Effect of Aspirin on Vascular and Nonvascular Outcomes

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               ONLINE FIRST
               Effect of Aspirin on Vascular
               and Nonvascular Outcomes
               Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
               Sreenivasa Rao Kondapally Seshasai, MD, MPhil; Shanelle Wijesuriya, MA, MBBChir;
               Rupa Sivakumaran, MA, MBBChir; Sarah Nethercott, MA, MBBChir;
               Sebhat Erqou, MD, PhD; Naveed Sattar, MD, PhD; Kausik K. Ray, MD

               Background: The net benefit of aspirin in prevention of               0.96; number needed to treat, 120), driven primarily by
               CVD and nonvascular events remains unclear. Our objec-                reduction in nonfatal MI (OR, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.67-0.96; num-
               tive was to assess the impact (and safety) of aspirin on vas-         ber needed to treat, 162). There was no significant reduc-
               cular and nonvascular outcomes in primary prevention.                 tion in CVD death (OR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.85-1.15) or can-
                                                                                     cer mortality (OR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.84-1.03), and there was
               Data Sources: MEDLINE, Cochrane Library of Clini-                     increased risk of nontrivial bleeding events (OR, 1.31; 95%
               cal Trials (up to June 2011) and unpublished trial data               CI, 1.14-1.50; number needed to harm, 73). Significant
               from investigators.                                                   heterogeneity was observed for coronary heart disease and
                                                                                     bleeding outcomes, which could not be accounted for by
               Study Selection: Nine randomized placebo-                             major demographic or participant characteristics.
               controlled trials with at least 1000 participants each, re-
               porting on cardiovascular disease (CVD), nonvascular out-             Conclusions: Despite important reductions in nonfatal
               comes, or death were included.                                        MI, aspirin prophylaxis in people without prior CVD does
                                                                                     not lead to reductions in either cardiovascular death or can-
               Data Extraction: Three authors abstracted data. Study-                cer mortality. Because the benefits are further offset by clini-
               specific odds ratios (ORs) were combined using random-                cally important bleeding events, routine use of aspirin for
               effectsmeta-analysis.Risksvsbenefitswereevaluatedbycom-               primary prevention is not warranted and treatment deci-
               paring CVD risk reductions with increases in bleeding.                sions need to be considered on a case-by-case basis.

               Results: During a mean (SD) follow-up of 6.0 (2.1) years              Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(3):209-216.
               involving over 100 000 participants, aspirin treatment re-            Published online January 9, 2012.
               duced total CVD events by 10% (OR, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.85-                doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2011.628

                                                                         HILE META - ANALY -         guidelines for use of aspirin in primary
               Author Affiliations: Cardiac
               and Vascular Sciences Research                            ses to date1,2 have         prevention of CVD are based on informa-
               Centre, St George’s University                            shown modest ben-           tion from trials published up to 2005,5,6
               of London, London, England                                efits of aspirin for        since when at least 3 additional studies
               (Drs Seshasai and Ray);                                   the primary preven-
               Department of Geriatrics,          tion of cardiovascular disease (CVD), it re-
               Addenbrooke’s Hospital,            mains unclear to what extent these ben-                See Invited Commentary
               Cambridge, England                 efits are offset by clinically important                   at end of article
               (Dr Wijesuriya); Department of
               Paediatrics, Chelsea and
               Westminster Hospital, London              CME available online at                     have been reported.7-9 In this meta-analy-
               (Dr Sivakumaran); Department              www.jamaarchivescme.com                     sis we therefore aimed to provide an up-
               of Paediatrics, Broomfield                and questions on page 208                   dated synthesis of evidence regarding the
               Hospital, Chelmsford, England                                                         wider role of aspirin in primary preven-
               (Dr Nethercott); Department of     bleeding episodes. Emerging data from pri-         tion, including its effect on hitherto un-
               Internal Medicine, University of   mary and secondary prevention trials also          derinvestigated outcomes such as non-
               Pittsburgh Medical Center,         suggest significant reductions in cancer
               Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania                                                              vascular disorders (especially cancer),
               (Dr Erqou); and Glasgow
                                                  mortality in people receiving aspirin pro-         and to assess whether the risks vs ben-
               Cardiovascular Research            phylaxis,3 stimulating discussions for             efits of aspirin treatment vary impor-
               Centre, University of Glasgow,     more widespread use of this agent                  tantly according to key demographic or
               Glasgow, Scotland (Dr Sattar).     among healthy individuals.4 Current                participant characteristics.10-12

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ally unavailable in primary trial reports,
                                                                                                                                             we obtained relevant information from
                      Detailed search of Cochrane and MEDLINE using terms Aspirin AND
                      Primary Prevention AND Cardiovascular Disease AND Mortality OR
                                                                                                                                             (1) subsequent trial reports that had pub-
                                  Aspirin AND Primary Prevention AND Cancer                                                                  lishedinformationonnonvascularevents13;
                                                                                                                                             (2) a recent individual-participant data
                                                                                                                                             meta-analysis of aspirin in mixed popu-
                      680 Potentially relevant articles (610 from MEDLINE and 70 from                                                        lations3 (ie, including both primary and
                          the Cochrane Library)                                                                                              secondary prevention populations) and
                                                                                                                                             using numbers provided therein to derive
                                                                              445 Articles were excluded because they were reviews           data on additional end points like noncan-
                                                                                  or not clinical trials                                     cer, nonvascular death; (3) investigators
                                                                                                                                             of individual studies (2 studies [Hyperten-
                                                                               14 Citations were excluded because they overlapped            sionOptimalTreatmentTrial{HOT}14 and
                                                                                  between databases                                          Physicians’HealthStudy{PHS}15]provided
                                                                                                                                             previously unpublished data on cancer).
                                                                               44 Citations tested interventions other than aspirin          As nonvascular outcomes were generally
                                                                                  and therefore were excluded                                reportedasfatalevents,riskestimateswere
                                                                                                                                             calculated for cancer and other nonvas-
                                                                               11 Citations were excluded because they were not              cularmortalityratherthanincidence.Trials
                                                                                  placebo-controlled trials                                  that enrolled subjects with pre-existing
                                                                                                                                             PAD were eligible for inclusion if they had
                                                                                8 Citations were excluded because they ascertained           been asymptomatic for this condition and
                                                                                  outcomes not relevant to this meta-analysis                had no history of CVD. Trials of second-
                                                                                                                                             ary prevention or mixed primary and sec-
                                                                               77 Citations were excluded because they were not              ondary prevention,16 pilot studies,17 and
                                                                                  primary prevention trials                                  studies comparing aspirin with other an-
                                                                                                                                             tiplatelet agents instead of placebo18 were
                                                                               17 Studies were excluded because they were not                excluded. In case of multiple publications
                                                                                  randomized controlled trials                               from the same source, we used informa-
                                                                                                                                             tion from the primary trial report unless
                                                                                2 Studies were identified and included through hand-         stated otherwise. Thus, 9 trials involving
                                                                                  searching reference lists of other citations               102 621 participants were eligible for the
                     66 Citations were related to relevant primary prevention                                                                    Three authors (S.W., R.S., and S.N.)
                        trials testing aspirin and cardiovascular outcomes or                                                                independentlyabstractedthedata(includ-
                        cancer outcomes                                                                                                      ing demographic characteristics, number
                                                                                                                                             of participants and events, mean [or me-
                                                                               54 Citations were follow-up publications related to           dian] follow-up duration, and risk esti-
                                                                                  original trials and therefore were excluded                mates), and discrepancies were resolved
                                                                                                                                             through discussion (S.R.K.S. and K.K.R.).
                     12 Original publications were related to aspirin in                                                                     For studies that reported combined clini-
                        primary prevention of cardiovascular disease                                                                         cal end points and at least 1 subsidiary
                                                                                                                                             end point (eg, total CHD and either non-
                                                                           ASPREE was ongoing study and was therefore excluded;              fatal MI or fatal CHD but not both), the
                                                                           PACE and LASAF were excluded because they did not                 numberofeventsforthemissingendpoint
                                                                           fulfill inclusion criteria
                                                                                                                                             were calculated by simple subtraction (or
                                                                                                                                             addition, as relevant), assuming that these
                      9 Original trials were included in our meta-analysis:                                                                  events did not overlap. Our primary ef-
                        PHS,23 BDS,22 HOT,24 PPP,26 TPT,25 WHS,13                                                                            ficacy end points were total CHD and total
                        POPADAD,7 JPAD,8 and AAA9
                                                                                                                                             cancer mortality, with the secondary ef-
                                                                                                                                             ficacy end points being subtypes of vas-
               Figure 1. Details of literature review. See Abbreviations footnote in the Table for a list of the trial names.                cular disease, total CVD events, cause-
               ASPREE indicates Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly; LASAF, Low-Dose Aspirin, Stroke, Atrial                           specific death, and all-cause mortality.
               Fibrillation; and PACE, Prevention With Low-Dose Aspirin of Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly.                            Because definitions for major bleeding
                                                                                                                                             events varied across studies, and since
                                                                                                                                             participant-level data were unavailable to
                                  METHODS                                          inclusion criteria were randomized
                                                                                                                                             allow reclassification according to stan-
                                                                                   placebo-controlledtrialsthathadincluded                   dard criteria,19,20 we defined a category of
               We searched the electronic databases                                at least 1000 participants (without previ-                clinically “nontrivial” bleeding (fatal
               PubMed and Cochrane Library from their                              ous CHD or stroke, ie, primary prevention                 bleeding from any site; cerebrovascular
               inception to June 2011 using terms re-                              studies) and had at least 1 year of follow-               or retinal bleeding; bleeding from hollow
               lated to aspirin, coronary heart disease                            up during which CHD and/or CVD out-                       viscus; bleeding requiring hospitalization
               (CHD), CVD, cancer, nonvascular events,                             comes (CHD, stroke, cerebrovascular dis-                  and/or transfusion; or study-defined ma-
               all-cause mortality, clinical trials, and pri-                      ease, heart failure, and peripheral arterial              jor bleeding regardless of source) as our
               mary prevention, without restriction to                             disease [PAD]) were recorded as the main                  composite primary safety end point. This
               anylanguage(Figure 1).Thiswassupple-                                end points, and details were provided of                  roughly corresponds to type 2 or above
               mented by hand-searching their reference                            bleeding events. As data on cancer and                    of the Bleeding Academic Research Con-
               lists for additional studies. Our predefined                        other nonvascular outcomes were gener-                    sortium definition for bleeding.21

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To assess the effect of aspirin we cal-        cal analyses were performed using Stata       events; 3.9 vs 4.0 for CVD mortal-
               culated study-specific unadjusted odds             (version 10.1) software (StataCorp).          ity; 6.6 vs 7.2 for non-CVD death;
               ratios (ORs) before combining them using                                                         5.3 vs 5.9 for cancer death; 3.1 vs 3.2
               random-effectsmeta-analysis(fixed-effect                                                         for noncancer, nonvascular death;
               meta-analyses were conducted for com-                            RESULTS
                                                                                                                11.0 vs 11.7 for all-cause mortality;
               parison). We used calculated ORs instead
               of reported hazard ratios (HRs) to maxi-
                                                                                                                36.0 vs 21.2 for total bleeding events;
                                                                        STUDY POPULATION                        and 9.7 vs 7.4 for nontrivial bleed-
               mize available data on individual end
               points, and for consistency. Given the rare                                                      ing events. Losses to follow-up in in-
               occurrence of many outcomes in primary
                                                                  Nine good-quality randomized con-             dividual studies are summarized in
               prevention, we assumed that the calcu-             trolled trials of aspirin for primary         eTable 2.
               lated ORs would closely approximate re-            prevention of CVD including 102 621
               ported HRs. Because individual studies             participants were eligible (Figure 1;
                                                                                                                       EFFECTS OF ASPIRIN
               differed with regard to various character-         T a b l e ; and eTable 1 [http://
                                                                                                                        ON VASCULAR AND
               istics, heterogeneity was quantified using         www.archinternmed.com]).7-9,14,15,24-27
                                                                                                                     NONVASCULAR OUTCOMES
               the I2 statistic,22 and potential sources of       Most studies were conducted in
               heterogeneity were explored by subgroup            Western populations and tended to             Aspirin treatment was associated with
               analyses and metaregression. The I2 sta-           include occupational groups (mainly
               tistic measures the proportion of overall
                                                                                                                a significant 10% reduction in risk of
                                                                  health professionals15,24,27). Pooled         total CVD events (OR, 0.90; 95% CI,
               variation in effect estimates that is attrib-      weighted mean (SD) age at baseline
               utable to between-study heterogeneity.                                                           0.85-0.96), largely owing to a 20% re-
               Subgroup analyses involved grouping
                                                                  for all participants combined was 57          duction in risk of nonfatal MI (OR,
               studies according to predefined charac-            (4) years, and 46% (n=47 070) were            0.80; 95% CI, 0.67-0.96) (Figure 2).
               teristics and calculating stratum-specific         male. Although most trials selected           There was no beneficial effect on fa-
               ORs using random-effects meta-analysis.            participants at increased risk for CVD,       tal MI (OR, 1.06; 95% CI, 0.83-1.37),
               As analyses involved aggregate (and not            they did not generally preselect in-          stroke (OR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.84-1.06),
               individual-participant) data, it was not           dividuals on the basis of diabetes (ex-       orCVDdeath(OR,0.99;95%CI,0.85-
               possible to study effect-modification by           cept Prevention of Progression of Ar-         1.15). Modest, but nonsignificant, re-
               various participant-level characteristics.         terial Disease And Diabetes Study
               Metaregression was used instead to ex-
                                                                                                                ductions were observed for total CHD
                                                                  [POPADAD]7 and Japanese Primary               (OR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.74-1.01), total
               plore heterogeneity, using trial-level in-         Prevention of Atherosclerosis With
               formation. Crude event rates for aspirin                                                         nonvascular mortality (OR, 0.92; 95%
               and control groups were calculated using
                                                                  Aspirin for Diabetes Trial [JPAD]8).          CI, 0.85-1.00), and all-cause mortal-
               data on number of events and mean                  Other characteristics, including risk         ity (OR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.88-1.00), al-
               follow-uptime(whenmeanfollow-upwas                 factors for CVD, varied widely across         though there was no convincing evi-
               unavailable, median duration was used              studies.                                      dence of benefit with regard to cancer
               instead). To contextualize net benefit due                                                       mortality (OR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.84-
               to aspirin treatment, we compared rates               FOLLOW-UP AND EVENTS                       1.03). By contrast, there was a 70%
               ofanystatisticallymeaningfulassociations                                                         excess risk of total bleeding events
               (CVD or nonfatal MI) with rates of bleed-
               ing. Mean baseline event rates for the com-
                                                                  Over a mean (SD) follow-up of 6.0             (OR, 1.70; 95% CI, 1.17-2.46) and a
               bined study population were estimated              (2.1) years (approximately 700 000            higher than 30% excess risk of non-
               by pooling study-specific control event            person-years at-risk) in 9 studies,           trivial bleeding events (OR, 1.31; 95%
               rates for each outcome using random-               2169 CHD events were accrued, of              CI, 1.14-1.50) in people receiving as-
               effects meta-analysis. Numbers needed              which 1540 were nonfatal MI and               pirin (eTable 3 contains details of defi-
               to treat (NNT) and harm (NNH) were de-             592 were fatal CHD events. One                nitions for bleeding). Qualitatively
               rived by applying pooled ORs to the mean           study8 did not register any fatal MI          similar findings were observed in
               baseline event rates for the combined              events in the aspirin group; hence,           analyses restricted to studies of daily
               study population. Values of NNT and                0.5 events were added to both treat-          aspirin use (ie, after excluding Wom-
               NNH provided herein represent the num-             ment groups to calculate ORs. Other           en’s Health Study [WHS] 13 and
               ber of persons that need to be treated with
               aspirin for 6 years (the overall mean
                                                                  major outcomes included stroke                PHS15), except that the risk of non-
               follow-up time in this study) to avert or          (n = 1504); total CVD events                  trivial bleeding was even higher in
               incur, respectively, 1 event. Quality of           (n = 4278); CVD death (n = 1285);             these studies (OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.17-
               studies was evaluated using a Delphi scor-         nonvascular death (n=2587); can-              1.86; eFigure 1). Considerable hetero-
               ing system,23 which is based on the fol-           cer death (n=1512, 8 studies); non-           geneity was observed for the ORs for
               lowing: adequacy of randomization; al-             cancer, nonvascular death (n=983,             major efficacy and safety end points
               location concealment; balance between              8 studies); all-cause mortality               (Figure 2 and eFigure 2), which could
               randomized groups at baseline; a priori            (n = 3895); total bleeding events             not be explained by reported charac-
               identification of inclusion criteria; pres-        (n = 40 712); and nontrivial bleed-           teristics (Figure 3 and eFigures 3-5).
               ence or absence of blinding; use of                ing events (n=10 049). Pooled event           The risk of CVD events in people
               intention-to-treat analyses; and report-
               ing of point estimates and measures of
                                                                  rates per 1000 person-years of fol-           treated with aspirin was, however,
               variability for main outcomes. Potential           low-up in people randomized to as-            lower at an older age (eFigure 6), and
               publication bias was investigated using            pirin vs placebo were 4.1 vs 5.1 for          that of nontrivial bleeding was some-
               funnel plots and the Egger test. All P val-        nonfatal MI; 1.9 vs 1.9 for fatal MI;         what higher at a younger age and at
               ues reported are 2-sided; P⬍.05 was con-           7.0 vs 8.1 for total CHD; 3.8 vs 4.0          higher systolic blood pressure (eFig-
               sidered statistically significant. Statisti-       for stroke; 12.8 vs 14.1 for total CVD        ure 5). Contrary to previous re-

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Table. Characteristics of Individual Trials Contributing to the Current Analysis

                                                                               No. of          Age, Mean                                                               Mean (SD),
                  Source                Location            Year             Participants       (SD), y           Male, %         Diabetes, %       Smokers, %          mm Hg
                  BDS 24            England                 1988                 5139             63.6              100                  2                31              135.8
                  PHS 15            US                      1989                22 071            53.8              100                  2                11              128.5
                  HOT 14            Multiple                1998                18 790            61.5               53                  8                16              170
                  TPT 25            UK                      1998                 5085             57.5              100                NS                 41              139
                  PPP 26            Italy                   2001                 4495             64.4               42                 17                15              145.1
                  WHS 13            US                      2005                39 876            54.6                0                  3                13              127.3
                  POPADAD 7         Scotland                2008                 1276             60.3               44                100                31              145
                  JPAD 8            Japan                   2008                 2539             64.5               55                100                21              135
                  AAA 9             Scotland                2010                 3350             61.6               28                  3                32              147.5
                  Total or                                                     102 621         57.3 a (4.1)          46                  8                16            138 a (17)
                    Mean (SD)

                                            Total                                                                                  All           Aspirin Arm,      Placebo Arm,
                                         Cholesterol,      Aspirin Dose,                                                      Participants,       Duration of       Duration of
                                         Mean (SD),          mg, and                       Aspirin            Concomitant      Duration of        Follow-up,        Follow-up,
                  Source                  mmol/L b           Schedule                    Formulation          Treatment b     Follow-up, y c    Person-years d     Person-years d
                  BDS 24                       NS        500 or 300 daily       Ordinary, soluble or               No               6.0              18 820              9470
                                                                                  effervescent (500 mg) or
                                                                                  enteric coated (300 mg)
                  PHS 15                      5.46       325 alternate day      Regular (most)                    No                5.02             54 560            54 356
                  HOT 14                      6.1        75 daily                           NS                    Yes               3.8              35 716            35 686
                  TPT 25                      6.4        75 daily               Controlled release                Yes               6.4               8105              8071
                  PPP 26                      6.1        100 daily              Enteric coated                    Yes               3.6               8014              8168
                  WHS 13                      5.2        100 alternate day                  NS                    Yes              10.1             201 333           201 414
                  POPADAD 7                   5.52       100 daily                          NS                    Yes               6.7               4275              4275
                  JPAD 8                      5.21       81 or 100 daily                    NS                    No                4.37              5515              5580
                  AAA 9                       6.2 a      100 daily              Enteric coated                    No                8.2              13 735            13 735
                  Total or Mean (SD)       5.5 (0.5)                                                                             6.0 (2.1)          350 073           340 755

                  Abbreviations: AAA, Aspirin for Asymptomatic Atherosclerosis Trial 9; BDS, British Doctors Study 24; HOT, Hypertension Optimal Treatment Trial 14; JPAD, Japanese
               Primary Prevention of Atherosclerosis With Aspirin for Diabetes Trial 8; NS, not stated; PHS, Physicians’ Health Study 15; POPADAD, Prevention of Progression of Arterial
               Disease and Diabetes Trial 7; PPP, Primary Prevention Project 26; SBP, systolic blood pressure; TPT, Thrombosis Prevention Trial 25; WHS, Women’s Health Study. 13
                  Conventional unit conversion factor: To convert cholesterol to milligrams per deciliter, divide by 0.0259.
                  a Represents weighted mean (SD).
                  b Concomitant treatments include agents other than anti-platelet drugs (eg, blood pressure-lowering medication), as in factorial trials.
                  c Follow-up duration shown for POPADAD and JPAD represents median follow-up, not mean. Also, total cholesterol values for POPADAD are median, not mean. Data
               on cholesterol measurements at baseline were missing in approximately 0.6% of all participants in the AAA study.
                  d Follow-up duration shown in person-years according to treatment arm was obtained directly from study reports for BDS and TPT, and was calculated based on
               numbers per group multiplied by mean (or median) follow-up time for other studies. In PHS, the reported duration of follow-up differed for various outcomes, and the
               numbers shown correspond to those for MI (including nonfatal and fatal MI).

               ports,28 we did not find any signifi-                        Aspirin for Asymptomatic Athero-                          events increased proportionately with
               cant sex differences in treatment effect                     sclerosis Trial [AAA]9), or health care                   background event rates for these out-
               for total CVD events (eFigure 7).                            professionals (British Doctors Study                      comes, although the benefit ap-
               Lastly, no significant heterogeneity                         [BDS],8 PHS,15 and WHS13) were ex-                        peared to be more modest for CVD
               between studies was observed for                             cluded (eTable 4). Results were also                      than nonfatal MI (Figure 4). Such
               nonvascular, cancer, and all-cause                           similar when fixed-effect meta-                           benefits were offset by increased rates
               mortality (P⬎.10; Figure 2).                                 analysis was used instead of random-                      of nontrivial bleeding, even though for
                                                                            effects models. There was no evi-                         nonfatal MI there was a suggestion
                    SENSITIVITY ANALYSES                                    dence of publication bias (Egger test                     that at high baseline event rates there
               The effect of aspirin on nonfatal MI                         P value ⬎.05 for all major out-                           may be net benefit in favor of aspirin
               or total CVD events was unrelated to                         comes; eFigure 8).                                        prophylaxis. The NNT to avoid 1
               its average daily dose and was more                                                                                    nonfatal MI event over 6 years was
               pronounced in trials published be-                                 COMPARATIVE MERITS                                  162 (NNT was 120 to avert 1 CVD
               fore 2000 (compared with more re-                                      OF ASPIRIN                                      event over the same period). By com-
               cent studies; Figure 3). Findings were                                                                                 parison, the NNT for nonvascular
               comparable when studies con-                                 The net benefit due to aspirin treat-                     death was 292 (247 for cancer death),
               ducted exclusively in non-Western                            ment (expressed as a difference be-                       and at least 1 nontrivial bleeding event
               populations (JPAD8), or people with                          tween absolute event rates in the pla-                    was caused for every 73 persons
               diabetes (JPAD8 and POPADAD7) or                             cebo and aspirin treatment arms) for                      treated with aspirin for approxi-
               asymptomatic PAD (POPADAD7 and                               both nonfatal MI and total CVD                            mately 6 years.

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No. of       No. of cases/          No. of cases/
                   Outcome                               studies   participants, aspirin participants, placebo                                                          Odds ratio (95% CI)             I2 (95% CI)
                   Nonfatal MI                             9            699/52 145               841/50 476                                                              0.80 (0.67-0.96)         62.1% (21.7%-81.6%)
                   Fatal MI                                9            329/52 145               263/50 476                                                              1.06 (0.83-1.37)         37.4% (0.0%-71.2%)
                   Total CHD                               9          1044/52 145              1125/50 476                                                               0.86 (0.74-1.01)         64.8% (28.1%-82.7%)
                   Stroke                                  9            749/52 145               755/50 476                                                              0.94 (0.84-1.06)         14.8% (0.0%-56.9%)
                   Total CVD events                        9          2107/52 145              2171/50 476                                                               0.90 (0.85-0.96)         00.0% (0.0%-55.4%)
                   CVD mortality                           9            674/52 145               611/50 476                                                              0.99 (0.85-1.15)         36.1% (0.0%-70.6%)
                   Non-CVD mortality                       9          1276/52 145              1311/50 476                                                               0.92 (0.85-1.00)         00.0% (0.0%-4.2%)
                   Cancer mortality                        8            750/49 919               762/48 207                                                              0.93 (0.84-1.03)         00.0% (0.0%-49.4%)
                   Noncancer, nonvascular mortality        8            481/49 919               502/48 207                                                              0.90 (0.76-1.07)         32.1% (0.0%-69.9%)
                   All-cause mortality                     9          1962/52 145              1933/50 476                                                               0.94 (0.88-1.00)         00.0% (0.0%-0.0%)
                   Total bleeds                            9         22 297/50 868            18 415/49 208                                                              1.70 (1.17-2.46)         98.0% (97.3%-98.5%)
                   Nontrivial bleeds                       9          5337/50 868              4712/49 208                                                               1.31 (1.14-1.50)         65.7% (30.3%-83.1%)
                                                                                                                0.5                    1.0        1.5       2.0   2.5
                                                                                                                                     Odds Ratio

                                                                                                                      Favors aspirin         Favors placebo

               Figure 2. Effect of aspirin on vascular and nonvascular outcomes or death. CHD indicates coronary heart disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; and
               MI, myocardial infarction.

                                                   Nonfatal MI                                        Total CVD events                                             Nontrivial bleed
                   Subgroup                                                  OR (95% CI)    P value                                     OR (95% CI) P value                                         OR (95% CI)      P value
                   Period of publication
                    After 2000                                          0.98 (0.84-1.14)
regarding cancer mortality. Al-
                                                                                                                                                                                         though recent evidence suggests that
                                                                                No. of nonfatal MI events averted per 1000 person-years
                                                                                No. of total CVD events averted per 1000 person-years                                                    aspirin reduces mortality from cer-
                                                                                No. of nontrivial bleeding events caused per 1000 person-years                                           tain cancers,3,29 this is based on in-
                                                                                Fitted values : nonfatal MI
                                                                                Fitted values : total CVD events                                                                         formation from both primary and
                                                                                Fitted values : nontrivial bleeds                                                                        secondary prevention studies. As
                                                                                                                                                            TPT                          background event rates for cancers
                                                                                                                                                                                         and other chronic diseases may be
                   Absolute Risk Difference per 1000 Person-years

                                                                                                                                                                                         different for participants with pre-
                                                                     4                                                                                                                   existing CVD, and since concomi-
                                                                                                                      PHS                                                        TPT
                                                                                                                                                                                         tant lifestyle or treatment decisions
                                                                                                                                      JPAD                                               may alter risks associated with these
                                                                     2              HOT
                                                                                         PHS                                                   WHS                                       outcomes, assessments of risk based
                                                                         PPP                        PHS               HOT                                                                on primary prevention trials is likely
                                                                          AAA         PPP
                                                                                     WHS AAA                                                                          POPADAD            to be more informative. It has also
                                                                                                               POPADAD                BDS
                                                                         BDS WHS          BDS                                                                                            been argued that the frequency of as-
                                                                                                                                                                                         pirin administration is an impor-
                                                                                                                                                                                         tant determinant of cancer out-
                                                                                                                                                                                         comes, with more sustained benefits
                                                                         0                                    10                                   20                        30
                                                                                                Absolute Event Rate in Placebo Group per 1000 Person-years
                                                                                                                                                                                         with daily compared with alternate-
                                        B                                                                                                                                                day treatment.3 However, we were
                                                                     6                                                                                                 TPT               unable to confirm these observa-
                                                                                                                                                                                         tions because cancer mortality failed
                        Absolute No. of Nontrivial Bleeding Events

                                                                                                                                                                                         to reach statistical significance even
                             Caused per 1000 Person-years

                                                                     4                                                                                                                   after excluding studies that had used
                                                                                                                                                                                         alternate-day aspirin treatment
                                                                                                                                                                                         (WHS13 and PHS15) (OR, 0.88; 95%
                                                                     2                                  WHS     PPP
                                                                                                                           HOT                                                           CI, 0.76-1.01). It is plausible that
                                                                                                                                                                                         daily aspirin use may prompt ear-
                                                                                                                                                                                         lier detection of cancers owing to in-
                                                                     0                                   BDS
                                                                                                                                                                                         vestigation for bleeding, with appar-
                                                                                                          POPADAD                                                                        ent survival benefits (which may
                                                                                                                                                                                         nevertheless be artifactual).
                                                                         –2                         0                             2                         4                6
                                                                                                                                                                                             The findings of our analysis merit
                                                                                           Absolute No. of Nonfatal MI Events Averted per 1000 Person-years                              careful consideration in light of ex-
                                        C                                                                                                                                                isting evidence regarding aspirin use
                                                                     6                                                                                                   TPT             in primary prevention. For in-
                                                                                                                                                                                         stance, the magnitude of risk reduc-
                   Absolute No. of Nontrivial Bleeding Events

                                                                                                                                                                                         tion observed for nonfatal MI and
                        Caused per 1000 Person-years

                                                                     4                                                                                                                   total CVD events is broadly consis-
                                                                                                                                  PHS                                                    tent with some previous reports.30 It
                                                                                                                                                                                         has been suggested that the pharma-
                                                                     2                      WHS                        HOT
                                                                                                                                                                PPP                      cokinetics of aspirin may be differ-
                                                                              AAA                                                                                                        ent among men and women,31,32 with
                                                                     0                    BDS                                                                                            consequent sex differences in effi-
                                                                                                                                                                                         cacy. However, our analysis did not
                                                                                                                                                                                         reveal any material differences in as-
                                                                    –2                                                                                                                   pirin treatment effect by sex. Al-
                                                                                      0                                1                                2                    3           though these findings may be prone
                                                                                            Absolute No. of Total CVD Events Averted per 1000 Person-years                               to ecological and other biases, they
                                                                                                                                                                                         are in agreement with large-scale in-
               Figure 4. Comparison of risk vs benefit due to aspirin treatment for primary prevention of cardiovascular                                                                 dividual-participant data meta-
               disease. A, Plot of absolute risk difference in relation to background (ie, placebo) event rate for main                                                                  analyses that showed lack of any im-
               outcomes. B, Plot comparing absolute number of nontrivial bleeding events caused vs absolute number                                                                       portant interaction by sex30 for major
               of nonfatal MI events averted. C, Plot comparing absolute number of nontrivial bleeding caused vs
               absolute number of total CVD events averted. In each of the panels, data points and associated labels                                                                     CVD outcomes. Our analysis also
               correspond to individual studies, while straight lines represent fitted values. In panel A, the x-axis                                                                    showed that aspirin was no better
               represents the background (ie, placebo) event rate for each of the outcomes of interest (nonfatal MI, total                                                               than placebo for reducing nonfatal MI
               CVD, and nontrivial bleed), whereas the y-axis shows risk difference for these outcomes (total number of
               events averted in case of nonfatal MI and total CVD, as against total number of adverse events caused in
                                                                                                                                                                                         events in trials published after 2000,
               case of nontrivial bleeding). In panels B and C, the x-axis shows the absolute number of events averted                                                                   which may be ascribed to better treat-
               for nonfatal MI or total CVD, respectively, in each study plotted against the absolute number of nontrivial                                                               ments for CVD or underlying risk fac-
               bleed events caused in the same studies. See Abbreviations footnote in the Table for a list of the trial                                                                  tors. This decline suggests that in
               names and reference citations.
                                                                                                                                                                                         contemporary primary prevention

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settings, aspirin may add little extra          assess the relationship between               mer Terrace, London SW17 0RE,
               value to other CVD risk reduction               aspirin treatment and cancer mor-             England (rkondapa@sgul.ac.uk).
               strategies that target lipid levels, blood      tality. Although this may have some-          Author Contributions: Drs Sesha-
               pressure, and smoking, especially in            what underestimated this associa-             sai and Ray had full access to all of
               low-risk individuals.                           tion, it may have in fact been                the data in the study and take respon-
                   On the other hand, aspirin may              beneficial for study validity be-             sibility for the integrity of the data and
               be associated with net harm owing               cause estimates based on mortality,           the accuracy of the data analysis.
               to increased potential for bleeding.            rather than incidence, are less likely        Study concept and design: Seshasai and
               Current guidelines for primary pre-             to be affected by ascertainment bias.         Ray. Acquisition of data: Seshasai,
               vention advocate widespread use of              Third, the effect of aspirin on can-          Wijesuriya, Sivakumaran, Nether-
               aspirin in people at increased risk for         cer mortality could be evaluated              cott, and Ray. Analysis and interpre-
               CVD.5,33,34 Others have even sug-               using information from only 8 of 9            tation of data: Seshasai, Wijesuriya,
               gested regular prophylaxis in people            studies. Nevertheless, these results          Sivakumaran, Nethercott, Erqou,
               above a certain age, either singly35            are fairly robust because the major-          Sattar, and Ray. Drafting of the manu-
               or in combination with other                    ity of primary prevention trials of as-       script: Seshasai and Ray. Critical re-
               agents.36 However, such strategies re-          pirin were included in our analy-             vision of the manuscript for impor-
               quire closer scrutiny because aspi-             ses. Fourth, as we studied the effect         tant intellectual content: Seshasai,
               rin cannot be compared with either              of aspirin on multiple outcomes,              Wijesuriya, Sivakumaran, Nether-
               statins or blood pressure–lowering              some of the associations may be due           cott, Erqou, Sattar, and Ray. Statis-
               agents with regard to its effects on            to chance alone. However, as the risk         tical analysis: Seshasai and Erqou.
               CVD death. Hence, based on our                  estimates were largely consistent             Study supervision: Seshasai, Sattar,
               findings of a marginal benefit on               with previous reports,30 the scope of         and Ray.
               nonfatal MI, a nonsignificant effect            any artifactual associations is likely        Financial Disclosure: None reported.
               on cancer death, and a significantly            to be limited. Lastly, as most stud-          Additional Contributions: J.
               increased risk of clinically relevant           ies were performed in occupational            Michael Gaziano, MD, MPH, (US
               bleeding, it is perhaps timely to re-           groups in Western populations, find-          Physicians Health Study) and Lar-
               appraise existing guidelines for as-            ings of this meta-analysis may not            rye E. Loss, PharmD, MBA, PMP, of
               pirin use in primary prevention. Our            be entirely generalizable.                    AstraZeneca (Hypertension Opti-
               data additionally highlight the need                In conclusion, we found rather            mum Trial) provided tabular data,
               for more robust evidence in spe-                modest benefits of aspirin treat-             and Stephen Kaptoge, PhD, Univer-
               cific subgroups of participants,37,38           ment on nonfatal MI and total CVD             sity of Cambridge, provided statis-
               since current guidelines39 are based            events in primary prevention, while           tical advice.
               on limited evidence in different sub-           the effect on cancer mortality was            Online-Only Material: The eTables
               groups. Future studies should there-            nonsignificant. Because the ben-              and eFigures are available at http:
               fore aim to assess the impact of low-           efits of aspirin treatment were ac-           //www.archinternmed.com.
               dose, alternate-day aspirin treatment           companied by a significant in-
               on both vascular and nonvascular                crease in risk of bleeding, further                            REFERENCES
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