Easter in the Park hops into Beardsley - Sun City West

Page created by Suzanne Kennedy
Easter in the Park hops into Beardsley - Sun City West
March 2023                                                                                                      An official publication of the Recreation Centers of Sun City West

                                                                           Easter in the Park hops
                                                                               into Beardsley
                                                                           The Rec Centers of Sun City West invite you to
                                                                         celebrate Easter in the Park with your grandchil-
                                                                         dren and other special children in your life.
                                                                           This fun event will be from 9 a.m. to noon Sat-
                                                                         urday, April 8, at Beardsley Park, 12755 W. Beard-
                                                                         sley Road.
                                                                           Tickets are free, but we require one ticket per
                                                                         child. Tickets will be available for pick up at the
                                                                         Box Office only starting Tuesday, March 7.
                                                                           Easter egg hunts by age groups will begin at 9:30
                                                                         a.m. and photos with the Easter bunny will be from
                                                                         10 to noon. Bring your own camera.
                                                                            Join us for fun in the park with the Easter bunny
Mariachi Perlas de Jalisco will perform at the Cinco de Mayo Fiesta at   and plenty of activities, including a train, petting
the R.H. Johnson Pool.                                                   zoo, bounce houses, Lego and crafts.

   Make a splash
  at Cinco de Mayo
  Celebrate Cinco de Mayo
with the Rec Centers with a
Pool Party Fiesta from 1 to 5
p.m. Friday, May 5, at the R.H.
Johnson Pool, 19803 N. R.H.
Johnson Blvd. Doors open at
                                                                                          Get your green on for
12:30 p.m.
  Tickets are $15 per person
and are available now at the
                                                                                          St. Patty’s Day Dance
                                                                           The Rec Centers of Sun City                                                               The HiFi All Stars
R.H. Johnson Box Office or                                                                                                                                           will perform at the
online at suncitywest.com.                                               West is pleased to bring back
                                                                                                                                                                     St. Patty’s Day
Tickets will be available to res-                                        the HiFi All Stars for the St.                                                              Dance Friday
idents for six weeks before                                              Patty’s Day Dance at 7 p.m.                                                                 March 17, at
being released to the public.                                            Friday, March 17, at Beardsley                                                              Palm Ridge.
Three medium-sized tacos are                                             Park. Gates open at 6:30 p.m.
included with each ticket.                                                 Tickets are $18 per person

      Continued on Page 8                                                       Continued on Page 8

        Local favorite blows in for free concert                                                                                                 Inside this issue:
  The Recreation Centers of                                                                                                                     Calendar..................................5
Sun City West is happy to                                                                                                                       Club Contacts..........................7
bring back the West Valley                                                                                                                      Club Corner......................17­28
Wind Ensemble at 6 p.m.                                                                                                                         Community......................11­12
Monday, March 13, at Palm                                                                                                                       Financials................................6
Ridge Rec Center, 13800 W.                                                                                                                      Golf........................................14
Deer Valley Road. Doors open                                                                                                                    Governing Board....................4
at 5:30 p.m.                                                                                                                                    Library...................................13
  The concert is free, however                                                                                                                  News........................1­3, 5, 8­9
food donations for the Valley                                                                                                                   States....................................10
      Continued on Page 8
Easter in the Park hops into Beardsley - Sun City West
Page 2                          www.suncitywest.com                   Recreation Centers of Sun City West                      623-544-6000                     March 2023

                            Arizona Highwaymen                                                                            Tim McGraw

             Feel the Spring Vibes with classic tunes
  Shake off the winter chill and join the   the fun of one of the most iconic and
Recreation Centers of Sun City West         entertaining super groups of all time.
for Spring Vibes March 10-12 at Beard-        Featuring the music of Johnny Cash,
sley Park, 12755 W. Beardsley Park          Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Kris
Road. Each concert begins at 7 p.m.         Kristofferson and the music from The
  Tickets for the three-show event cost     Highwaymen group recordings.
$48 for the package, or $20 for individ-      Just like the original super group, the
ual nights, and are on sale at the R.H.     Arizona Highwaymen is made up of
Johnson Box Office, 19803 N. R.H.           four artists with attention to detail and
Johnson Blvd., or online at suncity-        proven musical careers that have united
west.com. Tickets are available to rec      to create this truly special show. Don’t
card holders and the public.                miss your chance to hear all the great
  Concessions will be available, in-        hits and songs that you love and re-
cluding burgers, brats and hot dogs,        member performed by the Arizona
along with ice cream, popcorn, soda         Highwaymen.
and water.
  Enjoy some classic country hits and                     MARCH 11
good ol’ rock n’ roll at Spring Vibes,           Tim McGraw Experience                                           Sam Morrison Southern Rock
featuring the Arizona Highwayman, the         Adam D. Tucker, Tim McGraw trib-
Tim McGraw Experience, and Sam              ute artist, presents a powerful show that   touching the hearts of all. Adam and the                   MARCH 12
Morrison.                                   thrills and captivates audiences every-     band showcase McGraws’ chart-top-              Sam Morrison Southern Rock
                                            where. Tucker re-creates the music and      ping songs with mega-hits from the              The Sam Morrison Band presents a
              MARCH 10                      mystique of country music icon Tim          90s, such as “Don’t Take The Girl,” “I       live performance to ensure all efforts
       Arizona Highwaymen                   McGraw. The timeless sound of Mc-           Like It I Love It” and “Everywhere” to       are made to make sure that each song
  The Arizona Highwaymen celebrate          Graw proves appealing to audiences of       his current hits of today. This show can     is performed how you remember it and
the music, chemistry, camaraderie, and      all ages – bringing back memories and       be designed to fit your entertainment        to carry on the tradition of Lynyrd
                                                                                        needs.                                       Skynyrd and Molly Hatchet.

                                                                                                April Dance to feature
                                                                                                     Faded Jeans
                                                                                            The Recreation Centers of Sun City         Faded Jeans is the energetic, five-piece
                                                                                          West is excited to present the April       electric party band for everybody!
                                                                                          Dance with the Faded Jeans Band at 7         The band’s song list spans classic
                                                                                          p.m. Friday, April 14, at Palm Ridge Rec   rock, rhythm-and-blues, pop, oldies,
                                                                                          Center. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.            country, ’70s Funk, rockabilly, and
                                                                                            Tickets are $18 per person and are on    blues, with each song performed true to
                                                                                          sale at the R.H. Johnson Box Office,       style. Faded Jeans has something for
                                                                                          19803 N. R.H. Johnson Blvd., or online     everyone, including classics like Van
                                                                                          at suncitywest.com. Tickets will be        Morrison’s “Brown Eyed Girl” to dance
                                                                                          available to rec card holders for six      favorites like the Commodores’ “Brick
                                                                                          weeks before opening to the public two     House” and crowd sing-alongs like
                                                                                          weeks priors to the show.                  Garth Brooks’ “Friends in Low Places.”
                                                                                            Soda and water will be available, but      The band is comprised of an incredible
                                                                                          those in attendance may bring their own    mix of musicians from across the coun-
                                                                                          food and drinks.                           try, all with professional experience.
Easter in the Park hops into Beardsley - Sun City West
March 2023                             www.suncitywest.com                   Recreation Centers of Sun City West                         623-544-6000                          Page 3

    Music on the Green offers up some cool tunes
   Join the Recreation Centers of
Sun City West on the R.H.
Johnson Great Lawn for many
free great acts Wednesday
nights on the Great Lawn at
R.H. Johnson Rec Center,
19803 N. R.H. Johnson Blvd.
   No tickets are required and
the shows begin at 6 p.m. Bring
lawn chairs, your own drinks
and snacks.
   The Rec Centers would also
like to thank Sun Canyon Bank
for being a sponsor of Music on
the Green.
   The upcoming schedule in-
cludes the following shows:
            MARCH 8
      Country Crossing                                          Country Crossing                                                            T.A. Burrows
   Country Crossing members
have more than 100 years of
performing experience com-
bined. The trio's singing and
playing style will have your
toes tapping and your ears smil-
ing. They play a large repertoire
of country, folk, bluegrass,
gospel, and contemporary
   Steve Kehler boasts a unique
folksy voice and is a natural on
the harmonica, guitar, and man-
dolin. Darlene Kehler is the
group's master of ceremonies
and plays bass. Alan Lister is
the newest member of the
group. He has been known to
sing some of his original songs,
adds harmony, and plays a su-
perb flat-picking guitar. This           ented, award-winning profes-        tles to Stevie Wonder and many        show...to remember!                  perience who look forward to
trio has played many churches,           sional entertainer who has per-     more. Between the songs, T.A.                     APRIL 5                  sharing their music with local
libraries, festivals, patio parties,     formed more than 3,000 shows.       keeps everyone entertained                  Senior Moments                 venues and fun-loving people.
and Sun City West clubs. They            He will perform “Remember           with recollections of each              Senior Moments is a Sun            Good times and funky grooves
look forward to seeing every-            when,” a tribute to the iconic      decade along with funny anec-         Cities based band that plays a       are our specialty.
one at the Great Lawn.                   music of the 50s, 60s, and 70s.     dotes. Featuring a classic mix of     variety of popular music includ-                APRIL 19
            MARCH 22                     Burrows uses his remarkable         pop, soul, and rock ‘n’ roll “Re-     ing Motown, R&B, Classic                     Salty Dawgs
       T.A. Burrows –                    vocal talents to perform 20 pop-    member When” is more than             Rock, and Country. All mem-            Enjoy the folk music tunes of
     “Remember When”                     ular hits by a variety of artists   just good entertainment, it's a       bers are professional musicians      the Salty Dawgs.
  T.A. Burrows is a multi-tal-           from Elvis Presley to The Bea-      rockin' revue that is truly a         with decades of performing ex-

             Surprise Pops to play favorites at Spring Show
   The Recreation Center of                                                                                                                             of life including retired music
Sun City West is pleased to                                                                                                                             educators and music profes-
welcome back the Surprise                                                                                                                               sionals. Other are music lovers
Pops for a spring show at 2                                                                                                                             who are enjoying playing again
p.m. Thursday, April 6, at the                                                                                                                          in retirement.
Palm Ridge Summit Hall,                                                                                                                                   Selections for the Spring
13800 W. Deer Valley Road.                                                                                                                              Show will be a potpourri of the
Doors open at 1:30 p.m.                                                                                                                                 musicians’ favorites.
   Tickets are free to residents                                                                                                                          The band continues the tradi-
only and are available at the                                                                                                                           tion of not charging for a con-
R.H. Johnson Box Office,                                                                                                                                cert. However, they do ask the
19803 N. R.H. Johnson Blvd.              gathered in a garage to play        today has nearly 100 members          changed names and became             audience to bring a nonperish-
Two tickets per rec card.                music. They were organized in       and plays free concerts to thou-      the Surprise Pops Band when it       able food donation to the con-
   The Surprise Pops Band had            1976-77 as the Sun City Polka       sands of West Valley audiences        became associated with the           cert for the Valley View
its origins as a small group of          Band by Clancy Wolf. Over the       every season.                         City of Surprise. Members of         Community Food Bank.
six to eight musicians who               years the band has grown, and         Over the years the band has         the band come from all walks
Easter in the Park hops into Beardsley - Sun City West
Page 4                             www.suncitywest.com                     Recreation Centers of Sun City West                             623-544-6000                    March 2023

                                                                 Governing Board
             Governing Board                                               Governing Board faces tough
                Directors                                                  budgetary decisions in ‘23-24
              All Directors: gb@suncitywest.com
                                                                             As the budgetary process progresses,                          hold; however, our local job market has
                                                                           Directors on the Governing Board of                             put significant pressure on our operat-
                                                                           the Recreation Centers of Sun City                              ing expenses. Statewide increase in the
                                                                           West reflect on Bylaw 4.18.3, which                             minimum wage over the last 10 years
                                                                           places a fiduciary responsibility on the                        is 78%. Increasing bottom rates also put
                                                                           Board to protect the assets of the Asso-                        upward pressure on the higher rates.
                                                                           ciation. This fiduciary responsibility                          The increase in businesses along SR
                                                                           commits the Board to put our members’                           303 have driven up the cost of hiring
         PRESIDENT                        VICE PRESIDENT                   best interests ahead of our own.              Tim Hurley and retaining workers. Even fast-food
         Tim Hurley                        Anne K. Brown                     Some of the circumstances that must           President       eateries have trouble recruiting work-
     August 2021­June 2025                 July 2020­June 2023
  tim.hurley@suncitywest.com           anne.brown@suncitywest.com
                                                                           be considered are:                                              ers. The general manager has had to
                                                                             •      Effects of inflation                                   make wage adjustments just to stay
                                                                             •      The local labor market/benefits              competitive. Increased labor cost is having a
                                                                             •      The rising utility crisis                    large effect on next year’s budget. Some depart-
                                                                             •      Supply chain issues                          ments are even harder hit. Skilled technology
                                                                             •      Interest rates and home sales                areas such as IT have an even harder time com-
                                                                                                                                 peting for trained technicians that we need to
                                                                                              INFLATION                          manage an ever-complex digital world.
                                                                              The effect of inflation has hit every household       RCSCW uses benefits to attract and retain
                                                                           and business in the United States. Daily neces-       workers.   Our cost for health insurance for our
                                                                           sities have increased dramatically in price.          full-times  workers will be increased by 34% this
       TREASURER                              SECRETARY                    While food increases have a minimal effect on         year.  This follows a 30% increase over the prior
       Dick Rhoades                           Jack Leary                   RCSCW, the increase in the other daily neces-         two  years.
       July 2022­June 2025                  July 2022­June 2025
                                                                           sities are real, but unseen. Your home may have
 dick.rhoades@suncitywest.com           jack.leary@suncitywest.com
     Chair: Budge & Finance                Chair: Chartered Clubs
                                                                           two bathrooms for which soap, paper products                     RISING UTILITY CRISIS
                                                                           and cleaning supplies have all increased. Factor         Regardless of the reasons, rising energy costs
                                                                           your household increases by the 275 toilets/uri- certainly have had a big impact on wallets. Elec-
                                                                           nals throughout our facilities. When you have tricity, gas and water are integral to keeping our
                                                                           sticker shock at the increases in paper goods, ap- facilities open and comfortable. Gasoline in-
                                                                           preciate that RCSCW faces the same increases creases may cut into a household’s expenses, but
                                                                           in a magnitude that is hard to appreciate.            multiply that effect by the dozens of cars, trucks,
                                                                              Inflation hits RCSCW, just like your house- maintenance vehicles and golf course equip-
                                                                           hold. The reality is that your dues do not pur- ment that keep RCSCW operating. Over the
                                                                           chase as much as they did last year, and there is next year APS, EPCOR and Southwest Gas all
    Roberta Davidson                        Sharon Hettick                 no rebound in sight.                                  will be asking for hefty rate increases. Increased
       July 2020­June 2023                  July 2020­June 2023                                                                  energy costs must be considered.
roberta.davidson@suncitywest.com      sharon.hettick@suncitywest.com                LOCAL LABOR MARKET
         Chair: Properties                                                   The cost of labor may not impact your house-                                      Continued on Page 5

                                                                                                                                                             MEETINGS &
                                                                                                                                                             The next Governing Board
                                                                                                                                                           Workshop will be at 9 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                          March 10 in the Lecture Hall.
                                                                                                                                                              The Governing Board
                                                                                                       Copyright © 2023
    Harry Stannebein                            Lisa Vines                                             All Rights Reserved                                 Regular Meeting will be at 9
        July 2021­June 2024                   July 2021­June 2024                                                                                         a.m. March 23 in the Lecture
harry.stannebein@suncitywest.com         lisa.vines@suncitywest.com                            General Information: 623­544­6120                          Hall. GM Operations meeting
              Chair: Golf               Chair: Sports Pavilion & Bowling                 General Manager ­ Bill Schwind, 623­544­6110;                     will be 1:30 p.m. March 6 in
                                                                                                 bill.schwind@suncitywest.com                              the Village Meeting Room.
                                                                              Editor ­ Katy O’Grady, 623­544­6027; katy.ogrady@suncitywest.com
                                                                              News Assistant ­ Michael Melissa; michael.melissa@suncitywest.com
                                                                                                                                                                  Meetings are
                                                                                               Member Services ­ 623­544­6100                                  available online at
                                                                                             Membership as of Feb. 1, 2022: 28,706                           suncitywest.com and
                                                                                 (includes Owners, Associates, Landlords, Investors and Tenants)          youtube.com/suncitywestaz.
                                                                                             Recreation Centers of Sun City West                              The schedule is subject to
                                                                                       19803 R.H. Johnson Blvd., Sun City West, AZ 85375                  change. Call 623­544­6115 for
                                                                                                    email@suncitywest.com                                    meeting dates and other
         Kay Williams                       Karen Roepken                                              suncitywest.com
      August 2022­June 2023                     Governing Board                                                                                                   information. Visit
                                               Executive Assistant              Sun City West is a senior community for individuals 55 and older.          suncitywest.com and sign up
                                       karen.roepken@suncitywest.com                                                                                       for the eNews to receive the
                                                                                             Printed by Independent Newspapers.
                                                                                            Advertising information: 623­972­6101.
                                                                                                                                                                 latest information.
Easter in the Park hops into Beardsley - Sun City West
March 2023                        www.suncitywest.com                   Recreation Centers of Sun City West                            623-544-6000                              Page 5

     ‘Talent’ springs up with cool tunes                                                                                    Tour rec centers
  Come out to the Kuentz Court-        Friends Brenda and Daryl
yard at 11 a.m. on Wednesdays in
March and enjoy the entertain-
                                         March 22 - Neil White and
                                       Friends Vicki and Bruce
                                                                                                                             to learn what
ment.                                    March 29 - Cheryl Wagner and
  The March lineup will feature:
  March 1 - Curt Connolly
                                       Friends Marcine and Byron
                                         For questions, contact Dori
                                                                                                                               they offer
  March 8 - Allan Walper               Miller at 623-544-6031.
  March 15 - Jerry Keizer and                                                                                                Join the Recreation Centers
                                                                                                                           of Sun City West for tours of

Hurley: Economic issues are affecting us all                                                                               our Rec Centers in March.
                                                                                                                             Learn where the clubs are lo-
                                                             gage loans. The home buyer, in turn, sees an increase         cated plus see the pools and ex-
                                         From Page 4                                                                       ercise rooms. All tours start at
                                                             in the rate at which they are borrowing. Higher rates
                                                             mean slower home sales. Within our community we               9 a.m.
                                                                                                                             March 6, 20 – Beardsley,
              SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES                            have seen a reduction in the number of homes closed
                                                                                                                           meet in front of the Arts/Crafts
   Supply chain issues are a world-wide concern. De-         each month. Every time a home closes RCSCW col-
                                                             lects an Asset Preservation Fee (APF). APFs are the           Building off of 128th Avenue.
 lays in getting crucial parts or equipment when needed                                                                    Tour lasts approximately one      Tim Peterson
 have severe impacts on the operation and expenses of        main source of the Association’s capital funding. Cap-
                                                             ital funds pays for the Repair and Replacement budget         hour.
 the Association. All of these four issues are related and                                                                   March 7, 21 - Palm Ridge, meet in front of the
 inner connected. Suppliers are being hit by inflation       each year, as well as new capital projects.
                                                                                                                           Pool Building. Tour lasts approximately one hour.
 and cannot find enough employees to get orders out                                                                          March 8, 22 – Kuentz, meet in front of the Stardust
 on time. These back ups increase transactional costs          Governing Board Directors are very aware that dues
                                                             increases affect the pocketbooks of our members. In-          Theatre. Tour lasts approximately one hour.
 that are passed down to the Association.                                                                                    March 9, 23 – R.H. Johnson, meet in front of the
                                                             creases in dues and fees are never welcomed openly.
                                                             We just ask for your understanding as we tackle these         Social Hall. Tour lasts approximately two hours.
      INTEREST RATES AND HOME SALES                                                                                          March 14 - Tour Library, Metal Shop, and Agri-
   The way that the Federal Reserve tries to slow in-        hard issues. We must act in the best interests of all
                                                             members to protect the facilities and assets of the As-       culture Club. Tour lasts approximately 90 minutes.
 flation is by raising interest rates. This increases the                                                                    For information, call Tim Peterson at 623-544-
 cost of money the banks need to provide home mort-          sociation in the current economic environment.

                                                                         March 2022
      Sunday                    Monday                  Tuesday                  Wednesday                    Thursday                    Friday                      Saturday

                                                                             1        Talent Spotlight: 2                        3           Rec Center News 4
                                                                                         Curt Connolly                                              Deadline
                                                                              11 am, Kuentz Courtyard

 5                        6        GM Ops Meeting 7        Budget & Finance 8       Talent Spotlight: 9       Properties Committee 10 GB Workshop Meeting 11                 Spring Vibes:
                                           1:30 pm       Committee Meeting              Allan Walper                 Meeting, 9 am        9 am, Lecture Hall                  Tim Mcgraw
                                GB Conference Room                     9 am 11 am, Kuentz Courtyard                                              Spring Vibes:                 Experience
                                                            Chartered Clubs     Music on the Green:                                      Arizona Highwaymen           7 pm, Beardsley Park
                                                         Committee Meeting         Country Crossing                                       7 pm, Beardsley Park
                                                                   1:30 pm     6 pm, RHJ Great Lawn

12           Spring Vibes: 13     Torch Committee 14                         15       Talent Spotlight: 16        Golf Committee 17           St Patrick’s Day 18
            Sam Morrison         Meeting, 10:30 am                                       Jerry Keizer &          Meeting, 1:30 pm
            Southern Rock         West Valley Wind                           Friends Brenda and Daryl                                   St. Patty’s Day Dance
      7 pm, Beardsley Park         Ensemble, 6 pm                             11 am, Kuentz Courtyard                                   7 pm, Beardsley Park
                                        Palm Ridge                                     Sports Pavilion/
                                                                                   Bowling Committee
                                                                                     Meeting, 1:30 pm

 19                      20                        21      Budget & Fincance 22      Talent Spotlight: 23      GB Regular Meeting 24                             25
                                                         Committee Meeting,              Neil White &            9 am, Lecture Hall
                                                                        9 am  Friends Vicki and Bruce
                                                                             11 am, Kuentz Courtyard
                                                                                 Music on the Green:
                                                                                         T.A. Burrows
                                                                                6 pm, RHJ Great Lawn

 26                       27                       28                        29        Talent Spotlight: 30                      31
                                                                                      Cheryl Wagner &
                                                                              Friends Marcine & Byron
                                                                               11 am, Kuentz Courtyard

                                                              To confirm Governing Board activities, call 623­544­6115.
Easter in the Park hops into Beardsley - Sun City West
Page 6                                 www.suncitywest.com                        Recreation Centers of Sun City West                             623-544-6000                     March 2023

                                                      December 2022 Financials
                                            December         December              YTD              YTD            YTD
                                             Actual           Budget              Actual           Budget          PY
Membership                                     1,263,582      1,272,422            7,456,772         7,499,056     7,522,501
Recreation                                       16,051           6,374               59,529           33,170            50,528
Golf Fees                                       954,127         911,952            3,421,458         3,313,850     3,230,936
Bowling                                          75,510          64,410              367,904          325,670        340,254
Special Events                                    3,350          (2,520)              67,351           55,550            39,769
Ancillary Revenue                                99,841          91,147              432,384          387,627        440,470
Merchandise Sales                                12,171          12,311               42,413           44,908            60,610
Food and Beverage                                43,613          41,416              188,278          182,294        169,611
Interest Income ­ Operating                            0                0              2,226                 0            1,824
Other Income                                        231                 0                  814               0            1,540
TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE                        2,468,476      2,397,512          12,039,129       11,842,125      11,858,043
Wages And Benefits                             1,352,464      1,345,599            7,953,519         8,005,848     7,288,828
Utilities                                       192,857         167,779            1,327,380         1,336,789     1,238,458
Repair and Maintenance                           88,209          86,870              886,204          947,978        784,717
Landscape Maintenance                           195,815          41,180            1,582,928         1,513,780     1,435,989
Supplies and Services                            49,123          38,375              375,314          281,770        285,419
Equipment                                        31,687          20,522              147,031           85,561            50,127
Taxes and Insurance                              77,517          64,870              383,388          365,540        360,331
Interest & Financial Expense                     60,335          47,548              254,726          226,188        210,204
Operating Expenses                               68,776          58,857              328,158          306,084        239,715
Legal and Professional                            6,448          19,015               65,886          145,290        116,828
Employee Related Expenses                        18,683          18,569               90,487           88,923            66,267    William Henry Beardsley and his son, Robert, pose for a photo
                                                                                                                                   in the 1920s.
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE                        2,141,914      1,909,184          13,395,021       13,303,751      12,076,883
OPERATING CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW)                 326,562         488,328          (1,355,892)      (1,461,626)       (218,840)

                                                                                                                                   A Walk
Investment Income­Reserves                      124,844          37,569              298,617          225,409      1,540,798
Unrealized Gain (Loss) Investments             (406,223)                0          (832,470)                 0    (1,476,837)
Club Funded Capital                                    0                0             14,622                 0                0
Asset Preservation Fee                          315,000         399,000            2,022,200         2,272,200     2,625,750
Gain / (Loss) on Asset Disposal                        0                0             46,691          (28,959)       (93,834)
Depreciation Expense                           (394,805)       (372,466)         (2,257,031)      (2,145,929)     (2,087,263)
TOTAL CAPITAL RELATED                          (361,184)         64,103            (707,371)          322,721        508,614
REVENUES OVER / (UNDER) EXPENSES                (34,622)        552,431          (2,063,263)      (1,138,905)        289,774
Capital Project Expenditures                    395,492       1,123,000            3,623,976         5,053,000     2,387,081
                             Financials are preliminary until accepted by the Governing Board.                                        WILLIAM HENRY               is now Sun City West.
                           Complete financial statements are posted monthly on suncitywest.com                                         BEARDSLEY                  Beardsley Station began in
                                                                                                                                                                  1880, around the railroad
                               Fiscal Year 22­23 Capital Projects $100K or Higher ­ as of 12/31/22                                   To many Sun City West        station, and was bulldozed
     Project/Equipment                                                                      Budget               Total             residents,      the    word    in the 1940s.
General/Administration                                                                                                             “Beardsley” implies                 To all those who care
                                                                                                                                   one of the four                      about water in the
                                                                                                                                   recreation centers                     arid Arizona desert,
                                                                                                                                   in the commu-                            the name Beards-
Recreation / Sports Pavilion                                                                                                       nity, or the asso-                        ley refers to a
     RHJ Parking Lot #2 ­ Mill & Resurface                                                        915,000                989,931   c i a t e d                                canal system on
     RHJ Interior Lighting ­ Convert to LED                                                       370,000                238,214   Beardsley Park.                            the Agua Fria
     RHJ Arts & Crafts Flat Roof Restore                                                          156,000                141,008   To others, it is                           River. Instru-
     RHJ Mini Golf Lighting Project                                                               120,000                      0   the name of a                             mental in devel-
                                                                                                                                   street that pro-                          oping the canal
Golf                                                                                                                               vides one of the                        system was a man
       Grandview Irrigation Replacement                                                          6,601,190                44,101   entrances into the                     who spent much of
       Golf Maintenance Equipment                                                                1,021,538               418,512   community and runs                   his life working to
                                                                                                                                   farther east in the Valley.      bring water to Arizonans.
       Grandview Irrigation & Turf Reduction                                                      551,604                142,468
                                                                                                                                     To those who know the          William Henry Beards-
       Golf Maintenance Equipment ­ Carryover                                                     331,417                250,366                                  ley was born Nov. 13,
                                                                                                                                   history of the Sun City
       Golf Maintenance Vehicles                                                                  234,193                109,469                                  1850, in Hamilton, Ohio.
                                                                                                                                   West area, Beardsley was
       Grand View Shoreline Project #14                                                           177,000                      0                                  He was the son of Henry
                                                                                                                                   the name of a town, called
       Rental Cart Fleet                                                                          123,064                115,641                                  Beardsley and Laura O’-
                                                                                                                                   Beardsley Station, located
       Rental Cart Fleet ­ Carry Over                                                             101,846                115,641                                  Connor.        He attended
                                                                                                                                   north of Grand Avenue and
       Deer Valley Pro Shop Parking Lot ­ Mill & Resurface                                        114,000                135,405                                  schools in Hamilton and
                                                                                                                                   Meeker Boulevard in what

   **Includes Carryover Budget and/or savings allocated by GM
                                                                                                                                                                     Continued on Page 12
Easter in the Park hops into Beardsley - Sun City West
March 2023                         www.suncitywest.com                       Recreation Centers of Sun City West                         623-544-6000                           Page 7

                                                                    Phone Numbers
MAIN TELEPHONE NUMBER:                   544­6147                               12755 Beardsley Road at              Women’s Social: 546­4236             Crooked Putter: 544­6090
  623­544­6000                           Men’s Club: 544­6150                   Stardust Boulevard                   Woodworking: 546­4722                PEBBLEBROOK:544­6010
  (All numbers have 623 area             Metal Club: 584­0150                   Pool/Fitness/Mini Golf:                                                   STARDUST: 544­6012
code unless otherwise noted)             Model Railroad: 544­6148               544­6525                           PALM RIDGE REC CENTER:                 TRAIL RIDGE: 544­6015
                                         Rip ‘N’ Sew: 546­4050                  Bridge Club: 544­6529                544­6581                             Course Conditions: 544­6175
RH JOHNSON REC CENTER:                   Silvercraft: 584­8153                  Clay Club: 544­6530                  13800 W. Deer Valley Drive           Golf Operations: 544­6037
  544­6000                                                                      Copper Cookers: 544­6532             Swimming Pool/Fitness:
  19803 R.H. Johnson Blvd.               RH JOHNSON LIBRARY:                    Horseshoe: 215­5807                  544­6581                           ADMINISTRATION
  Fitness Center: 544­6107               544­6130                               Photography: 544­6520                Computers West: 214­1546             General Manager: 544­6110
  Swimming Pool: 544­6106                Data Resource Center:                  Porcelain Painters: 544­6521         Stained Glass: 544­6586              Human Resources: 544­6123
  Tennis Reservations: 544­6151          544­6644                                                                                                         Member Services: 544­6100
  Mini Golf, Table Tennis,                                                   KUENTZ REC CENTER:                    GOLF OPERATIONS:                       Rec Center News: 544­6519
Racquetball, Bocce: 544­6108             SPORTS PAVILION (Bowling):            544­6561                             Tee Time Reservations:                Recreation Manager: 544­6114
  Auto Restoration: 518­3226             544­6140                              14401 R.H. Johnson Blvd.             scw.totalegolf.com                    Scheduling: 544­6032
  Broadcast: 602­538­1031                Lizard Acres: 544­6097                Swimming Pool/Fitness:               DEER VALLEY: 544­6016                 Tours: 544­6030
  Ceramics: 546­0975                     Memo’s Bistro: 544­6116               544­6561                             DESERT TRAILS: 544­6017               Box Office: 544­6093
  Lapidary: 584­8952                                                           Softball: 544­6157, 544­6158         ECHO MESA: 544­6014
  Lawn Bowls: 584­0617 or             BEARDSLEY REC CENTER: 544­6525           Weavers: 544­6515                    GRANDVIEW: 544­6013

                                                                       Club Contacts                                           For more information visit scwclubs.com
                                                                                                                                   to access each club’s website

  ARTS & CRAFTS                 Jeanne Phillips, 623­523­        Gamesters, Larry Bosma:         Don Lothrop: 623­414­
   • Art ­ Sun West, Susan      9675                             701­729­1572                    2940                            SPORTS ­ GOLF                       SPORTS
Light: 248­804­5021                • Scrapbooking, Paper­                                          • Rockhounds West,            • Deer Valley Men, Ray        • Bocce, Carol Card: 207­
   • Artistic Hand Lettering,   crafts & More, Lynne Mar­                 DANCE                  Joseph Toce: 608­797­1151     Passarella: 920­579­0651      951­3831
Cards & Mixed Media (for­       ion: 440­666­6386                  • Country Western,                                            • Deer Valley Women,          • Bowlers Association,
merly Calligraphy West),           • Silvercraft, Kathy Estes:   Maureen Riter: 719­235­              MUSIC &                  Teresa Pirkl: 608­220­7404    Jim Maley: 708­254­0236
Dale Hornyan­Toftoy: 630­       208­447­8520                     2420                              PERFORMANCE                   • Desert Trails Men,          • Cyclists, Kerrie John­
417­9913                           • Stained Glass Crafters,       • Line Dancers, Michelle         • DanceSensations, Jan     Gordon Kinkead: 623­584­      son: 480­427­7754
   • Basketeers, Cynthia        Peggy Harding: 209­620­          Sadler: 585­734­5891            Capperauld: 623­236­          1264                            • Horseshoe Club, Arlin
Trainer: 253­640­3288           8140                               • Rock ‘n’ Roll Dance,        8526. Includes: Barre/Bal­      • Desert Trails Women,      Bates: 605­939­5757
   • Beaders, Allie Raven:         • Weavers West Guild,         Debbie Gould: 602­376­          let, Hula, Jazz, Musical      Jane Heydt, 701­391­8526        • Johnson Lawn Bowls,
651­269­5739                    Pat Conway, 214­282­             0175                            Theatre, Tap, Clogging,         • Echo Mesa Men, Curtis     Chris Bangsund: 360­842­
   • Ceramics West, Debra       4519; Pat O’Neill: 847­800­                                      Jazzy Poms, Tai Chi and Pi­   Cooper: 253­397­7702          9536
Morris: 425­268­0463            8973                             HEALTH & FITNESS                lates                           • Echo Mesa Women,            • Mini Golf, Harry
   • Clay Club, Lynn Kellas:       • Woodworking, Mer­              • Aquacizers, Debra             • Karaoke, Byron Broth­    Janis Nesper: 920­323­        Abramowski: 623­374­
971­808­9294                    rikay Vidal: 602­526­1234        Etheridge: 828­773­9186         ers: 719­291­0379             3117                          2993
   • Copper Enameling and                                           • Arthritis Club, Mary Jo       • Music Club of Sun City     • Golf Council SCW, Jim       • Mis­Cues, Beverly Ran­
Glass Arts, Patti Burelson:      CARDS & GAMES                   Monten: 623­975­6671            West, Neil White: 623­466­    Anderson: 425­750­9258        dall: 623­444­9749
818­605­5565                      • SCW Contract Bridge ­           • Energetic Exercise, Glo­   9229                            • Grandview Men, John         • Pickleball, Coleen
   • Creative Silk Flowers,     Dianne Wuethrich: 715­           ria Schroeder: 623­986­            • Stardust Theatre Coun­   Lundien: 503­947­4344         Schaefer: 503­348­7650
Beverly Owens: 623­546­         556­2653; Sharon Holmes:         9392                            cil, Aletha Dellamo: 623­       • Grandview Women,            • Racquetball/Whisper­
6779                            360­441­1909                        • Fitness Club, Marilynn     363­6612                      Tina Walker: 602­620­2127     ball, Greg Steger: 563­271­
   • Creative Stitchers,          • Bunco, Annie Heerup:         Shaw: 541­980­4444                 • Theatre West, Steve        • Lady Putters SCW,         3053
Debra Senelly: 623­533­         602­628­9255                        • Water Fitness, Sandra      Johnson: 402­432­1586         Tracy Anderson: 503­559­        • Shuffleboard, Becca
8055                              • Card Players of Sun          Forsey: 623­261­7889               • Westernaires Chorus,     0361                          Stefaniak: 623­363­2425;
   • Decorative Art, Rhonda     City West, Darrell Stachler         • Yoga, Teri Huff: 360­      Ken Kunze: 402­366­7377         • Men’s Niners, Tim         or Paul Weschitz, 480­330­
Potts, 317­435­9456             513­433­8230. Includes:          901­7969                                                      Flynn: 480­334­2237           4369
   • Encore Needle & Craft,     Bid Euchre: Darrell Stachler                                             SOCIAL                  • Men’s Putters, Carl         • Softball, Nicholas Mis­
Sue Williams: 623­337­          513­433­8230; Euchre,                   HOBBIES                    • Boomers, Pam Kiest:       Kempf: 574­360­1526           sos: 574­551­4969
4558                            Diana Ringsmuth: 602­               • Agriculture, Jim Gricol:   815­228­8585                    • Pebblebrook Men, Jay        • Sportsman’s, Audrey
   • Johnson Lapidary,          908­3425; Five Hundred,          623­584­1465                      • Canine Companions,        Nimens: 218­289­2695          Graff: 623­238­3499; in­
Mark Briggs: 719­351­8364       Dan & Karen Luska: 815­             • Automotive Restora­        Peggy Hunter: 623­734­          • Pebblebrook Women,        cludes Master Swimmers,
   • Leather Carvers, Kyle      919­4742; Pan, Sheryl            tion, Tom Jones: 503­887­       2209                          Shay Eikner: 970­420­1177     Diane Heisner: 248­703­
Betz: 480­341­2057              Cohen: 562­713­2367;             3430                              • Friends of the Library,     • Pebblebrook Lady Nin­     8242
   • Mac­Cro­Knit, Janet        Sheepshead, Rodney                  • Broadcast, John Chris­     Larry Woods: 623­556­         ers, Sue Bromley: 225­326­      • Tennis Club, Bruce
Lennon: 623­687­7397            Schwarzhuber: 262­352­           tianson: 847­533­6958           8949                          3628                          Dougan: 763­370­9795; in­
   • Metal Club, Dave Price:    3810; Scott Hennecke:               • Computers West,              • LGBT Club, Patty Book:      • Stardust Men’s, Bill      cludes: Platform Tennis,
623­308­9344                    623­243­9512                     Norm Falcone: 360­250­          970­556­3745                  Messersmith: 818­219­         Butch Lynd: 618­581­0729;
   • Palo Verde Patchers,         • Club 52 Card Club,           2382                              • Singles Club, Carol       8202                          Table Tennis, Lanny
Kathleen McCulloch: 248­        Dana Sledd: 253­670­5850            • Desert Garden Club,        Sarna: 602­422­0361             • Stardust Ladies, Re­      Leathers: 623­584­6231;
390­0990                          • Cribbage, Arlin Bates:       David Wiegand: 715­370­           • Spanish, Mimi             bekah Minton: 360­789­          Chartered Clubs leader‐
   • Photography West,          605­939­5757                     4789                            Williams: 651­353­5289        8628; Gail Selander:          ship is subject to change.
Ella Schreiber: 623­546­          • Mah Jongg, Barb                 • Investment Club, Jamie       • Sunshine Animal Club,     425­375­3552                  The list will be updated as
4816                            McCart: 623­330­5708             Gunyuz: 623­293­0238; in­       Robert Stebbins: 623­544­       • Trail Ridge Men,          necessary. Call 544‐6031.
   • Porcelain Painters,          • Men’s Club, Jack Huff:       cludes Coin & Stamp, Don­       2356                          Richard Coon: 623­223­
Shannon Jefferson: 623­         360­609­7899                     ald King Sr.: 623­249­5460        • Women’s Social Club,      6179
237­1813                          • Pinochle, Louis Bonar:          • Model Railroad, Bob        Julie Koehn: 480­235­2400       • Trail Ridge Women,
   • Rip ’n’ Sew, Debbie        847­404­9835                     Rose: 623­826­3448                • Zymurgy, Jacquelyn        Terri Stauffer­Schmidt:
Dorn: 425­452­1140;               • Saturday Night                  • Recreational Vehicle,      Ryg: 815­218­1002             217­685­5763
Easter in the Park hops into Beardsley - Sun City West
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             Closure schedule set
          for Grandview Golf Course                                                                                       Theatre
  The Recreation Centers of            The back nine will be closed      tice areas will close Monday,                        Welcome to the 2023 season of
Sun City West would like to in-      Monday, April 3. The front          May 29. The Crooked Putter                   entertainment at Stardust Theatre, the premier
form the community of the up-        nine will be open for play until    and GolfLab will stay open for                    community theatre in Sun City West.
coming Grandview Golf                Monday, May 29, as will the         business.
Course closure for this sum-         driving range, putting green          Grandview Golf Course                                   EVERY FRIDAY, 10 A.M.
mer.                                 and practice chipping areas.        along with all the practice fa-                  Photography West Weekly Meeting
  Grandview Golf Course will         The Pro shop, Crooked Putter        cilities are scheduled to reopen        Following a short business meeting there will be a program
have a modified schedule prior       and GolfLab will be open to         after overseeding on Tuesday,         of phenomenal photographs taken by members during their
to closing, as part of the up-       the public.                         Oct. 24.                              travels. Some of this month’s programs will feature “The
coming irrigation project.             The entire course and prac-                                             Magnificent Saguaro,” “Portugal,” “Ireland,” “Utah National
                                                                                                               Parks.” Members and their guests are welcome.

   Enjoy the            Blood drive returns                                                                                           MARCH 8, 2 P.M.
                                                                                                                        Music Club of SCW Monthly Meeting
  Taquiza at    to Beardsley Rec Center                                                                          The folk songs you grew up with will be featured at The
                                                                                                               Music Club concert. The trio Olde Folk is a 50s/60s folk vocal
Cinco de Mayo giftGive the life-saving
                   of blood as the Red
                                                                                                               group, doing traditional folk and spirituals from artists like
                                                                                                               Joni Mitchell, Pete Seeger, Peter, Paul and Mary, plus others
                                                                                                               from that era. The concert follows a brief meeting at 2 p.m.
    Fiesta    Cross will offer a
              blood drive from 8 am.
                                                                                                               Music Club members and their invited guests are welcome.
                From Page 1          to 1:30 p.m., Monday,
                                                                                                                                        MARCH 14­26
                                     May 15, in the Agave
                                     Room at Beardsley                                                                     “The Best of Stage and Screen”
   Enjoy live music by Mari-         Rec Center.                                                                             Presented by Theatre West
achi Perlas de Jalisco. They are       For those who can’t                                                        Under the direction of Ellen Strier and Tia Wooley, this de-
ready to make this fiesta unfor-     make this event but still want to donate, the Red Cross will be           lightful extravaganza will include songs from “Les Miser-
gettable.                            back in Sun City West two more times this year: Aug. 28 and               ables,” “Man of La Mancha,” “Damn Yankees” and many
                                     Nov. 20. Keep an eye out for more information as those dates get          others. Tickets are still available and you will not want to miss
   There will be a “Taquiza” -
                                     closer in the Rec Centers’ Enews, social media channels and the           this delightful performance.
taco party or taco bar in Eng-
lish – and will include three        Rec Center News.
                                       The Rec Centers is providing this notice as a community serv-                               MARCH 21, 1:30 P.M.
types of meats:                                                                                                              Theatre West monthly meeting
   Al Pastor – Pork Marinated        ice. For information about the blood drives, contact Rita Ander-
                                                                                                                 Theatre West meets on the third Tuesday of each month.
in Chili Sauce                       son at 480-243-3835 or via email at rita.anderson@redcross.org.
                                                                                                               Members and their guests as well as prospective new members
   Pollo - Chicken                                                                                             are always welcome. Entertainment after the short business
   Asada – Roast Beef
   Birria – Marinated Beef                   Celebrate St. Patty’s Day                                         meeting will be directed by Robert Bubon.
   Traditional Mexican drinks                                                                                          Tickets on sale for “Musical Memories”
will be provided. Six choices
of drinks:
                                                with HiFi All Stars                                                     Presented by the Westernaires Chorus
                                                                                                                 Tickets are now available for the April 14-17 concerts di-
   Jamaica – Hibiscus Water                          From Page 1         Patty’s Day celebration in the        rected by Janet Hochstatter. The show will feature many pop-
   Horchata – White rice, cin-                                           park with HiFi. Bring your own        ular and memorable songs, like “As Time Goes By,” “There
namon, water, granulated                                                 lawn chair. Food trucks will be       is Nothing Like a Dame,” “All That Jazz,” “Music of the
sugar, vanilla and milk!             and are on sale at the R.H. John-   present.                              Night,” and “New York, New York.”
   Piña - Pineapple                  son Box Office, 19803 N. R.H.         HiFi Allstars is a “Hi” energy
   Limón - Lemon                     Johnson Blvd. or online at          band covering multiple genres,                       EVERY THURSDAY, 6:30 P.M.
   Sandia – Watermelon               suncitywest.com. Tickets will       including rock, pop, funk, coun-        Doors open for the movies at 5:30 P.M. No tickets are
   There’s your Spanish lesson       be available to rec card holders    try and rap. They will bring the      necessary, but a $3 donation per person is requested. Your
for the day! Don’t forget to         for two more weeks before           keys, the electric guitar, the        donation supports the phenomenal R.H. Johnson Library.
bring your best mariachi som-        opening to the public prior to      drums, a violin and their phe-        This month features “Quigley Down Under,” “Father Stu,”
brero and pool gear! Viva            the show.                           nomenal vocal cords. Come and         “30 Seconds Over Tokyo.”
Mexico!                                Join the Rec Centers for a St.    dance the night away!
                                                                                                                           Tickets to paying events may be purchased at
                                                                                                                   Suncitywest.com, Important Links on the right side, then
         West Valley Wind slates free concert                                                                  ‘Buy Event Tickets,’ or in person at the R.H. Johnson Box Of-
                                                                                                                fice at the main office, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily. Stardust Theatre
                From Page 1          vehicle for musicians to assem-     Clark Chaffee and narration by            Box Office is only open one hour before each show time.
                                     ble and play music in the com-      Ellie Chaffee, the ensemble               Hearing Assist Devices are available at all performances.
                                     munity and surrounding areas.       members share a common                              For ticket inquiries call 623-544-6093.
View Food Bank is encour-            The band includes a group of        bond; the desire to perform and                 Stardust Box Office hours: open one hour before
aged. Tickets are necessary to       approximately 50 volunteer          share great music for listeners                                     show time.
attend and will be made avail-       musicians who play brass,           of all ages.
able on Jan. 31 at the R.H.          wind and percussion instru-           West Valley Wind Ensemble
Johnson Box Office, 19803 N.         ments. West Valley Wind En-         has established a strong rela-
R.H. Johnson Blvd.                   semble had a musical focus          tionship and commitment to                                  Stay current with your
   West Valley Wind Ensemble         carrying on the tradition of the    Valley View Food Bank. While                                community. Be sure to
is no stranger to Sun City West,     great American concert band         the concert is free, food dona-                             “Like us” on Facebook.
having been founded more             vibe.                               tions are encouraged to support                          facebook.com/suncitywest.
than 30 years ago to provide a         Under the direction of Mr.        the food bank.
Easter in the Park hops into Beardsley - Sun City West
March 2023                         www.suncitywest.com               Recreation Centers of Sun City West                        623-544-6000                           Page 9

                                                                                                                  Library extends
                                                                                                                 checkout periods
                                                                                                             The R.H. Johnson Library          time. Regular books can have
                                                                                                           has heard residents asking for      20 out at a time.
                                                                                                           more time with items checked          Books on CD time limit will
                                                                                                           out, so we are making a few         move from two weeks to four
                                                                                                           changes on checkout times.          weeks and can be renewed
                                                                                                           Starting Wednesday, Feb. 1,         twice if no holds are placed.
                                                                                                           new books will keep their two-      New Books on CDs will still
                                                                                                           week checkout period but all        have the two-week checkout

    Rhythm of the Night series
                                                                                                           older books will move to a          period. You can have up to six
                                                                                                           three-week checkout period.         Books on CD checked out at
                                                                                                           Books can be renewed twice if       one time.
                                                                                                           no holds have been placed on          Puzzles and games will be

        closes out season
                                                                                                           the book. To renew, go online       extended to three-week check-
                                                                                                           to catalog.scwlibrary.com and       out period and up to five puz-
                                                                                                           sign into your account or call      zles and five games may be
  The Recreation Centers of                                          ’60s are nostalgic to us,” said       the library to have staff renew     checked out. They can be re-
the Sun City West’s Rhythm of
the Night series will finish the
                                       Rhythm of                     the Zmeds. “Our parents raised
                                                                     us on it, and we feel that the
                                                                                                           your item. New books are lim-
                                                                                                           ited to four copies out at one
                                                                                                                                               newed twice if no holds have
                                                                                                                                               been placed on the items.
2023 season with two shows
featuring The Everly Brother           the Night                     Everly’s contribution is greatly
                                                                     overlooked, especially by
Experience on Thursday,
March 2. Tickets are $30 per           For the last two years the
                                                                     younger generations. Our aim
                                                                     is to honor the aesthetics of
                                                                                                                   Are you renting
person.                              Zmed Brothers have celebrated   their iconic sound and the im-
  Show times are 3 and 7 p.m.
at Palm Ridge Rec Center,
                                     the pivotal music and history
                                     of The Everly Brothers legacy
                                                                     portant role they played pio-
                                                                     neering the rock n’ roll                      your property?
13800 W. Deer Valley Road.           with enthusiastic crowds all    movement, all while having a
  For information, call the Box      across the US and overseas.     little fun telling our own per-         Should you decide to rent         Owner, must be submitted to
Office at 623-544-6093.              “The music of the ’50s and      sonal story.”                         your property and the tenants       Member Services.
                                                                                                           wish to request an activity           5. One Tenant residing on the
                                                                                                           card, here are some require-        property must be at least 55
                                                                                                           ments you need to be aware of.      years of age.
                                                                                                             1. All Owners/Associate             6. No one under 19 shall re-
                                                                                                           members must be in good             side in the residence.
                                                                                                           standing.                             7. Tenant activity cards are
                                                                                                             2. All Owner/Associate            non-refundable, non-transfer-
                                                                                                           member cards will be sus-           able.
                                                                                                           pended while there are tenants        8. Tenants without a tenant
                                                                                                           on the property with activity       activity card residing more
                                                                                                           cards.                              than 30 days are not considered
                                                                                                             3. There must be one Owner        a guest and must purchase a
                                                                                                           Member, Associate Member,           Tenant activity card to use the
                                                                                                           or Landlord fee paid for each       facilities.
                                                                                                           tenant on the lease, who will be      Owners are responsible to
                                                                                                           purchasing an activity card.        ensure than any company/per-
                                                                                                           Landlord fees are payable in        son managing their rental prop-
                                                                                                           advance, non transferable and       erty is adhering to all policies.
                                                                                                           non-refundable and stays on         If you have questions, please
                                                                                                           the property for one year.          call Member Services at 623-
                                                                                                             One Owner - One Tenant ac-        544-6100 between 8 a.m. and
                                                                                                           tivity card issued unless a sec-    3 p.m. Monday through Friday.
                                                                                                           ond Owner card (called                A Request for Tenant Activ-
                                                                                                           Landlord Card) is purchased.        ity Card form is available to
                                                                                                           This creates two Owner dues         download from our website,
                                                                                                           paid, and two Tenant activity       www.suncitywest.com (Mem-
                                                                                                           cards can be purchased.             ber Services - Membership
                                                                                                             4. An Owner-signed lease, or      Forms -Tenant Activity Card
                                                                                                           a Request for Tenant Activity       Request).
                                                                                                           Card form signed by the

                                                                     Get Connected!
suncitywest.com                               scwclubs.com                            scwlibrary.com                                Other Social Media:
l   official Association website         l clubs website with links to all 90+          l   links to online catalog and digital      l   Youtube.com/suncitywestaz
l   primarily static info: commonly    chartered clubs                                library                                      l   facebook.com/suncitywest
used links; hours of operation; ameni­ l maintained by clubs with help                l iPad, Kindle & Nook instructions           l   twitter.com/rcscw
ties; children’s hours; etc.           from a Tech Advisory Group                     l Friends of the Library movie               l   instagram.com/suncitywest_az
Easter in the Park hops into Beardsley - Sun City West
Page 10                           www.suncitywest.com                   Recreation Centers of Sun City West                           623-544-6000                          March 2023

                                                                     States Clubs
                                                                                                                   Submit All States Club news by the first day of each month (for the next
                                                                                                                   month’s Rec Center News) to: michael.melissa@suncitywest.com All
                                                                                                               submissions for April are due by March 1. If you do not have a computer,
                                                                                                               please drop off your submission in the Membership Office. If you have ques-
                                                                                                                 tions regarding club submissions, call Michael Melissa at 623-544-6519.

                                                                                                              will be held at the Beardsley            are available on our website
                                                                                                              Rec Center on Saturday,                  and guests are welcome.
                                                                                                              March 4. There are lots of                 Former       Washingtonians
                                                                                                              games planned, with prizes, as           may join the club to receive
                                                                                                              well as pizza. Contact Karen             details and future event infor-
                                                                                                              to register, 701-460-0495.               mation. For questions regard-
                                                                                                              The attendee limit is 100 due            ing events, contact club
                                                                                                              to room size, so register soon.          president Daryl McCallum by
                                                                                                                Our North Dakota Club pic-             email dboomac@gmail.com
                                                                                                              nic is set for Saturday, March           or by text to 303-250-0102.
                                                                                                              25, at Beardsley Park. Famous            Membership and event regis-
                                                                                                              Dave’s BBQ Restaurant will               tration forms are also on our
Nearly 40 members including club President Karen Ferguson (seen in the Idaho shirt), gathered for lunch at
                                                                                                              cater, and you have a chance             website     at:    washstclub-
Lou’s Tivoli Gardens Jan. 13.                                                                                 to win some great basket                 scw.com. Membership is $10
                                                                                                              prizes.                                  for residents of Sun City West,
                                                                                                                Plans are also being made              Sun City Grand, Sun City and
           IDAHO                    call 708-715-7888.                    Notification        deadline:       for 2023-24 club activities.             Corta Bella.
  Idaho State Club members                                              Wednesday, March 4. Have              Wear your cowboy hats and
were happy to enjoy their first              MONTANA                    entry fees in by Friday, March        boots to our January 2024                         WISCONSIN
get together after a Covid-19         The 25th annual Big Sky           6. Please make checks payable         western-themed event!                      We are coming into a busy
induced hiatus.                     Classic Golf Scramble & So-         to Montana Club.                        We’ll be having another                time now with the club with
  Anyone who has ties to            cial featuring Big Sky golfers        Mail entries to: Larry              used book exchange in Janu-              many events offered. Have
Idaho, even if you have only        – men, ladies, guests, friends      Brubaker; 15115 W. Sentinel           ary so save those books you’ll           you paid your 2023 dues by
eaten a potato at some time in      – will be Wednesday, March          Drive; Sun City West, AZ              be reading over the summer.              now?
your life, is welcome to join       13, at Briarwood Country            85375                                   If you have ties to the Dako-            We have a few Arizona
this friendly group. Members        Club, 20800 N. 139th Ave.             With questions please call          tas, consider joining our club.          Broadway Theatre tickets left
come from all over the West         Shotgun start will be at 1 p.m.     Larry at 952-451-7816 or              We always welcome new                    for Thursday, March 23. Call
Valley. Membership dues for           Cost is $100 per golfer.          email at lbrubaker3@cox.net.          members!                                 Lee at 623-544-9757.
2023 have been waived. Club         Entry includes: 18 holes of           Not a Montana Club mem-               Contact Carol at 701-527-                Our tour of Luke Air Force
notifications are sent via          golf, golf cart, dinner, free       ber? No matter, come and join         5827, Karen at 701-460-0495              Base on Monday, March 27, is
email. To sign-up for informa-      range balls, door prizes, sou-      us! You don’t have to be a            or Bonnie at 701-880-1200 for            sold out but we do have a
tion email the club at:             venirs, great fun and fast play.    golfer - Please join us for din-      more information on member-              waiting list. Call Paul 623-
IdahoClubNotes@gmail.com.             PGA head golf professional        ner ($25) at 6 p.m.                   ship and events.                         546-8297.
Future events include: break-       Andy Fellows promises to                                                                                             Our traditional golf shamble
fasts, Great Lawn concerts in       make our tournament a fun                    NEBRASKA                           PENNSYLVANIA                       will be on March 30. Call Paul
the spring, attending a Broad-      and entertaining experience,          The Nebraska Club of the              The Pennsylvania Club                  623-546-8297 if interested.
way-style review at the Sun-        complete with a buffet-style        Sun Cities will have our an-          meets for events and activities            Please note: Our monthly
flower Playhouse, a picnic and      Mexican fiesta dinner (salad,       nual Spring outing this year on       every month, September                   breakfast at Tivoli’s has been
mini-golf tournament.               tacos, enchilada casserole,         Saturday, March 11. On that           through May. If you or your              changed to the second
                                    beef burritos, refried beans,       date, plan on joining the Ne-         spouse have a connection with            Wednesday of each month at 9
          ILLINOIS                  Spanish rice, cinnamon chur-        braska Club for a Lake Pleas-         Pennsylvania, please consider            a.m. A ticket drawing for a
  The Illinois Club of Sun          ros and ice cream bar in the        ant Sunset Dinner Cruise,             joining our club. Our activities         $15 amount towards your
City West is continuing our         clubhouse.                          which will feature a barbecue         are fun, well attended with              breakfast will be given out if
monthly breakfast get-togeth-         To make it more inviting for      buffet catered by Dillons. We         friendly folks! The club at-             the member is wearing their
ers in 2023. Our next break-        all levels of play, a modified      are also planning an outing to        tended the Driffter's concert at         Wisconsin badge. Visit our
fast is 8:30 a.m. March 11 at       Stableford scoring will be em-      see the Kansas City Royals at         the Vista in Surprise in Janu-           website to make reservations
the Royal Café.                     ployed.      Competition will       Surprise in March and an an-          ary. Lot's more coming in                wiclubscw.wordpress.com.
  The club also has plans to        likely include mixed, men’s,        nual Spring Picnic in April.          2023, including a trip to Organ          Make them the Friday before
visit the Dwarf Car Museum          and women’s groups. Ladies          All persons with a connection         Stop Pizza in March and much             the breakfast on Wednesday,
on March 21.                        tee boxes are moved forward         to Nebraska are welcome to            more for this spring. Our                March 8. Call Pat at 623-546-
  On Jan. 24, club members          for this event.                     join our group and for more           yearly dues are $10 per each             0853.
and their guests enjoyed a            If you know someone with          detailed information about            member. For more informa-                  Our last event before the
Bingo/Pizza party.                  whom you want to play, please       these events check out our            tion contact Darlene Riffle at           summer will be the all-you-
  The only membership re-           note your preferences on the        website at nebraskaclubsunci-         623-875-0295        or     dar-          care-to-consume pizza party
quirement is that you or your       entry. Invite your Montana          ties.org or call/text Jim at 703-     lene811@cox.net.                         on April 18. See our website
significant other have lived in     friends. Special prizes for both    795-3225.                                                                      for more information.
Illinois at some point. Mem-        men and women include:                                                                                               Anyone in the Sun City
bership is open to all the Sun      straightest drive; closest to pin         NORTH DAKOTA                                                             Grand, Corta Bella, Sun City
                                                                                                                Join the Washington State
City communities as well as         on a par 3 plus on second shot        The North Dakota Club took                                                   West, or Sun City is invited to
                                                                                                              club for a baseball game be-
residents of El Mirage, Sur-        on a par 4; longest putt; short-    a trip to the Barleen’s Dinner                                                 join our great friendly social
                                                                                                              tween the Seattle Mariners
prise and all surrounding com-      est drive; and most balls lost.     Show in Apache Junction in                                                     club. Our website is wiclub-
                                                                                                              and Kansas City Royals on
munities. To join our fun club      Mulligans cost $3 each or five      February. It was a fun time                                                    scw.wordpress.com.
                                                                                                              March 14. We receive a group
and meet a lot of former Illi-      for $10, limit of five mulli-       and a great show.                     discount and will receive
nois residents, contact Judy at     gans per team and no more             We have two events planned          recognition on the reader
Judyserdiuk@gmail.com or            than two mulligans per golfer.      for March. Our game night             board. All above registrations
March 2023                          www.suncitywest.com                      Recreation Centers of Sun City West                     623-544-6000                         Page 11

                                                                Community News
   Desert Garden Club plants with a purpose                                                                                                         SCW Posse
   How did these prickly desert
plants and their lovers make a
                                      direction of the club since be-
                                      coming a 501(c)3 non-profit or-                                                                                logs calls,
difference in your community?         ganization in 2002. He said “The
   The Desert Garden Club
proudly presented the Sun City
                                      new charitable focus of our or-
                                      ganization, where we can help
                                                                                                                                                    miles driven
West Foundation’s Helping
Hands division with a $1,000
                                      our local charities, has given us
                                      a whole new purpose for our                                                                                     for 2022
check on Tuesday, Jan. 10, at         club.” Along with the $1,000 do-
their monthly membership meet-        nation to the Foundation, the                                                                                  The Sun
ing.                                  Desert Garden Club also do-                                                                                  City West
   Thanks to their Xerophile          nated $1,000 to SCW Prides, an-                                                                              P o s s e
(cactus lover) members and their      other organization that SCW                                                                                  tracked its
January plant sale, they were         Foundation supports.                                                                                         activity for
able to raise a substantial dona-        Along with Helping Hands,                                                                                 last year.
tion. Thank you also to all those     the SCW Foundation provides                                                                                    • Posse
shoppers who supported the sale       support to several local service                                                                             cars drove
and brought home their own            organizations, visit scwfounda-                                                                              224,723 miles patrolling and
                                                                             The Desert Garden Club is a 501(c)3 organization. Thus, the money answering calls for service.
succulent little friends!             tion.org for the full list. To learn   made from plant sales after expenses are used to donate to area
   The check was presented to         more about the SCW Founda-             501(c)3 charities. At the January Membership Meeting, donations were    • Posse members answered
Richard Livengood, president of       tion, to make a donation or to         made to the Sun City West PRIDES and to Helping Hands, a division of 11,385 phone calls.
the Foundation, by David Wie-         volunteer, please reach visit the      the Sun City West Foundation. From left to right: Carol Berka, Desert   • Posse members removed
gand, and you can see from the        Foundation office at 14465 R.H.        Garden Club; Gary Schroeder, PRIDES; Deb Quinn, Helping Hands 346 traffic hazards from Sun
pictures – it was a big check!        Johnson Blvd. or call us at 623-       manger; Richard Livengood, Sun City West Foundation president; and City West streets.
                                                                             Patti Rowan, Foundation executive director.
Dave is very excited about the        584-6851.                                                                                                      • There were 381 welfare
                                                                                                                                                   check calls on residents.

        Brewing up donations                                                           Sun City West                                                 • 199 Posse cars and mem-
                                                                                                                                                   bers worked traffic accidents.
                                                                                                                                                     • Evening Posse members

                                                                                      Meals on Wheels                                              found 2,907 open garage doors.
                                                                                                                                                     • Vacation Watch members
                                                                                                                                                   performed 10,132 home
                                                                                      seeks volunteers                                             checks.
                                                                                                                                                     • 4,737 Residents stopped by
                                                                               The Sun City West Meals on Wheels organization is in need of the Posse building.
                                                                             office personnel.                                                       All told, the Posse had
                                                                               People interested in volunteering for a scheduling position 27,825 “calls for service or
                                                                             would be asked to work one morning per week, Monday through Community Assistance” in
                                                                             Friday. If you are interested in volunteering in the office of our 2022, which averages 76 per
                                                                             organization, please call June at 623-748-3850. We are really in day. These activities are per-
                                                                             need of help.                                                         formed by a dedicated all vol-
                                                                                                                                                   unteer group.
                                                                                 RHJ Library offers                                                  Recently residents and busi-
                                                                                                                                                   nesses alike have left their

                                                                                one-on-one tech help
On Jan. 18, the Zymurgy Club held a great event, The Amazing Dueling                                                                               doors unlocked when no one is
Pianos, in hope of raising money for charities in Sun City West. The                                                                               in the building or a parked car.
event was a huge success, and this picture is the first donation, pre-                                                                             This is an open invitation for
sented to the SCW PRIDES, on Jan. 21 in the Del Webb Room at the               Do you have a new
Sun City West Foundation. The 2023 Zymurgy Club Board of Directors
                                                                                                                                                   problems. Be safe - lock your
presented a $3,000 check to at their monthly breakfast. Pictured from
                                                                             phone or tablet?                                                      door, including your car doors.
left to right: Judy Penman, secretary; Gary Schroer, PRIDES president,         Did you know the li-                                                Leave your front porch light off
Jackie Ryg, Zymurgy president; Susan Morgeau, member at large;               brary has volunteers                                                  during the day. Keep your
Cathy Haas, treasurer; Cathy Corr, vice president.                           and staff available to                                                garage door closed. Don’t put
                                                                             help you one-on-one                                                   mail with checks in the enve-
                                                                             with your devices?                                                    lope in your mailbox with the
                                                                             They can help you                                                     flag up.
                                                                             learn how to use An-                                                    Sun City West is a safe com-
                                                                             droid and Apple de-                                                   munity with few problems. We
                                                                             vices. Volunteers are                                                 all need to continue keeping it
                                                                             also available for help in Microsoft Excel and Word. One-on- safe by following good prac-
                                                                             ones are by appointment, call the Data Resource Center at 623- tices.
                                                                             544-6644 to schedule.                                                   To see crime statistics in
                                                                                                                                                   SCW go on the internet to “lex-

                                                                                               Memo's Bistro                                       isnexis.com” or search for
                                                                                                                                                   “community crime map” which
                                                                                                                                                   will bring you to lexisnexis.
On Friday, Jan. 27, the Zymurgy Club donated $3,000 to the SCW Com-            Stop by Memo's Bistro, located in the Sports Pavilion, and            For emergencies always call
munity Fund. J.R. Reese from the Community Fund was there to receive         enjoy some delicious food!                                            911. Posse phone 623-584-
this check. From left to right: Judy Penman, Zymurgy Club secretary;           • Saturday through Tuesday - 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.                       5808. We answer from 5:30
J.R. Reese; Jackie Ryg, club president; Cathy Corr, club vice president;       • Wednesday through Friday - 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
and Cathy Haas, club treasurer.                                                                                                                    a.m.to 11 p.m.
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