Effect of Myofascial Release Technique in Plantar Fasciitis on Pain and Function- An Evidence Based Study

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International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research
                                                                         DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijshr.20210459
                                                                                       Vol.6; Issue: 2; April-June 2021
                                                                                                     Website: ijshr.com
Review Article                                                                                        ISSN: 2455-7587

  Effect of Myofascial Release Technique in Plantar
  Fasciitis on Pain and Function- An Evidence Based
                      Heni Ishwarlal Tandel1, Yagna Unmesh Shukla2
                  M.P.T. (Orthopedics), 2M.P.T. (Musculoskeletal), Ph.D. Senior Lecturer,
   Government Spine Institute and Government Physiotherapy College, Civil Hospital, Asarwa, Ahmedabad.
                                    Corresponding Author: Heni Ishwarlal Tandel

ABSTRACT                                                    therefore MFR technique can be considered as
                                                            an adjunctive treatment in plantar fasciitis.
Background: Plantar fasciitis is a common
cause of pain in the heel which occurs as a result          Key Words: Plantar Fasciitis, Myofascial
of inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis at its           Release Technique, Pain, Function.
attachment on the calcaneal tuberosity.
Myofascial Release Technique is intended to                 INTRODUCTION
improve the mobility of soft tissue through                          Plantar fasciitis is a common cause
application of a slow, controlled mechanical                of pain in the heel which occurs as a result
stress directly into a restriction. Pressure is             of inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis
gradually increased or repeated until the
                                                            at its attachment on the calcaneal tuberosity.
mobility of the tissue is felt to improve.
Purpose: The purpose is to study the scientific             The pain is worst early in the morning, and
evidences regarding the effect of the myofascial            often improves with activity. [1] Plantar
release technique in plantar fasciitis.                     fasciitis is classified as a syndrome that
Methodology: A search for relevant articles                 results due to repetitive trauma to the
was carried out using key words- plantar                    plantar fascia at its origin on the calcaneum.
fasciitis, myofascial release technique, pain and
functions and search engines- Google Scholar,                        Approximately       15%      of     all
PubMed, PEDro, ScienceDirect, ResearchGate                  complaints related to foot requiring the
and CINAHL. Studies were selected from year                 attention of health-care professionals can be
2010-2019. Ten studies were included in which               attributed to this cause. Also, it accounts for
there were 7 RCT, 1 Prospective experimental
                                                            8% of injuries in athletes involved in
study, 1 Quasi Experimental study and 1 Pre-
post interventional study.                                  running-related sports. The incidence of PF
Results: 10 studies were reviewed from which 7              is commonly found in people between the
studies concluded that MFR is more effective                ages 40-60 years without any bias towards
than a control group receiving sham treatment or            either sex. [3] The classic presentation of
conventional treatment and 3 studies highlighted            plantar fasciitis is pain on the sole of the
MFR to be equally effective to alternative                  foot at the inferior region of the heel. Pain is
treatments.                                                 particularly bad with the first few steps
Conclusion: Based on the analysis of these 10               taken on rising in the morning or after an
articles, it can be concluded that MFR is an                extended refrain from weight-bearing
effective treatment regimen in individuals with             activity. Often the pain diminishes after a
Plantar Fasciitis.
                                                            few steps and through the course of the day,
Clinical Implication: MFR is found to be
effective in reducing pain and improving                    but returns if intense or prolonged weight-
functions in individuals with plantar fasciitis,            bearing activity is carried out. Initially the

                 International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research (www.ijshr.com)                          332
                                        Vol.6; Issue: 2; April-June 2021
Heni Ishwarlal Tandel et.al. Effect of myofascial release technique in plantar fasciitis on pain and function- an
evidence based study.

heel pain may be diffuse or migratory;                              Myofascial release (MFR) is a soft
however, with time it usually focuses                      tissue mobilization technique used for
around the area of the medial tuberosity of                chronic conditions that cause tightness and
calcaneum. [4]                                             restriction in soft tissues. Myofascial release
         The direct MFR technique is                       technique leads to change in the viscosity of
intended to improve the mobility of soft                   the ground substance to a more fluid state,
tissue through application of a slow,                      thus eliminating the fascia’s excessive
controlled mechanical stress directly into a               pressure on the pain sensitive structure and
restriction and is usually done using fingers,             restores proper alignment. Hence this
thumb, forearm or elbows. Pressure is                      technique is proposed to act as a catalyst in
gradually increased or repeated until the                  the resolution of PF. [6]
mobility of the tissue is felt to improve.
Indirect techniques are applied similarly, but             METHODOLOGY
the amount of force used, compared with                    Study Type: This is an Evidence Based
that in direct techniques, is lower in                     Study, conducted according to Preferred
intensity and much longer in duration,                     Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
which gives the tissue an opportunity to                   and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines
“melt” or release. [5]                                     (Figure 1).

                 International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research (www.ijshr.com)                    333
                                        Vol.6; Issue: 2; April-June 2021
Heni Ishwarlal Tandel et.al. Effect of myofascial release technique in plantar fasciitis on pain and function- an
evidence based study.

Search strategy: The search engines used                              and presented as a score out of 10. The scale
to find the appropriate articles were:                                applies only to experimental studies. For
Google      Scholar,     PubMed,      PEDro,                          this review, investigations with PEDro
ScienceDirect, ResearchGate, CINAHL.                                  scores of 6 to 10 were considered high
Key words used for the search were:                                   quality, of 4 to 5 were considered moderate
Plantar Fasciitis, Myofascial Release                                 quality, and of 0 to 3 were considered low
Technique, Pain and function.                                         quality. The PEDro score has demonstrated
Eligibility criteria:       Articles were                             ‘fair’ to ‘excellent’ inter-rater reliability
selected from last 10 years (2010-2019).                              (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient 0.53-
Total 189 articles were found, out of which                           0.91) for randomized controlled trials of
15 articles were relevant. Out of 15 articles,                        physiotherapy interventions. Convergent
10 articles were included in the study (Table                         validity is supported for the PEDro score
1). Other articles were excluded because                              through correlation with other quality rating
they used myofascial trigger point therapy                            scales including: the Jadad scale (0.35) and
and outcome measures were other than                                  van Tulder 2003 scale (0.71) for clinical
pain and function.                                                    trials of physiotherapy related interventions.
Data Analysis:        All 10 articles were                                (Appendix 1)
assessed using 2 scales:                                              The CEBM’s Levels of Evidence scale: It
The      PEDro       scale:    It    assesses                         assesses quality based on study design,
methodological quality and consists of a                              which categorize the studies in a scale
checklist of 11 criteria, 10 of which are                             ranging from 1 to 5 with further subdivision
scored. For each criterion the study met, 1                           for each. (Appendix 2)
point was awarded. The points were tallied
Characteristics of included studies
First Author       Outcome Measure      Conclusion                                                       Sample   PEDro   Level of
Name        And                                                                                          Size             evidence
A.M Harlapur[8]    FFI                  Both MFR and PRT along with Ultrasound therapy for chronic       60       6/10    1b
2010               VAS                  plantar fasciitis showed improvement
A.O. Yadav[9]      FFI                  U.S & MFR technique were found to be effective but MFR           60       5/10    1b
2012               VAS                  technique was more effective than U.S.
M.S.               FFI                  The MFR was more effective than a control intervention with      66       8/10    1b
Ajimsha[10]        PPT                  SUST for the treatment of PHP.
R. Dhillon[11]     NPRS                 MFR along with calf stretching and ultrasound are more           30       5/10    1b
2015                                    effective in improving pain in plantar fasciitis.
R.B.               VAS                  All three manual techniques i.e. MFR, PRT and Calf stretching    60       6/10    1c
Pattanshetty[12]   Ankle ROM            with therapeutic ultrasound were effective in immediate relief
2015                                    of pain and improving ankle range of motion in subjects with
                                        chronic plantar fasciitis.
Avnee Sarin[13]    FFI                  The finding of the study support that the MFR and                30       5/10    1b
2015               VAS                  Iontophoresis are effective in reducing pain and functional
                                        disability in subjects with plantar Fasciitis.
S. Shenoy[14]      VAS Ankle Range      Myofascial release therapy along with conventional PT            30       6/10    1b
2016               of Motion            treatment was more effective than Cyriax technique along with
                                        conventional PT treatment
Viral              VAS                  Both MET and MFR techniques are found to be effective on         30       6/10    1b
Chitara[6]         FAAM                 pain, pressure pain threshold and on lower limb functional
2017               Pressure Algometry   activity
S.C. Pant[15]      FFI                  Both MFR and stretching exercises are effective, however         30       6/10    1b
2018               VAS                  MFR is better than stretching in 4 weeks.
Hemlata[16]        FFI                  The present study concluded that MFR is better than Stretching   30       5/10    1b
2019               VAS                  in patients with plantar fasciitis.

RESULTS                                                                      Articles were selected from last 10
       Evidences were reviewed and                                    years (2010-2019). Total 189 articles were
analysis was done on the basis of PEDro                               found, out of which 15 articles were
score and CEBM’s Level of Evidence Scale.                             relevant. Out of 15 articles, 10 articles were
                                                                      included in the study

                      International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research (www.ijshr.com)                                 334
                                             Vol.6; Issue: 2; April-June 2021
Heni Ishwarlal Tandel et.al. Effect of myofascial release technique in plantar fasciitis on pain and function- an
evidence based study.

        7 studies concluded that MFR is                    decrease of risk factors, such as tightness of
more effective than a control group                        the gastrocnemii and soleus muscles and
receiving sham treatment or conventional                   restricted ankle ROM.
treatment and 3 studies highlighted MFR to                          Meltzer et al. in a study showed that
be equally effective to alternative treatments             treatment with MFR after repetitive strain
(e.g. PRT, MET or iontophoresis)                           injury resulted in normalization in apoptotic
                                                           rate, cell morphology changes, and
DISCUSSION                                                 reorientation of fibroblasts. It is possible
        Ten RCTs covering 487 patients                     that treatment with MFR in PHP may result
were included. The present study included 7                in cessation of degenerative process of the
RCTs, 1 Prospective Experimental Study, 1                  plantar fascia by facilitating the healing
Quasi Experimental Study and 1 Pre-post                    process. [17]
Interventional Study. The sample size varied                        According to Schleip, under
from 30 to 100. The methodological                         normative conditions, fascia and connective
qualities of the included RCTs were                        tissues tend to move with minimal
moderate to high.                                          restrictions. However, injuries due to
        1    study     was      with    higher             physical trauma, repetitive strain injury, and
methodological quality and the remaining 9                 inflammation are thought to decrease fascial
were of moderate quality (according to                     tissue length and elasticity, resulting in
PEDro). The literature regarding the                       fascial restriction. It may also be possible
effectiveness of MFR was mixed both in                     that pain relief due to MFR is secondary to
quality as well as in results. In many RCT’s               returning the fascial tissue to its normative
the MFR was adjunctive to other treatments                 length by collagen reorganization. [18]
and so the potential specific effect of MFR                         As with any soft tissue manipulation
cannot be judged.                                          techniques, the analgesics effect of MFR
        7 studies concluded that MFR is                    can also be attributed to the stimulation of
more effective than a control group                        afferent pathways, which can cause
receiving sham treatment or conventional                   segmental pain modulation in spinal cord as
treatment and 3 studies highlighted MFR to                 well as modulation through the activation of
be equally effective to alternative treatments             descending pain suppression system.[19]
(e.g. PRT, MET or iontophoresis).
        5 RCTs and 1 Prospective                           CONCLUSION
Experimental Study of moderate to high                             Based on above evidences found
quality suggest MFR alone or can be                        from search engines like Google Scholar,
adjunct to other conventional treatment                    PubMed,          PEDro,    ScienceDirect,
provides significant benefits in reducing                  ResearchGate and CINAHL from year
pain and improving functions.                              2010-2019, 10 out of 15 articles were
        2 RCTs and 1 Quasi experimental                    selected and from its analysis it can be
study of moderate quality suggest MFR to                   concluded that MFR is an effective
be equally effective to alternative                        treatment regimen in individuals with
treatments.                                                Plantar Fasciitis.
        1 pre-post interventional study
suggests MFR alone or can be adjunct to                    CLINICAL IMPLICATION:
other conventional treatment provides                             MFR is found to be effective in
significant benefits in reducing pain and                  reducing pain and improving functions in
improving functions.                                       individuals with plantar fasciitis, therefore
        The exact mechanisms of the                        MFR technique can be considered as an
efficacy of MFR in the management of PHP                   adjunctive treatment in plantar fasciitis.
is unclear, however it may be attributed to a
decrease in tension over the plantar fascia or

                 International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research (www.ijshr.com)                    335
                                        Vol.6; Issue: 2; April-June 2021
Heni Ishwarlal Tandel et.al. Effect of myofascial release technique in plantar fasciitis on pain and function- an
evidence based study.

ABBREVIATIONS                                                    Research (IJSR). Volume 6 Issue 3, March
PF: Plantar Fasciitis, PHP: Plantar Heel                         2017.
Pain, MFR: Myofascial Release, VAS:                        7.    Aidan Cashin, James H Mcauley.
Visual Analogue Scale, FFI: Foot Function                        Clinimetrics: Physiotherapy Evidence
Index, PPT: Pain Pressure Threshold,                             Database (PEDro) scale, Journal of
                                                                 physiotherapy, September 2019.
FAAM: Foot and Ankle Ability Measure,                      8.    AM H, Kage Vijay B, Basavaraj C.
ROM: Range of Motion, ESWT:                                      Comparison of myofascial release and
Extracorporeal Shock-wave Therapy, US:                           positional release therapy in plantar
Ultrasound,     PEDro:       Physiotherapy                       fasciitis–A clinical trial. Physiotherapy and
Evidence Database, CEBM: Center of                               Occupational Therapy. 2010 Oct;4(4):8.
Evidence Based Medicine, CINAHL:                           9.    Yadav AO, Lakshmiprabha R. Comparison
Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied                           of the effects of therapeutic ultrasound v/s
Health Literature, RCT: Randomized                               myofascial release technique in treatment of
Controlled Trial, PRISMA: Preferred                              plantar fasciitis. Indian Journal of
Reporting Items for systematic reviews and                       Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy.
meta-analysis.                                                   April-June 2012, Vol. 6, No. 2.
                                                           10.   Ajimsha MS, Binsu D, Chithra S.
                                                                 Effectiveness of myofascial release in the
Acknowledgement: None                                            management of plantar heel pain: a
                                                                 randomized controlled trial. The Foot. 2014
Conflict of Interest: there is no conflict of                    Jun 1;24(2):66-71.
interest.                                                  11.   Ruban Dhillon, Shivali. Effect of
                                                                 Myofascial Release vs Low-Dye Taping on
Source of Funding: None                                          Pain in Patients with Plantar Fasciitis.
                                                                 International Journal of Science and
Ethical Approval: Ethical approval was not                       Research (IJSR). Volume 4 Issue 5, May
required.                                                        2015.
                                                           12.   Pattanshetty R, Raikar A. Immediate Effect
                                                                 of Three Soft Tissue Manipulation
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No.      Description                                                                                                          Yes/No
1        Eligibility criteria were specified (No points awarded)
2        Subjects were randomly allocated to groups
3        Allocation was concealed
4        The groups were similar at baseline regarding the most important prognostic indicators
5        There was blinding of all subjects
6        There was blinding of all therapists who administered the therapy
7        There was blinding of all assessors who measured at least one key outcome
8        Measure of at least one key outcome were obtained from more than 85% of the subjects initially allocated to groups
9        All subjects for whom outcome measures were available received the treatment or control condition as allocated
10       The result of between group comparisons are reported for at least one key outcome
11       The study provides both point measures and measures of variability for at least one key outcome


                            Level               Definition
                            1a                  Systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials
                            1b                  Individual randomized controlled trials
                            1c                  All-or-none studies
                            2a                  Systematic reviews of cohort studies
                            2b                  Individual cohort studies or low-quality randomized controlled trials
                            2c                  Outcome research
                            3a                  Systematic reviews of case-control studies
                            3b                  Individual case-control studies
                            4                   Case series, poorly designed cohort or case-control studies
                            5                   Animal and bench research, expert opinion


                   International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research (www.ijshr.com)                                     337
                                          Vol.6; Issue: 2; April-June 2021
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