ELECTION INTEGRITY 2022 Legislative Report

ELECTION INTEGRITY 2022 Legislative Report
        2022 Legislative Report
ELECTION INTEGRITY 2022 Legislative Report

           R esto ring Trust in Virgin ia ’s Ele ctions

Do            you trust your vote
             counts? If a medical
pulse was taken on America’s trust in
                                           the nation. Knowing that the laws are
                                           not robust enough to inhibit voter
                                           fraud only exacerbates the populace’s
                                           mistrust in elections. When election
our election processes, the results        processes are vulnerable to being
would be alarming— some would say          manipulated with only minimal
fatal. One author1 quantified the          energy and time required to do so,
problem this way: “After the last          Virginians’ sacred right to vote is
election cycle, confidence is waning:      jeopardized.
Less than 60%2 of all voters were
confident that ballots would be            How can we restore “liberty and
accurately cast and counted.” The          justice for all” voters? Good election
result of this mistrust is that fewer      policy at the state level is the best
people show up at the polls to take        place to start. To prevent even the
part in the democratic process of          temptation for a person to commit
governing and we lose representation       voter fraud, it is desirable to
of the rich diversity that makes us        safeguard our elections by passing
who we are.                                laws to make it difficult to vote more
                                           than once or otherwise unduly
However, as the populace has               influence voting results and interfere
increasingly lost trust in elections, a    with the will of “we the people.”
large infusion of new energy and           Although dozens and dozens of bills
support for finding solutions has          that touched on aspects of election
surfaced. Those who advocate for           security were introduced during this
increased election integrity, also often   past 2022 Virginia Legislative
called election security, believe it       Session, only a few were passed by
should be easy to vote and hard to         the legislature and sent to the
cheat in the process for our citizenry     Governor’s desk. Below you will find
to select public servants. Yet, current    a roadmap of bills introduced this
Virginia laws and regulations make it      session and some of the strong ideas
easy to vote and easy to cheat—            that lawmakers advanced to secure
similar problems are pervasive across      our elections.

Legislative Report | Election Integrity
ELECTION INTEGRITY 2022 Legislative Report
Absentee Ballot Counting                    Election Audit Process
Upon adoption of HB 927 & SB 3,             SB 390 was intended to address the
any ballot counted at a central             need to ensure that all voting
absentee precinct would be required         machines in the state function
to be counted and sorted into               correctly, by establishing an audit
categories based on the precinct            process that would check every
where the ballot was cast. This bill        machine once every 5 years.
also requires total vote result
numbers to be reported by precinct.         Limited Same Day Registration
                                            Adoption of HB 185 would have
Accurate Voter Rolls                        established a good policy to prohibit
HB 55 & SB 211 were designed to             same day voter registration, with only
require the Virginia Department of          three exceptions. The three specified
Vital Statistics to report state            exceptions were: service members of
residents' deaths to the Department of      the United States on active duty,
Elections on a weekly basis to update       individuals temporarily living outside
the voter rolls.                            of the country, and a spouse or
                                            dependent of one of the first two
Ballots Arriving Late Not                   categories.
Permitted to Count
The final version of HB 46 included         Limited Early Voting
language to prohibit the counting of        HB 46 intended to reduce the number
ballots that arrive after the polls close   of early voting days from 45 to 21.
on Election Day.
                                            Repeal the Permanent Absentee
Clarification of Absentee Ballot            Voter List
Application Requirements                    HB 46 would have repealed the
SB 652 sought to clarify that the           section of law that governs the
absence of the last four digits of a        existence of a Permanent Absentee
person’s social security number on an       Voter List.
application for an absentee ballot is a
material omission, and is grounds for
rejecting the application.

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ELECTION INTEGRITY 2022 Legislative Report
Secure Election Financing                 Voter Identification
The passage of HB 205 & SB 80             HB 46 required a voter to present an
would make it illegal for any elected     ID with a photograph at the polls in
state or local election official to       order to cast a ballot. Alternatively,
accept money from any individual or
entity except the government to fund      HB 544 would have allowed a voter
an election in Virginia. This policy      to inform the state that they were
would be beneficial in preserving         personally opting into a photo ID
unbiased elections.                       requirement which would be enforced
                                          at the polls for that voter.

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Legislative Report | Election Integrity
ELECTION INTEGRITY 2022 Legislative Report

   ABSENTEE                                      ACCURATE
BALLOT COUNTING                                 VOTER ROLLS
HOUSE BILL 927                           HOUSE BILL 55
& SENATE BILL 3                          & SENATE BILL 211
BACKGROUND                               BACKGROUND

In past elections, there has been a      Ensuring the accuracy of the voter
lack of transparency with the manner     rolls is imperative and HB 55 and SB
in which Central Absentee Precincts      211 help meet the need for accuracy
(CAP) sort, count, and report votes.     of the voter rolls. These bills were
HB 927 and SB 3 resolve this issue       designed to require the Virginia
and increase transparency by             Department of Vital Statistics to
requiring that ballots be sorted and     report state residents' deaths to the
counted based on the precinct where      Department of Elections on a weekly
the individual ballots were cast.        basis so that the new information can
                                         be reflected on the voter rolls. Right
STATUS                                   now, this process is supposed to be
                                         done monthly. This is a good policy
These bills garnered strong bipartisan   decision for the Commonwealth that
support throughout the legislative       will increase the ongoing accuracy of
process and were signed by the           the official voter roll lists of
Governor on April 7th, 2022.             Virginia.

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ELECTION INTEGRITY 2022 Legislative Report
                                            CLARIFICATION OF
These bills garnered strong bipartisan      ABSENTEE BALLOT
support throughout the legislative
process. HB 55 was signed by the              APLLICATION
Governor on February 23rd and SB
211 was signed by the Governor on            REQUIREMENTS
March 11th.
                                          SENATE BILL 652
BALLOTS ARRIVING                          BACKGROUND
LATE NOT COUNTED                          In October 2021, the Virginia
                                          Institute for Public Policy, aided by
HOUSE BILL 46                             the Public Interest Legal Foundation
& SENATE BILL 211                         law firm, brought a lawsuit against
                                          Fairfax county for violating the law
BACKGROUND                                that requires the last four digits of a
                                          citizen’s social security number to be
                                          included when filling out an
Currently, ballots may be counted as      application for an absentee ballot.
long as they are postmarked by
Election Day (Tuesday) and arrive         Fairfax claimed that they were
by Friday afternoon following             interpreting the law as not requiring
Election Day. The final version of        this information, although every other
HB 46 would have prohibited the           Virginia county unilaterally interpret-
counting of ballots that arrive after     ed the law otherwise, and always
the close of polls on Election Day.       have. Although the judge dismissed
                                          the case citing that Virginia Institute
STATUS                                    did not have the necessary standing to
                                          advance the case, it is believed that
HB 46 failed in a party line vote of      the lawsuit deterred other counties
9-6 in the Senate Privileges and          from attempting to follow Fairfax and
Elections Committee.                      disregard the law.

Legislative Report | Election Integrity
ELECTION INTEGRITY 2022 Legislative Report
SB 652 clarifies the requirement of         rectly, by establishing an audit
the last four digits of a person’s social   process that would check every
security number on an application for       machine once every 5 years. Unfortu-
an absentee ballot and further              nately, this bill was sidelined for a
clarifies that leaving off this             type of auditing that has gained
information is a material omission,         popularity in recent years, called risk
and is grounds for rejecting the            limiting audits.
application. This requirement would
not apply if a person is applying in        Some of the reasons risk limiting
person for an absentee ballot, because      audits are problematic:
under those circumstances the last          • they are expensive — voting
four digits of a social security number         machine audit options like the
are not part of the application                 kind that SB 390 would establish
process. This legislation was brought           are only a fraction of the cost;
forward to reinforce the existing law.      • they occur between election day
                                                and certification of the vote,
STATUS                                          putting an additional burden of
                                                administration of this process on
This bill is currently in a conference          election staff during the same
committee and has no final status               time they are tasked with
yet.                                            certifying the vote; and
                                            • the concept and application of
                                                risk limiting audits in Virginia is
    ELECTION                                    being advanced by organizations
                                                who are funded by known special
  AUDIT PROCESS                                 interest groups.

HOUSE BILL 895                              According to Ned Jones with the
& SENATE BILL 390                           Conservative Partnership Institute,
                                            out of 4.4 million votes in the 2020
BACKGROUND                                  presidential election, approximately
                                            1,200 were in the ballot sample for
SB 390 was intended to address the          the risk-limiting audit. This is .0273
need to ensure that all voting              percent and not enough to be useful.3
machines in the state function cor-         Establishing and building up risk
                                            limiting audits in Virginia is arguably

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ELECTION INTEGRITY 2022 Legislative Report
sending the message that election         shown in the graph below, has a level
security   measures   are     being       of inefficiency. HB 46 intended to
implemented when the reality is that      reduce the number of early voting
the procedures in place are not           days from 45 to 21. The data from the
effective.                                graph indicates that the demand for
                                          early voting is not high enough to
STATUS                                    justify the expense.

SB 390 bill failed in a party line vote   STATUS
of 9-6 in the Senate Privileges and
Elections Committee.                      HB 46 failed in a party line vote of
                                          9-6 in the Senate Privileges and
HB 895, promoting risk limiting           Elections Committee.
audits, passed the legislature and is
currently on the Governor’s desk and
has no final status yet.
                                              LIMITED SAME
                                            DAY REGISTRATION
                                          HOUSE BILL 185
                                          In 2020 a new Virginia law was
BACKGROUND                                passed permitting same-day voter
                                          registration, which allows a voter to
In 2020, a new state law established      show up to the polls on election day
45 days of early voting in Virginia—      and register to vote, and immediately
at the time, we became the state with     cast a ballot. The new law has an
the longest time frame for early          effective date of this year, October
voting. When the polls are open that      2022. This practice is problematic
long it is costly to taxpayers, and as    because the individuals who are
                                                                                   Graph provided by The Virginia Public Access Project

Legislative Report | Election Integrity                     VirginiaInstitute.org | 4
ELECTION INTEGRITY 2022 Legislative Report
working at the polls do not have the       time and committing voter fraud in
 time and resources necessary to            this type of scenario could be quite
 verify that an individual who is           simple. HB 46 would have repealed
 registering to vote is a qualified voter   the section of law that governs the
 and/or has not already voted, thus         existence of a Permanent Absentee
 opening the door to voter fraud.           Voter List.

 Adoption of HB 185 would have              STATUS
 established a good policy to prohibit
 same day voter registration, with only     HB 46 failed in a party line vote of
 three exceptions. The three specified      9-6 in the Senate Privileges and
 exceptions were: service members of        Elections Committee.
 the United States on active duty,
 individuals temporarily living outside
 of the country, and a spouse or              SECURE ELECTION
 dependent of one of the first two
 categories.                                     FINANCING
 STATUS                                     HOUSE BILL 205
                                            & SENATE BILL 80
 HB 185 failed in a party line vote
 of 9-6 in the Senate Privileges and        BACKGROUND
 Elections Committee.
                                            According to the Wall Street Jour-
    REPEAL THE                              nal4, “A nonprofit called the Center
                                            for Technology and Civic Life, or
PERMANENT ABSENTEE                          CTCL, funded by Mark Zuckerberg,
                                            says it gave $350 million to nearly
    VOTER LIST                              2,500 election departments in the
                                            course of the 2020 campaign.”
                                            “The 2020 pandemic… was a super-
 BACKGROUND                                 spreader of bad precedents. More
                                            than a year later, we’re still getting
 Currently, when an individual applies
 to receive an absentee ballot, there is
 no excuse required and you can
 choose to receive an absentee mail-in
 ballot for every future election. You
 are added to what is called the
 Permanent Absentee Voter List. One
 reason that this is a vulnerable spot
 for voter fraud to be committed is
 because people may move, and the
 next resident at that address could
 receive the ballot meant for the
 previous resident. Voting a second
                                                              VirginiaInstitute.org | 8
ELECTION INTEGRITY 2022 Legislative Report
information about the huge private         original bill, to clarify that a federal
money that underwrote official             grant that may have been funded in
government voting efforts in 49            part by private dollars would still be
states. Much is still unknown, but         allowed if this law passed.
lawmakers already know enough to
ban this practice.”
CTCL has disclosed that $3.7 million
dollars was dispersed in Virginia in            IDENTIFICATION
2020, with almost all funds going to
counties that were won by the same         HOUSE BILL 46
presidential candidate.5
                                           & HOUSE BILL 544
Private funding of elections causes        BACKGROUND
mistrust about whether public
elections are truly public and revers-
ing this practice is a strong bipartisan   In the past few years more than 60
issue. Allowing third party financing      election related changes have been
of public elections creates substantial    made. One of those changes was
danger of not only political bias but      related to voter identification on
also out of state money influencing        Election Day. Currently, you may
Virginia elections.                        vote with only a utility bill and no ID,
                                           you may vote with an ID that has no
(The Foundation for Government             photograph, and if you forget your ID
Accountability has excellent numbers       you can sign a statement to affirm
from public opinion polling on the         you are who you say you are.
issue that you can find at
www.excellenceinpolling.com.)              HB 46, if passed, would have
                                           required a voter to present an ID with
STATUS                                     a photograph at the polls in order to
                                           cast a ballot. If the voter did not
HB 205 and SB 80 received biparti-         present a photo ID, they could receive
san support in the House and Senate        and vote a provisional ballot. The
and were signed by the Governor on         legislation also removed the option
April 11th. An amendment that we           for a voter to sign a statement
did not favor was added to the             confirming their own identity as an

Legislative Report | Election Integrity
alternative to providing an ID and the                       would be progress towards increased
option to provide a utility bill or other                    election security.
document without a photograph to
provide proof of identity.                                   STATUS

Alternatively, HB 544 would have                             HB 46 failed in a party line vote of
allowed a voter to inform the state                          9-6 in the Senate Privileges and
that they were personally opting into                        Elections Committee.
a photo ID requirement which would
be enforced at the polls for that voter.                     HB 544 failed in a party line vote
This would prevent a person from                             of 9-6 in the Senate Privileges and
showing up to the polls and falsely                          Elections Committee.
claiming they were that voter and
casting a ballot. Although this policy
would not be as strong as universally
required photo ID, a measure like this

                        Unless otherwise noted, all legislation signed
                     by the Governor becomes effective on July 1, 2022.

  Voter ID Makes Sense — Even Stacy Abrams Agrees | Sara Coffey, FGA | 2021.09.02
  The Foundation of Election Fraud: Two Gateways to Scamming the System | Jonathan Bain, FGA | 2021.06.15
  Virginia State Board of Elections Meeting | 2022.03.01
  Wall Street Journal Editorial, Zuckerbucks Shouldn’t Pay for Elections | 2022.01.03
  Capital Research Center: Shining a Light on Zuckbucks in Key States | Parker Thayer and Hayden Ludwig | 2022.01.18

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                                                                                P.O. Box 1123, Abingdon, VA 24212
                                                                                540.245.1776 | Info@VirginiaInstitute.org

                                                                                Prepared by the policy staff of the
                                                                                Virginia Institute for Public Policy
                                                                                Mr. Caleb Taylor, Director of Policy
                                                                                Ms. Lindsey Zea, Policy & Research Analyst

                                                                                The VIRGINIA INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICY is an
                                                                                independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3), nonpartisan, education and research
                                                                                organization committed to the goals of individual opportunity and economic
                                                                                growth. Through research, policy recommendations, and symposia, the Institute
                                                                                works ahead of the political process to lay the intellectual foundation for a
                                                                                society dedicated to individual liberty, dynamic entrepreneurial capitalism,
                                                                                private property, the rule of law, and constitutionally-limited government.
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