Effect of probiotic and fisetin supplementation on performance, carcass characteristics and small intestinal morphology in broiler chickens

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Open Vets. 2021; 2: 23–32


Victory Osirimade Sumanu1*, Tagang Aluwong1, Joseph Olusegun Ayo1, Ngozi Ejum Ogbuagu1

Effect of probiotic and fisetin supplementation on
performance, carcass characteristics and small
intestinal morphology in broiler chickens
https://10.1515/ovs-2020-0106                                              broiler chickens’ productivity, by improving performance,
Received Jan 21, 2021; accepted May 26, 2021                               carcass weight, pH, and small intestinal morphology as
                                                                           compared to fisetin supplementation.
Abstract: We studied the dietary effects of probiotic and
fisetin supplementation on performance parameters,
                                                                           Keywords: Performance indices; carcass characteristics;
carcass characteristics and small intestinal morphology
                                                                           small intestinal morphology; broiler chickens; probiotic;
in broiler chickens. Sixty (one-day-old) Arbo Acre breed
of broiler chickens were allotted into 4 groups of 15 each
randomly: Group I, Control was administered only distilled
water; Group II, fisetin (5 mg/kg); Group III, probiotic
(4.125×106 cfu/100 mL); and Group IV, probiotic and
fisetin (4.125×106 cfu/100 mL and 5 mg/kg, respectively)
                                                                           1 Introduction
for the first one week of life. All administrations were
                                                                           The production of broiler chickens is aimed at obtaining
performed orally through gavage. Broiler chickens
                                                                           good-quality meat products from heavy meat breeds [1,
supplemented with probiotic and probiotic+fisetin had
                                                                           2], usually sold live or processed at five to six weeks of
greater feed intake significantly (P
24        Victory Osirimade Sumanu

above which the body can tolerate. It also enhances the         Table 1 Composition and proximate analysis of broiler chicken diets
feeding pattern of these chickens positively, evident by an
                                                                 Feed Composition                         Starter        Finisher
increment in performance such as weight gain [21], feed
                                                                 Ingredients (%)
conversion efficiency, egg production [22, 23] and lowering
                                                                 Crude protein                             22.0            19.5
the incidence of disease and mortality rate [11, 24], all of
which increases their productivity vis-à-vis profitability to    Fat                                        5.1             3.8

the farmers.                                                     Crude fibre                                4.3             3.0
     Flavonoids commonly found in most plants [25],              Calcium                                    1.2             1.2
exhibits considerable biological activities namely:              Bio-available phosphorus                   0.5             0.4
antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, antibacterial, anti-              Methionine                                 0.6             0.5
inflammatory, antiviral and immune-stimulation effects           Lysine                                     1.3             1.2
[26]. Flavonoids and their polymers are one of the largest       Metabolizable energy (Kcal/kg)           3000.0          3100.0
groups of phytonutrients which exert beneficial health
                                                                 Proximate analysis
effects [27]. They are important polyphenolic compounds
                                                                 Crude protein (%)                         22.0            21.0
under the class of plant secondary metabolites, such as;
                                                                 Fat (%)                                    7.9             6.8
fisetin [28]. Fisetin is a dietary supplement present in
vegetables and fruits, including strawberries, onions,           Crude fibre (%)                            4.3             3.0

grapes and cucumbers which are readily available [29,            Calcium (%)                                2.0             2.0
30]. It exerts antioxidant effect by scavenging free radicals    Bio-available phosphorus (%)               0.8             0.7
and preventing or slowing their oxidation [25]. Fisetin          Methionine (%)                             0.6             0.5
exhibits, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-neoplastic        Lysine (%)                                 1.2             1.2
and neuroprotective properties [31, 32]. It mitigates            Metabolizable energy (Kcal/kg)           2900.0          2980.0
oxidative and inflammatory responses in microglial cells
found in mice [33], but its effect on the improvement of
performance in poultry has not been reported.
                                                                II, fisetin (Sigma Inc., New Orleans, Louisiana, USA)
     Because of previously published studies showing
                                                                at a dose of 5 mg/kg; Group III, probiotic (Montajat
potential benefits of probiotic but not fisetin on broiler
                                                                Pharmaceuticals, Bioscience Division, Dammam, Saudi
weight gain, we hypothesised that supplementation of
                                                                Arabia) at a dose of 4.125×106 CFU/100 mL, based on the
either alone or in combination would be beneficial. To test
                                                                method of competitive exclusion, and Group IV, probiotic
this hypothesis, we assessed performance parameters,
                                                                (4.125×106 CFU/100 mL) and fisetin (5 mg/kg). All the
carcass characteristics, and small intestinal morphology in
                                                                administrations were performed orally through gavage
separate groups of chicks given these supplements alone
                                                                on a daily basis for the first one week of life (at 7:00 h,
or in combination. Our findings showed that probiotic
                                                                for 1 week). Each broiler chicken was properly identified
alone or with fisetin but not fisetin alone increased feed
                                                                on the leg using a masking tape for accurate recordings.
intake and weight gain.
                                                                Biosecurity was adhered to during the period of study.
                                                                     Ethical Approval: Protocol of the research was
2 Materials and Methods                                         approved by the Ethical Committee on Animal Use and
                                                                Care of the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, with reference
                                                                number ABUCAUC/2018/021. The research related to
2.1 Study design and animal management
                                                                animals’ use has been complied with all the relevant
                                                                national regulations and institutional policies for the care
All 60-day-old broiler chicks (Arbor Acre) were sourced
                                                                and use of animals.
from Zartech Farms, Ibadan, Nigeria. They were kept in
an intensive management system. The broiler chicks
were fed with broiler starter (weeks 1 to 4) and broiler
finisher (weeks 5 to 6) (Hybrid Feeds, Kaduna, Nigeria)         2.2 Evaluation of feed intake
ad libitum. Table 1 shows the ingredients and proximate
analysis of the feeds. The broiler chickens were randomly       Daily feed intake of the broiler chickens was measured
allotted into four groups, each comprising 15 chicks            once a day at 07:00 hour during the entire period of the
(based on prior studies) [11], as follows: Group I, control     experiment. The mean value for each week of experiment
was administered with distilled water ad libitum; Group         was used as the daily feed intake values for each week
                                                   Effect of probiotic and fisetin supplementation on performance     25

during the study period. The weights of the feed before        prior to each use. The electrode attached to the pH meter
placement were measured using a digital precision              was directly placed at the breast muscle and the reading
weighing balance, and the remaining feeds were measured        was taken. Each sample was measured in triplicate and
again 24 hours later. The difference between the amount        the average pH value was calculated for each sample.
of feed supplied and the remnant after consumption gave
the absolute feed intake [34].
                                                               2.6 Evaluation of small intestinal
2.3 Evaluation of water intake and body
weight gain                                                    Five broiler chickens were selected at random from each
                                                               group and euthanised by cervical dislocation. Exactly 3 cm
Daily water intake of broiler chickens was measured once       of the jejunum was dissected at mid-point, flushed with
a day at 07:00 hour during the experiment. During the          sterile (cold) saline solution and was opened longitudinally.
study period, the mean value for each experimental week        They were harvested and fixed in 10% formal saline and
was used as the daily water intake values. A graduated         the tissues were histologically processed. In addition, the
cylinder was used to measure the volume of water before        tissues were sectioned at 5 µm thickness via the Rotary
placement, and the remaining water was measured again          Microtome Machine (Leica RT 25, Newcastle, UK). Sectioned
24 hours later [34].                                           tissues were mounted on slides, dried and stained using
     All the broiler chickens were weighed using a digital     haematoxylin and eosin stain. Tissue-stained slides were
precision weighing balance, with a sensitivity of 0.01 g       photomicrographed using Amscope Digital Camera (Tokyo,
before and after each period of 7-days feeding and watering.   Japan) for microscope version 2.0. Histomorphometric
The average values obtained for each week were considered      analysis was carried out using Digimizer image analysis
as the body weight gain for that study period [34].            software, version 4.5 (Medcalc Software, Oostende, Belgium)
                                                               for measurement of villus width and height, crypt width and
                                                               height. Villus height/crypt ratio was calculated. Height of the
2.4 Evaluation of carcass and organ weights                    villus was measured from the villus tip to the junction of the
                                                               villus crypt, and the depth of the crypt was measured from
Five broiler chickens were selected at random from             the base to the transition region between the villus and the
each group and fasted for 12 hours, and each broiler           crypt. Villus and crypt surface area were calculated using the
chicken was reweighed. They were euthanised via                following formulae [35]:
cervical dislocation, after which the abdominal fat was
collected separately and weighed after evisceration. The
                                                               ( 2 )  CW  (CH ), Where CW  crypt width and CH  crypt height
carcass, crop, proventriculus, gizzard, liver, gall bladder,
spleen, heart, lungs, thigh and drumstick were weighed
individually using a digital precision weighing balance        2.7 Statistical analysis
with a sensitivity of 0.01 g.
                                                               For the statistical analysis, GraphPad Prism 5.03 (GraphPad
                                                               Software, San Diego, CA, USA) was used. One-way analysis of
2.5 Evaluation of pH changes in breast                         variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison
muscle                                                         post-hoc test were used to determine the significance of the
                                                               differences between the means of the treatment groups and
Twenty broiler chickens (five from each group) were            control. Results were expressed as mean ± standard error of
randomly selected and euthanised by cervical dislocation       mean. Values of P
26        Victory Osirimade Sumanu

at weeks 1 to 4, respectively. Feed intake in the probiotic                 group. At weeks 5 and 6, body weight gain differed
and probiotic+fisetin experimental groups was significant                   significantly (P
                                                               Effect of probiotic and fisetin supplementation on performance      27

the control group (1001.0 ± 68.1). Carcass weight in the                      0.1), compared with the fisetin (5.7 ± 0.1) or control groups
probiotic-supplemented group was significant (P
28         Victory Osirimade Sumanu

          Table 6 Changes in pH of the breast muscle in broiler chickens administered with probiotic and/or fisetin

                                                Hour              Control               Fisetin          Probiotic               Probiotic +Fisetin
            At slaughter                         0:0             6.5 ± 0.1     a
                                                                                       6.5 ± 0.2    a
                                                                                                         6.4 ± 0.2   a
                                                                                                                                     6.5 ± 0.1a
            Post- slaughter:                    24:0             5.9 ± 0.1a            5.9 ± 0.1a        6.3 ± 0.1b                  6.3 ± 0.1b
                                                48:0             5.6 ± 0.1     a
                                                                                       5.7 ± 0.1    a
                                                                                                         6.0 ± 0.1b
                                                                                                                                     6.1 ± 0.1b
                                                72:0             5.5 ± 0.0a            5.6 ± 0.0b        5.9 ± 0.1c                  6.0 ± 0.1c

                                            Mean ± SEM           5.7 ± 0.1a            5.7 ± 0.1a        6.1 ± 0.1b                  6.1 ± 0.1b
                  = Means with different superscript letters across the rows are significantly different (P
                                                    Effect of probiotic and fisetin supplementation on performance   29

of Bai et al. [38], who recorded a decrease in feed intake in    chickens administered with probiotic were relatively
broiler chickens supplemented with probiotic, his finding        heavier than those in the other treatment groups; as the
was attributed to the strain of probiotic used.                  group supplemented with probiotic showed an elevated
     The obtained results showed that the supplementation        body weight gain, followed by the co-administration of
of probiotic and/or fisetin had no effect significantly          probiotic and fisetin group, as compared to the fisetin and
on body weight gain of the broiler chickens within the           control groups. This was evidenced by the organs weight,
first 4 weeks of life. However, from the 5th to 6th week,        including the gizzards, heart, crop, liver, lungs, drum
we observed a difference significantly in body weights           stick and thigh in the probiotic-supplemented group.
between the control and probiotic groups, but not between        The carcasses of broiler chickens administered probiotic
the control and fisetin groups. This may be attributed to        were heavier after evisceration; this may be attributed
the time it took for the establishment of eubiosis by the        to the adequately developed muscles and bone tissue
probiotic in the digestive system of the broiler chickens        formation that might have been enhanced by the yeast
[39-41]. The fact that the body weight was highest in the        cell. Our results agreed with that of Berrama et al. [42],
probiotic-supplemented broiler chickens at that age range        who reported a significant increase in the liver, pancreas
(5 to 6 weeks) may be due to the enhanced absorptive             and proventriculus of broiler chickens administered with
area of the intestine clearly as increased villi length, and     cumin seeds, which is an antioxidant. The quantity of
antigenic response of the gut mucosa. Also, feed intake in       abdominal fat in the fisetin-supplemented group was
broiler chickens increased with a high dose of probiotic         lower when compared with the other experimental
administration, and increased feed intake may exert a            groups. This may be attributed to the lipolytic effect of
positive effect on water intake to facilitate digestion, which   fisetin in the body system [43, 44]. This effect may also
may further enhance an increase in body weight gain              be attributed to the decreased body and organ weights
of the broiler chickens. Probiotic acts via the reduction        observed in broiler chickens administered with fisetin.
of feed conversion ratio, which results in an increase in        Hence, it might not be suitable in enhancing their growth
the body weight gain of the broiler chickens [38, 7]. This       rate as every poultry farmer’s goal is to maximise profits.
is achieved through the enhancement of digestibility by               The measurement of pH changes in breast muscles
the microflora resident in the gut and the establishment         of broiler chickens is a factor used to determine the
of eubiosis [16].                                                consumption quality of meat even when refrigerated [45,
     The decrease in body weight gain observed in the            46]. The supplementation of probiotic and probiotic+fisetin
fisetin supplementation group may be attributed to the           prevented the sharp decrease in pH of the breast muscle
poor feed and water intake which results in decrease             at 24 and 48 h post-slaughter, as compared to that of the
weight gain of the broiler chickens as clear in this group.      control and fisetin groups. The results from the current
It could be speculated that fisetin is devoid of growth          study demonstrated that the supplementation of broiler
promoting ability as their administration singly is not of       chickens with probiotic and/or fisetin improved the quality
benefit to the chickens, although they have been reported        of the breast muscles by retarding the reduction rate of
to possess an antioxidant effect but they are not gut            pH hence becoming less acidic. A decline in the quality
effective. Therefore, fisetin might be effective in enhancing    of meat is associated with high acidity of the muscle [47],
growth rate when administered in combination with a              which may also be unfit for consumption. These findings
potent growth promoting agents, e.g. yeast probiotic             agreed with that of Bai et al. [38], who reported that the
as seen in this study. Nevertheless, the decrease feed           administration of dietary probiotic increases the meat
conversion ratio that led to an increase in body weight          quality of broiler chickens by preventing rapid decrease in
gain of the probiotic-supplemented broiler chickens in           pH, which may enhance the quality of preservation of the
this study, agreed with Bai et al. [38], who reported that       broiler chicken meat. But fisetin alone had no significant
probiotic supplementation improves broiler chickens’             effect on pH changes of the breast muscles. This may be
performance. Also, Mahmood et al. [39], stated in his            attributed to its poor meat protection effect, therefore, the
study that, increase feed intake is beneficial in increasing     need for it to be administered concurrently with potent
the body weight gain of broiler chickens. However, we            antioxidants or phytonutrients that possess an increase in
observed that the co-administration of probiotic and             meat preservation quality.
fisetin did not exert synergistic effect on performance               The findings of the present study showed that
indices which might be attributed to fisetin not being           probiotic administration, both singly and in combination
effective as a growth promoter in broiler chickens.              with fisetin significantly increased the small intestinal
     The results of the carcass quality showed that broiler      villus height, and villus height/crypt height ratio in
30        Victory Osirimade Sumanu

broiler chickens. This may be attributed to the fact that        Funding information: Authors state no funding involved.
probiotic enhanced the growth rate of the broiler chickens
gut. Impaired intestinal morphology can be ameliorated           Conflict of interest: The authors state no conflicts of
by the administration of propolis-rich flavonoid [48] and        interest.
probiotic [49]. But in this study, fisetin a flavonoid was not
effective to achieve this purpose. Our findings agreed with      Data availability statement:
that of Mehaisen et al. [48], who reported that the intestinal   The datasets generated during and analysed during the
morphology and barrier integrity of broiler chickens were        current study are available from the corresponding author
impaired by heat stress. Shokryazdan et al. [50], also           on reasonable request.
reported a similar finding of an increased villus height in
broiler chickens administered probiotic as feed additive.
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