Electric vehicles: Powering Indonesia's next industrial growth - June 2021 - AustraliaIndonesia.com

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Electric vehicles: Powering Indonesia's next industrial growth - June 2021 - AustraliaIndonesia.com
Electric vehicles:
Powering Indonesia’s next
industrial growth

June 2021
Electric vehicles: Powering Indonesia's next industrial growth - June 2021 - AustraliaIndonesia.com

P O L I C Y PA R T N E R S :


Authors: Kevin Evans and Eugene Sebastian                               About the Australia-Indonesia Centre
                                                                        The Australia-Indonesia Centre is a bilateral research consortium
In putting this report together, we would like to extend a special      supported by both governments, leading universities and industry.
thanks to a number of people who offered views, corrections and         Established in 2014, the Centre works to advance the people-
perspectives. This includes Dr Ariel Liebman, Mr Febi Trihermanto,      to-people and institutional links between the two nations in the
Ms Helen Brown, and Mr John McBeth. In addition there were also         fields of science, technology, education, and innovation. We do this
a number of people from industry and government who provided            through a research program that tackles shared challenges, and
additional inputs.                                                      through our outreach activities that promote greater understanding
                                                                        of contemporary Indonesia and strengthen bilateral research
March 2020
You are allowed to copy, distribute, and transmit this work for non-
                                                                        To discover more about the Centre and its activities, please visit:
commercial purposes.
                                                                        The views expressed in this publication are the authors’ own and do
The report is a general overview and is not intended to provide         not represent those of the Australia-Indonesia Centre.
exhaustive coverage of the topic. The information is made available
                                                                        Copyright ©Australia-Indonesia Centre 2020 | Volume 1 |
on the understanding that the AIC is not providing professional
                                                                        Publication Date 1 June 2021
While care has been taken to ensure the information in this report      Citation
is accurate, we do not accept any liability for any loss arising from   Evans, K. & Sebastian, E., 2021, Electric vehicles: powering
reliance on the information, or from any error or omission, in the      Indonesia’s next industrial growth, The Australia-Indonesia Centre,
report.                                                                 June, Melbourne

We do not endorse any company or activity referred to in the
report, and do not accept responsibility for any losses suffered in
connection with any company or its activities.

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Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                                                                                 2
Electric vehicles: Powering Indonesia's next industrial growth - June 2021 - AustraliaIndonesia.com
Indonesia’s EV plans
will open new trade and
commercial opportunities
for Australia’s services
Indonesia’s pace of industrialisation, which helped propel the
economy from the late 1980s to the 1990s, slowed dramatically
in the aftermath of the Asian Financial Crisis. In the past two
decades, that pace has lagged behind the overall economy’s
growth. This is now changing as significant investments in
new industrial sectors over the past few years supported by a
series of government policies focused on encouraging industrial
development are now beginning to bear fruit. Indonesia’s first
burst of industrial expansion led to huge two-way trade growth
with Australia. Are we about to see a new era of rapid growth in
commercial partnerships?

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth     3
Electric vehicles: Powering Indonesia's next industrial growth - June 2021 - AustraliaIndonesia.com
The dynamics related to these                While it has taken some time, there
developments are fascinating. It             is a growing sense that a coherent
includes a realignment of economic           national industry policy is taking
activity and its expansion towards           shape. At the same time, significant
east Indonesia, especially Sulawesi          regional economic developments
and the North Moluccas. Future               are unfolding to attract the large
developments will also include               investments required to fuel a
adjustments to the regional                  new wave of industrialisation and
distribution of automotive                   exports.
production in Southeast Asia and
beyond, most notably in the area             This report explores important
of electric vehicles. For Indonesia,         industrial changes taking place in
there will be an increase in demand          Indonesia. It focuses specifically
for improved logistics management,           on recent developments in the
skills training and infrastructure           electric vehicle (EV) sector. It
connectivity, some of which are              firstly covers industrial policies
already underway over the past               that have supported the take-off
decade. These national efforts to            of Indonesia’s nickel processing
move up the value chain in terms             industry. Secondly, it overviews
of sophisticated manufacturing               how its industrial policies are laying
and management will also need                the foundations for an EV industry
the support of more research and             including in battery manufacturing.
development.                                 Finally, it outlines potential
                                             opportunities for cross-border trade
For Australia, these Indonesian              and wider commercial partnerships
developments offer an opportunity            in Indonesia’s EV development.
to boost exports in critical
minerals such as lithium, cobalt
and sophisticated services. For
Indonesia, the emergence of
a competitive new automotive
industry provides opportunities for
export to Australia and, in particular,
to take advantage of the special
benefits accorded to Indonesian
made electric vehicles under the IA-
CEPA. Collectively these new trade,
investment and broader commercial
opportunities highlight the merits
of the powerhouse concept in
practice, where the two countries
bring complementary skills and
strengths together to branch into
third markets.

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                        4
Electric vehicles: Powering Indonesia's next industrial growth - June 2021 - AustraliaIndonesia.com
INDONESIAN INDUSTRY                          The following is a summary of         PROMOTING ELECTRIC
POLICY OVER THE                              several key policies that are helping B A T T E R I E S F O R
YEARS                                        to promote the current wave of        VEHICLES
                                             industrial development.
Historically Indonesia has pursued
several policies aimed at promoting                                          As part of its efforts to reduce
industrialisation. These have           VALUE ADDED IN                       national greenhouse gas emissions,
included state-led capital intensive    M I N E R A L S P R O C E S S I N G the previous government under
investment in oil and related                                                President Yudhoyono, established
industries during the oil booms, or                                          a policy in 2013 to promote a
efforts at “leap-frogging” industry     For more than a decade, successive low-cost green car (LCGC). Its
by investing in capital intensive       Indonesian Governments have          efforts included special luxury tax
advanced manufacturing such as          sought to boost domestic value       deductions for vehicles complying
those promoted in the 1980s and         added to the nation’s significant    with greener energy usage and
1990s that were spearheaded by          mineral resources. It has imposed, promoting biodiesel, bioethanol and
then Research and Technology            for instance, restrictions on the    hybrid vehicles.
Minister B.J. Habibie.                  export of mineral ores. A number
                                        of investors, foreign and local,     The current President, Joko Widodo,
Another policy approach in the          have begun steadily to establish     took this policy further when he
mid-1980’s focused on reducing          manufacturing    facilities locally  introduced a low carbon emission
barriers to trade, investment and       to process key mineral ores. An      vehicle (LCEV) policy in his first
bureaucratic hurdles which enabled example is nickel. Last year, a full      term. The policy outlined concrete
Indonesia to become a major             ban on exporting nickel ore came     actions in Presidential Regulation
exporter of footwear, clothing and      into effect.                         55/2019 on the Acceleration
textiles by the early 1990s. A final                                         Program for Battery Based Electric
approach has been to restrict the       While there have been adjustments Vehicles for Road Transport.1
export of certain raw materials         and revisions to the implementing    The focus of this regulation is to
to compel downstream users to           schedules   of these   regulations,  advance Indonesia’s transformation
process these materials inside          the general trajectory of the policy from internal-combustion based
Indonesia. Local processing was         has been quite clear: to develop     engines directly to electric vehicles
adopted for example in banning the the country’s downstream mining           powered by batteries.
export of logs. This led to significant industry.
investment in plywood leading                                                Of importance to note is one of
Indonesia to be the largest exporter                                         the key mineral ingredients in most
globally.                                                                    forms of electric vehicle batteries is

1 https://sipuu.setkab.go.id/PUUdoc/175904/Perpres_Nomor_55_Tahun_2019.pdf

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                                                   5
Electric vehicles: Powering Indonesia's next industrial growth - June 2021 - AustraliaIndonesia.com
STREAMLINING THE                                TRADE LOBBYING
                                                In another signal of the Indonesian Government’s determination to
President Widodo has                            promote the development of an electric vehicle) industry, it was able to
been very energised since                       secure agreement as part of the IA-CEPA to provide for specific rules
                                                regarding rules or origin that should support Indonesian EV exports to
taking office to improve
Indonesia’s ease of doing
business, believing this                        N I C K E L- B A C K E D B O O M
to be a key impediment
                                                Indonesia, like Australia, is a nation with significant deposits of certain
to encouraging further                          minerals. Figure 1 provides a picture of where Indonesia stands globally
investment in the country.                      with regards to certain key minerals. For the sake of comparison, the
                                                size of Indonesia mineral deposits are compared with Australia’s known
As noted in an earlier report2                  reserves.
Indonesia has been making solid
progress in improving its standing in           Figure 1: Indonesia’s key minerals deposits compared to Australia
the global ranks of the ease of doing
business3 until 2018, after which
                                                                                    Percent world       Indonesian reserves as % of
time progress stopped. This was a                 Mineral        Global ranking
                                                                                    reserves            Australian reserves
problem as many of Indonesia’s
regional neighbours,and competitors               Nickel         1st                22%                 105

for foreign investment, continued to              Tin            2nd                18%                 200
                                                  Copper         5th                6%
To improve the efficiency of
                                                  Bauxite        6th                7%                  48
public administration in order
to encourage investment and                       Gold           7th                5%                  26
the creation of employment, the
Government enacted Law 11                       Source: US Geological Service 2021 and (2019 edition for data on Cooper)
of 2020 on Job Creation.4 This
omnibus law represents a major
effort to restructure many of the
administrative policies and practices
of the central government and
regional authorities with a view
to easing and encouraging more
enterprise and investment in the

2 Evans, K, 2021, Indonesian slip on Corruptions Perception Index: A wake-up call for the country, AustraliaIndonesia.com, February 24 -
3 The Ease of Doing Business is a composite index managed by the World Bank that compares 190 countries along 10 separate
indicators. https://www.doingbusiness.org/en/rankings
4 https://sipuu.setkab.go.id/PUUdoc/176266/UU_Nomor_11_Tahun_2020.pdf
5 Evans, K, 2021, Warp Speed: Implementing Indonesia’s Job Creation Law, AustraliaIndonesia.com, March 3, https://australiaindonesia.
com/aic/commentary/warp-speed-implementing-indonesias-job-creation-law/ - article explains the early implementation of the omnibus law

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                                                                        6
Electric vehicles: Powering Indonesia's next industrial growth - June 2021 - AustraliaIndonesia.com
In terms of nickel mining Figure 2        Figure 2: Top five mining countries - 2019-2020
provides a picture of the top five mining
                                                                          Production in
countries in 2019 and 2020. Indonesia Nickel               Global ranking 2019
                                                                                          Production in 2020
is ranked number one, followed by the      Producers                                      Thousand tonnes
                                                                          Thousand tonnes
Philippines and Russia. Australia is
                                           Indonesia       1st            853             760
ranked number five.
                                                   Philippines   2nd         323           320
Efforts to force the pace on minerals
                                           Russia          3rd               279           280
processing in Indonesia are now
beginning to bear fruit, most notably      New Caledonia 4th                 208           200
with regards to the processing of
nickel. Grounds central for this nickel    Australia       5th               159           170

processing are to be found in Central
                                           Global total                      2,610         2,500
Sulawesi and North Maluku, with
processing facilities located quite close
                                          Source: US Geological Service 2021 (Page 113)
to mining locations. The expansion of
these nickel processing operations are
now having a significant impact on the
economic growth rates in these two

Figure 3: Map of Central Sulawesi: Morowali emerges as a hub for nickel bordering three provinces

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                                                 7
Electric vehicles: Powering Indonesia's next industrial growth - June 2021 - AustraliaIndonesia.com
Notably, among Indonesia’s 34                        These figures are based on constant
provinces, both of these provinces                   prices.6 While less spectacular, the
bucked the national economic                         rates of growth in the Province of North
recession of 2020 with each recording                Maluku, supported by fast growth in
growth of 4.9% while the Indonesian                  the key nickel processing districts of
economy contracted by 2.1%. There                    Central and South Halmahera, have
can be no doubt in these provinces                   averaged 6.3% over the past eight
that this is nickel-led growth, especially           years, comfortably above the 5%
when looking at the much faster rates                nationally.
of growth that are taking place in the
three districts where the processing is
concentrated. Over the past decade,
the District of Morowali in Central
Sulawesi grew by 1,200% versus the
whole province’s growth of 161%.

Figure 4: Map of North Maluku: significant nickel activities in 2 districts

6 Assorted data from https://sulteng.bps.go.id/ and https://malut.bps.go.id/

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                                  8
This processed nickel is being                 In addition to the Province of                                      Our sources in the industry suggest
transformed into pig nickel-iron to            Central Sulawesi, there is significant                              the problem for Chinese producers
produce stainless steel. Much but              nickel mining in the northern                                       is that Indonesia’s production costs
not all of the investment is being             districts of the provinces of South                                 are something like 60% lower than
driven by Chinese commercial                   Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi.                                    those in China, largely supported
interests.                                                                                                         by the fact that the nickel ore is
                                               In terms of its growing                                             mined very close to the industrial
Another notable feature of                     manufacturing capacity for a                                        production zones. This suggests
investment inflow is its impact                product like stainless steel,                                       that Indonesia enjoys some huge
on export value. Monthly exports               Indonesia began to explode on                                       natural competitive advantages.
from the Province of Central                   the global market about five years                                  The European Union is also applying
Sulawesi before investments                    ago. Between 2015 and 2019                                          anti-dumping provisions, accusing
coming on stream were in the                   the country’s exports of stainless                                  Indonesia of seriously harming the
order of USD200 million per year.              steel rose by a factor of 520 with                                  European stainless industry.11
With investments these days,                   expectations that in 2021 Indonesia
the figure is USD600 million per               will be the largest exporter of       These nickel processing
month.7                                        stainless steel in the world.9 The    developments form part of the wider
                                               largest market for Indonesian         basic metals industrial sector. Figure
These nickel related                           stainless steel is China.             5 provides a picture of the growth
developments support a wider                                                         of realised direct foreign investment
trend evident since the turn                   Intriguingly, considering much of the (DFI) in this sector over the past 15
of the century in which most                   relevant investment is sourced from years.
of the Indonesian provinces                    China, Beijing is accusing Indonesia
enjoying the fastest rates of                  of dumping stainless steel in its
growth in Indonesia are to be                  market.10
found in Sulawesi. This does not
                                               Figure 5: Growth in direct foreign investment (DFI) in the basic metals
mean that these provinces are
suddenly becoming the richest
per capita. Rather it is a case of              USD Mn

an accelerated catch up towards                   6000

reaching the national average.8
For example, per capita incomes
in Central Sulawesi rose from                     4000
68% of the national average                       3000
in 2010 to actually exceed the                                                                     1569
                                                  2000                                                             1289                                1944
national average by nine per cent                                                           830
                                                                                                                                                                      Qtr 1, 2021
in 2020. Neighbouring South                       1000
                                                         42     52
                                                                              150    117
Sulawesi enjoyed an increase                         0
from 74% to 93% of the national
















                                               Source: nswi.bkpm.go.id

7 Badan Pusat Statistics, 2021, Number of Central Sulawesi Exports-Imports, cited: https://sulteng.bps.go.id/indicator/8/29/9/nilai-ekspor-
8 https://www.bps.go.id/indicator/52/288/4/-seri-2010-produk-domestik-regional-bruto-per-kapita.html
9 https://bisnis.tempo.co/read/1283337/2021-luhut-yakin-ri-jadi-eksportir-stainless-steel-terbesar
10 https://industri.kontan.co.id/news/ini-perusahaan-yang-dituduh-dumping-baja-oleh-china
11 Eurofer, 2020, Definitive anti-dumping duties on Indonesia, China and Taiwan stainless steel imports a necessary measure - cited:

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                                                                                                                      9
Drilling down a little further in this         Figure 6: Direct foreign investments in basic metals by region
data from Indonesia’s investment              USD Mn
agency, BKPM, reveals the leading               6000
sources of investment that are
taking place in this sector. The
most notable feature here has
been the rise of China as the key               3000

investor in this sector since the               2000

middle of the last decade. The                  1000

huge growth in realised DFI since                  0
2018 looks set to continue with a















solid start to activity taking place in
                                                   China (inc HK)                         Asia ex China                        Australiasia                   *Qtr 1, 2021
the first quarter of 2021. Notable
                                                   Europe                                 Americas                             Haven/multi-state
too has been the near absence
of investment in this sector from               Source: nswi.bkpm.go.id
Europe and the Americas. (See
Figure 6)

INDUSTRIAL                                   Chemicals, and including China’s                                       producers, led by Toyota - that have
DEVELOPMENTS:                                Contemporary Amperex Technology                                        totally dominated the Indonesian
BATTERIES AND                                (CATL). There is also interest from                                    auto sector for the past half a
ELECTRIC VEHICLES                            Korea’s Samsung SDI, China’s BYD                                       century - are also looking to
                                             Auto and Farasis Energy as well as                                     strengthen their auto manufacturing
                                             Japan’s Panasonic. Added to this                                       capacities in Indonesia. The
In this section, we focus on how             is considerable speculation about                                      strength of Japanese manufacturing
Indonesia is laying the foundations          Tesla setting up a vehicle or battery                                  in “post-combustion engine”
for an impending take-off in the             manufacturing plant. In the end it                                     vehicles is more in hybrid rather
electric vehicle and the EV battery          may well be that their Indonesia                                       than direct to EV battery alone.
manufacturing industry.                      strategy consists of other areas of                                    Nonetheless, they clearly see value
Further downstream from the                  commercial interest given that Tesla                                   in investing in a “transitional” phase
nickel processing facilities in east         seems to have more focus on India                                      of consumer demand, assuming
Indonesia will soon be found EV              as their EV manufacturing hub for                                      that demand for EV battery vehicles
battery manufacturing capacity               the region.12                                                          will take considerable time to
together with some re-energised                                                                                     dominate the Indonesian and
investment in the automotive                 In addition, several automakers,                                       regional markets.
sector.                                      led by Korea’s Hyundai, are also
                                             looking to develop or expand their
The Indonesian Government’s                  automotive manufacturing capacity
policies to encourage the                    in Indonesia. This company is
development of an EV battery                 currently moving one factory from
sector has stimulated interest               China to Indonesia and relocating
and commitments from a number                its regional HQ from Malaysia to
of producers led by Korea’s LG               Indonesia. Major Japanese auto

12 https://www.cnnindonesia.com/ekonomi/20210201171515-85-600969/potensi-investasi-baterai-mobil-listrik-tembus-rp2423-t

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                                                                                                               10
In EV battery-powered motorcycles,              Figure 7: Direct foreign investments in the automotive sector
there are even prospects of
                                                   USD Mn
Indonesian developed and owned
makers emerging. One such
group to watch would be Gesits                       3000

(Garansindo Electric Scooter ITS).                   2500
Gesits is developed by Australia-                    2000
Indonesia Centre partner university,
the Institute of Technology
Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), based                        1000

in Surabaya. Gesit has expanded                       500
                                                                                                                                                                      Qtr 1, 2021
production to Bogor, West Java.                             0
Local start-up producers, like















Gesit, add new prospects for
                                                Source: nswi.bkpm.go.id
independent component makers,
both Indonesian and foreign, to
                                                Drilling a little deeper into the sources of investment the following
forge new partnerships that may
                                                picture emerges in terms of the origin of investment. (See Figure 8) The
not be accessible to established
                                                long term dominance of the sector by Japanese investors may now be
commercial arrangements between
                                                facing a challenge from automakers from South Korea.
the traditional producers.

Much of this sophisticated                      Figure 8: Direct foreign investments in the automotive sector by region
manufacturing capacity is expected
to be located along the north coast              USD Mn

of Java, although some additional                  3500

processing of nickel inputs towards                3000

the final EV batteries could also                  2500

be undertaken in the nickel-based                  2000

industrial zones in Central Sulawesi               1500

and North Maluku.                                  1000


Over the past 15 years, levels of
















realised direct foreign investment
                                                                                                                                                                 *Qtr 1, 2021
(DFI) in the automotive sector                             Japan                             South Korea                        China (inc HK)
                                                           Other Asia                        Europe                             Americas
peaked in the mid-2010s. Looking                           Haven/multi-state

at the results for the first quarter of
2021 suggests the results this year             Source: nswi.bkpm.go.id
could be significantly higher than
the past few years. (See Figure 7)

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                                                                                                                         11
Like investments in nickel and                Significant preparatory investments
mineral ore processing, it is again           in connecting and enabling
notable that investors from Europe            infrastructure to support the
and the Americas are largely                  proposed boom in EV and battery
absent from this sector as well.              production are being undertaken in
Two possible caveats to consider              Central Java, especially to the west
with this data are that part of the           of Semarang City, as well as in the
automotive investment from China              Rebana development zone located
could be sourced from Wuling,                 in the north eastern regions of
a joint venture based in China                West Java. There are also expected
between Chinese automakers and                to be some investments focused
General Motors from the USA.                  on expanding auto manufacturing
In addition, the component of                 in the already well established
investors grouped under ‘ haven/              industrial zones of Bekasi located
multi-state group’ consists of                at the far north-west of West Java,
investors whose funds are housed              and bordering Jakarta.
in locations like the British Virgin
Islands and/or from businesses
from several countries pooling
resources for some or other
investment project in Indonesia.

Figure 9: Semarang city (kota) and Kendal, Central Java

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                       12
For the new industrial zones in                  In addition to the connecting
West Java and Central Java, major                transport infrastructure required to
infrastructure support is being put              support the logistical movement of
in place including major modern                  materials, there is also a need to
ports in Kendal (Central Java) and               establish effective industrial parks
Patimban (West Java). Both need                  to house and support other aspects
to be well connected to the new                  of industrial output, including
cross-Java toll roads while major                the provision of electricity, water
new international airports have been             and telecommunications. Some
built in Semarang City in Central                of these are at various stages of
Java and the District of Majalengka              development.
in northern West Java. There are also
long-established train lines that pass
by these regions, although there may
be a need to develop connecting
“spur” lines to connect them to
the trunk lines and the port and
industrial areas given the density of
population and vehicular traffic in the
surrounding regions.

Figure 10: Rebana and Patimban, West Java

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                          13
THE NEW SOE ON THE BLOCK                      memory. Indeed Indonesia has been a net oil/gas importer for some
                                              years. In terms of the security of the nation’s current account in trade,
The Government created a new                  there is clearly a need to ensure that the oil/gas sector does not become
State-Owned Enterprise (SOE),                 a serious burden. The transition of Indonesia from being a net oil/gas
Indonesia Battery Corporation                 exporter to becoming a growing net importer can be seen in the following
(IBC) in mid-March 2021. The                  chart. See Figure 11)
vision is for this holding company
to play a role along the value chain         Figure 11: Indonesia’s Net oil/gas exports
from nickel mining through to EV                 USD Mn
battery vehicle production. It is a               25000
very ambitious and potentially risky              20000
development. These industries are                 15000
all very competitive globally and                 10000
will suffer the consequences of                    5000
having to “carry” under-performers                    0
that detract from industrial                      -5000
performance, efficiency and cost-                -10000
competitiveness.                                 -15000

Noteworthy, however, are the
four SOEs that are investing in
this holding company. These are               Source: BPS
PT Pertamina (the state oil/gas
company), PT Perusahaan Listrik               In addition, there is also a need for Pertamina to widen its revenue and
Negara (PLN), the state electricity           income base beyond its traditional sources of oil and gas. Much as with
generator and transmitter, PT                 other traditional oil and gas producing companies globally, Pertamina
Indonesia Asahan Aluminium                    is also seeking to begin to expand its energy interests to “cleaner”
- Inalum (the state aluminium                 fuels.13 To support EV battery-powered vehicles, Pertamina has a vast
company) and PT Timah (the state              franchise network of petrol stations across the nation. Ensuring that
Tin mining company). Each has a               these are incentivised and equipped safely with recharging and related
25% equity stake in IBC.                      capacities will be an important contribution by Pertamina to the success
                                              of the EV vehicle revolution in Indonesia. It also provides an incentive for
While of course a little speculative          Pertamina to embrace constructively these changes.
at this early stage, there may be
some interesting synergies to these           At the same time, Pertamina is facing major challenges in terms of
companies’ involvement.                       capital requirements just to manage and maintain its existing production
                                              facilities. This is especially so considering it has now acquired significant
For Pertamina, it is clear that the           new oil/gas production centres in Riau and East Kalimantan from long
future prospects for the Indonesian           term foreign investors.14
oil/gas sector are quite poor with
the golden age of Indonesia’s oil
industry an increasingly distant

13 https://www.pertamina.com///Media/File/Pertamina_AR_2019_Final%20Indo_Hires.pdf
14 https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2018/01/01/pertamina-takes-over-mahakam-from-total-inpex-.html and https://theconversation.

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                                                                                                                                                             14
For PLN, there is a key value-add to         of PLN generated power is sourced      that inhibit it from deploying
support the EV revolution through            from fossil fuels, including almost    the kind of nimble corporate
ensuring the supply and secure               two thirds from coal alone.15          engagements that its purely private
distribution of power for recharging                                                sector partners and competitors
facilities together with safe and            As a result, it may be that the        enjoy. At the same time, however,
user-friendly access to facilities for       industrial parks will need to consider IBC does bring into the dynamic
consumers including at home, work            other options for securing electricity of industry development many
and recreation/shopping locations.           sourced from new and renewables of the shareholders that, if left
                                             in order to guard against this         outside these important industrial
The emerging structural                      commercial risk.                       developments, would see more
surplus in electricity                                                              threat than benefit from them.
                                             For PT Inalum and PT Timah, there
generation capacity,
                                             are advantages in being more           More information about the early
thanks to significant
                                             closely connected to the nickel        stages of development of IBC can
investment over the past                     mining sector. With specific regards be found in the attached report
decade, sees PLN with                        to Timah, the presence of certain      from our partners at the ITB School
a clear vested interest                      rare earth elements in the tailings of Business Management.16
in boosting demand                           of tin mining can add an additional
for electricity. This is                     key input to feed the resource
especially the case in the                   needs of the EV sector. MIND IN
core grid zone of Bali-                      (the state-owned holding company
Java.                                        that owns a majority of shares of
                                             Timah and Inalum) also has an
Much of this additional power is             interest in the EV industry given the
being generated by a series of new           importance of copper and bauxite in
coal-fired power plants.                     the production of electric vehicles.

This creates a challenge, indeed             As noted at the outset of this
a threat, that producers of these            section, a big question that may
EV related components will face,             affect the pace and scale of
especially if they have an eye to            development, and the medium
the export market. International             to long term competitiveness of
consumers, in looking to reduce              the EV battery sector will be the
their carbon footprints, may                 extent to which the IBC becomes
be concerned about buying                    net value-add to the sector or a
goods, or final products made                complicating factor that slows
from components, that were                   down growth. Being an SOE means
manufactured on the back of coal-            the company is likely to face a
fired electricity. Currently, over 90%       number of operational constraints

15 https://web.pln.co.id/statics/uploads/2021/04/Statistik-Indonesia-2020-unaudited.pdf P. 33
16 https://0c05fe27-36b5-405e-ba6c-3c00e10e89c4.filesusr.com/ugd/bb9b3a_8cab9fa2f27a4af19eb64bd091a77479.pdf

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                                                       15
POWERING AUSTRALIA-                  billion-dollar boost to the value of      Mining, equipment, technology
INDONESIA EV                         Indonesian exports to Australia.          and services (METS) also offers
PA R T N E R S H I P                 Additional exports of vehicles            potential. Australia is already a
                                     to Australia using traditional            successful supplier of METS to
The report has reviewed the          combustion engines may also be            Indonesia. With Indonesia’s ban on
industrial policies that have        feasible, noting that Thailand is         raw mineral ore exports, this means
supported the take-off of the        now the largest source of Japanese        a significant interest in Australia’s
Indonesia nickel processing industry brand vehicles to Australia – which
                                                                               capability in mining and exploration
and how it is laying the foundations is already a multi-billion-dollar
                                                                               software, specialised equipment,
for an EV manufacturing industry.    export industry in its bilateral trade.   environmental management,
This section takes an overview of
                                                                               workforce development and
several potential opportunities for  MINING AND SERVICES                       consulting services.
cross-border trade and broader
commercial partnerships in           With Indonesia’s EV ambition,
                                                                               There may also be some niche
Indonesia’s EV development.          there is a range of opportunities
                                                                               opportunities in fields of work such
Indonesia’s EV developments will     to collaborate in its development
                                                                               as urban planning and consulting
create exciting opportunities for    by international partners including
                                                                               related work on logistics and supply
Australian mining and education      Australia. In the medium term,
                                                                               management, including integrating
services. In 2020, Australia and     based on some of the benefits
                                                                               connectivity between various
Indonesia operationalised the        accorded to Indonesia under the IA-
                                                                               pieces of infrastructure and related
Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive CEPA for local content requirements
                                                                               intermodal transportation networks.
Economic Partnership Agreement       for EV exports to Australia,
(IA-CEPA). Powering advanced         Indonesia may emerge as a critical
manufacturing is a priority area.    supplier of EVs in the bilateral          EDUCATION, SKILLS AND
Powering Indonesia’s EV batteries, trade. In terms of market access,           TRAINING
manufacturing, and skills are areas both countries are still at very early
of early focus.                      stages of development, suggesting         Education and wider workforce
                                     room to grow and establish a              skills development are areas of
As the largest automotive market     commercial presence somewhat              substantial opportunity. In the nickel
in South East Asia, the Indonesian liberated from long-established             mines of Central Sulawesi, for
government has set an ambitious      market leaders.                           instance, skilled labour remains an
goal to turn 20% of its vehicle                                                ongoing issue. Finding employees
production into electric and         The emergence of a substantial EV         for technical positions is a
hybrid vehicles by 2025 - equal      battery in Indonesia is another area      significant obstacle. Companies are
to producing around 400,000          that offers a new opportunity for         finding the education level of high
electric cars in that timeframe.     Australian producers and exporters        school students not up to standard,
The government also plans to         of critical minerals, notably lithium     requiring them to provide vocational
export 200,000 electric vehicles     and cobalt. Western Australia             education level training.
by 2025. In recent months both       already produces more than half
the Indonesian Ministers of Trade    of the world’s lithium supply,            The Indonesian Government
and Industry have indicated that     giving Australia an advantage in          is investing in human capital
they would like Indonesia to meet    the growing demand for lithium.           development. Vocational education
some 10% of the Australian vehicle Along with lithium minerals exports,        and training (VET) is a national
market, with a presumption that      Australia’s capability in niche           priority. Further, the new five-year
most of these vehicles would use     areas such as the design and              plan and its Making Indonesia 4.0 –
traditional combustion engines at    manufacturing of batteries places         an initiative to transform automotive
least in the early years. Vehicle    it in an enviable position in the         and other manufacturing sectors
exports alone would constitute a     lithium-ion batteries value chain.        – has earmarked USD30 billion

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                                                    16
investment in VET. Upgrading                 other country. The program aims        science technoparks, increase R&D
education and training facilities,           to strengthen the people-to-people     expenditure through its National
better connecting training centres           links.                                 Innovation Fund and strengthen
with businesses – as part of the                                                    science and technology capability
“software” of effective work-                There should also be significant       through increased research
related training programs – and              opportunities for Australian           consortium cooperation and
resolving training recognition and           education and enterprises to           institutional linkages internationally.
qualifications are some of the               work with Indonesian partners in       Local academic and research
quality improvements and policy              both identifying and then meeting      institutions will play an important
realignment underway.                        the critical skills-needs required     role in Battery Electric Vehicle R&D
                                             to enable these manufacturing          capabilities. Some are developing
As Indonesia’s preferred partner             activities. Developments in EV         charging station technology and
in international education and               will require new and highly skilled    power electronics. Others are
vocational education, Australian             workers. Skills will remain an         developing electric motorcycle
providers should be well placed              acute issue as more multinational      innovations and batteries for fast
to advise and support programs               companies consider establishing        chargers.
to upgrade the workforce skills              processing facilities and relocating
base needed to power these                   regional hubs or entire assembly       Australian universities are
new industrial zones. The close              lines in the country.                  doing world-leading research
alignment and familiarity among                                                     and prototyping of EV and
policymakers of both countries on                                                   battery technology. Last year,
matters related to qualifications            RESEARCH AND                           Monash University researchers
recognition is an additional                 DEVELOPMENT                            commercialised the world’s
platform for building new forms                                                     most efficient lithium sulphur
                                       For Indonesia to graduate from
of commercial cooperation on                                                        (Li-S) battery. The battery could
                                       a “branch office” assembler
education and training.                                                             outperform current market leaders
                                       to a major centre of activity, it
                                                                                    by more than four times, with the
                                       will need to boost its research
The IA-CEPA offers several specific                                                 potential to enable EV to drive more
                                       and development architecture.
opportunities to advance training                                                   than 1000km without refuelling.
                                       Automotive is a key sectoral focus
and commercial partnerships. In                                                     Li-S batteries in cars and grids
                                       and there are plans to develop skills
particular, there are a series of side                                              could capture a more significant
                                       and boost R&D. The government
letter agreements to the IA-CEPA                                                    part of the estimated $213 billion
                                       will focus on strengthening industry-
including:                                                                          value chain of Australian lithium.
                                       education sector linkages, reforming
                                                                                    In the global automotive industry,
                                       certification and accreditation
1) Skills Development that covers                                                   Australia is also a design/styling and
                                       systems, boosting STEM (Science,
areas such as vocational education,                                                 research and development hub for
                                       Technology, Engineering and Maths)
reciprocal skills exchange program,                                                 Ford, GM and Toyota in the Asian
                                       graduates and fostering a culture of
work and holiday arrangement and                                                    region.
                                       innovation and technology.
workplace skills training programs;
and                                                                                 There should be significant
                                       Indonesia’s five year development
                                                                                    opportunities for Australian
                                       plan, for instance, seeks to
2) Skills Development Exchange                                                      universities to work with Australian
                                       increase the number of students
pilot project to give businesses                                                    commercial and Indonesian
                                       and graduates in science and
from Australia and Indonesia the                                                    partners in both identifying
                                       engineering. It also plans to
opportunity to send employees                                                       and upskilling the workforce
                                       invest USD280 million to develop
to work up to six months in the                                                     in the EV skilled based sector.

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                                                          17
Maintenance training, PhD training           combustion engined vehicles in        CONCLUDING COMMENTS
and application of science and               Southeast Asia for decades. These
innovation are just some of the              moves by Indonesia to promote the
specific areas in EV.                                                      All of these policy and industrial
                                             development of electric vehicles
                                                                           developments are significant and
                                             and EV batteries in Indonesia may
A little speculation on regional                                           most are quite closely related one
                                             also be a game changer in terms of
tectonic shifts                                                            to the other. Intriguingly much
                                             the regional centre of automotive
                                                                           of this seems to be taking place
                                             production especially as the world
For the Indo-Pacific region, these                                         with minimal public discourse and
                                             transitions from combustion engines
developments in Indonesia have               to EV.                        exchange on the potential bigger
significant implications.                                                  picture. Much of the focus takes
                                      Notable too is that the decades-     place with snapshot discussions
Indonesia’s restriction of nickel     long domination of the region        of particular developments. These
exports has forced nickel processors by Japanese auto makers may           have included the Job Creation
especially from China to invest       face some new competition from       Law, the 2009 Mining Law (which
directly in Indonesia to secure       ambitious Korean automakers          opened the path to restricting
access to these resources. The        looking to grow their market         mineral ore exports), the Battery
result has produced massive           share. Within particular countries,  EV regulation, the big nickel
increases in exports of processed     notably Indonesia, which have long processing centres especially
nickel from Indonesia. This dynamic harboured ambitions to be more         in Central Sulawesi, occasional
is reminiscent of the experience      than a branch office assembler       news headlines announcing new
of Japanese and Korean plywood        of global producers, greater         investments in EV batteries as well
makers that had to invest in          competition between global makers as the inauguration of new pieces
Indonesia in the 1980s after the      may offer more room to negotiate     of infrastructure such as ports and
Indonesian Government banned          greater productive and commercial toll roads.
the export of logs, and in doing so   autonomy to determine the big
created a substantial export industry decisions on the future direction of Focusing solely on each of these
of plywood from Indonesia.            their own automotive sector.         episodic developments may
                                                                           be limiting a capacity to step
Closing the geographic distance                                            back to see the bigger canvas
between the mined nickel and its                                           of very interesting and historic
processing plants has added to the                                         developments in Indonesia.
efficiency and cost effectiveness of
the production centres in Indonesia;                                       These developments are having
no doubt helping this product to                                           important implications for Indonesia
reach international markets for                                            now but also hold promise to have
less than that processed in those                                          a solid impact for Australia well
countries.                                                                 towards the middle of the century.

Many international automakers,
especially Japanese, have seen
Thailand as the preferred centre
for manufacturing traditional

Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth                                              18


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       Electric vehicles: powering Indonesia’s next industrial growth   19
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