Eglinton Crosstown West Extension - Virtual Open House: Underground stations and construction update - Metrolinx Engage

Page created by Maria Daniel
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension - Virtual Open House: Underground stations and construction update - Metrolinx Engage
Eglinton Crosstown
                                    West Extension
                                    Virtual Open House: Underground stations and construction update

Eglinton Crosstown West Extension - Virtual Open House: Underground stations and construction update - Metrolinx Engage
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Land acknowledgement
Let us take a moment to acknowledge that we are on the traditional territory of Indigenous Peoples
including the Anishnabeg, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples.

We are all Treaty people. Many of us have come here as settlers and immigrants, in this generation or
generations past.

Metrolinx declares its commitment to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous Peoples. We
acknowledge the historic and continued impacts of colonialization and the need to work towards
meaningful reconciliation with the original caretakers of this land.

We acknowledge that Metrolinx operates on lands covered by 20 Treaties, and that we have a responsibility
to recognize and value the rights of Indigenous Nations and Peoples and conduct business in a manner that
is built on the foundation of trust, respect and collaboration.

Eglinton Crosstown West Extension - Virtual Open House: Underground stations and construction update - Metrolinx Engage
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Safety moment
Construction for the ECWE project has begun which means trucks, machinery, and equipment are
operating in the Scarlett Avenue and Eglington Avenue West area.

Staff are trained to ensure the safe movement of
vehicles and equipment in the area.

Everyone has a role in safety to play.

Please obey construction signage in the area and
cross at designated crosswalks.

Exercise caution while traveling and commuting
in the area.

Eglinton Crosstown West Extension - Virtual Open House: Underground stations and construction update - Metrolinx Engage
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension
Introduction to panel

     Joshua Engel-Yan              Omid Nakhaei                 Mario Nalli              Nasir Qureshi,
   ECWE Program Sponsor,      Principal Designer, Arup       ECWE Senior Project      ECWE Senior Project
        Metrolinx                                            Manager, Metrolinx        Manager, Metrolinx

                                   Fernando Triana              Stephanie Chow
                              Project Director, West End    Communications & Public
                           Connectors Construction (WECC)   Engagement Lead, WECC
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension - Virtual Open House: Underground stations and construction update - Metrolinx Engage
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

1. Key considerations and design
2. Station tour – underground stations
   (Next open house: Elevated stations)
3. What’s next on stations
4. Construction update
    1. Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM)
    2. Pedestrian bridge at Scarlett and
    3. Headwall construction
    4. Q&A

Eglinton Crosstown West Extension - Virtual Open House: Underground stations and construction update - Metrolinx Engage
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

What we’ve heard so far about stations
Over the last several months we have met regularly with the City of Toronto and TTC to review the stations. An open
house was held for Kipling-Eglinton station in December 2021. We have heard from residents, community groups and
elected officials about the importance of finding a balanced option that limits impacts while delivering a station that fits
into the community.

                                                                                              Provide bike storage
  Keep traffic lanes open                                      Minimize construction
                                Keep station footprints                                         and parking and
  at all times to minimize                                     impacts and consider
                                 as small as possible                                        improve cycling safety
          disruptions                                          nearby developments
                                                                                                and connections

   Design the station to          Design attractive,           Ensure station is safe         Plan for bus drop offs
      blend into the            modern and distinctive        and fully accessible for        and consider ways to
  community and natural         station platforms and          customers of all ages             manage flow to
      environment                    architecture                  and abilities               minimize crowding

Eglinton Crosstown West Extension - Virtual Open House: Underground stations and construction update - Metrolinx Engage
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Key considerations during preliminary design

                   Private property                           Travel time & connectivity
                                                              Reduce time to access station and transfer
                   Limit impact to homes, businesses
                                                              to surface transit by minimizing station
                   and residents during construction and
                                                              depth and locating the entrance near
                   operation of the station
                                                              existing stops

                   Community                                  Environment
                   Consider how the station will serve as a
                   neighborhood hub for future                Consider tree canopy and possible
                   generations and coordinate with            mitigations. Also, consider energy use,
                   nearby developments to limit overall       pollution and impact to quality of life and
                   community impact during construction       public health

                  Transit & traffic impact                    Deliverability
                   Avoid disruptive underground utility       Limit construction complexity to reduce
                   relocations requiring road occupancy       risk. Consider the station’s construction
                   where possible                             sequence with the overall construction

Eglinton Crosstown West Extension - Virtual Open House: Underground stations and construction update - Metrolinx Engage
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Station design principles – benefitting neighbours & users
                              1. Create safe & efficient passenger connections to the
                                 stations: Prioritize efficiency and safety in getting cyclists, bus
                                 users and pedestrians to the stations.

                              2. Improve passenger experience: Apply a user-centred design
                                 vision for the whole line including providing natural light,
                                 intuitive wayfinding and stations that are accessible and safe for
                                 all transit users, regardless of ability.

                              3. Create inviting outdoor public space: Consider scale and
                                 materials that are informed by the community and plantings to
                                 help blend into the existing environment.

                              4. Integrate into the local context: Implement station design
                                 solutions that respond to local and future conditions around
                                 the station.
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension - Virtual Open House: Underground stations and construction update - Metrolinx Engage
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Station features
       ECWE station principles                 ECWE station features
                                               Curb cuts to improve pedestrian safety
                                               Bus stops close to entrance
       Create safe & efficient passenger
                                               Bus laybys where possible
       connections to the stations
                                               Bike racks
                                               Ancillary and emergency exit building
                                               Accessibility (e.g., elevators)
       Improve passenger experience            Unique station platform characteristics
                                               Public plaza space
       Create inviting outdoor public spaces   Plantings
                                               Green roofs

                                               Maintain the existing number of lanes
                                               Minimizing the footprint
       Integrate into the local context
                                               Protecting heritage buildings
                                               Work with existing terrain

Eglinton Crosstown West Extension - Virtual Open House: Underground stations and construction update - Metrolinx Engage
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Passenger flow in a typical underground station

                                                          Skylight       Green roof

                           Skylight                                                      Entrance

                                                                                 Unpaid zone

                             Escalators     Platform   Stairs

Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Martin Grove – Eglinton station overview

                                     Martin Grove – Eglinton Station                             Emergency Exit
                                                Skylight                         Skylight          Building

                                    Route 32

                                                     Sidewalk          Planter               Bike parking
                                                                       Proposed planting     Bus stop                      Work on the stations is
                                                      Plaza/Paving     Entrance
                                                                                             parking            Martin     ongoing and subject to
                                                      Seating          Underground station
                                                                                                                           change. This site plan is
                                                                                                               Institute   representative of the
                                                                                                                           current design. TTC bus
                                                                                                                           stops are under discussion.

Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

 Kipling – Eglinton station overview
 The following station entrance locations were presented at the December open house and were the subject
 of a survey to receive community feedback.
            Northwest                                     Southwest                                     Hybrid

Over 200 votes and comments were received. The top-rated priorities when it came to station construction were protecting
the woodlot, followed by reducing construction timelines. The hybrid option was the preferred location, with 55% of
respondents preferring this option for the station entrance location.

The hybrid option places the station entrance at the northwest side of the intersection. By shifting Eglinton Ave. West slightly
toward south and optimizing the entrance as narrow as possible, the intrusion in the woodlot has been minimized.

Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Kipling – Eglinton station overview
                                                                                                                                                                Note: The hybrid option
                                                                                                                                                                was selected for this
                                                                                                                                                                station. The station is

                                                                                                         KIPLING AVE
                                                                                                                                                                located at the south
                                                                                                                                                                edge of the woodlot and

                                                                                       Routes 45 & 945

                                                                                                                            Routes 45 & 945
                                                                                                                                                                Eglinton Avenue W is
                                                                                                                                                                shifted three metres
                                                                                                                                                                south to accommodate
                       Emergency Exit
                                                                                                                                                                the station.
                                                    Kipling – Eglinton Station

                                                                                                                                              Routes 405 & 32

                                 EGLINTON AVE W

                                                              Routes 405 & 32

                                                                                       Routes 45 & 945

                                                                                                                       Routes 45 & 945
                              Legend                                                                                                                            Work on the stations is
                                   Sidewalk       Planter               Bike parking                                                                            ongoing and subject to
                                   Trail          Proposed planting     Bus stop                                                                                change. This site plan is
                                   Plaza/Paving   Entrance
                                                                        parking                                                                                 representative of the
                                   Seating        Underground station
                                                  platform                                                                                                      current design. TTC bus
                                                                                                                                                                stops are under discussion.
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Islington – Eglinton station overview

                                                                                                                             ISLNIGTON AVE
                                                                                                      Routes 405, 37 & 937

                                                                                                                                             Routes 405, 37 & 937
                                                                           Islington – Eglinton
                                Emergency Exit

                                                                                                                                                                    Route 32

                                                 EGLINTON AVE W

                                                                                      Route 32

                                         Legend                                                                                                                                Work on the stations is
                                                 Sidewalk          Planter             Bike parking                                                                            ongoing and subject to
                                                                                       Bus stop
                                                 Trail            Proposed planting                                                                                            change. This site plan is
                                                                   Entrance            Maintenance
                                                                                       parking                                                                                 representative of the
                                                 Underground station platform
                                                                                                                                                                               current design. TTC bus
                                                                                                                                                                               stops are under discussion.

Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Royal York - Eglinton station overview

                                Mary Reid

              Emergency Exit                                Royal York –
                                 Skylight                  Eglinton Station

                                                                      Bike parking
                                                                                     Work on the stations is
                                 Sidewalk       Planter
                                 Trail          Proposed planting     Bus stop       ongoing and subject to
                                 Plaza/Paving   Entrance              Maintenance    change. This site plan is
                                 Seating        Retaining wall        parking        representative of the
                                                Underground station                  current design. TTC bus
                                                                                     stops are under discussion.

Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Station features – your input matters

                 We are looking for your feedback on
                 design principles and station features.

                       Please complete the poll at:

Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Next steps on stations
    • View this presentation and complete the poll.

    Join us for future open houses
    • Next open house will look at the elevated stations at Jane and Scarlett, as well as ancillary
      buildings and an update on the elevated section.

    • Further engagement on station design later this year.

Eglinton Crosstown West Extension
TBM update

The TBMs will start digging
from Renforth and make their
way towards Scarlett.

Rexy and Renny, the two
tunnel boring machines, have
been assembled in the
launch shaft.

This image shows Renny’s
cutterhead being lowered
into the shaft in January
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

 TBM update

Renny’s bridge section
being lowered into the
shaft in February 2022.
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Tunnelling Beginning at Renforth

Tunnelling is expected begin
in April 2022.

Overnight work and extra
hauling in the Renforth area is
expected while tunnelling is
happening. A notice with
more information will be
shared in advance of work

                                    Launch site at Renforth Ave, March 2022
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

    Upcoming construction
    Over the next few months, WECC will shift the four Eglinton Ave. West lanes approximately 10 metres (33 ft)
    south between Scarlett Rd. and the pedestrian bridge. This work is necessary to prepare for the extraction
    shaft work that will follow.

•    Three bus stops will be temporarily relocated. Crews will close the north westbound lane for one week to build the temporary bus platform.
•    Traffic lanes will be reduced to two lanes (one eastbound lane and westbound lane) along construction zone and left turns will be restricted
     out of the driveway on Richview.
•    The multi-use path and sidewalk will be closed from east of bridge to Scarlett Rd. Pedestrians and cyclists will be detoured to a temporary
     path north of the construction.
•    Traffic control person will be on site to oversee cyclist, pedestrian and construction traffic as it crosses the temporary multi-use path and the
     pedestrian bridge will remain open.
•    Advance notice will be provided and all closures will be clearly marked.
                                                                                                                        Timelines are subject to change.
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

What is a headwall?
• Headwalls are underground support walls
  located at the east and west ends of the
  station location.

• The TBMs bore through the headwalls,
  therefore crews must build them prior to
  the TBMs arriving at each site.

• There will be four underground stations
  (Martin Grove, Kipling, Islington and Royal
  York) and each will require two headwalls
  be built.
                                                Aecon/Dragados built headwalls
• There will also be two emergency exit         for the Eglinton Crosstown East
  buildings constructed – one between                    tunnel contract.

  Kipling Ave and Islington Ave, the other
  between Islington Ave and Royal York Rd.
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Martin Grove headwall construction (April-October 2022)

Starting in April, WECC will begin headwall construction at the intersection of Martin Grove and Eglinton Avenue West. This work is
necessary to prepare for the TBMs to tunnel through later this year.
• The westbound north lane on Martin Grove will be temporarily closed during off peak hours. All other lanes will remain open.
• Westbound bus stop will be temporarily relocated to the northwest corner of the intersection.
• All sidewalks will remain open.
• Advance notice will be provided and all closures will be clearly marked.
                                                                                                                Timelines are subject to change.
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Kipling headwall construction (May 2022-Spring 2023)

Starting in May, WECC will begin headwall construction at the intersection of Kipling and Eglinton Avenue West. This work is necessary to
prepare for the TBMs to tunnel through later this year.
• Two lanes will be temporarily closed. One eastbound and one westbound lane will remain open to traffic during construction. Traffic will
   be able to turn left and right at the intersection.
• The eastbound bus stop will be temporarily relocated to the east side of the intersection. All sidewalks will remain open.
• The closed lanes will interchange throughout the construction period, but one eastbound and one westbound lane will always remain
   open during construction.
• Advance notice will be provided and all closures will be clearly marked.
                                                                                                               Timelines are subject to change.
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

What to expect during headwall work?
•   Residents can expect to hear noise from equipment, drills, and trucks.
•   Mitigations are being put in place to reduce dust, including the use of water sprays and biodegradable
    dust suppressants.
•   Noise and vibration monitors have been installed on the properties of residences, offices and
    commercial buildings in the vicinity of construction.
•   This equipment helps us measure and minimize noise and vibration throughout the project term to
    prioritize your safety and well-being.
•   If you have any concerns, we are here to listen. Contact our 24/7 hotline: 416-202-8001
Eglinton Crosstown West Extension

Contact us
Your feedback is vital in helping us to move the ECWE forward in a way that strengthens the community.
We are grateful for your input.
To stay up to date on upcoming virtual events and the latest ECWE news, sign up for our e-newsletter at             416-202-8001 

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