Early Steps Lexden Springs School

Page created by Pamela Schultz
Early Steps Lexden Springs School
Lexden Springs School

           Early Steps
     A directory of local service providers

              Family Liaison at Lexden Springs:
                   Kathryn Barnham-Carr
         Facebook: Lexden Springs School Next Steps
                     Tel: 01206 563321

       Please also look at: www.essexlocaloffer.org.uk

The school can not endorse any of the following services.
Early Steps Lexden Springs School


•   Something to think about?         3

•   Health & Keeping Safe            4-5

•   Support & Advice                 6-8

•   Leisure                         9-14

•   Utilities & Facebook             15

•   Changing places                  16

•   Benefits and Legal               17

•   Citizens Advice & Clothing       18

•   Useful websites                19-20

•   Notes                          21-23

Early Steps Lexden Springs School
What’s important
 Early Steps; have you            to your child /
    thought about:               young person ?                   DLA (Disability Living Allow-
                                                                 ance) helps with some of the
       Leisure?                                                  extra costs of looking after a
      Transport?                                                 child under 16 and has diffi-
     Social Care?                                               culties walking or needs much
    Health Needs?                                                  more looking after than a
    Friendships &                                               child of the same age without
                                 Did you know that changes                disabilities.
    Relationships?                to the blue badge scheme
     Blue Badge?                 criteria will mean that your
                                   child may qualify ,when
                                    they didn't before. The
    Check out GOV.UK                                            Here at Lexden Springs our
  regarding applying for          criteria extends to hidden            school has a
  free school meals. You                  disabilities.                 therapeutic
 may be able to qualify for                                     approach to learning. Our
  these with your child if
                                                                      classrooms are
   you meet the criteria.
  Need help? Contact the
                                                                       enriched with
                                   Have you heard about
  Lexden Springs Family                                           communication to the
                                      Disability Grants
      Liaison Officer.             This can help sign post       pupils through the use of
                                   towards charities that       Makaton, PECS, Objects of
                                  may be of help with such       Reference, Symbols and
                                   things as holidays and                 Speech.
   Have you heard about                  equipment.
    ‘Circles of Support’?           Website: disability-
            http://                       grants.org
  org.uk/our-work/family-                                          Did you know that you
    friends-community/                                             need a social worker to
     circles-of-support/                                           access funding for day
                                                                    services or a personal
                                    Did you know that if
Does your child have a bus         your child receives DLA
pass? It’s free and it’s use-       or PIP then you could
 ful for all our students.          be receiving a Carers
 Also we can do referrals                allowance?
  for your child to have
      travel training.

Early Steps Lexden Springs School
Health & Keeping Safe
Children’s Learning Disability Service
This is a specialist Healthcare service for children with a moderate
to severe learning disability diagnosis who display difficult to manage behaviours at
home. A referral to this service can be made via the dedicated CLDS child referral
form, which is to be completed by any registered health or social care professional
eg GP, School, Nurse, Paediatrician or Social worker. Main pathway through to the
service is by an educational programme for parents and carers
Tel: 01206 334026                                               Website: www.nhs.uk

Learning Disability Hospital Liaison
The hospital has a Learning Disability Hospital Liaison Nurse who
can help with planning and preparing for coming to the hospital for investigations or
treatment, support when you are in hospital and planning for going home again.
Referrals can be made by the patient or anyone who is involved in their care. It is
best to get in touch as early as possible before you come to the hospital
Tel: 01206 742160 (+ Voicemail)
Website: http://www.colchesterhospital.nhs.uk/learning_disability.shtml

Community Dental Services
We’re here to give high quality treatment and a caring, understanding
approach to children and adults with additional needs. We accept
referrals from dentists (General Dental Practitioners) and other healthcare
professionals within Essex.
Tel:0333 207 5992                           Website: communitydentalservices.co.uk

Children’s Learning Disability Service
This is a specialist Healthcare service for children with a moderate to severe learn-
ing disability diagnosis who display difficult to manage behaviours at home. A refer-
ral to this service can be made via the dedicated CLDS child referral form, which is to
be completed by any registered health or social care professional eg GP, School,
Nurse, Paediatrician or Social worker. Main pathway through to the service is by an
educational programme for parents and carers
Tel: 01206 334026                                               Website: www.nhs.uk

Essex County Fire and rescue offer free home visits to any Essex resident .
If you do not have working smoke alarms, or have working smoke alarms but would
like more information about how to live safely and securely at home, book a home
Tel 0300 303 0088                                   Website: www.essex-fire.gov.uk
Early Steps Lexden Springs School
Health & Keeping Safe
Sunflower Lanyard
A scheme which is supported by charities has been
introduced where a lanyard, brooch or wrist band lets others know that your child
has hidden disabilities. Supported by airports in the UK, Sainsbury's and Tesco
where by on request they will provide a lanyard for free.
This is recognised by health and public sectors.
Website: www.hiddendisabilitiesstore.com

Emotional Well-being and mental health service
Offer advise and support for stress, low mood, depression,
anxiety, self harm or difficult to manage behaviours as well as support diagnosed
neurodevelopmental difficulties such as ADHD or ASD.
Tel:0300 300 1600 option 2                                     Website: Nelft.NHS.UK

Keep Safe Essex
Keep Safe is a free scheme helping vulnerable residents in Essex to feel
safer and more confident out in the high street or town centre. We also
have Keep Safe packs, please look on our website for more information.
Tel:07919 624480                                 Website: www.keepsafeessex.org.uk

EST E Safety
The 2 Johns present at numerous key events in relation to online child
sexual exploitation of children. Their website offers lots of advice to keep
children safe on line. You can follow them on face book and twitter for up to date
Twitter: @JohnsThe2                                       Website: esafetytraining.org

Needs Assessment
If you think you, or someone you know, needs help to cope day to day, the first step
is to get a needs assessment from your local council. This assessment needs to take
place before changes to your home can take place or equipment provided. It is free
and available to everyone.
Website: www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-supporti-guide.help from-social-
The child exploitation and online protection centre. Any worries about
online activity, abuse or the way that someone has been communication online. Let
CEOP know
Website: www.ceop-police.uk
Early Steps Lexden Springs School
Support & Advice
SEND Information, Advice and Support Service
The Essex SEND IAS Service (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice
and Support Service) is a confidential and impartial information, advice and support ser-
vice on issues related to SEND. We offer IAG for children and young people (up to 25yrs)
with SEND, parents and carers of children with SEND, and practitioners. Referrals can be
made by a parent, carer, child or young person or anyone who has their permission.
Tel 0333 0138913
Website: www.essex.gov.uk/Education-Schools/Schools/Special-Education-Needs/Pages/

Families in Focus
We provide support to families of children with disabilities and special
needs (aged 0 to 19) across Essex, who require advice, information and support,
particularly at times of change, challenge and crisis.
Tel: 01245 353575                               Website: www.familiesinfocusessex.org.uk

Mencap Helpline
The Learning Disability Helpline is a free help and advice line.
The advisors can offer you advice and information about learning disabilities and help you
find the right support and services in your area. When you call they will listen to your
question and find the best person to answer this.
Examples of information they migt be able to help you with—Court of Protection, Mental
Capacity, Benefits etc. They are available 9am-3pm, Monday to Friday.

Tel: 0808 8081111                                            Website: www.mencap.org.uk
Email: helpline@mencap.org.uk

Action for Family Carers
We make a positive difference to the lives of all Carers providing valued, high
quality support services in times of need. Carers come from all walks of life, all cultures
and can be of any age. Action for Family Carers support carers from the age of 8 years
old. A caring role can mean facing a life of poverty, isolation, frustration, poor physical
health, depression, stress and anxiety. We are passionate about helping Carers. We aim
to; Reduce stress and anxiety, Improve health and wellbeing, Help Carers better manage
their caring role.
Tel: 0300 770 80 90                                    Website: www.carersinessex.org.uk

Essex Effective Support
Useful directory and sign posting for support. Section dedicated to family
solutions and caring for children with disabilities.

Tel: 0345 6037627              Website: essexeffectivesupport.org.uk/family-solutions

Support & Advice
Children and Young People with Disabilities Ser-
vice 16-25 team
Access, Assessment & Care Management
We support young people in the transition between children's and adult social
services. If the young person meets the eligibility criteria (after referral and initial
screening) the team will carry out a community care assessment which determines
level of need and support. Support plans are developed in partnership with key
professionals, and most importantly the young person and their family. The
objective is to find the best way to meet the young person’s needs. The team are
able to support the development of a holistic support plan which looks at the young
person and enables them to access services that will support a positive outcome.
Tel: 03330 139867                                        Website: www.essex.gov.uk
Children and Young People with Disabilities Service
The Preparing for Adulthood team are part of the Children and Young
people with Disabilities Team and deliver person centred planning to support young
people with special education needs / disabilities in their preparation for adult-
hood. The team work closely with colleagues in Education, Social Care and Health
teams to meet young people’s needs. We work individually with young people aged
13-25 and families to produce reports along with the EHC Plans. This includes iden-
tifying suitable Post 16 options in Further Education, employment and training with
focus on support needs required and to ensure a successful transition that enables
progression onto positive outcomes.
Website: www.essex.gov.uk and www.essexlocaloffer.org.uk

If your social worker has assessed that you need care and support
for your child, you will be allocated an amount of money to meet those needs. This
is known as a personal budget. Purple can help manage this money and help with
finding a PA.
Tel: 01245 392 300                                       Website: wearepurple.org.uk
Home Start
This is a local community network of trained volunteers and
expert support helping families with young children through challenging times such
as bereavement, disability, illness, forces families, isolation, mental ill health,
money and coming to terms with the end of relationships.
Tel: 0116 464 5490                                  Website: www.home-start.org.uk

Think u know how
The website provides info on what is good and what is not on the internet
and what you can do about it. There is a dedicated SEND section for appropriate
info.                                               Website: thinkuknowhow.co.uk
Support & Advice
Inclusive Communication Essex
Inclusive Communication Essex (ICE) promotes inclusive communica-
tion for people who have communication needs as a result of a disability, learning
disability or through acquired brain injury or illness. We do this through a variety of
training packages and a resource loan service through Essex Libraries.
Please see our website for additional resources.

Tel: 03330132707                                        Website: www.essexice.co.uk

Community Transport
Our Community Transport scheme provides a door to door service to and
from doctor, dental & hospital appointments, medical centres, shopping
centres, and encourages visits to therapy, friends and relatives.
In addition, we offer a range of hugely popular excursions offering the opportunity
for members to meet new people, enjoy good health and wellbeing and reduce
social isolation.

Tel: 01206 505250                               Website: www.community360.org.uk

Light Touch Care
For parents of children 0– 18 who do not qualify for social care
access to 28 hours of support can be given within a 6 month
period. Self referral required

Tel: 01473 233994                              Website: www.cfsupportservices.co.uk

Crossroads (Light Touch Respite)
Light Touch Respite provides up to 4 hours per month respite to families
who have a child with a disability from a grant received from Essex County
Council. The child must not be in receipt of a personal budget from Essex County
Council. Parents can choose to have a weekly service of 1 hour, twice monthly 2
hour services or a once a month 4 hour service. The respite break will be with the
same care support worker each time and they can either stay in or take the child
out. They can provide personal care, specialised care and coach life skills.

Tel: 01255 860960 or 01255 863961                        Website: crossroadstc.co.uk/

Family Fund
Helping families across the UK who are raising a disabled or seriously
ill child or young person aged 17 or under. Criteria applies. A grant can be applied
for to help support your child such as money for a holiday, a grant for equipment
Tel: 01904 550055                                    Website: www.familyfund.org.uk
Festival in Mersea
The Mersea island Festival has been an annual event each August at Essex
Outdoors Mersea (East Mersea Youth Camp). The Festival aims to bring
together children, young people and adults with or without physical or learning
disability to take part in a wide variety of activities that challenge and stimulate,
helping to build the confidence and feeling of self worth in participants. At the same
time they are fun and exciting and an opportunity to make new friends.

Tel: 01206 383 226                              Website: www.merseafestival.org.uk

The Performing Arts Children's Charity
Our experienced teachers and class facilitators at the Colchester
Classes, guide the children through the creation of group pieces that
are the basis for a performance at the end of term, so that the children’s parents
and families can see the results of all the hard work.
Colchester Classes run on a term time Thursday from 3:30pm to 6:00pm.

Tel: 0300 030 9897                         Website: www.paChildrensCharity.org.uk

There is a SEN session on Wednesdays 4-6pm. £6.90 for 2 hours
plus hire of skates @£2.90 or scooter @ £5. Session with no disco
lights, lower music and mellow lighting. Wheelchair users welcomed and parents/
carers can walk round the rink with the children if they need assistance.
Café available.

Tel: 01206 868868                                    Website: www.rollerworld.co.uk

Hylands Park
An accessible inclusive play park with changing place facilities (sign up to
be a key holder) London Road in Chelmsford
                            Website: hylandsestate.co.uk/explore/adventure-castle/

Festival in Mersea
The Mersea island Festival has been an annual event each August at Essex Outdoors
Mersea (East Mersea Youth Camp). The Festival aims to bring together children,
young people and adults with or without physical or learning disability to take part
in a wide variety of activities that challenge and stimulate, helping to build the con-
fidence and feeling of self worth in participants. At the same time they are fun and
exciting and an opportunity to make new friends.

Tel: 01206 383 226                              Website: www.merseafestival.org.uk
Mercury Theatre
Aspire, Share, Create Youth Theatre
A theatre making group for young people with an Autism Spectrum
Condition aged 14-18 years .The group will explore a variety of theatre making skills,
from drama, movement and circus to lighting, costume and sound.
Tel: 01206 573948                               Website: www.mercurytheatre.co.uk

Jump Street
Support sessions are available at both Chelmsford and Colchester.
These sessions are designed for children and adults over the age of 4 years old with
additional needs. Limited places at our support sessions allow plenty of space and
keep noise levels low. Attendees and their carers will be able to use all areas during
their session time although there is no formal teaching or guidance. Disabled access
at both sites, disabled toilets and internal lifts but we do not have access to a hoist
at either site. One carer goes free to support sessions, but must purchase our Jump
Street socks at £1.95. All carers are also required to present a care card on arrival.

Tel: 01206 911035                                          Website: Jumpstreet.co.uk

We are a dedicated trampoline centre for people with a wide variety of
disabilities. It is based in West Bergholt, Colchester. All the staff are
qualified British Gymnastics Trampoline Coaches. The benefits of
trampolining are many and include improvement in balance, co-ordination and
strength, but most of all it is FUN.

Tel:01206 240501 or 07776 275029                 Email: bounceability@hotmail.com

Accessible travel charity that exists to make travel possible for adults
and children who are disabled or have a serious or complex health condition. We
offer groups and individuals the opportunity to take holidays, short breaks or a day
out in the UK or Europe by providing accessible coaches called a Jumbulances.
Tel: 01582 765423                                  Website: www.jumbulance.org.uk

Diddi Dance
Special needs only classes working with Essex Shortbreaks for disabled children in
Clacton, Colchester, Harwich and Hatfield Peverel. Classes start at £2 for funded
places with an Essex Shortbreaks passport number. Classes are for children and
young people under 15 years of age with an additional need.

Tel: 07722 605395           Website: www.diddidance.com/diddi-dance-north-essex

Disability 4 Sport
MultiSport Club Tuesday at Greenstead Community Centre. Boccia, Tennis, Badmin-
ton, Basketball, New Age Kurling, Seated Volleyball and other sports. Youth 6-7pm
(5-10yrs & 11-15yrs) these groups run on alternate Tuesdays in term time.

Soccability Teams at Play Football (next to St Helena school). 5-11yrs 5-6pm, 12-
15yrs 6-7.30pm

Tel:01206 512595 or 07922 885632                     Website: disability4sport.co.uk

Colchester Phoenix Amateur Swimming Club
The 'Phoenix' is a swimming club which offers a wide range of water based
activities for people with disabilities, regardless of disability, age, sex, col-
our or creed.
We meet regularly at Colchester Leisure World and provide the opportunity to swim
for leisure and fitness. We offer 'Learn to Swim'/Improvers programmes,
competitive training and the opportunity to compete at Local, Regional/County,
National and International events, as well as the chance to experience many
other water-based activities/sports.

Tel: 01206 512021                                Website: www.phoenixswim.co.uk

Stanway Youth Centre
Inclusive Club on Monday evening 6.30-8.30pm Session for 13 to 25yr olds with
SEN. Disco, games, crafts, computers, music and more.
Held at Stanway Youth Centre, Winstree Road, Colchester, CO3 0QA £1 entrance,
free for carers. To find out more contact Ben Randall

Tel:07702 900669                                  Email: ben.randall@essex.gov.uk

Mistley Kids After School Club

An after school and holiday club for children between the ages of 4
and 16 (18 for children with special needs) They are Ofsted regulated and all staff
are DBS checked.
£20 registration fee payable per family to join the kids club and then £8 per after
school session, £21 full day holiday club and £15 half a day holiday club. Lunch is
available at £2.50 during the holidays.

Tel:07809176252                                 Website: www.Mistleykidsclub.co.uk
Breakaway Holidays
We’ve been delivering supported holidays for adults with learning
disabilities for one decade. Our holidays are all about having a good
time, making new friends and meeting up with old ones.
Tel: 01245 260330                Website: www.breakawaysupportedholidays.co.uk

Access Dignity Project
At Access Dignity Project Centre we will run various workshops
that will help people develop and learn new skills to enhance their
everyday life.
We will be running workshops throughout the year in a variety of fun and
interesting subjects, and also monthly adventure days, where you can experience
exiting days such as wildlife boat trips, farmyard trips and Makaton singing days.
Sessions will run from 9:30 through to 16:30 with FREE pick up & Drop Home

Tel: 01255 862882                            Website: www.accessdignitycare.co.uk

Stepping Stones After School Club

Is an after school club gives children and young people the opportunity to
access activities in their community. Services are for 5-19 years with challenging be-
haviours, limited communication, physical disabilities, sensory needs and complex
health needs.

Tel: 01206 860467                    Website: www.steppingstonesplayandlearn.org

Farm park and craft village. Opening times 10am-4pm. Check website for events
and admission prices.
Changing places facilities available, Barley lands, Billericay, Essex CM11 2UD
Tel: 01268532253                                    Website: www.Barleylands.co.uk

Ability Using Sport
Local sports club giving opportunities to all, Monday night multi-sports
6-7pm for ages 11-19yrs. School holidays Friday 10-12noon
Tel: 07963 602330                                     Facebook: @AbilityusingSport
                                                       Email: ozsports2@gmail.com


Charity providing young people (13 to 19yrs) with activities and short
break trips. We ask parents/carers to complete and return signed
registration and risk assessment forms to us before their son, daughter or the
young person in their care can take part in their first InterAct activity, these can be
found on the website.
Tel:01245 608206                                       Website: www.interact.org.uk

Butterflies Club
Running activity clubs for children with disabilities across Essex. Butterflies
caters for children aged 8-14 currently within Colchester. Each club is
personalised to meet the needs of the children attending.
Tel: 07875121655                                  Website: www.butterfliesclubs.co.uk

Colchester Zoo
Large zoo, some areas are hard to access with a wheelchair but there
is a wheelchair accessible route. Sensory story and copies of sensory trails available
on the website. Any guest with a disability purchasing the relevant adult, child or
senior admission ticket, either online in advance or upon entry to the zoo.
Colchester Zoo will then admit an assistant free of charge, upon request when
verification of disability is shown.
Tel: 01206 331292                                   Website: www.colchester-zoo.com

Aspire Club Nights
Designed for young people aged 7-18 with special educational needs and
disabilities. Come and join in the party with a DJ and disco lights in a safe, accessible
and inclusive environment. A great opportunity for young people to socialise, have
fun, meet new friends and develop their communication skills.
Young people £3 Parents / carers free but require a ticket.
Tel: 01206 573948                                Website: www.mercurytheatre.co.uk

Short Breaks
Register online for a passport number. By doing so you are able to access a
number of services and facilities such as rental of customised caravans, beach huts
and use of changing places etc. Beach huts are at Clacton and Walton with easy ac-
cess to the beach, close to changing place facilities. Hire of a landeez-all-terrain
wheelchair can be arranged for your visit.
Tel: 03330 139 889                                 Website: shortbreaks.essex.gov.uk

Play and resource centre based in Great Notley Country Park, near
Braintree. Play and recreation facilities for children with additional needs and short
break care for their families and carers. Above all PARC is a place where children can
develop, learn and have fun, in a safe and friendly environment.
Tel: 01376 528999                                     Website: www.parc-essex.co.uk

Colchester Odeon
Monthly screenings take place where no trailers are show, lower lights,
less noise and allowance for extra movement during the film. You can find out the
details of the screenings at your local cinema simply select the ‘autism friendly
screenings’ filter when viewing the performances at the cinema. If no performances
are displayed, there may not be any Autism Friendly screenings that week. Contact
‘disability and accessibility helpline’ who will be able to advise you further or ask in
Tel: 0800 138 3315                                        Website: www.odeon.co.uk

Colchester Toy Library
Open Tuesday 10-12.30, Wed 10-2 & Friday 10.30-11.45. Located above
Prettygate Library. Membership is £15 p/yr to borrow up to 4 toys per
month. These can be swapped as often as you like within the month. SEN
equipment, party and soft play equipment can be hired also.
Tel: 07513 131981                       Website: colchestertoylibrary.wordpress.com

Go Bananas
Autism and SEN friendly play session, please call to check when they
are on and book a place

Tel: 07722 605395                            Website: https://www.go-bananas.co.uk

New Life Charity
AS well as offering advice and support to parents/carers of disabled children , you
can also apply for grants and for the free loan of specialist toys. The play therapy
pods are self contained and delivered direct to the
family's door. The toys are loaned for 12 weeks and are classed in different catego-
ries depending on the child's age, physical and learning abilities and medical needs.

Tel: 01543 462 777                                Website: www.newlifecharity.co.uk
Utilities & Facebook
UK power networks
In the event that the electricity network is damaged or develop a fault you may be
able to receive extra support to your family. Such as a priority number to call 24
hours a day, tailored support and advice. This service is free . Please visit the web-
site to apply for the service.

Tel 0800 169 9970                            Website: www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk

Watersure Scheme
This is a scheme which helps some people with their water bills. To apply for the
scheme, you must be on benefits and need to use lots of water whether for medical
reasons or because your household has a certain number of school age children.
You must also be on a water meter or waiting for one to be installed.

                                                       Website: www.ccwater.org.uk

Warm Home Discount Scheme
You could get £140 off your electricity bill under the warm home discount scheme.
The money is not paid to you but is a one off discount on your electricity bill be-
tween September and March. You may be able to get the discount on your gas bill
instead if your supplier provides you with both gas and electricity. You will need to
contact your supplier to find out.

                                                               Website: www.gov.uk

Colchester Borough Council—Council Tax

Website: www.colchester.gov.uk/info/cbc-article/?catid=discounts-and-

Facebook Groups and Pages
Old Heath Munch Club & Greenstead Munch Club providing hot lunches over the
school holidays
Tots 2 Teens Colchester baby bank– Volunteer based community providing clothes,
accessories and essentials to families that really need them, from birth to 16yrs
Essex Free School Uniform– run by volunteers, providing school uniforms for fami-
lies in need
Berechurch Family Hub-Activities, holiday ,breakfast club, food cupboard available
for families
The giveaway group– free furniture, clothing and other items offered

Changing Places
Chainging facilities with hoist and changing bed. Some locations may require a
key or key code which can be obtained from the relevant council

University of Essex Sports Arena
Website: http://changingplaces.uktoiletmap.org/toilet/view/1200

Colchester Castle Park
Website: http://changingplaces.uktoiletmap.org/toilet/view/1410

Colchester Library and Community Hub
Website: http://changingplaces.uktoiletmap.org/toilet/view/1111

Colchester Leisure Centre
Website: http://changingplaces.uktoiletmap.org/toilet/view/356

Colchester General Hospital
Website: http://changingplaces.uktoiletmap.org/toilet/view/1146

Clacton on Sea Changing Places
Website: http://changingplaces.uktoiletmap.org/toilet/view/128

Valley Farm Parkdean Resorts
Website: http://changingplaces.uktoiletmap.org/toilet/view/1416

Clacton Leisure Centre
Website: http://changingplaces.uktoiletmap.org/toilet/view/1223

Walton on the Naze Changing Places
Website: http://changingplaces.uktoiletmap.org/toilet/view/676

Bathhouse Play Area
Website: http://changingplaces.uktoiletmap.org/toilet/view/1266

Colchester Zoo
Website: http://changingplaces.uktoiletmap.org/toilet/view/860

Maldon Promenade Park
Website: http://changingplaces.uktoiletmap.org/toilet/view/389

Witham Leisure Centre
Website: http://changingplaces.uktoiletmap.org/toilet/view/968

Benefits & Legal
www.entitledto.co.uk or www.turn2us.org.uk
Disability Living Allowance ( DLA ) is a tax-free benefit for disabled people who
need help with mobility or care costs.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit that helps with the extra costs of
a long-term health condition or disability for people aged 16 to 64. It's gradually
replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA).

Carer's Allowance is money for people who spend at least 35 hours a week
providing regular care to someone who has a disability. The person you care for
must be getting a relevant benefit because of their disability, which in some cases
has to be paid at a certain rate.

A Disabled Facilities Grant or DFG is available from Local Authorities to pay for
essential housing adaptations to help disabled people stay in their own homes. It is
available in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Employing a PA? Have a look at:

You might get legal aid if you are unhappy with the care you or a relative are getting
due to disability, age or special educational needs e.g. in a care home or your own

(IPSEA) Independent Provider of Special Education Advice
IPSEA offers independent legally based advice, support and training to help get the
right education for
children and young people with special educational needs

Citizens Advice

                                                Blackburn House
                                                32 Crouch Street

Drop in service, Crouch Street office

Opening hours: Wednesday 9.30am - 3pm

As there is high demand for this service, we recommend arriving before 9.15am.
Our advisers are not available in the afternoons but we can still help you get some useful

You may also contact us by telephone, webchat or email as follows:

Website: http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/local/colchester


Appointments are only available to clients after they have already had initial advice with
Citizens Advice by drop in, phone call, email or webchat

Contact Citizens Advice Colchester
Blackburn House, 32 Crouch Street, Colchester, CO3 3HH
Telephone: 0300 330 2104

Specialist Clothing Websites/swimwear

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Lexden Springs School

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