Early Learning Centre Information Booklet 2021

Page created by Jane Robles
Early Learning Centre Information Booklet 2021

Early Learning Centre
 Information Booklet
Early Learning Centre Information Booklet 2021
Early Learning Centre Information Booklet 2021
2      Contents & Contacts
3      Haileybury Rendall School Early Learning Centre 2021
4      Early Learning Centre Philosophy
10     Commencing In The Early Learning Centre
16     The ELC Curriculum
18     Health
20     Important Dates – 2021
21     Policies

Haileybury Rendall School Contacts
Haileybury Rendall School
6057 Berrimah Road
Berrimah NT 0828
Phone: +61 8 8922 1611
Head of ELC: +61 8 8922 2509

Early Learning Centre Information Booklet 2021
Haileybury Rendall School
    Early Learning Centre 2021
    Haileybury Rendall School welcomes all children and their families to our
    Early Learning Centre. As each child joins us, she/he will receive a great deal
    of personal attention to cater for her/his individual needs.

    Your child will be learning in an environment where pastoral care is central to all else. Each child’s
    worth as an individual and as a community member is valued. Each child learns at a different rate and
    in a different way; therefore, the Early Learning Centre staff will strive to meet your child’s needs and
    interests. Your child’s self-esteem and confidence will be fostered and supported, as we believe these
    factors are the key to success in any learning environment.

    At Haileybury Rendall School, children are challenged to achieve their personal best. They are
    encouraged to participate and expand their horizons as they begin their educational journey.
    Through individual and group planning, firm foundations are laid for all future learning. Our aim
    is for your child to develop into a young adult of vision, integrity and generosity of spirit.

    We acknowledge the Larrakia people as the traditional custodians of the land that we love, learn
    and play on. We promise to care and respect all as we journey on this land together.

    At Haileybury Rendall School, the exploration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture is
    an important part of our curriculum. Our inquiries into creation deities, storytelling, art, dance and
    language reveal ways of being and a celebration of life. The children benefit from an integrated
    teaching and learning approach where the celebration and recognition of diversity in cultures
    happens across many learning environments.

    Practising cultural competence at Haileybury Rendall School means recognising differences and
    cultivating positive attitudes so that all people appreciate the benefits of diversity.

                           Every child matters every day

Early Learning Centre Information Booklet 2021
Our Philosophy

At Haileybury Rendall School, we believe that children are competent, curious and social.
We recognise that each child has their own interests and strengths and an individual style
of learning.

     Our ELC offers a rich curriculum that encourages
     children to engage with life’s joys and complexities and
     to have agency in their learning journey as it unfolds.

Educators have a responsibility to all children and their families to provide each child with
the knowledge and skills necessary to become empathetic and respectful participants of the
diverse communities in which they live, play and learn.

We are committed to promoting cultural awareness in all children, including greater
understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and being.

Our ongoing commitment to sustainability is evident in our Early Learning program and
embedded within our indoor and outdoor learning environments.

     Children learn that they are global citizens with shared
     responsibilities to each other, the environment and
Early Learning Centre Information Booklet 2021
Through reflective planning, stimulating environments and play-based programs, educators foster
    children’s independent inquiry, supporting them to be capable, confident and competent learners.

    Children’s learning is extended through an emergent curriculum which aims to stimulate each
    child’s thinking, foster their curiosity and a genuine love of learning.

    Through explicit teaching we actively promote children’s learning, using evidence-based planning
    and high-quality learning experiences to develop the higher-order thinking skills necessary for
    21st Century learners.

         Our values of trust, unity and respect underpin our
         commitment to maintaining strong partnerships with
         parents and families in recognition of the significant role
         we all play in children’s development, wellbeing and

    Parent participation is welcome, and educators work in partnership with parents to optimise each
    child’s learning outcomes. We strive to develop relationships based on mutual respect, shared
    understandings and continual dialogue, to promote collaboration and learning.

    As early childhood advocates, we respect and believe in the United Nations Rights of the Child and
    The Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics.

    These guiding documents uphold a positive and joyful childhood as essential to all children. The
    theories and practice principles that guide educators in developing, implementing and evaluating
    the educational program are informed by respect for the individuality of each child, their wellbeing,
    interests and cultural experiences.

    We believe in evidence-based practice, professional learning and ongoing critical reflection
    to inform and evaluate the high-quality education we provide.

Early Learning Centre Information Booklet 2021
Haileybury Rendall School Vision
To be recognised as a great world school through:

• Academic excellence
• Social justice
• International outlook

To develop high-achieving students who are connected globally, to each other and to the communities
in which they live and which they will serve.

To be a leading example of quality education in the early years through the provision of a stimulating
play-based program that equips children with a set of skills, understandings, learning styles, social
competence and emotional wellbeing that will serve them well into their future.

                                       The ELC values reflect the deep belief we hold about
                                       relationships that exist between staff, families and children.
                                       These are collaborative and supportive, where each interacts,
                                       influences and educates the other. Relationships are integral
                                       to the success of our ELC and underpin all that we do, say,
                                       and reflect.



Early Learning Centre Information Booklet 2021
    The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) is the National Curriculum set out by the Council of
    Australian Governments, which ensures professionals and parents achieve the best learning and
    developmental outcomes for children.

    The EYLF has principles, practices and outcomes essential to supporting and enhancing young
    children’s learning. Staff at Haileybury Rendall School use this framework to ensure children are
    engaging in quality early childhood education.

               Evaluate                                              The children;
               Reflect                                               The families;

               Improve                                           The community

           each                      Philosophy                           Communication
                                                                              with the
          child's                                                             children,
                                                                            families and
         learning                                                               staff

                        Implement a
                           flexible                   The Early Years                          For more information on the
                       program based
                                                                                               Australian Children’s Education
                            on the
                          children's                    5 Learning                             and Care Quality Authority,
                      interests, needs
                         and abilities
                                                        Outcomes                               please follow this link:
                                                                                     For more information on the
                                                                               Australian Children’s Education and
                                                                               Care Quality Authority, please follow
                                                                                  this link: www.acecqa.gov.au

    The National Quality Standard sets a national benchmark for the quality of education and care
    services. It also gives services and families a better understanding of a quality service. This enables
    families to make informed decisions about the services providing education and care to their child.
    The National Quality Standard is a key aspect of the National Quality Framework. It brings together
    the seven key quality areas that are important to outcomes for children.

Early Learning Centre Information Booklet 2021
Documentation, in the form of observation of children and extensive record-keeping, has long been
encouraged and practised in many early childhood programs. Documentation typically includes
samples of the children’s work at different stages of completion; photographs showing work in
progress; comments written by the educator or other adults working with the children; and children’s
dialogue, comments and explanations of intentions about the activities.

High-quality documentation of children’s work and ideas contributes to the quality of an early
childhood program as well as relationships with families. The Learning Journals reflect the child’s
Individualised Program, and the documentation is written to reflect all areas of development and

Learning Journals and Reporting
A key component of the Early Years Learning Framework is the assessment and reporting of our
students. The way we report on the children’s progress reflects the learning outcomes of the
framework. The Learning Journals received at the end of each year are a collection of documentation,
photographs, artwork and comments that provide an outline of your child’s year.

Families will have an opportunity to take these journals home and contribute to them throughout the
year. We want to create a genuine, shared folio among educators, children and parents, providing a
more meaningful insight into your children’s day and into our role as their educators.

Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews are held throughout the year. Parent Teacher Interviews extend and explain
the work highlighted in the five learning outcomes of the EYLF and provide a forum for discussion
about the progress of each child. During the interview, parents and teachers jointly review the progress
of each child and set goals for future learning.

Haileybury Rendall School has a positive Pastoral Care Program which provides strategies and support
to enable children to develop a sense of personal worth. Our highly skilled educators focus on the total
development of each child and develop a program that provides for the different backgrounds, rates of
maturity and experiences of all children. They aim to nurture children and assist them to develop
to their fullest potential.

In the Early Learning Centre, the Lead Educator is the key person and the major point of contact for
parents. Each educator is supported by the Head of Early Learning Centre and the Haileybury Rendall
School Executive Team, if required, to ensure each child’s journey through the ELC is positive.

Early Learning Centre Information Booklet 2021
     Children’s safety and wellbeing will always be our first priority as we believe it is fundamental to
     each girl or boy’s ability to learn and develop. At Haileybury Rendall School we have a zero tolerance
     of child abuse and follow our policies and procedures should any concerns be raised.

     “One of the most significant responsibilities that early childhood professionals have is to support
     children to retain the sense of awe and wonder that they are born with, to add to that a desire to
     nurture and protect what is beautiful, and to encourage them to appreciate that there are many
     possibilities for honouring life and wonders that the world holds.”
     Stonehouse, A. (2006) NSW Curriculum Framework for Children’s Services.

     Haileybury Rendall School Early Learning Centre, as a service to the community, has an opportunity
     not only to make reductions to waste, water and energy consumption through its operations, but to
     offer a role model of sustainable living to young children in a world facing climate change, increasing
     levels of air, land and water pollution, and depleted natural resources.

     Haileybury Rendall School Early Learning Centre is committed to:

     •   promoting respect for, and an appreciation of, the natural environment among all at the service

     •   fostering children’s capacity to understand and respect the natural environment, and the
         interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land

     •   supporting the development of positive attitudes and values in line with sustainable practices

     •   ensuring that educators and other staff engage in sustainable practices during the operation
         of the service.

     Source: Haileybury Rendall School ELC Environmental Sustainability Policy

Commencing in the
Early Learning Centre
The settling-in process is very important and needs to be a positive one. For some children who have
had experience in care prior to commencing in the ELC, the transition is likely to be a smooth process.
For those where the ELC is their first experience of a long-day setting, there may be the need for a
slower transition into the daily routine. We encourage you to discuss the start-up options available to
you with the Head of the ELC, and together determine a settling-in program that best suits your family.
Often having shortened days in the initial weeks allows the children time to experience their new class,
group and educators without any concerns of a long day in a new environment.

The Haileybury Rendall School ELC will open on Tuesday 5 January. Children commencing at this time
will be a part of the Start Up Program in the ELC. This will be a wonderful time for settling in and getting
to know the children and many of the staff.

The School’s term commences on Thursday, 28 January. All children will need to have commenced
from this day. During term times we operate a core educational program from 8.30 am – 3.00 pm each
day. We ask that all children arrive by this time and are collected after 3.00 pm, so as not to miss out on
key learning opportunities. We understand that there are times when this cannot happen. Please notify
staff when there is an occasion that your child will be dropped off or collected outside of these core

The activity-based holiday program will continue throughout term break periods and is delivered
by qualified staff who are all known to the children. We would like the children to be in the centre by
10.00am for the holiday program as planned events, experiences and activities will commence after

A reminder that your child is considered enrolled as of 5 January 2021 If you elect not to start until
later in January, you will be charged at full fee rate per day as Child Care Subsidy (CCS) cannot be
applied until your child is physically attending the centre.

     Please bring all the items listed below and help your child to store them in her/his locker. You are
     welcome to stay until you feel your child is settled and comfortable, then move on with a cheerful
     farewell after reassuring your child that you will be back. If you are anxious about your child, feel free
     to give us a call when you arrive home or at work to ease your mind.

     When you arrive at the end of the day, please come into your child’s classroom and collect her/him.
     Once you have collected your child, then collect her/his bag and ensure you sign out on both the
     attendance book and iPad.

     Items Required:
     •   Haileybury Rendall School sun hat
     •   Small pillow, fitted cot sheet and either a flat sheet or small blanket
     •   Library bag of your choice
     •   Full change of clothes, including socks and underwear
     •   Haileybury Rendall School bag
     •   Morning tea, lunch and water bottle

     Please ensure all items are named, including socks and underwear


     Reception and Preschool
     The Early Learning Centre operates on an extended-hours model, open daily from 7.30 am to 6.00 pm
     for 50 weeks of the year. This centre offers only full-time places to Preschool children. Reception
     children may enrol in a Three-Day or Full-Time Program. We ask that children arrive by 8:30 am daily.

     As well as all public holidays and two weeks over the Christmas period, this centre closes for six staff
     professional development days in 2021:

     •   Monday 25 January
     •   Wednesday 27 January
     •   Monday 19 April
     •   Monday 19 July
     •   Monday 11 October
     •   Friday 10 December

Our policy puts the child’s safety first and foremost at all times. The Sign in / Sign out iPad placed in the
ELC foyer and is a legal requirement. Other people, such as grandparents, may collect your child from
her/his class, but they must be nominated by parents on your child’s enrolment form. When this person
is unknown to staff, identification will need to be sighted for security reasons.

Please let staff know if you are running late for pick-up time, so we can reassure children and inform
them of any change in plans.

If your child has not been collected by 6.00 pm, two staff will remain with your child and begin to follow
the steps involved in the Haileybury Rendall School Late Collection Policy.

QikKids Kiosk
QikKids (QK) Kiosk is the digital sign-in-and-out system we use for parents/guardians to drop off or pick
up their children through entering a digital PIN.

Staff will help you with the initial set-up of this PIN.

The ELC uniform has been designed to be interchangeable and practical for young children as they play
in the indoor and outdoor environment. Please ensure all items are clearly named.

ELC uniforms are available for purchase from Noone Imagewear, located in the Uniform Shop.

Children are to wear plain black runners with velcro fastening.

In keeping with Haileybury Rendall School’s SunSmart Policy, hats are to remain at school at all times.
Please apply sunscreen on your child prior to arriving at school. Sunscreen will be available and applied
under staff supervision as required throughout the day. If you would prefer your child to use her/his own
sunscreen, please send along a bottle/roll-on that is clearly named. A daily UV rating, as stated by the
SunSmart app, will be displayed in the foyer.

Haileybury Rendall School ELC provides MOOV Insect repellent for the children to protect from flies,
sandflies, mosquitos and midge bites. MOOV is a highly effective formulation that contains natural active
ingredients and is free from DEET and synthetic pesticides. Please apply this to your child on arrival and
staff will reapply every 3 hours as required. If you would prefer your child to use her/his own repellent,
please send along a bottle/roll-on that is clearly named.

     The sharing of special toys, photos and objects in the ELC helps children to feel they belong.
     Staff place great emphasis on establishing strong relationships with children as individuals. This
     is one way that staff can have insight into their world and discover their interests and likes.

     For some children, the opportunity to bring along a special toy helps them to settle each morning
     and initiate relationships with peers, as they discover similar interests or learn from each other.
     It also provides children with learning opportunities in relation to sharing and turn-taking.

     Staff wish parents to understand that while each room has a special place for toys/objects, and though
     care for equipment is encouraged at all times, occasional accidents do occur. We recommend special,
     breakable items be placed in the care of our staff, and these will be shown during the day.

     Education is a partnership between the child, family and the School. We believe that, especially in the
     early years, it is vital that home and school work together to ensure that your child’s experiences are
     happy, enriching and rewarding. If there is a concern, or if you wish to seek information, please feel
     free to speak to your child’s educator or make an appointment if more time is required.

     The following documents are displayed in the foyer for parent reference:

     •   School Prospectus, which includes our fee structure
     •   Information books/parent resources
     •   ELC brochures
     •   Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations.

     You will also receive regular notifications from the ELC educators keeping you up to date with
     Haileybury Rendall School ELC events and information.

     General Issues
     Should parents have any questions or concerns, please discuss them immediately with your
     child’s educator or the Head of Early Learning Centre. Please call the office to arrange a time on
     +61 8 8922 1611 or speak to her directly. Parents are encouraged to speak to their child’s
     educators directly if they have any concerns.

     Department of Education and Training
     Haileybury Rendall School’s Early Learning Centres are approved by the Department of Education
     and Training (DET).

     The Northern Territory Region contact details are:
     Children’s Services Officer
     Mitchell Centre
     55-59 Mitchell St, Darwin City NT 0800
     +61 8 8999 5659

     Parents may contact DET if they require any advice on Children’s Services or have a concern
     regarding the service.
If your child is unwell, it is in the interests of everyone that she/he be kept at home until she/he
is well enough to join in with the program again.

Please phone the School before 9.00 am and leave a message with the receptionist to report if your
child will be absent. Your message will be relayed to your child’s educator. Or you can email

Reporting absences to the School is vitally important and it is a legal requirement for the School
to keep records of absences.

If your child will be absent from school for an extended period – eg. holiday, etc, please ensure you
inform your child’s educator in writing, via email.

At times, there are circumstances when your child will be attending school but parents are away.
If this is the case, the School will need to be informed of guardianship (names and phone numbers)
of the children in your absence. This is to ensure the health and safety of your child at all times.

Nutritious lunches and snacks for your child are encouraged. Items such as lollies, chocolate and chips
are strongly discouraged, and we ask that your child has at least one piece of fresh fruit or vegetable
each day. Water should be in a plastic drink bottle. We do not allow cans or glass bottles in the ELC.

Our school canteen is available each Wednesday and Friday. Please download the Flexischools App
on your phone to place your order.

As part of the Extended Hours Program, afternoon tea is available for all students in the Centre.

As some children in the ELC may have life-threatening allergies to both nuts and eggs, we ask for your
cooperation in keeping the classroom environment a safe one. Sandwiches that contain peanut butter
or Nutella include ingredients that are a high risk for children with allergies and we ask that you do not
include them in your child’s school lunch or morning tea. We also ask that egg sandwiches and hard-
boiled eggs are enjoyed at home instead of at school.

In keeping with the Department of Education and Training requirements, all staff have attained a
certificate in the management of anaphylaxis and have been trained in the use of an EpiPen.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask
your child’s class educator, or the Head of ELC.

     We enjoy celebrating birthdays in the ELC. Parents are welcome to send along a special treat for the
     class to share for morning tea. Cupcakes or individual treats are easiest in the ELC. Please send a list
     of ingredients as well, as this enables staff to monitor any children who may have allergies.

     Birthday invitations are welcome and can be given to your child’s educator for distribution.

     Family help is welcomed in the ELC. When assisting in the program, we suggest you enjoy spending
     time with your child and her/his friends. At times, staff may ask you to assist at a special activity. We
     ask that parents who do assist be aware of confidentiality issues by not discussing children with other

     Family members at Haileybury Rendall School are called by their first name when working within the
     program. If you would like to be called ‘Mr’ or ‘Mrs’, please inform staff who will be happy to oblige.

     We ask that all family members wanting to assist in any way obtain an Ochre Card.

     Children have a designated ‘Wellness Time’ during most days of the week. It involves children relaxing
     on a bed, reading or playing with a special toy for comfort. Children are not expected to sleep at this
     time, but it is considered more a time for children to relax and gather energy for the afternoon program.

     ELC children require a small pillow and a fitted cot sheet and either a flat sheet or a small blanket,
     which the educators will show you at orientation.

The ELC Curriculum
As children commence in Reception they are welcomed into an environment that is supportive of their
individual needs and interests. They join the Haileybury Rendall School community alongside a group
of children who will quickly become their friends, supported by educators who will ensure their social
and emotional wellbeing is always a priority. Each child is given the time, space and opportunity to feel
comfortable, safe and secure in their new environment. The educators work closely with each child
to ensure her/his individual goals are encouraged in a nurturing educational setting. Our educators
create an environment that is reflective of the needs of three-year-old children, while always providing
challenges and opportunities for further learning.

Play is at the centre of all we do and is a key component to each child’s health, growth, development
and understanding. Seeing, hearing, touching and experiencing is how children learn best. It is through
a combination of intentional and incidental teaching moments that the Educators develop each child’s
competency in all five of the Early Years Learning Framework outcomes.

In Preschool we provide young children with the opportunity to engage in meaningful play-based
experiences within a natural, caring and educationally stimulating environment. We provide learning
opportunities that build upon each child’s strength while challenging her/him to explore her/his
potential. Children are encouraged to ask questions as they develop an understanding of their world,
while learning to live and play happily and purposefully with others. Opportunities to participate in
Literacy, Numeracy, and the Specialist Programs are additional elements in our week, designed to
extend children’s level of understanding and concept knowledge.

The educators focus on each child’s potential to develop skills and abilities. Opportunities exist daily
for both intentional teaching and spontaneous learning through play. This ensures that children are
competent and capable learners who have a clear understanding and connection to their sense of
self, the community, and how to care for the world around them.

We provide both incursions and excursions during the year. These are at no cost to families. Incursions
occur at the centre and involve a special visitor and a special activity, for example St John Ambulance
have visited in the past. Excursions in the past have included places like the Territory Wildlife Park.
A full risk assessment is conducted prior to any incursion or excursion. Parents are welcome to
volunteer to assist and require current Ochre Cards.

     A feature of the Early Learning curriculum at Haileybury Rendall School is the Literacy Program,
     where phonic sounds and letter names are learned through a multi-sensory approach. We utilise a
     combination of resources from Jolly Phonics and Little Learners Love Literacy in our teaching practice
     and curriculum design.

     The Numeracy Program has specific outcomes based on number value, numerals, classifying,
     sequencing, addition, subtraction and predicting. These concepts are incorporated into the play-based
     activities through a variety of manipulative resources, games and open-ended experiences for self-
     motivated learning.

     Our ELC Educators value the ability to create strong foundations for children’s future learning.
     A Science curriculum, with a focus on providing children with the opportunities to expand their
     thinking and develop an understanding of science concepts and vocabulary within their everyday
     program is embedded within the children’s daily program. The curriculum supports children to gain
     skills leading to reasoning, analytical thought and problem-solving abilities and encourages children
     to develop an attitude of inquiry and make their own discoveries. The Science curriculum incorporates
     Life, Earth and Physical Science areas.

     Specialist classes are timetabled for ELC students per week. Parents will receive a timetable at the
     Information Session outlining which days each Specialist class will run. The classes offered include:

     •   Music
     •   Mandarin
     •   Physical Education
     •   Library

Haileybury Rendall School has an Emergency Response Plan and the ELC has a sub plan to specifically
support this area of the School. Parents receive communication as appropriate regarding the phases of
this plan based on the advice of the Federal and NT Governments. The School will not hesitate to act in
the best interests of the School Community. Haileybury Rendall School closely monitors the situation
both locally and globally.

In addition good hygiene is important throughout the School and particularly in the ELC. The ELC
educators are mindful of good hygiene practices with all children.

Children must be kept away if they are unwell. If you are in doubt about your child’s health, please keep
your child away. Gastric upsets, impetigo, conjunctivitis, coughs and colds are most infectious and
for the sake of your child and the sake of others in the centre, we ask you to cooperate. In the case of
a gastric upset, at least 48 hours should have elapsed since the last loose bowel motion or vomiting
attack before your child returns to the centre.

Please notify us of any infectious disease as soon as possible.

There is a School Nurse on the premises who will assist with most accidents or illnesses.


Medication, Illness and Accident
Staff comply with the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 in relation to medication,
illness and accident.

In the event of your child becoming ill or seriously injured during her or his time in the Early Learning
Centre, we will notify a parent as soon as possible.

If we are unable to contact either parent or the child’s guardian(s) an emergency authorised contact
person, listed on the child’s form, will be telephoned to collect the injured or sick child. The child may
be taken to the Sick Bay to be cared for by the School Nurse.

Every effort will be made to make the child feel comfortable. Appropriate first aid will be administered.
There are always qualified first aid staff in each Early Learning Centre classroom.

All injuries and illnesses are written into an accident book, which must be signed on collection of the
child. The date and time need to be included with a collection signature. The child’s name will be
highlighted in the attendance book, indicating a need for parents to view and sign in the appropriate

Medication, if required to be administered at school, needs to be clearly labelled with the child’s name
     and dosage. A form needs to be completed and parents must also complete the medication record
     kept in the centre. Parents are also required to sign this record at the end of each day. Medication must
     be handed to an ELC staff member or the Head of ELC.

     Your child’s immunisation status needs to be continually updated. Please provide a copy of the
     updated immunisation certificate to the Head of ELC.

     Should there be a change in your child’s medical condition, or you have updated action plans signed
     by a medical practitioner, please notify the Head of ELC.

     According to regulations, the following information sets out the times your child must be excluded from
     school, or until a medical certificate is produced. Please inform the School of any infectious diseases
     that develop in your family so we can notify parents to be on the lookout for symptoms:

     German Measles (Rubella)
     Please report any cases immediately so pregnant mothers can be informed. Children are to be absent
     until fully recovered; at least four days from the onset of the rash.

     Slapped Cheek (Erythema Infectiosum)
     Although there is no exclusion normally necessary, please report any cases immediately so pregnant
     mothers can be informed.

     Chicken Pox
     Remain absent until fully recovered.

     Remain absent for at least seven days from the appearance of symptoms, or until a medical certificate
     of recovery is produced.

     School Sores (Impetigo)
     Remain absent until sores have fully healed. The child may be allowed to return provided the
     appropriate treatment is being applied and that the sores on exposed surfaces, such as scalp, face,
     hands and legs are properly covered with the appropriate dressing.

     Head Lice
     Remain absent until hair is treated, and all lice/eggs have been removed.

     Remain absent until treated.

     Whooping Cough
     Remain absent for three weeks, or until a medical certificate is produced.

     Children to be excluded for 48 hours after the last episode of symptoms.

     Remain absent until discharge from eyes has ceased

Important Dates 2021
School Office opens                  Monday 4 January

ELC opens                            Tuesday 5 January

ELC and School Office closes         Tuesday 21 December

Staff Professional Development Day   Monday 25 January

Australia Day                        Tuesday 26 January

Staff Professional Development Day   Wednesday 27 January

Good Friday                          Friday 2 April

Easter Monday                        Monday 5 April

Staff Professional Development Day   Monday 19 April

Anzac Day (Public Holiday)           Monday 26 April

May Day                              Monday 3 May

Queen’s Birthday                     Monday 14 June

Staff Professional Development Day   Monday 19 July

Darwin Show Day                      Friday 23 July

Picnic Day                           Monday 2 August

Staff Professional Development Day   Monday 11 October

Staff Professional Development Day   Friday 10 December

     The following Haileybury Rendall School Early Learning Centre Policies are available
     for families to view:

     •   Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations
     •   Administration of First Aid
     •   Administration of Medication
     •   Anaphylaxis
     •   Asthma
     •   Behaviour Management
     •   Child Safe Environment
     •   Child Safe (Formerly Child Protection)
     •   Code of Conduct
     •   Curriculum Development
     •   Cyclone Management
     •   Dealing with Infectious Diseases
     •   Dealing with Medical Conditions
     •   Delivery and Collection of Children
     •   Determining Responsible Person
     •   Diabetes
     •   Emergency and Evacuation
     •   Enrolment and Orientation
     •   Environmental Sustainability
     •   Epilepsy
     •   Excursions and Service Events
     •   Fees
     •   Food Safety
     •   Governance and Management of the Service
     •   Hygiene
     •   Inclusion and Equity
     •   Information Technology
     •   Interactions with Children
     •   Nutrition and Active Play (including Food, Beverages and Dietary Requirements)
     •   Occupational Health and Safety
     •   Participation of Volunteers and Students
     •   Privacy and Confidentiality (including Confidentiality of Records)
     •   Relaxation and Sleep
     •   Road Safety and Safe Road Transport Policy (Early Childhood Services)
     •   Staffing (including Qualifications, Supervision and Working with Children Checks/
         Criminal History Record Checks)
     •   Sun Protection
     •   Supervision of Children
     •   Water Safety

22                                                                                           22
6057 Berrimah Road Berrimah NT 0828 Australia
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