Editors musings - Images Photography Group

Page created by Frank Carrillo
Editors musings - Images Photography Group
Issue 158 - February 2021
Editors musings
News and information from your editor

Competitions and Workshops
Competitions and workshops not organised by our club

What’s been happening & what’s coming up
Reviews and flyers of outings and workshops

Who got what
Results from the last meeting & points table

Who entered
Selection of submitted images from club night

Editors musings - Images Photography Group
The Editors Musings
Welcome to the February newsletter

We are getting into the new year of photography, and yet again are experiencing Alert level
changes as Covid 19 continues to remind us that it is ever lurking. It seems that this will
be our normal way of life for the foreseeable future. It certainly makes one very conscious of
our every move, where we have we been, who we have we been in contact with, who have
they been in contact with. Sometimes it seems easier to just stay home.

Stuart, our awesome webmaster has been very busy and has created a Tips & Tricks page
on our website. www.images.org,nz . There is a wealth of information on this page with
You Tube tutorials, covering club night themes and general photography.

There are tutorials for Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom and Affinity Photo. A screen
shot of the page is on the next two pages of this newsletter. This is a valuable resource
providing a quick go-to for most things you may be wondering about. We are grateful to
Stuart for the time he has put into this project and I trust you will find it an invaluable

We have a full outings calendar lined up, hopefully they will all be able to go ahead at the
appropriate times. First up is an Evening At the Zoo this Saturday,

We will be holding a workshop on making mats on Sunday 7th March. This will give an
insight into the mat making process, equipment will be available to have a go. Come along
to the Butchers Shop Café for a catch up before we move to the bowling club for the serious

All information is in this newsletter and on the club website.

See you all there.

Keep snapping, from your editor, Bev

Editors musings - Images Photography Group
Editors musings - Images Photography Group
Editors musings - Images Photography Group
Editors musings - Images Photography Group
Editors musings - Images Photography Group
Editors musings - Images Photography Group
Images Results February 2021

1st Place                Wayne Meads "Three Sisters"

2nd Place                Wayne Meads "Kohekohe Church"

3rd Place

Honours * 2              Wayne Meads

Honours * 1

Highly Commended * 2     Raewyn Lane, Phil Norvill

Highly Commended * 1     Anita Harris, Ewen McIntyre, Sharron Hickman

                                Points Table

            Member                Set          Open        Bonus        Aggregate

Anita Harris                      137            0           0            137

Ewen McIntyre                     167           21           0            188

Grace Donald                      169           35           0            204

Kathy Pengelly                    80             0           0             80

Phil Molineux                     98            49           5            152

Phil Norvill                      219            9           25           253

Raewyn Lane                       139           16           0            155

Ryan McIntyre                      0             0           0             0

Sharron Hickman                   87            28           10           125

Wayne Meads                       75            75           15           165
Editors musings - Images Photography Group
Images Results February 2021
1st Place               Stuart Braithwaite "No Title"

2nd Place               Lynn Johnstone "Spires of Goodness"

3rd Place               Kate Turner "Whakapapanui Stream"

Honours * 2             Lynn Johnstone

Honours * 1             Stuart Braithwaite, Kate Turner

Highly Commended * 2    Bill Fitzgerald

Highly Commended * 1    Julie Carswell, Stuart Braithwaite

                               Points Table

            Member                Set          Open          Bonus   Aggregate

Alex McIntyre                     41            28             0        69
Barrie Pengelly                  156            44             0       200
Barry Easton                      72            75             0       147
Bev McIntyre                     156            64            10       230
Bill Fitzgerald                  119            67            10       196
Julie Carswell                    65            16             5        86
Kate Turner                      189            24            15       228
Linda Wilson                       0             0             0        0
Lynn Johnstone                   109            42             5       156
Robyn Wilkinson                  100            66             5       171
Sandy Campbell                    98            39             0       137
Stuart Braithwaite               198            33            10       241
Editors musings - Images Photography Group
Intermediate Images

                                           Three Sisters

                                           By Wayne Meads,

                                           Honours & 1st

Kohekohe Church

By Wayne Meads

Honours & 2nd

                                    The Lady And The Tramper


                                    Raewyn Lane

                                    Highly Commended

Intermediate Images

                      Night Market


                      Anita Harris

                      Highly Commended

Delicious Salad


Sharron Hickman

Highly Commended

                                         Patumahoe Harvest


                                         Ewen McIntyre


Intermediate Images

                                            Light Mantled Sooty Albatross


                                            Grace Donald


Auckland Island Rockhopper Penguins

                By Grace Donald


                                                                Best Of The West


                                                                Phil Norvill

                                                                Highly Commended

Advanced Images

                                          No Title


                                          Stuart Braithwaite

                                          Honours & 1st

Spires Of Goodness


Lynn Johnstone

Honours & 2nd

                          Whakapapanui Stream


                          Kate Turner

                          Honours & 3rd

Advanced Images



                            Bill Fitzgerald

                            Highly Commended

Fish Fingers


Robyn Wilkinson


                                 Peas, Beans & Lentils


                                 Bev McIntyre


Advanced Images

         A Full Pantry


   Barrie Pengelly, Merit


                                                     Julie Carswell , Highly Commended

                                    Points Scoring

   Set                                          Open

Honours                        13                Honours                       12

Highly Commended               10                Highly Commended               9

Merit                          8                 Merit                          7

Bonus points             —1st place overall Set or Open                         5

What’s Coming Up
                                    March 2021
Tuesday March 9th                           Theme— Selective Colour

                                            Internal Judging—Two images

Sunday March 7th                            Workshop—Making Your Own Mats

Saturday March 20th                            Outing—Balloons Over Waikato

                                     April 2021
Tuesday April 13th                          Theme - To A Point

                                            External Judge—Two images

Sunday April 11th                           Workshop— Composition

Saturday April 17th                         Outing—Hamilton’s Gap

                                 Your Committee

President:                    Bill Fitzgerald              president@images.org.nz
Immediate past President:     Bev McIntyre                  pastpres@images.org.nz
Vice President:               Kate Turner                   vicepres@images.org.nz
Treasurer:                    Lynn Johnstone               treasurer@images.org.nz
Digital Convener:            Ewen McIntyre               digitalconv@images.org.nz
Secretary:                   Bev McIntyre                  secretary@images.org.nz
Newsletter Editor:           Bev McIntyre                 newsletter@images.org.nz
Membership information:      Kate Turner                         info@images.org.nz
Webmaster:                  Stuart Braithwaite            webmaster@images.org.nz
Outings Convener            Grace Donald                   margaret@images.org.nz

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