is not a s t r u c t u r e . U n d e r- hydrostatic pressure to be exerted allowed to cure properly, the con- ground water and underneath basement floors and walls. crete can crack, which allows Groundwater is the main This hydrostatic pressure can force water to force its way through the source of water which water through cracks, which can cause wall. will enter a basement. If the water table major structural damage as well as Ÿ Foundations (footings) are hori- rises above the level of the basement mold, decay, and other moisture- zontal pads that define the perime- floor water can enter the basement related problems. ter of foundation walls. When foot- through the side wall. Basement water- ings are too narrow or are not laid proofing thereby becomes important. It Causes of water ingress in basement deep enough, they are susceptible involves techniques and materials to movement caused by soil ero- used to prevent water from penetrating Water seepage in basement and crawl sion. the basement of a structure. Water- spaces usually occurs over long peri- Ÿ Gutters and downspouts are used proofing a basement that is below ods of time and can be caused by to catch rainwater as it falls and to ground level can require the applica- numerous factors. discharge it away from houses tion of sealant materials, the installation and buildings. When gutters are of drains and sump pumps, and more. Ÿ Concrete is one of the most com- clogged or downspouts are bro- The spaces of basements are particu- monly used materials in home con- ken, rainwater is absorbed by the Constrofacilitator • March 2021 08
BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Ÿ Buckling walls: Usually caused by Advantages of basement waterproof- hydrostatic pressure. Walls ing appear to be bowed inward. Ÿ Better indoor environment Ÿ Basement Floor Protection Ÿ Prevention of basement flooding Ÿ Protection to your sump pump Ÿ Protection from structural damage Ÿ Reduce Energy Costs Different types of Basement water- soil near the foundation, increas- proofing methods ing hydrostatic pressure. Ÿ Weeping tile is a porous plastic The choice of waterproofing system drain pipe installed around the per- will depend on a number of factors Ÿ Peeling paint: Water seeping such as the method & type of base- imeter of the house. The main pur- through walls may lead to bub- ment construction, the depth below pose of external weeping tile is pre- bling or peeling paint along base- ground, and the proposed end use. venting water from getting into a ment walls. Each situation is different, so it is basement. However, these pipes can become clogged or dam- important to have a good understand- aged, which causes excess water ing of what waterproofing issues are to put pressure on internal walls present. There are so many factors that and basement floors. come into play when it comes to keep- Ÿ Water build up inside window ing your basement. While each situa- wells, after heavy rain or snow, can tion is different, the best policy is lead to leaks through basement always prevention rather than repair. window seams. Taking steps to waterproof your base- Ÿ Ground saturation is another com- ment before water is present is sure to mon form of basement leaks. yield the best results. The different When the footing drain fails the types are discussed below. ground around the basement can Ÿ Efflorescence: White, powdery contain too much water and when residue found on basement walls Exterior basement waterproofing the saturation point is met flooding near the floor. can occur. The exterior basement waterproofing method is designed to prevent water Signs of basement water damage from causing any major structural dam- age to the building, using polymers Ÿ Cracked walls: Cracks may be hor- and membranes to coat the exterior izontal, vertical, diagonal or stair- basement walls. Polymer-based prod- stepped. Severe pressure or struc- ucts last for the lifetime of the building tural damage is evident by widen- and are not affected by soil pH. Poly- ing cracks. mer-based waterproofing materials Ÿ Mold: Fungi that usually grow in can be sprayed directly onto a wall, are damp, dark areas and can cause very fast curing, and are semi-flexible, respiratory problems after pro- allowing for some movement of the sub- longed exposure. strate. 09 Constrofacilitator • March 2021
Pre-engineered Roofing BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Interior basement waterproofing company, states like Michigan have a brane - It is used in the basement lot of ground clay, which will absorb waterproofing. It is manufactured from Interior basement waterproofing using and hold water, resulting in the flexing synthetic EPDM rubber. The EPDM rub- coatings is effective where condensa- in basement foundation walls that can ber waterproofing membranes are tion is the main source of wetness. It is cause cracking and subsequent leaks. techno-commercially much better than also effective if the problem has minor substitutes. dampness. Installing a backwater Waterproofing with Sealants and valve is one of the most effective mea- Foundation crack injections sures to save your basement. Installing a drainage system is the most complex In poured concrete foundations, solution for interior waterproofing. Sev- cracks and pipe penetrations are the eral approaches and materials can be most common entry points for seep- used. One proper solution is a French age. These openings can be sealed drain with a sump pump installation, from the interior. Epoxies, which are rubber walls, water weeping tiles, and a strong adhesives, or urethanes can be drainage membrane. pressure injected into the openings, thus penetrating the foundation Portland cement-based waterproofing through to the exterior and cutting off membrane - This type of membrane the path of the seepage. Interior seal- helps in resisting positive and negative ers are good for preventing high atmo- pressure under 100m head in water spheric humidity inside the basement retaining and below ground structures. from absorbing into the porous masonry and causing spalling. Interior sealants are designed to ensure that the atmospheric humidity level in the basement stays low. Waterproofing with drainage systems Foundation crack injections are used when poured concrete foundations A drainage system can help avoid crack either from a settlement or the water buildup in your basement, mov- expansion and contraction of the con- ing the water from the footers of the crete. Epoxy crack injections are typi- house foundation and out below the cally used for structural purposes while Cement-based waterproofing mem- basement floor. A common system for hydrophobic or hydrophilic polyure- brane - It is applied to a concrete sur- draining water that has penetrated a thane injections are used to seal cracks face, the active chemicals combine basement involves creating a channel to prevent penetration of moisture or with the free lime and moisture present around the perimeter of the basement water. Injection sealing of the crack cav- in the capillary tract to form insoluble alongside the foundation footers. A ity will address the problem and can be crystalline complexes. These crystals French drain, PVC pipe, or a patented done from the inside with minimal dis- block the capillaries and minor shrink- drainage system is installed in the ruption. age cracks in the concrete to prevent newly-made channel. The installed any further water ingress. drain is covered with new cement. According to Rick Jacobs of Absolute Waterproofing Solutions, a basement waterproofing and foundation repair Different types of basement water- proofing membrane Single-ply rubber waterproofing mem- Constrofacilitator • October March 2021 2020 10
BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Fiber reinforced waterproofing mem- Cell mesh membrane - This type of References:- brane - It is a compound system con- membrane uses cell mesh that bonds sisting of a rubberized bitumen emul- with freshly placed concrete which acts aquaguard.net, sion with additives and a powder com- as a seal. This prevents water ingress. uswaterproofing.com, ponent. The application is easy even It can be installed rapidly, with no need acculevel.com, around details such as pipe penetra- for blinding concrete, priming, or pro- treehouseinternetgroup.com, tions, inner and outer corners, wall- tection and can be trafficked immedi- washingtonpost.com, floor junctions, etc. ately after application. archiexpo.it, drybysuperior.com, concretenetwork.com, buildingenclosureonline.com, aluminumconcreteforms.com, wtrproof.com, To read more about waterproofing visit www.constrofacilitator.com/ civil-products-services/ waterproofing/ Nano technology in waterproofing I n recent years, there has been an rally occur in some plant leaves, such oxidation, anti-icing, UV resistance, increase in nanotechnology as the lotus leaf, and some insect high temperature resistant and also research, and nanotechnology has wings. More about superhydrophobic resistant to chemical compounds. It been incorporated into many applica- coatings. has self-cleaning capabilities when it tions in everyday life. rains and can be used on a variety of High hydrophobicity eco-friendly nano surfaces. Nano coatings do not Nanotechnology is no longer just a coating can be applied onto objects to change the colour of the surface to promising field of research. Many make them waterproof for the long- which they are applied. They are invisi- nanotech solutions have made their term. The product is anti-corrosive or ble to the naked eye. way into everyday life – one of the most prominent being the use of ceramic coating for waterproofing. Nano coat- ing is hydrophobic (water repellent), oleo phobic (oil repellent) surface layer that repels water, oil, dirt, and other dry particles. Superhydrophobic coatings are used in dry surface application. These naturally occur in some plant leaves, such as the lotus leaf, and some insect wings. Nano coating is hydrophobic (water repellent), oleo phobic (oil repellent) surface layer that repels water, oil, dirt, and other dry par- ticles. Superhydrophobic coatings are used in dry surface application. These natu- 11 Constrofacilitator • March 2021
WATERPROOFING MEMBRANES Concrete Deck Waterproofing membranes Constrofacilitator • March 2021 12
WATERPROOFING MEMBRANES T he concrete deck is prone to smooth. All grease, oil, wax, curing water ingress, water may drip compounds, loose material, paint through cracks or other sur- and any other contaminants must faces, which may inevitably be removed, masonry surfaces decay the surrounding area. must be pointed flush and surface In the long run, this will be quite costly defects repaired. New concrete to fix. In order to avoid this, and to keep must be cured for a minimum 28 your deck in the best shape, water- days. proofing is key. Horizontal surfaces Ÿ External corners to be water- exposed to the weather can be difficult proofed must be bevelled to structures to be overlaid with an to waterproof. Inadequate slope can ensure a smooth transition of mem- asphalt concrete wearing course. It is create areas of standing water. In colder brane from vertical to horizontal ideal for repair, maintenance, or new climates, freeze/thaw cycles impose surfaces. construction applications. additional challenges. Frequently, the coating also has to stand up to foot traf- Deck waterproofing membranes Plastomeric waterproofing mem- fic as well. brane Urethane elastomeric waterproofing The most common cause of a ceiling membrane These membranes are manufactured in leak is a failure in the waterproof mem- advanced - under controlled conditions brane or screed in the floor slab of the Urethane elastomeric membrane is by saturating and coating a robust rein- upper floor apartment. The failure may both flexible and durable. This chemical forcement of synthetic non woven poly- be because of natural deterioration of resistant, moisture cured, polyurethane ester carrier with a homogenous ther- the waterproof membrane, material system is designed to expand and con- moplastic bituminous blend of distilled damage or faulty construction / instal- tract with normal structural move- asphalt, modified with selected poly- lation of the membrane. Whatever the ments. It has an aesthetically pleasing mer and inert fillers which gives the cause, the membrane loses its water- monolithic surface that will not soften membrane its excellent properties of proof properties and is no longer able in heat or become brittle in cold. With resistance to ageing, facilitates the ease to prevent water from penetrating the the use of a catalyst the urethane deck- of application and adhesion and porous concrete floor slab and seeping ing system can be accelerated to a two- accommodates structural movements. into the lower part of that slab. day application. The coating system is These are designed as a cap-layer in a waterproofing system that can be exposed membrane systems. They are Waterproofing your deck also allows used on a wide range of applications. ideal for flat or sloped roofs, tiles on ter- the concrete to be protected from natu- Installed and maintained properly, this races & for improved aesthetics. ral foot traffic and the elements. When system will ensure years of waterproof- you waterproof your deck, a special ing protection. coating is added to the concrete that will help make it impenetrable as well as making it easy to maintain. One good way to know that you need to resurface and waterproof your concrete deck is if there are multiple cracks in the deck. Often, resurfacing your deck might not be as expensive as you might think. Urethane waterproofing membrane Since the actual foundation does not need to be fixed, the top level of the It is a single component, a moisture- deck is the only thing that is being cured elastomeric urethane water- changed. Once the floor has been Polymeric waterproofing membrane proofing system designed for pedes- resurfaced, it will not have any cracks or trian traffic. It is a monolithic system, other signs of wear. It is shrink-resistant, heavy-duty, poly- designed to waterproof concrete and propylene woven carrier fabric. The two plywood surfaces by excluding mois- Preparation of waterproofing mem- components are laminated together ture penetration during low- branes in decks under strictly controlled production pro- temperature exposure as well as high cedures. It provides an excellent water- temperature, high humidity thermal Ÿ All surfaces to be waterproofed proofing membrane for bridges, park- cycling. This waterproofing system has must be firm, clean, dry, sound and ing decks or other vehicular traffic excellent adhesion, impact, and abra- 13 Constrofacilitator • March 2021
WATERPROOFING MEMBRANES many strong carbon-fluoride bonds. The fluorine in a fluoropolymer is elec- trically negative, which gives it the prop- erty of not bonding easily with other materials. That's what makes a fluoro- polymer non-stick. Fluoropolymer coat- ings have excellent non-stick properties and reduce friction and resist corrosion. They withstand very high temperatures, as well. Fluoropolymers are insulators, meaning they do not conduct electric- ity. They do not absorb water, either. Liquid Rubber Polyurethane water- between the membrane and substrate. sion resistance while exhibiting supe- proofing membranes It is ideal for application on concrete rior flexibility and weather resistance. decks, especially where surface profiles It is a monolithic, fully-bonded, liquid- and the presence of services provided New Halogen-Free Parylene water- based coating suitable for many water- detailing difficulties for the use of pre- proofing membrane proofing and roofing applications. The formed membranes. coating cures to form a rubber-like New Halogen-Free Parylene coating elastomeric waterproof membrane and Advantages of concrete deck water- offers manufacturers the same host of may be applied over many substrates, proofing membranes beneficial properties that they have including asphalt, bitumen and con- come to expect from the Parylene fam- crete. This is to apply, ultra-low VOC The modern membranes provide a ily, but with improved barrier properties coating can be used to protect decks, wide array of advantages and products over traditional halogen-free variants. It docks, outdoor walkways, floors and are now available with multiple advan- is applied through a vapor deposition much more. Given the cured mem- tages, narrowed down are some of the process that results in an ultra-thin, uni- brane's superior strength, waterproof common advantages of these prod- form, pinhole-free conformal coating. properties and high adhesion to most ucts. The thin film forms at a molecular level substrates. to fully encapsulate components and Ÿ Tolerant to Damp Surfaces devices, offering complete protection Ÿ Crack-bridging properties and increased reliability of intricate, Ÿ Superior performance / Excellent complex electronic devices. Adhesion Ÿ Suitable for both Positive & Nega- Fluoropolymer waterproofing mem- tive Water Pressure brane Ÿ Seamless, reliable, user friendly Ÿ Environmentally Friendly A fluoropolymer is a polymer that is Ÿ Non-Toxic and Chloride Free based in fluorocarbon and has strong Ÿ Suitable for use with Potable Water carbon-fluoride bonds. fluoropolymer Ÿ Root resistant when reinforced is a chemical compound that contains with Glass Fibre Mesh Ÿ Anti-Carbonation and Electro- Hybrid waterproofing membranes chemical Corrosion Ÿ Reparability Modern hybris coating includes poly- mer-modified, polyurethane-asphalt References: hybrid coating cures to form a tough and highly-elastic membrane and pro- barrierdampproofing.com.au vides durable and seamless water- creativityden.com proofing protection for concrete sub- nimacochemicals.com strates. When completely dry and fully scoop.it bonded to the substrate, the coating purepoxy.com forms an impervious continuous barrier spec-net.com.au to eliminate the migration of water kamsons.com Constrofacilitator • March 2021 14
TUNNEL WATERPROOFING Tunnel Waterproofing - Components and Types T unnel waterproofing is one challenging work under- taken. This type of water- proofing systems are faced with very strict requirements regarding durability, expo- sure, sustainability, and stress conditions. For waterproofing in tun- nels or underground structures, it is impor- tant to consider the entire system rather than the individual waterproofing layers. With respect to the durability of under- ground structures, the ingress of water is usually the most important factor to be con- sidered. Some of the defects are intrinsic to specific lining types but it can be stated that deficient waterproofing is at the origin of most problems. A problem that has increased in urban tunnels is related to chemically aggressive groundwater. For such cases, considerations of chemical interactions of pollutants with the water- proofing system are of major importance. 15 March 2021 • Constrofacilitator February
TUNNEL WATERPROOFING Components of tunnel waterproofing Different types of tunnel waterproofing sys- tems The basic design of waterproofing systems in Tunnel construction is typically of two It Is essential to remember that waterproof- types, namely Drained system and Pres- ing systems have to be selected and sure system. The drained system allows the planned in order to represent the optimal water to channelize and hence drain out of solution with regard to given requirements the system, also commonly known as the pertaining to its intended use on one hand Umbrella system. On the other side, the and technically & economically acceptable pressure system holds the water behind the possibilities on the other. The key criteria in membrane for a perpetual period. The selecting these systems are, hydrology con- waterproofing membrane relies on various cept, permanent water table, the degree of Spray applied waterproofing system components that need to be compatible water tightness required, drained or with each other and applied in the correct undrained concept, the height of water pres- mary and secondary linings. This offers sequence to give a desired result. sure, the impacts and conditions during maintenance and repair benefits by pre- construction etc. venting the movement of water either Ÿ The basic support surface on which behind or, should it be breached, in front of the layers of the proofing system are Hybrid waterproofing system the membrane. The application of the mem- installed brane is very simple and can be executed Ÿ The compensation layer, which makes Hybrid below-grade water-proofing mem- by a dry shotcrete machine. For the thin- up for uneven substrates branes combine active polymer barrier tech- stream transport of powder to the nozzle, Ÿ The drainage element which collects nology with conventional passive-bonded compressed air is needed. and disposes of water on the rear side product technology. By incorporating multi- of the waterproof layer ple barrier materials in a single waterproof- Sheet Membrane waterproofing system Ÿ The sealing element or impermeable ing membrane, the new active polymer layer generally includes a waterproof hybrid membranes compensate for the Sheet membrane systems are available in membrane shortcomings of traditional materials. Rubber, Neoprene, high-density polyure- Ÿ The protective layer that separates and thane, (HDPE) and combinations of rubber protects the waterproof membrane The spray applied waterproofing system and HDPE. They are provided as rolls usu- from the concrete casting filling mate- ally approximately 2-3 meters in width and rial The spray applied waterproofing system in are self-adhered. During application, the roll Ÿ The partitioning element that divides tunnels is used with single shell linings. The is laid out flipped over and the backing surfaces into sections to help locate conditions of the application of this system removed. The sheet is placed onto the con- leaks. are analyzed in terms of the deformation crete with the adhesive in contact with the Ÿ The injection and control element and surface condition of the first layer of the concrete and pressed into place. The enables the integrity of the sealed sur- shotcrete shell, water ingress and water sheets can be applied either as a blindside faces and any resins injected into parti- pressure behind the waterproofing mem- waterproofing against sheet piling or a tem- tioned sectors to be checked. brane. This method can bond to both the pri- porary support system or can be applied after partial cure of the concrete. Sheet Membrane waterproofing system The epoxy Liner waterproofing system These are two-component systems and generally are produced in two formulations: one for horizontal surfaces and one for verti- cal surfaces. The difference is that the verti- cal material is non-sag to better adhere to the vertical surfaces. The formulations are not interchangeable due to the requirement Hybrid waterproofing system to have non-sag for vertical surfaces to March 2021 • Constrofacilitator 16
TUNNEL WATERPROOFING develop the required thickness. Typical installation of epoxy systems is performed by spraying the epoxy. PVC waterproofing membrane system The double-layered system of PVC-P, in combination with waterstop, injection valves, hoses, a tunnel waterproofing sys- tem can be divided and compartmentalised into small independent watertight sections. The tunnel/ structure is therefore divided into manageable sections that can be treated as individual entities. This system allows us to test for water-tightness at loca- tions suspected of accidental damage, or in the case of leakage. Furthermore, the water infiltrations would be limited to the single Crystalline waterproofing system damaged section/compartment. Any dam- The product should be made up of virgin that will last for the life of the tunnel. These age/leakage would remain localised, thus PVC compound and plasticized for long solutions are easy to use and do not require rendering easy rectification, and thereby mit- term flexibility and durability. The mem- special weather conditions. This water- igating one of the major concerns with tradi- brane shall be supplied with a signal layer, proofing system is designed for use in tional PVC-P applications. This i.e. a thin sheet of different colour, bonded above- and below-grade applications, compartmentalization forms this watertight to one side, which is intended to facilitate MasterLife 300 series admixtures react in control by utilising the gap between the two the detection of damage. concrete to form non-soluble crystalline waterproofing membrane layers. This gap hydration products in the capillary pores of can be exploited to monitor the waterproof- Crystalline integral waterproofing system the concrete. These crystalline hydration ing system sealing and allows for simple products effectively reduce the permeability future repairs by resin injection.PVC-P twin Crystalline integral waterproofing solutions of concrete and seal the hairline cracks. layer membrane is generally used as a protect the structural rebar from corrosion waterproofing membrane, must be highly and provide a durable, leak-free solution Conclusion durable and shall be judiciously selected. A long service life of tunnel construction requires durability of all components. A major part in this context plays the water- proofing layer and various components, especially those which are supposed to blend together. The designers, owners and project managers should select the com- plete system judiciously and understand in detail the functioning of each component, which together shall work in designed period of life and not just the warranty period. References: master-builders-solutions.com, sika.com, tunnel-online.info, tunneltalk.com, PVC waterproofing membrane system extruflex.com, prnewswire.com 17 March 2021 • Constrofacilitator
Waterproofing membranes Waterproofing membranes are available in sheet form or liquid form. Liquid membranes are sprayed, rolled or trow- elled onto the concrete surface and cure to form a rubbery waterproof coating. Sheet membranes come in sheet form and are stuck to the concrete surface to provide a waterproof barrier preventing water intrusion into the structural ele- ments of a building or its finished spaces. Metropolitan Transportation Service (MTS) recently unveiled a new, high-efficiency wheel truing pit to keep rail cars rolling smoothly. On this project, an underfloor truing pit-with a metal milling machine-can simultaneously re- profile wheels of passenger or freight cars, while the wheel set is attached to the rolling stock. During excavation, the specifications outlined the depth of the pit to be almost three feet under the water table. When the general contractor began digging, water poured in quickly, filling the bottom of the hole. In order to finish the excavation, seven dewatering pumps were needed to drain the area and keep the water out. Original parameters specified installation of a waterproofing membrane. However, the project manager looked for a better solution to prevent water seepage through the concrete. The solution includes a range of crystalline products to treat all the con- crete for the footings, slab and walls of the truing pit. It also seals all the cold joints and helps to patch any remaining cracks and imperfections in the new structure. This reduces permeability by permanently sealing micro-cracks and this also helps protect the concrete against wa- ter penetration, even under high hydrostatic pressure. This is only one example. Construction materials continue to advance, enabling workers to build structures that are waterproof from the elements, ensuring a long-lasting struc- ture. Self-healing, water-repellent, spray-on coating Self-healing, water-repellent, spray-on coating developed at the University of Michigan is hundreds of times more durable than its counterparts. It could enable waterproofing of vehicles, clothing, rooftops and countless other sur- faces for which current waterproofing treatments are too fragile. It could also lower the resistance of ship hulls, a step that would reduce the fuel consumption of the massive vessels that transport 90 percent of the world’s cargo. The developers say the new concoction is a breakthrough in a field where decades of research have failed to produce a durable coating. While water-repellent finishes are available at present, they’re typically not strong enough for ap- plications like clothing or ship hulls. This discovery changes that. The coating is made of a mix of a material called “fluorinated polyurethane elastomer” and a specialized water- repellent molecule known as “F-POSS.” It can be easily sprayed onto virtually any surface and has a slightly rub- bery texture that makes it more resilient than its predecessors. If it is damaged, the coating can heal itself hundreds of times. It can bounce back “even after being abraded, scratched, burned, plasma-cleaned, flattened, sonicated and chemically attacked,” the researchers wrote in a paper recently published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. In addition to recovering physically, the coating can heal itself chemically. If water-repellent F-POSS molecules are scraped from the surface, new molecules will naturally migrate there to replace them. That’s how the coating can re- new itself hundreds of times. Its healing ability is limited only by its thickness. March 2021 • Constrofacilitator 18
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